ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Town of Bloomsburg For the year 1897. TAX ROLL FOR 1897. Valuation Mills Ami. Built up $1735987 fi $ 15623 88 Suburban 80749 6 484 49 Farm 115103 4 511 9<i Personalty 13880 9 134 99 Occuoattons 330355 9 3073 19 Bogs and bitches 310 00 $ 19034 44 ADD THE FOLLOWING EXONERATIONS, Artlilclal Ice Co t 5000 Furniture Co 10000 Brass & Copper Co looro Bloomsburg Mtg. Co 0000 Steam Heating Co •••*. 5000 carpet Mill Co 18000 I.lectrlc Light Co 5000 Keystone Foundry tinoo Peun Elevator Co 9000 silk Mill Co aoooo School Furnishing Co 18000 Magee Carpet Works lomo Bloom Gas Co 3500 $3310574 00 2 per cent,, otthe above valuation ls.\ $lO2ll 48 Funded debt Is 4W90 00 DUE AS FOLLOWS. 1 1898 1899 1900 1901 1903 1903 1901 190') 19)6 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1913 1913 1914 1915 1918 1917 1918 1919 1990 1921 1922 Issue 01 Aug. 8, 1881 240 •• '• 9, 1883 240 240 " June 5, 1884 400 500 600 " Oct. 10, 1887 250 204 280 290 810 320 340 850 050 " " 4, 1)418 290 3 0 310 330 850 300 384 400 490 440 410 " Bept.l2, 1889 625 050 675 7l>o 750 775 800 850 875 925 200 " Nov. 17. 1890 200 210 220 230 240 2,0 260 275 385 300 805 - Jan. 17, 1892 200200 200200 o " 26, 1893 200200 2'HI 200200 " NOV. 2, 1893 300 300 800 300 800 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 600 " •' 15, 1894 500 500 " Oct. 24, 1895 1000 1000 1000 1000 1900 1000 1000 500 " AUg. 6, 1896 500 500 500 5) 0 530 500 50) 500 7)00 500 " July 29, 1897 500 800 500 500 4'o 600 570 400 400 300 300 " Sept.2s, 1897 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 EDO 500 74*) 74)0 500 74)0 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 1001 1"00 1000 1000 1000 Totals.... 5745 5660 5185 4750 4550 4005 4750 4175 4080 8365 2175 900 lutlO 1000 1100 500 TOO 500 si 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Total 00 J. K. BITTENBIJNDEK, Collector. DR. To balance on Duplicate of 1805 $ 2773 18 To balance on Duplicate ot 1898 8411 30 $ 11184 48 J. h'. IIITTENBENDER, Collector. CR. By amt. paid A. N. Yost, Treas. Duplicate ot 1805— 1113 21 By amt. paid A. N. Yost, Treas. Duplicate or 180 ii.... 8839 09 By balance due on Duplicate Of 1895 1659 97 By balance due on Duplicate of 1896 5178 81 IUB4 48 1, D. KASE, Collector. OK. To amt. of Duplicate of 1807.. 8615 18 L. D. KASE, collector. CK. By amt. paid A. N. Yost, Treas. Duplicate of 1807.... 3360 98 By balance due ou Duplicate Of 1897 5284 14 $ 8645 18 A. N. YOST, Treasurer. on. To bal. for last statement.... 131 04 To amt. from J. K Bli tenben der, Collector 4858 36 To amt. from L. D. Kase, Coll. 3360 us - '• tax roll of 1897.. lease 78 " " •' u.s. Fleclieii stlne, Tr. on acct. licenses. 11U0 00 To amt. from orders dis counted 8970 03 To amt. from bonds Issued and sold 19880 00 To amt. from State Treas. tax trom Foreign Fire Ins. Co.. 155 58 To amt. from Bondholders, State tax 158 48 To amt. from W. It. Koclier, President 880 99 $ 48053 05 A. N YOST, Treasurer. CK. By amt. of orders ot'9l paid 125 00 „ .. .. .. '93 '. 895 44 „ ~ .. „ '94 >• gen ,14 „ <■ -9S a 1179 3! " " •' '• •• '96 '• 10107 84 .. "oj >■ 20978 09 " •• " coupons Of Aug. 1896 paid 6 "5 By amt. of coupons of Feb. 1897 paid 13 50 By amt. ot Coupons of Aug. 1897 paid 959 88 Br amt. of Coupons ot Feb. 1898 paid 980 57 By amt. of Bonds 4760 00 By amt. Treasurer's Com 480 94 By balance In Treas. hands... 537 84 43053 05 RECEIPTS. To balance from last statem't 185 94 From .1. K. Blttenbender Col. 4358 80 Trom L. D. Kase, collector... 8360 MS From tax roll of 1897 U3BB 78 From F. 8. Fleckcnstlne, Treas on account licenses. 1400 00 From Orders discounted 2970 00 Front Bonds Issued and sold. 19880 00 From state Treas. iax trom Foreign Fire Ins. < 0.. 155 57 From Bond holders state tax. 158 48 Prom W. 14. Koclier, l'res. Sewer permits, Ones Ac 380 99 43053 C 5 DISBURSEMENTS. HIGHWAYS; W. 11. Eycr, commls. for 1896. 33 00 YV. M. Monroe, powder at cinder tip 7 65 P. 41. Miller, coal forcrusher. 4 00 Elk Run Gray stone CO. Crossing stones. 199 06 SY. L. Demaree, lumber 58 89 Marman A Uassert, crossing plates, Ac 134 88 Moyer Bros, cement for cross ings 9 99 John B. Dunf, tall road ties.. 6 50 Geo. Yost, relaying pavement 4 37 B. F. Gardner,cobblestones.. 14 no Creasv A Wells, lumber 66 39 Clearfield Clay Working Co. Vitrified brick 88 77 K. J. Brown, sprinkling 13 50 M. L Oh], masonry 45 55 O. B Melllck, cementing crossings., 64 61 H. F. ltlce,using road scraper 11 00 John llennessy, Stone at re taining wall ICB7 82 C. M. ( reveling A Co. stone retalnlnlng wall 70 00 Bloomsburg Water Co. stone retaining wall 61 98 C. M. Oreveltng A Co., dirt at retaining wall 3137 G. B. Martin, smithing 11 83 W. F. Hart man plumbing. Ac 7 64 O. W. Miller, stone nt retain ing wail 100 00 Bloomsburg Car M'f'g. Co., lumber 3 51 V. L. A W. U. K. Co., freight.. 8 40 C. E. Hagenbucli, cobble stones 50 60 Thomas Gorrey, temporary bridge over caual 13 91 John llcnneaay, culvert on Jefferson street. 70 80 John corbltt 45 00 John Corhltt, dirt at retain ing wall 7 42 Amos Krum, sand 2 DO Roadarmel A Welllver, smith ing 7 65 C. w. McKelvy, commtssloi er of highways 457 00 Labor und hauling 4'. 41 03 t 7605 46 NEW STREETS ANU EXTENSIONS. W. H. Cook, damages grading lag 4th street. 130 80 L. K. Waller, exr. damages grading River street .... 50 00 L. E. Waller, exr. opening Jefferson street 500 00 C. G. Barkley, afty. for M. Moars, opening West street 400 00 a G. Barkley, Atty. for D. sterner opening West 5t.... 1100 00 W. H. Henrle, Prothonotary, costs In Mears acd Sterner oases . 55 05 M. I. Hennessy, damages, opening Leonard street,.... 250 00 Wm 8. Moyer, exr. ot M. C. Sloan, opening West street. 83 91 SKWEK. F. R. Carpenter, agt. freight. 24 39 Chas. Morgan, sower on stu Street 212 70 D. 1.. A W. R. 1(. Co., freight. 187 73 | Lockhaven Clay works,sewer I pipe 283 92 Tat ton Clay Mfg. Co., sower pipe 158 95 II v. White A Co , sewer pipe 8 04 Labor and haullug i 80186 J. E. Wilson, damages. 85 oo ll9O 63 WATER. Bloomsburg Water Co. t new hydrant, Port Noble 38 91 Bloomsburg Water Co., 1 , street stop 150 Bloomsburg Water Co. charg ing ot hydrant cor. 6th and West streets 24 53 Bloomsburg Water Co., 1 new • hydrant corner of K. It. and West streets, near Woolen Mills 47 50 Bloomsburg Water Co., water for the.year 1897 1088 38 ll9B 88 FUIB. llarman A Uassert. repalr ! lng valve on steamer. 100 11. O Sherwood, rent Winona hose carriage 7 00 Friendship Fire Co., y ap propriation 75 00 American Fire Engine Co 09 85 llarman A Uassert, lumber for hose Co. house 2 56 C. W. Uassert, rent lor house 12 uo Geo. W. Moyer, repairing nozzle on hose.... 160 Frank Cavanee, drayage on hoe and curt.. 64 J. c. ltuiter Jr., rent Winona hose carriage .. 12 00 Gutta Perch.i A Rubber M'f'g Co., linse cart, hose, axes, Ac., 4lh waid Fire Co 280 00 $ 491 65 STIIKET LIGHT. Bloomsburg E. L. A P. Co., i bul. for 1896 12C0 00 Bloomsburg K. L. A I". Co., for year 1897 4413 64 8 5613 61 I'OLICB. F. P. Baum, services during 1897 t 51 10 W. s. Fleckcnstlne, services during 1897... 14 25 R. N. Lyons, services during 1897 3 50 A. v. llower, services during 1897 1 50 Miles Betz, services during 1897... Son Wesley Knorr, bal. for 1896.. 11 83 chas. Kulp, b 1. for 1896 11 83 Arlington snullz 428 67 F. K Drake, services during 1897 15 25 : Alfred Bnwen, services dur ing 1697 14 85 Albert Uerblnc, services dur -1897 11 85 J. K. Stout, services during 1897 8 50 Gt-o Shultz, services during 1897 20 00 Wm. Lloyd, services during 1897 2 CO John Corbett, services during 1897 15 88 Cbns. Kulp, constable during 1897 41 00 N. w. Campbell, services dur ing 1897 15 75 , Peter Jones, services during 1897 1 25 Louis Gross, pair nippers.... l 10 $ 667 71 PRINTINO. Columbian annual statem'nt, ordinances, Ac $ 92 25 Democratic Seutlnel, annual statement 25 00 Republican, annual state ment, ordinances, Ac t; 50 Bloomsburg Dally, ordi nances, Ac 51 50 $ 218 25 TOWN nALL. Bloomsburg water Co 27 05 " Gas co 112 25 F. E. Miller,Wellsbach shades globe, Ac 65 Bloomsburg S. and E. L. Co.. 223 II A. c. Desheppard, making door keys. 1 20 P. K. Vannatta, painting and glazing lockup 6 25 A. V. llower, watching hall.. 11 Do James 11. Mercer, book and stationery II 30 $ 393 41 MISCELLANEOUS. F. P. Baum, killing and bury ing dogs .... 5 50 11. G. Eshleman, fixing street stop l 50 A.N Yost, treasurer 1000 no " " " 8000 00 It. N. Lyons, kllllDg and burying dogs 4 oo Auditors^fees 18 00 G. M. Quick, Prothonotary coats In equity cases 86 60 Freeze Quick, Nec'y, salary... 165 00 W. 8. Fleckenstluc, killing and burying dogs. 8 75 E. F. Williams, expressage... 9 00 Isaiah Hagenbucli, salary health officer 110 00 Alfred Bower, catching dogs. 3 oo M.J. Casey, work on fountain 1 50 W. 11. Henrle, certifying special election returns.... 4 90 J. c. Brown, engineer 817 60 Farmers' Nat. Hank, box rent 2 50 Judges, Inspectors, clerks and room rent for holding special election, July 6.D7 84 50 1 W. M. Keber, salary Sec'y. of Board of Health 75 00 Watchers at. special election, July 6,1897 6 25 J. U. Mercer, postal cards 15 00 W. 11. Henrle, certificate of special ejection 4 00 J. O. Butter, Jr., notarial fees 1 50 W. 11. Snyder, notarial fees.. 50 8. F. Peacock, hardware 22 71 Wm. Webb, cleaning hose.... 1 50 Creasy A Wells, lumber... 110 16 W. O. Holmes, plumblDg at fountain 16 01 W. O. Holmes, plumbing 6 98 W. 8. Klshton. expressage.... 60 P. K. Vanatta, painting signs 1 50 Geo. W. Kressler, damage to grain 5 00 G. B. Martin, smithing 5 51 Financial chronicle OIN. T. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. advertising bonds 24 50 Fred Ikeler, expenses In sale ol bonds. 33 50 Moyer Bros., one dlslnfector ana luuu past us 1150 J. it. Schuyler & Co., hard ware.... a 93 11. A. M'lvllllp, professional services In Menrß and ster ner cases damages, West St. 50 00 S. It. Bldlcman, blanks (or . Board of Health 84 80 J. D.Armstrong, sundries.... 2 48 W. O. Holmes, plumbing 5 88 Wm. Chrlsman, costs In com. vs. Town of liloomsburg.. . 0 25 W. F. Hartrann, plumbing.... 12 78 W. L. llcmaree, lumber. 81 18 J K. aittenbender, taxes of various persons. 817 52 Freeze Quick. numbering housesand making annual statement .... 85 00 A. N. Yost, treas., state tax.. 156 16 •• " Interest on bonds and orders. 1101 65 f 5796 65 Total number of orders issued $25711 38 Deduct orders of 1897 out standing 4739 29 A mount of orders of 1897 paid. $ 20972 09 orders of 1891 l 25 " " 1893 895 44 " " 1894 22H 61 •' " 1895 1179 31 " " 1896 10107 84 " " 1897.. 80972 "9 Coupons Of AUg. 1896.. 6 75 " " Feb. 1897..... 13 50 " " Aug. 1897 959 88 " " Feb. 1898 986 57 Bonds paid 4760 no Treasurer's commission no oi I Balance In Treasurer's hand.. 537 81 t 43053 05 Equalizing amounts of re ceipts 61035 14 RECAPITULATION. Highways 7005 40 New-streets, damages, costs, Ac 3530 26 Sewer. lls 63 Water. 1108 82 Klre Department 401 65 Street lights 5613 61 Police and Constable 667 71 Printing 218 25 Town llall 803 41 Miscellaneous. 5706 55 (Jrders.or previous year paid. 35367 57 Coupons paid. 1066 70 Bonds paid 4760 00 Treasurer's commission . . . 420 04 Balance In Treasurer's hands r,87 84 68761 13 Deduct orders of 'O7 outstan'g 4730 20 64025 14 ASSETS. Balance on duplicate of 1805.. 1650 07 " " " " 1806.. 5172 21 " 1807 . 5281 14 Due benefits assessed on W. street 512 71 Due benefits assessed on Jef erson street 450 00 Fire engine and hose 350u on Town hull and lot 150.0 00 llook and ladder truck and hose carts. 080 00 Athletic Park 6000 no Balance In Treasurer's hands 587 84 30126 87 Liabilities In excess 31552 59 73679 45 LIABILITIES. Funded debt. 60600 00 Judgment First Nat. Bank... 5175 oil Orders outstanding 6107 49 Coupons outstanding 532 39 Due sundry pei-sous, dam ages ass on Jefferson 5t.... 400 oa Due Electric Light i o 432 90 Due Bloom Water Co 91 67 Due Steam Co. about 30 00 Due Arlington Shultz 40 oo 73070 45 STATEMENT SHOWING ACCRUED LIABIL ITIES AND AVAILABLE ASSETS. LIABILITIES* outstanding orders 6197 49 " coupons 532 30 Judgment Flrsi Nat. Bank... 5i75 oo Damages In opening JelTer sonstreet. 490 00 Bloouisburg E. L. and P. Co.. 4.32 99 '• Water Co 01 67 " 8. and E.L. Co. about 30 00 Arlington Shultz 40 oo 12980 45 ASSETS. Balance on duplicate or 1895. s 1650 07 " " " " 1806.. 5172 21 " " " " 1897.. 5281 14 Benefits assessed on West St. 542 71 Benefit s assessed on JetTeraon street .. 450 00 Balauce In Treasurer's hands 537 81 $ 13646 87 Assets In excess of liabilities $ 657 42 W. R. KOCRER, President. ATTEST FKESZE ({DICE, secretary. Bloomsburg, Pa., April 7,1898. We the undersigned auditors of the Town of Bloomsburg, do say that we met at the Council room for the purpose of performing our duties, and that we have examined the books of the Secretary and find them to be correct, and that the balance In the hands ot the Treasurer Is correct. P. 11. FUEEZE, ) A. H. BLOO, y Auditors. G. E. WILBUR, J SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa., Issued out of the Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia county, Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the court House In Blooms burg, Pa., on MONDAY, MAY 2, 1898, at two o'clock p. m , all that certain tract of land situate In the township cf orange, county of Columbia and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, tc-wlt: On the north by lands ot James F. Montgomery, Samuel Hld lay, Ellsha stlner and A. B. Herring, on the east by lands of Mrs. Carrie Leamon, on the south by lands of J. B. Montgomery, Celcstla Bldle man, and on the west by lands of said Celestla Bldlemun. and lianslo Fister, containing 32 ACRES and 39 PERCHES, be the same more or less, on which are erected a two-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, bank barn and outbuildings. There Is a never-falling well of excellent water at the house. The land is nearly all cleared and In a high state ot cultivation, and well supplied with choice fruit trees, and locat ed about one-half a mile from the village ot Orangevllle. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot James B Montgomery, and to be sold as the property of Franklin Kelfer. W. W. BLACK, Snyder, Atty. Sheriff. 4-7-ts EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate 0/ Ear la D. Kile, late of Sugarloaf tor en • ship, deceased. Sotlc* (8 hereby (/Iveil that tetters testamentary on tbP estate of Maria D. Kite, late of Sugar loaf township, Columbia county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to If. //. Moore, to whom all jtersons indebted to said estate are retpiested to make pay ment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. W. 11. MOORE, FriU, Atty, Executor, 3-24 W. Bloomsburg, Pa. ORPHANS' COURT SALE —OF VALUABLE- * REAL ESTATE. The undersigned administrators of Mordecal Millard, late or Hentre township dooeased wlll sell at public vendue, on the premises In Centre township, Columbia County on SATURDAY, APRIL 30th, 1898, at 10 o'clock, a. in., the following described real estate: All that certain tract of land situate In Centre township, Columbia County and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol lows : Beginning at a stone, the northeast corner of land of Edward Hartman, thence oy land of D. K. Sloan, north sixty-four and one quarter degrees east eighty-one and nine-tenth perches to a stone In line to land of Mordecal M. Hicks, thence by the same south twenty nine and three quarter degrees east one hun dred and thirty-one perches more or less to the berme bank of the Pennsylvania Canal thence along the same eighty-two perches more or less to land of said Edward Hartman, thence by the same north twenty-eight and three quarter de grees west one hundred thirty six and two tenths perches to the place of beginning con. talnlng slxty.elght acres and eighty perches ef land neat measure, be the same more or less. Whereon Is erected! a new two story frame dwelling, new barn, and other outbuildings. TKKMS OF SAI.K : Ten per cent, of one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid at the striking down of the property ; the one-fourth less the ten per cent, at the confirmation of Bale; and the remaining three-fourths In one year there after, with Interest from confirmation nisi. G. M. QUICK, K. S. MILLARD, Att'y. J. A. CKIASY, Administrators. SATISFACTION OF A MORT GAGE. To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia I'ounty: The petition of Jackson Ale and Mary A. Ale, his wife, of Flshlngcreek township, Columbia County, Pa., respectfully represents: That on the 30th day of August, 1882, a certain mortgage was executed and delivered by them to Knrah c. lildleman, on a lot of land, situate In the Borough of Berwick, Columbia County, Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by Jack son street, on the east by Mulberry street, on the south by lot of Henry Crosier, and on the west by an alley, known as lot No. 12, In said Borough, to secure the payment of a certain bond, or writing, obligatory, dated the day and year aforesaid, conditioned for the payment of Two Hundred and Ninety Dollars and Nlnety tlve Cents ($299.95), In one year from date, with legal Interest tliereon, which said mortgage Is recorded In the ofllce for recording of deeds, In Columbia County, In mortgage book No. 11, page 542. The petitioners further represent that they have paid all the money due on said mort gage, principal and Interest, and that the mort gagee has neglected to satisfy the same. They, therefore, pray that a notice of these facts may be given to the said Sarah C. Bldleman, her heirs, executors, administrators, requiring her to appear, at, a time to be fixed by the Court, and answer this petition. A. J. ALE, MAKYA ALE. And now, March 19, 1898. after reading said petition, and considering the facts therein, the Sheriff of Columbia county is directed to serve a notice, slating the tacts set forth In said pe tition, on the within named mortgagee, or her legal representatives, If to be found In the county, and It the parties aforesaid cannot be found In said county, then the snid Shcrlfr shall give public notice as aforesaid In one newspa per, within said county, once a week, for four weeks successively, prior to the next term of Court, requiring the said parties to appear at said term and answer the petitions ninresald. BY THE COUKT. In accordance with the foregoing the parties named are required to appear at the Court of Common Pleas, to be held at liloomsburg. Pa., en Monday, .May 2,1895, to nnswei said petition. 3-21. W. W. BLACK, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa., Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, Pa., and to mo directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House In Blooms burg, Pa., on MONDAY, MAY 2, 1898, at 2 o'clock p. in., all that certain piece, parcel or Iraqi of land situate, lying and being In Cat awls3a township, county of Columbia and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, to-wlt: Beginning at a chestnut, a corner of land of Ellas Weaver, on the east side of pub lic road leading from Catawlssa to old Esther Furnace, thence by said land south sixty-nine degrees, east one hundred and twelve feet to a stone ; thence by land of John Notestlne, Sr., deceased, now owned by Mills, north ohe and one-halt degrees, east two hundred and sevonty-llve feet to a stone In line of land of Matthias Gingles ; thence by said line south llfty-slx aud one-half degrees, westone hundred and seventy feet to a hemlock on east side of public road aforesaid; thence along said road south fourteen degrees, east one hundred and sixty-one feet to the place of beginning, con taining 107 PERCHES, more or less, whereon Is erected a DWELLING HOUSE and outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Jesse Mensch vs. Mary J. Sassaman, and to be sold as tho property of Mary J. Sassaman. \V. IV. BLACK, Khawn & Small, Attys. SherllT. 4-7-ts SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Colum bia county, Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Bloomsburg, Pa., on SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1898, at 2 o'clock p. m., all fhat certain lot, piece or parcel of ground, situate in the township of Beaver, county of Columbia and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at a stone, thence north eighty-two degrees, east thirty-three perches to a stone neap ; thence by land of David Bredbender, south twenty degrees, east sixteen perches to a stone heap ; thence by land of Nathan Bredbender Jr., south eighty two degrees, west thirty-one and one-fourth perches to a stone heap ; thence by land of Win. Naus north twenty degrees, west sixteen perches to the place of beginning, containing 3 ACRES and 36 PERCHES, strict measure. It being the same piece of land which Geo. W. Hawk, by indenture beating even date herewith conveyed to Eliz abeth Naus, wife of Wm. Naus, party hereto. ALSO all that certain messuage, tenement or tract of land situate in Beaver township, Columbia county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wit : On the north by land of John Keller and others, on the south by land of Peter Hawk and others, on the east by land of N. Bredbender Jr., and on the west by land of Elias Erwin, containing 10 ACRES, strict measure, whereon ate erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. Seized, taken into execution at the suit of Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund & Loan Association, anc to be sold as the prop erty of William Naus and Elizabeth Naus. W. W. BLACK, Sheriff. Miller, ally. 4-14-ts. CARDS.I^ N. U. FUNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mrs. Ent's Building, Court Howe ATbf, BLOOMSBURG, PA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTORNEY - AT-LAW, Post Office Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. W. MILLER, ATTO RNK Y-AT-LA W, Wirt's Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA- JOHN O. FHEKZS. JOBS O. BARMAN FREEZE & HARMAN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Offices: Centre St., first door Delow Opera nouse GEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG. P.IL WM. H MAGILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Peacock's building, Market Square. H. SNYDER, ATTORNEY- AT—LAW, Office 2nd floor Mrs. Ents building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ROBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. A. N. YOST, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Columbian Building, 2nd Floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. RALPH R. JOHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hartman Building, Market Square, Bloomsburg, Pa. IKELER & IKELER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. R. RUSH ZARR, — ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. — BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Clark's Block, corner of 2nd and Centre Streets, l-i2-*94 W. A. EVERT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. (Ofllceover Alexander & Co. Wirt building. G. M. QUICK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office over First National Bank. EDWARD J. FLYNN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. z office Llddlcot building, Locust avenue. JOHN 11 CLARK, ATrORNIY-AT-LAW 4MT THE PEACE, Moyer Bran. Reiki rag, adflwm, BLOOMSBURG, PA. J. H. MAIZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, IMUItTE ABB REAL. ESTATE AGEJTX. Office in Lockard's Building. BLOOMSBURG, PA. B. FRANK. ZARR, ATTORXXYSAT-LAW, Clark's Raining, cor. Main and Centra Stv, BLOOMSBURG, Fa. WCan be consnUnd in German. W. H. RHAWN, ATTORNXY-AT-LAW. Office, corner of Third and Main Starts, CATAWISSA, PA. DR. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN AND SUROTON, Office, North Market Start, BLOOMSBURG, PA. J. S. JOHN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residence, 410 Main St., ' 3-70-iy ILOOMSBURG, PA J. HOWARD PATTERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 4 and 5. Peacock bldg. Telephone 1463. BLOOMSBURG, PA. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DISEASES OP CSILESSS H. BIERMAN, M. D. lIONCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND BUKGION orricE HOURS: Ofllce A Residence, 4th St., Until 9 A. M., Ito 2 and 7toBp. m. BLOOMBERG, PA S. B. ARMENT, M. D, Office and Residence No. 18. West FUth St DIBEASES OP TUB THROAT AND NOSI A SPECIALTY (8 to 10 A.M. BLOOMSBUHB OFFICE HOURS. to 4 P. M. 17 to 9 P. M. PA. DR. ANDREW GRAYDON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BLOOMSBURG, PA. i omce and residence In Prof. Waller's Hone. * MARKET STREET • TELEPHONE. HENRY W. CHAMPLIN, M. D. Office over Farmer's National Bank. Hours IO lo 12 A. M., 3 to 5 and 7 toB P.M Residence, 218 Third St. TELEPHONE. DR. F. W. REOEKER, Pin SICIAN AND SURGEON, OBlce and Residence, Centre St., between 4tt and sth Sts. . Diseases of the ear, nose and throat BLOOMSBURG, PA. 18 to 10 a MAIFE 1 OFFICE HOURS: <1 to 3 p. m. V MgR (7 to 9p. m. ■ffMl J. J. BROWN, M. D., JJ Market Street. BLOOMSBURO,^H THE EYE A SPECIALTY. VP Eyes treated, tested, fitted with GLAMFT and Artificial Eyes supplied. Hours 10 to 4. Telephone Cnnneeoon DR. M. J. HESS, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Crown and bridge work —A SPECIALTY, Corner Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA, DR. W. H. HOUSE, • - SURGEON DENTIST, Office, Rartnn'g Building, Main below Mam BLOOMSBURG, PA. All styles of work done in a superior nannst, and all work warranted as represented. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIS, by the use of Gas, and free of charge whe artificial teeth are inserted. WTo be open all hours during the day. DR. C. S. VAN HORN, —DENTIST. Office corner of East and Main streets, <n> posite Town Hall. Office hours 8:30 to 12 a. m ; 8 to 5 p. m. BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. P. Uartman Represents twelve of the strongest COMMA. tes In the world, among which are: ] CASH TOTAL SUHPLM CAPITAL. ASSETS. OVER ALA. | Franklin of Phlla.. (400,000 (3,198,529 9i,osiMtl I'enn'a. Phlla 400,000 3,885,180 I,4] uu Oueen,of N. Y. 500,000 8,538,*15 IABLMt Westchester, N.Y. 300, 000 1,753, SOT MATE?. N. America, Phlla. 3,000,000 9,730,688 OFFICE IN I. W. MCKELVT'S STOEE. <yLosses promptly adjusted and paid. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSORS TO PREAB BROWN) INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE^ AGENTS AND BROKERS. N. W. Corner Main and Centre. BLOOMSBURG, PA. —o— Represent Seventeen as good Compaa • ies as there are in the World and all losses proEoptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN F. KNAPP, FIRK INSURAN QA, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home, of N. Y.; of Newark, N. J.; Clinton, N. Y.;Peoples', iSi. Y.; Read . ing, Pa ; German American Ins. <Co., NEW York; Greenwich Insurance Co., NeW Yosk) Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey CltyVJf. J. These old corporations are well seasoned by age and fire tested, and hare never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. TMt assets are all invested in solid securitiea, and liable to the hazard of fire only. Losses promptly and honestly adjusted and paid as soon as determined, by Christiaa P. Knapp, Special Agent and Adjuster, nimaa l burg, Pa. The people of Columbia county patronize the agency where losses, if any. are settled and paid by one of their www citizens. CENTRAL HOTEL, B. Stohner, Prop. C. F. Stohner, Assistant BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Hat and cold water, and all modern conveniences. The hotel has been lately refurnished. CITY HOTEL, W. A. Hartzel, Prop. Peter F. Reldy. Manag No. 121 West Main Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ®"l.arge and convenient sample rooms, hotard cold water, and modem con veniences. Bar stocked with best wine and liquors. First-class livery attached. EXCHANGE HOTEL, G. SNYDER, ProprlMqr,f (Opposite the Court Hoqfe x BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rocana. M rooms, hot and cold water, and all andean conveniences 7
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