The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 16, 1894, Image 8

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Desirable vn"ant lots and t number of g-uul
ftonsoa and Iom In lll'iomslmrjf, I'll Th'i pest
buslni'HH hi and I n lllooimuurtf. A very deslru
We property containing 111 acres nn1 II rat. clas
bnlUlliiKS Willi good will In i binln.M-( worm
IliMO to Hl.vvj per year at Willow (iiovc.
Dwellings in K.-ipy, Orangevlllo and Bench
Haven. A largo uuuiDer of farms In Columbia
County, one In Lu.erne County, one In Virginia.
Two country store, stands In t'olumhla county
knd one, In Lu.enie, county, A water power
planing mill, dry dock and lumber yard and
tints In Heneh Haven, l'a. Also 10 acres ot
food farm land at same place, by M. 1. I.UTZ
BON, insurance and Keal Kstato Agents,
bLOU.MSKl.iKU, HA. tf.
IV formaMhn address O. E. Whitknkiht,
Tamaqua, Schuylkill Co., Pa. 5-6-ly.
has very desirable furnished room for
U young men. Hath room adjoining-, fur use
Woccupimts of tho rooms. Call uud examine.
jr. and constablks at llio Columbian of
mo. tr.
CHAI'IN at Benton, Col. Co., l'a.. Is for
rfnt. Apply to CUAHLK8 U. Bahki.rv, blooins
burg, l'a. a--3C.
samples of metal, celluloid, woven and
ribbon badges for all kinds of orders and so
cieties, and can .iavo them made to order on
abort notice. See samples and vet prices.
Address Tui COLUMBIAN, JJloom.sburg, fa.
ii.m.l looting. Kxper'nce
not necessary, su'ady employment. Best terms.
Write at once and secure choice of territory.
IMMm. ltoclieslcr, IS. V,
Tuesday, Mar. ao. At nine o'clock
a. m., on the premises in Scott town
ship, valuable personal property, con
sisting of horses, cattle, farm imple
ments, grain, hay &c, by Funk &
Petriken. See bills.
Justices and Constables Fee Bill.
Justices and constables can procure
copies of fee bill under the act of 1S93,
at the Colu.miiian office. It is print
ed in pamphlet form, and is very con
venient for reference. It also con
tains the act of 1SS9 concerning the
destruction of wolves, wildcats, foxes
and minks. They will be sent by mail
to any address on receipt of ao cents
in stamps. tf.
Interesting Items From Various Points
in the County, Reported by Our
Staff of Correspondents
East Benton.
Hon James McHenry of Cambra,
complains with a cold.
Judge Krickbaum had a slight at
tack of grippe.
Mrs. Anna Laubach, wife of I. K.
Laubach, is suffering from pulmonary
troubles the result of a seige of
Philip Gibbons is now down with
measles. Measles have been lurking
in ambush in every nook and corner
of our community.
The pleasant spring weather has
brought the plaintive notes of summer
Never have we known the highways
in such a terrible plight. Mud, mud,
There is an old adage, "April freezes
what March grows." But the ground
hog is not responsible for the weather.
The "jail birds" must have a gala
time in their cage at "Sing Sing."
It is very fortunate in politics as
well in geography, that a "Hill" is not
a mountain.
There was one Benedict Arnold of
Revolutionary fame, but American
Independence was achieved all the
the mind of the
woman who knows
the best medicine for
her aches, pains and
tf a weakness, is to be
Favorite Prescrip
tion. It is a remedy
which corrects and
cures the distressing
derangements and dis
eases peculiar to wo
men, builds up and
strengthens her sys
tem when she's
weak, run-down
and overworked.
For an invigorat
ing, restorative tonic, especial
ly adapted to woman's needs
the " Favorite Prescription "
is so positive in its effect that
it is guaranteed. If it ever fails
to benefit or cure, in cases for
which it's advised, you have
your money back.
What else can be "just as
good" for you? -
For bearing-down sensations,
ulceration, inflammation, every
thing known as "female com
plaint," this is a remedy that's
safe, certain, and proved.
Take it for the prompt re
lief it imparts.
ame. So there may be another Bene
dict Arnold in the person of Senator
Hill, but that w:ll not obstruct the
passage of the Wilson Bill.
Whatever differences of opinion
there may exist in relation to protec
tion and free trade, among the rank
find file of all political shades, thefc
differences of opinion, I hold, are
honest. But so far as relates to the
well being of the masses, I hold that
protection is a fraud, a delusion and
a snare. But the opposition are of an
honest, different opinion, Hence,
whichever may be the best, I do not
propose to lose the good will of my
republican friends for the difference
of the benefit of either system.
Winter grain looks promising at the
present time.
The old saying "big fish eat the lit
tle fish" is more apparent today than
at any previous history of the world.
Constantly there are syndicates form
ing and combining eclipsing all previous
like concerns and retiring smaller
firms. This is true of all branches of
business aid industry of the world.
The bicycle is about thawed out,
and its familiar spin will soon be wit
nessed on every highway.
Flitting time has come and a great
many changes will be made. Andrew
Belles, of north east Benton, will move
on btrat Stevens farm east of Cambra;
diet Baker will move in a house on
John Ashelman's farm s Charles Stew
art will move in a house owned by
John Ipher j M. Rhone, one of Will
iam Ipher's tenants, will move to
Fairmount township ; Alonzo Fetter
will move well, we have not yet
learned where.
Miss Caroline who has
been at Millville for several weeks is
spending a few days at home.
Rev. Philip Thomas of the M. E.
church, preached his last sermon for
this year on Sunday as he goes to con
ference this week, while Rev. Minsker
of the minority faction of the Evan
gelical church, preached his first ser
nion for the ensuing year, he having
been stationed at this place for anoth
er year.
Miss Ella McHenry is now busy
studying music, after the cares of the
school room arc over for the day, as
she recently purchased a fine new
The singing school closed at this
place on Saturday evening, with a well
rendered public concert which was
largely attended and highly appreciated.
Mr. Eves is an excellent teacher and
has made many friends.
Mr. II. J. Hirleman has completed
his winter's work at Baumtown, and is
now making arrangements preparatory
to moving to Benton sometime during
the month. He will be greatly miss
ed at this p'ace.
We have been having unusually fine
weather all through this month for the
time of year in these hills, yet we are
fearful to brag much about it for fear
a blizzard will come pouncing down
upon us.
Mr. C. R. Cox, the genial proprie
tor of the Millville Temperance House,
attended the concert here on Saturday
Mr. D. L. Everhart was elected tax
collector at the recent election instead
of Mr. F. P. Yorks, as was erroneously
published in the papers. Messrs.
Yorks and Sones were elected super
visors. Human Pigs.
Poverty is no crime, but the filthy
ways and filthy lives of many people
are criminal, and this interpretation
should be put upon the wholesale dis
regard of hygienic surroundings by the
authorities. The man who throws a
dead animal into the alley is held
amendable to the laws of the land,
while the woman who lets all sorts of
filth accumulate within her house is
protected by the door of her house ;
but she should not be.
We wiil not approach the point of
eradicating diseases which are eradi
cate until we go at the work at the
right end and in the right manner.
There are human pigs, and they are
not so scarce as to excite wonder
either. These must be handled by
the usual means of abating nuisances ;
and if the healthy well being of a
community depend upon house clean
ing by the strong arm of the law, why,
in goodness name let it come to that I
1 nere is a great problem that our
age is not likely to settle, and it re
lates to the welfare of the poor, for
they are with us always. Poverty
stalks abroad in the land, and to re
lieve it calls for a new deal somewhere,
This great question the wise men who
make our laws will settle to their own,
but not to their neighbors' satisfaction;
but the one fact remains undisproved,
and that is that cleanliness is less ex.
expensive than quarantine Dr. John
A. He Armand. in the Medical Bulle
S. P. Smith, of Townmla, l'a.,
whoso constitution was completely
broken down, Is cured by Ayer'a
Sarsapnrilla. He writes:
" For eight yenrs, I whs, most of tho
time, a preat sufferer from constlpa
tlon, kidney trouble, ami indiges
tion, bo tlint my constitution seemed
to lie. completely liroKcn down. I was
induced to try Ayer's Sarsnpurilla, and
took nearly seven bottles, with such
excellent results tlint my stomach,
bowels, and kidneys are in perfect con
dition, and, in all their functions, as
regular ns clock-work. At the timo
I bepan taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my
weight was only 129 pounds j I now can
brag of 159 pounds, and was never In so
pood health. If you could see mo be
fore and .after using, you would want
mo for a traveling advertisement.
I believe this preparation of Sarsaparilla
to bo tho best in tho market to-day."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
rrepnrcd by Dr. J. C. Ayer it Co., Lowell, Mass.
Cures others,will cure you
"I have used Ayei's Hair Vigor for
a number of years, and it has always
given me satisfaction. It is an excel
lent dressing, prevents the hair from
turning 'gray, insures its vigorous
growth, and keeps the scalp white and
clean, Mary A. Jackson, balem
Judgment Against A County.
The Surprc'ivte Court last week re
versed the Common Pleas Court,
schuylkill county, in the case of the
county of Schuylkill vs. James V.
Minogue, appellant, in an opinion
hended down by Chief Justice Sterrett.
Mr. Minogue was attorney for the
County Commissioners, a-ul the Audit
ors of thS county in going over the
accounts charged him with having over
drawn $4o for solicitor' fees.
The case was carried into the courts
where judgment was entered and Mr.
Minogue fi'ed ft rule to show cause
whw the iiulo-mpnt ahmtlil lint lin etri-lr .
j ). . ....... v. .mi u 1. u 1 n
en off on the eround the Auditor
had no jurisdiction in his case.
llic lower court discharged the rule
and this anneal was then taken. Chief
Justice Sterrett reviewed the case at
. 1 .1. 1 -. j: ...
suiiic leiigui, anti, aucr discussing inc
Questions of law involved. rvirsei1 flip
decree of the lower court discharging
the rule, reinstated the rule and ordered
and decreed that the rule be made ab
solute and the judgment discharged,
the costs in both the lmvir ronTt nmi
the Surprenie Court to be paid by the
county 01 scnuyiKiu.
Vaccinated 47 Times.
There is a your g man in Williams
port who has discovered a new method
of vaccination and of the four phy
sicians who have attended him not
one will deny the efficacy of the mc'h
od. The young fellow's name is Werts.
and his home is on Mulberry street
The account of how he was vaccinated
without the aid of a physician is curi
ous as well as interesting.
Previous to the closing of the schools
to children not vaccinated Dr. P. C.
Rcilly was called in and vaccinated a
littls sister of Wens' on the arm.
The vaccination "took" in first class
style and the little girl endured all
stages of the effect. At last she reached
the itching one, and after trying finger
nails and rubbing to allay the itching
she hit upon the brilliant idea of using
the hair brush, which proved a very
fair frcratcher. She brushed over the
vaccination once or twice, and was so
delighted with the result that she used
the brush several different times.
Now her brother had purchased a
new shirt. It was a woolen shirt and
those who have ever worn woo en
shirts next to the skin will appreciate
the young man's endeavors to find
someone who would scratch his back.
Finally getting desperate he took off
the shirt and called his little sister to
do the scratch act. Remembering the
delightful results that had accompanied
her use of the hair brush she alleviated
her brother's suffering with that same
He said it felt good and as she ex-
pected to receive some pecuniary re
ward for her services she brushed his
back well.
The next day Ur. Klump was sum
moned to the house for some sickness
and was told that the boy's back was
broken out. He examined it and as it
looked a little like small pox he sum
moned Dr. Reily, and they in turn
sent for Dr. Youngman and Health
Officer Richter. They came near get
ting up a good case of small pox out
of it, but the hair brusli incident
happened to be recounted and gave
away the secret of the trouble. An ex
amination disclosed the tact that the
young man had been vaccinated on
the back in forty seven different and
distinct places, and Job and all his
boils won t be "in it with that man
when those forty seven vaccinations
get 111 good working order, lie is 17
years old but Ins never having been
vaccinated before will have been more
than made up by this exciting plantation
of vaccinations. The fact that 11 new
sores have appeared since the first
examination proves conclusively the
hair brush theory and that it is not
the purchase of real estate, the erec.
1 - j
tion of buildings or making of other
improvements on lands or to pay off
an incumberence at a verv low rate of
, j
interest and you cs.n have from 5 to jo
years time to repay loan in easy
monthly installments. Loans are made
on euner farm or city property. Build
ing loans are made and the amount of
loan advanced as work nrocresses. Call
on or address
J. F. Harkins,
Evans Block, Bloom sburg, Ta.
Fashionnble Livery.
The well known horseman has
opened a fashionable livery in connec
tion with his boarding stable at the
hxchange Hotel Stables, where fine
turnouts can be obtained, single or
double. He has well broken and safe
saddle and driving horses for ladies,
all at reasonable rates. Orders left
at the Exchange Hotel will receive
prompt attention. Drivers furnished
when desired.
tf "W. A. Hartzei.l, Proprietor
Where Eats Are Utilized
Requisites of a Nowepapor Man,
C. B. Johnson, in his short talk to
the Wilkes Cure llich school pupils
on Friday on newspaper life, said
among other things: "If a man be
patient as a beaver, keen eyed as an
argus, sly as a hippopotamus, gentle as
a gazelle with his friends and cold
blooded as a crocodile with his
enemies, with nerves that can be sus
tained with out sleep, a stomach to
which ginger pop is as refreshing as
champagne and boarding house hash
as a delicate ragout: if. in addition to
all this, he has a soul to ignore the
shiney sleeve to his coat and the hole
in his unmentionables, with no fear of
those he owes and no exceptions from
those who owe him, he may start in
with sonic faint show of success in
country journalism. Leader.
I Can Procure You Money
Almost everywhere in the world, ex
cept in Paris, rats are considered as a
troublesome nuisance to be got rid ot
by any means possible. The Parisians,
on the contrary, convert this nuisance
into a useful member of society and a
source of revenue. In Paris rats are
collected from every possible source
and placed in the great pound, where
the carcasses of all animals dying in
the city are thrown. These remains are
speedily disposed of by the rats, which
leave behind nothing but the cleanly
picked bones. There are no such sea
veneers as rats. About four times a
year these rats are killed and their
skins are utilized in the everywhere
admired form of Parisian gloves to
decorate the hands of loveliness the
world over.
Legal advertisements are printed on
the seventh page. tf.
kidney: livers
La Grippe,
Cures the bud after eBccts of thli trying- epi
demic and restores lost vigor and vitality.
Eieeslve quantity and high colored urine.
Impure Bioo3,
Eczema, scrofula, malaria, pimples, blotches.
General Weakness,
Constitution nil run down, lora of ambition,
And a dilucHimtioii to all sort of lubor.
Uuaruntvc-l't-e contents of One Bottle, If not benefit!,
DruiJi; will refund to you the rlctt iuid.
At DriiKttltttn, r,Oc, Stzc9 $1.00 Slza
MInvuiiiLt Guide to IToaJtli" trie- Consultation fre.
Dr. Kim: kk & Co., IHnghamton, N.
For Three Generations 1
Mrs. Hattie Frazer, 1303
East Ave., Hamilton, O.,
says: Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup has been used for a
long time in her mother's,
her own, and her daugh
ter's family. She pro
nounces it an excellent
cough remedy. Feb. 8, 1893.
Wild Antldotsl-Pflcs 10 Ctt. At sll tistlsr.
XLo.TOEritr.wW.... JsBfcjfflrT
XkmssTL Jra Mr.
for Infants and Children.
" Cnstorln Is so well adapted toclilldren that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me," It A. AncnitB, M. P.,
Ut Bo. Oxford BU, Brooklyn, N. T.
"The am of 'Cnstorlo Is so universal and
Its merits so well known that It seems a work
of supereropatlon to endonw It. Few are the
Intelligent families who do nut keep Cartorla
within sasy reach."
Carlos Mjuityh, T. P.,
New Vork City.
Tim CrarrArn Oomtaht, 17 Mraiur Btrhxt, Knr Yom Crrr
Cnstnrla cures Colic, ConBtlpatlon,
Sour Stomach, Dlarrhrpn, Hructatlon,
Kills V.'orms, giro sleep, and promotes A
Without Injurious mod leaf Inn.
"For Boreral years 1 have recommend
your 'Cantorla,' and nlmll always continue. t
do so ns it has Invariably produced bone0cl4
Enwiw F. Pardee, M. P.,
125th Street and 7th Ave,., Now York City,
B. F. SiiARrLESs, Pres.
N. U. Funk, Sec. C. II. Campdell, Treas,
Capital Stock, $30,0O0.
Plotted property is in the coming business centre of the
town. It includes alao part of the factory district, and has no
equal in desirability for residence purposes.
diUlUJii LUli are ollercd at values that will be doubled
in a short time.
No sucli opportnnitv can be had elsewhero to make money.
Maps of tho town and of plotted property furnished on an
(Jail upon or write to the Secretary, or J. S. 00d3, Sales
Agent, or any member of the Board of Directors.
B. F.; J. L. Dillox.
C. W. Neal A. G. Briggs, Dr. I. VV. Willits.
Dr. II. W. McReynolds, N. Tj. Fuxk.
Eyes examined free of charge.
wa"irix. J s scr
Dm't Get Yourself in a Box
It's a risk you can't afford to run can't
afford any way when we can supply you with
an article that is beyond question.
We handle the best makes of
Shoes for Children- BOYS need
no longer wear girls' shoes as we
have a line made especially for
the small Bovs. Ladies who'
wear Spring lieeled Shoes will
hnd a goeu assortment at the
sforeof W, C. McKlNNEY.
H. . Clark's Building, Main street.
McKillip Bros.,
The best are
the cheapest.
ft sS
1 -
oriKtniii linn Only tt nLlr.u.
arc, vlayi rtlltMt. tDii,
DiUKifivl lor (AirtnHrr t ' Kittth Ma .
mond Vraud In liiul mud Uuld un'inllle
jtnnci, itfclMl with Aaa rll'itoQ. Tuk
Hunt and innitaliun. At UrautUtl. or wnd At
tn Hll!lU hit joulioulB,.!, lcaiiuiotilk.1 u4
' Iti-tlff tur f.aU't, ltir, It rvlum
lllllL lO.ll (HI 'l..IiMiOtltul. lm
fit.!.. I...-,.- S t. V . kl ...II .
8-9-4 W.
Fl (IPinA .Innunry-'Wtli. l'Yhrunry 13tt
I LUI1IU.. nnJiTUi. Mai-. H l lili iinil JTili.
'1 wo works In tho Lund nr KIuh-i-i-h on Hie Ural
four lours, whlln ticket fur lusi tmir urn good
to return unlll May Hist, Special trains ot
I'ulliimn Sleeping and Dlnlnif t'nrs. Unto from
New York ro.UO, from J'lill:i(l. !ntil f4s,0. I'lO
porttuuute rates from oilier points.
.Timiinrv 1MM. Kehru-
flrvNrli.'Vnivli lHt Blld
April i:nii, vny Hil MM villi. '1 liree-o.iv
lours to th National I'liplnil, coverlnir rnllif4
fare u ml hotel necoiniiiotlallon. Kate Irom N'e
York $18.00 una 1S 60, hum I'll IndelpMa t".1
tcto:t tzr.t r.r chats:?: i::::::&rt
For tickets, Itineraries, and full Information
apply to Tourht, Airent, i1 South Fourth
Street. l'hl Mdelplilii; lltiil llroailway, New York.
HI.0 Kulioii street, Urooklyu ; or sus Wuslilnt,''"''
Nlreel, llOHtou.
S. M. HM fortT, J. R. WOOD, OKf). w; 0YI.
Gen';. Manai;er. Uen'l. 1'uss. AkI. Asst. Cieni
1-lo-lOt. 1'uss. AgC