Royal awKei the food pire, VboleMtUC 4bd dt'iiclMM. I mi &AKIH* POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDIR CO., NIW YORK. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, FA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1898. Knterea at the Poet Office at Bloomstmrg, Pa. a eecona class matter, March 1,1888. Oliange in D. L. & W- Time Table- The following changes have recent ly been made in, the D. L. & W. time table. Noon train going south, form erly at 12:27 now leaves Bloomsburg at 12:22 ; evening train south, lorm erly at 8:30, now leaves at 8:07. The time table as printed on the third page of this paper is incorrect, as to. these trains, but correct as to all others. It will be changed as soon as we can procure a time table from the company. tf. ' A little more than a month ago we had occasion to communicate with many of our subscribers, and did so by mail, rather than to put a notice in the paper. This cost con siderable for postage. Not one in ten has responded. Those who so kindly and promptly replied have our thanks. The many who have not replied will hear ironi us again. BRIEF MENTION. About People TOU Know. Dr. Andrew Graydon has returned home from Eaglesmere. John G. McHenry, Democratic County Chairman, was in our town Monday. Miss Bertha Morgan, of Berwick, has ac cepted a clerkship in the I.eader Co. Store. Mrs. John Wagner, accompanied by three children, are visiting relatives 111 this county. Hon. C. B. Seely, of the Jerscyshore " Herald," was seen in Bloomsburg Friday. Mrs. M. Whitmer, of Sunbury, is visiting friends in town. She will remain 'till alter the Fair. Mrs. M. A. Blasser, arrived home from a two weeks visit with friends in the New England States. G. B. Hummer, of Elk Grove, and J. ID Vansickle, of Jameson City, attended to business in town Tuesday. Miss Jessie Willow, of Sunbury, was the pleasant guest of Mrs D A. Snyder, at the Exchange Hotel, this week. D. H. Boody, of Rupert, attended the Democratic Congressional Conference, at Eaglesmere, last Thursday. Samuel A. Goodhue, wife and family, of Salem, Mass., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Dockard, on Fifth street. Misses Annie Eyer and Sophia Vannatta have gone to Altoona on a visit to the lat ter' s sister, Mrs. J. W. Dewis. Elias Gross, who was brought home to Danville from Camp Alger, suffering with fever, is considerably improved, Mrs. Dr. Chapin, of Schoolcraft, Mich., is visiting friends in Columbia county. She will remain until after the Fair next month. Mr. and Mis. A. Nichols, of Bridgeton, N. J., have returned to their home at that rlace, alter a very pleasant visit with Rupert •lends. J'r. T. C. Hartcris attending the National En ipment of Sons of Veterans, at Omaha, Nc The Doctor is a delegate-at-large fit this Slate. J. G. McHen'y, one of Stillwater's hus tling young merchants, drove down and •ransacted business in town yesterday. He gave this office a pleasant call. The following Bloomsburg young men left for College this week: Roy Gardner, to Norareih Military School, Jay Allen, to S te College, Hairy Wilbur, to Dick 11.son, xrd Richard Lockaid, to Exeter. I have secured the sale of the finest tine of Confectionerv in the world. ALLEGRETTE'S CHOCOLATE CREAMS Are unsurpassed in richness and fla vor. Always fresh, at 60 CTS. PER POUND. In quarters, halfs and pounds. W. S. RISHTON, Ph. G., Owsosite F. 0 Pharmacist Telephone NopoTK Legal advertisements on page 7 Farmers in want of clean Timothy seed can find it at Bloomsburg Store Company L't'd. Scrofula, hip disease, salt rheum, dyspepsia and other diseases due to impure blood are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. The fall house cleaning time is nearly here, when the house wives will busy themselves, brushing away the airy abodes of the spider. The Veterans of Berwick have se cured E. J. Bowman to deliver an ad dress at the Veteran Association gathering at Orangeville next week. S3OOO to loan on first mortgage, in amounts from s2< upwards. For particulars inquire of A. N. YOST. Byron Kashner, of Almedia, met with a painful accident Sunday after noon. He fell off of his bicycle, in flicting severe wounds on different parts of his body. Theodore Conner has leased the Keystone foundry and machine shop, and will conduct the business of said concern hereafter. He was formerly superintendent of the institution. The public schools of Centralia are still without a principal. It is claimed that the school board cannot agree on a selection. The Court will prob ably have to settle the difficulty. Michael Rauch, aged seventy-five years, died at his home in Rupert on Tuesday. The remains were brought here and interred in Rosemont ceme tery. A wife and four children sur vive. The Electric Light Company are tearing all the signs off of their poles in town. There is an ordinance against tacking advertisements on the poles, and offenders hereafter had better watch out. For fear that they might break and fall against the windows of the church or rectory, the large trees on the Episcopal Church property, on Main street, have all been trimmed out and the tops cut off. The wedding of Miss Lulu Mae, daughter of E. L. Appleman, of Welliversville, and Rev. Frank H. Brumstetter, is announced to take place on Thursday, September 2 2d, After a wedding tour they will take up their residence at Excelsior, Pa. The theatrical season will be open ed in Bloomsburg on next Wednesday evening when America's favorite comedians. Rice & Barton, and their merry company will appear in the side spliting comedy, entitled "McDoodle's Plats." It is claimed that it will pro duce more fun to the square inch than all other companies put together. Don't miss it. Seats at Bidleman's. Wilbur Fisher, a former telephone inspector of the local 1 eiephone Ex change, who joined the Volunteer Engineer Co:ps, and went with the Regiment to Porto Rico, is sick and tired of soldier life, and is very anx iobs to return to Bloomsburg. In a recent letter he solicits the aid of po litical and personal friends, that he may be honorably discharged from the service. And he is not the only one. A wedding, at which fully 150 guests had assembled, was solemnized at Van Camp, Columbia county, Wednesday noon. The contracting parties were Philip M. Lenker and Miss Pealer, the former a prominent and progressive business man of West moreland Place. After an extended honeymoon, visiting in Philadelphia, New York and Boston, the couple will go to housekeeping in a beauti fully appointed home e—'-ted by the groom.— Shickshinny E.'ho. The Philadelphia Times has started a popular subscription fjnd for the purchasb of a sword, to presented to Admiral Schley, the hero of Santi ago. Already the amount received has pissed the SI,OOO mark, and it is believed that by the first of October more than twice that amount will be contributed. There is no better way for the public to show its appreciation of this brave officer. It will be the handsomest sword ev„. presented to any military or naval v.iicer in this country. Tuesday evening a party of young people gathered at the home of Mich ael Ohl, on Fifth street. The object of this gathering was to surprise his son, Arthur, and to have a good time. At about nine o'clock Arthur was brought to his home, where he was astonished to find a large assemblage of his friends ready to* receive him. They made things interesting for him in short order, and he acknowledged that it was a complete surprise. He took everything good naturedly and the time passed off very pleasantly, and the refreshments also. At last all took leave with sincere wishes that his college life may be pleasant and profitable. He left on Wednesday for Ursinus College, where he will re sume his studies for the ministry. K. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Fifth street, from Market street to the B. & S. Railroad, has been cov ered with crushed cinder A colored A. M. E. Campmeeting, under the direction of Page Hawk ins, is advertised to be held at Wy nona Park, Cole's Creek, from Thurs day, September 15th to 26th, iuclus ive. The Judgship contest was argued before Judge McPherson at Harris burg yesterday. Considerable tes timony was produced on both sides. The decision has not yet been ren dered. Don't forget the Friendship Fire Company Festival, at the Town Hall. Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. All the delicacies of the sea son will be on sale. The boys are deserving of all the help that you can give them. The band will give a concert each evening. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Foulke enter tained the members of St. Paul's Episcopal Church Choir, and a few other intimate friends, at their home, corner of Iron and Fourth streets, Tuesday. The evening was very pleasantly spent. The choir sang several selections. The Wilkesbarre Times says Mc- Doodle's Flats crowded the Grand Opera House to the doors, and gave a first-class performance. Bloomsburg theatre lovers can witness this up-to date musical extravaganza at the Opera House, Wednesday evening next. The Musical College, at Freeburg, Snyder county, Pa., is now in session, and will continue without vacation until the holidays, giving young peo ple an opportunity of attending a term of six weeks or more at a trifling expense, and can be admitted at any time. For catalogues and informa tion address Henry B. Moyer. (9-15-41 Services in the Lutheran Church on next Sabbath will be of the character of praise for God's mercies. A har vest home sermon in the morning and a praise service of song in the even ing. The pastor will give a history of certain hymns and all will unite in singing them. A general invitation is given to attend. A new order went into effect on the Pennsylvania Railroad Friday evening. In the future no duplex tickets will be issued, giving a rebate to the person purchasing them of 10 cents, when railroad fare is paid on the cars to the conductor. In the future the regular fare will be charged by the conductor. The cause of this order was that, by a government de cision, a stamp had to be attached to each duplex ticket, as it was in the form of a receipt. The marriage of our townsman Robert E. Hartman,junior member of the firm of I. W. Hartman & Son, to Miss Rachael Reese, will take place at the bride's home, Tuesday next. The officiating clergyman will be Rev. Buckley, of the Centralia M. E. Church, who is a close friend of the family. The ceremony will take place at three o'clock, directly after which the couple will depart for a trip to the north. Isaac Long, one of Luzerne coun ty's leading merchants, died suddenly ot heart disease at his home in Wilkes-Barre Tuesday morning. He was a native of Bavaria, Germany, and came to America when 13 years of age. While yet a young man he removed from Wilkes-Barre to Phila delphia, where he engaged in the dry guods business. In 1874 he returned to Wilkes-Baire and entered the dry goods business. He also identified himself with other enterprises, and was for many years President of the Board of Trade. What is Scott's Emulsion ? It is a strengthening food and tonic, remarkable in its flesh-form ing properties. ' It contains Cod- Liver Oil emulsified or partially digested, combined with the well known and highly prized Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda, so that their potency is materially increased. What Will H DoT It will arrest loss of flesh and restore to a normal condition the infant, the child and the adult. It will enrich the blood of the anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irrita tion of the throat and lungs, and cure incipient consumption. We make this statement because the experience of twenty-five years has proven H in tens of thousands of B>SCI. Bs sure you ft! SCOTT'S Emulsion. 50c. and SI.OO, all druggist*. SCOTT ft BOWMB, Chemists, New York. doming Fair at Brook Park, Lewisburg. The Forty-fifth Annual Fair of Un ion County Agricultural Society, will be held at Brook Park, Lewisburg, on Sept. 27, 28, 29 and 30. It is one of the oldest organizations in the county, and it has stood the test of time for nearly half a century. During the past season the new track has been sodded and covered with loam, mak ing it the best haii-miie track in the State. The premium list has been revised and increased, making it very attractive to owners of last horses, live stock raisers, farmers and farmers' organizations, manufactu-ers and oth ers; distinctively agricultural in every method and feature ; competition un restricted; turf attractions more ample than ever before ; several races each day. Indications are that the attend ance will be the largest in the history of the Fair. Full particulars are given on pamphlets, issued by the Society, which can be had on appli cation, or by addressing C. Dale Wolfe, Secretary, Lewisburg, Pa. The public is assured that this year's exhibition will be the best ever held. A new grand stand, with private boxes, will ensure the best accommo dations for those desiring to witness the track events. You don't need any fans these days. THE BROADWAY 0 / . The question is not only who is willing'? but who is able to sell goods on a correct basis. WE ARE BOTH WILLING AND ABLE. Children's Fall and Winter CAPS. Do you want to see the pret tiest line in Bloomsburg ? If so, call at the BROADWAY and look at the new stock just opened. The prettiest styles as well as the best values are ready for your inspection. ALL NEW. Agency for B utter ick Fashions. OCTOBER STYLES NOW READY Delineators, 15c ea., $1 per yr. Glass of Fashion, 7c ea., 60c per year. Fashion sheet 3 free. Respectfully Submitted to the Sash Trade Only by m BROADWAY USB STORE, Mover's New Building, Main Street, BLOOMSBURG. V I. nOORE S $2.50 SHOE FOR; LADIES Beats them all this season. They have more Style, more comfort and bet ter wearing qualities than most $3 shoes. If you see them you will buy them. Cos. SECOND AND IRON STS. Bloomsburg, Pa. OPENING OF IK! EHEE Mnisi a -■ 5 .w " We now have opened full lines oj New Fall Goods in all depart ments of all kinds, the same having been bought at the lowest prices for "Spot Cash," and will be sold for spot cash at Use lowest prices for reliable merchandise. It will pay you to investigate. Dress Goods. The most complete showing of Dress materials we have ever offered in Yigoroux, Poplins, Plaids, Cheviots, Coverts, Bay adere Effects, Venetians, &c. 50 in. all wool Suitings, 65c yd 50 in. all wool Suitings, 60c yd 50 in. Broadcloths, 85c yd., and plenty of others. Irish Point. Embroider'd Pillow Shams 50c Embroider'd Bureau Scarfs 25c Embroidered Shams, 75c Through the Stack. White Curtain Poles, 19c Kid Curlers, 5,10 and 15c Curling Irons, 5, 10 and 20c Ironing Wax, 4c Dressing Combs, 5, 10, 12, 15c Belt Buckles, 25c and up. Belts of all kinds. Fur Collarettes, $2.44 A Special Umbrella, $1.89 Ladies' Mackintoshes, $4.75 Scheffield's Dentifrice, 18c Cotton's fine Perfumes, 23c bot. H. J. CLA RK & SON I. W. MITHM & SOI. MARKET SQUARE DRY COODS HOUSE. All our efforts will be concentrated from now until Fair time —ON— Fall and Winter Goods. A warm Dress, A warm Skirt, A warm Jacket, A warm Caoe, All are necessary for comfort from now on. Don't buy until you see our stock of Silks for Waists and Trimmings. Black Dress Goods were never more fashionable than this season. Our stock is complete with all the new trimmings to match. I. W. HARTMAN & SON. PILES CURED IN 3 TO 6 NIGHTS.— One application gives relief, Dr. Ag new's Ointment is a boon for Itching Piles, or Blind, Bleed ; -g Piles, it re lieves quickly and permanently. In skin eruptions it stands without a rival. Thousands of testimonials if you want evidence. 35 cents. —8. Sold by C. A. Kleim. The following letters are held at the Bloomsburg, Pa., postofFce, and will be sent to the dead letter office Sept. 27,1898: Miss Lillie Bower, Mr. C. L. Karns. Mr. J. G. Cornisi, Mrs. J. E. Evans, Mr. Plarry Hein sheimer, Mr. Isiah Levan, Mr. Chas. A. Steinman, Mrs. J. M. Snover. Cards: Mr. C. L. Cams (2) Persons calling for the above letters will please say that they were advertised Sept. 13, 18 9 C.. O. B. MELLICK, P. M. Rev. J. F- Boucher. D. D- LL. D. Rev. B. C. Conner received a tele gram from Baltimore yesterday, in which Rev. J. F. Goucher, D. D. LL. D., promises to spend Sunday next with the Methodists, preaclrng for them at their anniversary service. Dr. Goucher is the President of the Woman's College, at Baltimore, and is one of the most prominent minis ters in the Methodist Church. PILL-DOSED— With nauseous, big purgers, prejudices people against pills generally. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are revolutionizing the pill demand— They're so pleasant and easy to take —The doses are small and so is the price—ro cents for 40 doses. Bilious ness, Sick Headache, Constipation dispelled. Work like a charm.—9. Sold by C. A. Kleim. WANTED:— Rooms suitable for light housekeeping, either furnished or un furnished. Apply at this office. Trimmings, &e. Our Dress Trimming stock contains all the newest in Braids, Velvets, Chenille ef fects, Jets, Insertions, Yokes, Fronts, Military effects, Ac. If you have a trimming need, see this stock. Black Dress Goods. If you need Black Dress Material of any kind, it will pay you to see the lines we are now showing in all the new effects of the spason, besides a special lot of the famous "Priestley" Black Dress Goods, Veils and Shawls. Wrappers. A new line of Wrappers in Fall styles are now ready. Separata Dress Skirts A new line of these goods from $1.49 upwards. See them. We have a new lot of those 29c outing flannel shirts. You should see our Single Dress Patterns in plain and figured cloths; no two alike. The Fur Collarettes are in, and are nice fitters, from $2.95 to sls, Some are plain, others have the long tails. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOB BENT. Rooms on 3rd. floor, COLUMBIA* building. Steam heat, gas or electric light, water. Apply to tf. GEO. E. ELWELL. Try Allen's Foot-Ease, A powder tp be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools tire feet and makes walkiog easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, bisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bun ions of all pain and gives rest and com fort. Try it TO DAY. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial package FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, I,e Roy, N r . Y. Notice. Wc have started our cider mill, and will be pleased to serve the pub'x from now on 'till the close of the ser son. The mill will be open from Monday morning 'till Saturday noon of each week. MORDAN & KILE, Sept. 8. Mordansville, Pa. Turkeys and Chickens Wanted- The Reformed Church wants Turkeys and Chickens for the din ner at the Fair. Apply to W. D. Moyer, 338 West street. Blooms burg. 9-1-41. Apprentice Wanted- Boy wanted to learn printer's trade. Must be 16 years old, and have fair common school education. Resident of Bloomsburg preferred. Apply at this office. tf. HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache, ■aay to take, easy to operate. 2Se. 5
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