8 RIGHT IN IT. Yes, the sidewalks are bad enough, but the crossings are sufficient to take the sole right out ol any self-respecting shoe. Now we've prepared our soles to protect our customers' feet. We have a strong, warm, tight shoe that just revels in mud and slush—a shoe that will take you through the worst crossing in cown and come up smiling every step. On sale at W.C. McKINNEY'S, Clark's Building. Main Street, THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Sales. MARCH 15. Richard Henrie will sell farm stock, implements and house hold goods on the farm of E. Kelchner near Lime Ridge, in Centre township at >lO a. m. MARCH 16. Entire livery outfit of A. C. Hidlay, at his livery stable in Bloomsburg, consisting of horses, buggies, harness, etc. Everybody 6ay So. _ Cascarots Candy Cathartic, the most won -1 trful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the tasto, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, enre headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents, bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Sale. A good square pfkno. Can be bought cheap. Inquire at this office, tf. FOR RENT. Store and dwelling house combined, at Pensyl Post office, Franklin township. Good location, •by F. Pensyl. The Homeliest Man in Bloomsburg As well as the handsomest, and others •re invited to call on any druggist and FREE a trial bottle of Kemp's Bal sam for the Throat and Lungs, a rem edy that is guaranteed to cure and re lieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Price 15c. and 50c. 3 3 4td Great bargains in men's, boy's and h:ldrens clothing at Gross'. 2t. •750 different kinds of Foreign and Domestic cloth already received for . Spring which will he made up to order. Fine all wool suits, SB.OO, trousers, $2,75 a °d upwards. Competition de fied in Bloomsburg, either in make, price, fit, quality or.quantity of cloth to select from Maier artistic Tailor, Hatter, Clothier and Furnisher Bloomsburg, Pa. On account of moving all clothing will be sold at and below cost until * • P '• Do Your Feet Ache ? Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It cures Corn, Bun • ions, Chilblains, Sweating, Swollen feet. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Sample FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. 3-3-4td j ... Leases that will collect the rent for the whole year if tenant leaves before expiration of term, also notices to 1 quit, for sale at this office. tf. FOBBENTT* Front room, and floor, COLUMBIAN buildipg. Steam heat, gas or electric light. One of the most desirable offices in town. Possession given 1 April it Apply to bTFI GEO. E. ELWELL. Many School Children are Sickly- Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, New York, break up Colds in 24 hours, cure Fev erishnesßj Headache, Stomach troubles Teething disorders, and destroy worms. At all dtuggists, 25c. Sample FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, Y - 3 3 4td Louis Gross will remove his cloth ing Store to the Sloan drygoods store 2 doors above the old stand April Ist. I . -No. 11 Main Street Bloomsburg. 21. A fine line of new styles in wed -*"G invitations just received at THE office. tf. T. Sharpless Co. Limited, have celery, lettuce, onions, and In the fruit line they have Concord and Catawba lemons and brand of canned vege the the market canned groceries, pro can she ves from 25 COURT MOUSE NEWS. What Has Occurred There Since Our Former Report. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been issued by Clerk W. H. Henrie, since those last published. J. W. Walp, of Berwick and Miss May Gernig of Salem. John Summers and Miss Louisa Wintersteen both of Bloomsburg. S. R. Howell, of Hemlock township, and Miss Emma C. Tronsue, of Espy. F. M. Durling, of Greenwood town ship, and Miss Cora Evans, of the same place. Jacob Stiner, and Miss Caroline Shotz, both of Bloomsburg. Andy J. Robbins, of Bloomsburg, and Miss Jerusha Fenstemacker, of Nescopeck. E. E. Hagenbuch, of Espy, and Miss Anna A. Hagenbuch, of Cabin Run. Joseph M. Taylor, of Pine Summit, and Miss Callie Marr, ofFishingcreek township. Charles A. Bitner, of Cleveland township and Miss Lizzie Shuler, of Franklin township. TRANSEER OF REAL ESTATE. The following transfers of real es tate have been recorded in the office of C. B. Ent, register and recorder, during the week. Elinas McHenry and wife to Mary E. McHenry, for tract of land in Jackson township. J. B. McHenry, Sheriff, to Mary B. Mendenhall, for land in Bloomsburg. Mary R. Ale, et al. to Warren M. Williams, for tract of land in Fishing creek township. Mary M. Runyan, to John P. ; Runyan, for tract of land in Millville. John P. Runyan, to Mary M. Runyan, for land in Millville. Jacob Flick, to A. C. Dildine, for tract of land in Madison township. Christian Mensch and wife, to Christopher Segmund, for tract of land in Cleveland township. Paul Leidy and wife, to Levis Wrights, for tract of land in Hemlock township. John Bruner, to William E. Lawton for tract of land in Millville. Row is the Time To purify your blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla. March, April, May are the trying months of the year. At this "season your blood is loaded with im purities which have accumulated dur ing the winter, and these impurities must be immediately expelled. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the One True Blood Purifier. It is the medicine which has accomplished many thousands of remarkable cures of all blood diseases. It is what the millions take in the spring to build up health and ward off sickness. Articles Loßt and Found. In the case of an individual who had claimed a reward for the restitu tion of a diamond ring which he had found, Judge Finletter, of Philadel phia, the other day rendered a decis ion to the effect that the mere fact of finding the ring gave the finder no lien upon the property. The article had been lost; its loss was advertised, and to keep it was practically larceny. This has always been the common sense and ethical view of the matter ; and coming now from a distinguished judicial authority, it will have legal efficacy everywhere, and should help to correct the curious notions of "meurn et tuum," which has so widely prevailed respecting articles which have been lost and found. Catarrh Shackles Broken In SO Minutes It' an alarming fact, but v atatiitlca bear It out, that i lat 80 in every hun \ Vw ® re persona In thla \ f ountr y ue tainted in a my lesser or greater degree V ■ I that disgusting, ottea r\\ I I and dangerous dls m \\ I J aaaa—Catarrh. If aymp- W U ferns appear, such as cold \\ .9L * n tha head dlizlness, pains In the forehead, A _ headache, dropping 11 DR. AGNKW'B CATARRHAL POWDSB to the moat potent Catarrh euro known to-day— Recommended v eminent nose and threat special- Uts—gives relief In from xo to 60 minute*. * a victim of chronio Catarrh j •he first application of Dr. Agnew'a Catarrhal pow der gave me Instant relief, and in an Incredibly Jum.* by C A. Kleim. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ONE OF TWO WAYS. was created for one purpose, namely, a receptacle for the urine, And as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. The first way is from im perfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local treat ment cf other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the blad der, was created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or diseases, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore any pain, disease or inconvenience mqpi festeu in the kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passage is often, by mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find out correctly, set your urine aside for twenty four hours; a sediment or settling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and ex traordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney, and bladder remedy, is soon realized. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail, upon receipt of three two-cent stamps to cover cost of postage on the bottle. Mention THE COLUMBIAN and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. HOME FROM KLONDIKE. Shamokin Man Who Braved the Dangers of Alaska. Joseph S. Graeber, looking hale and hearty, with a light step alight ed from the train at Shamokin last week, after one of the most perilous trips ever undertaken by any resi dent of the coal metropolis, in search of gold. Mr. Graeber start ed from Seattle for Shamokin a week previous to his arrival. He gave a thrilling description of his trip from Seattle to the gold region—the farthest point reached being within sixty-eight miles of Dawson City. He stated that al though the thermometer registered the cold as being 62 degrees below zero, the intensity of it was not felt so great as easterners would believe. This phenomena is caused by very drj r atmosphere. He added, how ever, that two of his toes were frost bitten while he was on the trail northbound. Mr. Graeber located a claim on Lewis river, a distance of seventy eight miles from Dawson river, last year, and he believes it will pan out quite valuable. Joseph, Nicho las and John Graeber, are now on their way to the claim and will de velop it. They will take the new tramway route from Dyea and ex pect to reach their destination with out much trouble. The tramway from Dyea which has but recently been built will carry them over the roughest parts and after that travel will not be hard as the lakes can be reached without trouble and sleigh ing over the ice will not be hazard ous at this time of the year. Mr. Graeber told how the dan gers of shooting down the Thirty mile river, (which is so swift that its waters do not freeze) especially over a grand canyon was easily overcome by his son Joe and another gentleman. He pictured the grand effects of the White House rapids which are marvelous beyond description. The return trip of Mr. Graeber's party from the interior was full of dangers and they were accompan ied by Major Walsh, who has charge of the Klondike region for the Canadian goyernment. The high officials stationed in the sec tion are fine gentlemen, but the mounted police are composed of a lot of low down fellows who endea vor to extort money from all gold seekers as they go along the route stationed along which are their posts. Mr. Graeber stated that the new routes from Edmondton, N. W. T., and that ofSticklewe, which contains 141 miles of railroad, will greatly shorten the way to the gold region and Dawson City and will be but considered'a short distance from civilization. There is a rumor that the Superior Court is in danger of going to pieces, on account of the dissatis faction of the judges with the busi ness that comes to their tribunal and other reasons. Reeder talks of resigning because of bad health, within a year, and, it is said has gone to Europe for an indefinite time. One point of complaint is that it is irksome to hold court at so many different places in the state, the very thing the court was instituted for, so that people with small means, could reach it with out the trouble and expense of going to the Supreme Court. ' fao- Tha Kind You Have Always Bought TELEPHONE WE MAKE YOU SOME SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE SHORT MONTH OF FEBRUARY. We invite everybody to call and you will find just what you are looking for 1 he largest and best selected stock of Groceries in the County. 2 pounds light or dark Honey 25c 2 cans best Tomatoes 25c 3 cans good Tomatoes 25c 4 cans good Tomatoes 30c 2 cans Victoria Corn 25c 3 cans good Corn 25c 4 cans best Peas 50c 3 cans good Peas 25c 1 can French Peas, best 20c Good Hickory Nuis, quart 5c 25 lb sack Buckwheat Flour 40c Potatoes, bushel 80c Mrs. Winslow's Mince Meat, G cts. a Pound. Jamiaca and California Oranges, nice Lemons, Lettuce, Celery, Bananas, Cabbage, Apples, in stock at all times. Brick, Roquefort, Sweitzer, Pine Apple and Limberger Cheeses. JB6y Goods Delivered Promptly. It, T, iStfiapplms Ltd., iLQOMBBUBG, PA, Notice. The usual regular appeal will be held some time during April and May, notice of which will be given all tax ables by the several assessors and that will be the proper time to attend the appeal. These appeals will be held throughout the county as has been the usual practice after the trien nial assessment and that will be the time and place to adjust individual valuations. The appeal notice advertised for March 14, 15 and 16th is more for the purpose of adjusting and equaliz ing the valuations of the several dis tricts in order that each district may bear its burden of taxation. So it will be noticed that individual griev ances will be heard on the regular ap peal days in April and May, when the assessor will be present. Attest, D. Z. MENSCH, Clerk to County Commissioners. There is an old belief that thir teen is an unlucky number, but we can hardly believe it when we con sider that it was 13 colonies that won the American Revolution and bound this republic and transmitted to us the glorious flag of the union with its 13 beautiful stripes, which we hope shall continue to float over our glorious country as long as the world stands. Cascarets stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. 10c. 4 i-iy $50,000 Watch Us. THE BROADWAY 0 The man who has been used to rid ing over a rough stony road on a bol ster wagon without springs would ap preciate a buggy and soft springs, and so do our customers appreciate the easy cash prices we make as compared with the pocket-scraping prices of the old time credit stores. Mark the Comparison. Enameled steel coffee pots, 16, 22, 28c Bottle of mucilage and brush, 3c Best black ink per bottle, 2c Aluminum hair pins, 4, 8, 15c doz Sewing machine oil, 3c bottle Fast dye embroidery silks, 30c doz Black rubber fine combs, 5, 8c ea Patent hooks and eyes, 2c card Tooth brushes, 3, 5, 8, 10c ea Steel crochet hooks, 2c ea Wire hair pins, "* 2 packs for ic Tubular shoe lacers 1 and 2c pair Lady Clare corsets, 47c ea Torchon lace,s, 8, 10c piece of 12 y. China limb dolls, 5, 10c ea Torchon laces, 2, 4, 5, 8c yd Elastic duck for dress facing, 6c yd Rubber erasers, 2 for ic Eagle graphite pencils, 2c ea Note paper, 2 c sheets for ic Pencil tablets, i, 3, 4 c ea Ink tab ets, 4) 8c ea Curtain scrim, 4c yd Best table oil cloth, 12c yd Felt window shades, 10c ea China nest eggs, 2c ea Agency for Butterick fashions. Respectfully Submitted to the dash Trade Only by M MAT CASH STORE, Moyer's Ntw Building, Main Stroot, BLOOMSBURG. Best Prunes, large, pound 15c Large California Prunes, 3 pounds 25c Nice Large Raisins, 5 pounds for 25c Nice Evaporated Peaches, pound loc Skinned Hams, pound 10c Plain Hams, pound 9c California Hams, pound 7c 2 lbs. New York Cake Cheese 25c I package Coxe's Gelatin 15c 4 packages Macaroni, good 25c 1 gallon can good Maple Syrup slToo 12$ lb. sack Corn Meal 12c in OPW MIA GEO. V^HESS, BLOOMSBUBO, PA. He was born in Columbia Co., some thirty-two years ago. At nineteen J ears of age left home to serve an ap prenticeship as a watchmaker and jeweler at Hazlelon, then went to Mifflinville, then to Watsontown, and and in 1892 started in business at his present location. Dr. Hess always had a desire to be come proficient in optics, and in 1894 came to Philadelphia to receive in structions from a manufacturing op tician, and also matriculated in our college and received our Master Op tician's Diploma. And now, after three years of sue. essful practice and unremitting study he receives our highest degree, that of Doctor of Re fraction. Dr. Hess is not only a progressive merchant, s'anding in the front ot the business men of Bloomsburg, but he is also a zealous student of optics, and has proven himself a competent and scientific optician. He is withal a pleasant gentleman to meet, and his patients are all friends, and his friends all patients.— From the Keystone, Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Hess is a member of the firm of Hess Brothers, Jewelers and Opti cians, Bloomsburg, Pa , and all desir ing glasses will do well to consult him before purchasing elsewhere. Eyes Examined free of Charge. CORRECTION GUARANTEED. ...HESS BROTHERS,.. Jewelry Store. BLOOMSBURG, PA. SHOES. # Hood Value, Best Styles. Popular Prices. Are the essential features of our care fully selected Shoe Stock. Our 26 years experience and spot cash buying enables us to furnish you with the best there is for the money. Our line of UNDERWEAR and HOSIERY is complete. W. H. floore. COR. SECOND AND IRON STS. Bloomsburg. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE JONAS LONG'S SONS' ■ WEEKLY GHATS, fl WILKES-BARRE, FA., March ioth, CARPETS! RUGS, MATS, 9 LACE CURTAINS, ■ WINDOW WALL PAPER* Grander Than Ever Before 9 This is an invitation to you am I your friends to visit our Big Car pet Department, 3d floor, and sei the glorious display of the new Spring Designs in Carpets. Never before have the preparations been given so much time, study and care. The stamp of newness per vades the entire department. Rolls upon, rolls of Carpets from the finest Wilton to the cheapest In grain, all choicely selected from the largest and most noted mills of the world. We devote the largest floor I space in this city to Carpets, and are recognized as the largest deal ers of Carpets in Northeastern Pennsylvania. So great has become our Carpet business that many of the largest, manufacturers of the most promin-1 ent makes of Carpets confine their \ productions, for this market, ex clusively to our house. With our | facilities for such a large output of I Carpets by our Two Mammoth*! Carpet Departments (Wilkes-Barre and Scranton) we'are in position to buy at closer and lower prices than any other house hereabouts; con sequently we are better enabled to quote to our customers prices that 1 are always lower than others on t reliable and well-known makes. ' You will see shown here by far :he greatest number of patterns — d rare collection of beautiful designs, pleasing effects in rich blending of colors, the most appropriate selec tions for the adornment of home, hall, church, office or public build ing. Lowell Wiltons, Bigelow Axminsters, Hartford Axminsters, Lowell Body Brussels, Bigelow Body Brussels, Velvets, Tapestry Brussels, Agra Carpets, Flemish Tapestries, Ingrain Carpets. Oilcloths, Linoleums, Art Squares, Rugs, China Mattings, Japanese Mattings, Lace Curtains, Draperies; Window Shades, Upholstery Goods. All of our Carpets are cut and sewed in our own work rooms, on the sth floor of our building, by experienced workmen under our own personal supervision. This Week We Offer 9,000 Rolls Wall Paper, at per Double Roll, 3 Cents. Home of the Famous and Weil- Known Anthracite Bicycle, 535.00 (For Ladies and Gentlemen). Also Exclusive Agency for the MONARCH BICYCLE. For Wilkes-Barre, Scranton and Surrounding Territory. Monarch Monarch Defiance, S4O and SSO. jjgy Write to us for the most re liable Bicycle Information. Cor. W. Market Public Square^
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers