THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOukaT. BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 The Columbian J. X. BlUtnbeaier., f B10"' BLOOMSBUttG, PA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1890. Senators Cameron aud Quay recnt ly had an Intorviow at Washington, and thoy unanimously agree that the Legislature is suro to re-elect the formor- Docs Quay want to spoil his colleagues ohauoest THE OOUNTY ELfiOTION. fho matter of the general eloo Hon of 1890, looally cons'uloro.1, may properly bo disposod of and dismissed for history, when tho rosults are compared with those of formor vears. and tho procross of opinion and electoral action in tho county thus indi cated, shall bo sot lorth. Bjforo tho eroction of Montour, Col umbia County at a full olcotion had at tained toademoorat'o majority of 1000, slightly exceeding that majority at tho gubernatorial and prosiuontiai elections of 1844. Whon Montour waa erected Bho carried off 500 of that majority, leaving tho majority iu this oouuty Btaodtntr at about 1100. Hits was n largo majority for a small county and justified tho political soubriquet appli cd to us, of "The Star of the North." But tho majority has ainoe grown in proportion to the voto polled, and in absolute matmitude, to tho mag nificent futures whloh tho rccont eloolion returns present. Tiiat growth continued even durinc tho war, as was illustrated by the fact that tho soldier vote of 180 1, from this ooftnty, (unlike that of almost every other county in tho Statc,)exhibited a demooratlo pre ponderance. But prior .to ',he presont vear the hishest maiontr civon at test election, was given to Hano jck in 1880, being over 2300. Tho presont yoar tho democratic majorities tor Lieut, Govornor and for Secretary of In tenia! affairs Barclay, reached nearly 2700, while that for Pattison boomed up to 2800, being an increaso approach- ine 500 over any tormer example. Upon the proportionate voto the re sult is equally remarkable. Omittng fraotione, tho Delamater voto wa3 2000 and the Pattison voto 4800- tho demo cratic voto beini; two to one, and 800 to spare Of tho 07 counties of tho State, Col umbia ranks Tourth in its doraocratio majority, bointr exceeded only by tho great counties of Berks, Northampton and York; excluding a a exceptional vote reported for tho present year,' for Schuylkill and Lehigh, and in its proportionate vote, as between parties, it is oxoeeded only by ono or two of its sister counties. During the period of time re ferred to there has been no con siderable increaso of voters from abroad, except in the Centralia district and ono or t-o other points in tho county. The crowth and increase of political power for the domocraoy, has been, therefore, apon native elements of population by conversions from the opposite party and by young men oom ing of age, and it is a remarkable fact that tho county has gonerally given her pest majunuui in luu wujbii ui juain when disaster fell upon the party in the state and throughout tho oountry, Onr Herman and aaotoh-lrish oonu lation hivo remained firm in political conviction and steadfast in tho wont of times. Wo havo fortunately esoaped politi cal dobauchment with consequent weak ness, resulting from largo money ex penditures upon elections. State com mittecs have rarely contributed to our local cxpeDse, aud as a rale, candidates have not been profuse in outlay to secure success. It may bo added, that while the party has had leaders men to think, write and speak for it it has not been subjected to tho domination of bosses, nominations for office have commouly been made by tho free, un controlled action of tho people, and have not been dictated to them or manipulated for them. Of course difficulties have ariseD, sometimes from over-zeal of candidatoa, or from selfish ambition, bat upon the whole fair play has been the rule and not tno excep tion In party action. Nor is it to bo overlooked thit just and reasonable rules for tho making of nominations to office, have prevailed amongst us. liy a special oounty convention called for the purposo about l'U years ago, a coo of rules for nominations rvas adopted which subsequently has . been, from time to time amended, and now consti- ' tates, perhaps tho best nominating aystem in forco in tho state. It may not bo perfect, but it has doubtless contributed largely to party harmony and success. Upon tho whole therelore, there was cood cause for tho domocraoy celebrat ing the splendid victory whioh thoy aohieved in our county. Of thirty election districts in tho County twenty nine return democratic melontios, loav inn West Berwick standing solitary and alone on the opposite side! And when in addition to our satisfaction over tho local result, wo turn to tho re salt in our stato and elsewhere, our feelings rise to hopefulness and confi denoe in tho future of ou,- groat party and of our beloved country, which that party is so well fitted to guide in tho waya oi prosperity uuu jjuuuc. O. R. Bockalkw. John Q. Fkeeze, Lumber Saved From the flood, winilTTFIVK l'EU CENT. OF ALL THE LOQS SWEPT AWAY WAS CAUGHT. Tho Lumberman's Exohango have compiled statistios relative to tho logs swept away by the groat flood of June 1, 1889, wuiou snow a remarKauio Btato of facts. Tho logs that went astray on that memorable) day aggre gated something over 200,000,000 feet, a greater portion of which was carried into Chesapoak Bay. Tho committee of tho exchange, to which was on trusted tho great work of collecting this timber, hayo succooded in saving 180,000,000 feet, thus reducing Hie aotual loss to tha owners of not nioro than fifteen per cont. Of these logs 67,000,000 floated Into tho bay, where they wero gathered up and sawed CO 000,000 foot wero gathered upon the banks of the river between Loyalsock and Havre do Grace, nnd tho remaind er between Williamsport and Loyal- 8Thii r-Cfrd exoeeds anything of the ilnd ever known iu the hUtory of IW'sylvauta lumberii. , operators, The gumUniuu on whom devolved the creator portion of tho work wore J. Henry Ooohrano and FJotchor Colo-jnan. B. K. JAMIB0N & 00. FAIL. OKNEIUI, ASSIGNMENT TO CRKD1TOM. 1). K. Jamison & Co., button, of Fifth and Chesnut streets, Philadelphia closed tlioir doors last Friday, being unablo toimcet thoir obligation!. Tho firm consists of B. K. Jamison, J. II. Kershaw. P. J. Kolloy. W. M. Stow art and A. J, Plumor. Col. Jamison well known all ovor tho state. Ho has driven all over tho country in his iamous coach, tho "Katnbler.' Several times ho has visited Bloomsburg. Somo of tho members of this firm were largo-1 ly interested in tho Bloomsburg A Sul- Ivan It. It. tympany, and owned a l.irgo tract of timber lands on the Worth Mountain. Tho failure will in no way affoot tho Railroad Company. An assignment has been mado of all their property to Samuel G. Thomp son of Philadelphia. Tho failure was owing to tho panloky feeling of tho past month, whloh caus ed a goaoral withdrawal of funds by customers and correspondents, whioh n the present stringent condition of tho money market tho bank was unable to stand. This lirm has enjoyed a long honorablo and hitherto successful busi ness career, and nothing of a dishonest character is ascribed to tho failure. Col. Jamison thinks that with fair treatment by thoir credti'ors thoy may bo able to resunio business. They Are Liable- The doctors are all liablo to bo mis taken. Thoy wore !n my case. ItcoH me $200,00. because they said I had Heart disease, and then told mo I moot die. Graudmother said it was Liver complaint, and 2,00 worth of Sulphur Dittora cured mwmn Jfoor, mock- port, Mas). 11.23 2-t. 00URT PS00EEDING8- Court opened on Monday morning Decouber 1, at 10 o'clock, it being the regular term of court, Hon. Ou. lv. Ikelor, President Judge, Associate Judge M. W. Jaokeou on the bonch, Judge Murphy arrived in mo aiior noon. A. J. Derr and J. TJ. Kurtt were ox- ensed as grand jurors. Uonstablts called and grand jury sworn, uarnoy ioyio appomtea lore- man of nrand jury. John N. Uordon appointed tipstau to tho grand jury. N. 1. Fowler appointed extra lip- ptaff in court room. Commonwealth vs. John Creber, fornication and bastardy, trno bill, Commonwealth vs. W. S. Shaffer, nol pros allowt-d, Auditors reports were connrmea nisi in tho following ostates : Mary E. Snvder. William Johnson, John P. Uraig, Anna J, ijooicatt, oimon reuer man, Philip Appleman, Jacob Klingsr man: W. C. Hartman. Bottler license of 1'etor Uross de ceased, transferred to Phillipa Gross, P. A. stroup. supervisor oi Hem lock entered into his own recognizance in $100 for appearance at next session, Tho roads complained ot in this case are undergoing repairs and tho case was ooutmued for this reason. Report of commissioners on the di-1 vision of Sugarloaf townBbip into two I election districts confirmed nisi. Exceptions filed to road in Main near James Keifer's. Commonwealth vs. Geo. E. Dyer, true bill on seoond count. Register's accounts confirmed nisi. Exceptions filed to first and final ac count ot u. w. -muer, executor oi Magdalena Bredbenue.. Report of viowers assessing dam acres and contributions upon tho open ing of North street in the town of a oomsburg. hicu. Edward E. Kalston appointed guard ian of Wilbur mshar. Salo ordered in eatato of Clotworthy Fisher. Marv Dodson vs. Wilson A. Dodson, dviorce decreed on payment of oosls. Report of salo in estato ot samuel Freas confirmed nisi. Inquest on body of C. F. ulark ap proved. Tho following roads confirmed nisi : Pine near Fans' lane; Conyngham township. Briarcreek near W. S. Heck's house ; Briarcreek near bouse of Susan and Conard Marklo. on body of John Shoemaker approved Heport in sale of Daniel Gearhart I confirmed uisi. Q. W. Budman vs. Annie M. Bad man, divorce deoreed. Tho followiug widows appraise ments confirmed nisi : K-itato of David Lewis, estate of Daniel Gearhart, estate of Aaron Hess. J. li. Fowler, J. W. Vannatta, E. S. Werkheiser, R. G. F. Kashinka and R. R. Ikeler oxoused as inrors, Commonwealth vs. John Creber, oase tried, verdict, cuiltr. Commonwealth vs. Geo. E. Dyer, case called, defeudant does not answer, recognizance forfeited. Bond of O. II. Campbell, Register and Recorder, approved. Commonwealth vs. Miohaol Mo Donauch. sellmtr liquor without li cense, defendant pleads guilty. Sen tonoed to undergo imprisonment in countviail for threo montliB, pay a fine of 8500, costs of proscoution. The court made the following order i Now, Deoember 2, 1890, it is ordered and directed that live hundred sonor, intelligent and judioious persons be selected with duo diligence alternately from the wholn qualified clt'otors of the county ot Columbia, to sorve as jurors in the eoveral courts of tho oounty for the year 1801, and that their names bo plaood in tho jury wheel according to law. Commonwealth vs. Ellen Shoemaker, assault and battery, case called, verdict not cuiltv, prosecutrix and defendant oaoh pay half the costs. (Jommonweaitti vs. james dimmer - ... T man, nol pros allowed on payment of costs, Commonwealth vs. John B. Bluo, defendant eoterod into rcoognnance for his appearance at thii court iu tho sum of 8600. Samuel Bluo, bail. Commonwealth vs, Geo. E. Dyer, nol pros allowed, W. D. Beokley continued as auditor in estate of Jacob Yohe. 1 1 ul mo & Housekneoht vs. J, J. Brink and Caroline Brink. Writ stay ed, liei to remain, and rulo granted to bIiow canso why judgmeut shall not bo striokon off. Geo. E. El well continued as auditor in estato of Mary M. Snyder. L. E. Waller continued as auditor in estato of Wm. Hippenstoel. O. E. Gever appointed auditor in estato of Ann Young. Estato of Elizabeth Hawk, rule on heirs to arcop. or refuse real estate at tho appraisement. Ulmstoad vs Ulmstead, C. E. Guyer appointed commissioner to take testi mony. Kutatu of Andrew Runyan, rulo to ehow oauso why the confirmation of galo of real estate shall not be stricken UAtARRh MarttMtnl u ul U faanrfora mih be rt4 k tool eep!lefta. It rtsjairo nuIMmiI tmT Mw ate tomtvffit, vMeX, V?U In i HO Uo, mttntm she afcqswlly rtlrt mhm Ml jrmtlM tke Mt ees Mmuiol m, teiui mt ?! twttr to to iwm I Heed's larMpam a nmiotf Ut ttartn irsss Vm nmnnm U tatted. Hood's tiwsaiBuma ab Vslldi up ae waole y1i, ai tnkM 7 istl tnmt U health ud treugtfc. M. B. It tab. so nr item. tiuu ev isi kt taunted mv ray Dmi. Hood's Sarsaparilla IOO Deaea On Dollar I Order of Bale o l' tifd in fstato of Isaao Waancr. A-sm B'a'p rf Em- mor Doitrick, rule to tlrike off couliriL- atlon ot sale of piece No. 1, and piece No. 0, and to oontinuo order of sale. Rulo mado absolute Bridge in Greenwood over Muddy Run near ClArk Merrel's continued to next term. Road in Jackson and Benton near Goo. Heath's, order continued to next term. Commonwealth vs Jaoob A. Robbing case tried, verdict not guilty, Commonwealth vs Mtohael McMana mln. Defendant entered into reoogni zance for oppcaranco at next sessions, in $2000, Mary MuManamm, bail. frivato sale ordered in estate of Andrew Freas. Court sentenced John Crebrr to ray a fine of $25 and costs, $20 lj ing in expenses, and $48 for support of ohil-l io present and ifi.uu a week to Jennie Ipher, mother of tho child, and give bond to overseers of poor of Hemlock township. Nathan Tnbba appointed guardian of Geo. M Kaao, minor child of Peter Kaic. Commonwealth vs. Noll Stroup and Mrs. Forney. The court filrd tho fol lowing paper : Now Doo. 3rd, 1890. Alter due'oonsideration given to the petition of a large number of very re- speotable oitizons of tho town of Bloomsburg, praying for the rcduotion of tho sentence of Nell Stroup, and both sho and Mrs. Samuel Forney hav ing been oommitted for the same of fenoa and having at tho same term of. sentence each applied for a reduction thereof, the sontcnoo of oaoh is reduo cd six months, hereby directing their terms of imprwonmeut to end and ex pire on Friday the 12th day of Decem ber A. D. 1890, at 12 o'clock noon. Br the Coobt, Commonwealth vs Geo Chromis. re- oognizanoo for-feitod to be respited on his appearance at uoxt term. uommonwealth vs .Edward Yeager recognizanco forfeited. Commonwealth vs. Tony Bash, col pros allowed, What the Bleotlon Meant- bknatob oablisle thinks tub pxoput DNDEBSTOOD THE IUVK- The force and significance of thu popular rebuke cannot be weakened by the claims set up since tho election that the tariff aot has been misrepresented and its injurios effect upon the people exaggratcd by the arguments of its opponent and by the action of mor ohanla and others in taking immediate advantage of the prospective increase in prices. The purpose of the law, even if it had not been a vowed by its auth ors and supporters, is perfectly plain, and its effect upon the cost of living and upon the markets in which our principal surplus products are sold oan be foreseen with almost absolute cer tainty. The aot was condemned by the peoplo because they fully under stood it, and not beoauee thoy were de ceived in regard to it. The great mass of produoers in this oountry are in no way oenemed by a tantt, and they do not beliove they onght to bo taxed merely for the purpose of starting some new private enterprise, or for the pur pose of increasing tho profits of old ones , nor do they think it wise or just to cut their products off from tho great markets of the world in order to give somebody else eioluuivo control of their marketa at home. Bat the tariff sohedules were only parts of the scheme to tax the whole people for the benefit of a few. Pnbl;o money, raised by taxation, is to bo gratuitously dis tributed in tee form of bounties and subsidies to the manufacturers of do- mestio sugar and to individuals and corporations owning steamships en- gagod in foreign trade, while the peo ple wno are engaged in other pursuits. equally useful and meritorious, aro to struggle on as best they can, without aid of any kind from the government. To say nothing of the iojustioo of tho proceeding, to impo taxes for tho purposo of roetrictiug foreign trade, aud At the same time to impose taxes for the purpose of paying subsidies to encourage foreign trade, involves such a pi-paoio inconsistency that tho popu lar mind at onco refuses to aoceot it as ovidenoe of enlightened or honest statesmanship, Nroth American Re view. Deafness Oan't He Oared, I oy local applications, as they cannot roach tbo diseased portion of tho ear. There is only ono way to euro deafness anu mat is Dy constitutional remedies. Deafness is cauaed by an inflamed con dition of the muoous lining of the ifuslachian Tube, When this tubo gets innamod you iiavo a rumbhnc I sound for imperfect hearing, and when I it Is entirely closed, Deafness is the 1. I , . 1 rusuit, uuu mums my mnammauon oan bo taken out antl this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for over; nine oases out of ten aro caused by catarrh, whioh is nothing but an iufiamcd condition of tbo mucous surfaces. Wo wil cive Ono Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by oatarrh) that we cannot ouro by taking Hall's Catarrh Curo. Send for circulars, I roe. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. bold by druggists, 76 cent GOOD S A I ARY ANU KXPUNHIM PAID. We want a tew more good men to sell our nur sery products. To eneriretio and reliable men we win guarantee Liberal wages and Permanent ampiujmenu rrevious experience not rcquirea. enclosing stamp StAffS. HbiWr & uu.. BKNECA NURSKR1B-4. OINKVA, V. T, l e-v. GOBIMUNIOIIS All yOSITIVXSLY CJUUXIi BY KtcM'sCDiaU(&lMin. On a TmuL wtD nak a trlpple 4anoa f or Joy. faUtySrantfUtCXKiit by BuH Ut lOc p ka. 1 "I nMd Hood's BtrupirlUt, for catarrh, id rteslred nut relief and benefit from II IU eatarrk wu Tey disagreeable, taming etmstant (litharge from my ncie, tinging otses Id say ears, ud pains la tho buck of qr httA. Tbo tOtti to lu aj hcd In tho mmint ij Unking and iplttUi wu ptia 1 Hood'o Saruouttto to mo routt ha tHaUlT, WM la Ha I wu oattnlr ovrod. I think Uood'iBanaparUUU worth Ito) wolibl la tM-M Mu O. B. Gas, loi kth, n.Tr., Waihln-toa, D. a "Hood'f ganapartllakaa bolMd toroatarrh and Ira part Mood ttiaa aarthlna om I tt UMi." JLHALL,inauo,JT.T. IOO Doses On Dsllsr DAY'S Hse POWDER Prevents Lung Feve r andi cures Distemper, Heaves, l overs, &c.,&0. 1 pound la each paokage, Sold by an dtin. DR. BULL'S BABY 3 "ST 3Ft-XT 3P Canilitatao Tlliiiinll'dn'Ml"i tauiiuaica iCBUinifii rrlcoMCti. Heguiaies meuoweisi amama mtm. rorineo For tbo oure of HULL'S Coughs, Colds, g croup, Asthma, COUGH Incipient Whooping , Cough, Con sumption andfortherellof of SYRUP Consumptive persons Far BI tr all dnctfiti. vunre users cubcb cioarittis for c- OMIUnC farrhl Prist JO Cu, Atoll UrussUU. PIANO LAMP FREE CIodit'8 Lidt's Doox for December or January wm ten you bow to procure a ltocilKSTEU IMtASS PIANO UAMl' without cost. Send 16 cents for either number. You will set In return tbo Cett iMnw magazine in America It nas tbo greatest variety oi Pepartments, all ably edited Uterary, Music, Heclpe.", etc, are a tew ol the subjects treated. In January number win begin the new power- ADNA H. LISHTNES, KTlTLID Under the Chastening; TEE PBIDH 0? TBS WHITTINQT0U3. Author of "Shaaaw ana aumntnt," 'Creato," "A WaviiCLe Violet," etc. Also, abort Stories and Berlala, wlUi original son, Ada Mane Feck, EmUr Reed. Marian Keevea. Humorous Sketches by nolle io. Ureene. Flowers and their culture by Emma J. Gray. Sketches and poems by WlUls C. Bteelo, etc. In fact, for Mm ALWAYS IN ADVANCE Beautiful Premiums For Clnbs. TKItaiSTO CLUIl, i Oodles . . $3 60 , 4 CO " 7 n ror list of Premiums and terms to l&rror rtnha. Bend 15 cents tor Hamplo Copy, which will give you full information. Engravings appear In every number, ot sub jects ot well-known artists, and produced by the newest processes. In Its Colored Fashions oos irspeads in colors and styles. Doth modistes and home dressmakers accord thorn the foremost position. Paper Patterns are one of the lmuortantfeatiireii of this magazine, each subscriber being allowed to celect their own pattern every month, an Item wuo uiuro Miuu covering i no Buosnption price. Practical Ulnts on nressmakln? show how car. mentscanbe renovated and made over by the Practical hlnta tnr ITnneAhMri nhnw vnnnc housekeepers how to manage tho culinary de partment with economy and skill. Fashion Notes. At Homo and Abroad, delight every lady's heirt. The colored and Black Work designs give all the newest Ideas for fancy work. auo .uukiuk uucipes aro unaer too oomroi Of an rperlenccd housekeeper. The Architectural dnnArtment In nf Tirartlfftl utility, careful estimates being given with each plan. EVERT LADY IIBR OWN DRESS MAKER who subscribes to Oodit's Lidt'h ltnor. Th 1 coupon whlcfi you will nnd In each number entitles you to your own selection ot any cut p tern Illustrated In Godit's Lidt's Book. 1 lab our loo sample copy wm contain one ot these cou sons. bend ic cent-i for uamDle. which wl 1 1 lw be allowed on your sub shows vou xw how to cut scription when received. out the garment you n ant. That's all we can say In this space. For the rest see your sample num- ucr, lur wmcu txun io cents at unco. "uoaey is only tt oo a year. Address GODKT'8 LAUT'd BOOK," FhUadelphla, Pa. In Club with this paper, Godet's and tho Coluhaun, Price $2 50, which should be tent to the oflice of this Paper, II. A. ItKIfll, ARTIST, uas removed to btiives uiocic, in rooms lormerlv occupied bv ltosen stook, having thorn remodeled and put ting too latest accessories and back grounds in, aud is prepared to do the tinest aud most artietio work. CABINETS from 99o to 84 por doz, CRAYONS $5.00 and upwards. A Special Cabinet Wo Make. 1 DOZ. CABINETS and ono 10 x 12 PICTURE, ALL FOR $2.50. This offer is only good until Jan. 1, 1891. Remember tho place, on Main street 2 doors below Iron street, Bloomsburg, l'a. M'Killip Bros. Photographs. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Photographic portraits re touched a n 4l modeled lor likeness, tone, and finish. JLile size crayons, fin est grsidc, a spec ialty. Frames, copying and viewing:. HINDERCORN8. nftalranrCiirroriXjrni. BtoMall imJo. Zdiqi mtortolliaUiA.Uc.ilirunUlA. IlwJuxCu..M.y. 1891. Harper's Young PoDplo. AH ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. The Twelfth Volume of lUnrtR's Yodim nori.i begins on November 4, int. Tbls bout and mot oomprebcnMrn weekly in the world for young readers presents a rich and attractive programme, in action there will b9 "Oampmates: A story of tho Halns " by Ktrk Munroei "Men of Iron," a romancn, by Howard Pjlo, with Illustrations by the anthor; ''Flying Mill Farm," by Sophie swettj "Th- .Moon l-rlneo" hr IL K. Mtinklttrlrk l and "Vellowtop." by ,nnle Uronson Kin?, In fiddt. tton lolhesonvnuerla thro win bi storlos In two or three pirts by Tnomti Nelson I'age, HJal. mar Iljorth Boyescn. Kdwln Lnaietter llynner, Harriet rrescott f porrord, Mary IS. wukln, Nora I'erry, and others. Hhort utorl-s nnd articles on science, history, travel, adventure, games and sports, with hun-lrcds nf Illustrations of tbo high est character, will render IHrfkh's Yopno 1'aorLi for ISM unrivalled as a miscellany ot the beat reading for boys and girls . ' The best weekly p ibllcatlOn for young people In existence. It Is edited with scrupulous care and attention, and Instruction and entertainment are mingled In Its pages In lull the right propor tions to captivate the minds of tho young, and at the same time- to develop their thinking power." r. Oonerwr. TEElfS: rostage Prepaid, J2 00 Per Tsar. Vol. Xll braint .Vowmoer I, 18901 Volames IX, X. and XI. of lUaraR's Touna Pbofli bound In cloth will be sent hr mnll. nmi. ago paid, ou reccl pt ot M 60 each . '1 he other vol. uinos are out ot print. Specimen Copy tent on receipt of a ttro-cent ttamp. Binoli Nombibs, Five Cents each, Ilemlttancos should be made br l'ost.nmm Mon. ey Order or Pratt, to avoid ctance ot loss. Sewtpapert are not to copy IMt wlrerlitement wttnout lite ezprett araer of UtRraa a ilRorittRS. Address: llAUPnitfi UltOTUEHS, New Y.rlc The Now York WORLD never crows. For what It has done it asks no favor and do consideration. That Is ancient history to bo forgotten. It looks only to tho fu. turo to the work to bo done. Our hopes and fears, our Joys and sorrows arc all be fore us not ono behind. fn THE WOULD'd work for 1801 every American citizen is vitally Interested, and not one no matter what his politics rosy be can afford to bo 'without Its weekly edition, which has not an equal uu ;tar h us a newspaper. Niuu men out ot every tou know this to bo true. Every tenth man should send tc-dny for a specimen copy, that the knowledge may bu univer sal. Bubscrllje at once. Threo months costs only 35 cents, and by every week's delay you miss something worth more than tho subscription price for the year which is only one dollar. Address TUB WOULD, Now York. P A T A D TJ TJ Cared. Write forsamplert--. WalaXVCVAuuDBBBicncourjNT, lilGo Km hit. nnriir IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, ML AT TIN, or OIF, CJLOTH, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. m. BMOWEE'S 2nd Door above Court House. A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. -J". Gk WELLS- Be sure and look at the display of JEWELRY, WATCHES, &c. Finest line in the County, before purchasing your Xmas PRESENTS. HAVE YOUR EYES CHARGE AT J, C. WELLS'. AIX glasses guaranteed to fit. Prepared to turn out fine AVatch and Jewelry Work of all kinds on short notice. All work guaranteed. A DMINI8 riUTMX NO TIOE. XttaU of Httphrmla Itobblm, late of OreemcooH ivwiuiip, arceatea. Notice la herebr elren tnnr. lnftora nf oAmtnta. tratloao. t, a. la tbe abota estato kava been in-anted to the untffrsigne-l, anl all pirtles to debted to aaia estate are requested to make Im mediate payment, and those hailug claims to pretent the Bame without aelay to l!-6-t. Admx, Mlllrtlle, Pa, "IleUol Tom. Oltd to sea you, old fellow I It's Jmot ten years since ws were msrritd. Bit down: let's bars sa experience meetlnr. How's the wife I " "Oh I she's so-so, stme ss mail, slwsys wuU Ins somethlnf 1 can't afford." " Wstl, we all want something aura than ws'ra fot. Don't you I" " Yes i but 1 rness ' wsnt will be my master.' I started to keep down expenses ; and now li asys I'm 'mean,' and she's tired of sarlne and nerer hating anything to show for it. I tsw your wife down street, anaabe looked as bsppy ss a qnecn l " I think she is 1 and ws are economical, too, hate to be. My wife can make a little go further than anyone I erer knew, yet she's slwsys sor prising me with some dainty contrirance that adds to the comfort and beauty of onr little home, and she's slwsys ' merry ss a Isrk,' When I ssk bow she manares It, she slwsys lsnebs snd ssyst Oht that's my secret I Dirt I think I'ts dls. eoTered her ' secret.' When we msrrled, we both knew we should hSTS to be very careful, but she made one condition: sbs would hare her Msgsilne. And she wss right I I wouldn't do without It my self for double the subscription pries. We read It together, from the title-page to the last word the stories keep our hearts young ; tbe synopsis pf Important events and scientific matters keeps las posted so thst I can talk nuderstandlngly of what Is going on i my wife Is always trying some new idea from the household department: she dikes all her dresses snd those for ths children, and she gets sll her psttems for nothing, wltk the Uagsiine I and ws saved Joe when he was ao sick with ths croup, by doing oit ss directed in tha Banitarlsn Department. Dot I can't tell you halt I" " What wooderf ul M alexins la It I " " Demoretl's Family jjsgsxlns, and' "What I Why that's whst Lll Minted so bad, And I told bar It was an extravagancs." " Well, my friend, that's where you made a grand mistake, and one yon'd better rectify as aeon as you can. I'll take your 'sub.' right hers, cn my wife's account : shs's bound to bsvs a china tia-set In tlms for onr tin wedding next month. My gold wstch was ths premium I got for getting np a dob. Here's a copy, with ths new Premium list for dubs. the biggest thlngeatl If you don't see la II what you want, you've only to write to ths publisher and tell him what yoa want, whether It Is a tack-hammer or a new carriage, and he will make special terms for you, either for a club, or for part cash. Better subscribe right off snd surprise Mrs. Tom. Only 3X0 a yssr will savs fifty times that In six months. Or tend 10 cents direct to the KbUaher, W. J insists Desvorset, I Bast IWs " I ifjH - ' WirlMI" W IWHIlsaf CLOTHING! CLOTHING! FOR THE nycEisr, bots Prices astonishingly low, they never were any lower. HATS, CAPS, OF ALL KINDS. SHIRTS I COLLARS AND NECKWEAR. In Orcs&t Varieties. TRUNKS, VALISES, AND UNDERWEAR, OF ALL KINDS. OVERCOATS I OVERCOATS! CliOTHINO of all sorts for eonilort sit surprisingly Low Prices. At 1 THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER it mvni mi c n m pa Kit tnc i uu in j vyiii rvii Specimen Comes stories Read in every Week 1450.000 BYTBE Bt3lAUW0RSl homes " K other Wteklji Paper fivet THIS SUP FREE TO JAN. I, 1891. To Bar VTLVt BtJBSCRIDER wk will nt oat ! teat am this .Hp wllh nnme ond Addre.. Mnd 81.75 ((a roitaX or Erprttl Monty Order or JltgUtered Letter at our rUi wn will .end THE YOUTH'S COMPANION FltEKlo Jnn.ry, 1891, and for m. Fnll Yenr from Hint Dnlft. Thl offer Inelid. tka FIVE DOUm.E HOLIDAY NIIMI1EHS fnr Thnnk.ilTlnir, Ohrlntraa., New Year1., Eaaler .d nnd mil the Illuntrntrd Weeklr Muplilemenl.. Addrett, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 41 Temple Place, Boaton, Maaa FITTED FREE OF Sheriff's Sale. By lrtue of writ of Pi. Fa. Issued out ot the ROUrt Of Onmmnn 1)1... n .... I ... v. . w4 vvi ,v., ru., UUU UJ me directed, there will be Bold In the Sheriffs omce in the Court Houso, Uloomiburj, Pa,, on SATURDAY, DEOEMBER 0, 1890, at 10 a, m, all that certain pleoo or pireel of land atuata In Mifflin t-iwnslilp, Columbia county ra,, bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by pub. Ho roid and land of w. B. Ooodhart, on tho east by land of Komla Darnbacn, on the south by land ot E. p, Bchwr ppenhelser, on the west by lands of Samuel Knecnt, J, V, Aten a'.d K. Schwe ppenhels er, containing 78 Acres of I4tinci, iuwwuni3, wu'.'roou aro croc tea I HWIUl and other outbuildings. Helxod, Uken Into execution at the suit of D. B. Fctterolf administrator of Mlch&pt vr tAmir am.a aBevs, sold as the prop- crvy ui u. 11, uoemer, JU1IN 11. OA8EY, H. It. Littlb, Alty, Bherlff. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraite only $3 do.. Life size Crayons only $10.00. Viewing, copy ing and enlarging. Instant process uped. tf. DMINITIIATOH NOTICK. ttatt of Reuben II. Davit, late, of Benton toitnthip deoeatea. Notice Is hereby glreu that letters ot adminis tration on the estate ot Heuen II. navls, lat 6 of tbo township of Uenton. oounty ot Columbia and btate of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been grant ed to t). L. Davis of uenton, Col Co., Pa., bo w hoin all persona Indebted to arid estate are reauested to make payments, and tlioa-t having rial ins or de mands will make known the Bame without delay . 0.1,UI1D, SUU1T, 11. Uccxixoniu. Ik n ton, Atty, II.T-SW. TDK COLUMBIAN 18 THE BEST, -:o;- -:o.- HAIEB Coplea end Boautilul Calendar SCIENCE 1000 ICHARMINS Travel tun AMD NsniRiL iCHllDREKS 1 ADVENTURE HISTORY PAGE u great Variety cf Entertaining and Inttrvctivt every WATERPROOF COLLAR or CUFF BE Ul TO THE MARK NIED8 NO LAUNDER I HQ. CAM BS WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. Pattern Hats and Bonnets, Wecliiestlay, September 17th. MISS H. E. WASLEY, Main Street, Bloomsburg Pa NEXT DOOR TO I. W. HARTMAN & SONS. SBaaaaaaaaNeNealHElil' mmaalSlWacJSmli Rmij Made CWMiig ! Newest Styles, Laitesifc Cmte I Lowest Faeces ! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK Fall and Winter Clothing for Men, Youths' and Children, Ever Brought to This County. Children's Suits of all Styles. Come and See for Yourself; We are not offering old stock but they are tho latest goods, just received, and moro on tho way. Our large store room is filled, and wo invito you to call and seo and makeselections from tho latest styles. Suits sold for $3.50 and upwards. We havo also, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods. In our Merchant Tailoring Department we can furnish tho Best Goods at Low Prices and guarantee satisfaction you Call mm sent Free. Heading at to low a price." Hstesrai WITH $1.75 THAT CAN BE RELIED ON pgot to spm i gJcyfc to DlsooXor ! BEARS THIS MARK. TRADE ELLULOID -OF- at onco at JBVAJm & JSYEBt CORNER MAIN AND IRON STREETS. off, and a roiio SMerl.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers