The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 20, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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    Jenks and the Soldiers.
How He Pleaded the Cause of the
Pensioners when it Was Sought
to Make Them a Body •
of Mendicants.
To the Boys'in Blue on the Fioor
of Congress that Should Never
be Forgotten by Them.
In 1876 the Honorable George A.
Jenks then a member of Congress, in
troduced a bill to transfer the Pension
Bureau of the United States from the
Interior Department to the War De
partment. The matter being under
discussion Congressman Kasson, of
lowa, was quoted as having made the
declaration that pensions were in the
nature of a government gratuity and
were not in the nature of a contract be
tween the government and the soldiers
that the government had the right at
any time to shut off all pensions and
granted them only as a mere gratuity
and not as a matter of obligation. The
whole matter of the granting of pen
sions it was claimed by Mr. Kasson
was discretionary with the government
both as to the amount of the pension
and the time of its continuance.
Congressman Townsend, of New
York, argued in a like strain to which
Mr. Jenks replied as follows:—"From
these extracts it will be seen that gen
tlemen of experience, learned in the'
law, and for whom personally I have
the highest respect, have asserted that
an invalid pension is not a debt; that it
may be granted or withheld at the
pleasure of the Government; that there
is no obligation to pay it; that it is
simply a gratuity. Now, if it be a
gratuity, we may at any moment cut
off these pensions; we may refuse to
pay them from any moment that it
may occur to the legislative branch of
the Government that it is for the in
terest of the Government so to do. If
that be so it is a most fatal truth for
these pensioners who have been de
prived of their limbs in the cause of
their country.
"Now, in order to refute what seems
to me to be a most flagrant fallacy, 1
propose to discuss the question at this
time, because, first, I think the Pen
sion Bureau, which we seek to trans
fer, has been laboring under the same
fallacy, has been of the opinion that
they may grant or refuse a pension as
they see proper, that they may expedite
or delay it as to them may seem con
venient, that they may grant it to a
political friend or deny it to a political
opponent as may seem best for party
purposes. It is to lefute this view,and
that the people may comprehend what
is a right and what is a gift, that I
propose now to discuss this as the first
; question in this bill. A contract is an
agreement for a sufficient consider
ation to do or not to do some given
thing. Now if the Government, before
the soldier entered the army, told that
soldier that if he should enter and be-
come disabled he should be paid a
pension, that would be a contract, if
the soldier entered the army and was
disabled." (Here Mr. Jenks quoted
the resolution of the Continental Con
gress in 1776, the act of Aprl 30,
1790, the act of January n, 1812, and
the act of July 14, 1862 all to the
effect that it was the rule of the Gov-
local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness, and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucous lin
ing of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed, deafness is
the result, and unless the inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tube
restored to its normal condition, hear
ing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but'an i. flamed con
dition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give one hundred dollars
for any case of deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu
lars; free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.,Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best, im
"Ha! ha" laughed the Suburban
Idiot; "had my watch stolen to-day."
"I shouldn't think that a laughing
matter," said his neighbor. "Yes; but
the old thing runs slow, and just think
how mad the thief will be when he
misses his train by it."
ernment to consider an invalid soldier
as entitled to a pension as a matter of
right based upon the promise of the
lawmaking power.)
Mr. Hewitt, of Alabama, interrupt
ing Mr. Jenks at this point, said: "If
the gentlnman will allow me, 1 would
remind him that in the proclamation
of President Lincoln, issued in 1861,
calling for volunteers, a promise was
made that such as might be wounded
or should contract disease in the war
should have a pension; and congress
afterwards ratified that promise." To
this Mr. Jenks replied as follows: "The
facts are as the honorable gentleman
from Alabama (Mr. Hewitt) states
them. The persion law of 1862 was
not passed before the first soldier went
into the army; yet prior to that time
the soldiers had the word of a man
they had reason to trust that if they
should go into the service they should
be provided for. Shall that word be
disgraced here on the floor of this
Congress? Shall we disregard that
contract in view of which they went
into the army? They obeyed the call
of their country; and in that view they
did only their duty, it is true, as the
honorable gentleman from Illinois (Mr.
Hurlbut) has said; but it was a duty
the performance of which was danger
ous, and it was performed under the
promise that this provision would be
made. Dare we repudiate that prom
ise and say that it is not a contract?
Shali we say to a man who asks for a
pension, 'You are the acceptor of a
gratuity; you are a medicant; we can
grant jou this or refuse it at our op
tion, and no one can charge us with
injustice?' IN THE NAME OF THE PEN
The speech from which the above
extracts have been taken may be
found in full in the "Congressional
Record" of 1876, in part 2 of volume
4, pages 1739 to 1744. No man can
read the remarks of Mr. Jenks on that
occasion without feeling a thrill of
pride that Pennsylvania had a soldier's
champ : on on the floor of congress in
the person of George A. Jenks who
stood for the pensioner's rights, insist
ing that they were not pauper mendi
cants asking alms but worthy veterans
demanding their just rights under the
sacred promise of that Government
for the perpetuation of which they had
volunteered to sacrifice health, limb
and life if need be.
He is the same George A. Jenks
now he was in 1876, always for the
right and never upholding the wrong.
The flag and the veteran are to him
sacred; they are not the playthings of
political fortune nor are they articles
of merchandise to be trafficked to the
highest bidder.
Safety for Wheelmen.
A remarkable novelty intended to
increase the safety of wheelmen has
been introduced by a Berlin firm. It
consists of a luminous disk placed in
a nickel frame to be fastened in the
rear of the wheel, say back of the sad
dle, to prevent collisions with another
bicycle. The disks are covered with
a chemical preparation giving in the
dark a light similar to that of a glow
worm, but much stronger. The price
is rather small (about 60 cents), and
the little article will, therefore, be very
popular. The same firm is also in
troducing house numbers to be fasten
ed to the wall or gate of a house.
During the day the numbers appear
of a yellowish white, but at night they
shine out, so that the number is easily
found even in a dark night.
PILL-SENSE.— It stands to reason that
Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills will crowd out
of the market many of the nauseous
old-timeres A better medicine at less
than half the price is all the argument
needed to keep the demand what it
has been—phenominal—40 doses 10
cents. They cure Sick Headache.
Biliousness, and allay all stomach irri
tations. At all druggists.—34.
Sold by C. A. Kleim.
[Continued from Pugo 2.)
never known the Democratic newspa
pers to be so well united as at present
for Jenks. Ho specified The Record
and Pittsburg Dispatch as (loins ex
cellent work for l etter state govern
ment. Tin ue jot' - I.' and the county
newspapers, he aald, contained abund
ant material for the Democratic and
Independent speakers!throughout the
state. The 2CO Democratic newspapers
of the state never did better or more ef
fective work than they are now doing.
In closing the meeting Chairman
Garman said that so large at meeting
of representative Democrats as this
should demonsrate not only that the
party was thoroughly united, but also
that Its members felt certain of victory.
He urged that every county chairman
should divide all the Democrats into
blocks—"blocks of five" would do—and
have a trustworthy man to bring each
block to the polls. By this means the
Democrats could sweep the state with
out a single Republican vote. Mr.
Garman said he had lmpresed upon the
mind of every chairman the necessity
of having every Democratic voter call
ed upon personally by a responsible
Governor Pattlson, ex-Attorney Gen
eral Hensel and other eminent speakers
will be heard from frequently on the
stump from now on. Over 200 speakers
will be at work within a week In all the
counties. The candidates will speak
tvery day and evening. There is Dem
.cratlc victory In the air.
Berlin Police Official Dispatched to the
Orient to Protect tlio Ituler,
Constantinople, Oct. 19.—The Emper
or and Empress of Germany arrived
The Holienzollern anchored oft Dol
mabagtche Palace, with the German
warships Hertha and Hela above and
below her. Soon afterwards the em
peror and empress entered the Hohen
zollern's long boat and were rowed to
the palace, where they were received
by the Sultan rf Turkey, who was sur
rounded by a brilliant suite.
The German warships and a hun
dred guns from the batteries fired sa
The long boot of the Hohenzollern, on
Its way t.o tho landing stage, had to
steer clear f hundreds of boats, cai
ques and launches, containing officials,
policemen or spectators. The scene
was mr;t animated.
The meeting between the sultan and
his guests was most cordial.
Berlin, Oct. 19.—Police Detective
Commissioner Witmer has been dis
patched to the Orient for the special
protectin of Emperor William of Ger
A nuw.ber of German newspapers de
mand that special measures be taken
against Anarchists in Germany In con
sequence ol' the discovery at Alexan
dria of the plot to assassinate Emperor
William and King Humbert of Italy.
London, Oct. 19.—The Alexandria cor
respondent of the Daily Mail denounces
the inaction of the Italian consul there,
who has jurisdiction over the Italian
Anarchists now under arrest and char
ged with a conspiracy against the life
of Emperor William.
The consul has impounded all the
documents and referred the conspiraey
to Rome, thus blocking the police, who
are anxious to ferret it out.
The correspondent says that Ugo
Parrini, the cafe keeper and leader of
the Anarchist gang, desperately at
tacked the Italian consul when ar
raigned and was with difficulty over
Oil Ship Destroyed by Fire.
Margate, England, Oct. 18.—The Brit
ish ship Blengfell, Captain Johnston,
from New York on September 19 for
London, was destroyed by a sudden
fire oft this place early yesterday morn
Nine of her crew, including the cap
tain and pilot, perished. The surviv
ors were landed at t.hls place and at
The Blengfell was passing here in
tow, on her way to London at about
6.30 a. m., and was about four miles
off the coast. Suddenly she was en
veloped in flames and smoke poured
from her hatches.
Two lifeboats Immediately put off to
her assistance, but before they were
able to reach the burning vessel her
masts fell and she was burned to the
water's edge.
The Blengfell was an Iron vessel,
built at White Haven in 1876. She reg
istered I,lft tons, hailed from Liverpool
and was owned J. Edgar & Co.
The Blengfell had a cargo of naphtha
on board.
A Liquor Itlot In Connecticut.
New aven, Conn., Oct. 18.—Secretary
Thrasher, head of the State Law and
Order League, left this city yesterday
with a deputy sheriff for Walllngford,
to arrest. If possible, the leaders In
the riot at that place, where agents of
the league, after raiding a liquor sa
loon and arresting sellers and drinkers,
were mobbed, stoned and put in seri
ous peril of their lives.
The details show that it was one of
the most serious mobs in the history
of the state.
The mob consisted of about five
hundred persons, including a number
of women. The agents of the league
were hit many times by stones, badly
cut or bruised, and had a single shot
been fired from tho drawn revolvers, a
volley would have followed, and loss
df life almost surely resulted.
At the office of the league here |t is
said that the leader of the mob was a
soldier in uniform.
The governor of the state may be
appealed to to act In the case.
Gen. Greene In Snvannnh
Savannah, Ga., Oct. 18.—Major Gen
eral F. V. Greene, who led the left wing
of the American army in the fighting
before Manila, has arrived here to look
over the situation preparatory to as
suming command of the First division
of the Seventr army corps, which will
be brought to Savannah this week.
General Greene takes command of
the entire corps in the absence of Gen
eral Lee, who is at present In Rich
mond on account of the serious illness
of his wife.
Fnlnre Use of Montank Point
Washington, Oct. 19.—Montauk Point
will not be deserted by the United
States army merely because It Is to be
broken up e.s a ic turner camp and -o m
porary hospital station.
The purpose of the war department
now is to mele- a post of It. fo
v.-.-At al ! act, and a bath . y r.t' i
tiller;/ will be kept there all winter,
with a small detachment of the Signal
Corps to keep the electric plant In run
ning order.
Fire in Diimiil Swamp.
Norfolk, a., Oct. 18.—Fire has again
broketl out in the Dismal Swamp, and
wild animals are fleeing before the
flames. Bears are playing havoc with
the farmers' growing corn and many
traps have been set.
Judge S. W. Gary has arrived here
with two huge black bears which he
killed. They weighed three hundred
pounds each.
Indtaun to Surrender.
Washington. Oct. 19.—Indian Com
missioner Jones reported yesterday
from Walker, Minn., that all but one
of the Pillager Indians wanted by Uni
ted States marshals would surrender
Other Indians will assist the marshal
In capturing this renegade.
The Lmt.ri' Strike.
Brockton, Mass., Oct. 18. —The fifth
week of the lasters' strike in south
eastern Massachusetts was begun yes
terday morning, and according to the
union press committee the end is not
In sight.
A NewlTypa of Engine-
The Pennsylvania railroad is con
templating the construction of a new
type of engine. The cab will be over
the front end of the boiler, behind the
smokestack, and the fireman will work
at the fire box tenjor fifteen feet behind
the engineer. The object of this ar
rangement is to obtain a larger grate
area in passenger locomotives. The cab
being in front will allow the engineer an
unobstructed view of the tracks and sig
nals. The drivers will be seven feet in
diameter. The first one will likely be
built in the Altoona shops before the
close of the year.
At this season of the year boys be
gin the erection of winter haunts on
the hillsides. That there is no better
school for crime than in the most of
these shanties has been proven re
peatedly. Parents should see that
their boys do not frequent these
places, where the dime novel is read
and the first lessons in gambling
Serene comfort and happiness in ad
vanced years are realized by compara
tively few women.
Their hard lives, their liability to se
rious troubles ou account of their pecu
liar organism and their profound igno
rance concerning themselves, all com
bine to shorten the period of usefulness
and fill their later years with suffering.
Mrs. Pinkham has done much to make
women strong. She has given advice
to many that has shown them how to
guard against disease and retain vigor
ous health in old age. From every cor
ner of the earth there is constantly com
ing the most convincing statements
from women, showing the efficacy of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound in overcoming female ills. Here
is a letter from Mrs. J. C. Orms, of 220
Homer St., Johnstown, Pa., which is
earnest and straight to the point:
" DKAB Mits. PINKHAM:—I feel it my
duty to tell all suffering women that I
think your remedies are wonderful. I
had trouble with my head, dizzy spells
and hot flnshes. Feet and hands were
cold, was very nervous, could not sleep
well, hod kidney trouble, pain in
ovaries and congestion of the womb.
Since taking your remedies I am better
every way My head trouble is ail
gone, have no pain in ovaries, and am
cured of womb trouble. I can eat and
sleep well and am gaining in flesh. I
consider your medicine the best to be
had for female troubles."
• The present Mrs. Pinkham's experi
ence in treating female ills is unparal
lollcd, for years she worked side by
Bide with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, and
for sometime past has had Bole charge
of the correspondence department of
her great business, treating by letter
as many as a hundred thousand ailing
women during a single year.
IXY*B CKItAM BALM ft a positive care.
Apply Id to the noftrila. It it quickly absorbed. 80
cent* at Druggiata or by mail; nam pies 10c. by mall.
cei .-t ,
ELY BROTHERS, M Wftrren St., New York City-
; We have received the latest sample
liok of society address cards and are
prepared to supply cards with beauti
ful designs and in great variety to
Masons ot all degrees, Odd Fellows,
KnijHits of Malta, Knights of the Gol
den Eagle, Junior O. U. A, M.,
G. A. R., Union Veteran League,
Sons of Veterans, Royal Arcanum,
P. O. S. of A. Also cards for Fire
men, Christian Endeavors and many
other organizations. Call and see
samples. tf.
Lithographed bonds, stock certifi
cates, and checks are furnished at
THE COLUMBIAN office. tf.
No Crape
When you take Hood's rills. The big, old-fash
ioned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you ail to
pieces, arc not in It with Hood's. Easy to hike
and easy to operate, is true
of Hood's Pills, which are * K I
up to date In every respect. j§ N I 6
Safe, certain and sure. All H BUB
druggists. 25e. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only Fills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
cuaxs f FBVBBB, Luna Fever, Milk Fever.
CORKS S SPRAINS. Lameness, Hhcumatlsm,
cinuus } WORMS, Dots. Grubs.
CL'luis | COUGHS, tlolds. inlluenza.
Bellyache, Diarrhea.
CORES \ MAIS'GE, Skin Diseases.
60c. each; Stable Cftso, Ten Specifies, Book, &c., $7.
At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William & John
and Prostration fPom Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific
No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only
successful remedy.
$1 per vial,or 5 vials and large vial powder,for $5
Sold by DruggUta, or seat post-paid on receipt of prlca.
HCUFURKYS' &EII. CO., Cor. William A John Sis., Row York
AGAIN we offer you COLD
STORAGE for Eggs, Butter,
Dried Fruits, Carpets, Furs and
perishable articles. Inquire for
We Manufacture
For domestic purposes you should
use PURE ICE only.
Cold Storage & Artificial Ice Co.
255 East 7th St
In Effect August Ist, 1898.
A. If. P.M. A.M. P.M.
NORTHDMBKALAND 825 1.50 10 00 5 50
Cameron 0 38 6 03
Chulaeky 6 43 6 07
Danville— 66U 2 12 1021 6 13
Catawlssa 703 226 10 32 6 28
Kupert 709 *3l 10 36 6 33
Bloomaburg 713 236 10 41 6 39
Espy - 723 242 10 46 6 45
Lime Ridge - 730 2 48 6 52
Willow Grove 734 2 52 6 56
Brlarcreex 7 88 7 00
Berwick- 754 3 01 1104 7 06
Beachnaven....„ _... 7E3 307 .... 712
Hick's Ferry.- 801 313 .. 725
Shlckßhlnuy 814 924 11 80 7 87
Hunlock'B.- 847 3 34 7 48
Nantlcoke - 835 84 2 1145 7 56
Avon dale - 3 40 3 46 8 01
Plymouth 845 8 61 11 52 t> 06
Plymouth Junction Bto 3 55 8 11
Kingston 857 4 02 1210 8 18
Bennett 9 0.) 406 8 21
Forty Fort 903 4 10 8 24
Wyoming - 908 4 16 12 08 8 28
West Plitston 912 4 21 6 32
Susquehanna Ave 916 4 24 12 14 8 36
Pitts ton 91 9 4 29 12 17 8 40
Duryea...—......... ..••••• 923 434 844
Lackawanna 926 487 ...... 848
Taylor 33 445 .... 857
Bellevue 938 450 .... 907
BCRAHTON 942 4 55 12 85 9 O'J
A. M P.M. P.M. P. M
A.M. A.M. P.M.P. M.
SCR ANTON 600 10 05 165 640
Bellevue 6 05
Taylor —.... 610 1015 203 650
Lackawanna - 618 10 23 2in 558
Duryea 622 10 26 213 602
Plttston - 628 10 41 2 17 606
Susquehanna Ave 682 10 8 * 220 6 lit
West Plttston 636 10 39 224 614
Wyoming 641 10 44 229 619
Forty Fort 6 46
Bennett 6to 10 J2 236 6sn
Kingston" 666 10 66 242 686
Plymouth Junction 700 .... 247
Plymouth 704 11 05 262 643
Avondale 709 257 647
Nantlcoke 714 11 13 802 660
Hunlock'B 720 11 19 310 658
Shlckshlnny 781 11 30 824 710
Hick's Ferry T44 11 48 835 725
Beach Haven 753 11 48 842 732
Berwick 800 11 64 34 9 73 8
Brlarcreek - 8 (16 8 55
Willow Grove— 810 12 W 359 749
Lime Ridge - 814 1209 404 758
Espy - 821 12 15 411 801
Bloomaburg 828 12 22 4IT fj)7
Rupert - 834 12 27 423 613
Catawlssa —— 840 12 32 429 818
Danville - 855 12 47 442 881
Cnulasky 449 ...
Cameron 905 12 57 454 846
NOKTHUMBKRLAND... 920 110 508 90g
A.M. P. U. P.M. r.R
Connections at Kupert with Philadelphia A
Reading Railroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua
\V Ullamsport, Sunbury, Pottsvllle, etc At
Northumberland with P. A E. Dlv. P. A R. for
Harrlsburg. Lock Haven, Emporium Warmer,
Corry and Erie.
W. F. HALI.STEAD. Gen. Man..
Scranton. Pa.
SOUTH. 11. tk 8 R. R, NORTH
am a.m. pm p.m. BTATIONS. am.pmiptniam
7.10 11.45 6.80 2.15 Bloonasbu'g. B.M 246 645 6.10
7.08 11.40 6.26 2.10 " F.Alt. 8.86 2.42 6.47
7.08 11.87 6.24 9.95 " Main St.. 8.39 2.4i|6.50!
6.53 11.27 6.12 1 60 Paper Mill. 8 48J2.54 7.0116.37
6.50 11.23 6.09 1.45 ..Light St.. 8.5 V.59 7.05'6.50
6.40 11.18 5.59 1.30 orangevll'e. .02,a.10|7.1417.10
6.89 11.0 1 5.48 1.00 .. .Forks.... 9.10 8.2017.24 7.35
6.25 11.00 5.44 12.53 .. .Zaner'S... 9.14 3.2417.28 7.46
6.18 10.86 5.37 12.46 .Stillwater . 9.20 1.30|7.33 8.00
6.08 10.45 5.27 12.31 ...Benton.... 9.30 3.40 7.43 B.SO
6.04 1040 522 12.10 .. .Edson's. .. 9.34 3.4417.47 6.40
6.02 10.38|5.20|12.0.1 .Cole's Cr'k. 9.37 3.47,7.51 8.46
6.53 10.32 5.18 11.53 ..Laubach.. 9.47 3.57 8.01 9.00
5.48 5.03111.45 ...Central... 9.67 4.07 8.11 925
5.40 10.2015.00111.30 .Jam.City.. 10.00 4.10:8.15 9.35
amampmpm ampmpmam
■M CllrtMfert, Entffeh Diamond Brand. *.;
J-V AMZWP 11 "' Mfttod with biae ribbon, TIKO^GJ
I 9-15-4 UL
Pennsylvania Kailroad.
Time Table in eflect June 16, '8 '
A.JM. A. M P. 11. P. If
. scrantonp AS) iv 16 46 59 3g 12 18 51 27
; I'lttaton " " 708 no 0 I 2 40 458
i A. M. A. M. P. U. P. M 57 30 510 15 I 8 12 f6 00
; :•!>-. Hi l'.rry" r.7 33 is :s 2: .* r. r8
I Nantlcoke.-.-." 7 46) 10 27 330 017
Moaanaqou-..." 8 04 10 15 3 60 r, 37
Wapwallnpen." BIS 10 65 858 641
I Neibopeet ar H 241 11 in 4jn 700
A. U. A. M. P. M. P. R.
Pottsvllle lv §6 00 S 512 35 {
Hazleton " 7 li) 11 05 200 550
Torehlckon " 7 80 l! vs 2 50 fl 10
Fern ulen " 73- 1134 2 26, 6if
HOck Glen " 7 43 1140 2 351 U 21
Ncscopeck ar 807 ——3 00 M
A M. A. M. P. M. P. M.
Nescopock lv 58 24 511 10 I 4 10 57 0<
Croasy 8 38 Via 4 18 10
Espy Ferry " 1.8 43 Rock f4 2i 7 1
E. Bloomsburg" < 847 Glen 480 7 2
P. M.
Catawlssa ar 855 12 20 436
Oafawlsaa ,iv 855 12 20 486
S. Danville.... " 914 12 33 455 747 1
Sunbury " 9 35 1 00 6 17 8 10
A. M. P. M, P. M. P. M
Sunbury— __ .lv I 9 45 51 10 55 46 19 25
I.ewlsburg 10 15 145 618
Milton ...." 10 10 139 612 950
Wllllumsport.." 11 01) 230 705 10 40
Lock Haven...." 1159 8 40 8 06
Uenovo " A. n. 440 900 i
Kane—, " 03
p M. p. M.
Lock 512 10 53 45
Bellefonte ar 105 444 .
Tyrone " 5 13 6 ro
Fhlllpsburg...." 4 23 8 26 '
Clcarlleld " 5 07 9 09
Plttaburg " 655 11 30
A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M?
Sunbur, IV I 950 51 55 t6 25 i 8 26
Harrlsburg ar 111 30 53 20 655 110 03
P. M. P. M. P. M, A. M. 58 00 16 28 110 21) 14 30
Baltimore " 311 I 6 CO 19 45 626
Washington " 410 17 15 110 65 740
A. M. P. M.
Sunbury lv iio 05 52 *5 ....—. „ ..„
p. M.I
Lewlstown Jo ar 12 05 , 64 23 ——
Pittsburg- " 5 6 65i 511 3t< 11,
Harrlsburg lv 111 451 'j 50 l l"o §lO lv
r. M.l A. m. A. >1
Pittsburg ar I r, 551 111 30 I 2 nol 5 530
5 Weekdays. Dclly. f Flag station
P. M.| P. M. A. M. A. M
Pittsburg—..lV I 8 lU| I 810 I 8 to I BCO
A. M. A. 31. P. M.
Harrlsburg ar I 3 30 13 30 110 00 I 3 10
A. M. A. M.
Pittsburg Iv t s 00
r. M.
Lewlstown Jc." .—_. t 7 30 t 3 05
Sunbury art 9 18 t 5 00
P. M. A. M. A. M A. M 110 40 t7 60 'in ro
Baltimore " 111 50 I 485 t8 60 12 00
Philadelphia..." 11l 20 1 430 18 on 13 95
A. M. A. M. A. M. V. 31.
Harrisnurg Iv I 3 35 18 06 til to 1 t4 on
sunbury— ar I 505 19 40 110 t5 40
P. M. A. 31. A ML
Pittsburg lv 51 00 53 30 5a 90
Clearfield " 4 09 9 31
PUUlpsburg..,." 4 56 lu 12
Tyrone " 715 1 8 10 12 80
Bellefonte " 8 31 9 32 1 42
Lock 9 30 10 30 2 18
p. H. A. M.l A. si. v
Erie lv 1 4 so
Kane " 756 ... ... tb 27 ...
Kenovo '• 11 10 t6 40 lu 30
Lock Haven...." 11 55 t 7 3.3 11 25 t3 00
A. M. P. M.
Wllllamaport.." 1250 I 8 SO tialß 40C
Wilton '• 1 40 9 18 1 27 4 52
Lewlsburg " 9 05 1 15 4 47
Sunbury ar 306 945 las 520
A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M
sunbury lv t6 10 I 9 55 t 2 00l t 6 4
S. Danville " 638 10 17 2 01 ! C 9
Catawlssa " G64 10 35 2 37| 6 2
B. Bloomsburg" via 10 48 2 13 6 3
Espy Ferry " Rock 110 47 2 47! ffl 5
Creasy ... " Glen. 10 56 2 55l 6 4
Neßcopeck ar 807 11 10 310 6 5
A. M. A. M. P. M., P. X.
Nescopeok lv til 10 14 la' t7 05
Rock Qlen art 7 89 11 85 4 10 7 31
Fern Glen " 7 47 11 43 416 737
Tomhlcken " 7 5S 11 54 4 55 7 46
P. M.
Ilazleton " 8 20 12 18 5 Is 8 05
Pottsvllle. " 11 80 208 625 ....'
A. M. A, M. P. M. r, M.
Nescopeck lv t8 07 111 10 t3 10 t6 59 818 11 22 319 709
Mocanaqua—" 828 11 32 330 721
Nantlcoke " 8 43 11 64 8 50 7 42
P. M
Plym'th Ferry " f 8 58 12 02 4 00 762
Wllkesbarre..." 905 12 to 410 800
!A. M. p. M. p. M. r. M
PlttstonfP 6H) ar't 941 tl2 49 t4 58 t8 3<
Scranton " "| 10 1(1 t_l6 620 _9 0!
t Weekdays. I Dally, f Flag Btatlon.
Pullman Parlor and Sleeping Corn run 0
through trains between Sunbury, Wllllamspor
and Erie, between Sunbury and Phlladelphlt
and Washington and between Harrlsburg, Pitts;
burg and the wcat.
For further Information apply to Ticket
Gen'L Manager. Gen. Paas, Agt.
Philadelphia Sc
Reading Railway
Engines Bum Hard Coal—No Smoke
In onset July 1,1898.
For New York, Philadelphia, Reading Potts 1
vllle, Tamaqua, weekdays 11.80 a. nr.
For WllUamsport, weekdays, 7.30 a. m., 9.40 p
For Danville and MUton, weekdays, 7.80 a. m.
For Catawlßsa weekdays 7.30, a. m... :
12.20,340,5.00 6.80, p. m.
For Rupert weekday 87.30,8.8811.30 a. m., 12.20,
3.40,6.00, 6.30, p. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via 1
B. flc O. K. K., through trains leave Reading Ter
minal, Philadelphia, 3.20, 7.65, 11.26 a. ra., 3.46
7.27, p. m. Sundays 3.20, 7.55 11.26 a, m.,
3.46, 7.27, p. m. Additional trains from 24 and
Chestnut atroet station, weekdays, 1.56, 5.41,
8.23 p.m. Sundays, 1.85, m.
Leave New Tork via Philadelphia 8.00 a
remand via Euston 9.10 a. m.
LeavePhtladelpblaio.2la. m.
Leave Reading 12.15 p. m.
LeavePottsvllle 12.80 p. m.
Leave Tamaqua 1.49 p. m.,
Leave WllUamsport weekdays 10.00 a m, 4. 3
m. *
, jb?^ T ?„ Ca l a „? lßeBweel£<la yB.7.oo, 9. loa. ra.
I.oU 9.4(1, n.uo
atTK*o!'.r d,? ' 1 7 - 08 ' 8 - Sh '''"' a 1
In efTeet Oct. 4,1898.
, llade . lpbm ' Gheatnut Street wharf
and south bt reet wharf for Atlantic city.
- m la J™il s_ L% presa ' 9 °° a m -> -oo 4.00, 3.00
p.m. Accom., 8.00 a. m., 8.30 p.m. SUNOATS
Express, 9.00,10.00 a. m. Accom., 8.00 a. m., 1 45
p. in.
Leavo Atlantic city, depot,: w kex-DATS
Express, 7.85, 900 a. m., 3.80, 5.30 p. m 2.0-
00m.,8.15 a. m„ 4.05 p. m. SCNDATS- .Express, I
4.00, ~80 p. m. Accom.. 7 15am., 415 p m.
For Capo Slay, sea Isle City and ocean City.
Weekdays—9.oo a m., additional for Cape May,
"'P', 1 ?" 'or Isle city, 5.00 p m., for Ocean
qisi J, "J" Ches' nut street, 1
9.15 a. m., SoutJi street, 9.00 a. ra.
Parlor cars on all express trains.
Gen 1 Supt. Gen'l Pass. Agt.
No peddling. M.YOUNG, i
in to 363 Henrj- St.,
10-12-ltd Brooklyn. N. V.