2 | THE MOST COSTLY FRUIT. flotlmuie Grapes at SO a Pouml, and Hot house Peachea.at S2.SO Each. Hothouse grapes are the costliest of fruits. They are never less than 75 lents a pound, and when they are most tostly, in February and March, they <ell for $9 a pound, sometimes going is high as $lO a pound. At prices ranging up to $2 a pound there is a , ready sale for them; at the higher prices they are sold almost exclusively for the use of invalids. There is a tale for all that are produced, but the production at the season of highest prices is small. The coßt of production .is great, and the vines may die from exhaustion after a single season of forcing. The next most costly fruit is the tot house peaches. Hot house peaches sell in February at $2.50 each. They ire used mainly by Invalids, but such peaches are also often sold for gifts. They are presented as flowers or as oonbons would be. Three or four peaches are packed In cotton and set pff with a few peach leaves in a hand loine box. Hothouse peaches run down to about 60 cents each in April ind May, when we begin to get the first of the paaches from the south.— New York Sun. A BARGAIN SALE IN ENGLAND. rho Eager Hunter. Gather at the Uuori a. Early as 5:45 O'clock. A bargain sale is a pretty serious ousiness in England. The Newcastle Chronicle recently contained the fol lowing item: A remarkable fatality 9ccurred in Mare street, Hackney, on Saturday. A sale at a local draper's pas announced to begin in the morn ing, and a large crowd of women as sembled long before the doors were opened. Some were there as early as i:45 o'clock. Among them was an old lady who succeeded in getting into the 'hop and fell fainting at a counter while making a small purchase. With she assistance of the police she was got >ut and a doctor sent for, but life was 'ound to he extinct. The body was re moved to the Mortuary. A large force 9f police was on duty throughout the lay to control the crowds, and at in tervals it became necessary to close the ■ loors. The excitement did not sub /' lide until the place was finally shut up it 11 o'clock on Saturday night. Some oersons declared that such scenes were lever before witnessed at a sale. A Little Story with a llig Moral. Here is a very old story that has neen told time and time again, but that ivill bear telling again: A man asked his neighbor why he was so careful to save a certain old lorseshoe. The neighbor replied: "I may find the other three shoes." "And what then?" "I may then find the horse which cast :hem?" "And what will you do then?" "Why, 1 will build a stable for him." "No, you won't. Tour horse might tick my children, and so I won't have i stable near my house." "Yes you will, if I choose to build >ne." "No I won't." x "Yes you will." And then they began to fight like ttts and dogs.—Golden Days. Poor Johnny. Mr. Briggs.—Tom Rider handed me tome tickets for the circus. It'll be an iwful bore, but I suppose on Johnny's iccount we ought to go. He'll be lleased. Mrs. Briggs—Why there are only two ere! Mr. Briggs—Well, then, that's all he Save us. Umph! Johnny'll have to (tay at home then. Too bad. —New fork Journal. ( i Pained. Patient—Vot? Two dollars for tak n' oud dem teeth? Dentist —Two dollars if you take gas. Patient—Young man, I t'ought you ros a dentist. I didn't know you voa i gas gombany.—Puck. -f WIT AND HUMOR. "Did you tell that young man not to tall here any more?" asked Mabel's lather, severely. "N—no." "Why not?" "I didn't think that It was necessary. ' don't see how he could call any more tow. He calls seven times a week."— Washington Star. Wife—You saw Mrs. Bowser last > ivenlng. Husband —Yes; but not to speak to ier. j W ke—What a story! I heard you ve 1 I sitting with her for more than •W 7hours. /usband —That's so; but it was she •tub did the talking.—Up to Date. Handel Barr —Yes, other things be ing equal, the larger the wheel the ireater the speed. Little Johnny—Well, then, Pa, why lon't the hind wheel of a wagon go 'aster than the front one?— New York World. Grocer—Well, little one, what can 1 lo for you? Jenny—Please, sir, mamma says to ihange a dollar for her an' she'll give rou the dollar to-morrow.—Truth. Mr. Hardtack—This recommendation lays you drink like a fish. Applicant for position—Do it? Wa-al, i 'spec' he mean by dat I nebber drink luffln but watah.—Judge. Spriggß—"Hello, old man, I'm awful ly glad to see you out again. I heard •ke doctors gave you up." Bowles—"Yes, I guess I'd have died f they hadn't. Cleveland Leader. SELLS MICE FOR A LIVING. I Woman Whose Client* Include Some of K iirope's Greet Physicians. Verily one half the world does not mow how the other half lives. Equal y true Is It that never before were here so many curious ways of making t living as there are at present. There rave been physicians in Paris for sev iral centuries, but not until quite re :ently did any of them think it neces sary to make a contract by the terms )t which they are to receive a certain cumber of mice during the current rear. The general public was rather surprised when it heard of this con tact, for the reason that the physi cians, who act in this matter as a committee of the Faculty of Medicine, agree to pay a good price for the mice, whereas there are many persona in Paris who would be only too glad to make the doctors a present of these ravenous little animals. Physi :ians, however, know what they are ibout. They want mice, but they ion't want ordinary, everyday mice. Dnly cultured, well fed, dainty mice will suit them, and they have given the contract to Mme. Alexandre, be cause they know that she is the only person In Paris who can supply on de mand any number of such desirable animals. Yes, Mme. Alexandre's business in life is to furnish mice to Richet, Chantemesse and several other lead ing specialists in Paris and elsewhere. She also keeps rabbits and guinea pigs, but mice are her specialty. It is fifteen years since she first began to supply animals to the Pasteur In stitute, the Municipal Laboratory ar.d several other such places. She has hardly any competitors, and she has more orders than she can well fill. She feeds her mice exclusively on broad and milk. Her clients insist 'that the animals must be white and plump, and she finds this diet the best for them. When they are three months old they are ready for the doctors, and she seldom has any on hand after that age. She disposes of these hap less victims, not only to her regular clients in Paris, but also to several persons in London and Geneva. The little mice are well able to stand a long journey, and they are as fresh when they arrive in London as they were when they left Paris. Madam is never short of mice. At present she has about a thousand on hand, and as these animals multiply very rapidly she will have double that number in an incredibly short time. — Now York Herald. ANGORA GOATS IN SOUTH AFRICA. Profitable Flocks of Theiu Rained In Capo • Colony. One of the most lucrative industries in the Karoo districts of South Africa is Angora goat farming, and, although it has only been established for less than forty years, the Cape bids fair to become the most important centre of mohair production in the world. The early attempts to import this goat from Angora were attended with great loss of money and great disappointment, nearly all the goats dying either on the way to the Cape or very soon after landing, in fact, of the early importa tions only a very small number sur vived. But in 1879, a large importation was successfully made by three differ ent firms or individuals, who landed a large number of pure-bred Angora goats at Port Elizabeth. The Angora in the colony is not now pure-bred; the original imported rams were crossed with carefully selected pure white Boer goat ewes, and from the succeeding in-breeding the present flocks have sprung, and a fine glossy, silky fleece secured. Indeed, it is ac cepted that mohair can now be pro duced in Cape Colony as perfect in quality and as beautiful in lustre as any produced in Angora Itself. The goat itself is a pretty-looking little animal, looking, with its long white wavy lleece, more like a sheep than a goat. The beard, too, so char acteristic of the goat, is almost hidden in the long hair about the neck and face. The head is small and narrow, with drooping or "lop" ears. The small body is thickly covered with a beautiful long fleece of white, lustrous, wavy, silky hair, which in well-bred goats nearly reaches the ground; and, in addition to this long hair, there is an inferior undercoat of hair, or sec ond coat, which has its own separate market value.—Black and White. A Positive Parting* "We have parted forever," said the young man, sadly. "She is never go ing to even write to me again." "Are you sure of that?" asked his sympathetic friend. "Yes. She told me so in each of her last three letters." The Limit Found. "There," said the man of schemes, "is a limit to the toleration of the pub lic." "And you found it?" "Yup. I met a total frost when I started out with a lecture on 'How I Intend to Find the North Pole."—ln dianapolis Journal. Serve. Him Right. Bobby—Uncle Joe, what is a biga mist? Uncle Joe—A bigamist? He is a man who gets sent to Jail for thinking he is smart enough to manage two wo men at once. —Truth. "Why are yez decorating, Mrs. Mur phy?" "We b'y, Dlnny, is coming home the day." "I thought he was sent up for folve year." "Yes, but he got a year off for good behavure." "Sure it must be comfortln' for yez lo have a good b'y lolke that."—Puck. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBOftG, PA. Why Hot Corner Air ? A sixteen-year-old miss in Washing ton, D. C, was required by her teacher to write an essay on some political or economic subject prior to the holiday recess. The following pungent production is the result of her labor and if a majority of the rising generation give the same atten tion to the dangers now threatening the republic they will be avoided with out bloodshed when met during the next centnry: Suppose that all men coveted air, and that it were possible to possess themselves of it and store it away in huge receivers. Suppose that this could be done to such an extent that in time the strong were able to pos sess thetnselves of all the air and dole it out to the weak only on their own terms. Suppose, finally, that the monopolists should make a "corner" in air and hold it on such terms that the people were perishing by thou sands for the want of it. What then would be the remedy ? Should the government step in and compel these persons to supply the world with air for the people to breathe ? Suppose the same condition existed in the case ot water, wood, coal, land, food. Sup pose, in the case of money, a small minority of the world's people, by thrift, by cunning, by fraud, by com bines, lawful or unlawful, should con trol the money supply of the world and bring starvation to millions. Should the government refrain from measures of relief for fear of depre ciating the monopolist's dollar ? In any event he would have enough and to spare. Is it a good thing for men to hoard and continue to heap up riches more than they need, while millions are suffering for the neces saries of life ? Will the twentieth century continue this state of things or will there be a change ? We wait and wonder. AID FOR OUifANS. It Is Asked by the Governor and by the Mayor. In response to many requests from citizens Governor Hastings as issued a proclamation calling the attention of the people of the commonwealth to the distress in Cuba and asking for aid for the suffering people of the island. The governor's proclamation recites the action of the president and the 1 preparation to aid the Cubans and states that at the call of citizens he asks the people of the Keystone state to come to the relief of the destitute inhabitants of the island "as God has prospered them." The proclamation designates C. P. Warwick, mayor of Philadelphia; Henry P. Ford, mayor of Pittsburg ; James N. Bailey, mayor of Scranton, and John D. Patterson, mayor of Harrisburg, as depositaries, to whom money, clothing, provisions and other necessaries may be transmitted tor sure forwarding to Consul General Lee at Havana. The conclusion is : "The citizens of our great and noble commonwealth, foremost in every good work, always responsive to the call of patriotism and philanthropy, who never turned a deaf ear to the cry of distress, whether in our own land, or from Russia, Armenia or the uttermost parts of the earth, and who have within recent years felt the gener ous throb of sympathy and humanity that came from every nation in the civilized woild when sore calamity visited our own borders, will not, I am sure, turn a deaf ear to the pitiful cry which now comes from our neigh bors in Cuba." Physican's Advice "l was troubled with my stomach for two years and was told I had dys pepsia. A physician told me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I did so and before the first bottle was gone I was better. In a short time I was entirely cured and am now able to do all my housework." MRS. ALICE QUICK, Maple Run, Pa. Hood's Pills act easily and prompt ly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. Municipal Electric Lighting- The citizens of Wil'iamsport are be coming restive over the expense en tailed on thatcity by the electric light company. The Common Council passed a resolution to submit to a vote of the people whether to have the city erect a plant or not. This question of electric lighting has "become an agitating one in most of the towns of the State as the expense is most onerous. It is so in many places, but whether it could be reduced by the borough owning the plant is a debata ble question. PILL-OSOPHV.—There are pills and pills—but Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills at 10 cents a vial lead in demand. The sile borders on the phenomenal, Sluggish Liver, Constipation, or Ir regular Bowels are the precursors of many physical disorders. These little wonders remove the cause. 40 in a vial for 10 cents.—72. Sold by C. A. Kleim. The Weakness of a Wom. A woman who has suffered eighteen years, who has been cured after a life of misery and lives again in the sunshine of happiness, speaks to other women in words of no uncertain meaning. Just a woman's story. Not strange because it happens every clay, not romantic or thrilling, but just a story of misery and suffering such as only women know. For eighteen years, Sara E. Bo wen, of Peru, Indiana, carried a burden of pain. Night and day, without respite, she suf fered the most dreadful experience that ever fell to the lot of woman. That she did not die is almost beyond belief. That she is well to-day is a miracle. Mrs. Bowen's trouble requires no descrip tion beyond the symptom, which every woman will instantly recognise. In describing them Mrs. Bowen says s "For eighteen years I suffered with weakness peculiar to my sex. "I was a broken down piece of human ity; a shadow of a woman. "My brain was tortured until I could re member but little. I could not sleep or eat and was reduced in weight to a mere skele ton. "What little I did eat could not be di gested in my weakened state, and caused me untold misery. "My skin was muddy, my eyes were heavy. I was dizzy all the time and to tally unfit for even ordinary housework. " Doctors prescribed for me without avail. Medicine was recommended and taken in quantity but it did no good. " Time and time again I was at the brink CATHAPJC j || | ; : S3 * 50 * DRUGGIST# f I ABSOLUTELY GnSRANTEEO '? rur ' na T ca.Ke orronMlpation. Cajcarets are the Ideal l.axa-X DO JIJU IL/UI UUHllnll 1 EiDU tire, nr.tr vrip or cripe.lint raue tax, natural rt.nlls. Sam-X , ylaand Ail. STKHUhG ItEMKDY CO.. Clilravo. Montreal. Can., or New York. ij.J " A o-ood tale will bear telling twice." UseSapolio! Use SAPOLIO STOVE NAPTHA, the Cheapest and Best Fuel on the market. With it you can run a Vapor Stove for one-hali cent per hour. Give us a call and be convinced. W. O. Holmes, Bloomsburg, Pa. Eshleman & Wolf, L. E. Wharey, W. F. Hartman, McCLURE'S MAGAZINE FOR THE COMING YEAR. Some Notable Features: CHAS A DANA'S 111680 reminiscences contain moro unpublished war history than any other book except the Government publications. Mr Dana was RFMINISPF-NrES Intimately associated with Lincoln, Stanton, Grant, Sherman, and ni. the other great men of the civil War. He had the confidence of the President and his great War Secretary, and he was sent on tnany private missions to make Im portant Investigations In the army. Lincoln called him "'Tltf Ryes a/the Government at the from." Everywhere through these memoirs are bits ot Secret History and Presli Recollect cm* of Great Men. These Reminiscences will bn illustrated with many Rare and Unpublished War Photographs from the Government collection, which now contains overs,o(lo negatives of almost priceless value. The Christmas MCClobk's contained a complete Short Slorn RTTnVARn If TPT TNir, by ltudyard Kipling entitled "Tub TOMB OF HIS Ancshtoks," ■rvut-'i rvxvrj rv.irc,iivcr the tale of a clouded Tiger, an officer In the Indian army, and QTf)RIF<! Or POFMS a rebellious tribe. We have In hand also a .Veto ballad, a oicamo ot rvjivmo powerful, grim, moving song of War Ships. It will be superbly Illustrated. Mr. Kipling will be a frequent contributor. ANTHONY HOPE'S " Rupert of Hentsau," the sequel to "The Prisoner of Zenda." In splendid Invention, In characters, In dramatic situations, It NEW ZENDA NOVEL 18 llle nob 'est and most stirring novel that Anthony Hope has ever written. Rudyard KipUny, Robert Parr, William Allen White, fan Ma- <5 HO FT STORIES BY' claren. Octave Thanet, Stephen Crane, and many others, the best story writers In the world, will contribute to McCLUItE'B dur- OR F AT AUTHORS lng the coming year. vjrvi EDISON'S LATEST JSdltttm't Wonderful Invention. The result of eight years'con stant labor. Mountains ground to dust and the Iron ore extracted ACHIEVEMENT by magnetism. The Fastest Ship. An article by the Inventor and constructor of "Turblnla," a vessel thnt can make the speed of an express train. Maklny a Great Telescope , t)y the most competent authority living. Lord Kelvin, a cnaracter sketch and substance of a conversation with this eminent scientist on unsolved prob lems of science. Drawn from fifteen years* personal experience as a brakpman, fire- THE RAILROAD man and engineer, by llwbert 11. Ilamblin. It Is n narrative of irorfc, _ ___ adventure, hazards, accidents and escapes , and Is as vivid and dra- MAN S LIFE raatlc as a piece of fiction. THE CUSTER The account ot this terrible tight, written down by Hamlin Garland ... .... , as It came from the lips of Tvco Moons, an old Indian chief who was a par- M ASS AC RE tlclpaut In It. Its houses, streets, means of travel, water supply, safeguards of life and NEW YORK health, sports and pleasures—the conditions of life of the perfected city or the next century, by Col. George E. Waring, Jr., commissioner of the street- IX IQ CO Cleaning Department ot New York. MARK TYVATN Mark Twain contributes an article In his old manner, describing his mrxxxrv itrnun voyage trom India to South Africa. The Illustrations aro by A. D. Frost and Peter Xewell, and are as droll and humorous as the article Itself. Andree: His Balloon and his Expedition, from materials furnished by ADVENTURE the brother ot Mr. Strlngberg, Andree's companion. Seen UedtnelnUnex- „, Plored Asia, a story ot remarkable adventure and endurance, Jjanaor in Thibet. Ills own story- He was captured, tortured and finally escaped to India. Jackson In the Far Mirth. The famous explorer writes of the years he lived In regions far north of the boundaries ot human habitation. NANSFN The great Arctic explorer has written an article on the possibilities of reaching DtrarxoiMN the North Pole-on the methods that the next expedition should adopt, and the Important sclentlAc knowledge to bo gained by an expedition; concerning the cllniat, the ocean currents, depths and temperature of the water, etc. This knowledge will bo ol the greatest value to science. The best artists and Illustrators are making pictures for Mc- ILLUSTRATIONS Olurk'h MAGAZINE. A. D. Frost, Peter Xewell, C. D Gtbscm, Howard Pyle, Kent/on Cox, C. K. Linson, IK. D. Stevens, Alfred llrennan, and others. FREG The November number will be given free with new subscriptions. This number contains the opening chapters ot Dana's Reminiscences. Mark Twain 8 Voyage From India to South Africa, the account of Edison's great Invention, and a mass of Interesting matter and illustrations. Be sure to alc for it In HqbacrltHng. IO cts. a Copy. fI.OO a Year. The S. S. McCLURE CO., 200 East 25th Street, New York. of despair. Day by day my trouble grew worse, and dark indeed was the day before mv deliverance. " A friend of mine told me about Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pale People and what they had accomplished for others in my condition. "It was the first glimpse of the sun of hap piness through the dark clouds of misery. " I bought a box and took them. Even then I felt their effect. I bought more and tontinued \o take them until I was well and strong. " They liberated me from the most terrible bonds that ever tortured a woman. They brought me new life when death was welcome. " I recommend them to my friend?, sod I do not hesitate to say to every suffering woman in the world that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will cure her." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are a specific for all forms of weakness. The blood is vitalized and becomes preg nant with the elements of life. The ner vous system H reorganized, all irregularites are corrected, strength returns and disease disappears. So remarkable have been the cures performed by these little pills that their fame has spread to the far ends of civilization. Wherever you go you will find the most important article in every drug store to be Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Fine PHOTO GRAPHS CRAYONS at McKillip Bros., Bloomsburg. The best are the cheapest. J. E. KEIFER, Successor to E. A. RAWLINGS, PRALER IN All Kinds of Meat. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, Pork, Hams, Bacon, Tongues, Bologna, &c. Free Delivery to all parts of the town. CENTRE STREET, BLOOMSBURC, PA. SSyTelephone connection. THE MARKETS. BLOOMSBURG MARKETS. CORBBOTBD WKBKI.T. BBTAIL PRICBB Butter per lb $ .a a Eggs per dozen .3a Lard per lb 07 Hani per pound .10 Pork, whole, per pound .06 Beef, quarter, per pound,... .07 Wheat per bushel 1 00 Oats " " 30 Rye " " .50 Wheat flour per bbL ,- v 5.00 Hay per ton 1 j to sl4 Potatoes per bushel, new,.... .80 Turnips " " .35 Onions " " 100 Sweet potatoes per peck .35 Tallow per lb .05 Shoulder " " .08 Side meat " " .c 8 Vinegar, per qt .05 Dried apples per lb .05 Dried cherries, pitted ,ia Raspberries .13 Cow Hides per lb .3! Steer " " " , 0 j CalfSkin .80 Sheep pelts 75 Shelled corn per bus .50 Corn meal, cwt 1.50 Bran, " 85 Chop " . 9 o Middlings " .85 Chickens per lb new ,08 " " "old 08 Turkeys " " Geese " " .14 Ducks " " .ofc COAL. No. 6, delivered .6o " 4 and s 3.85 " 6 at yard 3.35 " 4 and s at yard 3.6 a The Leading Consenatorj of America Carl Farltbn, Director. Founded t n 18M by * full information. w. Halr, General Mana^et NEW DINING ROOriS. A I.ARGE and well furnished dining room has beenomned br irinDV MIDINn onthe second floor of his uAKKI AUKAMf, >e) . taurant. Meals will be served at the regular dining hours for 25c. and they can also be obtained at any time. The table will be sup plied with the delicacies of the season and the service will lie flrst-class. Entrance by d:or between Bectaurut and Malfaiera's grocery store. ; ' ! ! [ touching ' I I J ; BcUodcvvao •, "PATENTS^ Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and all I'ateut business conducted (or MODKHAT* OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE THE U. S. PAT. BNT OFFICE. We have no sub-agenclo£ ai business direct, hence can transact putentbtui ness in less time and at Less Cost than those r* mote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo, with deacrtp tlon. We advise If patentable or not. (reeor charge. Our fee not due till patent Ib secured A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with refer encos to actual clients In your Sute.Count v • town sontfreo. Address 0. A. SNOW £ CO,, Washington, D. C. (Opposite U. 8 Patent Office.) EXCHANGE HOTEL, G. Snyder, Proprietor, (Opposite the Court House* BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. rooms, hot and cold water, and all ao'kdi 1 conveniences
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers