THE PRESIDENCY IN 1900- In an article 011 tlie probability of Admiral Dewey being a candi date lor the Democratic nomination in 1900, the Northumberland Coun < ■ Democrat has the following to | siv The politicians in all parts lio are unfriendly to President { McKinley are casting about for a | 1 .ndidate to pit against him in j 00. If they cannot defeat him | a renomination they propose to at up an invincible candidate :ainst him. Many names have •'Cently been mentioned, among :coi Admiral Dewey, the hero of 'auilia. If the Admiral has any • ' tics he is a Democrat, although ■ ~iie of his friends claim he is a i (>itblican. A prominent Demo < :it said the other day : If Dewey will accept the Detn , ratic nomination he will be a 1 enough Democrat for us. Gen ■ .•■'.( Grant, it will be remembered, ; 1. always been a Democrat until nas nominated for President by Republicans. It is not neces sary for anybody to inquire what aev's political affiliations have ii . \in the past. If he will accept i Democratic nomination in 1900 !■ can have it, and he would be ■ted by a unanimous vote. Mr. . Kinky and his friends had bet i keep an eye on Admiral Dewey, '('here is 110 instance of a naval r" ever becoming a candidate for •. tical honors. At the same time < is nothing in the constitution ne United States which forbids I A Close Relationship 'it* relationship which the baking j.. .. iers bear towards our health is ing to be appreciated. 1 ere is no doubt that the indiges ,-nd dyspepsia of which many 1 . cans complain are caused by i. indiscriminate use of alum bak ■iowde s. These baking powders, n 1 their lower price, from the per - ncy with which they are adver as pu.e cream of tartar powders, (i 'rom the tempting schemes with <*, Mch they are offered, are being pur , 1 -cd by trany housekeepers. That ,i,i baking powders are unwhole . .I,l* is a fact as well established as I irsenic is a poison. There must ording'y be the greatest care ex i rosed by the housewife to keep :,,ern from her food. A chemical analysis only will expose their true ivaracter. Even the price at which iliti are sold is not always a mark to i,i.vntify them. There is certain safety in the use II die well known brand, Roya' Bak- Powder. The Royal is not only certified by the Government chemists • from alum and from all adultera itop, but every housewife feels a con tultnce when using it which she can not have with any other powder. It I*. made from chemically pure cream a Urtar, and is actually an anti-dys -0 ptic promoting digestion and add irm i®. the wholesomeness of the food. Engine Built in France. i.i-;omotive Built in 66 Hours-Has Been Beat in the United States. In experiment test was made n*i cntly by the French Eastern Rail says the Le Genie Civil, just to hi out in how many hours a loco -1 :ive could be assembled in the s' ips at Eperney. The result was v. j satisfactory to them inasmuch as tin entire work required but 66 IK urs from the time the order was giv en to the shops until the engine was / i.'ly to run out upon its trial trip. "I'll, time has, however,, been exceeded i 1 his country While the work was j ing on one of the officials took photographs from time to tsme and the s acs made a very interesting record. I'iiTing the first hour the frame work was put in place and riveting began, fart after part was brought in and ir the twenty-second hour the loco motive began to assume something like shape. At the forty ninth hour the lo comotive was so far ready the minor fixtures could be mounted, such as the air brakes, the stuffing boxes and oth er details. From now on it seemed as if ? eng'ne was ready to start, yet some rr?y mportant parts were still missing, for instance, the eccentric and driving H/,ls. In the fifty-eighth hour the heavy lutk was all done, the tackle had been removed and the adjustment of the fittings in the cab was started. In the sixty-fourth hour the engine could have started, if required, but only two hours later it left the shop for a trial of 22 miles, which it covered without a hitch in 48 minutes. The mounting required 976 working hours. NEXT MINUTE MAV MEAN DEATH. If the heart flutters, palpitates or tires easily you may be next door to sudden death and not kuow it. Dr. Agnew s tare for the Heart gives instant relief and cures. "The pains about my heart were so severe I could hardly breathe. 1 thought I must die. One dose of Dr Aguew's Cure for the Heart gave me perfect relief inside of 20 minutes, a few bottles cured. I firmly believe it saved my life.— Mß. JOHN JAMIESON, TARA, Ont. —81. Sold by C. A. Kleim. ft (t Will co " ,i, 1 , l u . c , to K' vc by week during 1%,, bv means of illustrations 8 (if (A text, all the important news of the world in a clear and concise nuuncr. 8 $ 8 POLITICS ART ft ft WBjA ft Independent of parties, devoted to The leading artists of the country W) S Wf. / yP l ' ,e situation may be. the foremost illustrated weekly. ft it. G.weiii ft Cuba and the Philippines Hawaii and Porto Rico ft li Speciat articles will appear on these These places will be similarly treated 8 Ti K Iwo countries by Messrs. Phil. by Caspar Whitney and W. ft •) jf Robinson and t-. D. IVllllet, both Dinwiddle, who likewise made a (g X. 8 ofwinim made special journeys to the study of the places. ft ImM 1 PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE YEAR | jjr 8 j 5 what HARPER'S WEEKI.Y has been in the past and will be in the M rj A 1 / y ft future, the great work accomplished in the lata Spanish-American war is iK rat characteristic of tiie WEEKLY S live and energetic policy. 8 k. W. Ctiimhsfs ft M | | SERIAL STORIES ft 8 ft WHEN THE SLEEPER WAKES. By H. d. Wells ' ft 8 m WITH SW()K,) AND CRUCIFIX. By E. S. Van Zile W ft S THE CONSPIRATORS _ By R. W. Chambers , 8 8 ft Some Short-Story Contributors 8 if W. E. Norrls Owen Hall F.J. McCarthy H. S. Merrlman 8 8 \ UV7 8 E-F " Benson H - s - Wllll *"is John Corbln M. S. Briscoe B ft y S THE WEST ALASKA { J Caspar \\ mtney ft and its industries will be treated in and its resources will he the subject n ~L '1 of articles by Franklin of a series of papers by Edward J. 4 J ft Matthews. Spurr. m 8 8 The London Letter This Busy World I 4 ft win be written by Arnold White, by E. S. Martin, will contlnua to jf f) ML -a |B (4 end will be full of timely matter. amuse and instruct its readers. fi 8 8 AMATEUR ATHLETICS 8 X \l / 7 8 be continued weekly by its well-known editor, Mr. Caspar Whitney J M ' y/ ft 10 Cents a Copy Subscription, 14 00 a fear f J Franklin Matihe.s ft Addresa HARPER & BROTHERS. Publiahera. New Vork. N. V. ft SFiAF? IP E jLk." iROVINT ) TA'BI.FII'I 8 8 dating 1899 will be devoted to Fiction, Travel, and Sport, and will he the 8 ft efc uMfe ft cst '"'■' lrinl:K ' boy's paper published ft ft 1 TWO SERIAL STORIES 8 8 "Forward, March!" Gavin Hamilton if Y) 7 9) Hy KIRK MUNROF. By MOLLY ELLIOT SEAWELL jf :A \ ' . J 7f is a story f a y<i#nj? hero with Koose- is a story of the time *f King (<; m / S w) veil's Rough Riders. Frederick the Great. C ft ft SOME SHORT STORIES ' jf SCOUTING ON THE PLAINS AN EXCHANGE OF SHIPS & if, ft WOLVES vs. DISCIPLINE THE GUNSHOT MINE i 8 8 A DANDY AT HIS BEST THE KING'S TREASURE-SHIP ft 1 f STORIES OF THE WAR rf These stories are founded >n fact, and in many cases are the actual experi- (A 8 , 8 THE RESCUE OF REDWAY CRUISING WITH DEWEY 8 ft Cyrus C. Adams ft By I laltOLD MARTIN By W, \V. STONK • A SCARED FIGHTER BILLY OF BATTERY B \ ft 8 A WAR CORRESPONDENT AFLOAT 8 J 7 WITH CAPRON AT EL CANEY 8 ft vWCS/ 8 ARTICLES ON SPORT AND TRAVEL ft \d '■.r'y ft These articles will he of especial interest to every live and energetic boy who ft X Julian Ralph ft ALASKAN FISHERMAN ARCTIC WAYFARERS ' 8 ft 8 ART OF FLY-FISHING TWO-FOOTED FIGURE-SKATING 8 8 B f, TREE-TOP CLUB-HOUSES BICYCLE POLO X / JMB* Tf By DAN HKAKD By A. 11. GODFREY Zf £ tit 8 THE EDITOR'S TABLE THE CAMERA CLUB "--i & *V / Jf! fi STAMPS AND COINS PROBLEMS AND PUZZLES 5 O' fa All will receive attention each month in the ROUND TABLE S Molly Elliot Seiweii X Addreaa HARPER A BROTHERS. Pub Ushers. New York. N. Y. g m HARPERS S y-MAGAZ INE<f I) will be of more than usual interest during 1899. Besides a scries of articles on [I f uoteworthy subjects, it will contain a comprehensive political and narrative I (SMffl HISTORY OF THE SSmB9BBM SPANISH=AMERICAN WAR^2 S 8 HENRY CABOT LODOE. U. S. SENATOR S Js who is eminently fitted for the task, not alone because of his ability as a 72 72 (m writer of American history, but for the position he has held iu our government. jfs W) _BB w) There will also appear such articles as ft \ ft Admiral Sampson's Fleet Battle of Manila Bay 8 m. By l.leut. A. R. STAUNTON,U.S.N. By Lieut. J. M. ELLICOTT, U.S.N. C t g THEIR SILVER-WEDDINQ JOURNEY K V "" By William Dean Howells 8 8 A serial story—to appear—containing all that characteristic charm that has W * |K endeared Mr Howells to the reading public. ft ft Th e Princess Xenia Spanish War Story 8 J w By 11. B. M. WATSON v By JOHN FOX. JR. W mgfr 8 a serial story full of adventure and A serial story the scenes of which w Jr m strong situation. are laid during our recent war. 8 X \ I SHORT STORIES g S \ f) UNDER AN APRIL SKY GHOSTS OF JERUSALEM f) jR ui By Brander Matthews r By "NymCrinkle" Ql X lohn Fox Ir 8 THB RENTED HOUSE WAY OF THE CROSS C 8 J) Uy Octave Thanet By Stephen Bonsai ~ X X 72 THE LOVE OF PARSON LORD THE CUCKOO CLOCK 8 jR By Mary E. Wilkins By Ellen Douglas Deland SR 5 fi THE CENTURY'S PROGRESS IN SCIENCE 8 / By Menr y Smith Williams. M.D. 3 <F 8 T,,e,e pape" will thoroughly review the work accomplished by scientists C 2 •) throughout the nineteenth century. Other series of papers to appear are: iff ft ft White Man's Asia Republics of South America X ft \ \ft x/ 9 By POL'LTNEY HIOKLUW By JULIAN KALPM ft 8 ,TJ Cents a Copy Snbscrtption, 14 00 a Year ft J H s William. ft Addr... HARPER & BROTHERS. Publisher., New York. N. Y. ft When you want to look on the bright side of things, use SAPOLIO The Columbian and Demorest's Fam ily fiagazine, only $1.75. THI COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias* Issued out of the Court of common Fleas of Columbia County, Pennsylvania and to me directed,there will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, In Bloomsburg* l'a., on SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1899 at ten o'clock a. m., all that, certain messuage tenement and tract of land, situate in the Town of Hloomsburg, County of Columbia and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Port Noble street, at a corner of land of the Pennsylvania canal Company, and running thence north forty-six degrees for ty-tlvc mluutes east, one hundred and thirty one feet to a stake, In the westerly side of a twenty-foot private street,; thence south for ty-three degrees fifteen minutes east, one hun dred and thirty-nine feet to the line of the Pennsylvania Canal: thence south forty-six de grees forty-tlve minutes west, one hundred and eighty-three feet to the lino of land of the Pennsylvania Canal Company; thence along the same north twenty-two degrees thirty eight minutes west, one hundred nnd forty seven and live-tenths feet to the place of begin nlng, whereon Is erected a BRICK MATCH FACTORY, an englno and boiler room, together with all the matchmaking and other machinery contained therein, Including boiler, engine and fixtures. Seized, taken In execution, at the suit of c. C. Peacock and K. B. Tustln, trustees, vs. the Illoomßburg Match Company, and to be sold as the property of tUe ltloomsburg Match Com pany. W. w. BLACK, sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa., Issued out of the court of Common Pleas of Columbia County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed,there will be exposed to public sale, at the Court llouse, In Bloomsburg, on SATURDAY, JAN. 14, IS9O, at two o'clock In the afternoon, all that certain piece and parcel of land, situate In the village of Mtllllnvllle, County of Columbia, common wealth of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows to wit: Being marked In the general plan of said village as number forty-nine (111), bounded on the north by Second street, on the south by Third street, 011 the east by lot No. 48, and west by street, being In length fourteen (14) rods, and la breadth, four (I) rods, upon which Is erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, and other outbuildings. Seized, taken In execution, at the suit of Cos mopolitan Building and Loan Association vs. Samuel W. Fodder and Etta Fodder, and to bo sold as the property of Samuel W. Fodder and Etta Fodder. W. W. BLACK, HARMAN, Atty. SherlfT. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa. Issued out of the • "urt of common Pleas, of Columbia County Pennsylvania, and to me directed there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, In Bloomsburg, Columbia county, PA , on SATURDAY, JANUARY 14TII, 1899, at 2 o'clock p. m. All that certain niece and parcel of land sit uate In the township of Mifflin, County of Col umbia, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bound, edand dlserlbed as follows, towlt: Bouuded on the north by Second street, on t he east by lot No. 12H, on the south by Third street, nnd on the west by lot now or formerly owned by Mary (Jearhart, being sixty-six feet in width and two hundred feet In depth and being numbered and designated upon the general plan of the village of MJMlnvlUe as Lot 125, whereon are erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and other outbuildings. Seized taken In execution at the suit of Cos mopolltan Building & Loan Association vs. Abram R. Fodder and Elizabeth Fedder, be sold as the property of Abram R. Fedder and Elizabeth Fedder W. W. BLACK, Sheriff. HARM AN. Attorney. !2-22-4t SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, Pennsylvania, and to mo directed, there will bo exposed to public sale, at the Court llouse, In Bloomsburg, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1899, at at two o'clock p. m., all that certain messu age. tenement and tract of land, situate, lying and being. In the Town of Bloomsburg. Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Northwardly bj Seventh street, of said town, enstwardly by Catharine street, south wardly by an alley, westerly by lot of John P. Jones. The said lots having a front on Catha rlno street of forty feet each and extending In depth sixty feet. The one adjoining Seventh street having erected thereon a two-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, the other being a vacant lot. The said proper ties being lately the property of J. D. Shaffer, and by himself and wife conveyed to said Cum mlngs. Seized, taken In execution, at the suit of An glo American Saving and Loan Association vs. William B. Cummlngs, and to be sold as the property of William B. cummlngs. BUCXINOUAM, W. W. BLACK, Attorney. > SHERIFF. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. KSTATK OF WM. H. SNYDER, LATK OF BLOOMS BURG, FA., DECEASED Notice Is hereby given that letters testa mentary In above estate bave been granted to the undersigned, and all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and tbose having claims, or demands, to pre sent the same without delay. SAKAH M. SNYDER, Executrix. Bloomsburg, Pa., Dec. 15,1698. 6t AUDITOR'S NOTICE. EBTATE OF J. M. C. RANCE, LATE OF SCOTT TWF. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.. DECEASED. In the matter of the first and second partial accounts of Charles W. Dawson, executor of J. M. c. itauck, deceased. The U'.deralgned auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Columbia County, Penua.,to pass upon exceptions, make distribution and report, will sit, for the purposes of his appoint ment, at his office, room No. 4. Lockard build ing, corner of Main and Centre streets. In the Town of Bloomsburg, Pa., on Monday, January 23d, 1899. at 10 o'clock a. in., wheu and where all parties Interested may appear and present their claims against said estate, or be debarred from a share of the same. 12-22-41 WM. H. MAGILL, Auditor. ELECTION NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Bloomsburg, l'a., tor the ensuing year will be held at the office of the Bunk on Tuesday, January lOtb, 1892, be tween the hours of nine and twelve o'clock a. in. 12-15-41. E. B. TUSTIN, cashier. ELECTION NOTICE. The annual election by the stockholders of the Farmers' National Bank, of Bloomsburg, Pa., to choose a Board of Directors for the ensu ing year, will be held at the Bank on Tuesday, January 10th, 1899, between tho hours of two and tour o'clock In the afternoon. 12-Bte A. H. BLOOM, Cashier. CARDS.K- N. U. FUNK, ATTO RNEY-AT-LAW, Mrs. Ent's Building, Court House AlWy, BLOOMSBURG, PA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, Post Office Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA: C. W. MILLER, ATTO RNEY-AT-LAW, Wirt's Building, 2nd floor, __ BLOOMSBURG. PA. JOnN O. FREEZE. JOHN 0. HARMAN FREEZE & HARMAN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Offices: Centre St., first door below Opera House GEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian building, 2nd floox, BLOOMSBURG, P.A. WM. H MAGILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Lockard's building, Corner Main and Centre Sts. W. H. SNYDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office 2nd floor Mrs. Ents building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ROBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, 2nd floox, BLOOMSBURG. PA. A. N. YOST, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Columbian Building, 2nd Floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA RALPH R. JOHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hartman Building, Market Square, Bloomsburg, Pa. IKELER & IKELER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. R. RUSH ZARR, — ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. — BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Clark's Block, corner of and and Centre Streets, I-12-'94 W. A. EVERT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. (Office over Alexander & Co. Wirt building. G. M. QUICK, ATTORNFY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office over First National Bank. EDWARD J. FLYNN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. kwomce Llddlcot building. Locust avenue. JOHN 11 CLARK, ETTOKHZT-DTHAW iBfTO * TUX rua, Moyw BMi Bull Bin. —* t*m, BLOOMSBUBO, PA. J. H. MAIZE, ATTOKNET-AX-ULW, IHI>I ■ AWB UUUt ESTATE Mn, Office in Lockard's Building. BLOOMSHBCy PA. R FRANK ZAJLR, ATTOUOMMia^ Clark's Baiidlng, esc. MaiaaakOMs Su, BLOOMSBURG, h. XTCan be c—mßrd te Cif i W. IL RHAWN, ATTOKOXmAT-lAUt Office, owner at IBM and Mate Btswta, • CATAWXSSA, FA. J. S. JOHN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residence, 410 Main St., 3-70-iy BLOOMSBURG, PA J. HOWARD PATTERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 4 and 5. Peacock bldg. Telephone 1463. BLOOMSBURG, PA. HENRY W. CHAIHPLIN, HI. 11 SURGEON. GENERAL SURGERY, SURGERY OF THE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Over Farmer's National Bank, Blooms burg, Pa. 98. SrECIAL ATTENTION TO DISEASES OF OHIDDRIN H. BIERMAN, M. D. UOMOiOI'ATIIIC PHYSICIAN AND SUK OFFICE HOURS: office & Residence, 4th St Until 9 A. M., Ito 2 and 7toßr. M. RLOOMSIURG fh DR. ANDREW GRAY DC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office and residence In Prof. Waller's tf se. * MARKET STREET * TELEPHONE. DR. F. W. REDEKER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office and Residence, centre St., between tth and 6th Sts. Diseases ot the ear, nose and throat a spe. t„ity BLOOMSBURG, PA. |8 to 10 a. m. OFFICE BOOKS: < 1 to 8 p. m. 17 to 9 p. m. J. J. BROWN, M. D., Market Street. BLOOMSBURG, <*a. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested, fitted with glassea and Artificial Eyes supplied Hours 10 to 4. Telephone Conn.- 'to DR. M. J. HESS, DENTISTRY IN ALE ITS BRANC"F' ; , Crown and bridge work —a— SPECIALTY, Corner Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG. PA., DR. W. H. HOUSE, SURGEON DENTIST, Office, Barton's Building, Main below Marke BLOOMSBURG, PA. All styles of work done in a superior man..**, and all work warranted as represent TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN by the use of Gas, and free of charg. - -\e artificial teeth are inserted. WTo be open all hours during the day DR. C. S. VAN HORN —DENTIST. Office corner of East and Main streets, rp. posite Town Hall. Offlce hours 8:80 to 12 a. m ; 2 to 8 p. m. BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. WATSON- McKELVY FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. F. Uartman Represents twelve of the strongest Ccmpta es In the world, among which are: CABU TOTAL BUBrLOt _ CAPITAL. ASSETS. OVBS ALL Franklin of Phlla.. $400,000 88, 198,529 |l.noo,e( Penn'a. Phlla 400,000 3,825,160 1,m,68 Queen,of N. Y. 600,000 3,588,916 1,011,88 West Chester, N. Y. 300,000 1,753,807 U6.TB. N. America, Phlla. 3,000,000 9,780,689 *,,*• * OFFICE IN I. w. MCKELVY'B STOBB. (STl.osses promptly adjusted and paw. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSORS TO FREAS BHOWN) INSURANCE AND REAL EST ATI AGENTS AND BROKERS —O — N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA. —o— Represent Seventeen as good Conipaa ies as there are in the World an. all losses promptly adjusted and paid at Iheir Office. CHRISTIAN F. KNAPP. FIRK INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home, of N. Y.; Merchants of Newark. N. J. j Clinton, N. Y.; Peoples', N.Y.; Read ing, Pa ; German American Ins. Co. New York; Greenwich Insurance Co., New Vorfct Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, S, J. These old corporations are well seasoned by age and fire tested, and have neve, pat had a loss settled by any court of law assets are all invested in solid securittea uid liable to the hazard of fire only. Losses promptly and honestly adjoated <ad paid as soon as determined, by Christian F Knapp, Special Agent and Adjuster, Tlnnwi' burg, Pa. The people of Columbia county shoald patronize the agency where losses, if say. are settled and paid by one of their vwa citizens. CITY HOTEL, W. A. Hartzel, Prop. No. 121 West Main Street, WLarge and convenient sample rooms, but rooms, hot and cold water, and modern coo veniences. Bar stocked with best wine and liquors. First-class livery attached. EXCHANGE HOTEL, G. SNYDER, Proprietor, (Opposite the Court llouse N BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms hot and cold water, and all moderw conveniences WMM -L. V Cattle hid., i at WETANif §- C "I? KaJloway coat# and £ it wL j 2?!'J® 6 ®'' "rem get cstalogU' in e • i ° do Taxidermy and Head Meant' CROSBY FRISIAN FL!R C< 116 MILL STIUSKT. ItOCHUSTUr- ... . ia-22-t-a GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers