2 LEGISLATIVE EMPLOYES. How Their Nninbor and Cost Have Grown Since the Democrats Had u Voice In the Matter—A Dead Swindle In the Thing— Kxtra Clerks and Em ployes Paid for Twice—The Chief Clorks Defy the Caw's Limitations as to Contingent Expenses, Etc. The number and cost of the officers and employes of the two houses of the legislature are Justly objects of much criticism. If the public business were expedited by the constant increase of the number of this class of hangers on, with the attendant large expense involved, there would be no complaint. But it is plain that so large a force is lot needed. Many of them do nothing it all, practically, to earn the money they draw from the treasury. Some of them spend but little more than as much time in Harrisburg as will suf fice to sign the requisite vouchers and draw their pay. Those that are at hand are so numerous that they crowd each other and are in each other's way. There are certain periods of the session at which some of the clerks, notably those in the transcrib ing rooms, are required to work hard, and even excessively, but this is com pensated for by the far more numer ous other times, when they have little or nothing to do. Outside of two or three in each house, none of tjiem put In as much time, or render as much service, as would be exacted from them in private or corporate employ for much less remuneration. Up to and including 1883 the force was large enough in all conscience. It is not easy to dig out of the records —they are generally in so unsatisfac tory a state as to details, and change their form so frequently from year to year—with absolute accuracy, Just the Information of which one is in search. But, in EO far as can be gathered from the reports of the auditor gen eral and the general appropriation acts, the senate in that year had 41 officers and employes and the house, which was Democratic, 37. The very next legis lative year (1885), however, the number In the house was increased to 68 regu lars and two extras, making 60 in all. There was no need or reasonable ex cuse for the jump. The 7 clerks of 1883 did as much Work as the 10 of 1885, the 6 pasters and folders of 1883 put up and sent out the documents as promptly as the 11 of 1885, and the 10 pages of 1883 served the personal needs of the members as faithfully and fully as the 15 of 1885. But there was de mand for more sinecures to compen sate the "workers," who had repaired in 1885 the damage the machine had suffered at the hands of the Demo crats and Independents in 1882, and they had to be provided. There were no apparent increases of the force in either body for the ensuing 10 years, the 41 sufficing in the senate and the 58 in the house. But in 1895 came an enormous Jump, the number in the senate being increased to 47 and that In the house to 69. In fact, ex cepting the "extra employes," which gave rise to the indemnity bond scan dal, there were no more in 1897 than in 1895. It was the legislature of the last named year that was the primary offender in this regard, notwithstanding the fact that it was scarcely noticed by the gentlemen who were so indig nant and outraged by the perform ances of 1857. And in connection with the 1895 employes in the senate, there is something singular. An act of March 5 of that year authorizes the chief clerk to appoint an executive clerk at $1,600. two additional transcrib ing clerks at $7 per day and two additional janitors at the compensa tion usually allowed that class of em ployes. These appointments were made, and the auditor general's report shows that the salaries stipulated were paid to the appointees direct from the state treasury. But it shows also that $3,700 was paid to the chief clerk for the "sal aries of additional officers and em ployes under the act of 1895." Who did that $3,700 go to? Not to the execu tive clerk and the others lawfully, though needlessly authorized, for they got their money from the treasury on the regular pay rolls. Who, then, got it? Are we not right in saying that it is difficult to determine from the rec ords how many officers and employes there are? There is a very loose and entirely unconstitutional process resorted to In both houses to provide for extra employes and for their compensation. Section 10 of Article 111 of the consti tution, which article covers the sub ject of legislation, says: "The general assembly shall provide t>y law the number, duties and compen sation of the officers and employes of -each house, and no payment shall be made from the state treasury or be In any way authorized, to any person, ex cept to an acting officer or employe elected or appointed in pursuance of law." Section 16 of the same article Is to the following effect: "No money shall be paid out of the treasury except upon appropriations made by law and on warrant drawn by the proper offi cers In pursuance therof." Yet. on the last day of the session of the house of 1897, Mr. Keyser of fered and the house passed the follow ing resolution: "Resolved, That the payment for ex tra labor In the house of representa tives for session of 1897, including com mittee and transcribing clerks, not pro yided for by special Items In the appro priation act, be paid by the chief clerk, on vouchers approved by the speaker and attested by the chief oterk, war rant to be Issued by the auditor gen eral to the chief clerk or the state treasurer therefor." The house has no constitutional right to vote money In that way. The state treasurer has no right to issue his war rant upon any such authorization. The auditor general has no right to pass such an account. The question of law ful right or constltuionality will never, however, amount to a deterrent when the machine has a purpose to fulfill, so long as the machine remains domi nant in the legislature. There Is but one cure. The Democrats must cap ture the body named. The Democratic house of 1883 was as well, If not better, se/ved by the 37 lawfully authorized clefks and employes as was the Re publican house of 1897 by 69, nearly, If no't twice, the number. The $27,886 paid during the regular session of 188$ for ..he service vyas sufficiently extrava gant. The $74,197 paid in 1897 lor no better service, If as good, was more than half of it thrown away. And yet, if Hastings had permitted it, the ap propriation wouid have been $12,500 more, that being, In round figures, the sum of the governor's vetoes in this line. The increase in the cost of the senate clerks, etc., has been Just about as great. The appropriation for 1883 was $23,700. The appropriation for 1887-88 was $47,710, and was $54,976 be fore being trimmed by the vetoes. And if William A, Stone should be elected governor and a majority of machine legislators returned, every Item vetoed by Hastings will be reinserted in the general appropriation bill to cover "a leflcleneles In salaries, etc.," passed and approved. The contingent funds of the senate and house indicate a like degree of fraud and extravagance, even if we admit that the money Is actually ex pended as professed. In 1883 an appro priation of $4,000 for the senate and $5,000 for the house, to be paid, out by the chief clerks, was considered ade quate to cover all contingencies. In addition, the librarian of the senate got $1,200 for recesß postage, etc., and the resident clerk of the house got $1,050 for the same purpose. In 1897 the appropriation for the senate for contingencies was limited to $8,925, and for the house to $13,580. In 1895 the limi tations were $7,700 for the senate and SIO,BOO for the house. Notwithstanding this, however, the actual expenditures by the chief clerks for contingencies in that year were $8,500 In the senate and $14,741 in the house. In the senate the limitation was exceeded by SBOO and in the house by nearly $3,900. It is not so much the amounts thus expend ed that is to be deplored as the impu dent and daring disregard of constitu tion and statute law that characterized them, and the evidence it affords that, under Republican sway, all the depart ments of the state government are in constant collusion to loot the treasury and swindle the people. COLONEL SHE'S TEN THOUSAND. Ills Foe Three Times Turner Tlinn tho Amount Recovered--'The Accusa tion, tile Admission, and All tlie Details. In the Philadelphia Press of April 18, 1897, was an address delivered by Major George W. Merrick, of Tioga county, who was a schoolmate of Colonel W. A. Stone, the Republican candidate for governor, in which he said: "I have undertaken to state from the stump that Colonel William A. Stone, now of Allegheny, late of Tioga county, is the slated candidate for governor; that his candidacy was agreed upon by the powers that be some two years since; that he had served the machine faithfully, during the whole of his po litical life; that he said to me fre quently during the past eight years that his great ambition In politics was to be governor, but that he could not be a candidate for office tfrfMl the 'Old Man' said so, but he would be when he did say so; that two years ago In the senatorial campaign, he made the de claration that his relations to Mr. Quay were such that his political fortunes would rise or fall with those of Mr. Quay. I asserted also that I did not deem him a safe man for governor to stem the tide of corrupt approach upon the state treasury, since in private life he had charged the state SIO,OOO for collecting $2,400. "Mr. Stone has undertaken to deny the last statement. Addressing a meeting at Royersford. April 13, he said: "It has been said that I charged the state 310,000 for a case which re turned $2,400. I never made a charge against the state.' By this statement I understand Colonel Stone to deny the allegation that he received a fee of $lO,- 000 for collecting $2,400. Does he mean to charge me with accusing him false ly? I will submit the record, and you may Judge, gentlemen, who Is guilty of duplicity. . "In Colonel Stone's speech last week In Willlamsport he said, alluding to this charge: 'X was pained when my old comrade, Mr. Merrick, stated here In the dtv of Willlamsport, not for the purpose of helping me but to injure me, that I had charged the state of Pennsylvania SIO,OOO for collecting $2,- 400. This is an old story and retold in the campaign against me In 1890, but 1 never lost a vote. I never denied the facts, and I do not deny them now, but I never presented a bill or made any charge. That Is 12 years ago, and is known to everybody in Allegheny county, and now Major Merrick Is re viving that old tale.' "Well, gentlemen, that Is a pretty broad admission of the truth of my charge against Brother Stone, but Mr. Stone is mistaken when he charges me with reviving this old tale. On Dec. 14, 1897, a clergyman of Wellsboro wrote him as to the truth of this allegation, asking for information, saying: 'ln ref erence to the past record to which you refer, I wouid say that for some years there has been a report current here that once In a case In which you col lected a claim for the commonwealth In the amount of about $3,000 you charged and received a fee of $10,000; the story seems to be well supported. If it is true it would suggest some doubt as to the propriety of placing you in the high and responsible control In the office you seek in the affairs of our commonwealth. I shall be pleased to receive an answer to this question.' "In reply to this letter Candidate Stone, In a letter dated Washington, Dec. 20, 1897, from which I now read, said: 'The matter of the fee which you speak of occurred nearly 12 years ago. My fee was not fixed by me, but it was fixed at the request of the auditor gen eral by attorneys in Pittsburg at $lO,- 000, which the state paid me. Of course I I am aware that my enemies will raise ! many objections to my candidacy,which ] will appear from time to time in the newspapers, but it is not my purpose, ' nor has it been my practice, to pay at | tention to them.' " { Major Merrick Is a prominent attor ' ney. He Is a Republican and a na tive of the county where Candidate Stone was born, and lived many yeara. , He was Stone's schoolmate and his friend in later years. He was every thing that would have Inclined him to be Stone's friend. Charges of ao grave a character, coming from such a source, would be a serious business, even without Stone's admission of their truth, as above avowed. I ' ' COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA WAR INDEMNITIES. The PeniiltiM liii|iiiie<l Sly Nution Fpon Their Coiiq tiered I oi. Perhaps the most onerous terms evei imposed by a eonqueror upon his de feated foe were those to which Ger many subjected France in 1871, at the close of the historic conflict that culminated In the capitulation of Paris. They consisted of the cession of the major portion of Alsace and of Lor raine, Including the great fortresses of Strasburg and of jlotz, and the pay ment of war indemnity amounting to the colossal sum of $1,000,000,000. The entire civilized world was startled by the magnitude of the sum, and very widespread doubts were expressed aa to whether poor Franee, which was believed to be crushed beyond recov ery, would ever be able to pay. But these apprehensions proved to be un founded, and the billion of dollars was paid with such rapidity and with so little apparent effort that Prince Bis marck and the German authorities, past and present, have never ceased to lament ever since that they did not stipulate for double tbe amount. This indemnity is worthy of especial no tice, for the reason that It greatly ex ceeded the actual expense to which Germany was put by the war, and was therefore a punitive or "moral and Intellectual damage"' Indemnity, to some extent, such as "Oom" Paul Ivruger wanted to collect from Eng land for the Jameson raid. In the war of 1870-Tl. the time was twenty-eight weeks from the entrance of German troops Into French territory to the surrender of Belfort. The German troops engaged may be taken, for practical purposes, as an even million, the official figures of the active forces being 781,000 at tlie commencement of the war and 037,000 at Its close. The total German losses are placed at 128,- 000, the killed alone numbering 20,- 000. Germany therefore received In cash $35 a week for each man's services, or SB,OOO for each man lost; on the whole pretty good pay. But Germany—or Prussia—has a hahlt that way. Only four years before the war with France she took $11,750,000 from Austria and her allies, beside $3,750,000 requisi tioned during the campaign. This war lasted only a month. Prussia had 437,000 men In the field, and lost 11,- 000. The Indemnity gave her $25 a week for each man's services, or $4,- 250 for each man lost However, It was an enormously expensive war for Prussia, costing her some $115,000.- 000, so that the Indemnity did not make her balance good. It Is thanks to the Intervention of Russia that Japan was prevented from exacting an Indemnity of analogous proportions at the close of her war with China. She was forced to con tent herself with a mere bagatelle of $185,000,000, receiving In addition thereto the Island of Formosa and the Pescadores, neither of which had ever been of any use, either financial or political, to China, and which will make necessary the expenditure of much treasure and life before Japan can derive any profit therefrom. The war lasted about nine months and 80.- 000 troops were engaged on Japan's side. The indemnity paid, therefore, SGO a week for each man. The Turko-Russlan war of 1877 came to a close with the treaty of San Stefano. the terms of which were re vised In 1878 by the congress of Ber lin. They comprised, among other things, the surrender of the sultan's protectorate over Roumanla and Ser vla, the practical abandonment to Aus tria of Herzegovina and Bosnia, the grant of Independence to Bulgaria and of autonomy to Rumella, the Prince of Bulgaria remaining, however, subject to the suzerainty of the sultan. The treaty likewise provided for tho ces sion of a strip of Turkish territory to Greece, but this clause was never en forced. and finally the Sublime Porte was compelled to pay a war Indemnity to Russia amounting to the sum of $160,000,000. Russia demanded a much larger Indemnity than that, however. For costs of the war she demanded $450,005,000. and for losses to Russian subjects and Russian commeroe $251.- 000.000, a total of $701,000,000. The Indemnity finally awarded to her In cash and land, amounts to $0.23 a week for each soldier engaged In the war. Great Britain hus received two In demnities of considerable amount from China. The first was one of $20,000,000 altogether, but part of It went to com pensate merchants for opium deliv ered up to the Chinese government, nd the portion specifically claimed on account of the expenses of the expe dition just equalled the vote of credit. The second ludemnlty, of 1800. was about $10,000,000, or less than one tfilrd of the vote of credit for the war. The settlement of Canada's claim for Indemnity for the Fenian raids from this country Is noteworthy. By the first raid Canudn lost six men killed and thirty-one wounded; she had to call 20.000 volunteers to arms; she had to guard the frontier with 17.000 reg ulars and volunteers, as well as sev eral gunboats on the rivers and lakes. Her farmers lost heavily, as the raid occurred at a busy time of the year; and she had to pny away a lot of money In pensions and gratuities. Yet tho United States did not pay a farth ing compensation! When Canada pressed the matter on the home gov ernment she was assured that It was not worth while making a claim, as "tho amount of compensation would be so small." No indemnity was exacted from Denmark at tbe close of tbe war of 1864, neither was any money exacted at tbe close of the war of 1859 between Austria on one side and Italy and Franco on the other, tin tact the ex action of war Indemnities may be re garded as a practice of, relatively mod ern origin, the vtctqrs In former times having contented themselves with the surrender of territory on the part of the defeated foe. The Kind You Have Always Bought, aud which has been iu use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per ( -/J 2 - . sonal supervision sinco its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR!A Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea aud Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS jrt Bears the Signature of _ The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THK CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY BTRCCT, NEW VORK CITY. STOVE NAPTHA, the Cheapest and Best Fuel on the market. With it you can run a Vapor Stove for one-hall cent per hour. Give us a call and be convinced. W. O. Holmes, Bloomsburg, Pa. Eshleman & Wolf, " L. E. Wharey, " W. F. Hartman, " A Limbless Millionaire, Portland, Ore., corresdonpence of the San Francisco Bulletin. Henry YVendhoft", of Mauch Creek, Penn., at present visiting friends here, is perhaps the only armless and legless millionaire known on earth. His arms were amputated beiow the elbow and his legs beiow the knees twenty-two years ago, so that by this time he has succeeded in accepting his afliction most philosophically. Mr. Wendhoff, who came here re cently, attended by a valet, weighs 200 pounds, and is as jolly as if he were in possession ot perfect physical health and all his limbs. His valet has been with him ten years, and he says that he yet has to see Mr. Wendhoff out of temper, despite the many discom forts his physical disability entails. The afflicted man manages to walk fairly well on two automatic legs made for him in Vienna and fitted up with an ingenious mechanism that materi ally aids his locomotion. He also has two mechanical forearms, the hands of which enable him to hold a handkeichief, newspaper, book, etc., and to pick up articles from the table. These four artificial limbs cost $25,- 000 betore they were brought to their present state of perfection. Volume on Domestic Animals. A volume of 500 pages, giving the treatment, cure and care of domes tic animals, horses, cattle, sheep, dogs, hogs and poultry—by Ur. Frederick Humphreys, an acknowledged author ity on the subject, the discoverer of Humhreys' Veterinary Specifics, with which more animals are treated,cured and saved, than by any other known system of medicine. This book is sent free on request by addressing the Humphreys' Hom eopathic Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Sts., New York. HAVE YOU A SKIN DISEASE?— Tetter, salt rheum, scald head, ring worm, eczema, itch, barber's itch, ul cers, blotches, chronic erysipelas, liver spots, prurigo, psoriasis, or other erup tions of the skin—what Dr. Agnew's Ointment has done for others it can do for you—cure you. One applica tion gives relief. 35 cents. 23 Sold by C. A. Kleim. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind Yon Have Always Bought Signature of Beduced Bates to Pittsburg- Via Pennsylvania Railroad. Account Knighis Templar Triennial Conclave. On account of the Knights Tem plar Triennial Conclave, to be held at Pittsburg, Pa., October 10 to 14, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will sell excursion tickets from stations on its line to Pitts burg aud return at rate of single fare for the round trip, with mini mum of 25 cents. Tickets will be sold October 8 to '3. good to return until October 17, inclusive. The return limit of tickets from Ifarrisburg and points east thereof can be extended to Oc tober 31 upon depositing same on October 13 to 17 with the Joint Agent at Pittsburg and the pay ment of fifty cents. OFFENSIVE EVEN TO MYSELF.—F. A. Bottom, druggist, Cookshire, Que., says: "For twenty years I suffered from catarrh. My breath was very offensive, even to myself. I tried ev erything which promised me a cure. In almost all instances 1 had to pio claim them no good at all. I was in duced to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. I got relief instantly after first application. It cured me and I am free from all the effects of it." Sold by C. A. Kleim. Almost a Complete Wreck- St. Patrick's church, at Audenried, is almost a complete wreck because of extensive depressions under the foundation wails. The altar and all fixtures pertaining thereto have been removed from the church and other furniture taken from the rear to the lront of the property to be in readi ness for {another crush. Forty hours devotion services, for which prepara tions had been made, have been in definitely postponed and the church will be abandoned for the present. You ARE MAKING a great mistake in not sending for a 10 cent trial size of Ely's Cream Balm. It is a specific for catairh and cold in the head. We mail it, or the 50 cent size. Druggists all keep it. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New York. Catarrh caused difficulty in speak ing and to a great extent loss of hear ing. By the use of Ely's Cream Balm dropping of mucus has ceased, voice and hearing have greatly improved.— J. W. Davidson, Att'y at Law, Mon mouth, III." OABTORIA. Basra tlx Kind Yo Htw Alain BongM Fine PHOTO GRAPHS and CRAYONS at R. B. GROTZ, Bloomsburg. The best are the cheapest. TID-BITS FOR MA' HONEY! and tender little juicelets for the chil dren, ate all right, but papa and "the boys" want a good, big, juicy steak, roast or chop when business or school duties are over, and we can cater-to them all. Our stock of prime meats is unexcelled for quality, and we send them home in fine shape. J. E. KEIPFR THE MARKETS. BLOOMSBURG MARKETS. COBBBOTBD WBBKLY. BXTAIL PBICBS. Butter per lb $ .23 Eggs per do/en .16 Lard per lb ,c 8 Ham per pound .10 Pork, whole, per pound ,c 6 Beef, quarter, per pound.... .07 Wheat per bushel .So Oats " " 35 Rye " " .50 Wheat flour per bbl 4.80 Hay per ton 9 to $lO Potatoes per bushel .80 Turnips " " ,j Onions " " 100 Sweet potatoes per peck .25 Tallow per lb .05 Sho'ulder " " .09 Side meat " " .08 Vinegar, per qt ,05 Dried apples per lb .05 Dried cherries, pitted .12 Raspberries ,ia Cow Hides per lb _ Steer " " o| Calf Skin .80 Sheep pelts .75 Shelled corn per bus .60 Corn meal, cwt 1.25 Bran, " .05 Chop " .95 Middlings " ,95 Chickens per lb new .12 " "old TO Turkeys " " Ta J Geese " " .14 Ducks " " .08 COAL.' No. 6, delivered .6e " 4 and s " 3.85 " 6 at yard 3.35 " 4 and 5 at yard ' 3 60 Tlf Leading Conierfalorr of Amarlni ,—-""3 Caul Fabltbn. Director. Uj Founded In 1833 by living: full information. W. HALE, General Manaftr. Drives ; | away _/if *TVnr ; 1 pain. pIMfcLJ PATENTS ~ Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted tor MODULATE OUK OFFICEIB OPPOSITE THE U. 8. PAT ENT OFFICE. We have no al business direct, hence can transact patent bust ness in less time and at Less Cost than those re mote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo, with deserts tlon. We advise If patentable or not, freed! charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured A book, "How to Obtain Patents," wlthiSer ences to actual clients In your state,Oountr. o town sent free. Address C. A. BNO W CO., Washington, D. O (Opposite U. 8. Patent Omoe.j ■ PARKER'S _ HAIR BALSAM ClMmn snd bssutiflM Iks lsk. Promote# S hnrarisnt growth. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN
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