litferrtb i Artirtto. GOLD RP.GIO: 4 ; r 1 Now-Gasimana.---The Pan . lout Star of March 21 gives L.*:. account of The ad - ventures of a party of Americans, who left Pa na rna isome time since for the purpose of visitio7 and ma king an examination of the gold to near Buena ventura. Owing to a• want of experience, and the ditrtcultiecto be overe Imo in pursuing their inquiries in a strange country, full of ros,ritcopos and jealous people, and also in C.):l2errertee c.f wine of the party, tr4fiv ing.thern fur dut", the en!er,lrise wan abandlneil and tiwy,rettirned Soffizient was learned, by them, haw°, er, while at Buenaven tura, to satisfy the most incredulous that there is plenty of gold in the country, qitat.tit4ea of which ...they saw in the pustersion of the eittres and the Latins. Baertaventura is nbzutsol Jovrn the o:ast; the British stearne.!_rs et:Ts C.lert., witi:;rl three hun dred yards of the Shore. It lies a beautiful bay ant! fine harbor. Ca!i is snmeill,”;neg in the ;ooz:riot. it is it city cm - att.:noir tn•ni 3.5,0c0 to 2),0C,0 ininao itanttand is lucsted i t a cotithiry brat- ty of acr.ery, fi:.•;;ify climate, bas hardy au c 7:14l in the range. ' ' • While at Blienaventcrai a !titer 0 : 3 , 7 adJresredliy. Cul. Phelan, who was one of the exploring party, to W.:Byrne, E-sq., a gentleman ret , iditig at Gu taking for information iTriee!ing the mine.; qn Eltat rieightorhool,. .2a6tler i 3 as 1-shows, dated - 150p Farnary fart: Theltif4rination'n h,ich •y.:41 hart- rear:lre/I Kvii regard to 01:1125 thi3 Part. r:iNug Grenada is-correct. - From n ha: I :nye sur. In my researches, ern "of opinion that tlir.ine,ol-3 the whole of the Cor4l4llera, uliielt r.ins through splendid valley nt Caeca, ti mineral riches are se great as in Calif ,r: T s;.-elay3ns t have taken from my, mines ale I brought n.e on sr; r - ::!!.irn from 1 . .33n rrancleao. The gdalitv of tie go: is theslule, t4e. its are fon id in tll..untaiz.3, at their base; pnd .ti the rir.43 wolch Lscani f.ani .;,use mountains .41 the a1!'..:4,1 In the mona,ains the gold is but tr hi,,, with wide the s, in every di point at wi ifoend in the.gratt.'e end e i trirtz reeke: 'hest inducem,:nt to miners is the faCility O'OW-washing naay be ,:._;,..ed on ii. sott,l.vhere rive:., streams are found rect ion, and can be condi:cal to any in. Tag Ftont El t EvERGL A 1 , P..—ti,)% ernnr .11, - owti. of Florida, hat'turelie a ".Pry coo -i icrahle e",rdoratioti ' of tie eserglatles, and the vi .ni ot he ha-t a: riced at' and confideriily entertain ; i--, that not .;.:v is a thorough drainage imi'er: icab:,. , but, if it coahl be ofrected, the dep regitalie dee ~o r,,,,...,5ite id bar. , ,mold he f ,ttrild to be l t. apurely :1,,,, ti-ht einegli, , e hen dry, to he blown ee, a , iti,tl dithe e rs comlot- title, as peat. The everg!ade are inter.lorsed ttiiii a inXt . -- :.A - iii channels aid has es of a depth ..'cl,•‘e the level of the'ocean, with a I:mt. - stone or sa,•l bottom, and While the absence of iv; c-,Tr:nt pern.!ts the cegi, Wile deposits to citeornull!e to a grever or leis depth, it is still co 11.._e and an - obstantial that many Jeers expcsure to the actinn of the sun 'sad Vim:sl- ,' phere will be nceeftsary t.o ie.; - ,ert to it the goal:ties of coil; By drelteflil g the cut'. ‘'.--; to t'..l sea, the wattitolVhe eterplailee cool-ree matcriatly llwered co as o eclair., l j and sty the marrin, 401 dr-.I mm th e n memos iclapil‘intcr-i - ec.•ed, thcbglitlii;:gh - at i • . as! .otwalcri ,1.-,;: nto.i.iiigt ;a: re c:, r 1 be done. The Ire t et i§ of IL r ete,r;iod,s tectn with tl-!l of many ea rt• tics, and it; such lit-li-. nurr.bers'lt,c n.i„it =se to beliete. With a simple epot:r the fl .an mly load his i i beat in a' few raecrivot el. %VIP'. f. - 1 . .! are there in such enormous flocbc, as ulna, st t:.1:!._11(..; t! si:r.; and game is thouil- • • ,_ .1 ::.e. I,- t -. .14. Add to :he.-e, the indigenious growth of or .t.rrow root. cf which the Indian tut:lies ! ir`hicrd, and the attach ment of the stira,z e to .cl-1 a F: - t.t. is er..:i'y Lind, r stood. To hitnst is cif.- :, -- t a-pr. 'i.,e. ' 0? The Bloii'aio ll'i.:::1•:•. :;- IT (t, :man rar;rir) comes part ur an r„);ir.:e frets 11,2 SUn (41 the i..l.if - manta of Irish pitupers to this crortry by the '.l:ar quis'ofLansdi,wile, and e• s ia.e ewrirnZnits nz the conduct of thst c'as•r t f Erigits:-,mea w ho have i r.ect George Thor:Olio) to rail at the instiititior,s of this • . country, and preikee.(l - svort cci co: 1 , 2.:;.,n. The Weltburr , rer ifilrii:s the st,i,tri m of Thompson elms: a worse feature in ,i,e ci:arhc[er. :3'...g:ihtimdti than the exportation of the p•Hir Ir;sh. l'he ‘ part of Lon don which Thompson was eireted to reor.sent in 1 Parliament cuntaim, a ,population eut,k lower in iLe scale of busman exi-:,::cc, by dest.tot inn and all i•F . concomitant *ire., 1!?...) the. Nn,f.:-) of any city iii the, world. Yet fror 4 v--3- plegue-house of Wretchednes%ice aml ,-rintn, Yir.'ll,.ynp.ien.een l e 5 Pi forth, breathi , I•j.•lrn t -rocati,i:•.3 on the head; of snurh- • c. ern etavehokle rs . Olt Grrn.nn e?le.nporar wir.:ln I up by aFking how the, En, , _ - :ii h trenli.l lia - it if \ southern-slave ownets t..!:nii:...1 ;end over to t len t a , shipload.of old and infirm nezrce , . A capital ,it.— English ph ( lanthrrr,ists IA ha sy:r 7::',7,iz0 so mei) , with the .5.42,Ci.i. - , tiut , 11:,%V. 00 . . , : , kll:7r.thy fur heir own Trish s'-ves, sboaid be t,er.ted to an :c -clang,. 1 . 4... wilt make the tri , fl &Pc m.en., an:lth y may du the sante by' the neerres.- We hhc the i.. 169 of such an exchange.—X. I - . L uz , REMARKABLE 49CAPZ raos: DE 4171.+The 13 , 7Stcn Traproript says, un ittbril'sy afternuon aittle sum of polike otEcer 04;10,1,1:. Fiii ha B. rdly\., 6 er,irs, I * of awe, while pls raiz, - mad seen." wvt't snrn?;,;h er b"ax t r*, t*eri: malt- rI h. L liart of 1,4.?..:\rr..t 0 .74:.}. street( where he r 0 intzan nr.cciirres) hell 4: r.-et to depth, and c0n...4'1:111%T )5 feet of e,-,t, f ; •Cthe 0 a* very slightly it ,i i a,sc•i I.y tlie in,li, had !hr. i', , sence uf ,mind to sustain hit% ~ a t• sbnie no trr, by.eii,ii ; i es ! • tr , the wall, liar il nsiiic•-• k . - F.C:r 1k . . CS. Lie c•::,ils dby a rr•;.•.- and released' him from his Telii.-in ~ , , ,) r.i:. , n. 'I he 'jut e tat ;u m " are a w d ant to b,:t.ft :it'ite ne it. in file len -:. end thrift:ft a ords.he said when' Mr. Heath reach ed bim Wire , "flare you gut any li ttle . boys at home?' To bit woollarTal courage unde r the eireumptancer • the saving eifhi*life n 1.3 t be ilitr,laire..Y. a; the eel; wee so sitioste4 litat it t:' :a .6. I' It t , rc I) 41..Cielf.:v, no.' pry er aeiavirlit,,,,ao it ,tie hd e:a; - s. - J, that the u*.h er aticeeetkokin get:irg arc ~=. t J...'! ~ ' ArriSaqiic:TlLANS.l4.7iCri..--hl O.: . se:hi:s ard exciting e%euts v, ;sic is are fi•4t iti%ie,g ie..: ton s 1.-re eminence in snat•iinok,.:l affa;re, il one w came or very recently. It :Yazoo:Ling More or le 's than a CIUWS! t . .T . •itingr Sf fum.r.ri.,' 1.1,t weer) Ewa re.i• f - dents-..on e girintz Is'S wife and Ire, riiiiilern for the ether'. trip. The chi l• r.-ri are :.::.•,-,a.,:*1 to ,ba re been thrown it) CJ ''',l4.,‘ t," iq illt• trnl - .). Uric of the families, an uisn cnr,:titosel, is rtiii reti.iiiem here. and the oft • r :As Worie to Cleveland. Disco: . r-rqiiii : , as parsi:,,, s tents are ter r.' , fe•Sas:z.ers, they sbooki net isespair of SUitin7 thell.selves with paru ier p i tbeir,ooly want the rig lit I'4 i:a: to trade en. ,iii. B. Milan arir.kes the. , rake::.''—.ltiton 7.'4-I -brae. • . Pailetsartiviocto3 Livki,u,isai.-4 committee of the Lesislaturo of i l eonsylvi-nin.says tlie Philadel phia Ledger, ettirnaie the taitte of the presetit annu al yield oitlic 'coal rr.i.;:es of Pennsylvania, at f„ 4 1 - ;,- '4300,00. anli 1 4 1" zatiosi proiluel flrzeifi and ruliing milli.", at no: Irss ;Lin In 'about too iind a half year , —tf ! e timc , t , iace the discovery of the zoid miw-ss of Cali fUroia—:t is eFti mated tbsit leave been taken on., or at. the relent e3.5.(i013,et:0 ITC ant in. Theiclial aaj ' iron of Pto:isylvania trtt Ilacz - afc,ir . o morn-productive tinware California's riolys.. A Go o n (tN, t c. We-teat cr!tie tr . (' )ril* tlbe try!- , losing aztoi.;,thing protinceil by Jenny Lind, Echelong on one of t: '• rnotl , eri of the fit t riV On the of song'd being sung is (lie tow) veurrehk cnw, dis lathed from a.perrive rctetie in the - Coon-house yard by the do2licivis melody of Jet ‘Coir.e Kine," iffitmocliately obeyed. the surrarpt,nm by bellow ing forth exesponsive orto n6:fling!" On inquiry. (the writer says he trams.) it appears thrt the me: .teratl grcruiraihpr of thls_ente war imported Eli ck, a:id that in the cardy part 'pther oWn life, she was P.-11 on Swedish turnipr, A LADY L'lr THE LAKE...4f WWIIn four o'clock yesterday morwfog, that t qt. axentil Fpi re came in, and 4,14 1- a: n ~toed,!' Pi4r. lady, in attemp t ol tine to walk the ,esog• olank, stdpped oft' between the boa t am: &Mt into 15 feet of water. There war a screaming sod splasLing fur i time, but some thrltightful rerion threw the lady first's. shawl, Item a. smelt rope, ta_altich aka c!“:4; until resZtod by that noted lady lifrpreseryer, Peter Rolfe, who ap proliehed her in a boat, Woe cautioned by the drown_ in; lady to a‘take. etre-of Iter'honyet," and, ••keep het clothes down. '...Pet er did : '4, and took Cafe, of, the lady too.—Cfreetand Rofn Au 10-. lk • •-•••• tsvia aOIIIPLAINT. J.IDIrDICE, coßopric olt meavous DE- Eft/TY, p/SE:2WE OF THE XID :PEI 1' 3, 4eid all Diseases arsenerersiu a lisarders4 Lever or Shesevei, seri i as Coit.tipatiolt. inward Vilti., holitieivi or hlood to the head. ac id ity of the ptecrtach, nawira.hearthurn. diattuat for food. foluesii or vietalit so the '111(1 : two. *lnking or fluttering at VP.: {set of ilr- itt.-Aiiiich,gn it:wilt:it of thi•L'..a.i hurried and difficult 6reatit.r,7,. flutterattz at the lica -t, elnA•ingor ssollbeattng. Pell-A -t 11•11. ii, ton in a Iyls.g 1. . Ute..:. 411,...,1 gs.loo. d0t.." .1.• " e " Fir. ih.shiltl. fr. i.r : r lt! ,'. :11 sr i . set t'i tlOssi. ncf:ciencr of per- I °II: 4 ' 111 N ,, yegeWssce. of Lfeis:/111 and 1.,1•0141.1111 111 the yid,. lack. • ei. , I.:11'r. 6.7.7.,1,4 1.11:o :Lief. , • s..f I .: s t.::/rost.s: in :he tlethiCG2l- ' slant l , ll:...sing•Cf ci"1,:a.1.1,1; . -.. ..t sleprez sun of avails, can 1 e effettuAly aurei.i hy-• , , • • •an..n4orx.. A t , D' a , c•I:LEIIRJTED (..`:.:l:llt.f.V iI/TTEE. i. PHEPIRED Br 111. o. Di JAC7S3OII, I,IT 7,./4 - 6.12./411.41-V :LIED/ Of,YE s ORE, i . 1 . 40. - 2,1110, Arch; tree!. r:2 ielpiria. ilt I !ic,itti parse over the e disease' is • ,ezedlek, If tqsathd, i fry any alher preparalioniss ice tiara Stal ,litle emits attest; in stave (area ivlerskiiftiplt e+vss ie.! fait . Ttie.e Bitters are IA OTtli) ilse a:tenth:4nd invalid e. ronetain: great 1 muesli, the rectificittion of dilea of the Laver and lei.- Ler glit.L.,exerc,i , lilg the itipiitsearc ill tie wens ire wen Lao., IsTf , l , ntl-4ttiiii, of thedsieative 14zz..a.i they are Inithnl, safe; Certain 1 and iths:“.2llt. READ ASil CIE CI - I:I:VI 1 (..,-lii if ;-!.iricott, Fs;., L I :On. MJ ,is 4 Jan. 11, 1-lfs, sals.l— •'p- s tle .. n; 55.,..,:f tla i-i,e , : ..11 Ai: other S . I -1 :se 'leash 1...5.;i. n. , I . Bated at W s I-, I"-II, 1— • ...1 7 . 412 AT Itfelifef 4.:V•• lire . ~ .V•••.: tricolinfli front to `lie :thy 01 the ,o. ii.iiii. l'•i , ill Sii:nl IC 110.- On eti3. CilliVilleini of Li`C l :b e. An, w4arar. .. f n.. 4 ...c . 4, th e I' 4. s:."lers. in , and prepared hy llc. I ,71,-pit. in i'ltilldc' Isar i'lL.ll., in ie, iii . • ii •W`ri3r yil it rlni L .'i.j. 1.7. far i 441.7 ccr o'r•ers ... . . . .. •: , • - •aa ,, t. a -,, a 0 ; , ir. •.t,eal•n;,, I • rn. tir, -:t Jr.y liirrl-,1 oi:111.4 er il'ciropl :,:or, l r ,4,itiotr f.• 11, .'• • ~. be liorertorrnl n 1:01.u. fogityrit, v. as F•./ to i '1 re:lt:red ~(' hi ., elf . prv.turt:ll 011 "r L.: 'v, a J /., re.l::.:red t• ' READ rult 'UM Ar• E' • The ..*Philatlel;•lila 11i-: lent," the le. N. :Id, ; ,, Loi. Tar ~ at...ea r. n, so‘ft,t, -tv, •7,.,n cr.114i110;-',111 to the r, ~.tar Cltle 1 4 ; .r.), the pi ill' i; ~ ••••il . [1..,r the fin' oiou liziler,.. ritra - 27., R it . • to I,:ii Arch. r. I l;.h. .1.1•‘ Al 7 t.J the , •-•Pni. .......! •• na;and ..!1e:i .... .1”..3;0•1.4....1100115i ;' , 4l`t, .p;'lilt' c...r,,.....;;..1 to 4..:P•tj l .t ' • ••...r: nIn•P. IV Ilew goltr. r- be ::.:1:. ,r 4 i,i; of it. TO .:',l o .tl.t the gro to..r w-,',l' : P,`%I.A . A. r, Bor.:: .• A‘: :Id •:. C . ..• 0: chr,,iir 1 Otlfll 01fre. Cd , ,,., t. Id ; :CI. , 1.3.1 011,1 e. 14 01 el. ifiir. , rNit ~1i, , „ ofit-ejic i ni• Ile 1.,- : i 1.. e. 1 , , us" It, et Mt - Ci nn! ( . 1.111a•13 CU.P.I 1:j1:1. '1.,1L v.( ti.-..;A: 6Jr 1, ..t...! r, it .1i • ' Al-, :hi:: gt::::: :...:-.: ut114::::.:nlie :-. h, re , : lir:•11... u., ~ I.:i ;1 :I 1114.1111iksitt , il• k , ',, l of Dr. 110) roc 'actor! With Orr.'( • i I Tito•e pit gOrt-, or Cc di A Ilty. ...i0 6it [lava r -.,1 ! '.OO 'I it: thi.: J.:Cie, :J. I.nit-it,o 0 !IlDflr 13 t ••\ew 1 .1.3:3..0 1 "PR. Ea .r: A . ;• .4 C. an...a Pat - r P. j A% . V. , tl c 1 . ,.. ka , :,c.g , ... 4 I 1 the l',.i. 1.1 rmoulna a. 1.4. at,.10.i. - E ..4....m i i . c . ; .:c - r , il ,, c.n 1".1 . 11,' : t!. t,...". of 1.1.. n. i La ..I , :f 41 1.1' 4 . liA, Lii , * i'tr Clui,lntlitr • ......,.1r 10 tot. Unit erto y 0.1 Jena. I' tit 4 1 I`n.-.,a. n 0;1 cve Cl ''..« e1m,...) n0..t.c., ...I. 1 r4,1.1e,a. • lie wns e .ii: • rh , r, 7.rr. a .ne :. :';e (.4 1:4:1; he was may ix ro , o) .c... 1- rol , on. 11. , 1.1 1.0 r 7 ConnAz;,,l. 1) . 014 , 0.;?,. '4l ,; 4 4 i Szo•• , 11, ( . ./: , ,ij..!1,. , tin i JAI eOll.l. 1....n..1 f.M.lili, i ,I , or itoxll , !.. the Its ,Phil.i.' , li , t.ta i.:1: t . ^..Pca;•:aa.- 11... , 'Oak XCI f`pt: Or .ts , .l ii... 11 -: rr...4.. - 4:. cr.. , t 1 ca., er:rn..r. l' ti der I!. 'l4 O , are ti :, .., t,1 . 1. cl ca!!hc, .he : tre.,:cc,ti of htir tea , I . r:,,k,, !;:-..1`. 51 .1101. , -I'a) vein:maw ar....!...a. Z...) :.1 a:r.tcted," I • .7.InRE I:Vii.G: , 1.... 71,- '.. '. , •1 , 1.-idhil S'.i 7 l^ , ll , (.: 1:-rif. I TA': v..,,ii - .t.ria tit., 1 . :.: .: 1 :Str..;, C. I 1...11. lit it...n.1, 4 ;0.3 C;NT:11 ••:t It we rert-r 3, :1e11./ L..: ^Givi•jetw/ t-owtr, e Dr. Hot. !r . . 0..! tlit. I: if.r. :Ikea f.r.:k.r;1.1. ac:t r ai. C :)fill` ,:01.C11 f a 0...1tr.n. , I , ot. e! , r firart. :111i :I,flLt. f.o.111:;:r ft' 1134 r (rptd:lllcir,i;• • la zcht " •• , r, vrze.v.zr• ''.‘"!,..1 ‘../ It.,;ri:11,[0:11'.11.FA.:1: 14..1 11, • I r•;: I;ra a .I. 1i u•ct at .I wt . ] 1".1 21 1 . 4 1 1 i I Tirii iiiritie gill r I , v I.n, no , rtoi LOIN' • tail S iit it—it 14 .; 0 ,44,03-1 . 11. # . l.ei t 1 . • I it .ter:l.ll4 t..ilsrs /AF,NI I ' Tr:i• r , :r: or - ( - Jr:. I.:, t:.• I.r t,.r• 11 . 1:1:41L1 1:&L, or tt e.L:3 , 414.1 tb eJ. • 1t7.7k IrEt.t. TO THE tlir at tiff!, frZtl.ll , , e , ler..;pet, role Carif , , tlOl sear.4lr.e.. I%r :8:r. 1it...1. , a! , and r‘ CERMAN `1:111C 21.3 I reqf:try, t'arxr iir Goo - , c• , rtxr-. J. (1c1.): yr • D • • C E E Bit. A E C( ) A Salo, Pin sasat. Fur CE..?.f.e. Curple, ercerp, fh•oratlr egit "tT , liine t , oen m 4.lo•fltiteri 3 d. it t+ 1 clir:•..l to h. ittmOrt int ettrowlf Pttlite•ap•y de.o. prrTar.Ltion palter 111 Jr m IJ Ist4:e Itt^.l I.7IIP.P.CI;LAP. C the ntt.nbor of deltloa from V. ti .mo.11:11 its all Ithertt niece t 1.141 tt tot I. leo of Ft , led w'ith oil be lure frrirlut of tl e m ...541.1nrortn.. r tzter.tur We tac.t tett rfor t Alt This Imports . rz , n Spend) Ifca th,v^. . Vqou.niieor of Cl:rliticio anzlit- , prll.,er.l, or whi ‘v()NI)F.Itrt:I. AND . 1!1' tr , ltur . x.r..-Ir ay.' i,. ttrelt 3 t 11 ir 1 r: K. 4 1 ... N ut rerwit "—"11 , 11' Is l , rrrtV,' tltut lit u 11,. %jug}, r r.ly4 . . • t;v( .4;0100.. .1. !r1•ta; 4 • V. .1 -,4) P. n J• - •ttn r. Tra .1•)? 1$ 'VI WP IIUr!. 11 (4.1%1 , 1 JOJiI tt O ti'K" . 1 'VW* 5/Ns. r . Jstri - th I W Kt:to II Stroh, j rr•e l ir,.ll dar t .1 R 1161, kart tt V 111cluthl i 1 tl7: t e Vort:r Veil j .1 wo_4l J••••• i•:, I: ti..! :win ft ferael 1 1 0^. 016iirr , "'nt*ites. etl Ole ' - ::or a , v. el I --AL:T....At to 1.. i 4.:1.ic..c3 1.4 reowtahz wall VIC i•'.....1na...A.1 !1 , ..1ni. • I ' . . I ns !'•ii.l , 3lo‘ whole , tle an , kreta,l by'r. II:31 ilt his Druz :Lore. ecr ;l7 . f : , tale awl se‘e: :'. T , r, , R+. :tar. .{t•-ofor ,•;.le I v F. r. T..ra & C . 0....N0rth F..t , t and l ath.` Small Ir. Ilendras , Viute