COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA I The Columbian. a. s. niwit, i ..,,. J.K.BltUnsinlr BLQ0M5BURQ, PA. FRIDAY, APRIL 18th, 1890. CANDIDATES. Th! following Is a list of candidates (or County offices to be voted for at tbe delegate election held Saturday August V, WW, between the hours of 8 and 7 o'clock p. ra. dominating convention Tuesday August 13th. For I'noTiioNOTAnY tfc Clkbk ok this Courts. J. II. MAIZE, of Blootnaburg, Pa. G. M. QUICK, of Blootnaburg, Pa. In parsuanca of a requestof the State Department tho following stati'tics in recard to Columbia County, which will interest many readfw, wero gath ered by Deputy Wra. liidleman, ottho Patrons of Husbandry, neistrd by Mr. J. D. Bodino and Matthew Quick. The acreage of cleared land is 17.703. Mineral land, Forest and Quarries 106,700. Total 284.720. Number of farms over 10 acres, and not over CO acres, l,GU2. Urer 50 ana not over 100 acres. 1,253. Over 100 and not over 200 acres, 550 Over 200 acrpn, 47. Total number of farms 33,520 out of this number 402 are farmed by tenants. Forty nino farmers have failed in tbe last ten years. Abont one-fourth ol the Comity is level, bottom land and productive: the bal aoco Is hilly and a good portion moon tainous. There are 140 miles of Rail road not counting sidings and switch es J in tne- uounty. 'mere is owned Dy land companies, 18,530 acres, all moun tainous and mineral. Tne decline in the value of farm lands in the County is owing to tbe low price of wheat and other products. There is au increase of farm products as compared with the population; especially in grains, but the price of these as a whole had decreased more than one-fourth. Other products yery little. In 1879 Wheat was qi.Jo, Rye 00c, Corn 50c and Oats 33c. To The Farmers. Tbe American farmers, too poor to indulge in anything better than the miseries of retrospection, must awaVo to the realization of the fact that, in creat measure, they are themselves re- possible for, the many evils which afflict them Time was when the farmer was the most honored and most independent of men; when bis land boloneed to bim and not to the money lenders; when the products of his labor did not go to pay the interest on a mortgage; when tain whole life, though one of toil, was sweetened with tbe reflection that when old aL'o would-come and quick talking activity give place to infirmity nated in a rocking chair, that bis obildren would inherit the fruits of bis many years of labor and he, at last, would go down to his final resting place indebted to none but bis Creator, He had a will, too, in the halls of con Kress and on the judicial bench, states men acknowledged his worth and poets w rhythm in the movements of bis nocks, and melody in tbe sounds the reapers. In a word, tbe farmer was nature's sovereign prince on earth who, had he more carefully scanned the significance party of politics and the motives which actuate the nere politician devoid of statesmanlike qaal ti i f-ii i i. : . lues, wuuiu uever uave imieu uuiii 1111 nrnnd emlnnncn to what ha is tn-dav. But fallen he is; and that most ab jectly, when the meanest political trickster can cozen bim with a hope of prosperity based upon increased tax- ation on all which enters into the daily requirements of life, swindled nearly all bis por-session by class leg isl&tion in the interest of mine owners. manufacturers and transporters, he nromised no reneal of this legislation but at the last hour ho ia to be made an honorary member in this society swindling knaves, by a tax upon farm products. Instead of a repeal of the tax on agricultural machinery, ho to be rewarded by a tax on eggs butter and potatoes. Instead of a peal of the tax on salt, binding twine, coal, lumber, wire aid four thousand articles not of his produoing, he is to be recompensed by an extra tax on wheat, corn and barley. This is that is promised the farmer; it is that monopolists will concede because of their reliance upon the stupidity an party zeal of the great mass who com pose tbo agricultural class. And this to satisfy the farmer! Is be to be come dishonored, top, by joining ranks of those who in their game nap-tbe- whip with the tax-ridden people, will add him to tbo end of ben the line lo fling- him sprawling wb the column rushes and turns upon the consumers? Who is it needs proteo tiont Is it the farmer! Yes; but not from other farmers; for they can work him no injury; being, like himself, in oapabin ol monopolizing tbo product of the farm or the markets whereto they go. Does tho farmer need pro tection! Ys; from the greed of tho mine owners, tho manufacturers,! tho transporters and the cattle kings. Can bo obtain protection by a law to tax farm products, and, if so, howl Is he not told by the very men who propose to tax farm products that he has been Eroducing too much, and that to obtain igher prices bo must produco lcsst Do not tbo oflicial statistics of the treasury department show that instead of there being any foreign importations of the farm products, tho American farmer is selling five hundred million dollars' worth of his product every year in Europe! Can tbe farmer restrict production for tbe purposo of enhanc ing prices! Should ho plant but half tbo amount of seed he planted lost year can he assure himself of half a crop or do the atmospheric condition, de stroying insects and unknown causes over wnich be has no control, rightly influence him to husband every aero of bis land! All history proves that the iarmcr dares not attempt to restrict production, unless ho would blindly and foolishly court disaster. The mine owner, the manufacturer and tho trans porter can and do regulals much of their business to tbe wants and circum stances of the time, for which reason taxes and discrimination against their competition in busiuess givo them that monopoly in tbe home market which they now promise to share with tbe farmer whose every environment de bars him from ever beooiuiug anything better than a loer in the partnership proponed. It is to bo hoped the farmers will think seriously, not alone of their con dition, but of tho condition of the people as a whole, and rise in their wrath and compel tho repeal of tbe in itmoa tariff tax laws. Patriot. 18 Negroes. Who left tbo United State for Liberia laBt year havo lately returned, being unnulo lo nana tiio ciitmio. ii-very- body noitiij to a new climate should havo n bottlo of Sulpbur Itinera with them as a safeguard against disease. Jlarloru Uourant. 4-11 2-t, SCROFULA It Is that Impurity In the) blood, which, ac cumulating In the glands ot the neck, pro duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which canies painful running sores on the arras, legs, or feet; which derclopes ulcers In the ties, ears, or nose, often csuslng blindness or deafness) widen is tne origin oi pimpies, can cerous growths, or tho many other manifesta tions usually ascribed to "humors;" which, fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption and death. Being the most ancient, It Is the most general ot all diseases or affections, for very few persons are entirely free from it. How Can CURED It Bo 11 t&xlne Hood's Saroparilia, which, by tbe remarkable enres it has accomplished, often when other medicines hare failed, bat proven Itielf to be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. Some ot these cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparina, "Mr dauchterMary was afflicted with scrof ulous sore neck from the time she was 23 months old till she became six years of age. Lumps formed In her neck, and one of tnem aner growing to tbe aire of a pigeon's egg, became a running sore for oyer three years. We gave her Hood's Sarsaparllla, when the lamp and all Indications ot scrofula entirely dis appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy child," J. S. Caiiliiz, Naurfght, N, J. N. B. De sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparllla BoldfcyalldnrcbU. fit stxforfi. Freirtdonj by C. I. HOOD CO., Apolheculei, LoweU, Vw IOO Dosos Ono Dollar Cures Liver Complaint, Bilious Affco IAXAD0R lions, iioss oi Appetite, Sick lieauacheSlck Stomach, Gid-dIness,CostIre-ness,Dyspepai Kidney trouble IAXAD0R and all delicate Female Com plaints. Sold everywhere. Price 25 cents. DREXELWD10G1 Fragrant I t&& Lasting! Hie Leading Perfume fork Toilet and Handkerchief. Bold by all dealers. Price 25 cte. Salvation Oil 0 file only 25 cts. Bold bg alldruacliU. Will relieve Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swelfmgs,Bruises,Lumbago,Sprains. Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burns, Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Frostbites. Chapped Hands and Face, Bout, or any bodily pain or ailment. nurutlAHGE S PLU0S, r Great lobacccAn tittttf tldote.Prlc4 10 Cts. At all truiflBU. JSRIGCiS' ww - mm FOR SICK HEADACHE -IK ITU- or This Heme J r Is the perscrlDtlon of one ot the leading physicians ot Paris. France, and was used br him with unparalleled success for over thirty ve&rx. It was nrat clveii to tho nubllo as a DrODrle- tary medicine In ISIS' Since which time It has round Its way mio urnim, every uuumy uu iuo face ot the globe, and become a favorite remedy with thousands ot the leading physicians. Medical societies have dlscurad lis marvelous success at their annual conventions, and after tneir o ncui FhpmtaTji have an&lrzed it and found that It con tained no opiates, Dromiaes or oiaer unraiiui in gredlei dies. dents placed It among tneir standard reme- TESTIMONIAL. L. R. BHOWN, M. D., 23 West Jersey St., . ' T ....... ,Mn This Is to certify that I nave used fur some months with much satisfaction, the combination nrremnHen. for Headache, known as Brltnrs' Headache f rochea. The remedy cures more head ache, especially sucn as auect nervous women, thin aovthtuir I am acquainted with, and If this certificate will be the moans ot bringing it to the tavoranie attention ot sunerers irom mat irouoie, 1 shall feel that I nave done tnem h service. L. K. BHOWN, PRICE; 25 CENTS sold by all Druggists, or sent by Mall on UO celpt of Price, Briggs' Medicine Co., ELIZABETH, N, J. 0 27-lv, Sheriff's Sale By virtue ot sundry writs Issued out ot the Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia Cou nty, Pa., and to me directed, there will be Bold in the Sheriff's ot- lice at the Court Uouse, Bloomsburg, ra., on SATUKDAY MAY 10, 1800. atl o'clock p. m. all that certain pleco or parcel ot land situate In Jackson township CoL Co., ra., descrlbsd and bounded as follows, to-wit: on the north by land ot Joshua savage, on the east by land ot Abram Knouse. and on the west by land of Joshua Savage, containing SIXTY-SKVKN ACRES OF LAND, more or less, whereon are erected a FKAMK DWELLING HOUSE. Barn, Hay Shed, and other Outbuildings. Seized taken Into execution at the suit ot B, Keeler & Co. va. B. F. savage, and to be sold as the property ot B. F, Savage, MlixiB, Atty, Alias Vend. Ex, ALSO: All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In the town of Bloomsburg, Pa., bounded and de scribed as follows to-wlt: On the north by ltllge Alley, on the east by lot ot U T. Bbarpless, on the south by Second St., and on the west by Centre street, containing TWENT Y-FOUK and a halt feet more or less front on Second street, and Two Hundred and Fourteen Feet more or less on Centre street, whereon are erected a FRAME HOTEL, HAKE HOUSE, Barn and other Outbuildings.. Seized, taken into execution at the suit of Creasy at Wells vs, John F.Caldwell, and to bo old aa the property of John F, Cald well, WiMTSBSTtxx & llssniKO. Altys. Fl. Fas JOHN U. CA9EY Sheriff. IBSOLUTION OF CO.I'AUTNEIl SHIP. The partnership heretofore exlstlog between John Bush, Tony Uusli and Muareno Maldera, dologbus!ueat Jamison t.ur, Columbia Co., as John Bush Ca; has this day bden dissolved by mutual i onsent of the part les, by tbe withdrawal ofTcnyUusb. JOHN BUSH, TONY WWII, UaZAUBNU MALFIEHA, Jamesou City, April 1 1. ltUO. The same business will hereafter be conducted by John Bush and Mazarena Maifiera doing bull new In the name of John Bush Co., aud all In. debtednrasduethelatoco-partnenihlp Is payable to tbo said John Buati and uazareno MalOera. ' i-ltT J0HMBUllUOa Sheriir s Sale. By virtue of sundry writs Issued out of tbe Court of Common Pltasot Columbia county, fa., and to me directed, there will be sold at the Court House, liloomsburg, fa., on MONDAY, MAY 5, 1800, at o'clock p. m., all that certitn tract ot Und situate In Centra township, Columbia County, Pa. beginning at a stone In line ot land ot Isaao Uaa and In middle of public road, thence along the same north seventy-are degrees east thirty-two perches and five-tenths perches to a stone, thonce by land of Wm Stutter north thirteen and a halt degrees west seventy-two and slx.:enlhi perches to a post in line to and of Samuel Nerhard , thence by the same south fifty seven degrees west thirty nine and nve-tenths perches to a stone In lino ti land ot Jacob Snyder, thence by the same south fortj.nreand a hill degrees east ten and three-tenths pirchM to a stone, south three and one halt degrees west Are and three-twenty-nfths perches to a stone, thence by land of heirs ot George p. Miller deceased, and Ann a Miller south thirteen and one half decrees eas t forty-Ore and four-tenths perches to the place o f beginning, containing 13 AOUHS AND 19 PEUCIIES, of land, strict measure, be the same more or less whereon are erected a frame dwelling house, barn and ether out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of John Applcmin, executor of Chrtitiau Weill, decease d vs. Jos;ph Weiss, and to be sold as the property ot Joseph Weiss. Hartley, attorney. AL PL Fa. ALSO, All that certain lot or piece ot gronnl situate In the Uonugh of Central!, Columbia County, a., Dounded as follows, I o-wit; On the north by lands ot the Locurt Mountain Coil Iron Co., on the cast by an alley, on the suth by Dirt J Buchinon and on the west by Locust Avenue, containing twent r are feet front and one hundred and forty fe.tln depth, whereon are erected a dwelling house and other out-bulldl ogs. Helzed, taken Into execution at the suit of lrrtn lira., vs. Mrs. Ellxabeth Thomas, and to be Bold as the property ot Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas. James, .attorney FL Fa. ALSO, All that certain lot of ground situate In the town ot Bloomsburg, bounded as follows, to-w it s Beginning on the corner ot an alley and tot of John K. Qlrton, thence along tbe rear of said a lr ton's lot northwardly slxty-nre feel, thence east wardly along lot ot said Ixelcr twenty-thres feet to line between said Ikeler and Kuhn, thence southwardly along line of a lid Kuhn and Ikeler alxty-ave feet to the line of the adjoining lot ot said John K. Qlrton, and to contain fourteen hun dred and ninety-Ore Bquare feet, more or less, whereon Is erected an o d stable. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Bern ard Stohner vs. Charles M. Olrton with nttioeto John K Qlrton, terra tenant, and to be sold as thepropertyofChtrleeM. Olrton. larkle, attorney. FL Fa. ALSO: AU that certain lot ot ground situate In the town ot Rupert, Montour twp., CoL Co., Pa., be ginning at the northwest corner ot the platform ot the storehouse of Lloyd Paxton and Jeremiah IL Harman and running from thench north twen ty-twe degrees, west one hundred and two feet andslxlnchesto a post, thence north sixty-eight degrees, cast one hundred and forty feet and six Inches to a post, thence south seven and one-halt degrees, west one hundred aid seven feet to a post, thence south slxty-eUvht degrees, weit elgh- ty-ihree feet and ten Inches to tbe place of begin ning, containing Forty-one Ferche i and Two Uun dred and Forty-one Square Feet, more, or less, wnereon are erected a frame building used as a Paint works' office, sheds and other buildings, also ono complete paint mill, with engine, boilers, shafting, oven for burning, varnlsn tub, S paint mixers, elevator, Iron mill for grinding paint, 3 double patnt mills, one cracker, belting nd pul leys, two sets ot leraters and spouting, chest tor packing stock, bevel wheels and pulleys, set o( brake barOalr bsvel wneels, Iron waster, 3? feet ot shafting, bolting screen, so feet of six-Inch belting, Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of David lteay, trustee ot Mary V. Bear vs Henry g. ite ay, and to be sold as the property of Henry 6. lleay. Sundry writs ot FL Fa. BnawK, JOHN B. CAET, Sheriff. Attorney. jEGISTEK'8 NOTICE. Notlw Is herebr etven to all lczateea. creditors I and other persons Interested In the estates ot the respective decedents and minors that tbe follow- Iiog oaminisiraiora' executors' fcuaiaians accounts have been nied in the omae of the lleglster ot Col- omoia county ano win oe presented to' continua tion and allowance In the Orphans' Court to be held in Bloomsburg, May nth, 189), at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day No. 1. Second and final account ot Simon Ilel- wig one ot the Bxecutor) ot Anna Borer late ot Locust township Columbia County, deceased' No. 2. Tho first and Oaal aciount ot Ulram W. Kline, executor ot tne last win and testament at Bllzsbeth Elms late of Fishing Creek township No. 3. First and floil account of Benlimln Evans administrator of the estate ol John Ilartzel late or vuuun township Columbia county, de ceased. No.4. Flrstandtlnalaccountot James S Lewnrs Administrator ot Joseph Clewell late ot Catawlssa townsnjp. No. S. First and final account of J. J. Brown administrator d. b. n. c. t- a ot Margaret Zimmer man late ot the town ot Bloomiburg Penna , de ceased. no. s. First and oaal account ot Henry 8. Keck, Guardian of Theodore B. , Shaffer, who was a minor child ot David Shaffer Jr.. late of Urlar creek township deceased. No. 7. First and Onal account of P. K. Lutz ad ministrator ot tne e tate ot w, tciwou Fritz, late ot sugarioar township common county deceased. No. S. First and final account of Maria B. smiin administrator or uiniei smun lain ot Maui, son township Columbia county, deceased. No. 9 First and final aoco mt of John Bllhlms administrator ot the Kitate ot Harriet nilhtme late ot Madison township coiumoia county, deceased, No. 10. First and final account of Michael Wen. ner. cruardlan of Clement uctihllne. minor child of uoan w. ueiaiuurc iaie oi risuingcreeK township uoiumui uuuaiy, aeceaseu. Nail. First and fin il account of Arthur M. Roberts administrator ot W. M. Roberts lite of Montour township coiumtiia county deceised. Nail First and final account of A. M Mu- teller administrator ol Bllzabetn Lutz, lite ot Mimin townsnip coiumma nointy, deceased. No. 13. Flretand finAl uvount nt Tlinl'l Creasy and 8. C. Creasy administrators of Mary M. creasy late of Mifflin township Columbia county, deceased. No. 14. First and final niwmnt nr V. P. Pmnn and M. il. Croop administrates ot the estate of Henry Croop lite of centre township Columbia tuuuvjr uweas3a. No. is. First and final account of O. P. Patton administrator ot Joseph H. Patton tat) ot Scott townsnip coiumoia county, disease 1. No. 16. First and flntl account ot Benlamln Barndt administrator f Mary Helwlg late ot catawissa township coiumblacounty, deceased . No. 17. First and final account of Benlamln Barndt administrator ot Nellie Helwlir late of Cata. l wuaa luwusiiip Luiuiuui4u luniy, umeasea No. IS. First and null account ot Binlamln Barndt administrator of Rebecca Ilelwlg fate ot liutiwisia Luwusuip tummoii county, ueceagea . No. 19. First and final account of Benlamln Barndt administrator ot Catharine Ilel wig late of iuuiwirai vuvrnsmp uoiumoia county, oeaeisea No. 20. First and final a 'count of Uioliraln Barndt administrator of the estate ot Eliza Ilel wig lateof Catawissa township Columbia county de- I IXUCU, No 11. The second and final account ot Jonathan Loreman ana Andrew i. reman uxecutoraot Ham uel Lorcman late of the township ot FraotUn Col umbia county, deceased. No. 22. Second and final account ot D. K Sloan surviving executor ot tbe last will and icstsmentor wm. ueuesiaieoi orange township Columbia county, deceased. No. 23. First and dial account of Belle Laubicb administratrix ot Kiiza snipman late of moons ourg uommuia uouuty renua,, deceased. No. ft First and final account of Hannah M Fowler and Henry Fowler Administrators of John F. Foler lateof Pine township cjlumbla county No. 23. First and final account of .Tnaenh A Wondburn administrator of tleorve Emerlck late of Minun townsnip coiumoia county, deceasbd No. 24 Prat and partial acoo int ot B. O. Adams executor ot Knos L. Adams late ot the w vriianip vi unarcreeK coiumoia county, deceased. No. 27. Second and final account of Riliihith Strausscr (nee. Fry) administrator d. b. n. c t. a. of me esiuw ui uvirvo w, Qirausser iva ot aiontour township Columbia county.deceased. No. ti First and final account of N. it Vnntr executor of Mary M hnrderlate ot tbe town ot liioomsourg uummvui county, aeceasod. No 29. First and final account of John Johnson administrator ot Hirah Johnson late of Locust township Columbia county, deceased No. SO. First und final account of J. o. Hoonen- berg aud Lyrant Sponenberg administrator c t. a. ot Hannah Sponenberg la'e of Brlarcrek townshln n. mh a .Mint. HanAna " No. 81. Fourth and final account of the execu torsofC. (1. Jackssn late of Berwick raiiimhiA county, ueoeaseu. No ah First and final account of J. M. Rucks. lew Biecuiornf John Liubach la'e of Fishing, Creek township Columbia county deceased. No. 33 First and final account of Fraoos Lelby auouuisir&ior oi uouu iiuy late oi ujcust town' ship Columbia county, deceased. No. 81. First and final account ofsitas Conner auu nary u. uuuuiua uuuunisirrtiors 01 wm. A, Kobblnslate ot orange townsnip Columbia county, deceased. Nats. Tbe first and final account ot Julia M Barkley executrix of Joseph B. Bark ley late of the town ot Bloomsburg Columbia county, deceased. U II. CAMPBELL, Register, OXECUTOR'B NOTICE. KsUiU nf FtUr Katf, laltafUmion Hep. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned executor, all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby nollded lo pay the same-, ana tnose nanog claims against said CBM1W UJ UinMU. WM? WWH M ueo. K. juweu. W.8.KASE.Exr. Any. Fatmount springs, r IF YOU ARE CARPET, or Olli YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. H. BEOWIB'S 2inl Door abovo Court House. A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. rjUlEASUKEird SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS. INCOLUMRU C03NTV, PB.SNA. By virtue ot Sundry Acts of the general Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, relat. Ing lo the Bile of seated and Unseated Itndi In tne County, of Columbia, etc,, for taxes due and un- Eald, 1 win oiler to public sale In tbe Court Uouse, i tne town of Bloonuburg, on MONDAY, JUNK 9tti, 1890. at 10 o'clock a. m. the followlur described nieces ot land, or such part tncreot as may bo necessary to sausiy me amount oi taxes uue ana unpaid airalnBt tne same, und continue tne name frjm day to day as the sime may be found necessuy. TEItMS OF 8LE. Tbe amount of tlx en and costs mutt bs nald when the land U struct off or the sale may be void and tbe property cut up and resold. Acres. Warrantee or owners. Twp'a, S9 Brelsch & Co Beaver., t ss Uenlnger Christian do.... 1 lot Uver Charles do.... 3 lots Ueaver Jeso ,o.... 75 uroexway Abbot do.... lis " do.... 2 lots Butt Unger do .. 1 lotllogart Mary do,... j lots Boyer V ti do.... 100 uenlnger From in ... ... Hi acres Coiumola coal fi Iron Co do in oox C 8 Ex'rfit ranch Ojx do.. l do.... 237 ' ' " " do ... ST3 ' " ' " dj 847 " " ' " do 1 lot Cannon M do..., ISO acres Davis Isaac . do. . US Davis Anthony do.... loo Douns Martin do.... It Douns John do Slots Brans & Heese do,... Slots F,anagan a do.... Slots Fry W ti do.... 1 lot ucarheart William ... Slots " ' uo... 6 lota Huffman BO do to acres tlauclc Jonathan do. 3 lota Hunt Ellas no ... 2 lots Henry Qcorge. do.... 1 lot Kline A do ... Hot Lewis Frantc do.... Hot " do 3 lota Lawrence W K .do.... 800 acres il a n Miller do.,.. 300 ' Moore William do ... IOO 11 Mclteynoldj w II 1 19 8 u 38 1 33 1 J S 03 1 33 51 I 02 8 18 91 41 1 40 3 30 I W 30 9 8J 31 16 ti 3 04 4 91 1 02 1 53 1 33 I t3 51 1 01 2 55 t to 1 53 n 51 S2 4S 9 31 9 85 7 85 12 SO 01 8 01 100 " Mlnlck Conrad do.... 100 " Mlnlck Uenitman .do ito Kungesserueorgo do.... 5 74 s lots Patterson JO : do Slots Price Clarence do,... Slots Ituthfordsamiel .do 3 1 63 1 53 SO) acres Seward William do.. . 8 11 acres Hwank Uanl;,... 7 55 1 53 1 33 1 81 CP 2 33 s iota ucmcn j i do 3 smltn J w do 2 " Scott Peter. do.... 3 " Scott Peter do,... a " wetzel c a do.... 1" Wood Augustus do.... 8 " Klaca W w . do.... i " Wool Augustus ... 3 " Prout Stephen Doc'd do . fil acres Shuman PL SI 1 33 1 02 1 53 2 00 4-5 ot lota samuel ,. 1 39 1-0 acres uiiideruder saran do. 4 21 29 59 1 CO " ruiiuo do... 23 " wells unar lea c Banun.. ot 2W acrtg Apple Paul Urlarcreek 1 40 1 32 raacrvB uniuui r AJin, Acres. 1'iern Lizzie Eat, do.... Bowman J W ..09.... Doty, Pealer & Stewart.. .do " " " " " ' " " " -do.... " " " -do. Evans Francis do.... Fowler Gilbert do 3 91 ss 3 18 7 SO S 00 B 75 1 50 25 3 JO SiO ISO 100 SM 2i 40 65 10 3 80 35 Flitter Levi do Illppensteel William do. 4 1 20 II 80 2 50 1 25 1 23 3 75 Lamon Joseph do.... IterapDanlel do.... BUah Reuben do.... stackbouse Jos.' stackhouse c k ... Lamon Joseph do..,. Schuyler Mrs. Mary An suit John H Doty, Stewart c swayzcLdo.... ' " do.... " " " " do.... Beach Nathan di.... " " do.... Helen Noys & Sister Lansdale.. 100 60 30 130 5 35 375 14 25 55 31 3 14 14 821 75 5 34 34 12 52 2 K2 334 81 OS 4 55 2) ;o 2 94 2 (0 41 21 30 Dodson Charles 13. do. iiouopeter D F Bender Christopher... Bryan Quj Pealer Samuel J .. .do 211 200 4 20 150 " " 1W " " do.... 230 " ' do. .. 2 10 1 40 3 5l 2 tO 81 70 24 200 Reeser Abraham .do.... 4s bchuyler Mrs William .do ... 50 Robblns 11 do ... 5 Kuorr Samuel do.... 13 Beach Nathan do.... 200 Relchard Lewis do ... 40 Bender .Christopher do ... . 11 ?u t Head'y do ... 12 Shuman Iteubcn. ...Catawissa.. 30 Weaver B ias do ... sor Dornbach Margrett. do.... 2"7 Ktlner Robert do.... ss Newell Fred do . 8 Yetter Lewis Est do.... 27 " do.... 8 Diddle heirs do.... 18 clewell Joseph Est do. .. 7 Uower Moses d 1 lot Barret Mary centralla.. 2 lot Uerahty Thomas do.... 2 lot " " do.... lota Ueflron phllllo do 3 lota LehUn & Mahanoy R K,,... 21 2 80 I 20 3 35 2 47 8 40 7 SO 50 21 1 12 2 2 2 02 3 41 7 90 5 88 17 20 8 16 i lot sweeny jiargarett do.... 4 14 Acres. ti 73 3 10 7 A ams Enoi L Centre.. Fowler John F do.... Good Jacob do,,,, Uagenbuch Wm S Est do... Sttunerc Whltmeyer do..,. Whltmeyer Alem do.... 8tlner;Noab do Freas Andrew Est.... .do.... do.... " " An , Freas John do.." 6 30 1 50 23 1 51 2 Hot 1 lot I lot 1 lot 3 acres Fisher William do.... R ftirna IIaIIIb hntihAn tin 49aeres BeamJouua ..conyngham. 117 ti si 87 IS ti It ,,2 lots Dreisuacn Lewis do 11 nrrM Hiiklln .ln,m nn 85 acres Kline John L...,..,",",'.' 9 lots Kramer A w do,... 1 lot Kramer A iV... do,... Hot Lelby Charles do,... Hot McUuler Terrance do ., 1 lot McMannanan Felix dg 1 lot Morris Ann 11 do.... 2 lots Monroe John do .. 1 lot Monroe John do ... 3 1 1 M 1 8V1 58 1 17 5 10 2 53 29 83 119 40 33 00 83 00 3) 13 6 10 6 27 3 51 S BS 175 acres Ruston Thomas do.... 34 Huston Mary do..., Trten Jacob do,,,. Trlen Jacob do.... Young John do.,,, Urelsib Robert do ... Mourey John do , . " " do " " do.... Kres Margrett.,.., Helnbold W II do..., BUlmanc Dtvls do.... Lelby Samuel do.,., Lelby Albert do ... 100 100 401 40 4 3 8 1 2 7 1 1 Acres. 150 : 44 4 70 68 68 8 16 3 53 1 bO 3 10 2 t 1 00 5 14 10 20 10 20 7 14 5 10 1 23 3 51 41 3 06 2 01 2 53 78 1 34 1 30 3 Oi 300 16 23 9 01 4 00 19 90 31 4 00 s so I 79 3 14 21 63 97 tiS 7 83 I 68 1 23 1 94 4 55 4 20 8 40 7 20 6 SI i 73 6 71 4 20 1 58 3 20 It 70 3 90 1 10 1 90 4 74 I 60 9 50 1 10 1 44 I 90 80 49 I 99 80 BO I 20 37 30 98 1 61 9 30 I 91 6 80 TJ Doty, Pealer & Stewart Flsh'gc'k 51 20 100 73 20 U0 200 2O0 140 10) 3J 83 3 21 12 51 It 60 80 29 1 1 1 54 200 130 10 80 SO 12 4 23 316 15 75 IS 30 m 80 245 93 91 80 200 100 43 90 93 tl 46 85 53 00 lif 18 17 11 14 t 22 14 21 " ao ... Conner Maggie w.. do. iwei-cn iteuoea i do.. Fowler John P., , Farver George.,..,, Harrison John Hottmani Freas,,, Kindt. John co, ,.uu.. , do ., .do.., i.emon Thomas , ,00., M ontgomery Daniel Est ... .do . . . Robblns w A do,... Zaner John do .. Pealer ueorge do.... Hide JJitl W Whltenlght William Eat. .do ... Pealer s J do.... Pirks James Est do Blokes James do..,, Uoangat M II d.. ltohrbaih William. ..Franklin... Howell William do.,,. Manhart Ueorge do ... Blbby Augustus do ... Alnertson, Miles Bartley U'n'w'd Berry John do .,, McEuenllJ ... Parker anna do,,,, Moore A L do.,.. Appleman LP Hemlock Appletnan William do.... Miller, Charles W Jackson., Miller Neyhard do..., Miller Neyhard do , Hess Clinton do ..... Mucker Ellas do ... KelHr Samuel Y. do.. I'arkersco Dunmlck adam .... DewaM George nvorhart Joun Hughes Wright KuTp Wllllims Longeoenrer Phillip, Rutton Mary Kuuon Thomas. ... Shaffer llenrr Rhodes Franklin culp Darlington.,,,, Beaver Beniiman .. Dasher Samuel Hendershoil B do .... ....Locust,, ... ... do ... i do,... do..., do ... ,,,,, do ... do,,.. do,.,, .do .. .Madison,, do,,.. llenderahott B.. ao,, Shoemaker Jacob,. - no,.. " " , do., uumer jamut ,...,oo... Demott Cyrus., .do.... De i ott i Jt UlnglesI 11 Johnson Chester,,, Demott Calvin ..... Corner J B Robins Robert.,.,. Eves O w Biatle Nicholas,,, cox Joel. KreDoenlck John., do,. .do,,.. do.... .do..., .do.....,... do..,, .do.,,, ., ... 63 300 10 21 50 40 M 41 tx 24 to lleydenrlck roblas,., Miller W B ,1116!,... Graham Edward,,., do uelser James ,.ao. Matteller WliUani.... do Brockway 3c Knt .Main, Cauwuaa Dpoelt Bank,, do,,, I w I 111 3.1 1 IN NEED OF MATTING, CLOTH, 1 Derr Samuel. do,.., Shuman Reuben d)... Bclimeck, Brobsl, Yetter f'Hauk s 9 30 3 SO 1 vs ICO 100 1 7 snyaer Aornnam ,..M ao shuman w T do Bwartx, Shepp a Co do ... Turbert William do ... Blttenbender Jacob... .Minili.. vrvasr Henry , Dreiiier Samuel do,... Kramer A W .do..,. Lutz calhrtue Masteller Aaron, , .do ... Masteller Joseph Menslnger Wllium Est ... Nu-8 Jacob.... do... Nticgesxer W J .do eohweppenhelser Horace, .do Schwcppenhelser E P do.... YoheJounK Est do oearhart Charles ,,. Ilartzel w H Keller MV ill j do ... Huntington Elmlra... Montour.. Iluu.'blas M L ... Crouse, Ulram Audrew J Mt I'lei't Jacony Rupert do. Jaooby Samuel do.... sands WB do.... Hagenbuch Mirgaret .Orange.. Hemley stlner do,... Crawford William .do,.., Everett Moses do.... Montgomery James B Aggie B tmith T...... rtck George A Est line.... Lyons R W do ... Warner Margaret . do Roberts Cole do.... 1 30 IIS M0 16 17 JO 70 2 21 54 10 17 1 40 2 20 100 S II S 4) 11 16 1 71 200 3 20 2 40 1 37 I 12 30 to 67 13 93 05 1 00 43 7 99 8 80 1 40 1 23 3 08 1 98 1 02 96 2.JO 18 91 67 10 10 20 16 11 11 20 9 Si ZOO 140 9 20 5 74 50 ai 60 7 25 1M 11 II 10 SO 6 23 1 01 4 84 32 40 Ulllmeyer Henry., Creasy WeUs... BvesC W 82 50 ,.di. .. do.... 113 10 Newgeater Isaao ., FrtckoemreAKst., Pursel James Keller R Klsner Samuel HI 2 St 3 23 S4 74 63 74 16 .do., 30 23 SO 1.3 ons james ust ao, ... Swisher Klljah .do .... Bucner Peter.... Roanngcreek.. Cox cSBx'r Tench Cox. " " ' " " " " .do ... 53 1 94 16 80 1 SO 6 00 1 80 16 100 ro do.... ..d' ,do.... .do.... 100 Huston John ..... . ., Klase Samuel Morris Hughes Navlnger Jona.nan.... Sboup abraham 3 00 13 2 01 7 64 42 70 1 SO 500 14 00 31 1 80 21 00 375 McMellan M M . do .... suoup Abraham.......,,,, Yetter Lewis Est do.... !' " do..,, Trlen'Jacob do , Philadelphia City do . Yeager George Wilson.. do.... Iluckalew Evan .....sugarlnat.. Cole Thomas B do ... Cbapln J F do.... " " do.... Custard Mary do.... copo Israel do ... Hess Joseph o do.... Hess, Crevellng Co Ueas Wesley.. do,... " I do ... " " .do.... McUenryB J do .. " do.... McIIenry John J do.... d Savage Joshua Est . Davenport K do.... SO 1 56 1 12 18 69 S-) 60 3 U2 23 2 4o 1 30 33 4S 9 94 51 90 3 Ml 11 38 11 36 6 16 2S 93 11 56 11 36 13 48 so oe 3 10 31 80 t 70 16 44 2 73 65 192 40 73 SO 23 123 V1I9 V119 200 78 22 80 5 REA.aUHEK'8 SALE OF SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PBNNA, Also at the same time and nivA thn fminwinr lots, Pieces, and parcels of Seated lands, returned by the tax collectors, are to be Bold, under tne provisions ot an Act ot Assembly, entitled, "An Act relating to tbe sale of ltnds for tax In Colum bia county," approved March 3th 1953. Warantee Acres. or owners. Twos. Taxes. Beaver 5 Lots Creasy Lloyd do.... 119 Acres Case Wolverton do.... " Cole N S and W .. if " Miller Levi . do.... 1 " Mann Caroline Est do. .. 31 " Smoyer Henry.... do.... 2 " Miller O w do.... 2 iota Canton Wll.lam ....... do " 6 ajres Johnson Joseph do..., 3 lots Miller George do.... t lot Pursel Mrs K u .. 1 92 81 30 11 50 2 SO is m 4 00 17 40 61 50 19 23 38 6 83 64 2d 72 6 0) 6 00 3 30 1 10 2 30 24 20 82 60 9 90 l ueuaui jonn,..., 1 " Price William A. . 10 acres Price tones v " nitcmeyer w. T.. 1 lot Unger sarah t " Weiver Abigail .. 15 acrs Ash Levi 2X ' Ellis H 1 lot Holsbue A L .... 161 acres Pard-e Arlo 1 lot Hoadarrael Dan..., .do. do..., ..Catawissa. do.... do.... do.,.. do.... do.... do.... uo.. 48 acres snuman uuyd . do 1 lot Osman L P Eit .do. 1 " Clari Mrs Bridget.. ..centralla 1 " Monaghan Mrs Thomasdo.,.. 1 " Murphy Thomas. do ... t " MornaghanMO do.... 1 " Vlrlln 1 homas do.... 2 " Conway James do.... 1 " Irvln Hro'hers do.... 1 " Monaghan Mrs Sarah.... do .... 1 " Keller Sirah Centre.... t " collier Michael... conyngham 1 " Casey Lawrence do.... 3s3 acres cummlngs R M Co. 40i acres Curry Klien lot Dougherty Mary. ..... do.... 1 " Jolce Richard do.,.. 2 " Kealy Richard D. . 400 acres Murphy Hughes Co .do.... 1 lota Uetfron Phillip do.... X lot MoUale Johnlt do.... 400 acres Brown Nathaniel ... do.... 1 lot Houghton Frank 1 ' Brown William. do ..... 6 acres LongeJamei.,..FtihIngcr4ek 4 " Force Russel fdo.... il " Mooro A L Oreenwood.. 6 ' Ebner wmiam Hemlock... X lot Neyhard Joseph .do.... i " Nerhard Ulram do.... 80 acres Qlassmeyer Francis F. Locust 96 " Thomis Joseph 8 " Kuns Augustus do.... 6 acres Uouser and Krotin.. Madison so " Kramer J aud I'm Moore do 02 " Crevellng aud Worman..Malu.. 10 " Bckrote Charles Eit.Mimm. 30 " Dresher wilUam ...di.... X of 19 acres Baylor Peter, John a' d Ellas .. Montour 87 acres Uuuhlns M L SJ " Uower Charles .,.Mt Pleasant X " Sands J i do ... X " Thomas Evan do..... w !' Crossley Ezeklel Floe.,.. 23 Urelblebls uallas do .... IK " FrlckUeirgeA Est do ... so Kline and Patterson. ... 25 " Keller it M dj.... 90 " Roach Thomas Est. Hoarngc'k 1 lot Boon and Tremley ....Bccu.... 1 " Snyder Mrs Abraham 7 acres Columbia Lime and stone 17 20 9 40 6 45 1 03 1 73 10 75 6 4 6 40 1 13 S 13 1 20 231 54 91 63 3 10 4 07 2 43 237 t'l 3 il 3 53 3 00 1 63 1 10 2 88 3 51 6 23 2 00 1 01 14 13 00 7 SU 2 24 1 95 4 30 8 58 2 16 6 33 3 30 8 33 3 16 S 61 9 23 7 18 10 2 1 43 9 10 37 co. do.... l 81 2 1otsElgarT W do.... 15 10 26 acres UeasLavlna Bugirloit... 3 65 31 " Kline Abner do.,.. 6 10 21 " seward Nathaniel 2190 40 " Seward Lloyd do .... s 48 1 lot Hess J A do.... 1 S3 1 " Shaffer Barton 183 1 " Waller D J. .... do.... l 83 1 " WlUlta J W do.... 1 83 O. A. UBItRINO, Treas. Treasurer's Office Hloomsb irg, Mar, 31, lbVO. JUnOHS FOIt MA.Y TKUSi QHAND. Beav r Levi MlchaeL C. A shuman. Benton O. B. McIIenry, Joseph Roberts, C. B. Ikeler. Berwi'k-William Roup, John IL McAnall, A. Olb- UUQS. Bloom Emanuel Kelchner, John Armstrong, Miles w. uetz, Tayior iiuckie, ii. ts. rreas. Catawissa -(HOrge H. Gilbert, Centrallla ndrew Uallazhin. Centre Phillip Harris. lishln7creek Jostati Coleman. Hemlock N. P. Moore. Locust Daniel Knorr Madison Cal Demott, Geo. B. Thomas. Orange Geo. P. stlner. Scott Elward Harunan. Isaao Yncurn. TRAVERSE JURORS-FIRST WEEK. Beaver conard Dlltz, J. H. Heller, Benton Ell McIIenry, Abram Hartman. Berwick Clem Harman. W. J. Knorr. Bloom-IL II IliDzler, C. F. Dettterlck, touls uernara, jonn ltinker, cnarieu ueas. m, c, Crawford, Wesley Knoir, it. p. Chamber. lain. Harvey W. Gelger. Catawlssa-Adim Menscb, II. F. Clark, D, a Fredericks. Centre luulel wbltemtre. John MUler. Conyngham Andrew Donahue. Fl hingcreek Samuel Coleman. A. A. Pealer, Franklin Thos. Mens"h. F. P. Cherrlorton. U.-eenwood-d B. Mcllenry, John w. oillespy, 1 ujiuu iiuubk nui. Jacksou-Joho II. FriU, J. F. Derr. Locust-J. W. Bla'k. Wilson, Yeager, John A, iniug, K u. Cleaver. Mifflin ltudolpb Seybert, Samuel Nusc Montour Henry Vouzbt. Joseoh llauch. ML Pleas int John L Crawford, Ed. Beagle, Bar iuo ouauar. Orange loaeph Crawford. Koanngcr.ek-Urlas Hartman, Scott E. J, steller, Prank Lee. sugarloaf Irvlu Dlltz. John W. Ueas. TllAVEltSKJUHOUS SECOND WEEK. Beaver J. A. Johnson. Bentou-W. II. Ashelm n. ltussel McIIenry. Bloom P. s. Moyer, Mathlas Shaffer, D F. Wei Chaa. IL Fornwald, Harry Rhoidt, w, Weaver II. B. Clark. Brtircreek Htewari Ash. Cauwlssa Fred smith, Henry 1'rhaler, O, U. Ran aaii, valentine neu, Miner line, wm. ueiger, Centre Harvey George, Flsbtogcreek J. M. Wenner, II II. Kelchner, P, j. weaver, k. m. lauaeruacn, T. 11. Edgar, Oroenwoil-1'. p. Tarlor, Joseph S. Cole. Hemlock Hugh Purcell. Jackson AUnas McIIenry. Locust a. M. stokes, liau Dyer. Montour Isaao Mourey, ML Pleasant Wra. F. Crawford, orange Thomas Mcllenry. Itoanngcreek I. W cherrlngton. Scott -T. W. llfgenbuch, M. ft. Miller, 16 niTiinm,, 1,1, toj-yti ouDOVjiimi!, run Tills COLUMBIAN, The Comes to the front with a complete new Spring and Summer Stock HATS I CAPS I SHIRTS COLLARS AND NECKWEAR. IN ABUNDANCE. The enlargement of Business and the large trade made accounts for our having well made Clothing and not those that are now made and cut to sell for auction. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, l$r5tThe largest and choicest line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Gents' Furnish ing Goods in Columbia and Montour Counties, Pa. ; Thinking About Buying SEE OURS FOR $9.60 $12.00 $10.60 New Spring Suits nod Troupers nl Money Saving Prices. E.0 THOMPSON Merchant Tailor and Clothier, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET (Opposite the Mint) PHILADELPHIA. FARM FOR R.BNT A farm of 100 aores. with handsome new house and barn, and supplied with abundant water, will be rented at a low rent for the t;rm ot Ova years, to a good tenant who aan turnlih hU own stock ntequloinen. Tue farm u In the Calawlssa Valley on tne Township road Iro n Krandonvllle to Audeureld, two miles from Brandonvlle and near Girard Manor. References requested. Address uuuKKS. THOMPSON, Engineer Girard Estate PottsvUle, Pa. Nov. l-ly. OIIOE. Notice Is hereby elven that a meeting or the stockholders of the liloomsburg Bridge Co. win be ueiu ai, iuu upru iiuuae in iuo ujwa ot mooms burg at 2 o'clock p. m., on Thursday the 1st' day of May, IUO, for the purpose ot holding an election for or against the dissolution of the said Corpora tion, PAUL s. WIRT, sec'y. DMINISTKA. TOR'S HO VICE. Estate of Qeorgt V. DUtntan, late of Conyngham township, otceaseA. Notice Is hereby given that letters ot adminis tration on the estawo. George W. Blllmin, late of Conyngham township, county of Columbia, and state of Pennsylvania, deceased, hive been grant, ed to William Goodman ot centralis, Columbia county, Pa,, to whom sll persons Indebted to said estate are requested to mske payments, and thoso bavlog claims or demands will make known the same with out delay to orto WILLIAM GOODMAN, Jouk G. Faiszi Administrator, S-14-6W. Atty centralla Pa TsO-OTICE. wbereas the personal and mixed property, Iran chlsesandrlghlB ot the Benton agricultural As sociation were sold by the Sheriff of Columbia county at Sherttt's sales ou the seventh day ot Jan uary, lwo, and the twenty. to iah day ot Febru ary, 189 to th4 underslgaed persons as br refer ence to the said conveyance ot sail personal and mixed properly anl corporate franchises aid rlgnu of the said Benton Agricultural Assoclitioo. dated the fourteenth day of Mirctt 10, and the same day delivered, will more fully am at largo appear. Now therefore, In acordince with the provisions of the second soctioi ot the act entitled 'A supplement to an act, e itlilcd, an Act con. cerntogthe s le ot railroads, canals, turnpikes, bridges and plank roads approved the eighth day of April A. D. One thousand eight hundred anl slxty-oae, extending the proviso ,s of said act to coal, iron, steel, lumber or on or mining, manufac turing, transportation and telegraph companies in this commonwealth and of all other corpora tions created by or under any law of this State,'' approved May the twenty-firm. A. D. 1878. And the several acts supplementary to and amenda tory of this act and the act ot which it Is a sup plement. Notice Is hereby given, that the under signed for and on hti acwunt tie said property, corporate franchises and ti hts were so purees-, ed will meet at tne office otT.O. Mcllenry, In the village of Beoton, County of Columbia and State ot Pennsylvania, on the rtrta, diy ot April A, D. 1-9), at 2 o'clock In the afternoon for the purpose otrrgamzlpg a new corporation under the laws ot the Commonwealth of Penu. sylvan a. In such case mile anl provided, and for the further purpose of electing a prcsl. dent and board of six director for slid new cor. poraUon am adopting a corporate name and com mon seal for the same anl determining tbe amount of the capital stock thereof. When and where, all pcrsms interested may attend If they think proper, T. O. McllRNIIY, 11. K. EDGAR. ISO YD GIU&RSON. A. W. WILKINSON. 16 Ol ALESMEN WANTED LOCAL OR I TRAVELING to sell our Kuraerr Stock. Halar, Expeosea ud CHASE UltOTUERS COMPANY. mo.-4 and i-90 Rochester, n. y UMINlaTHATOK-a NOTICE. Ktlate oDavli Kocher, dovasrd. f (Notice is hereby given that letters ot admlnls. trail n on the estate of Dull Kocher. late ot Kugarloat township, deo'd., grants! uy the Register to Usury C. unu and Wellington B. Kocher of Central, pa., to whom all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make par. inents, and those hating claims or demands will av L .Orto HENRY C UlSa. 1 Joaaa. Fssaxm. W.K. KOCUE1L 0strallcoLCo.7ra. j JfffS?"' nn in no riirnriiAfi i I MAIEH, Reliable Clothier, BLOOMSBURG, Men, Youths, Hoys, mm unuuren. Jinu cutest ' 1890 SPRING A FULL MissiHiEiWasley, NEXT DOOR TO I. W. HARTMAN & SON MAIN ST., BLOOMSBURG , SPRING! SPRING!! SPRING!!! 7, bio o, i n M -4 G l Hrj g p h m 'S q in II m t . hi D. LOWEHBERGS Est, B.ioiiisbiir 5 .. I SAWS, hna secured the solo agency of vuiumuia county lor the Nnt nn. al Sheet Metal Hoofing Co. 'PI i iuuso rooia aro guaranteed to he fur superior to any other roof, as they aro botli storm and wind proof. Sheet iron roofs of this manu facture can bo put up as cheap as tin, and last much longer. m Roofs aro made of sheet iron, copper, as parties may desire. Orders may bo Becured through B. F. Saviiii. "Rl nnina. burg, Pa., who will put on tho roofs and guarantee the work. or may be ordered direct froin mm Ma Rub m o. 510-520 East 20th Stroot,N. Y. PA. of the most Select Clothing for t I. sVIAIER. OPENING 1890 LINE OF ON 16, 1890. PA Pa. Men V i n t : d on S al ar ; To reliable men wn win trim ,td,iivnMnwmant auu i.iuci(al,ai..miy pijlng their traveling ex. peiisea. We grow our own stock exclusively an d uuAiiiHittuiiioDestrictirnrst class in every ,.,iw,ioi. ,,,,r- iu umuu uruereu, cuuinstruc uuua iui uisa 1. EtDtiliftncn llnnMH4anrir AddIv at once u,vn r.. Address K. c. iK,i 1'KiRSON 4 'n' '' Kurserles, Waterloo, N. Y. (,cr'.t)jears.) 4-it-lt, WAIVTE1. LSityiJiICQJe nBe.ssary with us. OUTFIT HLNTFKKB. l-peisal Inducements and choice of tory ,em'y mm engaging now. Write for iSchesSr! f. &ta' " NuniCrles' ULE ON 11F.IHB. Jf(uro Uarv llupert, lateof Bloonubura, Colum. bla County ant state of lmnsuloanUt, Ofta. In the Oi phans" court ot sal l county. Now the Seventh day of vtarch . I). 18J0 Court grant fM,.1100.1.1;! Ue" i1011 ntn,r Pirtlej lnwres'l In the pirtltlou ot tbo ertate of tho sala dece li-nt, toappearlu ooen Couit on the First Morday S5tlaJ1i,t,..Bn1onePt01' refuse the real tstate 5f.tiS?iy.5luaU?.11 fl,ed u returl o' Imiuest, or make bids on the Bame, or show oiusa why the same should not he sold, on their negleot or re. fusil to accept tbe sime, hJS,re?anir?.0.1 ,h9 a0l)Te otter; notice Is here py given to all the non. residents ot said county Interested In said estate to appear In Orphans' C0?1,1ceuWUnBa"1 order ot the Orpnans' Court, Clerk 0.1. J,U- Sheriff. QUARTER. NOTICE. ii!S$!.Kf!J!'LTe?,ht PPHoatlon will be made to the Court ot iximmon l'leas of Coluic tila County, on Monday tbo dlth day ot May next. WTOStS tS? fi ffBHPrF'T P i.iiSr.'At.itulH,'!u ?'ehiea corpirat on lo be called "Orangevllle Cemetery Company,'' the h"oyecU" wh,cl1 'f tho purpose of RS. c.lJJinJf,ll?.lU .Purchase or otherwUe, lEnrov Ing and dulling the same Into burlsl lots, and st-lllng or dl.poalng of the same for such prices and Snw'rihfiW11.!10?" fondl.lous as mly bJ RrKShi,0 BJr-La.w. and for these purposts lohav&poaiieBsanoenloy a the rights, btneru and prtvileBes conferred by the Act olAsiembly atotesald,andlt8uppleniinta. ' AMDIIHW L, FRITZ, uoucacr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers