Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, August 04, 1849, Image 4

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r,t •xbeero,en by the et
By mail, or at the dime,
3JI( not mid In odvat
or tobncribing, two dollar
17A11 communication
Card! pot exceeding 41in'
One aquare
do. do. FIT months.
do.' 'do. three month
Tlinn.ient wrivertitementr, LI
Irp., for ili first insertion;
Li — Nearly advert Wers have Li!
but at no time are allowed' to oc:
be limited to their immediate bu!
Ath•Pnisententa not having o
forbid and charged accordingly
01J)80HE83 Dra-k‘cToriv.
iVuotrsALIE AND RETAIL Dealer in Dry Goods, second doornelow
Drowns Hotel, State Stree4 Erie, ra.,
trio County. l'a. Collections and
ith prOtnptneli , . and di.olteli.
other business attended to
Arrotetsv AT LAW—OrnCe o 'er J. 11. Williams' exchange office,
nest door to Judge Tbompa•n•s cage.
Collecting and other professional business attended tow ith prompt
ness and dispatch.
pie, Eastern Western and
WnntroAtie And Retail (16a et in Groccrica, Preyr i,ionp, Wine%
I,lqtinco. Cigars, Nails, Doi oft Ale, Bubcuit, Crackqns, &c. ace,
Ceetipoide. Erie. Pa. •
\h - rtritAerc ILO!, and Clic p Ready Made Clontine Fiore, South
r id% of the Public FAllare,..kk Pte doors East of Ilar Erie Bask.
No. 2, R gr.° Dorm Dealer in Dry Goods, Ilardware, Crockery,
Groceries, Are.
- -
T. 1110011 E.
DEALER in Groceries, Fiovistons, Wines, Liquers, Candies, Fruit,
&c 1 4 ;o 0, Poor People's ltow,-Stnte street, Erie.
Wunces tr.!: & RitTsttalealtir in Groceries, Roat Stores, Pro%
ions. and Pittsburgh lawful:lett:red articles; No. 1, Plerning
- Block, and 7th street. Canal Basin, Erie, Pa.
A noway & Counsellor at Law. (Ottieo In Spaulding's Exchange,
liotralo, N. V.
Collecting and commercial businere will receive prompt attrition.,
41../EIIIENCEL—A. P. Mawr, Esq., BYNJ.OII% GRAAT, Esq.
ortvariline & Commission Merchant, on the Public Dock, cast of
State street. ' •
runt, Salt , Harter and White Fish, consiantlifor sale
Banker and Ezell:lnge Broker. •Bealer in Bills of Exchange,
Drafts, certificates of Deposite, Gold and silver coin, &c., &c.
thrice directly opposite the Eagle Hotel. Eric.. Pat
Arroattcy sr Law, Cleveland. OW—Office on Superior strt•M,
in Atwater's Block. Refer to Chief Justice Poker, Cambridae
Lnw School; Icon, Richard Fletcher. 10 State St., D 0.1011: thou.
Samuel IL. Porkins, ISt; Walnut at., Philadelphia; Richard ii.
Kimball. Esq., 33 Wall street, New York. For test mouiala, re
fs,' to this office.
ATV /11'4VA •KnCoczecccotto AT LAW—OITICCOIIS/1111111CCI, WCt
Africa the Public Square, Erie, Pa.
A Trnit'Nrys ST LAW—Otlice tip MIST, in Tammany Hall huilrliw,
nortlMl ine Prothonotary's otlke. Erie.
Store, entrance one door went of State street, on the Diamond,
WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS in Foreign and Domeatie Dry
Goods. reedy made Clothing,Boots and Shoes, &c., No. 1, ['loll
ing Block. Suite *Veer, Eric.
D CALERA , in Dry' Goods, Dry Grocerieu, Crockery; 'Hardware, &c.,
No. 111. Chealuide. Erie.
DasIMI in Hardware, Dry Good!, Groceries, &c., north side atlas
Diamond, and one door east °film Eagle Hotel, Erie.
i)t.ALER in Groceries and Provisions of alt kinds, State street, three
doors north of the Diamond, Erie.
De► In Dry Coortr i tGroecriet, Hardware, Queen. Wore, Lime,
Iron. Nails, &c.,121, Cheapside, Erie, P.m
cmoNET Ithaca Upholster, and Undertaker, corner of State and
Seventh streets. Eric.
Giawest, Forwarding. Produce and ConinilsoniMerchantsi dealeri
in coarse and tine salt. Coal, Plaster, Shingles, &c. Public duck,
west side of the bridge, Erie,
EDWIN, J. Kcisoi
wi r url% at iiME. A ZAlilibloti'nglAPAl ,, ...
and Watv-house east of the Public Bridge. Eric.
DEALER/. in Watehea, Jewelry, Sliver, German ' Silver, Piked and
Vritannia Ware Cutlery, Military and Fancy Goods * State street,
nearly opposite the Eagle Hotel. Erie
G. Lnovis,
lifuottaAtx and Retail dealers in Drags, Medicines, Paints, Oil-,
Dye-stiltrs, Glass, &e., No. 6, Reed Rouse, Erie.
DEALER in Theological, MiicrllancooF, Soliday and Classical
School Book% Stationary, &c. No. 1, Perry Block, Eric.
T' tSIIIO4ABLE !%Tercliant Tailor, on the public square; a few door:.
weldor State tweet, Erir,
SA.IT, Blind and Door Manufacturer, and dealer in glans, south
east corner of Silt and State streets, Erie.
WIIOLCNALIt AVII 'RETAIL Ilealer in Groccrice. Proviriong, Ship
C. Stone-ware, &r. &c., No. 5. Bon nen Block. Erie.
Dealer in Law, Mddical, school Miscellaneous Books stationary,
Ink, &c. State et., four doors below the Public ...plate. •
Itsldent PCntist; Office and dwelling in the Beebe Block, on the
East dide of the Palle Square, Erie. Teeth inserted on Gold
Plate, from one to nn'cntire sett. Carious teeth tilled With pure
Gold, and restored to health and itsetuluess. Teeth cleaned
With tuqtrurnenit , and Belllifice PO as to leave than of a pellucid
elearne...s. All „o, It Iverretoted.
Wriorms LE AND RETAIL Dealer in Sta p le mud' Franey Pry Goods,
Groceries, Crockery, Ready Mnde Clothing, &e., Commercial
Buildings. corner of French nod Fifth streets, Erie:
PUTPICIA .1 AOO Sunorox—Orlice at his residence on Seventh btrcet,
opposite the Methodist Church, Erie.
‘VIIOLESILE AND IT ETAll.dcaler iu Dry Goods, Groceries,
Crockery, alms-ware, Iron Nails Leather, Oil.. tir.c.. corner of
State street and the public square. oppobite the Eagle Hotel, Erie
WHOLEFFAL An/. linTAIL ilealer in Drugs, )11edicine., , , t, Sant.,
groeering, dee. No. 5, lived IlouNe, Erie.
PHYSICIAN ANIS 41116111 N. Office over the Erie flank
DEdi,Elt In nate, Cape and Pura of ail dercrlptione. No. 10, Park
Row, Erie. Pa.
Wictitsts,dealer In Foreign and Domestic Dills of egluinge,
Certificates of deposite, Gold and Silver coin, will hill' and ,011
torrent and uncurrent money. negotiate time and sight drafts,
make collections on all the Eastern cities, and indite remittan
ces at the lowest Banking meg.
Money received on Deposite and Eastern drafts constantly on
Oaat the lowest rates of premium.
no hig, Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia, and Pennsylvania Dank
fetes, and those of most other States, bought and ,old on the
asonable terms.
Office directly opposite the Eagle Hotel, fl doors trout the corner.
Erie. July 1, 1.!319.
- , JUST receiVed (ran) the publishers, Lea & Elan
liiittait'l chard, Philadelphia, a large rit•mortinentof 31ed
-7,,% `, ical Works, which will be sold at the publ isherrs
prices; among which will be found:
Darnell on Fevers. Budd on Liver.
Boyle's Mareria Medico and Therapeutics,
Churchill's Midwifery, Churchill on Females,
Ash:yell 011 Females, Cooperon Hernia,
Condie on Children, Jones on the Eye,
Dewees Midwifery. Doves on Children,
Dungleson's new Remedies, Dungleson's Practice, .;
Elston & Mutter's Surgery . , Miner's Prineiples.
Miller's Practice, Phillipson Scrofula,
i; - Prolltoll, the Stomach, Taylor's Med,Jurisprudence,
Wilson on the Skin, 1 Wilson's Dissector,
Cyclopedia of Medicine, Williams' respimtory organs,
Youatt on the Horse. Clater, Farrier,&e.' &e.
The subseliber Is agent for Lea & Blanchard, and will order any
Medics), Literaryor Miscellaneous as orks desired,and furnish them
them at Publisher's prices. Physicians, students and others are
rower jet' to call and exatnne his catalogue.
Pie, June. 10, MS.
ALE. -4Q bble, beet Pittsburgh—Geo. W. Smith & CO'f. buttt
for stile by A. KING.
fi=sutacribers will pay in iron suitable for I,l,lam:tidbit-I ptrr•
hoses. at the ioct est cash price, rot any quantity ofscrap iron,
delivered at our Warehouse, at the opening of nrivistation.
grits reb'Y 1.1=49
=MOOG= TO AVER TO 36 1301380.
e. &e.. • ;
The shove Line id compared of (RH elnas PACKET BOATS,
leaving Eric :laity atBo'clock. A. M. Connecting at Beaver with
.the Sher paekert for PVITSBURG. CINCINNATI. LOUIS
VILLE, RT. LOUJ:4. &c.. affording altogether the eheapcsLeasi
est and awn pleasant route Wall places on the Ohio Rh er.
W. C. CLELAND, Agent.
Officr at Drawn'. Hotel, corner of State street and the Public
Squire. and the Packet Landing.
Erie May S. 31
p:WINO located thenwlres in the Borough of Erie, will at.
L to all calls in their protmolon.
Office and residence , on the South %Vest eorne) of the DirhOntl,
the buit4lng formerly occupied by Dr. Faidkner.
N. U. Calls from the v ountr attended to promptly.
ts, AIA ),?, 1611.1.
three months from the time
s, one year.
i conts pprrgnnte, of litletin lines or
.ents for cacti viabscquent In croon.
t privilege of eltrinioni; at omm:re,
,iry more than
her directions, will be inverted till
State street and the Public square
uthern stage ottiee.
I mitteNl3o- iewariM
DIV - 0 - . - CECUOTT,
C. ft I T
~~}:{.f a 7:~ I`r } ~;.} ~qr {~} s#
p , rpqrrllmimi
9 wirr 4Z1:131
vjerrA•txsal.4—a - -- -- 1.
now open, with rt , •
1 large and complete
assortinvat of Gold and
Silver Watt: her clocks
Gold lockets, Gold pen
cils, pens, breast Idris,
Shiau rings. thimbles;
Ear-hoops, Bracelet
clasps, slides, snaps,
Fob, Guard and Vest
Chaim', keys, Rte. Gold
and 131 Iver Specks," sa
te! spoons, combc
thimbles, pencil«. fruit
knives, Chains, etc
Platted fruit baskets,
castors, candle sticks,
sinalere &trays, slwan■
briitaitia codes and tea
lets: elicit, horn& ivory
combo; scissors. sheets
and posket knit es, ra
zors and razor strops,
Wall!, perfumery, nee
dles, brushes, steel las
hemisselnspv, and
rings: steel Lags and
purse= readymndei Ace
Coolions, music beset;
Violins, and many oth•
er artinies too numer
ous to • tucntiou, which will he sold itt much loss than Uie usua
N. B. Pedlars fumisheil on reasonable tennis.
r-- - r All kinds of Watches and Clocks cleaned. repaired and war
ranted. Also. Accordeons, Music Boxes, Jewelry, &e., repaired
at short notice.
ror cleaning lever watches, $1 CO. Lepine Watches. 'so 73
•• Coinmon Verge, 50. New main springs, 75 to lUO
New Verge, - 1 VI. Lunette Glass, 23
" Double Flint IS. Common do
Gold Howls, 23 to 51.1. New Ao3ortivOti Reeris,23toSo
All other Jobs 110t113 in proportion to the above prices, nod war
ranted to el; e sat isfictiou or the money - refunded, one door East
Brown' Eagle Hotel. kV 51. N. LI.W 117
Erie, Nov. 13, je-is.
1 8 4 9. 54.3
Ili US. FRAY tnkes pleasure in informing her friends and the
ll Ful.lic that she has Just received her spring supply of Milli
nery. and Fancy Goods, comprising every variety in tier line.—
Her flannels and caps nre of the most approved styles. Constant;
on hand every variety of colored and white straws. Bonnets
cleaned and Teplti , Cd on the shortest notice and in the hest manner.
All orders for work promptly attended to, and a Coutinunneeof the
pafroonge of her friends and the public genet:ll4 is rel. Kew - idly to-
Ile lied. hi Ler stand on Stale Strict near lie Curlier ht fifth.
Erie, Epril '2l, IF-18 Ott
I UST received, n teautiful a,t , ortinetit of Mantillas, latest Paris
stiles. comprP4ing superior Black silk Boretta trimmed, pea
green and purple ChUllleleoll. drat . , and blue ditto, PartsitllllMPll,
O. bleb are offered at pracesfar brim the cost of materials end
manufacture, as obtained Pere. J. D. CLARK.
Erie, June 2, 1819
Spring, and Snowier Supply at e !Vete Jere Sloe,
I. nosENzwEtt: & Co. undismayed 4 the high sounding
• ..Empire Store," ..Wriglies Corner," ' or the ..Commercial Ex
change." hate just returned from the eastern cities, arid are now
reeell tng their spring and summer supply of
1», GOODS, FANCY coops, READY ',TAPE 01.0T111:.:G,
&c., which they are enabled to offer to their numerous customers
;111,1 the public generally, at prices for below those of any former
season. These goodkhave nil helm:Selected o ith the greatest care.
and v. ill be found,to he one of the largest arid most aplrudid stocks
of Spring and Sommer Good. et er orThred in this city. As many
01 these Goods have been mire hated of the importers per the la
test arrivals front Europe. the sillitoribers ate confident that they
can of to tht ir clistomers the %C..)• newest lea of Ladies
Dress Goods, comprising English, French, Swim, Irish and Scotch
Goods. together With it full aseortment of Armenian manufacture.
and cheaper than can he found elsewhere.
Bich Chameleon Silks, extremely low; Rid brocade. o. 'mutt
fol e 00111.; Rid/ Grenadines, plain and figured: Glace Silk, rich
nods; Voult tic Sole, fashionable and law importations; Black
Anilines. plaid and striped; Brocade Lu , tres. new styles; Mohair
Mennelcon, figured. (iiery cheap* Silk Tissues, all colors; BMA:
rines, in great variety; Paris dotted Lawnli for et ening tire , ' es:
new stile rich Mourning Lawns; Organdie Lawns. a beautiful ar
ide; black Gros tie Rhine, all il idt es; black born
bazlnce of the most approved make '‘l bnrreges, ex
tremely tow; Paris printed Lawns, It; Crapes and
Crapes Lissie, a full assortment of littlest together
with a large supply of Be Laines at
cents per yard. In addition to the i ne as low as 1121
mud a beautiful
n.torunent of Mack Brussels Lace. dresses, :Mann! -
Ir. and tapes. Also. Preach work( i and Clap.. In.
lett Slyietl; VelOrin I aW,Ir and mlo y cheap; St, ins
'null. Jaconet and Book lt astute; IL Belting Ribbon;
Crat.sw,t 4 earfs; Artificialp; Glof vs; licsiery.
Embroidered White i11e.....,,
de Lain Slinwl.Sat•
Shirk Silk Shay. Is, Black and I..eb,:.!ni (nape Shawls, Plaid and
in Plaid Be rage Shawls, Frence CashinAP.T!
Embroidered Black and Colored Silk Fringe TIAt! a , ". 1 . !'lain and
1 sitawls:
The largest. cheapest and tent at.sortit eat in the City. Para,,,.
from the lowest to the most splendid, ri It and rosilv article. of tli.
newest styles anti colors, can nlway s be found at thin Establish
A Largenock ofCalico.from 6ceatt t
Cd and unbleached Muslinp. from ti cen
and Checkp, a full *apply of all quatilit
Table Damask, RUSXIA and St otch Uaa
pens; Crab,' and Do,wlas; kcotch and Al
inetta; Kentucky Sean. and Blue Millet
off at prices that cannot fail to pleahe a
Under this head we have 11011 , on hal
real. inostfasitianabic and carird
CLOTHING ever offered is Erie; all
under our Immediate lll•vveij6o, t nt
PRF.FFR FhCF—togellier with one of the
ported tine Illack, Blue, Brown, Olive
and English CLO'CIiS, that ban ct cr
Preach Cassini
ings awl t,rat atm; ann
and silk Hatikerchiefe, and a fine ;Iwo
and Stopenders.
IT-Dont forget the place New Jen
Elate ,
Erie April RB. 1P11).
W. W. Loomis
On nand foi Spr
facia' (Sr' c xprrAAly fir the Spring trx t
chiller than eter.
March 31. • F
A GENERAL assortment of Itenc,lt Moulding Too r l-. to
/I. goiter %%ale a t, , ,,,0ereal assortment, uf Jului r's and Cart,ter's
Tools. fur, vale low by G SELDEN & SON.
• HAW.
1\ 1) Sawa, geme very paperior Ilark Alill, N rat. Wood.
Vottipai•A, lieyliolD and Webb Saw-. Dm. ..tiler lli a gener
al aggorlment 01.911ellIlardsNow, lvr talc bap as the clicape,l,
D/ay ID. & SON
FINVIIS day opened, at the corner opposite Ilso•A se , Hotel. tin
A. other telect ion or those Pea Greets Chine,. I, a s s e g; at,,, a
choice lot of plain. changeable. llon'ered and satin strip.. Bless
Linessa, together with n great rarit ty of Shawls, rns.ortest drys:
I'rinve4, plain Paris green Ile Lanes. Ribbons. Bonnets. Glors
Lsehes Vetter Belts and Collars, all 1% bids the Ladle.. are ins tied
toexatninent C. B. WRIGHT'S.
NO IC 211111 1 :%U1,7G:
Fairbanks ' Gonuino relanufactoryll
- The subscribers having porch:l44 Fairbanks celebrated e.ditt
ine scale patents, and entplo)eil o wOrkrnan,l‘lr. lircoke, tt Ito has
had a lung experience tEI their inahufac tare. lea lea Nre to Inform
the public that they are nun prep:m.oo furnish to order an article
superior to an) thing of the kind eter oifeted in thiA market.
The subscribers would also Caution their friends ticaitot pur
chasing worthiess arttiCieu ptlrpOrtiUg to be rairimtlks' reale Pool
trrectiOtmlide itinerant }n»Fee numv.priure the L•enst
int 'Wide The following ore our rites. R.
llayttcales, of 4 Tons 111011, eat)
Coal Scales, of 1 ton droll. 411
Platform toles, 1309 lbs. draft. zrs
Do. do. dd. tsith hoisting lever
and eel on trucks, 40
. Ito. do 1200 ibe. than. ao
• Ito. do. do. nu trucks.'w lilt hoisting lever,
falrbankb' American Fettle. 1300dhs.
Ito. do. do. 1200 lbs. - .29
Ito. do. dn. 1504.0 n trucks with linieting
. .
lever, , 37
no. do. do. 500 1b. , . Itt
floor Packing ficalc,s l, o /h. , 120
Counter Fettles, ;, oz. to 200 lbs., platform. 8
Do 1. oz. to 200 lbs. platform & georp, 10
Dale's Counter Peale. brass lever. i:oz. to SO lbs. draft. 0
XI the above articles are warranted. Those wishing to obtmn
a and reliable Peale arc requested to rtive ter a call al No lei
French street, nearly opposite the Farmers hotel..
'Erie: May t2B, IFIO. - o
New and raf,hionablo Spring_ Goode.
W%,",rted).'",`„ r l r ji l e l lie ' . l .Ta l l i i r a e l l i l ti, r • g o e ri'l l t i lTsi k ll or D t l i : t " :t7( 1 )11 1 .4 5i 7•1 1 ' e l 1 ;
offered in this market, and as cheat, as any other home ill the , c
dieeitis. We have every variety of Dress Goods in Silk, Mohair,
Wool, linen and Cotton fabrics: French English and American
Broad Cloths, Cassitneres, Tweeds, Jeans. and Fancy Summer
Coatings, Vestings, &c... Law no, Glo‘ es. Hosiery, Parasols,
Umbrellas. Bonnets °revery variety of spring sty le, A rtitic laid,
Flowers Rilihunds, &c. &c. I
Also, a large stock dbrow ii mot bleae lied Flieetiims and Shirt-
SrIV,R. Drill.% Wathlinge, Wicking., Batting, Colton Yarn, Carpet
Warp. &c.
Crockery and CLPsware. Shelf inrdwri e and Dry Goocerisr,
at prices which trouble the trade. Our Gt dm nre bought - of Ma".
aufacturere. Importers, Auctions, 1 Jobbers. Jew , Gentiles, any
and every where they can be had at the we t prices, tinder
their market value for cash or cre4 id, , and NI in Ix , sold according.
ly fin Cash or approved short cried t. I
Comparison invited—competit Oil ar Bed.
We are on hand at No. 6, Crienthle, ready and willing to ex
liihit goorlsand prices,
Erie. May 12, IFID,
(Melt rOll. LAMII32II.
TIE highest market price %sill he paid for nny quantity of
White W0r..1, Black Walnut and Cherry Lumber and Maces,
di•literedtnt my tore. on the collier opposite Brown's noel.
June 9.' • C. 11. WRIGHT.
Altrilan LEAD IN OIL—Th,
vv~• „hand H. A. rahnestock
Lead, Lind is prepared to sell it 1)31
from Pittsburgh' cost, by the sin.
Jam This britmlis now conthle
received nearly every week, and
Erie, lune 2, 1841)„. . I
L"Y'S KID lIKBKINS. 'l'm ,
tocco walking
Nov, 4,
22,000 Yards of Cloth • • Cassimore at the
Woken rectory...
D EADY to be exchanged for WOOL by the subscribers at their
IA usual nom/ ofexchange. They have a variety of Plaid and
Fancy Stripes of the latest Easte n pattema for Gents. Pants and
Boys Clothott also, ft good yule -of all-wool Tweeds, for sum
mer went . Ve will also manuf eture, the present season, at the
following prices In cub. visr Fo black, brown, grey and steel
milted cloth. 311.. tents per yar t casslmere of same colors, 33
cents; white Flannel 23 cents, a d pressed Flannel eta. per
Erie, Sole 9.1E49. I I
INNEN LUSTEESeceI •ed this morning, angthef stock
of Linen Unites. among bleb are some very, desirable
styles, that are scarce in maitre , have now large ellek and
will sell at !WI 25 - per cent less tan the usual rates. 3
Erie,Junet, 1838. J. D
FASTERN NAMEP—The u 'detsigaed are tow selling
rlor Eastern Nail. from 4d
__))o 40d, 8 and Ind Fence an,
and MI %mu& . till; also, mooned sizes br
and wagon box Riven, for Bale w, at No 3 iti4d !Mime.
Erie, June '4. • REED & SAM-Wit
'"1 I 11 1 :114
Z . ;
I H }i
Lathe's Fashions for 11349.
lOcenta per yard:111ov.11-
N oral art; Iced Ticking.
Is mid prlcra. had,
icro; Napkitta; 'l' able Do.
.11CIIVAIT Giligh.ll,lS; Satt
all of oliiell writ he sold
id WitilUUt fear of cotape-
Id, ready for Nate, the Mt.-
tment of REM/Y-M.11)/:
.f %%Inch ha, c been relented
lets THAI NI 0 . 1 . OUT. IN .0
hoieebt elections of 1111-
. tot Drab French, 11elgian
en brought io Otis cite.
.res; New 'd o le Finley Vert
.,,• /.11Ien ranlLric
uncut of I.IIoA, es, flosiery,
Store, No. 1, Fleming Block
ng araao•
end aw,rtment n 1 WALL of mimit
aita hid) Le bold
C 4 En. WiI.I)EN &Sr*:
14 - ZW" GOODE) A.GAlla.
subgeritter keeps constantly on
Co'tt wnrrontett pure White
the quantity nt n gniall advance
e Keg, (lei pounJr,) nt tho
;ea the beat hi market. -,I .51,14,13
l 'oneegueinty be had nt rill time!;
J. 11. nutt.TtiN.
finlf, and w sole Gaiters. Nto
c., at • B. JACKHON'S.
For the Removal and Permanent Cure of all
And of those Complaints which arc caused by an imnailed,
weakened or unhealthy condition of the
This beautiful and convenient application of the in yste riotiq
powers of GALVANISM and MAGNETISM, liar been pro.
nuanced' by distinguished physicians, both in Europe and
the United Slides, to be the must valuable mcdhilial du•
corery of the Ago.
is used with the most perfect end cert.iiu success iu all
eases of
Strengthening the weakened body, giving tone to the various
organs, and invigorating the entire system. Also in
Dyspepsia or Indigestion,
RIIEUMATISM, Acute and Chronic, GOUT, EPI
PAINS In the SIDE and clugsr,
Liver Complaint,
SPINAL COMPLAINT. and cuitvATutem of the
and , all •
Nervous Diseases,
which complaints arise Dora ono simple cause, namely,
A Derangement of the Nervous System.
irgji— In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drugs and Medicines
increase the disease, for they weaken the vital energies of
the alieady prostrated system; while under the strengthen
ing, life-giving, vitalising Influence of Galvanism, as applied
by this beautiful and n lerful discovery, the exhausted
patient and weakened /utterer is restored to former health,
streugth, elasticity and vigor.
The great peculiarity and excellence of
Dr. Christie's Galvanic Curatives,
consists, in the fact that they arrest and care disease by out
ward appficatian, .in place of the usual itiode of diuggiug
an d physicking the patient, till exhausted Nature sinks hope
lessly under the infliction.
They 'DeWitt* the whole system, evialize the circulation
of the blood, II - romott the Written', and never do the slightfel
injury folder any eircumitances. Since their introduction in
the United States, only three years since, more than
60,000 Persons
including all ages, classes and Conditions, among which e ere
a large number of ladies, who are peculiarly subject to
Nervous Pomp taints, has e been I '
when all hope of relief had been gis en up, and e‘er) thing
else-been toed in vain
TO illustrate the use of the GALVANIC DELT, serpenc
the cage of a person afflicted with that bane of milt/atm,
D Ytil.F.Pal A, or any other Chrenic or Islersous Disorder. In
ordinary cases, stimulants are taken, which, by their action
on the nerve" and muscles of the stomach, Mined temporety
relief, but Which leave the patient in a lower state, and with
injured faculties; alter the action thus e‘cited has ceased.
Now compare this with the effect resulting from the applica
tion ot the GALVANIC BELT Take a Dyspeptic sufferer,
even iu the worse symptoms of an attack, Dud ,imply tie the
Belt around the body, using the Magnetic Fluid as directed.
In a short period the insensibleperspiration will act on the
positive element of the Belt, Dow eby causing a Galvanic circa.
'alien 'which will pass on to the negathe, and thence back
ericuitn.the 'instil% it, thus keeping up a continuous Galvanic
cases' of Di*COUghont the system. Thus the most sec ere
Certificates and 'LI
From the moat Itesspectisbe l o OnialB
Could-be given, sufficient to till et cry column in tßns ,
We make a few selections.'
• Seven Cases Cured
111 one Village'.
clutlnTiE's CIALVANIC 131•:LT hill core every care, no
matter how severe or chronic. fikeptics oso lamed to the
The following letter is from Mr. Aloweo D. Yeller, of
Kingston, N. \•, a gentlFtnatt of Ligh reapeetability and
KiNas-rox, Ulster Co., N. Y., Jan. 24, 1848
To Dr A. 11. Citnivrit
About the find of Not ember la<t I called at your afire and
mirchased one of your inir Belts, and I am happ) to say
that it has made a new mail of me. For ears I Rita been
troubled v. lib Rui.vmsrid, et) ACICIO, a n d u Aelirlat weak.
Incas of the whole syitern, and very lir, t.Oll/: with pain in the
'head, so severe that I would bat e to take to my bed three
or four times a day. Aly friends me esnothhed nt the per
fect and wonderful cure wrougnt oil me. I never was better
in my life than now, arid I know that this is altogetherowing
to your UALVANIG BELT, for I had had the tuna ph!, EidatlS,
and had tiled etety thins pre% toes to ustag It, wlthout
. • • • • • •
Very respectfully, . ALONZO D. FELTER. ,
W- In consequence of the benefits experienced by himself,
Mr ' ..14.1.1 r a proeuied u number of the i iALVANIU 13 w.i.TO,
and having disposed of them among his friends, thus st rites :
No. 2.
Maas rev, May 8, 1849.
Mr DEAR Dacron,
You ask me to give you an account of the success of your
6 ALVAN IC BELTS in this region, I can truly say that they
continue to do wonders; hundreds wear them, and I do not
know of a solitary Cone of failure in their rise. I sold a Belt
and the Magnetic Fluid to u lad) here come weeks sin e.
She had a complication of nem ass di‘orileiv, and was re y
low. Dr. Nelson attended liar, but did her no good ; and tiv
Doctor blew out considerably when she got the belt, end
ridiculed it ; but the lady used the Belt and was cared. Now
this Doetor had the Dyspepsia for a weal w hile,und could not
cure himself, hut gets this lady's Belt, wishes it kepi a
secret, puts it on himself, and it did him to much good, that
yesterday he called on me and got one for his wife.
No. 3.
Miss Visor set all, of this town, la) all winter wish the
Rheumatism. :be got to be perfectly helpless. Es cry ono
who saw her said she could not live. She sent for a i3A,le
VANIC BELT—put it on—used the Fluid fieely, , and in
i ICIIT nays silt IVFMT OUT 71211 Will, AND II 70 Br. NIA IMIL 13
ft F.X7 Ni Ella! The Doctor who attended Miss V., hooted at
the Belt, but now says there is certainly a remar kalrle cuia.
line power in ydur Belts.
Mr. John, merchant of this place, was reduced o a
mete skeleton, by Dyspepsia and general, chnmic disease ; he
got a Belt and the I. Witt evil is hoW us! healthy a man al jto .
have got in ICingsion. lie lean spent largetint
sums of mo ey f
in various nostrums previously, but they all pinned useless.
, lv is a. 1
An old gentleman by the name of New kick, had the This.
pepsiafor thirty years. lie tells me that lie could not cat any
thing . without its rising qn his stomach ; he was very Touch
emaciated and looked miserable; but he purchased a Belt
from me, and after wearing it 30r4 1) ec h o, he dime up to the
door and said he had cornet° thank me for selling him Cii ri is.
ries Bc , r, salt had made a well man of him. lie says that
he now eats and digests peifectly, and that he is as hearty as
any of his neighbors, lie lsabout 60 3 ears of age.
No. 6.
Mr. Wood, of Marbletown, was drawn up with Croup' and
Rheumatism, 1 0 that he could not move. his loather got a
Belt for him. , and in one week he was so well that lie; was
about attending to: his business. Ile says it is the gm plea
thing on earth.
No. 7. •
. The wife of Mr. 'Joseph King. of Kingston, has been corn
pleining of itissitnile and general weakness for several years,
and else troubled with indigestion. She got the Belt and
Fluid, and Mr. King told me this day, that his wife was' like
another woman; it had done her so much good. I could
give you a great many more cases, equally successful, but I
suppose these will be sufficient. I may say that I never was
engaged in any business that has been so fortunate and satis
factory to all concerned.
Very truly yours, ALONZO D. FELTER.
To A. 11. CHRISTIE, M. D., New-York.
I I ;
(10- Many hundred Certificates from all parts of the court. try of equally extraordinary character 0511111 be given.
O h l Itotrouble or inconvenience attends the use of BR.
. worn by the most feeble and delicate with perfect ease and
safety. in many eases the limitation attending their use is
highly pleasant and agreeable. They can be sent to aay part
of the country.
~ .
Prices :
, ,
The Galvanic Belt, I . Three Donal*
The Galvanic N olslace, Two Doliara.i
The Galvanic) B aceleta, One Dollar Each.
The Magnetic ulcl,
One Dollar. '
W.. The articles are accompanied by full.and plain direc.
lions. 'Pamphlets' with full particulars may be I had of tbe
authorized Agent:
(Kt- Beware o f Catinteifsits . and Worthi e s. L.t ial i ani ,
11321 Brostdway, New York.
- For aide in Erie, only by the authorized agents
CA Hirst aL BROTHER, No. 6, Reed noose.
Erie, Dec. 10, 1648. . Iy3l. '
CULTIVATOR TEETH.—We have nutelmed the right of act
ling a few or Roget'a Patent Steel Cultivator Teeth. -
June 10
r i LINT-GLASS.—TuniLlers, Decanters, Jelly Dishes, Specie
IJars, Preserve llishes,Glasa Plates, and a general Yam iety.
Junes, I A. KING.
RODUcal takon in I:zebrine for goods P
[Erie; Junett, 1849.]
IF 6.
n Floor
Idiro door'
GINS HAMS & Sumter dress ends of the latest styles fur sale
cheap by [Erie, June 2.149.) S. JACKSON.
CWILL reecive Pittsburgh and Allegheny script at par, in par
nient of briar accounts, and for Goods, until further motto.
Eric, Mfeg-12, IN9. N. SMITH.
No 3 Need Hon
A safe and effectual remedy for tho
Piarrheea and Cholera Mortars—also, Plata-
lent and Spasmodic Colic,.
TlllB invaluable Medicine for the
above complaints, surpasses any
other tonicity now in use. Hundreds
of cases have come to the knowledge
of the proprietor, where a speedy
cure has been effected by the use of
the Cordial. after a resort to the com
mon remedies had proved unavail
mg. It has been extensively used
throughout this State and ellieu hero tr.
(or many years—hus been approved, -
and is used in practice by a great o
number of the molt respectable phy
mums, us may be seen by their cer
tificates and recommendations ac
companying each bottle.
This medicine Is discovered to be
a centaur and effectual remedy for the
produced by the drinking of the wa
ters of the risers in the southern and 73
soutlivicstern states, which renders tra
it of inestimable value to those who
reside or travel in those sections of .
the country. ' o
tier ill lettilms.—We,The under
signed, have for several years past
sold IL Fosgate's Anodyne Cordial, es
and during thus period have witness- E
ed its salutary effects in curing the diseases for which
it is recommended, viz. Acute and Chronic Drarrhwa
and Cholera Morbus, in our own, or in the families of
our customers, and have also seen ita successful 0
istration in cases of Cholera Infantinn. We do there
fore confidently recommend it to all those who may be
aMicted with those distressing mid dangerous corn- V;
plaints, as aiming one of the best means for their curd 71
or relief. ,
A. I, Matthews, flolluder & ,I A. Reynolds, Buffalo ;
L. B. Swan, Post & Willis, Rochester ; Foster & Dick
bison, J. E. Warner & Co„ Win.)Bristol, Utica;, Fitch,
Roney & Dillaye, Syracuse ; Joseph Osborn,
- Falls ; ' Luther Kelly & co., Platt & Simpson, Geneva;
L. C. Cheney & Co., Chipman & 'Remington, Canandai
gua; C. Remington, Nunda ; E. H. Huntington, J. 11.
Lanham, Penn Vate; Tracy Beadle, Elmira; W, Sea
ver & Son, Batavia; John J. Foot, Hamilton ; Bissell &
Leonard, home; 11. & K. Gaylord, Cleveland; John
Owen & Co., Detroit; T. Ai. Hunt, Auburn.
for the United States.
NIDW 00N0.D. 7 , — " 1 / 7 001... WOOL. -
1‘11.1.1.e1t ECK. WI 101 d',N FAreoll V.
r - p sohscriler, propriet r of the;al , ot e pained ertrilditdlMellli
1 is mild :1111.0 , 11We 10 WOO! Cron ern and the !Male in general.
that I. has Irid all of his NLicliietiery 'thoroughly repaired, and
pat lag emplo,•,l eiterieneed tt orlinien in all the ditlerem branch
e,. of the he i= two• prepared to Thileittictiire Word will.
nentee-s and 41,spateil. Into the fullOWltidzariCiea mum-dr —NAIL
T,eede, Flannels, Shan Is, Blankets, &c. Rc
e• also prepared to make
gW pt
,0 z
tt '
which if far idiperior to Oil Chilli tot Over Coats.
cut , rom Carding. Cloth Dres-Ina and Spinning denenti fhort
notice. .111 kiudn of the (•gm,try Produce taken for tt ork, and a
liberal divcomit made Pa cash. Friends and tic public generally
are inn fled to ri a him a call, and he assures them that all the im
provement', that lie has are onward. , Being determined to
keep up vi lit the improi.ementiot the age, he liows hi be .ustaiii
cil In hie cart,. ('YR! TO REM).
'formerly Gouge Factory.
Milcreek, 11.1)\6--fita 51
r 7 Cirocorics. Wholosalo and n 0 tail
!roe, _...xics. .. _ _--,, ana ......_
AKING respertfult) begs leave to return his sincere thanks
. to his numerous Cash eniarialers fur their liberal patronage,
and lo state that he has pint revolt col front fete York nut l'ittit-
Istrgh a large quantity and Cutlet) Oi Fresh Groceries, !selected
IN 2 itti care, cant eiting (di
Tear Cando , ' -' Pitch forks
rai , : Tobacco Tar scythe,.
Pruus - Oils Rosin Smiths
Spires it n'e ' ,- - Oakum Nails
N . lllll Mselmrel ' Bakes Hope, '
Nlolasses rtmlll.ll , Spades • Ilmtgitet
SUrtrN HinterSlV_lt'elS lloell, &G..
And a hug-,dilll ,
u and rompli.. 3.,ortment of r t e ly thing in the
Grocery line, to width 111 tt
he vjtet. the nention of ti ,Fe w i , hiii gto
vorchn,e,as thew Groceries were !ought 1.. M and tt ill Le 1"01.1
%cry taus fur Ca-11 or rind', Inv, Ina po•ittvel) no trut'.--Itentent
her litneß, No. '2 Fleming Work.
I:tie. intie '2, Irt-11.1.
Ffeythes and lioasaiVitholosalu.
Y tIE subscriber. etiece,or to A. Miller, a 9 Agent for the W l l3-
.1 sled 1 1 /Innufacturing Company, has on hand a large supply of
Graf. and Cradle Scythes: Men, Tutile's superior Vast Steel Hoes.
whirl] he oilers to Merchants and ally that may wish to purchase
by the dose, aw low as they can I.‘ elitairoal at the manufactory.
ielditer trail , portation. and o 01 tom aid theta to Ft . FI unciblt or
der. a rout the counto. .11 pl) to the stib.crtner or to Mr. Alfred
at Erie, l'a. 11.11c31.1N
1.5 . 11 , , Julie ti. 119. ff 2m3
North Vast Woolen roctory.
Tw i rl VAR DS of (lett! I, cas,taterf Tt)ueds, Flatittett4,
1 ,4 k 41..1 Flaitnek,ary novt read) to 'Text:hanged for
wool at the follawirta rat,: For plata fall cloth. one )aril for 21
of v. uott 'aF,11111,`....11 11 , 5., to the )ard. We will alto tarot
ufaeture dame:, the, a•oll, Itlar6, u , Stvel-cited cloth at
els. per ) ant. Ca... Peer... of the 'ante colon, at 30 CLii• and tthfte
amulet at IE and '23,71, la r':;:tta.
North law• In. le-1.. &
- e--,,,, „
e ..
'''. i"' --+Te - -i7-707 -, 4 e -,,- '..- VO:
.j...r. vgi,a7s,r,s ar`Cyt,":"..
• '' -• ,-7 • • : tei-! , - - :;); , '': 1 3 •7: q 4.
.'Ag . -' 4l7 ;: 4,l l:;Zi l i' c
' \ r 4:1 ••: ::: -.4 .'::: 4: 1 0:4 1 -:s. ,... ''
- - ::--
„ _ --__-
- , ;:::; - f . :' , 7 - , ..: --:-..., 2 4:--,J,V•r'...;
•X'', l ± ' ". `' f •i-,,i'a,"4.‘t --',-.
CI: :,„!•,:21-', 7 , - - -.:,.:-. -----_----,-- . '
1 " ,
roscrlptiev: rrov4qptionn
the. far lhv nee throllll,oll
I • 1)11. Searef• any cur e,C:11,4 ils 011111111. Lc, II 1.4211
Mit :Jo:a and tomb e+ trifle 'truly arett,eil of it. Ile
WAN ever, linen demi, the chat - l ie it, it matte, awl holuly
nuts tart lit' ”reillos 0111).''
tillll,Criber, trta quite icreinty,pilt out a ISTIV Sit .:m
the om:kted of en mini. into. %%Inch the call the KEYSTONE
et 101 i 1 I r„ ;cart Stet aln CO riled all improvement on
all and et cry Stet a Ilan:Eel . ..of, (i•Wlec .0 many pool quali-
ties other. are Vold of) that libls,l•l,2mzell tit the lilllll,lNetlllT. °Ca
111lICII inferior al (tele li.o. When the .ila itn, and at once mite the
cry 01 atpect tint IP t•t.('all('a general rattle.
Such cry, h0w1.% ar lb a 1... qt.- AN rite of the• material. The
edict hat , 141411 i•.a...l—conoat tiny ei ti st the right to select the
bc•tSiosiomt . 11,11 , e the k •I•ota Slot C iniolcupareole and re
c all other... inclailtini :temple. ('.item.' The ‘erilict, 110V11W
cr. tt dl be. "Remo, d ion .•nh ;" •e o a stand in a petition
OGeflaralTa3 tor, atel a• he is inclined n n chilli sic re.
cued rrs inMent erniher /li 501'1( NS, .liClll,lil3g the
crlebratcd eari•enter Slot a, its is ell i'l.4 -the Geared Farmer and
l'hototi 'Parlor and lion Sun es—
Caublron and ciuiz-ir 6rulr. m itiiii.rant cites constantly ton
hand. In tlict no better 515 Orltllelll ey CASTINGS can be found
'Ube audition of the mOdi, at,o called to M'Millen's Improved
11,011'-a uric article, a nit 'Want, manufactured by us
and Warrikilted. '
. ,
F T-r p 1,,,,,, I:nr t oe-, 11:11 Ceerin::. Cording ritnrhine.,Fninnino
.frllillef, ac.. IL:— Inade to . ordrr on the t.nortest not:re and on the
item term,., VINCENT, lIINIROD & CO.
Erie. Apt II :21..1ntn. 1 tfi9
French Strut, I:rie, Pa., April 17, ism.
rpm: hapreezaaa aluoad that I hat C. or am about to abandon
1. the Fancy Good. , and silk 'Praile. It is a fact that the ire
ea:rfous inroad Oat ti as Math, upon the More mi`iitiontsit branch
fil toy leisiness lot suminer. by the iohtery, 'somewhat disconm
aged in e, and I was tot a v. tote in a straight it heftier or do to
Launch foto dist trade'. Alit pondering On the subject a good
while—fortunate. happy common u y—f came to the detennination
lu re-tone-tone lL 0111,1 , 11.1" fOr a 1111)111Na V. hat your situation would
hay(' been had I 11 , 1(4 - MI110d other, I. e. (Me Or 1.M.0 stores would
ban' monopolited the Lusdness. To accomplish which end, Um
pire Block, Bi' r ime , 0- kol(' other high sounding name.
fro ild hat e hero flourished about tour ears to draw attention, and
nut and every mean, re , orted to obtain notoriety. This tt 0111.1 1/1
cont.(' hate been all perfectly right. All the the thunder, snouts
and dust that can he es oked will amount to nothing, as this coat
-111111111 Vane too eolistrinmed to he deceived by such nomense—they
care nothing alma' name+ and Irrations, hut resort to the places
ti here rich and fashirmal•le goads are kept and sold at reasonable
prices. , Whatet er may have been the consequence., in purstiatice
or the above ileternmiation, In my late visit to the cities of New
York and Philadelphia, I purchase') a very large quantity of the
richest and tiro.; fashionable Mem floods in Market, including a
great variety of the newest sit lee of Dress Silks. It is my inten
•tion hereafter to keep on hand the largest variety of Fancy Goods
in trot 0, and nn' past transaction , ' 1 trust are a guaranty that
prices it it meet it Oh the 1,1% or of soy patrons, 'who arc respect
fully I tiriced to call at the Commercial Ftchange, where I atii now
reedit log my hew clpring mid Summer Goods.
ancy an 3 `Press Goods
- -
T)T.A IN Black and libin Mack h Dal mn Snip+. Chameleon°.
Fignee4l Chain !eon do,. !Tint do.. Plain and Silk rend
Linen Ti.sucoh. flamed Plaid and plain Plaid Itarrahze.t. l embroi
dered Curtain Mucha. Crape. Cithlimere and De Lnin
French wrought Conan., Cuff., llandkerchiefk. dm., Linen Cann,
uric Katulkerehiefit. French, KM and Silk Illoverh. Narrow Rill
itililloll% Bontlrt and ('up Ribbons. Finn era. Silk and T.inen
Fringe: &c. Dutton, &c., l'araeols, at No. 1 Commercial ha
cha title, French Street.
Erie, any 14 , ISI9. M.. 14.0C11.
11.1 NK of Brit North" America. Commercial Think of 7111,1-
1- 1 land Dit.trict, Montreal Dank. City Hank of Montreal and
flank of Upper Canada received al par fx Goods or Clothing, at
my Store in the Commercial Exeltni•
ere Snitch Street.
Erie. May P.l, IPI9 M. KOMI.
r, y;kr,i,i"Eirpet.Wrap m
and Battings at No. I Comer
cial Exchange, french Street. 761051 , ..9 KOCH,
T ULIPand IV , atl S tra w nn
Florence Braid Boets. at
1 No. I Commercial Exchange.
PRI:NeII nod raney colored Cloths and Casaitneres. Bilk and
. 1 - Fmitn and Linen Ve:gings, Drab di ace.. white and co
lored Linen Orillangs. and a. great variety of good' , air summer
wear at No. I Commercial Exchange, Fouled Otrcet.
QUM:kn.:it Shawls for sale, Ly
13- - (Erie, June 2. lEll4l_
G _
LABO,--413 Boxes S by 10. and 10 by 19,
Erie. Jane 2, 1810.
Of Lg.—Tanne:linseed, Sperm Sweet and Lard-Gi
A. 'S
PUG]] JUICE or .1 , um GRAPE.
For 211edirsd and Sacramettal Use.
111 E subscriber bas made arrangements with an eastern Via
-1 tor, by hint personally known, for a constant supply of WINE
that maybe depended upon roper/idly free from all additions or
dilutions from Alchohnl or otherwese. A stnall quantity on hand.
Thee AV ielli ng a Pure Wine for the above nets, will pleas call and
exit, due quality., • 3. 11. BURTON,
it ne 7. No 3 Reed Rouse.
LOTH'S. 14311firtts, Summer stuff for psnts. Tweeds.KerieflOW
3011119 eze., for sale by (tile, June 2,18134 13. JACKSON.
p Carpeting. , ! i
1 ii.g PiCeel , Carpets, desirable patterns, offered 1y the piece or
, yard, nt 41101 pr ice s that no one can resist buying who has
a little mono; 1011w:est lit that way. , J. H. ('LARK.
Eric, May 10,1819. I
1 .
FLOUR for saie by
Erie, May 19, 1".-. la • GEO, SEMEN & EON,
717011011:11$ Taamortzewa AND OLGI'IIING
No.l, Brown , ' fitoeh, State Beet, one door North of Brown's
Hotel, Erie, Pa,
On the Cash Principle.
• TIIE subscriber bas Just opened for the Spring trade,
%illl facilities unsurpassed by Huy establishment in this
city, a large assortment of ❑ue French English and
04 , American
Cagan:Lovas, Cloths and Vest:nes,
which he hat purchased at reduced prices, and which
enables him to offer as good hurl:dins as was ever lorlore
offered in this sivaket. Persons wishing C Lunn
can have their measures taken, garments Sande and if,
not suited with them when done they still not be asked to tut u •
them away. Among his stock may be found a great assortment of
'Coady made Clothingy
Coneisting of Drees and Frock Coats, Sack Cont.s Firrinner.
Coat., Panto, and Vests. Shirts and Drawers, 11.111,11virchtot, and
Suspender, n lnclr ‘s ill Ire Fold no cheap I er
6011 d wo-lting to purchase Clothing for CASII will do well to rill
and ,171111iLle gialls and prices, as ray Clothing are cut by ruyi.ell
and wade lu Erie, and are warranted to be as well tirade as any
shop in Erie makes. The SIA/PCriber is delermitiefl to tell for
Cash. w Inch must be obvious to all Inert to be the only true meth
od or doing a retail bossiners, protecting both teller and buyer
against losses coneequeutupen the credit syttem.
Cuthan Work and Cutting dune on the 11103 t reasonable
terms. No charge fur then jog Goods. Call and rl.llllillt .. for
yourselt es. •JUIIN M. JCS' flea
4 Erie, April tn,181).
Ilarborcroolt Woollen Vactory.
MUT: subscribers arc alreiy to evehange Cloth or Flannels or
& Wool, otall kinds, or work on shares or by the yard, at
their usual prices.
Carding and Cloth-dressing done, as usual, on snort notice.
RUUD CAS.4 & Co.
Ilarborcreek, May le, 1819.
perrons knowing thernsetve4 to be indelacided to
N the firm or Rhodes, Cast & Co.. by note or hook • are
utnrly remieti ed to enllnt their woolen factory initarhercrock on or
before the to oldie of June next and settle t h e t.arne. Those who
may attend o this notice will confer a great favor on the
ben., It 1101)17 4 , C,At-S &('o.
Ilarborcre k, May 15, SQ.IO. 3
A RE now onening,a new :noel:, aoil otter to the trade a general
/I.nsoortinent of Pureiatt and ItotheLtte II A 111)1V.11t E. in all tie
braneffi,, t tt.: Carptitar's and 151achanien. Poo, 1 are,
Pleffit, Ittiffi,Ntone 'Jammers, Na) hor and's
ow Swot, refined and coadoon Fn _loth Iron, t. 4 %t eedett Iron nil
old tt.ffila, lionnnered Anierittan Iron, Nall' Ito to, Antern•ln Ti) ts,
round and wtuaro from ffild to 5 N, Iturinoet, Ilene Snot. and
:pikes, Cur and 't Vrought Nail., Dralnffit and Coil ('halos of
all sizes, together with u coaink to abtottinent oh shelf hardware.
Erie. May 19,
Cabinet Trinunings.
EtiD k SAN FORD are now opening a g'ind are-ettinent of
w•ronglit and prei-msiTiii.le II inges, farad and narrow Wass
Butts, Itracs and Don Table 'fill. Clipboard and Chest
Locks. and a good assortment of Brass Goods, fur sale at the lll:ad
mire store, N 0.3 Reed House. REEF dr. SANFORD.
TTt;iMF. TRIMMIN(:EITL:MinernI and Pearl White poor not,ti
11 and )lurtilw uud Rim Locks, Mortom en• variety now in use: Pax llnnillm, Butts and Se:lnt e,
at the Ilardts ate Amre, No. 3 }iced aulise.
Erie. June 2, 1919. 111:111 - . h.. SANFORD.
I._SAWS! SANS - W.—We are n °denim Mr Hale a large and sid,•ll-
did stock of .Itnerican of all mwernt; and
descriptiong. t it • Circular. X Cut and r;littisig, flour 610 3tt inches
diameter. Cross Cut, Mill, rellae. Turning, Ortud. Rim
Rae k, flow, bole. %V,•t and Comparb t.Sa%t a, fur *ale
cheap at the Hardware Store, No. 3 Rued Mow.
Jung 2. 121:1:1.) & SANFORD.
OCK4 —A dirge as•ortment of Crock:, of different aft len and
price.. from 43, to Mareni pieces &e . all war
anted to keep pod time, at 1, EAVI ff le II A LL.
GILD PENS—Levi Ilro‘sle. Gold Pens; al,o„ of the
best, quality, ever) our, %% mudded. Al.o, oilier Gold Vella
Ifeep cut the pain!
Adli‘cril , ers haN tine tittre,lev.oil the fur county in
TWORDS PATF:Ni. WiP•Ttlt R NrRIPS," are butt prepared to, nll wholany see tit to tit, e them a Call. IA Olt the :then e
tiained :allele. It Cutisintn of a ptrla s 0 - Ittta,fied to the 1,011011 01
the door, as to shot out 1111111. and tam. thereby Tire% entibiz II .e
tolthig of duor.iils, carrel. IA Well is commonly the rto.t,
tootle Or ti.t,t doors. It is II arrattletl In par for to sat mg re
pairs three Innen a year. If it ileee nut sati , ly all Is Ito pet rare It
11 IS ill take it ea again and pa) all damages. All orders lei? at
A. Ildeltcuek's sture far the atoie articles. will it pretubtll at
tend, tu. PINCKNEY & UR.II N.
Erie. Jan. 20, I=.llo. t r
1049. VE4.9.
Se f'Olrlll'Al!ri:;4l'l2%ll,TlCettletil'el'idfiVille„l:ll7llelPfilate"::tlTll"o'l"l'll feel rats
tonierii and the public. generally.
Rm. , . March 10. 1,19.
-- -v: ITT
- (qf
~it i
t) hes owl the preint.tut
;ipuit the Lake, .1 Int the ma favorahle
terms, 1.0h7e., o ill h`lll ruel prieuptf,‘ adji/
Fire rishi, 4)11 Inerellanclite, 1.0 and whet 1 ,1 Q1 ,21 • 1 ),
or country, fur a hunted n rub permanently.
1)1111:2rri)1 2 :3
.10.`1011 11. SPai. . Jana'' , C Hand, Earf - ql A. Fonder
Theopolog Paulding. John r. Do% is, 11. Jour= Dtrtok..,
liettert • .t ttroto, itala f orren, J 01... 11. IN nr0..0,
Hugh erp.g. Frllltlol Ed . .% ar iS, C. ;Age . ..-t, ell,
IlettO 1,.. - euce P:ovi II Fitirey Iltlatartl Darlin;:lon
Charles lit.F.v, lemor It. Ihttitt, J. G. Jultro.o...
SA.lllaul Dolt.. 11, 1V11 . 1 . 11a lir, , .101111 S. Net.‘ lin,
Dr. *. ' Cho:n.l 4 , Dr It. :kl. 11.,t0n, John ',eller, Jr.
Apr nccr .Cc I It ;tear,
-4,lnt S. Set. houb), Ste,). ru„m'ti
1:; Applicatiutt
Erie, rel, to. _
•••mrtn for tho Spir,
AN. I , m rer , .. l log re^eitt I.arer.'2l3C..
T 11F 1, I .
I ‘rool.l say. ha% r .1a
l;(10115 to ho found il , re Or I•k", hoto. n at eh ul Shay. 1.
beauty of ell IC. I-, M.r.,,let
I s ar the';2eloletuca I 11,1%e a ca , •7l( 61 . CLOTH:: t:,at ttu one can
I eat, at lilt a great a ant la of toatcri.ll,- tut' sallow r sl Car: 1:10,
erat'al%, O• the ccin,7ll . !, 1 %%4,11‘1.1.a5,
}ua Can tied in my ,tecl: a cl.rocr ,•lecliOn 01 all the n Iteln the
market require'. in the lmc ut At,c,..1 (mem
CM - WI:ITV, GI, 1, , r - z-NVATI.r., TABLE and 'tir:T('rTl.l
12 Y, “RniTtlf Es, awl ruck of (I.t RPWARE.
(:orh. hate I.cch 1 , c110,t zo bore( cath furtiou a.:(1
bout( rr.frs , n d tt thous Rear cScoffirodlettati I 1 olilly
rt,-erg that lit ill :lot I indc7,,,hl for cash h) ;my how,. in Env,
tit 21. I:719
X N 'l' 0 W N't
Wove and Choap Goods: 1
CB. NV lay:trr tery re,meethills infottns cnstomcra and
■ Ihu POW' generally. that is has pm returned front the east•
ern elites and i. IiONV tmenimi dtren fretu'Ne, York and Ilmvom a
very general tti , VOrilllClll of aprinq and enthrac
oil unusual Varliq‘ nt sit i, and patients, and bema selected and
purchased under t cry lt\ °fable elretatr-IOtiCC , , Ile heels assured
that he can otrer eery good andoceincofF to purchasers of 110(1
k of goudaat its corner, near the Court noun!.
Erie. April.
TO Tfl3 P17331L1C1
rpHE, Subscriber havinelearrd the Erie Flouring. itlh. better
_L knowl) perhaps nu Reed' _Mill. neut.l inform the public that
he will do ull kinds of erindtng at the ,liortiud notice. Thanking
tile public and his friend for their pa..t fat ors. he %%until
a e.ontintinticetif their patrunaet, as he ft'obi confident
front his experience t o the milling hiteine,s, to he alibi to pit e
food satisfaction. All kinds of coutdatiti tut hand,
and for sale cheap. Pluur by the barrel or iotigle pound to ' , dm
rash patd for all kind:, of grain dci irered at the will on Parade
Street. CONS - Z.lli ZINN.
Eric, April `2 I , 1810. tt49
AltpETlNns AND OIL Cl.olllS.:=Yrew roterna
Just TITON NI by C.. 11 AV
Eric, April. et. 19
- nON I:tritons. Ri,her.„K id, Silk And Silk
-LI Thread GIONeN Lndies Cm% ct., &c.. .Inc}
opened (:TO. &
Eici , metc: nonnetqu
17 1 1.01tANCII, It otlai iiimp, and Smite Bonnets
will to (Mind a ry cheap at At DEWEY'S.
Erie pril
- -
rr I Kgreatot variety vier I)lkreli 111 market. including the
CJlitoll arid French ('ripe'. rp.sorted cute,. pima and em
broidered ,111,CT French I'a-11111VreN rfellol. thaw) and deep bor
dered l'asbliieriv, hi/ M 11111111,1", elkillzvable Silk and
Iterate Shit together With many oilier lam io vie* that are t ery
be/unit - M..111,i opened at MUG II 1"e Corner.
Erie, April "2.5,
Ladies !Mats for 1C49.
50 TII FFER ENT pattern. , of I.ndo, Ito now.) jolit -t recoi
,onnl r. LI.
01 1 ohne the ralu Alto. (,ononlong ,
French Lore, unite nod colored Chips. Florrooe Mao!. -Irony
Linda, Mates Flats. Act., oil of %%Well ores so ref 1111. e 1 1'
than lort. tenson. 111 naawllr.
Erie. April.'2l.
IHT)N. STEEL, uc.—lnis.ia. Sh vile... English and .liiiig.
flat...quare and rotniil, hand rind -‘,.1..e•1r0n. t. I :111 , 1 1 round
rind tiluire, !tom. Nail 12,0 , 1, C-i.r. Enti lA, C.•rinan, An:ern-au
and Spring Steel, Anvil., Vire., Tr.) Naik, 11. Id. 61.. 4 .1. 194
12d and Via; ah.o, 6,1, 4,1 and !Oil 6 rough) Nally. cot rat,. I,r
- Erie, May 19. G.:41:1.11EN &,41/N.
ONE two hort.oli.uni 6 er IVri,.,, ni for .ille in otellitii,i, ErrLim,
lier. by I Erie Mry 19, 1,191 Grit). sE1,1)1.?, & ,A)N
_ . .
`iToNE WARE. —15,000 gailoila 11,. , 011,-,1, at
'2, ICING'S.
ATtENTIt tN.—Jlea_receit ed, nt the nett Hardt% are t.1 ,, r(•. No.
II Reed 110116 C, Doitlao& Holcht.t , . • celebrated Iron Pumps,
Lead Pipe. Mimi and log Lend. REED & SANFORD.
W 001.! Wool,!—The onte.enber et 111 pay cash and Good.. fer
Wonl at hin More on French Street. S. JACKSON,
Erie, June; 18t(). •
MILL and Y. CUT SAM'S. a good asr.or Linen t. of different man
ufacture. may he flaind at , C. IL WRIGHT'S..
_. , ,
R ASOLEI —ezik Gingham and Cotton l'aras.ola, very low, at
P A- . . ' ' TI1111:11.14 & 1113113"8
Erie, April 2.A. IFIO.;a°
- _ ___—
. Nevi Goods,.
sabseriber has received and is receiving ilk summer stock
1. of Dry Goods. Groceries, ItardWare, Crockery, Glassware,
iron, Nails &c., which m ill he sold as low as any other establish
ment went Or ❑ull7lo. /lease call and see at his old stand.
Eric, June '2, 14 40. SMITII JACKSON.
let ON N ' , yrs rind Palm Leaf Hats for tale cheep
Erie, June 2.1619.] rrii JACKSON
Parise°los and Parasolottos.
ABEAITTIFIII. armortment of plain and oil:1112,3W Green
Levantine and Turk Satins. selling very low at I,VIt
Erie, May •20, IRV), . 2
Flour,•Salt and Fish.
OFFERED nt the lowest tnnrket rates, by the toad or barrel, at
the corner MOW, Reed House. J. 1). CLARK.
Erie, May 10, •
HATS.—Leghorn, Pearl and Chip Ilais. for sale by
Eric. April 2e. 1649.
GLOVEl3.—Lndleo antlVinty. Eld awes, very dice an
poi once, at TIBBAL/5 &DEWEI"S.
Erie April 29,1011), 50
Plaster Plaster!
ONE hundred lons of riabter Tr 8:O0 at the Intyro priccm. by
I. CAM .1,14.
J. Kr." - Locc, Aent, Eri•
Sloan's Column.
All the Medicine', tlrly4 rt 5 . ,..! by W. B. Bolan 2iC 601.1 ba
Merchanto,'Brubgi,ls, &C., 111 ilea/1y e en. town in all the Wes
lull :it t, bin.l by kETI.I2 & BROTHER,
No. 0, Reed flow.e. Eno.
fior Purdy, Madmen*, Safety Certaanty and Thoronekscus,
- A N D is raimllv . aupersedina all other Ointments:lnd Liniments
mow the cure of the lotion Ins diseases.
I'min Wounds, Galls of all kinds, Sprains, Bruises,' Cracked
ikcls. lirngbuue, Windbone, ttitelgalls, Poll Evil, Callus, ispa
ins, Sweeney, Yvtula, ritrams, Sand Crack,
Fer.t,SeratClies of Grease Mange. or Dont Distemper.
G POWDER will remove all intlamat ton and reser, purrfe
bite blood, loosen the skin, cleanse the water, and strengthen evtrri
part of the body; and has pros ed a sox reign remedy for the fol
lowing, diseases. Distemper, If Me bound, Loss of appetite, In
ward strain, Yellow Water, Intlamation, of the eyes, Fatigue
from hard ['left re: also, R (Commonly called blur
complaint,) w Inch proses so fatal to many valuable hort.fs In thls
county'. It is also a safe and certain retried) fur coughs and cols
winch generate many fatal di , eases. SLOAN.
Grand Depot. Id brke St., Chicago Illinois.
• TITE Pllool'.
I:xtrcet,ll-,trz the "Giderra Nur h Western Garate,”
ill" the Ilse of Sloan's 01111111ellt and Condition Powder, I hav e
entiroll C , lred a Ft:tnla on 1.11 OtilCrWiSe improved
Ins condo ion more than NV per cent, on the eost of the medicine.
And a cow ttbirh was suit:elite as to be considered %;ottilleo‘-by
to),lf and neight,,rg, was restored lo good health and strength,
by the use of less than half a package of the power, and as noly
dut 11 . (: , r than 411 V other coo 1 Lan e. IV.M.
r'inall Pot, May 111,
f 111:R I:11Y certif . ) that uncoil") children, when naked, fell into
/ 4 farce fire of fire coa's, and was fawned se‘erel) from head
to feet. The be-t of medical said awl attention was ;ken to the
child IT four or fir e .133,3 , llnOlit any relief—gad' day's 'affirm;
increased till hi- groans could he heard at a great distanse, at
o Inch critical period one Of toy iimlihors Ifeenninlenfled atm ',re
sented to me a hoc of : 4 1.‘ tAN'S 01 NTM ENT, ;trot in less than
fifteen ittiiiitt, after the app 'ration of the Ointment to the avra
‘ ated wa& of the suifering child, the pain ceased _entirek , Uhl he
h"htniiiY ' lot`ann to rerp%er. My residence is in Ilelt ToWnship.
Vermilhini count), and State of Indiana.
;1 12 1E0DORE L. TAYLOR.
Dated atChicago,.lugust 21, 1
A Mal. lath. 1-li. FC,4 titles north of Chicago (on the road
11. to 3liilV.ll/ M6O (VA ( . 1.4,11Y. Illinois.
Mr. "loan—Dear Sir: One of my horses had a large Irony tumor
on his lirmi.t bone. nnwediately under the collar, %%Inch lamed
Mtn and rendered Ide serve, es of vet) little value. I faithful), ar,..
14..1 r eml I,uttic , of Dr. Tay Int', Nerte and Ileme Liniment,
ithnut the least benefit. I awn procured 'Wilder!, Celebrate!
liintinent. and heed that until I became fully eatistied that ‘ Einall% I obtained a Loa td
your truly ,nluablf. ointment, iirld 111 lees than 60 !lair from the
Got ail.- anon the tumor entire!) di...appean d, and the haste nal
ropur., AR OPINION.
I"tiedar opinion alq criterion of the .1t unit of an article,
tse int tie the therrAtilou. to read at leant a few, of the many
t‘Thint.trt certtl.critee that hppear in our cOhlinlis re9peeting the
,neat t arset, of remarkable cure. elleCtedh) the use of . 43loan's
'lot rated (Ointment and Cotffht,ou MN% dem,' no longer renew: among those of douldrul rde
-13 , rhrt ha. Ironu the tide of expericut nt. and Ik(rl\ sta.]
111,tio, cct repUtallUll and arc LA - T.OIIIIIIC 111.1.neVXtellPiVel 11e...110:an"
all other the kind.—?/:ch. Cdy A cter.
Fox River. June 11, IE-17.
nil. Sh - nm—tdr• rleaw .entl he the I eater a nest supply of) Jur
thaw 31 , theine, Tin.) are tf a ! o'st att if - le , (tithe kind that
e et vr a-CJ, oft er hal tug been disappointed in their effect, us
I bat e l o.en to the ire of oilier, et en the must celebrated
n:••mc, 1.11111..11N. Le., of the day. I
like very much tint. featurr
in them rt.: that they do all that is prortnistd, and upon a thorcuzi.
trial ui.e eun.,l rained to add, that -half has not been 101.1 -
Ite,pectfully, M. DUDLEY.
/lin or.linar ointments and liniments it is well 1..1301n,
.et ere mei partial nt their operation. Sloan'. thntmrot r.
thr,ol4:ll-1I n ash, altd remotes the Cause, lance /1
etc r. real mid tormaririil or It • r. •
l'or-pant., landr..--, -aft . linty, awl tharola:lmpse,:- oa.s
),at , aul #_xcek , , and Is rapidly "upereedina all other Uiullarr..•,
and 1.:1na,ca.b..11...M 10 ucc.
Viro Can't got along without it.
Beet Co Grose, ‘Villo, co., lil., Oct *2l
Sb Jan —vr, 1 has .• leased the virtue Of SOU( Oilitioefit ;;.t
111 cure of rattlr-nahe Lily-, sore throat, burns, and toan
notate:, and to ,ds acre eit , e it has ottrinct our expectatna A A.
a 'mlts int toe,t. 1 has c nes Cr :wen ito Nual, nod tor lea-to Ito
can't eel ffint:g it,
a. Sze., lt111.11:3
Excellent Ointment.
A It. Shritt-1 , . tor• For :1 cc ie.' h•rtle !crizth of toec• I :r.•
••••re..e.l e,i'let•••l lilt the Ithetin•atir ccutp!aiht. a , .
plied heel> the - % whets litmeent, 1:;•c gA.c,' •
v4ivi. AIR r ishall Calf .17.tilir nr thn itlartt
I :155111 re & 4,1 #11'.
cure.% .1 it 1 :lull rrionrurt nil ail till, ~,,,{l.lfi}
LI tt tit rt pr, - ,eure s our
Out it , ht). Resit') }oars- • IniCAR FMit" t•
Voltest tile, lAccria co., May I,
rrnm the II V. .111,01 t.., .tttera Of the nincis:.
g" float CU:litany.
Chicatto,J.lllP 1 , 1
D R - "
ror tle• 3tty oar., I hat ,
•Li to•t.111,:tt) /Mi r e }WI,
:Ur injuries un Itur.,e, NV 'lion -•
so " I ;died your Othtment to -otte• -0
c°,7; In es cry ittAatice it has pros ed a scorttqa
A rir-gor :mitten Entirely off
..oath oC Clitcm:o. Stpt•
1)11. 1 ' . .V1111. 10 I -4 •u 11.1 , 1 ❑ liloL , 11l
C11:1: Olt . I•y her-c Cc itt.totr.ll„teft itt.itt,r,tutt. =O, "
Mated !orb relict ell IMit of Mill iu it 1: , 1%
anti i•ri, owe.' the tittzt , r from to.telltrte the tett,t
tittiaml i, htqltre;: razadly
iter,ectfall,t Your:
-1)17.5t °As—rbear Sir: 411.0ut throe sear- azo
Jared in Ow of lily b) the tallith.; of a pile of eve' ,
to III: 11 ucc rettittiug ulcers. Near:, on or ttor
thileim tried, to cure them; hut tried in s a
and improper treatment lily other leg locator a, 1,0
ornzilially wounded. 1 punt of ever azain- -,
in order tint I ini , :lit ritl4teet no iiieitn.• u ithin reach. !por
ch:l,cl of t out scent lit Gaielin :.04:11`}our thioillent.lii:d
Call Jitioie of uty i.tirpri,e Lir:anode biter than I can ct pees
it, to and tll relf entirely Nt ell heroic 1 had wing: the te•
coed hut.
'I hcce tit 1 mahe 1,110%n that ott.en , llleted tuuty 1 cult % e
pot delay outing -0N 11, alle an I )inuncilt a! lout. ha. turco cd t :c
Re-peen - tulle.) et•w•fni friend, EV.VN DAVIS
Catma. 19.
it. Louis. Mit,ouri, February •22d. 1519
nft. 11.,loatt—,is.: About two sears ago, while ratline ct
11 the 3iissis.-ippi mgr. iu passing oh er the rapids. I It :PS P , Pr
edl in the water. and by the rail dished against a rock, crusltic;
ini fcc and utliem scriuusly injuring We. so touch that I lit a'i
stsi:Jilit. When eatn.cioutue . ekreturned 1 found tosself rt
uji , , surrounded by my weeping foully. Good hurting, an.l
medical nil, enabled toe ou ahuut two mbilths to bold Ir arrt-'
Ith the at,rntahce of a c The wounds only partially
e.l, Inv. large flitltling,oreb at the knee. %%latch fur. man; woad , .
de , eli.ireed blood and matter of the inott offensive character. 3 , 1 ,
paws wt re ine‘pressable. at tones ins suffering ct as to great lb , :
death would hate received a hearty welcome. Fortunately Mt
Wilson, (One of my neighbors) advised ate to try your Ointioci
I obi owed slot and applied at aecortling it) dirtction—the tu:‘,
toon began to assume a healthy appearance, and in three
woo entire 4 cured, and able to endure hard labor.
Your 'Servant. lIIRA'M %V. THOMAS.
lVe the ondervigned, neighbor• of 11. W. Thomas. %%cm 3C
olbtinted s ith the cage atm. e rutted and knoll. ing the tor a
sbinee%, most cheerfully confirm %aid Thomas' statement.
llu Buquc, lowa. Match. 15th. 1.1 9
it.l ne
t s t . e u b u r n u in 'l s e * i ' lle 31 ;1
so llt efo that the joint water issued freely. many Rood judge, I .
hor , a ea , e tt es their opinion that the horse n mild never ',scow
I applied our O u r Ointment freely and open. and notwithstandib,.
the annual Could scarcely hear any weight on the diseased ter.
et in consequence of pres•ong business. I ventured to start nits
the horse on my return to Du Intone. a dlistanee of sortie 11141 wily t,
pi , t at the tire:Otitis:. up of streams, through which I was o bl ige d to
fool and et pose the leg and ia mind of the horse to frequent drench
mgn at a atm. snow and deep mud. still the horse continued IJ
111,1 , 713%e. One 50 rent box Of TOUT eltaordinar} ointment entire
I!. cured the hurre In less than 1.0 (la} sit Tours, truly,
Fr E public are!cautioned against purchasing any article hoe
L coin. of Little nut, 111., purporting to hate 1 , e,.n
paned by me. as, hereafter, I trill not supply said Cony n ith am
ointment, Condition Powder or Tannin Paste, in consequence d
ins having got up articles in intrados of mine, and ads erti.ts
them in the name of his clerk. llow 74 As, and representing .
as n holesale and retail agent for the name, W.
Chicago, Feb. oth, le4o.
Before the following order, Messrs. Vaughn 8c Co., pureliril
large supply of Sloan's preparations.
Jackson, Michigan, Feb., filth. 'HS
S. K. II ibbard—Derir sea: I ant out of Sloaa's Condaion
and home o,lntment The tale fur exceeds qiy• expectataa
Neu ran manage to send me I dozen of the Powders, and Idol , '
Ointment, I will pay for them the first time you are here. sn 4o
mane I shall be able to sell a large quantity in the course of x
It will be an object to you, as w ell as to myself, to keep
btautly supplled. 'Very Resfectfully Yours, ,
To Whom it ;nay "
'Concoro. ~,
~,., -
N . ton.e q u v ooe of loiv nu; inane a irw email prereht , a r .
hat, gone Cut that nt my Depot. I retail my preparation. , 61 :''
than the price on. the libels, therefore, I am induced to Itch' ) ':,
public. that hereafter it is my nettled determination not to a •
any present+ of the preparations, to either netY or old euricri.r:'
and ever as heretofore, retail and vi.holesale to all alike, au , ''
permit my traveling age Dated
to vary front this rule. ifi?''''.
at Chicago, 111., March Ilhh.
NV. n. no": t='.
Olt i ;
Erie April, IP49_
. .
,„,i lye: -
ii AVE just - reeeiVeti 1% few piece. er All‘Voot• C . °"• ° " „
• '.
. . . .. ••• , , ers ~ r •
I ,
1 and Co lion Carpcitin;;:t;:;;W,:ii
bretildly relicited.
Muth, Jlth z D. 0.06,
s, I; oCK W