2 'THE FALL OP MANILA. A CABLEGRAM RECEIVED PROM GEN. MERRITT ANNOUNCES IT. Gen. Augtietln IVn- DUuilsscd. It Is Said i That He Was UUplaced August sb) | Gen. JanUeinee, Our Troops Entered Ji' the Clry I,aat Saturday. Washington, Aug. 17.—Further par ticulars In regard to the fall of Manila Rifhounced yesterday are as follows: General Mrrttt has telegraphed that Manila has surrendered and that the American flag tiles over the city. He gives no details. , The cabinet yesterday was Informed If. Consul Wildman's dispatch to the late department announcing the arrl lai ot General Augustln at Hong Kong Mid the rumored surrender of Ma oilß. Later the short dispatch came from General Merritt confirming the news announcement that the American fkfg was flying over the city, but no de tails were given. There was great satisfaction expres sed among the members of the cabinet at the news, and at the ract that Ma nila had fallen before the peace proto col had been signed or known at Ma nila. The capture of Mqnlla as a cabinet officer expressed It, greatly simplifies the work of the peace commission and plftces the United F'.ates In a better po sition than before to demand the ces sion of enough territory to enable us to hold the city, if not the whole Is land. Spain Ileum of Surrender. Madrid, Aug. 17.—The government bite been notified by the Spanish consul at Hong Kong of the surrender of Ma nila. It Is not yet aware of the manner In Which the surrender was effected. It is now known, from semi-official sources, that the government knew ydsterday that Manila had capitulated on Saturday, after General Jandemes bald taken over the command from Gen eral Au.. jstin and the latter had been authorized to quit his post and to em bark nn a foreign warship for Hong Kong. Manila apparently capitulated be cause of lack of food, the population and garrison having Buffered the great est privations. The cabinet has decided to order Gen ecal Blanco and all other Spanish gen eaals In the Antilles to remain at their nsepeotive posts until the evacuation Is •biaplMed. O .!• <-! W, j Merritt, it Is reported took the greatest precautions In artier to prevent the Insurgents from Interfering with the capitulation of Ma nila or approaching the city. The Manila press faars that the sur render may affect Spain's position In thfe negotiations for the future govern ment of the Philippines. Waiting for the News. Washington. Aug. 17.—The Informa tion contained In Consul Wildman's brief message aroused intense interest, but created no surprise among those officers who received It. For two or three days news of the fall of Manila had been expected. The last dispatches received from Admiral Dewey and Gen eral Merritt Indicated that it was their piC-pose to force a surrender of the city as* soon as possible. It was believed that they joined in a hots to General Augustln, demanding th,o surrender of Manila and threaten ing to make a combined sea and land attack upon the city unless the demand was acceded to. As scfon as the protocol was signed last Friday afternoon dispatches were sent to both Admiral Dewey oind Gen eral Merritt via Hong Kong. On Satur day the British steamer Australian left Hong Kong for Manila bearing the dis patches from this government. AiiffUfttin J>isralsed. Berlin, Aug 1 . 17.—General Augustin, according to a dispatch from Hong Kong, dated yesterday, -vas dismissed from his post as captain general of the Philippines on August 5. General Jaudemts was ordered to take over the command at Manila. The dispatch adds: "The Americans notified the authori ties at Manila that a bombardment by sea and land would commence at noon on August !). The city surrendered on the 13th and the American flag was hol3ted forthwith. "The Spanish officers were allowed their freedom on parole. The Judiciary and the administrative offices are to remain temporarily in the hands of the Spaniards. The insurgents remain out side the town." Augustln'a Bscape. Hong Kong, Aug. 17.—1t was rumored here last night that Manila had sur rendered. but no news was obtainable from the Spanish consul. The officials of the Manila cable are anxiously awaiting permission to re pair. A cable steamer is now at Singapore awaiting instructions. Governor General Augustln refused to speak. The German consul was cal led upon and he Informed the corre spondent that the outskirts of Manila were bombarded by the Americans and thfit the city surrendered. No damage ■was done to the city proper, only the outskirts being bombarded. The date of the bombardment was unknown to the German consul, who refused to say more. General Augustin told a lady that Admiral Dewey demanded the surren der of Manila in an hour. The Span lards declined to surrender and Dewey began the bombardment and the Span lards hoisted a white flag. General Augustin immediately Jump ed into a German launch, which was in waiting, and went to the Kaiserin Au ■ gusta, which sailed bufore the bom bardment was concluded. The bombardment occurred on tha 13th. <* ' Perry Helm out Koilvni, Washington, Aug. 17.—Major Perry Belmont has tendered his resignation as major and Inspector general of the United States volunteers It will take effect pn the 20th Inst, and was caused by a rush of athpr business. .AW*- COMMISSIONERS NAMED. Thorn, for Porto Rico and Cuba Chosen bj the President. Washington, Aug. I".—The president has appointed the two commissioners to adjust the details ot the evacuation of Cuba and Porto Rico under the terms of the peace protocol. They arc as follows: For Cuba: Major General James F. Wade. Rear Admiral William T. Samp son, Major General Matthew C. Butler. For Porto Rico: Major General John R. Brooke, Rear Admiral Wlnfleld S. Schley. Brigadier General William W. Gordon. This list Is In line with th/ 3 latest of the premature guesses at Its composi tion. With the exception of the name of General William Washington Gor don, the other commissioners have been so much In the public eye of late that little needs to be said about them. Gen eral Gordon Is, however, probably the president's personal choice, and his ca reer t.as many points of Interest. He is a native of Savannah, Ga., and a graduate of Yale, where he was a classmate of Judge Henry E. Howland of New York and of Stewart L. Wood ford. On receiving his degree he re turned home and entered business as a cotton merchant. He entered the Con federate army May 1, 1861, and served till the close of the war. first as a 11; _- tenant In Stewart's cavalry In Virginia, then as captain and Inspector of Mer cer's infantry brigade on the coast of Georgia, then as a captain and adju tant in Wheeler's cavalry In the Caro lina campaign. In October, 1865, he re sumed his old business in Savannah. In the Interval since then he has served six years in the Georgia legislature and been senior ofllcer of the state militia, in that capacity commanding his troops four separate times In the suppression of mob disorders. As he had yellow fe ver In November, 1854, he was consider ed an Immune, and, In a measure, cer tainly proved it by remaining in Savan nah through the fearful epidemic of 1876, nursing the sufferers. He is a prominent member of the Savannah Benevolent Association, Is vice presi dent of the Merchants' National Bank, and ex-president of the Cotton Ex change of Savannah and was a dele gate to the Indianapolis sound monev convention. At the outbreak of the present war, when the best military appointments were going to civilians here and there, the Georgia d'-legation in Congress de cided to invest their share of the pat ronage In another man. The president, however, regardless of this action, ap pointed Gordon a brigadier general on the strength of his personal record. The general declined the honors of commanding a division preparing for service in one of the northern camps, in order to be sure to see service ait the front. H.e then expected to go with General Copplnger to Porto Rico by the end of June or the first of July at the latest. This Is the sort of spirit which always has pleased the president, and it is not surprising that he has now taken pains to make up to General Gor don In belated honors for the disap pointment of some of his ambitions ear lier in the war. TROOPS WERE DISORDERLY And Gen. Shafter Wat* Obliged to Order Them Into Camp Santiago de Cuba, Aug. 16. —General Shafter to-day ordered the Second vol unteer regiment of lmmunes to leave the city and go into camp outside. The regiment had been placed here as a garrison to preserve order and protect property. There has been firing of arms Inside the town by members of this regiment without orders, so far as known; some of the men have indulged in liquor un til they verged upon acts of license and disorder: the Inhabitants In some quar ters have alleged loss of property by force or Intimidation, and tihere has grown up a feeling of uneasiness If not alarm. General Shatter has therefore, order ed this regiment to the hills, where discipline can be made more severely rigid. MUSTERING OUT TROOPS Liet of the ft.-glinQnt-* Before the Cabinet Washington, Aug. 17.—The war de partment officers have prepared a list of volunteer regiments which will be mustered out of the United States ser vice Immediately. The list, as completed, was sent to the White House for consideration by the cabinet. The organizations Included In the list comprise about 40,000 men. The muster out wNI probably Include the 201 st, 202 d and 203 rd New York reg iments, now stationed at Hempstead, L. I. The list includes all the Infantry regiments the.t were organized under the second call. Food for Our Troops In Mollis Washington. Aug. 17. —A contract for a half million dollars' worth of fresh beef and fresh vegetables has been awarded to a ilrm in Australia by our consul at Melbourne at the instance of the war department. The supplies are Intended for the troops at Manila, where the beef will be delivered frozen, and the vegetables sufficiently chilled to preserve them. The contract calls for 2,500 tons of meat, and the acceptanoe of both arti cles will be by inspection on delivery. It is estimated that the supplies will last the 20.000 troops under Merrltt for three months, at the end of which pe riod the local sources of supply may be available. Col, John Hay Accepts Washington, Aug. 17.—Ambassador Hay, at London, has accepted the office of secretary of statei when Secretary Day shall resign, to become a peace commissioner, under the terms of the protocol. ltlg Ordorn for Cartridges London, Aug. 17.—The Kynoch Com pany of Birmingham is reported to have received an order for 10,000.000 military cartridges, to be properly de- Uved to the government of the United States. Dominion Won Again Beaconsfleld, Quebec, Aug. 17.—Do minion won the race yesterday, the third In the series for the Seaw&nh&ka cup, defeating the Amiercan boat Chal mar*—i THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA THE RED GROSS. The associate society of the Red ' Cross of Philadelphia, is making strenuous efforts to secure sufficient supplies to fill a steamer, to be sent to the suffering as a contribution from Pennsylvania. This steamer will sail ' about August 15, and will touch the I several ports nearest to the encamp- j ments in the Southern States, and distribute supplies where needed. Thence it will continue its voyage to the camps in Cuba and Porto Rico. So long as the Army and Navy of the United States are in need of supplies of any kind, the Society will endeavor to meet all demands. Thus far, in this war, with the exception of the assistance given to starving refugees from Santiago by Miss Clara Barton, the effort has been directed toward the amelioration of the unsatisfactory condition existing in the army. In foreign lands the Red Cross So ciety has been represented by its own agents and hospital ships, its work has surely been creditable. In our home camps supplies have been distributed through the efficient sys tem of the National Rebel Association as well as directly. These two organ izations are in hearty sympathy and intend to co-operate wherever this will effect the best results. That there is at present very urgent need for more than we can send seems to be undisputed. That this need, in case peace were declared to-day, would continue for months, and for a short time increase, is acknowledged by the press and the gbvernment. As soon as this war, which has brought suspense to so many homes and un speakable sorrow to others is declar ed ended, and may that day be near at hand, all the territory now in dis pute must be garrisoned, each Cuban and Porto Rican town must have its regiment. The islands in the Pacific, for months, will be occupied by 50,000 of our brave men. In all these islands lever is epidemic, and beyond any doubt, large numbers will be stricken. Does any one dispute the statement that the ordinary army, commissary and hospital do not afford adequate comfort and attention to men, who have offered themselves in their coun try's service, and who have left com fortable homes and genial climates for the discomfort, trials, temptations and dangers of army lite, and have gone into the most depressing climate imaginable ? When the war is a memory, and every calamity soon becomes a thing of the past, when the excitement of war news and harrowing accounts of suffering, no longer presented to us by the daily press, fail to act as a stimulus on the general public to offer its contributions of money and goods, then will suffering continue and the death lists swell. Momentous questions hiust be de termined in Cuba and elsewhere, and until they are settled, onr armies must be maintained there. It is too much to ask citizens of this Commonwealth to continue to double their contribu tions so that the Societies engaged in the work will be able to give the boys —for most of them are mere boys— those few comforts with which they are continually surrounded at home. The Society of the Red Cross ap peals to the heart of every sympathe tic man and woman in this state for co-operation. The Society assures you that each mite contributed actu ally does feed an army lad ravenously hungry, who for months has lived on coarse army fare ; or, does help to supply changes of bed clothing and those other things, so essential to or dinary comfort in hospitals. If letters from the army are indicative of the gratitude of the boys, on their return, those who have co-operated in the work will be thankful that they had an opportunity to do so much for them- Funds as well as the following arti cles are urgently needed : Large and small contributions of money. Salt pork, corned beef in barrel, codfish hard cured, mackeral in kits, smoked beef and hams, bacon, canned salmon, smoked sausages, Indian or corn meal, flour, oatmeal, cracked oats, wheat in any form, barley, can ned vegetables of all kinds, canned fruit of all kinds, dried fruit, such as apples, prunes, apricots, etc., and dned / corn, barrels of onions, potatoes, beans, rice, salt and ship biscuit, beef extracts, bovinine, etc., soups, malted milk, condensed milk (Eagle Brand, or high grnde), evaporated cream, wines, grape juice, lime juice, clam bouillon, raspberry vinegar, cbffee, tea, cocoa, and general groceries, jellies, preserves and jams. Disinfectants of every disenption, quinine pills and general drugs, oint ments, salves, Phenol Sodique, Gauze of all kinds, absorbent cotton, surgical antiseptics, general hospital stores, and soaps. Bed clothing for hospitals, pajamas for soldiers, canvas and carpet slippers for use in hospitals, mosquito netting, palm leaf fans, towels, absorbent and Turkish, soft handkerchiefs, bandan nas very desirable. Clothing, new, suitable for Summer wear, made as plainly as possible, for children of 5 years and upwards, and women and men. !,. JA ■ MB HI GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Alwa Y s slmitntifig theFoodandKetfula- _ . # liiiglhcStomflchsandßawclsof JjGcIFS tllG M ift t?l drffiH totoß _ Mb/ fill Signature AM* tress neither _r w Jf-JT OpnimrMorphihenorFjinf.ral. UI /ft #\ IT Not Nabc otic* lll.lf W aroun-SAMhELTznmni JjJ Pumptan SmJ~ * llf V Jtxjtmmm'* 1 ft Jft AeWfcJ*- I i Jfl sssl. v ft iTtV' The MhpM- I 11 1/1 1 ~u ) Jjk J U 1 J A perfect Remedy forConstlpa- | U W® B\ 11l Q tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, I I*l' Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- 91 ST* !#■■ II .... tress andloss OF SLEER 1 \jf* |Qy ||j|yo Tac Simile Signature of B iAlwavs Bouerht. ■ M MKBWBI IpACTfIPIA EXACT COPTOP WKAEHEB, MRIH IK Ill|H 1 fM| "Don't borrow trouble." Buy "l is cheaper in the end. STOVE NAPTHA, the Cheapest and Best Fuel on the market. With it you can run a Vapor Stove for one-hall cent per hour. Give us a call and be convinced. W. O. Holmes, Bloomsburg, Pa. Eshleman & Wolf, " L. E. Wharey, " W. F. Hartman, " The Society will receive donations of supplies at 1501 Chestnut Street, and contributions of money may be sent to William Hill, Treasurer, 308 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. The success of this effort depends upon the generosity of the people of City and State. Unless there is a hearty co operation the effort will not meet with its maximum success. The response thus far, has been sufficient to justify our belief in the ultimate success of the plan. Help is wanted when the nerves be come weak and appetite fails. Hood's Sarsaparilla gives help by making the blood rich and pure. Gamp Elections. Governor Hastings thinks that elec tions can be held in the camps of the Pennsylvania soldiers and the retu s properly made for about $lO,OOO. This money will be raised by private subscription, the subscribers depend ing on reimbursement on the next legislature. The executive is unwill ing to call an extra session, costing from $150,000 to $200,000, to make a $lO,OOO appropriation. Commis sioners will be appointed to bring the returns from the camps. To Punch Passengers' Faoss. Exceedingly odd transfer tickets have just taken effect on all the lines of the United Traction Company, at Reading. At the top of the transfer to the right there are seven faces in closed in a circle about one-half inch in diameter. The first tace is that of a young man, clean shaven. Next is one wearing a mustache, then comes the portrait of one having side whiskers. Another has a full-grown beard, and the next has a small beard. I The last two faces are of women, one being young and the other somewhat advanced in years. Now when the conductor issues a transfer the idea is that he shall size up the recipient and "punch" any one of the above faces that he or she resembles. This will be done to make sure of enforcing the rule that "transfers are not trans ferable." OA.STOXIZA. Bei the Tha Kind You Haw Always BougfA Apples for the Complexion. The secret of a bad complexion is often a bad digestion ; we frequently trace that to an inactive liver. Diet ing is the most valuable means of cure; one of the best remedies for a sluggish liver is cheap and pleasant. The best liver regulator for people of sedentary habits—and those are chief ly the ones whose complexions are muddy—is to be found in apples, eaten baked if they are not well di gested when eaten raw. A physician once told me that he attended the pupils of a well-known boarding school, and among them was a country girl complexion was the envy of all her associates. He found that she was a very light eater at her meals, but that she had a peculiar custom of taking a plate of apples to her little study in the evening and eating them slowly as she prepared her lessons. This was her regular practice. Some of the other girls in the school took it up, and the doctor stated that, as a result of his personal investigation, he found that the apple-eating girls had the best complexions of any in the school. Beduoed Rates to Grangers' Picnic at Williams' Grove via Pennsylvania Railroad- For the accommodation of per sons desiring to attend this interest ing picnic and exhibition the Penn sylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from August 27 to September 3, good to return until September 5, inclusive, at rate of one fare for the round trip , from principal stations between" East Liberty and Bryn Mawr ; on the Northern Central Railway north of and including Lutherville, and on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Division east of and including Waterford. For information in regard to train service and specific rates application should be made to ticket ageuts. B-11-2t. CASTOR IA For Inf&Hta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Fine PHOTO GRAPHS and CRAYONS at R. B. GROTZ, Bloomsburg. The best are the cheapest. TID-BITS FOR MA' HONEY! and tender little juicelets fer the chil dren, are all right, but papa and "the boys" want a good, big, juicy steak, roast or chop when business or school duties are over, and we can cater to them all. Our stock of prime meats is unexcelled for quality, and we send them home in fine shape. J. E. KKIFF.R. THE MARKETS. BLOOMSBURG MARKETS. COBBBCTSD WKIKLY. RETAIL PKIOSS. Butter per lb $ .30 Eggs per dozen .14 Lard per lb .08 Hani per pound .10 Pork, whole, per pound .06 Beef, quarter, per pound,... .07 Wheat per bushel 1 00 Oats " " 40 Rye " " 50 Wheat flour per bbl 5.00 Hay per ton 9 to $lO Potatoes per bushel ~... .90 Turnips " " .35 Onions " " too Sweet potatoes per peck .50 Tallow per lb .05 Shoulder " " .09 Side meat" " .08 Vinegar, per qt ,05 Dried apples per lb .05 Dried cherries, pitted ,x Raspberries .is Cow Hides per lb .3^ Steer " " " .05 CalfSkin .80 Sheep pelts .75 Shelled corn per bus .60 Corn meal, cwt 1.35 Bran, " .95 Chop " .95 Middlings " ,95 Chickens per lb new .ia " " " old .10 Turkeys " " 13) Geese " " .14 Ducks " " .08 COAL. No. 6, delivered 3.60 " 4 and s " 3.85 " 6 at yard 3.35 " 4 and s at yard 3.60 Th Leading Consarvatonr of Amerlta^-^N) Carl Farltsn. Director. Founded I n 1863 bj giving full information. W. H alb, General Manager. weak Backs strengthened BY j 1. ■ ■,■■■—msn. I PATENTS Caveatß and Trade Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for MODKUATK OUK OF PICK IS OPPOSITE TUB V. 8. PAT ENT OFFICE. We liave no sub-agencies, al business direct, hence can transact patent busl ness In less time and at Less Cost than those re mote from Washington. Send model, drav.-lng or photo, with desorlp tlon. We advise If patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not duo till patent Is secured A book, "How to obtain Patents," with refer enccs to actual clients In your State, County, e town sent free. Address 0. A. SNOW & CO,, Washington, D. C (Opposite U. 8 Patent Office.) HAIR R BALSAM ClMnses and beautifies the hale. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Faila to Beatoro Qrmj B-4-tt.d. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN
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