i , NEW GOODS! ht:NV GOODS!. ~ 1 .1 . 1 4( .1 .k , „._,, . G. LOOMIS 4. CO. 7,-,,11 Cell 1 . -• . \ _C•••* --- louse, Et ie, have just received `- ----= ';' - ••-rrf an aildition to till(' (*muter stock elf 'goods, winch makes th.-ir asso tment vpry ex ensive, comprising a large variety' of rich and fashionable JEWErt..RY, consisting of diamond, rruby, garnet, emerald, amethyst, aquamarine and enamelled pine, diamoad, ruby and plain rings; old ear rings, guard chains and keys, spectacles. encil cases, bracelets, lockets, miniature setting, himbles, studs, soups, Fix. Sze. 1 ) VIME.—GoId and Siliter Watches of the pat ent letter , _ duplex, horizontaiand common eseape ,meht. French mantle, German and American , , .;: i ctocks.• 1 ' • - li SILVER GOODS.—Ta-le, desert, tea,snit and , Mustard spoons , ladles, butter and-civil, k n i v e s , I Ispeetaeles'; chain-', keys, pencil eases, thimbles. • Plated, Dritamiin mil Orman Sllvrr Ware.-- Tel pws, urns,liteicre, cups, tankards. boil ls;, cake baskets, mlleaticks. sntiffers and trays, spoons, farcets, ink stands, castors. CU FLERY.--Rogm's and other celebrated [Makers razors, knives and scissors. I MISCELLANEOLIS.—M atheinatiel I instru• mente, telascopes, thernnmeters, pocket compas ere, san glasses, 'violins, accordions, music boxes, flutes, fifel,,steel pens, card cases, combs, pocket imolts, pocket pistols, coral, amber, gilt, steel, 'sax and glass beads, bead and silk bags and pur ses, elastic guards, portable writing desks, work, paint, snuff', tobacco and shaving boxes. razor stropsA clothes, hair, tooth, nail and shaving brushek and glasses, Cilazier's diamonds, shot heirs, metier flasks, percu,sion caps and pills; chessman, dominoes, stgar cases, pulse 4 i:l'd cloak, cloops, tweezers, cane, whalebone, violin and bass viol strings, rouge, powder, puffs, pertlitnermy, court plaster, tool wash and powders, ;cool% picks, teething, riot's, tea bells, scalin • wax,--_ mono seals, visiting cards, emery thiskets, needles; bat tledor, and birds, spool stands, with numerous oth er articles not Mentioned, both usel ul and orna mental, which e ill be for "ready pal," from twen ty (We to fatty per cent lower than tin inerly. N. R. Watches, music boxes, •jewelry repaired in the best manner rind warranted. Cash and melt kinds of century prod'utte ta lien in payment for goods or work. Call and see. The Mghest. prices paid in cash for old Gold and Silver. . . Jana 13, 181 G. . .- -\ ;1 1131Ri SMITH'S Giu4xl' • 1 •i NAT I 0 N A - 1, PLL LS. PI I utc. IIF.NJ. S3IITH'S IMPROVd UNMAN VA TA3Lc_ {SUGAR COATED] PI 1.r.5 A Itv: the;ineitieine for the Ulm d stateu, and their imperinrity ham all .0 Mira for entire efficacy and plearimtneas hair won (of 01,311 . a pre (31/1210143} of fame sT hick in!lala no foreig iintliiimen to perpetuate. Mount unheralded they have potently worked their way, tool harea 5o:6.11110115 held 00 the approhation of the people hick nu other inailicine or opposition can relax. for about Ainr year. they have triumphed of er t160.1..e, and brought joy shit gladness to inlay an iii sious bosom. ' Peltir(V, An it medic it compound, I 6111.41.11 d, them us the me t deli cate, nail eve's' the Illere hardy, is Isis, 11.11 , 0 suffered from thn efriets of impure properties in the rtiooitli. is 1 at once ht il r lea-rd with thh delightful °per wml or these the• e Pills. They II ice the care illerti or the limit e ore fully .1-ct.l ingredient.., are always is ire, .1.1•1 there eau hm ne danger or taking them improperly ut any time. A Si:V(3l.e Tllllll, Will manifest their e s seellimen uI relieving the body of 111.1ny prrear,3l3 , or alarming diseases, keeping tho how els 'gently open, thereby enwitriiiss the esmtlintantie Or health. The t eminent = c.hteali-t In New York It us given los certificates that these Pills ore PURELY VEG ETAII..E. or WATUILEIisi OWN ItatiOn OVA Tho great principle recogiithcil by the mmusOr of this invaluable medicine is, chat cv -.)*Y I' ilt of bush S , whether In health or disease, is brought under the Nilo emits of the digestive organs. Tins plain mid do,trinn fornicate only ground on ruble!, a goad family medicine can lie recommended, ()prating accoriliog An this prineiplo. lilt SiI.TIPSI P11.1;t4 KIPICEIII44TIIIEN THE PJ rommetr, Premate the ',munition, of the LIVER., oil ls, awl NEYri, and REM/I,ITE TIII: theirs by adopt ing the ()VIA' NATlfit Cli mot comistent method of ren aming the LI rE 111.001) PURE, bicar ectiog oho vitia ted humors of the a hole,iiyitcm. It is inthiissiblo to give every pull: ill it it' l l') brief notice, lint these Pull, ern',rise-thy rerominiiisibua a, a mean, of presenting co much misery coil ,sr, O loch grow out or constipation of the linsvelts, n iglrt attacks, Vic, stri, and nin t h it is ill the, i m lv er of ALI. TO I'ItEVEN I'. These Pills do mot VALLI till, mitt Moat all 111,C l ' qes of tI We . : ALL gILLIOUS DISORDERS, They sty.hl :Jour, tuiparallvle4l—Tllli SICK MAN'S Ell iii VD. Aminitt !los complaint, for it loch tliebo Plik, are highly rectonineatfed, are the folltviow, A .. 1/.......- VKV EitS, , t PAIN IN T 111; /111./E, 11131•11rtit t, ; SCI:01111.1, - INDIGII% lON, 111' I 111.101111, ; , ~ CO irIYIiNCS - it_ OUSRUG T; lONS, 11:: t , A 1111:, V FEM %LP. COM 1.1,111:T8, 11 ti) APPY, ITIT, 11.11E1IMATIS NI, DI 13./t111.1: I,' 11110 /PISC, COUGHS. LY,i , .NTAIIX. W 'A K N Eft VI: 4., . I.lVi- it COMPLAINT, II YS , IMIICS, WOBIIti, 01111 S, IIEAKTIMM.N. - COL PS, 1111,107 , 4 .111/I.lC' t , INFLUENZA, FOOL STOMACH, ; I'llll' ES J.II,INDICE, , LOW SPiIIITS"tte. By (I,lla.ine, the simple ilirectioiot velic't aeotoyany every het et' genuine p 11q, a permanent cliri, Will 41 .1% A.c:e..i.:Mt.t of the II osPITAI. , , to New York hese giv -; t, these Pills the prefe 1,11C13 Os Cr 11106 . th,,n Qa ki ,d, E l ml Ii iv., beeq te , ted, and several 1:111N CN 1' l'ilYslrl INS, in Nov York and 06 , 3 . .. here, rise (heat II Piety isactiee. - BEIVAIIE OF' IMPOSIT1()N, Thu dent and for Dr. Smith's Pills heleg every whera great, never:ll unprinr iplml permas Itoo made Pill. of the • mot il.iimeroti. an I to p the thrm t ter (or the .1,113311,(11.1VC pat On '4'01(1114 or Tlii , rororn, " be Warr. Sod rAr Till ii - iriurrir ..ehINGINATURE ®i' C. utor_ii...uursit. Ono. tottnet er evel) It ,o. to to..auterfrat whielt Ls FOR-1 li Pitt% 31 ,re th au WO 4 to'ra.alLateaa ll.kle 6, ~ rte..uvoat• at the ranaltval ottialp nod Ow prop , e ;ace ra (elm( t o "SMath ~ II ,•ruhl .1, 1; ;/....tte," l , ashore Lucy con read of the lato:t important canes. I Wu give, fur av oat of room, but rt.,,, , Trwri.vioN.Ltz.s. re-..i. Rev. Luther Lea, hr. Smith's Pills aiti purely veget.ilde, oiler:Va. }tell, `. and produce a gowl re s ult. , LL' I'll it 1.17, Eiliter True Weile)ail. Fritm'the II I% J. It'ollett. My wife li.tii taken molr,t , 31orro.eirs, ittld in my eth ers. hitt she li is reeiliVo.l 1110113 benefit from D,-. Smith's drills than ell otio'rsi lie I.lelieyes they in, he m.• , 1 by feintiU•3 with perrec safety,' without chatig,ing their eta ploptieut tir iltel, and at aii . k seaion. •_I JOIN lil:I.LI TT, 127 Myrtle A+ inset:. Brooklyn. from t 1 fi.et vneatht Nee Dr. G. Denj. entirely cliriCl me of elitziness in my heai, nod general woulthe,s •'tiny ny,tem. My (3ulgyit , o uith the be,i. re.ullo. I would not pc without them.. ii,NAS II O 9 Fors tit et. Front tho of thu, [Duck River Journal. Dr. Smith's Pills ire f7llOlll 'ol..i.otioo, to rvhii:h other pills ere till are the I,,ht IllettieillP that I ba.o yet seen. J. lati Front the P M. Tonawanda, N. Y. Dr.. Sin kWh Pills arc the best 1 h 1 3 ,643 ever u.cd, IAC. KW. It, I'. 51 ", Froje 11ev. 8 NYilliant±. Pittsburgh . . ~ thrive timed Jr. Smithle Pill , , and know 111,1, , area goo medicine, &c. - S. WILLIAMS, lit Void. Ch. . , From Rev. J. G. 1,. 11 akin.. Dr. Smith's Pills are to 'great dentaml in this region from their pleasan ne.s and vtricacy. • I MIN G.! L. HASKINS, Marion N.Y. Fro Al DaMe, the Quaker. ' Dr. Smith —ll.o.pected ' , fiend—Thy l'ills are ceiling very rapidly; end give met rate satisfaction in this place, Pokeepslo. MOS US 1.1 .1 ME,•.:tli Mai n e-s t., Dr. Smith—Your pill. era .01 liked her:. F.l) EATON tO >DEMOCRAT. : Dr. Smith—l am much plea-lad withi your Intl. VG t.. Sugar Coated Pills. tied WO them in ny family. In,+ unuonNiLLE It.) AMERICAN j Tim above are Only a few extracts hot we might go on and fill 3 whole at wepapet: with simtl. ones. I hese Pills are now the most popular in this country, and give the 111' it general satisfaction, Theta Pills wi I always cure COLDS in a much more pleasant way than any other remedy. fur this they tiro we ra tied. - J TUE DA NGER flf being deceived is n oparcul; A, lioctr Smith's 'Pills have become very popular throughout the country, imitators have sought to paint off wth thieve stuff with 1 "coating of sager" to cover up a matt dangerous e 11 , palatal. Dr. Crumbecker, of Wheeling,Va. says that a pereot that place came near login. hits life from the effects of eutinterfeit..Sugar Coated' Pills. Meo, a g•mtletnat i Louisville, Ky. was seized with violent ,vorniting it tel their use. . . Get the genuine or get none, end see that G. ISE J SMITH it written ailtil a pen on the batten, of each it .. IPIITINCIIPAL OZINICEM. pmw YORK. M./Greenwich Sweet. ' - IlfksTON, 11. Water Street. I:ll4B,Carter & Brother, No. P. Reed }j on.e.. - . J. Cummlus & Co. Corner of 'Watt: An 7t ...f •Streels,) March 6, UM. n,l ___ T ADZES canfind at the corner store, a nic a IA eorunent of Gloves; Mitts, 1-laisery, tire. *4 liditfs., Fancy Fans,• Cent , S, Steel Beed Brzt • 'Purses, Purse twist and / trimmings, embroi(i . err materials. r•tich as French Floss, worsted , chino', on!, Ste. &e.,-rill very o.icap, by, Muv '2O. IP. i 7. / Ai ETC ALF. _ eAsiu CASH:!! l • ASH and ttte highest market price paid for FLAN Stich, delivered at the store of the \.tib , *maw, corner of French and Fiora reere . . , C.- S I EG EL Erie.,October 10 1010, r STORAGE AN I. F RWARDING. rpHli: sitbscribera are prepared to receive and ..i_ ' forward dude , ' the sea on by the Erie E'itoll eion canal to any point on tie' Lahes or Ohio riv. vr all property eatru.ted to I teir care with the ut mast dispatch and at the lei 'est rates. . ' Boit So,res and Grocerie, of all kinds constant ly on hand and for pule rhea ~ at their Wale flnuse on the canal, k...itr,th etroct litndirw, Glazier's Da- P P. GLAZIati M. NI. SPA o LDING. tin ist I'.rie, April , 11, l' ,5 -,..07 1 I I 1 CHEAPSIDE,. ‘, has -jar= ,„4„.....\ ,_, A. 1 • I received in NOw•N ork .....--:, ------'• - a new and etc. supply of boofts ephraeing, Theoloir.ical; ilieellaneous, Sundy and ClasCteal Siihool 800 9, Stationary, &c. &c. efa , which will be Folo cheaper foreash than ever he lore o lered in, thi's market. Among i his stock . , may he tonna— A Wlon's clas4eal Die'v, :33, Robinson'S Greek and Hi , i(iiii Dictionary, ,•..ii; WebsteCe. Diction tuy, i..:;;; 50. ". • . vegrat tern Coautry, an I in . ltastssisu„rule 10, 1613. George L. &auto,/ Cri.. A S. , .r. I feel calk: I upon by the tle of gratitqae, to er thofollowi ig testimmty in fat or of your External 1 o rty- , .-flunt's Liniment. My. gratol.oo, Clark . E _...1' who j.. 1110.0 11111 10 ws of age. has hero fur the a years aca ipple,cau,ctl by 1,11;' from t chair t I two yl , ll, OM, Elliti 1N191101i117, ills 11/111C. , ° ro w neporrouce wet hare ti lull mery IMP ilr tutu to tits u sittral ohlise, but an %rollout "v boo to Now York, and ',heed him under / ISlCiale of Rhill, nod alter remaining ; fe brought him home no batter Ono wl :. For la•yeral days at a time, he I a could only Walk by titnetor ills r support,' giving lout the Rive o hark. tic was-fitro taken to , without any bolter sueen.s nuottgl ro go 011 t of do ~s would 'mile to perfeml after ,mild ban hill Of hope Of :Mein ii: strength; bu ..1 h i , " penooly in toy_b r ' am rejmerol to • tr 1 1• tit; his Ow-. truth ,or elc,, [lnc there f i a lake t .' in , 10 I e 0 ' A. .& •. St'S; i / 4 , earner Fulton and IYilliain, 1:. A:ill:MAI. ~ Pll W illiam Street. JOHNSON Kt D Sr. cii Pittsburgh, wholesale trouts 8 for Werra Pennsylvania. c_ .0. orner addressed to me at Sine.. Sins. N. Y., Wt. Will be a ! 1 1 , .tentiedt . ' : ' •Gr.tlltGek. STANTON. Proprietor. r e% Far Pale by J.,11. Burton & to, Erie, 11. (:`,:.Town North s ll Eliot, J. Clements Fairview; N. L. Joni & Cu. Girard. April 10. 1817. ' 80'17 NoNaMst7 , tlll4'l7'OlNlYuTT(w JOEL JOHNSON, Zi.nition'A Virgil, s3, i Ainirrio's Horace, ts7l 75 do Hoiner,l gri, - do' Cicero, 1.2.5 • Aothon's Jacobs' Crack Reader, t 32, do (to \ do Les , ons, I, do do I.aten do I, do do ' do Pro.3,ody, 1, ' - do do gailtist, 1, Davie's \flatlicmaties, iottliding Alaebra, LO ,,endsr, Analv:ncid Ucomeiry, Son's% in 7, ,:' , .:e. Davie's arithractii., Kii k ham's G i Bipolar. Adams' do Hull's II S HiA'orY, :timber's Geology, Olney•sCeoraphy, Mrsliocon'a Botorty, . 'NI or3t.'s do Comq.oel,'s do 'Mitt:lien's do Puirrett's Gent2raphy of the (leavens, with larue and splendid atlas; also, the Electic series of nuadiiin• Books. . A iiil;ew's and Stnilil•fril's Latin Craminar, do' do 4 . 14 Reader, Coneo.ock's chemistry 111111 philosophy, Sander,' (teilders,N ) Bennett's Book keepinz, WalLei's Dietioary, Johnson's do-' or's Byro n , :.. 4 coli's.comentarief's, (1 en. *l3, Dick's works, library edition; also, cheap, The works or cheste; in Id, 12 ash's residence at the elourt of London. Fox's book-or Martyrs, J iisephils' a ork s, Pititurch's Lives, itullin~' do Addisnits' do Lady or the Manor, C; t; fl!tiAly of medicine, Dryden's do Hoop., r'ci Med. Nifty, Ebet'le's Practice,- Gay's med. Juris'dence, do Therapemles, Crudert's concordancd, Platonic Theolouy, avland'a elements of Moral Science, • .The School and the School Master, . Dr Olin's travels in the east, ThttrWal's History of OreeCe, etc. Guide to the PrOpiWeje4, F.Mmas"Pravets, Barns' Notes, Fuller's works, New Spit Rol the Age, Chalmers works, Packs religious anecdo• Cs 11;dcom's travels, 0 thhon's Rome, ' itleatix'4 connexion, I Ali. of Heber, NVorlks of Charlotte I.:li7aboth, complete, do Predrika Bremer, do Moshnt's eclesikstieal 11 iFtory, !t Luther on Galations, Jury, a' church History, Pictorial History of the Americao Revoltoton, Life and '...' , errnons of Whitfield, Gold.dnith's En , land, Parley's Universal I I i.tory; Tor , ether with malty o her v:tinable tvorlpt too nmnerous to intention in the Ihniced space anti adver i , entent, I cull and see 7 tto - charges for Flowing bookß. June 13, !SIG. . • .f 'PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, Sw. k ft : cm a iitto ut Pdt, atc in'rec'eipt of a twautititl collection ot"Cain:in , i.and Etwra vinv, plain and colored, in od and slater. Pr r• son ., „r of being pleased with the selection. eomprkes viol% s ofionte of the must rom,tmie.and pit:lntestine places in Europe and this country tt. thew are two Oil Paint in.: liyo 1 : 2 fecti in-rich tilt flame-A—the mica viol orrroir and the Tlttd-on front Alt. Ida, the other ;.shin grunt's ,Bead gnat - M.4, near N'i'm itro., on the North Liver; also.. _ Views Of SI., ClOlll, r La% c Zirricli and ,iirronitiling country, LakebiZenz and am onnding contain A oeneral View of [411451A:3, A Aloonliirht View, a lieittitiVel Fei est a no w inter Scenes, Ihuntin ,, 'scenes, &e., a very fine and Correct Ilkenes;nfUneen aicaury, en va ved nn steel ft nun also of !ler Iwo older children. Allieu and t, in Inithkinne gilt. 11;one.; t !want it'll! zoiint cri orivinr!. of 'John .kinh rson _ _ • joi‘," a rare and inteiestinLt jiictuu Al.:0 a. collection or rate and I - wow:fill and Flowers, •cort eetly an I (.10,11111y colored , tio• Ft .•rted Ibr instruction :o ?ea/tiers or ai ot natitenis fur cettlre Per:niq desktnintz to furnish Iheinselyes 'with any 'hint!: in the shove line will find these Well n 01th their attetithm, They trill he sold lotter than they cart be purchased .it reiail in the cities, -ro - • No, recd Clouse. Nov. .3, 18IG. :28 t rAvrovs cxrERNAL Em CALLED ILUNT•S LINIMENT, 11015 . 111111errally 3rkiihwle.,l2ed bis Ott IN r3l,Ltm.r. IzE3II:ItY (or Itimasattno, Spoiat Alf , ctioae. Cnolioc tton,oll4nlltt4,l, gore bred un.l lt•tili-y Old 131Cer. , , faint In the llttek nod .%too• ul the awl E ar q. Ache, Sprain, Salt Rheum, o-t7 , d Fe it. nit I ill Xenia. The TIMUMINIANT :SUC(;ESS Im•aitemlell lipplwation of Ito mutt NV( IN:AEI:El:1i t.uring er; inost =crrre cade, or uhner witoc , l--101,1 the 17get)IIII'MS,that hate 1, o, i I, .'•towe'l i'6llPret v e It II I. iittroduccil, give- ale the rig tto colt oil the U IC. EI) In reAort a , olive to the' ONLY BE dlEal"1'11.11: (....%N BC It Eli El) ON. Vimezps, 50 , 511 X CO. N. J. , .ra, L'aq le E. Staaftan • Ilt i ir 'Sir —The “Ilittit'T Liniment." wlttell j'epur A ;ten left WWI,> 10, I t 1.1% c ,old, uhf (11 , 1, h is item( a' mon., of call, for mot^. i Many person. milisted wits 1% arum. lelics mid I' ire.. 11.1%r beet cured b it u. theysillyClT.', til Illy. 0.1 , ` , ',V. I %%111 tel tto to you. a. it cute, A a hearty /tlo2llt o 111.101IC 1 /01,011 Fe 1.01,1 11101 , 111 . 1111,/ i4Ol - 1.. It I. this • Mr. 1..:. 1 , 01-0/Ip 0 1 11)2MY te-p1lt1:1‘11 , ` I.eA ton livin..g in dill Si I 114 , 1 , ,.,1iatt piny nredo part or .I bottle of 5 o Sr 1.1111. turnt. at Note Milford, N. 1.1. 1113 It frequently AI Nell with the It'tatimatisni. sit 111 t Ito c in pearially get about; he Castle 10 01. 00011. and •bis lee .p iiinel him Po that be could not be it 11111C11 Welgilt 111011 It. Wei IVICC toll Ilk! I 0 pm Tome Inintent on it; he says to Mir, it will not do any goad —it is 111.4i1l other 114 ILIt 'VIII. Ittlt SIIC p• 0. % tiled u0I; io to Irvll Ile did <nthen rte Lie &toter and neat nit, 'Olorke. I ill the oriel :mom mime in nt niebt, Pitt d o w n o it bile Cod thn teht of los, leg—n latch he laid I'll \ tirtly rOrg..ttl'll —tit,. Liniment lin inu,glven hum immitilt at: J /111 per 10•111 itt relief. Pe t auto over hero the same utglit anti bougla two bottles of it Your., with resist t, U. II IIL'TTS. ~ The following eirt:fteat eof the restoration to health and Ow iotrPct et re of a .I..forinrl and crippled child, \,,, who 1V.1.1 (11011101 t. it be Levond th fs e . tell of 110110. 1.1000, lii i t 0 0 In titerllool 01))).1.i1111g the c t'' 10 iy be, (hero to a remedy is Ilan! I f is 'l9 , emt that will conquer the, most des pirate eaten, and thst,,,,tl Ilia detente is curable. this colo• Mated external Tonirity will do it. It, Mal never filled //) giving srrtmo bate rele , r when timely applied, as prayed by this 'Anil moo of high 1111 I II iiinpenchable tei.l minty, Ilse purlieu! Ire of which..ire to be round in the pamphlets ir Melt a c to be li,d of every atfout 6311 l e• 4..1v0n 0, At eight Iwo hones oat thn 111110 ns to restore vail. We took / he care of a pity / dere Prune time, We n ac tiy.k him Otero. /1r no kelpies* that tic lands upon his knees to .___::_..L _ „,,,,, iai f burg tcn o dformpresced-hunch rthed for CONFECTIONARY, FRUIT AND TOY , nutb At tones ho T odd tin .ttong STORE'. ~..., hut niter playing an hour. . No. 0 , R,,,,,, Must; Row, ERIE, PA. e%han•le.l..isl fleoveral days irfectly helple.c. N o had 10-t nil T111..1 undersigned having purchase( the entity. rowtrell to his untur I chapc or EdOck or Confectionaries, togedie . with the ad Provi :cum pl Iced Your Fxternal j,...ixtures belonmm , to the linsinM4.-; in the store ,oa . 1 haveumni but fOltr bottles, and o -,- .:,,y that ihe boy I, holy 11.4 fir:light /23 :my t rtnetly Octupied by James Crosiinan, could say "Any of too notghbors %ill testify to the to ill.: friends and the public generally, t tat he lola / „.4 matement. I teko sincere pin wit ein sta- ftriti'alted blots:Al . ,witli an old and experienced eons for the benefit of others safr.ring utoler workman al the business, and is now preplied to amity. : cninisli to retailers, C * ANDY . , at I , lltalo prices, \ and 'warrant it to he superior to any Buffalo candy I! Offered in this market; the retailer will become .canvi need Mier selling a low pound i of my candy dint it affords him more profit 111,01 the eastern candy. Otir.stielts anctkisiies will rut 40 to the pound, and are finely flavored. ICE CREAM AND FANCY CAKES. I ant prepared to ctirtiirdi lee Cream iii :Mins to snit cat4oiners. Fancy Cpkes made to order.— Fruit, Pound, Sponge, andtfelley Cake, and Jinn • Idea 111WilyS 011 hand to supply faiiiilies., I will furnish tea cake:, to private linitilies cheaper than they can bake teem; and tin the shortest notice. FRUITS. Fresh Lemons and Oranges, 4'igs, IlniQin4, Nuts of till kinds; preserved ginger,. mixed pick les, sardines, &c.. a good assortment. TOYS. , , Yours, respectfuliV, ItSCIJAEI, SHUTIC, 'his is to certify, that I net personally ncquninte.l vr tt ontoeriber. Mrs. She Is wnll the, hoy alluded awl frankly (war witness Ai. the dn'forattty wuL whin!, r w as kernesAv efiltetn..l, apperotly for flfe.—Daied, Si Slug, June 911,181."., 111 sss lumitiA,:ructica of rat Peace. This Liniment i 4 !XOl.l at :15 and 50 Cents'per Emile . by all tlin Principal Druggiets and Merchants throughout country. Motnale Agents for Yew Yolk. I . IIEI, g & Co. 14 Wadur Street, RUSICCOJI & 4'o. I 'u Broadway, New Woollen Factory • - Arronaii 4 rAsr. DUNCAN, JEWETT & Co. have just com mence(' business of manufacturiiig ‘Voollen gools, Messing Cloth, cardiac; Wool, 4-c. Their machinery is entirely new and of eastern nianu ramure, and embraces the latest improvements.--7- The business will ba conducted by Mr. Jewett, who has had-? 0 years' experience in it, both in this commis and in England. They will manu facture on 'shares, giv in , . one yard of cloth for two and a quakter lbs. of wool, or for ready pay in cash or country produce, and on as ee,asonahlo terms as any other establishment iu , the' county. Their manufactory is locate i about one mile north - of the village, - ALEX. DUNCAN. ' • .TOS writ .1' E. %V ET T. ISAAC: B, STEVENS. North East, Ionc•c• I 1?.„ I `+l7, , 3m I. BY T i , yl' ` Effffl CONSUMPTION CURED-TII:IUMPHANT SUCCESS BUCHAN*B WNGA HAAN BALSAM OF LIFE. pflE GREAT ENGLI:•••I I ut.E . .wart lor COLDS, COLL:34IS, ASTI'. M A, and CONSUNIUTION: Tim MOST CELERRATED and I i\IVALCI ABLE remedy for Colds. Cout;lts, Asthma. or any 4n or PULMONARY CONSU Irt't AN, is the the -lIUNGARIAN BALS M OF LIFE, discovered by Dr. Buchan of London/J, Enuland, tested 11 1 - upwards or seven yet sin f:reat Britain end on the Continent of Europe, 1 and introduced into to ft United - State, under the immediate superintendent e of the inventor. • The a:Boni:4dt%! talc:yrs.:l'ol tha Hungarian 13.1.14a111, iq the cure or every fornd of CONSU N ON, Warrant, the Ahterkaa Azent in soliciting too •tremment rho WortsT oxisitlLE CASES, that eau be found in the (mini. twin it y— ca.:es that seek' Vain from any of the ienninon •retnedies he day, and have been ttiven• up by the most anisheil Phylicians C(0;1•1101E1) AND INCURABLE. The lAtirwariart Badoim has euredi' And Clint, the NIOST• DEspEtt E, OF it is Ito quack n 0.4 ,ruin, but.a standard En•rfish Medicine nf known. and .estabitshral efiteacyll _ . _ I.:voi y family in ilm United States should he mpitlied with Bin han's I tun ; I I tzarian Balsam of Life, not only to . emiat ()Cad the.consuintitive tendenc'et; ot the climate, Inn to he itstal as a rt. - rat/ice medicine in all -cases of 4 :301 ti. (.'ont(.ll,, Spin in" of Blood, Pain iii the Side and Chest, li•ritation and stye, nets of he lamtti, lit onchitis, 1)10'n-idly of Ilreatliin a, I letrie Fever, Ni„,.lt r , Sweat', 12'anaciati Oil alai] Ueneral a Dehility, Asthma, Influenza, Whooalce! Coti , 4ll, and CI imiii. i c l . . la care Hi actual disease of the Inns, or seated Constimp{ion, it is fty,4 _.. i' i ONLY' SOUILCif. OF IIt)PE. Sold by Nit:l)o'nd.! & Soli h, ~ 04: I , rent (or tho Bolted Kingdom, at 1 111,, J Putian \Yuri:Amuse, lt.e! , cot ,t. London, in 110 th-4 and Cases, ay ships; , ' hospitals, 5... e. . - Bo Speriedjapointamil--DAVID P. 1111.ADT.F.E, 119 Court Ft., Ilosn4 N.1tt. , .,, sole Agent lit. the 17niuni States and 111 iti,h American Prov.inecs. American price, :31 per.hott le, with full directions lhr the restora;ion, o health. • Pamphlets, containin' , a Mass of En2lish and A merican certrfiente. onr other r vidence, showing: the nnegnallenl merits of this Great En'dish Refue l , dy. may ho obtained of the ADaits, None ,ermine, a idiom the written sirmattire of the American Agent, on a rzold and bronze label , ui C.OUllterr Cori! . -1 AGENTS.—S. TOUtir SyirleUgei: V. General Agent for New York and the nesters States. 0 E 75- REA D._ Pil , i • , _ • From the Ilaptisq Cl , r , ..ryin mat Coloose, Osivezo, County. . "I do het ebv m0..1 cheerfully certify that 'I have used Dr. Bnehat.'g film 1 eat ian nalsatti-in my family i.v Mt e.it. ~ , t ul. es.. My little girl, now in her l seventh, year ‘a,- - t, in the month of' October, 1811, attached with pain_ in! her i it lit side, and notwith...‘tailing we m-ed all dili , enee to r move it, ghel continued to grow worse, an 1' ;tiler ol , taittinir the nonntkel. o Dr. 13—, who ( rh owi lq the 12 it ht Loil of her Lunge ilo cerinn,ly affected that her recover t it as e,XePedln2ly (hail) rid. I wa , indlieed to obtain one battle of the nalsani 1 an I before one third unit wag taken, the line qufreter resumed her playsandi her cheek Mlneas 1 eturded, and before In o betties were . n:.11 her !mall h wr 1 'WESTFIELD lILIIIDLE -FACTOR TI11.; sobscribeis having a good iNsortmetit of New England inaible•on hand, from diltur cot /marries, ealetilattsl for 1 Itaid and Pool biles Nlorminclits,.&e. which they oiler to sell to i) one in 1.) le county, Pa. not lit i» , thither 1 tan Elie, lette - ed in first late syle, and delivere a the fallow f ng prices: Small, or children, 81 5u it per thou ; %I iddie size, for urged people, c I 62'pet foot; Largest size $1 ,73 per foot. We thigh it %%mild bean 'object for same or tho Erie /momy peiple to forward IN a few - inscriptions as t% ehavd recently been informed by the Erie mat Ida dealets to rather % hr•VIZ, 2in ...! WilV, jlia , they wele sticking it to the Erie and Crumforil Nomly peopth ~god. /They bral , very lustily of selling to the "P/Mtia mites" at bolo S'll 50 10 :9 , 1 per foot. Should 11112. Or [he pebplc of Elie. cmmty be in want of ant: . thing Omar line, they l'4ll fora aril their insiiip . boos, or could thonNelvi h, and they sliall have a first fate artier: at the above pi ices. 11111 I.AI.SIIi.E.Sei:CO. NV est fie l d. N. V. Sept. 13, IS 13. . l 7r TILACK. SALT'S.-1 un i'l pay Ca zh, and the .11.1 littlest pike. far Roy quantity of Black Salts dcliv, red at WE ram or at Inv store in Erie. Member 21,1511;. ±,, \l. TIP.P.A 1...1. cOLEMAN'S HEAVE POWDERS, A '''''' I. Al N "I'"1:' 'rt )11 li EA ' "SAND C.ol.fttli IN 11,CIRSE:- , ..—A low , familiari ty with boises and per,ondl treatment 01 the (lit!. i aNuS id) it iilCll they ti c Siiiii'Vt ha to at lei tlt resulted in the diseuvery of chi, exeeedinaly yid-, Able remedy lor the Heaves and Cong/i— a idis , a -, e ‘vbieli madam:3 mo,ei mizzery .onl d,eadi ammo these noble• animals; than any other to w:tiell thtry are expo ,- ed. I have no hosi; amy in sdyin , that my Ponder a ill effeetutidly and lhor-, outrhiy eradicate airy .symptont and tastigr of Ibis paieful and darPrerous disease it aiven in; any reasonable len.lb of time liner. it has beanleon (rawet, When yon iIiFCO% er syinp•tans of (laurel or Ihnves in vow horse. re4mt to this Powder withnuctlelay, 11.0 it pet seret itittly, and a tel to the hints aetrumpanvimi the - dui °lions ior the irea:meat or-the taint di, and in nine ease:, out Of ten you Dill find that it cure-% It any desirous Of .teeinz tie i Ciente, or cures, or them call on ths a 2enl. .ti'l tee s.leents pei. MA 0,. Mantilliedired by N. I). Coleman, New yorlt CM 11.TER & Pdtlit . Li Ed, agents, Erie, Pik 4 \ 1:111i 1. .27, 1817. . 1 .154 bissoLuTic)N or I'AItTN ERSIII P. Milt: pal toenhip hereto:6le cats ifi L t het• •e, 1. the wide; t-ti tiled, in the piactice of I_.• ... ' bewt ,ili 3,01 t ed by litti.oo.l couts t . , tit. A. • ittilebtct! to It , are I etitivatt2(l to (.311 . • and -ettltt their r,.....pt cti% 0 ileColllll4, /' the rust or Fehrua , y tleNI, TIXOS' ' 1111$ notice may inciir toms. JOIE': -r' pAtt:' i Eric, Jan. 11,1:317. ' 91 noolks and pane :r •t i I,IILAtiI I S: - . UltAl ~ in , nt left wiTh me f..T 'IMIIII.4IICSi OI . I.I)( r whicb I am obli I hare aFend. e LANE will ' eOIIIIIMO C;rttb.; tit LA NV, • / Itts.9i ; tit • ) t Erie, February '.3 ; NIT .of die late Co to GAL• 11 are- , lty mutual a , tree „Jr the polities - e of e b i si iia u p torcern tool collectin. , zall debts, , 4 eetl to do as sit , eddy a t possible. etl with toe in business W AI. S. „ AM. A:C4.ll.llll.'‘l'i'll, Esqs. and tingle° lately occupied rty (-; ttittrait k tinder the tit at of tit lIS 4- A where all business in the lion of the pro /4), will he attendee) to tiiili promptoe.s And 6 itch. PAIN GA !ALA iTH. i . STEAM EN C4INES. .. - 11,A T E are now piepared to make or repair *V V Steam Enginci, ;mil to sal i•fy tholse wi have doubts at; to our abili.y 0 turn nut , a stif ri ire. lc, we invite their i :spection of ono II lili i i'i , I have recently built and pot. in operation 1 , ou. Foundry. • • I,I!:sTER, SENNP.TT Sr.: CifIESTER N. 11.-=A second hand r•:n_ine.of9 Itorz:e pow er. tot7ether with belloas for a small Famish c. fur aide 40. a bargain. f.., S. &.'C. V.: le. March 20. 1817. 41 Aa large assortment of tnvs, anch as, d rea sed or undressed, cats and dogs on bellows,' glass dogs had birds, fancy hnxea, heeds, nook:aces', head dresses, purses, hair brushes, redd fag clambs, besides a thouagand Other articles:too numerous to mention. Plettaif call and examine for yourselves. Any orders ftetn the country for candy will he, promptly attended to. Atip,tun 1, 1646, I- W' not - have the Gentlemen infer thnt DM our stock is e,cchrsivfly lhr r, ndh , s, ' They will please cal"' and see xecullassortment ofgoods that tfley want. Atneegethera the best Piench Cloth that Cat) be tum inid: the place, and 'cassi mores, td correspond, arpriees as near the imPor• tatien ca,a, as they, will ask • 'Altio summer Hats, Caps, Glce,es,lll.;icry, Cravat, Cellars, ildk9., ,c.c. &c , et • rrALPs. r,. 'IE CtUEEN'S PATENT. T NO/ ,~w: ,`c;.. ICE.—The Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron N Manttfaethrin_ business will be carried on it the old stand of Ashley & Kelsey, e here a eon :taut sppply of all artii•les manufactured by him will 141:ept for sale at !%‘litlesale and retail. Old I 'tipper and Blass Ware talrea in payment' for fin Ware.t JOSEPH KELSEY, Jr. Erie, July ,r 3, . L. WARREN, 111 S removed his bash, blind and door Shop to State, between qt hand Bth streets, where he will keep eonstanq ma harm or make to order all articles to hisline on the shortest naive. Tho'e tvi , hinz to ohtain firSt ram work at low prices Oil)111d do well to wirmhim a call hethre . purehas elsewhere: Cilazimzilone at all dm( Glass sad l'oV:ty kept constantly on hand. Nlay,lo, 1846. • 51 . S. SM Y 11 - qt. HAS JUST RECEIVED Irom New Yolk per Pgmroy'sExerc4s.theSprin_ Fashions, and is now ready to mteente all miler% for HATS in the 'latest Fasion, and of a bow quality than can be purchased here or eisewhe March 16. 1 6 116. 5 • • FIRST AI'PE.O.RANCE. n. TOMLINSON, GEORGE K ." THE imbseribers l ,l.llolTh FOIERI tip V ness, have not beforeltennd it c.; agreeable to introduce intojhe p; 11' advertisement. Bein2 rather o they havelwen 'situate - d swum- i‘ .ger in New York, who goi g r in Broadway, to wait till tit r and like bun, having , attr c' loriety, they ate ptepar t quietly along, and w . attvntion of the pu i 61 It OCECtI ES, in .1- aeodg and other r York, Chian prUliy cheap at 109 Fee e' h:Fq's Er•O r no.oriety by sdlling alt It nds of clothing as cheap en a:lhey can be purchased in New York city.-- as Cali and see. A suit ot 'elothe can he made at m OM; estahlishent in ONE DAN ' S entice, i n the latest style and mostapproved fashion. in4t received a zenerat assortment of Clothing and cloth, stlitablelbr the season and Cur sale at prices redueM to the pecuniary means ol'a 11. For instance a LroOtyl article of cloth, all IA obl, at 50 cts per yard and every thing else in proportion.-- Cntii ng also Alone to order at reduced prie,s. All orders tiorn the country promptly a monded to. -- 'rle child can buy as neap here as the best judge. rtustomers generally cairdepend on ha , . ing ttatir orl«lone ri tfht, and no usirtalte.•JJ Erie, Dee. 20,1815. kl 5 =NM . /it or heth who nr.,g.k. GUAIIANI. MEI CANDY. ;VANILLA Cream, lemon bar, IN?. tiro6l. mar bound bar, do. medicated, peppermint drops; peppermin•, fO5O, uin cr reen , saksafrae, and %vent) lozenyers; en ar plumbs, smooth - almonds, almond candy, en:. etc. for sale by , M. K ['Pt T. M. W. KEITH ',considered cinnpletely restored. a i to the effect of this -medicine, without !any liesitition, I attribute the eit ,1 , DA N',ll) MeFA II LA ND. i Januall, 18'13. Pas or of the Baptist Church in Coloese". Testimony from Rochester: I ' ' ' gocut.stcre, N. Y. June 5, ISIS. , ' Sia.—,Sometime ia-t. ;tannery. I was taken with a violent cold, attended with a distressing cough, which in the course,of a few days .bron4ht on a ; bleeding of [l,olllllgs, with much' sorene3i of Ow chest, pain in the side and Imuch soreness of thehreabt. Alter being codfined to My bed for sothe days 'and getting no teller, Mr: Parilke,formeily Deputy Sheriff of this county, ;recommended me to get a bottle of Dr. Buehan's flungarian Balsam of Life, lObsert ing that he had been simihnly afflicted, and by the I.lBe of that mt di• l'eine had been speedily and entirely eared.; I immediately got a bottle, and ' r after using it a short time thc result Was ;as h . : predicted—l get entirely t,, , WCI. From the beIIVIII I I'Vel'iti 50111111 ft litti , alll and trout the ; universal ''ond nantedt. heirs among iny friends who haVe used it for dischsds of the Pegs and elitist, I am induced to believe it to be one of the best medicines 1 inoW in use it.ir those dinzascs, and as such receUnitiond it to the riblte. W. W. S, WIF . T. , trterartrhals,e cure of a ilop 1,4 eons Congi2". I ' TO S. T0L75E.11". - CATO 11 , 11:OHNORS, N.. Y. Ate ~G, 1511. , Sir —Weare entirely out (date flutigartal Balsam, having sold all you left is hit us, in our ituntetliace vicinity. and in justice to the medicine 'mud say wilt' astonishing aljUlt , ai A tew days silica a pal lig' gentleman or (Ilia ,4. , town called at our.smie who had been Mr month, Mine e.a with a very db. , pressing cough: and wanted' a bottle of the IltilSain. We told him it. ii as of 'llittle use for hith to take it or any thing e4.e,- I .IIE MUST DIR. Ile took., a lbottle, howeYer, and afterwards had another. ,Yestuday he Called again ,very xduch -improved in appeatani.e, and- said he was rapidly gaining ,strrinCili -but harts not been for the MY - Amble Him <mi ian Balsam tic must have died. We Want s one once of the medtinne directly. i -- - • Yours respeettidly, I • ~ ING I lAN! & HAVENS. [rem Esq. tr. ii. Fisk, Canasivia, JS. Y., dated C INASTOTA NOV. 7, ISHII 'To S. TousEY, Agent, &e.—Sir: I 'laving li , ed 'Dr.dltich itg, o's I. ariaM 11u , Balsam in ray family with the very best h111' , C, , , , r1 for lung eoftipla nts ' and haying , ;eel) a Ilied by my friends with like success, I sins MM. c. d last spring to become an Agent for the sale ol the :.aine, since which 'I haveisold a great number of bottles. and have in almost every instance learned that it ' l lnd succeeded, beyond all especial ion, in somu cases where t.:: patient - had lbeen by- Physicians of respectability PRONO,UNC ED IMXft A lII.E, and ,their ea'seit hopeless, and I most cheerfully recommeed it to all who Are stir Terin 0' with lung complaints, assuring them thht in most. races they, w ill find Ispeed - y relief. (Signed), , WILLIAM It. FISIi. ' Iltore Proof, • EshAtis•hinz Mr riii , aty or Itte flun:!.arion norvn of life. (From Deacon Lewis, of (Ate:a; dated' r'rteA, Febtfiery I, IS-151 "Ichem fatly give my name in liivor. ni Dr. Buchares 1-I, 4 riz ai i ii a rha gai „ o f 4 - Me. Last Aril, my wile wits :111:ACked with 'a violent'emigh,attendod with la severe-and 11110.1. DISTItE , :IIIE PAIN IN rue -inn, SO bad :u; to &pike her rit . t-t , t. While in ilds ‘t I twin'', I called on NI e. , •SrS. IN- arner 4 , Co. for some !medicine, anti they recommended this Balsam, 1 pureba.cd a bottle, and by the time We had used about one hall of it, my wife began to got bolter, and a f t eeinainder, tier healthiwas completely lte , tore - d. Since that ( time I have rye ittricnded the Bab-am to m' ti len d.i-•, many of whom have osed l it with like success. ('-igned) JOH N LEWIS. 1 . Deacon of th First Baptist Gliurtth in Utica, - I:TY-Pi:rater Fori enee,4j FrOni the P. M. at Thirlin"ton Flats, I / sego Co. N. Y. dated Jan. 1515.1 , I up, again under the necessity of ()Meting a new supply oldie Balsam.-- V y Wife still continues the meth •ine und.lis improving. it is'doing wonder= in this section, I beard or a fr" ,nd 10 liii i hos from hero who Was considered In a tiosi- lumen CON , VMPT N. I sent I. lit) two luutles of tin: Beitain about two weekS since, and today I heard from him, and the BA Ira in is amino' on ',him like a charm. (Since I) A. E, MIN( )1,1). Thu Messrs. Metcalf, of Genesco, N. Y. (one of whom is a practising phy ff iciat) in ordering a new supply of the Balsam, gays that 'ln Sifille :• , t2 I VEIL' CASF... our enqutuers complain 01 receiving .g.teat - hin , fit.llolll its 1,11 ' S. TOUSEY, Syracuse, N. Y. General A gets. for New Yoth and , c , Arestern States. Sold in Erie by CAI:Th:11 & Beemir a, No. 6 It ced I ion, ... ./1/11,ets a general a modest in r., 1:1L like the stranl jon a dry t.roods. box 0 v,inwtl should 2:". b y; 1 ,cted a little public no 4i .1 to get down and move Add respectfully invite the tic to a choice selection of ~.grspersed i ilk h few staple Oty notions, just received from New , fiti, &v., which they desiin to sell / for ready, pv, PI, il , e call and 'see /eh street, next door to R. 0. Ilnlbert,' .e, gni at Si - .;li F %-e c t ("anal Dasiq. , 11 1 MLINSUN, & Co. Myr. 1, 1816. 1 ' I 1 BEIFTA IX) A NN) NEW YORK, ONE PRICE currt UN-G. F;Tir )11.E ir VA LIG LIN, No 2.Fletnitfir Block, State _LVl•''S.treet. This establishment Ids Requited SEi Cliina;Cr upe, Silk, Embroid• cred do., flozhli - and Zephins, do„ Summer Cashmere, Iloweredand rainbowed Worsted,. that are decided'y rich, int • WILLIAMS WRIGHT'S. Apt il. 28 1617: '4.o E E WE COME.' The New Jew Store Ahead !!! JUST.reeeived t 4 the .Mto Jew Store,' No. I, Flernint! Mock, State atrder, tt new and splen did asAorment of SPRING &ND SUMMER GOODS, Which, haviittl been bought at extrem ty low prices and thi snllcri hers having . enconm erect neither "perils by acs or land," in their journey to Phila delphia and ?,%ew York Markeis, ran apd will be sold as cheap—not to say a lii tie efiroptr —thatl at any other Jew or Gentile Store between New York and "Sundown." Our stock consists in pal t of SILKS of all It indz:, desTriptioni And colors', iroin plain black to the most iii4liinnable striped or watered. GINGIUNIS, French, Scotch 'and American, varying in price and quality to suit 4:11A10111CfR. Sid 1V IILS, Silk; Cristimerc, Barrage, etc., etc. at prices that cannot fail to plea—o. DE' LAINEc3, of all qualities, from 20 cts. upwards, BONNET RIBBONS, of fill colors, qualities, shades and prices. "GLOVES, that cannot fitil to_fit the most deli cate hand, at prices in accordance with the most delicate purses. , French Wm heti Linen cambric Handkerchiefs, a beautiful art,kle, nod very eirp for the quality. Also, embroidered do do., tedelher whit marry other aideles, too numerous to mention, but which we will take pleasure in showing to customers and others. .Also-La splendid &rook or, READY MADE CLOTHING, consisting of - Vents, Vests, and Coats, of ail pri ces iind qualities, and Boots and Shoes, of all kinds, Call and see, and don't tin get the place, No. I, Fleming - Block, State Street. ISAAC ROSENZWEIG: Sr. CO. . Erie,- April 28, 1817. . BONNETS 6r, BONNET TRIMMINGS,~ AVE have this:day opened, and offer for tope a V y lame Stock, of Bonnets, Ladies end Misses sixes, atprices far below the market, among Which tiro seine the !Mist style French Ltice,l3ead ivrought, ~CliimLilice,..Pearl Straw. Giuip, together with a ,good assortment of trimmings. 8,6in0 of the mai - Prone& flovier.s that c.to beatiii• Ail, also Itiblmos, Fse., at _ NIET CAI --,--'g 1846 .4' - ' ,- . I[L - . ,-...,....... WALKER gi.COC i. -port WA 11 DING , ( l)."0.1.1 ISS ON & PRO 1' DUCE M Ell C 1 - 1 A NTS.— ill continue the Font ardim , and' commission tusillUFS :1 usual, at their pare hotew on the Pr lire Dot k, Erie, Pa: and it ill be rOady oft th,e o eninnt of Navizkion of the prescut 'yi \ at to em raet for `the shipment o MerehandtsottOu the astcrnt cities, or other pla ces, to Erie, as they i e eminent ed it kit Lr.mx.l re sporodble lines, and tavin ,, ...ome of - the firw clas.s. 01 Steam Boats at Prorieicers on the lakes run ninz to their ho ae, therchy ellilllin.2 . l.llt sari and sp edy tt ant tr'.:“ ion of ail propertv, entrmted to their dare. ' hey will attend to tire, for wardin r , of ~0 0d, it . ' a id down' die lakes or to any 61 the) i'ambrfiar p Os 'on Lake Dram io and, the I: its St. Lat teni:e— also south by tire Erie ;Extension , Gana . C; Sql (I.l.vanee. made on , all kinds , I Prielnce at Salea promptly attended to. They vt ill,,keop', .onsmittly hn, hand Bituminous Cos), in 1.1,i ;4e or,l small (plan igest, to suit imrelta4ers. ALSO—Salt, Plaster in Wt.., or , bulk, Fish Iron, Nails, loyes 'And CaFtillgs Of every destnip ;ion. 111.FERENCES. r 1 tll. Tilibill , , Eric, Joh i C. I.lelbe, t'. , ..,' ittli Jaclo.ton At Co. , " s , Ur tilit-on, 11in - trod ..t•co."' I' 'l t, Palmer S i . Co. Bottiln. (ir N. Chapin , • : A Iltanv- 0 ?..: • C 0.,., , AN . Nlontettlt..c. o 0/k, Clam), S.-. Co. Bovon, “Tortre.W 0 1 bolt & Co. ,N. Y. city, Eli B. A Hilt, Oathoi.burri. N. V. ,T 4 me , : Ili ow ne, l'iiront o C. AV. tt A ' to. I). Eityr, St Cittliei invs, " '.;i9 , :tod:tit, Janes Sz Co. ( .Ivve land, 0. ..i A Ilin t Ives, Detroit , Mich. dierry ',c. Dole,elliza ,, o, Illinois: lelt 11, 1816 1 ' .13 ['Lard 11,1,liets, ennillesiclis, (1,- 11111'?rs and ;ern•s ri idse., BOtuirtitiit - 1 , Le k'otii, new patterns, at U. 1.., 4 -Y IMIS EN. <VS. EOM M= IMEEMEI IBM Q11..V1 ID torsi 'rea and. Nov.tl I, IS • CLOCKS. AY an? 39 hoar Gr:titie, (1. C). n. • Pdlar, Alarm and common, Tho e y chap for ready pay: G. I .00 NHS No. 7, Recd _ Nov. 1 :►YUR►tAV WEL% ILLON, Al' rOR COUNSELLOR) Al' LANV," CO5l 11t , lICIA IN 1.r., Mill:, I.A. LI A VINf ; =n tbr arratvoid and systemized 11i, oflicial duties, tts to coal& him to devote a great porjoa a his tint to hi- prtAbs , ion, n ill at- Leon to all legal Imsitozss eau-fistd to bis cal He will attend the Com ta in the Counties of Erie, Warren, era n fool, I cer, Venan 40, Clat ionand Jtifersoa, and the H e n le Conn of this St y; and has profe , Qional aHtngetnenVy which he tran,foet business in the adjdi fling Comities in New Nod: and Min. MI monies collected will ho rentitt.ed by Draft.; on Sew York of Phil adulphi,l without any eliarge tar Exchange. , Ile, will also .alto charge of and proseinne Clatins against the United stet: s, (haw and superintend a pplicatioq‘: ffr Pensions, Patents. &e. - •. 1 0l the a l bat y_und into-.2ri , y with IA hie!' all ha sitiess coati led„ to -hi= car( will he perrormed it would no he proper in t his place to Fpealt, but 1 those ha% iltg Legal BeailleaS to transact, t r Cal k tions to make in this set tine of country, re re ap •w fully referrcil to I ly. following gentle% tl: 111 N. JAMES i'11(111PSON, . I, 61. N. CHARLES 14 ,REED, Mr aces. Wi i.i.i. IALS Se Wlt 11111 T Eric Pa . MOSES KOCH, 1:,(z. THWIAS w.wrliltitETT; VINCENT. 1 [nno In & Ca. _ e A. )..0 T. W. l'A"Ell1N. Esq's. ' Ili NRY K.SMI 11 La-a. CI Alti.r.S 11. S. I ILLIAMS, Esq. untrajo. • JArES 31131,1.1:11', Esq. - I PI 11.11'110811111E114kEsq. 11 NltY IV. 110(3E11,S Esq. 110 N. AMASON GAItnNER, Roolic , ter, N. Y. , 110 N. JOHN A. DIX, All.any, N. 'V, ( 7 '•- lIENItY i stIELDEN & C,, , • CORNELIUs W. LAWRENCE, E.g.. DORM. CHANDLER & WHIT AUX., HON. •ItORER. I' II AIORILIS,- 1 IN,V. Ciiy, CONOVER & 1.4BA(ill, . 1., &, A. VANOSTRA ND, HON. JAMEs BUCHANAN, • 0 IV AI. L. 31 VIL #I.;Y. IamER.T J. WALEIL. ' W'n ' hi "g t " W. M ..EDII.I t... . WM. Z, S 'TWA HT, re.q.. I.ngawpolt \a. • UEO/t4.W. fi. akwiloitTEß. t °swear°, rII. V. B. Wu/CR WA V, 1.:(1. S IT. WM. PArrEILSON, Sandusky, 0. 'll N.. 1011 %, • • ' - JOHN %VE' , 4TWOILTII tc h i efigo, BRAS : For. Fr, I'01111:1: : ___ S C L. JAMEA It. SNOWDEN, . . IA OWICL KNVFIDLIAL .k. CO .? (.1.L.1 kmEs OAGE, m a ~,i S. %you , , Co., . Plailmiciphin. 111 SKY WAIN. E. , -1., J. t J. F. STEINER,. 1 111 N. FRANCIS R. SIT* - . simoN GAME( -•. Harrisburg'. • N. IL ELDRI:D, lILNIIV NIAILI:It. Cp , O. II N. Wit,i.i.iM WII,KINS, q, i ,,,, b ' nrah . ta , V,. LEVI G CLONES. ) 6 011 SE THOMPSON, Esq. Wimeliitc. V.t. 111 N. R. !ilel1LE1.11.0113; Monroe, ALcli. W J. GORDON. ' I cl es .a nnt r , 0. DI . 8. EN(II.F.U.VRT, 3 1.1:WI3 CAS S. LL CI Esq. }lCS:roit, Je UN MeItEYNOLDS E. • FAO, hay 8, 1817 LOU' t A'IND SA LTLAlways hancl,l tte' 'tweet priece and of the beet quality, Au'.' 1546• TomtP,ISON rT - 1 Tli MET, Plain and embroidered de L, SiR and Cashmere Shawls, a In mode, ttl el stip ; at the COMM ERCIAL ti'4OI. 4 IANG - Erid Pelt. 27, 1817. ' ' - • it 4)IES Eid and Mr ema at the t ~ t 1 0, 1847. '; ' . L TEISp Casinteres and Sattitt i ett et .et•ery ' , l 131 4 gm- I 4:9 1 , ro offered at a. fraction_ ab w t . !eat, at the —I •• JEW STARE, li'elt. 27, ISIG.-4 I - . French St -- . , [ ASHMERES, Alpacas, sitkit an all other Dress,Goods, at cheaper rateg than at any icr store in :own, at th , JEW .STORE. po,, ',7, 1 , 517. , cmtliactcial E.'change. .1:1717 • 51 11, a 'ana l very ,E. 411 ns,! :91 IEI Slipa gn i 1- Memel!king nbout. nriiy (littler the heat of a Patent Medicin e erti-unnent. We tisk our readers to pure t o linowinlthe . ii tt•ill profit therehy.l „. p,riectly bail:,. f in given to children front tender infancy, to advane etVage, lays under no reAti ai n: as to cold water, or :ity kind of food. Purges mil*, subduin_ toter;l t'troys and expel., — orto , nit li itivari Ale site-I, il c„ a, and is easily atititinis•eredito cliddr. ti. ; 1 e I ,, l it i e, 1 „; 1 , 1 1 .. t s e s, , , e li s , :i ii l. it I i i ti s a c i i t n •i i i l i i . If uth i l b e , f iitt a ir i . i r i t .l i c t.: l , lz i: i f ~ :- , , , i r : v wag , s of being :41'01 . 1 :II still libullt, and requii - ~, nt tic ill the drenchini , which ‘Vti - rin l'ea and other st Ittio , ed 'v - crtitiltr4s dental. purity, its bril Hutt career,t it li.o, been irlitroduced two ovary Ottilies, %lino e every l odic' iillOOn and acces.sitile Vl:•rinifog , had liven hied without the le.ya 911C a1.,.'5. where it has pr 07111) ly elf)c11(3.1 nouns to •1121,, most inet edible anin:lt. 1 I leaf what the Edith' . a tfo; 2,11 ,, in of ihe 13a- CH:, (planli A hed iu Piiishargb, Pa.) says in refer e )et: to tire rei tide. , . i "In look in 2 up a roe ailV:lliartll(lltq l'itr . iny sinzill shect, the other day, l'ealloil in ppon '.\,le,,iir- , J. Kinn 5i01.10., and tem:id:big that I wii dil be clad to advertise au) ineditlitie ;fiat really u as its sell ially useful, they L itirtiktlied me u ith theircir , --, tlular respi e init. :fr. :Nl'l..tioe't4 \Vern) Specifie, WI zli the alccoinpan ' yiivz ceritficaies• P efliffLt, itirstiaded !bal l . the "Ifertilli l litt a t 4 ere zeneiee. took soot of t li ii.ediitine Inane for ;lie use of' • y •-le.ri-yontiL• sinii „ ily. uave the lira clay a •,. mil teaspootind ,ii-I 'arali.l, she ia as x%iin look it and 1,1 1 1,1 ck ander tb t eyes. She iia,;;-oil :oveiii ia,m or ntne a , large at. t morn. pipe ern. I also ;lit I' a ', llll .r til easi.tintiftil to Ziaiiiit;l a Ili hit, rn,y elle - KO, flex iv oy, . bout 3 11 .. 2 -- ye.itL. old. 11w as tis statit,tf.:ll vas tylnitatip.u,ii eHI IX:rIE , pot -lit , ltd. 1 thoutilit toMi 2hi hfl ' ilo L ll'Orfll 4 . 1 )IS is oil l atter mote.' vliield ditllnot see fit to dice sin. but upon the • peration el this tin i ds itiottivr and Ibe ; tiviglitiolsytt'rst ,urpt (sell a the ielilt.. ile pas, eel nearly a ipineol %%tarn , alino-t all a-• bi ' ir, a. ;t common pipe :Ilion. " .sin v. a s seventy in an.— f, then ;:avek-eine to a vita bay dnfy '...) yt ar, ••Id. 'and he pa-4.1 tn% ii , tiv,i, .sortie t.ioht incii , a in length I the,Wbs - led elehr to reCortillluild Nl'- Lan's Vertnifu , _as l a specific fur (rms. It fairly scouts di- th to thou, IZ-11 A EL. REES, Mlttor. Pittslinr• I,,Pcb, Intli, 1 . 617 ' J. Kt n• & Cut., Nd. ti L fk Wood Streat, Pittsliiin, now the ,oferr?prie:' l ors orri, M"Lasse's eelehr.t: ted in ilirines. All order': nititql.l.T addressed to diet . .:F.:' , :. 11.—Purcl asel-4 ii ill please be partien ar and eutioire for I r .111. , iiir's Irorin Sp,reijit; 0r I r marfiqrs,.. , 1.. lith Z:S=Vvi NA 1,....-qyVI , NPV p 4 1.1,..1- , 4,:. , 1 2 - _ . - ~..„,,,• ~„,4.„,,‘ ~, ~.•Lif.. k_ The pa,, slimmer (1 ,4 di) has 11.,en it very . IV mat litill , e ono. Pi etptent a:al heat y rains, rolltra . ed by itut.n-e and lon_ con inued hear, had the eff,..et, in the (last place. to promote a l'apitl,zrio.l, 01 sok!eutem "Circlet ion, awl lin ;lie second. to 1,10 •ditee , a rltpttl (I, compo.ittbn On veal:l,llde in titer, giving rise to much intasmo and :pct adsn , .,r sit I:• its-S, ili , ..at) - 11111.1 II; alit, iii paces which had heretofore I,VVII remarkable for (noir saltilwrity,' We are ereditily‘in fin cited; that ‘t, hole ttle.v l oos - on whit It !he JD atit , %Vat 10,11 , 1TalIN,Ip gvy. , ro ,t•,l •o the , rro , :tul and nits not iii in be ctil; lit Indian.. and , Illtnots, the siehne , s tins sat .f.,,n,, , ,a1, ' t , i,it there 0 asYmt enouL , .ll A% t . II 1 , 101;1011. to :1111.11t1 111,0:r the sick., Whose , sit:ierinas 0 cif , protracted by - a' it ant of proper retto : dtcs, as 0 ell as at good hor sing. MIK 11 ol this Si 1,. i in , ~,0- 1 1,;, ' ,q hers' b•, ~ pe tentral, ' had every iantily 1,. ,, 0t on hand ;7 . Suit ply of meilleine,, suited tr ., ,t coin' miter the. , frtptol this utiastiJa. 0111 i 0 oirri the atmosphere at ,•,• ruin times 1, , sw tharr, 1, In lonia ion to Quint t• ~ (which is ( in 'such general use as .0 toed no e,,,nt , , ment,) wd tionid stron_dy' urge rvery • 1 tinily to keep on Oand inc or t i-it r boxes of - Dr. AP I, A .N . F.'S ,I V 1 -. : / I 111.3 .S." • .., 'litre' ) 414 are the rre•crip - inn of t lao cm', n t en Physic ia,i, ill :(10m,i, , :1f ta Co , ;VI r ,, i nia', and 0 c: e. ' o.:erl 14) I,le, 1,1 hi , in it ,tt• in )'g• ,tlt;, a 1 ielclt 4 117 bilionl, - iic..•111 , 1a:11:-.` tor , ,, a,- , hetur., I,c thonc.h ," of otlettn4 tt,enicto the 10.1,ite. tint it. hot eNer, 0.1, the silt ees, or the Pill-, and S , ut eat the tunntirf at pcisons b , nt ii , d hr :4••ny, .Ic.: ;nal: /1!:1 61 the fiValll 1t V rt quist.e. to -upily do. tneir•sS - - 'inth ,h , tentotl Ge:zatt to int , ,n , J , ?l,, tuotetiall ' y v.ith I" the tint • tetpuretl to at•cod to h ,: is Ina Ice. ' ' 0 , prevent this he has mad,: arr,.noetiteo's 01 . '11 oe Itott , e or .1. ji,11)1 1,, .. 1:0:, yo. ' 1,1) Wood • - :zr , •,l Pitisit - ArtAt. , l l .l , to p•co,(•,,nd rid ,ti,.m.,,ii I,' the genuin e may he lemon ed at ail time, and I r am tcasonahle 1111,111* . cy, • ' Fix:re l'ills one trt fee-en:lt • `.4lcti as n p tax,.' , for }'all th" i'ds that tl, sh 1- lo it to,' ' tot , in an at I, (ions 01'11,41.1 , i•it it 11 ;:i ',lll I, ',•. :- v.. Illii„j!,1, 111 - 01 Strl t.it 01 1 111ot:1i a ' 11 . .0 I.iil )011it, 1 , .-.• ,:t et latstn l i tht,tn, , ilet• tih t, .ttOtitt I , r , ii - 1, h, l• or, r oil ,:,h -erPill-, ar.ll cannot tie 1,..:-11, , dc, I T:i• 1i,i;1y,t1,..'1;. tho , e, i.cAt i thvy fin i by c,p li , tn.• to' h, ' nods' , sof , ' .tnil ,- dati.t, locativ other, It 1•11 ,', i - ito'h 1 tto may he culgar - COClteil, 01 ~.0 ilia -4,,C a, It. g..) .. 1, , ,r‘;, 1 't by day ith.,. 4 , , r- l'i (pared ror the pr i npri, tee, by ,T, 1; von & (•,,,, \vh,,l,-,..,1, , i),n,, , ti,N,i. ~t . I; ),_T,N mai '...-11;.-f.' hit , - 1) 1 , 1 1, It,"Pa , to,,x,h,,m' all ~•: ile,S ' boto ~t !It-tatter mu, be ,i , rl C ( . 11. " .... I.litl RI,/ by oar . ', i lt't , .111 , :i tbei,,,,iop,o I - 1'117.,. j,...1 , till 01101001 1 . 1 h! l'olteo . .' .. 1 - :141i.' , ;1,1(i Call:11 4 ,1, ' :, l , 1. _f -= ' N. l ll.—lhiteJt user , 0 11 11 ,1,2,• t 5 c' hr*, .I` ll r ic itl ll and en l qttire tor ;',1) ,- . .IPLaif,s Litt ,' . MIL'," 411.1 take 11,1 t• el-r, .i , tlit.O . ,nt , (eller pills' oow. It fore the pub ie, 10trpo:till?.., to It:'; •• 1„it ) , r l ' As " A(.I \ r..- Carter .v. Iht ,• :•or, 3. 111 Portend. Co., rsii.; J. Marvin, V. a ,:'.. - -,•1:, John M'i 'lll,e (lirard; John A. l ' rat•v, Fa it 1. derv; ‘.V. J I. Town... 6111, I :: prity,fl,eld; 'lull & Vim* ot, filmic:l% ill , : Jactssint ,T... ( %imp!. 11. Ed , nboto; 11. t o . 1 - 00,1 Is. ( ho. \Vattsbotl•. 6 ,;; A..Totitttllo,t,. Union A1,111s; I 1.1.-liapie§, North r.,1 ,1 1. :sold li , i• Di iten , istJ• and ",Alty tlirnueltoict the United Stet, s, Juno Al. IA 17. , (111 , • -43)tch Valso Lin: , y:, anrl . l,Vult•leti Goods °fall kinds for s.tle tcry Imv at . ow1.1.1:-. ` - I I N FELL 11 r 1 1 , 1 z c r . 4.• ; 1• , 1, t t.. 1, ,, , , r f 5 .. a I •1V at 1.'0). 13, 1817 NEW EST:\ BI ,I 811 M ENT. AUCTION lIL'COMMISS.ONI 4TORE... ' rru iv. u:olei:i:zned het" 1, , ,..•av0 to .1;oform their friends andlhe p 0,11: tzenerially, tlf,t ' they have commenced the ahot'e business oat yhe ,1,141 -Lund of John yrabion, on State streel,A*6 , ,door , i' Borth of the, Eagle I lo tut, v. here theylare reply to reel iVe and kli,;post of all kinds of (300 , 110 way, be eonALt.Wd to thew, either I,y Public Auction or Private Sale. They hope ,that by strict. :men ion to all busiuess entrusted to then 4 to' ;2:ain a share of the public patriraLw. 'I'II s ilt also I keep on hand a choice i , toe% f readYi tootle el a i li ., in. snitp",l.le to the B , eal,ens, 'hied thi.y will sett Cheap as the cheapi St, , GRAFIAM Elie, April 3, 1517, WANTE TN (...11anIze f r 00,,d,, II:K.TENCE 111. 12 incites wide, 14 and II; fc, 1.1 \iLOCIC JOBIE, I 1 12; 1.) , , 10, 18 and 2 cee: HEMLOCK STU MAN . ' 10, 11 and RI feet for market price %will In paid, tt., Lumber yard (IL the r0,,,t. Erie, ',March 1,1817, AGAIN HERE 1! WT H n. I the best and ctn. ionablo L 1, IVES' D 3 offeredin this trtaritct, const. ik) pattetns Dress Silks 01. Colored and [laid and Si Ciro de Rhine; '• Oro do Swi-s, ! . 1 Satins of all colors, • SiIAt:VLS of all kinds, s Barrage, Thi bet, \ions do Lawns, Balzarine:i and B , Gloves and Mitts of all Liihl Caton, &t.. CLOT I l:i, Ca , sintere6 1 - 'tv i and :.-1,, tineas. In short, etisloniers can I Dry (kinds line usually Mei ;rt. NVe forbear, to menu dy, ladica, wgi cari sell yet ;me II reskt. It'Ont 1:Is . to, 1 tny in tkoa4ply. ' , Pleasq .'elves. '. raj her' paiticul i tforget the place, at ' April '2B, 1817. • I 3 IT II.G . bl Rock in I 'dial article, and good ed and for eale by • MI q~n~t~l,-!~1~ all 1... ) ,1. or ~..7.1 ina , nono,i, of the'olifYr r , ol ' o ,, z . n . , - the litiatan t•id -foul tareatit,,coutea tougur.billionscirti in, i, - 1' nut ow :e;:lialiureee:l6;C''''9d:l.Yr-iiut.l.l4. rthlt":(;;;;.('.LL.l:ilh,'lrl.c:::ol,4e;aeliol.:.::°rroje.c';', II urti• •of ttu'ea•-r. I.:nili he't r,!.iitain• 30 pi 4 , . 1e. , ,,,,.. 7'.11:1 . ' d underoAli itirelY.'TYt'l.tltlc• and toll for 2 4 „,„,_, 02: „I 3 bt•ing nn rtholinary dine. Alpo. - L'llltlCli'S. SCIATIC LINIMENT, TII6 , INPALI I ,IBLE REMEDY - 1 mar ni.,..t.. Splllllll.,ilftli , b, 5mi...1r. r ..1, (ho nay cirot,p.. star Joint.. Shiunk fie' ,•• „L„.,, E . En the hie a- thtnil, fact-, 'footharhe l'rnzeul'Eri. Di•t utTo; of the Spine,. l'et Lilted lambi. end whrrtor : Extet it LI to plo. Ilion 'tl indirate.l. T 1.41 rapidity 11, It tetra OE, IVO,.\'01:!,1 . 101tli'ING, MEDICINE': Cures! .,; met ceir's or the abfive 'lntones hay attlactrol TH Y NVONILI'It AND. ADIIIIIATION of the WWII' That gi ,otly at tt I 1 hetnvelv . ,. bc 110 , to-. of Om b essing Ilobutti:- it v, the Doctor has ion the price at '25 cente. Each b it. ;lc It, 00: !Pores, ii iti blown'. in-the glans, and e nE 'd ol , , 0,1 in a cut or ~ dt.e ese, SPlue,uceotepinied with leg e, reet: ,,,,.. I,,ke.t•ir. grreral dignify, attended with pun t bitel tr.ortt.iit'••• in the I-oft:hole and bawds, estendiug teal ...ode, to, or upped!.', ;trembling of the limbs, phut, lion of the It. art, Tattlolice. Ague a nd Femer, end .nll fa ious'ili-en,ettitri..lllllo.ry'rured by the use of , " 11ERRICIcS AI E,GI I ,ITAB I LE) TONIC . . lIITTTERS. Put Up in Lox es acro4p3ineo,l With aired/ea? Ittlii sslr.e-• tl s tlt I: telt lion will ill inahrlbalf a gallon. In the st n ._ inunuer eat: Cotielot, Colds A:ttbrria, opiresyinh of it , ('lleit. IVhoopi tic Coital: Croup. in (lainatutp or, She Lear, 11,•1 Brent ca••••• of riol I osumptann be 'Already helpd ottl,pii. IA cored by )R. II ERII ICK(8 , MEDICATED - COLldfl 1. , 1 LOZENGES. : - i'bce 25 et,. T0'0'0? theme LOZetiONS Are a ?(Ai t i, e.tik'tn. , rtti.". Tt•IllStrItANT :SUCCESS which riot: v. het c attend. the lido of iterriages Worm ihrtro,:iii Loiter:gr.. I. tht•Ele.ta to heti nod expuTilon of worm! from the hum ail nyitrrii.haslplaced them ter•t on the eiE • h.,,,,, „ i ,:,,,,,,,,,, 11 0 , are p)ett. tit to fake. - Cloldreit I..L E them, :not floor Alert is' scab at to aquili,h the brhiddrt Prtret2s i• t• , wit), full 'itlirertioott Those *utTrr : o g f rot pail,. awl Wr.•lnte••• • ri the' bread[. Lodes and hack, air it h. 010. t 1i.10, I.lintliaco, etc. will find a friend in Or tent; III:It RICK'S (4_1,13AN . 1.T311 STRENGTH. ENING PLASTER:-'-, - I Sp,,,,L o n !fee lint le Itlii,,, nil wrar I.liLin :011C- io in irittlitll..: Proof only hci. cit : au are halite; the plarr ' , AI other Pl:r ter, :ind are consitimed 04 lif..S I AM CIII'AI'EST 111..0:v1'111. NOW IN CSE. t - r ----- T 0111.. , .. „, ~ • I Ti TH P E -attic., tiLl 5,..1, 1, 3 ,„„ beau maul 1,31 innate NeWl ikrk i that [hey :toll' 11;4111110 pOll% Piece to Intake rind ! lend air: far 0 '0.11...1 I 111,0101 000 e, r en pr , telitltltir and rathertr.'! ' , .,, ' tort It, lit,. a Ilatritt for Lo 4,00 , , itithiceb life l'oettr 0 ' bi in I hip pron., olltlectOtotaitefore the public:imiltt it ent hr jut gin in the , catt.e, whet her a 'leen., of abi.txt taigitt long.'s- to I rxl. Dr. Herrick has writren to NT Itorli.•, the Uosionotdo ter of rat rut, L Watditug ton,• bool. It tor to limner an f 4 , ,,4, 1 •• ~"tt.ri. 'ote tt 0 Tice. Jun. If, 184 S. ' , I Dr, (Ir. nil:—Dear—Dear I r letti rof the sth it:Eat:la hreti:rrers: rd. In au -wor,tdy tir, inquiry wbribee au., ( pmt. in: turn hero era, Ertl for Et Ltd coated, With emu:, li 1.., t• i to ii.for." von th II 00 record t liouili a patent-ems be 1101.4 311 till, ..nlit!e. , I Ite•pi et fullv your., • ' . . ' , r.DNIUND BURKE'. , , , 'F rinalspnlets ci it F 0 more eneral Acieription ,h 7 , -th% v'e Ili inc.. near lie, teht of an!.he A:rental it t i I'. to:S.I , A Depot 5 ligate street Albany, LL ler° an or.. •ln,-, ~,o-t i•••••er•ired • I , - I: r• A • t, I i .v „ 1 :; - (•;• - d j k " i'a il a -tifi G i •',.'orCr. John Cun . rins S . : C,"l - and Al lIJ nes, Nor:: l ' ( / ~ iFebitt. 1847.—1y10. , ' • ' • q 1 fi IV. PI R 31; . _ ~. '.,,•••1.: \V ANI) ITIIRAP GROCERIES ! !1111 • .1 , 1i:i ,,, „,,i; Nzi, ,, i i, (r Nl , 0 4-1N1 1. 1 1, , 14:. A. 11. HI re:l - ICOCIc II iinhcock,-Zimmerly - & Ca, .110.1, ti2Ttitrussoe_ipte . t.j ..el - ternstlves in the t'llta4 , al, II ild 1 , 1 , .1.:111 Oil ocerNl bU,IIIe:.S,OIT State t•tret': 10,1•Iy opp,si In :lie fr'ai!•.: Hotel, in thernnin la'. II ear'!„l by \\l Mt. I dernecht, tanderllres l'.• orj• Zi il.\ll:ltlail' & !do. tyltere w ill be RAY:J.I 'la r...je rind tat - 11 stly.cled•d-soitrnent of all tt int, , X• \\ * e', add Dry W 1 41. India Goods comprisin2m , i - . ) .-1 ,• -- rrticle lasnall!, kept or called 'for in u Groctllc • „ : - .torj.. , A tlionct s Oc/t mow he found:-!-- : 1 ' , - ... / . (lofre , : , . 01 eye y prig, wad <rally. V I f ... (lid and Young I i yso'n Teas;!, , - t - -- ' - - ._ . • I.'enpur, Spren,ilirdirlar; Llroa‘n, Lump and Lot s•t•z•:•T. I • . 'f'lo , : - .•••lato - ,1.1:-'1ile nod -rosin s.arap,raiinf!,,fl4 -. 120b.r• n-• or et :Iry trality, ci.2ars, sindeGrotr, i••-•1,l'•" ..1 1 1 ind,' • itjaderher, itti iron, nail's, of: - , , .o.ar ••!.•, ,, s. Ito nip. •r- r .I. ; '/,,,t• co. Vrnl,;r their tlilnllsfm the very zerxr. i1. , t10,[5::( ',.. , ,t,.nded to thorn for-tti•e pass ;ai \ year arr.! tioi r ot (hey Itia v - by their endeaaors tn pleat' • n - . , . 1 le6 its- a't filitifillace 01 raVQrs in the snape:. ~ld la,- well a; nen . cli;!nwers. They are prer: u'.! ,e, Iran h Ise r'a'n of all kinds, hillier, C 2:.. ' lr ''''l WI'l• , :1 11,1 ' a ,- Les..l'l4ri,TimothY and C. ter s I (I, for IN' till ~..., AS LI hill be pdid at ( k s itimt , or, ' I `rio. April 2.1.11 410, 1' 1 :11 nil paid. tilt : tti , tlOU bushels" ti lit ) ; ()111) do (I,,rn, 10.00 T) ,10 :BaneY, andar hat rel, ifj/nrivered . r s' don. 11. CAD WELL 1.. V.rie. Oct. 10. 1.: 41 16. • V w 64aattlit. ~,f• Wad t hit It% A .1 nt t h"l'elebrateil reml . t for Consumption nod dist as. - 'ol' the liungs. Al tat Whim's Gmitie ' VW,. by Dr. P. Dall,A gent, corner of -in St , lel , ll,L, Earlt., Pa.— • J. t. t= h:. , ASHES! ASHES!! - - IWILL pay IS criit.ze per bushel for good Id' a , he , , and 1.4. I 114. ets per bushel house at:— e s delivered Oty APlie:in corners. litre, Oct. •' lq I - 0 lb. C. ST!,TI4I3ALS. chan:g 2enklany; F. I I ES.—those:litrine, good 'Ashes uiit A woll t 6 do iver Thom nt our milieu', soon r we afro now WO tcu ir ar%pliat we havo.oti her:, April Sill IS JACKSON St. Co. Axe i! L •rs; tc Co's Cast: Stee l Athe cluteitor:sitl2le. TONITAIIISON Si. Co. F'ehtuary 13,11847. • • • _ WEST ERN llo'rE t Ftl JOAN GIAMM, Pr etor. V , , o' l l sthkoiher you'd reSpectfuly intsit , ;, •:,itt —his friends and the tiavnliiig public go •t,tiy, that he Ilas leased for '' term of years Lf 'etv and coretnotlious. House,' situated at it' - :.ightli Street leanal Basin: rhis location ter 16s:the . " yzL,'STE,RN "!pre-eininently the tot onvenient and desirable stopping place Ifet !! either doing thtin6::- . 3 or traveling t ,on the:Ce , There it., alsd,, attached to thisestablish nen:: largo and con \Tuient Stable for the use of Ba men and odiet fi haring horses., : 4 . . No pains onexpcmse has ern ; spar din titt.:l tip :his house{ for the .conven nee. Onlfort 31 : ideasure of _dots} and the Proprict r trusts" , , strict attentioll to tipsiness to merit and recent shale of pithl if. patipnag, ,, . Erie. A prilr2,l,llS ti. TIIOqNTON tinantity ni.aond I.‘ It DS, 6,8;10, and t long. - ____ ____ . OE.! 011."..01L!!! CsElGEL,hatiattain opened his store in tf• . chy, tit the comer of French and Fe i . stredlQ, for dm purpoSe of . selling_PNSEED 012 1.; of his Own minuthrture, cheiper by KI per co ) t , than' it N% as e% ) cr offered here before; warranted:', be a 144 rate lan fele. • ~ 11 1 • ; , lie also ileps 'Constantly on hand Turves: l , ~ White Lead, lry or in oil, by the keg or poo: , i , - C Chrome. Creep, ,Chrome yellow, American l'', 11, million, 1 , os el Pink', Lir harage, in short, ever."' f scription of. Paints, all of which will be seld tl3 II': ior cash. _ 1 ]. . ' - 1 A g,c ncr al assortthent of GROE RIES, stab•;•!. Tea, :Sugar,i Coffee,'Spices,, Nitts, Raisins, i.,' which are of pie best finality. All persons of ingqo buy OP, or !'gooilfand cheap yroceries' ; '•-. do well to cal at the corner of Fenat arid Fe' • streets at the pil and Grocery S ore of • . Sts ' and and examinet Lr finality arid- riees before fo •.- i; chasin clseWhere, as he can as urelithein !J l will make it '.l. their interest to do to. Give s P--: a call. ; [ • J 1 . l • „ Eric, June q, 1846. • ' by 19, - and: 1•d by lly by 1; wl4;l l ttio Jeri deliverol at his . TET:V.SDA - 'E 60ME, pen st.,ek. ,or ra-h GOODS ever ring in part 311 enion t , embracing r.120d..310utt de Sur, Bch as' iiir , Crape,t , Mucha. ' rages, Is Sill:, Lisle, Jedus oT_Es Ov AN EXILE,, by L. 1.11, bein g an account or the authors- ce. inent at Vat f)eamans Land, just receiNe(l l, " for sale S affords's Bookstore. • , - Erie, S, is 37. utt every t iting, in 'lre tired 1-or iu the war p') inices. 4-I'.ullice to a h aa d s oroo • Prettyll that will Vi? .with ' seo 'fur y_pnr• 1 1 11i:7601er. Doh% LADlESierarats and Puintq; a tine Fe/ec'''', anti sonlething new, together with comer hat Ribhon.i,.jtiftopertetiailie'coner oppo 4 ' el7 . . Eagle:' ; , l,_ - Aprils. :-. I ---'- Wool I ; Wool 1 . 1 . AVo . ol !!!„ .. ril RE hi , dielsti price paid for • Wool at ,V• ". f - • • ' - ' MOSI - 3 1i.D ( 3, 1 - / ... %.1- edam ortii.il Exchange French siree : ' \ 1 ;;i• 2..! I= t; i • . eAIiW '5O hini NV a rO.- 7 . A be:ltt szortment juit.recciv . .• -1 JMI,INsoN 1111 IMI OE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers