The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 31, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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w 7fiMV Jl EjfxJ'iv- IvAv ' 1,1 "" -- iur..ii-rJ r.
y 'ij? iMiv r)N' a'"' "' "V" I"''"' "Jn ki"",",',1'. l
ml'Vjjf't f$j Iffljk I'luijk fur tho brow. ..I th'. Naii'w . U
lirtybf SvdJih TJ r'm.V T'"' ''I"'1"" "' ' Hin'ithlmi'ii.tll'l t.lblt, ft1
AlfT fJ"V A jfcvTI 1 lielP lh".iTii;i. I, I, blow, T
N.llra A' I J' ; i LZlrirC fY t; Bror from th Nnr11iliirt,r.oiiirli of pint, H
S If . If fc?MiiHW' ''" it-tof tin ioit,.i ,k: trf
IX L' lO 7 J&IWpT.M Wiii-H'.'r .III--n.. In Ihr .inlii!lil
rv . if 1 . I ' WJI'fffflfV'n II rmth ilit th l.ri.t. ....l. !
R'7.1 Jjya1i;iiW r Fo'!T,;;;nl;';:::'1:i'.:!;jrli';,:u''m,,r'al ?
I ifr-NX 11 K.fSy$'?1 lvW'iiK'nKlrt J r-lrm llmm.l YimriiMNv
5C iff I VlSWWK li l.i. .lr-
r2 iJ'tjil if 1 rvCw'lf' 0fh.rOi will, wll.l hlo-nnmn fair
,oJlifillf IH Ifc-7 M.1 Thai !. ill thr. nlilrn Ka.t-
l uiValiW I V P rB EH 5. Thr. 1. 1 n c. I .M tmalr.
VjLlllHjril 1; lK7'm til'lm Kor llio N r urlc-.'in. fit; I
VJMvmJS'ijV , tivJIf'jf A io- Irom Hie r.lir. Im. laii.l,
V7VVAt , mfl rvMm l.onirh frurtt l'n noithrrti lakfr.
Ml 11 I I w ifuu 1 Wlimtn li.i-lr nitiMit tn.. Iimo i-lilT. .urni!
HifJ-W , J . ' JCTI I Anil lanifh at fliuMi-tlial biaki
I iBilMI i'a 1. 1 W Wt I ! A r..o ami a l.iimrh 1
.J III I If Vl V J fLs Jftf4ilu h.rl.rr Yrni'rbmw, l
VW ftlL si Ml W vf tJ W Frenh hlord l.y the Wlntar'a flaku.
imMSW jt!Q 19 F liivryit Otr th ptithway of tli rtara L
t nil B I I l VTr AfA fa"m I tn ahlil a Tear.
"t'l I II ' Wi 1 tij HV ,f ilil lti "' l"'a.' n.. i...ililn( mam,
Iff f V lllf ir Ah 'l.liPaVj H" l.rlni- n ttrrer a t.M ; ;i
stallf I mwflS flll Hark t.. thr. wli.l l.r.. In thr rkj Ji
LS'A'Ib Fill Anil tlil. nmlr ra.l an. I l..w '
c.&lf f Ukv Cll'lf t' u For tli"l.l. Ol.l Yrnr. jii-t panklnf br, I).
Vai M I tmSBW-'iP l WIaP Tl.a Nw Year nllrth J
'.f-:?! I I fnffv v if vf WWJ. ll tiicMn.lli iratr-.
V"' 1 I A frnVjVy'f lnhlrnl.mhrwaua.
11 T . piQK?St Vt With hl raitila.N In theMiaw.
Ipt W 15rV. vJ? ' 0 br-1l. rlrtf out frtr thu wr-li-nma ret
Tbl-'f Nalav vj Anrl North an-l Hmith anil Kai.1 arid Wnrt
1 V 17 v- Klinir not l.ftin.arr. f.ra :
'te- w "V ' tJ Ha corii.'w with rnnllPM and a autin of fntrth
J -jd&t ' 1 And hlr Ii a fi'a-t of rlirei . v
"SiSMawV rsftfAf i J Lat bvitv i.arlon hall the l.uth V
VnS? lb Jr)'! t)f il.a o iinomr, kUiI Yaar. V
fj TSy f!j TT.'tliXw'inte'l'.klM. T
w J VSF And all tl.a l.rllf rli.K clrarl
p New Year's Resolves
77ian Atof to AJae Them it All
fOME facetious Individual has de
N Coed New Year's day as "a time
when men make good resolutions
m the contidence of breaking them as
on as possible." But he has much
. t learn to his own profit who sneers
good resolutions because some men
' real; them. To resolve to do right
txts not mean necessarily that one
all keep the promise, but such pur
, ae, whether outwardly expressed or
iwardly understood, is proof that the
.dividual is conscious of abiding sin
X some sort
It Is the aeU-rlghteous individual
ho Is In danger. Good resolutions
jr born of repentance; and repent
ac when genuine Is a cardinal vir
tM. The self-righteous fellow does
aOt resolve to do better because his
vjaolty tells blm there Is nothing
trong in his makeup. He may go
-Along committing blunders every day
ad doing no end of mischief. Such a
allow is beyond redemption. Like
Jphraim of old, be Is joined to his
dols and should be left alone.
Doubtless there are many thought
. at and some insincere good resolves
aadc on New Year's day. Neverthe
sa it Is a good thing that many
oen do begin the new year with re
lves to strive after what is higher
nd better. It Is a marked and glori
d improvement upon the custom
mce so general but now, thank Jod,
ifcsoleie, of men going from house to
Muse paying calls and guzzling wine
S stronger drink until before the
wind was completed they were hope
aaly drunken.
It is a great deal better for a man
'o resolve a hundred times and fail
A each resolve than to go along con-,
tinted with bis lot of sin and shame.
.There is hope for a man Just aa long
9. there abides la him desire for what
better. It is well to enter into argu
ment with one's self only after due
jeliberaUon, but a broken pledge to do
.ight is far better than no pledge
.at all.
There is nothing strange in assocla
ion of good resolves with the dawn of
new year. On the contrary, the oc-
jtsion Is one that suggest Just such a
jeneral practice. The old year has
tudcil. lis memories suggest "sins
Dinnilttcd while conscience slept,"
I jracticcs that degraded the moral man.
I blllcs that brought shame and vices
i iiat weakened body and brain. But
..nemory is not all. Body and uiutd tell
Jke M umble man that such practices
md in physical wreck and nicusil de
Ay. The yar Is new and clean. The pun,
ifust risen, looks upon It for the Ii rut
lime Men of business rinse up their
pagtK for the year ended and bein
new 6 rid fresh ones for the new year
hat has duwiic.d. They figure nut ac
urattily their losses and their Kalns la
be old year, subtracting one from the
As the merchant begins his year
new, why may not the moral nature
it a man 0 renewed If the memories
jl the past year and the physical
ihortcomings of the present surest
;ne need of a striving after what is
higher and belter?
That the practice has been abused
A no argument Halnst Its use. That
iomi men have made good resolutions
nly to breuk them Is mrt evidence
.hat reform is Impossible Striving
after what Is right is Cod like. Ono
jay raise his standard so high as not
.o be able to attain it, hut there Is
tlrtun in every attempt to make better
we's lilo. Indeed tine may lind at the
;loaJue of a long life that Iw bus tiled
but to fail, and yet his Tery effort! to
do right will be counted to him for
The objection Is, if it can be called
an objection, that men are too much
influenced by special occasions for
special efforts. There Is no more vir
tue In New Year's Day than there is in
All Fool's Day. It would seem fool
ishness to wait for any such time or
season for a starting period in right
living. The present is the time for
action, and one day is as good as an
other in the sight of God, as well as
of men.
But the man who has put off the day
of resolves to be good until the dawn
of the new year will strengthen him
self and work righteousness by start
ing out clean with the year. He will
only hurt himself by devoting too
much time to resolving. What he
most needs is to avoid the pitfalls and
snares which formerly overcame him.
He has need to change resolves into
action. It is his duty to retrospect
in order to know himself. Each con
quest of self Is added strength for fu
ture victories.
Happy Indeed is that New Year's for
the man who, having resolved in its
dawn to do right, finds at its gloaming
that be has been true to his promises.
,g m . .1!
Deacon Goodie Cheer up; my man;
you'll bo out on the first of the year.
Jail Bird Yes, but what can I do
after being a thief and holdup man?
Deacon Goodie Oh, you cau go into
the coal business, or start a plumbing
AT 115I P. U.
"One kiss," he begged, "bufore I
"Well, take it; but you cannot have
another ono this year."
Arid then the cluck struck the New
An OnlinanretrtiTifhtf the riyhtnfway
thruuffk ami over vrrlnin iSlrr'rfu in
tir 'I own of looiisbitrff to the " Dan
vile timi liloomxlturg Ntrrct Hctilictti
Coinjiaiiij", ri (fulntiiifi the maintain
aim: anil opt ration 0 the, railway of
thr naiil Company, and dejininy the
cmtdition upon which the. said riijht
of way is ranted. I
He II t'iinotc.1 nil.) ortlaltiod liy tlie
Town Council of the Town of lllooin
liW'Ki ""'I it in licreby iMinck'tl tiy nu
thoiltv of the siitne:
1. Specifications of tlie Streets over
which the franchise is t'tanlcil. Poles,
wires n nil aililitiotml tracks: That
from anil after the ihh-mi ire of this ordi
nance the Danville ami liloonishiux
Street Hail way Company, itn diicccssors
ami nxsinns, J s hereby granted the
right, liberty anil privilege, to erect,
construct, maintain ami operate over
mill uiion West street from Sccoml
street to Fifth street, nnri on Fifth
street from the Scott Township line to
the Montour Township line, ami on
Market street from Fifth to Second
street, a single line of railway witli
necessary tracks and to toy upon said
Streets or roads its tracks and to erect
and maintain oles and string wires
thereon for the purpose of operating
said railway. Said IStreet Kailwav
shall have the TurUier pi ivilcge of lav
ing nnd maintaining such further and
additional tracks, poles and wires,
under and subject to the restrictions
and regulations hereinafter provided,
ns may he necessary to carry their cars
from the car barn to their liiuin tracks,
provided that before such additional
tracks shall he laid, poles or wires erect
ed, the consent of the Town Council
shull he tlrst. obtained as to location of
the same. Permission is also granted
to said Danville nnd Hloonisbiirg Street
Railway Company to use the tracks of
(he Columbia & Montour Klectric
Street Hull way Company now In actual
daily use on Market street, from Second
or Main street to Fifth street, for the
put nose of connecting its road with the
road of the Columbia & Montour ut
Market Sittare in said Town of Blooms
burg; providing said Danville, and
Bloomsliurg Street Jtailwav Company
comply with nil the leipiireiiienis of the
Act ol Assembly in such case made and
provided, relating to the usu of the
tracks of one Klectric Railway Com
pany lv nnotlu r.
ritOVlM):- And provided further
that nil the rights nnd privileges grant
ed and conferred in this seoli n shall
he subject to the terms, conditions mid
regulations hereinafter contained, and
subject to such other reasonable re
gulations ns may hereafter be passed
by the Town Council of the Tow n of
Section ii. Written acceptance re
quired to be filed to thisaud subsequent
.......... ..ivo. ..lone mi nailing me ac
ceptance. Before said Railway Com
pany shall have any authority or power
whatsoever to enter Ukii, occupy, or
use the streets or roads mentioned in
this ordinance and nnmed for the pur-
lioseof cotistriietiiiir uml ...;.,.. I. .1.,..
their said railway, said Company shall
ii ic ilu me v lern oi me council their
written Aceentjitieu if fl.a ...... ,!;l......
1 ... , . . ...v. loiluiklUIIS
mill lirfkvluiotiM tf ililu i
. . .......... ... iii9 vi .i i iiHiiucr, nun
of all reasonable provisions and such or-
uiuuiiues us may iiereauer oe passed by
tile Town Com. nil nfnriuolil ....
- " "..rtVlOll, IVItlklllU
to Street railways, and also an agree
ment on the part of said lis il way Com
pany to construct, operate and main
tain theirsuid Ibiil WAV. it si trn'lra tuilim
and wires, suliject to the provisions of
this Ordinance and to nil reasonable
provisions ot such ordinances as may
be passed oh aforesaid, relating to Street
nassemrer railwnvs- u,rr...,.,., t
and written acceptance shall be signed
uy uie i resilient or the said Company
and havealllxed thereto the corporate
seal thereof, rinlv
Secretary, and shall show upon its face
ii'iuiaiie itrgai auinoruy oi said o Ulcers
tosiull Slll ll MCl'I'lltimi'i. Mlirl nirriuiii,....t
and touillx the coriwrate seul thereto!
so as to hind said Company.
necuon a. uniy electrical jwwer shall
be used. That electrical power only
shall be used on tho milu'uv i.o.wir....i-
ed under the provisions of this Ordin
ance, ami me overhead system shall be
il',.i,.o..,l...l ...1, . r . nnv-ncTfi a iiiore tiiusiaciory
means of electrical propulsion shall lie
brought into practice and commercial
use in communities of similar size.
Section 4. Allignment and grades
and supervision of poles, wires and
overhead work. The said railway
Company shall conform its lines and
giades with the stakes given by the
Town Engineer, and shall locate its
poles nnd wires and construct the same,
both as to street and overhead work
under the direction of the .'resident of
the Town Council and the Town
Section 5. Specifications as to paving
beteen the tracks. The said Railway
Company shall lay and maintain it's
tracks in the middle of the streets, or
on such parts thereof, us the Town
Council may direct, and in such a way
and manner as to conform with the
established grade of the street occu
pied I hereby, and such grade ns may
hereafter be established, utid shall
at all times keep the space between the
Mils, and for a distance of tw o feet out
side of each rail in good repair and in
conformity with the nature of the road
way, w hether paved, macadamized or
otherwise. It is further provided that
if utany time the said Tow n Council
shall determine by ordinance, to pave
any of the streets or parts of streets as
above mentioned which suid railwuy
shall occupy, the said Railway Com
pany tshali likewise and at the same
time nave its road bed between the rails
as well as two feet on either side thereof
with the sumo material as is used by
Section ti Requirements as to paving
uy eoiiiiauy auer paving uy the t own.
Change of rails. Change of grade. It
is further orovideii il.i.t uliontil till
municipal uutiioriles of the Town, at
any time hereafter, direct the streets
occupied by the said Railway Company
to be paved with Belgian blocks, vitri
fied brick, or any other form of per
manent pavement, that then und In
such case the said Railway Company
shall at once and at their ow n expense,
pave two feet outside of each rail there
of and the space between the rails with
such pavement lis shall be directed.
Should such Improved pavement re
quire the use of a different rail from
O 1 Uj 'A.' .- jt. ,
Baan tho p Inn Kir.a You llavo Always BodjM
that hereafter provided for, then nnd
in such case such change of rail under
the suervisiin of the President of the
Town Council and the Town Fnginecr.
And in the event of the change of
grade of said streets or any of them by
the said Town, the said Company,
shall, at Its own expense, take up.
change, relay, and alter its railway ami
that part f the street or roadway by
It to lie repaired and maintained, so as
to conform to such new grade as llxed
by the municipal authorities, as soon
as tho Town shall hrlnir said streets up
to or lower the n to such new grade.
Section 7. 1'iovUioiM as to snow mid
ice. That the said Railway Comp iiiy
shall not use suit on its tracks for the
purpose of niching snow fir Ice, and
when snow or Ice is removed from .;e
tracks the same shall not be thrown in
heaps along side of the tracks, but shall
he carefully nnd even I v divlriluitnit an
as not to obstruct public travel.
."section h. "i" rails shall he used.
Manner of laying. That the rails to be
used by the said company shall be "T"
rails of not less than otf pounds to the
yard, nnd they shall he securely fas
tened to heavy wooden ties and bound
ed In a substantial nnd workmanlike
manner. They shall not project above
the regular grade of the street, but
shall be kept on a level therewith, and
shall be laid fifty-six and one-half
inches apart.
Section H. Regulations as erecting,
painting and use of poles. That nil
jsiles erected by the said Railway Com
pany shall lie located, erected and
maintained, under the direction of the
President of the I own Council and the
Town Engineer. Said poles shall be
straight ami smooth and shall be
painted from the top to the bottom at
t lie exH'nse of the said Company.
They shall be placed in such a man
ner as to cause the least possible ob
struction or Injury to the curb and
sidewalk ; said poles shall be as few in
number as possible and shall be sub-
Ject at all times to the use of the Town
tor the stringing fir wires for its ow n
use, not, however interfering with the
operation of said Railway. Whenever
and wherever said poles are erected,
me company Tsiinll carefully replace
the material excavated and relay In
good order and repair ull flagging,
bricks or other material, curbing or
guttering, nnd shall at all times keen
and maintain the pavements and curbs
immediately around and nlsiut their
jkiIcs in good order mid repair.
Section 10. Regulations as to vires.
That all wires suspended over the
streets shall be at least eighteen feet
above the surface of the tracks, mid
shall be so fastened to poles and to
each other that they will becf.'ectuullv
insulated and properly secured.
Section 11. Right 'of Fire Depart
ment. That in case of lire, the Fire
Department shall have the right of
way upon said streets and shall main
tain the same as long as necessary mid
no longer.
Section 12. Com pan v to construct
within one year. Penalty upon failure
to obey ordinance.
PROVISO : That the said Company
shall commence the construction iif
their saitl railway within four months
after the passage of this ordinance, and
snmi nave tne sunie luuy constructed,
equipped and in operation within one
year after said date, unless the Town
Council shall by ordinance extend the
time ; and in case saitl Company shull
fail or neglect to comply with tho pro
visions of this section of this Ordinance
the rights, liberties ami privileges
herein granted may be declared null
and void by the said Council, ami
tnereupon mid immediately thereafter,
any and all rights, powers and
privileges of the said Company under
this ordinance shall at once cease, de
termine and become absolutely null
and void. Should the suid Company,
its successors or assigns, at any time
after the expiration of the year afore
said, neglect or fail to ocrute said
Street Railway for a period of sixty
consecutive days, unless prevented bv
u.. .,f ,,r i...... ;,i. ...., . ,i:. .. r.
mi hi i v. a lui.ur.itvi.i nuc I'lts ers Ol
law, then and in such case the liberties
ami privileges herein granted may
likewise be declared null and void by
the Town Council, and therepon and
immediately thereafter any and
all privilege and powers of suid Com
pany snail ceuse, determine and be
come absolutely null and void. Pro
vided further that no cars shall be run
nt Intervals simply for the purjnise of
holding and retaining the franchise
and right of way herein granted. Pro
vided, however, that the time con
sumed by negotiation or litigation in
procuring the rights of way or other
wise, shall not be counted in the time
limit as above set forth.
Section 13. If in the opinion of the
Town Council of said Town, it shull be
necessary for the town authorities,
their servants, workmen, agents or
employees, at any time to occupy any
or all of the streets or roads upon which
suid railway is constructed, for any
purpose whatever, they shall have full
and entire authority to so occupy said
streets or roads, or any part thereof,
without liability for damages for ob
structing tlie.operatiou of said Railway,
and w itliout hindrance on tho part of
said Company,
Suction 14. Culverts, drains and
water pipes. Removing and relaying
of tracks. Tho authorities of said
Town shull at all times by themselves,
workmen, agents or employees, have
the right to make such repairs and im
provements to the culverts, drains,
sewers und water pipes running under
or along or neur the surface of the said
railway tracks, and to lay and main
tain such additional culverts, drains,
sewers mid water pipes as they may
deem proper; causing as little obstruct
ion to the running of curs us possible.
And whenever it shall he necessary
for the said purpose to remove the
tracks of the said company, tlie sume
shall, upon reasonrblo notice, be re
moved und rehtid by the saitl company.
All culverts which liiav lie reouiivd to
be lengthened for the proper con
venience of the public shall be con
structed lit tho expense of the said
Railway Company.
Section 1.1. Use of vehicles on tracks.
All persons may drive with wagons,
carriages or other vehicles on the trucks
of the said Company without becom
ing trespassers, provided however, they
do not retard or in uny way Interfere
wiin the operation ol the suid Rail
Section 10, Company to indemnify
for duniages. The suid Railway Com
pany shull Indemnity and save harm
less the Haiti Town In nil suitsoractions
at law which may arise in the con
struction, niuiiitaiiiuiit e und operation
of said railway; provided thut the Rail- a chlM
lias tvcti fooled
by the storv of
the pot of gold which
is to ! found just at
the foot of the nun
bow, and has started
out to frnt,,cr riches
full of happy dream.
Many a man 'nnd
woman hove lcen de
ceived by the talc that
there wns health to 1e
found out beyond the
sunset, nud they have
started out dreaming
of a healthful future,
never to be realized.
Teople who have tried change of cli
mnte in vain for the cure of weak lungs
have been perfectly and permanently
cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. It cures dcrp-sented
coughs, bronchitis, bleeding lungs, ema
ciation, nnd other conditions which, if
neglected or unskilfully treated, find
fatal end in consumption.
"Mat aprttiK t had B arver oltnrk of pnrti
monia which left me with a vrrv bal ouch,
nnd to left mv liiti(r In a vrrv bml ctitiililHin."
writes ihn M.'RtiwlI. Kq.. of Hretit, Chrmkre
Nat.. Intl. Ty "I hail no appetite and wa ao
weak I coiiUI scarcely walk. My breast wn all
aore with rtintnnK aorea. I got two buttle of Dr.
Pierce'a tiolilen Medical Discovery, whi. h I lie
lleve aaved my life. I cannot express mv prall
tuile to you. 1 am able now to do very good
Any substitute offered as "just as good"
as "Golden Medical Discovery" is a
shadow of that medicine. There are
cures behind every claim made for the
"Discovery," which no "just at good"
medicine can show.
The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, a book containing 1008 pages,
is given away. Send 31 one-cent stamps,
for expense of mailing only, for the book
in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the vol
ume t)ounl in cloth. Address Dr. K, V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. V.
Company lie iicrmitted to defend in
the name of the Town In any suit or
Section 17. If in any case the said
Railway Company shall neglect or re
fuse, wiieii required by the municipal
authorities to repair, pave or repuve
the street or streets between the tracks
as hereinbefore required, or to do any
other tiling required by the previous
provisions of this ordinance, or to take
up and relay its tracks, as hereinbefore
required, or to do any other act, mat
ter or thing by this ordinance provided,
then and in such case the saitl Town
shall proceed to do the same, mid shall
collect mul recover the expense ami
cost thereof from the said Railway
(Join puny.
Section IS. No tax on cars for ten
years. That there be no tax placed
upon any of the cars, or other appa
ratus of the said Company for the spare
of ten years from the acceptance of
this Ordinance by said Company.
Section 19. Excavations to Ive cover
ed within ten days. That In the con
struction of saitl railway no excavation
on any of the streets or roads shall be
allowed to remain ooti at any one
jiolnt for a period longer than ten days,
but that inside of ten flays the saitl
excavations shull be fully' covered so
as to allow free passage over and across
the same.
Section 20. The said Company to be
subject tf all existing ordinances now
In iorce as to fenders on cars, ami rate
of speed within Town limits.
Section 21. Company to pay ex
penses of ordinance. That saitl Rail
way Company shall pay nil costs and
expenses Incident to the drawing,
printing, posting ami publishing of
this Ordinance, as well as for the serv
ices of the Town Engineer rendered
necessary hereby, ami the sum of one
dollar antl seventy-live cents per day
for every day's service necessarily rend
ered by the inspector who shall be ap
pointed by the Town Council to over
see the work performed under this
Ordinance, and that the saitl ordinance
shall not go into effect until the proper
oOlcers of the said Company shall have
certified to this Council, their accept
ance of the same, as provided herein.
President of Council.
Attest :-
Fkkkze Quick,
Passed November 5th. 1903.
Did you ever notice that envy
never takes a holiday?
It is Your Business
lo pay attention to your physical welfare.
i our responsibility begins when you get up
in the morning. Your body begins its day's
work at breakfast. A dish of "7" ill rive
you the riuht foundation for the day's busi.
ress. it tin gnnii nutriment to satify
the taste ami add ktrength to the bedy ami
the brain. One dih makes vou want tin.
other. You can eat "7" nnv I me.
Grocers sell "f". 2-iaiy
Thousands say that
c a ltt zr,:e ' s
is the best imhlislied at any price. Yet it is
only 10 cents a copy, 1.00 a year.
In every number of McCture's there arc
Articles of intense!
interest on subjects of
the greatest national
McClure's will be more interesting, important
ami entertaining than ever. "Kvcryyear better
than the last or it would not be McClure's."
PPFP Suhrrifo now for
November ami
The S. S. McCi.urk Company, 623
Men Who Will Sil on Catoi at the Next Re.
gular Court of Quarler Session.
The f wo jury commissioners, ShuUa
ninl lliiiiciihiich, ns-i-tnl by Sin-rill'
Knurr, were busy on Monday', drawing
from flic wheel Ihc jurymen for the
i'Vlmmry term of court. The list in
full Is as follows:
Harry R. Correll, Rlonmshurg.
C. II. Dildine, Urccnwnod.
Emanuel (illb. rt, .Ml. Pleasant.
John (Jcttv, Sngarloaf.
Andrew M. (Jirton, Montour.
Abl)nh lies, Sugnrlimf.
II. C. Iloaglmi, Milllin.
A. C. llageiibuch, Centre.
David Jonc, Conyngham,
John Johnston, Urccnwootl.
Irank Jones, lilnomshurg.
Francis II. Jones, Fishingcreek.
John Kirkcuduil, Milllin.
II. K. Kashner, Pine.
.1. P. Laiiliach, Niigirloaf.
If. (1. Miller Milllin.
W ilson Rhodes, Locust.
John Shult., Greenwood.
William Thomas, lilooin.
John M. Welsh, Orange Twp.
John NVhltesiiles, Cony iiglutm.
Iteniamin E. Whit mover, Pine.
Charles M. Weinier, I'ishingereek.
D. F. Weiss, lllcvomsliurg.
1 ravkksk Jt Rons First Week,
C. R. Rower, Rrlarcreek.
David I trail v, (J recti wocsl.
Milton II. Hitler, Pine.
A. R. Cathcart, lllooni.
J. S. Cole, Millville.
Philip Creasy, Mt. Pleasant.
(). W. Crawford, liltstm.
Ira Cherington, Rouringcreek.
John C. Cryilcr. Centre.
S. Dcnnisoii Cole, Reiiton Twp.
Amos W. Dreilielhis, Mt. Pleasant.
Orville Eves, Mt. Pleasant.
J. II. Eissnhower, Milllin.
Frank Faust, Rerwiek.
Wesley Fleming, Montour.
Parvin Frit., Fisliingcreek.
Samuel (iiger, Rloomsbiirg.
A brum llartman, Madison.
W. II. Ileiirie, Klonm.
T.' W. llartman, Scott.
Royd Henry, Scott.
Harry llartman, Franklin.
William J. Hniues, Centralia Roro.
William Harry, llerwick.
J. P. Hill, Sngarloaf.
Harry Hentlershott, Madison.
W. E. Johnston, Montour,
liruee Johnston, Rerwiek.
Mathius M. Kreamer, Greenwood.
Rtlssel Keller, Jackson.
Charles E. Kester, Greenwood.
Harry Kindt, Mt. Pleasant.
Oscar Eowenberg. Rloom.
Hurry Mellick, Mt. Pleasant.
Joseph Moser, Conyngham.
Miles W. Moss, Itenton Twp,
John Miller, Jackson.
Robert Morris, Rloom.
(J. R. Martin, lllooni.
M. W. Mc Henry, Stillwater.
O. I). Mclleiiry, Stillwater.
James McRride, Montour.
John Oliver, Locust.
A. Clinton Parks, Sngarloaf
Charles M. Quick, Rloom.
Virgil Rohbins, Greeuwood.
C. V. Runyan, Rloom.
William Roth, Montour.
Moses Savage, Jackson.
Stephen E. Steadtnan, Sugarloaf.
W. R. Snydor, ljocust.
J. C. Shult., Madison.
Ambrose H. Sharpies., Cutawissa.
C. C. Trench. Rloomsburg.
J. R. Welliver, Millville.
Amos Wanich, Hemlock.
Charles Wagner, Locust.
Samuel Yost, lllooni.
Elmer C. Y eager, Looust.
R. R. Zurr, Rloom. jurors Second Week.
(lalon R. Rurd, Cleveland.
Charles 1). Runkes, Cutawissa Twp.
William A. Rolierts, Jackson.
(!. M. Rower, Rriurcreek.
William 1). Davis, Cleveland.
Charles Drumheller, Catuwissa Twp.
Samuel Demott, Millville.
Joseph R. Ivi wards. Rloom.
Hiram G. Everitt, Mt. Pleasant.
V. P. Eves, Millville.
Ellas Evans. Itenton Twp.
J. H. Eck, Rriurcreek.
Wilson Forbes, Sugarloaf.
Albert (lirton, Madison.
W. Ellis Geiger, Montour.
Alfred Hess, Fisliingcreek.
(. A. Heinle, Berwick.
Edward JusK;r, Conyngham.
A. J.Kendig, Fisliingcreek.
A. L. Kline, Catuwissa Roro.
I K. Krickbnum, Renton Twp.
Rush Lutz, Milllin.
Clarence M. Luubach, Sugarloaf.
W, M. Monroe, Montour.
Charles Mordun, Mt. Pleasant.
George W. Muusr, Millville
J. 1). MeHenry, Fisliingcreek.
Hurry W. Miller, Sugarloaf.
John Rank, Scott.
Roy Ralston, Rloom.
Win. E. Sunders, Jackson.
Jacob Stein, Sugurlouf.
Mathias C. Whitenight, Hemlock.
Six good short stories,
humorous stories, it
ries of life and action
and always good.
McCluris for 1904, and get the
December number! of 1 903 free.
Lexington liu.o., New Vokk, N. V.