Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, October 09, 1847, Image 2

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    Later from Mexico.
Highgy intporhunt'lnews—Fiostilities renewed
• —Proposition re jeclted—Greut• sb it i g ht e r
of the Afericans—The,city of Mexico en
tered by the Americcins--..Gen. Wortelindly
An extra from the office of the Mobile Tri
bune, dated Sept. 25th, received by the Pony
Express, announces the rir4ival:at Pensacola
of the brig Osceola, on the evening of the
21st, after a passage of five days from Vera
Cruz. r \
! The following letter is to the Sun of Ana
huac, dated Puebla,
Sept. 11th:
"Letters arrived here from Othixio, stating
that an express had.arrived there on his way
to Oajaca, sent by Gen. Leon, and that the
Said express had brought letters from Mexico,
dated the 9th inst. These letters state that
the propositions of our government were re
jected, or at least ,one portion of them: and
' that hostilities had. re-commenced on' the 7th
list., in the afternoon; that a battle had been
fought on that evening by ejew hundred men
of Scott's army against fouipicked regiments
of the Mexican artily; the 1 lth regiment of
the Line, the 3d and 4th regiments of Light
Infantry, and one regiment of the National
Guardsi all coinmanded by Gen. Leon; that
the enemy's forces had been badly beaten; and
that their lose 60eeds 2500.
The letters eay-,that Mr. Trist's proposi
tions :wereo thatthe citizens of the United
States would not have anything to claim from
Metico fbt dalpages occasioned by the war";
that the thiited"States should have - the priv_-
, ilege of eptablispig two factorie?. in Upper
California, fur eiglit.years; and Mex
ican government crfitld, after that time, if it
chose, renew this article of the treaty. This,
was not accepted, and Mr. Trist, diverting
himself of his official powers, remarked to the
Mexican Commissioners, that he thought it
would be much better for Mexico, to cede the
Whole' of Upper California to the United
for which that government would certainly
pay to Mexico fifteen, or twenty millions of
dollars. This would probably have been
agreed to if the following articles had met the
sanction of the Mexicans:—that the Texan
boundary lino would run along from the mouth
of the Rio Grand 's, on the left side, to the
. right side of the Rio Goin• but this last pro
position was rejected. The Mexicans would
not yield one inch 'of ground on the other
aide of the Nueces: Mr. Trist then asked for
a delay of forty r tive days, as he said he was
not authorized to accept sch • a proposition;
,but the. Mexicans replie hat they would
give but five days, , and no mo C. On the sth
day, (the 7th,) a , letter was written by Santa
Anna to Gen. Scott, accusing him of break-
ing the armistice, on some trifling pretext.—
Gen. Scott answered this letter, making a
similar charge: On the Bth, in the afternoon
a body of a few hundred men of Gen. Scott's
division were to attack Chepultepec.• They '
encountered a `large force of the enemy's best
troops; and a terrible tight ensued; in which;
as usualjthe Mexicans got a severe drubbing.
Gen. Iron, who commanded the Mexicans,
was wounded, and Gen., Balderos, of the Na
tional Guards, was killed. The small number
of Ame i 4icans who were ih the engagement,.
(who, o use the language of the MexiCan let
tere, fought like devils,) then retreated to La
cubayn, leaving five wagons behind them.—
Some of these had no wheels, while others
were without horses. The loss on the part
of the Americans is said to be very small com
paratively. A proclatnation . was issued by
Gen. Herrera, governor of the city of Mexico,
recommending to till' the citizens to collect
stones, and carry them to the roofs of the
houses, and from thence throw theni at the
Americans, if they entered the city.
_correspondence of the Ilerald R.:, Tri
bune, atiPensacola. on the 23d, says that the
brie , Otceola CT! Smith, arrived , at the Na
able news from the army of Gen. Scott. "It
seems tliat hostilities were renewed on the nth
inst. Sao* Anna and Gen. Scott mutually
charged each other with a violation of the
armistice; and by the last accounts our troops
had possession of two streets i%the city of
Mexico, and bad driven the principal part of
the Mexican force into or towards the Plaza.
Our troops had suffered greatly from the fire
of the enemy placed in windows and op the
_roofs of houses; and that Gen: Worth. was
badly, though not mortally
,wounded, Mr.
Trial's proposition for an accesion of a por
tion of California for acorisideration of tw-en
ty millions had been agreed to by the 111eki
can Commissioners•,.and en other proposition,'
fixing the Rio Grande as the boundary on this
aide, was promptly refused.
I Parades was said to be on the road between
Vera Cruz and - Gedice, with a large force of
Guerrillas. The Situ of the 16th says, that'
troops have been arriving .in great •numbers
from the Brazos, for the last four or five days;
and we do not doubt that, within five or sir
days more, there will be from two to three
thousand men ready to march to the interior.
Verbal accounts brought from Mr. Diamond
to the Captain, at the moment of his leaving
Vera Cruz, are the same. I have therefore,
no doubt the accounts may be relied open as
essentially correct. This news reached Vera
Crux by the,Orizaba route.
Highly impONint from the Army!
RICHMOND, Oct. 2-11 o'clock, P. M.
The 'steamer James L. Day arrived at New
Orleans on the 25th inst.j with the mist im
pOitent intelligence which :has yet been re
eeived from the emit of wsr.
From the Picayune - of the 26th, received by
the Pony Express, we extract the following
The Arco Iris had received letters from
'Mexico, under date of the 9th, stating that on!
the 7th the Mexican Commissioners
. declared
that the propositions made by Mr. Trist were
ittadiniSsable. In consequence of this Santa
Anna invoked a council of Generals, who de
cided that notice should immediately he given
Gen. Scott that the armistice was at an end,
and appointed the 9th for the re-commence- • ! , of hostilities.
On the 6th Gen. Scott addressed a letter to
Santa Anna froMTacubaya, accusing him of
having violated articles of the armistice, one
of Which., that of not allowingthe Amer
ican artny.btaie supplies from the City of
Mexico. Gen. Scott dentatpan explanation
and reparation, and coucludhs as follows:
"If these are not giveii, I lielreby formally no
tify you that if I du not receive the most com
plete satisfaction, do all
. these points, before
12 o'clock to - morrow ,
I shall consider the ar
mistice pa terminated from that hour." To
this letter Santa Anna replied at considerable
length with:great severity- He accuses Gen.
Scott of having violated the terms of the ar-
Mistice in refusing to allow flour from the
mills in the vicinity to he brc.tight into the
city, and says the American wagons were
driven out of the city cons bquence of the
objectionable conduct of Or officers accompa
nying them. Santa Anna charges General
Scott with having sacked the Mexican towns
in the vicinity of the Capital, and robbed and
desecrated the churches, stealing and destroy
ing articles held sacred by every Mexican.—
,He concludes as follows. "I flatter myself
that your excellency will be convinced on
calm reflection of the weight of my reasons;
but if by. misfortune you should seek • a pre
text to deprive the first city of the American
Continent of an opportunity to free the un
armed populace front the horrors of war, there
will be left me no other means of sa lvation
built° repel force by force with the decision
and energy which my high obligations imptise
upon me. '
On the 7th Gen. 'Herrera, as commandant
of-the city of Mexico, addressed the clergy,
exiting them to 'exert all their influence to
Wylie the people to arm themselves, and pre
pare to resit the American arms. i •
.'; ,
,-" -I
On the 6th of September Gen. Scott lit
tacked the Mill de Rey or ••King's Mille," in
the immediate vicinity - of - Chapultepec, and
according to the Mario del Gobierno and the
Boletin, published at Atlisco, our army-' wag
repulsed after a severe 'conflict, in:which wo
lost about 400 in killed, and from 600 or '7OO
wounded, and fell back upon Tecubaya.
.The - 1
a4count given by the Boletin represents the
battle to have been the most bloody and fierce
ly contested of the whole war. ' This, how
ever, is a Mexican account; arid concludes as
"At 11 o'clock a. ne, commenced a retro
gade movement, and by tl in the afternoon he
withdrew all his forces to Tacubaya, and
abandoned the two points he had occupied,
blowing up the house of Matter, although
sore say it was set on fire by- a bomb from
C iapultepec. It is believed that General's
wiggs and Pierce directed the attack, and.
that they put in motion about 8000 men. It
is certain that the fire was more intense and
brisk than at Churubusco. It is impossible
to ascertain the loss on either side; ours does,
not-amount to 100 killed and -.250 -wounded.
There are two missing. Nearly all who are
not killed or wounded, retired to Chapultepec.
The comfy, according to the confession of an
Irishman who came over to us in the evening,
dallied 011400 dead, and 600 or 700 wounded.".'
A Mexican letter announces that Riley and
his legion of St. Patrick, 70 in number, were
ordered to be hung._ The sentence was ap
proved by Gen. Scott, and on the Bth _of
September the whole legion were hung in
inesence of the whole army, as also that of
the enemy. ,
From ;he Dinrin del Gohierno.
"At half past 4 o'clock this mnrning the
Vmericans attached the position of the Mills
f . EI Rey, close to the fortress of Chnpu!to
pic. His ninnerous and brave volunteers
were'repulsed three times by our valiant sul
k- re f who this day gave proof of their patri
tism and bravery. More than 1000. of the
netny remained on the field of battle. On
ur side the loss has been less than half that
number. We have to latnent the death of the
Tama Cut. Baldiras. Gen. Leon was
‘,Ounded, tog,ther tt ith several other distin
g'iished chiefs and officers. The traitor
(Santa Anna cominandqd in' person, the col
umn which forced the Americans to retreat,
taking ‘iiith them without doubt the, convic
tion that it was only through rivers of blood
that they could penetrate the city of Mexico,
and at all events that they would find their
senulchres there."
. ,
We tramilat'e the subjoined letter from
lapa t - i the Arbo has, without vOuching for
its co ectness: •
"W ien Gill. Fierce abandoned the Mill el
Rey, ills bouili.l discharged from Chuptiltepec
fell am mg Vie ammunition wagonslof the en
emy in tthe yard of the mill, causing four of
them to explude,'hy which 30d'Aintricans tire
said to have been blown up, including Gener
al Worth, who, acc.irding to all accounts, had
not been seen or heard of on the next day at
The next accounts from the Capital came
in a letter to the Arco Iris:
"The Mexican Government has , t taken
$200,000 which n as being sent by 4 mit:lnner
cial house to the camp of the'enemy. t
"Gen. Smith has expired. ' -
"On Sept. 'l2th at'S o'clo t ck in the morning
the bells awoke us by the imnoncement of an
alarm by the batteries of San Antonidad and
the 'corresponding batteries of the enemy
opening a fire on each other. At the same
time firing commenced at Chopultepec, on
the right-bi-le of which and in the mountains
whence came the attack, at a short distance
from' the enemy, are stationed our forces if
cavalry and infantry who are watching the e-
etnyf. We opened at half after 6 o'clock from
ttnietift o icfeirsCratte. , etro9Weteftar-j.t.eaur,
by the causeway leading to hevillates of
bapiedas and Tacubaya."
- This brings Ifs (says the Picayune.) to the
nth, but at what - hour of this day the battle
was closed we are not informed.
_Of the eventful denouement ssT have only a
brief account, but:li. iflicient to ag - sure•us that
our arms achieved a brilliant triumph, and
that our army is revelling in the '4lalls of
Montezemnas. - The • only reliable -account
we have of the last struggle before the
tal, is in- rt letter addressed to the Collector at
Vera Cruz, Mr. Dimond, from Orizaba, us fol
• Ontz.tnA,Sept. 19th, 1 8 17,
"1 have the honor to inform you that our
expreslrerrNed hero this evening, from Mexi
co, which brings intelligence that Gen. Scctt
was in the city of Mexico) That on the 13th
the American troops_ took Chupoltepec and the
Citadel, and went into the city that night:—
Gen. Warp was killed, and Gen. Santa Anna
Was wounded in the arm, and has the remain
der of the troops, which.have suffered much,
at Guadeloupe. 'Yonr friend, ke.",
A letter from a creditable source confirms
all that is said in the above, awl only disagrees
in stata pg thut the? city was carried by assault
cm the 14th—the Sun of Anahuac, has it on
the 13th. The heights and works of Cluipul 7
tepee were carried on the 15th. The city was
bombarded and a part of our army gntered it
on the morning of the 16th, thC, belance re
maining at Chapaltepee,
In regard to the American loss the Picayune
says: "As to our loss' before the army enter
ed the city we know nothing authentic. We
fear this new victory has not been achieved
without a great loss of life. The Mexican
accounts show4Nat active hostilities commen
ced on the Bth, and was continued with more
or less vigor 'until our army took possession
of the city.
"A pes,!cmgAr by the Jas. L. Day informs
its that it was reported among the Mexicans
at Vera Cruz that we had lost 1700 men in
killed'and wounded,. but he could trace it to no
authentic source.
"Another passenger estimates Gen. Scott's
loss at from one-fourth to one-third of his ar
Arrival of the Steamship Hibernia.
TiRtP Vo a K, , Oct.. 3-7 P. M.
The royal mail steamer Hibernia arrived at
Boston' 2P. M. After last steamer, bread
stuff's receded some, but on the lath, wheat
advanced 5s per qr. Flour 35, to 4s. Im
mense demand; better at London than Liver
peel. Best wheat 265. Flour,; in Liverpool,
2's per bbl., 28s 6dto 30s. LimdOn 295.
Corn—in demand; bettetlprices; considera
ble purchases of Breadstuffs fut Belgium and
Holland, prospective moderate supply of U. S.
Strengthened the market. •
Many large fa : pores in Europe, 3 of their
liabilities are I million ponds each.
Great consternation in money circles. No
change in: rates of interest. Bank bullion de
creased in 4 weeks, £300,000.
The failure of Messrs. Denny will proba
bly be•felt in the U.'S.
The Sardinian ambassador at Paris has
giso notice that the King of Sardinia will as
sist♦• the Pope against Austria .
VOLUNTEFAS.—The promptness with which
our brave boys, particularly at the West. and
South-West, volunteer for the war, when
ca or, is wonderful. Some three Weeks
a o, live regiments were called for, viz. two
from Kentucky, two from Tgoessee, and one
from Indiana. We haveaMentic inforina
ticm that they are all full; and in a very few
days will beton the wayto.Mexico. The five
regiments comprise at least 4000 men.' In
Kentucky and Tennessee, several more com
panies offered their service than could be ac
cepted. °The 10th and let company of the In
diana regiment was reported 'for duty on the
evening of Sept. 23d. Four regiments had
before been furnished by that gallant State.
Illinois, we believe has sent six.-- True Sun.
- -
"The World Is Governed to. Much." '
E R 1 Pi, PA .
Saturday Bloratiali, October 9, 15,47.
I.ET.Cisox is a duly authorized
ire subscribers for this paper.
IL - Tnos.
agent to proc 1
i r iderstan4 the Telegraph will be
ithif city in the conrse of a week
completed to
or .ten days.
As we Expected.
The Gazette this Week contains the North
American and Salish t ury falsehoods in regard
to Messrs. Miller an - d_Petriken. Expecting..
that such would be the case from the intima
tion thrown ,out last week, we, have devoted
our outside this week to a full expbse of the '
whole matter. The reader will there see,
what contemptible means will be resorted to
by federal whigery to attain its ends—power
and plunder'
The News from Me co.
-The important news Iron •ur army in Mex
ico must, lie taken with great allowance-for
the soureVe from which it is derived. It will
be seen that there is nothing but Mexican au
thority for the'whole of it. There is no doubt, ' 1
we think, but that the negotiations for pence
have been broken off, that l hostilities -have
recommenced, and that Scott has taken, pos
session of the city of Nexicp, but that the
terms offered by Mr. Trist were Of the char
acter shadowed forth in this account, and the
number mt,d extent of our loss, in taking the
city, as large as here pot down, we think is
preposterous., There are a great many Points
in it so entirely out of the nature of military)
operations, that they bear upon their face the
evidence of untruth. What were three or
four hundred soldiers doing around the aininu
nition wagons in time of battle? How! 'does
four ammunition wagons get in such close
proximity us to be blown up by one bomb'?
Officers who know their duty, like oirrs in
Mexico, are not apt t allow such things.—
And how comes Gen. Worth, who orte
'0 ,
count says was severely w ounded almost im
mediately after the recommencement of hos
tilities, in the'vicinify of an ammunition wag
on. One would naturally suppose a severely
wounded officer would be provided with some
what safer quarters. We therefore &in% be
lieve the half of this Mexican account of our
great loss.
Dan'fbe Dcceived.
DMA be deceived, Democrats, by any
eleventh hour uallavits—they are iuvaribly
' ,
Don't be deceived by the -promise of your
Whig neighbor to stay away from the 'election
if you wir—ten to one if you make any such
bargain, he'll smelt ofT and deposite his vote
and laugh in his sleeve at you for being so
.TV.....!.. L..... 1......; v....? ~,i • hn n n .in -00 .1,)11114, ftf.e.c.
is only a cruse to keep you at ilOlllO, and thus
steel a march. Remember that secret
ization w s one of the recommendations of the
Secret C rcular alluded to in our last.
Don't be deceived by the thought that your
vote will not be needed--nery vote countB
and serves to swell the aggrg .. ..gto in the
State at ;large!
.The Law and Odor Party."
The New York True Sun says that Gov.
Young, of New York, has removed the con
dition; from the pardon formedy granted to
Smith A. Boughton, Moses Earle, Jule Van
Stegnher,g and Edward O'Connor, convicted
of Participation in the "Anti-Rent" outrages
in Columbia and Delaware Counties in 180.
Which is the next constable to be :lint in the
performance of his dity? A .speedy par,on
to avowed murderers, and a quickly misting
resto l ration of them to all the rights of Ati
zenship, is a p•ostitution of partisan intenst
gross enough to awaken divine retribtiton
against the audacious trangressors. ,
( L *-' The Gazette wants to know "w;es
the matter between the Observerand the F.,:E..,
tomArgns." The Gazette is very inquisiile,,
and although it is actually none of its hq:
nese, we feel in too good a humor with lir=
self and the whole world this week, not~r I
gratify our neighbor. The Easton Argm
like many' papers east of the mountains I
both political parties, was in the habit of filet (
ing from the columns of the press on this Ai
of the Alleghenies whenever and whate
suited its taste. We had to stiffer some j
mono the rest—and in return told our cousi,
Ofithe Argus we should take the same liberti'
411 his columns. He replied to do it and It
and immediately went a fishing.—
%ether he caught any gudgions• or not w
li v'nt learnt—hut being hard pushed one do,
fora ";tick-full" of matter, we laid violet
hands on the article about ''Dr. Keker" an
=caught a tartar! .
Moro Proof
The Spirit of the Times says a gentlema
placed in our hands a few days ago, a new.
paper containing the election - returns in th
State in 179), when Thomas IWlCean
the Democratic candidatp for Governor, in o
position to James Ross, the' woll known Fe
eralist. Every - County that was Democrat
then, is Democratic trow,;eyery county th
/gave a Federal majority then, -- tras a Whi
majority, now! • This shows conclusively
identity of old fashioned Federalism wi
Modern Mexican Whigery.
oj='' The Churel of Pilgrims, Boston; ha}
'resolved to diipense with choir singing, wh
they enter their new hove of Miura hip. a
restore the mode of congregational &login .
after the manners of the puritans. Fudg.
A patent has been taken out for 4
pen g with sewing in the manufacture'
collars and linen articles. The pie
are f stened together by indissoluble , glue!
What next?—Es. Paper.
Why, pass it law to proteelthe manor.
lured, or he'll eertainly bo "ruined" by t
Com etition of the "pauperlabor" of Euror
Capt. WiLKINS, formerly of the M s
.t , we understand, hae purchased an int r
est La the Rochester, .and has assumed h
command of the boat. The public will
joke, tolear that this old favorite is ag ii
afloat. '
7- )
, 11PL1 , 3038 AND AT TaBIA!
trnocrats of Frio county, on ;Tuesday next
will aga) be callel upon to record your
e against that - ancient enemy of those
piples and measure l e which you deem all
ptial to the well being and future prosper
if the Statb and Nation. .That unworthy
of an unworthy parent, the twig party, is
n attemynin, to wrest the helm of State
tbe hatids of those who, at your bidding
e years Sin+ were called to preside over
üblic affairs of the Keystone. That they
done se faithfully end truly, not even the 1
whisper : of I federalism has dared to con-
jct. liu all its dePartments the State is
inently Prospleroushe. people contented
happy. W ty, then, do they 'call upon 1
ito change? WhY ask you to discharge
n and place the atlirs of State in untried
inexperiencad inistration of Ratter, d hands? Simply that they;
: revive the odious system of mammoth;
topolies , col men Ced under the never -to-,
urgottert Ste
a S Co. 'l, hen they fastened fupim : the
Is of the Commonwealth a tnster Bank
tow they wish to entail upot the present
ifuture generation a system of State or
le Banks, lik Ohio and New York, to-flood
sountry, wit I,irredeemable and an intrinsi
ly; worthies rag currency. Then they
ik the' , State into niillioas of debt by corn
i ncing such ' seta's land visionary. works its
', Gettysburg Rail Road—now they wish to
/die upOn 1.4 State a mammoth Corpora
, ti, and dispo.e of the only paying portion
the public works. the Main Line, f4 l a
iety of its actual cost or value. " Tax pay.
: of Erie county, are , you prepared,to sane
.n policy like this? , Are you willing to see
land of English caititalists seize upon your
blic works, and dictate to you the men and
,asury you shall support—for certain it is
is scheme:to sell the Main Line, is a project
enable the , Federalists to obtain and retain
- - - -
, I
p litical power in the State. If you are n t,
ig tolhe polls on :Piiesday next and depo•it
y 'or Notes for that incorruptublefind consist
eit old Democrat, Famiets R. Suck;. ' If
y u are, Vote,'a•ye vote, for d James Irvin, a fed
o alist of the Cofwin' and Greeley school—the
ft iher of the od ins Sukrupt Li!w—tlie reviler 1
o the illustrious Jacleo)n, the advocate of all 1
k nds of monopolies,! i l and the avowed and open l
liend of the sale of the public works.
Again, if the Federalists succeed in carry
i g the State on Tuesday next, they will pro
it far and wide as-an'anti-wiir triutnpli!
'ill herald it forth us evidence that the
,tale of Pennsylvania is opposed to the far
her prosecution, of the persent jeSt and right
ions war with Mexico. Are the people of
'he gallant old Keystone wi'ling to endorse
he treasonable clocit'rine of erirwin of Ohio—
o sustain the course of 'Strohm, Ewing; and
.ther feleralistf, iri refusing'to vote supplies
nd reinforcenient stb our army? We trust not!
I Vlien called upon, her galla f ot sons rallied to
the standard of .their- country, and are now
uppCorting her honor and vindicating her
fights, amid the toil and dangers of an ardu
.Us campaign. Wild - you, by your votes on
uesday..tiest, donut - ince these nieni Will
04 proclaim to the country that you have no
srpathy for them=thattkv are engaged in
1 nguage .of a distinrruintd I ederalist of
I ' ,
Massachusetts, "ought to cover with shame
all who aro en,gaged in it," These are some
of the issues which ) you will be called upon to
decide. That I Peansylvania will , decide as
she alms has, on the side of the country and
right, we have every confidence. But teen
able her to do r so, the Democracy must "make
a strong pull, a long pull and a pull altogeth
er!" Then "up boy's and at them," and the
day is oure,the Keystone will be redeemed!
Moro Proof of
tho ..aid and Comfort."
A new work has
nati, entitled "Copt
Mexico." The an
just appeared in Citicin :
flonnovaristi Adventures in
ithor was a clerk of a steam
s the Rio Grande in 1815.
rrother printer, (•a Mr. Con
mtbling on a deer-guilt in
; l urrounded awl made pris
'lancers. Instead of being
as at first proposed, they
sold to the ed
icano. Here they were
old business of setting'
le of time, our author made
Velect on foot; by by-paths,
lioras, to 'Mexico, n•here he
morning of Santa' Anna's
glorious defeat at Cerro
bciat which plied a
One day, he and a 1;1
ningham,) while ra
the country,. were s 1
onere by a troop efli
put to death. as w
were carried to Va
itor of the Repub!
put\ to work at the
his escape, and tra
and over the Cora;
arrived on ihe.ver
arrival from his i
The Toledo lila
'e in noticing the book says
"we have seldom ri
lerest :" The Thad
i t%111.7 panties, a;
have set n its editerl
"greatly interestel
said book., It woo
•ead a volume of greater in
de is of the • Corwin stripe
td we should be pleased to
anont the time he was so
1' with the following in the
41 have been a rich scene.:
'P. it the most d Ilicult matter of compre
hension to the editor was, how 'whig generals'
should be placed at the head of the , American
army, while. the administration Was opposed
to the wings; and when Corwin's speech
against the war was received through El NI on
itor, from the city Jf Mexico, we were asked
if Senor Corwin would not raise a company
of roluntecrs, i L isup a konsaciamento, and at-,
ack the President, The ediaff was delight
ed with the speecl , and republished it, by in
serting some two columns daily. 'Wei-deem
ed Spoor Corwin as far superior to 'Senor
Polk in sagacity and eloquohce. But, poor
fellow, he knows lint little of the enlightened
state of parties In this country, where officials
eau abuse—each other with impunity, and '
where greater rev( lotions have been consum
mated by the pen, ban were ever occomplibh
ed by the sword:"
The Gazet
o our exposebf th
e says it bas no objections
'gr Seciet Circular: We do
of know that it
would make any difleienee
if it had, but the if the Gazette thinks its
übliCation by us will "arouse the Whigs to
etion." why do they not publish it? Gentle
, en, yo,hr profession and practice . do not a
, fee.
La it be remembered that the "aid and
omfort" afforded the Mexicans by Whig ors
ors and Whig presses, has been, the means
f protracting.the War until the present time.
he Mexicans bt+ been led to • believe that
ey have a strong party in this country,'.
bleb might gain the political aicendency;
ace their disinclination to agree to the fa•
'rabic terms offered them by our government.
07' The Gazed
to says the whige aro "all
• -
e to hear of their continued
iom.the signs of the times
ort duration—they'll all be
rooms for some weeks after
e cd health, u ° t i
• •
Year it is
n fined to
t Tuesde
The following: mumble and resolution adop.,
tea by the Fede al legislature of MassachuJ,
chusetts, on the. 15th of Juno 1813, may be
found in Vol 4 4i 1age,287, of Niles Register.
They were intro need by Hon.. Josiah Quin.
cy, and embOdy the Sentiments'and views-of
the Federal part of (bat day. ,
:"Whereas; a .roposition has been made to
this senate far tl e adoption of sondry r resolu r
Lions, expresidv.• of their sense of 014 'gallan
try and good coi duct exhibited by Capt. Jas.
Lawrence, con Minder of the United \ States
1 shitrof war for tet„tand,the o ffi cers and crew
1 of that, ship; in t re. destruction Of his Brink,
mojesty s ship o war 'I eacock And,wh re
asi Rims been ' mind that ( rote r resolutions
of this kind, 'psi ed on simil
.r Joe r dsioes r 'le
tire tlo other o leers, enge ed in'a like et
vice; have giver great disc( ntent to Man Of
the good pe'pie of thiS com onwealth, it be
ing conside re d I y them as , encouragement
rind exciteme nt o the continuance of the pres
ent unjust, lain; ecessary and iniquitous war;
and, on that) tic •ount, the Senate of Massa
chusetts hav t o deemed it their duty to refrain
from acting otrt he said proposition: And 'al
so, whereas' this determination of the senate
may, without:ern:lunation be misconstrued in
to an intentional slight of Capt. L. trod denial
of his partmula' merits; the senate, therefore,
deem it their duty to declare that they have a
high sense Of tie naval skill and military and
civil virtues': of Capt; James Lawrence; and
that they have been 'withheld from acting on
said propositi n solely ; from considerations
' relative to th 'nature nd principle "of tire
present war . And to the end that all misrep
resentations!) this subject may be obviated.
Resolvell,[ A l t; the sense of the senate of
Massachusetts P that, inn war like the present,
lodged withou justf/iiible cause, and prosecu
ted in a mann r which indieutes that conquest
i and ambition ire its real motives, it is not he
coming a Moral and religious people to ex
press any am rotation of military or naval
exploits, which are not immediately connect
ed with the It.'etice of our sea coast and soil."
Now listen to the language of mixierri whig
ery in regard o the present war with Mexico,
and see hoW I )erfectly it coincides with that
of Federalism in 1813. We, quote from the
speech ',of Senator Cor in in the Senatpolast
• r
winterr, He aid---; - , • 1--:
"Believing this is a car of aggreslion, as
the Senator! rom 'Miss, uri 'had denotinated
came it long ago before this me to be aq, estion
of a war of e gression on youwart, Lcannot
support it. I have no waylleft but 41 With
hold the meat s to carry on that war. That
way I havet(selected and in that I shall con
tinue until I Shall be satisfied that I have mis
taken my grcitind on this first grand proposi
tion, and then I shall be as ready as any one
to retrace ni steps. 44 .* * 4,
"If I wet a Mexican I would tell you,
'Have you' n u. mom in your own country to
bury your de d meal If you com e . into mine
we will wele me you with bloody hands and
a hospitable rave.'"
Bn the ide lily o, sentiment . between the
ir - 'i
Whig. of 1817, and the Federalists cif 1813,
'does' of std.' ‘yith the Senator from Ohio.—
There is no a % i.- newspaper in the land
that has net end? ' d the above' quotation;
and riote r , W I bar 4 Mr. Daniel Webster, the
“C od-like p niel" as they delight to caldhim,
befOre the Nrhig Starke Convention of Mils's!a
thusetts las wee r k, reiterating the views of
the preamble and l resolution of 181 p.. Hear
him : 1
+"lf peace cones—bow can we deal with
treaty must be! deferred till we ge it, m 1
f , What It is. B,iini6Sit 1.4 t. }Ve UNE DO
rwweU prOgrer.:S t and on ress assert bles
What is to be done?
_Ut less the P eSid nt,
ef I
shall make out a case, show Congr as' t tat
no purpose 'of acquisition,f ito purpostj net di
rectly connected with the welfare lof this
Union, is tli object and end of this 'WOr r itte
ought toga igainst any more supplies to car
ry it on. tis the duty of Representatives,
it they bell vea l war i 5 waged for improper
purposes, to put en end to it. Mr.W bster
elucidated 'nd defended this argume with
much force nd clearness, but we c not fol
low him, ; I i ,
"Ile %%001 say to those army officers, who
have distinguished themselves in - this strife,
tt r at tebtr tea !ed for vicious purposes tarnishes
the lustre o •victOrious arms and darkens if it
does not ItIO what would otherwise be a glo
rious page i i ourlnational history." 1
The ahoy . in undoubtedly sufficient to es
tablish wir position, but the following extracts
from a leach-et' On - ; , , Major Cederal Appleton'
J , 1,-
Howe, who holtlsa military commission front
the GoVern' . of Alassae4usetts, in reply to an
invitation t I attend the funeral ceremonies in
memory of the late Capt. Lincoln, who so
bravely 'foul lit and fell at Buena Vista, con
tainssentin ( l ints so 'closely identified with
th*Wjtheirederarpreamble mid resolution .
of .1813, ! that we cannot refrain from placing
theta side by e side with ‘Vebster's and Cor
win's. Their authors aTc three worthybroth
1. i
Read the sentimerts . of Whig of 1847:
"1 have t ifs mnr»ing!rpeeived yours of the
30th ultimo, t i elative to the intermeht of Capt.
Lincoln, who fell in the battle of Buena Vis
ta, and feel obli:i, , ed to
.s'ay that I'-do - not ap
prove of RI 'object expressed in your letter.
It seems to tie Mal th'e cOu . se in whiellike Jell is
one which ought to covei.with shame, instead
of honor, ittelio aie en g o ged in it. l • 4
"In a cause [ like tills, however cool one may
he in danger,4 however diringin exAoits, or
however reckless of consequences, l can see
no reason sVhich should entitle such an one
to any pnbl , ie honor, which would ,ot apply
with equal force to the case of a duellist or a
pirateovho should exhibit equal evidence of
Irrawery. ° ! 4 ' ' ." 1- had Capt. Lincoln
fallen in a fiat] cause,] in the defence of his
country, no oite would have been more ready
than myself ti, do him honor: bat; in the,inva
sion of anot ter country, he loses all my sym
pathy and a I my respect." '
"The lebpafd cannot charge its spots or the
lithiopean Ills, l
skim"- What wonder then that
Ddniel Webster, mho was a Federalist in 18-
13, should I:e lone in 1847. Ile occupies the
same ground 'now that he did then, l and he is
not alone—the rank and file of his party, the
leaders and sill, are with him; and although
they have changed their natno.for the purpose
of deceiving tho young and the ignorant, the
fraud is' so 'apparent that few, very' few, can'
be deecivedi thereby.
J _IL:
T -- -- ,
ICfonsistencr.„ .
The Spirit 'of the Times says of
,Coon Bannent during the campaignl
was ornamented by , a , representatiori
Taylor at tile:llea& oflthe Mood-houl
ging upon the Seminoles in the?'loi
Sortie of their leadinpresses are n
eating the e.laims , ofl
that same Get
for the next Presides y.
()'ll.fattliew Lyon, of Vermont, Was fin
ed, 11$2,0004ind imprisoned under thoi sedition
law of John Adams. His daughter, now liv
ing aktowaicity, has , received her pro rata of
that Ape, which was refunded during Van
Buren's adMinistmtion.
' (Cr' Tll' only Nativi t journal ,in New
York, the 'Gazette 'and i.
iines, e,tpire# on
§sturday last, and its 'Subscribers welre' hand
ed over to t he Mirror, a Taylor paper, So
goes Nativism, down—down!, 1
We have said but little herooft:ire about the
election—indeed, - in this coun'tY hot.ll political
parties have been unusttllppliet—but never
theless 11.0 believe there will be a•respectable
turnout. The , witigs undoubiedlY , will be on
hand—they - always 'are—the Detocmts, we
are confident, will not fail- to 'ollow stilt—and
although there will not bp quite as heavya
vote as is Usually polled, the I result- will be,
comparatively, ,abont the game-71-ssy from 10
to 1200 Whig t majority. That *will fall some
6 or 800 short of what the county is set down
for in Whig calculations iof carrying the
' State: Our-iiiromation from other parts of
Ithe•State, lead u to infer that they are just
as*wide of the m rk iti all their.calitulations.
Indeed, 'tile pre ref of' t-p re-election of
Shenk is mos/' cheering. I'A cdtemporary
IL [ 1 I
says that the 1 tellilence tom the eastern
counties, taking the Suslltielianna ap the-line,
leaves no room to doubt\ that poi. Shenk wit
• I I. • • ' come to that line with a majority of from 1
to 15,000. An intelligentige'ttleman from 01
Berks, the Star of the State, as'sured him no
long since that that county was good for a
least 1000 majority.' Montgomery, his na
tive county, will exhibit lier l aff6ction for hit
by roiling up a maitrity of lisoo—Nprthamp f
ton is goad for 1200 and her ' daughters,'Mod
roe, 'Wayne and Pike, promile more time even.
) While here ; in the west, the prospect wa
etSver better. CraWfoo -is good for from 6t
800, Venango for from 4 to 600, Clarion t
least 1000, Warren, Potter, IMlCeae and Je -
ferson their usual majorities, }while Aratstron ,
i Westmoreland, Greene, Fayette,' Cambri ,
Blair and (,!learfield, Will astohiSh the native .
bui •frends will hence seed that there is t o
longer room for doubt—Get: Irvin, like hs
predecessor, Ge,n. Marl ...4 • a doomed ma .
The whigs may bluster en crow, brag a d
swagger, from now till the election,.but aft r
that we tell them they will" whistle anoth r
To the Tax fifers of Er
One of the questions to be
votes on Tuesday next is w
Lino of your , publio worksirh
hand ofa thommoth corpor ,
order that you tray votiunsi
on this question we append 1
hibition of I the receipts ()ea
during the past yea; in full,
up to the first of September.
the Easton Argus.
The receipts from 'lite
year, under the democratic
Gov.iShunk, to September
372 09. The same period
201 58. The increase thiz
171 11.
Judgingfrom the receipts
- there is every reason' to beli
of increase will be continued throUghout t
season and that the gross reCeipts will rea
the enormous sum of $1,750,000! and t
whole amount of increase w ll be more th
$457,973! - I
Now we put the question to eyery tax-pa •
er in the Contnonwealtlr, w halter! Denim! al
or Federalist, iS not the ii.bi3Vq truthful-sta e•
ment a tine commentary on the federal proj e'
in the last •Legislature of transferring, hi
Public Works to a MA111319711 •coaconATio:
for the sum of $10,000,009 of State stocli
which would have cost th l e• Company o il:
about $7,000000.
The fedora ists have . alWays' showiLth n 2
ahould they ucceed in n•
electing fe ' d , rt
candidate for Goytrnoi,at ' thew, coming e ec
tion,''and a nl . njtiri yof the" rrimimrs of li
Legislature, hey twill qse,all theinfluenc i
their power to place our public works, wl is
are j(it becoming immetitel'y .productive r
profitable, into the, hands of u soulless co p(
nail". The Voters of Pennsylvania nu , h,
therefore•to ponder well befiWe they cast tl elr
votes for James Irvin for Ciivernor, who i in
favor of this alarming project._
9. 'ECM 511111M=TI
' 4 i The Whigs, sl
al, make great boast i ,
•f- 1.1 v. ~,,..,.to. ,s.
al corn meal fur the
::-- •
le, General 1 i !
yin is
n out his money' fo
h. upon compound
4 / . I candidate. fur, Co I
, t] gave a lot of r 1
] n in,g house, 0 ,
remind the eccipi'
titasti—in a letter fiet
In the same Categov . evidence' of his
Mr. Senator.Corwin of
. 010, recently at- this low system
tended a Mexican t.Vltig meeting, at Card age t publish,Goi - ernor
in that State, and made a speech which o cu- islature,recointric;
pied nearly the whole afternoon. Ile rei er- the transit, toll,fil
ated all the treasoKable doctrines of his o her visions cdntributt
anti-war efforts; deneunced . z the •w it: ••it
Mexico as gri)ssly unjust; he was for Tetra,
ing our stepsaild withdrawing Oft army' ro
Mexico; - the only tray was for Congres.
withhold supplies, and force the army to r
torn or starve! It will thus be .seen
Mr Senator Corwin and 'Mr. Senator Ve
ster, two whig candidates for the Presiddne
are in the syne category on the war ue
tion. Whd will say now that the federal pa
ty is in favor of 4 vigoroi , s_proSecution o•
war—aye, that they do not give "aid a
comfort" to the enemy?
Qom' Graham's Magazine for Oetobe i
good number—as good as any of its prod c
sors, which is saying a good deal. G0.,.e
nu%el, "The
,Islets of the Gulf," still gni
tains its i4erest,"apd leaves its hero an h
mine iu a somewhat better position that a
nninher heretofore.'
It has been decided in New Jers•y by
the Chancellor, that a man being intoxi ated
at the time of his enlistment in the army, is
sufficient dense to vitiate the engagement.
(r_Gcdey's'e - ver welcomej.ady's Book, for
October, has been received. It -is an excel
lent number, and in.point of letter press, an
improvement on any of its predecessors: , —
Miss Leslie has commenced a new, ,
which opens rich.
CU' Wonder if the "famine i Ireland" is
the cause of 4 recent advance k breadatuffs
in England? Will,some "coon" ansn4r.
What is said of Him in other States. L
The following deserved compliment , is ex
tracted from the Montgomery (Ala.) F 4 1 . 1g.
Where is the Pennsylvanian that cannot en
dorse it:
"Governor Shook, of Pennsylvania, i- one
of the most consistent and clear-headed Dem
ocruts in the Key'.Stone State. He was !a few
years ago Secretary of State of Pennsylvania
-- i
it position in that and in other States north
of us which is filled with tried and able men,
who have rendered "the State some servtee"—
and was taken from that position, on thn sud
den death Of Mr. Muhlenberg, the Demdcratic
nominee for Governor, and made a: candidate
for that distinguished post. This bcciirred a
very short time before the gubernatoria elet-
;ion; yet he_ was, elected governor by ',large
majority. Under thdadruinistration o tinc,,
men as Ritner, Pennsylvania had been i , dl)i
ted by chartered companies, with speci'al and
extraordinary privileges. . Banks, and 'con*
ratirs for manufacturing and other 'purposes,
were freely charted—and the doctrine of all
sorts of protection to capitalists whs fast
gaining the ascendency. Governor .Shunk
set himself gainsi this tile of legislation for
private hene t.....and in the three years last
past vetoed hirty.six bills, granting special
'privileges t 'chartered' companies. He un
deratands th roughly tho true dbetrine of pop
ular rights—and has made \ .oMe of the most
cogent and convincing erg ants against the
doctrine of monopolies we h vd eves. read."
e of the
of 1840,
of Gen.
nds char
ride war.
'ow sLdvo
-1 Taylor
Revised anti aorreated!
"Li it to go into the '
„ter human W." Nol
Henry Clay! ' , ls' it t l
icute 'a war with we
l et an im'men'se sa i rific
shed!" No, but it is
dulph for words-.poke
send our fathers, 1m :tilers and sna g ; er „.. l - ‘
with sword and bay jet, to in is.ho.spitz.b:,
and uncongenial 'soil , and there to die 0r,i,,,
case or amid the ca nago of battl e r No ,
that either, but it is t sell the Preside ncy t 3,
John Q. AdaMs for t e Secretary - a fs tate.
I r ship. '"These (peal, ns involuntarily , E ,4,'
le ll er:1 1 1
' in the mindiaii we con.ernplate tlie. war a.a,,,,;
1 against Me?cico.'' Aj , i! - yes, no do t :
edict Arnold , "involuntarily" deserte d to tl z ,
enemy—Gen. Hu I! Iti nv‘ovltuanitaa
sritlrya'n'gseeltd t:ni
army of the North West, and - thereby ii nc ,,:_
untarily" gave "aid and comfort"
my. " 4 lory! Glor!'
1. 1
it must b." Not ti l ' least rfeettot it s p:'
cially the "glo:ry" o
,liinkini, it "ciLecomir.,l
a moral nd- rieligio s peoi4=k, expreis a.t:
approbati nof ' mil' ry and natal elxp; a i tt . q;
"Invadin the heart f a neighboring power,`
soil, butchering her itizens, and sa king riff .
destroyiiijg • her town—i's that -gle 1" N.!'
but the buck-shot war was thong --so L t , --
the burn i ng of Cath lie Churches in Philti t
phia, an Thos. NV.. orr's imprisonmebt l l
'asiertin the right o suffrage! "Expend:
"millions I:o,money, .'nd loosing thousre.“,
those w 4 are as to le of our horn and &)
; i
of pur flgh'—is that the cost of glory;" N, -
$147,000 we believe was the price paid '
the State of Pennsylvania for the "glory'' : -
,quired by the whip :in the buck-shot war._
es 9h! away with such false sent iment"—L t'
in the language of ',Henry Clay, "go 1:•,..
God d n you 'where you belong:::
"It does not harmonize with, the spirilT
true civilization, of enlightened humanitt.
it is' More akin to q ss barbarism." Sit
foOnstance,,as.the hooting - of the %men?
Gilley, because he would not aciMowle-i't
• I
'that an article. whi h cost the United Si: :
!Bank $52,000 wlisla gentleman. 'Flats j
flre'almost sick of tti•se things." Brandre , S;
ipills or a little ep cac may 'relieve you
I “We see in them • vi,denee of shame, rat's
thari glory, and we iliish - for the ahem schg
: must attach ,t o ot
i r country in all 'li:a I:
Come." The Lori ;of the'r6volutian "V. , :i .
f ed"=--so did the Fe(,erali sr', :in the last Irv..
and Riley} and his lictir-nine associates, L
- undoubtedly "blualted." "We are in sera
- 'difficulty byreasonOf the blundering mann
ti ment of James K.; olk, and we ,muSt get?
of it the' best wd we can," A idilankr.
e Law, something offer 'the- fashion of that:
James Irvin vbted eo' ,-; would assist ;you ac:_
Il e probably. "Ileac 'n grant that the itla . of ::--
liverince rri ty be ear at hand." .ETIle g.%
- Book says the :'pr yer of•the unrigttecs:::'
t is an alioniimition it the sight of the Lorq
hence - ncither yet r prayers, nor that OH
James Irvin's of a ,Viece of ground near 11 . r_.
dell's" for aMect , ri,g Maus will av ail y , . - .•
f ___ u
decided by yo r
ether the Ma n
II pass Into t e
I i
ation or not. n
serstrindingly up
lice following ev
e public wor s
and the prese 't
WO copy fro n
bljc W s sorks t
l administration .
Ist, are 15T,21
last, was e. 84
yea! is $36
of the past mot
• re that the ra
.h I The .elevated`se4timenta and pure chn:.
c- i charity breathed in every line of this trtii
lln oquent productio 1, do equal credit to tnera
to and heart of our Governarl, whose / kind her
'e is ever open. to tl e sufferings of lih , felPolvral
at of whatever condition •and nihatever l erliine.
b- To the Sate and Hortsfl of -- Rej»wentalirr:
y, Gentle m en:—Every arrival from abra
s _ adds horror to the story of the Suffering of 1 . 2
r- people of Ireland r Pale famine, with! "ch.zi ,
struction that lrasteth •at , noon.dar iiii .._
I Q train, is upon hem. The wailings of a'
id afflicted are heard from afar, and every gev•
ous and human feeling is.. awakened—err.
heart throbs with sympathy,. and every la;
a is ready to exteig relief, ..;Tin'addititin.te.:
s- ordinary clamslmisery. wherever may tvi
,is locatOn, there a e considerations which V
to an appeal fro -Ireland to nz,,resistleastirs.
Her sons have ben the champions of libir
and their bones re bleaaliina upir everv'.s.
. 1 ~,
v 'tie field of the first and *owl w lfor - Al,? .
!..,.ican.independen l ee.
The Highlau"
resented as soft
Who can vitlts
tries? tire geniu
and seiende, ant
quence and of i
Nations ao. diii
-whose daughte
with ours, and
country the gen
Allele .nations th
famine has strei
Realiing thi
peltedt by the c
holy spirit of
States :Are pour
the relief of th
the fullness of
Giver of Good,
their basket an
to famishing me
ProfoUndly thi
and are moved 1
ty and benevole
Assembly the i
theiransit upo
board, free of tc,
provisions whi;
hands orour ci
lief orthose up
is so heavily la
Executive C
J Oche' NV
set of scamps,
Ulllll of "cap , s*
is ell moonshi
The . Indian
gentlemtin as
President in 1;
- On T
place—and Ye
ery halinot co
A 14EoPAai
years ago ale.
In the neigh%
county, and a
rom the last Garen,
at9e-field and A rmg .,,_
bnt it i,, to 1, , ,0 r 0 z •
cornmei. , ce and
neighbilriug ratk:
of treasure and r 6,,,
in ,dvbat:,,_
i 's the Spirit of 'the T
of the ostentatious lib &I .
11, Vet to, IL 1, cri a )41.,1 r , , C.::
Irish sufferers. Altheui
nmensely rich, he never)!
,charitableritahle purposes, exttj , •
interests.. %Viten he wai.,
hgress in Centre. courgi
band for' the building t-: !
I N;ttich he tool; good can i
Lints on the eve of the ie
p4l)ich has been publishe!,
•eltisliness! 1 In; contra::
Of political dtuegsteringo
Shunk's, l l the
bd mg the pasage of
-ec, of all br
,adstuffs 6rair
d for the relief of.lrelar;...
lers of S'Cotland,i
• ring for the wa r
and the claims/0
of whose so-iti_h
I, area
1 1;res •
ese Cv
the pharins orpoe
tory, upon every
inguished, whose .
s /hake mingled
transferred to Oil
eon! , i
eir b , '
g hod'
us of their' native
e cold and witheri
ched its desolation
ties oftt common kindred,'
unities of op'r - nature - and:
eligion, did people of thei,
ng out of their abundances
sufferers; they are express;
their gratitude to the 'grf
who has' bountifully Meet
their -store, by sending b:o
n, women and children.
ankful that we have - the meo
o enter upon this work of p!
uce, I recommed to the Gene?
nmediate passage of a law;
a our public t*.rks to thee
.11, of all breadstuffi-and o frt
fe h the kind hearts and ci 6
izen a. are providing. for thel
.n whom the hand of atilicti
d. Ili SHUN&
Camber ; Feb, 22, 184,7.
sgs must be a lazy, worthlef
or, else the Gazette's half to
urging them to .Ygo,to wort:
a. Which is ill 1
~H n. Loomis Cass
Ranger comes out for 0
the Detn6cratic candidate(
esday next the election t
that "ruin" predicted by wb4
ne. 'Tta strange,(tis par
~.,HANot:to Ins Srors.
pard escaped from a menar
rhood of Penn's Valley, CO
er gqing aboulTrom one spell