THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Human JSaoriLoog- nilOOKlNll CIMTOM BT1U. IN VOtlUU IN WUST AI'lllCA ATltQClTIK atll.L l'RUPKTItATKn IN AstlANTUK. It 5s in wot Africa that tho porno nnl "oiiilomi" stilt mirvlvo lit nil llicir liorfon, Rays All The Year round. Again and twain an Knulfoh trader or traveller Ins hid to look on at thoso "customs" Imt tlio horrors woro nover fully dascrilii-d until 1873, when tho German missionaries Rounst, ICiienne, und Hamieyor,woro pi honors in Cjoiii isnio at tin time at tha nitivo pnnco's ik'uth. As soon m lid wis soon to bo dying the ejtoeiitcrs began to soout tho directs for violin's. 'Wnonthev ouight anyono two would come behind nnd throat a knifo through tho uhoek tho lilado passing over tho tongne, nnd a iinndlo sticking out on each side. This is to prevent tho ereatiiro from '"awoaring.on tlio lifoof tho king" i. e., swiiaring that If ho dicw, tho king muH inc, loo in which case, in stead of boing killed, ho would not only bo spared, but ranked among tho "okra"' courtiers whose life depends on that of tho kinc, nnd who killed when ho dies hold till Ida death plaoes of trust and honor. Besides thoso caught, every great cluot nad to otter a victim; butt lie num ber was chiefly inado up of slavoi and prisoners of wnr. Tho wives painted white, and covered with gold pni.v menta sat round too coilm, napping off tho llies. Thoy wcro strangled at 11 10 funeral. So wcro ail pages, who similarly painted and adorned, sat by tlio (lead man. Thoy had known thoir fata soma days boforo, bin nono ran nway, savo three wives of low birth, whoso places wore at onco sup- plied by other girls. For nino days tho slaughter Went on, tho pooplo fas ting, with shaven heads and bodies painted red, but drinking all tho moro. And his death wako waa to bo rcpoat ed forty days after. When a king dies tho victims arc. tho rato of two hundred a week for three months. But there have been "greater customs" than these. A kiug's mother died in 1810; her son slaughtered thrco thousand people, two thousand being prisonors just, captur ed from tho Fautia. To make, up tho talo every big Ashantco town had to givo one hundred, every smaller town ten victims. A. royal burial is on this wise: At tho bottom of a hngo grave arc laid the heads of the slain; on thorn tho coffin reSU. Thon, just before tho aarth is thrown in, ono of tho bystand ers a freeman, if of somo rank so much tho better is suddenly clubbed, a gash made in tho back of hia neck, and ho is rolled in upon the ooftin. The idea la to Bend along with tho crowd of slaves. and prisoners some one who shall look after them as aghoatly "major domo." For a king thero remains yet anoth er "ouatom.' At tho end of thirty moons tho grave ia opened, tho royal bones fastened together with gold wire, and tho skeleton placed in a long building divided into colls, tho door ways to which arc hung silk curtains. Then on his birthday the king of Ashantco goes early to tho house of the royal dead. Every skeleton is ta ken from its richly ornamented coffin, where it has laid stirrounded by tho things that had been most pleasing to it in life, and is placed on a chair to welcome tne visitor. As the king en ters each cell with a meat and drink offering to tlio departed the band plays tho favorite melodies of that par ticular king, and, unawares, tho royal visitor sings to tho executioners who have followed him, and an attendant is pierced throughed tho checks and killed, the king washing the skeleton in tho warm blood. Tho Bame work goes on at tho next cell, and bo on, the fearful work going on far into the night. Two blasts of the horn mean "death, death;" three drum taps, "cut it off;" ono beat- from a'big drum, "the head has fallen." The signal is taken np by other bands, nnd all through the city horn-blowing and drum-beating goes on unceasingly. Tho Ashan tees always says of a drum, "It spoake;" and overy traveler admits that they manage to elicit from that unmanage able instrument a most varied rango of sound. The sounds form words, tho wholo rhythm a sentence, readily understood by tho native listeners. Each chief has his own "call,1' jast as each Highland clan has its own battlo tune.- Of course, this conatant kill ing makes the people callous to suffer ing nnd brntal to their prisoners. Their feeling in regard to to death ia not courage bat apathy. The specta tors are as delighted at these revolting 'customs" as the Roman populace was at tho gladiator's show. Now and then a victim is tortured. The miss ionaries watched one who, besides the knives through lit cheeks, had a coup le of forks thrust into his back. Ho wa-i then dragged boforo the king, and gashed all over the body, his arms were cut ott, and in bis plight compel led to dance for the amusement of tho royal savage. All tho Ashantee sacrifices, however, are not personal. When waria ira pending a victim ia pegged down to tho ground in the shape of an X, Btakca being driven through the body, and tho poor wretch being left to die tin tho war path by which tho invaders will have to travel. No nativo army would pass such an obstaclo; it would turn back and cut a iresh way through the forest; and when, in 1874, wo pas- Bed on unheeding over a body so peg ged down along the road across tho Adansi hills, the priests camo out and assured our men that they were doom ed to certain destruction. If, after that Ashantco war, we had insisted on tho "customs" being given up, wo should have only boun doing our duty as human beings, not to say Christians. It is astonishing how tbo civilized world, which professes to havo tho welfare of the dark continent so much at heart, can allow this savagery to go on unchecked; and how we, who spend so much-in capturing slavers on tho east coast, most of wboso cargoes are Ukon over to Bombay and bocomo infinitely more wretched and degraded than thev would have dene as slaves to Turkish or Egyptian masters, can al low such abominations not very far off from Uape (Joast castle. Caution. If yon ask your druggist for roud s Extract, and he tries to im pose npon you by offering "somothiug tho same as Pond's Extract," fo not believe him. Thero ia nothing the same as Pond's Extract. It cannot bo successfully initialed, and any articles offered as such are only icorthless counterfeits. Put no faith in any druggist ttying to o deceive you. It ia sold only in bottles, Inclosed in buff teri)ers, with tho words "Pond's Ex tract" blown in the glass, and Is tiecer told in bulk Sersoua damages are reported from all sections of thoStato by the rosebud, which is a troublesome itiseot that rav ages all sorts of fruit crops. ' Carried Their Doad With Them. TWO lir.OKAMKI) Cllll.llllKN ANH I'lllHKIIVKU r'OU YKAIH 11V Til Kilt I' A HUNTS. Seventeen voara niro n boii of J. L, Soolt died. The family then resided nuariPortamoiith, but, being about to go nvyay, ticouioil to Kcop llieuody, which was cmuaimiMi with n preparation in vented hy Mr. Scott, For somo rea son when the tmw homo was roichod thb body wns not buried and whin, tW.i yoirs later, n seco d uhlld died it Was also embalmed nud kept nbovu tho ground, In thesa seventeen years fatally have niivod a unmoor of timoii, always carrying thoir dead with them. The bodys wore oarofully coffined nnd sacredly protected. Few of their neighbors know of tho ghoUly treasures in their home. Hi ceiitly tho Sootta went to Rome, when a month ago a third, child died, nnd tho body was nmbalmod, as usual. Tho Sootts having resolved to perman ently rosido at Rome, it wnsdecided to to bury tho throo oorpios, whloh was dono a few days ago at Sandy Springs Cemetery, an immenso crowd being present to witness tho curious specta cle. Tho botlys were very much like Egyptian mummies in appoiranoe. JFrom a Vancelburg (Ky.) Special, A Friend in Need. "I nm sorry to givo you pain, Air. HankliiBon," said tho young lady, "but please do not allude to this Biibject again. I can nover bo your wifo." That W your final answer, Miss Ircnct,f "It is." "Nothing can induco you to chango your decision!" "My mind is firmly and unalterably made up." '(Miss Irene," said tho young man rising and looking about for his hat, "bifore I came here this evening I matlo a bet of $50 with Van Perkin's that you would say no to my proposal. I have won. It was taking, but I was dead broke. Miss Irene," he con tinued his voice quivering with emo tion, "you bavo saved a despairing man from tho fate of a suicido and won the lifelong respect and esteem of a .grateful heart. Good ovening.-. From the Chicago 2'ribune. He Was a Dangerous Man. From the Detroit Free rrtts. A big man and a little man ontcrod a saloon on Michigan avenue, near Third street, tho other day and called fondrinks. While tho littlo man ling ered over hia the big man called the barkoopcr aside and asked : ''Ever see him beforo t" "No." "That's Texas Dick. He is tho man who grabbed a grizzly bear by tho ear and broke its neck. Don't rile him, for' he ia on a tear and very dnngeroua." When tho little man received change for,a quarter he looked at it in surprise and said : "1 gavo you S2." ".No, sir." "What 1 Call mo a liar 1 I want thotohango for my two-dollar bill." 1 he big man winked vigorously at the barkeeper not to engage in a dis pute with the dangeroua man, and as a consequence change was made on the iiow basis and tho pair went out to tackle another place. They fouud it not far away, and it was in charge of a consumptivo-lookingyonugraan. Every thing went smoothly until Texas Dick claimed to havo laid down a two-dollar bill. Then tho young man fished up a club and went for the two, nud they got out doora so fast that they un hinged tho fly screen. The otbei s'aloonist saw tnem as they went down tne street neck and neck, fleeing tram the wrath of a ninety-pound man, and he kicked himself and muttered ; "Twenty vears of experience and still a fool 1 It was a put-up job on me I ' Vigor and Vitality. Are quickly given to every part of tho body by Hood's Sarsaparilla. That tirtd feeling is entirely overcome. The blood is purified, enriched, and vital ized, and carries health instead of dis ease to eveiy organ. The stomach is toned and strengthened, the appetite restored. The kidneys and liver are roused and invigorated. The brain is refreshed, tho mind made clear and ready for work. Try it. Old gentleman (who has given tramp a nickel): "Now, my man, what will you do with all that money spend it for whiskj t" Tramp: "No, sir. I neod food and clothes more than I do whisky, I shall take that nickel and buy a three button cutaway coat, with vest, and what thero is, left of it I a'pose Delmo nico will get A poor mau, sir, can't drink whisky and be dressy at tho same tinio." iVJrw York Sutu New Jersey Wine Bent To Europe. Mr. Speer (ol New Jersey) the Great Wine Man's Success has arisen from the strict purity and valuable proper ties of hia wines for invalids and feeble persons, and his reputation extends nrnnnrl tlin wnrM. TTia Vnrt. Orfinn Wineia now being ordered by families in jonuon ana raris. Augustus (at a late hour) Clarinda, why am 1 like the old year I Clarinda I'm sure I don't know. "Well, because" "Oli, I kuow now. Becauso you are going soon." Clarinda will never know the real answer never, nover, never. Emma goes to school, but dislikes it very much. A lady friend of the family questioned her on the subject. "Emma,' what do you do in school? Do you learn' to read! ' Emma shakes her head. "Do you learn to write!'' Another shake. 'Then what do you do!" "I wait for it to bo out.'' aine's For The NERVOUS ' . The DEBILITATED .The AGED. SOME DOCTORS honMlly Admit tlml ther tan'l euro llhcumnt.sra Ami Ncur&fglfl. Otliern t&y tliey can but don't, AtlMo tihoos nys nothing but curei. ThAt's tho secret of iU succew. Years of trial havo proved It to bo n quick, iatt tun cure. In Taj own f until Attuorboroti wti w-A ft ft Wat rranrt. tlin tiitrr lurlnff unffrvnl rom rlifiinistim for car find tiarln wit treated for tho Ucve br different rhrsldann Id UlIh Htito and Vutchq. wits without ovrn temporary relief. upon mr recommendation ncorr 01 pco. ITnnn nv rrvMimftirniHtlnn kyiM nf tie liaYflUMxl tills rrmcdr1th the t rcmUtaolainicUforlt aiLWu. 1C MIDI VlMOIL Dnbnqno, low. Jan. 8,1. . Alhiorhoro haa completely cuml me of frrouH hoariarhe, and I feu thankful for ftf rrouc hoadarhe, and I feu thankful for au tne gwa it na uone mn. Mrs. Lovia Onc&BT. WBcndfleontefnrUio txvuittful colored flo turo, " Moorinh MMden," THEATHLOPH0BOSCO. 112 Wall St tK no?2ii. cjccofims. H Pianos! W Prises!! D S jplDrUS $ CO., IIKAIIQUAUTKUS KOIl 8 lei nway, Solmici, Kraiiich &KucIi Fischer, Emerson, Pease AND THE CKLKIIKATEI) Wilcox & White Organs. SiTPIanos Suncil and Hcrmireil by com. potent workmen. Send for Catalogues. 21 WEST THIRD ST., Williamsnort, Pa. novii-8Mr. a BATV LITTLE LE LIVER PILLS. jiewaue op X3ti)cj.Tioya. always asic roii jtn. nunc &s rrzLirra, on LITTLE BUGAlt-COATEn PILLS. Ilcinc entirely vegetable, they op erate wlthnut dtpturbnnco to the system, diet, or occupation. Tut up In elass vials, hermeti cally scaled. Aiwa) s frcpu and reliable. As n luxnllvOi alterative, or purgative, thi'so littlo Pellets give tho most perfect satisfaction. SM HEIMMI. nil I o llondnclio, IHrrliicsflf Constipa tion. I ml I trow 1 1 oiii lllllottH Attack. niidall derangements of tlio stoin nchmul bowela, arc prompt ly xvIq od nnd pt-rmancntlr iiniMi tiv tlirt iter of Tl r. 1 I tree's l'loufiniit XMirfratlro Pellets n explanation of tho remedial pdwer of these Toilets over eo prcatti variety of diseases. It mnr truthfully 1 said that their nction upon tho fcystcni is universal, not n gland or tissue c$cnjmi;r thoir ennr.tlvo influence. Sold by druj.'sisw, 2.1 cents n vial. Manufactured at tho Chemical laboratory of WoniaVs IJisrzN&UtY Medical Association. Uuilnlo, N. Y. .S500Sa F.V is offered by tho raanufactur f'f Vj-S rrsof Ir. Sniro'a Catarrh N Ilomcity, for a caso of t'hionlo Nasal Catarrh which Yf 'v. P. they cannot euro. SVHU'TO.tlS OF CATAimil.-Dull. henry headache, obstruction ot tho nasal iios&np-cs, discharges falling from the head into tlio throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody und putrid; tho eyes aro ncak, nutcry, and inunmod: thero is ringing In tlio ears, deaf ncss, hacking or coughing to clear tho throat, expectoration of olTcnsiro matter, together "with Bcatis from ulcers; tbo oico Is changed and has a nasal twang; tho breath is olfcnslvo; smell and tasto aro im paired; thero is a sensation of diuincss. with menuil depression, a hacking cough and gen eral debility. Only a few of tho above-named symptoms lire likely to bo preecnt in any one case. Thousands ot cases annually, without manifesting half of the nboe symptoms, re sult in consumption, and end In the grave. No discaso is so common, more dcceptlvo and dungerous, or less understood by physicians. lly IU mild, soothiog, and healing properties. Dr. Sage's Catarrh llemedy cures tho worst cases of Cotnrrli, "colli In tlio liead," Corjza, and Catarrhal Headache. Sold by druggists everywhere; 60 cents, "Untold AKOiiy from Catarrh." Prof. W. Haubneh, tho famous mesmerist, of llhaea, K. 1'., writes : " Borne ten years ago I suffered untold agony from chronio nasal catarrh, lly family physician gavo me up as Incurable, and said 1 must die. lly caso was such a bad one, that overy day, towards sun set, my voico would becotuo so hoarse I could barely speak above a whisper. In the morning my coughing nnd clearing of ray throat would almost stranglo mo. lly the use ot Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itemedy, in three months, I was a well man, and the euro has been permanent," "Constantly Hawking: and Spilling." Thomas J. Hcpmixo, Esq., tXI Pint Strut, St. IamU, ATi)m writes: "1 was n great sufferer from catarrh for threo years. At times I could hardly breathe, nnd was constantly hawking and spitting, and (or the last eight months could not breathe through tho nostrils. 1 thought nothing culd be uono for me. Luck ily. I was advised to try Dr. Sago's Catarrh Itemedy. and 1 am now a well man. I liellcve It to bo the only sure remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and ono has only to irlio it a fair trial to experience astounding results and a permanent cure." Three Bottle. Cure Catarrh. Eli ItoBBiKS, Itunvan P. O. Columbia Co., Pa., says: "lly daughter bad catarrh when she was Ave years old, very badly, 1 saw Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itemedy advertised, and pro cured a boulo for her, and soon saw that it helped her; a third bottle effected a perma nent cure. She Is now eighteen years old and sound and hearty." M. C. SLOAN & BROi BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS AC First-class wort always on band, REPAIRING NEA 1L Y DONh. Pricti reduced to tut'f the timet: Huslness men who hive triedH find a greatly to their advantage to havo Account Hooka made to order, to suit their special needa, Kvery kind of Ulank Boot, 1th or u Ithout printed headings, Check Dook9 and Ituled blanks I make In the best manner al nonett pi.ceg. Unexcelled facilities for riumbertnf.XyleUog. Pciloratln?. l'unchlutr and btataplng. Work for county and borough ofnees especially eoUcltca Miscellaneous Book binding ot ihe highest class. Missing magazines supplied. juuuMur auu particulars cucenutiy lorntsnea. J. W, RAEOER, 7 ami 9 .Market St, WILKES-BARRE. aepH-lycibro. WILLIAM HART BLOOMSBUBG, PBNN'A., AGENT FOH THE KEYSTONE DYNAMITE POWDER CO. manufoctruersof tbo celebrated Keystone Dyna mlto. This explosive Is glTlng universal satisfac tion, Quotations cheerfully given. (Aug u as A NERVE TONIC. Celtry and Coca, the prominent In. eredicnts, are the beat and safest herve Tonics. It strentthens and quleti the nervous fritem, curing Nervous Wcaknew, lljRerU, sleep leasnDM. 4c AN ALTERATIVE. It drives out the poisonous hmnors of the blood purlfylnt- and enriching It, and eo overcoming those. dUeasc resulting from Impure or uapoter Uheil blood. . LAXATIVE. ActlnsmlldlTbotturtlyoQthcboireli ucurv hftbltiul roiutiptuloa. vn4 jkTomotc WfuttVT hllt. JtirtrvcgUi cm the ttomfcch, and aUi dLfuaa. DIURETIC. In Its composition the best and most acUre dlnretlcsof the M Herts Medlca are com bin edKlentincallyolth other efrctlra remedies for dlKasci of the Aldntii. It can be relied onto ztT. Ituta rvuci auu vpevuj euro. 11 ot tmtlmocUl. hA.e twos rMifl f ivcu ikwi bo ai ul laU mslr vita nauuUiUuli, tta4ucemaUis.(tna( AU r TTrl -r. . rrtM 11 tiU f tni(Ut WELLS, RICHARDSON It CO, Prop1 RAXMOAI) TXMCB T ASZ.1I rvKLAWAHK, LACKAWANNA AND WBJTBllN KA1L1IOAD. HLOOMSBUUG DIVISION. STATIONS. SOUTH. p u A. A, X. t 18 6 SO b 31 Northumberland, Cameron. t'halasky lunvlllo iiauwlssfi.,,. Unpen.. Illootnsburg Kspy..... Minn Itldgc Willow Urovo llrlarcreck llerwlck s to I 63 6 10 0 04 0 23 0 M 6 SO A f) 8 M It M 0 BS 1 S3 10 10 10 23 10 29 10 80 10 6.1 ' 11 00 II 07 11 16 11 22 11 28 11 30 11 37 11 41 It 4s 11 68 19 01 11 18 12 m 19 2 11 30 12 37 12 41 12 43 12 60 11 66 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 23 1 30 r h SOUTH, m S 03 t'ii 2 21 2 93 2 31 3 39 1 68 '.' 14 S 19 1 St 2 8S 8 40 6 51 7 05 7 11 7 20 7 17 7 31 7 33 T 41 7 49 63 8 08 8 II 8 21 H 34 8 31 8 38 8 45 8 49 8 63 8 88 0 03 9 09 9 17 9 23 9 30 9 35 A H 03 ! 41 2 61 611 .1 OD 3 IU 3 III am 3 31! 3 4.1 licacn unveil 7 it nick's Kerry 7 is Khlckshlnny 7 no nuniocK s . f t Nnntlooke. 7 Ni Avondale. !M riymouth 7 ! Plymouth Junction 8 0:1 Kingston 8 OS Uennott 8 13 Jlallliy 8 17 Wyoming . 8 S3 WeBt 1'lllBton 8 27 nttston 4... 8 33 LnckAwanna . 8 40 Taylor?lltc... 8 48 3 63 3 64 4 01 iiouevue h &i SCHANTON a 00 r x r u A M 8 60 9 66 10 on 10 08 10 18 10 21 10 27 10 30 10 31 10 3 10 43 10 47 10 61 10 63 11 VI 11 12 11 32 It 28 11 97 STATIONS. A 0 10 S 16 HCRANTOU Hellerue..'. TavlorvlUo....!. 8 90 8 25 8 30 8 37 6 45 8 60 6 65 8 69 7 03 7 07 7 U 7 16 7 21 1 25 7 43 7 5 8 07 8 13 S 20 8 27 8 31 8 35 8 41 8 47 8 62 8 57 9 IS 9 23 9 28 9 45 50 uickawanna a in Httston 6 3H Wcslllltston 6 U Wyoming 8 7 .Maltby s si llonnett e 63 Kingston 8 68 2 47 2 60 2 51 2 69 3 03 3 08 3 19 S 29 3 39 3 43 3 (1 8 57 4 Ot 4 03 4 11 4 IS 4 24 4 29 4 48 4 64 5 00 6 15 i lymouin junction 7 ia riymouth,, 7 10 Avondale, 7 14 NanUcoko 7 19 Hunlock's 7 2A Sblckshlany . T 47 hick s terry 1 05 Hoach Haven 8 01 llerwlck 8 07 Unarcreek. 8 13 Willow Grovo 8 18 11 4S UmelUdge. 8 20 11 62 Kipy 8 28 11 19 Uloorasburg R 32 12 05 Ituoert 8 37 12 10 catawlssa 1.... 8 2 12 16 uanviue 8 st 12 30 Chulasky. 9 03 Cameron 9 07 12 40 NOHTUCMBIRHNB.... 9 22 12 51 r m r X Cnnnectlona at Ttnnert with Philadelphia Hcidlnr ltallroad for Tamancnd. Tamaaua. Will. lamsport, Sunbury, l'ottsvtlle, f tc At Northum berland with r. K. Dlv. I'. It. It. for HarrlBbunr, Lock Haven, Bmporlum, warren, corry ana Erie. 'V. F. UALSTSAU, ucn. Man., BcrantOD, Fa Pennsylvania Railroad. IMI Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern L-entral Railway. IMI TIME TABLE. in onoct JUNE 4. 1833. Trains leave sunbury EASTWAUD, 9.4n a. m.. Sea Shore Express (dally except Sunday) j for Harrlsburg and Intermedia testations, arriving at Philadelphia 3.13 y. m.; New York. 5.60p.m.: Baltimore, .4S p.m.) Washington1 6.65 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia tor all Sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. 1.43 p. m. Day express dally exoepttundayl.forHarrlsburgand Interme diate stations, arriving at 1' h 1 1 a d o 1 p n la 6.60 p. m. : Now York, 9.35 p. m. ; Baltimore 8.45 p. in. : Washington, 7.55 p. m. Parlor par through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore, 7,45 p. m. Kenovo Accommodation (dally tor Harrtsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at PhUadelphla 4.25 a. m. ; New York 7.10 a, m. Baltimore, 6.15 .m.; Washington 6.15 a. m. j Pullman sleeping oar from WlUlamsp'tto Philadel phia. PhUadelphla passengers can remain In sleeperundlsturbed until 7 a. tn. 1.60 a. m. Erie Mall (dally except Monday, for Uarrlsbure and intermediate stations, arr'Tlng at Philadelphia 8.25 a.m. Now York, HA. . m. : Baltimore 8.15 a. m. s Washington, 9.30 a. in. Through Pullman sleeping cars are run on this train toT'hlladelphla, Baltimore and Washing, ton, and through passenger coaches to Phltadcl phi a and Baltimore. WESTWARD, i tn m Krin Mall iiativ excent Sunday). 10 Erin nn.1 oil intjrmviifit stations, and Canandal. gua and Intermediate stations, Rochester, Buffa lo and Niagara Falls, with through Pullman Pal ace oars and passenger coaches to Erie and Roch ester. ., , . 9.53 News Kxpress taauy except, ouuuaji iui Lock Haven and intermediate stations. 12.52 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun--i iti rnr ifanA nr.iiintermediatefitatlons and Can ai dalgua and principal Intermediate stations. Krncsier, uunaio anu iiuKaia i.hb through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester and Parlor carlo Watklns M 5.S0 p. m. Fast Line (dailyiexcept Sunday)tor Re novo and Intermediate stations, and Klmlra. at kins and Intermediate stations, w llh through pas senger coaches to Kenovo and Wat kins. 9.20 a. m Sunday mall for Renovo and Interme diate statlon- THnOUOH TRAINS FOH SUNBURY FROM THE BAST AKD SOUTH. snnclar mall leaves FhllAnelDhla 4.30 a. m njirrlshiirff 7.40 arrlvtni? at sunburr 9J20 a. m. With through sleeping car from Philadelphia to Wil liams port. news express leaves i auaaeipuia n. ui. Harrtsburg, 9.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.53. a. m. Niagara isxprcsa icavt-s PhlladelDhla.7.40 a. m. : Baltimore 7.30 a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury, 12.52 p. m wuo inrougn rarior car irom rniiaaeipnia and inrouch nassenirer coaches from Philadel phia and Baltimore. Fast Line leaves New York 9.00 a.m.; Pblladel phla,11.60 a. m. ; Washington, a. m. : Balti more, 10.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at Sunbury, 5.30 p.m., with through passengci coachestrom Phlladelpbla&nd Baltimore. Erie Man leaves sew iorkB.iiup. m.; rnuaaei phla.ll.ssp. m. ; Washington, 10.00 p. m. ; Balti more, 11.20 p. m.,(daUy except'.Saturdaj) arriving at sunbury 5.10 a. m., with through inillmar Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and uaiumore ana inrougn passenger coacnes irom Philadelphia. HUNIIUIIY, ItAZI.KTO.N ek WILKKHHARH K UAIhltUAIl AMI HUUT1I ANO ttSSI Ul'ANIlll RAILWAY. (Dally except Sunday.) Wtlkesbarre Mall leaves Sunburr 9.55 a. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.48 a. m., WUkes-barrt 13 p.m. Express East leaves Sunburr 5.35 d. m.. arriving Sunbury Mail leaves wi lkesbarre 10.20 a. m. arrlv- ingatisioomrerryil-4sa.m.,xunDury 12.33p.rn express it est if aves w iixes-oarre p. m., ar riving at Bloom Ferrr 4.19 p. m., sunbury &.l0p.m SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9:25 a. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:16 a. m., WlUtes-Barre 11:43 a.m. Bundar accommodation leaves Wllkee-Barre 5:10 ?. m., arriving at uioom rcrry, e.ja p. m., uunDory, :30 p. m. CHA8. K. PUGH, 3. R. WOOD, OetuManager Oen. Pao-enger Agem FREE! A 20 PAGE ILLUSTRATED PAPER Descrlptlvo of the Holl, Cllmste. l'ro.lurllon., Jlnnufuriurlnir Iiiilu.trlrw and .llinrrnl Wrnlth orrirgloln and other Southern Mates. Write to BK1U. Oen'l Pas?. Agent, ROANOKE, VA. Enclosing i-cent Stamp T3Tfl VtCWVV I T v aoents wanted Dlj MU1N LI I 1 at oiuv to supply TEN MILLION futrrs with the Oiltt OFFICIA AL Ul ives ot by IIorT. W, U. Uinsiu abn Lite of Mrs. Cleveland, exquisite steel portraits. Voters' cartridge Box. Free Trade l"olicy. Arc, complete. SOU) Agents at work report ftatiufi success. For beta work, best terms, apply quick and make 20d to (500 a month. outfit 33c, UL'UBAllD Bhos., Philadelphia, Pa. juneS2-d-4t. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clavuucc uul beutlfle tho htir. rrumoU laxurUnt ietowUl Ntvvr FiiU to Rttttora Qray HiirioTti Yeulhfyt Color. HINDERCORNS. The sufttttt, aarvct u4 best cvreforCornt, punJon, Aa. PtvU ilu. Enun- inf uii tn th f wi. Nt-Ttr fall OI, AND INADI'QUATi: STEAM MACHINERY I can be made satisfactory, so that loss of time and eipense of getting new can bo avoided. It will rusv noming to corirspono wiui tne Machinery Improvement Co, State vourcase and nnd out what4hev ran do for you. Address LOCK UOX 2504, NKVl' YOHK POST utiuc giving tun particulars. June M-rltn Of Interest to Ladies. Ill M F REl SAMPLE of our wonJ.rtol rclaa for t.msl. compltlnt. u adj IMr ho l.he tal.tlUitccr tMf&r.(urbMtatf. Bad .UatpfAr ioU4, BtlRtUt0TC0.,BT04,niJfAiiJI.T, dov is n cco ly. SUFFERINGWOIVIENSE,D Wha troahl4 IUi ihoMftituorlosi InwnltritltHiiM frqotAtlr (olkmliV4f o)4 or iiptar, or frouOoiv kUuiUonttl lUtMMt x poculUx to iholr mi, tvbiaU Use DM, DuCHOINE'S Calobrotod FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. Tbiy&r Btrncttioltia tutba utlr jmt iBpui ion, lid of n msfcttntjllf totx to U f vixt Waa of boar ntli&iitiL. &BtbruIUairl1e(l' iddt-t. Dr. Hartar Medicine OOii&T.iaUIS, M0. bovn.coiy. LIFE IN A FLAT. TiUte .ml Trllnilntlone of reoplo Wh. Mve In lllff Apnrlnieiit Itmites, Reyonil, liowcver, tlio merely construe tiro f nulU llo the reitl cntises for tllssntls diction with llfo In n tint. Tliev Imvo no rosotirecs. Tnx them ever so littlo, they cannot respond. Friends cannot bo en tortnlncri.ln them with finy sntlsfactlonj to lie sick In a lint intensifies every nclie anil pnlu; thero Is not n cheerful room In tho suite when the parlor Is shut oil nnd ono must lie In tho smalt, not too airy bed room, with nil tho vnrled sounds of not only one's own household but nlso of that nbovo nnd below, distinctly nnd severally nudlble to tho weakened nerves nnd tired or feverish brnlu. And It n flat Is no plnco to be nick, still less Is It a nlnce to die. Orlef there has neither privacy nor sympathy. Tho mourning pennant must flutter from the common entrance door through which strangers to tho beloved dead Indifferently pass; all the paraphernalia of death, tho coming and going n( the undertaker, the visits ot condoling friends, nnd finally the last sad bearing nwny, must be carried on under tho curious if halt concealed scrutiny ot the fellow tenants. A flat should bo llko heaven thero should bo neither sickness nor death, neither mar rying nor giving In marriage, neither births, feasts nor funerals, nor any sor row nor pain not one, indeed, of the emergencies of life should be encountered .under lti mongrel rood There, too, are tho children in flats, " the pity of It, Iago," there aro tho chil dren. It is a matter ot interesting spec ulation to reflect what sort of a race be developed from n few generations of flat children. Physically the child ot a flat is subjected to all sorts ot restraint; the Jan itor exercises n stern control over his ex uberance; his toys and litter can be really nowhere tn the cramped quarters which his family occupy; his play ground Is tho streets. Nor are his manners and morals subjected to tho right sort of Influence. Bald a latr In the writer's hearing not long broi "In th courso of a search lately for a flat, I entered an apartment houso In a desirable location uptown. The entrance was attractive, almost Imposing, nnd the neat, polite hall boy added to the pleasant Impression Which I received. After looking at the flat to let, I detained the boy a moment In tho. hall tor some further details, when our conversation was interrupted by a noisy clatter of some one descending from an upper story. When tho persou cams Into view I saw a large, slouchily dressed woman, coarse and forbidding in feature, who, ignoring my presence, advanced upon the hall boy and began to upbraid him with harsh vehemence for some duty unperformed. "It would be Impossible for a gentle woman in any station of life to reprove a servant for whatsoever offense, in the manner and language which sho em ployed, and I hurried away feeling that nothing would Induce me to place my young children In a position to possibly assist as witnesses to future similar affatrs." And such neighbors must lie encountered more or less in sharing with them the privilege ot a common entrance. Margaret II. Welch in The Epoch. rolltcneas Not Died Ont. Politeness has not qulto died out, although a man has to be full to rise to that height of dignified grandiose chivalry which used to be quoted as elegant wit. He Is nn Irishman, and he had been hav ing a delightful evening. The poetry had began to bubble out of htm and he had reached a state of emotional politeness. They had been together a great many hours. They had met a hundred times be fore, but the Irishman had no recollection of it at that period of the morning. They were parting. "Sor," said the Irishman, "It has given roe the complatest delolght to mato you this evening." "The same to you." "Yes, sor; I am a man of deep sym pathies and sincere loyalty, and I llko you. You are, sor, one of the most charming men I ever met. You arc, lndade." "Thank you." "Besides, sor," and the Irishman took off hJs hat and mode a profound bow, "I always pay respect, sor, to a handsomo man." "That, major, is self-respect,"fsald tho other, with an equally profound saluta tion. Then they each went off in the wrong direction. San Francisco Chronicle "Undertones." What Made (be Tailor Mad. A Wabash avenue tailor was telling mo the other day of a certain Chicago man, a born rich aristocrat, who returned from Europe not long since with 126 suits ot clothes, all mado In London. Ot course the Chicago tailor dldn' like this, and had several unpleasant remarks to make about the codflshness of a man who would buy 125 BUits of clothes at once, and was par ticularly severe npon the un-American, unpatriotic purchase ot them in a foreign city. I was more interested in knowing what a man could do with 125 suits of clothes, and how long they would last him. ''Well," said the tailor, "ho will wear on an average three suits a day. None of them will he care to wear more than ten or fifteen times, and so I reckon that his present outfit will last him till he can make another trip to Europe, per haps this summer, or at the latest next year. Even In Chicago the London tailor crate has taken from us somo of our most profitable trade, and In New York the tailors are finding London competition to be quite a serious matter." Chicago Herald. A Talnabl. Man. "So you think you can dress a show window so that the ladles will all stop and look at It, do you!" asked the man ager ot a dry goods store of an applicant for work. "Yes, Bir, I do." "Well, sir, what is the first thing you would do!" "I'd put a big mirror In the window and" "That's enough, young man; we don't want you as an employe. We'll take yon In as a partner." Chicago Times. Depreciated In Value. Old Lady (In bird store) Can that beautiful parrot talk? Bird Fancier Yes, Indeed. Old Lady How much! Bird Fancier One dollar, madam. Old Lady So cheap! Bird Fanclcrr-Yes, madam. He was a good bird, but he's gone off In value. Ills last mUtress taught him volapuk. Tid BIU. Historical Items About Emeralds. Pliny relates that a tomb at Cyprus bore a lion carved with eyes ot emeralds so bright they frightened away the nsh In the sea. Nero wore an eyeglass of emerald, which was suppewd good for the sight, and it Is said that lapidaries who cut emeralds have good eyesight, becauso the hue of the stone refreshes the eye. The Orientals believe that wearing an emerald Imparts courage and averts disaster. It was ground down and taken as a medicine In doses of six grains as a cure for various disorders. At the conquest of Peru the Spaniards captured hundred weights of emeralds, and ono dedi cated to the goddess Esmeralda was the size of an ostrich egg. Cortex gave his bride a large emerald carved like a rose, which roused tho queen's envy and lost him the court favor. Wide Awake. Inherited Diseases. tTa fact ot nature Is mors pregnant with awful meaning than the fact ot tbo Inheritance of disaat. Modern sclenoe, which has Illuminated e many dark corners of nature,has shed a law light on the ominous words of lha Borlptures, "The sins of the fathers, shall bo visited upon the children unto tho third and four generation." fifty per cent, of cases of consumption, canoer and scrofula, run In families through. UherltaBce. Insanity Is bored, lury In a marked degree, but, fortu nately, like many other hereditary diseases, tends to wear Itself out, lb stock becoming exlluct. A distin guished scientist truly says t "No organ or Uxtureof th body Is exempt from the chance) ot being the subject of hereditary disease." Probably more chronio diseases, which permanently modify the structure and (unctions of tbo body, ar. mor. or lets liable to be In. bartted. TL. Important and far-reaching praelloal deductions from such facts ar. obvious to reSeotlng minds, and the best means tor preventing or curing thsss diseases it a subject R lntenteln. tereat to all. Fortunately nature has provided a remedy, which experience has attested as Infallible, and the reme dy Is the world-famous Bwllt's Upeoitle, pure vegetable compound nature's antldota for all blood poisons. To the afflicted it Is a blessing of inestimable value. An lutoresllng treatise on "Ulood and Bkln Diseases" will b xsaUe4 free by addressing Ins Bwirr Brinrio Co.. Draws t, AUutf, Q, A. E. SMITH, ESQ. litis been for 4 1 ears rond master on the Uoston tt Maine system oful li now residing nt thrnt Falls, N. II. lie says trackmen, brnkemnti, firemen, engineers and conductors, as well asbaggngo mas ters nnd cxprtmen, nro subject to kidney dis eases nbovo all othors. All, therefore, wli bo In terested in tho statement of his experience, "1 linveuied Drown's Sarsaparilla for kidney and liver troubles, and can truly say Id has dono moro for me than all tho doctors I ever employed, ana 1 havo hod Occnilon lo rcqnlro tho serlces of the beat physicians In tho Male. My wlfo nlso has been greatlr benefited by Its usa A. 11 Saint, ltoad Master, II. . M. lb It. Tho kidneys have been severely taxed nil winter, as tho pores of thoskln hao boen closed, but now as warm weather has come, they hoed some aid. May bo you havo that piln Across thi back; that tired feeling; thoo drawing donn pains. If so you can gain linineill.ito relief b following the exstnploof Mr. fcmith andhH wife, and use that never falling nmlgrnnd corrector for the kidneys, liter nnd bload, BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Not genulno unless mado by Ara Warren & Co., Danger, Mo. MaySJ-d-Iy. All Pmrfl.t., isc. Mo.,M(l SIW). lYff.rH only by Pr. Setn Arnold, Atid. Cora , Wooniocirt. K. I. C28UIC or. schenck's Mandrake Pills Stindird for over Half a Century. Praised on Every Trial. CURE Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Heart hum, Flatulency, Colic and all diseases of the stomach; Costlvencss, Inflamma tion, Diarrhoea and diseases of the bow els; Congestion.. Hiliousness, Nausea, Headache, Giddiness, Nervousness, Liv er Complaint, and all diseases arising from a gorged and sluggish liver. They .reduce congested conditions, break up stubborn complication!, restore free, healthy action to the organs. They arc Purely Vegetable, Strictly Rellablo and Absolutely Safe. For EaIo by all Draggiiti. Frlee 25 eti. pr t boxf for C5 cU : or .ent by mail, loUge fr-t, q receipt of prise. l)r. J. II. Sihcnck A Soo, TlilUJV Kewnrclccl are those that read this nnd then act; they will nnd honor able employment that will not take mem irom meir nomes ana raminea. The profits are large and Bure for every Industri ous person, many have mado anil are now making several hundred dollar a month. It 13 eapy for any one to mike 15 and upwards per day, who Is willing to work. Either sex, ymini: or old; capital not needed: we start you. Everything new. No special ability required: you, reader, can dolt as well as any one. rite to us at once fur full par tlculais, which we mall free. Address Stlnsont Co., Portland, Maine :ydcc30. PATENTS, Caveats and Trade Marks obtained.'nnd all l'atent business conducted forMODKKATK FKES. OUK OFFICE IS OriMSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE. We have no Riih.ntrenrleL nil bualnooa direct, hence can transact patent business In less iiiucuiiu uli.ivs3 uai'tnan inose remote from Send model, drawing, or photo,wlth description. We advise If patentable or nor. fre nr pimnw Our fee not due till natentissneiirrd. a DooK,"iiowioobtainl'atents,'-wlthreferencc8 ivnuiuui i-uemsiu your Mute, couniv. nr mwn. sent free. Address C. A. SNOW & CO., opposite Patent oniee. Washington, ft. c. Sen WoiitlcrH exist In thousands of forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of InTentlOn. Thoso whnnreln need nt liable WOrk that Pfln lw rinnavl,!!. tr,r, at home should at once send their address to Ilallet s Co.. Portland, Maine, and receive free, full information how either sex, of all ages, can earn from f5 to 2S per day and upwards wher. ever they llTe. Youare started free. Capltalnot required. sorr.e have made over ISO In a single , v...o v ft. All juutrtru. IJ Qt'CcO, EXHAUSTED VITALITY TllKbCIK.NCt; OF LIFE, the great Medical Work of the tad Physics! lo. bllitr. Prcmitore De- KNfiW THY.QPI F die'F-rror'ofv'"n. ....... yt.i.1 land the untold misor- j oonNsqrient thereon, 300 paj 8 To., m pro scriptions for all diaeaoes. Cloth, full gilt, only I1.0U. by mall, sealed. lllntraUe sample free to all younS and middle-Aifed men. Send now. The Gold tni ewol) Muial awarded to the author hy the Nation 1 Medical Association. Addrese P.O.'lioi lss3,!(o. lo0V!f'0r W-1L FAltKKIt, graduate of liar ran! Medical College, u years' pracUce in Bo.ton. who rosy he connoted eoundenUally. Office, No. I llulflnch SLi S(wc!alty, Ulm-asea of Man. Cut llil. uul. You may never see It nituln. JuneS-d-1, D RS.J.N.UB.HOBENSACK Medleil and Surgleel Office, 206 NORTH SECOND ST., PHILADA. ESTAIILISUED 40 YEAltS Tor the treatment Of Youthful Imprudence, Lois of Vigor, Nervous Debility and Special Consultation by mall free of charge. Book Kent Free, Office hours from 8 A.U. tqs r.t.,& from C too r.v Ma 11-P-t-Co.iy. Salesmen Ikl IVANTUK. rennancnt post-1 tions guaranteed with t ia it v AMMI.Vi'HNkKm paid. Any determined man can succeed with us. lfcuilar advantages to be. glnnera. Mock complete, including many fast-sell, log specialties, outnt tree ' Address at once, (Narc,e this paper.l llltoVN lillOTllElS, av,lSKT- Mtrsiuviiin. ltochester, N. y. . Apnurr-im, ..i) n.V 1 V Cu.nie 1 do not rntn merely to stop ihem lor a time, and then hat then' re turn again I hiiav' A 1IADICAL CUltE. I hate made tho disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A lifelong study, I wAnnAscrmy remedy to V,"? "IB '"""I cases, llecause othe?, Ii,va lulii-il is no reason for not now reeelslnga cure hjnii t once fora treatise and a Fititi liorri.ii Ot i,l INFU.UULE ltKMEIir lvn I'wui',, Kid T'. !).m?,-, 11 co,ta "u "'tl.luir lor t trial, and It m cure you Addr LADIES! lo Your Own Dyeing, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! They will dye everything. They aro sold ersrv. iiiw iiv u iavanKd, UI VUtOiaL 1 lit V hate no equaWor Mrengih, brtgMneaa, amount oualltleey donot e7.Vk oruu" iCT byMotcrUrod. and Jan. II. Mercer, feblJrly. SU8(1H1BE FOH THE COLUMBIAN W I CURE k FITS! PERRINE'S runic HAKLISY from a selected and tree from Injuiloiin lions oils anil In jierwins especially nuapieu i rreatlr lienetltled by Nervine, Tonle. nnd A rUIIH IIAIII.IiV MAII nnntlln n rlli nhri nlilir.ila ht. stimulant mild and gem le In eases ran bo entirely t onquercu uy tno irarr tnairm nr unncy nit Whiskey. It is n tonla nnd Unireiio nnd a pow erf tit strrngtbener to the entire system, rut. lllNK-rl 1'UIIK IIA1ILKY MALT W'lllhKKt hns proved a mfdjclnnl protection in thoso who pursuo their avocations in tho open air end whoso dally work calls it ejcepilonnl powers of endurance. Auk your nearest diuggist or grocer for In? I'KltillNESl'lIIKilAI!I.HY MAbT WIIISKKY revises thocnergles of those ",n out with exccsslto bodily or meiitaledoil and nets ns n safeguard against cxposurii In wet nnd rigorous weather. It will drlvo nil malarious dlseiufrpm tho systein llanl workers of overy vocation and persons w bom a si-dent ary lire renjers lirono in Malt (thlikey a powerful tnvlgornnt R Tho niialsisiislt appears by tho I.i and holptr to ingestion. l'KIIlllNK'.sgbeloneveiyboltle! 1 bavocatefullyn 1'UIIK 1IAIII.KY MAI.T without utidtily stimulating nevB Increaws their llagitlng counlcrnctntho effects ol fatigue, has- nractais and nnids and Is absolutely and nromnt dlu iretic. wnten None genulno unless bearing turo Ful sme uy all dnit 1st and grocers throughott tho united States and Canadas. mm 37 NORTH FKONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHIL FOH SALE 1IY UUUUnlSTS AND ALL DUALKHB. an C. JB. JttOBMNa DEALER IN Foreign anMMammim WINES AND LIQUORS 'AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. INDUCEMENTS! We are oflcring great inducements to persons desiring to purchase Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. m m IP Tl m 'mi mm P Z m mt e o g Among the' Pianos we liandle are the IVERS A Pf) MT) C. C. BRIG GS, BA US & CO.CIJ OJIM cWR Gold btruig and Opera rianos. These Pianos are all first-clafeid and fully warranted for five yearg. Our leading Organs are the celehrated ESTEY HI TT J . EE, UNITED STATES and. other nines. ' Our leading Sewing Machines are the celebiated WHITE MEWE-AYIS, jYEW DOMESTIC, NEWHOME' HOUSEHOIT). UOYJT. .97' .Tnur c ARD ROIARI Saving Rotary Sewing Machine in the t, . TB,ejo,;e P"rchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S nr ASP? ?US GREAT SEWIKQ MACHINE DEPOT, Main St., Bloomshurg, Pa. I'ENNEY GOODS A SPECIALTY. ' SOLE 10INT6 FOB F. Y. ADAMS CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Soleagcntsot thefol. lowln? brands of Cigars. UKNItV CLAY, LONDUES, NOItMAL, INDIAN I'ltlNCESS, SAMbON, BlLVElt ASn. Alexander Bros. I Co, WHOLESALE DEALEHsjn CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. fOLE AGENTS FOlt HEA'RY MILLAKDiS lCANDIES.- VltESlI EVEUV WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. Tint's Pills CURE Malaria, Dumb Chills, Fever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks. They iiroiture reirulnr, natural evar. imli,.,,., ii,u.r tjrliio or Inicrrvre lll . Ilivy ".1101111(1.0 In ei i rj' liuiitvliulil. ' MVIiHYWIIEllU. no!n.Ci:col)r. yAINWHiailT &UO WHOLESALE QROCERS, I'lllLAUKLl'IIU, 1A. HAS, SYllUl'S, COr-r-KEBUUAlt, MOLAHSEb Bi, ei'ioite, uioiim boiu, etc., kto. N. E. Corner beoond and Arch sts. Mfordors will roooito prompt Mtontian. WALT WHISKEY. llarley Malt and, guaranteed lo;iio cjiemjrally pm. i.ruiHiiiii ii uiiikiikii mi niconniio Illinois, It In requiring a M liiinlatliig lolile, ('onsumpllves be iVg liloof nnil lhCrOnM'U liesil niill milienln.tlJt.. effect. Dyspepsia, Indigestion nnd nil wasting die lentprtiiivn. WJI1HKKY calyjed tho Trim iiaiilrv Malt Wins- tno Kia nctlvlty. Slt entirely frco from fusel oll.turfumt I , -""I .i-. tumnennanhd inoiaticii aiiraauairtv uir iiiTi(iesaJlun(c, tho slgna Sleneiii nnd H'enoiirten Machine, the finest nnd best world. .ANY OIIDElt FOU FKSTIVAL will bo iSUl'l'LIKD WITH THE LOWEST Market Fries., as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS? OUEAM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP CORN ' BALLS. BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL iO. "K?unc,.eJ".s'En''t, tavlnc put his" rianlnsr M .iS1!'0?11 s"'eot. In nrst-ciass condition, Is pre srod todo allkludsot work In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urnisned ai ruusouuuiei rices. All Iniosernit. s well soasonoa and none out skilled wotsnun are employed. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS urnlshed on application, l'lats and apecia oni prepared br an experienced drauEhtitnan OIIAHLES KRVO, lllooniNbiirs;, Vm. nas roTolutlonliisl the world dur Ire the last half century. Not least among the wonders ot In. ventlvn nroress la a method and system of work that can be performed all of er the country w Ithout Departing the workers from their homes. 1'iiy liberal) anyone can do the work) either lex young or old; no special ability re. nulred. t'aplial nr i needed; you are started free. Cuttlitstiui and return to us and we will send you live, something of great value and Import anoo to you, that will start you In buslness,whlch will bring you lo more money right away, than anything elao in the world. Grand otiutlw. Address Trvi & Co., Augusta, U sine, l ydeceo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers