Royal owkei the food pure, j wholesome ai*d delicious. mm &Akiilo POWDER Absolutely Pure ftOYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. ~ THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG,FA~ THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1898. Entered at the Po*t Offlc* at BloomMmrQi Pa* as second clasHinaHer, March I,lßߣ. OUR OFFERS FOR 1898- We are able to offer our subscribers some special inducements for advance payments for 1898. THE COLUMBIAN, and New York World. , three times a week, $1.65. •COLUMBIAN and Philadelphia Weekly Times 1 45. COLUMBIAN and Demorest's Maga zine, 1.75. COLUMBIAN and Farm JVieios, 1.00 Subscribe now, and get the benefit of these reduced rates. tf. BRIEF MENTION. About People TOU Know. F. M. Everett of Mt. Carmel spent a part of this week in town visiting old fiiciuls. Miss Margaret Laubich Sumlayed with Miss Martha Woods at Danville. Dr. J. W. Bruner is undergoing treatment for appendicitis, nt the German Hospital, Philadelphia. J. Howard Patterson Esq., has gone to attend the commencement, e eicis s at Vale College, New Haven. W. 11. Woodin of Berwick, and J. C. Brown, delegates, are attending tb Slate Convention ft Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Go freid Pless of Ashland spent a few days in town last week as the guestsof Mr. and Mrs. O. \V. Cheiringtou. Mr. and Mrs. 11. F, Sharpies*, of Pueblo, Colorado, are in town visiting relatives and friends. Rem Rishtd of Wilkcsbarre, is visiting friends in Bloomsburg. He is a printer by trade and formerly resided in town. The Misses Ella and Gertrude Williams, two of Berwicks popular young ladies, at tended the Quick—Brown wedding on Wednesday. Samuel P. Krickbaum of Benton went to Philadelphia on Tuesday to take treatment for tic-do-loreaux, in one of the hospitals of of that city. Robert Hawley Jr. moved to Bloomsburg on Wednesday, with his family. They oc cupy one of Paul E. Wirt's houses on Fifth street. Mr. Hawley is one of the firm of the Hawley & Slate Furniture Co. Legal advertisements cn page 7. Clark Sheep on Tuesday sold his house 011 East Third Street to W. H. Henrie. M. E. McLinn preached a sermon to the members of Ent Post, G. A. R. in the Lutheran church Sunday morning. A. L. Jacobs has moved into C. C. Peacock's house on East Fifth Street. Mr. Jacobs is the superin tendent of the Hawley—Slate Fur niture Factory. Harry Wilson now answers to the name of "Pop," a young son having arrived at his home Tues day morning. • Telephone No 10774 IToth Balls, . . . The BEST and CHEAPEST MOTH DESTROYER Known, K)c. a lb., 3 lbs. for 25 cents. floth Flake, For under Carpets, SAME PRICE, W. S. RISETOIT, Ph. G., Otßcsite P. 0. Pharmacist The Union Veteran Legion at tended morning service in the Epis copal church Sunday morning. William Chrisman has stretched a large flag across Main street, in iront of his office. C. B. Ent has moved into the house recenlly vacated by I. Maier on Third Street. Mr. Ent has purchased it. The P. O. S. of A. will run an excursion and picnic to Glen Onoko on Saturday July 23rd. The Ladies Exchange in the Clark building on Center street will be abandoned during the summer months. The annual reunion of the Hess tamily will be held at Hess Grove, Rupert to-day. The flag man did a big business in town last week. There are very few Americans who will refuse to buy a flag these days. It is the intention of the Young Mens Christian Association to start in a week or so to hold their Sunday afternoon meetings in the open air. America's greatest medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla, which cures when all other preparations fail to do any good whatever. Bloomsburg is to have a big cele bration on July 4th and sth. There will be a monster parade, horse and bicycle races, and a grand display of fire works. Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show is billed to appear at Danville on Mon day, June 20. This is said to be one of the best out door performances on the road. The Bloomsburg Band gave another delightful open air concert on the corner of Main and East Street Saturday evening. All the numbers especially the patriotic ones were loud ly applauded. A beautiful Bloomsburg home will be sold by the Sheriff at the Court j House on Saturday June 4th at 2 |P. M. This property cost more than ! $4,000. $1,500 can remain as a mortgage. Inquire of Gram Herring. j The Central Pennsylvania league ! has opened. Three towns are rep resented, Sunbury, Lock Haven and Williamsport. The attendance at the games played thus far is said to have been very discouraging. If reports are to be relied up on, Admiral Cevera and his fleet are safe in the harbor of Santiago. There is 110 possible chance of es cape for them as Schley is guarding the entrance. The following notice is posted at a crossroads near Hazleton : "Notice, take this road to Dry fose mill. You can't trive over the Nescopack creek bridge. She is too poorc and she is being fixed up. Superwizer." The new bridge at Catawissa was formally opened to the public on Tuesday. The event was celebrated by a big street parade. Addresses were made by W. H. Rhawn Esq., and Colonel I. H. Seesholtz. At the close of the ceremonies the G. A. R. raised a large new flag at the south ern entrance to the new bridge. Base ball stock at the Normal School was away above par Satur day evening by reason of their vic tory over Sunbury on the latter's grounds Saturday afternoon. South paw Williams was in fine form. Sunburyians could not guage his delivery. Four wee small hits was the total of their efforts. Score, 7 to 3. Mr. A. L. Jacobs of Grand Rapids, Michigan, has moved to Bloomsburg, and occupies C. C. Peacock's house near Oak Grove. He has accepted the position of Superintendent in Hawley & Slate Co's. furniture factory, and having had forty years' experi ence in the business, he is no doubt the right man for the place. The High School base ball team of this place took a trip up the river on Decoration day to play two games. In the forenoon they met and defeated Nescopeck. After dinner they crossed the river to Berwick where they were scheduled for a game in the afternoon. Berwick won as usual. Our boys played a sleepy go-as-you-please game, couldn't hit the ball, hence their down fall. The scores were: Bloom 7, Nescopeck 3 ; Bloom 3, Berwick 6. Small cigar factories in different sections of the state, have been closed during the past week and a number of others will follow in order to evade the license which all will be required to take out under the provisions of the revenue bill, which is expected to take effect shortly. Under the new bill cigar manufacturers will be required to take out licenses which are graded according to the produc tion of the plants. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Democratic Primary Election and Oonnty Convention Call. The Democratic voters of Columbia County will meet at the several places for holding of the general election, in their respective districts, on Saturday, June it, 1898, between the hours of 3 and 7 o'clock p. m., and vote for persons to be nominated tor the vari ous offices subject to the rules of the Democratic party of this county. The newly elected judges of each election district will meet at the Court House in Bloomsburg on Tuesday, June 14, at n o'clock a. m. and count up the vote which each person has received and place on the ticket. One person for Congress. One person for State Senator. Two persons for the State Legisla ture. One person for President Judge. One person for County Surveyor. Five delegates to the State Conven tion. Under the rules each election dis trict will elect a judge and two in spectors and one committeeman. JOHN G. MCHENRY, Chairman. R. G. F. KSHINKA, Secretary. A lot of Gypsies attracted a great many people down near the double bridge, below town Sunday afternoon. The band consists of men, women and children, numbering in all about fifteen. They are well equipped for camp life. The following letters are advertised May 31, 1898: Miss Laura Bower, Miss Gracie Hess, Mrs. Amanda L. Hess, Miss Blanche Hiriinger, Mr. Archie Russell Kennedy, Joseph Stake. Cards, M. L. Winters. Will be sent to the dead letter office June 14, 1898. O. B. MELLICK, P. M. The erection shop foundry and the machine shop ot the Watsontown Car Manufacturing Company belonging to the estate of the late Ario Pardee burned to the ground at an eatly hour Monday morning. The plant has been idle lor several years. It is stated that the plant was valued at $60,000 and that the insurance was $37,000. The State, the bright, newsy eight page weekly paper, published by the Milton Printing Company suspended publication with its issue of May 26. This action was caused by the refusal of the Post office department at Washington to admit it into the mails as second class mail natter. It would under the ruling of the depart ment cost two cents to mail each copy of the paper, which makes it impossi ble to continue tne publication. The State was among our best exchanges, and we are extremely sorry to lose it. Memorial Day was observed in Bloomsburg in an appropriate man ner. At 8 o'clock in the morning, Ent Post met at their hall, from which place, accompanied by the Band, they went to Almedia and decorated the graves of the soldiets buried at that place. In the afternoon, the parade made up of the Post and several societies of town, formed at Market Square, and after a short march proceeded to the grave yard. The address was delivered by Fred Ikeler, Esq. Arrangements have been made for a Christian Endeavor Rally to be held at Island Park, Sunbury, Pa., on Monday July 4th under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor Societies of Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder and Union counties. The day will be observed in a patriotic, religious manner, and will be both profitable and pleasant to those of the Christian people who shall find it con venient to join the Endeavors in the celebration of the National holiday. |) Perhaps you have made s| |j up your mind to take si I Scott's I J Emulsion i |) this summer. >1 ft Then look for pjsffL I;! I? this picture on y| 1/ the wrapper, a fll "TJ (I I? man with a big a] II S| |j fish on his back. sf |< Do not let anyone talk to )§ ®/ you of something " just I) as good." C<| §3 When you want cod 7§ ®S fiver oil and the hypo- )® §A phosphites you want the )§ |f very best. You will find ®/ them in only one place, 3® T> Scott's Emulsion. S3 There is no other emul- (§> |) sion like it; none other)® does the same work; and Sf ft no other has the same ?| ®f record of cures. \® <2? All Druggists, joe. and si. (JS SCOTT & BOWNK, Chemists, N. Y. 7® J. E. ROYS. Hil ! LET YOUR OPTIC NERVE TRANSMIT THESE FACTS TO YOUR BRAIN. We carry the Largest and Most Complete Line of Spec tacles and Eye Glasses in the county. We furnish skilled service and guarantee a perfect fit. EXAMINATION FREE. T_ ZEL Eeo-srs. OPTICIAN. WANTED. A Normal School Catalogue for 1883-4. Please report price at this office. Prof. J. P. Welsh is one of the examining board at Edinboro State Normal School. Charles S. Girton has enlisted for a three years term in the 14th Ohio Infantry. He is a son of ou towns man J. L. Girton. The regiment of which he is a member, left San Francisco for the Phillipines. The Leader Department Store is distributing among its patrons and friends a souvenir advertising pamphlet containing patriotic songs, including the "Star Spangled Ban ner" "Columbia the Gem of the Ocean," Marching through Georgia" and several others. Professor Benjamin Howard is the only American who has thus far been able to reach the Siberian island of Saghalien, where the worst Russian criminals are sent. He asserts that the commonly accepted tales of the horrors of this prison are exaggera tions. The navy department christened some more ships Wednesday, making the supply ship Celtic King a single name by dropping the King and leav ing her the Celtic the tug A. W. Booth becomes the Massasolt. The ferryboat Governor Russell, at Bostor, retains her name and becomes part of the floating defense in Boston harbor. Thanks to persistent scientic ex periments, the odorless onion is now a reality. The subjugation of this pervasive vegetable and the elimina tion of its distinguishing quality must be reckoned among the proudest achievements of modern genius. The odorless onion is fully entitled to re cognition as a civilized institution. Rev. S. B. Blunt and wife, Rev. W. A. McAtee and wife, Rev. W. I. Steans and wife, Mrs. R. H. Woolley and daughter, Miss Cordelia, Mrs. Lillie Rea McCormick, Miss Kate Rea, Miss Kate McCormick, Mrs. S. A. Yorks, Mrs. F. C. Angle and son Theodore, and Miss Penina Bright will leave this morning for Blooms burg to attend an organ recital to be given in St. Paul's Episcopal church of that place.—Danville News May 31. George Russe l , aged eighty years, a long time resident at Hemlock township, died very suddenly at his home near Buckhorn, Monday morn ing. He arose about hve o'clock in the morning, in his usual good health. He waked about for some little time when he exclaimed his breath was leaving and fell to the floor. Medical aid was hastily summoned but iife was extinct. The deceased was an uncle to Mrs. Theodore Dent of this town, and is survived by a wife. The funeral took place on Wednesday. The Naval Reserves who have pass ed the examinations for individual enlistment into the United States Navy from Ohio, Illinois and Michi gan will arrive in New York either Friday or Saturday. They will be quartered on board the New Hamp shire and the schoolship St. Mary, and will be immediately put to work on naval practices and tactics. NOTICE, R. H. Ringler is our authorized collector, aud is now engaged in calling upon town subscribers. COMPENSATION HERE. The flour of ihe family costs a little more. We admit there are housekeep ing expenses that hav? grown suddenly, but there is nothing alaiming in that ; they will shrink again when the new crop comes in. We meet the advance in your grocer's bill by trimming a share in your dry goods bill. There is com pensation for high priced provisions in the low priced dry goods quoted here. 55.60 Tailor mado Suits. Of fine Serge, flv front jacket, silk lined, skirt percaline lined, closed seams, well worth $7.50. Black Mohair Skirts, full lined with percaline, at $4.50. Hoisery and Underwear. Ladies' fine ribbed vests, 10c. Ladies' ribbon neck and sleeve ribbed vests, t2^c. Ladies' Lisle thread vests, 25c. Leather Stockings. Mi Not leather, but will wear like leather, for boys and girls. All sizes, 25c pair. Ladies' seamless hose, 10c. Ladies' plaid hose, 50c. See our Special hose, 25c. Wash Dress Coods. COMPLETE LINrtS— -31 in. fine Organdies, 15c yd. All Linen Suitings, 17c yd. Navy blue plaid Linens, 18c yd. Yard wide percales, 7c yd. Fine Dress Ginghams, 10c yd. Black Dress Coods. A large line of plains, figured twills, tamese, serges, &c., at prices you will not mate again soon. If you have a black goods need, see this stock. Cloves. Try our one dollar kid glove. 85c Chamois white glove. 50c black silk gloves. H.J. CLARK & SON, BloomsLutg, Pa. 1 v. mm & ua. MARKET SQUARE DRY COOPS HOUSE. Decoration Day has passed, but the Bunting will remain floating in the air until the war is over. We have begun in earnest selling summer dress goods and trimmings. They are in Organdy, and other Lawns, Dimities, Challies, Dotted Swiss, Madras Cloth, Mousseline Soie, Fancy Ducks, Lyonaise Soierie, Sat eens, Silk Striped and Plaid Zephyrs, Dress Ginghams, &c. Many of these are in large figured, striped, &c. We have a special line of plain and fig ured black lawns for older ladies, 8c to 25c yd. White Dress Goods in India Linen Pigula, Long Cloths Swiss, plain and dotted, 6c to 35c yd. Have you heard about our new line of Shirt Waists just received last week, 50c to $2.00. Graduating FANS, just new. !. W. HARTMAN & SON. State News Items, —Wilkes-Barre has secured a silk ribbon factory, which will, when com pleted, employ 1,000 hands. —A number of capitalists from Kingston are opening the old Bernice mines in Sullivan county, which had been abandoned for a number of years. It is on the property of the Jackson heirs. G. W. Gunton of Kingston is general manager and engineer. The greatest banquet in history took place on August 18th, 1880, when the 40,000 mayors of France sat at table in the Palais de of Indus tria in Paris. There were three relays of about 13,000 guests each. To pre pare the feast required seventy-five chief cooks, 1,300 waiters, scullions, cellarmen and helpers, 80,000 plates, 52,000 glasses, knives, forks and spoons in proportion, 40,000 rolls and fish, meat and fowl by the ton. The banquet was part of the centenary celebration of the events of 1789. Two Sootok Cripples. Two of the most famous living Scotchmen are cripples—Lord Kel vin, who is the greatest living Scottish scientist, and Dr. James Macgregor, of Edinburgh, who is said to be the greatest living Scottish preacher. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought sS^of White Dress Coods. A grand collection of White Dress Materials of all kinds, Corded P. Ks., all grades. Special lot of India linons at 20c yd White duck, yd., also in pink light blue and navy. CO^ Summer Corsets, 44c. E. Z. Waists for boys and girls, 25c Lace & Derby Curtains. We have secured some Special val ues in goods. See the lace curtains at sl, 1.35, 1.45, 1.65, 2.48, 3, 4.47 per pair. Derby Curtains at $2, 2 93, 5 and 7.50 pair. SILKS. Our line of silks suitable for dresses waists and separate skirts is up to date with newest effects at moderate prices. Ribbons and Laces. Your every want can be supplied from this stock. Fancy ribbons, 25c yd. Wide moire taffeta ribbons, 24c. Dainty Valenciennes Edges nd In sertions. Edges from 23c ;.iece of 12 yards up. See the new 4-in-hand Ladies' Ties. Also the white P K Puff Tie.. The Light Weight Cloths are made up very handsome in Tailor Suits, and are selling with us this spring. They are in many colots and prices. Black Dress Goods sell all the year. We have a good line of them, 25c to $1.75 yard. Children's Ready Made Dresses. Mothers should read this, and then make a calculation how many stitches they can save, and extra hours of sleep they can enjoy. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cail and see samples of our new lithographing printing tor all kinds of commercial work. It is new and very pretty, and costs no more than other printing. THE COLUMBIAN office, d HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache, ■asy to take, easy to operate. 28c. FOR RENT. Rooms on 3rd. floor, COLUMBIA* building. Steam heat, gas or electric light, water. Apply to tf. GEO. E. ELWELL. If you want lithographed bonds, certificates of stock, checks, drafts! diplomas, or any thing in that line, the COLUMBIAN office can furnish them. See samples. A fine line of new styles in wed ding invitations just received at THE COLUMBIAN office. tf. Lithographed bonds, stock certifi cates, and checks are furnished at THE COLUMBIAN office. tf. Leases that will collect the rent for the whole year if tenant leaves before expiration of term, also notices to quit, for sale at this office. tf. LEARN TELEGRAPHY n^°K y To'ur^;TdW a - B,tunll °- SFIS& ICHOOL Lehanoa, Pentuu 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers