Som? Foos of Farmers. HOW TI1KV AUE FOUnilT.IIY THE IIKl'AUT MKKT OY AntllOUl.TUKF.. Ganoral Husk tho doughty Win oonaln Govnrnor who la now Secretary of tho now Dopartmonl of Agrioiiltiiro Is not a momhor of tho Cablnpt for the fun of it. On entering unon his duties ho took off his coat and rolled up hia alcoves as ho used to do, nnd in fact still dooc, in haying time, and now, "in tho boooihI year of his reign," ho haa got hia big team well in hand, knows all of its trick, and is making them bucklo to the best they know. 1 have spoken of it as a big team, bat it will bo bleger. General Ruk is determined that big Department shall be, in size and effeotivene?, wl-at it really 1b in importance, and tho np propriation committee seems inulined to lot him have his way. With atpor means at his disposal ho will organ!?, i now bureaus ami add largely to his skilled forco of oxpoiU, and bo roady to consider, and solvo all problcnn which, the farmers of tho United States have to encounter. Ono of tho most interesting as wo'l as usoful divisions of tho Department is that of ornithology and mammalogy presided ovor by Dr.. 0. Hart Mcrriam. Tho object of it is, as farmers aro fast discovering, tho study of tho eoonomio relations of birds and animals to agri culture) what birds aro bcmficial to the farmer and what injurious; and how shall tho first bo protected and the last destroyed. So, too, regarding animals such as tho skunk, the wood chuck, proiriu dogs, and gophers. All the farmer wishes to know is how to protect his crops from all sorts of pests and vermin, whether of tho air or tho earth. Already somo of tho Western States havo paid out not less than $200,000 in bounties for tho ex. termination of gophers. A great doal of money is now being spent toward tho extermination of tho English spar row, against which a ponderous count erblast or bulletin has beon issued by Dr. Mcrriam, and his assistants, it. hav ing been decided that Passer domesti ous is a curse indeed, and must go. The good effeot of this big bullotin against the Bparrowaro visiblo already and tho war of restriction and extermi nation has begun. Doubtless tho gop her bulletins will accomplish tho same results whnn they aro issued. The section of territory, inhabited by the throo species of gophers is being care fully mapped by Dr. Mcrriam, and will form a valuable and interesting contri bution to the study of biology. An elaborate work on hawks and' owls la in, course of preparation, which will bo beautifully illustrated, and at tho same time will point out to tho farmer tboso birds which aro wholly beneficial and harmless; thoso who do about as muoh good as harm, and those whioh aro noxious or posi tively harmful. Out of tho 73 differ ent birds, of whioh the work will treat it is gratifying t3 know that but threo of tho noxious: species aro common in tho United States. Tho crow is to.havo a volume dedi oeted to his habits and goings on, and in due time the crow blackbird, or pur ple grockle, will be treated in the same way. When this work is done, all tho farmer will havo to do will be to get copies of tho various bird bulletins, read them, and then follow their in structions. Ho can thereafter shoot noxious birds at sight with an en lightened understanding, and protect those whioh are beneficial. Amonc theso are tho rose crested grosbeak at d yellow billed cuckoo, which havo, de veloped an appetite for Colorado pota to beetles and catacillara. Unfortn. natcly thoso useful and potato-bng- eaiing Diras are not very numerous, but tho beat can be made of what we have. Many curious and important facts about birds are discovered from an examination of the contents of their stomachs, and to that end tho division has a largo and interesting collection of bird stomachs from all parts of the country. The collection now numbers not far from ,12,000 stomaohs, each put ujj iu a oouuratu vim wnu aiconoi, ana labeled. Nearly 1,000 stomaohs were added the past year. The collection contains tho stomachs of snob, birds as sparrows of all kinds, warblers, black birds, meadow larks, bobolinks, crows, owls, hawks, swallows, wrens, blue birds, robins, king-fishers, woodpeckers, uycaicaers, ana many otner birds, all of whioh, in duo time, will be studied by tho niiorosoopist, the botanist, the zoologist, tho ornithologist, ecu, eta, and the results recorded for the bene fit of the farmer. An examination of tho food and habits of the marsh hawk, for instance, proves that it is a very beneficial bird, doing far more good than harm, and that it should be pro tected by law. The common screech owl is proved, by the same moans, to bo a good friend of tho farmer's. It eats no end of mioo and insects, and haa reoently taken to supping off Eng lish Bparrows. This litlio owl should be encouraged, and boys should bo taught to let its nests alone. Dr. Merriam finds that bo needs more holp to carry on tho great work in whioh he is engaged. Letters pour in upon him at the rate of 135 a day; thousands of circulars have to be sent out, and many birds and mammals are sent to tho office for identification. If permitted, Dr. Merriam proposes to udertake a systematic biological sur survey in which ho will map out tho natural life areas of the country, so that tho farmer can tell by consulting the map and bulletin, which sections of the land aro fittod by naturo for the ' growth of certain crops and tho sup port of certain kinds of stock. It is a groat work, and will consume much time. WOMEN V0XHIQ IN KANSAS. In spile of tho unfailing enthuausm among strong minded women for tho causo of femalo suffrage it is plain to every observer that woman has no natural tendenoy towards politics. If sho ever becomes a practical politician, an cnergetio voter, a ballet-bor stuffor, or the inventor of any ingenious voting system liko tho Dudley blooks of-five it will not be because she possesses any intuitive aptitude for such things, but because a tasto for them haa been doduloauly cultivated. For many years buuiubs uuu wm uy too profes sional advocates of woman suffrage that she ought to vote, that sho was denied a bleesed privllogo on being ex cluded from the polls; but addresses from the platform, female suffrage conventions and i declamnilnno - - - i V L4i tho stump havo failed toconvince her of her politloal wrongs alleged, and, in tho few oases wbera it has been granted, women havo shown no spec ial eagerners to a van uiemselves of th votinc? rjrivilece. The elootioDs in Kansas must bo a cloar disappointment to tho friends of femalo suffrage It waa tho most ex tensivo opportunity for woman's vot- iurr mar. ina finumrv note oak nrAuhioii s It was an election of couooilmen and'l THE A SOARED EDITOR. A niRirM farmer stalked Into tb Mootum if Ith a LIr- whip under hia arm. Ml j-ou tho editor t" "1 am." wu th half apprehenslro reply. " "Hire's two dollars send mo your paper. .'You son," he went on, "our daughter ni sick and like to diet the droopedi anarfrrw woak and pale, had headache, no appetite, back ached, hands and foot like lee, couldn't ilecp, hacked with cough, and wo thought aha haS consumption. Np medicine helnrdhcr until aho tried that Dr. 1'lerooV Favurit Pro scription mentioned In your paper, when ahe began to mend In no tlmo and. la now wall and handsome aa a rose put me down aa a Ufa subscriber." Now tho editor la looking for another scare. The medicine has cured thousands afflicted as Waa tho farmer's daughter, restoring the fe malo functions to healthy action, and remov ing the obstructions and suppressions which caused her trouble. It Is guaranteed to giro aaUsfaction In every case, or price (S1.00T re funded. It'a a legitimate medicine, not a Mr. orage. Contains no alcohol to Inebriate 1 no yrup or sugar to sour or ferment In the stom ach and derange digestion. For a Hook of MO pages on Woman I net Disease, and How to Cure them, (sont sealed In plain envelope) enclose ten oenta. In stamps, tO WORLD'S DlSPENSAHT MEDIOAIi ASSOCIA TION, Mo. 003 Main Street, ItuHalo, M. Y. DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS SMX Laxative, or Cathartic, aooordlng to auw ot lose. Smallest, Cheapest, Sugar-coated and Kasleat to take. Cure Stele Headache, Iiillonaneaa, Constipation. By drug gist. 25 cents a vial. ICOTF COM8UMPT10 OROFULA BRONCHlTIt COUCH8 00L.D8 Waiting DlmiM IULS10N CURES Wonderful Flesh Produoer. Mnr have gained one pouad!0- ..... Boon JMnuwon u not secret roaody. it contains the stimuiat inf prjpertiei of the Hypophos- It contains, the stimuiat- iMtis tod puio Norwegian Ood AH 'it. I ' - A LIV l, t Ter iru, in powmuy 01 duw Wo a- lrffei inc lcreased. It U need ttlPayBiolanB all over tho world. PALATABLE AS MILK. t Sold by aUiVruggtttt. , , HOTT & IOWNI, herniate, N.Y. CLOTHING CLOTHING G. W. BERTStJH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. DotiW Furnishing Boods.B&U 8s Gaps OP EVKlir DESCRIPTION. Suits msvdo to iordor at short notice and a fit always guaranteed, or no sale. Call and examine the largest and best selected stock .of goods over shown in Columbia county. Btore noxt door to First National Bank , MAIN STREET, Uoomsburis Pa. 5A flippy FLY NETS CHEAP AND STRONG. 0 lither styles 6-A Nets, prices to suit all Hold by alt dealers. J 'R. SMITH & CO ; LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DIALS RS IN PIANOS, , 1) the following well known tnakerst Cliickering, linabc,' Weber, Hnllct & Davis. .Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers pnqes. Bo not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. SlSSt-P-U- Thla Trade Mark la on TIib Best i Wateruroof Coat Intheworid. kJ.IWBMlot, Ifaaii fnt ITInttrt) Oa-Ulnm, jTVaai. TRIAL PACKAGE, PnOF.HARRIS' PASTILLES' FOR THE CURE OF WEAK MEM (VITALLY WEAK), H-J.wkrt cto Kppii.iUi i Vutlaoai vr alodfi era raoUl train or (rUr liQXliL WFAlf UPU iBK Mal"111 kKUtUtU bKBILlTTsr t P.BSB.B in iDi(iil 11i.r VieiOUJ niMli ion trailed lm vamik. lu,r vielouj tabili ion tr ti) lm j KiHilHTIUi.HitiTISts'KkmiKhi, , Ml aL ww a. re Ifl all VLU AbKUt Uik f vim, f If or,ftttl iirtDgiMIU iiaJ orisu ImpaJroJ d eftkDl preinilurelr to KpproatktRf eld kC. WHEN WE SAY CURESVK'i.A,JKWfl la m.n, tfco...m4 uill trwtdft4,Brt4ri.ut l,lv Jput. V C C60LUBLE MEDICATED PASTILLES. S.tlAni Idbtkiuwffrtd, tnti know lh lrueoBdtlUa itfttb cut cd4 rTf ucdl.lit it tfffcl rrftULit ir. LMU4 U Kw Vrk (rur II f Mrs l HI. Uhti). rv .11 thtae l b vr4 tv lb cibrud r.iilll. Tftaliual, THE HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. B BEEKMAN STREET. NKW VOKK. i ra iiiniimi, i iith K IPP & PODMORK AHC11ITKOTB, OrntuiiouT IIdildino, Wllkeabirro, Pa, Or&ncb Office. Bloomsbunr. I'a.. with Jno. M. Cllkx, Att'y. & CouoacUcr. WHAT 1 "ajjjiaa COLUMBIAJN' AND SP0NIE AND WATER. -""," EVERY Houscwifo EVERY Ccuntlng Room iVERY'Carrlago'Ownor EVERY ThrKtu Mechanic EVERY Body able to hold a bruth aaopxD PBii Iviu atsm fat., a nrw rw.HiTu.t f ,-anif. Win etAiN Sum an. Cminawahb I 'r? Will amio TlxwA.B 1 "I IA tviLi.ermv.wAOieAtasT. L af MikLBTAiM BA.r.C.A.H ' I rime WOLOTT ai rUHSOUO, nUa4slpiLta. mviv,beri of t .fclmoUmud', and CO oil ty.iif ho Stai() otpil. lt was, an tic inted-n an oocabsii n which would, f iiajnibli ai jiflctcsling cjyhibition of wt iiinn's zeal anil enthuniasra as a vot er when tyrant man ha yiuldcd ,her po itioil rights. Jim it ptoved o e tiojfiioli thing. Tnq Kantat funaUs arf as thoroughly addicli'd to what is known .is ".voin&n'N righu' any in th 'oonnlry, but when tho time came for political action a great many of th&ni fc ltd to go to the poll?. The undisputed riglrt to yoto in tuteh el o tiqna seoms to linvn iu, drod the luxijr cisp.of that priyiiugo much less nllrao tlvp than it ajipoartd n them before. Tliey dirpluycd but litllo iuUsnat in thij oiCit, Iho woman vote of tho State U only about half wlut it was last year. "pie political .lukowarmuess of thoir Kansas sisters will doubtless pain, Bel vaj Lockwood, Susan B. Anthony, Cady Stanton, and tho rest of the strpng minded womon of tioir class. But a truth whioh thov must roooir- nizo at last is that a right which looks to them liko a boon of inestimable vajue perhaps chiefly ilor tho. reason that it has been denied them has i no groat chanra for tho nveraio .woman. Tho polling places aro .unattraclivo. Thje voting is not dono at a dry, .goods store: there is no, bargain icouuler; thqre aro no remnants ati Jial-pioo, an4 on eyory election day inoro than half tho women would stay at homo or go shopping down town. Ex change. I Oscar Wilrlo r.nnt.nlinlnj thn cora- pleo. novel to tlio July number of Tat- rwoorr.q, Maoa.inic It is entitled, I'Xpo Picture of Dorian Gray,'' and it is 4 story that everybody will want to read. Not onlv. U'rw-ir Wlldn'j ,of j.ho most interesting figures .of the day, but ho is a remirkablv clover. and jaribinal writer, as he has shown him- sett to bo in his essays, poems, and shqrt stories, nnd above all in, thip, his first, novel fho story is strikingly original, in conception, is strong in ,in terejt, and fitted with a dramatic and traoio climar. Wildo is a man of puoh an original and audacious turn of raipa inat tne oommonplaco is t.caroely possiblo to him. and so ho has nrndun- ed la novel entirely out of tho ordinary mlu Tf ...... 1.1 1 ! ,1.1. wuuiu uv luipuaaiuiu m give few words an.adequatq conception ol criticism of this dramatic story, and besides, evory one will want to read and judge it for himself. ' Spier's N. J Wine. 111 the markot. PhvH.n.nnn nrBP.rirln it. ,aa superior in caBes of dobility, languor Anfl .I r . . 1 T . . . , uu (iiuniruiiu m Htrengiu. it. isaiso anldxocllent.reatorativo for iniligesliou. Numerous lettcra linvn dnnn written lit? lawyers, Jecturers, and idistinguished llini.lnn 1.1 t 1 ! .1 . rpciiMuf; in inmi lorin oi appro- naion qt tho healthy blool making and invigoiating properties of Sposr's wino csoecially the P. rt. Republican v it duiu oy uruggiuts. J,10"?? wekera will flna the last ot the PuSllo floraalii ot agricultural and Froo Lands era Ity. In North Dakota and Montana Now loo pr more along the Great Northern i?-'aJ , V.R?;. Utsmeas chances. VVrlto K.I. Whitney, st. l'aul. Minn., foruooks,np3,to. writs now. Towns i- v" "wcniuiom, lauds a- long U8 Great Northern ltr. Line la Low Rates rates and nne marketa for producta. ' Hunting flneet resorts In America alone Great Nornem lty. Une In Minnesota, Da kotas and Montana, Beat climate tor health seekers. Wishing Montana nmrttiraa th. Anu. i,... . ....... , . j itum, iiiioca unl'iK'S- f" ranges jretln Mouse. Gross miS 6r Va"ejraaoa Hwect Horses Cattle oalth In Montana. Free lands, New Towns. New Itallwaya, New Mines, low ltatcs iargest area ot good vacant lands. Wealth ,Vw"".Iius,"1la.AmKanaoun invert ok XMontana, reached only by tho ShOOD ir?nha "aUway Line. Tho Stock Kaisers' paraotw. HOgS Gold Goal The, regions tributary to Great North ern Itall way Una in Montana prodnco an the precious and baser metals New towns and railways are being built. On M iha nAn y.. i1a.Jil,fetA.Bood tree homaSad. Milk River ,Tru.rreu "'wpers on ureat Northern lt'y. Line. Go now. Herds Minos b.T.HTS? nave,made Monttna the richest n,pefcaplta ln.ln Unll"- 1'lenty orroom tor more miners and stock-rals- v.m.. ,wn u tiuj uuit). r,iiJ?e.0reatNortnern Hallway Mon'a" are tree ranches and Yoiini? KSf yPf0010113 metals, ,u"b Iron and coil, and new cities and Mnn towns. Now is your chance? JHUa flrnnt Buxroundod by a line agricultural and Ureat grazing country, close to mines ot fre. TTolln S?smetals, iron and coal, possessing a Calls water power unequaled ii lAmertca. It U Montana's induatral ceniroT TSe,I5,Ler'li,(!.f Mo"5. Mlsurl KS5haiKlS!'nWTerer,'cll0lD'areat G N Northern Ily, Lino. Ualt rate excur. BlonabeDt.S. is, and iwt? ii, isao R T Write f. I. Whitney, St. faul, Mln. L' FRAZER GREASE BEST IN THE WORLD, . - ----- (.n 1. 1. i.. Jua.llllfl)EAU.llHQENEmLI.Y. luf J IPP'INCOTTS MAGAZINE, uilh th Miri n,vtl i ,a(k niiii.r. T Not a kort ,vUtt, tut a long ,t,ry,ck 0uir, uHj h g,t In hck fJm a?J, " '' Mlar t, on, dollar aja kalr? an aiynJjnto.otAer tontrilutun,, ukiikgtl", yon a good maga,itu tl,ida a, no,t. ITunngingHovt vkitk kavt tumtruck tn tie gateway c fofuh, avr, Have W3 totrt Magatuu ,tandt in Ike front rallTf wrld. For full Asmtit eireulan, addrni L'WMCOTrSMAaAZINB.rkUadeUkU ilea f,r year. 5 tts. lUgU unnier, lM7-4mo. THE COLUMBIAN IS TUB BEST, DEMOCRAT. BtOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. GRAND RALLY. I'ROiiiniTioNiSTs to the rnOKr. tho PrbhlbitlonistB of ColumMn count) aro rtqu stud to nu'et in oon Vcntion at "II lbrV Hair In Betwi'k, on SaMir.Hy, duly fill., 1890, at ID o'cj :ck,a, in., for tlio ilwtion of olllu era. ft the cncjiing year, for the iltc tlon ot delegates to tho Statu coini.n tlopi lor iiominatiiig candid ttt-a for Ihf county pflloiH, aud lor tho lranactl"ii of any oilier biiBinesi tiat nny prep- fly ooino bcfoio tho tonvditioii. ii y? m!Xt' an c3r,,,8t' appeal to ill frinnds of ord. r and s .bti ty to come forward and take a firm nnd th cuUd stand for tho right atid agninst iht lyrannv and nitpru-slou of lliu iiiin ixiji'fr. 1'iohi nit ton linn Imigor n loo,il quistinn, hnt 'by doeieiou of liio Supromii Court of tin United Stnto n is made a question of tin.- lui'tr, ami n&tfntirtl 1k- n. union w u iKnot'f.irlh "o the ral -cry of tin) truo friend f 'iin.irjic roform all ovtr thU bioad land, si icady h the ti odn ouhdod. The crjat hfait of t'w Anionoin ipopl- is being stirred as it never was niovtd before. Tim liihu.l nt i lm lm rut .-, A thonsand victims of the wino oup ciits nnto ns irom tlio ground to slay tho hand of tho fell destroyer. Let us brintr tlin matter bnmn tn nnr nwn fi.... .Iiljjs. Your soi.h and tnliio aro in danger, nnd we, tlio people, aro ic nonsiblo for tho continutiico of the CVilS Of 1 itPllllM r.lll-n Klintt nu.wln that refpon'ibllity Kvi'ry consideta- tjop ol pnrsnnal tnttrest an I of pub liojgood calls u in in thun loc touts to awfik.l arihd .'ind -liakn i,ir tlio iiu u bus of indifference. Let us arm for thi inevitable oonfliet that is upon us. Tiyi tirno is at hand when we mu t stand uji und bo counted, either for or against tho common enemy of unit krjd, tho liquor traflii with all iu at tendant horrors. Let us daro to b. moTi 1 t An fink, . . r I I Le, longer bo led by the whisky- t" icauers oi me oiil parties. UjU IH Wltll 11. Oil ,1 it ntn o ... ..... ,. H f " il nv nil) ii uu LU UUr selves, obedinn't tn th illnimni enlightened consoionce, faithful in tho uiscnarge ot tno duties incumbent up onjus wo must and ulnll suocced. uy order of the Executive Committee. J. a. 1. atton, M. V. Ch'n County Com. To Jail for.Hij Father. AN INSTANCE OK MODERN CIIIVAI.nY IN THE GEORGIA MOUNTAINS. L"St March Deniltv Cnllpnfnr T..Wr, Waro and a dossh wnm In WKfin ooijnty'Bearohing for illicit dlstllleri.s. Thby oamo to tho farm of Mr Alovr.. der, 'an old man who had passed the .lU.v.v.i .una .nii uu iuB roaa oi me. Thp officers, going over bis land, found a blookadci still i n f nil hlftnt.. hut nojone was visible. They went to work, chopped, np the still and poured tho beer and sin a nut nn Dm nrn,,n.i Thp law presumes tho owner of the land on.whioh a blockade still is run ning knows all nbpnt it, and , hence it holds him responsible unless ho can prove himself innocent. Her destroying the still, the officers w.cpt to tho house, of old man Alexan der and arresiol him on the charge of illicit distilling. His aged wife took his arrest very much to heart, but the old, man bore it stoically, and was matched off with tho officers. They had not proceeded far beforo a young man, almost a beardless boy, overtook thorn, breathless with running to catch up with tho men who were carrying thoj old man away as a prisoner. On reaching them he said his name wa Robert A. Alexander, and that ho was tb(j old man's son. He bogged the ofhoersinot to.lako the old man to At lanta, for the old man, ho said, ku-w no hing about the. still; it was inn property; lio had been running it with out tho knowledge of his father, nnd bo did not want his father to suffer for, what he had done. At this statement tho TTniteH Stnioo fficers released tlin nM brought the son to Atlanta and put him ui joii. uer uomcr mere' a day or two he went hpfnm .Tii rn,n,n and, pleaded guilty, to the charge of iiuuiu uittiiuiuir, repealing the. story told tp the. officer. Ju leo Nowman senteueed him to Dav A firm nf Sinn and to servo two months in iail. IIU twp months expired, but ac cording to law ho hail to fervo in lieu of the $10Q. judge muwman lias determiiiod to modify, the. sentence on account of tho VOtinc man's chivnlrnna nnmlnnt and has written an order setting him . uuuriy. 110 win return to his old parents in White county to help them work the farm. Ho says ho is done with illicit whisky, and will nevor make another drop as long a ho live. An Editor's Faiih. Tho Editor nf tlin ,,l,nio i. -- iVVh'HtV I lished at Gieenville, Ala, expriHes his laifn in &. &. a : "The good this pre naratioii has ncuoinnlislieil U iu-nn,iu. ble, and of men and women thai it has savtd from an earlv grivo to day rise tip and bless tho originator, nun imiBu who piaueti 11 111 tneir power tn tirociiro it. A number nf nnr opnuoin. tanoea liavu used this wonderful m di- cii(o t tUrir great benefit, moU of them to their perfect healing, and their test imony has boau givou to the public .. v.uvtn iiu huvui iuuv mat me healincr balm. Wn knnur .;rio Specifip (8, S, S.j is no humbng, and yati icuuiiiiiivuu u, aim wo tio most hcartilv. The nrniirlnfnrj am ..nnlol liberal and charitable, and havi done proqauiy as raucu or mnri) good than anv Other firm in tl.n Snil, Tf..,l ... fleet and be relieved." Greenville iHd.j sittvoeate, iVou, 1889. .iiMimuu mui uuu osin uiseases mailed Iree. SWIPT srKCino CO. Atlanta Ua, Tho Grangers' 17th Annnil Jntar. slate l'icnio Exhibition nt Williams' Grove, Cumberland onuuty, Pa., under tho commendation of tint Nat! nnnl Grange and tho unanimous support of every Stnto Grango in the United States, will open August 25, 1890, and contlnuo in fcsion six days. Tho grounua greatly extended. Now build ings in course of construction, and many new icaiures aro bfctng aided for tho benefit nnd comfort of tent holders, exhibitors and visitors. Over three hundred families have engaged ooltasea and tents, nml tU'n lllimlra.l and fifty loading manufacturers of tho umieu amies nave secured apace for 1nn t.V, f,.ll :..r .: ' n ' v,, u. iuii iiuuduuiiuil, uuurCHB, II. S. Moiu.Ett, It. II, Thomas, . . .St0'y- President. Meohanicsburg, Cumberland Co,, Pa. THBSSHIN& MACHINES In usowuU)ri no grain; cleaaaltreadrioriarket- THRESHING ENGINES "Uff oav) muw, Biungit xachlnei. Hay I'reuti, and iStandont imvUtiunt eenerallr. . A. 11. VAliUUIIAli (XX Limited, o Bost and Purest McdiclnoS Evnn MADE. Ill illilrlrclliolltimorfromvoitrl I '.ipm. nml innko vour nVlnlll clvnn nivl tinootli. Tlinnel II 'l0 l'linlili'S nnit lllntrliraJ OU.fy by 4vliili mar your licnutySj . V 5.'',',JvamcnHscil liylmptircW ., 4;uKJ'lli anil can befl . h.,NAi.riMiuivo(llnlinrtl E VS .tluio, It you arc I I a . t ir, 'J Wloanil unci I ..V !. 9 vllio croall IS . f. A. - v . " 'If. a 'C Tlio Doso sm.'iu i nil only a tea1? .;., t J. jonful. ltlathoW, ' b f t Bmt li,aits.:i,'o iAv IICSl meillclnc. 'j'ry vnu ulll tin mill 'GeUtufymu-Irrusgtrt. Don'tWait. Gktitatoscknk a y 1 you nro KitflVM-lnir (rnin KlrU'k oM oro, use SUMMIl'It BirrKltS? 'i ncy never iail w curu. Pent! a 2-ccnt Btnmi)-. to A. 1. Onlway ,t Co., Uo6ton,JlaB8,,for beet raciUculwork puGUnbed? If You tfeve IT aanetlte, Indlceatlon, riutnlenee, Blek fleaitacha, -nll ran down." loe ink fleah, you nlll rind Ms Pills the remedy you need. They tonena the weak stomacta and tin (Id nptne flanlnr enersrlee. Hnrferere frsm nenf l r pliysloal avarwook nlll rind keUerrronKbem.XIeelyeuKareoatea, SOLD ISVBttYWHERB. iina -TbuusaiiJs hjrj liccn iieriuantimy curcil by- rJJlLAinXl'HIA, I'A. vst)atonre,nnopcrntloti or low of time truiu bu-liesa. C'asoa pronounced In curable by ctiicru wiuttil. bond for Circular. CURE GUARANTEED. omcoIiSurus. Aug 10 '89 ly. AUniHR? ftflik litre Um VUlllC poiMt of Mr. (lorn- on. of flalpm. DM,.. '80 month t I .now have an nfmey viAiini a ig a niDnrna ana iiuiiii DI and Aftitn mks Nt'lk l- (81rttd) W. H.tUBRISo. illiam Klliif, Hirrl.burr, Pa wrttMi "I hftta nvver known nythlnf; to iMl Ilk your albntti. T itrdy I look or dm tnou(fh la pT m ow .i.n W. J. U uore, Cm (tor, Me wrtttii "I Ukt an onlr for yotir album at .Imoit arj tiouta I tUIi. My From iiouen ai mucnai ifj1t or a alii aria dar'awork." OIherfarfliloiniToulieaiwii i awa liaa nut tract) lo (rive ti- i.iie i ho lakea hold ofihU arand l.ustnsss mi.s ..n ...! nt, Shall we start YOU in this business. milrrr Writ to ui and trarn all about It foryouraclf. V raitartinirmanji wawlllitart you If you don t delay until auutlivrtrrta ahrail ofyoo In your part of the country. If you lak ImU you m III ba able to lck up rold fail. Of- ICriiil On arcounthf a forced manufacturers aale 1 Uft.OOO (en lolltti lhotnKrnili Alhtimti are to be aold to tbe iplo for acb. Itound In Koyal Crimson Bilk Velvet Pluali.CriarmlinrlTdecoratrt Inaldea.nandaoraMl albumilnilie world. Largest 8Ue. Grcateit barpaln ever known, Arenlt wauled, liberal term. Itlg money for aceuta. Anyone can bfciim-va mcceiafularent. Kelli I ( self on tight Mile ornr lalkliif neceiury. Whmrer shown, ery ono wanls to pur. chaan. ARenls take thousands or orders with raplillty never befor known. Ureat profile await evejy worker. Arenteara makiay furlunea. Ladies make as much as men. You, reader, can do as well as anyone. Pull Information and terms frt'f . toihote who writ for same, with particulars and terms for our lanaiv Bibles, Uookt and rcriodicala. After you know aU, Ibooldyoa conclude to fono further, why no barm la don. Address K. C. ALLEN CO AtQlilTl, UaimB. Jau. ls-'W-iy. tilOEN ONLY! of EPTOTS nr Csraana i n ni A ah Vtme- Mobast, Il0blllHOODr.llT Itestered. H aw te eettrre aud BtreaiU.evffKAK.CilDKrKUIPKhOKOANSJil'AnTHUFheDi'. ibtolataly ni fall lag- UOHK TUKlT3IK.1T-BBsflts lo i dir. II a tastily rran (0 Slates tad lerelge CeeatrUa. Wrile Iheaa. TPViaTJ.'JL1!?." "LHf walled fstslsd) rree, ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO. N. V. Horses, Cattle, Sheep ft Hogs p'el'RiV0' yorapld cure ol Bar S. L ouunu, reiiowwaier, Fever, 11 Distemper, Sore and Weak Eyes, Luno Fever H Cost lentil. Rlnli-l,.. .ifl,"..H-" ' lag Iron, Impurities ol th.oodUWi'l ""ii at once. Manufactured ty th, I0PPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, K. V. . FOB BALE BY ALL DEALERS. ' 3-2 UUU r ly HIRES t HIKES' IUPROTCD i ROOT BEER! Iiiruin. ro wnjitimtTiAinim cuorhLut TTlIJPACkACg MAKES FIVK CAIL0X3. ROOT BEER. Thm most APPETIZTNO and WIIOLEBOMII TBUPBRANCB DRINK La the world. Dlloloua and Bparkllofr, TUT IT. Aak your Drugait or OrooAr for It. Ca E, HIRES. PHILADELPHIA' 0 0 4t. B. F. Savits, in mm aj BMVHllluuvsiMi sllil hits secured tho solo agency of omnium county tor tlio Nation al Sheet Metal Hoofing Co. i neao roots are guaranteed to bo far superior to any othor roof, as they aro both storm and wind proof. bheet iron roofs of this manu facture can bo put up as cheap as tin, and last much longer. Roofs are mdo of sheet iron, tin. or copper, as parties may desire. Orders may bo ' secured through B. F. Sayits, Blooms bunj, Pa , who will put on tho roofs and guarantee tho work, or may bo ordered direct from tho cm ffrnWr tin JkWm ( KAZSiKOAp TIMn TBIVtl ttt). ) QKI.AWARIJ, LACKAWANNA & WKSTURN RAILROAD. HLOOMSllUltO DIVISION, STATIONS. NOHTIL Ii Ms P Mi As Ms A il NonTHUSIDSUI.AND. 640 1 to 10 mi r. 10 Cameron... tM ,,, iu 15 tuo Cliuluakr jo id Danville oos a 11 ion e 41 t?ntnrtaa n n n .n m ... Hupcrt. 03) J SO 1UM 10.1 i loomsDurir 0 SO 2 33 10 57 7 12 ffPr..... 0 41 S 41 11 U5 J0 Willow (iroTO. 061 .... ins jsi llrlarcrcck. 0&4 .... mo 73) llcrwlck ,., I (.5 a 69 II 21 7 41 Uojch Karen 7 11 ,,,, U3I 749 1 PK'a Korrv.. ... ? la .140 . . -;-- ......,.,. . j .... 11 too nuiukBMDlljr 70 SZO 1 1 43 8 00 I uniocKB. 741 . .. 11 5S 8 17 Nllllllcoke. 710 3 3D III 00 SCI Avomuio i6i .... uo sas I rmoutll,. 7r,9 3 4i 1515 8 8.1 l'lymoutli Junction sol .,1. la 20 sa Kingston 803 a M 122? 8 45 liennctt. mi laai U49 ,M"y SIV . 13 33 9 63 Wjomluir 8 21 4 0 12 4(1 Bf,8 nest ritieion 8U7 4 0.1 U4S D03 IltlStOn 883 4 11 ISM 09 iuriornue 848 ...... 109 oss , ,u lvl v iieuevuc. .. 8 M .... 115 s so ovitAiiiun VW 4 IH 1 20 9 33 r. u. r, u r. v. r, u STATIONS. hOUTU. .. a.m. r.M. r. CICnANTOH 0 111 V 60 1 tS 0 SO uciii-vuu. 013 VIA .... 0 35 Toyiorviue 0 so 1000 a 03 030 uicKawanna oss 1001 2 10 8 87 llttSIon 0 91 1016 2 IB 0 45 Weatllitaton on 10:2 931 oeo Wj-omlns. 0 47 10 27 2 29 0 63 )altby 6 61 10 30 .... 6 69 liennctt. as) 11131 237 70.1 KlniMton 0 6S 1035 140 7 07 I'lrniouih Junction. 7 05 10 43 243 713 riymoum 710 10 47 2 60 716 .ivouuaie 7 14 10 51 2 65 7 21 NiinllooltO 7 19 10 53 2 59 7 25 llunlock's 7V6 1103 3 00 7 43 fhlckshlnnr 7 37 11 13 8 20 7 65 lclj;Berry 735 1122 331 8 07 Uoacu Haven 8 01 1131 3 40 8 18 uerwlcic 8 07 11 40 3 47 8 20 IMarOreeli 813 3 63 8 27 ivuiuwurovo. 816 1160 a 57 8 81 l.iniOlUUk'0 8 20 11 51 4 02 8 35 WI'J 8 26 12 01 4 09 8 41 UlOomsDurg 8 32 13 06 4 15 8 47 lttlpert 887 121! 4 22 8 52 yuvawissa 8 42 12 17 4 28 8 57 uatiylllc 8 67 12 32 4 46 9 15 uuuiasKy.,.,..,, , ..... 4 54 uameron 907 13 41 6 00 9 ss NORTnOHBBKLAND 9 22 12 65 5 13 9 43 A. is. r. u. r. i. r. x. ..Connocttons at Iluport Willi rtilladolDhla it HcamuB Ballroad tor TamancnJ, Taraaqua, Will- .iuusiajiii, ouiiuuif, i-oMiiviuo, etc a. noniiam uerlanl wltn I'. & B. Dlv. P. li It. for Ilarrt36urif, lock Uavcn, Emporium, Warron, Cony, and Krlo. W. 1. UAWTBAD, (len. Man.. Bcranton, ra. Pennsylvania Railroad. iin Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. M TIME TABLE. in effect MAY 11, 1890. Trains leave Banbury KASTvV AU 9.40 a. m.. Sea Shore Bxnrena Mnllr ttrr.on Sunday), lor Uarrlsbnrg andlntermedtawstatlona arnviuK ai. miiaanipniaa.15 p. m. J New VOrR i.Mp.iu. Baltimore, 3.10 p.m.; Waahlnzton 3.65 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia (orall boa ft?,. PlI!t8'.. Throush passenger ooach to Philadelphia, Baltimore. ... .... . 1,33 P- m. Day Kaproas Jally oxoout Sunday),! o r Ilarrlaburg and Interme diate stations, arriving at 1'tiiladclph a 6.50 p. m. j New. York, 9.35 p. m. j Baltimore 4.45 p.m.! Washington, 8.16 p. m. Farlor car through to Philadelphia and paasenger coaches buiuugu buruiwucijumaiia iiaiiimore. 8.03 p. tn. nenovo Accommodation (dally uniiuifi uuu niuwriui;umveBvaugus,arriV' Ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. j Now York 7.10 a. m, Baltimore, 5.15a. m.j Washington 6.80 a. in.; Pullman aleeplns car trom llarrlsbursr to Phiiuiel. phla and New York. 1'hiladolphla paaaongora can remain In sleeper undisturbed until 7 a. m. 1.50 a. ra. Jtrle Mall (dally) for narrlsburg and iuwiuiuumi.o atubiuui, arriving at roiiaaeipnia 6.50 n, m. Naw York, 9.30 a. m.j Through Pullman wwiimu uma uuu iiiimwDger coacnesto rnuaaei' 2.50 a. m. Soithirn Brpr093(dilly) tor llama, burz and intermediate station arriving ar. iiiir.t. more 7.2a a. m. i i I tfuiiiffrnniii n m ni through i'Ullmin Slfl.nln(7 RIM In ll iltlm m nnrl Washington, and turougb paaacngor coaches to WESTYARlJ. 5.10a. m. Brio Mall (dallvl. ror Rrln nni Oanandatgna .nd intermediate stations, ltoches tor, Uutralo A id Niagara Kails, with r.hmnuh pmi man Pan jocara .tud passengorooaohea to Brleand Itosnsiter. u.53Nuw8 Bxpresa ( dally ) ror iock naven tauu luwiuiwiaiQ DLaviuus. 1.42 d. m. Niagara KKtiresn rdniir ATinnMinn. liy) for Kane, Cana nalguaand Intermediate sta tlona, K i heater, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with thruugupasaenger coachosto Kane and Hoohestor .6.30 D. in. PastLlnoidallv ezfientMnniiiiTirnr iim. novo, Watklna and Intermediate stations, with ,uiuanu)iAWliiUl uvovuutl 14J IICUUIU HUH V aiKinS. 9.13 p, m, W llllamsport Kitpress ( dally ) tor WIlltUliiDnnrr Onii Inlimnull.ln .H... ' ' i ..w.ubw. w wuu iun.iiuu.iaw DMHIUUHi THHOUan TKAINS FOltSDNUintY PHOMTI1B News Express leaves New York, 12.15 night, PHUadalDhla 4.S0 a. in. Ilaltlmnni. i.s.1 n. m it... rlaburg, 8.10 a.m. dally arriving at Sunbury 9.53 Niagara Express leaves New YorkO.W a. tn Phlladeipnia, H.50 a.m.! Washington 8 10 a. m. uai. tlmOre y.fllln. in. Mullv Pri'jnt hiirulnt nnlrmu a. Sunbury, 1.42; p in., with through Parlor car from Philadelphia andtnrough passengeroo.iclios from 1 UMUH131U111U uuu iiuiiiuiure. Fast Line loaves New Ycitk-u.oo a. m. ihiin.i.. Phla.ll.10 :i. m. : Wasxlninon. 10. ao a. in. imiri more. 11.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at omuvuij, u. ui. mm iuiuuiu p'lsenger coaches from Phltadjlphla and ilaltlinoro ivuuauasuorii jscpreaa leaves new York 2.00 p, m. PhlladolDhta 4.25 n. m. Wughtnirtin a jin n m Baltimore 4. p. ra. (dally j arriving nt suntmry Krlo MM leaves Now York8.o0p.m.j Phlladel phla, 11.25 p. ra. : Washington. 10.00 d. rn.i v.,1111. more, 11.20 p.m., (dally) arriving at Sunbury 3.10 ?v..m", wlt" Pullman Weeping uars from Philadelphia. Washington Alii Hiltlmnra n"i pasaonger coichea troio Philadelphia and U Utl. SUNIIUIIY.IIAZI.KTON ft WlI.KIMHAIMtr fc.v. 1. .a.i iiii(.--ii .III WHIST Hir.NI!ll HAM. WAV. iDallrexcent Kun.iar.i Wllkosbarre Mall leaven sunbury 10.00 h. rr.. arriving at Bloom Korry 10.13 a. m., Wllkeu-barre 13.10 p. m. Express East leavea Sunbury 5.85 p. m., arrlvlnu at Bloom Kerry 6.26 p. rn WllWbilrre i.60p. m. uu,wu. uu.. ikiiivd invnauiini. 11.11 n.m.arnv. iuk at muuin rerry 12.J7 p. m.,Hunoary 1.28 p. m. Express Weat leaves v lUiea barre J.05 p. to., nr. . wu wu " n. i,u. u. iu., nuuuury o.m p. w. SUNDAY TltAINS. Wllkeabarro mall Ioavoh Sunbury lO-oo a. m.. ar riving at Bloom i-erry 10.4 a. ra., WlUoh-uarre 12.10 Sunday accommodutloo leavia Wllkes-llar p. m., arriving at uiootu l'nrr .j9n. :u. ti .i i:30 u. m OIlAS. E. PUIHI, Oeu. Manager. .1. It. WOOD, (leu. l'asseni-cr ji PIIU.AUKUMIIA & HHAU1M, UA.1LKOAD. ON AND ArriiH MAY lltU WJ0. TltAINS LKA VE llIX)0.Dl!lt(l aa tolloww (Sl'.'. llVS BXCHl'TSU.) Will VAUT V.IkI' 1 DA... Tamaqua; rt iiTSE m". cuuml" 1 mm ",e' Ffir Willi. iinvnO! r. Hllltnri nml Iiirt1a . .. 3.1 iisucj r pT m7 "10 1 m rur wmiiavw, i,-ju, uiw a. IU., 12:30, C:00 D.35 . iu. Kin linrvrl. fl ? l 11 ntn tn .m. o.m aMiirftTf.iu. ' 1 TiUINS fOK liLOO.lSUUItG T rtiWM tJi.Vir V.,fb- i-1 . Ilhll . alrtt.t.. M..a . nA p. in. and U Kastoaa:i3 n. m. 3:45 n. m. U'jum Iti-aaiutf 11:30 i.' m. 7.5T p. m.'i';ua.iiiu.i iiji'u. in. ar. J p. ra. lava ivilllamsport S:m u in. f.M p. ra. JAUIUIUIWUIIU liuI) IU tllUmsport 1 tiLa.vli.1 7 Hit l st rti HVH... ,,r, o.wia. III., IIOU, OyiV, Kli e'w''lris p'm1 M' 8,W' " m lm' S:S'' 'bir jUlilworo Waslilngton un.l the Wimt via II. O. It. It, truing Ic iva ulranl Avcnim btaiion I'WI .. (('. & it it It) a a, :(im L ra. a:ra;i:Ki.ibrm. ' - " AlLAN'llOCITy DIVISION. Ti.nV'1 1' Illn ... . ,,r Iv ".wv.,...., ,iui ,, uuuamm Direct iVnarf, ana youtn ttrcct WUaiu ' " roK ATLANTIC ( IfV. VV'ivL'iliv. rv.rrau um . .n ..m . .. AooommiKlitlos, 1:30 a. m. 4:15, 0.3 1, p. m. puuaaya-Bjprraa, a. m. Acouinmodatlon 6:0J a. m. uuu i:au p in. " RBTUKNINQ, L1ATI ATLiNTIO CITY. Depot corner Attantlo ana Arkansas Avenues t v U.UIIHI, i.w, a. iu. una i:w n, in. Accuniinoilatlon, 0.00, bM a. in. ana 4 Si 0 m Bundiys-inpress, 4,-ai,, p. ra. Accomraodi. tlon, ":SU a, iu. und 4.SU p. in. A. A .MCLEOD, Oen'L fall. Agent. l'i 7Tm. 4 ota'l. Manager. " ' PATENTS. teats ana TraU MarKsottalnea,ana nil I'aton t uuwi uuiiii'4ui.oi iur.i4JuilliairKls. OUH OITPIUK Id OPl'Hll'S U. 8. IHTKl' OFriCK. We nave no Bub-asencles, all business tnl, benoeean transact patent business In leas Iraeand atLKSd coai'tUan laose remote trom iTuauiuavuu. Bend model, drawing, or photo.wltb. description. " t'.iui.vui ui uub, ireu 01 onanre Our too not due till patent la Bocure d. A book, "How to Obtain Patents, "wltb references 0 actual clients in your State, countr. or town! dntfrce. Address ' ' rV&eWBrWBiTmmW3lt P B. WILLIAIIH, AUUTlONEKIt. IIIKXIMHIIUIM, I'A. Itoal Esbto Bo;ifht and Go!J, I'artlosil'slrlni:tiitiiiv linrjcamiil wHcon nulil dc "veil tii ''nil on tho nliovc. J. S. OAHUISON At. 1). IOMHOIMTIIIO PlirSIUIAN AND SUIKHSON Ifajy Ulllru nvi-r I. V. Itnrlmau & Sun' store, residence N. K. curncr Contio mid Fourth ttrtuts. QR. J. T. l'OX, DliNTlST. All the latest appliance for manufacturinc. treatine. filllni! nnd cxtratllnn tccih. All styles of work warranted ni represented. Office on Main Street, near Kail. ?-ifi-ly. Exchange Hotel, II EN TON, I'A. uiiUD.SUTl mm 1-JilirU vuia Wl'll'KllDWD nouso, and la picparud to accommodate the publlo I.BMUKL DKAKR, l'ropricwr. Detroit Himit rhip HALF THE COST of holding saved to Korekorpors, Butihere, Farmers, Marti, mists, HullderH, I'ontructors and OTIl KHS. Admlttnl to bo tin- grealosl lm- Elements EVBU made In tncklo locks. Freight prepaid. Wrlto for catalogue. Fulton Iron Si Engine Works. Kstab. 1K62, lo Brush bt., Detroit, Mich. 6-5-ly. CUMMINGS & VER.DY. :o: DKALEItS IN CQHFEOTQNERr, FRUITS and AND MANUPAOTUItEltS OK ICE CtIA WHOLESALE EXCHANGE BLOCK, WIIOI.UEALK DEALERS IN CaVj, oiaao, CanJ-, FyO' afA Hotj. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies- Fresh Every Week SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands eA Cigars : Henry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Agh Any arder for Fcttirals will be supplied with tbe Lowest Market Frieei, ai lituaj Oraaej, Lemon5, (Bream Njutj, BLOOMSBURG, PA. G. 6. ftOBBIFlS, Foreign and Domestic 4 BLOOMSBURG T PS. P cm m !..i'.:tK;K Houreo of nlo mure T SAlT7ifi; Sovvini? Mncliiiipa nf ihu. by the Now Ilomn Rnwinn .nnnl.ln j , - ""ti "uuiim Royal St. John, 30 upwards. oianaaru Kotary, $40 upwards New Home, $30 upwards. o Have received Distill Cornet, tho host cornet in tho A good aworlnv nt of violiriH, gnitarn, oecordeonH. driinn. Hut tr... -n t , , - '-I I..1.D auti an K1I1I1S rl If .VV of musical itntrumoiita. Tho bent of strincH " -M' for viol,.,,, miitarn banjoB( vio'incello, and ..W ban vio inn Agent for Butteriek's patterns ''Vi'l pattern-book and fashion BhoeU. PitCO'i. Orrans mul aoi-in,. ..,!.: discount 'for cash. b any IiMitainw.t y u a.aj puch soT J- SALTZER Musical liistruinciits SWEEPING PRICE REDUCTIONS Prcfori'ing lo carry Uncle Sum's Dollius to n big stock, wo have iniuiguratcd u GREAT JUNE SALE. SWEEP,10 PRICE REDUCTIONS! A. rare clmnco to get Fine Clothing fur below regular prices. A. 0. YATES & CO. Gth and Chestnut Sts, (Ledger Building.) 13th and Cnostnnt Sts, rtp J ME88 IJtAD BOIItt COdibT" JP J9L fir" l'cck'. lNVIblllLK TUBUUI Ilk K.f...if.i nhir. .ii U.H.4IM ri. H.14 bt r. uirni. ij, sit, " r.r mi r r..n raxlt 0-20 d-4t. AND RETAIL. - BLOOMSBURG, PA. LOiiiil BKST. . . ood atUco always a 15-loy Tiniin, $3.10 to SG00. Hleck, S375 to Sfioo. II. M. llont & Co.. $250 to $100. Biown A Simpson, $2f0 to $100. Kiti-y Organs', 800 to $17f. Miller organs, S7S to $ 1 ,10, United Htsios organ, $12.r to $17.'. Cliic.ifo ('uttfijfii orgmi, !90 to $M0 ureiwr rgaim, S7.ri to $150. 1'ai'n r.rgans SCO to $100. Culelir.m-c Wliitc Sowint; Maehines $3 to $G5. New Domt-Blio Sowing MncliineH, $35 to $7.5. 1. r... urn., o ra. ft .SSiiat a 1 world mn,J 8 i.iJ. a u . , " MIM 1,1 n" n" l""tp Alibo ' ..riunun or insirueiioii upon and Sowing 9 ' Machines C. A. SNOW & CO., opsone meet on vraqtlozton, 0.0 510-520 Eaet 20th 8troot,N. Y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers