Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, August 04, 1849, Image 3

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CueLai:A:a-Since our last there has been but one
death attribu l ed tolhis disease in Ithis place, that of Air.
Henderson, ho died at the Reed House on Sunday
night. Thor have been several cases of Cholera hlor
bus but no (loathe.
In Buflhlo, the deaths continue inabout the same pro
portion as last week.
In Clevela ' d there'll's" been be few cases.
In Sandus •y it has raged with much violence. The
stores are all hut, the taverns deserted, end the whole
town almost epopulated.
In Cincinn ti and s t. LOUIS it has about subsided, and
in Detroit an Chicago, but few deaths have occurred.
In the Ada tic cities it is not on the increase.
A NOVI% ENTSIIITAINIiItriT.-.Mr. and Mrs. Fuwatt.,
who delighted our citizens with their theatrical talents
tbis spring, have returned and propose giving an Olio
Entertainment at the Reed House, this evening, assisted
by Mr. McKibbin.. Of course they will have a full house.
For particulars of the' performance see small bills.
FAST accordance with the recommendation
of the President, yesterday was kept very generally as a
day of fasting and prayer. The shops end stores were all
shut—there was service at all the churches, and labor
everywhere suspended thorughout the day.
07 The patriots of the whig party begin to show
themselves in this county. The 10th of September the
usual time of holding their county ( convention, is ap
proaching, and consequently those who are desirous of
serving the people aro•gettiog nervous. We hope they
will all have a •good time of it," and although thei may
be defeated, some of them, - never "let their angry pas
sions rim!, and tear out each others eyes."
Qi•We had rather"tako the abuse Int a quack, although
•fas a practitiouer he can't he excelled," than his modi
ciuce. The one only exposes his own ears—the other
might put us where coon puppies upon two legs could
not bark at us. Of two evils chocso the least, is our
ST It: is sugiested that the queittion "May a mall
snotty his wife's sister?" is one which can be most
effectively answered by the sister
_herself, when it is
popped by tho widower.
jC3" hav'ut paid much attention to the Editorial
columns 6f the • 'Observer" this week—felt dull, heavy;
in short, felt about as the Chronicle read.. Could'nt
write under such circumstances, and would.nt if we could
fur fear of communicating the sante feeling to others.
EXTRAORDINARY.—The Ga:ette does notldie Ilr. D'al
las' Eulogium ou the life and characte'r of Mr. Polk. pub
lished in the last "Observer." This
l is truly extraordi
nary, andupl cause Mr. Dallas several sleepless nights
should he happen to find it out. We hope our uoighber
will not send hint a paper.
Err TMlTilt4llf t• EOM IGALVIA
Fellow Citizen!: f 1 bane use.! Slaves Ointment and found to
be the he.tarti,le that I have ever 'lied for injuries in home and
for a Fatuity Ointment. GEORGE BISEDORPII.
3Y All the Mellemen advertise.' hy W. 11. Sloan are sold on
agency by Carter k Brother. No. 8, Iteed House. •
JUT WHAT 18 WANTF.D—Hay all who ever
used IP Lane's Vennifage: Itcatl the folloning
ftcln an agent:
uniE, CnEmoNo Co. N. V.
Feb.2oth, 1E47.
"✓. Kith( et C,'.—When your agent was here I had just opened,
and he left but a few dozen of 311,ane's Vertnifuge, and I rind it
is going off v.•ry fast, and thus far it given good satisfaction,
and has proved to be just what the public n ants, asid we have got
stagoing. and I/0 not wish to get out. I have but one dozen left.
When your agent was here, I think he told me some place to send
rf I should want snore, but if he did, I have forgotten. Will you
have the goodness to order fur mts. sir dozen more on the receipt of
For t.ate by Carter Sc. nrottwr, and J. ll. UrtOrl, Eric; Pa.
Fr".1 , 1 - .VI:R AND Ar er speedily cured by Dr. Or,ond's
Delia Cholleogue. The sallow complexion and jaundi
ced eye which often precede its attack:4 are in a few days entirely
rettiO%Cd. The health of thous:lto:4 has been perfectly restored by
Oris trieciieine n hen another remedies hnre failed Its operation is
not simply to suspend the disease for a time, but to purify the sys
tem. and restore it to sound and perfecHiealth.
A waall 76catise op the ..eaUseg, IrPrittnerlt and cure or Fever
Ag D.. as I Ater threases of bilious climates," may' I. had , gratis
of the agent.
' Ben arc of other Choi:novice! Dr. Osgood's ir(the original awl
only genuine preparation.
For Fale by Iturtnn. Arent. F.,1"
£llllze filler is prenared to execute nil orders m hid
lines. Drawing and Ettgras ing La ndsea pes, tlewd of
llotels,Stores. Factories. Machinery. societies' Beals, A u sine•
Yards. :=how 11111 s, &e,, &c..
orders attended to without delay, charges moderate.
Fr edonla, Juts' 27,te to. M. El, p.TTIT,
cI.TIIII Greatest dhernery of the age I I)r '-'I, RASX'S
3IAGNETIC OINTmENT. (~e , ..,,outpanyi Circular
and Advettisetnent) sold in - Erie by Carl' d<fimaler' %Vholesale
and Retail, and by one agent in the poiciP 3l " la g" theBtata *
WO. E, g CRANDALL Tray. Agent.,151 OF WILL) CHERRY.—Gites-r
Erstenv.-3 very important disease over which this Bal
sam exerts a very powerful Influence, Is that of a Diseased Liver.
In Mi. complaint It has undoubtedly proved more edicaelous than
any remedy hitherto employed, and in numerous Instances when
patienis had endured long and severe suffering (torn the disease,
without receiving the least benefit from various remedies, and
when Mete itylthe been resorted to in vain, the use of this Balsam
hag restored the liver to a healthy action. and, in many Instances,
effected permanent cures, after every known remedy had failed to
traduce the desired etrect.
- 17,Fiee advertisement. 41.10
On the 28th ult. by Rev. JIM 1!. Presley, Mr Jourt
bursas and Mies ELIZABETH BOOTHE, all of this city.
On the 24th UIL, by the Rev. J. Vance, Mr. Jorm S.
Atrzes of Sp ringfield to Miss Jane A., daughter of Mr.
James Whee ler of McKean.
In Union on the Ath ult.. by Ethel Shelmiline .Eeq..
Mr. CHARGES SHERWOOD of Le &cuff' tp.. to Mies HER.
In Girard, on the 25th ult., by 6. Neuron Esq.. W.
Herne Ectottnua of Springfield tp.. to Miu Ca - meets
E. Dayton, of 'the former place.
On the 29th ult.. by Rev. C. G. Stoubgo . Mr. lacon
PARIZ to Mils MARGARET LIND, 011 j, Erie.
A LI. persons who have cases I tour in which I have hereto
fore been concerad as inn , , are referred to Messrs.
Thr , lnfeon lk, Grant; in whose care th • same have been placed by
me• and who will attend to the sauie, as I intend sh3rtly to leave County. CARSON GRAHAM.
Erie. August 4, MID,
197.8181 Z 011,0081R7.138.
JUST received by latest arrival, at the old stand of Hitchcock
& Zimmerly, a well selected stock of FRESH °NOCE:RIES,
f every description for family use, such as Teas, Sugars. Colree,
Rice, Pepper. Alspice, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs, Molasses,
this, Fish, Flour, Cheese, Tobacco, Fruit, Num, which are offered
on terms that cannot fail to suit our customers. Please give us a
N. D.—All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for gm-
Erie August 4, 1810
rfil'iNEl6,—Ladies wishi n g to buy Bonnets cheap will find
J them at tt. lb. DEWEIPS.
Ens, August 4, Ino. i
It n r i o ll ti o t. r a B t .—A good arsorunent of Donner D
i etoz7 vt tvr e. be
fru% August 4, 1848.
GLoYES.—Kid, Balk, Lisle Thread, Ste., a flue 11Esortment at.
. Era% .Aaguet 4, 4.49,
.1111.1, and Jaconet I:4lginge, very niff an t ic i ll..u vrs.
tam August 4, 1840.
GGliA3lB.—Scotch, French and American Ginapama, for
sale % ery cheap by 8. It. DIAirLY.
hie. August 4. 1810.
CAn to the enclosure of the subscri • ,in klillereek Town
" 'hip on the MI of July last, a Pelf Red Cow. long horns, with
- , ;tas thick hairs from the nose to the eyes, about 9 yearl old.—
ner is requested to prove property, pay charges. and take
August, 4, 1810. 312
kithoW ROOT, Sago, Pearl ilarley, Oat Meal. Tapioca Ver
initillti. by GARTER & anorak:R.
7 00
quality, by I
The " Wirthlo Sixpence" Store.
Is•tter than the plow shilling. as I have, said before.
T 'I Iterefure I on'er the following articles very lotv for Clash,
a great ninny ottani which cannot bo enumerated lu nuver
• ..,1,01; vim
Coe k cry of all k ands, cap and letter pa r, from g 9 'S up to 81
;er rsain accordin g tot uality , combs fur Ladles and gentlemen,
"ilk's spool cotton.Ccdfee, fOur ' different kMds; herring by the
" I mac ketel, “Fall River" nails, Qd to ltd, at 5 cent per pound,
manure forks, grain scoops, bristles oral, kinds, tooth
ls. each.. bair brushes, slates and slate pencil%knives and
t for 191 per sett. hair pins, globe lanterns, for 5,6 and 7 Anis
anda good asiortinent of Wooden Ware. such As wooden
Loxe., lemon squeezer', beef otenk pounders, rolling
soap dishes, &c., and a hundred other ono
' Call and fir for runnel% ea anti if they do not Butt, don't
• 11 Ithen ran it found at - R.. 1. BAKER'S,
" . 14 / 'it, IMM
excelietir compound was the result of long medical expe
-1 rlence in a billious entente, ant it Is believed that the great
Object has been accomplished of presenting the public with a rein
ed), for a Fever and Ague, on which they can rely far a speedy
and certain cure.
It. is a combination of vegetable substances and warranted free
from Mineral pol.ons of every description. It has a healing pots -
er upon broken constitutions. always leaving the system Ina more
round and healthy condition. It is a prominent feature of the
ettotagogue that it never Injures the most delicate constitution.
A few daps even will misty the meet incredulous of its great effi
cacy in building up the spirits and restoring the energy and vigor
of lie.sltb.
Extract of- n Communication from A. W. Miller, the proprietor's
Agent at Elizabethtown. N. J.
EL.ZADICTILITOWN, N. J., June 23, 1840.
DB. CtIARLES 0110000.
Dear Sir:-1 have but three bottles left of your Witt Chotago•
gar. having soldmltnost a grans within the pas: few months, and
have yet to hear of the tiro instance of its lulling to cure. One
man said he had within a year or two past paid more than Ss' for
Fever and Ague medicine, which had done Mtn no good—but that
two bottles of the Cholagogue lent cured hito.
I know of a number of instances. when one bottle cured three
or four persons who were sevelely milleted with the satne dis
cave.• • * •
Our most eminent Physicians : now two it and recommend it,
having become satislied:of its Inestimable valueond that iris free
from quackery. Yours. respetcfully, A. W. kIILL.ER.
Guard against imitations. Be lure y4ti obtain Ga. Ammon' s
India Chulagogue, and you are safe.
rorsale by J.ll. Burton, Wholesale and Retail Agent, Erie.
Erie, August 4, an. 41n1:1
1V O. 6. B OM? E L BLOCK,
Stale S. Er:e, Pa., (sae dear ah2rs Lester,. Sennett k Chester's.)
it I:subscriber ssould respectfully call the attaLtion of the citi•
I WWI of Erie, and the adjacent country, to the fact that .he is
011etimt at wholesale or retail, a new,"dest ruble, and general assort
ment of
unr (mons, CIZOCERIES. CROCKEI2Y, c. } c., dT
My arrangements to Arty li.rk are such as to enable ItH s to keep
Inv assortment full, particularly STAPLE DRY GOODS AND
GROCERIES. Remember, I shall sell Goads , Clu.ap, for the proof
of which plerov CALI. 4ND .e.X.4. 1 1/.1 . E.. All goods warranted
as repreicated, or the money will , he refunded.
and fdr most other kinds of P,odstce. ,
Prier. July R1,JE.19. 9
rtifil.; Copartnership heretofore etisting under the nrin of Titi
-1 hats & limey Is this day di,s6lved by mutual consent. The
htpunees of the late firm it ill he helped by C. M. Tillbals who is
authorised to senile the came. C. M. Ting ALS.
tie, July V., Itl9. , S. R. DEWEY.
. .
A LL l'eNons 1i:11:jog Wide Wed tICSOUIIIS %WI the late Grin of
& Leary, will ple4so can and snake itntoctiinte
I:rie, July 2?, 1819.
1 0 0 PO U NDS Cum Comphm, ___
lOU do Tartaric Acid,
13'1 do II loath Sods,
vo du Cream Tartar, I ?
7:3 do Oil Origmium, ' /
59 do Gum Opium and Aratne. by
- - -
rrll ERE isa Sarsaparilla tor sale culled old Or. Jacob 'Foal's
end's Sarsaparilla. It Is advertised as the original, &c. Ting
h., a notorious falsehood. Ile. Townsend hasexpended over 8301.1,-
Mkt the last eighty ears in advertising his Sarsaparilla, which has
obtained a eh trader and reputation throughout the United States
and a greater part of the world—the sale being enormous.
'flits eu.ited the cuindityof certain unprincipled men, and an
oldman i
Wee engaged n fed fling cheap putatcatioug about
the streets of New York, fur a number of sears. This man's name
is Jacob Townsend. Ile applied to n number Of men to get em
-1401 went, or tv sett die nee ut 1111,e:1111e, to put up Dr. Towitseint's
Sar,aparilla, stating the large sales unit sums we had expended in
qtl verjt.,ing, as an inducement to embark into the business. A
mung obse s s, he applied to Chorle..4 hiss rolls, Esq. Editor of the
Jantatea Veneer, v. ho fcortic.: such a proposition. Nir. H. (1.
formerly omit, of the proprietors of Ole ster's Oint
ment.. RALPH 1.4 /MEW) V. Palo tly,Caidlit:r and l'inatteier of
the P token Shi a-flamer Bank at Renville; New _Jer,ey, JOHN
5K11.1.01,1N, and W 11.1.111 THOMPSON, under the name Of
THOMP:sI SKALA:H.IN & have euiplote thisJid man,
and arced, uc 1.111.1ete1.111,1.10,1/:11/ 111111 roses dollarsweek for
111011, 01 111• name. There 111011 hat e hee l , p n , n iini t s and libeling
us in all psi.-Ode torinr. ill we n Ould notice:nem, and bring
them and their decoction into market. tile public decide up
on the of the-e hagrot aNI liqnfiraVt. nits.
!hal Mr. 'foam
f 4 areaarula kf i 'm nail tonneau;
—flue e e kepi f thr.eigh ale year in New
Orleans, Teri e, 5.1.101
fint •lie• ate, it Grua. hett"r t 4 c C W Ina
tie. fe) ini aka', last r'pring, tlyalc I, an ace Mem : 1 ,• , • " "'" f • - • "` cur
exchanged no 11 , Pit"td 11):14e, ~„Fy or. and say that
Tri 4 4 chop Ott•.oftfila sours, a‘c pe,i they ate aware
•;re none of WU' Ric;;
loaf Ilie) arc pa. AN4 11l p.u.
no 1•Npr11, ,•r h 111 ;re I ;foliate In get up n spier,
~;YV F lr•Safir'lvflfe far oar and had portrait of lie. Town
„""•1n it 11AI it Irian all others, an I preveut otakeo.
' nem are DUN'. getting I tool 011,Wel, with a portrait of
old Jacobi Towmcrel—let the puhlir upon such tranoactions,
i,nd irl Meat remeniner that eai a io and the unless
signed the Caine 'l'ot; ',mil. The plate ileligraVen
011'4 , 44 :1114 I:0111 , 1in. , We• portrait of Towne 'lid, three female
ihVITIM, mid a view of our factory. 'lhe spur Pain, hoe no factory or
female figure,.
Dr. Tovnisoni no Physician.
These men also publish that Dr. To:ensile! IS DO physician: thin
like all other statements, are fain, hr Towit.ehti :mended two
of the beet Medical School, in the eonntry, has studied the. differ
ent theorsee, of medicine and pricticeil lon the Intt fifteen )earn:
han experimented several mire, and etrpentled larbe s uatna in bring
ing Lis inedieine.4 to perfection.
They are endeavoring to palm on' on the public as an Old physi
cian. kc. lie is no physician. and never attempted to manufric-'
tare a medicine until there men hired him for the use of his noise.
They say they do not wish the people to Milieu that their Snrsapa
rails is Ours, or the same—but the Letter to deceive the public, they
nt the sane time assert that theirs is the old Dr. Townsend's, and
the original; anti endeavor to make the people believe that the stuff
they tit.itialacture Is the Dr. Towii,eiiiVe Sarsaparilla that has per
formed so natty wonderful cores for the past ten years, and which
has gained n reputation it hich no other hiedicine ever enjoyed—
which is a base. villninowl, unprincipled falseliod. We haver
commenced suns against there mem for damages. We wish it to
be understood, that the old man is no connection of Or. Towns
end whatever. in their advertisements and circulars they pnbtteh
a number et:gross falsehoods respecting Dr. Ton aseud, which we
will not notice.
Our opponents have• pubtt•lted in the papers, that Or. 8. V.
Townsend was den d—th is they rend to their agents:lA(l:lE the eotlll
- who report that we have given up liusine , s. &e., &c. The
public should be on their guard, and not be deceived by these tin
principled men.
OCR ecitinsn.
Rettig satisfied by the eiperimenle and the tcsults of the medi
cine in eradicating disease, we resolved to plate It before the
world. At that Site all of the SarsapitailMl for sale was put up in
small vials of four and live ounces, and sold for one dollar per bot
tle. We could afford to sell a quart bottle of the purest and best
article for the same. We resolved to do so and was laughed at nnd
our Sarsaparilla called molasses and water by theother tnanufac
lucre. who said a good article could not be afforded fcr the price.
A few years, and they learned the difference of this. Dr. Towns
end's Sarsaparilla almost entirely superceded the others, being infi
nitely better, and Live times the quantity for the same price. Of
late these men have made a great discover!, which is. that they
have been selling a smaller vial of inelicine for one dollar, which
they could atlbrd for twenty or twenty-five cents. For these same
mon now pun up their Sarsaparillas in • Quart bottles, very nearly
resembling ours, for the name price')." they formerly sold the small
ones, and ask the iodide to purchase. The people are not en green
however. They have copied our labels. circulars, and shape of
the bottles as near as they dare. Their course and' ours we leave
for a discerning public to net upon.
Dr. Townsend having ten years}ince discovered a new formula
of compounding the Sarsaparilla it ith other ingredients, and suc
ceeded in prodneing a fluid that resembled In its action upon the
digestive organs. the saliva; or grastlc Juice of the human body.—
A liquid. l\ hen taken into the system, Created new, rich, and pure
blood—n hitt' would sustain, prolong, and create new life—for the
blood is the life—resolved, otter three years of experiments, to
bring it before the public. Sanguine that it required only to be
known to be appreciated, being thoroughly convinced that to
cleanse, purify and strengthen the circulation, was the great secret
of eradicating disease. The conviction led to the discovery of Dr.
Townsend's Coinpound of the Sarsaparilla. &Usti( d that by di
ni in ish ing the quantity of blood in the system, the life also was di ,
minishcd, and that the true theory was to produce a healthy elm-
Irtion. The theory having proved true, it is adopted Wholly or in
part, at present. by a large n lather of medical gentlemen, and the
remedies snore effectual than we anticipated—hence the wonder—
ful success of this inedecine.
We use the best Honduras Sarsaparilla. The last year we pur
chased more than ten times the amountof Sarsaparilla Grail other
Sarsaparilla ruanufactorers in America. Mi. Monett, Esq.. a mer•
chant in the Honduras trade, and others. export it fresh and direct
from Honduras for us. Messrs. Burr, %Vaterman & Co.. No, 109,
South street, have tined up expemi ve and extensive masbinery to
rasp by steam the heart of the Quash. or llgnumvion wood. They
furnish us over I,ioo barrels the last season. Our Yellow Dock,
which we use a great quantity or, to cultivated in fields by the Sha
kers at New Lebanon and tokenise, and consequently the very best
—far better than is generally used. We einployover one hundred
men and boys collecting Roots, &c. in the proper seasons. • Indeed
all our arrangements are the most perfect and complete of any oth
er shnilar establishment in the world, and Our medicine is uric
We have at our manufactory all machinery that Is required to
make the very best medicine Mina the Sarsaparilla that was ever
produced. We have powerith steam engines to grind out and ex
tract the root. We also have extensive vats for settling and filling,
&c.. such as were never bekte used in the preparation army me
dicine. No other manufacturer of Sarsaparilla has steam power
to manufacture by.
27The above Sarsaparilla is sold by CARTER & BROTHER,
No. 6, Reed Homo, Erie. who are the only authorized agents for
Erie county. 3nito
10,000 "Just° Lute" Cigars, for el 2 per thousand.
5.000 La Nonna do 7 ot. ia
. 10,000 Havanna do ,14 .4 *0
5,000 La Belecticy Principe 20 .. .•
5,000 Hamra La prima, 30 .. 0
For sale at R. A. BACER.II,
',July )1,1619. ' Cheaptine.
Ozsgoods India Ohologogne.
A7' the whole sale price by the dozen at J. H . DURTON , S.
Erie July 7, Ic7o - Who!cafe Agent Erie
21.0 flit for $4 per bbl. at T. W. Moores
CLOVES, Cinnamon, Nutting', Mare, Pimento , Pepper. Ginger
S r Oocrs Incllo
This old Jacob Townsend,
A man by the name of CL APP has engaged with a young twin
of the name of S. P. Townsend, and uses his name to lint up a
Bataaparilla, which they call Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, de
nominating it GENUINE, Original, mt. This Townsend is no
doctor, and never was; but was formerly a worker on railroads,
canals, and the like. Yet he assumeirthe title of Dr., for the pet'
pose of gaining credit for what he is not. This Is to caution the
public not to be deceived, and purchase none but the ODNOLIVE
ORIUDV4L OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend's darsaparilla, having
on it the Old Dr's. likeness. his family coat of arms, and his sig
nature across the coat of arms.
PtincipSl - 0./fice,ll.l2 INclasstsi et., New rark City. ,
Genuine Sarsaparilla.
1 0 ,
ownsend Saaparilla.
Old Dr. Townsend now about 70 years of age, and lief long
been known ne the 4 LIER and DISCOVERER of the DEP,
poor, he was cotnpell to limit its manufacture, by which means
it has been kept ouy of market. and the sales circumscribed to
those only who had proved its worth, and known its value. Ithad
reached the ears of many, nevertheless, as those persons who had
been healed of sore diseases, and saved from '
' death proclaimed
its excellence and wonderful. 4
y . 4- -
_. .
Knotting, many years a
_iro, that he bad, by liis sk ill, science and
experience. devised all article which would be of iticalcuble air
vantage In mankind when the means would be furnished to bring
It into unni versa! notice, n lien its enestimable virtues would Le
known and appreciated. ' This tune has coins., the means arc sup
plied; this
is manufactured on the largest scale, and is called for throughout
iheletigili had bredth of the OEM, esKrially as it is found incapa
ble of degeneration or deterioration.
Unlike young 6. Townsena's, it impros es with ege,and nev
er change... Kitt for the Utter: because it is prepared Oa scientific
principles by a scientific man. The highest know ledge of 1:11(.111-
iNtry. and the latest discoveries of the art, hare nil Wet) brought
into requisition in the manufacture of the Old Dr's. Sarsaparilla.
The Sarsaparilla rool, it Is well known to medical teen, contains
many medical properties, and some properties which arc Inert or
timeless, and others, which if retained in preparing it fur use, pro
duce fermentation and acid, will , Ii is injurious to the system.—
Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla are so volatile, that they
entirely es operate and are lost in the preparation. if they are not
pim.erved by a seienideproress, known only to those experienced
iu its manufacture. 3loreos er, these volatile principles, which
sly oil' in vapor, or as an exhalation, under heat, are the very es
stalls! medieat properties of the root. which give to It all its t aloe.
Any person can boil or slew the root till they get a dark colored
liquid, which Is more from the coloring matter in the root than
front anything else; they can then straits this insipid or vapid il•
(Will, sweeten with sour molasses ' and then call it —r3AItSAP.IR
ILLA EXTRACT or V ULT.' hut such isnot the article known
as the
This is so prepared, that all the inert properties of the ftaraapa•
rilla root arc tirst removed, ever) thing capable of becoming acid
or of fomentation, is extracted and rejected; then every parti
cle of medical virtue IS secured in a pure and concentrated forth
and thus it is rendered incapable of losing any Of its valuableand
healing properties. Prepared in this way, it is made the most
powerful agent in the
'Hence the reason why n•e hear commendations of e% cry side in
its favor by men, women, and children. We find it doing won
ders in the cure of
CIII:S, and all atrecitone arising front
• - -
It possesses n Marvelous efficacy' in all complaints raisin: , from
inthgestion, from Aci , lity of the Stomarh, from unequal welds,•
lion, determination of Wood to the head, patidtation or the heutt,
Bold feet and hands, cold chills and hot flashes over the Gutty. It
has tun its equal in Colds and Cost:Ali; and promotes easy expec•
toravon and gentle perapiratioll, relilLillg stricture of the lungs,
throat, and every other part.
But in nothing is its excellence more manifestly seen and ac
knowledged than in all kinds and stages of
11:31,1, ,COIIII'LAINTS.
It works wonders in cases Or plaar .4/b.sor Whites, Falling of
the Womb, Marketed, Surpressed,or Painful Nome*, Irregulars.
ty of the wen, periods, nod the like; and is ad edema' in
curing all the forms of )(Macy Disea es
By rennythig obstruetiond, and regulming the general system, it
gives tone and strength to the whole body, thud cured all for, I
Nervous disposes and debility—•r dies. aa' t
and thus prevents or relieves n great variety ofoo ,'t 4 4 4'
irritation, Neuralgia,. U. Fetus' D. ,
tte Fits. I.7.neutsions, 4•4 . • to healthy action, tones
t cleanses the blood, excited
...sun. relieve. the bowels of tor
the stomach, an d gives errslinSliinint ion, purities the skin, equal
pm and catuttlyatiov oe blood, hrodue iag gentle warmth equally
ised the circutely, and the insentible perspirmiwei relaAe , , all I
all oi er.Mtul tightness, removes all obstructions. and invigo
the entire 1/CIVOI/1 system., is tail this then
.rho medicine you pro-eminently need?
Dot can any of these things he said of S. P. Tow tuend'•. inPrtor
article? Timm young Males hyoid is not to be
I,cranse of one GRAND FACT, that the one is INc.trAral: of
NIX crt sroti.s, •
while the other /ES. twurilog. Armen:mg, and Hering the bet
tie, contaiiiing a into fragments; the sour, acrd 'amid expi a th ug ,
and datimin4 other ;toots! Must nut horrible compound be
Isusottous to the systentl— What! put acid into a system carcatist
dtkeased uthi 7ria' What caus'es Dyspepsia but acid? Ito we
not all know that when food sours in our stomachs, what mis
chiefs it produces? flatulence, heartburn. palpitation of dm heart,
livercomplaint, diardnea. dysentery, colic, anticorruption of the
blood} What is Scrofula but an acid humor in the body? What
produces all the humors w hich bring on Eruptions of the Skin,
Scald Head, Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, White Fever
Sores, and all ulcer:titbits internal and external! It is nothing
under heaven, but all neol substance, which sours, and thus
spoils alt the thshig Orate body, inure or less. What causes Rheu
matism but a sour or acid fluid which insinuates itself between
the joints and elsewhere, irritating and lutist/nag the delicate Its•
sues upon whtell it nets? bes, ter IierVOIIP diseases, of Impurity of
the blood, or 'lettingen' c irculatitnis, and neatly all the' ailments
which Millet human nature. •
Now is it not horrible to untice and sell, and in f initely 'worse to
lOC this
and yet he octal(' fain have It understood that Old Dr. lied)
Townbend's denuins Original Sarsaparilla, is an EMT ATIO,I
of his Inferior preparation! !
Heaven torbl , l that we nhonhl deal In en article whirl' nonlll
Lear thr.lllo,l list tit tf,eitSilallet, to S. P. Two ntiend's grade
1111t1 which 010 , 0 , 11,6112 down 1111011 the Ott Ili. midi a unenitain
load of colupi clinic and ernnioations from A wait+ MllO WWI, gold,
and porrlowers n ho inure coed S. I'. Townsend's FERMENTING
We wirh it understood, becinoe it is the &motet eJruth, that A.
Townsend's, article and Old Dr. Jacob l'o%vmenti'.l Harmaparli.
Mare hearer-mile apart. and infinitely that they arc
unlike in every particular, having not one tonic thing in com
As S. P. Townsend is no doctor, and never was, is nn chemist.
no pharmaceutist—knows no more of medicine or disease than
any other common, unsacntoic, linprofesslonal man, what gigar•
antes can the public have that they are receiving a genulnescien
tific medicine, containing nil the virtues of the articles used in
preparing it,and which are in capable of changes which might
render theta the AGENTS of Ihsease instead of health. •
But what else should be expected from one who k nows nothing
comparatively of medicine or direarel It requires a person of
some experience to cook and serve up even a common decent
meal. flow much more important is it that the persons who man
ufacture medicine, designed for
Weak Stomachs and Meechled Systems,
should know well the medical properties of plants, the best man
ner of securing and concentrating their healing virtues, also an
extenSive knowledge of the various ei..eases hich olleet the hu
man system, and how to adapt remedies to these diseasetl
It is to arrert frauds upon the unfortunate, to pour balm Into
wounded humanity, to kindle hope in t h e despairing bosom, W
restore health and bloom. and vigor into the crushed nail broken,
and to banish infirmity that. OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND hats
BOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity and means to bring his
Grand Univers-I Concentrated Remedy
within the reach, and to the knnwled.te of all who need it, that
they may learn and know, by joyful experience, its
Transcendent Sower to foal.
For sale by J. 11, Burton, No. d, Reed House, Eric, Pa.
Erie, July 14, ISI9. 9
rAziramnof ROTEL.
The undersigned takes this method of announcing to his friends
end the public Olathe has opened the above named enablishment
for the reception of company. The 110lIFe hrtg recently been RE
PAIRED REFITTED AND CLEAN ED, so that it is now in good
condition and worthy the patronage of the public. The sleeping
rooms, ns went - is every other part of the House, have been entirely
No pains will he spared to render the House what It 'should be.
and the stay of guests pleasant and agreeable. The table will al
ways be furnished with the BEST the MARKET AFFORD:3:—
The location of this House is Central, and will be - found conve
nient either for business or 'Amine.
- .
The Stables are large and convenient, and are under the charge
of an attentive and competent man.
fPassengers Carried to and from the Steam arid Packet Boats
reer of Charge:
IV" The subscriber pledges himselfthat no efforts wilt be spar.
ed on his part to promote the comfort of all who may favor him
with their patronage.
Erie, June 30, leo. 11. G. SESSIONS.
PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given that application will be
made to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the Meer.
potation of a Bank, to be called ••The Canal Bank of Erie," with
a capital of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, with the privilege of
Increasing it to Three Hundred Thousand Dollars, with all the
usual Banking privileges, to be located in the Borough and County
of Erie. State of Pennsylvania..
Erie. June *I,. ISID„
James C. Mnrsbull, Joseph M. Stencil, H. Cadwell,
John A. Tracy, C. 'lf. Tibbals. William Kelley,
Ben). Tomlinson, J. il. Williams, Smith Jackson,
Win. S. Lane, Thomas H. Sill. J.H. Fullerton,
James Williams, G. Sanford. . Gtorge Belden
Chas. B. Wright, J.l). Clark, George Kellogg.
Thos. G. Colt, H. 1.. Brown, Atfnul .Bing,
P. Metcalf, ~1* Kellogg, v Samuel Hays,
J. &ant, John C Beebe, ' Wm. hl. Gallagher,
Carson Graham, W. H. Knowlton. •
RiCElVEDthieniornina a new guppy ofPaper Han;lngei. Bor.
doing and Window Paper—oomo veil/ dePirnbin palms.
Fide, lone 27.1!49. OLh g. BELIMIN & 80$.
ALARGElotorCollumbue Coy, OW. Sugar egad game Jun
Received end tbr sale by D.B. Clark.
late, June 30,1849. Mete .s,treet.
Coro of Inownorable D Bongos.
Corner of French and Fifth Streets, Erie, Pa
1 1 1713L10 NOTICE!.
,I 1)
4 41. r' 1 1 :111 1
I:1 i t ; tl'
tt i
Rn w Ann ,A. [9 AA
T CST in tine to redeem our pledge of importing the largest and
and ceeat •st stuck of Goods mer landed at Erie harbor.
Room No. 1,, we are now receiving a huge stock of Iron. Steel.
Nails, Spit( Chains, Crow Bars. Ilurse dlioes,AVnggon Doom
etc. which w are selling at a discount of 10 per cent, below‘ spring
IRON. all. round, for Waggons, nt Nur centa per lb. Log Challis
at ci cents per b.. Trace Chiliadal. 50 (Teta per pair, English Au
% ds tft cents (cr. Si. and every thing in the Hardware line in pro
portion, whic is far below Buffalo prices.
No. 2. nla arrival, makirtg our stock of GROCERIES com
plete, at low I riles.
N 0.3 and the largest and richest assortment of STAPLE AND
I'.tNCt Ditr GOODS,now receiv tug that we/eaves before opened
for the weste u trade, at prices, that we defy competition with
Buffalo or an other market.
Room 5, Ii (Ticino, of our 01111 Importation. the Inmen stock of
hardware, Chains, Anvils. Vices. Rellows. Scythes, Forks lines.
stiov4ls, and every kiwi of Hardware that was ever imported for
the western trade, which a, ill he sold at New York priet s. This
Is o cka orethat retailers do not often get.
At N 0.7. we are beginning to receive our large thwart:llion of
11S which st rare telling at Itutfalopticen.
And at No. S. will be round over three thousand yards of Carpet
ing, Hugs. etc:. direct from the Looms which we are selling as
low as can be bought went of New Yolk, froth 2.1 cents to gtt I/U per
Any one that is bound for fluirato,just drop in and we will Ml
eine., him, (at no have hundreds of others within the last six
weeks,)that the Empire Stores at Prie, can show a better stock of
Goods, and in Priee Can compete with uny market in America:
and tn goods that are now amt lug, are at a great discount from
Sprung I'rices.l H. CAMEO..
Erie, May
xlmrxrt.ri Expiates BRR IVAL.
IiST received by express rt good ri.;sortinclit ofGinips. Fringes,
.3 Linen Ginjlianis, latest style or Crape Shawls, White and
colored Bonnet' Ribbons, plain Saint Ribbons, walking shoe.,
patient leatheo Ties now btyle, Gan7e Flannel, Lisle Glove*,
Silk Gloves, colored cotton Hose, COW kII}IC of Prints .ke
4rie, July 70, IWD. 11. CADWCI
Trlc ee 4 1 M a .spriair Garden Mutual Insurance Company,
Tetr.goehring; June S.W.
\B7 l'i'lt the view of confining the lou.itorte, to the Mime in thin
, tit', the Agenetea at New York, Baltimore, Pittsburgh.
Tuttevilte, RIK and Reacifng, n j ere discontinued on the tired day
of March last., ~
The above irprige all the Agencies the Company had at that
tune. L. IraiMMIIKAAR,
Erie. June 7. 1419. Secretary,
, --........_
Oranges and Lemons.
A FLW flogroo of Fresh °mutes and Lvolops)ust received and
-II for ...teat No. 7, Poor tropic's Row, by T. W. 51009.1:.
Erie, July 7, 1 19.
Raisins and Pigs.
.r can be fantod at T. W. MOORE'S.
i: I
A 4,...:(t011 tattie r
Er ie. Jul y
Straw 'Rats.
for one shilling nod other thing+ pro - portion:tie!)
1-_ 1 . at
cheap I
Erie. July . I
" ,
time Applot Just teceivad, at
1€49. T. W. MOORE'S
Erie. luty
tOR TIES j'A =
Et 2,
Groat Western Locomotive I! 9..r4
ri A/.1. at s I Eat: .'r; Corner and convince lOU/Pelt en that 13r. is
.J Now reeelvln the large,,, cheapest and heat lot of GROCER-
I es er brought o Lrle. Among his assortment tua' be found
the following: and
SCOAIIa.—SII tots of Port Rico Coffee Sugar. Crus. - -
Pulverized. , wri bags of Laguera
Crirrpr.—Ten lags Old Government •
and ten brigs of Rico. . New Orreans Porto Rico and
MoLasst.s.—TwO thousp." '
Sugar House. ..,de Yniing ilyson, imperial, Mark and Curi-
Temi.—PiPe.M l tea )II nl. l pound cadles for family te,e,
vow a,.,. s. ise,thow.and pound Cud Fish, Mackerel, Shad, Md.
tr Herring. Sum ed Herring and sardine,.
Twenty liairela "urpcntine, thirty an. of Linaced, Lamp and
Tanners oil.
ria kegs larooktv . ftuffalo and Pittsburgh White Lead.
The largest kind fan assortment of Paints and 13)estatis.
PM kegs of Easte ii and Pittsburgh Nails.
- I,teAins.--Frencl Brandy, Ii blind I.ln, Rum, Port Wine, Ma
dcra, i‘late4a, Clare and French We,:t %Vine.,,.--inn ri. ...en Scholia line Sets York Smoking, sitteen
totes Carciiilkli, II I (107 ell fine eel flappee and %iaccabny Snuff.
'1•e» ke y.,, atrot III) 1),1.5h0 Neutucky Itak. Powder,. fifty bag , cl
t. ,, ~t, I.t,r Lepd and ' Cap
'l nirty hn tea l'an ly, its dares of Malaga Figs,34l Jails Milles
tlll,l a pie it s arietV (f arm -Ins in no Line that nntsl,l take nitre
nee Ili I hate toe nthicralefllcill.
Tta aro QM auotonkft• MIIII the public Urlierally, I u eay,
nl 811:fill.'.rtt.urner chaectl,} op! 0.1 . , limo and ,
fur your.aelavaa. ah,tt I omet to tt !idea. ale el' eht NW.
111:111 .111 V °flat r .4111:CLI 011{1/11:!lu. C.
Crie Shay tal?
viunT PAY and •
eatlyzeaucol 1.71
Alb°, Marine, Ciro
A. 132 CL OC li:S.
How CloCks, ea:if/LIS ,tylee of came s, lag
and 4,tiker l'one rioren for slily low by
U. 100111.9 &
cute Street.
k- 3 ter Knit ea. &e. , 1•0
run.entlers, nut in Vic ,
the etaodard of dollar..
t:coarly invited.
91yrr Spoon., Ladles, Tongs, Scoops. Oa
nti hand and Nanufactured by the
u t m e, f Met, Ind in /:rir, and warranted
I einiiiparison of style to this tiratitit par
' •
Alho. Threaded .Ipuo l
all ul'bvod SII wt. r
Erie July 7.
s and Parks from Nevi York Mankt:ierory,
G. LUCkIILi & Co.
131.0ekeip. (Amine,
Plus and Itwos oi Di
N 11.—Jcm elry made
in neighbor and learn li
Erie July 7. ISID
,IN.—ronbracing Pinv, Braceletts.
ste., and Irrautir I pat! , .rns.
lump°, Tlillitiotb, Pearl, Ruby and other
or repaired 10 order o' short notice. Call
watir‘t rain is done it.
1,0011! i & Co.
T OOKIN't: (.11..1ssr
.I_Jany Frames, tc,getli
tang old fliutwo.
Eriv June, VISID,
—A large nw.oronent of Guilt owl 31altog
ith Plate 6 ofaiikrom eize , f for rebel
G. LOO3llB & Co.
and other Moth , of Lampe. and nny
I.,lllmoiem and t:lol.ep. at
(:. L.O. elf IF irc
Lrilmeity .1i %Vicki,.
Lriti June 7ik• - • 10.
- -
IX Ihrrel. Linseed & Lard Oil. Just recehed & for gab? very
he the h 0 rni or gallon by, H J. It 131:11.TON,
Erie July 7,
e i Topn,kc., lfuflhenpnriortoTanncre
an bawl by. i 'J.III BURTON.
1 Oil. liept cont•tanti
Erie July, 7 NO.
Pali — nostook icrdcLames
AN he had by the doz n at Nlainifactuters price, nt
V Erie July 7, 1E49 J. B. BURTON'S
Arrivallof Op i londid Goods.
a t. LOGIUSEI & CO.'s VII.
Slate Street, nearly opposite Eriiien . , Motel.
are now receiving front New York the largest assort
ment of
Watches,l,Towelty and rancy Goods,
ever hxhiLited in Erie. anti to which they invite the attention of
the public, believing then+ Establishment will compare with any
of a similar kind is the Western country, as to extent, variety
anti quality of goods.
Yrotn large o ditThrent Escapements of WATCIIES
of the most celebrated N, kers in Europe, direct from !inputting
(louse, they are enabled t o otter a superior article at a very kw
prise. In the Mechanica lbranch, particular attention will be
given to the reliairing of I 'etches Jewelry and all articles Per
taining to the trade.
Having two tine works: n from Europe. together With Engine
Neidom torpid iu conniry shops. they pledge themselves to
null.e gaol work and give Intithiction.
Etigra% ing of Spoons. .51 . a15, Jewelry. fir., done in the best slyly.
N. 11.—A anal 11.—. lit Gold Goods bought of G. L. & Co. well
be Engraved, if requested, without charge. Cash and the highest
price paid for Old silver l ate, &c.,
Erte, June 30, lab.
The u ndersigned, citizens of Bunko and the county or Erie. W
ylie the attention of busines o Wu and others, who may wish a good
political. commercial. and family newspaper to the herrsto
rustic, a daily, tri-weekly, nd weekly Journal published ht the
city of Buffalo.
It lo is so peculiar' y the center of commerc tat transactions that
its Press must, from its posi ion, take a high stand. The Present
proprietor of the, .A. Mamma, has established 11,
upon a permlnent basis, a ci the undersigned believe that its
through knowledge of news apes publication, ample means, and
enterprise. warrant the coot mum' that it will be equal to our im
portance as a commercial ei
The Item tic advocates adical democratic measures. amthas
acquired a high reputation t 6 oughout the stale: but the paramount
design as we understand' it. i to make it attractive to the general
render, by the publication of the latest Intelligence. foreign, local
and commercial news. The rrangements for ebb lulus the earlie4
market items and general c anaemia, news, will be extensive,
and equal to that of any othe Journal. We, therefore, cheerfully
commend the Burst.° Rare Lac to the f.tvor.aud patronage of the
public at large,
Dean Richmond, Ed In Thomas, Geo. C. White,
A. W. Johnson, He ry Daw. James C. Evans,
D. N. Barfly, lea. c rt,herman, S. W. settle.
John 'l'. Noyes too out, F. Tiffauy, G. C. Vaughn,
John Hollister. At .1 Hooker, .Walter Joy,
lin.ev& Johnson, .Ella Weed, A. D. Patchett,
H. A • Kinne.
Ben . H. Auinln,
Wm. o.llrown,
F.l'. Stevens,
Olivet Patch,
P. noreheinier, - 1 Jot, Genitor. John T Hudson,
Cr. S. Steele, er Ewell. D. Tillinghast,
P. M. Voehurgh, R. U Wheelock L. U. Balkh
John Brooks. U. . Ranson/
TERMS—DaiIy by Mall
The Weekly wilt be sent to
4 topics for
10 "
Always payable in advance.
Couuting Rooth N 0.14 See
WWI street, Mat door oath o
/Tho proprietor rattle Repot)
Cards. and a general assort=
to be sold wholesale or tete
U. P. Thayer. -
6. Dudley}.
Jos. Wadsworth,
00 11 3 3 Pef annum.
00 ** 66
companies on the following terms
85 00
10 00
12 00
street. Entrance *boon Wash-
In has on hand Printing Paper.
tot Paper sad Printers , Stationary
ill A. BA Kurt's, Which he offerers for sale. Wholesale, and
as cheap es they con he bought In Dunk,. This
stock was pucitas.edrur rash at the lowest utarket rates, belelyttm
the nimblestspenee better than the slow shilling. he Intends to sell
nt but a night advance on New York prices. adding transporta
tion. We, therefore. say to our Blends and the public, to exam
ine our stock soul prices before purchasing elsewhere. and we are
confident that we shall be s bie to neeoninda te all, for we are deter
alined to sell and make quick sales. We have good Sugar for 3
cents per pout ub nio Collee, 10 cents. Java do. 10 cents. Tubbs's°
from IA AO G COMB per pound, Mackersi 6 cents, Raisins 6 cents
Fig's 13 cent. 'rant Currants 121 cents, Loaf Sugar 19 cents per
pound. and every Minx else at the same low rates.
f 7 Don't forget it is at R. A. nomrs
June I'. Cheapside, Erie, l's,
Now, Goods: New fi - oojoll
Cheaper than erer before offered in 111eKeare
Siatre tillers beg leave to intbrm the inhabitants of McKean
• and vicinity, that they have Just received their SUMlller Stock
which will be offered, for cash, barter, or at tne the usal credl.on
terms as nits anutgeous to the purchaser ns can be found at 'any
Store in the count), nut excepting Erie. Our Goods have been se-
Ircledwith great care, expressly for the el:Nutty trade, and will be
sold a s cheap. For proof, call atad sue, and examine quality and
Most kinds of coiintry produce will he taken in payment; such
as Colrforma Gold, ss heat, Gold Dollars, Rye. Quarter Eattle.s,
Corn, Half Eagles, Oats, Eagles, Butter and Cheese, most kinds
of Silver and Copper Coin and Eggs, and even Safely Fund and
Uhio Paper will not he refused. LAMPSOI4 Br. GUF F.
McKean, June ti, Jew.
rresll Groan and Black Teas,
At the Agency of the Pekin Tea Company.
941118 day rec'eived, and all sinputsed since the In Kehrua
.M. ry laht, and warranted first nual.ty. put Up in quarter. half
pound,and pound papers, and livid ni the fullowlng Pricer , , and
the value quality and price at ull times and Wall peteollB.
Young llybotimett cargo 50 (Whim rich flavor 50
do do - 7ti do plootatiOn grOtt th. 'LS
'do do tine cargo 76 ' Ilowytiaa Minute, rich and
do Silver Ldaf 1 00 highly tla% wed, 73
-t . ,'•l' . 7S to 1 00 Ne Plun nun, 1 SO
Theae. Teas may be returned, nod the money refunded, if the
litinlity dueb ;„• , t. null. J. 11. BURTON,
Erie. June 2, Ina No 3 Reed llou.e.
Tai'oring and ra ta b list= en t
et.o'rulso w ELt..5tA DC, AND CUE 4 Pi
TliEsatiseriber would respectfully Inform Ids friends and
the public, that lie continues the Tailoring !•usiness at his
1. 1 1.
old stand on the diamond, a few doors east of :?.1:: Erie
Bank, where he may constaptly he found ready to mien;
to the wants of his customers. Ile Hatters Memo!, iron)
his past endeavors. that. Jr will Le able to give unhorse'
illiibraCtiGn in his business, and that none will hat e just
cement complain, on the route of either neatness or punc
tuality. Coats. Pantaloons. Vests. &c.. made to order
with promptitude and warranted to fit well, He cordial
ly invites those whermay, from time tot line have Clothing to make
pa rtic ul arty young gen newel' nho ar c
A d l e . s .. i . r ri ou lt. :7 3 ; . savoys ha ving
a good tit, to give him a call, assuring them that he wa I b. most
happy to comply with their wishes.
of every description just recia r l e i ' l "' '• I ea" , rultialoolls
sitilits, Collars, fse..„ ip r . 1. and at various prieeswhieh
Win Le o'''' l ,4life - reti . ueste ' d h: t n o i e l a a li t a 49 nl c es P a ri tu t i e n o e i P r is , Goods before
Ilirgti , .evehere.
' 'Erie, Aprilg,ii, 1,19. 301 IN GIIAI.I)iNG.
Wool Depot N o . 3.3 =
ilk stoat Doston.
vAsNi CRS. Merchant others wishing, to sell their Wool in the
Dastern Market have now a lovorable opportunity of doing
so li) forwarding the same to J. P. BRADLEY. No. 31. Milk it,
Boston, Mass , under the most fa%orntile circumstances. as the
Wool will be graded into lots and qualities desirable fot dlll rent
manufactures, snit:title for various kidds of Goods, and arranged
for sale under the superintendence and direction of Ziba Park
horst, nho has been engaged in purchasing Wool in this county
and vicinity for several 'ears. Arid I am authorised to receive
and forward the wino from the Farmer,/ and others desirous of
shipping their wool, and give all farther information.
N. - B.—llngs wilt be furnished met Wool packed at my store,
if desirable. i
Erie, June 2. 4 1, IS4D. SMITH JACKSON.
bat, and - genuine preparation,- it never foments or turns
t our. Feld at die Agency, 'No, 3, Reed iloute
Era., June J. It. to in.TON. •
and - Pirite of Turpentine.
n V the gallon. alro. all tlelcriptions of Paint. a . cheap
LI if not cht , ttper than the cheape,t. J. 11. 111;111T.tti,
l't Jim— 2. 17 , 19. thit• limy: and Paint Store.
o White Vish 'and Trout.
- 1114 T l' , `,' , •S‘c , ,l .14,1 Inns MarVaiom a line lot of No. 'White
.1 11 , 11 and 'Croat, it, vx hole and half barrel,. warranted new.
o) 1, , had of C. D. WEIGHT.
l:rlc. Jur:v.21,1,19.
+'''t LEGI A 7 F 3 3 OTICI7.
riI'RINE IL A pre'': lenee ~ic lairs. on the range of the
1./ Miam i ,. L i ke & Telet ,, api4 the busine:s in the
oltit:i.t.l"ll:l,EG7.ll'lt orticE, n thbt City, will bh tiuhPhn
(led ut 7, M., limit hullo r ttotire he q wen
Erie. July 11, tell). h. 'l'. GREENE, Manager.
1 000 1.1611 TS Window S,ndi, with and without Glans, on
hand. Order , rmenked and attended to fur any size
or bi.) le ofts:, tlidde, painted and glazed by first rate workmen.
nun sold as IMO xs lho Lou tut. CARTER & BRO1'111:11.
Erie, July 14, 1!..19.
A Choice brand. for sale at T. IV. 3100 RE'S,
11 July 11. 1,49.
'London Porter.
A Gr.lsiriN II ARTICLE, tan be round at
T. w. Iktviour:'s
V ►L 0 TI n.
9 r nochr.ter :11,16 Flour, juct received and (br elate
no 'C. , via) cheap, ac T. W. moratrEl.
17.'ish 7, Fish I,: rieh II!
A Lot of New W n
hite th and Old FiNO, for low. by
T. W. MttOAtG.
Mineral VlTater 1 •
relebratiA metal Water, by the dozen or
D single bottle, tor sale by T. w. smutty:.
snn Hei.on's Refined - IL'tit - iTyKrvl v t
mooltv6 -
‘-' W.
10 COO Tent Window Glaso.
200" N" . French and American iVlnelow Glass,
comprising all the erzes from Pb y 10 to 32 by 11. Tine
assortment costa ins some of the best ri.rub:e Mirk, btlita Mc for show
1111111 ms and crteeb. Alen, a tot orrrrncli Bby tn. altogether ..n
-perior to what is venally brought into this market, but which as ill
be sold as low as the American. Altogetheroursio this line in en
perior to ntty other out atter cities, and n ill be sold on terms that
will suit all reasonable tavautts,
Erie. July 111. lel9.
2On ri Fresh Groom FLOUR, renelVed on cont.
0 Vim ibs ion, at No. 2,110. ed House, and will be uobl at the taws. be the load or barrel.
Erb`. July id, 1149 ii. B. if AVERITTICI; ,
- Family Groaetios.
orrtr. Rio, Lagityra, and St. Domingo.
TEA. Ip,on, Toting II vson. thin Powder and Imperial.
_SUGARS.. St. Croix. Porto Rieo, ectree crushed. powdered
and crushed Mat
MOLASSES., Sugar 1101IFC mid Cardenas.
'WINES. ttladeira, Port, old Port. Pun: Juice s Sherry, :11a1ega.
BRANDY. Fourth Pryor.
RUM. Jamaica, 81. Crolt, and N. R. NAM.
GIN, Pure Holland, Schilydatti and Swan
~VIIISKEY,OId Rye and Monongahela.
The above are trarranted pure and ill!, be 1.01(1 rot Medical por
Erie, June 14, P 49. cAtrrgit A: BROTHER.
California Life Preservers.
TN the form of Atten's Patents Reollvers. 'Also, Guns, Pistols.
1 Powder Flasks, r. hot. Pouches, Game st4s Percussion caps,
undother sporting fixings, for sale at smalladvance from New
York prices. at. 6, LOOMIS & Co's.
Erie, July II IPA&
(71411,11) I'EN9.-.-Of a (Wren different Wakes. including Levi
l_r Drown't beet and only Pcn ever wade fur service ao aiiatakat
a large wisnrinient at. G. 1.003116 &
Erie. July It 1544.
- artavi: frroNEB.
( I N Ninth fowl, nearly opposite the Academy., of White and
ILY Vs ?legated Marble. al ways on hand; also. Tomb TablClF,MollU
inents.acc., hlrnisbed to order 23 per eebt less than they centre had
of the Peddlers that go about the country.
Most !chide of Produce and Lumber taken in payment. Please
glee me a call. J. R. COCHRAN.
Eric. July 12-00
THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the rim of Pow
ers Xx Reynolds is this day dissolved by mutual consent.—
Those indebted to said firm will please find their accounts at the
store of S. B. Powers pate Power , ar• Reynolds) who only is au
thorized to receive pay and use the nein* in liquidation.
Erie. June, 11340. 8. B. POWERS.
Those tumble demands against the late flint of P. &
please present them at lily store for payment.
Erir,June 411, 1819. S. POWERS.
USIC.—A good assortment orGultatb. deotdeons,
I'l Viol. Plates. Flageolets. Claironess and are.. tog ether with
the hest Guitar and Violin strings In town. Also, vtottr i B ows ,
Briditest. Pep, ate., for sale cheap by U. LOO MIS gr. Co.
Ere June. I IBID.
Winos - idqtioett. .
ACHOICE lot of Wines and Liquors. eon/dating of
Pale Brand y, St. crout Rum* Holland Gin,
Otani do N. H. do Irish Whiskey,
Cogniac do Jamalca do Scotch do
Madeira Wine. Pori Wine. Common do
Malaga do lifedq dO•
Also. a large aisonrnent of ireslt Groceries; lb/ sate It No. 6
Poor People's Row. by ' I'. W. MOORE.
Erie, June 30. 1840.
4 BMA. Vinegar. received ou commission *bleb &LH Basta at
par buret to close the consignitent.
July 21 .1819 . - R. A. RAKER. Elikm*lllde.
GOLD and Silver leaf and Gold Bliver and Composition Brat
This medicine i. Just n'lint it is declared to be above. *N
!My fur the couplets cure of alt those affeC Lions cf the Throat and
Lungs.. Mich it neglected, ninny* end in Cosseareme. It hoot
a worth! ss.catcAlocetrty article, made Nitta ssil. like many of the
cutunion itistfUtils of the day, but bra suictly'acientric "Psparradiallt
—the orb inal recipe having been furnished by an eminent Milli
clan, (fiiii late Prof. Rogers.) and thnt still further improved by
one of th • present proprietors, who I. himself a regaterireal.
eared l'h ' gleam, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania , —
It i. e oin 4°,1 of the elpoicesi articles in the vegetable kin
of t ion of lougaried value and establithed rep:natio=
m 1
sonic of tem entirety ate, particularly the CaNCItaLatIOA, a pleat
of oat icionderfsi anodic mat %Imes, lately intsodueed into this,
con try f•om California. The net ipe has been shown tO thenaanda
of P yule lane. who have universally approved it, and will 141
shun ir to' any Physician who desires to see it, upon application
eithek to the Proprietors or Mew .taertta It has been used la awl-
Wades .1 Gags, and is strongly recommended by Phypixicia.orrsta
Professor, in oar Medical Colleges, Ministers of Gospel, J
Lawyers. Merchants. Mechanics, ate.—a conclusive pm:d ud =
there is no quarters or ritreptina about it, but that it 14 a meth
eine of most uncommon via toe and efficacy.
YA ',it'll LETS.
As no Irdinary-siZe/ advertiiettletil can kris to do justlte till
the merits of this article. the Proprietors have embodied in a
pamphlet form. the rieitury of this Medleine--the description, ea•
hire, lie., of its principal i tigreil lents—the sifted they are deal
to have upon the human systeln—and above all, the I it
amount of good which it has dune .They design to circulate tbis
Pamphlet extensively: but should any one be overlooked, they ate
earnestly desired to call upon the Agents rained below, and ma
cum one, gra( la it Will St ell repay a perusal. The Antis on page
Ith may be worth to yoareelf or family. TitousAmod OF DOI,
LABS, and It wilt introduce you to a Mass of testimony in Its
favor ...Inch ix poi fectly irtesirtible,
Stich Wine our confidence in its virtues, we ire willing 14 wee•
reel the Medicine in every recent case, (if used accordingtotbe
directions.) and n here the person is not satisfied that he Is desiring
benefit from it, by return i 111 the bottle o i thin 21 hours' than,
will be refunded. rirSee page :Id of the Pamphlet.
For enle,.%%liule.nle mid retail, by A. L. St OVILL & CO..
Proprietor., at their Principal Office. No. as Warren rt., NSW
York. to a Kota all orders for the Medicine, and letters relatl4lo
ngericies, should be nddreiaed. post paid.
tT lie mire to as}t fur Dr .4 Rogers. Sync,' of LtitrAweat,
Ton. and C.r.ettALAnoe. !Hid iet,no other be palmed on to you.
CAUTION.—None genuine. itnicbs there loon the buff wrapper,
a note of hand, signed with a Pen, by A. L. SCOVILLE &
rryr• Dr. A Rogers' f!yttip or LIVERWORT. 'Ns, and CaIMUSA.
.11.16.4 has moved itself to be the fang cztraordixary medical aid in
curing that usually fatal diseane Conetimption. But. it should be
remembered, this medicine is an efficacious and valuable in the
incident stages, such as (74mglis, Colds, Hoarseness. It.. before the
Lungs are no far gone that ulceration has taken place. It is
beldam, if ever, known in fail in breaking up the most obstinate
and dedressing Conch or Cold, in a few hours' time. if the &tee
lions are strictly followed. The rexvine, which makes so many
tevnde,:fall care,, ,a for sale at Carter & Brother and Durtin & Per
kin., Ern. Jul.,
3. - j - "The columns of the Press through , tit the Country went Ia
he .o tilled with notices of cures and speel6eo for all i n s eam,.
'Orate IN heir to,' that oue hardly knows what t0..d0 In cane of dis
ease, for fear that in using one medicine, another and better nay
be overlooked. But from the remarkable owes, and the high order
and vast amount of testimony lately brought under our personal no
lice of ito extraordinary efficacy of Dr. Rogers' Syrup of Ltvaa-
Wolti, TAR. and esricusisot•, we are compelled to regard de
evidence of our Selifel, and condi:lowly state, that Bo Catighs and
Cold., and that hydra-headed monster. Corvearricia, we think
the abOve reparation a rale, speedy, and certain cure. To all
our M e nde ne ray, IT; and if it does not help yothootblng
cite tt all."
0. - 3- fly neglecting those 'salutary precautions which common
sense dictate.. InallY, crrY mans, fall victims to their prudence.
We haveseen the yeller bride blooming like a bird or paradise—
the fair of flower hope, the pride of her father. and the joy of bet
mother—her cheek flushed with anticipation. and her eye beam
ing with the soft expression of love—tbe gay dreams of life dan
cing before her fancy, with the rich and variegated Mite Of the
rainbon's hue. We have seen all this changed—aye, the wel
ding "Immoral for a shroud, and the bridal chamber for the sepal
rive of the dead; and all this by neglecting a e•casratoa eafd."—
Now. before it is too late, use Dr. Rrgers• Syrup of LIVSIWOILT.
TAR. and C.. ,, ,eits.t.suim, which gives immediate renel, as thou.
sands of our roost intelligent and wealthy families are ready and
willing fo testify.
Pit ICB-111 large bottle•. 81.00 tor six battles for 85,00.
For sale by Caner & Brother, and Burton & Perkins
Erie, May 12, le-12.
UPTON" • m. 0.. Am•••••••••". 144.& vs 1.11.40 IMILMUnn i
rpun great remedy fur Consumption of the Dingy. Affection.
tit the I.t re r, .I.llmm, IlruncliitiN, Paine rit Weekneix or the
Uremet.or [.toga, mitt other atreeti•ms lf the rulmunary Organs.
In accortlatire with the prevailingem,tom, and In order Willow
the tirtucs of LH, tneJl,' Ole ltiure fully, the folloteing certificates
hero eelceted; and as it Ir. not our wadi to trifle with as
lite.. or health of tinm!aMictcd. n e -mrerely pledge °unitive* WI
make no absertunt,, or "halve sltileinelltzf” of 'IS efficacy; nor will
we hold any liope to Ealtrefing litilitaillty which facto will not
arrant. .1 hr l'rocf ateltere gin eit—alid Ise solicit an inquiry
front the public into etcty case w e publedi, and feel anted they
will find it a medicine tt ell dorariiteg their patronage and COWL
FITERSOV Co.. la., Feb. 2P, IBM
?doors. Sanford & Park—Geisti: This is to certify, that my
tie Nanc} Money has been pt a declinilig elate of health lbe
the last two tears, iler diseasetbadled the skill of the best medi
cal aid I could pmcure—her pronounced her disease
••Consumption the last stage, land said that her recovery was
past all human hopes. As a tan i resort with very little hope.
procured Wistar'i. Balsam of Cherry. Alter using a *webottles,
bottles, I Aloud to my rive aide surprise, that her health wag km
proving rapidly. She Is now en tar restored as to be able to at
tend to her regtilat honechnid dulles a itIVAIIIIIIttritI any Mum.
vela ienee. iler rapid improvement and present health warriminal
to the belief that she will soon Le entirely restored.
State of Indiana.
3rilersnit Co. "'
t. JAnte;if: ll uMi`li ' mr -, . a insfice of the Peate_ln and tor Gala
comity and Oilite do certify that the Owl, e named Rhodes D.
et Nutiecrihed at.d made oath to the certificate before me
this lath day of February, len.
JAAllzet M. 111.73114111Vire. J. r.
Tithe Pirblic.-1 Jacob Green of the County of Jennings, and
Stacy of Indiana do hereby certify that in the early part of last
sea Km. I war taken with a violent cough attended with a pain in;
the breast and etnnemnes fever. and that I employed a skillful
lib) sic Mu fur some time,
who raid that he could give are no ra•
lief. I then Commenced übing Wistars llalsanli or Wild Cherry.
and felt almost immediate relief—and after taking three bottles
I find niyi.elf llt av good health as I enjoyed kr a number of years
my restoration under the blessing or God. I attributed to the are
or the incline above named. JACOB GREEN.
March ht, IBID.
FITATE os Isourci, akitruNtir
1, David J. Skinaer. a Jinitiee of the Peace in and lot said
County and elate, do certify that the above named Jaeoh Green.
oubscribeil and ronde oath to Me taregohrg• eettifleate. before me
thin let day of March 1810.
CARTER & tinoruEß,
No. 6 Reed House.
The following eotoniunicat ion has just been received front Mt,
J. F. Wooster, Vtliolerale, Druggist, Norwalk, Huron eatittlYs
Ohio. The afflicted mill please mod and judge for thenirekm,
• Noawst.s, March 161.14.
John IL Park:—Pcrir Sir—Saving been afflicted with the wrap
Complaint for about right years, sv bile living In Elyria, th thus
State, I had become so low and emaciated, that I Was obliged to
give up nay business entirely to my brother, and Was adVlsed to
travel a n d try what betietit ft would have oh Mt. I started, and
was gone from tome about four mouths, but expVrlented ho relief
whatever, and was finally advised by seine of my friends m try
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, A% hil,jl I lotdmthbed
To tny own surprise, and after using two bottles,t *as completely
restored to health and continued up to this day without any symp
toms of the old complaint. of any sickness of any other kind. I
send you this that you may make use it as )1311 deem fit. knowing
as I do, that ti e Balsam had saved my life when all other tome.
dies had failed. Yours, &e.,
bruegigt. Norwalk. tiuron County. Ohio %
Triee el per bottle—six bottles for es.
Sold by J. D. PARK. (sueeeFsor to SANFORD & PARK.)
Fourth and I'l'alnut streets, Cincinnati. Ohio, General Ascot foi
the South and West. to whom all orders must be addressed,
J' 5. H. Burton, Erie ra.. 11. It . et. C. Cate Girards Rama
Whitney & Waterford: D. N. & S. tWeleter Cosastant
8.8. & J . 11. Co.,as selt Ashtabula; J. 3lerarland Meadville
S. Wilcox Jr. do.
Erie. April V, 1140. - alb
Mrs. Purdy's Confectionary, No. %Seed 811718111
MRS. ?CADY would respectritUy Intbrns thepublte QM
continues the than bctionary Bustnetal at het well ism
stand In the Reed house Row. where she has flow and purposes
keccltng constantly on hand. a laraeielety Of
of her own manufacture , and sold * olesale . and retailortth
resent kinds ern EP FLESH such se Cakes. ries. Reesd sad
Butter Poached Ems, Cold Fowls, Boiled ham, Polk sad Seem
liot co ff ee, Soda Water. Ice Cream, ts.c.. all of which will be
seised up in the hese and Moat pateMbla style. She has Just re
ceived a tine assortment Of TOYS, to which she invites attention.
Mrs. P. has fitted up • Mott, up stairs, expressly Mt the wool
modation of Ladles, Where
• Ice Cretan and °Thor nefteektnenta
will beamed at all time" during the Butninet. F;be is dater•
rained not to be surpassed by any similes . establisiuneat wan of
Buffalo, and will endeavor to afford unlverval satisfaction. he
indulges the hope that the rune I pd; o n age w hi c h wa s es-
Boded to her predecessor will be cOntimied to her. ,
Erie. Tune 9. 1919. 4
. -
I. T., :11‘ 13 XII R. •
THEaubacribela will purthase the ibhowing diacriptione Of
White,mxid Lumber:
1 /1344 1 inehei Ihrdr. li to 80 inches wide. •
14 13 , 30 1111 44
Chaßar a .-lato 00 " • "
ir!lank, 11 inihea thick, 17 and 18 Indies wide* and ,IS
end upwards.
Eteantliarr,3 by A Inches. •
Column:l6,6. Y.B. 0. 10 and 12 lathes eshare.
Alac...Ash and Chewy I.uwbcr. They want none tangle thus
19 het. 411:611. BELDEN it VON.
Erie, May le. . , -
ill floitiudi B. A. Fahoestoelt CO. rare
white ftgn
Lea li d m . etil —1
byihequel . nifty. to 3fetebezto and atboto at title
burgh price. adding transrortation. 3. R. purras.
Lrie Ju1y7,1819. ro f nett
Coughs, Colds, Influenza,
Asthma, Bronohitis,Spitting of
Blood, and all other Lung
Complaints tending to
Tram th. Medical Il•parlir
ei.rnoms rEsTimoNv.
num A R K.‘ MA: et:li !
_ .
Of ell the ell res hare yet been recorded. there:lm certainly
none hptnl to the one fart mentioned, which plmnly shows
the rural 'lay of Cvntumption, men ii bOtne of MI ISOM
E =I