I ANNUAL STATEMENT I OF BLOOM POOR DISTRICT, For the year ending January 3,1898. JOHN K. GROTZ, Treasurer., Charges himself balance at last statement $ 129 30 Monies received from all sources 7828 01 -147 37 j CLAIMS CREDIT FOLLOWING DISBURSE MENTS. Old oidera redeemed $ 287 12 New orders " 5050 81 Note paid loot 00 " " 800 o< Hal. In hand of Treasurer 53 39 $ 7447 37 Commission $ 147 88 Postage 1 00 148 88 Balance due Treasurer 95 49 53 39 RECAPITULATION RECEIPTS. Monies ree'd from Farm $ 675 81 Audit 18 10 Luzemc Poor 54 25 Jlagenbuch and Snyder, J. W. unman, Est 315 14 Kester 91 25 Fishing Creek 12 eo Discounts . 989 07 Salem and Perry twps 34 00 Blttenbender, Collector 17.0 81 C. E. liartman " 830 50 Case, '• 1734 05 Patterson, " 822 73 Kote, 150 30 Mather, "< 240 05 A. Hess, " 11l 86 T. U. Smith •• 109 99 $ 7318 01 New orders redeemed 5056 80 Outstanding orders 88 07 $ 5710 53 IN ACCOUNT WITn COLLECTORS. J. K. Blttenbender, Col. 1895, Amt. duplicate $3303 35 Amt paid 3017 41 Amt. due $ 845 91 J. K. Blttenbender, Col. 1890, Arat. duplicate $3418 59 Amt. paid 2388 10 Amt. due $ 1110 43 L. I). Kaso, Col. 1397, amt. dup.. sBl9l 48 Amt. paid 1734 05 Amt duo $ 1760 43 C. K. Bart man, col. 1597, amt. duplicate $ 704 05 Amt. paid 850 00 Amt. due $ 414 05 C. Y. Mather, Col, 1897, amt. duplicate $ 571 93 Amt paid 210 05 Amt. due $ 828 63 Aaron Hess, Col. 1897, amt. duplicate $ 293 11 Ami. paid 11l SO Amt due $ 181 25 J. M. Kote, Col. 1897, amt dup. $ 210 12 J Amt. paid 118 55 Amt. due . $ 91 57 Amt. due less ex. and c0m.... 4232 55 BTIIK HOSPITAL FOR INSANE. Geo. Fox, 37 -7 weeks Of $1.75 $ 00 00 Jesse Kelly 52 1-7 91 2*, L. Z. Kahler " " " "• 91 25 Alza Sterner " " " " 91 2) Carrie Turret 1 " " " 91 25 Jno. w. (tsmati " " " 91 25 W.W. Kester •' " • " " til 25 Ellas I', smith" " " " 91 25 $ 704 75 SALARIES AND FKKS. Dr. J. C. ltuiter $ 100 CO " K. \V. Kedeker 25 on " G. A. 4'Oltst 25 00 "MVaekenliuth.- 10 mi " E. 11. Smith 25 00 " J. W. Bruttor 34 08 " Purman 15 uo G. H WelUver. V. S 4 On J. 8. Mather, V. S 5 50 J. D. Warner 1 51) I. Hagenbnch 100 00 M. 11. Rhodes "Lotto O. T Wilson 100 00 Thos. Webb ICO 00 W. U. Snyder 50 (Ml P. A. Kline 019 99 $ 1345 or ALMSHOUSE AMI I ARM EXPENSES. Provlslous and Supplies $ 818 98 Fuel and Light 78 71 Clothing aud Shoes 75 55 Dry Goods 37 ul Furniture so 38 Medical Supplies 23 90 Harness repairs 19 85 Building and repairs lto 87 Wagon repairs 23 05 Farm Implement repairs 17 00 Blacksmlthlng. 43 50 Lumber 4 s 24 Hardware 37 47 Lime 00 84 Manure 51 00 Trees and setting 25 Ull Seeds 36 10 J. Dlt fleubi. n. brooms 3 (10 Clearing new ground 21 95 Harrnan kll assert, repairs... 15 59 Keystone Foundry & MacUlno Co. Ista 'k for englue boiler 12 50 Weighing 1 lu Extracting teeth 50 Tobacco 10 HO 1 lot of sheep 3500 lbuck 000 1 8 sboats 1000 1 hog 11 00 Geo. Auraml, I sow 31 Oil State college, : cow 48 71 F. W. Ue.ler. 1 cow 50 uo 1 new heavy 1 arm Wagon 011 to 1 " set double harness 29 00 1 " Fanning Mill .... 2t 00 1 " Grain cradle 4 00 2 " Pumps 10 611 1 " Washer and Wringer.... 950 t 1454 86 OUTSIDE RELIEF. Goo. Ivey $ 57 .-,5 JMra. Jones 6 20 Mary Long 2 00 Robert Long 15 04 Mrs. Alice Smith 8 u Mis. Campbell 19 55 A. Y. Hess 8 10 D. Bolce 11 50 Jno. SUaiTer 62 24 Mrs 11. E. Smith 8 00 Mrs. Johnson 22 95 Joslah Cole 5 Oil Jaa. Laycock 12 51) Jacob staufer. 11 00 Anna Millers child 12 0) C'has. Brown 90 Mrs. Martz 2 uo Jos. Kck, keeping Long child.. 75 00 D. Renner 1975 A. J. Renner 8 t 75 Wm. Hopper 17 00 .las. Hopper 97.4 D. Ball 13 00 Mrs. Oolemaa 1 25 Berwick Poor Dls't. keeping Gordon boy 10 00 Frank Taylor 1 25 Mrs. Cbas Jones 7 85 Chas. HaU 5 50 If. Shannon 2 60 Mrs. Abble Evans 46 00 Jno. Brudt 28 85 W. n. Print/. 10 20 Mrs- Ilarlelgh 28 22 Harry Prey .... 875 Mrs. Barnett 20 00 Mrs. Reynolds 72 85 11. Swisher 15 10 Samuel Farvor 28 no Jno. Whlimcr 5 85 Matthew eat less 4 00 Luke Uhoau 18 45 Daulel Brown 8 85 Wesley Yohe 10 25 Mrs. WlUlums 16 00 Jonas Miller 05 05 Wm. Brooking 52 00 Mrs. Matthews 10 10 Isaac Walter 2 co Lew Hlldebrandt 3 50' w. Bangs 2 85 E. FOwler 52 25 Mis Adams 52 31 Jno. K. Olrton 2 00 Clark v'roveltng 26 50 Jacob Eyerly 8 23 B. W. Evelaod 2 60 C. C. Mar', keeping Mts. Mc- Dowell 66 00 A. Rich 1 73 A. Sober 7 70 Wm. Searls 6 00 Mrs. Brewer 12 00 Dan Hall 4 00 Jas. Buoy 73 75 G. Trump 1 on S. Trump 2 15 Bertha Miller 10 00 W. lngold 95 Mrs. Khelmard 50 Mrs. Green O 00 Mrs. Kckearoth 9 no Wm. Jeavons 0 50 Mrs. cadow 2 00 Jno McGlll 6 00 Mto. May 5 so Frier Hart/ell 6 00 Of". Samuels 72 00 .las. Hardin 1 00 Medicine for sundry persons... 14 20 K. K. tickets and meals for tramps 20 70 Moving Gibbons family 2 5.1 $ 1400 05 SUNDRY BXFBNBKS* Expenses of auditing for 1895...$ 112 50 Auditing for 1898 15 00 orders of Keller 84 so lSloom Poor lilst. vs. Jit. Pleas ant Poor District 2 75 C. A. Klelm, settlement In full with Poor Dlst 24 28 Expenses In settlement for Kile property 274 85 Expenses In John Vandersllco case Sf 19 G. M. Quick, Protlionotary 29 40 W. 11. Henrle, " .... 125 Clothing for Geo. Evans at Elwynln9t 10 00 Christ mas Gift for Elwyn Inst. r. 00 Traveling expenses 47 09 Sundry smtll bills 38 25 Telegrams and express 2 79 Printing 8 10 stationery 11 80 Postage, envelopes and paper.. 10 02 J. K. Grotz, dls. on note l". 88 Publishing annual statement 45 00 Collin and funeral expenses • .Toslalt Cole 33 50 Cofllu and funeral expenses Ilartzel child... 10 oa Coflln for Miller child 8 00 " " lloppes '• lo 00 $ 787 00 6741 83 Less dls. on coal 180 Total arat. pa!d...._ 5740 53 The undersigned auditors of the Bloom Poor District having examined the foregoing ac counts for the year 1897, and them correct. S. K. WOIiJIAN, 1 P. 11. FREEZE, I IHVIN DILTZ. r Auditors. C. U. DILDINE, ) PRODUCTS OF FARM FOR 1897. 38.3 bushels wheat $ 313 80 890 '■ Rye 158 00 son •• oats 200 oo 2.300 " corn ears 354 o 18 " Buckwheat 9 00 2-t " sweet corn 20 oo 200 " Potatoes 182 oo 5 " Onions 5 oo 3 " Beans 5 oo 1 " Peers 50 2ino pounds Pork 105 oo 000 •• Lard 30 00 712 " Beef 42 72 287 Butter 57 40 200 dozen eggs 28 00 150 Chickens 37 50 7 Turkeys 7 00 9 Sheep 27 00 10 Shouts 18 00 2 Calves (raising) 20 Oo loo Bends cabbage 30 on 30 Tons llay 300 to 4720 Sheaves corn Fodder 141 oo 0 Fattening Hogs 30 oo $ 2178 52 TALUK OF RKAI, AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. Balance on Bloom dup. 1c95l c 95 $ 345 94 " " " P97 170 ) 43 " " Scott •' 1897 414 15 " Greonw'd " 1897 328 88 " " Sugarloaf" 1897 lsi 25 " " Millvllle 1897 91 57 Note oa Kile property 280 00 " " Bart nibertsou 100 oo " '• W. Furgeson 90 on $ 1702 55 Farm and Buildings SI2OOO 00 4 llorscs 400 00 3 cows 150 00 1 lletfer 21 00 2 calves (raising) 20 00 13 sheep 39 0) 2 Brood Sows 10 09 1 Boar 10 00 0 Fattening Hogs 30 00 10 shoats 48 00 100 chickens 25 00 9 Turkeys 9 00 100 bushels Potatoes 75 00 150 ' What 135 00 BO o | iyo .jo on 500 " OatS 125 00 1200 " Corn ears 180 00 oe pounds Lard 30 00 150 " Soap 750 1000 " Pork 50 00 350 " Beef 21 uo 400 " Wlient flour 10 00 1 new heavy Farm Wagon, bought 1897 85 00 1 Spring v.'agon 20 00 1 Bob Sled 15 00 1 new Decilng Binder 115 00 1 now Fannlug Mill 25 00 18 tons Hay 100 00 3000 Sheaves Corn Fodder 90 00 6000 shingles 9 00 15 tons coal .. 52 50 24 acres wheat In ground 120 00 Furniture In Almshouse 2.50 00 " Stewards b'ld'g... 300 00 Farm Implements not new 750 00 $15410 CO $ 29142 55 OCCUPANTS OF ALMSHOUSE. Number of paupers at last re port ]5 Admitted during the year 17 32 Discharged during the year 18 Remaining at end of year 14 Number from Bloom 2 S ~ •' • Greenwood 9 " " Scott 1 " •' Sugiirloaf 1 " Millvllle 1 14 ISAIAH TIAGENBUCH, 5 M. 11. T.HUADEt. 1. Directors. Tuor. WEBB, Secy. Value of farm products sold In 5 alue of farm products sold In „ 1893 88 47 Value of farm products sold In 1891. ... 81 38 Total tor three years .. $ 207 ot Value of farm products sold lu ~ , 1885 15 Value of farm products sold la ~ , • 429 47 value of farm products sold la _ IW 575 81 Total for three years $ igjg 91 RULE ON HEIRS. Estate oj Laviua Stout, deceased. To Fanny Itlder. Khickshlnny, 1-a., Sarah Stout, ?"L ne L lmos called Lula Kvanp, New York City: Efflo Stout,, New York City, lineal descHudentb 01 said Lnvinn stout, deceased, and to ull other persons Interested, u retting : You and each of you are hereby cited to be and appear before the Judges of our Orphans' court, to (e held at uioornsburjc, on the first Monday of February next, then and there to accept or reiuse to take the real estate of said Lavtna stout, deceased, at the appraised valuation put upon It by In quest, duly awarded by the said Court, and re turned by the Sheriff, or show eause why It shall not be sold. \V. W. BLACK, 1-6-41. Sheriff's office, Blooms'burg, Pa. SHERIFF'S SALE. By Virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county and to me directed there win bo exposed to public sale at the court house In Bloomsburg, Pa., on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1898, at 2 o'clock P. M., all that certain piece and patcel.of land situate In the town of Berwick, County of Columbia and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beglnulng at a corner of Fourth and Walnut streets, running thence along said Walnut street 100 feet more or less, to lands of Miles G. Smith, thence along said lands 49% ffeet to lot No. 12, thence along said lot 100 feet to Fourth st<;et, and thence along Fourth street 49)4 feet to the place of beginning, whereon is erected a two-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of the Cosmopolitan' Building A Loan Association vs. Harriet Albertson, aud to be sold as the property of llar.let Albertson. UARMAN, Atty. W. w. BLACK, Sheriff. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN, THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ ot Fl. Fa. Issued out or the Court of Commoo Pleas ot Columbia County, and to me directed there will be exposed to public sale at the court house In Bloomsburg, Pa., on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1898, at 2 o'clock P. M„ all that certain piece and parcel ot land situate In the village ot Light Street, county or Columbia and State ot Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows: Being two lots of ground situate on the west side of Main street In said village adjoining on tho south a lot belonging to the heirs or Mary Robins, on the north an alley, on the west an alley, and on the east Main street, one or said lots being 66 feet In width, and the other 65 feet In width, and each extending to an alley on the west 160 feet, whereon are erected TWO DWELLING HOUSES, a Blacksmith Shop and Carriage Works. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of the Cosmopolitan Building A Loan Association vs. Bcnjutnln W. Drako and Marietta Drake, and to be sold os the property or Benjamin W. Drake and Marietta Drake. BARMAN, Atty. W. W. BLACK, Sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue or a writ of Alias Levari Facias, Is sued out or the Court of Common Pleas of Co lumbia county, Pa., and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, In Bloomsburg, on SATURDAY, FEB'Y 12, 1898, at two o'clock p. m., all that certain messuage tenement and tract of land, lying and being lu on the north-west corner of Catharine street, In the town or Bloomsburg, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a corner of Eight and Catharine streets, north twenty-nve degrees and lltty-slx minutes, west seventy feet to a stone corner of lot of C. W. Miller, thence along same south sixty-two degrees and llfteen minutes, west thirty foot to a stono cor ner of lot of F. G. Yorks, thence along same south twenty-four degrees and fltty-slx min utes, east seventy feet to Eighth street, thence along said Eighth street north slxty-slx degrees and thirty minutes, east thirty feet to the place of beginning. Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit ot the Anglo American Savings and Loan Association vs. Battle L. Webb and J. Nelson Webb, and to be sold as the property or nattle L. Webb and J. Nelson Webb. Little & Tustln, W. W. BLACK, Attorneys. Sheriff. Its SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ 01' FL Fa. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, and to me directed, tUere will be exposed to public sale at the court House, In Bloomsburg, l'a., on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, IS9B, at 2 o'clock p. m.. all that certain tract or lantl situate In Koarlngcreek township, county of Columbia, and state r Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by land of Jacob strausser, 011 the west by land of Solomon Strausser, on the south by land of William Ullleg, and on the east by land of Conrad Houseman and William Yeager, containing about TWENTY ACRES, be the same, more or less, being the same tract of land which John W. Hoffman, High Sheriff of Columb'a County, by virtue ot a writ Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County, bea'lng date the 15th day of September 1877, against David 11. Hower, sold as the pro perty of David R. Hower to Jacob 11. Vastlne < and tlie said Jacob 11. Vastlne aud wife, by deed dated the sth day or February 1881, conveyed to the said Rennevllle liboads. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Jacob H. Vastlne vs. Bennevllle Rlioads, and to be sold as the properly of Bennevllle liboads. W. W. BLACK, liIIAWN & SMALL, Sheriff. Attorneys. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias Issued out of tho court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, and to me directed will be exposed to public salo at tho Court House In Bloomsburg, l'a., on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1898, at two o'clock p. m., all that tenement and lot of ground situate In the Town of Bloomsburg, County of Columbia, aud State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as f Hows, to-wlt: Beginning at a point on the north stde of sixth street, corner ot lot ot Anna E. Kahlor, thence along Sixth street, north, Blxty-four and one half degrees east, thirty feet to a post, thenco north twonty-ilve and one-half degrees west sixty-one feet to a stake, thence north thirty one degrees west, one hundred and fifteen feet to Sterner's alley, thence southwardly along said alley thirty-live feet, nine Inches to lot of Anna E. Kahler, thence along said lot south thirty-one degrees east one hundred and seventy-one feet to Sixth street, the place of beginning. It being tho same premises which C. M. Creveltng by deed bearing date the 18th day of March 1892, conveyed to Peter H. Kehoe. Whereon Is erected a two and one-half story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, and outbuildings. Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Sallle Naylor vs. Peter H Kehoe, and to be sold as the property of Peter B. Kehoe. BCCKINOILAU, Atty. W. W. BLACK, Sheriff SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of writ of alias Fl. Fa. and Vend. Ex., Issued out of the Court of Common pleas Of Columbia county, Pa., and to me directed, tbere will be exposed to public Bale at the Court House in Bloomsburg, on SATURDAY, FEB'Y 12, 1898, at 2 o'clock p. in., all that certain piece, parcel or lot of ground, situate In the town of Blooms burg, Columbia county and state of Pennsyl vania, at tbo Boutb-east corner of Ninth street and an extension of Iron street, thenco along said Ninth street north slxty-fivo degreos and fifty minutes, east three hundred feet to lands lately laid out and sold by O. A. Jacoby and bis administrators ; thonco by same south twenty eight degrees and flvo minutes, east one hun dred and twenty-eight and one-tenth thence westwardly parallel with Ninth streot three hundred seven and one-fourth feet to Iron street aforesaid, thence by same north twenty-four degrees and twenty minutes, west ono hundred and twenty-eight feet to the place of beginning, when on are erected a TWO STORY BRICK BUILDING used for manufacturing purposes, und out buildings. Bel ted, taken Into execution at tho suit of F. J. Richard, Trusteo, vs. The Bloomsburg Manufacturing Company, and F. W. Jcnes vs. The Bloomsburg Manufacture 'ompany, and to be sold as the proporty of TL Bloomsburg Manufacturing Company. Waller, W. W. BLACK, Sheriff. Herring, Attys. l-20-ts SHERIFF'S SALE. By vl.tue of a writ or Fl. Fa Issued out ot the Court or Commou l'leas ot Columbia couuty and to me directed there will be exposed to public sale at the court house In Bloomsburg, l'a., ou MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1898, at 2 o'clock P. M., all that certain messuage, tenement and tract or land situate partly In Catawlssa township and partly In Locust town shl, cou uty ot Colombia and State ot Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as tollows, to-wlt: B Inning at a stone In line or land late ol Henry nottmnn and running thence by said line north 48x degreos east 68 perches to a white oak, thence south 7u degrees east seven-tenth perches to a stone heap, thence south 72>4 degrees east 16 perches to a stone heap, thenco south 83 degrees east 22 perches to a black oak, thence north 11% degrees east perches to a stone heap, thence north 45 degrees east 20 and seven-tenth perches to a post, thence by laud ot Isaac Breech and others south 40degrees east 75 perches to a post, thence south 22 degrees west 38 perches to a maple, thenco south 9 degrees west 7 and seven-tenth perches to a stone heap, thence south 80 degrees west 20 perches to a stone, thence south 2X degrees west 23 perches to a stone, thence by land tor merly ol .Samuel Slears, Jr., south S3 degrees west 64 perches to a post, thence north 41 de grees west 98 perches to the place ot beginning, containing 74 ACRES AND 51 PFRCHES, neat measure, be tho same more or less. It being the same premises which Moses Uower and Elizabeth his wire by their Indenture dated April 2, 1877, and recorded In the olllco tor recording deeds, Sc., tor the county ot Columbia, In Deed Book No. 29, page 737, etc., granted and conveyed to ltcuben lllegel, whereon are erect ed a TWO STORY FRAME DWELL ING HOUSE, Bank Barn and outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot Jacob 11. Vastlne vs. Keuben Rlegel, and to be sold as the property or Reuben Rlegel. RHAWNS SMALL, W. W. BLACK, Attorneys. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County, Pa , and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, In Bloomsburg on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1898, at two o'clock la the afternoon, all that piece parcel and tract of land situate In Greenwood Township, County of Columbia and State of fa., In the village of Eyersgrove and numbered In the general plan of said Town by Nos. eleven and twelve, and consisting of a port lon of the dlvlslou designated by the' No. 11" In the return of Inquest In 'he partition of the real estate of Jacob Eyer, deceased, and bounded on tlio north by the public road leading from Eyersgrove to Jcrseytown, on the east by public road leading from Bloomsburg to Millvllle, on the south by lot of Jackson Hobbles and on the west by an alley, upon which Is erected a FRAME HOTEL, BARN, and outbuildings. Heirg one hundred feet In width and two hundred feet In depth. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Joseph Deppen vs. J. lielnard and to bo sold as the property of J. Kelnard. CUIIISMAN, Atty. \V. w. BI.ACK, Shert ff. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the court House In Blooms burg, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1898, at 8 o'clock In the afternoon, all that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate In the Township or Catawlssa, Columbia County, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and des cribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a mark on the fence, thence south sixteen and one-halt degrees west, nine teen and one-half perches along paper mill to a chestnut; thence south twenty-live degrees west, e'ght perches to a stake; thence south nineteen degrees west, six and one-tenth perches to a stake; thence south forty-three degrees west, nine and one-half perches to a corner of foundry lot land of George Hughes; thence along said lot south seven and one-half degrees west, seventeen perches to a pine; thence south llfty-tlve and one-half dogrees west, twelve and two-tenths perches to a post Inline of land of Jonathan Partner; thence along said land of Jonathan Portner south live degrees west, thirty-three perches to a stono heap; thence along land or Moses Ilower and others south thirty-nine and one-halt degrees east, forty-three perches to a maple tree; thence along land of Miles and Daniel Helwlg north sixty degrees east, one hundred and nineteen perches to a post; thence along land of same north nineteen degrees west, ninety perches to corner on public road; thence along said road north t lghty-one degrees east, thirteen perches; thence by same and a private road north eighty three degrees east, sixty-four perches to post In middle of a run; thence down the middle of said run In Its various courses and windings along land of Solomon Helwlg thirty-eight perches to an aspen ash; thence along land Of Henry llolllngshead north thlrty-ltvo degrees west, twenty-tlve perches to a stake; thence along the line of Philadelphia and Heading liallroad south sixty-four and one-halt degrees west, twenty-three perches to a stake; thence llfty-slx degrees west, twelve perches to a stake; thence south forty-eight degrees west, twelve perches to a stake; thence south forty tlve and one-halt degrees west, thirty-six perches to a stake; thence south', fifty-three and three-quarter degrees west, fourteen porches to a stake; thence south sixty degrees west ten perches to a stake; thence south sixty-live and one-halt degrees west, thirteen and nine tenth perches to a mark on the fence, place of beginning, containing EIGHTY ACRES, be the same more or less. The said parties of the tlrst part, their heirs and assigns, reserving the right and privilege to enter the land pass ing on and along the northeast side of the pond erected to gather water for the Paper Mill, and the right to keep and maintain a ditch for tho purpose of conveying off the surface water that might flow Into tho aforesaid pond through the lower end of the garden at the dwelling houso, then carry the same through the culvert under the Catawlssa Railroad. The land above des cribed being a portion of the same tract of land which William McKelvy by Indenture dated 7th of December, 1872, conveyed to Charles W. Mc- Kelvy, recorded In Deed Hook "Z," page 882, et seq. which said portion was conveyed to the said I. W. McKelvy by John W. Hoffman, Sheriff of Columbia County, whereon are erected A DWELLING HOUSE, barn, and other outbuildings. Seized, takon In execution at the suit of Lloyd T. Rider vs. Philip Sldler, executor of Matthias Glngles. deceased, and to be sold as the prop erty of Philip Sldler, executor of Matthias Gln gles, deceased. FKKKZK, W. W. BLACK, UARMAN, Sheriff. BAHKLKY, Attys. Jan. O-'MMB. CARDS, re- N. U. FUNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mrs. Ent'i Building, Court Horse Alley, BLOOMSBURG, PA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Post Office Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA; C. W. MILLER, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Wirt's Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG. PA. JOHN O. FRBEZK. JOHN O. UAHMAN FREEZE & FIARMAN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Offices: Centre St., first door Dclow Opera House GEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA WM. H MAGILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Peacock's building, Market Square. W. H. SNYDER, ATTORNEY- \T—LAW, Office 2nd floor Mrs. Ents building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ROBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG. PA. A. N. YOST, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Columbian Building, 2nd Floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. RALPH R. JOHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Kartman Building, Market Square, Bloomsburg, Pa. IKELER & IKELER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. R. RUSH ZARR, — ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. — BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Clark's Block, corner of 2nd and Centre Streets, i-i2-'94 W. A. EVERT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. (Offlcoover Alexander & Co. Wirt building. G. M. QUICK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office oven First National Bank. EDWARD J. FLYNN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CENTKALIA, PA. BA office Liddlcot building, Locust avenue. JOHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW impmwa or THE PEACE, Uojtt Bros. Budding, lad AMI, BLOOMSBURG* PA, J. H. MATTK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, INSURANCE AD REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office in Lockard's Building. BLOOMSBURG, PA. B. FRANK ZARR, ATTORN XY-AT-LAW, Clark's Building, car. Main and CcaUe Sta. BLOOMSBURG, Pa. (TCin be consulted in Germaa, W. H. RHAWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, corner of Third sad Kris BtieNi. CATAWISSA, PA DR. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, V Office, North Market Streot, BLOOMSBURG* PA J. S. JOHN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residence, 410 Main St., 3-7°-'r BLOOMSBURG, PA J. HOWARD PATTERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Second floor Columbian Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DISEASES OP CHILBEEB H. BIERMAN, M. D. HOW (EOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUKOBO* OFFICE HOCKS: Office & Residence, 4th St., Until 9 A. M., Ito 2 and 7to 8 p. a. BLOOMSBURG, PA S. B. ARMENT, M. D. Office and Residence No. 18. West Fifth St D ISEABEK OF THE THHOAT AND NOSE SPECIALTY (8 to 10 A.M. BLOOMSHUIW OFFICE HOURS* -<2 to 4 P. M. 17 to 9 P. M. PA. DR. ANDREW GRAYDON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ■ BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office aDd residence In Prof. Waller's Hows. # MARKET STREET * TELEPHONE. HENRY W. CHAMPLIN, M. D. Office over Farmer's National Bank. Hours io to 12 A. M., 3 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M Residence, 218 Third St. TELEPHONE. DR. F. W. REDEKER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office and Residence, Centre St., between 4th and stli Sts. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat a spoctEltg. BLOOMSBURG, PA. 18 to 10 a m. OFFICE HOCRS: -{l to Bp. m. 17 to 9 p. m. J. J. BROWN, M. D., Market Street. BLOOMSBURG, Pa. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested, fitted with gUscea and Artificial Eyes supplied. Hours 10 to 4. Telephone Connection DR. M. J. HESS, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Crown and bridge work —A— SPECIALTY, Corner Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., DR. W. H. HOUSE, SUROEON DENTIST, Office, Barton's I'ulldlng, Jialn below Markn BLOOMSBURG, PA. All styles of work done in a superior manner, and all work warranted as represented. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, by the use of Gas, and free of charge tvfcw? artificial teeth are inserted. dsTTo be open all hours during the day, DR. C. S. VAN HORN, —DENTIST.— Office corner of East and Main streets, no posite Town Hall. Office hours 8:80 to 12 a. m j 8 to 5 p. m. BLOOMSBURG, FA. C. WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. F. Hartman Represents twelve of the strongest causae les In the world, among which are: CASH TOTAL BCBFUM _ CAPITAL. ABBITB. OVII ALL, Franklin of Phlla.. $400,000 $8,196,529 II wti aw Penn'a. Phlla 400,000 3,825,180 i,iu,S6 Queen, of N. Y. 500,000 3,538,915 I.SKLffI Weßtchester, N. Y. 800,000 1,768,807 fwlril N. America, Phlla. 3,000,000 9,780,669 MH.W OFFICE IN I. W. MCKELVY'S ITOBE. WLosses promptly adjusted i nd paid. M. P. LUTZ & SOb, (SUCCESSORS TO FREAS BROWN) INSURANCE AND REAL KSTATK AGENTS AND BROKERS. —o N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA. —o— Represent Seventeen as good Compan ies as there are in the World and *U losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN F. KNAPP, FIRE INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home, of N. Y.; Merchants of Newark. N. J.; Clinton, N. Y.;Peoples', N.Y.;Read ing. Pa ; German American Ins. Co., New York; Greenwich Insurance Co., New Yorki Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. These old corporations are well season*! by age and fire tested, and have never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are all invested in solid securities, **4 liable to the hazard of fire only. Losses promptly and honestly adjusted and paid as soon as determined, by Christian V, Knapp, Special Agent and Adjuster, BIOOM. burg, Pa. The people of Columbia county should patronize the agency where losses, if any, are settled and paid by one of their OWN citizens. CENTRAL HOTEL, B. Stohner, Prop. C. F. Stohner, Assistant BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Hot and cold water, and all modern conveniences. The hotel has been lately refurnished. CITY HOTEL, W. A. Hartzel, Prop. Peter F. Relay, Manag No. 121 West Main Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms, lmth rooms, hot and cold water, and modern con veniences. liar stocked with best wine and liquors. First-class livery attached. EXCHANGE HOTEL, G. SNYDER, Proprietor, (Opposite the Court BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. *-ti rooms, hot and cold water, and all moletn conveniences 7
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