Royal makes the food pare, wholesome and dellv ©a*. fum POWDER Absolutely Pure IIOVAI RAY.: NQ ROWDIR CO., NEW YORK. f = THE COLUMBIAN. " BLOOMSBURG, FA. • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1898. &(rre<l at the Pout Office at Bloomstmrg, Pa, ngM-cond class matter, March 1,1888. OUR OFFERS FOR 1898- We are able to offer our subscribers some special inducements for advance payments for 1898. THE COLUMBIAN* and New York World, three times a week, $1.65. COLUMBIAN and Philadelphia Weekly Times ~-45- COLUMBIAN and Demoresf s Maga zine, 1.75- COLUMBIAN and Farm News, 100 Subscribe now, and get the benefit of these reduced rates. tf. BRIEF MENTION. About People YOU Know. Geo. E. Elwell made a business trip to Towanda on Friday. F. L. Rhketts, proprietor of the hotel at Ganoga Lake was in town on Friday. Charles Lawallof 1 hiladelphia, spent Sun day with his mother in town. Mrs. Irene McCollum of Montrose, a niece of Justice J U. McCollum of the Supreme Court, is the guest of Mrs. \V. 11. Slate. Mrs. Daniel Whit mire of Orangeville, gave this office a pleasant call on Friday. She came flown to spend a few days with friends in town. Joseph Cochran, son of State Senator J. Henry Cochran of Williamsport, accompanied Vy I tank Foisman another young man of Willinmspor;, left that city on Saturday for Klondike gold fields. Col. John G. Freeze went to South Bethlehem on Tuesday to be piesent at the enthronement of Bishop Talbot, at the Church of the Nativity, on Wednesday morn ing. The Colonel is Chancellor of the Diocese of Central Penna , and as such is the legal advisor of the Bishop. Mrs. Betheiah Ruckle, died at the home of her son-in-law, W. H. Moore early Tuesday morning. The deceased formerly resided near Cambra, Luzerne County. Her husband William Ruckle died several years ago. She was seventy-two years of age, and for the last few years has lived with her daughter Mrs. Moore. The funeral services. took place from the house this morning at nine o'clock, and the remains were taken to Cambra for interment. The beautiful western draina "The Golden Gulch " will be produced in the Opera House on Saturday even ing February 26, by a company of young people culled from Blooms burg's best talent. The play will be for the benefit of the Cubans. The admission price will be reduced to 10, 20 and 30. This will give every body an opportunity to prove their loyalty to the struggling insurgents who have suffered untold miseries, and have been the victims of Spanish butcheries for the past four years. Just try a 10c. box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. 4 i-iy Gold Fish We have placed ourselves in position to supply our customers with something which is so in structive, entertaining and beau tiful, that people wonder why they did not get them long ago. We refer to Gold Fish and Aquaria. We have eyerything you need to start one. Gold Fish, 20:. each. Fancy Geld Fish, 50 and 75c. ea. Globes, 25c to $9. Aquariums Fitted Out. 60c to sl6. See them in our window. W. S.RISETON,FJi.G., Opposite P. 0. Pharmacist, Legal advertisements cn page 7. There are seve r al sheriff sales scheduled to take place at the Court House on Monday. All the stone work on the new bridge over the Susquehanna River at Catawissa was finished last week. Mrs. M. M. Phillips has opened a boarding house in her building, on Main Street, formerly Hotel Arling ton. The first installment of the new Williams Bloomsburg and Berwick directory is being distributed to sub scribers in town. Services were held on the third floor of the Moyer Building over Hess Bros, jewelry store Sunday afternoon and evening, conducted by Rev. Maltman of Benton. The first month of the new year, according to Dun's Review of trade has brought considerable more in crease in business but improvement in prices have been very disappoint ing. The snow of Sunday made sleigh ing pretty good about town, two or thrde large sled loads of young people took advantage of it on Monday night, a party going to Danville and the other to Berwick. The following letters are advertised Feby. 1, 1898. Chas. F. Connor, Miss Maggie Gilbert, Miss Cathrien Johns, Miss Efiie Robbins. Will be sent to the dead letter office Feby. 15, 1898. JAMES H. MERCER, P. M. W. S. Rishton's gold fish aquariums are attracting a good deal of attention. In addition to the hundreds of small fish of various kinds, he has now two very large gold fish, one ten inches long, in his show window aquarium. They are worth seeing. We have received a copy of the Philadelphia Press A'manac for 1898. It is an invaluable book of reference and is a comprehensive cyclopaedia of historical ar.d statistical fact. It can be obtained by sending twenty-five cents to the Press, Philadelphia. Nearly two thousand people gath ered in the M. E. Church on Sunday .■.fteinoon to hear Rev. Sam Jones preach. His sermon was much better than his lecture the night before. Mrs. Elmer Melick sang " The Holy City " in her sweet way, and a male choir rendered some selections. While alighting from his buggy on East Street on Friday Abram Gilder, who resides near Shanandoah, fell, spraining his ankle besides lascera...ig his face in several places. His foot caught in the blanket, and over balanced him his face striking the ground with considerable force. The weather for the past few days has been the severest of the winter. The snow a few miles from town covers the ground to a depth ot a foot and a half, and is drifted to such an extent that many of the roads are utterly impassible. The thermometer on Wednesday morning registered four degrees below zero. Curiosity to hear Sam Jones drew a large audience to the Normal Audi torium last Saturday evening. No one was disappointed, as he fully sustained his reputation. His lectute consisted of humor, anecdote, religion and slang. It was amusing roost of the time, in structive none of the time and dis gusting in spots. Flotow's "Martha" was effectively sung to a large, fashionable and ap preciative audience by the Andrews Opera Company at the Opera House on Thursday night. It was the first grand opera Bloomsbu g theatre goers have had an opportunity of witnessing for a long time, and the size of the audience gives evidence that perform ances of this kind will always receive liberal patronage. Tree Delivery- The following dispatches will ex plain themselves. BLOOMSBURG, PA., January 31,'98. MR. PERRY S- HEATH, First Asst. Postmaster General, Washington D. C. Free Delivery Division. Boxes are all up and everything ready for free delivery to-morrow morning except the appointment of carriers. Shall I appoint temporary carriers. m JAMES H. MERCER, P. M. THE REPLY. WASHINGTON, D. C. Jany. 31, '9B. Postmaster, Bloom. Carriers have not yet been ap pointed, Cannot authorize tempor ary service. Yop will be notified as soon as carriers are selected. PERRY S. HEATH, Ist. Asst. P. M. General. The boxes are all up, the people should make no mistake in putting letters or papers in them before the carriers are appointed as they will not be taken out for mailing. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. A basket ball team has been made up at the Normal school. The first game will probably take place next week. Our lithograving printing is a new thing and is pleasing our customers. Call at the COLUMBIAN office and see samples. There has been an unusual large number of "hobos" walking the streets of Bloomsburg the past week. Mon day night about half past eleven o'clock, there were no less than six thin clad, ddapidated looking indi viduals in the stairway of the First National Bank building, sheltering themselves from the cutting wind that whistled around the corner of Main and Market streets. Notioa to the Democratio Voters of Oolumbia County. Is hereby given that the execu tive committee, the committee on Rules and the officers of the last Democratic convention will meet in public session on Saturday Feb. 19, at 10 a. m. in Court House Room No. 2 for the purpose of taking final action relative to the adoption of the new Rules governing our primary nominations and county coventions as passed upon by the last Democratic convention held Aug. 10, 1897. All Demociats who feel interested in this important matter are requested to be present. The members of the standing committee will please note that this is not a general committee call but committeemen all who can are specially requested to attend the above stated meeting. The regular annual committee call will take place in March and due notice will be given of the same. JOHN G. MCHENRY, Chairman Dem. Standing Committee. A IdERR* PARTY. At 8 o'clock last Saturday evening, a merry company of young people as sembled at the rooms of Misses Lizzie and Mazie Hileman on Iron street. Candy making seemed to be the main object, and for a time all endeavored to be useful, either by giving advice or sampling the candy. By the efforts cf the many helpers several dishes of fine candy were produced. This, with other refreshments, had a quiet ing effect for a time on all present, after which several amusing games were indulged in, and at an appro priate time all departed with loud smdes and pleasant thoughts. Among thoe present were Misses Karns, Hartman, Johns, Beagle, Maust, Richart, K. Hileman, Mrs. W. Herbine, and several gentlemen. FLORIDA. Personally-Conducted Tour via Pennsylvania Railroad. The next Pennsylvania Railroad tour to Jacksonville, allowing two weeks in Florida, will leave New York and Philadelphia by special train of Pullman Palace Cars Tues day. February 8. Excursion tickets, including railway transportation. Pullman accommodations (one berth), and meals en route in both directions while traveling on the special train, will be sold at the following rates : New York, $50.00 ; Philadelphia, $48.00 ; Canandaigna, $52.85 ; Erie, $54.85 Wilkesbarre, $50.35 ; Pittsburg, $53.00 ; and at proportionate rates from other points. For tickets, itineraries, and full information apply to ticket agents ; Tourist Agent, 1186 Broadway, New York ; or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station. Phila delphia. I Worn Out? | Do you come to the close of the day thoroughly exhausted? A Does this continue day after & day, possibly week after week? jjj Perhaps you are even too ex & hausted to sleep. Then some s thing is wrong. All these things indicate that you are to suffering from nervous ex £ haustion. Your narves need jj feeding and your blood en s riching. § Scott's Emulsion * of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo j phosphites of Lime and Soda, contains just the remedies to to meet these wants. The cod- I liver oil gives the needed strength, enriches the blood, feeds the nerves, and the hy pophosphites give them tone and vigor. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. AU druggists ; 50c. and SI.OO. m SCOTT A BOWNE, Chemists, New York. J. E. ROYS. I THE PREMO V Is without question the finest Hand Camera yet offered for $5.00. It is a plate camera, and takes a picture 31 x 41 inches, and is much cheaper to run and easier to manipulate than a film camera. Do not fail to see it before you buy. We carry a complete line of Photo Supplies for amateurs. J. E, ROYS. STRAY PARAGRAPHS, —Valentines will soon be on the go. —January went out in a white night gown. —A married woman should not be missed, for she's a Mrs. —ln walking no man can move more than two feet at a time. —A railroad tunnel is a bore to the mountain but a blessing to lovers. A man who never owns up to any thing ought to be tagged "no admit tance. —lcy pavements have been the cause of many a person's downfall the past week. —No Maud, dear, don't imagine that it's fashionable to have your temper ruffled. —The license applications and the Poor Director nominations have held the attention of the court for the past two weeks. If McKinley knew the suspense he was keeping one or more of Blooms burg's politicians in, he would get a move on him and name the new post master. —There are several young men in town who were counting on wearing a uniform and carrying love letters to pretty girls in town, by this time, but they got left, for a while at least. —Many patrons of the Opera House are kicking because some of the ladies fail to comply with the request printed on the wall to "remove their hats." In this they are perfectly right. Any one who pays for a seat in the Opera House or any other entertainment ought not be compelled to look over a "roof garden" in order to see the performance. Ladies' remove your hats. THE WOifKINGGIRL'S GREAT OHANOE. Domestic Service the Most Comfortable and Most Remunerative Occupation. "The average home holds out a far more comfortable time a more leisure ly life, a healthier existence, and bet ter wages, than does the office, store or factory to an intelligent girl or woman," writes Edward VV. Bok of "The Working Girl's Great Chance," in the February Ladies' Home Journal. "The same time devoted, for example, to the study of shorthand or typewrit, ing, if given to the study of nursing or domestic service, would mean twice the income to a bright, steady girl. Unfortunately, girls will not see this, and thousands of them who are to day struggling through an existence in the outer world, could have far more comfortable lives and better wages in excellent homes. How the average girl can deliberately shut her eyes to the opportunity which fairly glares up on her as a good maid, nurse, com panion or domestic of any sort, passes average comprehension. There has never been a time when mistresses were readier or more willing to pay good wages for good domestic service —wages compared .to which the pittance paid in shops or factories sinks into insignificance. And, on the other hand, the salaries of women in business, as recent statistics plainly show, are gradually on the decrease because of the willingness ofhundreds of girls to work for a mere pittance. Every business house has to-day wait ing lists of scores of hundreds of appli cants, while hundreds of homes cry out for intelligent domestic service." OABTOZIXA. m <u- J* The Kind You Here Always Bought CLEARING BALE. We have decided to clear out man y lines of goods. We offer you LADIES' COATS at prices that you can not match for the values we offer. Come and see the goods, DRESS GOODS. Several lots of these have been greatly reduced. CHILDREN'S COATS. We have cut the prices greatly to close out the line. BLANKETS. At prices it will pay you to buy and keep till next season, let alone the use of them now. Compare with* any for quality and price. Fur Collarettes at a big reduction from former prices. con FORTS. Will close a lot of these goods very low. FEATHER BOAS. Get the prices reduced on them. All Goods sold for Cash. H. J. CLARK &, SON. I. W. HARTIiK & SON. i MARKET SQUARE DRY COODS HOUSE. Special Sale for the month of February now open. l 1 case of new calico, Spring styles, at 4c yd. 1 lot of light calico at 4c yd. 1 lot new apron gingham at 3c yd. 1 case of drees ginghams, in single patterns, at 5c yd. 1 case bleached muslin at yd. 1 lot of Columbian Heavy Shirting at 6Jc yd. 1 lot of 2J yd. Sheeting Muslin at 22c yd., extra good. 1 lot of yd. wide at rßc. 1 lot marked 2J- yds. at 12 Jc. 20 yds. extra good unbleached mus lin, SI.OO. TO yds. good unbleached muslin, 35c. 1728 yds. Torchon lace just opened at 4c yd. We have decided to continue for a ttu:e during this month, the Special • Sale of all what is left of the Ladies' Muslin Underwear at the January adver tised prices. Many ladies have found special bargains, and we invite others to see them. I. W. HARTMAN & SON. H. W. SLOAN = ) • Clearing-Out Sale. ® Having rented my store room to Louis Gross, ] the clothier, 1 must vacate the room now occu pied by me. H The Ezxtire Stock must be Closed Cut. > Commencing Monday, January 3rd, 1898, I will offer fhe 1 citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity the Greatest Va'aes in I Dress Goods. Hosiery, Table Linens, Silks, Underwear. Towels, Silk Velvets. Gloves, Napkins, White Dress Goods, Silverware, Counterpanes, Embroideries, Percales, Flannels, - Laces, Lawns, Ladies' Cloths, Stamped Linens, And all other Dry Goods, Notions, and Fancy Goods usually kept in a first class Dry Goods Store. THIS STOCK MUST BE SOLD. I have lost sight of Profits and Cost in this Closing Sale. The first comers will have the hest selection. You cer tainly will save money. All goods will be sold for CASH ONLY and at prices you will not duplicate again. Everything v.) in the store in this sale. Special discount to Dealers. ' s Great Muzio Offer. Send us the names and addresses of three or more performers on the piano or organ together with ten tents in silver or postage and we will mail /ou isixteen pages full sheet music, consist ng of popular songs, waltzes, marches, etc., arranged for the piano and organ. Address: POPULAR MUSIC CO. tf Indianapolis, Ind. The 5c Ribbon Box is kept well 1 filled, also the box of remnants of ' Calico, Ginghams, Shirtings, etc. 1 lot of Wool Dress Goods reduced : from 25c to 19c. 1 lot of Wool Dress Goods were 19 and 25c, now 15c. 1 lot of Wool Dress Goods were 39 and 50c, now 25c. A great lot of short length Wool Dress Goods at nearly half price, all saleable styles. Ladies' Misses' and Children's coal and capes will be continued this month at Janurry cut prices. , New lot of those 45c Blankets just in, with the sale of all others at the cut prices noted in our last circular, also in the daily and county papers H. W. SLOAN. It Keeps the Feet Warm and Dry. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures Corns. Bunions, Chilblain!, Swollen, Sweating, Damp feet. At all druggists and Shoe stores, 15c. Sam ple FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. | uyrt/ie Col+ UMMId W year. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers