11 DR. SMITH'S GREAT NATIONAL PILLS. BR G. BENJ. 8311 TIES IMPROVO INDIAN VEG•TA3L;.: [sVGAR ; COATI7I)] PILLS . - ttititia . ;•iliciiie for titatrit, am, their 1011101 . 10rily noef all other, for entire etl c..cs 11101 1110,00011100. 11 WOll fort 1001 I pre 1 . 11111101, 01 10100 Whl , l/ 1,0101.1 00 1 . 1.1.ig..101111 - 0:1L0 10 10 .Iltoo , t u itterabled they have •,slelitly uorkt,d tli. ,r n ny, and hue RAH N) a permanent hold tot 1101 0;aprlo!.111111 of the rople no other tneolteitte or 011110Alion Coil rel... t'or aloottlour years they hire 1,11101p111,1 orrr 11000.0, anti hroughtjoy nod Glattsteeo to ot not ;to attxtous THEIR 11"111751I'1"111, • A. n medical compound, oin,nendt them to the mo t deli cate, and eveit the more hardy, uho have quire ru.tl Iron' the effect. Of Impure properiie , in lli t stimi tell. .at once he plea-ell wilt the del ht fel Opel Atom of the-c, the, ll'ills. They hat the race literal of the, fully nterted iligredieutr, are lilleay• el ale. and there Can he tit, danger o f tuklue theln improperly at an) nem A SINGLE Will lowlifes( their eceelionee ui r. Iletliog the body of many precumiN of alariniair lieepole the bow ch g.ttutly open, thereby ou.ariog the .uunnuenre of health, The most [4111111,n rhellll4 In New York ha. green his certificate that tbrie lhlir are, I'k: ; ETAIKE, or NATIFICE9M OWN 11.101E01% The great principle o ecog mind by the in% e otos of this invultrable medicine is, th.it I.• s ry pint of OW hod), whether in health or disease, is lirolight tinder the nide. enee of the digestive ii-gropi. anti doegrine forms the only ground toi et a good family Modleine can be Operatieg according to this principle. DR. suiTlrs P 11.1.8 WritlElNCVlrliEni T 1413 twt roluiett,.. prmhnte the ~1 the LIVER. SKIN, and RM.. NEYS, ion! ILEtilll. 1T1: 'l'll E 1101YEL- 1 , tiler, by, .lopg mg the- ONLY NATIIIL 11. mil coil-I...tent 1»ellmil 01 rmi (tering tiro 1.11 — r: BLOOD PURE, h . , ....ir tiling the humors of the whole s)•irin. It is improsilile lo give every parti , iti ir iu tiii: briof notice; but thm.e Pine ore n tree-toy recninniteneleil mnuns or prriventing eo mud!, misery amithse.oor, which grow mit orcomtipalwm or the b•nsrh, nc_L•i,trd raids Might att.wks, Sze , :And nhich it ism the power oz . ALL TO PILEVEN Those Pills do Ma PALM tTE. but TIL CUICE • Mutt all dretscs of Vie •ter.t 1,1 in ALL BILLIOUS DISOR DERS, They stand , alone, tow...OI,I,I—TUE ~.ticx mys:•s FRIEND. Among t h e roolp! Alas tor o. o ts the,e Pill. aro highly retna.no.ideJ, aro the following, siz , E EVER.S, P l IN IN 'l'll l•: SIDE, - DYSPEPSI t, . etCROCM .A. " • INDICES MN, It t'l 111.1)00, Cf) , ITIVENESS., I OBSTII IT lln C`), DEADACIIE, ("CM 11 I: ('0 \I N. uNTs, 11A1) APPE I'ITE, It II cP;t11"1•1 4 M, •{' ()WARM]; t, WIIO ll'l' I) CI)111:11S, DYSENT \ 11.1 , IVCAR NI.IIVES, I.IY FR. COMPLAINT, ' II YS PER ICS, WORMS, r orgllS, II EA RTlt p RN: cot,t( :4, 1111MP:9 cIIOI.IC, I:\ Fi.(II:NZ 1, FOCI, STOSIACII, Pllll' ES. JAUNDICE, I I.OW SPIRITS, &A% By folloehog the eimple direettonv which- areonw,tno every bun of genuine p Ilv, a porn) theta core will he ef feeted.:Most of the 1141S1',TA1.S in NI . , Voris herb et, en these Pills the prefe Vlll, OS er 111 , .r , nom 2,lltioils that htive been te-ted. an( .savt.r.tl EMINEN I' I'iIYSICI \ NS, in New York atol clew bete, use then it Oen. practice. 11E1%1111.: OF 131 1 1'OSITION., The demand forth. Smith's fill , being rt er) 0 berg great, spweral neprinmpled per•nne have Mall, Pills ot the most miseroiil and dant: C . f.to •tutT..uid to 11.11111 them 'off for the genuine. 11.1%e pot MI 0 ..oatang of sngar."— Therernre. heware, and alwoy• loot. tier 7-; TIME SiNGNA.Tunif. or' G. It EN.I. (lathe tottotn of “ery is FOlt. GI RV. Mure thrig ltnlst ex' titlc ate:, hat C r.erty...l nt the printipal tho people ‘ at e ro.fer, 4,1 to "Smith's Herald & t:azette," hero 603 can icad at the inn•t ttnpi.rtant rut it.l • %Ve give, forlw.int Or Tonne, hut few TENTIEVION IA S l'ront I.utor•r Ler. Tr. Alf. 1 , 1111‘1) , opp. and produLe 1 cunt re-ult. 1.1 VII It Vitif! %V. From the Rev. sullen. • iLjy wito Ills take. lbttt.tt e, Mot ri,n and nrs• lott•slie lois received more 1 . 1,111 I Pal, than hiOtove, they in..y females with perfect •alety, without champ'''. 1,102, uncut or diet:nud a any SCR.4III. JOHN R I2' Mu Ale 11111: II Front the lint % e v.O,4L it, v 1,11.1 c. 0. Belli. :41111t101. Plik It tee elitlrei) clued ,ffle of Illy goner II e ii.ik my My I'emilyll-4. 4110111 x ith tilo 1 ',Mid out be without I hen,. E. 11. N %SIT, tt i For , ill et, From the Ed. of the Blei•lc niter i. irnal. Or, Smtth'. Pill• ar. (re.' ft ()to 01...ohjoct ions to Ni luck other pill , tire hattle, and ate the !Peet it, Helot , that 1 hale yet ecru. J. tat r ESE. From the P Tooltv.itida N. V. ' Pr. Saittlee ur.:1114 hest I luny rivr u.nJ , dc. KIM.' 11, P. M. From Ib9 F.; Ih. c a.... 1 Dr. the'y nre 701,11 inetlicmc,llll,l.,lll,4S. v tit. =I! Smith'. Pills are m cre it demand in thibl region rum their pler•antnern.sadr , JUIIN rt. I. 11)1,.:KIN:::, Mallon N. Y. From :kt Dmoe, the (o.km Dr. Smith -Itet-peeled Friend—Thy Pill 4 are very rapidly., and give 11 , -1 r tie •.ittsl trtion In 1111 , pla c e . 110;11.:.• n.t 311:, ;k1 —Your pill• are liked LI) E.tTIIN )111:11011t 11' 1 Dr. Slll4 11—I 3111 11111,:l plea•tnl pozr Intl. Vest, Sugar Cultel full.. aid 110 . 014'111 In 'lll (.111111y. El) El ' .lloliV 11.1.). (lA.) A.)IEIIIEAN. The atm% e ere only eatr ue mrcht ita rat aunt fill ain hole a, neparier with •iniiltr nor,. I he-e Pill. are glow till' 1111,1 papillae in Cu, And gi%e the tit 'fit getter..l - . . These Pill- Wt I -tlw n • cure corns more plcasant way than aityothet Cur this they are warranted.' T 14] DANGER' Of brttig deceketi n ttou appArent; lineir Pella barn beconv. rry priwids 111%li111.1.vitt lie comtiry, imitator.. hale to pallo, off wo.lllll, quo . w,ll, „ "coaling of to tot et Ile a 1114/..R-11.111grr011s COl/1- 11), C tity.l,e• her, or 11'heeliur, Va ..13 • tilat a per•oll ill that place aunu he tr Inc life from the ..f the counterfeit .r Cu atoll 1•0, 111 h). a a.. , a;.0d 0 ail I,olellt .101111010 Illter their use. Get the rtoptine or got nohe, nu Avr Clint G. BENJ smirii 4, 40 4w,, ~,, hr I r ,tbnul nreavl t I nn PItINCIPAI.OFFICEI4. 'NEW Volt IC, 119 f irecit% ILl(tqf ItOSTOV, Y Watf.r Sticct. ERIE. f• Itter'S.. 11,0 th. r Vo. f. Iter.l J. Cloinulto,ec Co. ( ovum UI ttf stole f.llll 711, affects. March 6, tSI7. - LT A DI 1... S cantind at t he. e l nvier -tore, a nice rc. sortmont Gloves, Mitts, I toisery, Fadcy Vans, ('amts; _Been 11.t ,, 5, Purses, Purse is• and ttoniii C1111)10jIlet materials, such a. French Flo - , t, ‘xorsted, ,e l tinet! 01 d &C &C all vet t' cheap by • • • METCALF' • Z.lav 2 9 .1 ,. , 7. _____ _• - --- - - - 1 New Woollen yaetory AT Ncirtili n.vlr. , ''' com b umNc .- 'n' c A c :\: 1 . 1): 1 1 , st l )f r in & i ti it thil len Goods, drcvin2 Cloth, c ti-c. Their machine] y is entirely . nett and a t Inn facture, and club, aces the 1,1u , 5: ittlitrot burdnet.s ti ill bzt eondtb ted by Mr. .1.2%vc:i., oho has had 0 rears' expvi knee in it. both in this country and iti En2l,iritl. 'I 11‘.v will mane_ facture on 0 1 1.11 giv:n2 one ya:(1 101 l for and a (oar er of %I uol, of fur ready pay cash or country prt\duce, and on as lea: , :ott tli&eT terms as any oiler e,tayi•lnnvnt iu the count'. Their rnanuraLtory is locice t a!nnn- , ,ne-nvi-InAuitli oldie p illJge, ALEX. IX. JOS cE .1 .1 EW ET I'. ISA NC IS, STEVENS. North Ea.', June •1-2.1' 4 17. . :itn I CAR l' ETI NG. `art: p re a ;v a llicces ALL. WOOL Carpc. , r.F : May Z 9, 1:31/. —• 111 7 :11:,' A 1.1;"14._ smehdzi. Anm.tr which we have some of the Wilton and Venetian that are suilerior to any in itrirket selliwz very cheap at May 29, Idt rmiAsol.B. AT. rtc; r: ..)!e , and q birefell as Ileflr 11111011141.• "c/ S le • consistent oitli a 1 . 1014 CooollliSino 10 ourse . . at - ME re ALF'S. May 29; 1817. __ 1 . New "Goods! New Goods! ! Tin subscriber is nu, reed, Ilia his spring stock of Fan( y Dry Goods, Groceries,, ilard• ware, Croelsery, Iron; Nails &c , which a ill be sold at reduced prices for ready pay. Nly old Substantial friends and the public generally ) are requested to call and egamine goods and, prices, they certainly will not go away dissatisfied Pe I will not be under sold by any we.,t of INew York, for ready pay. SMITH JACKSON. May 6, P 417. ' ' 51 lEN lii.i cgiMrniatl, agoud,q. seur unon t kJ may be found at ' . _,-• • April M. WILLI AMS Sr. Wit IG HT'S. \VESTERN HOTEL, TORN GRAHAM, Proprietor., The I li J subscriber a mild ;rerl)ectlir!lr inform tu., his friends and the travelim , public gen era ly, that ho has leased for a tetra of years this new and commodious House, situated at the Eighth Street Canal Bain. This location ren ders the " WESTERN," pro eminently the most convenient and desirable stopping place for all .either doin. , business or traveling on—thet_Canal— There is, also, 'attached to this establishment a large and convenient Stable for the use of Boat men and othets having. horses. - I No pains , et expense has been sPhred in fitting up this house for the convenience, comfort and pleasure of guests, and . tho Proprietor trusts by e net attention to busines.4 to rricrit and ret l eive a Atare of public pat i oita t;•.. I. ~ • ! Erie, April 2 1, 18,17. -------'` -IS 'I • i NO. 111 AGAINST THE WORLD! '0 EXCUSE FOR IGNORANCE NOW JOEL JOHNSON, g g APsIDE, has Jac.- ..A - 11 I I received from New York ,—.-. a new and eletnrAnt supply of books embracing Theolokrel, 'Nliscellancous, Sundy „,„1 School poolis. Stationary, &c. &c. %%Idyll will be sold (h•emer for cash than e-ver be fore o bred in this Market. Among his stead: inay be found— Anthon's clasikal Die's., $5, Robinson's Greek and Enolialt Dictionary, NVelaster's Diction ary, 83 50. Anthon's Anthon's Horace, 81 75 do Homer. I 50, do Cicero, I'-5 Atitlintr's Jacobs' Rkader, du do do Lesions, 1, do do- Listen . . do I, do . do do Prossody, I, do do SalluA, • 1, Da% itos Mathematioi, including Alf , ehra, Lo ,,ender, Analytaeal Cieoineiry, Surveying, &e. ' Davin's arithmetic, IC irlchatn's Grimitpar, Adams,' do Ilitil'A U 8 II isiory, Mather's Geology, . Olney's Geography, • . Mrs Lincon's Botony, ° Morse's do Cnin,tork's du NI it idiell's do Durrett's Geo.ffraphy of the 1-leavEn9, with la-ze and splendid atlas; also, the Electic series of IteadioLr Books. ! _ • _ Ands cw's and Stoilda! d's Latin Grammar, .do do do Reader Com,toel,'s ehenwAry and phlksoily, Sander,' Render=, Ilvimett's Book Reepinf , , Milkta's Dictioary, Colo" , do Johnson's do or's ByrOn, • ciunentaric's, t*. co. 813, \\Dick's N%OlliS, I lbraly edition.; also, cheep, - orlts of Chest er hl, - lesidenue at the court of London, Em'sboolt•ol'Ala. tyrs, Jn<cpl u rs'ttorks, Lives, tlollitis' du I 4.1 v of the Manor, Addisons' do .(medicilne, Dr) den's do • 1.3°1)1.1'3 nied..Ric•r)t• • ['belle's Practice, Gay's med. Juni s`derre 0, (10 'Titers pert ice, t. t olell's concord insce, Platonic TileoloZy, elem.)Moral-Science, The Sehool and tht. School Master, I']l...Olin's travels in the east, - • l'lntro d's Ii ..mtv of - 4reece, etc. Guide to the Prophecies, DORMS' Travels, Barns' "ntes, Etiller's work., New Spiett s of the A tv., • Eltalmer'S wo. ancedo'es 11alcom's Ira vets, krlilibon's ltehc, Ps 'clean 'Os cohnexinn, Lire of Hehc-r, \ Works of Charlotte Elizabeth, cormilt te, do Fredrilca Bremer, - du \loshinr's eel CSIRSIICaI El 'inn.% Luther on G.Olions, Jarvet;C church History, Pictorial I I istory o! the A ineriean Revolution, Life a nd Sermon. of Whitfield, Ctoldstnith's En , dand, Parley's Irniversal I tktorF, l'o z zillier with many n h %%doable works too nom. , .roos to mention in the litniied . apace of on iolver.ketuent.. Call awl ace—no charges tut showing. boi;liq. June • PAINTINGS,.ENGRAVINGS, r i tri , MD . /T[lEll, are in receipt ora beautiful collection of Ptiwings and En.rio ‘ino:, plain and colored, in it and %%attn.. l'fr• sou. or taste cannot flit orbeint,' pleased with the “election. It compriQcs vie xs of some of the most romdmic brut imouresqno places in Europe and this countiy. Airtomz the are Iwo Oil Poi/Ohm:: 3 'vv.:l l-t 2 lect in rich It f, zones the.one \N of Tiov and the Elt o ukon nm :\ It. Ida, Me other hshindoon's I lead .latual tey,, tear Neu bur z 4 on tl,e North ako. Views of :et. (101 l I: (2 or %oriel] and ‹nrrniinding countly, Labe 01 . 7.fmLf and sn, I minding cuuntin _corral View of B io .o z d s , A Mounktfht View, u beautilid piece, I est iinil \V imer Scenes, I hinting . scenes, !&C, nl.o , a very , fine and ME 111E1 In lIIN' llt •-• 11 , • to. Lit; nr. Corre(t entsi: of( IVCtI Ltietury, engraved ol steel Iron) Srullv:4 painting, also or h erltwotldercbi,ldren, Allie and Albeit, ily Ili tfilt-twatt Z 11111!% •; a lwattt ifitl , 'N),,Z I oti at. en 2 1 4 iNtaler•ton Illy. Joe , " a yrtr , and interestinit pietme. • Al4o a collection, or rare and heatu %lid ll.tit ds and Flow. rs, correctly' and ele”antly colore l d, de -prned f u r i n.di net inn to leathers or a, ornaments Mr trip centre tattle. I - - .1 Per ons desi t min, to tirnish themgelves; vt id ) any 11 int: in the abot, 3 e line will find these well %% di th I hpir title:111On - 111C1. Will on Coln 10W1 . 1 - t th in 1 Icy clan be por has Ltd at 'stall in the cities. No. 6. Reed house. i :29 I', 1816 RIE : 47, SIGHT TO 131':1101_,D!!! AT T I:1 BRICK CORNER OPPOSITE TILE EA - Ca - ,E I foTzt., r'frillS DA V OPENED. ditT - ct from the F..1 , - 1 Lein cities and Nlanu;actorics, a large and gull FeVected . stool; of CCM T I NA W•AV • a ,realvaliety et Drena.4 apd Fancy flood , ; without initialer; W11 9 ,1,111(1 , tnninei seal; Linen and any giviniily of Dom.' lien; in he cheap r Lunn f err; pith an exlen n,ive nt0,,1, 01 GROCERIES AND SHELL HARDWARE. II - of which will he as e eap as the eheapesl w LLI A w RIG Lyn Erin \ lav 15. IS 17. 53 13111 • N113',,,1551?,1) Table an i f Piano Pim te Cover, ILI Ent for s to arthe "Nov ISiorer No 3, Cll:2apside. mott.roN ,j• Co. Erie, NI ay 22, 13 17. 11,1PIUNI.1 thr lloy . .`s coats and pa ,islo,n4, a Ii tie the. ?nicest ow, at the "Nen Store," No. I,*Chcapsiiie, Ni(llll'QN & Co. Erie. 1.1 V 22, 1317 1 ' prim .41 Leeches I 1 of in trona comfit' n. just mem ed by 1\ 12. IT. lIITRTON & On. A kV.; ‘NU to be bet.r YY V than any preparati,,n of Sari•-aparitla a Wither and !zeaeral eorr . e:aat for sak by une Ith J. I L BITIZTON A. (40. Aaents. 111 ONAND EEL.— I 0 ton: or So edes, En. lieh and morican Iron, tooethor with all si zes this day lurked atithe corner of WILLIAMS Ik.-IVRIGIIT. June 1.1 -- 1 1 4 -1 111 V. EXTEN - z4a l !--A brae consignme t- nt of ' Cunt. Allontr v., for cure of Fever and A:flin: Bilious Fever, r; e., el e, , and u ill he sold t „ ,li ng.t! - Is b. and ;kakis by the case of dozen, at wholesale prices, by I June 12. J. 11, fltTirl'ON Co. A n'enf More ;New Go ds ! (11"TIIE LAST AND' cif o'APEST. e .a NoW openi ng, from the lal.t oi our SKIN!, pur chase, a %cry upwind all(' 'xtensive asset 1- mem of ['dotty and r tispli.! Dlt GOODS, w - ith a, good stock of Dill' 0 [LOGE ti ES, to which we base added - a I zi;;•e stuck of CROCKERY, lcmnptisiti fishdininlf Stile 41C sina, with all the cheaper \Vat es. The attention of dealcis is cs• Vseially invited to this branch of our trade. ' The Goods have all been ph relm,ed cheap, and will be sold cheap. For further evidence please call at METCALF"?... WM 11., I , k CS, J.- D. CLARK, in cbarze ler P. METCALF, re spectfully solici s the patronage of his old friends and astontt•rs tore No. I, (Iced House. May 29, ISI7. FIRE. INSVIZANCE FARMERS AND NIII:CHANICS' .A NC E COMPANY, OF BROKLYN, N.Y. FOR. persons desirous of Insuriu_ in the shove company, the subscriber will 'repave and forward the necessary surreys of Property, and procure for them free of postage such poiicies as may be desired. The above company is entirely responsible, and insures 'Ton very liberal,and advantageous terms. .A 4 information that may be desired in relation to said company can be had by calling upon the subscriber at the office of Graham &Thompson. CARSON GRAHAM. trl Erie. him , 13 1847 NEW GOODS BY RAILROAD. IHAVE just received this morning a new sup -1 pfy of_plain and twilled Ghinghain, also a lot of prino, 4.0., which will be sold cheap for, cash by. C. M. TIBBALS. May 1, 1597• 50 SHIRTS.Hair, Grass, and-Marsales, Skirts; just received et N 0.9, Chespside. MORTON & Co. Erk, May 22, 18,17 BY THE QUEE't:3, PATENT . ; 4 < ,s • d • I rot. , ~t, . t o . t , . CONSUMPTION CURED—TRIIIMPHANT SUCCESS r OF BUCHAN'S HUNGARIAN BAI,SAM OF LIFE. rim GREAT 'ENGLISH REUEDY tor COLDS,..COUL4 HS ASTII-:, . nestainrknwe cure M . O. Dar 1 itlA, and CONSU‘IPTION: . 1: '''l'n S. Touset.c.v . ' o-I i TIIIE mosT CELEBRATED and INF' ALLI A BLE remedy foi Colds. , Sic—We a re entirely oii + of ii, 11,,,g,iai Coughs, A?thtna. or any form of PULMONARY CO. 4 SUMPIIt IN, is the ieft. %v ith us, in our imifi': 4 diate vicinity. and it the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, disci:were I by Dr. B iclian of say with astolliskillg success. A tew days si London, England, tested for •upwaids of seven years n Great Britain • and stressing a called at our store whO Icid been Or no II 4 on the Continent of Europe, and intro laced into the VO.l State, under the ", 112 .1 1 , a nd panted a bottle of the B. immediate superintendence of the itivthitor.; 1 •little use for hint to take it or arty thing eke The astonishing sticeess ot the Llimgarian Balsam, in the cure of every, b a t t l e , h o crevc•r, and a ftel n aids bad anotbe• form of coNstispni IN, w“,,,,,t, the American Agent in soliciting fir; errs , much improved in Nye:fiance. and treamtent the L woßta possißLE CASES, that can be found in the cam jstreU•oh —but had it not been fo'r the it:vain:l 'inutility easee t that seek relief in vain Irean any of the enninio n re me di es of have died. Wc want s :mu mot cof the coed the day, and have been given up by, the most distinguished Physicians as , Vonyt re , pectndly, CONFIRMED 'AND INCUR \BI E. _The - 1-1 e nwsniian Balsam has ur •d ! [Pm Psi. ro 11% i] . 's 1 i i:` .__. ~ ( .'anystarn, ,‘,„ 1., d: and w ill cure, the MOST DESPERATE: OF CASES. It is an ipi a , : l i n os '! T. S. Totisr.l, : gen•,\.`sa•t.—Sir: Having num, but u standard English Medicine of known and estalAislo d wr ica ey. !B a l sa m in -19 Inmily wi h the %err best sue Every family in the United States should be supplied with Buch a w s 1 le; n - ,Fl av i n :, •€.0.-11 it used by m i v trofesls with It garian Balsam of Liii; not only to eonmeraet the consumptive t en de n ci e s i', ;spri n ;:: to tnilfoinu an Agent for the sale of the 01 the climate, but to be used as a pr,nntir(megicine in all cases o f C o l( 5 ,; 4 great im mlusr of bottles. shirt have in alum- Coughs, spittipa a . Blood, Pain in die Side and Chest, Imitation an d so c i fiad suc c e eded beyond all it . .!tectir'i4M, in sow ners of the Lungs, Bionehitis, Difficulty of Breathing, f 1 eel ie Fever, Nijlitilbeen by Physicians of .1 e- , peenthi I ity PR ON( Sweats, Emaciation and •Cieneral i Debdity; Asthma, Influenza, Whooidil ,, their cases hupt•less, and I mu,: cillit'l fully rc Cough, and Croup.' ; tiering with lung complaints, a'ssuring them tl In ease of actual disease oldie lungs, or seated Consumption, it is the speedy ielief. (-signed) ONLY SOURCh. OP Fit WE, i - More Proof . Sold by AlcDonald St. Smith, sole Agent for the. U n ited Kingdom, at flit! l Estaid:Oling ('in epi -t• qof I, Ibm Italian - Ware-house, Regent rt. London, in Do:tic's and Cases, lur dilipS' [Flulll Deaellrii Lel% i , , of nit:a, d a r e d I hospital., Se.' • I cheerfully give my flat se in furor of fir, I: By Special Ay fain firma—DAVlD F. na ADIY.E, 1,1:1 Court-st., p,6,, 0 n: Life. Li A Pril , illY "l" was W 4 ' l ' l4l Will Mass., stile A_ for the Vuited Stan's and Pniti-h American Pres inces. i i'l s'''"le !,,th', l . l ,",' L I ,"'' I it ' ' ' ": F I A" ' n ES: 1 " , 1: 1 Annul - can pidt.- ,*I per bottle, with fill directions tier the restoration or "rre'l• ''''.""" ''' ( hi ts -!. .." 1;1(ni " " w • I,l *-•' . health.l,:nediritir, as ,_, d they rectal W.0(1,11111. Bakmp , • Pamphlets, containing a mass of En g lish and American certificates and ,the lime w". 1 "" 1 11 '"d a!"'''' on' till "i . it " , in ) other evid enc e, A rm in; t h e I.' in eip ia lled me rarest ol thisrarest English Rm ee ~ o tter using the rentailtdrr It" 1".•11'h wa n tly. may he °lit-aided or the Agents, gratis. - - l itime I ha ve recommen.l[:.il Hell lb, in to my ft None genuine ! , without the n i it.' ell ,ifV1:111111e or the Amet team Agent, on,- f a with like r eoccurs. ' - lgued) a gold and bionze label, to comiterleit which is s for•sely. 1 :i . • , I Derienn fifth: , F AGENTS.—S. Tousi.v. Syr:it:ll;e, - N. Y. General A•f-ent fur New Yolk ' • Further E sitter and the western States. • • 1 , [From the P. M. at But t ustou Fla ' -•; Otst•L :1 E . 7 , 7 - fr lir A f"...4.--1 I, lam again under tile riecessity of ordering From tht , Baptist Cbrgyni in al Ce(o - ose,,Oviogo, Comity. lA',y•• wife s till continues tlb• medicine tin•l is i . "I do hereby most cheerfully certify that 1 lnive used Dr. Buchati's Ilim•i'in this section, 1 heard o)• a Iriend 50 mile, garian Balsam in-my f a mily Is ith gre a t sue, e l , My little girl, non in her !in a CORM 1101 En CoNsem • r toy. 1 Sell' dpi 1 seventh, year teas. in the month of Oe:oher, ISM att ac k e d ‘s i i h a p a i n i n '. rut weeks since, and tn.day I heard from hl : her right side, and notwithQtanding we ifed all diligence to retnoye it, s!ee l him like a .l-'ll''lll'' (Skm,d) continued to grow worse, an I alter iiiii a iniw , the l'illillirtif is Dr. B—, alto' bought Ow Right Lobe of her Lung= so ••••• ri :nisi v alit etcd tlhat lon i ecoyers ' The Nlessrs. Metcalf, of (;em .em, N. 1 . physician) in ordering a Iltnr supply pi . , die W;1,4 exceedingly dont) ful. 1 was i - educed to obtain one brittle of thu 1-I!;lsahi trio: CAst:s our custom:a'. I 011110 ,in 01 I e e ek line - hell:re. one third alit was taken, the lit •le sniff rer resumed her plays . afar! S her h eal -is 'POUSEY, Syull'll", N. Y.- en -aal her cheerfulness returned, and before to obisitl,s were Until 'i \Ve.tern Sta . tei. Sold in Eiji.: by CABTE:t N. I i . \ 'i' - --- -__ AvEsi\ K IELD mARDLE FAcroßy. , TH etE subs ilwas havint4 a tmoil assortment of New I.imikuid unable on band, firm diffcr cot (parries, caltMlated for [lead and Foot tables, Monuments, Sze. Mich they oiler to sell to any one in Elie county, Pit, not lit int , : farther Matt Elie, lettered in first rate stale, and delivered, at the t,ollowim! prices: :Small, tur children, .SI 51 pei liini, Middle size, for aged people, I '132 per lout; Laraest size SI 75 per toot. We think it would be an object . for, smolt! of the I:iie enmity peuple to furwat (I ma a few inscriptiont4 as ive hate recently been informed by the Erie nut hit' 41 eill. is in lather ‘ bra,izzint! way, Ilia; they %vete aikido, : it to the Erie ,end t!ratt rind county people good. `flay Mag vets lustily of salting to the "Pi !ma tnites" at liosnti , 'l. 50 to :,.:: I pet lieu. Should tinj, 2k w a of the people of Elie county ie in nt ol tbly thing in oitr line, they can lb %%aid Melt in::tip !Mos, or come theniselves, and they shall bate a 111st:rate artielb at the Mime pikes. Westfield, N. V. Sept. 13, 11315. 71 B r"" -.E. 6AL'N-1 A% py Cash, and the biLdlest price lot tin, quan,ity of Wad; HIP , delivered at \l'kcnn, or at (ay stoo in Elie. ( ionhor IS Vt. . (7. \ 'IIIIIIALq, COLMIAN'S HEAVE; POWDERS, AcEtt'PAIN CURE POR IDEA'. ES AND COUGH IN !RAISE:S.—A long familaiti ty s ill horses and personal treatment el the dis. eau's to %%hull they ate silbjfet h.tvo at length te , taited in the discosterrol Pik exe,eliotdy wal cage which produces more tai rely nil deal) atnonz these noble animals than any 0:Itel to which theY, are expo-ed. I have no hesitancy in -taying that m y powder will effectually and Otto-- mighty tradieal? avtry sainiplont and risfige of Eh!' painful and danotuons disea , c if given in any teasonable length of time alter it has bean , on• tract etl, When yin cli. , ..cover s)mptottls o f ('att.:-/t or IL netB iu voter house, 10:;01 till- Powder w Wink delay, 1144 , jt, persevering!), and a t. ell to the hints avcompAto liuz the ducction, for the treainent of the animals, and in nine easel out of tell pm w ill fuel that desit omi or , ceina ccr illeate, of ctire, ortlicin call on the tlg,ent. Price t 1) cents per hot- Manufavm ed by 1. D. Coleman, New York CARTER & Imo I'l - lELI, ugen.s, Etic, Pa. March 27, 1817. DISSOLUTION OF PA ItSI I I'. 11 - 114 E prartnerslnp bcictolitrc exis\in2. In'tAccn Lhe nntlersi2nc , l, in the'pfauticc fla bcun di3snlvtal by mirtuil con,ettf. Ail •Inq,orn.. indebted‘tu IN ale requctqcd :u c i t at the and cent,: 11 - cir twint•Lire oi the first ni Febrii.ny next: l'nase this notice may incur costs. . ~ - --JOHN 1 1ALBR \ ITII, CARSON GRAHAM. Erie, Jan. 1 I, 1817.' :it 15 'The Books and pap( rs ol the late fit in of U AL BRAIN' AAA \I are by mulled agr e e ere nt leN with ine tin the 'impose enclosing up i he hnsiqess corcerTand colietinLe. all di late, which 1 ant /I'd to do as sin edily as possible I haw associates' it t ie in biPaoess W:11. S. LANE and wm, A (3 A AITI I, Esq.,. hind continue the oilice lately oc, dried by lialloaitlt Graham, tinder the fnin•of G ALIIII.IITI IS LANE, where all business in the lion of the pro fession, Hill be attebded - to widi promptness and dt sp itch. .1(./11N GALIdlt M.TH. Erie, February STEA Ni ENGINES. 11 ATE are nswe prepared to mike or repair V Sieam Engines, and to sati•ly those \11'• havo doulane as to nor :OWL y to Pun out site ti iro , k, we invite the it i , spe ct ion of one %% hiCh have recently built and put .in operation at Olt. Pound' y. LESTER, SENNEpT C fIEST ER. N. B —A srcond hand En t rine n 1 8 boric pow er. toge,her %%ith bellows for a small I•'oundry, lire sale at n buria in. , L., S. C. Erie. March 40. 1817. -11 WE could not have the ll'FOthineli mlit that our stock is exclosto. ty for Lattics, They will please cab and aee a lull assoi t went ofgooil, that 'hey want. A nion4 others ,the Lest french Cloth that can be foilivl in the place, anti ea4.4i inereq to coriespouil, et prices as near the impor tation cost a s (bey will ask ill _ o summer Hats, Caps. aides. Hosiery, Cravat:, Collars, I Idks., 44c. &c. , at FC A LPS. May '29, 1817. 141 J T OES OF Al EXIILE. by L. \V , Miller, LI! being an account of the an.hous en .fine ment at Van Detnnan. Land, just received and for F le at Spaffords's Booltstoiu. Erie, May 8, 1817. 51 - L'ADIES Cravats arid Point., a fine selection and sotnelhinz nt• w, tottlhei with i -eine nice bat Ribbons, joit-t opened at the cotter opyr , i;e !he Ea o.le. April 2,5. WOOP. Wool'!! WOOl !!! THE highest price, paid for Wool At No. 1, Commercial Exchange, French ,greet. - AUX 1 NSTT it. Frie, Mnv 22. 1817 ASHES! Ar-slIES!! T WILL pay S cents per bushel for good field 1 ashes, and 12 1 2 et, per bushel fur house ash es delivered at my ashery or !Ilii.ean corms. Erie, Oct. 24, 1046. C. M. TIBBALS. ASUES.—Those ha- ine r . ..,00d . Ashes will do well to-deliver them at our ashery soon ne we are now working otTwhat we have on heed. & AprilBth 1847. S. JACKSON & Co. AYES.—Waters 84 . . Co's qast i Steel Axes by , the dozen or sing,te. February 13. 1847.; DOCT. WISTAR' B Genuine Datram of Wild Cherry the Celebrated remedy for Consumption and mile, diseases of the I,ungs.' Also Wlstnee Gentle Purga tive Pills. For sale by Dr.P. Hall, Agent, corner orState an Seventh els, Erie, Pa. Jct. 10. 1846. WOODEN WA RE.—Bowls, Wash tubs, mop handles, butter printe. July 17. ' T, W. Hilt 1..\1 SIKES & C,O B. TOAILINSON & Co.. 39 Iconsitleted completely 1....g0red. and to the e any hesitation, I attribute the cured Januaty, VW. Pastor of :he Irmtiosony from lio itocti Stu.—Sometime fi-t. January. I wog taken with a disires , ing; cough, lt Melt in the cow: 'bleeding of ihe hings, ith much sorclidi. of !much soleness of tit.: hit-ANLI filer being coil and - , ctting Ito titter, Me. PardWe, forma.ily : , lecoMineuilcil me to iv , a bottle of IN. Pliteha o b s eering that he hail 1111)icted tine had been 'speedilyland emit .1y curi:d. after 1.1:41 - 1 f, it a short till. the rc..iult was as well. From the heit-ilt I reCeic-ti fium the 13 good, name it heals among my iricitils Ire I lunes'and wiles:, I aut induced ii) britete it, to sow in use fur those diseases, and as suCart.:(l IEI Tin, Copper and s.heet h'! L Manufachrinf , boSiness tvill he c,nrit , d un the old (gaud of A:40o) , & Kelsey, ti 100 e a eon= =tint supply orall ar; ides manuCdetured by him will be kin for :ode at %e11...1e.:a1e and lola il. (.Id :opper and Brass Ware Like .1 16:,.,1,14.111 14,1 Fin Ware. JOSEPI I rICELtA:I", q, 191 L. \VAItItEN, retnocd his bash, Wind and door ^hintth .I,lS 4 tate, between it hand rtiii :itreets, where lie will lc Pep colonarily on harm or 'intake to onlvr all attic:les in hi, lino on the e hot,et notice. Ti,o-e wi-Ilio_ to obtlin fii't ate cco,k at low pric, , 'would do xvell to ~i ve-hint holorc pmchas k ow i wr e. rth z i n ,I l me at all tine mul Putty kept eonz-tanily on hand May 10 , it IG. i 51 _ S. ~; , V , HAS JUST RECEIVED Iron) New York per Potnroy's lisKy.c,s.t Sprinu Fashions ' and is now leady to eAcente Lud, for FIATS in the latest nision, and or a heth r yhdity than man he nichaseded here of elsevt hero. Maieh 16, ISM. FIRST APPEARANCE B. TOM LINSON, THE subs.initrep!, though some !inn' ill inl , i nesi., have t before triund it enriveuiinn or Ili:if:cable to introduce into the papies a gi tuna; adverti.ement. Being rather of a modest I 11.0, inev isa%c . ireell slillatell 5011105)1iii . , 111se Lin. 4' ,14,11" er in New York, who got upon a di y i,oods hot, in Broadway, to wait till the coon d should get by; and like him, having attracted' n little public no. tot iety, they ale impaled to got do,a‘n and tiny, quietly along, and would rc , pceibully invite tin attention 111 the' public. to ,a clothe St lectinii 0 lilt ( ii:EftlE:' , . interspersed m it h a l'em s;aple it,3 (loads and other notiOns, just received !rout Note Yor!„ Cincinnati, ke., m hich they design to set I .re ty 01,11 i fin really pay. 11 , ;I'4' i-ill and -vi at ICO riencii -ii ilex( door 10 U. 0. Hulbert, E-0 . '. , . cri,,, 1:11 at ;•••1 - -.111 t. -cid ('anal Dasi 1. I! II NII,INSON, &• Co. VA; ,, ln. I, 1.7;16. i 11 _ 111 TUT A,, I D I,IN I) N ENV VOR li' • ()NE • PI: lilE cLoT 111 NG ..s'l'( )It.l - 1:. 81.. VA UCI \ IN, No g Fleming ploek, stale M,. Street. 'Phis eYablishinent has acqulied no'niiety by se l ' i , all kinds or clothing a, cheap as they can be pm( based in New York city.-- call anol sre. A suit Or elciilieq can - ini made. at this edalilishment in ONE DAY'S notice, in the latest style and mo=t zippinved lashion. • .111-t received a gcnecal assortment orcktilinv and vloth, suttahle tbr the season and for s il o at pi ices reduced ,to the pectiniat y means of all. For in-itance a good article a clolt, all )tool, at 3(1 ets poi vat d and cvecv Olio , else in proportion.- I:ntt ing also done to order to i educed pi,ivi s. All ',mien , t'rom the country pionip.ly attended to -- The child cam liT, as t heap here :es the best judoe. Customers genet ally can di 'wild on hating their m in ls - done right, and no inishihei , Et ie, Dee. dO, ISIS. . 13 _ .. ... • cl IJAlVLS.—,TheChina,Crape,,Silk,'Etnbroiii -0 eicd .this., flozah and Zephins, ilo,, Smuttier Ca'dlinerc, Ilea civil and raillbUNVed WOrSiLd, pipit are decidedly rich, at I \V ILLINMS 4. NVRIGH.T'S: Ain 11. 2-1 IC 17.30 ~ , 1:-7.-_, The New Jew Store A head !! ! T usT received at 41.7; Jew Store, :No. I, Flemina new ;Ind 'p'en did ti.qortrnent. of SPRING AND SUMME4 GOODS, W hich, ha;in! , hcen Imagist at extremely low price s atvl the subseribi!rs haring entonnicred neither “perill by s. , a or land," iu,their journey ioI Phila delphia and 1 . % ew Yurk j‘latitets, u- .he sold as cheap—not to say ti Hide eh< "per—than at any otherJim-or' G'rntilc Stoic between Nets York and "Sundthui.". Our stuck consists in pat t ni SILKS of all ki w is, description; and color', rmin Plain black to the most fashionable plaid, striped or watered. • , • GINUIIIAMS, Preach, Scotch and' , Anittrican,Vatiyint 4 in price'and quality to soil 'enstotricr.t. SI I A \V I.S, Silk, C . a.:lime! ejlai rage, e;e., at pi jct.:4 thartimnot lasi to f11C.L.!.. \l. 1)E LAINI:'4, or ill .foalities, flout -.2c) els upo It)NN r ItJI ultiS, 01 , all colors, (polities, , li.t&s and prices, I GLOVES; that imisSir - st fail to fit the inns; deli. cafe hand, at pikes in isceosilanee with the moss delicate horses, French Worked Littro comb' ie Handiterchier, a beautiful artiLle, nod %- , !ry counp rot the tjoalit. Also, embroidered do do, tot etlicr %%ids tosi , ,y other artts•ii:,,, too numenits i, mention, but tt hieh we w;l1 lake ;;leaser q in rhostog to customer; 411 011 ..`"- A splontlid s•osek of MADE CLOTIIING, ena...i.tin i: or Value Veatg, and Cows of all Pri fT eltld litl ilr .4 i...:, and Boots' and Sitoes, of all N kinds I all ..nd .ce, awl don't Ihrget the place, o. I, IS I.C. hO,S'ENZWEIG & CO. , "en.inz Mock Stale Strew. Erie, A Aril -.19, 1617. ) 1 50 V large awe': of W BONNETS L. BONNET TRIMMINGS. E have this dav opened, and oiler for sal • a Bonnets, Ladies and Al iA es f iZt!S, at prices fur below the marhet, among whirl' are some of the richest r tnyle French Lace,'Bead 'wrought, Chinn Rice, P ear l Si raw. Gimp,; 4-cii together with a good ashrttnent of trimaings. Some of the real Freiich flowers that me beauti ful, also Ribbons, 4-e. &c . ,Itit May 29, 1947. ' METCALF'S. OLD PENS.—LeIi grown's Gold Pens, the G most celebratesrmaker of the article, a good assortment kept ecinitantly on hand; also the dif ferent kinds of cheap (dearest) Pens, at • O. LOOMIS 4. Co's, Stare et., nearly opposite Eagle July 10, 1 4 417. ; \VA[,I v. A I'. Di T 14_ 7 (*E.NiEly 'Forwarding nn l at 11:i it %%;u% bolt, nd %till 10, I t'aitl 0111.0• prl "11 II II:110i I=C :11/11 tp.1.1 Vile, us Oh lints, at UI I-tvain Bow, an ttii;l ,, 1u Ihril how. ' • p dy ul ifood. up ;.rid ti Lilt% - Canal. CAS' I ad..anoe l and wilv , iprompd: r , 11:..,ati11) on han, gaanlltit 1, t :‹alt, I 11 01, t 1011. GEORGE Is EIeI.OG( IN l l.‘‘ her! Nl,itdi 1 in trig 1 ATTim(Nry A at; 1: 11 VI Nt ia ”t . iii tune t);, 1) , ) , ,11 1)1 117 Rth:iid tht 1 .1, (l'or:q))), and CI ) ai o t irt burn in New Yolk :1111 trill lw,remined ad.:l[4lla wi halit v.ill also take aglinst the ynifyi ;lpplleation: P Urdu. y a pints conli 'ell %%0111(1 no he pro Ihr,-0 11.1%i 0 , 1,),) , . lection , to tottlu: luttv Ictetrud titlv..l,lllt.;•: TIIO 1.1.. N. i II RI.I'S II \\ ILIA Cll.' IlosES Tlloll.ls VINCEN .1. D..: T. 11 . lIENII I: S3lll'll CHARLES II S. 11'1 .IA111:8 I', riot.ti• Ik(s111 11E1 lIENILY ILOG1: , HON. ADDISON 0.1 110 N. J(HIN .1..D1N 111.:N11 SIIELDEN OMNI:NITS 11":" L 1101t1t, CHAN I/I.lil HON. II0111:11 1' 11 CONol'(.lt :5 I. IVA J. .1,7 .1. I',INOST(Li 110)1..1 1111:S 111'("11 W3I I. M 1101111 It l' - .1. %W. 1101111,1„ S(1:11'.1 GEORGE 11. 31.0,V II 11 1111.0( . 1(11'..tr. 110 N. NCH. l'.l (Tr. HON. .10115 IVEVI 1111 Is & volt T 1 . 01...4.111:a Jl, \ 1:111. .1 t 111.5 jll5 111. LIEN ICY 11015 N. .1 J. P. STEINER 110 N. 1N)15 l SI 1105 CS 111 •' N. 11. ELDR 111:N119 • 1111:111.1:1t 110 N. %VII 1.1 111 11 I 1.1.V1 01 I.) 01;1/1501: TIIIIIIPSI 11(15. It 310'1.1.1,1, 11'. J (AMMON. S. I:NC:LI:II %II (:111 It1,1:So 1111 3011: 1 . 34ILLYNOLI NIAY' 5 ) it XND the 10%%,•:=t prit i 16 r lIBBET, Pla sin..llfid ens cheap at the CON, Erie, Pvb. 27, 1 i T A DIES rid chca. at the Feb. 27, IS 17, CIIS. quality and c abort: coit, a , ihtr .—Feb. 27', 181 G— /IASEININFIESI SivreszCloodp, th oer . to‘oll Feb. ;7, Alpacas, sills and all Other i at cheaper ra es' than :Wally • 1, at the 11 j NV STOI7; • Commere al!ltscliansz?.. , . DRESS G ODS.' ' I a Corner Store, Reed House tment of Dress' Goods, styles and the goods-decidedly cheap. and examine for vourselves at ME i'CALF"S, ____ _________,______ I $ French Boots: the kind you , 14ck part of the Book; going es, at No. 4, Cheap,side, MORI ON & Co. Erie, May 22, 1: 4 1.1. - 1 DIFT: rIPENINI at tl a larite isso new and be ful, Ladies, pl IC call May '29 1817, EN' r _rud of in th, oft ut reduced pri, . . 1 , , .„,,,,, , , medicine, without. I Iriomething w o rth liiiorinif about. _ ; :VlcrA it LANIj. 1 'Alrarity tint et. the heakl - ,t Pa t ent - N . lediein melt in Culooim". 1 tulvwisement We u4k iitir render to purAtt 1 t h e .i lo llow la, z , ian vi i i n tr they *ill pi nfit thereby. Y. June 5, ISIS. i h . . .. lent' Old, attended i 1 dap brolight on a 1 pain in the side and .. yilio' I flu. somn I.lys rOfr or this kuudty, Itirati 1.1iI:sa:n1 of 11 ile • 1 . t hat I: ,' nq use, t io, 01- .1y _ojt. a bottle, land ed—l Pot entirely trom the unieersiii t for disease of the the b,•:t ) mediLicits to the politic. AV. W. B%V !FT. puub. ' 1•..111_. 6, 1511. iaviou sold all )on the medicine inti-t gep:leinan or 'llO , ed with a vtry di :- e told Idol it \% at. 01 'y DIE. Ili. , tool.'a y be called a.nin Its ripidly e.ainin. an Balsam he mit..,,t h.et of, tiii DAVIE tnitst Cl I heetcr. ,rtat, ti . t%ith a yi .e or a few the chest, lined to n )(pm'? ' , lt, ,intl by t, tint , ,ll ttl Irt predi tkam am be one of nnuteld i 'ge•rouM C N ju.‘lice IA Ice a you() ohN W' Nll.l. 1 C-1(21( uaid li. w 'le I litnua 1N( ; II ted tHe.l 1)r. B 1t h TIAI'ENS OTA Nov. 7, ISSItJ whim's Iturigariall and %,.-, inclue-it last • w l lrich I have sold leJtnel that it I=l 1-inc t eel!, y 0 ca. 347 .4 wii ITV :En 1. cointim( uL 111 11' 11. tl!e patient hail ULTRA BLE, and o all who arc suf= • They hill find A :\1 E. 11`-,K. m of Ve. mry 4, IS i 5 aria n nal s. 111 A, FCI/1" Iln a ViOlellt C I!!!atiap l'ial-tarn ,If ugh, attended milt • Its tn 'dip' ive Iter tier* (.:0. tor `ollie ...et.l a. but de, antitity 1 to tret bitifer, and •tort d. -Since Oita of v. leett ita we i:et] .101 IN LENA' IS. Clinic!' in Utica. dated Jan:llls.] 1 , ,ty ot•_tly• 1,414, M. -- It i-: doin2 ,Aund,r, ,i 0 :',a, con:idertA .0 . ow BA—, .Ilion; tithatit i< actin!! on \. E. A it:Nt .)I,i). 0111 Li a practi -in!! i.- Ow 'ln smile t.-' 1: •O•rfit 6 inn its 11:4 . , 1 - 2.. V. ' iris illid, t h e 1.!. 61 Reed I t0ti.4,,, WV, so be ic: ,r>. 1\"~ pore'o.l w i 4e' ".I end=, in, fly r Vaptist ye. .? Ilcfr sup ' i n~r,ocin ; l i i will the I (..nn r)( %%)., =IS 1 . )1" INEMIE 181 E A s IN 'HAN rz- , . th,Pul op(t lo g rOli,W the eJ,It att. cAqin d Id horny'', MI!M 0 U K Li Pizrt 1\ ill cnntinnp•llt I liessim at , ti lic :F" Elie, Pa. Ntivi„ttion tor tii shipiment elt or o;lk,r 1.1. k i; h !!,,ott me al the fir on the lake , . run and li opt:y[l dill to to Ike torn dizw: of To lviy io .111(1 hI I II tt,: Et le E‘tvti,ioil 01(1( he e l )11 el ail lii %, utterd ot\ n ihe la! Laht (to u by 1 11 l.iad s I Pitoluce 'fLey «ill keep C.- I, in lai !2ii or rn•adc on a 't ed, d t I Itimaime! i roil parcil 1.1-•ta 1 r and Cu-tin or bulk, ri , l3 !I s of evi,ry tit.,criv• r.S Fii t.ENI ibbak, ' be, ' 4. co wei 4. co. ni t oo, 'orb ,c• t'o. 1.) 1 I V. !lob & Ouden owns, Tut , i Jut C IJcttoit. ,‘• , 1817 C'' NI. 'll Joiln C. 1111-oit, I 14dt,i'a N. 11. .Niot I hii., C! (:( r:. 11. - urt,•- \\ 11l i) St. lit Nitwit Id 1 4 1 , Ltv y rs • nn, Co. N. titv, N. , V. 111 C. \V. .1 Catlwrines, lcveland, O. ;hi:aen, Illinois. LULL Al' LAW, AY WEI. P COi'S;A: I. I:11.11AM; arraiwed fi a, to ,nahh• loin (1,2‘ , .t0 a thil L to hi , io %1 at 51FICSS CIal11,1”4.1 111 li. Cal t• ts in ilke Counties of En t ., \ I elcer' ' (flat io.i and Styr( C,ou t this taw; 11l at. :in.•enif4'lls by which he 'less in the atli'l!iniog - rountte; I- t Olio. 'All oi...nies Led • Diat',, on Ne,tr. York or- I'llll - 10, Exeltati4!e. lie ot and pru(et ute Claims Hato 5, (flaw and superincencl Id Linte. 4 iity with nlllOll all hn• =IEEE vale "wil! be neilbrined it nn , in this place to speak, ho: In transact, or Col t i Zia archon of cunnU v, are M tn ;h. tollon - :I' 'ON, I! :ED. & Wit liniT I Eric. Pit 'I t. Esq. I ' :- l'Eltitl:T r, ! MI iti Ili s. (1,,. . i 1 ' • lIIN,Lmes. I I:sg. 1.1.1131.5, Eski. 1.,1,.t. linffalo. Esq.. L 3 Ls, -.— III) \TR, Ilneho.ier,i N. 1' An..my, N. Y. • I 44 *. E`q•. & Win . KVA, NAL % ( 11,. MOlt RIS, I), Wst.hin ton .11,Elt, s log' :port, I • "r } :"- /.( iveriro, NI. V. 5 • tSON, s.kilduNky, 1% own! s Chicra g o, 111. bIVDEN. Co , , 111'NK. 'RON. ;?, L , Q . Wltet•ltng. V.I. Monroe, Mich. Cit elnittl, , O. • rON!), , Esct }Deroit, Mich. s Escz. i 47. *, iiALT—Alway, on hand, a cs-and of the b,,,t quality, by " TOMLINkUN Itn'.uitleanbroldeied de Lane., Shawl:, a la mode, very I MERcIAL I d Morocco Sill. , and Bu-d ins, I;X4.;IIANUE. Ihncrcs and San ineus or every ?r, arc (aired a; a fraction J E STOKE, 111' French St. tDPI , ' A . 11 dime ss lli fi 14 1 1. riet tiy sale, and way b .. trii,Te to \ l:hild en li,orn i .oiler infancy, to 'Avail() i «1 are, la 1. lays n 4:4 l tio'r ' , train: as to cold's . 10 cr . , ri • any hind of for,d. l'ut - ges mildly, ..ithalninv, :fever c'e ttrofs and expels t'•or tug 'w . i Lb invtriah euc cess, and is eastly - tolmini4:tred to childr.Ps. That it pb.sß's.es :best' valuable properthl , is tea let-sly assi , ttuti: stilt vlaitnits. , the ad ittic ilat WI s antao't s of beim!. oi von ;:n sin ill ludic, am renuir 110111: Of tile drenellin , sch - ich `.s.'oriti Teti a id utile 1-uppe-ed l'ermiftwes dein - m. 4 1 'Thu in.. its bt :I Lilt cat err, it li,it been tntrodueed Into than) fuoilli.,, %%lune evety other Is hosvn and at•c(qtsibli Vertnititge had been tiled nbtlenit the leact -sue ee,s, where it ha , romp ly ?-xpellt d xs °rms . ' to ail almo - 4 incredible amount. . i . 1 li•ai what the Editor 'Wilt , . .11 , 02ttiin of ' lik.:-.Fa - el lic 2 (published in I,ittsburigh, Ikt.) .say, ii re:tut: dnett to the article. , "iii,liioli. in. , lip a rem; adcorti,t•tnents Ifor my 'mall ;bet t, tho other day, I called' in upon :\le-si A .1. KI OD & I.;(/., and tent.lrkin. , t sat I svouhl be . glad yr inlvelli-e any medicine tli it really at as to sent hilly useful, [hey turiii"...lied iii 7 as iththeit,c ir- eular rUsprc.m. , Mr.' , Nl'l,ane' , \Vella 1... r.., ifi, ~ ...1, .the ac.c"..mtpan, , x tog t crtifwa'es ''. Feeling pervaded that .tin , ver,ilitiates N%t to genuine, I took some oithe tkidit i n. hanne In, 4ln. al , 01 my inn yowl , fluidly. I gas t, ',be ,fiist diva'mail lea,ponnttil to Stt: alt. : .. .h...1 sx as Mean look l in. , mul l black under the eyes. : -- ,l . oll,assed -.‘ veral vs n:111 , ! some tto. larg'e at.,' a pipe . f 111, 1 ~i.. 0 L,..,,,ti, a small tt , tl. l ,oo,,ccit toy un.h I, a 1,. 11..., i....y eficei s erl;ile.iit boy. ; bout 3I 2 \en - till. Put a, his stomach ll iIS 1% Mi/dll./11.4, i e lie nas uo.r hell.ed, I thought lie might bate tern iii .. Ili inlet) alo mote, tt kit li I di I le, _,,•, li: I.) -Is ,• Lou, but upon the operation 01,,thig medicine, lii, ini - ,1 lel will tie neigiiimi a were -Mrpi i:ed at the te-ult. lie pa- , ed nearly a pin' of ‘N of of -, alfoo A all as bp , ts-, a i•e2111111.S1 I,ll'N l. Pt. .1 ht.! I! 1.5.1, ,I s .-11'y in ali, -' I then ~ k .. , I)I. to a h Ilk' 2 iii hu) . )(n: , i 100, slid le' th.t..l ttt;linty fit i, -nine -i.lll mete- , e - iiiti j../1,,111. I ti Iv 0001 I. ;POI (leaf ;0 11:0•11T11(.11,1 .\ l'- La rO4 VeM11111;:t• il, a :pr a ttle l lor norms. - I: Califs scout-death to till of 11F.E5' , Pitßbilol, Feb, 10,h. 1517 J. Kirin& Co., No. ti') Wood Streiv, Pittsttrl4, not% the s;ile Plop' ie,;IN 01 . 1)1. M'L:l l / 1 2 . 3 et!ICLIra t. (I 111. 411, All ut,l,•t. h • tutart,.-3ed to ,111.111 . S. 11.—lit , or. will 1,103 , 1. L^ triryieti/ for and eliquite tor hr ll•ui'ru .S)4'iific or ( 4 itst‘ Vikr; , - , 4Nstti.4rrii;',N;744.l-W44:4- 4 1 ek* *to I' v eg ` t •, • ST • - n th, Thtt paid ••tuurnPr hl` 16j ,It4t- lit t.ii a ‘ , .iy le in.ulsab'e 0 il .' , VI liLif 11: .1 Al ileaVy /,1110^,1 0 :10lV 7 l'd t , ) ill (11 l' :1:1./ I011:4 COll 11)10 11 0... M, had 11 : 0' t•frt t t, in tit i-11..ifplace,ltt pt,tutt a t a • a ia p i d I tt zr tp, ‘ , I, 0t ., -ucettletv %e'2. tattoo, and in l'u.s ,t ut,al, Itt•Ku dtwe a rapid t!ayoll1p0 , 1.i1)11 01 %,1 , 4:0::11tIt4,111111 0. r. : , I,llAll 11^t . 10 101161 101.'1111 and -pr. ;L(ltutz, -ick ti.•,ii,l , ti .. „ ..; . f . a , .' a:s.ll (I .011. ill pl,O ~ .ti 1 , Weil hat'l lololol , ' lO In , •:1 rt•tuarlsable itu- tut tr s,dubrity. \Vii ire eriiii!ibly Ojai NT id \v,i73 II .11.-,tilch ri% y. 11 , 'l'd I' 111, ‘1 a , 1 ' 1;4 lit ru I/Cl. Lind 111:11I,11' , ., I.' I` "It I - tv•—• kt t then! v. !Ito. Cn0.%21s lich.on. lilt' -it!, 1% ho-el Ln2' , ut a' nt , 4t at ;1,1 I,y ;1 t., 4 ,tr0 i/l. ,ea rail za ti HI a rd . (it 1111. , IL ila% vew.lll, 11,01 et y taunt) i.cpc on basal ;nit pl•, or Int.di, thL t,11;,(t: , tin-.11/1115.11.1. /%).111 %, hit 11 Hif.'aila , ,,l,:lt`re at c. r titer- ,InChan d. In to'dtzton to Ll:ittnin. , , (‘‘ itchl I:3 in ,11 , 211.` , 1.111.` , 1.111.` , 1.11101 11-t• a, o no'cotn inent,) eec N‘ould ut ev.•ry Itntilr to keep on It.ttot II of 11,10 buxun of ••Dr. L.\ NE'S LI VEtt Troup l'ill , at,. Ow pi, crip•l , ln ~, , f ,raNn. ,l lkm I'lly.riciair in 11,,iion ,, :illa Cu . Nil:. , gnia, Itl/t1 ti L. l ii-(41 by him in his pi ;%au: p;actit aas ,a- leilled in 1P1R ,, ,,, 0)111 .1:1111 - 101 \ V.ll i' b..i.41. 1.1. 1.11. , 11.211• oi otloi in;; ti!...lt In I : 0:,' [..!.ift.. ...titli. 11,31111,...r: 'iia, ',11,--11«(., , ilt th l'i",, sn , l ~, 52 - 1,• it. Ow mitilb ,, i LO, pi±r44. ) ,11,. In :1,11, , ii by ill- , iti,,ib, oi', 1 .:111; 01 I lf,, ,in,iiitiis. r,,pil-i,a in ,- , iiprly Hi,. iiiLic.,F- Xiy , , lum,i, , d :ll%raii 1,1 iI1:11i.1 . 1.: tilittui I,lllv v%ith Ole lim , • reiriiied to at - <•ii to lii: prde.i4e. 'l'ir pile% en! this he t; wade atraiwt , ttio:es li i.li the ho ll , i , 0: J. 11111) ,S: (7,.. , , No. C,'l \ Vip 1. :":teCt I'ill , liti,gll. P., . to p ( pala , :Ili i ...11l .In ti, nil the '2 - 11.111.t• rosy he plq(;irctl at all 1.1111.2, and to tuts re.1 , ....1:11.1... ,1‘ , 111,:jIN , 11..' , P l' it! , all. W.: I.T.1111.11"",11. II :I`. a p 11.‘1c,•;, I I'm "•,ii lb , H , t , , , t fl. -,: - ,1-. 1., i, 1....* 'l,, 10 ,1,1 di ‘ tti,,n , .0110 I Is 0 r ..!•tliti ,dl I, .1,,,,,- , ,14,,,,i iii .they -in .11 ,I.l)t.tit a it1...1 .1,1 i , ,i,.. ;,.,Cr tic, 11, , ,1 ilp•tii. ~i i,, t l,, in Iltoi.i , ;11 , 11, , .-,,-. i,.1 , ll ,cr l'il: , , :, 1.1.1 (..li,not b, pa,..,1,1,1 1 1,, ,•:,,..f,,n,,:, 1,11 0.:1. 11.161.:'.1.11.11 1/1) I 1,% / .4.1.' :1..1'0 :u tw ne•l,l, , If. .1.1 f i r, r,,,,t. 1 . ,.t .illii,,-;.it.t, , tall I'.l , 1.4 . 11 - I ., at Linay It. sli_c a -CC...le !, of .-.) 4 , ..,,,,, t • ," L'.o - . 'i...1.... by 11.1 y 11.'11 ." - 1 Pupal...llot tl.o pr..; ri, .1. lc" 111 D Whol u ,d e {), titr 6 , 1 NI, ~,,ds•-tr,4, , loath, ,t`,lll .111 I , ltlOlS - tiom a ti,lansl' .t r , lit-pri:t.ll),o I 111:on'Hamt the . I Ilited ;. -- - , ttr.. and riAtiada. ; N. 11.-I'll:cil.i-t „tilldrn.r bl. pqr ic- . 'dal and engni:e for "lb.. /./v=• arid 1.11•1 . Iliffit; 11-0, a• 111 , ollw r nowt luaCtlie yutriv. plirpoodiill to ho r AlOr \ T•.--C 4 lllter 6.1'1310(11'er. 3. li. Blirt.ll •S: CO., lice; .1. Alatvin, \\ werion); Johtl Nl' , ' 11.11.,, t :iraul; John A. rrant'. rail - % iew; W. 111. T0.%.:1 , -- , ail, ..-Trielqi,ltl; 'lall & Vllll l l ilt. I 'ratu , u :lit, inetsson & rautidlell, 1. 4 . 11,111,,e.0., D. C. •r„,, ri.:,:. co: \V ar,litif:l; A. 'l've. tello - .1, I._;ttit.p ]:\ I ills; 3. El. I l]w i ll. North]w i ll..l I i Sold - I)y 1)i :/ atg'..:s ; iiiil ;\ lt•reli tuts tienerally, tliroliL!liegt the I:1 ileq' :kW s; ' [ iiple .16, l' 17, I 1 1 ' •It . A fri r.N.t, . ~11,1i.t, .1 ~ ~.1 . l iiic.i ...,1,1/..h 1;01th. V ~1.,0 Lins ~, and 1 Voi, , t( ti (401 els of all kinds I C.e- sale 1 ely lcm at (.' A D.tl T I l.• . , kV l ,Nt'i 1 ' - P - ini(l' r l();lPLuß:,r)i,',( Lkur:dt .ri„,1 , 41, 111-.17 I'l Evk 1: , I , k 131,1,t „. 41 NE I, \ 1. , , ,,i AUCTION & COMIVI'S.XON STORE, , Tm u i ~,.2.-. •1 t., . 1, i% ,to int frill thtfti t I,•n' ,01l i ,t, pl' It, ~ I 111‘, i11,,t the) ha,,, ( I 11, c‘a i, l , it,, , r) b1i4111( .. .. at the old , t tlld of I i l in 1 , 1 ili ‘rn, ii dale-ttect, too (1 , orq (lyttlf of the I ,t,t , !iced f, It, rt. they are ready to rcrene and di 1 o-- ot til 1,111,1 s of C,,,,_, k that final be to, ,1 to th, in cilia, lf Ptiftlic luttfol nit l'riy.,te Sate.l Iv ‘ It, p, tint I:,‘ qtr?,. t a ten • ti in to all lici inr -, c 1 to%li.d to them, i to Iri.iin a Ili I of tot 18,11,11,. pttr, ~,_t o . 111, ~ %,, in ki o k ,p un hand aL, itt, tra., of ready madecloth Ini. , -oil ILA to the season,, ,% lift l't11 , ) will sell (lit ,f , ~ the cheap (.1: 111 1,17 ,c• 1,1()IZ \ 1 cs, Brie, km il 3, 1' 4 17 / lb NV.ll\ Pe \ rlialur , 1./1"!;..d.. any prantilv of Good 111-: \ ll,' 1('1. I , 'F.NI" 1:. 131d.i t ;OS, 6,9;110, and 1-2. Illch - e , ~% ide,-,1-1 and 16 feVt. Inn , . I A , LIE \ ILAI - 2,1i. jUIt..,,E, I I-2 by ly l at,tl -2. /% .' I' 3 , it',, 6 awl 20 I'vet. lnn , . _ l u. lE ‘II..SICi( S'iT I/DINU, 1 by C:)65 , 1 . pI, 1 ) ,1 and 16 fort lon , , for wliff;il 'df niarl'et r ice %%iil 1 ), •-) tid - “ 11,•fi 13-eAlvf. Luni,b,:r yard AZ Lk` 109 t iit Ytrue II siroet. Ny Al. T111:ESIIAIL Eli , . Mtreil I, 1317, I. NEM• - - - , WE COME, W I ' i l , ' , l il l o t , l i t e e L b c \ t- t 0,, ,t 1 1 , 1) . 1 ‘.;,, t i lot ,. e s s ,s t T;t i l ( i )l. 3 s f , fali ever Mr-TO in this market. co ' , kiln , " in Part 1 SU 1)10(1115 Dresq Silks—utWl eoltmi, cuilmicint; .Colored and Plaid and Stu ped Poalt de Soi, b€ it) de Rhine, • i . Tiro de Swiss, Satin , of all colors, ; i `IIA \VL.S of all hinds, I such as Silk - , Crape, Blirra ,, e, Thibet, Nlons cq Lain, Brocha, 4 7 e., ' I.+ ns, lialzatincs and Mirages ' ! 1 I Gloves and Mitt, of all kinds—Silk, Kid; Lisle, CiAion, &e. CLO T r HS, Ca.sitM.tl•es, Tweeds, Kentuckyleaus l and Satineas. ' In short, customers can , • I find every thing in' the 1 Dry Good, line ti 'tally , inquired for in the mar ket. We forbear toinention prices. 4 Sittlicre to say, ladies, we can sell you a handsome French Lawn'dress from 12'A to 16s, tl u att will , vie nith any in Broadtvay. Please call and see q for, your, selves. Farther partieulais hereafter.,4-14 't forget the place, at -- :=l--- - - - CADW DLL'S.. April 28, 1817.'.,_,,, 50 _ nirrsnu RC; II Rock inghain Ware.— A. beau- Jr WO article, and good ast•ortment instreceiv led arld for Lade by . \ ? FL TO.MI,INS'CIN ‘t• Co. A ttLiiPt I. I 16. 1 I Tigi,wAvoiturE IRE:1111: DAY.—The high cur 'outlines . where lie,toued upon these data s'edly pj loy eitisens attic bight... 4 reaper t4ilat),l qaf the anedical profe•sion in every It.t ti titate• and British Possessions, entries t' of the'Conquerers of Disease. A tossid C.,,,,t,.. t te•i tinnily is in'the Doctor's pl performed by their preeminent reniethes el Ire it urent of the medical faculty, Mild nettled:es of tire Ila} had been triedhi vu , , DIL:IIERIIICK'S VEGETA LE SeGri ? () „ I 1 - , CATED) Pl . f,-S, . ' , A M. 0.; he ,1 , ,r - ..ith t onirhed sure_cs an ts ,4 ,p h , „.. ~ - i quart ;ft: 1 utnt'e '3.11J1 po•11,1“, rtlrpal'ar. 1 h . ) ; ',lilt .t.I 10i-I'lllll.o tiIIICLIICrIk inllll , ana l 112L0,,,,,, ~.' Si r 1101, plitl. :11111 1, rah tle:s of the b P ail ~,k, Mod ; ~ • ill bahet , or yeses !tabulation of t to di ',rent_ onto. 1 . le; a bonsai body. foul breath, coat tl_to ur, f,,p,, , ,,, ,F,, 7 le,' habitual costiveness. and in all ales hers. ths . ..t„ . i ..i..„,,„,„,e,,,re loaded wtth /at 'tort, .Z rem rite the of flair hr. Einril,hoA root:mon , r ,f) Ott 1,... 4 , , P: - :• ranted under oath purely liegetublia. and ,t.eff ( 0 , 25 ' 9 mad I,,beine rt:o ordoTfiry iliase. kisia, II .-- cent— lIERRIcK'S SCIATIC I,INDIENT, TIP INFALLIBLE ItEMPDY ~, ror Itheninatenn, Sprains, Dramas, 1 1 , 41tacted ei g ,, bore Throat, Ilituazy, Cronin, star Jail t,, S-hrulak , y 'at - Agar• ini the t'ed-t. anti face, 'youthoth rlie, Finzse 1, Dl•or•en, of the l in nintie,. Perished Limbs. and oh, re,., 4,1 I XIA:(11 al :applle, 0011 l a inilo,lllril. li if` rilpillly 1111, %I lni a) th , WONDIIR WORKING )If; dt:INIE - Cuss.,,,, . o r.f. e.,s,s of the ahoy° di-carp's lidi attthottl TAI AVt i iNDEit AND A1)3111tATION of the. .orld"rbs, , Ma . ' avail them a 11, .a.• or the use of this I esMlr. la a t,,,, Ii , Gar Doctor lab put the price at 95 c e ta . Each 1.-.4' ti e ma, the Duct , imine blown in the gl s.„ met et,,l, ed an ,‘ e,ot or 11 11,1,1,e1l tipinr,seeompa led with fail c. ter taws. 1.11;et I.e grberal debility, nil mac.' Is at`i p. 11,111 V. riilillf.n. , a the Fiolllool nO4 bowels e coding' I. ~,, •1410 •, 10, of alqle tale, tr,tidding of lb . tubs, pit, ~,, tine of the, hem t, Linhdit•e, Ague , gad I' •1, r, and all t_ ,ous dwelt-r- aril fuck iv etiteal by the, is e- af i . ii l'.. int if_ KS A' 1' . .6 ET:, B ' 'ONIC ' 14 ,. . BITTERSI. - necompanied witlf dir 0 o ill radar inuif.nt; gal Irouta.. l Colds A stlanin, l i g ,4.ib1l g in Croup, (lithe Pal j. - 4 4-in ham , I manner ran Cc Wituopn: Itod te ,, ', , t , a , 0 , ! , tif, the t'olo , unipt, nod otneltly pot il,t,y , DR . IfEltit' ',K'S AIEDIO, 1 - i . 1,0 72EN 6 ' Pr ce ty, e t.., r,‘„ of thr,it L e l , ene t Le. THE ''ItICAII•II,I,INT SI where .it tend. the 11, nf Ferri -derzeure , le the'deAt re.dion id e the 1111111 ‘ll -F.,.tfilll, 1., placer of rem:lift,. y They ore pleasant them. owl tSdir , Oiler 15 such as 11 . Pt ire '..?:; re.. la WI lell dire c tions 11, II i • di id 1( . 1)1, Ile,. 1 , 1 the brews It he 11 111:111•In Jreruh•wci, etc. will t ,:11Eltit I CK•S 1 GALBA NI. 1, 1:.;1Ni..i PLA I , z - 4 1 ,1-;,.1 on flee lin! lelihr r, will 1 mouth. Pc ir e only llliet,t , and ' 111 other Id i 'ter. 'i anal are tend I CII 1 A I'EST PIASTL: L NOW INI , ' . To TIRE PE I. ... nal , Ii hat .oej horn eats! by, 1/100 1110 I 1 0`,' 11 1 011 1 ` 11.611151. pit ileee o mal OM ( .0 .kt..11 Vlll,lOlll 1 1 11 P eye II 101'101111.11 , lima it h, , lia p Iteat % for .11 111.1inl: iiithil 101'1/Y, all. pr.Ltts .. or o,cept,..t. I, fire i,..., q be jit,„ . lpe- :ii the 1..1-e; w heiber a t i',o I,T, 1000, r to oxi-I. lir—llerrul II 1: .rt.e. the Colonli“ , -e.tler of I..ePuit. at IA I.,tii rio .11,1,er,, p, en I el", ' ..• I l4• rove:Mr', Jun. 14, 1d46 ty, Ht., : s . I, De, Sit --Your'le Cr 0 the sth inal. hi 1,,,,, ~ 4 f,, , ,1 In ,n-suer to OW 111111 iry whether art' ~ ~..„• I, ~ I, ,-, s ei ;e t, d t,..r .1 1.11 eo.r.ed witlir•u,gar ' 155. , [ll 1.1r1,11.1 OM 1.1.1 l au 10 cord 1.1..11( ik a patesa.C.l i• 1. II !lit it , 1110. 011101'. Resift-010 11:..vour.ii ' \ ItlEtt3tUN ID 1113,R K E t 7n 7 :.P 11, •nipil I , t , % ire a thorelzene al deser:ippee 1 5 the V. i‘ In ~. :4 1111 1 .5' li. 155,51 of Site ‘(1 . the' gent, Pr!, Dopon It•: ,tree 011,i be addr'•••••••11. 1(;F\ 11. Horton & Col Jahl i ' t , ;ti a & Ginuil; and .1 I: t - Feb . ...,. ... , .. . - kEWFI 'AI . 1 - ; _ N I.',VV AN D GI-lE.of II tehcoek P G ,tOC FAID3 -! ! T 4 41 l'.\ Zi \ 1 \ I Ell LY & A. H. 9i,in i:rcitocK 1 J 1.,•,. oi 111 4 214 . 11 111 ~:'4merl'y &C.,t tare :11•::,11 C.. 4 1 44 , 1 0i'l at rd I,cunselves! In the Wta- sale and 11 , tdil Clrouer busi!ne=s,lcin Slate stn,:, ne,,rl . , o i , r , ~..,!1, 'I., t , ,,,k1-1, , J..ei1, in the room late -11. 1, cop], ,'. 1.1; -\\ - in It indernCehl under the i t . e. 4'.1. Z1.` , 1 NI I.fl: L, S . & Co. a berc'‘iill be !'cuail a 1.11,2:c and a eIV ~..eye:ed a: V4olimen!. : of all ikind.zl.l We., And 11, v . I't•-t India Go l ctb.--i 'ornprisinz ere. it' 411 I 11. go .11: 4 11 p .!. ~4 p, rr calledf;,:P in a Grocer, tore. .1111 4144 Lndek, nay luVouncl: Coffee of us cry pl ice and4;izilidy. ' lild and Yolitnz 11 v , oil Ttlll'; r , - l l 'cpp , r, ::-pit I c, Plitli. , i.o, Br,-1, . ( 1,,, . !„! o; cia - il.• I[l , 1 ro l r.l T.,',.i. v , I,' 0., ry frzilit .. . ~t all- !,in. 1 1.,"10. , .. , ,1,, !r v , i 0. , v. - tyl J. Z ,4,•t:0. tellfF their ?fa i nt, pat',, ;._c ex', lificd!ti;thOlil 1 ail. l 11 ,, pe CO , .‘l . inadby their , i, l'cl“.. a I 0:1,.4/lII.COL e Of Cal, old a- .. a i :: .1 , I nt ‘t cli , tottwr, l e , l to p.iichn 4.7.1 in or all I ,11 tell a i l I - am! Troche., Fla ler 4 , I ,1, l'or 1 1 % !iit...11 I.'_lSl.l v‘ l cotiv.i.r. I , -, Et rot Alitil=f2l IS li; 1 ly, F,W GOt 1 - 11: 4 I N ,(4%.-t1i.., , 1_1 , ..,,, G. LI tom - 4-t- , --• . : a F ri :„ 1! Ii v il l i i ' Oni '' l or ;go,. ilsixt liolli makes jheir e-ed \e, i (omit ising a large ;arts 1:1,-iiorkitile J E\VEI,II.I ,con 'slat ruby, , iarn et, emerald, a'met hys,t, a ereintelled pin., di.vtioa l ; redly,' an glnielir i :i :,..', Lfiraint el ainsf DP It t_ aeli , li ea , , liiacclete, lucket., lini wonlik ~ -.lnds snap:, It;..c.N T i od 1.:: —( 4,fd ,n,l Sit vet . 1 ' le ten: leN er, dmilex hot iiiintal id c meat. Frink.h . iliande, Ger ' nan clocks. 1 ---..\ SI L VEINGO: iDizl—Ta,gi mustaid Qpoolis, ladle, Initial ;Ternaries. chains, keys, pane -Rated, Britannia anti on Tea po's urns ; 'pitchers, aw l : cake ba:kets,l sin iII t -t.ticlo -t. ' , i spoon., tilecets, ink?stan&, ea CI. FLEA: 17.--11..T(.4:5i.i..it!, ialsi - frs raziirs, kith es and scl NI ISt - .7:•:LLA.N iilOUS.—Nli natical instilm inents, telesco l pcs, then/minas. locket conoo4- st s, 5.1.1 gla,iii-i, % iolinS,accuidiot '3, music boles Iliac-, fru,. -.kid pens, i?art.l - cses, combs, pocket k oks, pot ipistok li ax and glass beads, beadon silk bags and/pur• I sus, ula - .4iu guards, portable vi;rilini ,- ,,desks, work. paint, snub, tobacco and 6avin, boxes, railer strops, chmticit, ha s ir,•„:tooth - nail and sha‘in: i l d brndies and asses, C.4la fie 's di monde, Filet 1 lielrs, putt der l llok s, pereilion caps and pills, ip ,i . chessmen, doinoes, segar ca es - ; purse and sisal. pl,e-ns, I u selv i ii, cane, W ' halebone,,iio i lin 'and base‘ ifil:slrini2s,l - iiii2e, poitYder, i pulTs,, erfumerrq. ilium plastar, 4 ciich wtisVand pOwd4rs,"toolh picks, tee:hing rint s', - ‘1. ,. .a bells, s 'alinl: wax,- motto Ads, i i..si! in , eatls, timely b stets, neeles, bai iledin, and 1)1,4,1E4,', pool sands, wits numerous (Ail er art Iles nil Mentioned, bot i useful and orna mental', IA hiclt Stilt he For "retrdyjly," from twery ty• ill ' to firt 4 per cent ?Myer S han i liumerly. • N. ).3„ \\•.tri f l e.:, nit•iciliox6l, - 4..iy‘ ry repaired in the be-aiiiii toter add warratite Oit , iir a'ail a n':-t. kinds ',or ed i tintry oduce ta ken in pa vat:: L tor ...izooda or 'work. Call and see. - Tinr.itOltheit prices paid in civil for old Gold and t . . 4 llver. i I , 1 , July .24, lIS 17. - •-$.: ii - ; PI (..IF.$ k A ROM ..it IC -. 0 : -' ‘:DIMENTg. Nirtne!, , s,' Sag I ' - N lace, - . i . 13 ' iri ti ' Almonds, . - - Cloves; Sumer :iavory, , -Grout d Ciruiamon, Swe najoratn, I ‘1 Pepper; bl.ta, Van Ila;43eans, t ! Cay'Sr Tie do • 1 . Citrll, ' I ' .ti, Superior NI ustard, Extract 1 anilla, I Pure t iJiiniait':alliinger ~ .L mon, 110 r ' .- " 13 tier Alm nds -Ground, do- 1 , 'Orange F eon Aya crj Coriander Seeds, Leai , iit'S lloSe do, . Caraway ' Till i i - 1 DIETELB - lt l i "t tll. T,IIE, SI 2-Ef ( S‘ JINVALID. Bermuda .1 crool !toot, (faint al, Sop ndoi ofiite Tapioca, Coop r'illsi glass, - Pearl-Barley, -- , - , Russi n do Sa2o, • , Irish 3, It Ice Hour, - leelar i . ass; Scitcted %x WI care and all yari .11,?u,sperior, MEI I d J. 11. B Erie. June 19, 1517., , ,i55, No NOTICE. AL ' l.person• ' . who knpw the debted to Brewstei-, Bum fey and Br wn; r Alehafrey at at the Stor • oi, 11 oollen Facto quested to pay t eir indebted July next; or adz •rwise expect cd. We. , Arai of all deacri II be re' d at th lee ot , cheese, ovr if deli ver ri re .1 i'...olirtfliti,l'ortr3llsolltd:irtli43,t.lll „.0.. 4 . 1 by zue,,,t,?. rn orthp,t,,,'; 1 t•nt to 11, ~,..,,,* of- to -; .1 ,,, ...t0tt of c: ' ,, = the Illvtl pc , n. 'Pt.: • ; B. Snd In the e.piob of t or the IA • ntly COLE:: Fp v. bleb ...,.. Den, DeAti l oy.L., 1a ofworm, Itt-e" or, the .Atalw..... .. Children Iv i ink the behold, rr:utrering (~,, wand hack, t . R end in the... , TItENGTIi. h; TER. • IV, N. ' pulal 15 tire o tat, alto nu, I I . lad otl 4 , front role to i'l it the• php the .84r5.1).. x cur re to • erei USE. Ftw Work andat, , H and nif3ern.rd es the E , ccu. t he itultr4e ant 1.. 6trin of Atli. e Ss a rartin to 31 , asittugitio nht., MEM IMP_ Cueumfps & IlayOr, No 1847.—b 40. ump and Le Tp,rafsinu, fizT 9110 trot ' - Ton, nails,. Vi IC '~I tgar t II I; lie very aenera pas: six year•, yyors to pleasP n: the shape t' iny are prepar ! 'butter, eggs. 11 - othy and 'C10•,.-paid •,.-paid at then inr t 17 1 : 1 1: . for. 11 b' QUDSI • ..CO„ opyrosue e just received it former stork . anent-very ex yof rich and 4 of diamond, flamarine and YG S ha to th, 0 plain range s, speciaelt•. " a lure setting. 's of the pat-. ninon escape. nd Arnefican MEM At.. yr an fit;ca: r„~ol t Hot I l i fruit kniree, •(. thimble . !Silver 'Far nkaids. botoi, rers and Ira ) `, er celebra•cd s,or , they 113 1 i d A alit 1 RT N iiSi Co. eed House I Ives, to be in• I n, • Co„ Mahal. d Brciwster, v, a o hereby re css yv the first of Ito ha e costs add don's, Butter , and eni debts duel n Fac ory, •eive l i in pavl Erie Wonin II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers