V CueLai:A:a-Since our last there has been but one i death attribu l ed tolhis disease in Ithis place, that of Air. Henderson, ho died at the Reed House on Sunday night. Thor have been several cases of Cholera hlor bus but no (loathe. In Buflhlo, the deaths continue inabout the same pro portion as last week. In Clevela ' d there'll's" been be few cases. In Sandus •y it has raged with much violence. The stores are all hut, the taverns deserted, end the whole town almost epopulated. In Cincinn ti and s t. LOUIS it has about subsided, and in Detroit an Chicago, but few deaths have occurred. In the Ada tic cities it is not on the increase. A NOVI% ENTSIIITAINIiItriT.-.Mr. and Mrs. Fuwatt., who delighted our citizens with their theatrical talents tbis spring, have returned and propose giving an Olio Entertainment at the Reed House, this evening, assisted by Mr. McKibbin.. Of course they will have a full house. For particulars of the' performance see small bills. FAST accordance with the recommendation of the President, yesterday was kept very generally as a day of fasting and prayer. The shops end stores were all shut—there was service at all the churches, and labor everywhere suspended thorughout the day. 07 The patriots of the whig party begin to show themselves in this county. The 10th of September the usual time of holding their county ( convention, is ap proaching, and consequently those who are desirous of serving the people aro•gettiog nervous. We hope they will all have a •good time of it," and although thei may be defeated, some of them, - never "let their angry pas sions rim!, and tear out each others eyes." Qi•We had rather"tako the abuse Int a quack, although •fas a practitiouer he can't he excelled," than his modi ciuce. The one only exposes his own ears—the other might put us where coon puppies upon two legs could not bark at us. Of two evils chocso the least, is our motto. ST It: is sugiested that the queittion "May a mall snotty his wife's sister?" is one which can be most effectively answered by the sister _herself, when it is popped by tho widower. jC3" hav'ut paid much attention to the Editorial columns 6f the • 'Observer" this week—felt dull, heavy; in short, felt about as the Chronicle read.. Could'nt write under such circumstances, and would.nt if we could fur fear of communicating the sante feeling to others. EXTRAORDINARY.—The Ga:ette does notldie Ilr. D'al las' Eulogium ou the life and characte'r of Mr. Polk. pub lished in the last "Observer." This l is truly extraordi nary, andupl cause Mr. Dallas several sleepless nights should he happen to find it out. We hope our uoighber will not send hint a paper. Err TMlTilt4llf t• EOM IGALVIA Fellow Citizen!: f 1 bane use.! Slaves Ointment and found to be the he.tarti,le that I have ever 'lied for injuries in home and for a Fatuity Ointment. GEORGE BISEDORPII. 3Y All the Mellemen advertise.' hy W. 11. Sloan are sold on agency by Carter k Brother. No. 8, Iteed House. • JUT WHAT 18 WANTF.D—Hay all who ever used IP Lane's Vennifage: Itcatl the folloning h.t.er ftcln an agent: uniE, CnEmoNo Co. N. V. Feb.2oth, 1E47. "✓. Kith( et C,'.—When your agent was here I had just opened, and he left but a few dozen of 311,ane's Vertnifuge, and I rind it is going off v.•ry fast, and thus far it given good satisfaction, and has proved to be just what the public n ants, asid we have got stagoing. and I/0 not wish to get out. I have but one dozen left. When your agent was here, I think he told me some place to send rf I should want snore, but if he did, I have forgotten. Will you have the goodness to order fur mts. sir dozen more on the receipt of PETF.R FRYER." For t.ate by Carter Sc. nrottwr, and J. ll. UrtOrl, Eric; Pa. Fr".1 , 1 - .VI:R AND Ar er speedily cured by Dr. Or,ond's Delia Cholleogue. The sallow complexion and jaundi ced eye which often precede its attack:4 are in a few days entirely rettiO%Cd. The health of thous:lto:4 has been perfectly restored by Oris trieciieine n hen another remedies hnre failed Its operation is not simply to suspend the disease for a time, but to purify the sys tem. and restore it to sound and perfecHiealth. A waall 76catise op the ..eaUseg, IrPrittnerlt and cure or Fever Ag D.. as I Ater threases of bilious climates," may' I. had , gratis of the agent. ' Ben arc of other Choi:novice! Dr. Osgood's ir(the original awl only genuine preparation. For Fale by Iturtnn. Arent. F.,1" ENGE—dVING ON , WOOD. £llllze filler is prenared to execute nil orders m hid lines. Drawing and Ettgras ing La ndsea pes, tlewd of llotels,Stores. Factories. Machinery. societies' Beals, A u sine• Yards. :=how 11111 s, &e,, &c.. orders attended to without delay, charges moderate. Fr edonla, Juts' 27,te to. M. El, p.TTIT, A CARD. cI.TIIII Greatest dhernery of the age I I)r '-'I, RASX'S 3IAGNETIC OINTmENT. (~e , ..,,outpanyi Circular and Advettisetnent) sold in - Erie by Carl' d