2 THE ROAD. Pray, whither loads hi road, fair heart) j Say, whither leads tho read? ACI OHH A rill, around u hill, , v ~ j Beside a dell where rivers start, Whore bonding nut trees shed their load. Oh, thither leads tho road, dear heart. Oh, thither leuds the roadl What matter where the road may lead, Bo thoa and I together go. Companionship is ull our need, Division nil our woe. The pine tree tall on yonder hill For years has watched tho passerby. When he is dust, wo shall bo still Together, thou and I. How hushed tho afternoon 1 I dnro Not whisper love, but send the thought j la speechless message. All tho air In silence thrall is caught. Oh, those are God reared trecsl How soft Tho wind dreams round their tall heads creep! \ Tho drowsy lenves thnt doze aloft \ Btir like a child in sleep. , Young autumn's fire begins to burn I /The brands to hurl at winter's brow. I The son wooed leaves sigh low and turn \ To crimson on the bough. Pray, whither lends the road, fair heart? Soy, whither lends tho road? Across a rill, around a hill, Beside it dell where rivers start, u Where bending nut trees shod their load. ■ Oh, thither leads the road, my heurt, f Oh, thither leads the road! —John Albert Macy in Chap Book, j AN ANIMATED PICTURE. At Least the Other Women Said She Wanted to He Stared At. This girl had tho nickel between her pretty lips before she stepped aboard the car at tho corner of Eleventh and F streets. The nickel was probably part of her shopping change. Her hands and L arms were filled with bundles and paok- j I ages, and she had no doubt converted I her inviting mouth into a car fare re-1 I ceptable before leaving the last ein | poriuin she visited. Even after she found a seat she made no move to re , move the nickel from its enviable lodg , ment. She was too busy counting her packages and bundles, to see if she had lost any, probably. Tho conductor as the girl got aboard had scowled when he observed the niokel j resting between her pearly teeth, for oonductors are prosaio. With the ooiu still showing its shiny rim between her lips—a delightful effect of silver and coral in combination—tho girl looked up winsomely in tho eyes of the con ductor when he appronched her for her I fare. The conductor held out his hand with a pretty short, "Fare, miss I" Tbe girl very carefully set each and every one of her bundlos and packages in the space besido her, smiling vaguely ] the while. When both of her bands ■were free, she drew a tiny, spotless lace handkerchief from the lizard skin bag hanging from her girdle. Then sho took the 5 oent piece from between her lips, wiped and polished it carefully with the handkerohief and, with the prettiest grimace in the wOrld, dropped it into the now apologetio paw of the conductor. Tbe conductor smiled, and G did all of the man passengers on tbe woman passengers murmured to other that the pretty girl bad only tho thing "for effect."—Wasbiug- Post. H Scientific Farming. An agricultural editor of Chicago ■ made n trip into Boutheru California ■ where lio confidently expected to aatou ■ ish tho natives with his superior kuowl 9dge of scientific and successful farm- V ing. He had Btretched things cousider f ably one evening with a view to mak k ing a stronger impression, when one of tho old residents, who spoke slowly and ■ had a squint in his right eye, took charge of tho conversation. I "I s'pose you hain't heerd o' my I peach brandy orchi'd, mister. I reckon I that's 'bout sci'utifio as anything you I been telliu us'buut. I got a certain way lo' treatin them trees so that I tap 'em th' spring, jest same's you do a ma ■pi" tree, an by bottliu up th' sap fur six ■ months I have th' fines' peach brandy ■ you ever put down your swallow. That's ■ kerect, an I have a neighbor as kinder ■ lays over me in fariuiu. He's 'epori- V men ted an derrelopcd a puukin pie punkin. Ho tangled up milkweed, sug- ar cane, eggplant, water cress an some | spioo plants till he got th' thing to snit th' taste, an now all you have ter do is to bilo th' fruit an make your crust. He's got more bcardin house orders than ho kin fill in 1,000 years. Jest now I'm turnin my 'teution to th' raisin o' ap ple dunipliu's, an I think by nex' year I kin"— But here the agricultural editor gasp ed for breath and the old resident called ' another old resident to help get tho vis itor to his hotel.—Detroit Free Press. &oup, Savory Soup. No np to date cook propares the stock from which licr diuuei. sonp is made , tho day tho soup is needed. Stock for at least a week's supply should bo made at once; then the preparation of tho | daily dinner soup will not oooupy more than 1C 0r25 minutes. When consommo i is servod sovoral times in the week, the L entire nmount used is uiade at ouce, and ■ the different garnishes aro added the it is served. It is the same with sauces, aud by a little calculation a m good manager cau easily discover about what proportion of oacb sauce is neces sary for a month's supply. This once prepared, tho table is revolutionized so that the sameness tbut characterizes the plain roust aud broiled meats 13 110 lon gor known. A new sunco each day gives an entirely different flavor to tho meats and vegetables.—New York Tribune. New York has a shop in which Bibles and rum are sold side by side. The place is at tho foot of Washington stroet, not far from the Syrian oolouy, and its patrons includo Syrians, Armenians, , Turks, Russians nnd Irish longshoremen. The Bibles, together with other books of a religions character, are kpt in a case at the end of the bur. Nails will not bend when hammered L into hard wood if thnv are Ami SHE NEVER BALKED AGAIN. Bar Ilarbor Man Played a Bluff Game on a Contrary Mare. "Speaking about balky horses and the best way to oure them," said Georgo Sporry, "I can tell you of a trick that Stephen Leland played ono time and it worked like u charm—you fellers all know Steve, course you do he lives down to Ear Harbor. Well— let's see—it was 12 years ago on the 20th day of January. You remember the heavy sleot storm—same night Liuuike was married—when all the trees looked so pretty after the storm. You remem ber Stephen—he had a wood lot out near the foot of Green mountain, where ho cut his wood winters. That year ho had as handsome a pair of bay horses a's ever rein drew over. The nigh ono waß all right in every particular, bnt tho off one had spells once in awhile when she would tako matters in her own way and throw up her head. You might put rocks in her ears, twist her tail, pound, whip, swear and rave as much as you liked, but she would never move till she got ready. "One day I met Leland when ho was hauling out tho iirst load for the day. Ho told 1110 how she worked, and I told him then and there that if it was my horse I'd just onhiteh the nigh one and leave her hitched on to the load in the woods. They went into the Harbor with tho lirst load all right, but when tho second load was piled on and under way things wero different. At a certain place in tho road up goes that horse's head again. It was in just the snme place where she balked before. Steve was mad as a hatter. He took off his coat and hat. Ho swore till tho trees around him trembled. Next he took a sapling birch and whipped and pounded till be was all tired out. Then he sat down and rested. Then he thought he'd coax the crittar, so he got a drink of water from a spring. She drank it. Then ho asked her to go, but not a mus cle would she move. Stephen fussed till he became oxbaustcd. "Then, as he told me afterward, ho took Sperry's advice—onhitcbed tho nigh one, straddled her back and made for home, leaving the ugly, contr'y thing alone in the woods, hitched to a sled with a cord and a half of green wood to anchor it. He never so much as looked round nor said aye, yes, or no, hut mude direct for home, putting up his horso and oating his supper. He had become so disgusted that he nearly dis missed the thing from his mind. That night began with a littlo fine rain. It was like a cold mist, and wherever it struck it froze. Then it snowod and blowed for awhile, then again it turned to rain—the queerest storm ever known on Mount Desert island. There was not u minute after 7 o'clock that evening till daylight next morning but it snow ed or rainod, and tbe wind was like a double edged razor 'long toward morn ing. Every tree was three times its proper size, and tbe ones left standing looked liko tho mcst beautiful plumes you ever see in your life. Lots of trees were broken to the ground. The tele graph wires were ueurly an inch and a half iu diameter, covered with solid ice. Littlo limbs of birch and maple wero liko branches of coral. "In tho morning Stove took out the old horso and started back for the woods. When ho Rot near the place where he loft the horse and load, ho was aston ished. The old nag was there just where she stood all night. Not the sigu of a track did she make. Her legs were the size of flour barrels, her body surely three times its proper size. Her eyes and ears wero hidden from view by the snow that had drifted upon her; the steam from her nostrils formed icicles that reached the ground. All in all it was tho tough est sight be ever witnessed. Mr. Leland at first supposed the animal was dead, but after awhile he took an ax and broke tho ice and let the poor critter out. She was like a chicken coming out of an egg. The coat came off in large flakes. Wbcu ho hitched the nigh one on, he only had to speak once and be made lively timo over tho icy road that morning. He kept that pair till last year, when thoy both died. "They never balked again."—Lewis ton Journal. Splendid Crystals In California. Some time ago John E. Barton of Lake Geneva, Wis., leased the right to prospect for crystals in the old Green Mountain mine, near Mokelnmuo hill, in Calaveras county, Cal. 110 found a number of line snccimens, aud oue of them is claimed to be the largest group or mass of crystals ever found. As taken out from tho drift where it was uuoov erod it was 11 feet 7 inches in circum ference. It was 4 feet 2 inches long, !) feet (i inches wide and 3 feet 2 inches high. It weighed 2,200 pounds. The mass included one large central crystal and a surrounding group of smaller oueu. From the central one it was esti mated that a perfect sphere 14 inches in diameter coulil bo out, while soveral others from three to eight inches in diameter could lie obtained from tho mass. Mr. Burton has found in all about 12 tous of crystals.—Engineering and Mining Journal. Sho Dhln't Say Nay. "Yes," said the summer girl to be as she held up two shortened skirts, one of duck, "all our gowns for exercise aro short, ending at what would bo our shoe tops if wo wore high boots, but we shall wear low shoes. I don't know," she said shyly, "whether wo think we have nice ankles or if we wish to show our stockings, which aro gayer this season than over." "Both," I ven tured, and she didn't say nay.—Pitts burg Dispatch. Honesty. Watts—This is the most honest town, I think, on tbo continent. The conductor missed me this morning, aud everybody in tho car looked as if they were angry beeause I did not pay. Potts—They were not angry because paid, but^k^uu^^m^uu^ MI? COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. STOKY OF THE BIBLE. HOW IT WAS COMPILED, PRESERVED AND BROUGHT DOWN. The Record* Began With Abraham and Were Collected by Kzra—lt Wa* Born In the Little Land of Canaan—Conquered Israel's Gift to the World. New discoveries about the Bible are being made almost daily. Tho religious world is startled every now and then by tho announcement that some old manuscript has been found or somoclay tablet corroborating Biblical history has been deciphered. Tho last few years have been especially notable for remark able finds, not tho least of which has been a single leaf of papyrus bearing a fow sayings of Jesus—login, as they have been called. These discoveries arouse a questioning frame of mind. We ask, how did we get tho Bible, whence did it come, what was the method of its transmission to us? Learned volumes have beon written, but only scholars read them. One of the latest of these is by Dr. William A. Coppinger, but it is so expensive a vol ume—only 150 copies havo been printed for sale—that few can read it, even if they would. Tho much talked of poly chrome Bible, edited by leading Biblical scholars of the world, is an answer to this demand. Still, the question, how did tho Bible come down to us? ought to be answered briefly, so that the mass es of tho people can read and under stand. It is irreverent to the Bible and tbo inspired men who gave us this world classic—the classic—dealing with tho eternal themo of tho relation be tween man and God to think of it as a ready made volume, dropped down from heaven bound and gilt edged. The Bible was born in the little land of Canaan as the weary caravan, led by Abraham from Ur of the Clialdees, pitched its tents and the patriarch wrote down tho promises of the Eternal on the palm leavos which he found at hand. This was more than 4,000 years ago, and that writing was in use so early is proved by inscriptions found on Egyp tian stoles or Assyrian tablets from 6,000 to 8,000 years old. Tho records kept by Abraham and his immediate descendants undoubtedly formed the basis of the book of Genesis and tho earlier chapters of Exodus, to be later utilized by tho hand of Moses and his successors. With the advent of this great legislator of the Hebrews tho nation was formed, with his legislation as its heart and center. It is probable that Moses wrote his portion of the Bi ble upon the linen used for such pur poses in Egypt, for many large pieces of this linen oovered with hieroglyphic writing havo come down to us wrapped around mummies. The inscriptions are still legible. Tho Pentateuch was tho nucleus of our Bible, tho only Biblo known to the Hebrews for many gener ations. It was written in the ancient Ibri character, closely resembling the Phoenician, as proved by the Siloam in scription discovered near Jerusalem and some ancient coins which have boon found. Leaders like Joshua, Gideon and Samuel were needed in the promised lnnd. Singers and prophets, too, arose, and tho scribes of the leaders recorded what was done. The poets wrote down thoir best songs. Tho prophets' words were treasured up by their disciples and followers. Tho official records were kept in the national archives, and tho songs of the poets and the speeches of the prophets wero passed from hand to hand. When tho kingdom was divided, records were certainly kept both in the sonthern kingdom of Judah and tho northern kingdom of Israel. But much of the earlier literature was forgotten in the catastropho of the destruction of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, and the exiles refused to sing the songs of Ziou as they "sat by tho waters of Ba bel and wept." When at last tho term of exile was over and some of the more devoted Jews returned to rebuild the walls and tomple of Jerusalem, tho law had to bo brought back to them. Ezra was the man for this work, and ho and his coadjutors, tho elders, col lected the scattered records of earlier days ani made the first canon of tho Pentateuch. They wrote it in a now script—Kcthav Ashuris, tho Assyrian or square character brought back from Babylon with them and read and taught it to the peoplo. By this time sonio of the speeches delivered by the prophets of the exile, tho second Isaiah and his disciples, had become so dear to tho hearts of tho people that they were estoemod as classics. Some had preserv ed tlie addresses of the earlier prophets, and gradually a second set of accepted writings was addod to tho law. The older songs, too, were found again, and uow singers were inspired for tho serv ice of the now temple, and tho book of Psalms became its hynmboolc. Tbe proverbs of tbo nation wero col lected by various bands. Other books were found or written as late as tho sec ond century before tbe Christian era. The book of Daniel, for instance, was composed to inspire a people, fainting nnder Syrian oppression, for tbo Macca lican revolution. And all this later lit erature was struggling for acceptance into tho Biblo until the canon of tho Old Testament as we now have it was established ip tho first oentury of our era by the rabbinical school of Palestine. As tbo nation Israel sunk under the waves of Roman conquest tho Jewish spirit held the Old Testament aloft as ts gift to the world.—Clifton Hardy jevy in Review of Reviews. Both Awake. First Burglar—lt's no use tryiu tlict dace t'uight. Bill. Ther man au his vifo went in 'bout an hour ago, an I oerd him tell her he'd hay bbr a i'mond neoklaco termorror. Second Burglar—What's thct got t' o wid it? First Burglar—Plenty. She won't be >le t' sleep fer t'iukin 'bout it, an be Ku't sleep fer t'iukin how he's got t' r fer Fun AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS, WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS I OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORLA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear y/fr - on every the fac- simile signature of wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought on the and has the signature of Out&xT'&fcJZUz wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. March24 - im .*. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Faded You. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. "A handful of dirt may be a house ful ol shame." Keep your house clean with SAPOLJO STOVE NAPf HA, the Cheapest and Best Fuel on the market. With it you can run a Vapor Stove for one-hall cent per hour. Give us a call and be convinced. W. O. Holmes, Bloomsburg, Pa. Eshleman & Wolf, L. E. Wharey, " W. F. Hartman, Dun's Weekly Eeview of Trade- R. G. Dun & Company's Weekly Review of Trade says: "A state of war was so greatly dreaded by those who have seen nothing like it for more than thirty years that its coming has hurt less than its apprehension. Especially since the victory at Manila indicated superiority of the American navy, gun for gun, expectation that the war will not last long has influenced all mar kets, and stocks have advanced the average prices for railroads $2.79 per share. Thejgeneral condition of busi ness has been materially improved. The fact tnat gold is now used al most exclusively between the Treas ury and the Clearing House, indicates the entire freedom from apprehension about the currency or public credit. The most sensational of all changes, and the most practically important has been the rise in wheat. Receipts, after averaging less than 2,500,000 bushels per week for four months, have suddenly risen to more than 3,500,000 bushels. Exports have not been checked by higher prices as yet, but have caused them, amounting for the week to 2,094,389 bushels, flour included, against 1,498,167 bushels from Atlantic ports last year, and 559,- 848 bushels against 99,508 from Pacific ports. The remarkable rise on Thursday was largely due to the re moval of duties by France, and the prohibition of exports by Russia, both showing the extraordinary needs abroad, so that the rise of 25J cents for the week is not without excuse. Corn failed to advance corresponding ly, though the exports were 3,000,000 against 2,725,043 last year, the ag gregate since July first having been 178,000,000 bushels, larger than ever before to date, although wheat ex ports have also been larger than last year, far greater than in ordinary years, and nearly the largest on record. Industries have received a wonder ful stimulus "from the conviction that hostilities will not last long, and from heavy government orders. Besides great demand for steel plates and other iron products and ammunition, 1 government has ordered 2,500,000 yards woolen cloths, 125,000 blankets, 3,000,000 yards cotton goods, and ! great quantities of provision aid other supplies, and meanwhile reviving con fidence has multiplied other demands. Textile establishments have been receiving larger orders within the past few days, outside those from the gov ernment, so that the stoppage of reduc tion of time in four woolen mills early in the week may have been premature. No decline whatever appears in the prices of staple cloths or dress goods, and the heavy auction sale cf carpets was eminently successful in clearing off at fair prices an accumulation re sulting from an advance in prices last January which was not supported by demand. Wool has declined about half a cent in April. Print cloths have again made a new low record, 1.94 cents, but a better market is seen for other cotton products. Failures for the week have been 23S in the United States, against 221 last yeai, and 25 in Canada, against 36 last year. HEART TERRORS vanish in 30 minutes under the magical wand of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. A heart specific, and no case too acute to be dispelled and absolute goo 1 health restored. Mrs. Roadhouse, of Williscroft, 0., writes :—"Cold sweats would stand out on me like beads, so intense were the attacks of heart dis ease. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart cured me, and to-day I know nothing of the terrors of this trouble." —53. Sold by C. A. Kleiin. . C. K. Sober, of Lewisburg, is starting a chestnut orchard 011 his farm near Shamokin. He is graft ing some choice varieties 011 native young trees, the tract adjoining the mountain side. He already has about one hundred acres prepared. Last year he began on a tract of some thirty acres. The trees are about a rod apart. He expects re turns in three years, each tree likely to yield about a peck from the start. There are one or two large chest nut orchards in the State, started the same way, and are said to be excellent investments. Mr. Sobsr's experiment will be watched with considerable interest, though it is an assured success. O A, 0 T x A- ■ Bean the Kind You Have Always Bui# IT Fine PHOTO iGRAPHS and CRAYONS at jMcKillip Bros., | Bloomsburg. The best are the cheapest jj M " COPY RILM ; iti?, TID-BITS FOR MA' HONEY! and tender little juicelets for the chil dren, arc all right, but papa and,"the boys" want a good, big, juicy steak, roast or chop when business or school duties are over, and we can cater to them all. Our stock of prime meats is unexcelled for quality, and we send them home in fine shape. J. K. KEIFER, THE MARKETS. BLOOMSBURG MARKETS. COBBICTSD WIKILT. BHTAIL PHTOIS. Butter per lb $ , ao Eggs per dozen >(i Lard per lb oy Ham per pound <IO Pork, whole, per pound ,06 Beef, quarter, per pound.... [oj Wheat per bushel j'oo Oats " " JJ Rye " " .50 Wheat flour per bbl 5,7 j Hay per ton '9 to $lO Potatoes per bushel,l ,co Turnips " " Onions " " I co Sweet potatoes per peck .35 Tallow per lb or Shoulder " " Side meat " " Vinegar, per qt ,05 Dried apples per lb [OS Dried cherries, pitted ,ia Raspberries >la Cow Hides per lb \l Steer " CalfSkin ,g 0 Sheep pelts ° Shelled corn per bus .50 Corn meal, cwt t 2 e Bran, ii." txo Chop Middlings " 100 Chickens per lb new , I 2 " " " old .11 Turkeys " " la i Geese " " .!!!!! .14 Ducks " " * o jj COAL. No. 6, delivered a g 0 " 4 and s " 3.85 " 6 at yard 2 3j " 4 and 5 at yard 3*60 The LeadingConsanralory of America CARL FAOLTUM, Director. .flltil Founded In 1853 b/ oioSka - giving full information. 1 FRANK: W. HALR, General Managetj I i | BcUadcvmo ; J I S J LUMBAGO m\ \ * by touching / / Yd\ I THE SPOT I PATENTS! Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, nn<fl\ Patent business conducted ror AlidlEHJMl FKES. * OUlt OFFICE IS OPPOSITB THE tt. 8. P. | ENT OFFICE. We have no suiwiici nules, ■ business direct, Ileocecal) trans®" patent bit*/ nessln less tine- and at Less Cost Iban those vS mote from Washlntfton. 1 Send model, drawing or photo, wit h desertfl tlnn. We advise ir patentable or not, free ill charge. Our fee not due till pntent is secaraH A book, "llow to obtain Patents," with roftfl ences to actual clients In pour state.t'ountv. ■■ town sent free. Address iM C. A. SNOW & CO,, Washington, (Opposite U. S Paiont oOleeTi HM ■_ HAIR R BALSAMI YB ClMmeea and beanti flet the haklH Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Falls to Bettors to its Youthful ColoaN^WH -- IL<L SHOPPING MADE EASY. Orders received for all kinds of merchandise, i Samples sunt. No commission charged. Boat I of references, circulars sent on applioatlOß. 1 MISS E. B. EATON, 156 Fifth Ave., N.T.J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers