6 IN CASE OF WAR. PLENTY OF HOT BLOOD IN THE UNITED STATES. gfamy Cranks Write Letters to the Au thorities-Wlint Spain lias ltoen—Om American Navy-Kites and Cameras In Haval War Tare. William A. Eddy, of Bayonne, N. J., has made some very interesting experi ments with kites and elevated cameras He has submitted to the Navy Depart ment his plans for the use of this ap paratus in reconnoitring from the decks of war vessels. Mr. Eddy is anx ous that his application for permission to make experiments will be granted. In regard to this proposed method of photography below the horizon line Mr. Eddy says: . "I have studied men of war and the positions of their masts with great cart daring the last two years, and I am satisfied that on the regular armor clad ship the best position for the kites to be flown from would be the foremast and that a pulley block fastened there would lift the camera apparatus entire ly beyond interference with the rig ging. My plan would be to use six ■Rites In Naval "Warfare. cameras set in the form of a hexagon on a circular platform, this platform to be prevented from revolving by a light boom set out from the kite string, and each camera numbered to corres pond with a chart kept on the deck." He explained that if the direction of toe kites altered through a change in the wind it could be instantly observed and the chart shifted to correspond. Then small photographes would be ta ken ervery few minutes by his battery of cameras and eould be developed within Ave minutes, so that any object they showed could be observed. It would not be necossary, he says, to wait to wash and print the negatives. Should something'that looked like a war ship he noticed on one of the plates it would be only necessary to send up a large camera to take a photo graph in that same direction, and then It could be determined from that plate what kind of a vessel it really was. As might be expected under the cir cumstances, people totally ignorant of military methods and cranks, form a large part of the overzealous patriots. One man requests the President to send him immediately a cap, belt and uni form, that he may open a recruiting office in Philadelphia. This man say 3 he is able to command any number of men, but would be content with a captain's commission, lie says he can navigate any ship afloat and is an ex cellent steward. An old colored man of Alexandria, Va., says he is prepared to enlist more than seven hundred colored sol diers who fought in the late war, and asks for a colonel's commission. Many superannuated Inmates of the soldiers* homes are with difficulty restraining i themselves from marching In a body r t 0 Washington to tender their services to the President. An officer of the Ad jutant General's office remarked on reading their letters that he feared the demand-; on the hospital corps would he too great to accept their tender. An enthusiastic mechanical engineer has presented an elaborate, hut im practicable, scheme for barricading harbors and rivers with fortified pon • toons. Another man, ready for his country's call, styles himself a pro fessional aeronaut of ten years' experi ence, "well versea in hydrogen gas and hot air balloons." He suggests the employment of large quantities of nltro-glycerine and other high explo sives, to be carried up in balloons and dropped upon the decks of the enemy's ■hips. That there Is a great deal of hot hlood in the United States with an inpatient determination to support the administration if developments shall compel it to adopt a hostile at titude toward Spain is evidenced by the hundreds of letters received slnco the Maine disaster at the White House and the War and Navy departments of fering services and suggestions. These letters come from all sorts and conditions of men. women and chil dren in all parts of the country. Many are from men of standing and influence whose services would be appreciated in the event of an outbrenk of hostilities. Among these are officers of the Na tional Guard organizations, who pledge their willingness and that of their en tire regiments to enlist as a body in the service of the United States in caso of emergency. Many medical men have tended their services as army and navy surgeons. Men and women nurses; some of them attached to hospitals in the large cities, are begging the au thorities to call upon them if needed. Scares of boys from ten to fifteen years old are clamoring for permission to enlist as drummer boys. There are numerous applications for authority to recruftt volunteers. The number of former confederate soldiers who offer their services is especially large. Spain was once the greatest nation on the globe. Say, rather she was twice so. First as a centre of learning and science under the sarnsenclc rule, when the city of Cordova had a mile of gas-lit streets and fountains of quick i silver played In the palace yard of the caliph. Second, when Bhe was the gseatest military power in Europe. If you look at the names of countries, cities and places in the western hemis phere you will realize what a grand empire Spain onoe was and what a power she weilded over men. But Spain could not stand the march of mddern invention. She has steadily shrunk and shrlvled and lost her possessirma, until now all she has left worth speak ing of is Cuba. The Phillip(ne3 are ln- £ lfnlflcant possessions. If J5 interest ting to Know that the total population of Spain is 17,665,632. Many people, without looking up the matter, would say at a guess that Spain's population was 35,000,000 or 40,000,000 it is in real ity less than 18,000,000. The area of France is only a few thousand square miles greater, and yet France has a population of very nearly 40,000,000. Texas has an area of 274,356 square miles. Spain could be laid out on Texas and Texas would have 76,686 square miles left over. The states ol Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois and Alabama have more population .to gether than has Spain and are im mensely more wealthy. These states could borrow enough money with their whole field of commodities and capital behind the loan, to pay oft at one scoop the whole national debt of Spain. They could raise, pay and maintain a bigger army than Spain could. Their natural resources could ont-last Spain's ten to one. Their steam power is iflnitely greater, and as man power can always be gagued by steam power you can imagine the dif ference. These four states could exist if separated from all the rest of the world. The American navy has been distin guished throughout its history for the strictness of its disipline and the close ness of its vigilance. Not a shadow of fact has appeared that suggests even the possibility that there was any de parture from that rule on the Maine. Nothing in the catastrophe so far as it has been reported affords the slight est indication of negligence on the ship, but all the circumstances point to the carefulness of the Maine's offi cers and crew 'and tend to relieve of al responsibility for the loss of the ship and suggests that no solution of mystery will be found which throws discredit on them. The officers of the American navy were never so thor oughly trained in their duties as now. The rise of new methods of naval con struction, the invention of new ex plosives, the improvements in arma ment, and the many applications of scientific discoveries to ships of war, •have been followed, step by step, in the training of our naval officers, until it can be said of them without reserva tion that nowhere in the world are their superiors to be found, if indeed, any other navy contains their equal as a whole in scientific adaption to the conditions of modern naval warfare. More than that they are a splendid body of men, morally and physically. Queer things happen at social func tions in Washington. At a reception given 'recently by the Spanish min ister a woman was discovered in the act of carrying off a large plate of chicken salad. She had slipped it un der a rich wrap which she wore, and had proceeded as far as the outer door when a detective in the employ of the caterer headed her off. This is hardlj an unusual occurence. At the public receptions women thieves have been accustomed to steal china, silverware and even common dishes. So great has become the nuisance that the givers of the receptions no longer use theii own dishes. A caterer is hired to sup ply everything and he also suppies de tectives to watch his property. These detectives are sometimes in the dis guise of maids who assist the ladies with their wraps, but ir.jre often ap pear as guests in proper gowns and suits. A short time ago a lady who goes in the very best Washington so ciety was discovered stealing valuable pins from the dressers at a small private dinner. She was comfronted by her hostess and said she had slipped the jewelery into her pocket so that it might not be stolen by the maids who were about the dressing room. In the great emergency which threat ens the peace of the Nation, all eyes turn Instinctively to our navy. It Is realized that modern war ships are to a very great extent experienental affairs and what the outcome of a great naval battle will be, no one can now tell. The head of the Navy Department, Secretary Long, is a cool, clear-headed man of affairs, capable of doing an im- Assistant Secretary Roosevelt. meilw amount of -work, and possessing a degree of deliberative judgment which will be of preeless value to the •country iL case of hostilities. His first a sistant in also not unknown to fame. Theodore Roosevelt demonstrated his executive ability while at the head of the New York Police Department. Ho possesses a decree of vigor and action, which will find plent of room for its development. V. S. Malt Pl'otoctor. The United States Government is sometimes served for years by valuable servants who are not even boarded at the expense of the Government. These servants are cats. Rats are one of the persistent dangers that threaten the United States mall. They destroy the bags and the mail matter. The Post Office Building in New York City is a large building, and now many years old. It Is said that there are sixty cats in the building cared for by the clerks. Some of the cats have never Ived anywhere else; others have come in from the neighborhood. The cats who have known only this home are very shy of strangers, and will come anly to the clerks in the building. So rou see that the Government is served without pay by these faithful servants who prevent the destruction by rats jf valuable property, and all that is Siven them is shelter. We admire the heroes'of the past, 'nut always have to have a sneaking feeling that the martyrs ough to have aecu smart enough to get away. . THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG. PA. OUT FROM IHt WtaT no Finds a Wife 111 11 Protly Olrl at tlio "lluwinr of Nations" A tall man with a full beard and col or of old gold, and a wide-brimmed hat 6uch as is invariably associated with the denizens of the wild west, wearing a suit of ready-made clothes with the shelf marks of an Omaha store plainly visible, got off the train as tt reached the Northwestern depot at Chicago ant had his. gripsack checked for keep ing in the waiting room. "Say Mister," ho said of the checks, "mebbe you's better leave that thar gun," pointing to a 41-calibre revolver, the down-pointing muzzle of which hung some inches below the tail of his short sack coat. "The police mighi take yon in, and then you'd be fined 550, besides eonferskatin' the shooter." "P'raps you're right, pardner," said the westerner, after a minute's consid eration. "I never been in a big town before; ain't exactly fly on the ways of the people. Your're sure I won't need it?" "No, you won't need it," said the check man; leastways, if you don't drink too much." 'I never drink," said the newcomer, unstrapping the formidable weapon and handing it over. When ho reached Clark street he glanced up and down admiringly at the crowded thoroughfare, thronged with wagons, street cars and .people. Setting his hat firmly on his head, the stranger stopped a hurrying man and asked: "Say, stranger!" "Well, sir?" said the other, stopping impatiently. "Say, can you tell me where the busi ness part of the town it? I'm a strang er " But the man had gone before the sentence had concluded. "Pears to me they didn't tumble to Innercent jokes," he said to himself. Then he looked across the street and saw the signs of the Chicago museum. 'A show,' hey! Well, I take that in, Bure." He bought a ticket and passed in, and was soon contemplating the pret ty girls in the costumes of all nations. Round and round he walked, and all the time his wonder grew. Ho glanced furtively and bashfully at the beauties in the gorgeous and becoming cos tumes. "Wonder if they can talk United States?" he thought. Finally he found a post against which he could stand, and, thus braced, he pushed his hat brim out of the way and stared long and earnestly at one or the young ladies who seemed to talco his eye. The gir) was fully conscious of the admiring look, but, like a well-behaved girl, took no notice of it until after the space of some moments, when the steady gaze brought the color to her cheeks and a half smile to her face, which she attempted to hide by quickly turning about. The giri became nervous. She at tempted to dust off the front of the booth with a feather brush, but it flew from her fingers upon the floor. The western man sprang quickly forward and handed it to her with un taught grace. "Thank you, sir," she said, with a smile and a blush. "Oh, can you talk American?" he asked. "Yes, sir," she replied. "Why not?" "Oh, I dunno; you're wearin' a fur rln' rig, you know." "Yes, I am an American," she said. "Yes? Do you stay here all the time?" "No, I live at home. I'm only here for a couple of weeks." "I'm a stranger in town," he said. "Indeed!" "Yes. I live in Arizony." "Is that far away?" "Yes; it's lonesome for me out there sometimes." "Why don't you live in a city?" " 'Cause I got a ranch and a lot of cattle." She looked at him with sudden re spect, for she had heard of the western cattle kings. "I was going east to see a gal," he said, after a pause. "But I don't think I'll go now." •Why not?" " 'Cause I've found one that suits me in Chicago." "You're lucky," said the girl, smiling at the simplicity of the man. "Who is she?" "You!" "Oh, go on with your foolishness. You never saw me before." "No," he said, "but I'm going to stay in Chicago and see you again. Fact is. I want a wife. I'm a plain man. If .you'll marry me. say BO." "This Is so sudden, and I don't know you and ■" "Never jnlnd that. Where do you liver* "No. —, street." "'Father and mother living?" "'Father is dead. I live with my mother." "And you come here to make a little money toward paying the rent." -Never mind. I'm coming to see you to-night. I can convince your mother that I am able to take care of you. And I've ect s.n-r-n Chicago men to show yon who and what I am. If your mother will go along out, I'll be glad to have her along. Anyway, I'm going to take you." "You are very confident, seems to me," said the young lady, who had sud denly come to think a yellow beard handsome. To-day there Is a vacancy In the "Ba zaar of Nations," for one of the pret tiest girls has gone, and in a neat lit tle cottage in North Division an old lady and a girl are sewing for dear life on a serviceable bridal outfit.—London Evening News. A Possible Explanation. Lucy—George is very much annoyed Mr. Hudson, who has always been his most intimate friend, never congratu lated him on our engagement May—Mr. Hudson has the reputa tion of being an extremely consci entious man. —Harlem Life. His Object Inn. Gavin —One thing I like about Bun co's grocery. You can order your goo;Js over the 'phone and after a short wail have them delivered. Bailey—That just what 1 don't like. - Gavin —What? Bailey—The short weight Alaskan Mining Stories. The (airy tales of the enormous for tunes made in a few months in Alaska are in every case to be taken with a grain of salt—yes, a whole barrelful. The favorite game of the returned Alaskan miner is to carry with him a bagful of nuggets, which he displays to the bulging eyes of newspaper report ers, ever ready to grasp at an item whether it be true or false. The miner shows the bag of nuggets and invites the crowd to take a drink. The crowd and the newspaper reporters do the rest. In every case, except perhaps one in 500, the peison who shows osten tatiously the bag of nuggets is either a miner trying to sell his claims or the agent of a transportation com pany. The crowd gazes at the bag of gold with admiration not unmingled with awe. Finally one sidles up to the man who has it and asks in a low voice, "How much, now, have you really got ?" The returned miner answers with a languid air of indiffer ence and in a confidential tone, "Oh, maybe about $150,000!" He may or may not have $5,000, but the tale gets into the newspapers all the same, which is what he wants. We know of one case in which a re turned miner said out and out that he had taken $500,000 out of his Alaskan claims when as an actual fact he had taken only $25,000. He was loaded up with mining claims which it was his business to sell to the gullible tenderfoot. Here are some cold" facts : The most money that has been made out of Alaska has been made by those who sold claims to the ignorant in the states. The whole amount of money thus far taken out of Alaska sums up, all told, not over $2,500,000. The lies of the transportation companies and the returned miners who want to sell have swelled the total to about $10,000,000. If there were as many rich mines there as has been- repre sented, those who own them would be blessed clear of wanting to sell them. The awful climate and the hard ship of the Alaska trip are, of course, nothing to deter a brave, robust man from going, but the disappointment apt to meet him after he gets there is something to consider very seriously. Not So Many- The human iace today numbers 1,620,000,000 and increases eight per cent every 10 years, according to the recent report ol the International Statistical Institute. The society has set its heart upon having in 1900 ajoint count of human noses in all civilized nations, but various governments de cline to upset their census arrange ments made for other years, and the scheme has been abandoned. The figures 1,620,000,000, are not an exact count, but as close an estimate as possible by expert statisticians. Any patriotic individual, here or abroad, who fancies that this country contains the rrtajor part of mankind should compare his country's popula tion with that of the world. In the United States we amount to about four per cent of the human race. WHY? Why is it that a silent partner has so much to say ? Why does a man who is really good usually look so sad ? Why does a loafer always bother a man when he's busy ? Why do we use the term "play wright " instead of "playwriter ?" Why is it that your shoestring never breaks unless you are in a hurry ? COULD NOT SLEEP. Mrs. Plnkham Believed Her of All Her Troubles. Mrs. MADGE BABCOCK, 170 Second St., Grand Rapids, Mich., had ovarian trouble with its attendant aches and pains, now she is well. Here and since it all troubles have gone. My monthly sickness used to be so painful, but hafre not the slightest pain since taking your medicine. I cannot praise your Vegetable Compound too much. My husband and friends sec such a change in me. I look so much better and have some color in my face." Mrs. Pinkham invites women who are ill to write to her at Lynn, Mass,, for advice, which is freely offered.' X - "A PERFECT FOOD—as Wholesome as it is Delicious." TV O WALTER BAKER & CO.'S V | JifBREAKFAST COCDflf Ca • ll| " ** as Bto °d of more than 100 years' use among nil JC tin f classes, and for purity and honest worth is unequalled. '* kM II 1 — Mtdical and Surgical Journal. /L A Nl i |,i.f \ VI Costs less than ONE CENT a Cup. X /\ feS ' l v ' Trade-Mark on Every Package. V WALTER BAKER & CO. LTD., A A TRADEMARK. Established I 780. DORCHESTER, MASS. A ALEXANDER BROTHERS & CO. DEALERS IN Cigars, Tobacco, Candiss,. Fruits and Nuts SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. Goons -a. SPECIALTYT. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco Solo agents for the following brands of Cigars* Henry Glay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Asb Bloomsburg Pa. 1 IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF J €Alt5 8 I':T, lATTITO, 1 or OIL CLOTH, I YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT 1 W. M. BKDWEM I 2nd Door above Court House. -J' A large lot of Window Curtains in stock. /-fx r /-V/-v A YEAR FOR $l.OO S? l r rests y ests The subscription price of DEMOEEST'S A yiiVTr~* is reduced to SI.OO a year. f| AO A..Z i IN E DEMOREST'S FAMILY MAGAZINE IS MORE THAN A FASHION MAGAZINE, although gives the very latest home and foreign fashions each month ; this is only one of its many valuable features. It has something for each member of the family, for every department of the household, and its varied contents are of the highest grade, making it, pre-eminently,! THE FAMILY MAGAZINE OF THE WORLD. It furnishes the best thoughts of the most in# teresting and most progressive writers of the day, and is abreast of the times in everything, —Art, Literature, Science, Society Affairs, Fiction, Household Matters, Sports, etc, —a single number frequently containing from 200 to 300 fine engravings, making it the MOST COMPLETE ANT) MOST FRQFUSELY ILLUSTRATED of the GREAT MONTHLIES. DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE Fashion Department is in every way far ahead of that con tained in any other publication. Subscribers are entitled each month to patterns of the latest fashions in womans' atti AT NO COST TO THEM other than that necessary for postage and wrapping, NO BETTER GIFT than a year's subscription to DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE can be made. By subscribing AT ONCE you can get the magazine at the reduced price, and will also receive lire handsome 25-cent Xroas Number with its beautiful panel picture supplement. Remit $1 00 by money order, registered letter or check to the DEMOREST PUBLISHING CO., HO Fifth Ave., N. Y. City. GREAT SPECIAL CLUBBING OFFER FOR PROMPT SUBSCRIPTIONS. f ONLY $1.75 FOR T THE COLUMBIAN | | and Demorest's Family Magazine. 1 I Send your subscriptions to this office. J Adjournment Uncertain. Impossible to Say When Board Will Finish Its Work. It has developed through tele graphic correspondence between Sec retary Long and Admiral Sicard that the court of inquiry is unable to fix even an approximate date for the con clusion of its investigation into the disaster to the "Maine." Sharing the general anxiety for some information on this point Secre tary Long, at the instance of the cabi net, sent a telegram to Admiral Sicard asking him when it was expected that the report of the court would be made and the following reply was received : "Have talked with the president of the court of inquiry and agree with him that it is not yet possible to fix a date for the finding, as much depends upon • the progress of the divers and wreckers and the results they obtain. Every effort is being made to advance the inquiry. The court returns to Havana by the 'Mangrove' this even ing, having about finished the exami nation at Key West." WITHOUT A PEER.—WORKS MIR ACLES. —Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is without a peer. This great remedy relieves instantly the most aggravated and distressing forms of heart disease. It is the surest and quickest acting formula for heart ] trouble known to medical science and j thousand of times has the hand of the | grim destroyer been stayed by its use. | If there is Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Pain in Left Side. Smother ing Sensations, don't delay or you may be counted in the long list of; those who have gone over to the great majority, because the best remedy in the world to-day was not promptly used.—l 7 w Sold by C. A. Kleim. A Novel Case- Attorney George B. Reimensnyder went to Danville on Monday to act as master in a very novel case. A number of years ago an educational institution known as the Danville Academy* was builtj at that place by popular subscriptions, but was after wards sold at public sale. The court has appointed Mr. Reimensnyder to determine what institution is entitled to the money realized from the sale. It is claimed by the Presbyterian Church, Y. M. C. A., and the school board of that place.— Sunbury Daily. HAVE YOU A SKIN DISEASE?— Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Eczema, Itch, Barber's Itch, Ulcers, Blotches, Chronic Ery sipelas, Liver Spots, Piurigo, Psoriasis, or other eruptions of the skin—what Dr. Agnew's Ointment has done for others ft can do for you—cure you. One application gives felief.— 35 cents.—l 9. Sold by C. A. Kleim. The State (iuard. An organized army of 8,755 men with 878,394 men subject to military duty is what will be the military show ing of the Commonweallh of Penn sylvania in the forthcoming annual report of Adjutant' General Stewart. The report is now being' prepared at the headquarters of the Guard in Harrisburg, and will give much detail about the Guard. It will show the Guard includes 989 commissioned officers and 8,036 men. These fig ureg and the grand total of men avail able for military duty will be greater than those of last year. OASTORIA, Ti fo- _/y The Kind Yon Have Always Bougtrt,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers