K'oyil rrvikcs the food prre, %, acid de'.lclous. 3 POWDER Absolutely Pure i^^^^POVA^MKIN^OWDt^O^E^rORK^^ THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, FA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1898. Jfitiered at the Post Office at Pa, <v> srt-una class matter, March 1,1888. Paper Free for One Month. THE COLUMBIAN will be sent free to any person in the county, on re cti pt of the name and address on a j>ostal. Don't be afraid to ask for it. Vou will get it only four weeks, unless ordered to be continued. A Free Book. Every subscriber who pays all ar rearages, and one year in advance, will he presented with the Thrice-a week World for 3 months, or a World Almanac for 1899. The Almanac contains a marvellous compendium ot useful facts, and a complete history of the Spanish-American war, and a bat it. calendar. This offer is good until Jan. 1, 1599. tf To New Subscribers- For SI.OO we will send THE COL t'MiiiAN until January Ist, 1900, and tne i'hrice-a-Week World for three months, or a copy of the World Al manae for 1899. Subscribe now and g t the benefit of this liberal offer, tf We have received the 'atest sample Look of society address cards and are prepared to supply cards with beauti ful designs and in great variety to Masons ot all degrees, Odd Fellows, Knights of Malta, Knights of the Gol den Eagle, Junior O. U. A. M., G. A. R., Union Veteran League, Sons of Veterans, Royal Arcanum, T O S. of A. Also cards for Fire men, Christian Endeavors and many other organizations Call and see samples. tf. Hotel, Restaurant, Wholesale, Distillers, and Bottlers License blanks for sale at the COLUMBIAN office. 10 cents each or 3 for 25 cents. tf PURELYPERSONAL F. M. Leader transacted business in Wil- Jiainsport on Thursday. Lawrence Tooley, spent Sunday with rel atives at Shamokin. K W. Jacobs made a business trip to Philadelphia last Friday. Res 1. D. Smith, pastor of the Baptist tburch was in New York State over Sunday. Clarence Hower, who is employed at Pitts barß tame home Monday to spend Christmas with his family. J. Wesley Mover, witnessed "The Old at the Nesbit theatre in Wilkes bare, Thursday night. Clinton Hartmau of Benton township is a inn man this week. It has been eighteen years since he last was in Bloom. Akin fresher, of Raven Creek, J. Fisher, ot Mainville, F. P. Davis, of Canby, and I* Merricle, of Buckhorn, were among our Monday callers. Paul K. Wirt, inventor and manufacturer a\ the Wirt fountain pen, of Bloomsburg, was isi thi* city on Thursday, accompanied by his wife. Wilkesharre Record. i.limit Lemon, a well known auctioneer and thrifty farmer of Asbury, went to Buff ah on Saturday to purchase two car loads of cattle. Professor Samuel J. Pealer has gone to We t Virginia, on business in connection with a survey, which he made in that state some time ago. lie will return home in a few weeks. "pins TO Eim, WE HAVE 300 styles Sterling Sil ver Novelties. 40 styles Hand Painted China. 500 styles Gifts in Leather. 500 styles Fine Per fumery. 50 styles Hand Painted blotters, &c. Huyler's Confection* 80 cents. Lowney's Chocolates 6oc. BEAUTIFUL ART STUD 7 FREE With each dollar purchase of perfume. W. S. Rishton, Ph. G.. Ootmte P 0 Pharmacist Telephone No 107 Miss Caroline Kelley of Lewisburg, is visit ing friends in town. W. II Smith, proprietor of the Isenton Argus, was noticed on our streets on Mon day. 11. F. John of Mt. Carmel, spent Sunday with his son Harry in town. Mr. John is one of Mt. Camel's most successful merchants. S. B. Still well of Scranton, chief detective of the I>. L & W. R. R. Co., has been in town this week attending the trial of a dam age case court. Arthur Collcy of Waterbury, Con., is the guest of his uncle W. D Beckley. Me used to live here and was employed at the Brass & Copper Works. William 11. Mngill, Esq , has been con fined to the house for the past few days by sickness with which he was suddenly taken while at his office in Benton on Saturday. Dr. N. Y. Leet of Scranton, Surgeon in charge of the Moses Taylor Hospital in that city, was a witness in the suit of Case vs. D. L. & W. R. R. Co., on Wednesday. During the trial of the Case suit on Wed _ nesday afternoon, J. E. Hayhurst, one of the jurymen, received word by telephone from Orangeville, that one of his children was - very sick. Court adjourned at five o'clock to permit him to go home. Jacob Fisher of Main township was in town on Monday as a juror but was excused. He is one of our old friends, having been a sub scriber to this paper for over thirty three years. And what is still better, he always pays for it in advance. Reuben Boston, of Benton township is do ing jury duty this week. He is one ot the prospeious farmers and prominent citizens of his section of the county, and is a long time subscriber to th s paper. He made this of fice a pleasant call on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Mary Wigfall of Philadelphia, came 1 to Bloomsburg just before Thanksgiving to visit her son, Samuel Wigfall, and wife. She was seized with illness soon after wards, and has been in a critical condition since. Her other son, Newton, was summoned from Philadelphia last week, and is still here. Her home physician was also sent for, and made her a visit. At present the reports of her ■ condition arc quite discouraging. ANNOUNCEMENTS. BOATING. Good board by the day or week can be obtained at west corner oi Market and Third streets. Terms reasonable. 11-24-41. JOHN WOLF, ACT. Well! Well!! Well!!! Look here, Seven Prize Drawings on " Monday Jan. 2, New Year's, 1899, at ten o'clock in the morning in store 25 E. Main street, Bloomsburg. Ist prize is a Dewey-Manila new clock of 1898; 2nd, 2 pounds of fancy mixed nuts 1 and one quart of Italian chestnuts; 3rd, 2 pounds of clear toys and 1 pound best macaroni; 4th one peck best 1 roasted peanuts; sth, one quart can 1 of Italian oil; 6th, one dozen best oranges; 7th, one bunch bananas val , ued at $2.50 or more. These premiums will be given to those who spend 25c, they will get a ticket free for drawing; those spending 50c will get a 5c package of chewing : gum and one ticket for drawing free. ; All come and see large stock of pure i candy, toys, taffy and fresh and dried fruit. This prize drawing commences to day. N. MALFAIERA. Fancy calanders from 10c to sr.oo . at Bidleman's Book Store. Call on C. S. Furman and get prices on robes, blankets, trunks and valises > before buying elsewhere. 1 G. E. Grimes, Harness dealer at Light Street wishes to announce to " the public that he is again doing business in the store room, one door 1 below the old stand. He has an • entirely new stock of Harness, Col lars, Robes, Blankets, Whips, etc. 5 The patronage of all is respectfully 1 solicited. i2-i-4t. Slippers by the hundreds at Lowen r berg's. Don't miss seeing the beauti ful line. 48c. to 1.50. [ Water colors, etchings and colored i photographs framed and unframed at Bidleman's Book Store. The largest line of Bibles, large, small and teacher's, ever shown in ( Bloomsburg, at Mercer's Drug and , Book Store. 1 Beautiful Rochester clothing, suits and overcoats at money saving prices at The D. Lowenberg Clothing Store. Candies for Xnias of all kinds. Mixtures, chocolates, clear toys and candy canes. Special prices to Sun day schools and Churches. Please ' call and get our prices. G. Ander son, 44 E. Main street., Bloomsburtr, | Pa. . You can see a line of Xmas books I at Bidleman's Book Store from 14c to $5.00. He will senc for any book published at the city prices. Don't fail to see Bidleman's line of | books, games, etc. For the holiday Bust Photographs and Crayons go to R. B. Grotz, the ' Artistic Photographer. j Books of all kinds at Mercer's. H. M. Hockman is selling all his large stock of Christmas toys, doll 3 carriages and rocking horses at cost. It is often puzzling what to give for a Christmas present. Doubts as to what to give and how much to pay are resolved into certainties by a visit to L. E. Whary's. r HE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, P' You can save money by buying your suits and overcoats at Lowen berg's. Seventy-five different kinds of cups and saucers at L. E. Whary's. A large line of Juveniles from sc. to 75c. at Mercer's Drug and Book Store. Newest line of robes and blankets ever offered to the public is at C. S. Furman's. Hats, caps, shirts, trunks and grips at way down prices at Gross'. Art, beauty and utility are all com bined in L. E. Whary's stock of Christmas goods. Gloves, seal plush caps and beauti ful silk mufflers at money saving prices at the store that undersells them all, Lowenberg's. See the very fine line of Ladies' Boston Shopping Bags and Coin Purses at Mercer's Drug and Book Store. Go to R. B. Grotz for the leading Artistic Christmas Novelties. A big line of stoves and ranges at L. E. Whary's, Main street below Market. Cut glass makes a beautiful Xmas gift. We sell none but genuine and the finest quality. J. E. Roys, Jeweler. 50 cent ties in puffs, four-in-hand, and tecks reduced to 25 cents at L. Gross'. A large line of silver plated spoons, knives and forks at L. E. Whary's. Don't fail to examine the great stock of clothing at Gross'. We make them as they should be made, and guarantee the style and finish of our Photographs to be abso lutely correct. R. B. Grotz, Photo grapher. See J. W. Moyer's line of Xmas Toys. See the beautiful slippers, an enor mous assortment 48c. to 1.50 at Lowenberg's. A very neat and tasty line of Epis copal prayer books and hymnals at Mercer's Drug and Book Store. Positively the finest Baccarettes, French and American glass tumblers from 5 cents each to $3.00 a dozen at L. E. Whary's. Go to R. B. Grotz for the leading Artistic Christmas Novelties. Pocket knives, razors, scissors and ail kinds of cutlery at Peacock's Hardware Store. Life Size Crayons at R. B. Grotz' Photographer. See the large, handsome Jardinieres at L. E. Whary's. Coffee Pots in nickle, agate, copper etc., at Peacock's. Everything for men at Lowenberg's. Beautiful neckwear 25c. and 50c. Decorative porcelains for Christmas Gifts. Fine selected specimens from the most famous patterns of the world at L. E. Whary's. Sterling Silver Hair Brush and Comb for $2.80 and beautifully hand engrav ed without extra charge at J. E. Roys. The latest styles—lowest prices and most reliable goods always to be found at The Star Clothing House. A good place to spend your leisure moments in the evening with a friend is Daubach's Billiard Parlor. Fine tables, ivory balls. Shooting gallery attached, under Exchange Hotel. ? Doctor j / Knows) r Your doctor knows all about N J foods and medicines. f / The next time you see him, \ J just ask him what he thinks f <Seed's Emulsion) C Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- 3 % phosphites. We are willing V X to trust in his answer. I / For twenty-five years doc- X | tors have prescribed our / / Emulsion for paloness, weak- V S ness, nervous ecxhaustion, and / f for all diseases that oause N X loss in flosh. f / Its creamy color and its \ | pleasant taste make it es- / / pecially useful for thin and V 1 delicate ohildren. / J No other preparation of cod- X \ liver oil is like It. Don't lose / / time and risk your health by \ j taking something unknown / I and untried. Keep in mind V S that SCOTT'S EMULSION/ J has stood the test for a j X quarter of a century. I / 50c. and Si. 00; all druggists. \ \ SCOTT Be BOWNE, Chemists, New York. / HOLIDAY PRESENTS. LARGEST STOCK IN COLUM BIA COUNTY. We mention a few things: Hair brush, sterling silver, fine bristles and comb, in handsome case, $2.80 to 6.50. Mirrors, 5.50, 7.75, 9.00, 10.00. Combs, 50c to 1.40. Nail files and button hooks, 25c to 1.50. Nail brushes, 75c to 2.50. Whisk brooms, 1.90 to 3*75' Bonnet brushes, 1.75 to 2.50 Vaseline jars, cut glass and silver tops, 35c. to 1.00 / Shoe horns, 75c to 1.75. Tooth brushes, 75c to 2.50. Curling irons, 90c to 2.40. Paper knives, 25c to 1.40. Ink wells and mucilage bottle, 1.25 to 2.50. Stocking darners, 1.50 up. Tape measures, 1.50 up. Scissors, 1.00 up. Stamp boxes, 15c. up. Match boxes, 1.00 up. Arm elastics, 95c up. Baby rattles, 1.2$ up. Pen knives, 1.00 up. Key rings, hat markers, coat markers, 40c to 1.00. Grip checks and bicycle tags, 50c to 1.50. Emervs 25 cents and up. The above goods arc Sterling Silver and | are beautifully hand engraved with mono-! gram, without extra charge. J. E. ROYS. Nowhere can you find a more complete line of Chinaware than at L. E. Whary's. Salad dishes, Bread plates, Sugar and Cream sets, China cake plates, Gold decorated olive dish es and hosts of other beautiful things for Christmas Gifts. See our stock and be convinced. Remember that J. E. Roys engraves beautiful monograms without extra charge on all articles bought at his store. Peacock & Co., are showing a beautiful line of Chafing dishes, Baker's Crumb trays and brushes, etc. Books for Xmas at J. VV. Moyer's. Gloves! Gloves! Gloves ! If you want a nice Xmas present go to Town send's Star Clothing House. From now until January ist. L. E. Whary will sell handsome dinner sets, decorated, not printed, at $12,00, re duced from $14,00, Call and see them. Buy an Eighme shirt at Gross', no other store in Bloom can sell them. A great reduction in all kinds of clothing at Gross', must make room for spring goods. Shirts, night robes, dress shirts and shirts for all purposes go to Townsend's Star Clothing House. For House Coats, Smoking Jackets and Bath Robes go to Townsend's Star Clothing House. Solid gold rings, set with opals and other stones for $1.65, any size at J. E. Roys'. Suspenders from 20c. a pair to 2.50 at Townsend's Star Clothing House. Buy Jane Hopkins' double seat and knee pants at Gross', no other store in Bloom has them. Albums cheap at Mercer's Drug and Book Store. Carving sets from 75c. to SB.OO at Peacock's Hardware Store. A fine line of lamps and prices are right at Mercer's Drug and Book Store. Xmas ! Xmas! Xmas ! For real nice presents for gentlemen's wear go td Townsend's Star Clothing House. The Phillips Studio w : ll be able to finish all Xmas work promptly, having secured the services of an expert as sistant. A solid gold Lady's watch makes a beautiful Xmas gift and oniy cost $16.50 with Elgin or Waltham move ment at J. E. Roys'. Storm coats and reefers. Storm reefers for men and boys at bargains, now selling at Townsend's Star Cloth ing House. Toilet cases and fancy cases of all discriptions at Mercer's Drug and Book Store. For your Xmas Hat go to the Star Clothing House. The latest novelty—Boston shop ping bags and purses—just the thing for Christmas gifts, at James H. Mercer's. Now for cheap candy and Christ- j mas toys at H. M. Hockman's. He is selling out at cost. 4 CTIVK SOLICITOUS WANTED EVERY- AwilEltE for "The Story of the Philippines" by Murat Halstead, commissioned by the Gov ernment as official Historian to the War Depart ment. The book was written In army camps at San I'ranclsco, on the Pacinc with General Mer rill,'ln the hospitals at Honolulu,ln Ilong Kong, In tlie American trenches at Manila, In the In surgent camps with Agulnaldo, on the deck of theOlympla with Dewey, and the roar of battle at Iho tall of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brim full of original pictures taken by government photographers on the spot. Large book. Low prices. Big proilts. freight paid Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Osttlt free! Address,?. T Barber, Sec'y., star Insur ance Itldg.. Chicago. lb - -'lt. THIS STORE'S READY With its festoons of holly garlanding gracefully every post and arch—appropriately decorated, suggestive of the season. The most generously assorted holiday stocks of useful goods, suitable for Christmas gift choosing. Read on. Christmas Dress Goods. For personal need or holiday thought, this stock is well 1 ready. Time was when Dress Goods were pushed back to give . prominence to trinkety stocks. t Now the acceptableness of dress patterns is generally manifest. 45 in. all wool Henriettas, 50c , yard. 45 in. Granite Suitings, 75c , yard. 52 in. Venetian Suitings, $1 yard. Kid Gloves for Gifts. Of course. What more ac ceptable to any lady? A really good Glove at 85c pair, our special SEAL KID Glove at 1. 5 pair, and our reliable line of $1 Gloves, give you a good line to select from, with a line of Chil dren's Kid Gloves. Christmas Umbrellas. An Umbrella is an acceptable gift, to either lady or gent. Our line, suitable for both, is com plete. At all prices. Silverware and Jewelry. These two stocks contain all the newest of the season. Tea spoons, knives and forks, table spoons, hollow ware, sterling silver novelties, cuff buttons, brooches, gold rings, manicure sets, &c. | Far Collarettes and Scarfs. For your own needs and | gifts, at REDUCED PRICES. AI good, warm and stylish gift, for a lady or miss. I 111 ■!■■■ ■■■■■! II IMHI| DRESS GOODS AND COAT SALE. I We will continue our! Special Coat and Dress I Goods Sale. This gives you 1 an opportunity to save mon- I ey on your own needs, and ■ for gift giving. See them. I Big reduction in prices.. Christmas Petticoats. . - A new line to-day. Some thing nice. Looks like silk, but H. J. CLARK & SON. I. W. HARTMAN & SON. Over Seventy Millions of People in America Should Have a Christmas Present This Year. Our stock would help 5,000 of them. You can find one on The 25c. Table, The ioc. Table, The sc. Table, Or a fine dish off the 35 feet of shelves, from 50c. to $4.50. The fine Silk and Cotton Um brellas have nobby handles, and they make a useful present—soc to $5.00. A grand mistake We advertise Si is made if you let The little girl will 000 Christmas pres the Christmas pass be anxious for a nice cnts for sale. Could without making the Doll. safely say double children or some rpl .. . , that number. Out friend happy. See e b °y of this vast stock what you can find wants a horse and y OU can have first at wagon, or train of choice Our Store l cara ' This Week J. Saltzer has the largest and most complete stock of Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines and Musical mer chandise ever gathered together in Bloomsburg. Among his line of pianos are represented the product of the fol lowing celebrated factories: Mason & Hamlin, KrauKauer and the Shoe maker gold string. His stock of or gans is from the best makers in the world, including the 7 octave piano case organ. Any one contemplating the purchase of a Sewing Machine should see his line. High arm Sing ers, standard the world over, are sold on the installment plan, $5 down and $3 per week, Demorest's $19.50. Guitars, Violins, Mandolins, Har monicas, etc., all prices, also all the latest sheet music at half price. Mr. Saltzer has just added a line of the latest improved talking machines, the Graphophone, varying in price from $12.00 to $25.00. Band music, vocal selections and instrumental music of all kinds reproduced with all the sweetness and expression as they are played by the leading musical organ izations of the world. No better Christmas Gift can be found. If you want a suit, or overcoat, hat, cap or furnishing goods for Christmas presents and save money, go to Gross. Prices low at Mercer's Drug and Book Store. not silk. You should see them. Make a useful gift. Silks for Gifts. Waist lengths, dress lengths, skirt lengths. All the newest, and at reasonable prices. 20 inch taffetas, 75c yard. 20 inch black satin duchess, 90c yard. 27 inch black satin rhadames, 96c yard. Christmas Hosiery. Hosiery of the reliable, good wearing kinds. Make useful gifts. Our lines of ladies', gent's and children's, offer a good range to choose from, either by the pair or \ doz, or 1 doz. pairs. Blankets, Quilts and Curtains. Are you looking for a gift for a housekeeper ? There is useful ness attached to a gift of b'ank ets, quilts, or curtains. Linens as Gifts. What more acceptable to any housekeeper than nice linens ? This stock is ready for your choosing. Coats and Capes Always make acceptable gifts, and specially so when you can buy these goods at the BIG RE DUCTION IN PRICES we have made on them. I Christmas Handkerchiefs. Complete lines. All kinds. Plain, embroidered and initials. All prices, from sc. up. See our special 25c. line. Jersey and Wool Leggings. A full line for ladies', misses* and children. Just what you need for this weather. A use ful gift. Framed pictures, easels,stools, screens, brass tables, jardiniere stands, fancy boxes, perfumery, toilet articles. See our 23c. fine perfumes. Cushion tops, cush ions, fur floor rugs, baby carri age robes. Children's Lur Sets. New line. Alll kinds. The new Capes and Coats, at our December Cut Price Sale, ate bringing out the buyers. Remember, we have a large line. Misses' and Childreu's Jack ets are in this December Sale. The ladies are trying on Dress Skirts, in expectation that the mother will purchase one for a Christmas present. The daughter or mother won't refuse one from the father. Jrt g/h Christmas Cabinets. There is little time to spare if you want photos for Christmas. It takes time to do really good work, and that is what we pride ourselves on. There is nothing more acceptable for Christ mas than a photograph, and those made by the Phillips studio make more welcome gifts than others. Our pictures have an individuality and show original treatment in pose and lighting not seen in pictures, except from the larger cities. —THE— PHILLIPS * STUDIO, MAIN STREET. Opposite Episcopal Rectory. 11-3 4 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers