The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 05, 1891, Image 3

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    Mow ftparrnwa Clear Away Rw.
On tho oust sirto of Control park, at
BUty-tcvctith street, RUnds a chimp of
pine tropa, whoro toward oveninisc It
soetrm m If all the pparrows In tlio park
conRTTWito tr Rowdp and wv.ld and qtmr
ml with each other, and to piu njKn the
doing of their (rroy coated, wingless,
dnb currying hnniwnknH.
The recent snow rtortn, however, iniido
things rather uncomfortable for them.
Every needle of the big pines was cov
ered with, the pretty, soft, light flakes,
which didn't seem no pretty to tho pug
nacious, feathered little English-Americans.
Ho they perched themselves on the
Fifth avenne stono wall and on the rocks
near by, and with their sancy looking
bnll heads cocked to one sido held a
Council of war that Was almost distract
ing to tho aristocratic peoplo that live on
the other side of the street.
Tbey seemed at length to have devised
ft plan to clear their perches, for they
flew into the trees and then half a dozen
t a time dove throngh the needles and
gainst tho mullet jwrches with snch
force that the light, dry snow was shaken
Off and fell to the ground in little whito
Clonds. At the end of half an hour of
fcard work their home was entirely
Cleared of tlio disagreeable stuff, !,
f Then, of course, they innst needs liold
thanksgiving ratlng, which wnu even
more distracting than the council. But
all things have an end, and one by one
the noisy chatterers snuggled up to each
other, sank on their HVches, tucked
their heads under their wings ami went
to sleep to dreiuu about cake crumbs and
big fat worms. New York Herald..
Ijw yA
FiitoTiil January.
The death of the Belgian heir to the
throne, Wnra Handonin, rhrUj '.revived
the old superstition concerning tho fato
fnlness of Jann:iry for the royal family
of Belgium. Tlie record of wents that
have caused the stipersfition'Tjas been
iucreawul of late years with remarkable
rapidity. In January, 18G7, tho Empress
Charlotte, sister of tho Bolgiau king, be
came insane in conseo;tunMj of tho shoot
ing of her husband. The king's only
son, crown prince und Dnko of Brabant,
died on Jan. 2:1. 18G'.). In January, 1881,
tho royal emtio in which tho Empress
Charlotte lived was destroyed by fire.
In January, 1KH0, Crown Prince Rudolf
of Austria, the Belgian king's son-in-law,
was killed in the tragedy of Meyer
ling. On New Year's day, 181)0, the
royal castlo at Liieken burned down.
"Alas!" exclaimed tho Belgian queen
when tho news of the fire was brought
to her in Brussels, "it is this terrible
January. It always brings us misfor
tune." New York Sun.
Tho Carbons Ticked the Menage.
A dozen people who stood chatting at
San Antonio, Tex., were treated to a
most remarkable electrical phenomenon.
At that time the elements had entered
into a conflict, seemingly, with the elec
tric fluid from the trolleys and telegraph
wires, and blue and white flashes of
flame were leaping wildly from water
spouts and door casements. Suddenly
the carbons within the large globes
banging in the center of the room began
that incessant clicking heard in a tele
graph office, and the experienced ear of
an operator, who happened to be one of
the group, detected the fact that it was
a veritable message being transmitted in
the usual symbols. A notebook and pen
cil were drawn and the message, which
proved to be an Associated Press dis
patch, was written out; it was the de
scription of the Reform clnb banquet,
and gave the speech of Mr. Cleveland in
New York city. A telegraph and elec
tric light wire coming together is sup
posed to have caused the phenomenon.
A Movement for Cleanliness.
Over in Berlin a local woman's so
ciety is distressed over the carelessness
of dentists, and is agitating a reform
punishing such by legal measures. It is
charged that the dentists use their in
struments indiscriminately and without
' proper cleansing. If this be true the of
fense is serious enough. A tyro in
medical science knows that the mouth
is the hotbed of septic germs; nothing
could be more simple and easy than to
convey all sorts of disastrous organisms
from one person to another by means of
forceps and excavators. The women of
Berlin will do well to compel the wash
ing of the instruments in carboUo add
in the presence of patients, as they have
set ont to do, if this extraordinary care
lessness exists. New York Times.
Choked to Death by a Toy Balloon.
Charles Schneider, a 7-year-old boy,
was choked to death recently by getting
the gum of a toy balloon fastened in bis
throat. He was visiting a relative,
Thomas Hern, and while playing with
his little friend the gum of a balloon
stuck to the roof of his mouth, and he
began swallowing it. Mrs. Hern's atten
tion was attracted by the boy's play
mates. She attempted to got the gum
out of his mouth, but failed.
Physicians were sent for at once, and
Drs. McCord and Burleigh arrived just
as tho boy had breathed his last. It was
some time before the gum could be got
ten out, as it hod become firmly imbed
ded in the boy's throat Pittsburg Dis
patch. Leipsic is to have an international ex
hibition in the summer of 1893 for the
apparatus and methods of the Red Cross
societies, the most improved means of
feeding and clothing soldiers, hygiene
and popular cooking. It will be in the
Crystal Palace, a structure of about
twice the size of Madison Square Gar
den, New York.
Borne friends who attended the funeral
of a young lady Ih Loudon had a novel
experience the other day. A few weeks
before the young lady bad sung "Nearer,
My God, to Thee" into a phonograph, and
after the funeral ceremony the hymn
was reproduced.
Little Wallace Chapman, a four-year-old
Kansas City boy, has a wonderful
memory. He recently repeated, verba
tim, a nineteeu stanza poem after hear
ing it read loud three times,
How the Lepers Live.
At the leper settlement of Molokai,
writes Sister Rose Gertrude to The
L'ulirs' Home Journal, the time
hangs very heavily on the hands of
even these case-lving children of the
tropics. Some few, in the first stage
of the disease, build cottages, some
cultivate tarn, tobacco, sugar-cane, or
other plants in small inclosed patches.
In the olden times tliey distilled strong
and harmful limiors, out this is now.
happily, forbidden by law. The sea
around abounds with all kinds of fish,
and the stronger ones pass hours in
this favorite pursuit. There are a
number of horses at the settlement,
too, and sometimes there are horse
races, the training for which is an a
musement to them for weeks before,
hand. The women fish or ride too.
As a rule, they are not much given to
domestic pursuits, though some still
make hats, and gorgeous quilts with
birds and flowers cut out of colored
rags, stitched on to the white calico.
But those who can work are almost
disinclined to do so, by the tiselessness
of their industry. "We are dying,"
say they ; "Why should we waste our
time in working to leave good things
behind for those who do not care for
us?'J The Chinese bear off the palm
for industry.' They plant taro and
rice, and establish bread and cake
stores, and even make candy for those
who have the good fortune to receive
money from their friends on the other
islands. Of course there are many
who from loss of hands or feet are un
able to work, ami theirs is the saddest
lot. They have literally nothing to do
but sleep and smoke, and their lives
are unutterably dreary.
A Burglar Captund
This morning about two o'clock,
John Wood, the well-known plumber
who resides on Main Street, was awak
ened by hearing glass br?ak. On get
ting out of bed he received a blow on
the head. He immediately grappled
with the burglar, and after a terrible
struggle succeeded in holding him until
his wife obtained help. On being search
ed at the station, Mr. Wood's watch
and wallet was found on his person,
lie gave the name as Robert Terry.
The broken glass proved to be a bot
tle of Sulphur Bitters which had al
most cured Mrs. Wood of rheumatism.
Exchange. 5-29-21.
, Judge (to youthful witness) "My
son, do you know what would become
of you if you should swear to what
is not true?" Youthful witness
"Yes'r. The lawyers'd git me. Chi
cago Tribune.
Do You Cough?
Don't delay. Take Kemp's Bal
sam, the best cough cure. It will
cure your coughs and colds. It will
cure sore throat or a tickling in the
throat. It will cure pains in the chest,
It will cure influenza and bronchitis,
and all diseases pertaining to the
Lungs because it is a pure Balsam.
Hold it to the light and see how clear
and thick it is. You will see the ex
cellent effect after taking the first dose.
Large bottles 50c and $1.
People never tire of talking over the
Into Katherine Wolfe's superb gift to the
Metropolitan Museum of Art. She did
more than anyone man for the museum's
valuable collection. She has not only
bequeathed thousands of dollars and no
table paintings by old and modern mas
ters, but sho has left a stated income to
bo used every year for the purchase of
more pictures.
Many of the trained nurses in Bolle
vue hospital, New York, belong to the
Bellevue Guild, a society devoted to the
bust interests of tho profession. The
badge consists of a silver cross with
"Aye, ever ready!" inscribed on one
side und "Bellevue Guild" on the other.
Just now the company of mull caps and
seersucker gowns is collecting funds for
a club house.
Juvenile jewelry, if worn at all, should
be extremely simple, and all ornaments
set with precious stones ore in extreme
ly bod taste. The foolish mothers who
send their girls to school loaded with
trinkets display, to say the least, very
questionable taste, and this custom is
apt to foster vanity and a longing for
meretricious display.
Don't wait' until in front of a ticket
seller's window before trying to find
your drapery hidden pocket. If tickets
can be purchased in quantities on routes
you frequently travel purchase them,
and save other people's temper and your
own time.
Near Walker, Vernon county, Ma, a
miner excavated a petrified foot S3 inch
es long and 80 inches around the instep,
supposed to be that of a giant. Th
miner has been offered $150 for it, bat
declines the offer.
There are twocoontias in Georgia that
have not a lawyer. They are Echota and,
Charlton. Tho returns for 1800 show
further that Charlton has neither a doc
tor nor a dentist.
Had a headache and it was caused
by biliousness. Manners' Double Ex
tract Sarsaparilla cured her, and will
cure others. For sale by Moyer
Bros., Druggists. Price 50c a bottle.
Children Cry for,
Pltcher'e Castoria,
Ignorance, of Foreigners Concerning
Previous to our civil war the lack of
knowledge abroad with regard In the
United States was singular. We were
ignored in the economy of nation:!, in
the schools and society of the Old
World, as of no importance. To most
people America was as yet undiscover
ed. Only the most advanced thinkers
had divined that we were working out
the prcb tm of the future. lo
see their countries become American
ized was the nightmare of rulers, as it
is now the dream of the more intelli
gent of the peoples. The bolt of slav
ery was still upon us, and we were
numerically among the smaller nations.
When sent to a monastic school in
Belgium at the age of ten, 1 was led
into the Petite Cour and introduced
by the Pere Superieur to the crowd of
eagerly expectant boys, "Tenez, mes
enfants, voilla votre nouveau camarade
le jcune American 1" I well rememb
er a fair-faced lad (he was son of a
banished Polish noble), who went up
to the father and plucked him by his
skirt, with, "Mais, mon pere, il est
blanc com me nous." His keen disap
pointment at my not being black, for
he had never seen a negro, he always
rather laid up against me. And when
later I attended tiie l'riedrick-Worder'-schen
Gymnasium in Berlin, the only
two ideas I could ever find that boys
of my age hud .assimilated of the
shreds and patches they had been
taught about America were Niagara
and slavery. How much did a Massa
chusetts lad who had left home in his
first decade know about slavery, or
how many, in those stagecoach days,
had been to the Great Falls ? "Ach,
du hist kein Amerikancr," my play
mates would exclaim, "wenn du Nia
gara nicht gesehen hast !'' imagining
no doubt, that this world-famed cata
ract was at every man's back door.
And my never having seen a slave
stamped nic still more an impostor.
Our civil war wrought a change. We
hewed ourselves into notice by doughty
blows. Yet were the most conserva
tive among the military autocrats of
Europe unwilling, till toward the very
end, to look upon us in any other light
than as armed mobs, and even in the
war of '66 they declined to profit by
our experience. But by 1870 the
Germans, with their keen instinct for
war and more numerous ties with the
States, had adopted many of the meth
ods we had first devised, and to-day
not only are our campaigns studied as
samples (of good and bad alike, as all
campaigns must be), but fair justice is
done to our actual merit in the prov
ince of war, and to the exceptional
ability of some American generals.
From "Some American Riders," by
Colonel T. A. Dodge, in Harper's
Magazine for June.
Catarrh Can't Be Cured
with local applications, as they can
not reach the seat of the diseae. Ca
tarrh is a blood or constitutional dis
ease, and in order to cure it you have
to take internal remedies. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts
directly on the blood and mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is no
quack medicine. It was prescribed
by one of the best physicians in this
country for years, and is a regular pre
scription. It is composed of the best
tonics known, combined with the best
blood purifiers, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combi
nation of the two ingredients is what
produces such wonderful results in cur
ing catarrh. Send for testimonials
F. J. HENEY & 0.,Toledo, O.
"Sold by Druggists, 75c;
Early Railroad Fun-
In November, 1832, the first passen
ger train in the State of Pennsylvania
made its trial trip. It was drawn by
"Old Ironsides," a famous engine built
by M. W. Baldwin, founder of the
great locomotive works in Philadelphia
that still bears his name. Old Iron
sides had some drawback to its efficien
cy. For example, on the trial trip it
was found that the wheels were too light
to keep the machine on track. So
engineer and machinist had to push it
until considerable headway was gained.
Then they jumped aboard, so that
their weight would keep the wheels
down. The boiler, also, was too small,
and did not generate enough steam
for long distances.
Hence, for much of the distance be
tween Philadelphia and Germantown
the engineer and his assistants found
theirs a varied career. They had to
push and ride alternately. The rails.
too, had unpleasant eccentricities of
their own. They were usually made
of wood with strap-iron spiked upon
them. The strap rails had a fashion
of curling up through the weight of
the cars on their central part. Often
the engineer would be compelled to
stop the car to pound down the "snake
head." as it got to be called, or else
; detail an assistant to hold it down with
: a lever while the train passed on. Il
lustrated American.
Children Cry for
Pitcher' Castorla.
Sn the
TM fMIni? of Imsltudo pocnltr.r to the
iiNon bcitltin to tm frir, The average
slock of vitality linn been pretty tlior
imir!i!y nxhnu.did In rnrrylmj Its pulses
fcr through tlio rlirom nml rliuiiiu") of
tho trying winter, nml ns tlio more trcnl
0 1 euon nppronrhea nml t lie Rt rain upon
tlio syatom ralaxci a feeling of prostra-
I If You
lare Wise
tton, more or lews pronounced In degree
and duration, la the natural and Inevita
ble rault During the existence of this
fooling of lassltudo and depression, buaf
ncM enroa and exertions seem almoat
Impositlble of endurance, and even the
lightest duties and responsibilities of
llfoare regarded na a burden to be shirked
or din regarded to tbe greatest poaalble
To devise some preparation to coun
teract this tired feeling and restore tbe
system to something like a normal con
dition haa been the endeavor of many
people more or leaa skilled In medical
science, and counties concoctlonaundor
the general title of "spring medicine"
liuvebecn placed upon the market, had
a brief boon and then been loatalghtof,
to 1)0 succeeded by some other similar
preparation. The principal Ingredient
lu most of the spring "bitten," "tonics,"
V DON'T take Something else
,t Aba Wabich & Co., tola Proprietors, Bangor, Me.
The Greatest Blood Purifier of the day for
And all diseases of a rash nature. It is without exception
the best for
It Acts like Magic. For sale by Moyer Bros., Drug
gists, Bloomsburg, Pa. Price 50 cents a bottle. Pre
pared only by
W. R. Manners, Moosic, Pa.
Haentze's Hemline.
an effectual cure for Inflammation and Irritation
of the BLAUDKH, KIDNEYS and UVEll, Stone
In the Bludilor, cuU'uIuh, Uravel anil Brlok-dUHt
l(iK)sltn, Weakness In Mules or Female. As a
ltesloratlve 'Ionic and a lllood Purltler It has no
equal, creating a healthy appetite and pure
If yonr druggist has not got It, ask him to get
liioryou. lUKenoiuuert juaueoniyuy
rvSeod tor 82 page Book, free to all.
etc, alcohol, tho etTeot rf which tip-Mi
tlio hiiinnn pyktom linn been Kiifllcleiii.
dwelt, upon through verloim pti'iHe in
diums to render ntiy extended referee
to l!io sumo unnercssnry here. The ten.
pornry fooling of strength and oxhllcfn
tton produced by this active agent la na
certainly followed by a greater deirrco
of doproslon, hlle U10 results of contin
ued Indulgence are n pormnnont Itnpnlr
mentofthe vital orgctis the heart, kid
neys, Uvor nnd brnln.
Tho facta of tho ense nro thnt you have
been living upon meat and other fatty
substances to a grenter extent than at
any other time of the year 1 the pores of
the skin have boon closed, nnd npon the
kidneys nnd liver have devolved all the
work of keeping the system clenr. But
now aummer la at hand, nnd these or
gan cannot keep op the drain. The
pores of the akin must be open, else di
sease will stop in and throw you upon a
bed of sickness. If the pores be but
partly open, then you are languid, lazy
and 111 at ease. You wants spring denn
ing process within yourself, and then
you will be filled with vigor and a zest
forwoYk and business. Tou can have
aU accomplished by the use of
e bottles for i.OO.'
"Just aa good," IT IS NOT.
The Old Tree stands out in bold
relief. It has become a conspicu
ous landmark. Honest Goods,
its roots ; on these it depends for
its life. They have given it Fame,
Popularity and Success,
Itoth the YATES Stores are now
consolidated into one at Cor. 13th
and Chestnut Sts. The Ledger
Building Store no longer exists.
This consolidation gives the old
firm added vigor, which will result
alike to your interest and ours.
ijlta and Cbcaitnat'Hta.
You will I
Take j
1 a
TSTcxt to Split t
Not to DlflOOlOP f
The Farmer Favorite,
From RED CAP3,
Tbe Great Layers.
Mlllvllle, P.
Ig flattering and acceptable
to every maiden. If is just ae
acceptable when made in thf
way of business to the genera
public. We propose to sel
you Uread, Cakes, Confection
ery, Ice Cream, &c.,of the best
make, of the best material, at
the very lowest prices. Is the
proposal worth your considera
tion ?
No. 130 West Main Street.
Suits n.idi? to orrler at short notice
and fit always guaranteed or no sale.
Call and examine the largest and best
selected stock of goods ever shown in
Columbia County.
Store next door to First Nationa
Illoorararcr, Pa.
The Best Burning Oil That Can be
Made From Petroleum.
It gives a brilliant light. - It will not
smoke the chimneys. It will not char the
wick. It has a high fire test It will not
explode. It Is pre-eminently a family safety
We Challenge Comparison with any
other illuminating oil made.
We stake our Reputation, as Refiners
upon the statement that it is
Crown - Acme
"Bv a thorough knowledge of the natural laws
which govern the operations of dilution and
nuLni ion, una uy a cureiui iipiuiraiiuu ui iiio
tine propertU'8 of well-selected oocoa. Mr. Eppa
has provided our hreakfUHt mules with a deli
cately flavored bevernifo which may nave ua
many neavy aociors 0111s. ii is Dy me jtmicious
use of such articles of diet that a constitution
may be. gradually built tin until st rong enough
to resist every tendency to disease. Hundred
of subtle maladies are tloutllng around us ready
lo aiiacK wnerever mere is a weajc point, r e
mnv esc line nianv a fatal shaft bv kecnlni? our.
selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop
erly nourished frame." CYtrfl Swrfc (Juzftle.
Made simply with boiling water or milk, wold
only in half pound tins, by irroeers, labelled
inns: jnt,at,ri'stu,i
Caveats nnd Trade Marks obtained, and all
I'at cut business conducted for -MoUKUATK
ENT OFFICE. We have no sub-airencles. all
business direct, hence can transact patent busi
ness in less tune and at. Less 1 osi man tnose re
mote from Washington.
Send model, draw In or photo, with descrip
tion. We advise If patentable or not, free, of
charge, our fee not due till patent Is secured-
A tiooK, -now to imiain raumis, witu refer,
ences to actual clients In your State, county, or
town, seut free. Address
c. A. know ru wasnington, u. v.
(Opposite V. S. Patent ortlce.)
u 1 17 r1
Pack makes 6 pultons,
amvetizin. Hold bi ill At
TAlIona. IwhaiuUL narklinc and
Honk ana cards sent 'W .' K to an om Mndinar
Hold by all dealers. A beautiful Picture
ftddrwtt to ths O. . UIREd CO., Philadelphi, P,
Pb. J. A. Riibkman, begs to Inform those
whom It may concern that all pat lent will be
furnished with Ills Celebrated Rupture Treat
ment during the months of .May, June and July
this year at special rates, at Ills principal office,
all Broadway, New York, saieiy and comfort
Is assured without restriction from exercise
while under treatment for cure. Treat meiit
can be had by corresponding. Send stamp for