ROYAL Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAKINQ POWPTR CO., NEW YORK. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1898. Knterpil at the Post Office at J'a. 0.1 second close mat tec V< rch 1, 1888. Paper Free, for One Month. THE COM MIUAN will be sent free >n any peno . in the county, on re ceipt of the name anil address on a postal. l)oi tbe afraid to ask for it. You will get it onh four weeks, unless ordered to bi continued. A Free Book. Every subsi rit er who pays all ar rearages, and or ; vear in advance, will be presented with the Thrice-a week Worhi lor _ months, or a World Almanac for it >9. The Almanac contains a nrarvl <>us compendium ot useful facts, and a complete history of lire Spanish Ainer. an war, and a bat tle calendar. To New S bscrihers- For $l.OO we will send THE COI.- UMIiiAN until Janu.i y Ist, 1900, and j tiie Thrice-a-VVeek World for three months, or a copy tire World Al manac for 1809. .Subscribe now and get the benefit of tl liberal offer, tf We have received the atest sample book of society address cards and are prepared to supply cuds with beauti ful designs and tn gieat variety to Masons ol all degrees, Odd Fellows, .Knights of Malta, Knights of the Gol den Eagle, Junior O. U. A. M., G. A. R. Union Veteran League, S ns of Veteians, Royal Arcanum, P. O. S. of A. Also curds for Fire men, Christian Endeavors and many other organizations Cad and see samples tf. Hotel, Restaurant. Wholesale, Distillers, and Hot lers License blanks for sale at the COLUMBIAN office. 10 cents each or 3 for 25 cents. tf Calendars fur lf'99- Any subscriber to THE COLUMBIAN can get a handsome calendar fot 1899 by calling at this office. They are too large to send by mail witnout danger of breaking, tf. BALLS JAN. 7TH. Robert Buckingham will sell a brick dwelling, villi lot 57 by 198 feet, corner of East and Third streets, at the Court House, at one o'clock p. m. The following letters art held at the Bloomsburg, Pa., postollice, and will be sent to the dead letter office Jan. 3, 1899: Mr. Daniel Btlliger, Mr. Charles Ives. CARDS. L. L. Saunders. Persons calling for the above letters will please say that they were advertised Dec. 22, 1898. O. B. MELLICK, P. M. Governor Hastings has named Jan nary 10, 1899, as the date for the ex-1 tcution of George VanFlorn, who murdered Mrs. Westcott, at Scranton. POINTS TO wmn o WE HAVE 300 styles Sterling Sil ver Novelties. 40 styles Hand Painted China. 500 styles Gifts in Leather. 500 styles Fine Per fumery. 50 styles Hand Painted blotters. &c. Huyler's Confection* 80 cent*. Lowney's Chocolate* 60c. BEAUTIFUL ART STUDY FREE With eacli dollar purchase of perfume. W. S. Rishton, Ph. G„ Ooßisite P. 0 Pharmacist Telephone NO..IOTX PURELY PERSONAL Miss Martha Brugler spent Saturday with Danville friends. Mr. and Mrs. Reber Mears of Rupert visit ed Mrs. Mary Phillips over Sunday. Mrs. John Barber and Mrs. William Marr, of Stillwater, were in town 011 Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. I less, of Still water, spent Saturday in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Magill spent Sunday with the former's parents in Danville. DeForest Ilummer is out again alter being confined to the house for nearly a week. Lloyd Zaner, of Stillwater, attended to business in town Monday. Mrs. W. W. Black visited her daughter, Mrs. John Mather, in Benton, over Sunday. Mrs. John S. Gilbert of Philadelphia is in town. She will remain over Christmas. J. C. Hendershott, clerk at the Exchange Hotel accompanied the excursion to Wash ington this week. L. 11. Boody, of Rupert, attended the funeral of Mrs. Bishop, a niece of Mr. Lloyd Paxton, at Tom's River, N. J., last week. A. J. Berninger the enterprising furniture dealer of Mifilinville, was in town attending to business on Friday. Mrs. W. K. Armstrong, Mrs. George Hasseit and Miss Annie llassert, spent Fri day in Wilkesbarre. C. 11. Dorr, editor of the Berwick "In dependent," was noticed on our streets Fri day. The proprietor of the COLUMBIAN made a business trip to Philadelphia on Saturday, returning home Monday. Edward Kyer, druggist of Philadelphia will spend Christmas with his parents on Market street. William K. Armstrong, local represent ative of the Baltimore Co-operative and Loan Association, was in Benton on Monday, on business for his company. P. W. Kline is visiting in this county. He learned the printing trade in Bloomsburg about fifteen years ago. He is at present living in New York City. Ice of a good quality was harvest ed by several dealers in town last week. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Well! Well!! Well!!! Look here, Seven Prize Drawings on | Monday Jan. 2, New Year's, 1899, at j ten o'clock in the morning in store 25 i E. Main street, Bloomsburg. Ist prize is a Dewey-Manila new clock of 1898; 2nd, 2 pounds of fancy ni'xed nuts and one quart of Italian chestnuts; 3rd, 2 pounds of clear toys and 1 pound best macaroni; 4th one peck best roasted peanuts; sth, one quart can of Italian oil; 6th, one dozen best oranges; 7th, one bunch bananas val ued at $2.50 or more. These premiums will be given to those who spend 25c, they will get a ticket free for drawing; those spending 50c will get a 5c package of chewing gum and one ticket for drawing free. All come and see large stock of pure candy, toys, taffy and fresh and dried lruit. This prize drawing commences to-day. N. MALFUERA. Christmas is approaching and as usual W. H. Gilmore's store is the center of attraction for the little folks. An exceptionally large stock ot dolls, fire engines, hose carriages, patrols, railroad trains, horses and wagons, wheelbarrows, menageries, doll houses, furniture, carnages, pianos, stoves, banks, puzzles, games, Christmas-tree ornaments and many other articles to make the little ones happy. Instead of sending to city for fur robes, plush robes and horse blankets, come to me, I will sell at city prices. C. S. Furman, Bloomsburg, Pa. Fancy calanders from 10c to $l.OO at Bidleman's Book Store. Call on C. S. Furman and get prices on robes, blankets, trunks and valises before buying elsewhere. G. E. Grimes, Harness dealer at Light Street wishes to announce to the public that lie is again doing business in the store room, one door below the old stand. He has an entirely new stock of Harness, Col lars, Robes, Blankets, Whips, etc. 1 The patronage of all is respectfully solicited. 12-1-4 L Slippers by the hundreds at Lowen berg's. Don't miss seeing the beauti ful line. 48c. to 1.50. Prices low at Mercer's Drug and Rook Store. Water colors, etchings and colored photographs framed and unframed at Bidleman's Book Store. The largest line of Bibles, large, small and teacher's, ever shown in Bloomsburg, at Mercer's Drug and Book Stoie. Beautiful Rochester clothing, suits and overcoats at money saving prices at The D. Lowenberg Clothing Store. Candies for Xmas of all kinds. Mixtures, chocolates, clear toys and candy canes. Special prices to Sun day schools and Churches. Please call and get our prices. G. Ander son, 44 E. Main street., Bloomsburg, Pa. For the holiday Bust Photographs and Crayons go to R. B. Grotz, the Artistic Photographer. If you want a suit, or overcoat, hat, cap or furnishing goods for Christmas preset ts and save money, go to Gross. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA Don't fail to see'Bidleman's line of books, games, etc. Books of all kinds at Mercer's. H. M. Hockman is selling all his large stock of Christmas toys, doll carriages and rocking horses at cost. It is often puzzling what to give for a Christmas present. Doubts as to what to give and how much to pay are resolved into certainties by a visit to L. E. Whary's. You can save money by buying your suits and overcoats at Lowen berg's. Seventy-five different kinds of cups and saucers at L. E. Whary's. A large line of Juveniles from sc. to 75c. at Mercer's Drug and Book Store. Hats, caps, shirts, trunks and grips at way down prices at Gross'. Art, beauty and utility are all com bined in L. E. Whary's stock of Christmas goods. Gloves, seal plush caps and beauti ful silk mufflers at money saving prices at the store that undersells them all, Lowenberg's. See the very fine line of Ladies' Boston Shopping Bags and Coin Purses at Mercer's Drug and Book Store. Go to R. B. Grotz for the leading Artistic Christmas Novelties. A big line of stoves and ranges at L. E. Whary's, Main street below Market. Cut glass makes a beautiful Xmas gift. YVe sell none but genuine and the finest quality. J. E. Roys, Jeweler. 50 cent ties in puffs, four-in-hand, and tecks reduced to 25 cents at L. Gross'. A large line of silver plated spoons, knives and forks at L. E. Whary's. Don't fail to examine the great stock of clothing at Gross'. YVe make them as they should be made, and guarantee the style and finish of our Photographs to be abso lutely correct. R. B. Grotz, Photo -1 grapher. I See the beautiful slippers, an enor mous assortment 48c. to 1.50 at Lowenberg's. A very neat and tasty line of Epis copal prayer books and hymnals at Mercer's Drug and Book Store. Positively the finest Baccarettes, French and American glass tumblers from 5 cents each to $3.00 a dozen at L. E. YY'hary's. Go to R. B. Grotz for the leading Artistic Christmas Novelties. Pocket knives, razors, scissors and ail kinds of cutlery at Peacock's Hardware Store. Life Size Crayons at R. B. Grotz' Photographer. See the large, handsome Jardinieres at L. E. Whary's. Coffee Pots in nickle, agate, copper etc., at Peacock's. Everything for men at Lowenberg's. Beautiful neckwear 25c. and 50c. Decorative porcelains for Christmas Gifts. Fine selected specimens from the most famous patterns of the world at L. E. Whary's. Sterling Silver Hair Brush and Comb for $2.80 and beautifully hand engrav ed without extra charge at J. E. Roys. The latest styles—lowest prices and most reliable goods always to be found at The Star Clothing House. • Advice to (Consumptives There are three great reme- : : dies that every person with : weak lungs, or with consump- ' : tion itself, should understand. ; These remedies will cure ! : about every case in its first ; stages; and many of those : ; more advanced. It is only ; the most advanced that are : hopeless. Even these are : wonderfully relieved and life : :; itself greatly prolonged. What are these remedies ? : Fresh air, proper food and ; scon's Emulsion :: of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- : \ phosphites. Be afraid of j : draughts but not of fresh air. : : Eat nutritious food and drink • plenty of milk. Do not forget ': that Scott's Emulsion is the j ;: oldest, the most thoroughly : ; tested and the highest en- ; I: dorsed of all remedies for : I; weak throats, weak lungs and : consumption in all its stages. joc. and $100; all dniggiata. SCOTTA BOWNft, Oaitaoa. Now Ymrfc. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. LARGEST STOCK IN COLUM BIA COUNTY. We mention a few things: Hair brush, sterling silver, fine bristles and comb, in handsome case, $2.80 to 6.50. Mirrors, 5.50, 7.75, 9.00, 10.00. Combs, 50c to 1.40. Nail files and button hooks, 25c to 1.50. Nail brushes, 75c to 2.50. Whisk brooms, 1.90 to 3.75. Bonnet brushes, 1.75 to 2.50 Vaseline jars, cut glass and silver tops, 35c. to i.OO. Shoe horns, 75c to 1.75. Tooth brushes, 75c to 2.50. Curling irons, 90c to 2.40. Paper knives, 25c to 1.40. Ink wells and mucilage bottle, 1.25 to 2.50. Stocking darneis, 1.50 up. Tape measures, 1.50 up. Scissors, 1.00 up. Stamp boxes, 15c. up. Match boxes, 1.00 up. Arm elastics, 95c up. Baby rattles, 1.25 up. Pen knives, 1.00 up. Key rings, hat markers, coat markers, 40c to 1.00. Grip checks and bicycle tags, 50c to 1.50. 1 Emerys 25 cents and up. The above goods are Sterling Silver and are beautifully hand engraved with mono gram, without extra charge. J.E. ROYS. Nowhere can you find a more complete line of Chinaware than at L. E. Whary's. Salad dishes, Bread plates, Sugar and Cream sets, China cake plates, Gold decorated olive dish es and hosts of other beautiful things for Christmas Gifts. See our stock and be convinced. Remember that J. E. Roys engraves beautiful monograms without extra charge on all articles bought at his store. Peacock & Co., are showing a beautiful line of Chafing dishes, Baker's Crumb trays and brushes, etc. Gloves! Gloves! Gloves! If you want a nice Xmas present go to Town send's Star Clothing House. From now until January ist. L. E. Whary will sell handsome dinner sets, decorated, not printed, at $12,00, re duced from $14,00, Call and see them. Buy an Eighme shirt at Gross', no other store in Bloom can sell them. A great reduction in all kinds of clothing at Gross', must make room for spring goods. For House Coats, Smoking Jackets and Bath Robes go to Townsend's Star Clothing House. Solid gold rings, set with opals and other stones for $1.65, any size at J. E. Roys'. Suspenders from 20c. a pair to 2.50 at Townsend's Star Clothing House. Buy Jane Hopkins' double seat and knee pants at Gross', no other store in Bloom has them. Albums cheap at Mencer's Drug and Book Store. Shirts, night robes, dress shirts and shirts for all purposes go to Townsend's Star Clothing House. Carving sets from 75c. to $B.OO at Peacock's Hardware Store. A fine line of lamps and prices are right at Mercer's Drug and Book Store. Xmas ! Xmas! Xmas 1 For real nice presents for gentlemen's wear go to Townsend's Star Clothing House. You can see a line of Xmas books at Bidleman's Book Store from 14c to $5.00. He will senc for any book published at the city prices. A solid gold Lady's watch makes a beautiful Xmas gift and only cost $16.50 with Elgin or Waltham move ment at J. E. Roys'. Storm coats and reefers. Storm reefers for men and boys at bargains, now selling at Townsend's Star Cloth ing House. Toilet cases and fancy cases of all discriptions at Mercer's Drug and Book Store. For your Xmas Hat go to the Star Clothing House. The latest novelty—Boston shop ping bags and purses—just the thing for Christmas gifts, at James H. Mercer's. Now for cheap candy and Christ mas toys at H. M. Hockman's. He is selling out at cost. CTIVB SOLICITORS WANTED EVKItY WHEKB for "The Story ot the Philippines" by Murat Halntead, commissioned by the Gov ernment as Official Historian to the War Depart ment. The book was written in army camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with General Mer rttt„Tn the hospitals at Honolulu,ln Hong Kong, In the American trenches at Manila, In the in surgent camps with Agulnaldo, on the deck of the Olympla with Dewey, and the roar of battle at the tall of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brim full of original pictures taken by government photographers on the spot. Large book. Low B rices, lllg profits. Freight pahf Credit given, rop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free. Address, F. T. Barber, Seo'y., star insur ance Bldg., Chicago. 10-B.'-let. THIS STORE S READY With its festoons of holly garlanding gracefully every por and arch—appropriately decorated, suggestive of the seasoi The most generously assorted holiday stocks of us eful good: suitable for Christmas gift choosing. Read on. Christmas Dress Goods. For personal need or holiday thought, this stock is well ready. Time was when Dress Goods were pushed back to give prominence to trinkety stocks. Now the acceptableness of dress patterns is generally manifest. 45 in. all wool Henriettas, 50c yard. 45 in. Granite Suitings, 75c yard. 52 in. Venetian Suit ngs, $1 yard. Kid Gloves for Gifts. Of course. What more ac ceptable to any lady? A really good Glove at 85c pair, our special SEAL KID Glove at 1.5 pair, and our reliable line of $1 Gloves, give you a good line to select from, with a line of Chil dren's Kid Gloves. Christmas Umbrellas. An Umbrella is an acceptable gift, to either lady or gent. Our line, suitable for both, is com plete. At all prices. Silvenvare and Jewelry. These two stocks contain all the newest of the season. Tea spoons, knives and forks, table spoons, hollow ware, sterling silver novelties, cuff buttons, brooches, gold rings, manicure sets, &c. Fur Collarettes and Scarfs. For your own needs and gifts, at REDUCED PRICES. A good, warm and stylish gift, for a lady or miss. DRESS GOODS AND COAT SALE. We will continue our Special Coat and Dress Goods Sale. This gives you an opportunity to save mon ey on your own needs, and for gift giving. See them. Big reduction in prices. Christmas Petticoats. A new line to-day. Some thing nice. Looks like silk, but H. J. CLARK & SOiM. 1. W. HARTMAN & SON. The Dry Goods Storekeepers of Bloomsburg Will Eat Theia Turkeys on Monday Next. Stores Closed on That Day. Have not consulted Grocery stores—but suppose they will close part of the day. This is the week of all others to pick up something for "Santa Claus" to give away! Our line of 25c articles were never larger: new ones being added daily. The 5c & ioc Tables are han dy to pick up cheap presents. The praise is again given us on our Shelves of fine China— Single articles of fine dishes run up to $4.50 Cut Glass Deserts 2.25, 2.50 & 3.00. Chocolate Pots 50c, 75c, 1.00, 1.39, 1.69, 2.00 up to 3.50. Cracker Jars from 25c to 2.75, Rose Bowls ioc to 2.50. Store open 'till 9 o'clock this week. Saturday night, as late as buyers are in. 1. W. HARTMAN & SON. IfHARPEKSBAZAR % ®(A A thoroughly up-to date weekly periodical devoted to fashions for womej, jK Wtll be. during ilgq. as heretofore \ A MIRROR OF FASHIONS V Exclusive models of jowoi Dom London, sad New York will be |n The Paris Letter The London Letter X By KATHARINE DE FOREST By v Special L'orreiposJsHt 3 The New York Letter S. R. Cm.aett ok By ANNIE T ASHMORE B will aid women in all those little pointa of fashion matters that are snch helpa ■j keeping one dressed In good taste Cut Paper Patterns Outline Patterns Tk of selected gowns will be furnished will be published free every ether jK at a nominal cost. week in supplementary form. A COLORED FASHION PLATES (i published once a month, will assist women In selecting the proper colore n % FICTION J j Ksthanne Oc Foictt 1 Kit Kennedy The Meloon Farm " Ok . By S.R.CROCKETT By MARIA LOUISE POOL ®A Confident To-Morrow R By BRANDER MATTHEWS • sre three serial stories to sppesr iu lIQQ that have seldom been equalled la n „ plot and treatmeat. ft SHORT STORY CONTRIBUTORS I I Christina T. Herrlek Harriet P. Spofford Mary B. Wllklni Margaret S. Brlseoa R < Ella W. Paattla Carolina Tleknor M.„E.WHU.t 1 I Marlon Harland Ruth NoKnary Stuart • r SPBCIAL ARTICLES TO APPEAR § 2 The Busy dottier The Deaf Child ' R By A. W. McCULLOUGH By Mrs. ANNIE RA MSB T ft Women Earning a Living After College, What? ft By HELEN DOUGLAS By ADAL/NE W. STERLING W) In additioo to these there will be many others, all of instructive value to women. • A SPECIAL OFFER: „ 9 FOUR WEEKS FOR CtS. 8 . 'SO Ctmts a Cojry UOO a Ttmr ■,and, Matthews X Address HARPER * BROTHBRS, Publishers. New Vark. N. T. not silk. You should see their Make a useful gift. Silks for Gifts. Waist lengths, dress lengths skirt lengths. All the newest and at reasonable prices. 20 inch taffetas, 75c yard. 20 inch black satin duchess 90c yard. 27 inch black satin rhadames 96c yard. Christmas Hosiery. Hosiery of the reliable, goot wearing kinds. Make usefu ; gifts. Our lines of ladies', gente and children s, offer a goot range to choose from, either b* the pair or J doz, or 1 doz. pairs Blankets, Quilts and Curtains Are you looking for a gift fo a housekeeper? There is useful ness attached to a gift of blank ets, quilts, or curtains. Linens us Gifts. What more acceptable to air housekeeper than nice linens" This stock is ready for your choosing. Coats and Capes Always make acceptable gifts and specially so when you caj buy these goods at the BIG Ri DUCTION IN PRICES we hav made on them. I Christmas Handkerchiefs. Complete lines. All kinds Plain, embroidered and initials All prices, from sc. up. See ou special 25c. line. Jersey and Wool Leggings. A full line for ladies', misses and qhildren. Just what yoi need for this weather. A use ful gift. Framed pictures, easels,stools screens, brass tables, jardinien stands, fancy boxes, perfumery. toilet articles. See our 23c. fim perfumes. Cushion tops, cush ions, fur floor rugs, baby carri age robes. Children's fur Sets. New line. Alll kinds. The boys and girls are mucfc interested in looking for a Trair of Cars, a Hansom with a horse and driver, a fine Engine, a Cart, a Horse, a Mule, a Bear, a Goat, j a Parrot, a Rooster, a Table, a I Bureau, a Washboard, a Bed, a Sweeper, a Lawn Mower, a Piano 22c to $1.50. Others for Books, Blocks, etc. The Ladies are handling over the 2,000 Handkerchiefs 2 for 5c up to $2.00. Don't forget our Cut Price Sale of Coats and Capes, with a big line of Collaretts, (Special Prices). 300 Pocket Books for Children Ladies and Men. 5c to $3.00. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers