COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. FARM, GARDEN & HOME. owla will cat a great donl of grnn ulnted charcoal. As n Drcvuntlvo of diseaso It la invaluable Egg nholls crushed and shaken In glass bottles half filled with water will clean thttn quickly. A mixture of marl, wood ashes and rich earth makes an excellent manure for young trees. No animal manuro should be used unless it bo completely decomposed. Tho shell lime, which is ratioh cheap cr thau stono lime, is excellent for ag ricultural purpose?, and tho best time to apply it is when tho laud has been plowed and old sod turned under. A pound of copperas, ousting 3 oonts, in a bucket ot water, sprinkled from a waiering-pot in ttio pigpen, will pro vide a cheap and exoollont dUinfeotaut nod will also largely assist in prevent ing disease. Cultivating tho beets should still bo done, as they will continuo to grow un iii iuo lrosi snail appoar. lioets aro relished by nil classes of stock in tho winter, and plenty of them should be siorea away. Uarrots should also ro ccivo attention. Tho breaking of glass jars by hot fruit can bo avoided in two ways : 1. Uy folding a wot towel and nutting it under tho jar whilo it is being filled. uy pulling a solid silver spoon in tho jar before pouring in any of tho not mm. Tl.o whito and brown Leghorn fowls begin to lay when only fivo months old. They aro non-setters, lay white eggs, and rank very hich as eea pro ducers. They are, however, rather small in size, and do not answer as well for market as do the larger breeds. Finely chopped clover hay moisten ed with water that has been slightly salted and sprinkled with corn meal, makes an excellent food for old stock that cannot well raasticato hay. It should be fed in oonneotion with mix- oJ ground grain, also with n small al- lowaioo of linseed meal. Thoso who feed grain, in addition to gran, and feed it intelligently so far ai wo nave ever heard thotu give an opinion, behove that it pays. One prominent foeder says that ho finds that it requires only half as raueh grain to fatten an animal on grass as it does 10 la'.ten u in tho winter on dry food Cut up carefully two largo tender cmcKens, and iry in butter in a sauce pan i when brown, skim off most ot the tumor, add two finely chopped onions fried in the same gravy i seed and skin eight or nine tomatoes, cut in slices and add to the fowls, also half a ercen pepper finely chopped, a teacup of thick oaretaijy browned gravy and the same quantity of Doof broth ; soason and let it all boil slowly for half an hour, and Borvo with plain boiled rico in a sepa rate aisn. 4 To can grapes, pick grapes from stems, taking only the porfect ones, and wah and spread them on a table on which you have previously put a tabie-clotu. Leavo until dry. When dry fill tho cans. Then place on stove to boil one pound sugar and ono cap ful of water to every quart of grapes. VVhen boiling fill up the cans with the hoi liquid, .before sealing leave stand about ten minutes and Gil up again, as they will have settled. Be sure to havo a damp cloth around the bottle when filling. Will be fit for uso in six weeks. A pretty arrangement for holding Miters is made of wide-brimmed sun' hats. They cost 25 cents, perhaps, and may do used alter having been worn ono summer, it they aro plain, em broider a vine of daises, bnteroaps or poppies wiin coarse wool and long stitches. Effect is what is wanted, not fine work. Line tho entire inside with blight filk or satin shirred ; fold togeth er and tie with a die bow and end and hand near the desk, that the letter may be thrown into it without any trouble. Jf too much trouble to embroider, tio a uunch ot wheat heads or dried grasses with a bag of ribbon or a bunch of peacock feathers. A newly patented composition -for tho removal and erasure of writing inKS aim writing tiuids lrora paper, cloth and all other substanoes which writing fluids aud inks may come in contaot with, without infury to the pa per or other substances, consists of the following ingredients: Four quarts of water, four ounces of citric acid, twelve to sixteen ounces of strong solution of borax, and three quarters of a pound of chloride of lime. In prepaiing the composition two quarts of water which had teeoproviouly boiled and cooled are taken. Fonr ounces of citrio acid added, after tho acid has been dissolved six or eight ounces of a strong strain cil solutioatif borax aro added, after which tho whole may be put in a bot- tlo or suitable receptacle. Manufac turers uazette. x hero is little doubt that the pro duction of eggs may bo largoly increas ed by a systematic scientific plan of letding, and tho averago poultry keep er should givo this matter a good deal of study and attention. The scientific part of it need not frighten any one who is willing to read, study and put into practice what they learn. Those who aro recognized authorities assert that the egg produot of a hen in her primo is about threo times her own weight yearly, and in view of this faot tho Importance of supplying hor with food rich in all tboelemonte that make tho epg is at onco apparent An egg contains all the elements of a living chick, Ileal, bone, sinew, blood and feather, beaRles the shell matter, which is mostly lime. The principle elements in tho egg aro sulphur, oil, phosphorus lime and nitrogen. The tood that given tho hen should contain all the eloments that exiet in tho egg. These- are found in wheat, oate, corn, bran. linseed, crushed bone, sunflower seed and vegetable matter. A reasonable inixturo of all these, varied more or Iifs, with tho aid of crushed limestone or gypsum would afford every clement r alUd for to produce a constant yield of eggs. Hut there is another point. A promi nent writer on tho subject rightly re maiks that ono of tho greatest mistakes in feeding fowls is overfeeding. When a person gets tho chicken jovcr they get nithusiaslio in tho cause and stuff lhcir fowls instead of feeding them, If lens nro allowed to run to grain iu tho barn, they tat twico as much as they ought to, and tho result is a short mpply of eggs. Where tht-y arc con fined tn yards they aro too frequently gorged with food which makes fat in stead of providing those elements v. hich go to make uii theegg. As a gr neral thing corn is fed to the oxclu won of tverthing else, and whilo it is a g"0(l food for fattening it is a poor one Jit fgs if ful exclusively. No one food contains all tlio elements, and ti iiig tort of variety must bo provided. -Ammcan fanner, Heatlnc Oars Without Stoves, j Tho road upon which tho most sya tomatlo and careful work in tho direct ion of abolishing tho car stoves has been done seems to be tho New York Central. Mr. Huohanan, tho supcrin tondont of tho motivo power upon tho tho road, eaj si "Wo, bollcvo that wo havo now a comparatively perfect heat ing apparatus lor our passtnger oar, safe, effectual, and economical. Of courso you will al onco ask why wo havo been so long about it. J. can only say that whilo experiments towards getting rid of tho car stoves has been going on for some years, it i9 only ro- ccully that something lias ncen oiiercu to us which is wholly satisfactory. Last Fcbrunry wo equipped fivo cars on tho Buffalo division. The appara tus is simplicity Itself. Tho steam is taken from tho locomotlvo at a reduced pressure and is passed tinder tho oars in a main plpo from which branches onter each car. At tho car joint is a regulator by which tho heat in th t particular car can bo kept at any poinl. Tho coupler between tho cars is all metal, and oondcusation is provided for by a system of taps whioh dis charge any wator automatically. Tho system is praotically a houso warming apparatus in which each car represents a room. There is no ganger ot explos ion, becauso tho prcssuro does not ex ceed ten pounds in tho pipes, and in caso of a collision or a separation of tho cars of tho train tho main supply from the engino is of course cut off. As to costs wo cannot find that Btcam taken for heating purposes costs us anything. Wo aro so well satisfied that this system is what we want that we havo equipped thirty cars and havo just given ordors to equip a? many more at once, fiy spring wo snail not have a oar stove on tho road." Ono railroad man says that tho Pennsyl vania railroad oompany will not havo a stovo by the end of next, winter, al though no law in Pennsylvania oom pels tho chango. The Destructive Power of Torpedoes. Tho destructive power of torpedoes was rcoeutlv illustrated in the Resist ance experiments; but no exact account -i i . t Ull.u- i oi taoir nuiion nas yet uceu ijuuiibuvu, as far as we know, of their uso in aot ual warfare. Although the destruct ion of the Chineso corvet Yang Wo during tho fight between tho French and tho (Jhinesa at Foochow has al most been forgotten, no authentic ro. port of tho enoounter has over reached us. The acconnt just given of the annihilation of the Chinese vessel by a close eye-witness is therefore doub.y interesting. Tho writer says that the French flagship had two torpedo boats attached to her at the gangways. The ship was about 300 yards below the Yang Wo. As soon as tho firing com menced, both boats attaoked the Chi neso vesBol. Tho first ono fired her torpedo directly under tho Yang Wo's after gangway starboard side. No damage whatover wasdono to the ship; but the officer in chargo of the torpedo boat was wounded in the chest by the return action of the torpedo. Tho other had in' the meantime attacked the ship forward, a littlo abaft tho cathead, on the samo Bide. This torpedo was in direct contact with the ship. The ef fect was that, when the torpedo explod ed, it penetrated tho foro magazine, or rather the fire from it. This blew up, and the wolo forward part of the ship was demolished. This all happened within three minutes. The remainder of tho wreck drifted ashore, and burned for several days. The Yang Wo was a wooden corvet of fourteen guns. The torpedoes used woro booms contact ones. Iron. No Plies on Him. From tho Detroit Tree Press. He had been driving a stranger aroond in his hack for a couple of hours and finally loft him in front of tho City Hall. "How much 1" asked tho man as he got out. "Well, let's see. You got in" "Come, now, I'm on to your littlo tricks I" interrupted the stranger. "They told mo at tho hotel what it ought to bo. Hero's $4, and if you think you can get any more come down and see me !'' "Well, I'll havo to tako it, 1 Bup poeo T" "You bet you will ! I'm from a back county, but there aro no flies on me." "How ranch were you going to chargo him 1" asked a citizen ol tho driver after the other had left. "Not over $2.50 at tho outside, and only 2 if he had kicked !" cackled Jehu, as ho gathered up the ribbons. The Bones of Oolumuus. .The bones of tho discoverer of Araerica.aro to be onco more removed, as if they had not yet earned rest. When Columbus died he first found a resting place at Valladolid, But it was Dot for long. In seven years his re mains were taken to Seville, and in 153G across tho ocean to Haytl, where they wore deposited in the cathedral of San Domingo. In 1795 it was thought to bu high time that tho bones of Columbus wero disturbed again, and they were taken to Havana, in (Juba. Now, after a further rest ol 100 years. a fresh transfer let us hope the last- is to do maae, and uenoa, tho naviga tor a birthplace, will finally claim its own. Chicago 'Times. KASKINE (THE NEW QUININE.) More Strongly Vouohed for Than Any Other Drug of Modern Times. A POWEKFUL TONIC that the most delicate stomach will boar. A SPECIFIC FOIt MALARIA, 1I1IEUMATISM, NEItVOUS FHOSTIIATION. ' Tni5 JIIOHT SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL BLOOD I'UItll'IKH. Kuncrlor to quinine. Mr. JohnC. hcnrboroucli.Selma, North Carolina, writes: "I got malaria in tho southern army, and for a doieu years suffered Irom Ha debilitating ef fects. I was terribly run down when I heard of Kasune, me now quinine. 11 ueipeu me at once. I gained 85 pounds. Hare not had such good neanu in s'j years. Other loltcru of a similar character from promt, cent Individuals, which stamp Kasklne as a rem edy of undoubted merit, will bo sent on oppllca Hon. Kasklne can betaken without any special med leal advice, f 1.1-0 Der bottle, or bottles for 15. bold by MOVKii juioa. Hioombburif, J'o., or sent uy man on receipt, ui price. T11E KAHUt-KLO., M Warren (St., New York, noviD.sdly. to bo made, cut this out and return to us, and we wui Bend you free, noine- ntr of ercat value and lmbortance to vou ou, that will start you In buslncts which will brlntr you In more money right away than anything elw in this world. Any one can do me viorK ana 1111 at uuiue. Either sex: all aces. iwmetblmr new, that lust coins money for au workers. We will start you; capital not needed. This is one ot the genuine. Important chances of a lifetime. 'rtioae who art) ambitious and enterpris ing wui lot aetay. urana uuuit irra. Aauru, Tkpi co,. August Mune. a$cM-a,ir. . A Snake Btory From Georgia, (From the Fort Cl aloes (tla.) Star. Mr. I'll ih Kirklati t, who has been away bohio days visiting relatives, has returned and closi s tho season by tho following Bnako story: It seems that ho and others wcro fishing when ho discovered a very largo wator moccasin near by. l'rovidtng hlmsclt with a slick, ho gavo battle and soon succeed ed in annihilating his writhing antag onist. Conceive of his horror, how over, when Immediately nuother livo and well stiako ciawled from the mouth of the dead ono and continued to fight. It in turn was finally dispatched, when behold another one just a size smaller, appeared on t he scene, and ngaln tho battlo proceeded with fury. Having disposed of this one, still another camo to tho front, which in turn was follow ed by others until he had slain fifteen or fifty-one, and wo havo forgotten whirtli. Hut at anv rate, ttov were still coming promptly to timo as every round was called, when Pugh became exhausted and threw up tho spongo and betook himself to light. INDUCEMENTS Wo arc offering great inducements to persons desiring Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. .purchase Among the Pianos we handle are the I VERS S? POND, C. C. BRIGGS. BA US & CO., S CEO MA GKER Gold Struts? and Opera Fianos. and fully warranted for five years. Our leading Organs are the ER, UNITED STATES Our leading Sewing Machines-are the celebrated WHITE. JVE W DA VIS, NE W DOMESTIC, jYE W H OME, HOUSEHOLD. ROYAL ST. JOHN and STAND ARD ROTARY Sewim? Rotary Sewing Machine in the Before purchasing write for PALACE OF MUSIC AND DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, ET A. HANDSOME WEDDING, BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. WSm THE WONDERFUL LUBURQ Combining a Parlor, ill A wr AU furnished With tour Wholesale Prlcc3. THE LUBURC MANF'CCO.. 9 mCS!xS for Infants and Children. "Castorlm li o well adapted to children that I Castorla cares Colic, Constipation, I rflflommwid It as superior to any prescription I Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, kscrwntome." OA. AjuhoL, JLD.. I Kmi100rnu'' tlvca P' ani P"0" 111 So. Oilonl Bk, Brooilja, N. Y. WuLutlnjurious medlctaoa. TuM Currant Coxrurr, 133 Fulton Street, K. T. PENNEY QOODS A SPECIALTY. SOLI iOIKIS FOR F. V, ADAMS & CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Bole agents ot the fol lowing brands of Cigars. USURY CLAY, LONDIIES, NOKMAI-, INDIAN PRINCESS, SAMSON, HILVElt A8IL Alexander Bros. I Go., WnOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE AGENTS FOK HENRY MAILURDS MIC INDIES. FltESH EVEIIY WEEK. Eloomsburg, Pa, C JB. JEOBBINS, DEALER IN Fmigni aM. Domestic WINES AND LIQUOR AMO JOBBER lU CIGABS. BL00M8BURG, PA. Leading - iJiyiitim folasftrlt Aver httn ma3(? vvneffc Send wrmeaitiriai( toequzft trie for ei, beautiful colored picture,! tfftoor'uh bfrlV Vfor Sftalns. bam in bacJr.sfcfeorriiMt rorVYfalinas.coldUt iieyareworfa ft(irWft r""' einxaaXu tar frVM fiTHLDtHWS KHABE PIANOFORTES. UNEQUALLED IN TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP nnd DURABILITY. WII-MAII KKA1IU CO., Noi. 301 arnlaOO WlIlalUmoTBt.,I)lUmO, No. ll'-l Fifth Avenue, Nnr York. t to These Pianos are all first-cla&o celebrated ESTEY. MILL' and other makes. Machine, the finest and best world. Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S GREAT SEWING MACHINE Pa. Library, Smoking, Reclining or Invalid r T' J y w.- -sain 4 VsjsVBy t wm WW CHAIR VlVJ.laa uuuUUi left's Ur lUUlsll fkfi VP- S('nd "fuap I 4artiniPFED to nil J. M lists p4 for Catalogue. parts of the world. CHSLDgiEEti'S CARRIAGES tho Alltomntln Cuarh rirnkn. nnrl niii Send stamp for Cataloguo and mention caniaces. 145 N. 8th St.. Phllada.. Pa. October SJSfljyra. ANY OliDE FOR FESTIVAL win bo SUPPLIED WITH THE LOWEST Market frices, as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH walnuts; UUPJAM HUTS, POP CORN HALLS. H. y. WHITE & CO. Offer sncolnl liidiiccinciitH to fnnnern for tlio next six weeks on tbo following list: Wo kecj) constniitly in stock nt our GHAIN HOUSE, nnd will deliver frco of chargo t6 nny station on tlio U. L. & W. or H. fc S. rnllcmds, tlio cult Innled "Economy Uono" and "Good Crop" brands, Imtli liigh grade, standard goods, mndo from jiuro materials, frco from sour acids and Vieay wortlilcss tillers, and guaranteed in good ns tho best. IMPIEI MACMIIEEl 3 Wo havo tho ngenoy for tho Traction, Portablo and Stationary Engines, Threshers, complete with lover power, in six sizes) Clover llulltrs, Saw Slillsj Grain Drills and Corn Shcllcrs. All standard goods, junt whnt farmers will need very soon, Sprout's list what every farmer needs. Can attach to any horso-nower. Uuns eas y Grinds well. ROAD All FARM. WAGONS ! Wo havo in stock, ready for inspection, tlio O'Brien Wngon, in any sizo desired, for farm or road, nnd invito tho public to cnll and seo them. OUR STOOBC ! In addition to tho abovo wo keep n full lino of Kkmr, llraii, Middiing, Choii aud Feed nt lowest market prices. Salt for land and dairy use. Special prices to dealers on job iuts. Clover, Timothy nnd fancy grass seeds. Coal in nil sizes. Delivered to any part of town. It will pay School Directors to buy Coal from us for their dis tricts nnd themselves. All kinds of Grain taken at highest market prices for cash, or in oxehango at any time. Soliciting a fair sharo of trade, wo remain, Very truly, II. V. WHITE & CO., August 5. Blooiusburg, Pa. Orders May be Left With Albertson & Hulme, Benton, Fa. ECONOMY THIS PKACTICAL QUESTION Oi THE HOUR. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH FOR ' CAN BE CHIEAFtt TELA! ITER A Large and jCLOTHIHGjI JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LARGE And SELECT LINE OF UMii. Cassiiueres. Call and be Convinced that yoi have the LAMEST SELECTION IF GOODS OP THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE PURE BARLEY Di BTil.tiin f rom Bdcctcd and (ree from Injurious oils and cs)m.iaiij auainnj vuiTisuna iriuti,iiti a ciiuiumiiti tuiHL, lUn&UmpilYeS Dcint? creatly bencntled by us use. lcecommcndcd by leadlns physicians as a Diuretic Nervine. TolIo and Alterative. For Contumpllua It U Invaluable. I'knillNE'h i-ujic iiAiii.r.1 ,Ai,r miiDivni lusurca n rciuru oi vjiforio me stomach, a good Btunulant mild and trentlo in cases caD bo ci llrely conquered by the ute or l'crrlnct I ure Hurley alt Whiakov It la a tonlo and diurctio und a nowerrul atrengtbener in tho entire tu stem. l'EH HINE'S I'UIIU HAHLEV ilALT tiiuw ..u.ouu tut,, atuvutiuito ... ... ... uuu ..uusd UUIiy WOrKCailS 11 exceptional powers of endurance. Ask jour nearest, druggist or irrocer rorroi l'l.'llllINE'Sl'UllEUAHLEY JIALT WI1LSKK Y levllPH tbepnitmlm S 'Th. LX .JS out with excessive uodlly or mental effort and acts as a safeguard against exposure In wet and rlgornuH wuatlier. It win drive all rnJlarlouH dl-eases from theBvstem Hard workem of every vocat nail NvnisKey a powcnui and hclptr to dlgustlou. I'EKHINE'K l'UKE 1IAIILEY JIALT YVIUbKKY without undulr stlmulatimr tho kid I ntys lncreasos their Uagulng counteracts the effect of fatigue, has-ametaU and acids and Is abVolmely tens convalescence and is a wholesome Ipu re." Stgtirtt, Camilla Arthur Slater and prompt diuretic. Watch the label luradiuile of the Untrersltkt of Munich, ture Vol bucu oj ail druggist and grocers throughout the united States and can ad as. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 33 NORTH WATER ST., PHIL FOU SALK UV" DHUO GISTS AND ALL DKALKttS. ju a Tb doctor tnd th ltt-rri.f x not WHf fttwul CM Of i.riou. tllBii. Tt.r hM alinl u.ptnd.J work Is ditct tbt tur1t r IUi bo.t. 1 ha Utl.r rrttruyilta Jamei !. 3 Vlto ! tba tMltaltta world. Th doctor daalil II. iKd taya thai lb Jam.a na tUho U t.ttur $ Ui t u.J, lUWwfttlbtik'kL Full Uncg of the Above Shoes for Sale by ujia in Solo Agents for Blooinsburg, Pa. THE 11 BOUGHT Varied Stock of OF iviALT WHISKEY. Uarley Mnltand cuarantced to hn chnmipnii icldsolten contained In alcoholic liquors. His ellect. DysneDsla. lndlecllon nnnmi w,itn,, ,n. wuibKEi nas iirouM a medicinal protection to Ion and persons w horn u uMentary lite renders urono tii invigorant The analysis as It annearti hv t hn bel on every bottle: 1 have carefully anl ilysed Ihel'DKn Haklkv sult wuis skt made by M. ft J. K l-errlno and find activity. a uuurcty iree irnra nisei oil, turfurol, Hottn, Tjip nd Contrrii Rhfwu. Ak your rM alter tnt MKAH S ! J SI 1 0 15, accordlnu to your need. l'oiUvcl none genuine unk.ii our lUmp njipcaxi pisJnl on Uie KtoC JAMES MEANS S4 SHOE Will not wear 10 lonit at tba JAMES MEANS S3 SHOE, ppra uw U 1 mad fhr mn hois occupation! are inch U Mthcn i to i call for a lighter and mora dreiiv thoethia the alAMUR AIKANS U SHOK. Our Shoe haa cklatllthctl for ititif a penuanent reputation for comfort anil durabillt j lucft ai no other ihoo hai ever known In tnt JiUIorv of tho trade. No c&rant titers are ahlo to arprotcn 1L ihe James Muuia Hi hlioo i tlvht and tUh, and Uii ainroMe any tiw of iti weight tvir wanui factored, e eonfldrnti amrt that In every vital re. fpMtttio Jumea Alrmm 81 hhoo It equal to the Iuini.ifwe4 ahoti which have Mtherlo been retailed at to cr $7. It liaialKniroltpaudcamlcii calf vamp. It hai a perfectly mouth Mtum Iniide. It flu like a etorklntr, and i-fqulrea no brcukuir In," U-luir perfectly cay the firit time It li worn, Jamei IWani and Co.'i Hhuei were the lint In this country to UcitmilvOr advertised. If you have been disappointed In other advertlaed bhoei, jour ciperlcnco ouglit to tearh, you that It Is nfvr to buy l.oc tuads by thu leaden ( a lyitem, rather than those made by the fullotttri. lhe&A ktioei ara aotil t,v tha lit o.tjii... throughout the UnlU-d Hutet, and we will place them James Means & Co. 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. t LnitMs, rnoTom.rn, AtrrouitArii and Mercer's UiuganJ Hook Store, Uvnns lilock. ALT, Tim FINEST KXTHACT8 cuujunr. Fncliets, iwnndrs, Hair liyesand lmrKura nt ,T, il. Mercer's Dfur and lioolc store, Mans 11I0CK, opposite Episcopal uuun-u. A LL PlIOPlllKTAUY AND TA TENT MEDI0IN ICS A. nt J. It. Mercers Drug nnd Hook storo, oppo site Episcopal CtiurcU. DOOKS, STATIONEHY AND WALL PAPKlt, A orpoklto Episcopal Uliurch, liloomsburg, l'n. riAsntXE, TOILET AND MEDICATED SOAPS, I , n full linn at. .t. 11. Unrrnr'i Drill? and HOOK Store, Upper Maln'trccU nOMIIS OF ALL KINDS, WELL SELECTED, AND I i nt vnrvinw rMrpant.I. II. Jlerccr's DniB Rnd Uook si ore. third door nbovolron ttrtel, Ulooms burif, l'a. nc.NDnssm) milk, coxvu, nkwon'S and I i (Winn., rlplntlnn. 1 nnlnnn. Katrn. Arrow Hoot nnd all tlio prepared foaH for children nnd In valids at Jleivcr's l'ruir and Hook storo, first door abovo llcss Hoot and btaoo Htoio, liloomsburg, l'a. riANAitr, iiRMr, nvrn, millet, maw and I i MlTPrl Noeil for Iho birds, at J. II. .MCrcer'3 Druif and liook Store, first door below frcosy's arocciTBlore. 1,-llNE W1I1TINO rAl'EIIS. BY BOX. IXnJSH OH V In Tablet form, at J. II. Jlcrcer'a Drug and nook store, liloomsburg, l'a. NunsiNo iioTTi.KS wirnns, imnnEnnAT ties, Teelhlng nines and nil requisites ot tnfl Nurpprv that will contribute to tlio bnby's happi ness, at, 1. 11. Mercer's Drug and Hook More, two doors above liv ans & E er s clothing btoro. I11IVSICIANS' rilESCllirTIONS AND FAMILY I nrolntj, carrfullv nrenared at all hours at .Mercer's Drug and book store, liloomsburg, l'a. ri'OILET AND INFANT POWDE1IS, ItOUQE, L Cosmotlo and fold and Bllvcr Diamond Duit, nt J. II. Mercer's Drua nnd Hook btoro. No cs Main Urcct, niooinsbunr, l'a. WALL PAPKII MANY KINDS AND MANY lirlcra-nt llcrccr's Drue and Dook Store. opposllo Episcopal Churcb, Uloomsburg, Pa. PATENTS F. A. LEI1MANN, Washlngton,D. 0. Send lor circular. scp30d4U Pncr II. fiatnr ei Tree at Drumnti. Mailed far lue. inaikiiiiia riintriSDS ll ilKl ilnre the dlscorery of this method of R-f-almrnt, Lvrry mail brine Uttrri from rratffot bersons OUHtU. D. b, LiXiiBIUlitU Jk lO., Havfftrk. B. J,, V.S.A. Bcplddit. ASK FOR LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT and Insist upon no other being substituted for It. N, B. Genuine only with fac-similo of Baron Liemg's Signature in blue across each Label. erywnere. sepDOdlt. s uvroi'iiosrniTE of LIME jn SODA Is a matchlcs-i remedy lor consumption In every stngo of tho disease For coughs, weak lunL's, throat disease?, loss of flesh and ap petite, and all forms Ot general debility It Is an uut-iiuiiiuu siu-ciiio remeay. iBiie sure ana get V INC'IIEN'IKH'S Prenarnllon. 1 and tl nerty.ttln. sold by druggists. WINCHLSTEIt & CO, 163 iviiuain street, new York, sep3i)d4t. GItATEFUL COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "Bvathoroiltrh knnwterlfrn nt thnnntiiMl Irtnra which govern tlio operations of digestion and nu trition, and by a careful application of tho lino properties of well-selected coco, Mr. Kpps has provided our breakfast tables with n delicately, llavOMl beverage which may Bavous many doc tors' bills. It is by the Judicious uso of such arti cles ot diet that n constitution may bo gradually built up until strong enough to resist evory ten- uvuw iu uiocuoc. uuuun-us oi suuiie maiaaies are floating around us ready to attack wherover there is a weak point. Wo may escape many a' fatal shaft bvkeeDlnt7ourwurq wen rnpntii win. pure blood and a properly nouilshcd frame." Cits ft Hervlce Gazette. Marie fjmniv with hnnii, nntoW or milk, bold only In half-pound tins, uv irrocers. iSSC11W tllUS: ... JAMES Kl'i'S SCO., (30) Homoeopathic Chemists, London, England. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleansoa and boautinoa the hair. Promotes a luiurlunt promth. Never Fails to Restore Gray m ivin luuiniui voior. vurusacolp dlHcasca ami hulr filling H i n ri cr t? I n d m c " - " M am w Ik IV T60 Kiri-rt. rarest ani U-rt cumforCornii, Bunloiw, ie. toouro. 15ci.-nUitl)msirlsu. lllsc-ox JtOs,K, ft septl6dlt. THE SUCCESSFUL REMEDY. FOIt CATARRH ELY'S CHEAM BALM contains no Injurious druga and has no odenslvo 0""0F Catarrh Cream Balm Price 60 Cents. WILL DO MOKE IN CUIIING CATARRH TnAN 100 Expndl In any other! Wttr HAY-KELVER CIIHAM BALX la not attquM. snuJT or imager. Applied into j 'a vuicAit iiusurueu, ji cteansea im tieaa. Altaia inflammation. Heals the tore. Jteulores ,,r M-firji uj, tame 7iu tniwtt. to cento at firuggttui lj ,nalt, registered, CO cents ELY BROTHERS, Olllcc, 2a5 Greenwich St., Naw York (illy. BeptiSdu TVin A P'KT'tT'CIC' its causes and a new and I I JJXir IN FjQQ successful CUBE at your W 7.??n: Treated by most of the noted bpcclaluts without benent. Cured Mnweir in a months and since then hundreds of others. Full particulars sent on application. T. 8. 1'AOE.No 41 West 3lst St., Newark City. BcptiOditV MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike artificial systems. Any book learned In one reading. ..t-ifiiiuiyuuru vy situ i wain, jucnara rrocior, tho scleulU, Hon. W. W. Aslor, Judah I', llenla. mm. Dr. Minor, tc. Class of 100 Columbia Iaw students; two classes of soo each nt Vales 400 at university oil'enn. l'lilla., 4oo at Wcllesloy Col. lege, and threo largo classes at Chautauqua Unl. "-'r'rx I urar rnnt iiuui rj.ur. LOiSK'n'fi, Si! mm Ave., New York. dUbeplfi. LADIES x.usmei your usngcj t wice a rear, tepsonc. t nrTi "i'V""? H?,",t,'i; nesVpuluiii store In the .. ... .v vt .j. uU oiotv veaiers. sepludlU Penn'a Agricultural Works. Steam Intrlnei. Knw xinu irnv irpaw unmn l'ullers and standard Agricultural Implement generally, Send for catalogue, seplMt a, u. rAiiit'iiAu & bUM, York, l'a. ALESME WANTED N to Cftnvaasfor tho nalo of NHrKfirw Stock I Meady emulovmi'ntk'uarttnUea. HALAItY Chaso Hki Eo., ivvuu HOCIlESTEIt, N. V. raugsfeep&nor SURE CURE DISCOVERED FUK CATARRH IfiEfiLiuderbach'i German Catarrh Rimed v. H P'HAVFEVEB HIS J Bittcnbcnder Co., WAGON MAKERS' AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. No. 12G & 28 Franklin Ave., SCEANTON, PA. Iran an,d; Steel. Itaprlll-lr. TJl Pi I? O CD Wm. E. Warner, Dealer In Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Bat teries, Crutches, ic. COAL EXCHANGE BUILDING, 8CB1NI0N, Fa. apr22-Cms. MANY LAMP CHIMNEYS ARB ollorod for solo rqpreaontcd na good as tho Famous PEARL TOP DVT THEY ARE NOT! And llko nil Count erf cl tn Inck tho Itcmarkablo IiASTIlVQ Qitalltlcs OF THE GEN UIIYE. ASK FOR THE PEARLTOP And Insist THIS CIIIMNLV FaLOct, au , 18S3. The PEARL TOP is ITIrtmilncturcd ONLY by GEO. A, MACBETH 81 CO,, 1UOTSDUKQH. PA. Working Classes Attention. Vo nro now prepared to furnish all classes with employment at home, tho whole ot the time, or ior lucir spnro moments, liusincsg now, nui anu Broiltable. persons or cither sex easily earn from ) cents to J3.00 per ovenlnif, nnd a proportlonol sum by devoting nil their time to tho business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who seo this may send their address, and test tho business, we mako this oner. To such as aro notwellsatlsnedwe will send one dollar to pay tor the troublo of writing. Full particulars an outfit free. Address Osokoii Stihson & Co., I'or land, Maine. dec51-8-ly. 1T0 CUrG. Established 1852.- No Pay. ONE PACKAGE OP ft f" I f D C HOLLINGSWORTH'S USlLUrit Will cure MALA1IIA or CHILIS and FEVER In 10 days, or don't pay for It.. Bend 3) cts. In stamps, uiiii wu will M-uu yuu luu uh-uiliuu uu vieiui. When you aro cured Bend us f 1.00. Write for testl monlals Address CELOltE CO., 1303 Columbia Ave., l'hlladelphla. eaugist. PAT l btalned and nil patent business attended to for moderate fees. our office Is opposite tho U. S. Vatent Ofllce, and we can obtain Talents In less tlmo than those re mote from Washington. Send model or drawing. Wo advise ns to pat entability free of charge, and we make no charge unless patent Is secured. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Sunt, of Money Order I)lv., and to officials of the U.S. I'atent Ofllce. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients In your own state or County, wrlto to C. A. SNOW '& CO., Opposttn l'ntont onco. Washington D O Tou'll find It good to rego- lato The organs ot both small ana great. It cltocki Stck Headache, and the woo That sad Pygpeptlci ever know. Besides t pleasant to tba taste. So none need gulp It down In haste. Mtsepl". YtTANTED. LADIES for our Full nnd , Christmas Trsdo,. to tako light pleasant woik at their own homes, tl to f3 per day can be Subtly tnade. work sent by mall any distance. S?,r.;LSu,1.1!S.r.rf8- No canvassing. Address at onco, CHESCENTAUT CO., H7 -Milk St., Boston. Mass! Box 5170. BepWlt. Minnesota and IVortli western 16. R. Between Chicago, St. i-aul and Minneapolis anl between Chicago, Dobunue and Pes Moines, Iowa. Two Limited Trains each way Bally. rtislt. THE hm Trust k Banking Comp'y, SENATOniA1180?' K-ANS- President Offers guaranteed Farm Bonds ot Eastern Kan sas, semi-annual coupons payable at the Chatham National Bank, Now York. , Eastern ofllce: 18? Uikhdway, NkwYokc. B. M. iUNLsv, oen'l il'g'r. Send for Pamphlet, ritsep'J. TJOLTATtS pays for LIl'lilSOUOLAnulIIPIa BUSINESS COLLEGE 1703 Cbtttiot St, riihielpMi. Positions for Graduates. Time required 3 to 4 moa. Tha Best Equipped. Dest Course of Bludy. Heat Ev orytulng. Writs for Urculun. Wtwlu i Eliidu j Enrinei k Dt IiW lUoitnua ocm-49tald RBUCKLES' name on a paokage of COFFEE U a guarantee of oxoollenoa. ARI0SA COFFEE Is kept in all flrst-olasa stores from tho Atlantlo to tlio Paolflo. COFFEE Is nevor good when exposod to tho air. Always buy thiabrandlnhermetloally sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. maiJ.riy FRAZERofn best in tiii: would UnCHOb 1 W uet tno uenuiuo, SgldtSverywhro, & 40 mm ' AddroK t. Jl. ABfiii;itXlUlrork7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers