THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA Kdwnrd V. Hartman has purchased tlie property of Capt. J. 1). Robieon on Third street (or f 2.500. Hov. vY. W. Evans I). D. preached In tho M. E. Church last Sunday. The old paper mill at Montoursvlllo la to start up again, having been purchased by If you want to buy u farm call on 11. I' Lutz and ho will giro you a choice of about a lloston party. I twin ft I " t I tt ... i i r iii. t ii r I . - nnnnA,i a , , i i, i, hiiii J, ii, i uillius uttvu UUIiUUU M 1 T.,,1 In. UHI V.I A nnl I. A I aM.nnl nt ll.n VmhI lilrtnV Ofinftml fl WF . iug, mm itvui Ajst. unvui una duiiuui ni fctiu uinua utuv Bhuwuu some very dcslrablo Btoro properties for Main Street, Moomslmrir, I'a., where they POWDER Absolutely Puro. Tills powder never v irli A marvol of purity, th ana wnoiesoincnoss. More economical eompnilllon with tho multitude ot low to-t, short than inruraina kinds, and cannot, bo hold In utnl.thr nlnrn n.nhftfinlintn ,u.n,IOH Unlit ..( ... CVIM9. 11UYA1. UAK1NM llinUBH LU, 1UO un nu . I . sale In llloomsbur? and clsowhcrc. Also dwellings for rent or sale. Tho re-election of Uuy Jacoby, Esq., as I Justice of thu Pence, was a well merited compliment, ilo had no opposition. Major H. 1. llanloy has publicly nnnoun ced that ho will not bo n candidate for l'rutlionotary. This leaves tho Held to U. M. Quick und J. 11. Maize. An effort to sell the furnace thU sldo of Northumberland, ono day last week, was n failure for want of bidders. It was oliercd ut Urphans (Joint sule, rvrubllahcd ovory Friday, subscription price. Il.uu n year. BLOOMSBURG, PA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1890. " CORRMT nilLUOlD till TABLK, Trains on the 1'. & It. li. H. leayo Hupert as follows i Noain. houtii. T:3S a. m. 11:0-! a. m. 3:31 p. mi 623 p. m. o TralnsonthoD L. H.loave Bloomsburg 03 LU1LUWBI NOHTu. SOOTU. .7HJ a.m. 8:32 a.m. 10-.5T a. m. 15:o p. m. 11:3,1 p. m. 4:19 p. m. 6:36 p. m. 8:17 p. m. Tralnsontrn N.JEW. II. Itallwarpasa liloom nohtit. flonrn. 10:48 a. m. H:37 p. m. p. ra. t'itu p. m. aci.'nir. NORTH. BOCTn. 10:43 a m 6:39 P ra ULOOUSUUUCl SULLIVAN TtAlLUOAD Taking effect, MONDAT, SEl'TKUBSU 2, lB. SOUTH. NOltTH. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. STATIONS. T. M. A. M. A.M. A M. V. M. P. M. llloomiburg... V8 11 4S 7 Oi S 31 2 V, 0 40 Main street o 18 n 41 r. M s 41 1 42 Irondalr . 0 16 11 31) 6 5 8 41 2 41 IMpCrMlll. ........ 6 08 11 31 B 48 8 51 M Lt?httrect, 6 05 11 58 0 41 8 r.8 2 6 orancevlllo 0 51 11 so a 35 o 05 3 "7 1). K lleiriiig has rented tho Mlllvillc Hotel nud will tako charge of tho same on Match 1. Iu tbj meantime hu will close out hie harness making business at Mill-ville. 1'. 8. llarmau has Oiled tho position of President of Towu Council tor thu past three years, with great acceptability, ills defeat on T'ueiday Is attributed principally to too much Town Hull, and not enough sewer. A chicken and watlle supper will bu glv cu by thu Lutheran boclety of Espy on Saturday evening, Feb. 24J,.at the home of Mr. Wm. Campbell. All aro cordially Invited. W. E Smith Esq. of Herwick and Oco. E, Klwell Esq. have been Bumraoncd as jurors to attend the United States District Court at bcrunton for tho week beginning March Unl. Ko-les. . Kannr's Stillwater Hen ton, ., Edwns, coles Creek,..., Huirarloar Laubacbs, Central Jamison City., ft 47 6 50 7 on 7 0.1 7 10 7 20 I 21 7 28 7 35 r S3 5 45 11 10 (1 21 9 15 .1 17 5 1! 11 Oft S 21 II 20 8 20 5 37 11 02 0 17 9 21 3 25 5 28 10 55 0 10 9 31 3 3-1 5 23 111 60 0 07 9 38 .1 31 5 20 10 45 0 05 0 88 3 40 7 40 5 15 10 42 fl 02 9 42 3 41 7 41 0 U 10 40 6 00 9 47 3 4 7 47 6 01 10 31 5 5.1 67 3 58 7 57 B 00 10 30 5 50 10 00 4 00 8 00 Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar r. u. a. x. a. h. a. M. r. u. r. . A new steamer tho ' Golden Gate," will bu put on the ousqucbanna between JSantl- coke and Plymouth as noon as tho water gets high enough. Hno Is a stera whiclcr, eighty-live feet long, and will bo shipped from Wllliamsport. To Farmers and others. Wo havo a few bob-sleds, clrculat wood saws, corn-shcll- trp, aUo our new fodder cutters and grind- cro, which we will glvu birgiins In. Call eatly. iiitk & Conner. FRMtUAHY 2.1 f. 11 Hi'llor will sell per sonal property and red estalo o,i premiss In Hetlcrville, Ttie-dav, February S-jt'i, commenclni: at 10 o'e'onk n. m Un.c, cattle, hogi, wairnns and farming utensils. Also a farm of 109 acres, and onolher of 52 ncrc. Fitn 28. Dr. . F. Gtrdn-r will eel cows, wagons, lingo, farm Implements, &c. Maiicii 1 John McOlll illl soil valuable personal property at his residence on Eighth street, Ulnomsburg, at 1 p. m. MAiifjrt 8. J. J. Iirown. admr , Ac, of Jacob Vnlic.will 8"11 personal property and real cstatn In Mtllliu tswnshlp, at 1 p. m. Sco advertisement. Mahoii IB. Jickeon Kirnt will oll val uable personal nropertv at his residence on Eighth street, Uloomsburg, nt 10 a. in. AUnou 14. W. .f WinterXxen will sell valuable personal pruperty at his residence In Mack linn, Madison township, at 9 a.m. Maiicii 15. S. O. Jaync, nsaignce of Era. mor Dletenck will sell several tracts of real estate In llrlarcrcek and Ceu'ru town ships. Sco adverlisemcnt. Fan. 27. Horaeo Creasy will sell burse", cows, pigs, wagons, firm implements, and a great number of useful articles, at 10 a. m. Maiicii 4. Elmer K. Crcvelln ' will sell valuable pe-sonal property on the premises nctr Epv, commencing ul '0 o'clock n. "u m.. Horses, cattle, nogi, anu larming niipie ments. Maiicii 0. Geo. Urown will sell horses, cows, plzs, chickens, farm Implements, Ac,, on bis premtsos In 3111111" township, ot 10 a. in, March 11. John Wolf wi'l sell valuable personal property on his farm in Ccntro township, commmencing at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon. Horses, Cai lie and farming Implements. Fed. 21 Tim administrators of Anna ColT man rtce'd., W. E. and 1) Jt. CofTman offer atpubllr. sale, a housu andloton West Mnin street Illoom9burg, Pa. the lato reslrtenee of deceased. It will lie sold on the pre mises at 0 n. in. Good fruit nnd water. Makou 13 M U. Endy will sell horses, cows, wagons, larm implements, puiaiwu, grain, &c, In Milllln township nt 10. n. m. Maiicii 5. F. P Dellterlcli will sell per sonal properly on llio old De'tterlcb home stead near Ash's Mills. Four horses and ono colt, a trotter willi a record of throe minutes, four milk cows, 'ot of chickens together with valuable f irm Implements. Balo commences at !) o'clock. Maiioii 18. John Codman of Orange township will sell personal property on tho premises cnmmenn'ng at 10 o'clock. Consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, and gen. cral farming utensils. Foil Sale A deslratilo and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with water, ga? and steam. Apply to jau20tf. Ii. N. Mover. Fob Sale Dwelling Iiousps In Blooms, burc, Oramcville, Espy and Hupert Pa. Firms lr Pennsylvania. Kansas and Vir ginia. Vacant lots in Uloomsburg. Storo properties. Grist mills and olhor property by M. P. Lutz, Insurancu and Ileal Estato Agent, Uloomsburg, Pp. Foil Sale. Houso and lot In Hupert, lot 120 x 140 fl. Two story, house, with nlnu rooms. Bay windows, nut kitchen, Ico nnd coal house, good stable, chicken a"d pig pon. Choice fruit, ever green trees, good water, Two railroads, Twelve trains a dty oich way, to Blooms, burg, fnro 8c round trip. Low taxes. A groat birgaln, If taki-n soon. SI. P. Lutz, Insur.tnco & Ileal Est. Agt. Fon Kent. Tho room on the second lloor of tho Columuun Building, now nc cuplcd hv the Town !ouncil, will bo va cant April 1st, 1890 It Is a large, light room, steam heat, gas, and water on samo lloor. Inquire of Geo, E. Elwell. For Kent and for Bale. A farm of abiut sixty acres for rent with grain In the ground Tho stock will bo sold at prlva'e or public sale. Call or address, Dr. B. F. Gardner, Uloomsburg, Pa A barn to rent, apply to Dr. J. II. Evans. Makou 1. D. L Everliart will sell peno. nal pioptity, horses, cows, wagoni, farm Implements, grain &o at 10 a. m.. At tho samo tlmu bo will offer 12i) acies of land, good house, stablo &c, all in Jackson .township. Lost A horso blanket, between Blooms' buignnd Oranguvllle, ou Monday, 17th. Tho Under villi be suitably rewarded by leaving it at Mftycr's Drug store, Ulooms burg. 2t. Thu Ltdles' Milu Society of the Blooms- burg Baptist Church will hold an entertain- me ut at tho resldencu nt ilev. J. P. Tustin, Friday Evening, Feb. 21st, 1890. Tho ladies will gtvu .i display of thu Hclics of the "Old Curiosity Shop." All arc Invited.- William Kramer, who has been a mem ber of tho school board for the past six years, retires from the ulllce with thu good wishes ot the public, as he performed his duties conscientiously. Mr. and Mrs. h. C dicn celebrated their silver wedding on Wednesday. An even ing' enteriuinnunt was given which was atunded by friends from New York, Wilkes Barre,l)auville,Nanllcoku and other places. Many haudsomu presents were received, and it was an occasion of great enjoyment. A local iustltutu will bo Held at Mlllvillc, Saturday, February 22nd. lion. Henry Ilouek, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction, wi.l be present and will deliv er uti address In the afternoon and a free lecture In the evening on " l'lie Old and tho w." All aro luvitcd to be present. will teach tho latest and most popular scientific tailor system of Dress Making. Each student will bo allowed to cut, make trim and drape, putting Into execu tion what sho has learned while In tho school) also a rare chauco for n few ladles to get In atnoupy making business. Open every day and evening. Capt. Jacob Mcltck, formerly a merchant In Light Street, died at his homo in Muncy on Saturday last,, funeral at that place on Tuesday, aged about 08 years. Capt. Mel- Ick brought his Company to this town soon after Prcsllcnt Lincoln's first call for 76,000 soldiers, but tho call was already filled and the men wcro not accepted. In this com pany were three sons of the lato Peter Ent, viz i William M., Oicar P. nnd Uzalll. Ent, cx-Sherlff of this county. The Kalbndar, All Balnta Church, Oma ha, Ilev. Dr. Zahucr, Hector, In tho No. for February, 1890, saysi "Pay your pew rtnt promptly, in advance If you can find It convenient, or at least when It becomes due. A Church cannot bo maintained on airy nothingness. Yet somo people Bccm to think that It ought In some way to get along without their assistance. Every at tendant at the services ought rightfully to bear his sharo of tho expenses. Church bills must bo met just tho samo as any oth cr bills. If our new rents were promptly paid thero would never bo auy need of overdrafts at the bank.'' A word to tho wise, &c Peter Case who died In Benton township nn tho 11th Inst., was a native of Northum berland county, and was born Jau. 27, 1811, not far from D tnvllle, Pa. He restd. cd In Bonton township ( Sugarloaf before division ) about 51 years. Ho was a pi oncer, commenced In tho woods, and clear ed up a large farm. He was a highly spectcd cldzen, a good neighbor, a loving husband and a kind father. lie was tho father ot eight children, six ot whom sur. vivo. Among those ot bis father's house hold three sisters survive, MrB, C O. Marr, Mrs. Aaron Camritul and .Mrs. Itobcrt Itlchlc: the latter Is feeble and about 81 years ot age. Governor Beaver aud Pecretary Stono heard argument, on the 8th, on the rival chums of the North Mountain Improve ment Company and the West Fork lm provement Company, both of which want charters to Improvo certain logging streams In Sullivan and Columbia Counties. There Is som1) question as to tho priority of tho application for the charter. In the argu ment the North Mountain Company was represented by Charles 11. Uuckalew and A. L. Fritz, of Bloomsburg : Charles li. McMichael, of Philadelphia ; W. B Qlveu of Columbia, and Colonel Corcoran, ot Wll liamsport. II. M. McClure represents the West Fork Compiny. Secretary Stone reserved his decision, Miss Dottle Pine who is starring In "Pert," Is tho youngest stellar attraction on tour. Sho was born December 22, 1877 and Is barely twelve years of age. Sho is clever, being a flnUhed dancer, good singer and banjo player. She Is also endowed with strong dramatic ability. The A'no IVi Dramatic AVirs, Dec 18, 1889. Bloomsburg Opeia House, February, 21. New Route to lies MoIiich, In. Commencing February 10th, 1890, and continuing dally thereafter, a through coach will bo run from Chicago to Dcs Moines on train leaving Chicago at llilO p. m. via Chicago, Mllwntikco & Bt. Paul Il'y, arriving at Dcs Molncs at 2:00 p. m. next day. TcnclicrH IvxcurHlou to HI. I'niii, For tho Annual Meeting of tho National Educational Association to bo held at Bt. Paul, Minn., July, 1890, tho Ciiioaqo, Mil waukee A Bt. Paul IUh.way Co., will sell reduced rate excursion tickets from Chi cago and all other points on Its 5,700 miles ot thoroughly equipped road In Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri South Dakota and North Dakota; and alj railroads In the United States will sell ex cursion tickets to Bt. Paul and return for this occasion via tho Ciuoaqo, Milwaukee & Bt. Paul IIau.wat. For circulars of Information containing further particulars, plcaso address A. V. II. Carpenter, Gen eral Passenger Agent, Milwaukee, Wis. Opera IIoiihc. VOTIt Olf II-uOOMHIIUIlO. Tho election on Tuesday the 18th paiscd oft very quietly. Thero were only 60S votes polled against 735 Isst year. There wcro two Independent candidates, Mr. William Krcamcr for School Director, nnd Mr. Fred crick Bchwtnn tor member of council. This made a peculiar fight In these two offices and great anxiety was shown as to who would bo defeated by thesu two Independ ents. By tho accumulative voting system each voter could cast 0 votes for Mr. Schwlnn, by this method ho defeated Clin ton B. Sterling by 8 votes. Tho following Is tho voto lu full. Those marked with a nro elected. 1'KEdtDBNT Or COUNCIL. East. West. Total. G. A. Herring, 201 138 339 P. S. Harman, 102 102 824 J. II. Towusend, 1 1 2 II. W. Oswald, 1 1 MBMRERS OF COUNCIL. 800J 2004 888 244 825 254 431 2 wanamaker's. 244 203 243 882 297 293 110 Friday, February 21st, will bring forward a young star In the dramatic line In the person ot llltlo Dnttlo Pluo In a now com edy drama, In which are to bo found also many mrlo-dramatlc featum written by Ilobcrt W. Smiley entltlod "Pert." Little Dottlo Is tho youngest star actress on the American stage being but twclvo years ot ago on the 23d day of December last. She Is endowed with remarkable dramatic talent which In a few years as sho grows older and stronger It Is predicted by those who arc well Informed, Is suro to de velop Into that of the strong emotional or der. Pert is a play In four acts, abounding In powerful melo-dramallc as well as tunny comedy situations and climaxes, special ties In singing and dancing. Quartette, etc., are interwoven to suit every taitc. The press elsewhere havo pronounced Lit tle Dottle Pine tho acmo ot perfection, tho embodiment ot grace and power. She Is a lineal descendant of Edwin Forrest from whom sho undoubtedly Inherits her lemark. able dramatic talent. Her support Is far above tho average, Including the king ot minstrelsy, Fayette Welch, who Is special ly engaged for tho character of Dolpb, a gentleman of color. Attractions ot this nature, presented hy people of such un questionable merit, should pack tho Opera House next Friday, February 21st. Popu lar prices. Wm. Ilabb, Clinton Sterling, 3. W. Bliutt, E. O. Wells, Louis Gross, J. Fettcrman, F. Bchwlnn, O. T. Wilson, . It. Kinder, 3 JUSTICE OF THE FKACE. Guy Jacoby, 880 802 TAXOOLLECTOR. M. C. Woodward, 801 294 SCHOOL DIRECTOR. J.lC.Blttenbendcr337 201 J. O. Brown, 173 219 Win. Krcamer, 220 121 JUDOS OF ELECTION. Eli Jones, 239 M. K. Applcman, 121 (!. P. Sloan, 152 D. F. Weiss, 130 INSPECTOR. W. J. Shutt, 129 llob't Mexander, 211 H. J. Hartman, 167 D. II. Coffman, 184 544 523 031 670 (132 647 537J 2 3 There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory." They are not, but like all counterfeits, they lack tlie peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. 1 Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it. 'Tis sold everywhere. Embroidered and Hemstitch ed French Linen Sheets, $6.25 a pair. John Wanamakek. LOCAL NOTICES. John Btrnett of Shtckshlnnv Intends I opening a branch store in Drawer's store room lately occupied by IIouscl Bros, ns a shoo storo, on April 1. His stock wlltcon slit ot a general lino of notions, varlctias. etc. 1.10-3mo. I. W. HAUTMAN &, SON8. Wlillst tho Kallroads at one nlaco are fighting for crossings, we aru selling all- wool Dress Lloth for 'iio yd . Yot! will find uooil lines of no .v dress goods, ginghams and wash uiuiuriais at uiarK son. spring drccs P. J. Weaver. Tea Comnanv Old ritond is tho place to buy vonr lei and Groceries. Two chests uncolored tea reduced from 05 cts. to 40. Lots, of Green nnd Black Teas. gunrantcii uest or nualllv. al vou wan . reduced from OOo lb. to 40. Good mixed lea at &c lb. C03 035 588 893 347 WANAMAKER S. rniLADiLrnu, Monday, Feb. 17, 1S90. Arain this Dress Goods stock, its magnitude, variety. I he truth you'u call hyperbole, plain facts exaggeration. I. W. HAUTMAN & SONS. All tho towns In Columbia counlv havo of late cotton very near to Bloomsburir. The Ladles and other buyers find our Store very near mem. iiarK os oon snow Borne extra values in white goods. Call soon; also, full lines of I Scrim & Cauton Pongco for curtains. Sco the big laco bargain at 3, 4, and Sc yd, wortu 13j, 15. 18. Call soun. Clark ttbon. Coughing IS Nature a effort to expel foreign sub stances from tho bronchial passages. Frequently, this causes Inflammation and tho need ot an ntiodyno. No other expectorant or anodyne Is equal to Ayor'a Cherry I'cctornl. It Assists Nature In ejecting tho mucus, allays Irritation, Induces repose, and Is tho most popular of all cough cures. "Of tho many preparations before tho mbllc for tlio euro oi colds, couglis, ironchltls, nnd kindred diseases, there is none, within tho rangn of my expert nco, so rcllahla as Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. For years t was subject to colds, followed by tcrrlhlo coughs. About four years ago, when so allllcted, I was ad vised to try Aycr's Cherry Pectoral and to lay all other remodles asldo. I did so. and within a week was well of my cold and cough. Since then t haro always kept this preparation in the bonso, nnd feel comparatively secure." Mrs. h. L. Drown, Denmark, Miss. "A few years ago I took n severe cold which affected my lungs. I hail a ter rible cough, and passed night after night without sleep. The doctors gavo mo nn. 1 tried Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, which relieved my lungs, Induced sleep, and afforded tho rest necessary for the recovery of my strength. Hy tho con tinual use of the Pectoral, a permanent cure was effectetl." Horace Falrbrother, ltocklngham, Vt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rnirARED ar Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats. SoMky llDnJ!gUt. IMcetl; lifcottlM,t. Two Rival Dress Goods I. W. HAUTMAN & SONS. 1 . . ( ,. . . Ii .... , . " counieu in uauung around town, Ueauties have just come to the Twcnty.six buildings to bo nnishd by counters. opting. Not so with us, wo aro ready now First. German Suitings, 48 With Spring Goods, call nnd sco them. HcMiijler'H itnt Killer, II. MnrliPfl wirip nil wnnl ir en rrcsh roasted Coffee, Old Gov. Java, incnes Wiae, ail WOOl, at I.5 Golden llio and Maracaho. to.dav. R 1 riaids, OVer-plaids, and Stripes Weaver, Tea Company Old Stand. ill the SoffCSt Spring colorings. Towels, Towels, T.,wcls. Extra values Abbotsford. and Melrose, the 9a" nnJ sco tnera 8nJ vou wl" wanl them. .... . ' . l.nrrTn trine CI trttwnla nnlif Otn nnl nit Grampian Hills, the River Unen: Bc ark & Son. 'J """""" J,u,u Tweed, all come to mind as you , w "77 autaYan .t monh. look at them, lhis time the Wn ,,. ,h -!,,..,.. pm,,.,,. lncreaslne, goods goiug to nearly every baXOn lias Caugllt tlie Celt, lile les In llio county, white, pink, blue and slate n tho Union, anil tr. Inniln nnd nnw o thf nrnnfnf thnif nnrrtrf " f'J Juu : mv'iu. tojiexico. 1 no touowing letter is irom you'd never PCt t ie ijCOtC 1 SO etieap, and they re just as good, just as good. Second, Mohair Brilliantines, 27 inches, at 37 cents. Blue and brown tints with white stri pes. Moairs are mighty in the world ol dress this year, and in all the great collections of them On Friday last Governor Beaver appoint- Tho first night we set the whole half dozen you'll find nothitlPf in Simple l'rof. U. J. Trailer Appointed State Hupcrluleiicletit. Tho rat trap manufactured by Bcnuylcr & Co. of this town Is fast gaining a reputation as tho best In the market. The shipments are largo nnd are rapidly tho J. U. Omohundro Hardwaro Co. of I Whltcsboro, Texas, and shows what the traps havo been doing down there Mess. J. II. Scmn.ER ft Co. Bixjouaiit-Rs Vi Gentlemen : tsomo two weeks since we purchased of Mess. Iloberts, Hardwlcke & Taylor Co., of Sherman Texas, a half dozen ot your Ferret Animal Traps as n sample. Fresh lino of Fancy Cakes, also best dried beef; cream cheese, oranges, bananas, oyster crackers. &c. &c. P. J. Weaver, Tea Cjmpany Old Stand. Hamburg Edgings, all tho newest work. Torchon Liccs, Cotton Edges nnd all kinds musliu trimmings at Clark A; Son's. I. W. HAUTMAN & SONS. We aro ready with a splendid lino of dishes &c. for April, Young Uouso KecperB are especially Invited. cd Hov. D. J. Waller Superintendent ol along tho sldo walks, and next morning style more takinc Public Instruction to succeed tho lato Dr. had six largo rats. These we displayed by E. E. Hlgbec. Prof Waller has accepted banging rats, traps and all In front of our the position, bill will remain In charge ot tho Normal School until tho end of the present school year, next July. D ivld Jowett Waller Is a son of Hey. D. J. Waller, and Is torty-thrco years ot age. He prepared for collcgo at Wllllamstown store. It had the desired effect., great crowds collected to sec the wonderful trap. In less than an hour we had sold out. Ordering two dozen moro by express, we again set the whole number nnd caug ht 1.... .. ... -.... ... 1 . : -1 . n .it 1 1 1 . . fore, in six days wo sold one-hundred " can be done, a very Jexu mak' Tho Tea Company Old Btand Is tho place to buy canned goods , tucy have auy quan tity of them, at pricog I hat will astonish all m -ijr uiuugn iui "un-ipoouor money reiunuea. itesp'y, v. J. est maker to get "all silk" into Wkveb, r a t 1. 1: ti.. I an upcu musu sjrciiauiuu. 111c -IVTOTICE TO CANDIDATES hard nart is to mesh the smooth, FOH OF- FIUK OV MINIS INSPECTOR. t. tK.r.n Ir. U .. 1 I piovto is ner.Dv given mat too omces oi taspec- naiu mi uiua au nicy wuu k anu. I lor or Mines, tor uie riiiu inspection ursiricuoira. Tho great popularity of Ayer's Pills as a cathartic is due un less to I heir promptuess and tmcucy luan to tlielr coating of sugar and freedom from any injurious effects. Children take them readily. See Ayer's Almanac for this year, just out. Tho Commission appointed by the Governor to overhaul the poor laws, havo sent the overseers of tho townshlpi in the various counties a circular containing one bund ed questions wiiich they aro request- to answer and return. Vcuk eyes and ictumcd lids Indicate an Impure condition ot tho blood. Tho best remedy is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It vitalizes the blood, icgulatcs tho secretion?, nnd cx pels all scrofulous humors from the sys tem. Try It. Price $1. Worth $5 a bottle. The following letters are held at Blooms burg, Pa., post-oflice, and will hi sent to tho dead letter olllce. March 4. 1800. Mr. Geo. E. Hill, Mr. C. W. Kidder' Sarah May, Simon Illttcnhousc, Sir. Daiid Youst. Persons calling for these letters please say, they wcro advertised Feb.18, 1890. Ono cent will bo charged on each letter advertised. A. B, Oatiiuart, P. M. J. K. Bittenbcnder was elected a school director oa Tuesday. Mr. Bittenbcnder is a progressive citizen, und will bring to tho olllce energy, Intelligence and integrity ot character. He Is a graduatu of the Nor mal School, and has had somo experience us u teacher, so that ho Is well qualified for the position Tho largo voto given him was n handsome complimont, and Is fully appro elated by him. E. A recent decision of tho courts maintains ihat If a man wants to go faster than an other ahead of bint on the road lis Is going, he has a right to pass, and If he Is pre vented by tho other, aud an accident should happen thereby, tho man thus ob structing tho road Is responsible for the damage done. No man has the right to Infringe upon tho rights of others, how- oyer, in trying to pass. The case ot Isaac C. B irrell against the Philadelphia & Heading 11. II. Co. tcrml. natcd on Friday morning last, by the court granting a compulsory nonsuit on motion of defendant's 'counsel. The motion was argued by Senator S. P. Wolverton for tho defenso and Judge John 8. Wcscoit of Camden for the plaintiff. Both men arc eminent lawyers, nnd all through tho trial they measured strength, and each found a foeman worthy of his steel. Judge Wes- cott Is still a young man, and his easy, courteous manner, and his forclblo argu ments won for him the admiration of all who witnessed tho trial. Senator Wolvcr ton has appeared so often In our courts und Is so well known here that it is unneces sary to refer to the esteem In wblcu ho Is held. A rule to show cause why tho non suit should not be stricken off was taken by counsel for tho plaintiff, and at their request was refused at once so the caso can bo ttken to the supreme court In April. An appeal has been taken by tho plaintiff. A now system of boll slgntls has been adopted at the NorraalBchool. An electric clock known ns the McCaskey Automatic Electric Program Ilegulator has been placed In the Ileadiug room, which Is so adjusted that It rings bells In tho dormi tories for rising, for chapel, for study hour and for retiring, and also rings iu the school rooms for recitation periods. It can bo adjusted so that It will ring the bells at anydcsircd hour. Mr. McCaskey of Waynes boro, Pa. is the InvcntT. Tho apparatus has an attachment known as tho Waller Switch lever, so named by the Inventor because suggested to blm by Prof. Wal ler. In connection with this clock are electric buttons located at dlWcrent points In the building, by which flio alarm can bo sounded at any time ou each floor. 1HU7, graduating in iBiU. lie tnen toon a course in Princeton Theological Seminary, and after bis admission to the Presbyterian ministry ho assumed charge ot a church In Philadelphia. Ills health failing he resigned and came back to Columbia county, and took charge of tho Orangcvlllo circuit, where he remained until elected Principal of tho Bloomsburg State Normal Bcbool about ten years ago, which position ho has filled up to tho present time. Tho de cree of Doctor of Phllosonhv was confer- red on him somo years ago by Lafayette College. Dr. waller nas orougut tno Normal School up to a high standard, and at least one hundred more, could wo have out are not Ones that go a begg gui mem. it is unuouutcuiy tuo uesi rat trap made and wo hope so soon as wo can get them (the traps) to clean up all the rats in the community. Held in liroad Mountain ASSIGNEE'S SALE OP TCcsil Estate ! The undersigned assignee will by virtue ot an order to him directed by tho Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia County expoio to pubuo saio tho following described re U estato on tho prem ises on SATURDAY, MAUOII 15, 1890. Pleco No. 1. Situate In Brlarcreek township. Columbia County, ra , bounded anl described as follows, to-wit i Beginning in a publlo road lead ing from ltlttcnhouio's Mill to Solomon House. knecht, thence north .v dcgi ees west s perches to a stone, thenco north83degcee3E19etghUtentli perches to a Btonc, thence north t degrees west IS two-tenth perches to black oak stump, tnence north H( degrees oast, Is s-10 perches, thence north 58V degrees east, 10 perches, north sjv degrees east, 4 8-10 porches to corner, Booth ys degrees west 1 8 perches to Btono, south MX de grees east U perohos to stone; soathTUf degrees east BJ perches to a stono, south S7X degrees east 5? ptrches to white oak stump, thence south UJf degrees east lg perches tx stone, south f degrees east 28 4-10 perches toastonocorner soutn w ao grees west 180 5-10 perches to place of beglnntng, containing 76 ACRES, more or less on which aro erected a FRUIE DWELLING IIOUSK, large liauK bam and out buildings, good orchard about .u the laud under cultivation. This farm Is known as tho Deltcrlck Homestead. No, i riece ot land situate in Centre township, Columbia county, Pa-, bounded and desortbftd a toUows, U)-wlt: llegtnnlng at a rod oak corner, thence north 9 IS degrees W03t 50 T-10 perches to nine stump, south 87 1-1 degress wost4t -l0 per ches to maple, north 81 degrses west. Si s-10 per- hesto post, thence south 8 . 31 decrees west 27 XT nn,i 1 m..i.,,.. . I, - n-f ui. ... . iS ...... w... u uuya wu um uue-uuuureu - V " ' ,v . and east 6t 1l reerldlan rTme through Carver.and entered Lfayctte collego In and twenty-six traps and could havo sold ers do It. The yards they turn tho rouhorGlr,irtrtia)anitor tarrr i i ia?n tt L. i, i....i ....1.1 1 1 sncctlon District! comprWng all that part of P Perches txj a stxino, thence Muth 75 degree east f6 8.10 Dercnes to stono corner, narm it uo- Inf.. I rvi.intvin.' Ijh,ipnm will iri r.ipiljvlhTrhnRTn m. ... P. . riMfliih. .Min . Vt .(7-.11. I eat 41 aio nerchos to corner, place ot Beginning) riere is upen xuesn uiacK Silk Grenadine from the best Yours very truly, two makers we know ol. Kich J. 11. Omohundko, U'd'w Co. in, fresh goods, and tor as little as ever, despite the advance in raw silk prices. 23 inches wide; 75c, $1, and $1.25. The 23-inch Satin Striped Black Silk Grendine is an old favorite. 2, 24, and 4. inch P. s. Somo parties who bought tra?3 report having caught 10 In oco night. Canl of Tlinnlta. If the proprietor of Kemp's Balsam should publish a card of thanks, contain- he stands among the foremost educator. M"" f Rrull come to stripes, fc,1.25. " I Vilm .laili, frnm Oman inlin l.ovn linnn mtrn.l 1 of the State. The Governor has done well In calling him to tako charge ot tho school system ot the state. It will be difficult to Mil bis placo at the Normal. OIIITUAIIY. him daily from those who have been cured of Beyere throat and lung troubles by the use ot Kemp's Balsam, it would fill a fair sized book. How much better to Invito all to call on any druggist and get n tree sam- j plo bottlo that you may test for yourself its power. Large bottles 00c and $1.00. Mr. John McKamey, ono ot Espy's peace ful and highly esteemed citizens, after a long period of most distressful suffering from a kind of bronchial affection, depart ed this life In triumph ot a christian faith on Wednesday morning the 12th lust, at the age of 01 years, 1 month and 0 days. The funeral services were held In tho M. E. Church, Ilev. It. Mallalleu being tho offici ating clergyman. Ills remains were borne to the Alton Cemetery and were laid to rest betide those of bis wife, who preceded him to the other world about 8 years ago. Ho was of foreign descent, but always resided at Espy, where he exerted a christian In fluence that shall continue to be felt for Little Dottlo Pine, the child artist, 1b truly marvelous. Her bewitching songs and dances, and her recitations and Imita- Bourette Borders, 6 inches to half a yard deep, come on some of the newest stuffs. Oddly pretty and in seven styles. Jii.2 5 and i. qo. Another handsome line of just-opened goods gets its peculiar beauty from the deli- tho Uchurlktll coal Held In rtclmvlklll county. I nine Mouth or the Mahanor valler and the laamvio. Ljcoaron ) win oo vacatoaDytno expira tion or tno comrmssio is oi tno p.-eient incum bents on tho tweity-wcond day ot September 1890, and that an examlnit'on if canlldates for these oniosa win bo held on Tuesday March 4tb i liftw, at iu o'ciock a in. in tuo aocona story irom room of No. Ml south Centre street, rottsvllle wr-en and where all candidates are requested to present i. emselves for examination. No previous notincition oi mtcaticn to apply is required. IlRBKa S, TUOMPSOK JOHN 11 HOFFMAN TrfOMAS EVKKSON William J. Miu.uu 1. II. Dsvsas Feb. ll-lt. Examining Doard. PUBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE Ilc;&8 Estate AND Personal Property ! The undersigned administrator D. 11. N. C. T. A ot Jacob Yoho deceased will expo. to public Bale on the premises lately occup'.cd by ltacbael Yotie deceased In Mldlla townsh Ip, Columbia cority, ra., oa SATURDAY, MAHCH 8th, A. D. '00. atlp. m., ot said day, tho following personal property, to-wlt; 2 Bhoats, 12 chickens, S cook stoves, l parlor containing SI tlonB aro worthy of tho most carefully cato Colorings leaning to fawns I stove, lot stove-plpo, 4 beds, corner cupboard, lot trained and experienced actress. As the ancJ tans anJ the almost Self mashing dude she made a great m.-Jcrsey colored wide duster stri or ninnm.hnr. fWra Urmoo. Frl.lav. Feb. PlaidS. 1 en StVleS! SI. 25, SI ruary 21. for plain to match. XJriitilteiineHH I.liitior Ilatilt In nil tlie woiitiiuere ih iiiii out? cure Ir. ilnlnes' ouldcii tipeclflc It can be given in a cup ot tea or coifec without tho knowledge ot the person taKing It. cffcctlnc a speedy and permanent euro, time to come. Being a member of the whether the patient Is a moderate drinker I been a ravincf SUCCeSS already. Evangelical Association, and having supc- or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of I Vqii would have lost VOur choice i, .i, i j . We are quite urgent in bring ing Ginghams to your attention thus early because now the stock is fullest. They have rlor natural endowments, he served suc cessfully for a number i f years as a local preacher of that denomination, and fre quently filled appointments for neighbor ing ministers of other denomiuatlons in a I harmful effect results from Its administra- urunkarus uavo oecneurcu wnonavo taKen I ui. , ... :. ,, r CIC VV JJUW WC1C Ik IIWI. IUI dlshea, knives, forks, spoons, a bureaus, 1 writing desk, lot rag carpet, about 30 yards ot brussels carpet, ONE PARLOR SUIT, 1 eight day clock, lots chairs, 1 lounge, 1 sofa, lot pictures and frames, lot tinware, lot earth enware, pots, skillets and pans, stand), lot salt meat, 1 Iron kettle, 8 wash tubs, 1 wash boUer, S cider barrels, meat stand, LOT OF POTATOES, hoes, shovels, forks and a largo variety ot house hold and kitchen furniture too numerous to men tion. ALSO; A tract ot mountain timber land ot about 75 ACRES, more or less, adjoining lauds ot lteuben lions and ACRJGS and eighty perches more or less; also adjoining the abovo beginning at a stone In road, thenco by other land of L"elterlck;l north s degrees west 52 perehesto stone corner, south 89 l- degrees easi 375-10 perches to stone, south 55 degrees east 11 perches to stono, thence mrth 70 3-1 aegrees east 9 15-10 perches to stone, south 5 degrees east I 7-10 perches to none, In township line, south 1( d( grees woot 11 3-10 perches topmo stump bouid SO 1-1 degrees west 41 perches to place ot begin ning containing IS ACRES, 19 perches more or less. One piece ot land in Brlarcreek township, described as follows to-wlt: Beginning at corner la Summerhlll road, In twp lines north 5 degrees, west 40 T-10 perches to stono, north "OS-4 degrees eastiot 8-10 perches to stono, south 1 a degrees east 61 6-10 perches to stone corner, sDUtli 81 degrees west 52 8-10 perches to stone, south VH degrees west 3 7-10 perches to stone, placo ot beginning containing 1 ACRJES and S3 perches. Also piece of land In samo twp bounded and descrlbM as follows, to-wit: Begin ning at;a stono by land once Samuel MUlard'8,soutU 0 degrees west 51 perches to ptne knot;west 4S perches to post, south degrees east 56 perches to pine trees, soutn si aegrees east sax perones to post, south 88 1-4 degrees east Hi perches to stone placo ot beglonlng, containing 16 ACRES, io perches, more or less. All last four describe ljpleces of land are adjoin ing each other and used as one farm containing S3 ARES, and one perch more or less ou which aro erected a their knowledge, and to-day believe they repeats by cable brought by the others In Minur. i township, quit drinking of their own free will. No ocean greyllOUlldS. satisfactory manner to all. It must be add ed to his credit and stand as an evidence of his character that he strove to improve tho gifts Uod bad given him, and thus made himself useful among men. Huch nn example is certainly worthy of great re spect aud Imitation. tlon. Cures guaranteed. Send for circular and full particulars. Addrcsb In confidence Ooldes Sfkoifio Co., 185 Raco Btrcet, Cinclnnatl.O. 10-35ty Ileiiton, Township election passed off very tjulet- l'CTHDIial. W.D. Cnsgrovr, cook nt tho Exchnnse Hotel, has been seriously 111 with thu grip. Mr's.'.ll, Edgar and daughter lsabelle, Of Bunbury, nro yitlllng relatives here. 1);. J. O. Kelfsnydcr, who has just com. plcted a special courso In surgery, nnd Diseases of children, at Jclicrson College, i'hiladelphln, nturncd homo on Tuesday. He proposes to practlcu medicine In Uloomsburg, and bis olllce, us formerly, Mr. Harman Kline, who died recently at Joucstown, demonstrated that tho Jew's harp was a musical Instrument of no mean pretentions. Mr. Klino and his two sons, one ot whom is Mr. W. V. Kline ot the Forks stage route, made delightful music on theso little Instruments. They carried the dlflercnt parts on harps and frequently played at largo concerts to tho delight ot large audiences. "O to bo dead and done with tho trouble That fills each day with a dreary pain." This Is tho moan ot inauy a woman Who thinks she can never bo well again "It wcro better for mo and better for others It 1 wero dead," and their tears fall fast. Not so, not so, O wives and mothers, There's a bow nt hope In the sky at last, and It Jells that the storm ot disease which John Kinney dlrton died, after a linger- ing lllniss, at the residency of his son David K., on West street, nt S Monday morning, Fib. 17th, aged 0 months and 0 days. He was born near Turbotville, Norlh'd county, and came to this county about tbo year 1810 aud lived with Leonard Hupert some eight years near the town of Hupert. He was married three times, his first wife being a daughter of Joslah McClure, of Bloom towiiBhlp. Bhu died about a year after marriage, whllo in contlnement. His second wife was a daugh ter of Benjamin Bonne, of samo place. To them four children wcro born, two, Charles M and David K. Glrton, survive him. Their mother died whllo thoy wero quite small, In 18SS. His third wife was a Miss Huth H. Glrton, ot Milton, who died, lcav. Ing on children, In 1873. He was In mer cantile business In this town a number of years, anu at one tune tbo owner oi con. sldcrablo property. Tho deceased was a member of the I'resbyterian church for fifty years. Funeral services wero held halt past 10 o'clock nn Wednesday morn ing In the church, ltevs. Waller and Pat terson, otll elating. A l'niiily Gatlivrliitc. Uavo you a father? Uavo you a mother Havo you a son or daughter, sister or brother who has not yet taken Kemp's Bal sam for tho Throat and Lungs, the guar rantced remedy for tho cure of Coughs, coi.ii.u1iu countv jvkokh, Editors Columbia:! : From the tone of an article which appear. cd in tho ((publican last week oue would ly. The range is remarkable: Indescribable variety of a half dozen trademarks at 12J4 cents. 1000 pieces bcotch at 25 cents, . T T as many or more ot tlie u 11- known Yankee at the same price. A contest of races and nations tor supremacy at the price. In the range at 37 40, 45, Thos Belgfrlcd Jr. uf our town and Miss Uattie Sutllft of Centre weru made happy In nriarrlnirA. nn WnilnpQ.lftv Af lnet wnilr - ' ' I 1 . 1 John F. Derr of Jackson has been favor- 5 i 5 ana 75 cents a yard Terms made known ou day o sale J. J. UltOWN, Adm'r I). B. N. C. T. A. of Jacob Yohe decoased. vcb. 2O-1S90, February ist, 1890. Tho HT. VAVtj, .MINNHU'Or.IH fc JIANI- TOIIA llv. nnd Iu urnneheM became ilie UT BED EI. LI. IF you arc ooinu TO THE FltBB FAUMS OF TUB MILK KlVEIt VALLK", TAKK TUB Great Northern By. Line. lio led to Buppo8o that Columbia county ably spoken of a3 candidate for Assoclato I are borders for skirts with plain TO THE gold, bilvkh, corrat, iuon and o'clock 1 jurors are In the habit of acquitting criml 8 years, nals who are tried in our courts, without regard to justice. Tho Jury that acquitted Amos Applcman ot the charge of pointing n pistol at young Mr. Brugler was very harshly criticised for their action, by tho Judge. Mr. Derr Is a gentlemen and a to match. lacauards. Chene true blue democrat. Wo hope he will al- ;th ,ace efiect satin laids low his namo to bo used. , . . ' . . 1 . our Borough officers havo not been and stripes, and various designs elected yet. more than you could suspect, There ie a great deal of sickness through think of, or ask for did not the editor ot tue liepubluan, and yet It Mr. I out this section, Drs. are on tho road day I suctrestioil come from US A.iun m ...... tl M. u. tuu WV, 3 I HUU U1UI "Occasional." am informed of It by lawyers, ho would not have mado tho blunder he did, The facts are these t Elmer Brugler testified that when ho saw Applet an going down Mar ket street Bomo ono said to him "stop that man". He did not know what tbo man had done, nor whether he had done any thing. Following htm down to the church, where tho horso stood, the boy picked up a stone and said he would brain Applcman If he untied that horse. Applcman then drew bis revolver and pointing it at the boy, said "stand back, youug man". This was all the evidence In the case. Tho fact will uo Willi llv, i, vr. i ms, iu air.. . ,u 8haJow8 over yotl wm ivo CoWb Asthma, Croup aud all Throat aud building, near the court .ouso. ut. uui- Blln8uino of renewed health, If Lung troubles? If so, why, when a sam. snyder Is thoroughly cqu ppeu mr u s pro- . iu.rce'n Favorite pie bottlo Is gladly given to your by any fcsslon, and will no doubt rise w tuo isp ' . . . ... cffccluailv drueelst. and the large lire costs only 60o cure all female weaknesses and derange. merits, and no woman who has not tried It need despair, for a trial will convince her Ihat It Is tho very thing sho needs to re store her to the health sho fears forever OB I. of tho ladder of fume. Clover seed for sale at B. F. Co's at lowest market price. Peacock & If. rnd $100. Livery Htablo for Male. A euppor will be given by the Children's Missionary Boclety of the Lutheran Church, at Hie homo ot Btcphcn Knorr ou Urd. Bt., . Thursday Fib. SOlb, from 5 lo 10 p. ni. l'tlce only ISc, cake nnd Ico cream extra. Bvcry body come and Uavo a good time. To clcause thu stomach, liver, and sys tem generally, use Dr. Pierce' Pellets. 25 cent). Tbo undersigned offers at private sale thu entire outfit of his livery stable, on Iron Direct, in liloomsiiurg, including horses, harness, buggies, sleighs, carriagiw, robes, blankets, &c., also an olllce building and contents. It Is an old stand with good business. Address tf. J. W, (liuus, Bloomsburg, Pa. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. When Baby was sick, we gave her CwitorU. When she was a Cblld, the cried for CMtorU, When sho became Hiss, the clung to Ctutorl, When she had Children, she gave them CaetorU. Notiitui; In tlie Wlilo ISooil. World no In the Cotton Court: Cheviots, that look like the finest dress flannels, at 30 cents. Galatea and Cunard Stripes, introduced by us last year and continued this year with great improvements, 25 cents, and their companion of the sea, Dungareen, at 30 cents, blue enough to uniform the Naval Brigade. Such Linen Sheeting as this heavy, round thread French grows better with a year ot moderate wear. 1 here s no that Appleman bad attempted to rob tho bank a few moments beforo was not proven, I I was aftltcted with Kidney disease. Dr. as It had nothing to do with the caso, Urn-1 Kennedy' Favorite Remedy, of Hondout, gler having no knowledge ot such attempt I N. 1 .,1 say It with a perfect recollection at tho time. The District Attorney did not I of all that was dono for me besides, Is tho made to tho Jury, and the caso was sub. I havo recommended this medicine to JJOnsence about It; good, Honest milted to the jury under tho chargo of the many people for Kidney disease and they flax; good honest work and no- Court, with the general understanding that all agree In saying that It has not Us equal thing else behind it. 90 inches thero could be no conviction. Had tho In tho wldo world for this complaint. Ly wide 6 ?C 04 inches 7C. Jury brought In a verdict of guilty, a new man Crawford, Druggist, Mass. Finer hflrrinm I inpn ' 7cr tn trial would undoubtedly havo been grant. - ' 1 mer, UdglUm Uineil, 75C to cd. Wherein, then, did tho Jury do wrong HftnUSOmcly fmillCtl frl.IO, m finding verdict of acquittal? Ami. life size Crayons, pl&o- This heavy 90-inch, full take was mado in putting tho costs on Mr. togmplis nil sizes, in bleach Irish Sheeting would be Tusiin, who was made prosecutor without correct styles mid er- good value at $1.25, our -price blsknowledgo or consent, and the costs V Ji a 1"- v J) r i.i ,., u.n io,..i ,1.. ... ICCt linisli. colnrnil ! but as to tho verdict of acquittal tho Jury pUOtogmpllS, lurgC Or 11 V011 car,e r the dainty touch a 11 il I iicinsiiiciung gives, itere s lull bleached Irish Linen Sheets and Pillow and Holster Cases with nothing to pay for the Hemstitching. COAL MINES OP MONTANA, TAKK TUB Great Northern By. Line. ; TO QUE AT FALLS, THE FUTURE INDUSTRIAL CENTUEOFTHE NOUTHWEST, TAKB IUI Great Northern By. Line. TO HELENA, HUTTE, SPOKANE FALLS AND THE COAST CITIES, TAKB TUB Great Northern By. Line. TO FAHQO, CHOOK8TON, (1KANI) FOHKS AND W3INNBPBO, TAKE TUB Great Northern By. Line. TO ALL MINNESOTA SOUTH DAKOTA, NOltTH DAKOTA, MONTANA, IDAHO, OltEQON, WASHINGTON, OAUFOHNIA ANU MANITOUA 1'OINTS, TAKB TUB Great Northern By. Line. For tliketa, maps and guides, apply to your uumu liCKCl ugi'ut vr nniu iu i'. i.wiiir.siiv, (ion. I'aai. and ticket Agent, G-KKAT NOKTIIBaN llAILWAT, Bt, Paul, Minn. J bank barn and outbuilding, good "orchard. No. 3-Ono other pleco of land lu Brlarcreek twp CoL Co. ra.,;bounded and described as follows, to wlt: lleglnolng at a stone on south sldo L. I). IL It. by samo north W degrees west 8 4-10 perches north W 3-1 degrees west IS perches to Btone, south T 3-1 degrees east M C-10 perches to lime stooe, south 68i degrees cast 7 1-10 jperches to lime stono, north 35 1-1 degrees cast 31 9-10 perches to middle ot North branch caniL thence ty same north 71 degrees west a 8-10 perches north 8 1-4 de grees east 18 6.10 perches to stone, north MX ae grees west 4 9-10 perches 10 stone, north 73-4 do. grees west 169-10 perches to stone, place ot be ginning containing 8 ADUKS 47 perches, moro or less, on which ar erected a. largo BRICK DWELLING, large stable; store building; and canal wharfs, the same Is known as the "Brlarcreek Grocery." lleco No. S will bo sold on tho premises describ ed as No. 8 at 10 o'Jlock a. in. Pieces No. 1 and 3 will bo bom on premises ae- crtbed as number one at 8 p. m. TeltMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one fourth ot the purchase money to be paid on simting down of tbo property 000 fourth less ten per cent on connrmation 01 saie wuiru uwu nm w delivered balance In ono year from connrmation of si'e, with interest from connrmation and to be Bocurea by bona ana uiungagu ou mo i'il-uhtc. O. U. JACKSOH, S. O. JAINB, Alty. Assignee Of Einnior Deltertck. rr-Tho (iuuvt Noimiiiitv uui.wwv mas its own uaguuiueut moing uara raiacc biopid uara, Bpociai apartment cars an Free coloabt sleepers oa Daily Through Tralnj, B. F.Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER UEALKIt IN could do nothing else. A Bpiotatou. There Is danger in Impure blood. There It safety In taking Hood's Sarsapacllta, the great blood purifier. 100 doeca one dollar Irjmull, frames moultlincf. SI'KILLIP 3ROS., Bloomtiburg. jgXECUTOIfS NOTIOE. Klat RfrrWr Kute, late of Benton (ifj). Letters teotamentary ou aald estate having b ecn f ramed to tho undersigned executor, all persons ndebleil 10 sail ostiUi aro hereby uolliloj to pay thosaine; aud tlioj having claims agalost said estato to present tne same to Oco. K. Khvell, W. a KASB, Exr. Atty, Falrmount Kprtnga, Fa. UDITOK'B NOTICE. KttaU of WWhun lltpiHiuteet, iltxiuil. The undersigned auditor appointed by ths Or phins' Court ot Columbia canity, to distribute tho balanoe In the hands of the aooountaut, will sit al hU onioe over tue I'lrt Nation 11 Uai, In lllooiruburg. on Wedneiy, MaruU il, 1ji, at 10 o'clock, a. iu., when and where all person having clUin against g.111 est tto mast appuraal prove tho BAiue, or be deu ir ed from v imla lu ou nil 1 funl, U tC WALLKII, JVU. SI, JSW. Auditor. siss, pips, mint, k Tin Roofing a Specialty, ESTIMATES KUKNISHED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINK. First door Hlooimburg Opera IIousq
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers