THE WEE B Y B CORNER OF STAI TERM r,t •xbeero,en by the et By mail, or at the dime, 3JI( not mid In odvat or tobncribing, two dollar 17A11 communication RATES OF Card! pot exceeding 41in' One aquare do. do. FIT months. do.' 'do. three month Tlinn.ient wrivertitementr, LI Irp., for ili first insertion; Li — Nearly advert Wers have Li! but at no time are allowed' to oc: be limited to their immediate bu! Ath•Pnisententa not having o forbid and charged accordingly 01J)80HE83 Dra-k‘cToriv. R.pEIVEY, iVuotrsALIE AND RETAIL Dealer in Dry Goods, second doornelow Drowns Hotel, State Stree4 Erie, ra., H. CUTLER, trio County. l'a. Collections and ith prOtnptneli , . and di.olteli. ' GEORGE A TTORNIM AT LAW, Girard, other business attended to {VILE u N LAIRD. Arrotetsv AT LAW—OrnCe o 'er J. 11. Williams' exchange office, nest door to Judge Tbompa•n•s cage. Collecting and other professional business attended tow ith prompt ness and dispatch. BROW: POIDIFRLV THE EAGI.E. corner' s pie, Eastern Western and ROBEBT A. BAKER. WnntroAtie And Retail (16a et in Groccrica, Preyr i,ionp, Wine% I,lqtinco. Cigars, Nails, Doi oft Ale, Bubcuit, Crackqns, &c. ace, Ceetipoide. Erie. Pa. • J. GALDING. \h - rtritAerc ILO!, and Clic p Ready Made Clontine Fiore, South r id% of the Public FAllare,..kk Pte doors East of Ilar Erie Bask. 1178. HA V ERSTICK. No. 2, R gr.° Dorm Dealer in Dry Goods, Ilardware, Crockery, Groceries, Are. - - T. 1110011 E. DEALER in Groceries, Fiovistons, Wines, Liquers, Candies, Fruit, &c 1 4 ;o 0, Poor People's ltow,-Stnte street, Erie. Wunces tr.!: & RitTsttalealtir in Groceries, Roat Stores, Pro% ions. and Pittsburgh lawful:lett:red articles; No. 1, Plerning - Block, and 7th street. Canal Basin, Erie, Pa. A noway & Counsellor at Law. (Ottieo In Spaulding's Exchange, liotralo, N. V. Collecting and commercial businere will receive prompt attrition., 41../EIIIENCEL—A. P. Mawr, Esq., BYNJ.OII% GRAAT, Esq. JOSIAH KELLOGG. ortvariline & Commission Merchant, on the Public Dock, cast of State street. ' • runt, Salt , Harter and White Fish, consiantlifor sale J. H. WILLIAMS, Banker and Ezell:lnge Broker. •Bealer in Bills of Exchange, Drafts, certificates of Deposite, Gold and silver coin, &c., &c. thrice directly opposite the Eagle Hotel. Eric.. Pat BENJAMIN F. DENNISON, -- Arroattcy sr Law, Cleveland. OW—Office on Superior strt•M, in Atwater's Block. Refer to Chief Justice Poker, Cambridae Lnw School; Icon, Richard Fletcher. 10 State St., D 0.1011: thou. Samuel IL. Porkins, ISt; Walnut at., Philadelphia; Richard ii. Kimball. Esq., 33 Wall street, New York. For test mouiala, re fs,' to this office. ATV /11'4VA •KnCoczecccotto AT LAW—OITICCOIIS/1111111CCI, WCt Africa the Public Square, Erie, Pa. • MARSHALL A: VINCENT. A Trnit'Nrys ST LAW—Otlice tip MIST, in Tammany Hall huilrliw, nortlMl ine Prothonotary's otlke. Erie. ATTORNEY ARO COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office OVer C. B. Wright's Store, entrance one door went of State street, on the Diamond, P.rie. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS in Foreign and Domeatie Dry Goods. reedy made Clothing,Boots and Shoes, &c., No. 1, ['loll ing Block. Suite *Veer, Eric. TIBBALS & DEWEY; I D CALERA , in Dry' Goods, Dry Grocerieu, Crockery; 'Hardware, &c., No. 111. Chealuide. Erie. HENRY CADWELL, DasIMI in Hardware, Dry Good!, Groceries, &c., north side atlas Diamond, and one door east °film Eagle Hotel, Erie. .A..H. HITCHCOCK, i)t.ALER in Groceries and Provisions of alt kinds, State street, three doors north of the Diamond, Erie. SMITH JACKSON. De► In Dry Coortr i tGroecriet, Hardware, Queen. Wore, Lime, Iron. Nails, &c.,121, Cheapside, Erie, P.m WILLIAM RIBLET, cmoNET Ithaca Upholster, and Undertaker, corner of State and Seventh streets. Eric. KELSO & - LOOMIS, Giawest, Forwarding. Produce and ConinilsoniMerchantsi dealeri in coarse and tine salt. Coal, Plaster, Shingles, &c. Public duck, west side of the bridge, Erie, EDWIN, J. Kcisoi wi r url% at iiME. A ZAlilibloti'nglAPAl ,, ... and Watv-house east of the Public Bridge. Eric. DEALER/. in Watehea, Jewelry, Sliver, German ' Silver, Piked and Vritannia Ware Cutlery, Military and Fancy Goods * State street, nearly opposite the Eagle Hotel. Erie G. Lnovis, CARTER & BROTHER, lifuottaAtx and Retail dealers in Drags, Medicines, Paints, Oil-, Dye-stiltrs, Glass, &e., No. 6, Reed Rouse, Erie. , JOEL JOHNSON, DEALER in Theological, MiicrllancooF, Soliday and Classical School Book% Stationary, &c. No. 1, Perry Block, Eric. JAMES LYTLE, T' tSIIIO4ABLE !%Tercliant Tailor, on the public square; a few door:. weldor State tweet, Erir, SA.IT, Blind and Door Manufacturer, and dealer in glans, south east corner of Silt and State streets, Erie. WIIOLCNALIt AVII 'RETAIL Ilealer in Groccrice. Proviriong, Ship C. Stone-ware, &r. &c., No. 5. Bon nen Block. Erie. Dealer in Law, Mddical, school Miscellaneous Books stationary, Ink, &c. State et., four doors below the Public ...plate. • Itsldent PCntist; Office and dwelling in the Beebe Block, on the East dide of the Palle Square, Erie. Teeth inserted on Gold Plate, from one to nn'cntire sett. Carious teeth tilled With pure Gold, and restored to health and itsetuluess. Teeth cleaned With tuqtrurnenit , and Belllifice PO as to leave than of a pellucid elearne...s. All „o, It Iverretoted. Wriorms LE AND RETAIL Dealer in Sta p le mud' Franey Pry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Ready Mnde Clothing, &e., Commercial Buildings. corner of French nod Fifth streets, Erie: PUTPICIA .1 AOO Sunorox—Orlice at his residence on Seventh btrcet, opposite the Methodist Church, Erie. ‘VIIOLESILE AND IT ETAll.dcaler iu Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, alms-ware, Iron Nails Leather, Oil.. tir.c.. corner of State street and the public square. oppobite the Eagle Hotel, Erie JOHN H. BURTON, WHOLEFFAL An/. linTAIL ilealer in Drugs, )11edicine., , , t, Sant., groeering, dee. No. 5, lived IlouNe, Erie. PHYSICIAN ANIS 41116111 N. Office over the Erie flank "ROBERT S. fIUNTER DEdi,Elt In nate, Cape and Pura of ail dercrlptione. No. 10, Park Row, Erie. Pa. Wictitsts,dealer In Foreign and Domestic Dills of egluinge, Certificates of deposite, Gold and Silver coin, will hill' and ,011 torrent and uncurrent money. negotiate time and sight drafts, make collections on all the Eastern cities, and indite remittan ces at the lowest Banking meg. Money received on Deposite and Eastern drafts constantly on Oaat the lowest rates of premium. no hig, Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia, and Pennsylvania Dank fetes, and those of most other States, bought and ,old on the asonable terms. Office directly opposite the Eagle Hotel, fl doors trout the corner. Erie. July 1, 1.!319. . DISIDICAIN W0R11.121. - , JUST receiVed (ran) the publishers, Lea & Elan liiittait'l chard, Philadelphia, a large rit•mortinentof 31ed -7,,% `, ical Works, which will be sold at the publ isherrs prices; among which will be found: Darnell on Fevers. Budd on Liver. Boyle's Mareria Medico and Therapeutics, Churchill's Midwifery, Churchill on Females, Ash:yell 011 Females, Cooperon Hernia, Condie on Children, Jones on the Eye, Dewees Midwifery. Doves on Children, Dungleson's new Remedies, Dungleson's Practice, .; Elston & Mutter's Surgery . , Miner's Prineiples. Miller's Practice, Phillipson Scrofula, i; - Prolltoll, the Stomach, Taylor's Med,Jurisprudence, Wilson on the Skin, 1 Wilson's Dissector, Cyclopedia of Medicine, Williams' respimtory organs, Youatt on the Horse. Clater, Farrier,&e.' &e. The subseliber Is agent for Lea & Blanchard, and will order any Medics), Literaryor Miscellaneous as orks desired,and furnish them them at Publisher's prices. Physicians, students and others are rower jet' to call and exatnne his catalogue. Pie, June. 10, MS. ALE. -4Q bble, beet Pittsburgh—Geo. W. Smith & CO'f. buttt for stile by A. KING. fi=sutacribers will pay in iron suitable for I,l,lam:tidbit-I ptrr• hoses. at the ioct est cash price, rot any quantity ofscrap iron, delivered at our Warehouse, at the opening of nrivistation. ITAVERSTICK ! grits reb'Y 1.1=49 18 =MOOG= TO AVER TO 36 1301380. BE PIAVER SB Nail) ERIE HAILS EXPRESW.PACKET LINE. TO TURG, CCI INNNATI, LOUISVILLE. ST. LOUIS. e. &e.. • ; The shove Line id compared of (RH elnas PACKET BOATS, leaving Eric :laity atBo'clock. A. M. Connecting at Beaver with .the Sher paekert for PVITSBURG. CINCINNATI. LOUIS VILLE, RT. LOUJ:4. &c.. affording altogether the eheapcsLeasi est and awn pleasant route Wall places on the Ohio Rh er. W. C. CLELAND, Agent. Officr at Drawn'. Hotel, corner of State street and the Public Squire. and the Packet Landing. Erie May S. 31 A.daMt HOSTEWA N T 151 M NL VPIIIIANS A ourtGEOSP. p:WINO located thenwlres in the Borough of Erie, will at. L to all calls in their protmolon. Office and residence , on the South %Vest eorne) of the DirhOntl, the buit4lng formerly occupied by Dr. Faidkner. N. U. Calls from the v ountr attended to promptly. ts, AIA ),?, 1611.1. OBSERVER LOAN, • iIE PUBLIC ISQU ARE. PAPER 6.2,fr three months from the time red. I)nht. DVERTISING s, one year. 85,00 111,00 6,00 3,00 i conts pprrgnnte, of litletin lines or .ents for cacti viabscquent In croon. t privilege of eltrinioni; at omm:re, ,iry more than her directions, will be inverted till IiOTEL, State street and the Public square uthern stage ottiee. ALFItED KING, W. H. CUTLER, GALBRAITHS & LANE, MURRAY WHALCOO I mitteNl3o- iewariM G. LOOIIIIS & Co L. WARREN, D. S. CLARIC 0. D. SPAFFORD DIV - 0 - . - CECUOTT, MOSES KOCH, S:DICKERSON. C. ft I T W.. P. LATTiNIOILF., M. I) ~~}:{.f a 7:~ I`r } ~;.} ~qr {~} s# p , rpqrrllmimi 9 wirr 4Z1:131 vjerrA•txsal.4—a - -- -- 1. • LIVINTZIP 0,0T117.0 BALL. now open, with rt , • 1 large and complete assortinvat of Gold and Silver Watt: her clocks Gold lockets, Gold pen cils, pens, breast Idris, Shiau rings. thimbles; Ear-hoops, Bracelet clasps, slides, snaps, Fob, Guard and Vest Chaim', keys, Rte. Gold and 131 Iver Specks," sa te! spoons, combc thimbles, pencil«. fruit knives, Chains, etc Platted fruit baskets, castors, candle sticks, sinalere &trays, slwan■ briitaitia codes and tea lets: elicit, horn& ivory combo; scissors. sheets and posket knit es, ra zors and razor strops, Wall!, perfumery, nee dles, brushes, steel las hemisselnspv, and rings: steel Lags and purse= readymndei Ace Coolions, music beset; Violins, and many oth• er artinies too numer ous to • tucntiou, which will he sold itt much loss than Uie usua prices. N. B. Pedlars fumisheil on reasonable tennis. r-- - r All kinds of Watches and Clocks cleaned. repaired and war ranted. Also. Accordeons, Music Boxes, Jewelry, &e., repaired at short notice. ror cleaning lever watches, $1 CO. Lepine Watches. 'so 73 •• Coinmon Verge, 50. New main springs, 75 to lUO New Verge, - 1 VI. Lunette Glass, 23 " Double Flint IS. Common do Gold Howls, 23 to 51.1. New Ao3ortivOti Reeris,23toSo All other Jobs 110t113 in proportion to the above prices, nod war ranted to el; e sat isfictiou or the money - refunded, one door East Brown' Eagle Hotel. kV 51. N. LI.W 117 Erie, Nov. 13, je-is. 1 8 4 9. 54.3 StiZELINZIRV GOODS. Ili US. FRAY tnkes pleasure in informing her friends and the ll Ful.lic that she has Just received her spring supply of Milli nery. and Fancy Goods, comprising every variety in tier line.— Her flannels and caps nre of the most approved styles. Constant; on hand every variety of colored and white straws. Bonnets cleaned and Teplti , Cd on the shortest notice and in the hest manner. All orders for work promptly attended to, and a Coutinunneeof the pafroonge of her friends and the public genet:ll4 is rel. Kew - idly to- Ile lied. hi Ler stand on Stale Strict near lie Curlier ht fifth. Erie, Epril '2l, IF-18 Ott I UST received, n teautiful a,t , ortinetit of Mantillas, latest Paris stiles. comprP4ing superior Black silk Boretta trimmed, pea green and purple ChUllleleoll. drat . , and blue ditto, PartsitllllMPll, O. bleb are offered at pracesfar brim the cost of materials end manufacture, as obtained Pere. J. D. CLARK. Erie, June 2, 1819 DIM W GOODOI 05EGULT" GO • 13: GOOD GOODE: NO. 1, ELEMING D OCK. Spring, and Snowier Supply at e !Vete Jere Sloe, I. nosENzwEtt: & Co. undismayed 4 the high sounding • ..Empire Store," ..Wriglies Corner," ' or the ..Commercial Ex change." hate just returned from the eastern cities, arid are now reeell tng their spring and summer supply of 1», GOODS, FANCY coops, READY ',TAPE 01.0T111:.:G, &c., which they are enabled to offer to their numerous customers ;111,1 the public generally, at prices for below those of any former season. These goodkhave nil helm:Selected o ith the greatest care. and v. ill be found,to he one of the largest arid most aplrudid stocks of Spring and Sommer Good. et er orThred in this city. As many 01 these Goods have been mire hated of the importers per the la test arrivals front Europe. the sillitoribers ate confident that they can of to tht ir clistomers the %C..)• newest lea of Ladies Dress Goods, comprising English, French, Swim, Irish and Scotch Goods. together With it full aseortment of Armenian manufacture. and cheaper than can he found elsewhere. • LADIES DRESS GOODS. Bich Chameleon Silks, extremely low; Rid brocade. o. 'mutt fol e 00111.; Rid/ Grenadines, plain and figured: Glace Silk, rich nods; Voult tic Sole, fashionable and law importations; Black Anilines. plaid and striped; Brocade Lu , tres. new styles; Mohair Mennelcon, figured. (iiery cheap* Silk Tissues, all colors; BMA: rines, in great variety; Paris dotted Lawnli for et ening tire , ' es: new stile rich Mourning Lawns; Organdie Lawns. a beautiful ar ide; black Gros tie Rhine, all il idt es; black born bazlnce of the most approved make '‘l bnrreges, ex tremely tow; Paris printed Lawns, It; Crapes and Crapes Lissie, a full assortment of littlest together with a large supply of Be Laines at cents per yard. In addition to the i ne as low as 1121 mud a beautiful n.torunent of Mack Brussels Lace. dresses, :Mann! - Ir. and tapes. Also. Preach work( i and Clap.. In. lett Slyietl; VelOrin I aW,Ir and mlo y cheap; St, ins 'null. Jaconet and Book lt astute; IL Belting Ribbon; Crat.sw,t 4 earfs; Artificialp; Glof vs; licsiery. SHAWLS: Embroidered White i11e.....,, de Lain Slinwl.Sat• Shirk Silk Shay. Is, Black and I..eb,:.!ni (nape Shawls, Plaid and in Plaid Be rage Shawls, Frence CashinAP.T! Embroidered Black and Colored Silk Fringe TIAt! a , ". 1 . !'lain and • PARASOLS! PARASOLS! l 1 sitawls: The largest. cheapest and tent at.sortit eat in the City. Para,,,. from the lowest to the most splendid, ri It and rosilv article. of tli. newest styles anti colors, can nlway s be found at thin Establish melt. A Largenock ofCalico.from 6ceatt t Cd and unbleached Muslinp. from ti cen and Checkp, a full *apply of all quatilit Table Damask, RUSXIA and St otch Uaa pens; Crab,' and Do,wlas; kcotch and Al inetta; Kentucky Sean. and Blue Millet off at prices that cannot fail to pleahe a titiott CI,OTHING FOR TUE Under this head we have 11011 , on hal real. inostfasitianabic and carird assn CLOTHING ever offered is Erie; all under our Immediate lll•vveij6o, t nt PRF.FFR FhCF—togellier with one of the ported tine Illack, Blue, Brown, Olive and English CLO'CIiS, that ban ct cr Preach Cassini ings awl t,rat atm; ann and silk Hatikerchiefe, and a fine ;Iwo and Stopenders. IT-Dont forget the place New Jen Elate , Street. Erie April RB. 1P11). T. M. AVRTIY W. W. Loomis On nand foi Spr facia' (Sr' c xprrAAly fir the Spring trx t chiller than eter. March 31. • F PL ANE El. A GENERAL assortment of Itenc,lt Moulding Too r l-. to /I. goiter %%ale a t, , ,,,0ereal assortment, uf Jului r's and Cart,ter's Tools. fur, vale low by G SELDEN & SON. • HAW. 1\ 1) Sawa, geme very paperior Ilark Alill, N rat. Wood. H Vottipai•A, lieyliolD and Webb Saw-. Dm. ..tiler lli a gener al aggorlment 01.911ellIlardsNow, lvr talc bap as the clicape,l, D/ay ID. & SON FINVIIS day opened, at the corner opposite Ilso•A se , Hotel. tin A. other telect ion or those Pea Greets Chine,. I, a s s e g; at,,, a choice lot of plain. changeable. llon'ered and satin strip.. Bless Linessa, together with n great rarit ty of Shawls, rns.ortest drys: I'rinve4, plain Paris green Ile Lanes. Ribbons. Bonnets. Glors Lsehes Vetter Belts and Collars, all 1% bids the Ladle.. are ins tied toexatninent C. B. WRIGHT'S. NO IC 211111 1 :%U1,7G: Fairbanks ' Gonuino relanufactoryll - The subscribers having porch:l44 Fairbanks celebrated e.ditt ine scale patents, and entplo)eil o wOrkrnan,l‘lr. lircoke, tt Ito has had a lung experience tEI their inahufac tare. lea lea Nre to Inform the public that they are nun prep:m.oo furnish to order an article superior to an) thing of the kind eter oifeted in thiA market. The subscribers would also Caution their friends ticaitot pur chasing worthiess arttiCieu ptlrpOrtiUg to be rairimtlks' reale Pool trrectiOtmlide itinerant }n»Fee numv.priure the L•enst int 'Wide The following ore our rites. R. llayttcales, of 4 Tons 111011, eat) Coal Scales, of 1 ton droll. 411 Platform toles, 1309 lbs. draft. zrs Do. do. dd. tsith hoisting lever and eel on trucks, 40 . Ito. do 1200 ibe. than. ao • Ito. do. do. nu trucks.'w lilt hoisting lever, falrbankb' American Fettle. 1300dhs. Ito. do. do. 1200 lbs. - .29 Ito. do. dn. 1504.0 n trucks with linieting . . lever, , 37 no. do. do. 500 1b. , . Itt floor Packing ficalc,s l, o /h. , 120 Counter Fettles, ;, oz. to 200 lbs., platform. 8 Do 1. oz. to 200 lbs. platform & georp, 10 Dale's Counter Peale. brass lever. i:oz. to SO lbs. draft. 0 XI the above articles are warranted. Those wishing to obtmn a and reliable Peale arc requested to rtive ter a call al No lei French street, nearly opposite the Farmers hotel.. G. A. BENNET & CO. . 'Erie: May t2B, IFIO. - o New and raf,hionablo Spring_ Goode. W%,",rted).'",`„ r l r ji l e l lie ' . l .Ta l l i i r a e l l i l ti, r • g o e ri'l l t i lTsi k ll or D t l i : t " :t7( 1 )11 1 .4 5i 7•1 1 ' e l 1 ; offered in this market, and as cheat, as any other home ill the , c dieeitis. We have every variety of Dress Goods in Silk, Mohair, Wool, linen and Cotton fabrics: French English and American Broad Cloths, Cassitneres, Tweeds, Jeans. and Fancy Summer Coatings, Vestings, &c... Law no, Glo‘ es. Hosiery, Parasols, Umbrellas. Bonnets °revery variety of spring sty le, A rtitic laid, Flowers Rilihunds, &c. &c. I Also, a large stock dbrow ii mot bleae lied Flieetiims and Shirt- SrIV,R. Drill.% Wathlinge, Wicking., Batting, Colton Yarn, Carpet Warp. &c. Crockery and CLPsware. Shelf inrdwri e and Dry Goocerisr, i at prices which trouble the trade. Our Gt dm nre bought - of Ma". aufacturere. Importers, Auctions, 1 Jobbers. Jew , Gentiles, any and every where they can be had at the we t prices, tinder their market value for cash or cre4 id, , and NI in Ix , sold according. ly fin Cash or approved short cried t. I Comparison invited—competit Oil ar Bed. We are on hand at No. 6, Crienthle, ready and willing to ex liihit goorlsand prices, Erie. May 12, IFID, (Melt rOll. LAMII32II. TIE highest market price %sill he paid for nny quantity of White W0r..1, Black Walnut and Cherry Lumber and Maces, di•literedtnt my tore. on the collier opposite Brown's noel. June 9.' • C. 11. WRIGHT. Altrilan LEAD IN OIL—Th, vv~• „hand H. A. rahnestock Lead, Lind is prepared to sell it 1)31 from Pittsburgh' cost, by the sin. Jam This britmlis now conthle received nearly every week, and Erie, lune 2, 1841)„. . I FFOSPARD L"Y'S KID lIKBKINS. 'l'm , tocco walking Nov, 4, 22,000 Yards of Cloth • • Cassimore at the Woken rectory... D EADY to be exchanged for WOOL by the subscribers at their IA usual nom/ ofexchange. They have a variety of Plaid and Fancy Stripes of the latest Easte n pattema for Gents. Pants and Boys Clothott also, ft good yule -of all-wool Tweeds, for sum mer went . Ve will also manuf eture, the present season, at the following prices In cub. visr Fo black, brown, grey and steel milted cloth. 311.. tents per yar t casslmere of same colors, 33 cents; white Flannel 23 cents, a d pressed Flannel eta. per yard. tEIIAFVEY at BREWSTER. Erie, Sole 9.1E49. I I L.—R INNEN LUSTEESeceI •ed this morning, angthef stock of Linen Unites. among bleb are some very, desirable styles, that are scarce in maitre , have now large ellek and will sell at !WI 25 - per cent less tan the usual rates. 3 Erie,Junet, 1838. J. D FASTERN NAMEP—The u 'detsigaed are tow selling rlor Eastern Nail. from 4d __))o 40d, 8 and Ind Fence an, and MI %mu& . till; also, mooned sizes br and wagon box Riven, for Bale w, at No 3 iti4d !Mime. Erie, June '4. • REED & SAM-Wit '"1 I 11 1 :114 •';')'4 Z . ; \!.ellrea } I H }i , Lathe's Fashions for 11349. LF, GOODS. lOcenta per yard:111ov.11- N oral art; Iced Ticking. Is mid prlcra. had, icro; Napkitta; 'l' able Do. .11CIIVAIT Giligh.ll,lS; Satt all of oliiell writ he sold id WitilUUt fear of cotape- WIIION! ! Id, ready for Nate, the Mt.- tment of REM/Y-M.11)/: .f %%Inch ha, c been relented lets THAI NI 0 . 1 . OUT. IN .0 hoieebt elections of 1111- . tot Drab French, 11elgian en brought io Otis cite. .res; New 'd o le Finley Vert .,,• /.11Ien ranlLric uncut of I.IIoA, es, flosiery, Store, No. 1, Fleming Block ng araao• end aw,rtment n 1 WALL of mimit aita hid) Le bold C 4 En. WiI.I)EN &Sr*: 14 - ZW" GOODE) A.GAlla. TIBBALS & DEIVin subgeritter keeps constantly on Co'tt wnrrontett pure White the quantity nt n gniall advance e Keg, (lei pounJr,) nt tho Jot ;ea the beat hi market. -,I .51,14,13 l 'oneegueinty be had nt rill time!; J. 11. nutt.TtiN. finlf, and w sole Gaiters. Nto c., at • B. JACKHON'S. For the Removal and Permanent Cure of all NERVOUS DISEASES, And of those Complaints which arc caused by an imnailed, weakened or unhealthy condition of the NERVOUS SYSTEM. This beautiful and convenient application of the in yste riotiq powers of GALVANISM and MAGNETISM, liar been pro. nuanced' by distinguished physicians, both in Europe and the United Slides, to be the must valuable mcdhilial du• corery of the Ago. Dr. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BELT MAGNETIC FLUID, is used with the most perfect end cert.iiu success iu all eases of VENERAL Strengthening the weakened body, giving tone to the various organs, and invigorating the entire system. Also in PITS, CHAMP, PARALYSIS AND PALSY, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, RIIEUMATISM, Acute and Chronic, GOUT, EPI LEPSY, LUMUAGO, DEAFNESS. NERVOUS TREMORS, PALPITATION VP THE HEART, APOPLEXY, NEURALGIA, PAINS In the SIDE and clugsr, Liver Complaint, SPINAL COMPLAINT. and cuitvATutem of the SPINE, HIP COMPLAINT, DISEASES of the KIDNEYS, DEPICIENCY OP NERV OUS AND PHYSICAL ENERGY, and , all • Nervous Diseases, which complaints arise Dora ono simple cause, namely, A Derangement of the Nervous System. irgji— In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drugs and Medicines increase the disease, for they weaken the vital energies of the alieady prostrated system; while under the strengthen ing, life-giving, vitalising Influence of Galvanism, as applied by this beautiful and n lerful discovery, the exhausted patient and weakened /utterer is restored to former health, streugth, elasticity and vigor. The great peculiarity and excellence of Dr. Christie's Galvanic Curatives, consists, in the fact that they arrest and care disease by out ward appficatian, .in place of the usual itiode of diuggiug an d physicking the patient, till exhausted Nature sinks hope lessly under the infliction. They 'DeWitt* the whole system, evialize the circulation of the blood, II - romott the Written', and never do the slightfel injury folder any eircumitances. Since their introduction in the United States, only three years since, more than 60,000 Persons including all ages, classes and Conditions, among which e ere a large number of ladies, who are peculiarly subject to Nervous Pomp taints, has e been I ' ENTIRELY AND PERMANENTLY CURED, • when all hope of relief had been gis en up, and e‘er) thing else-been toed in vain TO illustrate the use of the GALVANIC DELT, serpenc the cage of a person afflicted with that bane of milt/atm, D Ytil.F.Pal A, or any other Chrenic or Islersous Disorder. In ordinary cases, stimulants are taken, which, by their action on the nerve" and muscles of the stomach, Mined temporety relief, but Which leave the patient in a lower state, and with injured faculties; alter the action thus e‘cited has ceased. Now compare this with the effect resulting from the applica tion ot the GALVANIC BELT Take a Dyspeptic sufferer, even iu the worse symptoms of an attack, Dud ,imply tie the Belt around the body, using the Magnetic Fluid as directed. In a short period the insensibleperspiration will act on the positive element of the Belt, Dow eby causing a Galvanic circa. 'alien 'which will pass on to the negathe, and thence back ericuitn.the 'instil% it, thus keeping up a continuous Galvanic cases' of Di*COUghont the system. Thus the most sec ere FEW DAYS IS OIJA are PERMANENTLY CURED. A CATE THE DISEASE IMPLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADt. Certificates and 'LI From the moat Itesspectisbe l o OnialB Could-be given, sufficient to till et cry column in tßns , We make a few selections.' RIIEUMATISNI AND DYSPEPSIA. • Seven Cases Cured 111 one Village'. clutlnTiE's CIALVANIC 131•:LT hill core every care, no matter how severe or chronic. fikeptics oso lamed to the following. A. CHAIN OF EVIDENCE. The following letter is from Mr. Aloweo D. Yeller, of Kingston, N. \•, a gentlFtnatt of Ligh reapeetability and influeneo. KiNas-rox, Ulster Co., N. Y., Jan. 24, 1848 To Dr A. 11. Citnivrit About the find of Not ember la the - % whets litmeent, 1:;•c gA.c,' • v4ivi. AIR r ishall Calf .17.tilir nr thn itlartt I :155111 re & 4,1 #11'. cure.% .1 it 1 :lull rrionrurt nil ail till, ~,,,{l.lfi} LI tt tit rt pr, - ,eure s our Out it , ht). Resit') }oars- • IniCAR FMit" t• Voltest tile, lAccria co., May I, rrnm the II V. .111,01 t.., .tttera Of the nincis:. g" float CU:litany. Chicatto,J.lllP 1 , 1 D R - " gun.ant ror tle• 3tty oar., I hat , •Li to•t.111,:tt) /Mi r e }WI, :Ur injuries un Itur.,e, NV 'lion -• so " I ;died your Othtment to -otte• -0 c°,7; In es cry ittAatice it has pros ed a scorttqa A rir-gor :mitten Entirely off ..oath oC Clitcm:o. Stpt• 1)11. 1 ' . .V1111. 10 I -4 •u 11.1 , 1 ❑ liloL , 11l C11:1: Olt . I•y her-c Cc itt.totr.ll„teft itt.itt,r,tutt. =O, " Mated !orb relict ell IMit of Mill iu it 1: , 1% anti i•ri, owe.' the tittzt , r from to.telltrte the tett,t tittiaml i, htqltre;: razadly iter,ectfall,t Your: DOCTERING IN GALENA. -1)17.5t °As—rbear Sir: 411.0ut throe sear- azo Jared in Ow of lily b) the tallith.; of a pile of eve' , to III: 11 ucc rettittiug ulcers. Near:, on or ttor thileim tried, to cure them; hut tried in s a and improper treatment lily other leg locator a, 1,0 ornzilially wounded. 1 punt of ever azain- -, in order tint I ini , :lit ritl4teet no iiieitn.• u ithin reach. !por ch:l,cl of t out scent lit Gaielin :.04:11`}our thioillent.lii:d Call Jitioie of uty i.tirpri,e Lir:anode biter than I can ct pees it, to and tll relf entirely Nt ell heroic 1 had wing: the te• coed hut. 'I hcce tit 1 mahe 1,110%n that ott.en , llleted tuuty 1 cult % e pot delay outing -0N 11, alle an I )inuncilt a! lout. ha. turco cd t :c Re-peen - tulle.) et•w•fni friend, EV.VN DAVIS Catma. 19. MISSISSIPPI RIVER. it. Louis. Mit,ouri, February •22d. 1519 nft. 11.,loatt—,is.: About two sears ago, while ratline ct 11 the 3iissis.-ippi mgr. iu passing oh er the rapids. I It :PS P , Pr edl in the water. and by the rail dished against a rock, crusltic; ini fcc and utliem scriuusly injuring We. so touch that I lit a'i stsi:Jilit. When eatn.cioutue . ekreturned 1 found tosself rt uji , , surrounded by my weeping foully. Good hurting, an.l medical nil, enabled toe ou ahuut two mbilths to bold Ir arrt-' Ith the at,rntahce of a c The wounds only partially e.l, Inv. large flitltling,oreb at the knee. %%latch fur. man; woad , . de , eli.ireed blood and matter of the inott offensive character. 3 , 1 , paws wt re ine‘pressable. at tones ins suffering ct as to great lb , : death would hate received a hearty welcome. Fortunately Mt Wilson, (One of my neighbors) advised ate to try your Ointioci I obi owed slot and applied at aecortling it) dirtction—the tu:‘, toon began to assume a healthy appearance, and in three woo entire 4 cured, and able to endure hard labor. Your 'Servant. lIIRA'M %V. THOMAS. lVe the ondervigned, neighbor• of 11. W. Thomas. %%cm 3C olbtinted s ith the cage atm. e rutted and knoll. ing the tor a sbinee%, most cheerfully confirm %aid Thomas' statement. REV. J. DOUGL.O.S. JANIF.S WILSON. PETER LANIIL GOOD STIDGIMe. llu Buquc, lowa. Match. 15th. 1.1 9 it.l ne t s t . e u b u r n u in 'l s e * i ' lle 31 ;1 so llt efo that the joint water issued freely. many Rood judge, I . hor , a ea , e tt es their opinion that the horse n mild never ',scow I applied our O u r Ointment freely and open. and notwithstandib,. the annual Could scarcely hear any weight on the diseased ter. et in consequence of pres•ong business. I ventured to start nits the horse on my return to Du Intone. a dlistanee of sortie 11141 wily t, pi , t at the tire:Otitis:. up of streams, through which I was o bl ige d to fool and et pose the leg and ia mind of the horse to frequent drench mgn at a atm. snow and deep mud. still the horse continued IJ 111,1 , 713%e. One 50 rent box Of TOUT eltaordinar} ointment entire I!. cured the hurre In less than 1.0 (la} sit Tours, truly, F. W. BOWDON. SPECIAL NOTICE. Fr E public are!cautioned against purchasing any article hoe L coin. of Little nut, 111., purporting to hate 1 , e,.n paned by me. as, hereafter, I trill not supply said Cony n ith am ointment, Condition Powder or Tannin Paste, in consequence d ins having got up articles in intrados of mine, and ads erti.ts them in the name of his clerk. llow 74 As, and representing . as n holesale and retail agent for the name, W. Chicago, Feb. oth, le4o. ONLT 90 DAYS. Before the following order, Messrs. Vaughn 8c Co., pureliril large supply of Sloan's preparations. Jackson, Michigan, Feb., filth. 'HS S. K. II ibbard—Derir sea: I ant out of Sloaa's Condaion and home o,lntment The tale fur exceeds qiy• expectataa Neu ran manage to send me I dozen of the Powders, and Idol , ' Ointment, I will pay for them the first time you are here. sn 4o mane I shall be able to sell a large quantity in the course of x It will be an object to you, as w ell as to myself, to keep btautly supplled. 'Very Resfectfully Yours, , S. S. YAL:GIIN To Whom it ;nay " 'Concoro. ~, ~,., - N . ton.e q u v ooe of loiv nu; inane a irw email prereht , a r . i hat, gone Cut that nt my Depot. I retail my preparation. , 61 :'' than the price on. the libels, therefore, I am induced to Itch' ) ':, public. that hereafter it is my nettled determination not to a • any present+ of the preparations, to either netY or old euricri.r:' and ever as heretofore, retail and vi.holesale to all alike, au , '' permit my traveling age Dated to vary front this rule. ifi?''''. 1 at Chicago, 111., March Ilhh. ' NV. n. no": t='. Olt i ; Erie April, IP49_ . . Clarpotings. ,„,i lye: - ii AVE just - reeeiVeti 1% few piece. er All‘Voot• C . °"• ° " „ • '. . . . .. ••• , , ers ~ r • I , 1 and Co lion Carpcitin;;:t;:;;W,:ii bretildly relicited. Muth, Jlth z D. 0.06, IMO s, I; oCK W