8 si iii ' K M , II II I Tht Otdtft Pjperinjfmirics J * BENJAMIN FRANKLIN | A high-grade illustrated weekly magazine, equal in tone and character to the best of the monthlies. In addition to the best original matter obtainable, the POST will present each week the best in the newspapers, periodicals and books of the world. Ifr will aim to be to contemporary literature what a Salon exhibit is to art, bringing together the choicest bits of literature from all modern sources and giving them a deserved place together, 'on • the line.' We have the literary resources of the world to draw upon. The best j|| writers of the world are practically a retained corps of contributors. It would be impossible for any magazine, no matter how boundless its wealth, to obtain, as original matter, the wealth of literature we have to HSTJ&j offer weekly. The handsome illustrations in the jE33r POST are original. To introduce it into your family, it will be mailed every week from now to January i, 1899, on receipt of ONLY TEN CENTS, (The regular subscription is 1a.50 per year) THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY. PtsUsdetpha BARGAIN IN LABIES BICYCLE BOOTS, $1.29 per Pair. WIDTHS, C. D and E. \W. C. McKINNEY, No. 8 East Main Street. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Onions Separate Man and Wife. • Robert Quinby and his wife, of j Parkersburg, Va., have separated. 1 The husband has appealed to the 1 law to divorce him forever from his < wife, simply because she ate onions, t contrary to his orders. Mrs. Quin- I by has often been requested by her ; husband not to eat the vegetable, 1 and nothing seemed to irritate him < so much as the odor of onions. He ] has left the little home on many ; occasions and vowed never again to ! return, but the love for his wife, i and her promise never again to eat . onions, would re-unite them. I The husband came home unex- i pectedly one day last week and 1 found the surroundings very offen sive to him from the odor of the onions. 1 Mrs. Quinby has gone to her 1 home in Pennsylvania and' the hus band will seek relief by law- 1 ] NOTIOE. We have opened Democratic i Headquarters in Bloomsburg, cor- i ■er Main and Market streets,on the second floor of the Peacock build ing. where we will be glad ,to have all Democrats and their friends call at any time. If you attend the Bloomsburg Fair call and see us be-' fore you leave town. Everybody welcome. Very respectfully, JN6. G. MCHENRY, Chairman. ( R. G. F. KSHINKA, Secretary, Piano Tuning. Will Gurnsey, piano tuner, will be in Bloomsburg Monday, Octo er 17th, and remain several days. Leave orders for tuning at the CO LUMBIAN office. 2t. Not Too Old to Be Surprised. A large assemblage of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Mary Hileman, at Eyers grove, last Tuesday, the occasion being her sixty-first birthday. It was a complete surprise to her, but everything passed off very pleas antly, and all enjoyed themselves to the utmost. Sixty-nine persons partook of the splendid dinner that was prepared for them. In the evening a hack load of young people from Bloomsburg went up and joined in the merrymaking. Some amusing games were indulged in, which were laughable to witness. At a late hour the load returned to Bloom and all agreed that it was an event that will be long remem bered. K. The Susquehanna Journal printed the following,which will bear closer in spection than a casual glance affords: A man owed $1 and only had but 75 cents. He went to a pawnbroker and pawned the 75 cents for 50 cents, and then meeting a friend sold him the pawn ticket calling for 75 cents for 50 cents. He thus had two 50 cent pieces, one dollar in fact, with which he paid his debt. Was anyone out, and how much ? Democratic Meetings. I Democratic meetings will be held at the following places: Derrs Sat urday October 15th, at 7:30 p. in. Elk Grove and Rohrsburg Monday, Oct. 17th at 7:30 p. m. JNO. G. MCHENRY, Chairman. R. G. F. KSHINKA, Secretary. FOB BENT. Rooms on 3rd. floor, COLUMBIAN building. ■ Steam heat, gas or electric light, water. Apply to tf. GEO. E. ELWKLL. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMBBURG, PA. Fanners Interrogate the Oandidates- At a recent meeting of Pomona Grange, district No. 5, the undersign ed were appointed a committee to submit the following questions to the different candidates for Legislature and Congress. Said questions and answers will be offered for publication to the different newspapers. All an swers to be sent to the Secretary not later than Oct. 12th, 1898. TO THE CANDIDATES FOR CONGRESS. 1. Will you favor a graduated in come tax? 2. Will you favor a law establish ing Post Office Savings' Banks ? 3. Do you favor such laws as will ultimately lead to free mail delivery in the rural districts? 4. Do you favor the election of United States Senators by popular vote? 5. Are you in favor of granting ad ditional powers to the Inter-State Commerce Commission so as to make it more effective? 6. Will you favor reserving the public Domain for future settlement? 7. Will you favor more stringent measures to abolish Trusts? 8. Do you tavor laws for settleing disputes between labor and capital by arbitration? TO THE CANDIDATES FOR LEGISLATURE. 1. Will you favor the Equalization of Taxation? 2. Will you favor the enactment of pure food laws and the enforcement of those already enacted? 3. Since the present oleomargarine laws have been seriously crippled by decisions of the Courts, will you favor the enactment of a law protecting our dairy interests against the encroach ments of counterfeit butter? 4. Will you help maintain the pres ent school appropriation, anc the law now in force for its distribution? 5. Will you favor the reduction of expenses and the abolishing of need less offices and officials? H. H. BROWN, I W. J. BIDLEMAN, V Committee. B. F. BATTIN, ) W. J. BIDLEMAN, Secretary, Bloomsburg, Pa. Election Notice. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Bioomsburg Water Com pany will be held on Tuesday Oct. ttth 1898 between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock p. m. at the office of the Company in Bloomsburg, Pa., for the purpose of electing a Board of Direc . tors for the said Company to serve for I the ensuing year. A. B. CATHCART. 1 Bloomshurg, Oct. 6, 1898. Sec'y. JENKS AND QUAYISM. Some Extraots From the JetTeraon Connty Statesman's Speeehos That Show Clearly Where He Stands on That Subject. It has been alleged that the nomina tion of Mr. Jenks for governor by the Democratic convention at Altoona was brought about through the Influence of Quay. Some of Mr. Swallow's stumpers are even yet so asserting In their speeches. The allegation Is absterd upon Its face. Quay knows Jenks. knows him to be an honorable, high toned gentleman, who can neither be corrupted, nor by any power swerved from the straight line of what he es teems to be right and for the good of the people. Had Quay been In position to exert any Influence In the Demo cratic state convention, George A. Jenks is about the last man in the state for whose success he would have em ployed It. Lest there should remain in any Democratic or Independent Republloan mind any doubt as to where Mr. Jenks stands on Quay and Quaylsm, the fol lowing brief extracts from his cam paign speeches, etc., are herewith pre sented: "It Is well known and cannot be de nied that Senator Quay has ruled leg islatures for years past. His will was the law of the majority, and no bill of any importance was passed without his approval, nor defeated without his con sent."—lnterview with Philadelphia Ledger. Sept. 1. 1898. "Upon the Republican party, with its glorious traditions, there has grown an ulcer. M. S. Quay, for twenty-seven years an office holder, twice a United GEORGE A. JENKS. States senator and again a candidate for election, has acquired his power by keeping an eye single to what benefits him."—Speech at Warren, Pa., Sept. 18, 1898. "Quaylsm is now the proper name of the Republican party in Pennsylvania. The particular characteristic of Its managers Is selfishness, as all officials are chosen, not for their peculiar fit ness, but because of their willingness or ability to strengthen the hands of Quay and help him throttle the will of the people."—Speech at Erie, Sept. 17, 1898. "The concentration of power In the hands of a single man In a republic Is dangerous. The czar could not rule here because the people still have the spirit of liberty, yet they allow them selves to be ruled Just the same by Czar Quay through indirection."— Speech at Oil City, Sept. 20, 1898. "The real contest and Issue In Mils election is between Quaylsm and the people of the commonwealth of Penn sylvania. The question you must an swer on your conscience and on your character Is: Who shall rule, one sin gle. autocratic ruler, or the voice ofthe people honestly expressed by ballot."— Speech at Meadvllle, Sept. 19, 1898. "The whole of Quaylsm Is corrupt and rotten, not only In dollars and cents, but In the principles that under lie It. The government of the whole state by any one man or by BO men. Is a violation of the constitution of Pennsylvania."—Speech at New Castle Pa.. Sept. 21, 1898. "We must settle this Quaylsm by saying that the people's rule should be resumed, and these wrongs should be no longer perpetrated."—Speech at Pittsburg, Sept. 24. 1898. MULTIPLYING OFFICES. Bow the Political Rounders Have Been Pro vided With Snug Berths and Fat Salaries. I The following carefully prepared j table shows how the Republican ma chine has provided for political work ers and their friends by securing sal aried offices for them at the expense of the taxpayers. If there were not enough offices to go around, more were created with an offhandedness which Implied that the machine, not the people, were the only stockholders and directors in the man agement of the affairs of state. Comparative number of employes In the several state departments in 1883 and In 1898, respectively: 1883. 1898. Executive 4 7 State 7 17 Auditor general's 13 23 Attorney general's 2 3 Adjutant general's 5 15 Treasurer's 6 10 Internal affairs 19 27 Insurance 4 8 Public Instruction 5 7 Bank commissioner's 0 17 Factory inspector's 0 24 Mine inspector's 11 18 Agriculture 2 12 Buildings and grounds 6 15 Senate employes 22 48 Library 2 7 House employes 32 67 Game commissioner's 0 i 7 Judiciary 104 120 Total 244 450 Increase 206 Omitting contingent expenses, and counting the salaries at 31,400 per an num, the average paid to clerks, the cost per annum to the people for these unnecessary expenses exceeds 3300,000. Hon. Jerry N. Weiler will receive a large vote from the organized- work- Ingmen In the state. He has served them long and faithfully. Candidate lams Is a taking public speaker, a hard worker and a,sincere student of all public questions. He would ably and faithfully represent the state at Washington. A Very Pretty Wedding. The home of Frank Fritz, in Di vide, was the scene of a very happy wedding on Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 12:30, when his young and pretty daughter, Alverda, was given in mar riage to Mr. Joseph R. Heller, of Unityville, Pa. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. E. McKelvy, pastor of the M. E. Church at Del ano, Pa. The bride's father is a very indus trious farmer and business man in Divide. He takes a very active part in politics and is a great silver advo cate. The bride was the center of a great many friends, and leaves a very good home. The groom and his brother are very successful black smiths in Unityville. After the ceremony an elaborate dinner was served. The newly-mar ried couple left on their trip with happy hearts, amid showers of rice, for Wilkes-Barre. They are followed with the best wishes of a large num ber of friends. May their life be filled with heavenly sunshine and prosperity. THE BROADWAY 0 A motion to adjourn is always in order, and a move for new business is always in order with us, and we solicit a trial from any cash buyer who has not heretofore been dealing with us. 10-piece decorated toilet sets, $1.98 set. 10-piece decorated toilet sets, in fancy shapes and gold deco ration, $2.98 set. Jardinieres, 10c., 35c., 69c. each. Flower pots, 3c. to 30c. each. 10-qt tin pails, 9c. each. White and gray cotton blankets 42c. pair. Large size Japanese lanterns, ioc. each, 3 for 25c. Painted chamber pails, 2?c. each. Small globe baskets, ic. each. Floor oil cloth, 20c. to 50c. a yard. Chenille Table Covers, 42c., 69c $1.25 each. White enameled curtain poles, 20c. each. Brass extension rods, complete, 5 and ioc. each. Toilet paper, 10 rolls for 25 c. Fishing tackle, lowest prices in the county. See our line of children's caps for Fall. Agency for Butterick Fashions. OCTOBER STYLES NOW READY Delineators, 15c ea., $1 per yr. Glass of Fashion, 7c ea., 60c per year. Fashion sheets free. Respectfully Submitted to the Clash Trade Only by 1 Ml! UN mi Mover's New Building, Main Street, BLOOMSBURG. vTurin $2.50 SHOE FOR LADIES Beats them all this season. They have more Style, more comfort and bet ter wearing qualities than most $3 shoes. If you see them you Will buy them. o COR. SECOND AND IRON STS. Bloomsburg, Pa. JONAS LONG'S SONS' WEEKLY CHATS. i WILKES-RARRF, PA., Thursday, Oct 6th, 1898LJ ENTHUSIASTIC ADMIRATION FOR! OUR MATCHLESS MILLINERY 1 AT SUCH LITTLE PRICES. ' We enter upon the second week of our superb Millinery Opening ex-< hibit with added zest, and a great! many new features that will makei repeated visits to our interesting: millinery selections both pleasur able and profitable. If success is to be measured by public ap proval, this great millinery ex hibition of ours has far ontstripp ed its predecessors of past years, since to judge from the great number of people who have at tended so far and their many enthusiastic words of praise for for the lovely creations of such a gathering of stylishness and taste, both in the productions of the im ported Hats and Bonnets and those of our own workrooms gives the statement renewed force of our well earned, well sustained reputation of being The GREATEST POPULAR PRICED HOUSE FOR FINE MILLINERY IN WILKES-BARRE. While we have hundreds of hats rang ing in price from $1.98 to $5.00, SIO.OO, $15.00, $20,00 and upwards, we parti cularly ask your attention to a class of hats, at each, $5.00. Which, for theic quality and beauty, have never been equalled in past seasons for double the price. The following description of two of them would show the prettlness of ( design and the taste of the expert mil liners that made them. □ Short back sailor hats in brown felt, trimmed with laige Alsatlon stitched bow of cardinal velvet; tlower trimming ! at the back; bound edge of cardinal vel vet; also turbans trimmed with Sequin Jet and wings, velvets and ornaments, in all colors, and black and white. Fine quality Fur Felt Ladies' Hats at 98 cents, in all the newest shapes. Turbans, flats and other colors. Wings, Black and White Colored Quills, 19 cents per bunch. Polka Dot Curled Quills, brown, navy, tan, red, three to a bunch, 25 cents. Black Ostrich Tips, 19 cents. Velvet and Silk Roses, three to a ounch, In reds, royals, cerese, cadet, tan. violet, brown, special, at per bunch 49 cents. Felt Short Back Sailors, In black, tan, red, navy, brown. Regular price 98 cents, this week at 69 cents. Children's Fiats with fancy edges, at # 50 cents and 69 cents Fine Felt Sailors, trimmed with band of ribbon and stitched edge, 98 cents Soft Cycle Hats, for children and ladies, 00 cents. Beautiful Alpine Hats, in all colors. 98 cents. Elegant Dress Goods-A Delight ful Showing. Fabrics that Win Admiration from all who look upon them. It's a recognized fact that women who desire to be posted on what is the very latest and most desirable ' foa street dresses, as well as for wedding and reception wear, always have confidence in this store's authority; the world's best ail* choicest materials, and the world"':, prices are here—and here only. We particularly direct your attenti*-* to the following prices: Silk and Wool Bayadler effects In at" the new colorings, for fall, full 40 Inche wide. Regular price would be 66 cent£- also 42 Inches wide, all wool, English Covert Cloth, in all the new fajj shades. Regular price would be cents. As a special Inducement tlw price this week would be for both these, per yard, 49 cents. Scotch Homespun Cheviot Mixtures A grand aray of colorings and comblns*) lions. These goods are known for stylei and weave and will not spot. Full M Inches wide. The price should be 7# cents, but for this week, per yard, S3 cents. French all wool Poplins, In the nevr Heather Mixtures; also French Flnneta Cloth, full 45 Inches wide, In all the new colorings for fall wear, suitable for tailor made suits. Regular price $1.25. This week at, per yard, 98 cents. The best Broadcloths are here for your choosing. Full 52 Inches wide, all new colorings. Would be exceptional value at $1.75. Thiß week at, per yard. $1.69. Black Crepons. Newest importations. A special lot, comprising more than IS styles. Full 44 Inches wide. Regular price SI.OO. This week at, Jer yard, 79 cents. The newest designs in French Crepons, comprising Bayadere Stripes, Floral Designs and many other novel ties. This season's most popular dress fabric. Regular price $1.75 to $2.88. This week at, per yard, $1.49. Silk Velvets, so much in vogue this, season for dress trimmings and hac trimming. shade is here; ranging in price from SI.OO to $2.50 per. yard. One of the best recommended, splendid quality Abelveteen In the newt blue, navy, brown, tan, cadet blue, myrtle green, garnet and black, will b offered this week, Instead of their price, $1.26, thia week at, per yard, 75 cents. " Greater Wilkes-Barre's ' 1 Greatest Department Stored fipr. W. Market St. and Public SqJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers