8 BARGAIN IN LIK BICYCLE BOOTS, $1.29 per Pair. WIDTHS, C, D and E. W.C. McKINNEY, No. 8 East Main Street. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a condidate for President Judge of the 26th Judicial District subject to the decision of the Republican confer ence of said district. C. C. EVANS. Death of Mrs- J. F. Wilbur. Mrs. J. F. Wilbur, widow of the late Rev. J. F. Wilbur, died at the home of her daughter in Hopbottom, Saturday. She was of a very ad vanced age, being 88 years old. Until recently she resided in Car hondale. She left thereon June 15, to visit her daughter at Hopbottom. At that time she was in very good health considering her extreme age. Since then she has been ailing with the troubles peculiar to old age. Her son, H. B- Wilbur, of Car bondale, received a telegram Satur day evening apprising him of her death. He left for Hopbottom to make arrangements for the funeral. It took place Tuesday afternoon. The remains were taken to Peck ville for interment- Deceased is survived by three sons and one daughter. They are J. B. Wilbur, Washington, D. C., Prof. George E. Wilbur of Blooms burg, Pa., H. B. Wilbur of Carbon dale, and Mrs. E- A. Williams of Hopbottrn.— VVilkcs-Barrc Times. Death of William Hartman ■ The subject of this sketch was born in Catavvissa in 1812, and died at his home at that place Saturday afternoon, having lived there all his life. He had been in very poor health for a long time, and for a year past was unable to attend to any business at all. He was a brother to Isaiah W., and Welling ton Hartman of Bloomsburg, and is survived by a wife and one daughter. The funeral set /ices were conducted by Rev. U. Myers yesterday afternoon. Mr. Hartmau learned the carpen ter trade while quite young and was a mechanic of more than ordinary ability. He did considerable con tracting. Pay Tour Own Taxes. The act of July 5, 1897, provides that from and after the passage ot this act it shall be unlawful for auy person or persons to pay or cause to be paid any occupation or poll tax assessed against an elector, ex cept 011 the written arid signed older of such elector authorizing such payment to be made, which written and signed order must be presented at least thirty days prior to the date of holding the election at which such elector desires to vote. Any person violating this act is subject to imprisonment for a term of not less than twenty days and not ex ceeding six months, or by fine not exceeding two hundred dollars. All voters should pay their own taxes and take 110 chances of violating this law. By the Act of Assembly, passed in 1867, it is made a common nuisance for any pcmuii or persons, corpora tion or company owning lands or oc cupying the same, or holding or oc cupying any railroad, turnpike or other road to allow the following weeds to come to seed, to wit: Com mon mullein, moth mullein, wild car rot. Canada thistles, horse nettle or OJreye daisy. TAX LIVIIOE" A. N. Yost, Treasurer of the town of Bloomsburg, will receive town taxes at his office, Wirt Build ing, on and after August 16, 1898 for a period of thirty days, after which time five per cent will be added. A. N. YOST, Treas. Marriage. CLEAVER—MENSCH. At the home of Mr. Bryfogle, Rupert, David C. Cleaver of Philadelphia, and Margaret Meusch of Blooms burg, were united in marriage, Wed. Aug. 17, 1898 by Rev. W. H. Hart man. A fine line of new styles in wed ding invitations just received at THE COLUMBIAN office. tf. Literary Notes- FROM TUB S. 8. MCCI.CJRB CO., NEW TORE. Mr. George E. Graham and Mr. W. A. M. Goods will contribute to Mc Claris Magazine for September, accounts of the destruction of Ad miral Cervera's Fleet as witnessed by themselves from Commodore Schley's flagship, the "Brooklyn," and Admiral Sampson's flagship, the "New York. They represent ed the Associated Press, and were the only correspondents abroad the American ships at the time of the battle with Cervera. The articles will be very fully illustrated, large ly from photographs of the actual scene, taken by the authors. The illustrations will comprise portraits of all the commanders, Spanish as well as American ; pictures of all the ships ; views and diagrams of the battle in its successive stages ; and views of the wrecks of the Spanish ships taken soon after the battle ctosed. Me Claris Magazine for Septem ber will contain an article by George B. Waldron on "The Com mercial Promise of Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines and an article by Ray Stannard Baker describing the elaborate and costly system by which the news of the war has been reported for the American newspaj rs. Hamlin Garland \yill contribute to the September Mc Claris an ac count of General Custer's last fight in the actual words of Two Moon, an Indian chief still living, who took part in it. The article will be illustrated with portrait from life. Swindled Out of $2500. Ex-Counly Commissioner Slrebeigh's Death Ss>id to be Due to That. It has just been learned that Ex- County Commissioner Thomas J. Strebeigh, who died at his home in Montoursville, was buncoed out of $2500 several days before his death, and it is believed that worry over the loss is what caused his sudden illness and death. One day a young man called at Strebeigh's home and represented himself as cashier of a Muncy bank. He asked Strebeigh to go with him to look at a farm which he thought of purchasing. On the way a third party was met and the old three-card monte game was worked. The alleg ed cashier lost a small sum and induc ed Strebeigh to go to Williamsport for money so he could get even. Strebeigh drew $2500 from the Sus quehanna Trust company and the strangers got it all. When Strebeigh returned home late that night he looked as though he had been drugg ed. The Supreme Court recently render ed a decision in a contested election case that will hereafter act as a guide for election boards in the counting of ballots not marked strictly according to the letter of the law. The case in question, on which the Supreme Court has ruled originated in a township in York county. Three ballots were re jected because the voters had put a cross-mark opposite the name of one of the candidates in another column. The throwing out of these three ballots entire defeated the Republi can candidate for assessor. In ah three of the ballots there were cross marks at the top of the Republican column, in which column was printed the name of the appellant. In two of the ballots strokes were run through the names of the Republican candi dates. In one ballot a stroke was drawn through the name of the Repu blican candidate for supervisor and a cross-mark made opposite the name of his Democrat antagonist. Apparent ly the intention of the voter was to vote the full Republican ticket, except in the cases of the persons whose names were scratched, and all three intended, in all human probability, to vote for the appellant for assessor. The lower court, however, rejected the ballots and is sustained by the Supreme Court. The decision is an important one, as it changes what has been the practice in many dis tricts, namely, to follow the intent of the voter. The intent of the voter, according to the Supreme Court, can have nothing to do with the case. II any portion of the ballot is improper ly marked the entire ballot must be • thrown out. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. THE WAR AT AN END. M. CAMBON FOR SPAIN AND SEC. DAY FOR U. S. SIGN THE PROTOCOL. gpuin In to Give Up tuba, Porto Rico and All Other Went Indian Inlands Are Ceiled to the United Statcn. Also One of the Lnllron. Washington, Aug;. 13.—'The protocol preliminary to a treaty of peace be tween the United States and Spain was signed at the White Bouse at 4.2S o'clock yesterday afternoon. Secretary Day acted for the United States and M. Cambon, the French ambassador, for the government of Spain. Immediately after the signatures were affixed telegraphic orders were sent to the military commanders In Cuba. Porto Rico and the Philippines to cease hostilities, as peace had been re stored. These orders had been pre pared In advance, In order that no time might be lost, and placed In the custody of Adjutant General Corbin. This fact gave rise to the rumor that the orders had already been dispatched. This Is still denied absolutely and cate gorically by Secretary Alger and Ad jutant General Corbin, the latter speak ing for the president. The Protocol. KO The protocol provides: 1. That Spain will relinquish all claim of sovereignty and title to Cuba. 2. That Porto Rico and other Span ish islands in the West Indies and an Island in the Dadrones, to be selected by the United States, shall be ceded to the latter. 8. That the United States will occu py and hold the city, bay and harbor of Manila, pending the conclusion of a treaty of peace whloh shall determ ine the control, disposition and govern ment of the Philippines. 4. That Cuba, Porto Rico and other Spanish islands In the West Indies shall be Immediately evacuated, and that commissioners, to be appointed within ten davs, shall, within thirty days from the signing of the protocol, meet at Havana and San Juan, respec tively, to arrange and execute the de tails of the evacuation. 6. That the United States and Spain will each appoint not more than Ave commissioners to negotiate and con clude a treaty of peace. The commis sioners are to meet at Paris not later than October 1. 6. On the signing of the protocol, hostilities will be suspended and no tice to that effect will be given as soon as possible by each government to the commanders of its military and navil forces. Arranging for Signing. Washington, Aug. 13.—President Mc- Kinley was notified at about 2 o'clock yesterday of the receipt of a dispatch from the Madrid government by .M. Cambon. and was informed that the protocol would be signed later in the afternoon, the exact hour to be flxad by Secretary Day. WILLIAM It. DAY. SF.CRETAKY OP STATE The dispatch authorising the French ambassador to sign the protocol look ing to a cessation of hostilities between Spain and the United States began to arrive at the embassy at 1 o'clock. It was said at the embassy that as soon as the translation has been com pleted M. Thlebaut would take a copy to the 6tate department and arrange for the visit of the ambassador to sign the protocol with Secretary Day. M. Thlebaut, first secretary of the French embassy, arrived at the state department at 2.45 o'clock to make ar rangements with Judge Day for the vis- It of M. Cambon to sign the protocol. M. Thlebaut was at once shown into Judge Day's room. He brought with him a copy of the cable dispatch defin ing M. Cambon's powers and certifying to his authority In behalf of Spain. The Interview between Secretary Day and M. Thlebaut closed at 3.03 o'clock, and the secretary immediately went to the White House to consult with the president. When Secretary Day left the White House at 3.20 o'clock he said that the protocol would be signed at the White House between 4 and 5 o'clock. It had been originally planned to hhve the signing take place at>he state department, but at tlie request of the president, who desired to witness It, It was decided that M. Cambon should meet Secretary Day at the White House. The cabinet adjourned at noon, hav ing spent the morning In discussing routine affair* and speculating on the outcome of the protocol, assuming that Its execution was certain to take place shortly. Much satisfaction was expres sed over the prospect of an early re sumption of peaceful conditions and a return to tha consideration of the ordi nary matters of government. After the ordeT for the cessation of hostilities comes the formal armistice, to be followed In turn by the appoint ment of peace commissioners, the pre paration of a treaty and its ratification by the Senate, which will be called In special session, Just before the regular meeting time of Congress In December. While the work of the paage oommla- •lon Is belf.g performed the president will be occupied with studying the In tricate problem of establishing forms of government, temporary and permanent, in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philip pines, a delicate and perplexing task, requiring the most profound Investiga tion and careful handling. H JULES CAMBON FRENCH AMBASSADOR. It Is still believed that Secretary Day will not leave the state department un til the treaty of peace Is arranged, not withstanding that he Is to be president of the peace commission. There Is much speculation as to the make up of the commission. The names of Senators Allison and Gorman are mentioned. Protocol Article Relating to Philippines. Washington, Aug. 10.—Owing to an eyror in transmission, article 111 of the full text of the peace protocol, as ca bled from Madrid, was not given with accuracy. The text of this article Is as follows, agreeing with Secretary Day's statement on Friday afternoon, after the signing of the protocol. Article 111. The United States will occupy and hold the city, bay and har bor of Manila, pending the conclusion of a treaty of peace which shall deter mine the control, disposition and gov ernment of the Philippines. ALLEGED CUBAN SCHEME Plan to Occupy Santiago Jointly With the Americans. Santiago de Cuba, Aug. 17. —General Wood, through the vigilance of the se cret service men, learned yesterday that he Cubans had planned to make an attempt later in the month to occupy the city jointly with the Americans, in pursuance of their desire to share the civil administration of the town with the American ofllceTS and place their llags on the public buildings. The plan of the Cubans, Gen. Wood learns, is not to resort to any violence, but to attempt to march into the town peaceably. The details of the scheme, however, are not yet known to the Americans, but the Spanish and Cuban residents of the town who know of th.e plan are very much opposed to it. They have petitioned the American officers to remain and preserve order, nnd nothing is more certain than that the Cubans will not be allowed to enter the city. The Morro road, by which the Cu bans had planned tn come to Santiago, is guarded by the Fifth regiment of im munes, commanded by Colonel Sar gent. whose orders are to let no bodies of armed men pass. Every one has been disarmed In the town under the terms of the proclama tion Issued by General Shaft-r after the news of the signing of the peace protocol arrived. Hundreds of machetes have been tak en possession of and stored In the pub lic arsenals. Garcla's army Is now on a twenty-eight day furlough, nnd most of his men are at their homes. The health of the town under the Im proved sanitary conditions la becoming better. No new cases of yellow fever have been reported. ' The sickness am ong the Spanish prisoners, however, Is increasing, 3,146 cases of Illness having been reported to General Wood yester day. ' The principal complaints are malig nant malaria and acute dysentery. The malaria la of an exceedingly deadly type. The men loaded oi, board the transports to be sent back to Spain are in a wretched condition. The transport ship Leone will sail for Montauk Point to-day with the En nls Light Battery and parts of differ ent infantry regiments. Russia's Congratulation*. Washington, Aug. 17. —The state de partment has posted the following bul letin: "Besides the congratulatory note of the Italian ambassador felicitating the government of the United States on the signature of th,e preliminaries of peace with Spain, the secretary of state re ceived on the night of the 13th iastant a 'telegram from the ambassador of Russia, Count Casslni, who Is now so journing at Narragansett pier, by which he tendered his congratulations upon the conclusion of the protocol which assures a peace alike glorious to this country and honorable to our adversa ries of yesterday." Three Counterfeiters Arrested. Washington, Aug. 16.—Chief Wilkt.e of the treasury secret Service has re ceived news of the arrest on Saturday last of Charles Vanderbrush. Wallace Davenport and Sanford Dunn,, who have been passing counterfeit quarters and half dollar? In Newark and other parts of northern New Jersey. The chief sent a subordinate Into that neighborhood übo"t two weeks ago, who soon located t..e counterfeiters' se cret headquarters in the hills near Sparta, Sussex county, New Jersey. The detective went up into the hills himself and lived there till he had run his game down and captured them. From all appearances their arrest puts an end to the gang in that part of the country. Warihlpr tn Go to Guantaunmo. St. Croix, Aug. 17.—Nearly all the waSships on duty In I'orto Ulcan wat ers have received orders to go to Guan tamamo bay, presumably to wait there until the peace negotiations are sot tied. The cruiser Columbia has been or dered to New York, and will letvc this morning. The other ships will start for Guantar.amo bay In a day or two. Off for Greenland- Copenhagen Aug. 17.—The expedition to explore the east coast of Greenland under Lleuterawit Amdrup, sailed yes ■ tarda/ morning on board the steamer Oodt-lLoab. The Dollar Mark Bign. "There is a conflict among the standard writers as to the derivation of the dollar mark sign, $," explained a treasury official: "and they seem to be getting tarther apart all the time instead of approaching each other. The popular theory among the older authorities was that the dollar sign was made out of the letters U. S., which were prefixed to the currency of the country. These letters were writ ten hurriedly, and the theory grew that they eventually ran into one con glomerate letter or sign, and that the $ was the result. This was the gen erally accep.ed iplanation until about fifty yeaTs ago, when a promi nent financial authority advanced the proposition that the dollar mark grew out of the figure 8, denoting a piece of eight reals, the dollar being origin ally called a piece of eight. But there is no certainty about it, and as the dollar is clearly an American coin de signation it seems strange that there never has been an official or authoriz ed statement as to the origin or de rivation of the mark."— Washington S'ar. THE BROADWAY. DAILY SPECIAL SALES Bead the list for the week, commenc- August 19th, 1898. FRIDA V, A UG UST i 9 th. Special Sale of Metis Shir Is for one day only. Men's 48c unlaundered white shirts at 39c each, al' sizes. Men's 75c laundered white shirts at 60c each. Men's colored percale and negligee shirks at one-fourth off" the regular prices for this sale. SA TURD A V, AUGUST 20th. Special Sale of Umbrellas for one day only. School umbrellas, 39c ea., worth 50. Ladies' 26 inch umbrellas with fine celluloid handles,' good value at sr, for this sale only 82c each. Men's 28 inch Union Twill umbrel las, steel rod, silver trimmed handles, for this sale only 85c e ch. MONDA V, A UG UST 22th. Spec'al Sale of Handkerchiefs for one day only. Men's colored cotton handkerchiefs 4c each. Ladies' white hemstitched cambric handkerchiefs, 4 and 8c each. Men's Japanette hemstitched hand kerchiefs, full size, very fine. 3 for 25c. Ladies' embroidered handkerchiefs, special value at 10c each, worth 20c. TUESDA V, A UG UST 23 th. Special Sale of H'hile Dress Goods for one day only. White India linen, 6, 8, 10, 13c yd. White Piques, excellent values at 12, 15 and 16c yd., worth fully £ more Plaid Muslins, Organdies, Swisses and all kinds of white goods at special sale prices. WEDNESDA V, AUGUST 24 th Special Sal. of White Counterpanes for one day only. In this sale we place all our white counter panes at 1 off our regular low prices, 50c to #2.00 each. THURSDA Y, A UG UST 25 th. Special Sale of Ladies' Belts and Pocletbooks for one day only. A c'ean up of these indispensable articles at prices much below their real value. Belts, 5c to $l.OO each. Pocketbooks, 5c to #1.25 each. Purses, ic to 25c ea. Watch these sales. There is money in them for you—but none for us. Respectfully Submitted to the Clash Trade Only by ffl Iffli! CASE STORE, Mover's New luilding, Main Street, BLOOMSBURG. Shoe Bar gains To close out quickly several small lots of -SHOES- We will give decided bar gains during the month of July. W. H. Vloore. CO3. SECOND AND IRON STS. JONAS LONG'S SONS' WEEKLY CHATS. WILKES-BAR RE. PA., Thursday, Aug. nth, 1898. The policy of this Great Store) is to have everything that people! arc apt to want, and yet sell noth ing but what is worthy and de pendable goods. Many times the goods we advertise are so little} priced that people wonder how we' can sell so cheap. That's part of our policy, Giving Better Values Than You'd Expect, And at any time when article* purchased are not what you pcct, your money back, for the' asking. Just now you'll find our store especially attractive with , BARGAINS IN SUMMER GOODS. Ir\ many instances prices are almost halved, to make room for Fall arrivals. At the Wash Goods Counter This Week You'll find New Dress Ginghams in great variety of patterns, that usually sell at ioc. the yard, now sc. per yard. 36-Inch English Percales, always per yard, now 7c. per yard. Crown Lappet Lawns, plenty of patterns to choose from, they were now Bc. per yard. Imported Organdies, new de signs, full 32 inches wide, always 25c., now per yard. 1 Cool nights are almost here. You'll want a light weight Blanket Better buy them now while the price is so low. One lot with finished crochet edge, came in fancy patterns to save washing, price should be t $1.25, special this week at 79c. Pure White Summer Blankets, with finished edge, 10-4 size, 49c. each. The Best Corset Ever Sold at 50 Cents. Not a regular 50c. Corset, but ..qual to any at 75c., and even more. Made with good side steels, heavily boned, come long and short waistcd ; see them on second floor or write us about them. CRASH SKIRTS. i Priced lower than well made f skirts have yet been offered, 39c., I 89c., 98c., $1.25. White Duck Skirts at 49c. and 75 c - , SEWING MACHINES AT $15.76. And guaranteed for five years, made in most improved manner, with five drawers, with high arm and full set of best attachments. You'd pay #25 and get no better. j The Boy Wears Overalls As well as his father. These are , made just like his, of good Blue g Denim, with bib front and braces, all sizes from 3 to 13 years. W 25c. the Pair. A Cool, Comfortable fi and Cosy Restaurant I Is located on our fifth floor, with, the best service in the city and prices very moderate. Regular Dinners 25c. Lunches, Ice Cream and Ices served. Have your friends meet you here or in our waiting room on the second floor. Everything for your conveniencte and welcome to all. "lsl| Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Scranton, - (- • 1 I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers