11 U - NEW G UBE :44 p: IVGOODS ^ • ...___, G. LOOMIS 4.. Co. •7, Reed .: .1"." --- House,. Erie, have just received -- "/ v . ---T - -"--..• an addition to their former stock . 'ett, goods, which makes their assortment very eir tepsive, comprising a large variety of rich and fatbienable JEWELRY, consisting or diamontd, ruby, garnet, emerald, amethyst aquamarine wild eriamelled pins, diamond, rubrnad plain ring ; Old ear rings,•ard chains and keys, spectacle . ... •,...ftu pencil cases, bracelets, lockets, miniature settin , thimbles, studs, snaps, Rte. &c. - I • • . r .E.—Gold and Silver Watches of the psi'. te t lever, duplex, horizontal andcomnion maps anent. French mantle; Uerman. and America)) clecks. " I LV ER GOODS.—Tal,te, desert, teamaltanif Lard spoons, ladles, butter and fruit k'nivei, p 4l o ctacles, chains, keys, pencil cases, thimbles. I Plated, Britannia and German Silver Wnre.-;-. "Tea pots, urns, pitchers, cups, tankards. bowli, eake baskets, candlesticks. snuffers and trays, speeds, farce's, ink stands, castors. iCUTLERY.---Idoger's and other celebra'ed Dl:Acre razors, knives and scissors. MISCELLANEOUS.—Matheinatica I instru ments, telescopes, thermometers, pocket compas ses, sunglasses, violins, accordions, music tioxes, flutes, fifes, steel pelts, curd casocombs, pocket bobks, pocket pistols, coral, amber, gilt,. steel, wax and glass beads, bead and silk bags and pur ee* elastic guards, portable writing desks, work, ~ p aint, snuff, tobacco um!. elms - lug' boxes, razor Nil, rops, clothes, hail, tooth, nail and shaving brushes and glasseS, Glazier's diamonds,. shot , powder - flasks, perpussion caps and pills, essmen, dotninoes, ti. - ...gar caws, put se and cloak , sps,tweezels, cane, whalebone, violin and bass :1 strings,' triage, ,:powder, puffs„ perfumermy, .irt_plaster, tooth wssh and powders, tooth picks, cairn.; (rings, teal.bells ,, sealinz wax, motto als, visiting cards, emery baskets, needles, bat dor, and birds, spool stand. 4, with numerous oth ;articles not mentioned, both useful and orna ems!, which v . ill be for nready,pay," from N, en, ;flue to fifty per cent lovi , er than- torrnerly. 8.. Watches, music boxes, jewelry repaired the best manner and warranted. ash atiihnost kinds of coury prodtu!e (I in payment for goods or work. Call and see. The highest prices paid in cash for old Geld 11 Silver. tine 13, 1816. • 4 ISE Mt. SMITH'S IikEAT ATIONAL PILLS. PR. G. IR:NJ. ti.M.ITIVB IitIPROVD INDIAN V.EG TABLE [SUGAR COATED] PILLS RF: the medicine for the Unit .1 States, and their L superiority over all others for entire efficacy. nod /SIM/Was ii as Won for then. a pre claincliCe Ur f. 4.0 illi needs HO toreig , lllllll,nre lo perpettinle. Almost iersklej they base silently worked their way, and '0 gained a permanent hold ou the approbation of the Ipie which no other tuedicine or op tali-loon LAO rel:IX. about four years - they liat?o tritondlied over disease, brought joy and gladness tra stymy no almitius t)e0111.. • Thetal. !MORT IC, iimedic II compound, conknends them to - the mot deli . Una even the litere hardy. who have suffered from efricts of impure properties hothe stomach. will OS be plow=ed with the delightful oper-dioo of therm o Pills. They 11. if c the rape no•rit of the most cora -1 selected ingredients. err-always Sale, nod there can I n danger or taking them: inol operly at any thee. IMIR A NLE 'L'ItIA. I. 11, I mnoira-st their excellence in rellevieg the body of y precursory of ulartiongilemasc,,,l s eeping the how• goutly open, thereby ensuring the continuance of, , di. The most eminent chemot 111 NOW York hate n his certificate that these Pills are PURELY VEG 'ABLE. or 'NATURE'S OWN fill'HlE DV. The great principle recognised by the inviintor of this inviDuable -.Medicine is, that cv ry part of the body, 'shadow in health or disease, i, brought under the Milo entni of the digestive organs. - This plain and tat.oind oFoctrine formsthe only ground oat WhiCti n good Cruelly mod tine con ho recommended. Operarting according, to this principle. Dlt SMTPIPS PILLS , TfIohINCITIIIIICN Till , : pi VO:11ACIIIII, Pronnte tho'sel-retions of the LIVER LIVER,. dill, KIS, und KID NETS, and RI GULATEI'IIE BOWELS, then by adopt ing the OW( NATURAL and consistent inctliod he rpn. 'del! the LIF BLOOD PURE, by cur ceng the vitrr IF{ E t i teal I wore of he whole system. It ,is impossible to give every particular in ,this brief notice, but lic s se,Pills are ',emit -tly recommended as a-1 Meat., of pirev i enting so meth misery and ilisinse, which.: grow out o cmistipation or the bowels, neglected colds. slight attacks. &c.. ace., and which it is in the power of ALLITO PREVES P. . Th i ese'Pills do out PALLIATE, h u t TIIIICY 11" R t r. feLoot all nuts roof the waste I (*Wintry, and - ! • 1 AL. BILLIG DISORDERS l i , 'now stand idiom, unpsrelle ed—TIIE SICK mAN's FRIPNIL AmOng, the compl.. ntsasor which these Pills 1 aro highly recommended, are t a following, viz: FIVERS, ° i PAIN IN THE SIDE, DYSPEP.SIA, SCROVIJLA, RN WOES I lON. BAD BLOOM CONTI a. EN EDS, ' lICADACIIE, ?':, " „ T ‘ I IVC ri r„PLAP.„S• -BAD APPEVITE I RHEUM ATISM, nrutiour,%, wit° !PING COUGHS, , 11SE'N'PARY. Wi AK NERVES, F. VER COMPLAINT, IIIYSITRIC.9, !MIMS. 011 alls, . i lIIiAILTDURN. C01, , 15, fiIII4OUS I'ItOLIC, , INF I.IIENZA. • FOOL F,fiTOMACII, , PIMP, ES. J.kUNDItICE, , - , LO`dr SPIRITS. ate, - • BS , following the simple directions which aLcompauy ',roily box of genuine pills. a perliV.inent cure will be et fect6ll.• Moseof than HOSPITALS in New York hone gii•- •on these Pills the prefe elide oveF ninr a thou 20 ki ids Oat hate been tested, and several EMINEN 1' Pit YSICI 113, In New York and elsewhere, ivie them 1 a their practice, Ate tabu oat: the' %V a els /Sea Pyr. I BE ,rte den:Ain't WAR D E OVIMPOSITION. r. Smith's Pills cing every where: great, beveral unprincipled peiraons h ave made POI, 011 the nniclat miserable end )tlauserous stuff, and to 'mita threw o for thie;genuinc, have pat on a 'coating of tugeir."—' off ThAvforeibeware.and always look for TBIE - 01.1• TEN. SINONAILTIUBE OF B. BENJ..:7IITII. flatite bottom of every box, to counterfeit which is FOR ti:ERV. Mire than 1131)3 certificates have been received e principal omcq and the people are referred to ides !Jerald & Gazette;' whom they can read of the important cures. egivo, fur env of room, but few' t I'ESTI, lON CALLS,. 11 - oimltot Luther Lee. .` , :iinith's Pills era pi oly vegetable, operate well, istutitite good resist LT., ixiik K Law. ditor True Wesleyan. From theset..l. Kellett. • wit - elites taken, Moflat'st Morrison's. and many oth- Jut eho has received more benefit from Etc..Binith's than all others. Silo believes they may be used by des with perfect safety, rbtliout changing their =- Meat or diet, and it any sea.on. 'JOHN KFA.IXTT; hub Menlo A reinic,„ltrooklyri. rt•hm tit' nut tmemiet ' la No. , York. err, r rule Gum* ploy 1 D . G. lienj. Smith's Pails Lase entirely cured we of thaelness In my head,lnd eener.ll weak eroa o f nry hyr•toin. My f l intly' ll , them with On Lott 1-.1-tiltp. I would not b ir theta them. ii C. 11. N %SU. 99 Fors. th at. mom the Id. o fthn Black River Journal. D ;iinitli'fi Pills ore free flout the object/nog to. which ..the pills are liable, and ate the beet Noredieme that 1 ha. • Tel seen. J... 11, , USE. from the P 11. Tonawanda, N. V. DT S.nith's Pills are the beid 1 ltnea ev , r ti,ed, &o, .AC. litllL lit, P.M. From nee. t Williatn4, Pittehursh vn used DY.Stnith's POI , . and know tt,py are n good ono. &c r . S. WILLIMIS, les dnitc. Ch. From Rev. J. ILI 1.. Ilqek as. • -Bruith'a NM :on 11/ grnat demand ur thia region their ploasuntnenn and t glean) , JOHN G. L. HASKINS, :47.4r1du N. Y. riont.M Damn, the (tanker. ).tuilth—lte-panted Prteud—Thy Pills are t.elling mildly. and give irrst reiu buttbfant tun in 1164.01ga, MOSES IMME, 267 31rino..t. Alit—Your pilleure well liked ED. EATONtO.)DEMOCRAT. Set Alit -1 not much plea4ed withl your Ind. Vogt. r Contcd nod tun I 4111 In my familv. E 2 RR+ 00K VILLE (lA.) AMERICAN shore' arc oily a few extr..o.., —hut we 4444 Cu nn II a whole er w.l/+ per it ih houdar one& t hem% rine .)9V Ihe Illoslt popular mu this country, , mud gilts the ;ennral ttillAraitton. se PM. wi I aiWtl,s Cure COLDS in a meth more put way than any usher n me:ly. For thin they are anted. D 1 vary 141 ..ugai and fi: ere bi 111 St 11, rteaS' VIRE DANGER tlncett et! uow .lup.krer.ti_a% llnor Smith's awe tipoute vary uoputnr throughout the country, 'or. ve 2011 Fill j 44111) )3 off Wl• IWO. MAO . . kith • ng or agar" to novo, up a molt dangerous. cow. nits ) mita ..coat 'loon , •- , Dr. Crnmheeker, oflVlreeling,Vo. Faye that n pftrynn In that Inn edron near lotir ' , hi: life from tlso effreto t•lf the rwtint . t Alt “Sogar Coated . Pills, Also, a g.mtleirnio in Lout. [lle. Ky. woo ainted with violentotnnitink alter their ise. ter Cie; the Otterrint or get none, e nd sae th a t G. r;ENJ. 5311,1 1 I In written with a pot ou 'tilt hotQtrt preach box. PITINCII I ,II.. OFFICES. NEW YOILK. 179 tit eenwieh tittect. ~ - BOSTON, t Water Street. ERIK, Carter , Ar. Brother, No. G. Rend 1irm. 0 .1 .0 ' I .7 tSuir.rnina &. Co. Corner of tqatate ails] ith etreet-.4 Alb; ; 1611142 _ _t- en W ADV ERTISEAI ,ENTS. LICKS, WATCIIKS, JEWELRY. PLATED AND nnirreoriA wARE, ' FANCY GOODS,I Sc. &c. G , LOONIIS & Co. are re • ceiving irom N. York a large addition to their former stock of GOODS making an i asitxtriient,not u.fiiiiiii fours in ~ this eectiori of country. - Sc ec • tea with care and at prices I . eas• onably low, they expect to be able to accdromodate their pat % tons with all ankles round in similar establishments at. fair prices. 8 MIMI IMES canfilur at the co ier - store, a nee as ortment of Gloves, Mitts, Hoiscry, 4.c. 1.., Fancy Fans, Combi, Steel Deed Bags, ft, Puree twist and trimmings, embroidery such as FreneltFloss, worsted, chilled e. &c., alt very chimp, by • y 11?17. METCALF. lid 4 1 1 ur4. ti ate or (I, IEOI AGAINST - TIIEVOIILDF NO EXCUgE FOR IGNORANCE NOW JOEL JOHNSON, 6111, 4 CHEAPSIDE, has Jos e... ` received from New York - • • a new and elegant supply of boOka embracing Theolozicat Miscellaneous, Sundv and Classical School Books Stationary, Etc. &c. which will be sold cheaper Books, cash than ever be fore &forsd in this market. Among his stock may be found-- . Anthon's classical Dic'y, $5, Rohinson'sGreett and English Dictionary,ls; Webster's Diction ary, $3 51 AntliOn's Vlrgil, $2, ,Flatiron's Horace, $.175 do • Homer, I 50, do Cicero, ,1 25 Anthon's Jacobs' Greek Resider, $2, do de- do Lesions; 1, do do Luton ' do ' I, do do don Prossody, 1, / do, do Se!lust,' 1,• Davie' Mathematics, including Algebra, Le. Bender, Arialytaeal Geometry, Surveying, &c. Davie's arithmetic, -- .I{irkham'a Grammar, Adams' do • , Hall's I/ S History, NI ather'e Geolrigy, • Claey's Geography, Mrs Linean'a Manny, Morse's do Comstoek's do .- MitchelPs do ,Burrett's Geography of the Heavens, with large and splendid atlas; also, the Electic series of Reading Boolts. Andrew's and Stoddard's Latin Grammar, 4. 119 , do ' • de. ;Reader, CornStocles ehemestry and philosophy, Sanders' Benders Bennett's Book Keeping, Walker's 'Meat:dry, Colt's i , do Johnson's •do Moor's Byron, , Scott's comentarie's, 6 so. $l3, v , Dick works, library edition; also, cheap, The works of Chesterfield, Rush's residence at the court of London. Dyes book of Martyrs-, Josephus' works, Pititarch7A Lives, Hollins' do Lady of the Manor, - A ddiSollB' do Good's study of medicine,Drvdeti's ' do Hopper's med. Diery, Eb - erle's Practice, Gay's med. Juris'dence, do Therapeutics, Crudens concordance, Plaitinie Theology, • ayland's elements of Moral Science, The School and the School nate" • 2 'Dr 0/in'A travels in the east, Thurwal's History of Greece, etc.. i Guide to the Propitecie., Danes' Trav,els,. Barns' Notes, i Fuller's worlds New Spirit of the Age, C hairnet' s w mit% Bluik s religious anciidotves Atalcom's travels, Gibbon's Room:, Pi ideaux's cOnnexion, Life of Lieber, Works of Charlotte Elizabeth, complete, do ' ; Predrika Bremer, I • do kloshim's eclesiastical History, Luther on Galations, Jarves' church Ifistory, PitzOrial History of the American Revolution, Life and Sermons of Whitfield, Gol&mitlt's England, • - , Parley's Universal History, I Together with tnanY other valuable works too numerous to mention in. the limited spate of an advertketnent. Ca.o and see—no charges fur ~ ,r showing oks, June ,IS iG, • 4 PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, Ez.c. ARTER & BROTHER, are in receipt of a C beautiful collection ofilaintings and En2ra wings, plain and colored, in oil and u ter. Per. sons of taste cannot fail of being pleased' with the it comprises views ofsorne of the most romantic and picturesque pieces in Europe and thiscountry. Among them are two Oil Paint i ow: 3 by,3 1-2 feet in rich gilt frames—the,oneu view of Tr y and the Hurimlin from Mr. Idly, the other Was4ington's Head Quakers, near Ntrtrbutg, on the North River ; : - Vi.ews of St. Cloud, Lake•ofZurichand . surrounding count y ) Lake•of Zert2 and surrounding country A general View 'or Drussels, A Nloonliulit Vi6r, a heautiful Forest antr‘V inter Scenes; liontim: scenes, Sec! eke, a very fine and Correct likenes*stofQ,neen Qictory,,engraverl on steel from Sully's painting. also of Her two elder children, Allice and — Albert, in handsome gilt frames; a beautiful Ilezzotint co:trovine of "John Anderson my Joe," a rare and interesting Menne. filsou collection of rare and beautiful Birds and Flowers, correctly and elegantly colored, de• signed for instruction to learners or ornaments for the centre table. Persons designing to furnish themselves with any thing in tho above line — will find these well worth them nue/Ilion. They will be,sold - lower than they can be purchased at retail in the cities. No. G. Iteed House; Nor. 2."1G. 29 STA - S i rON's EXTERfCAI, It Elabli)V. ALLE'D HUNT'S LINIMENT, 1i now maiversally acknowledged to be the INFALLIBLE B.CSIEDY for Ithcometqsra,Spinru Affections.' Contrec. [into, oa the Illuscics,Soro •ihroat and Quinsy Issue. Old Ulcer.. Pains in the Back and Chest, Acne in the Breast and Face, Tuoth,sclie, Sprains, Bruises, Salt Rheum, Bunn, Croup. Pro•tcil Feat, and all Nervous Iligontgs, 'Alio TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which bias attended the application of :has mont WONDERS - VI. MEDICINE in , curing the most severe cases of the different Diseases ahoy" osme,l--asid. the HIGH ENCOMIUMS that bane b :en bestowed nammit, wherever it Ipas been introduced, gives me the rig .1 to call nil the AP "IC'l El/ to resort at once Co the WILY REMEDY THAN" CAN DE RELIED ON. To Ge,rge Seonton. Dear Sir —The ° Dunes Liniment," which your Agent left with the i hatWrold, and theta has been a number of calls for more. Many peraone ulr.icted with varinue Aches and Pains. have been cured by it, as they say etrecttially. Onb case 1 wi I I relate to you, an it caused a hearty laugh, when the 11[111.00 related it here in the storm. It is this ; Mr. K. S. Denton. a highly respectable person living in this village. had procured a part ern bottle of your Lini ment, et New Milford, N.J. Ho is frequently affl vied with the Rheumatism, on th it be canarcely get 'Aunt; hn came in tit, anon, and his leg ,paint him 40 that ha. could not bear much weight upon it. Ilia wife told him to put soma iniment on it; lie says to her, it will not do any grmt—it to like all other quack stuff. that aha tue veiled on him to try it. Ile did so, then lite his dinner and went Mit, WOrkel all the afternoon, came In at nicht, rat down a while: and thought of his leg--which he had en tirely forgotten!—the Liniment having given him hump ate and permanent relief. Ile came over here the sauna vtgla and bought (NO bottles of it Yourr, with respect, I!. It. intrra. The G,llnwtng certificate of the' restoration to health and the periest curs of a deformed and crippled child, who was thought in be borond thel reach of hope, shows that no in trier how appalling theicase may be. that a is a remedy. in 11,14 a / :lament that tdih Conquer the most des perato cases, and iln.t, if alio disease I. curable, this eel., heated external remedy will,do It. it has never (abed in giving immediate rebel' when timely applied, int proved by the Miami:fine of high and miimponeliable .tlestimony, the particulars of which arc to be found in the Pamphlets whielt is it to be-bid-of every agent. 42tigiti9l:ft;, lute 10, IEIS. C."coric E. Stanton, En. ' Str.-1 (eel called upon by the tie of gratitude. to offer the follow i ig, tentimoriy to favor of your Exterual Reme dy—fleet's Liniment. hiy grandson. Clark E. EV.1114, wh o is now ten 'cure of age. lies been for WI ba s t eiglit 'oars a cripple, cameral by fulling from a chair when howls two years old, and wrenching his spine. foie the thee of the occurrence we base tied et ory means to voters him to hi. nine 11 shape, bet all without avail. We took him to New Yn k, end placed him under the cora of a [thy / w o r n of altil and rafter remainiug there some time, we 'brought him l me no better than when we took him there. •Por several lays at a time, ilege, 150 helplthis that he could only walk by placing his.,hAnds upon hi knees to support. giving him the appearance of deformed-hunch bitch. fl, one also token to Newtturg, and preeeriliod for without any hotter success. At times he would ho Arcing, enottuti to go out of doors, hut-otter playing nu hour, would come in perfectly exhatt.tod, and for anyerol days after would be airtlin perfectly helpless. %Yr) had lost all hope of seeing him restored to his natty I, shape or strength; but a kind rrovitenee placed your Fiume! Remedy in my hand . -1 hare used hut four Local a. and ~,,, re l a keil to say that the boy is now tie a truialn as any hoy of LI; 'age. Auy of my neighbors will testify to the truth of 018 Ntulement. I tette 11111e11101110.16.1re in sta. nag three facts for the benefit of others suffering under a blot calamity-'a, Yours, rospeetritlfr. RACIIAEL MUTE, This is to certify, that T impersonally acquainted with the subscriber. We. Shute, On well as the boP alluded to, paid (flintily boar Witness to the deformity with which hn wakrerinuelv ittlitcted, apparently for lira—Dated ft iug Sing, June 9th, 1815. , HENRY HA ILItIF, Justice of the Peace. This Littinicut is sold at4s. and 50 cents per bottle, by all the Principal Druggtsta end Merchants throughout the country_ Whorevite Agent" for New Fork. If •ADLEY, rilLl-014 & Co. I.l%Watcr Street, It vsn . roN & 1 . 0. 110 Ilrond way, ' A. It. & SANDS, corner Fulton and William, ASPINWALI.,II6 dtrect. JOHNSON. KIDD & Co Pittsburgh, wholesale agents for, Western Pennaylvania. Orders addreatted to toe tatting SinF, N. Y., Will he at , ttoided to. GEOKGL. K. STANTON, - Proprietor. litor Ralj by J. H. Horton &Co, Frier', L. C. Town N or th Knit, 3. lament., Fairview; 8. L. Jones & Co. Girard. April P; 1 . lel7. 2m4/7 Ne w Woollen Factory AT Nolan luasr, UNCAN, U JEWETT & 4.:0. `have ji l ist com menced business of ananufactipinst Woollen Go s, dressing Cloth, carding Wool, 4-c. Their machinery is entirely now and of eklernmanu faetrue, and embraces the latest improvements.— The , business will be conducted by Mr. Jewett, who has had 20 veers' experience in it. both in this conOtry andin England. They' wills manu facture on sharer, giving one yard of clothfor two and a quarter lbs. of wool, or for ready Tay in cash or country produce, and on ats reasonable terms as any other establishment in the county. Their manufactory id locatcsi about one mile north of the village, _ALEX. DUNCAN. e r JOSHUA JEWETT. ISAAC It, STEVENS. . , PM, . ;` . 3111# NottNEuet, June 7 - F HE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY (or COLDS, COUGHS, ASTH-1 • rka liketnoltle cure Of IN Dimwitouts Artmfo. t• 1: MA, and CONSUMPTION: i ...To S. Tenser. ' Ciao 4' CORNORS, N.Y. Aug. 6, 1844. THE MOST CELEBRATED and . INFALLIABLE•remedy for Colds.' . Sir—We are entirely out of the Hungarian Balsam, having gold all you Coughs, Asthma. or any form of PULMONARY CONSUNIP'BION, is thel lett with us, in our immediate vicinity, and in juatice to the medicine must the 'HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by Dr. Buchan ofil say with astonishing success. A taw days since a young gentleman of this Londim, England, tested for upward of seven years in Great Britain oondl town called at our store Who had been! for months afflicted . 6'ith a very dis• on the Continent of Europe, end introduced into the LT Cited Statei under theljtressing cough. and wariteila bottle of the Balsam. We told him it Lvas of immediate superintendence of the inventor.lllittle use for him to take lit or any 'thing eIse—HE_MUST DIE. lie took a The astonishing 1 111 ette59 01 the litalgolloo 'Balsam i 6 the cure of everyl)bottle, however, and aftif l rwards had another. - Yesterday he called again form of'CONBUNBTIoN, warrants the American Agent in soliciting for very moth improved i appearance, and said he was rapidly gaining treatment the WORST POSSIBLE CASES, that can be found in the coin strength—but had it not been for the invaluable Hungarian Balsam he nitist nuonity —cases that seek relief in vain from any of the cominnn remedies oil have died. We want a one more of the medicine directly. the day, and have been given up by kite most distinguished Physicians asi Yoiirs respectfillly, ' , INGHAM & HAVENS. CONFIRMED AND INCIJILALBLEI The Hungarian• Balsam has cured, [Fron t Esq. ll'. E.'Fisk, Conostota, .N. T., dated CA:VAS/WA iyov. 7, 18461 and wild cure, the MOST DESPERATE OF CASES. it is no quack nos ,To S '('ousel-, Agee", &c.—Sir: Having used Dr. Buehun's Hungarian Irmo, but a standard English Medicine of known and egtablisherrefficacy. t Balsam' in. my family with the very best success fur lung complaints, and Every family in the United States should be supplied with Buchan's Flun•lMavino seen it used by my friends with like success, I Was indvcd last garian Balsam of Life, not only to counteract theeensumptive tendencies'lspring to become an Agent fur the sale of the same, since which I have sold of the climate; but to be used as a preventive surdieine in all ease l of Colds, a great number of bottle, , . and have in almost every instance learned that it Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Chbst, Irritant ) a nd s ore timid s ucceeded beyond a I cvpectution, in son` cases where tho patient had ness of the Lungs, Bionehitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Hectic F' ver, Night been by Physicians of r spectability PRONOUNCED INCURAE, and i l Sweats, Emaciation and General it o u biiity, Aallunti, . M Influenza, Vhoopincriffheir cases hopeless, anel 1 most cheerfully recommeedit to all who are se Cough, and Clem". 1 illering with long complaints, assuring them that,in most Cases" they will find . In ease'of actual disease of the lungs, or seated Consumption, it is theilspeedy relief. , . (Signed) ' r WILLIAM E. FISK. ONLY SOURCE OP HOPE. -I I - More Proof;, ' Sold by iLlcDonald & S 10411; 801 C Agent for the United Kingdom, at the e Establishing' the efficacy of the Ilutowleen Balsam of life . . Italian' Ware-house, Reoent•st. London, in Bottles and Case - d, for ships , I (From Deacon Lewis, of Utica, dated Lim*, February 4, 181.5.) ~ hospitals, &c. .A.4. I ' I, I cheerfully give my name in favor of Dr. Buchan's . Hung.arfan Balsam of 1 By Special .ftypointinent—DAVlD F. rmADLEE, 119 Court -?t., p, oato „ , llLife. Last April, my vile was attacked with a violent cough,Uttended with Mass., sole Agent for the United State s and British American Provinces. Iv severe and most 170h1r0ESSINE Psis; IN TIfF..SIDII, so-bad as to deprive her • American price, $1 Per bottle, with full directions for the restorathoi.orll ri f rest. , While in this situation, 1 9+ . llled on Messrs. 70/ c aner 4' Co. for some health. . innedicine, and they rettottimended tips BM 90:111. !pi:l'o l 4l9d a tousle, awl by ' '• _ Pamphlets, con:a main, a ma}}! *of English and American certificates and biller evidence, showing the tt4spralleirinerirs of this Great Engli3h Reme dy. may be obtained of the Auguts, gratis. None genuine, ii ithout the titten signature of the American Agent, on a zold and bronzelahcl, to counterfeit which iv forgery. Totany. Syracuse , N. Y. General Agent for New York and the western ,Stume. . READ, A 1 , - _ From the B ptist Clergysnsn atColoosedOsnse.To. County. , ",,f do hereby most cheerfully certify 'hat I have use Buchah's gun -2artan Balsam in my family with ~real sm (..es... M: 7i , /,1)0M ) . in het 'seventh, year WilS, in the mond, of October, IS bl. at .ith a pain in her ri;:lit sidekd notwithstanding we n e ed all t ill 4 remove it, she continued to gr 4 w worse, nn I after olnaininz, the cc 'Pr. B—, who thoua.lit , the It ialit Lobe of her Lon., so serieu , ly aft; clod that her recovery was exeeedin.dy douh'fnl. I woo iiioci ., (l to otrain one hot tle of the Balsam. ant before one third of it "was taken, the little sta•rer resumed tier plays and her cheerfulness teitunctt, and , before two bottles were used her health we WESTFIELD MARDLE FACTORY..., r LIE subset i bet s having a good aqsortment ( - 4 N New England marble on - band, frOM differ ent quarries, caltailated for Head and root table, Mbnuments, &,c. which they offer to sell to any one in Etie. county, Pa. not living farther than tale, lettered in first rate stale, and delivered, at the following prices: Small, fur children, 81 5n per tbor; Middle size, for aged people, $1 62 per foot; Largest size $1 75 per foot. We ,think it woulY be an object for some of the Erie county people to forward Ile a few iliac:Hifi ions as wo huve recently been informed by the Eric marble dealers in rather s bragging way, that they wore sticking., it to the Erie and Crawford county people good: They brag very lustily of selling to the "Petnnt• mites" at noill $2 59 to $4 per Mot. Should any of the peoide \ ofle . county he in want 9f a* thing in our Atm, they can forward their illSerip tious, or come themselves, and they shall have a first rate article at the above prices. VEgNON, SUSScS Co. ti. J. BY THE QUEEN'S PATENT, CONSUMPTION CURED.....TRIUMPLIANT SUCCESS OF BUCHAN'S HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE. 1 - 1112ZA11 SliiES &CO. estfield, N. Y. Sept. 13, 1815. 174 .11) LACK SAUPS.-1 will py Ca - ;d1, and lb,. 1.) highest price lbr and Vani ty of Black Salts del i vvred. tit Nl , Kenn, or pt mt 1,1 ore in F.l ie. Oetob'er 24, 1846., r M. Ts IMALS. COLEMAN'S HEAVE POWDERS, ACERTAIN CURE FOR IDEA 4ES AND COUGH IN HORSES.—A long fainiliari ty with horses and per,onal treatment of the' dis eases to Which they are subject have • at length resulted in the discovery of this exceedingly vill ualde remedy for the /Tractl, end' Cott] 11— a dis ease which pqnitices more misery end death among these noble animals than any citler to which they are exposed. I have no hesitancy in saying that my Powder a ill effectually and tiler oughiy eradicate avery symptom and rPsttg, of this painful and dang ous disease, if given in any or reasonnble'length 0, time after it has Bran con tracted. When you r ' , cover symp,oins of Comfit or heaves in your horsy, resort to thi. Powder without delay, use it perseveringly, and ii,.tentl to the hints accompaiiyin; • the directions for tie treatment of the anim ds; and in nine cases out or ten you mill find that it. cures. V any desirous or eyeing certificate of cures, °mom call on the agent. Price 5.1 cents per ttot tie. Manufactured by A. D. Coleman, New York CARTER & BROTHER, agents, Erie, Pa. March 27, 1917. 45 DISSO LUTIO , „ 4 P ALCM ERSIlii: rilli E partnership icretolore . cmsliig'between the undersigned, in the practice of Law, has bean dissolved by niuttiul consent. All perstms indebted to us are requested to call ut the wilt • and settle their r, spectire accounts, on or heft" c the first of February 'next. Those who ' negle 3t this notice may iricaF costs. JOIIN G A LIMA( Tg , CARSON GRAIIAAL Erie, Jan. 11, 1817, - The BOrdis and pipers of the late firm of Ci AL BRAITH S GRAI I Aikt nee by mutual agree ment left with me for the 'purpose, of closing up the business of tht eneeern and collecting al)&hts„- which I am oblized to do as si),4..dilv I have twociated with me in limiliteis il4. S. LANE and WNI. A. GALBRAITII4 Esqq. and continue the office lately occupied tiv ialltraith Graham, under the futw of GAL'iltliAl MIS 'LANE, where all business in' the line im• the pro fession, will be attended to o ith proMptoess and dispatch. • RAIN GALlift MTH. Erie, February 3, 15170 , - STEAM ENGINES WE are now prepared to inand or repair , Steam Engines, and to sati.ly those wi - t• have doubts et Co our abiliiy to tun otit superi work, we invite thvir ittSpection of one which tt, ha've rimently built and put in operation_ at on. Foundry, L EST ER , SP.NNETT & CHESTER. B.— . A t.ccond hand Engine ofB hor=n pow er. together with bellows Ibr a smell Ftsfuldry,.. for sale at a bargain Ede. ‘liiielt 20. 1847 CONFECTIONARY, MIT ANDY STORE. No, t, REED HOUSE Rqw, Bum, Tali; undersigned having purchased the entire stock of Confectionaries, together with the fixtures belonging to the bushings in the stoic formeily occupied by James Crossman, woad say to his friends and the public generally, that he has furnished •hinesell with an old and experienced workman at the business, and is now prepared to furnish to retalleus CANDY, at Bufrilo prices, and warrant it to IN; superior to any Buffalo candy irtfered in this market; the retailer will _become convinced after selling a few' pounds of my candy that it affords him moreVrofit than the eastern Candy. Our" sticks and !macs will net 40 to the pound, and am finely flavored. [ ICE CREAM AND FANCY CAKES. f l I am prepared to furnish lee Cream in litrms to suit ctedomers. Fancy Cakes made to order.—, Fruit, Pound, Sponge, unduelley Cake, and Jm. files always on hand to strpply families. I will 'furnish tea cakes to private families cheaper than they can bake teem; and on the shortest notice. FRUITS. Fresh Lcmonsi and — Oranges, Figs, Rai ins, Nuts of all kinds; preserved ginger, mixed pick les, sardines, Ste..: a good nssortment. TOYS. Aa large assortment of toys, such as, dolls, dres sed or undreSsed, cats and dogs on bellows; glass dogs and birds, Laney boxes, Weds, neck:aces,' head dressds, purses ; hair brushes, midi(); combs,' besides a thousand other articles too numerous to, mention. Please call and examine for yourselves. Any orders Item the country for candy will be promptly attended to, W. KEITH. Erie, Anglin 1., 1846 QU EENSWARE by the Crato—Birminghora ; ware—for solo by, . 13. — TOMUNSON 4. Co. 48 April IS, 180.. MOW is the time to buy .CARPETING-- 1. 1 1 Carpeting of,the best quality ends latest styles must be sold to makeroom fora nesy- stock in the Spring. at the % jib& J‘E 8108,E. Eric; Feb, 21, 1917. '4IIL 41 N . • , OTICE. —The Tin, C 4 per and;Sheet Iron Manufaett.ring busiums u ill be carried on it the old stand'of Ashley & Kelsey, %%here a con cant supply of all amides - , manufactured by him will be kept for sale at whelesale and retail. Old Copper and Brass IVare taken in pa3ment fm l'in Ware.' JOSEPH KELSEY, Jr. 71 Erie, July 6, 1844. I \ L. WARREN, HAS Tell - loved his sash, blind and door Shop to State, between 7t hand Sth streets, where be will keep eonytantly on Lana or make to'order all articles in hi. line on the shortest notice. Those wbbintr to obtain first rate work at low prices wonld do.well to "lye-him a call before purehas iv elsewhere. Cflazingdone at all times, Glass ami Putty kept constantly on hand.l Mal/ 10, - S. SM Y 1 I HAS JUST RECEIVED front New York. per Pontroy's Exr . ess,tm - ,Sprin !.! Fashions, anti is now ready to eAectne all orders for II ATS in.the latest Fasiott, and of a better quality than can beTurchased here or elsewhere. Match 16, 1846. 5 FIRST APPEARANCE., It. TOMLINSON, GEORGB HBLLOGG. Tness, have not before found it convenient or agreeable to ititroduee into the papers a general adverthemem. _ Being rather or a modest urn, they have been Pittiated somewhat ache slim ger in New York; who got upon a day goods box in Broadway, to wait till the caowd should get by; and like hun, having attracted a little public no toriety, they arc prepared to get down and move quietly along, and would respectfully invite the attention of the public to a choice Seleetion 01 GROCER! ES, interspersed with a few staple Dry Goods arid other notions, just received from New York, Cincinnati, which they•design to sell pretty cheap for ready pay. Please call and see at 109 Elena street, next door to R. 0. Hulbert, E-et's dike, r.. 13 at Si tth r.-eet Canal MLA!). 11L1NSON, Et Co. Erie Ate. 1, 18.16. D rrisßußGH Rockingham Ware.— A beau r ti (I'4 article, and. good 'assortment inat receiv ed and. for sae by • , B. TOMLINSON ,S• Co. Anaust I, 18113 RIIFFALO AND NEW YORX ONI PRICE PI.OTHING 4 VA UGHN, No 2 Fleining, Meek, State Strict. This estairlislunent has„acquired notoriety hy selling all kinds of clothing us cheap as they can he purchased in New York city.-- Call and sec. /Vault of clothes can be made at this estahlishment in ONE DAY'S notice, in the latest stble and mo+t approved fashion. Just received a general i aSsortinent ofClothing and cloth; suitable for the.'seasott and for sale at p r ice s reduced to the pecuniary means of all.- For instance a good article of cloth, all wool, at 50 eta • per yard rind every thing else in, proportion.-- Cutting also done to order nt reduced prices. All orders front the country promptly attended ,lot— The child can buy as cheap here as the best judge. Customers generally can depend on having their work done tight, amid no to stake, Erie, Dee. 20, ISM • 15 V 7 ANIMA. Cream, lemon bar, do. drops,boar• V hound bar, do. medicated,, Peppermint 4.l , ropsi peppermint, rose, wintergreen, sassafras, and worm lozengers; sugar plumbs,arnooth almonds, almond candy, etc. etc. for sale by , M. V . KEITH. TANNERS ARTICLES. 'VANN ER'S OIL by the bbl.' did at retail; Ra i fined Lampblack, Scrub, Scouring and Paste 11ru.sr, for sale by pee. 5, i5 ; 46 .0 . CARTER BROWER. L.,S. 4. C CASH and the highest . _ market price paid for FL,tX SEED, delivered at the store of the sub seaiber, comer of French and Fifilistreets. Erie, October - 10, 1610 STORAGE AND FORWARDING. sultscribeiS are prepared to eneive and 1. forward during. thweaion by the Eric Exten sion canal, to any pointiin the.Lulses cie Ohio' riv er all property entru,ted to their care with the ut most dispatch and at the lowest rates. 130 it St',res and Groceries of all kinds constant ly on hand and for sale cheap at their ‘Varc[louse on the canal; Eigth street landing, Glazier's Ba sin. • P. P. GLAZIER, Erie, April 24, 1847 AGAIN HERE WE COME, , WITH the best and cheapest Stock of rash , ' iontible LADIES' DRESS- GOODS ever Milled in tkis market, consisting in part ' skl patterns Dress Sill6of ail colors, embracing Colored and Plaid.and Stirped Poult de Soi, Ciro de Rhine, Credo Swiss, • _ Satins of all colors, . - SHAWL§I. of all kinds, such as Silk, rape, Barrage, Tbibet, Mous de Lain, Brodie, Lawns, Balzarines and Baragoi, Gloves and Mitts of all kinds—Silk, Kid, isle, Cotton, Fte.• cr e oTHS, easel meree, Tweeds, Kentucky cane _ and Satinette. In short, customers can find every thing in the Dry Goods line usually inquired for in the mar. kct. We forbear to mention priors. Suffice to say, ladies; we can sell you a handsome French Lawn dress from 12s to 16s. that wilt vie with any in Broadway. Please call and see for yorli• selves. Faiiller particulars hereafter. Don't forget the place, of CADW A pi! 28, 1847. 50 SHAWLS.—TheChinarrapc, Silk, Embroid. crod do., Bozak and , Zephino, do., Summer Cashman), floweredand rainbawed,Worstedi that arc deck:left rich, at WILLIAMS 4- WRICHITS. April, • 50 considered completely restored. an to the ei, "t of this medicine, without any tiesiiallon,l attribute the cur.,. ~,' . DAVID McFARLAND. January, 1845. * --- T Pastor of th:' Baptist Church in Coloose". Twaliviessy xrena Et heater. ( 1 Recitatives, - N. Y. June 5, 1545. Sm.—Sometime hut January. I Was taken witha violent cold, attended with a distressing cough, which in the course or a few days brought on & ,bleeding of the lungs, w, th much soreness of the cheat, pain in the side and much soreness of the breast. Afler!being confined to my bed for some days and getting no ewer, Mr. Pardke,tfertnerly DePuty Sheriff of this county, recommended me to get a bottle of Dr. Buchan's Hungarian Balsam ofLife, 'observing that lie`had been similarly afflicted , and by the use of that mcdi ;eine had been speedily and entirely Mired.. I immediatel'y got a bottle, and after using it a short time the resitit Ives as ha ,predicted—l got entirely well. Prent the benefit I received ii4in the Basam;and from the universal good name it bears anteng, my ft Hula who haVe used It for diseases of the ;lungs and Ohm, lam induced to blieve it to be one of the best medicines now in ,uso for those diseases,•and s inch recommend' it to the public: ci W. W. SWIFT r . , ...-... .. the time we had used alm t one huh 'after using the retriainch , r, her Itealc, tithe I have recomMended t le Balsa' it with like success. 1 (sign -,Derteat ; • , 1 , • , ' ET: IT' [From the P.:M. at Burlington VI .( am atrainl tinder 'tlielnecessity o 1,0.'y wife still . continues lie medicint in tin.; section, I heard l of a friend 'in a CONFIRMED CONSUMPTION. 1: Iwo weeks since, and today I heart) him like a chhrrn. l' • i ( 'T)ie Messrs. Meteal4 of Genes phy - sician) in: ordering. a new Rupp, % Kr.F. Cerra 61Ir C11 , 1.0111V1 - 1 conyiripi S. TO 31;1', Syracuie, N. Y. 4 Western 'S'tirres. Sold in Erie by C.ll CANDY. CASH!. CASH!! C. SIEGE.L. '2O M. M. SPAULDING. 3m19 t i l of It„ wife' bi4o - to . gei. better, nd th wits completely ge.ro r red.' lice }tat [ I t to my friends, many of whom it ve used ill) ' 1 . ~ , JOHN LitiNV(l. I of I he'First Ilaptis, Church in Vtic . Evitlvoce,Al I I r ts, Otsego Cu. N. Y. dated Jan. 18151 ordering a new supply of the3all.arti.-- irand is improving. It is doing wonders 50 miles limn here who %%DA considered sent him two bottles of the Balsam about 1 from him, and the Balsam is acting on Signed) A. E. ARNOLD. t ti, N.Y. (one of whom is a practising 'ly of the Balsam, says that 'ln some S t ; of receiving 'great htn.fit from jt5 . 115,,.” IGeneral Agent for New Yt3rie and 'the lin:it Sz BRO.TIIER, No. 8, R eed I I 'PI SC. • we g . ar , 1846 P.L. X . '' I VALKER Bz, COOK. ARDING, COMNIISSiON & PRO MERCHANTS.—NI' ill continue the nu• and 'eoninttiBgion business as usual, F ( ;RAI INT 1 oi %la (.1 I care-hotem on the Pnblie Dock , _ Erie. Pa , be ready on the opining of Nuvigation (Fen t Fear to contract for the, shipment o liso how the eastern cities, or other pla ie, as they are connected with good re , lines, and havin! , seine oh the firs . class Coats and Propellers on the lakes run houst;, thereby ensuring, the safe and unsmissiob of alt proper) entrusted to 'They' dill attend to thelorreardirm at thciir nod mill of the pr \ler( low cc., to r. spo6ibk dl zit,tiatii Witt,* to t Fp 1•d) tr, their cord or,u.ood, at, do 7:ritadiat ports ° ot' Canal. • • CASE! Advances and salealprorniKly conspintly on hand small fpni,6ltitie.s, to ALSo4—Salt, PI Iron, Neiqi, , tov. - :$ tion. • ft L r r. ft LINCES M. Totbms, Eritk Joltn C, Beebe, Smith Jae :son 4-Co. " Johie I rimrod 4. co." Pultnin• 4. Co. thank, 0. N. Chapin,, .1 lbany„ W. Monr2ith 4. Co. " Otis, Clupy & Co. 13r6ton, '• - George & CO. N. Y. city, 13., Allen, Ogdensburg, N.'Y. z Jitiwtes firdwne, Toronto w. Wrn. D. St. Catbrrinea, " Standaa, Jarves& Co. Clievcland, 0. Albert Ivc,4, Detroit, Mich. !. Newberry 4- Dole, Chizago;ll,linois. Erie. :Hatch 14, ISM ~.~ (21.LVEIt Plated. torsi Snuffers Tea ' l anl'Coffee • Nov. T 'Pillar case . , I cry Nov. 14. lEEE D NY Alarm [ 'heap fo 'Meta `EY Al OEM ern mEncit 11AVIN .7 so far official duties great r4wlllon otitis tent Co all legal bus Ito Will attend the t War en,Crawford, Jefferson,, and the ' ,and has pmfession. will transact busint in New York and will lie remitted by adelliltia without at will also take cha siraitisi the United' appliCations tbr C.ir the ability an siness confided 101 would not be prop: those hiving Legal lections to make in spectrally referred 1, 110 N. JAMES THOM HEN. cirARLEs 111Essns. WILLIAMS MOSES HOE! TIIO3IAS W. VINCENT.II A. D. & T. W. pxrci HENRY K. SMITIL CHARLES 11. S. Wll JAMES MULLETT, PHHAT DOSHIMEK. HENRY W. ROGER HON. A DDLSON GAO HON. 3011 N A. DIX, HENRY SIIELDEN coy :EMUS W. LA DOUR, CHANDLER HON. ROBERT 11 CONOVER & CADA t 3. & A. VANOSTRAN 110 N. JAMES RUCH Wif. 1. MA RC " ROBERT J. W. MEDILL. WM. Z. 811:WART, GEORGE 11. AIcWIII B. It (WC K Y. Esq HON. WM. PA1716 HUN. JOAN %VENT ' BRISTOL & PORTE COL: JAMES It. SS( LUDWIG, KNEEDL' COL. JAMES PAGE, ABRAM. S. WOLF HENRY HORN. frltq s J. & J. P. STEINER, HON. FRANCIS R. S 1 SIMON CAME " N. B. ELDRE , HENRY BUMMER. 110 N. WILLIAM WII G.EN. LEVI a CLOA GEORGE TROMPS* HON. It. McCLELL W. J. GORGON. DR. S. ENGLEHAR HON. LEWIS CASS, CHARLES 0 HAMM JOHN NeREYNOLD. • Erie, May 8, 18. FLOUR AN L) the lowest pric Aug. MG THIBBET, Plai Silt and Cash cheap at tho•COM Erie, Feb. 27, 18 T ARIES Kid an chea t ' at the • EZEiCE LOTHS, Cat's 1 11 quality and co above cost, at the Feb. 27,1816.= CASHMERES, Dross Goods, other store in tow ri, Feb.. 1917, 'IA a the lakee or l() any or th . e. Lake Ontario and the Rive south by the Elie Extension n4i.le on all kinds r Produce a' ceded to. They a ill keen Bituininous Cm], in large or suit pnrl r duvutis. t,rcr Gt hbla, or bulk, Fish a dd Castings of every descrip• r •Basitets, Candles:jeks, Cas and T uys—ulso Britannia s, now ttcrus, ut I - G. Dr'MIS & Co's. I . LOCKS. • : ,n,l 30 hour Gothic, 0. G. 1 . od2common,_by the single o; ready pay: LOOMISIL Co. No. 7, Need House. AV IlltA 111.1. ON, CQUNSELLOIL AT L'AIV, CACIUNCIF, ERIE, PA arran4ed and systemized his as to enable Mtn to devote a time to his profession, will at ness entrusted to his eare.--- .onrts in. the Counties of Eric, Mercer, Venango, Clarion and Supreme Court of this State; I, arrangements by which ho Ss in the adjoining Counties Ohio. • All monies collect d Drafts on s7pkv York erPlt l y chargo or Exeliamti . j. e F1., , 0 of u n nd i Orreehte Claints Siine.s, F ' ll - vi lint} euperintp id sinus, Pnt mts, &O. ..._. integrity iritb which ell hu t& care %11l be Perfertned, it r in this phlee to speak, Ir 'Business o transact, or C !- this seetion . of couutry, l are re the tollowmg, gentlemen: 'SON, F. 1.3), • WRIGHT, 'I, Esc/. • 'TEIt It Elp, BOOM & Co.Q.& IN, ES :SQ. Erie 4ras LIASIS, ESQ. n ii - ff a i o . SQ. ESQ. . ESQ. _ . , ... __ .. ANF,R, Rochester, N. Y lteloy, N. Y. Gn 'VR?CE, & WHITAKER, 10KRIS, slats City 11, s , NAN, , r iALER. Ilras bloom' Logansport, la. " TER 't thivrr O,IV. Y. SON. Sanduaky , O. VORTAI +l. %YOE:N. • 'lt Si'. CO CO., Philadelphia. RINK,ON, t - Harrisburg. I P"' ' kin/5.61,18Mb.. Ea. S ESQ. WIIOOIIIIS. Va. ND, Monroe, Mich. t 3 1 11.3eiroluniU 0. ND.ESQ.}Deroit, Hieb. Esq. 7. ;SALT—Always on hand, a s and of the best quality, by n ThMLINSON & Co. and embroidered do Lane, ere shawls, a la mode, very FACIAL EXCHANGE. Morocio Stirs and Buskins, I - EXCHANGE. •res and Sattinetta of every or, aro offered at a fraction JEW STORE, French St. , • Alpacas, silkti and all, other t, cheaperrates than at any at•rhe JEW STORE, Commercial Exchange. The ORRAT AMERICAN RENEDY—VINIgIeR Vegetable lithontriptie Mixture.= This . univenel Panacea te vow being introduced into Europe, the &Wend W est Indica, South America and ell ' , their pare of the 0 obe, where disease exist* in any form. The United Ste .s and the Canailas Wm for the part three years severely tested the 's lanes which the proprietor, upon the introduction of this medicine hesitated not to say 'ft possessed. In intro ducivw ibis DREAT VEGT.TABLE REMEDY. the most startling pri?usiscs were made on the part of the medicine —no mild was the theory--the prinyfple—upon ahicb the cures were to he effected. that iieopit threw up their hands and cried, what next/ F.verp credo ity, startled with surprise. nod the, to galled "Faculty"!rnade them . elves merry over tlto "new humbug." Butpiarh She re sult—the three yeaia have passed away--, : puhlic °Pinson; the4iice of millions and more of observing hu stamped this ItE3IYDY the most singular, wonder ful incomprehensive and miraculous curiativo power ever produced. Tux ONn i ttnies? Drsesse whictiihrproprie turof this medicine had the presumption to soy existed, and that all carious .iiiteases %eel% hut secendary, has now millions of believers, they must believe, for they have witnessed the effedt f this restorative. It has conquered ALL by simply conquering the ome. Tho "Old Sehoo," now open their ryes; their old dogmas, like the morning mist.lly beforcitle light of truth. and common sense now seeks a road to health its own wav, instead of closing its eyes nod-being's& The truth of the Princt ple uponitlich ibis article cures is tote and the statoment again boldly, most emphatically, most dm dein v reiterated* This medic:iris frill drive the big!, Cr try diteass trhich hot a "conic - ereryt disoryanizoti .ni f the Systent,trltich rata exist If /A ne tool muscle rentaiq this tool tthe ytil rest , Iv to a pa/ea - state lie old Calomel. bleed ing and bh.tering sysicin is about to fall. TH. proofdrii- IY presenting itselc ef the triith of OUR THEOF.Y. prop put of the tOll s4,llle , ltit3 Willett will soon tumble to the grmind, nshtapeless mass of ignorance nod deception. Ist ti lon, resbrt tat once to this medicine. it is is titrictly VErinr•elLAC Pr.SIF.DY, the product or our own coil com p,i un d r ag ) N oy two .111Yeteel logretitents.— . E ac hlroot bas Ita i pattir r irlar part or the system to act upon .inif this netion i ainnys prOctireti—ltX effect uppu the Wage , ygteto I elf t ituony .11 the high, -- t eharatter I. il, il l r n t ag tp the prop] letor. full of truth, and yeti cc iltnlw ; ays'e,+• moues,;dares and Nil a particle•of false evidence is offered on the, part of this lingsT VV,HATIVE. The most careful perusal' of the a timl.liltt is desired. It 'gives the character of all the seeinolary complaints which pre v ail. and which have horn cured by this article FA idener, of cures in come of, the i nod t d,„droi mince of tingerter complaints triad' it Irma hero the fortune, of ai6i medicine to cope with, is found—c 'see w6icli has r been left to die. Hundreds in - es t ry I.*r*e city of ion* fount and the Canailas here to thank this art iclo for their liv,ec and so do they, as lettere the p sari .ion of the proprietor will show. . Tlll6 GREAT:4EOV INTE-13 cure Ditoray. in mrPry rtage; Un..t Et., and all kind& of ' thineulty iu the Urinary Organ*: c'no.id Mil+ or OM Kianovs, %yeahlie, of; the baf h; iir irr,gularatie, r miliediatoly checked. nrid a ,healthy Inn Ow, to the&ysteu.. t Let et cry Finale Ut once le .ol Ito t hi. agrr medicine, and Ilie 30 other. Direared Lover, iniligerliou, [bilious cioutplaults, Dyspepsia instnnt t-f) Iv Mies eil; Itheuma • ,Hout, fte., produced by meet on of the blood, will alwas Coil relief, Lone., Couch, even rotodsinpitfoi, finless the patents tail Of it medicaltifq:- ..., o ere d eels eil ha, 6,11 i fired by this medicine; lerofulit and iill • Eruptifile dbeares; riles; Eli sipelas, In flani ition of the e) r., Paint:anon of the Heart, Sick Ileaditelie, Jouniliee ,Fraser fool Ai:lie—the whole eida login. might be nutned-4eel. Chi- ItrsmnY. buy no nlht r. PO up iu ' ln 111,.. bottles at .S 2; 12 iii..l.lottiV, at Berctreful Mal !too are not totpoAed z.poa. Ev or y bottle the words, •Noughtt's Vegetuble Lithoutriptie Mix tole," blown upon `the gloss—tho written signature. of G.C. Vaughn" on tho directio s. and G. C.-Vaughn, IbitTalis. stamped upon the cork. None:other nre getsulne rinlmted by Dr G,I'.VAUGIIN.,pnd sold at,Uto prin cipal Agency 2O 31a n street, IlatTamO. at wholesale soil CPI all, to a born all communications must come pmt Imid colt eA der,•lo4 .ext thirety to the' rale f thz.l toed:, tie. nt whole...oe and rood!. New York City, '32 N.IF,” •L. 11. 31. Like. Solent. Ma. 0.., 295 E..ex ,et. lit nine rto , 111 11 .1110bio,J• 11. Mt ar, no 3d , t. second door float Wlinti 1; St. Lows. 1110. .1. Walker,—General Ag. At rt.t ol by ro,4pecialile Druggists throughout the l obit , •tku..hortined In the pap,r, Ageot•ln C:ater & lirothrr. John 11. liurtnn & Co.: M. 01,11, We; IL Burton d.. C.. ; Wuttehiirg, oniquek; Girard, L. 5...1011Ch & CO.; D 11016.1 Lost,lL C. rOO 11. • .lOly --- DR. WOOD'S SARSAPARILLA AND WILD CHERRY BITTERS, For thr permanent r, +nova of all such diseases as take their rise in au Impure blood, In:paired Divstion, Morbid stale of the Litlp' and Stomach, Weakhess of the Al-rvints Splent and a disardertri HaLit generally. Dr. Wood 6 Surroparilla ntl Wild Cherry Bitters base already; by their suh.tanivt excellence, won a degree of public favor uui p molt iv,' in hick puts them beyond the need of rocntionendaalon. „Being faithfully prepared of the mast excellent niateria/s, they can be fully confided in by- all In need- af u tome, apment oeulter.an o remco. sdreap rills takes a high tank among Rhysicians and all others in the list of etiratlbe agents, and it is this fart which has rendered it so deuces silly popular over all oth er medicines of thoduy. to Or.lVondie standard previa ationdit in 1 , arranted to lie found in great purity and str'eutith, and gaining mi, h by—tts union with thd Wild Cherry, a tonic of the first order. Thishapps combination Is the nails one nn r r mado of these article., load founded as It iv on the bent medical principirop am! Mr 1r %Mut, ext acted by a rigid chemical analysts, rxperonent has shoo a its antLinot 1 10*er cad chic ery, prepAratioll will be found on trial', to lin a sure and ..pen 'y remedy for the diseases 4 , 1111111er tied nauVe. They punt\ the 1300,1, secure mini or 11:ize•tion, promo e a healthy aeljou of the Liver and Stamat It, and strent then the nor, es, and ,j,it once securing bedlth and vicar I, the whole system. In a I cases of thttpendenen, an ising from Indigestion or urirtolln irritatwe, they hate, been used Is AO remarkable success; nor are taity less u•eltli us a rem edy for Headache, Flatulenty, Lots of appetite, and a general prostration of the system., At the ...sate time, it lutist be stated, that they are neithr r trident nqr pt all dangerous in their operation, securing at they do the de sired rlli ct, and, by a steady regular and easy influence. Taken daily, in dorm, prescribed, they will he found to. operate in that gentle and salutary manner, which it, in fact, their highest recommendation. The billowing certitientet, among many others wlt i h e been received from the most respectable sources, fur nish satisfactory proof of the value and efficacy o his highly popular medicines • , s , SittiDurit /I, June '2, 1 'll3. Mr. E. Tuts'irscrottr,Ja, Dear Sir.--1 his is to certify that my daughter has been troubled with Pyipepsia for a numb. r of years. attended with a coast tnt beadsche and other distressing se plum,, which accompany Uri's disease. Salo visited Boston to as all her.telf of the jusly celebrated pli)siciaus of that city, a ll to n o purpo-e. By the totiettation of a friend, I wa' indueet to purchase a bottle of Dr. Wood's Sarsapa rilla and Wild Cherry (titters. Before taking one bottle she was relies ell entirely °film headache, and after telling tis o or three bottles, the other symptoms entirely disap, pram!: _I ' . N. 11.(mtns. NOSTO ttiretrivats, Lon; Piqiii, Jitly :lit, riti. Mc. E. Timms. Pa. i 1 I Dear Sir,—My .- Jaughter hug linen for 'more than two years afflicted al 4. coinirmetenj•nrepain and Lis erCont. plaint, together ritli al set erel and ebneatiit headtteli e.— Dits log this timehe was constat.tly attended by (tie most shillhil and intelt g i . ht physicians, but withi little or no re-, fief, nett l we to in ;he dieeeee was rlT'dly irking the feria of c.infirtudd onsumptieu. 4t this time. I dew.- mined to have rriturse to Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla and Wild cherry Bittttrs. as prepared by you, and it gives m e the sincerest plc:Aura to state, that afterlhe use ofa few bottler, Inv daughter was happily restored to perfect h ea lth. I h a ve the highest coutitlence ih tthis InediCine, and shall cheerfully recommend it to my friends. , Very truly yours, A . .EI. WHITE. The cure described in the above certificate of Mr. White as by ing meanly a singular one. Theo ae hundreds who I have been ebred from the most actile o long corftinued ilisease, by the use of this excellent and higth , popular remedy. The proprietor recommends it to the nubile with the uttnosteoutidenee, for in all eases where it has hail. a - fair trial, it ban succeeded beyound the expeetationsof the patient or even his own. The care with which it is pm pared and the intrinsic excellence of its should secure, and have bccu ed for it, a character whit:hit de serves. The preju lie usuallyexisllng agair st ads ertised t 4. i tnedleines,would no -merited if bestowed ml this. The wonderful ures it has performed, and the acknowledged celebrity of its principal constituents, shduld at once Cr commend it to the p i ublic favor. . L'rrpered by E - rsil'hornton, Jr.—sold whcilmialn and us.. toil by Wyatt & Ketchum, 11.1, Talton St. it V.: J. "tir ton & Co,, Erie, and by druggitists' generally throughout tile U. S. Price $l,-trige bottles. . Oct.':{ Itill. P( PIECES Ala Oacits, Can)letß and Nlcrinocm '- , 41 , just received and for sale by 11. CADIV ELL. Sept. 19,1816, ITILIN A. Carolina, Orleans mood Scotch Plaids alSo Linsey', and Worsted Goods of all kinds for s alt very low at CauwELL's. WINTER Sperm Oil, a pure article, for sale at . 13.TONILINSON Co's. Erie; Feb. )3, 1917. 39 NEW ESTABLISHMENT. AUCTION & COMMISSION STORE. • , T)-1E underligned beg, leave to inform their friends and the public generally, ,that they 'have commenced the above business at the old' stand of John Graham, on State street, two doors dorth of the Eagle lintel, *here they arcs rbudy td receive and dispose of all kinds of Goods that may be consigned to them, either by Public Auction or Private Sale. Theyhopo ticat by strict atten tion to all business entrusted to them, to gain, a bharc,of the public patronage. They will also keep kin hand a Choke stock of ready made cloth. inp,suitaLlcto the seasons, which they will bell cheap as the cheapest. ' GRAHAM ei r . THORNTON. Erie, April 3, 1'347. 46 WAN'PED: TN exchange for Goode. any quantity of Good HEMLOCK FENCE, BOARDS, 6,8,10, and 12 inches wide, t 4 and 16 feet long. HE3ILOCK JOICE, 1 1-21>y 10, and 921.2 by 12; 15;16, le and 20 feet long. - • HEMLOCIf. STUDDING, 2 by 5 and 3 by 4; 10, 14 and IC feet lone, for which' the highest market•price will be pal*, when &live/red at his Lumber yard at the Riot of French street. ' WM• TKIESDAIL. 'Erie, !quell 4, 1817, * 42. . • .:andard Family ,111gdie,ines', nE FAVORITE REREDi ow 1 ,,,,,: respectability, and by ~ 41 DAY .— The high ; encomiums of prat Q . whore bestowed upon these desert edly popular ta,:' by Citizens of the highest of Ole medical profession in every section of tlie(7 States and Delilah Possessions, entitles them to 11,2 of the Conque crs of Dirieete. it mass of Anieri,„„7 Canadian' testi °ay is in the DOC(Clell Pa/U.1.00a t , Performed by t ere preciiiiient : remedies after the, cd irestmeut of the medical CieuttN, and the iiimi..., rremedies of the day h d been tried in vain. ' rr „ A. DR. lIERRIC 'S VEGETABLE SuG al CO TED PILLS. BLlbe used with marked :'success in -every di tew : •quiting • amide and policive purgative. 01, y 4 • itit astonishing quit.koesslpains and thz_zia, r . of ~ heit. pains and wesknei. of the bee est. sides am la all tads of freers, tt rutatiun of the threreet ei rit il the Innen body. fou breath;.coated league, hilliest to ic, habitual costivenessTand in all clues w h ere the nq ach:and bowels arc loaded with humors, which are seas due the of disease. Earh box coutlio• 3 0 Pill., are a*, ranted under oath purely vegetable, and sell fors„ ceiii. 2 and 3 being an ordinary de.e s Alto. - 9 HERRICK S_SCIA - TIC ti - Nl3 . LENT, Tit 714.VALIABLEREIIELIY ' ~_ Fort Rhentuatistn, Sprains, Praises, contracted: e, Sore Throat( Quinzy. Cro - up; Stiff /ohms, Stituak ri ewe Aguc in the lyrea.t and Nee. Tootb - uhe,Proa r ,,i,,, D,lldnfel of the Spine.. Perished Lirobs.and w berry ( ' external application Is. Indicated. The Tap s d, l , ~.L whiCn this WONDEII, t VORKING MEDICINE Cu.rs,..: 0 isqt cases of the above .1i eases has attracted IX WONDER ANDADMIRATION of the world' Tim inayl avail [het/lot:IV Rof th e ure of thi• b essint tot,e;.; ity, the Doctor hos put Or price at ' . .t5 cents . E . ,,,,i , c ii tie 'l. toe Daces. Ilaine blown in the glut( and en, K .', eel it a cut. or a Jtse.Lectl Spine, accompanied sar i f u o q .. Te one. LIkeNIPC gr ucral debility. attended w i lt and ' , weakness in the rtomacb it i nd borer, eitenth q ( . 24 rider., loss of appetite, trembling of the limit., 1 1,1,, , _ tion or the heart, Jaulidice, A ue at nd Peres, and ed L iouslili•ex•es or, liiii ck I t cur (I by the use of lIERRICK'S VEGETABLE TONIC BITTERS_ • Put !tip in rioi .V . nernmptoed attb-directions. and i ) . , / , 25 eta Each box o ill nt ke half a , gallon. In the 1 4 k ,, nopiner can C,lncha, Colds Asthma. oppre,..ie of i Che'st. IVhoormq. l',,uvh Csoup. la rrleinltiee of the Un a nil I t ecelit Ca....•• of the a• oiltuniption be greatly be`; ;. mid l . .. inirl‘h t wed by . ~,, DRIATERRICKiS ,MEDICATED • COUGi LO'ENGEs. free 25 eta. Two of these Lozeocres are a pe,, el' . THE TtiIIJ3IP,IIANT SUCCESS which el , — w lie e attend, the um br Herrick's Worm De a t rap. , Lnerucea in the deatruet on and expulsion of weren't-, the tium rn ap•rein. hat p acrd them first on the ,nt.l,, or 7 /.7..,..'”,. T1.,-, ore pleallant to , take. Chlldres , the+ and their .11" ,, ct an Inch an to 10101113 h the 1,.! ,',., Prier 25 cm.. s ith full directions Those suftertoz f,,, " pan a and wealci.e•a i-i the breast. Buttes and bst.k. i .. , it heipbaii.ni Imo., IC.. ~.le. tt ill find * friend in thee.. 11FAIRICK'l -4 ( ;ALB-ANUM / . RENGTE 1 i E.NING PLASTER.. Si,reall °Winn: Kid leather. will wear from ore to '.. mouth... Pro . .. ot.ly Irli cttl.-and are Islam; the 'Am.'. all * 0" pt.-le e , en d :Ire^ considered the 13.431 IN' CO LAI'EST PLASTER NOW IN USE. --,--- v 1 1 TO TILE PUB . LEV. -,.. _ _ co much basing been/atfl by come New York on, they ;June had tleg.eato mike and vend 1 4 t Far I;ovted yin, and Ms. , GV II pretending and adimr, 4 tht' ho ha.. a 14,reot for en ll doing, induces the ftrxtart: bring this praLtire ulderetton before the public. mei.. tr ern be pia ge• an the cube. wlwt her a sj•tens of tiro kw Might ioliger to C:(.I. nil. Herrick' has etritren to L Burke, theComm'ohioner orPoteols at Washington, irk Isttar in ansner is glued below . U. S., atent Office Jan. IG. 161 e. Iterrielc—nearSir—Tonr triter of the .5111 been receile.i. In 400.0rr fo.y our inquiry whether ass patew hay been elante4l (dr tt pit) coated With sugabi b.iio to filfcrin 5 owt hat nu record, of suit. a patent [stab found in thin 0://te_ l'Respeetfullv vaunt, ' • ' 1 EDMUND BURKE. Fit - Pliamphl,t. ;1, ir g 4 more general detcription al the lied ig ill," ma, he had or any of thelAgents. NiT,rtikal Drpoi 53 State ltrcet, Albapy, , whire all at .1,,1ti,u-1 br ...1.1,..r.d.' ; A4I:NT 4 ,—J II But ton '4. Co. John Cumming; SCE l:raeL G uilford & I:, ats, tirurtl: end J.ll ilayata, Nor Enst i ' • i I' b.-0, 1847.-Iy -it:, ' N E SIT FIR M . , 't A, I•:',W M 2 'NI):CHEIP GROCERIES ! ! JCi Li N - 7. Nl i EltLY Er. -A.U. HITCHCOCK, ate of t to fulm of II tcheAck, Zimmerly &Co. [ havc . o...ain a s.s:o .iated themselves ,in the Who's. saleand lactall Groceri business,on State sue / neo ly Ors' te ; hr Yale Hotel, in the room lc ly occupied Of • Vol. Riliderneehti under the N I ; 0f.4 %JAIME .. .I:L:I" 4.... k 4 ;o. where will be foutit t larole and Kell 4deeted atsortment of all Medici \V4. and Dry West Indld Goods comprisin•e6.. ty article usually kept or walled for in a Grocer storm. -.AMong stock pray be found:— Coffee of every price and finality. (Ild ancli.youmz Hyson Teas; Pepper,,z-pice, Ind igfi, Brown, Lump and' Sugar. ca's!ile and] rosin son 0, ra,ising, of etery quality, cigars; slid!' Orocer ici. of a 1 I \ irafi, to2c.ttir with Iron, - nails, dory ..lases, etc. etc,. 3. Z..s. tend,r their thanks for therver i rgenen! pa troriagel c‘tended'to t hem-forlhe :past siiyean s and hope- hey may by their endeavors to please,' tcceivi a eonth ( luanee of favors in the shape . old l a's well as new customers. They are prepay ed purchNse e.rain oil all kinchi, r `butter, dridd appks and peacheS, Flax, Timothy and - Clo , er 'seed, foe n hich.cASLl will be paid at thus counter. _ _ Erie, April '2.1. IS16: II 49 l' e )a o Fowlh Pe i tha: eral l as:ortm-nt of Gun 16..yirv,s., G. 10011 S & Co. SAG. ` _ No. 7, Reed €ASII!ICASH! • - )G1 ' will be paid Ili!. 10 000usligla what. 0 4 171, 1.1 000 do Corn, 10,000 do Barley, and 500 barrels Flour, if deliverUd soon. LI. CADWEL4 Eris'. Ocr. 10, 1816. I 21 DUCT. %VISTA ICS Gendineloam ix Wild ( - herr! , [the Celebrated rribedy^ for Contutnk , tion and whet dA.ca4-. of the Lungs. Also lribtar-`a Gentle l'uqa. tiro Ville. Fur redo I)) Dr.F. llall , Agent, corner of Statt un Se%entli .33A. 10, itgo. ASHES! ASHES!! }tiIILL pay S cents Or bushel for good field she:, and 12 1-2 cts,per bushel for house sist , es delivered at my aAery or MYKead corners! I . :He, Oct. 21, 10 M. / - M.Q. M, =BUS. living good /lobes will do well to deliver them at our aahery soon as re now working otrwhat we have oh hand, pill sib 1847. - S. JACKSON,ti. A A X ES.— NV at :rs ,Co's Cast Steel Axes by - the dozen or single. 13. 1 Tf.)NILI MON fic Ca. February 13, 18-17. ] -' .19 WESTERN HOTEL, # 1.491 1 . TOliN GRAHAM, Proprietor. The Jsubscriber A‘olild respectfully inform can ' his friends,and the traieling public gen• orally, t hat he has leased for a term Of years this nom r an d commodious ,Elouse, situated at the Eilit't Street Canal - This lomition rea der the" WI: STERN !' pro-sminently . the mos) con!enient and desirable stopping place for all either doin.sr business or traielinc en the banal. Thdre is, also, attached to this establishment a. large and convenient Stable for the use of Boat. Ter and where, hasj td horses. No pains or expense as been snared in fitting imp this house for thirpnvenience., ootofort„ and ; pleasure of utte6q4, tallV..#ll.l , ,PrOprietOr trusts by sjri4t attention t o 1. 1, 10:04 to merit and receive s share of public parr nag •, qie,•A pm' 21, L l 7-7.1 43 fIoWN and El Cotton Flannel ling , Waddings, e Nov.-14, 1916 Gm 3•: 171, SEIGEL has city, at the street., for the purp • of his own manufac than it was ever on be ti first - rate artiel Fie also keeps c White Leatl, dry o Claim= Green, Ch million, Pose Pink scriOtion, of Paints, (or ,cl6li. ti r general assort' Tea, Sugar, CV& whi l e!) ewer the be ingko buy Oil, or do }sell to cal; streets at the anti and examini chaping eteewh , will.make it a a call. trie June IVOT 111 beinz... l ai mart •at. Van for !alo.nt Spy May lii ackied Sheetiggs, Bed Tick; I antton Yarn, Cotton Bat e. etc. I P. ARBUCKLE, No. 3, Perry Block • 9,1 L!!. OIL!!! again Jpected hie *tore in this c4:ner of French and Fifth lie or selling LINSEED OIL ure, cheaper by 10 per cent. ; red here before; warranted to nstantly on,hand Turpentine in, oil, by the keg or pound; lome YeHon!, American Ver. Lithara7e, In ehort, every de• laU of ad:achy/ill be atild cheap I ent of GIUICERIES,such as , Spices, Nuts, Raisin C ..t quality. All 'persons wish and cheap 'groceries trill -ornerl of French and Fourth roeery .Store p( C. Seigel ity and' prices / before par ie san assure thein that 'wrest to do so. 'Give buts .y L. Net, Miller,: it of the authors confine* Land, just received and, lookstore.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers