THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOuHaT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., The Columbian 0. H, Elwsll, I tun.,. BLO)Baua, PA.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1890. ANNOUNCEMENT. With this month Tire Col umbian will complete its twenty fifth volume, and The Colum bia Democrat its fifty-third volume. With the beginning of a now year somo decided changes will be mitde in The Columbian. .It will be enlarg ed and changed to an eight page paper and will bo then what it always has been with the excep tion of the past year the largest paper in the county, The price of subscription will remain the samo as at present, $1.00 a year, if paid in advance. This is very cheap, too cheap, but we propose to meet all competition, and besides enlarging tho paper at the old price, every effort will bo made to improve both our editorial and news columns. A new dress of type Jias been ordered, and the first issue in January will appear in a new form with new type. We fully appreciate the liberal patronage that has been bestowed upon us for so many years, and wo shall endeavor to merit a continuance of the samo in the future. This is an ago of progress, and we propose to keep up with the pro cession. Senator Delamnter'n fnilnra.laat Fri- day is supposed to bo a bad one. Tiie liabilities of bia banking firm aro esti mated as high as $800,000. There aro somo unpleasant features in the case that will shako tho faith of tho admir ers of the lato republican candidate- for governor, unless he can make a eatis factory explanation. On Tuesday Delamaler was in Philadelphia, and raised n considerable amount of monoy by what appears to be questionable means. David Martin endorsed a $5000 chock for him ou a bank at Erio and tho check was returned protested. Dclamater also drew $3000 on a draft on Delamater & Co, but the firm failed before tho draft was cashed by them. Ho is supposed to have, raised $30,000 in this wav, but no one knows what became of tho money. The causes of tho failure arc several, but ono of thorn to doubt was tho enormous expense of tho recent campaign. Stato Treasurer Boyer had on deposit in Delamater's DanK siuo.uuu oi stato tunas. Quay's Pension Scheme. A JJIL1. TO EQUALIZE AMOUNTS PAID FOB CEUTAIN INJURIES. Senator Quay has introduced a bill granting to all persons ' whose names aro now on tho pension list or may be hereafter placed on it, who have lost both eyes, or botn leet, or who are otherwise totally disabled, a pension ot 91UO a month. Also to all persons who havo lost an arm at the shoulder joint or a leg at tho hip ioint, a pen sion of $G0 a month; and to those who havo lost an arm below the elbow or a leg below the knee, S55 a month. Thoso who havo lest a hand or a foot or havo been totally disabled in the same, aro to uo entitled to 5U- a month. Tho bill provides further that per sons who havo contracted two or more disabilities shall recoivo a sum per mon h equal to the total ot the rates for all the disabilities mentioned. AOure for Pimples My faco for tho last few years was covered with pimples so bad, that 1 used to bo ashamed to go anywhere. I took two bottles of Sulphur Bitters ana the pimples disapcared. 1 uho them evory. spring. O. -ZT. Dow, Fall Jiiver. 12-12 2 t. Bobeit f. Alias Dead. Hon. Robert P. Allon of Williams port died at his home last Saturday night of Bright's disease, aged 55 years and 10 months. lie was a law yer and a prominent and iulluential citizen. In 1874 Mr. Al.en was chosen to represent tho Tirenty-fourlh Senatorial JJistnot, consisting ot tiyooming, Col umbia, Montour and Sullivan oouulies, for the short term, under the provisions of the new constitution. Ilia record' in the Slate Senato was suoh that ho was returned for tho full term of four yoars by a largely increased majority, He shono in the Senate, as ono of tho brightest members, and his services were generally recognized as of great and incalculable value, upon the con clusion of his term ho resumed tho praotico of the law, and always dis couraged the efforts of bis friends to push him forward as a cnudiditc for public otnoe. lie was a staunoh Democrat, but not of tho partisan kind. In 1883 ho was a member of tho Executive Committoo of tho Sta o Democratic organization. In 1884 ho represented tho Sixteenth Pennsylvania district in the Demooratio National Convention, which nominated President Clovoland. In 1885 he was temporary chairman of tho Stato Dem emtio, convention. His fuui ral took placo on Wednes day, Tliora is more Catarrh iu this boo tion of tho country than nil other dis eases put logother, and until tho last few years was supposod to bo inour ablo. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and pres cribed local remedies, and by constant ly failing to euro with local treatment, pronounoed it incurable Scienco lias provon Catarrh to bo a constitutional disease and thurcforo requires consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo, manufactured by P.J. Chonoy & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tho only constitu tional euro on the Market. It is taken internally in dusos from 10 drops to a teaspoon full. It acts directly upon tho blood and mucous surface) of tho system. Thoy offer ono hundred dol lars for any o:iw it fails to ouro. Send or circulars unci testimonial?. Address F. J, Cheney & Co., Tolodo, O. Bold by Druggists, 75o. COURT PROOEEDINOa. Report of Grand Jury filed on Thursday, Docombor 1. Tho following roada confirmed abso lutely! Scott township uoar James Show's) Sugarloaf nenr N. W. Howards saw mill) Franklin near W. G. Fu-her's Bonton near Emanuel Laubaoh'B. Bridge near W. M. Yooum's mill In Locust approved by grand jury. Brldgo near old fulling mill in Main rojected. Tho scoond week of court opened on Monday rooming, all tho Judges on tho bench. Docket callod and judgments taken. Oidercd that tho first six casos on tho list be placed for trial in their or der after tho orimlual list, for Wednes day of tho first week of uoxt court. In tho event of all or citbor not boiug called or touched for trial during said first week, they shall not loeso thoir picccdcnco and standing on tho list for tho second week. Forty eight jurors ordered to bo drawn for first week and thirty six for second week of February court. Silas Connor, F, W.- Eaton, Charles Haas, Charlus Kreigh, Eugno Lookard and Jo'epli Ralston excused as Jurors. B. F. Rico appointed tipstaff (for door entrance. ltoad in Pino near Qrecnly's saw mill confirmod nisi and width fixed at 33 feet. Bonds of John L. Kline, oounty treaBurtr, approved by the court. Auditor's report in estato of M. O. Slouu coulirincd nisi. S. M. Dougherty vb E. L. Shaman case tried, verdict for defendant. C. C. Evans appointed commissioner in ro' lunaoy of J. E. Snyder. Injunction granted against tno Bloomburg Electric Light & Power Company. John U. rarker vs D armors 1'ro luce Exchange, joinder in demurrer, rule to show cause granted. .Exceptions hied to auditors report in estate of Joseph Q. Keller. J, Yv. Jiivans vs. unas. miuan, Arthur Johnson ct si. caso tried, verd ict for plantiff for $29.12. Bonds of Jesse Rittenhouse and Charles L. Siuds. approved by tho oourt. L. II. Leo & Bro. vs. Silas Hoof nagle, caso called, Jury discharged at d case continued. Samuel Nevhard. DameA Mordin Jr. i-aBH.,."W-: 1 lfoKappointed viowtrs r -l n ....... Al.l.:. Kroamer's. Road in Benton near Jonas Uanlz'b Isaao A. Dewitt, J. F. Dfsr and G. W. Farvor annotated viewers. In lb i matter of the publication of applications for liquor licenses. JNow Deo 9. 1890. it is ordorod aud directed that tho nublication abovo named be tnado and advertised for three consecu tive weeks nrior to tho license courr, in the "Columbian" and "Catawissa News Item," newspapers published iu the county. By iho court. Fannie Elliot vs. Mahlon E. Elliott C. B. Jackson appointed commissioner to take testimony. J. G. Freeze appointed auditor to make distribution in estato ot Uattia nno Hitter. J. II. Vastine's use vs. Thomas Ger ity, alias writ of haboro facias possess ionem awarded. Order of sale continued in estate of Elizabeth Dieterich. Order of salo continued in estate of Elizabeth Sitter. Estato of Stephen Walp, a lunatio, citation to executrix of Jeremiah Walp to file an account of his manage ment as coinmitteo of said Stephen Wap. Commonwealth vs. J. B. Blue. On motion of District Attorney, and upon statement that defendant has served three months in oounty jail, and that the money alleged to havo been em bezzled has beeu repaid, uol pros al lowed. C. E. Goyei appoiuttd auditor iu estato of Geo. Munson. John F. l'faliler vs. W. Nungcsser and Albert Longonburger, alias writ of habere facias posseasioneiii awarded. Edward S. GtarboartK-q. a member of tho bar of Montour county, admitted to pract cp in Columbia county. A. N. Yost appointed auditor lh cs tato of Mary Rupert. A. N. Yost appointed auditor in es tato of Harriet Rupert. W. 11. Rhawn appointed auditor iu estate of Harman Fahringer. S. M. Dougherty vs. F. L. Shuman, rale to show oanso why now trial shall not be granted. G. E. Elwell continued as auditor in estato of D. W. Walter. A. N. Yost appointed auditor of public accounts. Adjourned to Saturday at 2 p. m. There has been some talk on tho street that the county commissioners aro contemplating thu introduction of tho Swead, mills is Co, system of lioatinir, ventilating and olosuts. Tho court house is alroady supplied with steam neat and sewer connection, and tho ohanga would involve the loss of what has already been done and n hoavy oxnnso for the new apparatus Thero does not seom to be any occasion for suoli a change and the oost of the addition to tho o urt house will be quito sufficient, without imposing upon tho tax payers any useless and unneces sary expense. PHILLIPS DOMESTIC BAKERY PORE CONFECTIONS. Wo have commenced as usual to make our own candies for tho Holidays, adding a few novel ties since last year. You can find on our counters a full assortment of Pure Clear Toys, "Our Own" Mixtures, Stick Candies and Taffies in all llavors, hesides a very full line of CHRISTMAS Tli.UJE OR NAMENTS. Special terms to churches and all large orders. People who look after the health of their children will buy only candies they know to bo pure. Prices as low a3 any ior pure goods. Mail orders receive prompt attention. M, M. PHILLIPS, Woomsburg, Pa SIMPLY ASTONISHING I Anr person, j-oans or oW, can read all the cotes In niuao oo'rcctljr wlttala & minutes alter oow- tnencug, vy using Ilfiipp' .Hulo C'lieri, without anr other Instruction, this we positively iriiiiratiin. Vor aal brail Anurias Mualo Ileal. . era throughout the United Mates or mailed OU I root to your aaaress oa receipt ui vnvv, jti.w. 1 a J. IIEI'FK BOH, 1117 Chestnut UL, f Mia., Fa. Nor. li-i jr, CAtARRh II a constitutional and not a loeal rHseaia. Mid therefore It cannot ba cured br local application. It requires a eoniUtutlonal ramedjr like Hood's Barsaparllla, which, working through tho blood, cradlcatei the Irnpurltj which causes and promotes the disease, and affects a perntanant cure. Thousands ot people testily to the snccesi el Hood's Rarsaparllla as a remedy for catarrh when other preparations had failed. Hood's Barsaparllla also builds up tha whole system, and makes you feel reniwed la health and strength. K. I). If you decide to try Hood's Barsa parllln do not bo Induced to buy any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla geMbydniKgliU. JlnUforfJ. rnpudoalM4byexii(lits,,f1 sUfnaa. hmredearr by a 1. 1IOO I) A CO., Apothecarlei, LoweU, Hats. I by 0.1. HOOD A CO, ApotkeetilM.Uirsn. Mass. IOO Dosos One Dollar I 100 Dosos On Dollar T.n Tn A rv.., An Infallible regulator UasadOl nt tha Human Bystem. Cures V .? Cures llflious Liver tUaaUOr Affections &o. Oamplnint, T.n "rri rl nr Prlo Costlveness. XilXU.U.Or nr,nt.. 25Cts. Dyspepsia. Glddtnoss. T J &o.ldbydruggists. "mUW Tho Lending Perfume. DREXELSACD10GNE Fragrant I i?. Lasting I mce 35 CfAfrS. 'AT ALL DtAURS. Salvation Oil 0 Prlet only SB et. Soli bp eltdmnUU. Will relievo Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Smllings,Bruises,Lumbago,Sprains, Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burnt, Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Bout, or any bodily pain or ailment. uncrr tuouirrict tocu. At on tngiuu. WIDE AWAKE, beginning with 'ha Holiday Number, loul nargeato one hundred PAOES ' pages, radiant with . new and larger type, a neio style of page', and fresh, strong literary and pictorial attractions. Mrs. Burton Harrison, whose story f "inu Angiomamaca" uas oeen tno sensation ol the Benson in The Century, has written for W11.K awiex a otory called "Diamond! and "roada." Hon. John D. Long, (rz-Qovcmor of nituttsiicuuBeik,; luruuuus hijl aruuiua unuer the ceneral title of our Government, for the enlightenment ot coming citizens the boys and girls ot to-day. Kirk Munroe, who lately lived for a llmo me hid ui u rtuiruuu ujiui, iu uu puaaua iruui parlor car to cattlo cage, has put his experi ence Into a thrilling serial for boys called "Cub and Caboose, btrlklng pictures by Edmund 1L Garret. M&rearet Sidney's new serial, "Five Lit tie Peppers Grown Up," win tell more about rony uua uaeper uuu uuuu ttiia uau Phron&le, and others, as It runs through the tear. Fjrty charming lllustxatlons by Charles Mente. Harletta's Qooi Tlmei, will chronicle in ner own worus. irjiu uer uwu uauiisunpi,, the childhood adventures of Marnetu Am brosli. UIs3 Matilda Archamoeaa Van Eorn, a little gin who nai a great many ancestors, is an lricslstable little louts' serial, by KUzabetn Cuinmlnirs. Unnsslly Interesting Articles, somo elabo- Dining with Qlsdstone,' by Mrs. Oe'eral John A. Logan ; 'Amy ltobsart's Embroidery.' by Francos A. Uumphro : 'Mother aoose'a Pets, by Agnes Hcppuer; 'uypslea and tlypsy lng,' by Ellzabetn Uoblns l'ennell; 'Somo Horses that I have Known,' by Maud Ilowo; 'Sclnte Marie Oo'leio of Wynchsstre,' br Oscar Fay Adams : 'Boston's Girl Sculptor,' by Mrs. Newberry ; 'The bugar Crank,' by Theodore It. Jenne&s. Some Problems In Hprology, by E. II, Haw. ley or Smithsonian lntllullon, Washington, path Prizes. The best cf Short Stories, from thousands onerea at a soucuea toe past year. The Landing of the Pilgrims, n facsimile reproduction oi reiicia ueman a laiaous pueiu, from the original Jin., now in rllgrlm Uall, Plymouth Figure Drawing for Children, In twelve lllus. tour Drtze oilers each month. Fine Ballads, by Uribam R. Thomson, uarriei. rrescoti. cpanura, Alary ur.uiej and Laura E. Klchards beautlluuy Illustrated by Garret, bandham and Taylor. Tho ever popular. Ways to do Things, the school and Playground Stories, Tangles, Post umce and Men and Things. Wide Awake is only $2.40 a year. D. LOTHROP COMPANY, Publishers, Boston, DMINIBTRATOH'rJ OTIOE. XsUM of Jtsse Frill, late of Sugarloaf Hep. iefi. Notice Is hereby given that letters ot adminis tration on the estate ot Jesse Fritz, late or tne township ot rtugtrloat, county ot Columbia and state ot Pennsylvania, deceased, have Seen grant, ed to J. w. Fritz andS. S. Fritz, ot sugarloaf. col. uo. i a., uj wnom au persons inaeotta to saia es tate are requested to make payments, anl those having claims or demands! will mave known tha same without delay to J. W. FltlTZ, A. L Fiitz, Atty. Admr's. JjlliEOTfQN ffPTICE. The poller holders of tho nrlarcreek Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company ot Lime Kldge will meet at the llallottbo centre urange, p. of II., In centre townshlD. Columbia countr. Pa.. n Mon. day, January 1st. w, between the hours of 10 a ana p. in., nr tne purpose or eieciiug airootors for the eneuln? year, and lor tranaac.tincr such other business as may propcrlr come tietoro said The Holiday season as it an- proaches revives everywhere the interest in books. There are no other gifts so appropriate or more appreciated by their recipients than books. 11TI . s 1 .t I f w nemer it De tne oooic 01 rare binding or standard volume for the library, or the lighter work of fiction, all are read and appreciated. I hen too noth ing is so well acjapted to every taste to suit every class- -books for young and old for amuse, ment and instruction for labor and leisure books for the holi days and every day books for all times. Is there any particular book you want this season? If so will you let us get it for' you if it is gettable. We will meet any price you mav be emoted on anv book bv any body. We want your trade. Do you read any of the pop ular magazines, daily papers or periodicals.'' Does your sub scription expire with the year. Let us renew it for you, it costs you no more here than direct from the publishers. W H. BROOKE & CO. TIIE COLUMBIAN IS TUB BEST. "I nsod nooda BarsaparllU for catarrh, and received (teat relief and benefit from It, The catarrh was rsry disagreeable, causing constant discharge from my nosa, ringing noises In my ears, and pains in the back ol my head. The eftest to clear my bead In the morning by hawking and iptttlng was pain ful. Hood's Barsaparllla gars m relief Inv. mediately, while In time I wis entirely eured. I think Hood's Barsaparllla Is worth IU weight In gold." Una. O. D. Otu, lost Slghth Street, N.W., Washington, D. 0. "Hood's Barsaparllla has helped me mora for catarrh and Impure blood than anything else I erer used." A, Baij, Syracuse, N. Y. piano trorir lamp rriLL (loniT'a LlDT'a Ilooa- for December or January will tell you how to procure a ItucilBSTBIt 1IUAH3 piano lamp without cost. Send it cento for either number. You will get in return tho Beit Laater Magtutnr (n America It has tho ircatcst Tartcty of Department, all ably edUcd Literary, Kashlon. Flowers, Knravlngs, llon o culture, Music, lteclpes, eta, are a few of tho aublecta treated. In January number will begin tho now power ful and excltics Berlat by ALNA H. LIGHTNER, KNTlTLtn Under the Chastening; THE PSIDE OF THE WHITTIHOTONS. Author of "Bliadoxo anl SumJitne," eVeadi." "A Waystae Violet," etc .Also, short htorlea and Berlals, with original (Photopravure) llluatratloos by otlvla LaroU Wil son, Ada Marie Prole, Kmlly Hood, Marian Keeres. Humorous Bketchoa by HclletO. Ureeno. flowera and their culture by Bmnia J. dray. Sketches and Poems by wnua c. Steele, etc In fact, tor Ml OonsT's 111 give you tae boat of or erythlng. $2Year ALWAYS IN ADVANCE Beautiful Pron lums For CInbs. TKIOIS TO CI.UIIS. 9 Copies $3 60 3 " 4 60 " 7 i5 For list ot Premiums and terras to larger clubs, "end 15 cents for sample Copy, which will give you full Information. Kogravlng3 appear In eviry number, of sub jects ot well-known at tuts, and produced by the ueweot processes. In Its Colored Fashions Goo arsileads In colors and styles. Uoth modistes and homo dressmakers accord them tho foremost position. Paper Patterns are one of the lmportantfeaturcs ot this raagazlue, each sutwcrlbcr being allowed to select tnelr own pattern ovcry mom h, an Item alone more than covering i he subscription price Practical Hints on UnH3maklrig 8'iow how gar ments can bo renovated and raado over b; tho patterns given. f-ructloil hlnta for tho Uousoiiold show young housekeepers how to manage tho cullnuy de partment with economy and sitllL Fashion Notes. At Uome aud Abroad, QOllcht every lady's heart. The Colored and Dlack Work designs give all tho newest Ideas tor fancy work. Tho Cooking Keel pes are under the control of an experienced hou-ekoepcr. The Architectural department Is ot practical uUllty, cireful Cittraites being given with each plan. EVERY HDYIIBft OWN DltESSMAKElt who subscribes to GODsrs Lsnr's Uoox. The I coupon'l which you will nnd In each number vou to vour own selection of anr cut oat- tern Illustrated In GoDir's Ladt's iiooe. your l&o Sample copy win contain one ot tnese cou pons. Tne pattern shows you, how to cut Send s r caatA tor Hamole. whlcn wi 1 1 lO be allowed on vour sub scription wnen receiraa. out the garment you n ant. That's all we can say in mis space, f ur iau rest s your siunpie uuar bcr, for which send is cents at once. "Godey" is only fi oo a year. Address GODEY'3 LADY'S BOOK," Philadelphia, Pa. In Club with this paper, Godev's and the jColumaian, Price $2 50, which should bo sent to the oftico of this Paper. jJI'Itillip Bros. Photographs. BLOOMSBURG. PA. Photographic portraits re touched and modeled for likeness, tone, and linish. JLile size crayons, lin est grade, a spec ialty. JPrames, copying and viewing. TRUSTEE'S SALE -OF VALUABLE Real Estate! The undersigned will sell at publlo t endue on the premises on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, at 10 o'clock a.m., the following real estate situ. ato In the village ot Catawissa, Pa., bounded and described as follows: Deglnnlng in Main street In said village, a t a corner lot marked and numbered No U, and run nlng thence by the same southeast 210 feet to an alley, thence by said alley southeast 49 feet inches to the comer ot lot ot Jesse K, Sbarpless, thence by tho same northeast 910 feet to said Main street, thenoe by said street north, west 4 feet 9 lnohes to the place ot beginning, whereon Is erected a two story and Outbuildings. Terms cash. GEO. IS. EL WELL. Trustee. JX EC I UTOIl'a NO 1 ICE. folate o Peter Cross, aewatea. Letters testamentary on said estate having been f ramed to tho undersigned executor, all persons adebted to said estate are hereby notldM to oar tho same, and thoso havlig claims against said est'iui to present me same to GOV JiCOlY, Atty. P WIDGU033, 11.18-st. Executor. Sheriff's Salc7 Iir vlrt uo ot a writ ot Alias Fl. fa. issued out ol the Court of Common rieas ot CoL Co., fa., and to me directed, tbere will be sold In the Sheriff's omco la the Court Uouse, moorajburf, rn., on SATUUDW, JANUARY 3, 1891. at 10 o'clock a. m., all that certain tract ot land situate In Mifflin township, Columbia Co., Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt i North wardly by lands ot John Atcn, lllram Oruver, 1, Ecbweppdcbelser and publlo roxd leading from Mslnvllleto tllnitnvllle; eattwardly by lands ot the heirs ot jJUtnel Fettero'f, dtceased, south wardly by lands formerly owned by John It. Vote and Abraham EchweppeuUelser. weUwardly by lands ot Samuel Kneohl and Join Aten, contain ing SEVENTY-THREE AORK3 a nd Forty-tour rercbes ot Land st let measure more or less, whereon are erected a iwo-ttsry FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Frame llanlc Darn anl other outbuildings. A well of water at the bouse, Belied taken Into execution at tne suit of D. I). Fetterolf, Adm'r of Michael Fetterolf, deceased, use, versus u U. Koebler and to be bold as the property ot L. 11. Koehler. u. it. utile, John n. oabey. Atty. Bherlff. A UDITOU'a NOTICE. itatt of Harriet Rupert late of tnt town of Vioomtowg, aeceasea. The underslirned. an auditor tDUMnted br the Orphans' Court ot Cotumblt county to make dir. inuuuon oi vuo muu iu mu uauui avn import, au. mlBUtratrls. as appears by her nnal account, will alt at his ofllce tq Bloomsbuiir, la, on Haturday, January Srd, ln, al 0 o'clock a. m , when and where all pan lea Interested must present and prove their claims or be debarred from participat ing u tho dlalilDulton of said fund A.N. VOST, pec U, WO. Auditor. SIS AT. GARMENTS FOIt HttMlMV rilliMllNTS. Cape and Hurts of Heal, ItnuMn .MM", Minx, Doaver, I'CMlnn, Alaska table, Jlonkny, etc., u c, of nnrnt. quality far below mtrkct value. An ex- Krlenco ot to years has os'abtlshed for our muse o hlgh st reputation. All goods warranted. i-aiEisrire-sr sibdb, 14 West Htli St., New York Oitv. 19 Sit, PUBLIC SALE. -UK-VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned, surviving executor ot the last will and testament of Kieklol Cole, lato of Sugar- loaf township, In Columbia county, lcnna., now offers At publlo salo on the premises on THURSDAY. DECEMBER IN. A. D. 1 W, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, a largo oody ot the roost dcsiNbie real estate to bo found In the township. Itcou'lstsof a tract of land lying upon both sides of the Flshlngcrcek, and comprising In tho wnoio about 2SO Acres. That portion of It which Is upon tho west side ot the creek has tho following Improvements and advantages, to-wlt. A large frame DWELLING HOUSE. formerly Kept aa s notet, a Frame llulldlng erect od for and occupied as a country store, a largo frame building crectod and occupied as a tenant heuso, and also outbuildings, saw mill, Ac It Is well wooded and has a considerable quantity of excellent fruit. It Is accessible by two public roads and a county bridge, and also by tho tiloom s burg 6ulllvan railroad, and It contains about 111 Acres. The remainder of tho tract lying upjn the cast side ot the creek, U also accessible by two publlo roada and a county brld jo across Flshlngcrcek to the railroad. Tbo Improvements are a large barn Ac., the whole tract having been occupied as the homestead farm, This plcco contains about H70 Acres. It win bo soil together or In parcels as may be deemed most expedient. The sale will be ljy the acre. A draft of the land with the Improvements roads, tc, can be seen In tho hands ot the execu tor at the banking house ot tho Blo-'msburg Hank ing Company. TEltMS OF BALK. Ton ner ant. at nnA.rmirth ot the purchase money to bo pall upon striking down tho property, ono-fourth less tho ten per cent, cn April 1st, 1891, the balance ot two-thirds ot tho purchase money on prll ist. 18J1, witn In terval, iruui Auni ibl, icivi, iuh remaining one-inira to tifl lnrt In thn lunila (tnrlnir Iho Urn nf t.n ivM. ow, the Interest thereon to be paid to her semi- annually aunng ner me, ana tne principal to tne Executor at ber death. P08SISSION Will be given April 1st, 1S91 upon tho nurchasermahlnQr DavmenLS a nbove and crlv. lng bond and mortgage on the premises, to secure the unpaid purcbisu money, whereupon a deed will bo executed and do.lvered. Tne tenants snare of tne crops reserved, 11. II. OUOTZ, Executor, liloomsburc, l'a. GOOD S A. .A 11 Y AND H.Vt'IlNMiS PAID. Wo want a tew more goo-l men to sell our nur sery products. To cncnretlc and reliable men we will Kuaranteo Liberal wages and lcrmanent jiuuuimnint, 1'revi'jUH txneriencu dul renuirvo. Terms and otitnt tree. Address stating age and enclosing stamp SEARS. HENRY & GO.. SENECA NUKSKUIIK. GENEVA, N. Y. 19 C-4t. CORNS BUNIONS ABE POSITIVELY CTJltKD BY MitcM's Cure-all Corn & Bnnltm Plasters. Ons Tsui win make a cripple dance for joy. Bold by Druggists, or sent by mall for 60c per box. Kovelty i'lastov Works, JLowell, Mass. 12-0-4t. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, J31ATTOO, or OI.L CLOTH, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. H. BEOWEE'S 2nd Door above Court IIous . A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. J". Or. WELLS.- wiMKMUi-M m. Kja Be sure and look at the display of JEWELRY, WATCHES, &c. Finest Hue in the County, before purchasing your Xmas PRESENTS. HAVE YOUB EYES FITTED FREE OF CHARGE AT J. G. WELLS'. ALL GLASSES GUARANTEED TO FIT. Prepared to turn out fine Watch and Jewelry Work of all kinds on short notice. All work guaranteed, D11IN13 riUTIUX NO HCE. Ktlate of JiuDhftnta Robblm, late of Oreenwooi Tovmihlp, deceased. Notice Is hereoy (rlren Inn letter ot admlnlr tratlonc. t a. In ibe atiOTO estate nave been granted to the underrgael, an t all pirlles In (KDWd to said esuite are requested to make Im mediate payment, and those baling culms to present Ibe 8 line wltbout delay to MA 111 A KITCI1KM, W-S-lt. Adm'x., MUlvllle, Pa. "IUUol Tom, Olid to see you, old fellow I It's almost ten years fines w wen married. Bit dowm let's have an experience meeting. How's the wits f " Oh I she's so-so, same as niual, alwsys wast. ing something I can't afford." Well, we all want something mors Utn we've got. Don't you T " " Tes i but I guess 1 want will be my master.' I started to keep down sinenses ; and now Ul says I'm 'mean,' and she's tlrrd of saving and never having anything to show for It. I saw your wlf down street, ana she looked as bsppy as a queen I'' " I think she Is l and ws ara economical, too, have to be. My wife can maks a little go further .' mijwu. kiki men, j, mum m aiwaji sur- me wun some aainiy contrivance mat dl to tha comfort anil iMtantv of nnr llttU hnm. and she's alwsys ' merry as a lark.' When I ask bow she manages It, sbe always laufrhs and says; Oh I that's my secret I ' But I think I've die. covered her ' secret.' When we married, we both knew we should have to be very caret ol, but she made one condition! she would have lierMagazln. And sbe was right I I wouldn't do wlthooiu my self for double the subscription price. We. read It together, from the title-page to the last word t the stories keep onr hearts young ( the synopsis of Important events and sclentlne matters keeps me potted to that I can talk understanding ot what It going on ; my wife Is alwayt trying eoms new idea from the nontehold department! she makes all her drettet and thote for the children, and the gets all her patterns for nothing, with the Hsgazine ; and we saved Joe when he as so sick with the croup, by doing Juit as directed In tha (Unitarian Department. Ilut I can't tell vou half I" "Whatwonderfsl Mezritlne la It " " Demorett's Family Jf sgazlne, and" "What I Why that's what Ul wasted so bad, and I told ber it was an extravagance." "Well, mr friend, that's Where yon mads a grand mistake, and one you'd better rectify as soon as yon can. I'll take your 'tub.' right here, on my wife's account! she's bound to hive a china tea-set In time for our tin wedding nest month. 11 y gold watch was tu j premium I got for getting up a club. Here's a copy, with the new Premium Llttfor clubs, the biggest thing outl If you don't see In It what you ant, you've only to writs ta the publisher and tell kin) what you want.whethtt It la s Isck-hammer or a new carriage, and he win Ivake special terms for you, either for a club, or for barteatb, Jlettcr subscribe right off and surprise Mrs. Tom. Only 13.U0 a jear-wUl save If ly limes that in six monihs. Or seadtOccsts direct to the sraMUtxr, W, JOap Deaueest, U Kast lit 2ZfoSfi wgw ton im$ CLOTHING! CLOTHING! FOR THE nvcEisr, boys Prices astonishingly low, they never were any lower. HATS, CAPS, OF ALL KINDS. SHIRTS ! COLLARS AND NECKWEAR. In Great Varieties. TRUNKS, VALISES, AND UNDERWEAR, OF ALL KINDS. OVERCOATS ! .OVERCOATS ! CL.OTIIINO of all sorts for comfort at surprisingly Low Prices. At THE RELIABLE CLOTHIE Specimen " S'o other Weekly Paper give) THIS SLIP rl Comes S"i- "1 SroniES I V- -r SCIENCE aT?.BiiiueU.urr.m, ts EVERY 1JN BYTHE 1.1000 TRAVEL , jho IKL" w su y FREE. TO JAN. I, 1891. To bt NKW BtinSCRIIlKIl wli mill eat oat aid Mod us this slip wllk name and Rddrms nd (tit Pattal or fjrprtu Monty Order or Registered Letter at our rbH vre will Hrnd TUB YOUTH'S COMPANION FRKRt Jansmnr, 1R01. nnd Tor a Pall Yenr from Hint Dnle. This offer tnelades Ike FIVE DOUni.E HOLIDAY NtlMllKItS for TbankssUlnir. Clirlstums, New Year'e, Easter aad Foarth-of-julr, and all the Illnstrnted Wreklr Siipvlenienm. Addreu, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 41 Temple Place, Boston, Mass. m wj mi mi m w ft mi v-a ft k b ft k -fc BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only $3 doz. Lite size Crayons only $10.00, Viewing, copy ing and enlarging. Instant process uped. tl. DM1N TltATOlf NOTICE. slate of Reuben It Dads, tats of Benton township wveumetu Notice Is hereby given tuat letters of adminis tration on t ie estate of Itcuen II. navls, lat6 ot tbe township of tvn'on. county of Columbia and Mate of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been grant ed to f. L. invito! Denton, col Co., l'a., to whom all pertons Indebted to si id estate are reuuestuU to make payments, and thoei having rial m or de mands will inake known the same wltbout delay to riUDtVli Adm'r. It. IlrcilNSiuu. Uenton. Atty. 1I-7-1W. H. A. KEiUP, ARTIST, linn reiuuvid to Stnvt b" ltlook, in rO' ma lotmutly ojcuiilu'l iy Roiton stock, having I lit in rHnoilt'ul ntul put ting tl o in oomorle nnJ back- grouml'i Iu, an J in prupartd to da thu finet nnil iiiohI arttHtio work. CABINETS from OOo to $4 per d. z, CRAVONS $5.00 and upward. A Speoia! Otliinot Wo Mako. 1 DOZ. OAIHNILI'3 and ono 10 x 12 PICTURE, ALL FOR $2 50. TbU offer is only good until Jin. 1, 1891. Remember tlio placo, on Mttti street 2 doors below Iron street, "Hloomaburg, l'a. For The Holidnys. Life size Crayons and photo graphs. Finest work at M'Killip Bros, -:o;- -:o.' Copioa and Beautiful Calendar to great a Variety of Entertaining and Inilnulire A CITY LUXURY. Just as the city looks to the country for most of the luxuries used on its tables, so the country must turn to the city for those conven iences which are justly termed luxuries for the hard-working house wife. City housekeepers have learned to realize that to save time is to lengthen life. is one of the best known city luxuries and each time a cake is used i an hour is saved. On floors, tables and painted work it acts like a ' charm. For scouring pots, pans and metals it has no equal. IF YOUR STOREKEEPER DOES NOT KEEP IT YOU SHOULD INSIST UPON HIS DOING SO, as it always gi -es satisfaction and its immense sale all over the United States makes it an almost necessary article to any well-supplied store. Everything shines after its use, and even the children delight in using it in their attempts to help around the house. Pattern Hats and Bonnets, Wednesday, September ITU.. MISS H. E. WAvSLEY, Main Street, Bloomsburg Pa NEXT DOOR TO I. W. IIARTMAN & SONS. THE POSITIVE CURE. Wi UltOTllEItS, 60 Warren JR(Brfy MA (QfotMeg I lewost Styles, Laifcesifc Cunts I Lowest Friees I AVE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK Fall and Winter Clothing for Men, Youths' and Children, Ever Brought to This County. Children's Suils.of all Styles. Como nnd Seo for Yourself. We are not onerine old stock lint, ihnv just received, and moro on tho lilln.l .....1 1 !t i- .11 " Y "iviiu yuu u can. ami sec anil makeselections from tho latest styles. Suits sold for $3.60 and upwards. Wo havo nlso, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods. In our Merchant Tailoring Department wo can furnish you tho Best Cooda at Low Prices and guarantee satisfaction Call at once at EVANS & MWBB, COItHER MAW AUD IRON STUCCIS. sent Froo. FnpsTTT UNW -THE foMILV Heading at to low a priee, WITH $1.75 Bt, New Tork. frlce w etJ -or- way. Our large storo room is 1 . H75 it
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers