The Columbian. 8. B, Slwtll, l .... It S. BUUncenior., f BMton. BCiQJtfSBURQ, PA.. FRIDAY, JANUAUY 81, 1890. Tho cashier of tlio Now York jioa t offloo was discovered to be a for $24,000, and ho blow his brains out. Tho Pennsylvania railroad last wtok rosumod tho sa'e ot olorioil tiokeU lo 11 proacliors who aro engBgcd in no othor business, tho ratos being two oonts per milo. The salo of theso tickets was disoontinnod in Miroh, 1885. Tho body of J. G. Ditmanthe V hita dolphia banker who disappeared so mysteriously in Fairraonnt Park on the 11th of December, was found float ing in Iho Schuylkill river on Sunday afternoon. Ho had $143,000 in life insurance. A Philadelphia orank shot at Bishop Whitaker in St. John's ohnroh during Sunday evening service Ho wa oap tured and plaood under arrest. Tho ball missed its mark and the Bishop did not know that bo had been shot at until after tho sorvico was over. The man tjave aa a reason for his act that tho Bishop did not agroo with him on prohibition. At a special mesting of board of trade of Soranton Monday evening a letter was read from the trustees of tho Albright estate, Mrs. Jennie 11. Ren nett and Mrs- Maria H. Archbald, of Soranton; Houry U. Albright, of Utica and Joseph Albright, Jr., of 'Buffalo, children of the la to Mr. and Mrs J. J. Albright, donating toe Albright home stead property, corner of Washington venue and Vine street, to the city for a public library, and a further donation from Joseph J. Albright, Jr., of $75, 000 for a building thereon. The city is to furnish the necesary books. Wallace wants to be Governor. John Id. Garman, Esq., of Nanti coke, is authority for the statement that Ex-U. S. Senator William A. Wallace will bo a candidate for tho gubernatorialnomination on the Dem ocratic ticket. Mr. Garman did not mention the name of his informant, be said he was a very close friend of Mr. Wallace, and that bo desired the nom ination. Wilket-Barre Leader. An effort is being mado in Congress f-.t' i i . tt?;....i -&U1 UlU toSlUUllBUUlUUh UI U UUW UUllgU States District Court. Coneressman McCormick, of Williamsport, has intro duced a bill to establish a iudical dis trict io this State, to be called the Mid dle District, and to consist of the counties of Potter, Tioga, Bradford, Cameron, Clinton, Lyoominc, Sullivan, Wyoming, Lackawanna, Clearfield, Centre. Union, Northumberland,. Mon tour, Columbia, Luzerne. Huntington, Mifflin; Juniata, Snyder, Ferry. Dan phiu, Lebanon, Fulton. Franklin. Ad ams, Cumberland and York. Tho couris are to be held at Williamsport in Jan uary and June, at Scrantnn iu March and September, and at Harnsburg in may ana uotober. Who shall .decide when Judges disagree! There is a difference of upmiuu umong judges as so wuom toe law making constables elective for three years goes into effeot. Judge Sittser ho'ds that the law went into effeot last Febrnary and has accordingly given notice for all constables elected at that time to come into April court, and give bonds for the balanoe of the term two years. The Judges of Northamo tonoounty have instructed R. H. Traoh, uiitk oi tne quarter sessions, to noti fy the constables of the boroughs and townships of that count y that thov shall advertise tho election of constables in the townships and boroughs of the country on tne inira Tuesday of D eb ruary will serve for three vears. Pott villo papers say that Judge Pershing bas expressed tho unofficial opinion that tho now constable's law does not f o into operation until next February, t wa9 decided bylho oourt of Cirbon county that the new law wont into ef feot last February and the newly eleot cd Carbon county constable s were all sworn into office for a term of three years at April court 1889. It is also aud in tho Pottsville papers that the ticbuykill oountv constables want tho benefit of the now law and mean to havo it legally tested. Wyoming jjemocrai. Another Postage Stamp. Edward Paxson of Philadelphia is the originator of a new postage stamp A,Ar. r U!t. I I -..1 if U1Q UDDIgu 11M WI1IUU U!U UUUU BUUmit' tod to the Post Office Department. Tho stamp will be about double the eize of an ordinary postage stamp, or very near the sizo of tho present special delivery stamp. It will contain the business card of the purchaser in a spaco adjoining tne vignette. Abovo this space tho words ''United States" will be printed, below it the denomination of stamp, above tho vie netto the word "business,"' and below it tho word "postage." Tho stamp is especially useful for business and profesisocal men and municipal ollloes. It will effectually ohock the pilfering of stamps in large'business houses, for lew clerks would run tho risk of ox. posing tnemseives uy using in tlioir correspondence or otherwise, stamps belonging to a wellknown firm, It will furthermore bo advantageous as a return card, vv nether tbo 1'ost Oflioo Depaitment will approve of the plana submitted to it is, of coars", uncertain, but tuo result will be watobed with much interest by business men turougnout too country. WASHINGTON LtflTER. (From our regular correspondent. Washington, D. O. Jan. 27, 1800. Mr. Blaino represents one side and Senator Quay and Representative Ray of Pennsylvania, the other in a very pretty fight over a pobt-ollioe in Penn avlvatiia. Mr. Ray, in whose district tho postollice is, selected a man for tho position, got tho indorsement of Mr Quay and handed tho application to the Postmaster General with tho ex pectation that the appointment would be immediately made. This was somo weeks ago, and tho Pennsylvanians liave lust discovered tne cause ot tne trouble. Mr. Blaino gave a cousin of bis a strong letter to tho Post-master General asking for tho same postomuo. Mr. Wanamikor not wishing to offend either the Senator or tho Secretary has refused to recommend either' candi date. That a tho present status of tho fight. Tho ond Is looked forward to with interest. Kx-Spcakor CarlMo explained to a democratic oauens of tho llouso the ohanges that the ropublluan members of tho committee on Rules proposed making in the Code of Ruli sj ho also iuiihcu out wuy certain ot tnoouangos proposed would bo particularly objoo tlonable to tho minority. There was a general discussion, both of tho Rule and of tho now plainly to b neon, in tention of tho republicans to oivo every republican contestant tho seat now Hold by a democrat. No resolu tion of any sort was adopted but it was ncvertiiolcHS well understood that f tho republicans attempted to bring up and di pi-o of tho contented one of Suii'li s. Jaukson, whloh has already ie n reported to tlio House, tiolore tlio utile are adopted thu democrats would resort to tvtrv logllimato mo- thod of defeating them, oven to tho exlont of breaking a quorum. In this connection tho fact may bo mentioned that tho democrats in tho llouso look discipline. They have splendid lead ore, but they d u't properly support them. And woro than all many of them aro constantly out of their scats just when their votes aro most needed. Speaker Reed's decision might hive been overridden on two occasions last wee' if tho democratic absentees had occupied thiir seals. it look Senator IneaiU exactly two hours to tell the S 'iiato that ho didn't know about tho raco problem. The language used was mild, compared with tho Kansas Senator's previous specohes. ltie World's fair isnt getting sol ved as easily and as promptly as It was generally expected to be. The Senate Committee is to meet Friday. Tho House committee meets constant ly, but, owing to its peculiar coustruo- uuii, uous noiuiog. osnalor linces declaration that "Oh io should be eternally democratic" has struck a responsive cord in thu hearts of the Ohio democratic Congressmen, and they intend it fhall be, beginning witu the Congressional eleotion next November. Well, the Civil Service Commission is to i-e investigated, tho Houo Com mittee on Reform in the Civil service having decidrd this morning to take a favorable report on the resolution pro viding therefor, and its passage by the llouso being only a question ot tune. Senator Sherman has put his foot in it bad in his recommendation of a post master lor Uolnmbus, Obio, it one may jadgo by the protests pouring in by mail and wire upon Mr. Harrison, the foslmaster general and tuo Ohio Con gressman, from tho citizens of Colum bus. Unl ss Mr. Sherman withdraws his man he will be appointed, is what they sav at the Port-offi m department. It seems from tho evidence taken by the Naval court of inquiry, now sit- wig cere, mat instead oi one, as naa been charged, there are two organiz ations of Naval officers found solely for the purpose of influencing Con gressional legislation in which tbey aro interested. Secretary Wiudom, in a long letter to Senator Frye, chairman of tho Ber ate oommittu1) on Uommeroe, opposes tho bill now in tbo hands of that com mittee providing tor the taking of Seals in the Alaska waters by the Govern ment, and favors a renewal of the lease of the present company. senator vests uommitteo on tne beef industry is at work again after several weeks vacation. Tne railroad men are being beard. This will finish tho investigation. senator Oorman, after the senate had passed a bill apprnpritting $500 000 for the continuanoe of the impr. vomonts at the mouth of tho Columbia river, gave notioe that would oppose further speciho appropriations until all public works were considered in tho River and Harbor bill. Mr. Henry Wolcott, of Colorado, r.rothor of Senator VVnioott, is in Washington, and has been expressing publicly somo very hard opinions of Mr. Harrison and his administration It is sad to see such ill-fellings between political brethren. Judge Yerkes' Decision. ;iE SATS CON8TAIir.ES ELECTED LAST 1T.I1 RCAnV IIOLU OFFICE FOR THREE YEARS. Doylestown, Jan. 27. Judge Yr kes this morning decided the question whether the constables shall servo one or three years, po far as Bucks County is concerned, by an opinion handed down in whtob ho holds that the tram ers of the Act of February 14. 1889. intended that tho law should go into effect immediately and that the otlioers elected last February were elected sub jeot to said act. After citing many ref-rences in sup. port of his opinion, Judge Yerkes says : "From the ciroumstauoe that tho statute names the third Tuoidiy, the established day for hoMing the elec tion, it is a fair presumption that the main thought in the Legislative mind. as to the timo when tho enactment should operate, was the next eleotion at which constables oould bo voted for to-wit : the next third Tuesday in Feb ruary. "From a hasty examination of the laws we couclude that tho constables Were not required to give notice ot tho terms of ollieo of the' persons to bo votod for, and as every person is lire. turned to know the law, as contained in a statute, from tho moment of its approval, the presumption is that the voters, when thoy votod, knew tho law to bo that the constables theu elected would servo for throe years. Therefore notice of the change of t-rm was unnecessary. Disgusted Indianlaru Express Their Opla ions of Harrison- The following dispatch trom Jt ffer sonvillo, Indiana, shows the dimatis faolion that exists in that county in regard io rrastdent Harrison: Tho feeling against Miohener and Htrrison which led to the burning of HarrHon'n picturo and tho campaign parapher nalia by tho Lincoln League here two months ago, showei it-self at North Vornon Thuredty at tho Itapublioin Convention of tho Third Congresimal District to eleot State Central Commit teemen. Tho fun began when Robert Tracewell, of Corydon, denounced Harrison a appointments and nolicv. Gen. Jasper Packard, of New Albany attempted to Bmootn tnings over by offering a resolution indorsing tho Ad- .. . -i . ., .i . . - luiuiBirauuu, uut it was imiowcn uy an amendment to indorse Gov. Htvey first and Harrison last. Auither dele- gate offered a rosolation loiving II irri son out altogether and ind using II ivey alone. The climax was repc'ud when an irate old delega'o endeavored to submit the following! Whereas, we understand that Presidont Harrison claims that ha is under no particular obligation to the loaders of the grand old Repub'iom party in the last campaign, but owes his election directly to tho intervention THE COLUMBIAN AND of Provldouoo. Jtesoloed, That wo dissont from his vlfiwnf ilift nnan nnrl Inmrmr. tn nnlianun situation in which I'rovldenoo is placed .1 I .I M . ..., 1 turongn niti oitorts to snut the rosnon- -II. lit. t - - .t. I . I . eiumilv lur wio iihu nocioonu 1 .. I . . n .. . iut wnuo mo uonvoruion appearo 1 lar zeiy to agrco narraony was pleaded I it bravoly esoapod boing offered, last a rnsnltillnn mttilltr Inilnratnir am At Hovey and Harrison was passed. Tho anti-Miohencr-Harrison men wero with in five vnt.n4 nf ntnnflnrr llmir man Control Committeemen, but finally T. uvorcit leaner, oi aeymour was chosen. Anenrilinrr f.n TiMifni .Tntni.ii W Powell, of the Wlllcpa.IUrrn Tttfnrii. thoro will be sorno lively timosln tho Twelfth Cnnnrnnalnnnl Dlainnt l Ma fall. Ho says that thoro are nlrdady six Congressional oandidatos in the field. Thoy aro ox-Reprosontativo Miner, Goorgo Shonk, O. D. Foster, Hon. I.. T). Hhnninnlinr. Aliir Vrr. ham, and, in oaso of his missing the guuornationai nomination, uongrois- man Usborne. whose friends will claim that ho IS fairlv nnLtl.ln1 t.n n anmnA term in U'e district. A successor to linn. SlAnlnV Wnnrlarni- iawiiIiIaaI judge of tho Eleventh Judiolal Dis trict, is to bo ohosen, and Mr. Powell believes that the non-partisan idea will !l 1. .1 , . 1 prevail in too selection. Around the World in 72 Days Tim Vnrlf "Wnrtrl mnt lady named Nellie Bly to make a trip - ,i .i ,.i i .r uiuuuu tuo wuriu over too came route which .TiilpR Vnrnn tnnlr fnr tha Imflni. nary trip of Phileas Fogg"in his tour amund tho world In 80 days. She left New York on tho stoamer Augus ta Viotoria. November 14. 1880. m o'clook, 40 minutes and 30 seconds. ITpm in t.Hct iflnorarTr TJ1 li. Tll. nn ' - " .W.M.J J V.1 I " nod in her ono solitary little grip-sack. snub's wnat sue tnougni elio might i. What has been flnnn hna nntolrin. ped her wildest nntioipations ; steamship Augusta Victoria, 9:30 a. m. Nov. 21 Duo Southampton! Lon don, by rail in three hours. Nov. 22 Leavo Victoria' Stal ion, London, 8 p. m. ou India mail. rov. za vjaiais, raris, Turin. Nov. 24 Brindisi, at 10 14 p. m. Nov. 25 Leave Brindisi. Smamnhln Cathay, 2 s. m. JNov. 27 IsmatUa. Deo. 3 Aden. Deo. 10 Colombo, Ceylon. Deo. 10 Penang. Dea. 18 Singapore. Deo 25 Hong Kong. DeO. 28 Leavn Hnncr Tfnnrr fnr Yokohama. .Tan. 7 T.anvn VnVnlramn fnr fl.n Francisco by steamship Ooeanica. jan. m uue isan Francisco. Jan. 27 Duo at Thu TVnrld nfflnn in New York. Nov. 14 to Jan. 27 New York to New York 75 days. Acoordlng to this time her time would have been 74 days, 9 hours, 19 minutes and 30 seconds. She started with tho intention of doing better than the schedule aud when she reached Vnlrnl. fimn alia nrai mrn than tmst days ahead of her scbednle. She ar- riVPll nt. Kfin Vrinn!cin Tannait 01 a at 9:10 a. m, An escorting party had been sent oat to meet the traveler at San Franoisoo, tho escorting party took the Northern Pacfio Railway, as that was the route that Nellie Bly expected to return. In the Sierra Nevada Mouutains the party encount ered the worst snow blockade ever If n n u; n fnr unvni-o I lava nftn uaa made to get through the drifts but wiuioui. avail at last tne escorting imrtv abandoned the train ami with snow shoes, worked their way over the mountains of enow to the first detint. frnm Urllinll fl-nina utdfA nmnlnn and by this means they just arrived at oiu f rauuieuo in time to meet Alias Bly. A special train was provided with whioh to carry the globe trotter over tuo ooutnern raono ivailway at t.1in f lflt.nof. rtftaatlkln umlml tn mnhn .wuu.u.w J J V w The new route was so much longer that mo extra must run on the lasted time to mako up for the great difference oc casionod on account of the snow blockade on tho Northern Pacfiio. When tho snrcial left San FVnnoiunn they wero running at a mile a minute nir hid, aumuDub uuriiit iiur trip oo curred soon alttr leaving San Fran oisoo the engineer saw in the distance ahead of them a hand oar operated by several ra-n the whistle was blown and the men bad just enough time to jump off the hand car, when tho engine struck it and the hand car was made a com plete wreck. The special was stopped and when it van nap.ortftinl that nn damage was done lo tho engine on the train flew at unprecedented speed. In the 23,000 miles covered by Miss Bly there was only one time when she was in any actual danger. This was at Gallup, N. M., on Wednesday, and her escape and the escape of every per son on the train was little short of mir aculous. Three mile? east of Gillup traok repairers were nuttinrr hant- in place b.idge Btringers over a ravine imijr unu uuuureu ieet neep. mu rails were in place, held up by jackscrewf. The train was running at the rate of 50 ratios an hour, and when the work mer. heard it coming with a rash and i roar several of them started up tho traok to givo warning. They were too late and the locomotive, with its single ooaoh, dashed on. The engineer caught glimpse of two men waving a red fl g, but he oauldn't stop. With throttle wide open ho fairly flew across tho chasm. Tho rails bent under the weight of the train; but. frail as it was tho structure did not givo way, Train men who Baw tho train go thundering over tne canyon say tbo escape was ffithout parallel in railway history. Miss BIy's ride over tho Atchison, Topika and 8xnl Fo Railroad was one of thi wonders of modoran railroading. Hero is an aooount Miss Blv gives of her fast travel: 'I ho Santa F road is not losing auy ilmn with in. K giuis aro ready at v ry point ai d no sooner does ono uno iuple than an a' er, q i k an uiougiu, almost, u lu its plauo aud fast as lightning we are away Hgiiti. A littlo after 8 o'clock we enwed the Kansas tin, a'. 8.3J wre ai O ill lau. Here orders were given to pxoe-d the limit of fif y miles por Inur placed up on our "peed in tlio first i s ructions There wero points h- tween Lirkin and Dodgo City at which wo wre rti iing filty-fivo to sixty five niil.-s an hour Between Pieroevillo aud Cim na nn, nineteen miles, tho running linn wis seventeen raiuutes moro than a ui'lo a minute. The engine r in whone o re wo were at this lime it L. H WYir, one of tho best men on tho Santi Fo system. From Larkiu lo Do.lgi City sixty nino miles, wo ran in nilliuloii. and the nntirA riiilnnna lr.n La Juiuta to Dodge City, 103 raih s was mauo in uueo hours and forty threo minutes. The 128 miles fom limnoria to Kansas Oitv wm maila ! two hours and a half. Thinlr ( til All day long, wo have been whirled uiuun ui mo uuiiuiug average speed ot a mile a minute. OftM we travelled DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. faster. From Gardon City wo ran ntiy-nino miles in tilty-threo minutes. Onoo wi inn thlrtocn miles In clevin minutes hotwten Topeka and Knnsss Jlty. Wo ran uno mile in lilt' -three seconds nnd twent-!x miles in twon- ty-tonr minutes. I am told on the quiet that the Santa Fo peoplo aro emnla Ing my round-the-world lour and trying lo broak tlio ncord. Hem toforo tho trip raado by Prosident Strong, of the Santa Fo system, has sioou unequalled, out Mr. Htronu's r do tho men toll me, was slow compated with time. Tho ride of 2.5G0 miles from tho Pa cifio coat has boon male in nix y-niu t and oun-lia'f hours. It is tbo fastest trip I am informed that has yot boau inailo for this dislai.oe. Tho special train arilved at Ch'cajo Friday mo nlng, Ja '. 2tth. Hero shu took tho tegular fast Iihh of tho Ponn Bylvania R. R., nnd arrived lu New York City tit 3 51 53, Saturday aftor noon, making tho trip arnun I thu globo in 72 days 0 hour.', 11 minutes and 23 sccon Is. Farmers and (hod Rows It U natural that the State B lard of Agriculture Bhnuld manifest u deep interest in the tnnvemetit to secure bol ter roads. While all tho Slate is coo corned in tho project, to iho farmers good toads are n vital matter. Thoy mean an increased value in all lartnltig lands. Thid has been proved experi mentally again and again. They mean an increase in th) productive power of tho horses maiutalmd by farmers from twenty-five to fifty per oent. If this proposed road move ment shall abolish the toll-gates and make all highways free, as th y t-tnuld be, it will releaso tho farra rs " from a most onerous tax. Improved roads, all free, which can bo used without difficulty nt all seasons of the year. mean a new condition of things for our farmers by whioh fanning wilt bo made 1sh expensive, more agreeable and more pri.litabK While all this is eadly demonstra ted and fr.-elv nnni'.pilu.t tl.n i roid idea, though favoied by the Slato uoarci oi agriculture ares riot seem to be Supported bv t hn fnrmora I horn. . l , 4 -- ' -1 ' selves with any great degreo of una'd- ! J ..L..I- nt. uj eutnusiasm. reason ot this is tiliin. '1'hBtr iv-,i.t,l hl-n ui.. roads. Thoy see their advantage clear fuougn; out wno is to pay lor theraT If they aro to be a charge upon tie townBhip, as now, the increased taxes would mean bankruptcy and confisca tion to many farmers and great haid ahips to all. Tho township taxes are "u neavy us to oo a grievous burden on farmers. It is becanao of their nnnmlninta larmlu that a ravAm.n r... ---f, """ commission in about to undertake the taste ot revising the entire tax system in vogno in this Commonwealth. If tbe roads must wait for their improve ment until the sparsely peopled and often very poor country district sball bear the expense of their improvement tuo taiK oi oetter pnntio highways is Wnifln ihan illlu nnrl fhr. wlinia cnluimn of road improvement might as well be postponea inaennueiy. To throw thn r.nat. utinn fniinft. does not better the matter very much ior tne larmers. ine Slate must take UO tho task if it is (miner tn ha Anna in thorough fashion and on a comprehen- UlVa ItTDlom Hlvtnltn Inn.l - n n .1 . .. properly a matter of local concern, aud shnntrl hn hnilf. nnrl matnlnlnnil o 41iai cost of the municipality, township, bo- tM,rh AIIH n .1 A n . . I '. 1 I. '. .. ' J liuuiltjf WHUIU WHU- -iuriarlir.'.inn thov hMtri., nnrl nml Ilni main highways thoe which coss county linos and ootmect important places, mav be proporly regarded as State road, and they should be con structed an i maintained by the State. Unless tho neonln nnrl T.iuislainrn vn bo brought to mako this important change our roads will continue to bo morasses in wet weather, and impass able for a good fraction of each year, tlPftAIMA tho. rnnmn nf nn. hurl r. will continue, which is tho financial inability of onr filimcrj nml imiuitrir people to make them very muoh b?tter .i i. ... . . iuuu tuey are i'reBS, Wants Money" foTBuriaTEiUs- tub pastor of a hung-aui an OArttot.ic CHURCH ItP.KnSKSTIlK I'UNKUAI, CKKEllONV. Wir-KKS-lUnnE, Jan. 27 Plymouth witnessed auothor peculiar churoh dil ficultv to-day. The con "rogation of ino Hungarian t;aihoiio Ututr-'h is ire sided over by R. v. Fatho' Kolsikn. On Saturjlay a Hungarian named Grit vitohki died, ami t.tii. nft I Im oi. mains were bronglit to tho ohurch for the OUS'Oinarv fu eral uervina Thno wero laid in Jro-.t of thu altar and "a large number of the friends of tbe dead man aisembl-d 111 tho chinch. Finally Father K-ilinlcn m umto.1 tho steps of the altar and announced that ho would not hnhl tha rvtoo tin. less he was paid $8 iu advance. The lrienus oi tne oeccased said they had no mooev and nuked him in tilt next pay d ly. The priest refused and . x l i . ., ... aiicr ouimi nir iier aispute ine ilutt gnrians wont our, leaving tho lodj mere. Alter waiting aw t iln to priest Bent for them again aud offorei to hold tho Rervica fnr Again thoy pleaded they had no ItlAnatr An I ! ..t. tl. ' a. 1 1 them to tflkAllm hu.vnnr nf ttint. They relus. d to do this, md ho drove . .t . mum out oi mo uuuaing auu luokod the do On. Thpn ha uranl tn tl. Kti - .- - - w rvv VV VtlU UU ' gess aud asked him to bayo tho body juiuuveu, out tne uurgefs declined to interfore. Thn body now lies in tho ouurcn, wnicn is locked up and entire ly deserted. WHAT IH SCROFULA It It tilt Imparity to the blood, whlcb, ae cnioaltUnj in tho glands of tbo neck, pro duces nsilgbtljr lamp, or twtUlnu; which ctusts painful running sorts on tbo arms, legs, or feet; which dtulopos ulcers In tbo cres, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or deafness j which is the origin of pimples, can cerous growths, or the many other manifesta tions usually Merited to "humors:" whlcb, fastening upon tbe lungs, causes coniumpUon and death. Being the most ancient, it is the most general of aU diseases or aflecUoni, for very few persons are entirely free trom It. "irr cured Uy taking ITood's Barsaparllla, which, by the remarkable cures it bas accompllabed, olten when other medicines have failed, has proven itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. Some of tbese cures are really wonderful, Jf you suffer from scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Barsaparllla. " My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof ulous sore neck from the time she wasil months old till she became six years of age. Lumps formed in her neck, and one of them after growing to tbe size of a pigeon's tgg, became a running sore for oyer three years. We gave her Hood's Barsaparllla, when tbe lump and all Indications of scrofula entirely dis appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy child." J,S.CABLlLK,tUurlght,N.J, N.B. Ua sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla SsldkyaUdnitllsU. fiisUfeifi. mpu4saJy y C. L HOOD OO, A toUmuUt, UnM, SUM. 10 O Do On Dollar She Blushed. awfully when I told her what to do for thoiu horrid pimples with whloh hor faoo was uovurt d. Sh" now says If you want a pink and v.hlte oomploxlon with a nice clear smo.ith skin, you must uso mat ocsi oi an blood puriuors, Sul phur Bitters. i'ORCOUNTV HUri'tlllNTICNOItT. ..."' """"Ki'oa announces irnnwi ng a canal imerortte omco ot superintendent ot Public iuiu to be supports for that omco nt tuo comlni election in May noxt. W. U. .lOHNSTON. Jcrecytown, 1'a. Cures Iilrer Complaint, DUlousAffcoj I AXADOR HHSIck Stomach, Gid- liVAnflD dlness.Costlro- IAUUh; ; and all dollcato Fcmalo Cora plalnts. Bold cTcrywhero. Prlco 25 cents. DREXELmcOlOGl Fragrant! 0 Lasting 1 The Leading Perfume forthe Tolletand Handkerchief. Bold by all dealers. Price 20 ots. iH'iii4--ssiHiiiM:i--aT.'TmCTTT7sPi!l Salvation Oil Price only 2o eti, Sold by all druggists. Will relieve Rhaumatism, Neuralgia, Sellings,Bruis6i,Lumbago,Sprains, Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burns, Wounds, D'its, Scalds, Backache, Frostbites. Chapped Hands and Face, Gout, or any bodily pain or ailmont. purwLANBE's WO. Tht Crtat lobaeceAn linen tldatt.P,lct 10 Cts. At all druggists. BRIGGS' KOH SICK HEADACHE IN ITS , Bilious, or I Tula l-'emedvUthn&rfirtnt.tnn nf nnn nf t.hA leasing pbrnlclana or rails. France, and was used nr turn with unparalleled success tor over thirty Tears, it was first given to tne public as a proprie tary medicine In 1818- Stnce wnicn time It has found Its war into almost cverj county on the ituro ui too ifiouo. ana oecome a ravorite remedy with thousands ot the leading physicians. Medical soclcues have discussed Its marvelous success at tbalr annual convenUons, and after their ouclal chemists have analyzed tt and found that It con tained no opUtes, bromides or other harmful In frredtents placed It among their standard reme dies. TESTIMONIAL. L. R BROWN, M. D S3 West Jersey St., . , BuziBim N. J. June S8, 1B89. Tills is to certlf r that I hata ntuvl r..r onmo months with much satisfaction, the combination or remedies, for neidtuha. knnwn Aa iiriro u nuuuv , auo iciucuj uurea more u"aii- It.lrin.hainMMhu imin . .1 . . . . nvuo, tiiwiaur bucu aa anect nervous women, than auythiuz I am acquainted with, and it this certtttsate will be the means of bringing It to the favorable attention of sufferers from that trouble, I shall feel that 1 have dono them a eervlce. L. R. BROWN. PRICE; 2B CENTS. &M by all Druggl-its, or salt by Mall on Be celptof i'rlce. Briggs' Medicine Co., ELIZABETH, H. J. 0-27-tv. LIU New York City. 8 P KOLA LIST. In The TrrntiiiKiit or Cliro-ilc l)lruKi COHIIdph bis practice to sucn cases only as are so clearly and fnlly developed as to make a complete and po-lttve o-' "hm.-.ou jihuj v' nilUITINK t all entsto makeaBUieraentof their condition, on ClarkB Kxpertenooliaiibeoiino vtricilr inlhnlc- . ... (-- n nice which incvieac. rariely and nurefrut result U rgunlipil by few nnd excelled by near. INulrn's, mne and ft-in tile, nut cur ed by nrdliinry Trenliiifnl Kspeclnllr Invited 1)11. CUKK OrlfflaatM. Teachea and Practice Kxclaslvely to fully deelopod chronto iilartjuie of tae treatment or manr ot the mi called lucurablo AT NEW YORK CITY, n tho "Iivron," 107 VVpftt flS-h tr, fit .limn HI In on C... to 23, Sf pi. 29 to Oct. 2, Hot. 17 10 23. Ma n t 1Q Toon. I . .- nn... i. .. . ' w, w in iu, loj jnu, (uiureih a. ireo 10 to 23 aud March 0 tn lit. ISflf) PHILADELPHIA, PA., Bingham House, BUNUURY, PA.. City Hotel, Tutsday, Feb. i. OATAWIH9A, PA , f usquthanna House, Wi nrfirl o to It.. It ft ' ULOOMBIJURQ, PA fixchange Ho'el, Thursday, Feb. 0 ' MILTON, PA, Klvcrsldu Hotel, Friday, TRAVERSE JUIIOK3. BwitxT John A, Bret ch. lWiton Benton C. Cole. "Wlburu'' a 'Jlub:u:u 1ct0f J' Bulti "" B!oumi(nirf-o.'u. Kyerly, JacoS Holder. W. II. Mojer " tWr' Uartmin E- Hooier, d A, OiauUa'-cilnton Kills, Amji Uile, o.-o. Itelf- snyder, Charles wunlch. Omlre-Mllton Ad mis, W. 11. Hess, J .mos Kocher, OoniiiffiiH-Ko rt canneld. sMiiocretl:j H. Campbell, . f. Silrar. -ai-Wn-JoIin Ar ly. ' ar- HemtacK Clailc run). Jacksun-Krank Young, Llnyd Vounir. Locust Danlol Artman. "'Derger6011 J Wealejr ,01D "Sex- JIWHn-ticortro Kmerlck. orano-wiiinin Neyhard, M. A Williams. Itaartiiaci-eek sol imon Mjurr. uo-lialtls Whue. tHu Wesey hones. 8uartoaf-l. K, 8. Kile bicomd win. BeaitrO. K. Bnnlnger. viiion-ciemuel Mcllenrle. UerwUk Abner Welsh. Uriarerttli fcainuri 8. Hitler, iioa(teuy . allien, W, M. Lemon, Charles Catawt'sxi'-Wm. O. shi r. Lewis Uayhurst, May. marnTja?tJ.W,U1,!UUKb1 r' ConifiiffJuini-ll. J. Doyle. 'fc-Ulraui Karnes, lalah lUber, BivM Pranutn -liiward Knglehart. oUnMo'rratiaUe' Cern,ner lMM Hayocclr, UanbxkV. ti. Bruy'er. Samuel Qlrton, M. 1J, iuhtr 08 "ar'mau- Mthl3 Wtlte Lncuit Ettas Ueby, ObodUU Yocua. Joduort-citnton Veg-i. stain-John A. Bhutnan, J, a Bhuman. J'liw -James Masters. lloariiujcretlc-) aoob llotTman. vl-J, it. UnUbUor, Isaao Itelcbaid, CLOSING OF WINTER MEN, BOYS and MILlD)lEMe . UMMEEWUME, MOSfflEI, ' - CHLOTES, MATS aid AFS, sA L MAKE'S. Tho mild December weather is tho cause for making a clean sweep beioro stock taking. As is generally known, ours is the LARGEST and CHOICEST STOCK of MEN'S WEAR in Columbia and Montour counties. With three months of winter weather before us, tho opportunity is a rare one, and ono that will undoubtedly bring to our store many buyers. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, B. F. Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. DEALER IN H, ws, niiiis, k Tin Roofing a Specialty. ESTIMATES FURNISI1ED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door Bio )trnbtirg Opora House. RANI) JURORS. Tlift fnllnwlno la n llor. nf n,nri tn ruary term two: Beaver Wheeler Schllcker. Benton D. w. Force, Kdward McIIenry. Berwick B. D. Proaa, Uirvey Ilcss. John B. With ers. Ctoomsotirv-Wra. F. Bodloe, n. D Mannlur. RabD OitmeiMrt-john Krwlne, T. K. Harder, Jeremiah Ye:ger. Centre I. B. Boone. Z. T. Fowler. dmvni,ltain Harry K Evans. Ftsutngcreek Noah W. Hess. Grwmcood-Jon'ithan Hartman. eiioc-P. A. Fetterolt, c. .M. Terwllltser. Locust Lo.vI nttnir. mtflln il a Andreas. John Michael. HI. Pleasant lleory Ale. SugarloaS W. M. Clloser. JEQISTER'n NOTICE Notice Is herehygtven to all lojatees, creditors an 1 other person laterested 11 tm estates of the respective decedents and minors that the follow. Ing administrators', executors', guarllans ac counts havo been tiled In the omcs of tbe Krister ot Columbia county, and wll ba pro-nte.l for conurmaUin and allowtnce In the ornbani' court to ;ba held In Bloomsburg, Februsry 8rd 1890,atjddoclp.m.ot8ildday. "Tr ora .J?-.TI1S S'?1 ana fln4' account of A. J. Craw, ford and Lev! Zabner, eiecutore, Ac., of Henry C. Crawford, late of the town ot Bloomsburg, CoL Co. deceasod. No. 9. First and nnal account or o. W Cher Ington, executorof Mary Ann Chert gton. late of Uoulncreclc township, Columbia County, de ceased. " Na3. First and float ancountof O. W. Oher lngton, executor of Itacli-1 cuertnitoo, latooi Kotrtngcreelc township, ColuinbU county, d ceiised. No. 4. First and una! n' -vjunt of Jessi J. John, exocutorot the lait will mi testiment of Mlza V. WaUer, late ot ins to -vnihlp ot Locust, Ooluin bla connty, deceased. No. s. Theflrst and final account of It. w. Brumstctler, administrator &a. of Jasw Bruin stetler, la) ot the township ot o nugo, Columbia No. ft. tiin fllMf. nn 1 flnttt n(n.,n. f . n Young, executor of tha last will anl teitainint of Ann Young, lato of Greenwood township, CoL Co.. deceased. ' No. 7. First and rtaal account of A I. Younir. adintnlstratord. b. n. ot Mercy A. lloberts, at Columbia couuty, doeoasoj. No. 8. Theflrst and flnal account of Wetnter nippensteel, admlnHtrator of the Uoods and Chattels, rights, and credits, which wero of Wll. lUm lllppensteel, lato of centre township, col. Co. dooeaso v " Np.. First and final account of Oeo. B. Kl. well,admlnUtrator of James Commons, late of tho town of Bloomsburg, col. Co. deceased. No. 10. First and flnal account or M. A. Illrks. exeutor of the etaii) of j. M. i. Hicti. lue or tho township of Brtarcreclc, o jl. o i. da H)av).l C. II. CAMPIIKLU Heglsier. . SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex. Issued out of the Oourt of Common Wsas of Columbia County ra., and to me directed, there will bo exposed to publo tale at the court House, Bloomsburg. l'a.. on ' MONDAY, FHUIiUAIlY 3r.l. 1830, ari o'clook p. m. AU that certain piece or par. col f land situate In Jajlwon township, Colum bla county, Pa., described aud bmndol as fol. lows,to-wlt: on tha north by land ot Joshua navagc, on he east by lind ofusirge McIIenry on the Boath by ltnd of Abram Kuouso and on tha west by land of Joshm savage, containing SIXTY-SKVISN ACRES of land, more or less, whereon are erected a Frame Dwelling House, Barn Iliy Shed and other outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of K Keller t Co., versus B. F, Savage and to be sold as tho property ot u. F, Savage. ""fTisfi11'' JOIIN B. CASEV, Bheriff. I'AIIM I'OIl KHNT A Urm of 100 aores, witn Handsome now house and barn, and suppum with abundant water, via bo rented at a low reut tor the term of Ave yearV to agooawuantwhooaa (urnlsu hij own stock iileuulpujenl. -Tne farm Is in ths Catawlaaa alley on tne Township road from Brandon tills Tto AadenreM. two mile from BMndonvlte aid near AND FALL FOR I.MAIER CLEAMMe BALE. ' REDUCTION IN CARPETS, Tapestries, Velvets and Body Brussels. During tho next 30 days I willBelFar aie foTlWi rced prices . $1.25 Body Brussels at $1.00. $1.25 Velvets at $1.00. .90c Tapestries at .75. 75c Tapestries at .G5c. .65c Tapestries at 50c. All choice styles and good lengths at S Next Door to I. W. Hartman & Bon', BiiOOMSisuKa, Fa. CLEARING OUT SALE OF FALL AWD WINTER CLOTHINC. IF YOU WANT TO OVERCOATS, UilTIJER CLOTHITO, Ac, In fact anything in CLOTHING lor MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN. CALL AT THE POPULAR GLOTHING STORE OP D. LOWENBERG'S Est., Bloomsburg, 20 Per Cent. Ext-a Inducement Sale. Our season for selling winter goods is getting short. We must carry over stock or "extra iduci:" buyers. We therefore 'lecitlj by a timely sacrifice to convi-rt goods into cash, by giving this unusual discount : , Ttj:nty per cent, off from regnLtr marked trices, which gives the buyer goods at net cost. During thirty-three years of business it is our proud record to have won a reputation for avoiding an misrepresentations and keeping all our promises, ( and this is not one low bait ' price to catch average profits, but is a well-defined h gauge policy to "extra induce" buyers, and turn a long winter's stock in a short season. This 20 per cent, discount includes our entire stock of Keauy-made Clothing with Blue and Black goods, at ten per cent. E. O. THOMPSON, SPECIAL RE ADYMADE GLOTHING IMS OIIESTNUr BTUKBT, orroeiriTuf mint, I'HILMJKH'HIA. UDirOIl'8 NOTICE XstaleoAinos Crasslev, deceased aw 'n,vlnwyndmirrvs 'PPOtotment. whan and where all nkTifi fnuoUnnrta," CUA,, SALE CLOTHING BUYJBARGAINS IN WINTER CAPS . B. F. SAYITS lit lias secured the solo agency of Columbia county for the Nation al Sheet Metal Roofing Co. These roofs, aro guaranteed to bo far superior to any other roof, as they are both storm and wind proof. Sheet iron rnnfa nPti.;a n.. - - J, ui l-lio 1UUUII' mcuire can bo put up aa cl as tin, and last much longer aa chean jr. iron, may iiuuia uru mauo ot slieet tin. or copper, as parties desire. Orders mow l uu throutrh R. V. Ru-aiic secured Blooms- , Cl - MIO) AJIKJ ourc;, Pa , who will put on rOOfs and minrimrnn tho work, or may bo ordered direct from bllU wlSlifielMea 510-520 East 20th Street, N. Y. YAlMKECi KING ArHUft'd .THoySANOSVrOorbRra' Ammm Htiiass ERA HOUSE. B , MM MM VI III . a. K. JRodM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers