The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 05, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Prom our Regular Correspondent.
Complaints of tardiness on the part
of the administration in pushing the
war against Spain are growing louder
each day, as indications increase that
the administration is expecting a very
long war, instead of a very short one.
The speech of Representative Ding
ley, who probably voiced the senti
ments of Mr. McKinley, on the bill
to provide war revenues for the gov
ernment, which has just passed the
House, indicated his belief that the
war would last for years. He could
not be properly answered, because
nobody cared to get up and say
things they knew to be true that
would be construed by Spain and
Europe as meaning that there was a
division of sentiment among Ameri
cans as to tnis war The same feeling
has prevented public criticism of the
remarkable state of unreadiness in
which the War Department was found
to be when Mr. McKinley finally
gave up his jack o'lantern hope of
securing the freedom of Cuba through
peaceful negotiations. The people
do not want a long war, and do not
believe that there is any occasion for
one. Fitz Lee, who is good military
authority, and who has carefully been
over the ground, has said that with
20,000 men and the co-operation of
the navy Havana could be taken in
15 days. That many troops, three
fourths of them regulars, could be
landed in Cuba in 48 hours after an
order was issued, and the navy is al
ready here. But there is no such
order. Instead, there is a lot of ta'k
about (he necessity of the 125,000
volunteers just called out remaining
several months in camps of instruc
tiou, and <sf the probability of the
Spaniards being allowed to remain in
Cuba until tall, unless the insurgent
army can drive them out, or the
blockade starves them out. Mr. Mc-
Kinley calls this a war for humanity,
but a continuation of the blockade ot
Cuban ports without capturing them
will result in starving as many women
and children to death as Butcher
Weyler's policy did. The Spanish
array in Cuba isn't suffering for food
—they prepared for the blockade—
but non-combatants are.
Under the law for the reorganiza
tion of the regular army, which went
into effect this week, the total will at
once be enlisted up to 60,000 men,
and the war-pay of privates and non
commissioned officers will be increas
ed 20 per cent.
One of the strongest points in our
system of government is emphasized
by the present situation in Washing
ton. In the State, War and Navy
Department building, in which are
located the fighting branches of the
government, the hurry and bustle of
war is seen on every hand, while the
other department buildings, in which
business relating to the industrial and
commercial progress of the country,
such as the management of our great
postal system, the granting of patents,
looking after public lands etc., is go
ing on just as though there never was
such a thing as a war, and so they
will continue to go whether the war
lasts three weeks or three months.
The fighting branches of the govern
ment will attend to the war without
encroaching upon the business of the
other branches.
In announcing by proclamation the
principles upon which he will wage
the war, which Congress has authoriz
ed, Mr. McKinley has certainly
carried mild treatment of Spanish in
terests to an unnecessary extreme—
an extreme that will wipe out the ex
pectations of prize-money entertained
by the brave sailors that man Admir
al Sampson's blockading squadron,
by releasing nearly, if not all of the
Spanish vessels they have captured
since the blockade was established.
This proclamation gives all Spanish
merchant vessels in American ports
or bound to or from American ports
immunits from capture until May 21,
inclusive. It would be possible to
make some nations surrender by
treating them and their interests with
consideration, but Spain is certainly
not one of them. What Mr. McKin
ley doubtless intended to be an act
of extraordinary generousity and for
bearance will be charged to his fear
of them by the ignorant Spanish.
There is only one way to deal with a
Spaniard—fight him and lick him ;
then he will be ready to entertain the
idea of a foe displaying magnanimity
towards him.
Republicans in their absurd at
tempt to monopolize all the patriot
ism are charging that because some
democrats oppose the issue of $500,-
000,000 in bonds provided for 111 the
war revenue bill the House has pass
ed they are opposed to giving the ad
ministration all the money it will need
to conduct tne war. Nothing could
be further from the truth. There is
not a democrat in either branch of
Congress who is not in favor of voting
all the money that may be needed to
vigorously fight~the war to a success
ful conclusion. That many of them
agree with the populists and silver re
publicans in believing an issue of
bonds to be unnecessary, and that i*.
would be better to raise the money
: by an income tax and other ways of
j direct taxation, is true. The bond
1 issue is likely to be fully discussed in
j the Senate, and, although it will pro
bably not be made a party question
by the democratic Senators; it will not
be surprising if most of them vote
! against bonds, nnlcss the nature of
; the war news changes their present
How's This?
I We offer One Hundred Dollars
I Reward for any case of Catarrh that
I cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J.n CHENEY & CO., Props.,
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions, and fin
ancially able to carry out any obliga
tion made by their firm.
WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, O.
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's family Pills are the best, im
"Army to the Front-''
With profound emotion the Ameri
can people hear again the stern words
whose echo last died away in our
country 33 years ago this April,
"Army to the front." At this word
of command the army of a people
whose population numbers 70,000,-
000 moves forward to make war on a
kingdom whose subjects, counting its
outlying islands, dependent colonies
and ail, number only 25,000,000. Our
country is rich and prosperous from
a generation of peace, Spain is ex
hausted to the last few drops of her
lifeblood bv the Savage wars she has
been waging to suppress her own
revolutionist children.
Yet it is not a war of aggression the
powerful country declares against the
weak one. In that admirable joint
resolution which directed President
McKinley to send the army and navy
to Cuba the statement rang out clear
and unmistakable that the United
States had no intention or desire to
ward possessing the island for itself.
We seek only the pacification of Cuba,
and when that is accomplished the
will of the American people, express
ed through their congress, is to leave
the government and control of the
island to those who belong there.
Neither is ours a war for revenge.
Even the awful crime of the blowing
up, at the instigation of Spanish offi
cials, of the Maine in the harbor of
Havana while on a friendly visit there,
a dastardly act by which 260 brave
American citizens were hurled to
death, was not considered by our
government sufficient reason for
making war. "Remember the Maine!"
will be the rallying cry of our sea and
land soldiers when they meet the
enemy, but it is not the casus belli
lying behind the thrilling command,
"Army to the fVont!"
We have set ourselves right in the
eyes of the powers of Europe. We
have declared we do not want Cuba.
We have refrained from taking that
just vengeance for the loss of the
Maine to obtain which just vengeance
no European government would have
held back its hand an hour. We pre
pare to drive the Spaniard from Cuba
because his further stay is a "disgrace
to Christian civilization and cannot
longer be endured. - '
Our army moves to the front on a
crusade in the name of justice and
humanity. No holier war was ever
undertaken. A dozen millions of loyal
Americans are at the command of the
president and congress to free Cuba.
That done our volunteer army will
melt away and rejoin the ranks of the
private citizens of a peace loving
nation.— Ex.
What the State Commander Suggests for Its
Commander Staufler, of the Penn
sylvania department of the Grand
Army of the Republic, has issued his
annual Memorial Day general oiders.
He suggests as a part of the obser
vance of the day the attendance of
posts at church services on Sunday,
May 29. He also suggests that pastors
be asked to select texts illustrative to
these subjects: "The gain of Ameri
can citizenship by the success of the
Union soldier,' and "The unquestion
ed and everlasting right of the cause
of those who battled for the Union."
He suggests that the school children
be again asked to participate in
Memorial day's celebration, that
everybody be interested in it, that or
ganizations other than military be
welcomed to participate, and that the
sacredness ot the day be observed.
He says Memorial day, while not a
day of sackcloth and ashes, nor mourn
ing, nor fasting, should not be devoted
to frivolous pastime. It is a day for
the flag, flowers and communion with
the nation's dead.
Facts About Our Sea Power Told in Those
Tho United Stales ara Tied With Germany
for Fifth Place -Powder Comes in Chunks,
r is Brown and Docsin Smoke—No Grog
ana no Flogging Now.
The United States is the fifth naval
power in the wot Id, writes Frank Lee,
in the Chicago Times-Herald. The
, navies of Great Britain, France, Russia
and Italy rank ahead in the order
named. Germany and the United
States are about tied.
Our present effective fighting force
consists of four battleships of the first
class, one battleship of the second
class, two armored cruisers, eighteen
cruisers, fifteen gunboats, six double
turreted monitors, one ram. one dyna
mite gunboat, one dispatch boat, one
transpoit and eight torpedo boats.
; The lowa weighs nearly 12,000
tons, and as twenty tons in the aver
age load of a freight car and twelve
cars is a good load for a locomotive
engine, it would take fifty locomotives
to haul the great steel structure.
The powder used is brown and in
chunks the size of a caramel. A charge
for the biggest guns weighs 500
pounds and is hoisted to the breech
by a derrick, the powder being sewed
up in burlap bags.
Armor plates arc tested by firing
steel projectiles weighing from roo to
1500 pounds at them from guns
charged with 500 pounds oi powder at
a distance of about a city block.
Our battleships have a speed of
from fifteen to seventeen knots an
hour. Cruisers make nineteen to
twenty four knots, while the monitors
can travel only five to seven knots.
The biggest guns in the navy are
forty-nine feet long, big enough for a
tnan to crawl into; four feet in diame
ter at their largest part and weigh
'3s)s°° pounds or thereabouts.
There are six rear-admirals in active
service. The offices of vice-admiral
and admiral are unfilled, so there is no
head of the navy excepting Secretary
Barnacles form on the hull of a
ship, impeding its speed. A six
months' cruise will decrease the speed
of a ship fifteen per cent., and it must
go into dry dock.
Sixty-one merchant vessels belong
to the auxiliary navy. These ships are
subsidized and by contract must be
given to the United States on demand.
Some of the guns in the navy can
fire a shot twelve miles, farther than a
man can see, for the guns are aimed
and sighted by machinery.
The amount expended by the Navy
Department in 1897 was $34,561,546.
This is a larger sum than has been
expended in any year since 1866.
In a battle the woodwork and all ,
articles of wood are either stowed be
low or thrown overboard lest the men
be injured by splinters.
The origin of the Navy Department
may be said to date from October 13, 1
1775, when congress authorized the
equipment of two cruisers. '•
The fastest vessels in the navy are
the torpedo boats Porter and Dupont, 1
each of which can travel 27.5 knots
an hour.
Battleships cost from $2,500,000 to
$3,75 0 , 0 °0, and cruisers from S6OO,- 1
000 to $3,000,000. A good torpedo 1
boat costs over SIOO,OOO.
Battleships are for the heavy work ;
cruisers are commerce destroyers;
monitors are useful only for coast
Serene comfort and happiness in ad
vanced years are realized by compara
tively few women.
Their hard lives, their liability to se
rious troubles on account of their pecu
liar organism and their profound igno
rance concerning themselves, all com
bine to shorten the period of usefulness
and fill their later years with suffering.
Mrs. Pinkliam has done much to make
women strong. She has given advice
to many that has shown them how to
guard against disease and retain vigor
ous health in old age. From every cor
ner of the earth there is constantly com
ing the most convlnciug statements
from women, showing the efficacy of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound in overcoming female ills. Here
is a letter from Mrs. J. C. Orms, of 220
Horner St., Johnstown, Pa., which is
earnest and straight to the point:
"DEAR MRS. PINKHAM: — I feel it my
duty to tell all suffering women that I
think your remedies are wonderful. I
had trouble with my head, dizzy spells
and hot flashes. Feet and hands were
cold, was very nervous, could not sleep
well, had kidney trouble, pain in
ovaries and congestion of the womb.
Since taking your remedies I am better
every way My head trouble is all
gone, have no pain in ovaries, and am
cured of womb trouble. I can eat and
sleep well and am gaining in flesh. I
consider your medicine the best to ho
had for female troubles."
The present Mrs. Pinkham's experi
ence in treating female ills is unparal
lelled, for years she worked side by
side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, and
for sometime past lias had sole charge
of the correspondence department of
her great business, treating by letter
as many as a hundred thousand ailing
women during a single year.
No Cripe
When you take Hood's Pills. The big, old-fash
ioned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to
' pieces, are, not In It with Hood's. Easy to take
and easy to operate, Is true
of Hood's Pills, which are " 1 |i _
up to date In every respect, 9 1 0 ©?
Safe, certain and sure. All ■ 0■ fl
druggists. '-'Sc. C. T. Hood & Co.. I.owell, Mass.
The only Pills to hike with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
The Indiana could lie outside
Sandy Hook and throw 1200-pound
shots into New York at the rate of
four a minute.
Those artists who show smoke in
their pictures of naval battles are
wholly wrong. Smokeless powder is
All of the cruisers are named in
honor of cities, and the battleships,
except the Kearsarge, in honor of
The "grog" ration was abolished in
1863, and since then the crew has
been forbidden to drink while on duty.
Marines are the police on board
ship. Originally they were employed
to prevent nutiny among the sailors.
The guns of a battleship can carry
from six to twelve miles, hurling a
shot weighing half a ton.
Only sixty per cent, of the enlisted
men are Americans, and a smaller
percentage yet are native bom.
Projectiles thrown by naval guns
are shaped much as the bullets shot
by the ordinary rifle.
A battleship has on board an elec
tric plant capable of lighting a town
of 5000 inhabitants.
The boilers of the lowa have a heat
ing surface of eight acres and hold
thirty tons of water.
Great Britain has 294 torpedoes
and torpedo-boat destroyers; Uncle
Sam has only eight.
Five hundred and twenty-six men
and forty officers are required to man
the cruiser New York.
Battleships are covered with armor
of nickel steel from five to seven
inches thick.
We have four armored battleships
—the Indiana, lowa, Massachusetts
and Texas.
A submarine torpedo boat to be
known as the Plunger is now undei
At present the total enlisted force
of the naval militia is 3570 officers
and men.
Behind the heavy armor there is a
padding of either corn pith or cocoa
It costs SSOO every time one of the
big guns on board a ship is fired. 1
The Brooklyn and New York are '
our armored cruisers.
Sailors are paid from $9.50 to 1
$12.50 per month and board.
An act of Congress in 1572 abolish- i
ed flogging in the navy. \
The American navy has practically J
all been built since 1883.
A captain in the navy ranks with a '
colonel in the army. f
A Eeal Catarrh Cure-
The 10 cent trial size of Ely's
Cream Balm which can be had of the
drugg ; st is sufficient to demonstrate
its great merit. Send 10 cents, we
will mail it. Full size 50c.
ELY BROS., 56 Warren St., N. Y.
Catarrh caused difficulty in speak
ing and to a great extent loss of hear
ing. By the use of Ely's Cream Balm
dropping of mucus has ceased, voice
and hearing have greatly improved.—
T. W. Davidson, Att'y at Law, Mon
mouth, 111.
The fitness of Chickamauga mili
tary park as a gathering place for the
armies of the United States is notable.
It includes 15 square miles in the
grounds and will accommodate 50,-
000 soldiers in camp. No spot in the
southeastern part of the country is so
convenient as a point of mobilization
for the army. Railroads from every
direction lead to Chattanooga, 16
miles away, and regiments can be
quickly dispatched to any part of the
land. Supplies and arms can be for
warded rapidly both to and from the
place. It is one of the most healthful
spots in the Union, the scenery is in
expressibly grand and the historic as
sociations are those of which both
north and south can be proud, recall
ing the great battle fought on this
ground September 19 and 20, 1863.
A recent landslide in China reveal
ed a pile of money equaling in value
7,000,000 coppers. The coins were
made about the middle of the
eleventh century.
PILL-PRICE.— The days of 25 cents
a box for pills are numbered. Dr. Ag
new's Liver Pills at ten cents a vial
are surer, safer and pleasanter to take.
Cure Constipation, Sick and Nervous
Headaches, Dizziness, Lassitude,
Heartburn, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appe
tite and all troubles arising from liver
Sold by C. A. Kleim.
AGAIN we offer you COLD
STORAGE for Eggs, Butter,
Dried Fruits, Carpets, Furs and
1- perishable articles. Inquire for
a rates.
We Haaufacture
I For domestic purposes you should
f use PURE ICE only.
Cold Storage & Artificial Ico Co.
255 East 7th St
A.M. r.M. A.M. P.M.
NORTHUMBERLAND 625 1.60 10 00 660
Cameroc 6 30 6 03
Chulasky 6 0?
Danville.. 660 212 10:11 6 13
Catawlsaa 703 226 .... 628
Rupert 709 2 81 10 36 6 83
Bloomaburg 71) 2 36 to 41 639
Espy 723 2 42 10 46 646
Llmo Ridge ..... - 780 2 48 6 62
Willow Grove 781 262 6 68
Brlarcrees 7 36 T 00
Berwick 748 3 01 no.' 706
Beach Haven........ 764 307 .... 712
Hlck'a Ferry 800 318 . .. 7 19
Shlckahinuy 8 10 9 24 11 21 7 86
Huniock'a. 820 834 .... 747
Nantlcoke 827 342 11 66 -f-64
Avoudale 332 3 47 7 68
Plymouth 88? 362 11 43 8 03
Plymouth Junction 842 8 57 8 07
Klngßlon 850 4 05 11 52 8 12
Bennett 853 4 08 8 16
Forty Fort 8 68 411 8 is
Wyoming 901 4 17 1200 8 2.!
West Pltt.BtOn 906 4 22 8 30
Sußquehanna Ave 910 4 25 12 07 ass
Plltston 915 4 30 12 10 8 89
Duryea.... 919 434 844
Lackawanna 921 437 ...... 848
Taylor 932 445 .... 857
llellevue 937 460 .... 9ov
SCRANTON 941 455 12 30 9 07
A. II I'. M. P.M. P. V
A.M. A.M. P.M.P.M.
SCRANTON 600 10 20 1 66 6 16'
Bellevue 615
Taylor 6 10 10 28 2i<s bin
Lackawanna alB in 35 218 6 7
Duryea 622 10 38 216 f. 21
l'lttatou 678 10 42 2 20 625
Susquehanna Ave 682 10 45 221 6-8
West l'lttatou 636 10 48 227 611
Wyomlutf 640 10 5J 232 636
Forty Fort R 45
Bannett 646 U ro 239 644
Kingston' 654 11 (4 245 668
Plymouth .1 unction C 59
Plyinoutu 704 11 12 254 70S
Avondale 709 25s ? (•?
Nantlcoke 714 11 20 31,2 112
Huniock'a 720 11 80 310 710
Shlckahlnoy 781 11 40 304 735
Hlck'a Ferry 744 11 50 335 747
Beach Haven 754 11 55 842 755
Berwick 800 12 uu it 4'J 80C
Brlarcreek 8 06 ... 8 55
Willow drove 8 10 1210 359 bu
Lime Ridge 814 12 15 404 815
Kapy 821 12 21 411 823
BlOOinsburg 823 12 87 417 836
Rupert 684 12 32 423 836
Catawlasa 840 12 36 4 29 8 41
llanvllle 8 .65 12 49 442 868
Cnulnaky 449 ...
Cameron 9cn 12 PS 454 9in
NORTHUMBERLAND 920 110 5(8 925
A.M. P.M. P.M. r.M
Connections at Rupert with Philadelphia &
Reading Railroad ror Tamanend, Tamaqua
\V UUamsport, Sunbury, I'ottavllle, etc At
Northumberland with P. & E. Dlv. p. & H. for
Harrleburg, Lock Haven, Emporium Warren.
Corry and Erie.
W. F. HALLSTEAD. Gen. Mar.,
Scranton, I'a.
SOUTH. 11. & S It. K, NORTH
am a.m.ipm p.m. STATIONS, am pmipm am
7.10 11.,5 6.30 2.15 Bloomsbu'g. 8.31 2 4"|li 45 U.lO
7.08 11.10 6,26 2.0 " P. &H. 3.86 2.42 6.47
7.03 11.87 6.24 2.'IP " Main St.. 8.39 -2.45 6.60!
8.58 11.27 0.12 1 50 Paper Mill. 8 484j.5417.Cl '6.37
6.50 11.23 6.09 '.45 ..Light St.. 8.52 2.69,7.05 6.50 '
6.40 11.13 5.59 I.Bo,'orangevll'c. 9.02 3.1017.14,7.10 ,
6.29 11.0 ) 5.48 1.001 ..Forks... 9.10 8.20,7.24 7.85 !
6.25 11.011 5.44 ! 12..13|.. .Zaner'S.M.l4 4.24 7.28 7.45 ,
6.19 10.15 5.37,12.45 .Stillwater . ! 9.20 3.30 7.33 8.00
6.08 10.45 5.271'2.3 ...Kenton..,. 9.30 3.40 7.4? 8.30 '
6.04 I 0 4njs 22 12.10 ...Edson'e.... 9.34 3.44 7.47 8.40 ,
0.02 '0 3Sj5 20 12.01 .Cole's cr'k. I 9.37 3.1? 7,51 !5.46 !
6.53 10.82 5.13 11.58 ..LaubSCh.. I 9.47 3.57 9.0119.00
5.43i10.23j5.03 11.45 ...Central... I n.:7 4.07 8.11 9.25 "
5.40! 10.2015.00 11.30 .Jan.C1ty..!10.00|4.10|.151#.85 ,
amampmpm ampmpmam i
C Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
1 I Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
_ Boils & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
0 Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
TJirce Sizes, 25c, 50c. and SI.OO.
Sold by druggists, or scut post-paid on roceipt of price
HLMI'IIKLYS' SKI). CO., 111 A 1 IS William St., New York.
ELY'S CREAM BALM !• a poiltlvecure.
Apply into the nostrils. It is qaickly absorbed. 60
cents at DraggiaU or by mail ; samples 10c, by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren St., New York City-
IB Ckleheitor'a Ea#lfeh Diamond Brand.
■ Original and Only Genuine. A
a arc, ALWAYS reliable, LADIES uk A\
Aji V-ala Drugglrt for Chick—ten BnolUk Dla>Jffi\
' Brand 111 Bad end Cold DeUIUoVVjUf
>v Healed with blue ribbon. Tako \Br
Vn other. Rrflue dangerou* tub-it* ▼ 1
1 / /frtiomand imitation*. At Drocslste.oreenddo.
I W in etempo tot partloulart, teetlmenlala end
\ "C Jn 44 Belief for LadleV' in Utter, by return
WtaiilMiiJiaiM -• PUILADA.. PA.
> Pennsylvania Railroad.
' Time Table in effect Feb. 10, >9ll.
I A. IF. A. U r. 1. p. H .
I Scranton(3* H)lv 56 45 {9 38 5a 21 54 11
Pittston •• "I 708 fio 00 t2 48 500
A. M. A. M. P. M. p. a *
Wllkesbarre....lvj 57 80 510 15 I 8 12 sft 00
Plyin'tli Ferry" I 7 38 10 20 I 3 21 16 08
Nantluoke " ! 7 41! 10 27 310 017
Mtoueaqua " sor 10 45 360 37
Wapwallopen." 813 10 55 358 47
• Nescopeck ar 824 11 10 410 7du
*. si. A. si. r. . p. u.
POttSVtlle IV 56 00 5!l 40 512 38 52 42
Hazleton " 7 lu li ;>5 2 00 5 60
Trunlilcken " 7so 1 I'M 220 010
Fern Glen " 7 8" 1134 2 28 H 1"
Rock Glen " 743 1■ 40 235 IS
Nescopeck ar 807 ........ 8 00| BSo
A SI. A. SI. P. St. P. M.
Nescopeck lv 58 44 511 10 i 4 io 57 00
Cieasy 8 33 Via 4 18 7 0S
Espy Ferry " Is 43 Keck f4 25 718
E. UlooiiibOurg" 847 Glen 4SO 7 2.1
p. si.
Catawlssa ar 855 12 20 436 7 lit
Catawlssa lv 865 12 20 4 111 730
8. Danville...." 914 1238 455 747
sunbury 9 85 1 00 5 17 8 10
sunburv—.. .lv I*o 45 {'i *il A 34 | P
Lewlsburg 10 15 145 608
Milton " 10 10 130 605 11 to
WllUanißpOTt.." HP" 230 053 10 8(1
Lock liaven...ll 09 8 40 7 67
Henovo •' A. M. 440 855
Kane " 0 00
p< sr. p. M.
Lock 512 10 58 46
Ilellefonte ar 1 05 4 44
Tyrone •• 2 15 B CO
rnnipsburg...." 4 23 s 20
Clearfield " 5 06 09i
Pittsburg '• 665 11 30
_ |A. SI. P. M.! P. Sf. P. srl
Sunbury lv| 50 51 65 I 5 25 58R> S
Harrlsburg ar U 30 5 3 sol— '* ""
Philadelphia ..arj s's 00 1 ? ' *3E I
Baltimore •• I 310 1 1 CO.VJI J
Washington " | 4lu 17 is; j
IA. sr. I p. si.l '• J '
Sunhury lv 510 05 52 251 H
1 p. SI. I !
Lewlstown Jc ar 12 0 5 64 23 |
Pittsburg- "15 6 55J 511 3o ....1
Harrlsbuig lv ni 4.v wi '7BO
_ p. si.; I A. JT.|- A. si.
Pittsburg art 6 551 Hi 301 1 2 00l 55 30
5 Weekdays. Dally, t Flag station
P. M. P. SI. j A. M A. SI
Pittsburg.. .lv I 8 10 18 10; 1 3 .1) IB 0#
A. si. A. si. p. si.
Harrlsburg ar I 3 80 13 80 HO 0 [3 10
A. M.J A. SF.
Pittsburg lv t 8 CO
P. M.
Lewlstown Jc." t7 SO ..... t8 05
Sunbury... art 0 18 t 5 CO
p. M. A. sr. A. 51. A. sf 110 40 t7 so ;ii DO
Baltimore " 111 50 14 rs tail ;i2 to
Philadelphia..." 11120 14 30 'B - BR*f}BJß a "
A. sr. A. sr. A. si p. sr.
Harnsnurg lv I 3 35 18 on til 40 t3 51
sunbury ar ! SOS I 0 40 1 10 t5 29
p. sr. A. M A sr
Pittsburg lv 51 UO 53 30 58 OO
Cleartleld 409 % ")1
Phlllpsburg.. ." 458 .. . 10 13
Tyrone " 715 18 10 12 30
Bellelonte " 8 31 9 33 1 13
Lock 0 30 10 30 2 48
„ . , , P . M. A. SI. A. SI. P, SI.
Erie lv I 8 25
Kane ... 705 t6 27
Henovo '• 1025 loin 1031- .
Lock Haven...." 11 11 57 33 1125 t3 OC
A. Sf. p. u
wnilamsport.." 1215 1 s ;:n 71215 40c
Milton " 118 918 113 458
Lewlsburg " 9 05 1 15 4 47
Sunbury ■■■■ 145 945 155 620
A. SI. A. M. Is SI. P. Sf.
Sunbury lv t5 26 I 9 65 t2 OP t5 43
S. Danville " 54S 10 17 221 687
Catawlssa " li ON 10 35 237 624
E. Hloomsburg" Via 10 43 243 6 32
Espy Ferry " Hock fio 47 247 t6 3#
creasy " 1 Glen. 10 50 255 046 j
Nescopeck 807 11 lu 810 659 A
jA. M. A. SI. P. 51. P. V. MT
Nescopeck lv| til 10 14-45- t-TOS
Rock Glen ar! t 5? 11 85 440 731
Fern Glen •• 659 11 43 446 737
Tomhlcken 710 11 64 455 745
P. M.
Hazleton " 737 12 15 515 805
POttSVlllO. 912 180 ... 942
4. M. A, M. P. M. P, M.
Nescopeck lv t8 07 111 10 t3 10 t6 59 818 11 22 819 709
Mocanaqua " 82s 11 32 830 721
Nantlcoke " | 848 11 S4| 8 501 742
P. 51 |
Plym'th Ferry" '8 50 12 02 4on 702
Wllkesbarre...." 90s 12 lOj 1 10] 800
|A. SI P. M P. 11.1 p •>'
Plttstonfll 4H) ar l l 941 tl2 49; t4 52' t. '
Bcrantnn " 1 10 10 1 3'i3v, a, „
t Weekdays. I Dally, f Flag
rullman Parlor and Sleeping Cars run emM
through trains between sunbury, Wllllamsport "
and Erie, between Sunbury and Philadelphia
and Washington and between Harrlsburg, Plttß
burg and the west.
For further Information apply to Ticket
Gen'l. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Engines Burn Hard Coal—No Smoke
In effect Nov. 14, 1897.
For New Tors, Philadelphia, Readlnc Potts
vllle, Tamaqua, weekdays 11.45 a. m.
For Wllllamaport, weekdays, 7.80 a. m., 8.80 p.
For Danville and Milton, weekdays, 7.80 a. m.,
For Catawlssa weekdays 7.80, 8.3b, n.45 a. m.,
13.20,3.30, 5.00 <1.30, p. m.
For Rupert weekdays7.Bo,B.3B 11,45 a, m., 12.20,
8.30,6.00, 6.30, p. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the went via
B. 8! O. K. R., through trains leave Heading Ter
minal, Philadelphia, 3.20, 7.65, 11.26 a. m., 8.46
7.27, p. m. Sundays 3.20, 7.55 11.26 a, m.,
3.46, 7.27, p. m. Additional trains Trom 24 and
chestnut strutt station, weekdays, 1.35, 6.41,
8.23 p.m. Sundays, 1.39, 8.23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia 8.00 a
m., and via EastOn 9.10 a. m, .
Leave Philadelphia 10.10 a. m.
Leave Reading 12 00 m.
Leave Pott sviTle 12.30 p. m.
Leave Tamaqua 1.80 p. m.,
Leavo wnitamaport weekdays 10.20 a m, 4.30 p
LeaveCatawisßaweekdays, 7.00, 8.30 'J. 1ea, m.
1.30 380 , 608
Leave Rupert, weekdays, 7.08, 8.28, 9. is 11.50
a. in., 1.88,3.10, 6.16.
Leavo Philadelphia, Chestnut Street wharf
aud south Street wharf for Atlantic city.
Wssi-nAvs—Express, 9.110, a. m. 2 00, (3.00
Saturdays only), 4.00, 5.06 p. m. Accom. 8.00 a.
m„ 5.15, f1.30 11. m.
SUNDAYs —Express, 0.00, 10.00 a.m., Accom.
8.00 a. m., 4.45 p. m.
Leave Atlantic City, depot,: WBEK-DAVS—
Express, 7.35,9 00, a. in., 3.80, 5.30 p. m. Accom.,
4.25, 8.15 a m., 4.05 p.m. SUNDAYS— Express.
4.n0, 5,80,8.00 p. m. Acooin., 7.15 a. m, 415, p. m.
For Cope May and Ocean City 9 15 a. m., 4.15
p. m Sundays, South Street, 9.00, Chestnut
Street 9.15 a. m.
Parlor oars on all express trains.
v Oen'l supt. Gen'l Pass Agt.