BLOOMSBURG, PA FltlDAY, AUGUST 20, 1887. totMcr uiuMum tint. Trains on tho Philadelphia tit n. leavo Rtrpert u follows i MOUTH t-u n m 11:87 a. m. 8:10 p. m o:wj p. m Trains on the D. L. W. R. It. leavo nioomatrartr follows i WORTH, nnm 7:19 a. tn. 11:07 a. m. M p. m. 6 p.m. 8:33 a.m. 11:03 p. m. 4:is p. m. o Trains on th N. W, D. Railway pass Bloom crry as follows ; WORTH. SOtlTn. 1ii:4t a. ra. 11:M a. m. : P- m, 4 l p. m. t, p. a. 8:30 p, m. DXDAT. HOKTB. .OCTD. 10:14 am 6:89 pm 0:1 1 p. m. Atio. 00. Peter Clemens, administrator of Ellas Uaylor, deceased, vl sell rii undl Tided onclinlf interest In real estate In Montour township, nt half-past 10 o'clock a. m. A Fine Kemdeucc War Hale. The executors of Mary N. Harroan, de ceased, offer at privato sale a handsomo residence on Market street abovo Main, Bloomsburg. The bouse Is of brick, large pi cat ant rooms, steam heat, gas, water, sewerage, and all modern Improvements. Tl ere Is a largo framu barn, Ice house and outbuildings. One of the most desirable locations in the town, 't erms easy. They also offer for snlo thirty-seven acres nt land on Normal hill, adjoining 1'. Dil lon's and the lloyt estate Cm bo divided Into desirable building lots. For terms and particulars apply to I. W. Mc Kclvy. one of the executors, or Geo. E. Elwell, attorney, Blonmsburg, Pa. tf l'UK RI'.IST. Fob Sal ob Rent. The Music Hall, formerly Eureka lllnk, Is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms by the new manager. Parties wishing to bold festi vals will do well to sec tbo manager. J. D., Manager. Farmer Warned. A farmer of experience and character may obtain a five-years' lease of a small farm (111 acres) upon advantageous terms on the Olrard Estate Lands in the Cata wlssa Valley between Brandonvllle and Girard Manor. The farm Is provided with a new, handsome and convenient bouse, new barn and outbuildings, and Is well supplied with good water. A man Is wanted who can furnish his own stock andcqulpmcnt,and may become a permanent tenant Also, a farmer wanted to occupy house on farm at wages. Refer ences requested. Address, Hub Kit S. TuoMrsoN, Engineer Girard Estate, 12aug8t. Pottsvillc, Pa. Wanted. Two apprentices to lcaru pantsmaking. Apply at Lowcnbcrg's. Bloomsburg, Pa., Aug. 80, 1887. TO ALL WHOM IT 11 AT CONCERN. This Is to certify that the loss which I sustained by Ore on August 17, 1887, has this day, August 20, 1887, been satisfac torily adjusted by U. F. Knapp, adjuster, for the sum of two hundred dollars. Ems IiiNGitoex. To close out certain lines of wedding In vitations a number of bargains are offered at this office. Those wanting small lots, from 10 to 25, will savo monoy by ordering at the Columbian office. tt During July, and August the Colombian office will close every day at six o'clock, tt Personal, Itev. F. B. ltlddlo went to Ocean Grove last Saturday. Harry B. Hess of Philadelphia Is visiting bis friends here. The Misses Curry, of Philadelphia, are visiting at the Central. Miss Green, of Philadelphia, is visit ing at Engineer U. S. Lutz's. Miss Florence Pulslfer, of Philadelphia, Is the guest of Miss Anulc Ent. Prof. Wilbur returned the forepart of this week from his vacation trip. Miss Hattle, Sloan has been visiting friends at Danylllc the past week. Miss Emma Graul is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. L. Hoover, at Hughesvlllc. George Roscnstock arrived home Tues day evening from his trip to Germany. Mr. Moses Howcr, of Catawissa, gave us a pleasant call Thursday of last week. Abram Hartman, of Benton, has a very sore knee resulting from tbo kick of a horse. Miss Bessie Monroe will give a large party this (Friday) evening at her homo at Rupert Postmaster Campbell, of Shickshlnny, brother of O. H. Campbell, was in town this week. C. B. Lutz, bookkeeper for Jonas Long & Co. at Wllkcsbarre, spent last Sunday in town with his parents. Miss Mamo McHenry, of Stillwater, and Miss Heitshcu, of Delaware, arc the guests of Miss Katie Gardner. Frank Wilson and sister, Mrs. White, have been visiting relatives at Picture Rocks, near Hughesvlllc, Lycoming county. Dog days ended last Monday. Squirrels are said to be scarce. The daycare shortening rapidly. The picnic season Is about closed. Fall house-cleanlug time will soon be at hand. Tbo watermelon lingers lu tbo lap of tho oyster. Squirrel bunting will commence Septem ber 1st. t Passenger trafllo is still very brisk on the railroads. Northern Pennsylvania boasts of a big apple crop. Towanda will open Us new Opera House on September 21st. Frosts have already occurred In different parts of tho Btate. Boon the varied tinges of Autumn will beautify the foliage. A large party of gypsies passed through town Wednesday morning. The annual harvest service was held In the Reformed church on Bunday last Many mountain loiterers will remain aw'sy during the month of September, Hugheavlllo expects to bayo a camp of i atriotic Sons of America organized there The Berks county fair will be held at Reading on September 20 to 23. This Is their thirty-third year. John W. nolTman and O. B. Mellick have a contract for grading two miles on tuo a. Sf s. above Benton. Two omnibus loads of young folks from Danville drove up here on Wednesday and pent the day iu Oak Grove. About one thousand men are employed at the works of the Jackson & Woodln Car Manufacturing Co. at Berwick. A large party of campers, composed of eyeral families from, town have been In "uP along ruhlngcrcek the past week, THE COLUMBIAN AND ThO Schools Will ODCn In n fw -l. ...1 stationers aro beginning to got In their .iocs oi school supplies. Tho managers aro talking of having now ecatsputlntho Opera House. This will bo a fino Improvement and ono much need ed. Persons throughout tho county should begin to look over their products with a vlow of selecting exhibits for tho coming Tho Bloomsburg School Furnishing Com pany made their first shipment of Bchool desks on Mondny. Tho desks were sent to Lastou. f nt ... V mo condition of t" t(lCh and opplo crops has stendllv ili.n.inn,i n. ,.ii.i this year will bo much smaller than tho nvcrago. Kahlcr's flourlng.mTllna7 Mifflin was -.w.ycu uy lire early Filday morning. . uusurvcu ny some or our townsmen. Tho Chautauquans will hold their picnic tiiu,u nrrangemcnts woro mado at the "cent meeting nt Mountain Grove, on Frl day nt Oak Grove. a gentleman was in town on Tuesday .. . """""S "P sue ior a corset factory to be usiauiisueu here. Wo hopo Bloomsburg m kcv una new industry. Tho laws of 1887 that aro of irpnoral in tercst will bo published in tho Comimiuav' Soveral wcro printed last week, nnd others win uo tounu In this Issue. Rains have been very frcnuent hero late ly. There was scaicely a day In tho past we (i ui not Have a rain storm whether alight or otherwise. ' lhcre wcro no services in the Methodist church last Sunday evening, on account of the absenco of tbo pastor. Rev. A. Brit- tain preached in tho morning. Wednesday night of last week was tho urst mat rain fell in Mifflin township for many weeks. All the previous storms seem to havo passed around them. Mr. A. Sollcdcr has a fino talking parrot, M D1I.J.. .1 i. i .i . . . .. ... uuucuti Mews iu ihbsc uiras ns well ns canaries, no recently sold a parrot that tawed when only seven months old. Along tho D. L. & W, road, above King. ston, tnero are many trees completely cov. crcti wiiu Autumn leaves. They were probably turned during the recent cold weather. A lawn tennis tournament will be held at tho Bonlta grounds on Tuesday and Wednesday, 30th and 31st lest, In which nearly all the members of the club will participate. Quito a number of people in Berwick aro afflicted with a mild form of dysentery, They seem to bo suddenly attacked while but a few hours previous being in apparent ly good health. Tho corner-stone of tho new Bethel church, one-half wile west of White Hall will be laid on Baturdny, September 8, at 10 o'clock a. m. There will be good speak log and music. Indications point to an Immcnso yield of oysters tho coming senson, oystermcn along Maryland and Virginia fisheries say. ing tho beds wcro never In a inoro promis ing condition than they aro now. Tho barn at J. W. Perry's hotel, the Elk nun nouse, at mo worth Mountain, was destroyed by fire last Saturday night It was supposed that the Arc was set by an Incendiary. Tho insurance was light. A circular sent out by the Treasury Do partmcnt states that trade dollats will be redeemable In Washington not later than September 3. This will positively bo tho last chance for their redemption at par. Upon Invitation of Mr. E. E. Parker, Sec, E. R. Ikclcr, Esq., of this place, has kindly consented to be one of the speakers at the Sunday school picnic at Pine Grovo Greenwood township, on Saturday, Sep tembcr 3. J. F. Rink & Son havo bought a 20 acre timber tract of P. A. Evans in Montour township, and another of 35 acres of Hugh McBrido. A new 35 horso power engine and boiler will bo put to work sawing soon on these tracts. Dr. J. R. Evans has shown us an Illus- tratcd pamphlet containing a sketch Sallna, Kansas, from which we gather til at Sauna is already a prosperous city and rapidly crowing. The Dr. has mado some investments In lands there Minnie Alta, daughter of Joseph nnd Jennie Cole, near Benton, died Saturday last Aug. 20, aged ono month and 14 days Funeral services were held in tho Union Church, babbath, August 22d, attended by many sympathizing friends. To prevent tho pio-juico from running out In the oven, make a little opening in the upper crust and insert a little roll Of brown paper perpendicularly. Tho steam will cscapo as from a chimney, and all tho juico will be retained In the pie. Georgo W. Rianhard, editor of tho Williamsport Sunday Grit, who has been confined in tho Bellcfonte county jail for about four mouths, was pardoned on Wed- nesdny of last week. He was released and returned to his homo on Thursday. A game of ball was played at Athletic Park on Wednesday afternoon of last week, which created much amusement. The contesting nines wcro' tho Bakers and Butchers of this place, and the game re sulted In a victory for tho Bakers, with a splendid scoro of 81 to 29. Th Presbyterian Sunday school held a picnic on Tuesday at Stillwater, going and returning on Uic B. & S. road. They started about nine o'clock In tho morning, and returned In tho cvtnlng, after spending a very pleasant day In the woods. Two ex. curslon cars conveyed them. Philadelphia & Reading passenger con ductors aro happy men. They havo re ceived tho final installment of their back pay 75 cents a day which had been kept back from their wages and Invested In stock, during tho past several years. Some of them received as high as 12000. Two of Oscar Alexander's children were Injured last Mondiy, whilo playing on Centre St., by being run over by a bakery wagon. Tho wheels passed over the back of ono of them, and over the band of the other. No bones wcro broken, however, and they wcro out acain on Tuesday. A festival will bo held In tho M. E. church yard, Buckhorn, on Saturday after, noon and evening, August 27, 1887. Fcstl val will begin about 4 o'clock lu tho after noon, and continuo through tho evening. Proceeds for repairing tho church. A lib cral patronago of tho public Is respectfully solicited. Wo hayo received from John O. Yocum Esq., of Kansas Clty.fotracrly of Catawissa, a llttlo pamphlet setting forth tho advan. taeisof Kansas City, and tho rapid In. crease in value of real estate. Mr. Yocum is a member of tho firm of J. B. Kllllngcr Co. nnd attorney for tho Keystone In ycatmcnt Co. Now government envelopes, It Is said. aro to bo Issued about September 10. Tho cent envelopes will bo bluo in color, the 2 tent green, tho 4 cent carmine, the 6 cent Muort blue, tho 10 cent chocolate, the 80 cent Bismarck brown, and Iho OOccntpur. pic. Tho 10, 80 and 00 cent stamps will not bo changed. A now swindling schemo In this State Is tho spectacle racket. Two men tako in tho country towns, ono styling himself a partner of somo well-known city oculist. They tell tho peoplo that they need glasses and cxamlno tho oyes and "prcscribo" a pair of spectacles for $2. Tho glasses aro worth less than 25 cents. The planet Venus now shines with great brilliancy In tho north-western ky. It at tained Its greatest brilliancy on tho 15th lnitant, and on tbo 21st of Bcptcmber It will pass beneath tho earth and sun and will then appear as a morning star, rlslrjg before tho sun, nnd will bo seen no more In the west for qulto a long tlmo. Thoso who havo been at Atlantic City this Summer wcro much pleased with the spectacle, "Tho Last Days of Pompeii," which is given there every Thursday and Saturday. It is given In a largo field, with scats capable of seating 20,000 poople. A description of tho performance was given in our column a fow weeks ago. Mr. Enos Jacoby returned from his west cm trip Frldny last Ho reports haying had a lino time, but that tho section of country he visited, Michigan and Southern Illinois, had experienced tho worst drought ever known. Mr. Jacoby speaks well of tbo West, but thinks Bloomsburg Is yet the. most pleasant place In which to live. Mrs. M. A. Smith Is ready to begin her fall term In music. Pupils can begin nt any time, and can take ono or two lessons a week, either at their homes, or at tho teacher's residence, as it suits their conven Icnce. Tho prices aro tho same as charged by other teachers. For particulars call at residence, Mrs. Ent's bouse, next door to Dr. Wlllltts' offlcc. tf Ent Post 250 G. A. It are making ar rangements to go to Shenandoah on Thurs day, Sept. 8, that being Grand Army day of this district. All soldiers not members of the post aro Invited to join with them. Citizens are respectfully Invited to go along. Tho railroad faro will bo tho same to all only tho rnto for ono way being charged- The route and time tablo will be given In time. The party of boys that went out camping week before last returned last Friday after. noon, In a pouring rain. Their tents wcro pitched near Trench's dam, and they re port a good time, the only drawback to their enjoyment being tho showers of rain which passed oyer the camp. Camping out parties from hero this summer havo been unfortunate in this respect Mr. Isaac D. i'atton of Greenwood, who died recently, and a notlco of whoso death was given last week, was buried Sabbath, August 14. Services were held In the Evangelical church of Greenwood There was a large attendanco of Friends and citizens m general. Mr. Patton was 57 years old, and leaves a wife and several children to mourn his loss. Ho was' a life long citizen of Greenwood. - Paper doors arc coming Into use, and as compared with thoso of wood, possess tho advnntago of neither shrinking, swelling. cracking or warping. It is framed of two thick paper boards, stamped and moulded Into panels, and glazed toircthcr with gluo and potash, and then rolled through heavy rollings, after being covered with a water- proof coating nnd with ono that is lire proof, it is painted, varnished and hung In the usual way. An epidemic of bloody dyBentary has broken out In Candor, Tioga county, that Is creating great excitement among st the citi zens. The village lifts nbout 1000 inhabi tants, and over 100 aro sick. Many deaths have occurred. All who can are leaving tho village, A similar, though less fatal epidemic prevailed last year. It 13 also re ported that in Scranton a somewhat slml lar epidemic has commenced, although but very few deaths havo occurred. A new mileage ticket has just been Is sued by the Erlo that seems to please tho conductors If not the passengers. It is at least much more convenient than tho old milcaeo books. As soon as the number of miles the passenger desires to ride Is do tached the conductor is required to put tho date and number of train on tho back and punch tho same as a ticket. Half tho number cf miles traveled Is to bo detached for children under 12 years and over 5. Prof. I. W. Mies and Will S. Rishton re turned last Tuesday evening from a trip through a portion of New York state, They started on Tuesday, 10th Inst, going by rail to Binghamton, N. Y., and from there rodo throueh tho country on their bicycles. They intended when they left to bo eono some tlmo longer, but heavy rains mado tho roads very bad and almost impossible to ride over. They -rodo from Hlnffhamnton to Ilalnbrldcc. and from thero returned home. Rev. J. S. Wagner, pastor of tho He formed churoh. accompanied by Mr. Harry Fornwald, went to Hazleton Tucs day to attend a special session of the Wy oming Classis. This classls Is a new ono formed out of tho East Susquehanna Classls, and was set apart at tho meeting In June last at Shamokin. This Is tho first session of tho new classls, and Is only to consider somo special subjects. Tho first annual session will bo held in Bloomsburg, commencing Thursday, May 31, 1888. The Pennsylvania Btate Fair will open upon tho grounds of tho Society in I'hlla- dclphia, on Monday, September 6th, and will continuo for two weeks closing on Bat unlay, September 17th. The Pennsylvania and Philadelphia & Reading railroads both havo stations at tho gates of tho grounds making It convenient for peoplo reaching tho grouuds, both from tho country and tho r.llv Itself. Over S30.000 aru offered In nremiums. Excursion tickets will bo Is sued over all roads leading to tho city. Tho Btato Normal Bchool, at Blooms burg, will begin Its nineteenth year Tuesday, Bcptcmber 0, 1887. Candidates for tho Benlor Class will pro. sent themselves before the Faculty Monday, Aug. 22, and tho Blato examina tion will begin on tho 23d. Tho class al ready promises to bo tho largest ever en rolled here. Many prepared hero havo taken bleb standinc In collcgo. Tho school gives thorough training In tho com mon branches. Bend for cataloeue. 4tal0 Mr. B. F. Drlcsbach, of Berwick, is hay. Ing an unprecedented sale of tbo Wheeler & Wilson Now No. o Sowing wacuino, This machine Is taking tho lead of ail oth nr. It is rotarv machine, nud has reached a speed of 3000 stitches per minute, Nearly all factories aro using thl machine as thev aro run at a speed or SiWU stitcne. ner mlnuto. This also has been reached by foot power. It is far superior to tho shuttlo machines, In many respects, espec tally In the speed, as it Is impossible ior shuUlo machine to attain ucn a spceu DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, John Hoacock of Benton has a good lino of merchandise, and notions of all kinds at his store, and ho sells them at right prices. Ho makes a specialty of tobacco and ci gars. Iu Jfarper'i Magtuint for Bcptcmber the second and concluding part of Howard Pylo's narratlvo of tho frccbootlng adven turers who ruled tho Spanish Main In tho last century Is devoted to tho' mnrooncrs, of whom Captain Avary, Captain Kldd, Captain "Blackboard," and Captain Low wcro conspicuous examples. Tho authen tic history of theso pirates, whoso very names mado merchantmen trcmblo In their shoes, Is sketched with graphic interest, and Mr. Pyle illustrates tho romantic scenes of that evil epoch with four draw. lngs. A barn belonging to 1). W. Kclchncrwas destroyed by Are early Thursday morning of last week. Tho barn was on what was formerly known as tho Ellis Rlngrosc property. Mr. Kclchncr bought tho farm this spring, but Rlngrosc reserved the grain in the ground with privliego of storing It In the barn. Ringroso's grain was In tho bam at tho tlmo of tho flru and was totally destroyed. Wo aro Inform. cd that there was an Insurances of $000, on the barn and if-100 on tho grain. This Is tho second barn Mr. ICelchncr has lost wtlhln a short tlmo. List of letters remaining In tho Post Of. Dec nt Bloomsburg for week ending Aug. 23, 1887. Miss Anna J. Broadt. Mrs. S. Boston. James Cramer, Miss Mary B Glrton, Miss alary noover, fli. ji. itucKic, uco. uayicr, William Richie, Alonzo Young, Franklin igier. OAlins, Thomas Downy. 8. J. Elckman. Marv uensueu, win. lticucy. Persons calling for theso letters will pleaso say "advertised." Georgia. Clark, P. M. Tho Grangers Intcrslato Picnic Exhlbl- tlon at Williams Grovo will open Monday next, Aug. 20 and continues ono week, Unlf-faro tickets will bo sold over tbo Pennsylvania railroad good until Septem. bcr oth. These exhibitions aro inado more Interesting every ycar, and aro attended by manufacturers, stock raisers and gtow. era In all parts of tho United Statee. Good boarding can be obtained on the grounds at a cost not exceeding over ono dollar per day. Prominent lecturers from various states will bo present to contributo toward making tbo exhibition a grand success. Freight car robberies havo becomo so numerously lately on tho Reading road that the company are making desperate cf- forts to apprehend tho band, who have been operating between Philadelphia nnd tho coal regions. When n lengthy freight tram arrived at Reading Saturday morning two cars wcro discovered with seals broken. Ono ot tho cars was loaded with liquor and general merchandise. In this car goods to tbo amount ot $500 wcro taken. From ono case of champagno cleyon bot tles wcic missing, and another caso was carried OH bod'ly. It is believed the rob beries within tho past few weeks foot up $3,000. Last week was ono of tho gayest that social life in Illoomsburg has known for a long tlmo. There" wero parties and social gatherings every evening in tho week. On Monday evening a party was given at tho Sanitarium, which was attended by a num. ber of the young folks from town, and a very pleasant eveniug was spent. Wednes day evening thero wcro threo parties; two card parties wero given, ono at Mr. U. S. Lutz's homo on Third street, and the other by Miss Lillian Drinker, at her homo at Irondalc; an entertainment was given at the Sanitarium tho same evening. A small number of young folks spent a pleasant evening at Miss Annio Ent's on Thursday, On Friday evening a largo party was given by Misses Ella and Anna Fox, and Satur day evening another party was given at Mr. Lutz's. In fact, tho wholo week was one continual round of pleasure. Among the laws of 1887 is ono to prevent and punish the making and dissemination of obscene literature aud other Immoral and Indecent matter, which we print In full elsowhere. Tho attention of thoso who are in tho habit of defacing walls by. writ- ing obscene lines and pictures thereon, Is called to the third section of tho act, whero they win nnd that a penalty ot a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, and Imprisonment not exceeding ono ycar is imposed on those who Indulge in that sort of amusement Fences, walls, floor, celling, closet, room, passage, ball, or any part of any hotel, court house, school, depot, or other public places or buildings are included In tho law, and any ono who makes or causes to bo made therein or thereon, any obsccno drawing or picture, or print, liable to bo seen by others passing or coming near the same arc liable to suffer the penalty of tho law. It Is not likely that this law will bo strictly observed until an example has been mado of ono or two offenders. The county commissioners arc making numerous needed repairs at tho court bouse. Tbo ouiccs of tbo Prothonotary, Sheriff and Register and Recorder havo now wood ceilings, durable and neat, which wcro put up by W. B. Taylor and Robert Roan. Tho jury room up stairs has been painted by D. R. ColTmm. Tho work to bo dono on tbo court room will bo the most cxtenslvo and expensive. Tho Judge's seat will be lowered and tho entlro room handsomely finished in wood, nnd a new desk built for tho court officers In front of the bench. Tho ceiling will bo taken off, and new and heavier joist, laid. Tho ceiling and walls will bo rcplastcrcd. and decorated with paint. Ell Jones was tho lowest bidder for tho woodwork, his figure being $1079. W. F. Bodlno's bid for the painting was $700, and J. M. How er's for the plastering $115. If theso bid ders comply with tho conditions Imposed by the commissioners the contracts will bo awarded them. As tbo work cannot bo complotcd by September couit It Is likely that court will be held In tbo Opera House, A new method of swindling is being In troduced, which Is said to bo working very successfully, Tho victim is usually a coun tryman, who receives a circular letter in- forming him that a distant relative In Phil adelphia has just died, and that tho de ceased had left him $3,000. Ho Is cau. tioned to say very llttlo upon tho subject, and is to go to tbo city as soon as possible, with about $350 to pay tho logal expenses. If he docs not smell tho rat ho follows tho Instructions and meets tho "agent" at a hotel. Uo Is conducted to nn office, and $3,000 in crisp new bills aro counted out to him and dono up In a package Ho pays the "legal expenses" and ho is then glvon a package, tho exact counterpart of that containing the bills, which bo is ad vised to send homo by express. When ho arrives at homo and secures tho package ho hurries to his room and teals off tho paper, only to fir-d a brick, somo waste pa per and sawdust. Several complaints have been mado to the police authorities by per. sons who have beep swindled by their method, but tuus far no arrests havo been mado. Kotlco Is hcroby given through tho kind ness of the proes to tho many cltizons who favored us with their presenco and atten tion at our rampmcctlng In Rupert Grovo, that they havo our gratefu acknowledge. 'raZ TnV ox ircssTn wbioh Zl Sonera! In buying Boote, SllOCH, Slip ments for their sympathy for a weak con- Curtis, on tho level braco system Is all that pony oxproie, in wnlon woro norai nr nnv ntlior kiiiil nf fiwvf grcgatlon who aro struggling to gain a tho tmo friends of reform havo n right to Superintendent Stovonn, of the Lehigh pcrs, or nuv Other K111U Ot lOOt common Identity among God's peoplo and to drink nt tho fountain of llvlug water and also to thoso who aro attending our meet ing with so much Interest which Is now bo lng held 1(1 Foust's Grove, on tho Blooms burg road, near Danylllc. D. J. JonHBON, Pastor A. M. E. Church, Bloomsburg Circuit. Tho Bloomsburg base-ball nlno played tho Sugar Notch nlno at Athletic Park last Saturday afternoon, nnd the gamo was called at tho end ot tho ninth inning with the scoro standing 0 to 0. Another Inning might bavo been played, but tho Bngar Notch nlno had not tlmo to play it, as they had to makn tho train on tho N & W.U, road which goes up at 0.20 p. tn. A very fair gamo was played, tho Bugar Notch club being very gooil players, nnd having a good battery, with an exceptionally swllt pitcher. Shaffer labored under great dis advantage, having Injured his hands a' few days before. Ho had soveral passed balls, n thing hitherto almost unknown to blm, Heist pitched a good gamo. Tho boys wcro n little tardy In getting on to tho Sugar Notch n n o i pitcher but when they did they pounded him pretty hard. A splendid running catch was mado by tho Sugar Notch left fielder of a long foul Uy knocked by Ent. In the seventh Inning Shaffer Injured his hand again aud Uagcnbuth caught tho remain der of the game, Shaffer taking his post. Hon at third base. Several good doublo plays wcro made, and somo good batting was done by both nines. Bchuylcs M'Kllllp umpired tbo gamo. A largo number of spectatois wore present As tho time approaches for thopenlng of tho public schools, tbo dead-lock In the school board over tho appointment of a principal Is getting to bo a serious matter. As tbo caso stands thrco members of tho board aro determined to retain Mr. Beckley at a salary of a thousand dollars a year, because they think his services aro worth it, and the other thrco aro determined to pay blm no more than eight hundred dol lars, becauso they claim that other equally as competent teachers aro willing to ccrvo for that salary. Wfllchcvcr sido Is right, the fact remains that tho public schools havo no principal and the chief reason Ifor It Is that tbo school board consists of six members. If It wcro an odd number, the dead-lock could not havo occurred. A chango In tbo law should bo mado at the next session of tho legislature, fixing the number at five or gtsven. In tho School Laws and Decisions of 1835, page 30, appears tho following: 'Neglect to provide a sufficient number of schools, it is bcliovcd, is punishable by re- moval from ofDco of tho board so neglect ing Its duty, and tho appointment of others in their stead." Whether the falluro to ap. point a principal would como under this rule or not, would bo a question for the court to decide, should tho matter get so far as that Whether the court has any jurisdiction in such a caso is also uncer tain. But at all events let something bo dono so that the schools may open at the usual time and tho taxpayers have what they pay for and what they havo a right to demand, competent and efficient teach ers for their children, East HcntoH. Tbo other day, whilo tho blasting of stumps was going on, on tho lino of tho B. & 8., abovo Benton, "8plnnogle's" hired hand, who was plowing near by, looked up and pleadingly observed, "Just to listen how It thunders 1 Can I mako another round ?" Not a cloud being vlsiblo "we left." The general opinion prevails that a heav. ler crop of corn was never raised In this community. Buckwheat promises equally as well. But "it beats tho bugs" whero tho potato tops havo gone to. Tho picnic at Hamlin was a grand suc cess last Saturday afternoon. Revs. Boono and Mather were present and mado some very appropriate remarks to tho children of tho Sunday school, after which all par. took of a bountiful repast and all the ico cream they wanted. All had a Jolly good time. Last Sunday morning infant and adult baptism was administered to a number of persons at Hamlin and eight probationers admitted to full membership, after which tho sacrament ot the Lord's supper was administered. Last week ono day whilo Judge Knck' baum attempted to dismount from a horse, his foot caught in tho harness which caused him to fall, seriously laming his arm. Happily, no bones wero broken. Oats, so far as heard from, yields about 10 bushels per 100 sheaves. The taxpayers of Columbia county may reasonably expect a reduction of tho tax rate, from a half mill to a mill on tho dot lar valuation under tho administration of tho incoming new Board of Commissioners. Should this not bo done tho reform move ment wold foot up no retrenchment In tho disbursement of tho public funds. It Is quito possible that tho now Board may bo placed In a critical position. It might bo well for tbcm all to ponder tbo question. Our taxes aro high and wo ask for a reduc tion. Opening ofHt. CliarlCH Hotel. Tho St. Charles Hotel at Berwick Is fast nearlng completion. G. W. Elasc, the genial landlord expects to movo all his fur niture Into tho hotel Wednesday of next week, nnd will formally open the hotel on Thursday evening with a frog supper. Mr. Klaso has mado several trips for frogs and will havo an abundanco for tho occasion. Everything about tho premises Is being scoured and refreshed. W. T. Bnyder Is ornamenting tho rooms with his fine styles ot paper, whilo tho painters aro uslug tho brush both Inside and out. Tho building is much moro convenient and attractlvo than It was beforo Its partial destruction by fire In April. Tlio Dlircrcncc. A striking difference In tho two styles Is set forth In tho following stanzas: Tho first is taken from Dr. Franklin's "Poor Htchard's Almanac." Tbo last was doubt less written by an observing journalist: Old stylo. Farmer at tho plough, Wife milking cow, Daughters spinning yarn, Sons thrashing lu tho barn. All happy to a charm. New style. Tho farmer gone to see a show, His daughter at the piano, Madam gayly dressed In satin, All tho boys aro learning Latin. With a mortgage on tho farm. Delicate children, nursing mothers, over worked men and for all diseases whero tho tissues aro wasting away from the inability to digest food, or from overwork) should tako Scott's Emulsion ot Puro Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphltes. "I used the Emulsion on a lady who was delicate. put bcr In such good health and flesh, that I must say It Is-tho best Emulsion," L. P, W-DDun, 11. D., Hugh's Mills, S. O, OUR WAHIIINOTOr .V,TTV,H. (From our Regular Correspondent,) Wasiiiiiotos. D. 0., August 22, 1887. Civil Service Commissioner Edgcrton's expect, Buowing, as it uocs, mat rrcsiucni Clcvoland and tho Democratic party havo redeemed their pledges In that regard, at least to tho full letter of tho civil service act. It 1, frankly admitted that moroDem. ocrata than Republicans aro appointed I cause Republican politicians havo fostered red tho lauo idea that members or mat party from attempting an examination, while, on. tuo oincr iianu, ucmocrais uau nouung 10 I dlscourago their aspirations. Air. i ton asserts most positively that tho cai opinion ox mo candidates ior places ait) l not itnown In any case, and tbit all the names of thoso who pass an cxaminat on aro rated in tno oruer oi merit on the list of ellglblcs. Tho Democrats who have criucisuu tuu ivuiiiinisvruoa ior joiiing ;o Mhirn tlm taornlA nut" fflat Itnmlrrli olinnl.l I certainly find somo comfort In studvlnc the I return, of decapitations a. mado by. the . - . . .... - . . i 1 UIllUlllUIJ LliltUI IU1 .HO INID. IUILU vcars. which, as lloraco urcclcv would .... .. I . . I . snv. win DomiBiuy lnterestine rendinir." uuring inc last nscai year ouiccs wcro established; discontinued, 1,000; np polntmcnts on resignations and corumis sions expired, 0,863; appointments on re movals and suspensions, 2,584; appoint ments on chango of names and sites, 482; appointments on deaths of postmasters. 589; total number of appointments of post- masters ot all grades during tho year, m, 070; for the years 1835 and 1880, 22,747 vifi iui tuo jwuia -uuu uuu iwu, u, in nnd 0,547, respectively, making a total of 40,873 for tho tbrco years of Democratic Administration, which, I think, is a pretty fair showing from a purely partisan stand point, your correspondent believes "tho boys in tho trenches" should Oil the ouiccs, The great nnd good work of reclaiming public land) from tho grasping and greedy railroad corporations, who havo forfeited their chartered rights, still goes on, keep ing step to the muslo ot reform and tho rights ot the people. The most Important declsion ot this kind Riven In years was aTewdaVs Kcpubllcan predecessor, wmcn withdrew I irom settlement, unuer tuo i'rocmpuon - metu x ro.mpuon ally granted by Congress to tho Atlantto and Pacific Railroad Company, amounting to twenty-five or thirty million acres of land, In this caso alone; tho order applies to several other rauroaus as wen and it is at present Impossible to namo tho vast number of acres added to the public do- main. Evory honest Western settler will now be moved to toss up his hat and hands and enthusiastically "hooray" for Lamar, who thus courageously performs a great public duty that enshrines his namo among tno gous oi tnctr numuie nouscuoias. The death of Professor Spencer F. fialrd, Secretary of tho Smithsonian Institution, and commissioner oi v isii and i isuenes. uuu vuiini. id-Ti wuvi ui iiau uuu luuwiKo, Is one ot tho greatest calamities that could I befal tho worfd of science. Ho devoted a lone and useful life to scientific researches anif literary labors, and his works on nat ural history ana science, cntltlo mm to rink with Audubon and Agasslz, with both of whom ho has associated In their favor Ito fields of endeavor. Professor ltalril was truly a benefactor ot his race, for to blm tnr. people of tho United Rtates aro chiefly Indebted for tho upbuilding of tho Fish Commission, tbo propagation of. fish In all their waters, and the consequent cheapening of that excellent article of food. The peoplo or tho uistrict oi uoiumuia arc still groaning under their burden of debt and protesting against their form of government given them by the Republicans which is taxation without representation. They aro carrying a debt of moro than $21,000,000, consuming a million and a quarter annually in interest and sinking luna, and tuo .District oi uoiumoia wouiu havo bcon bankrupt long since, but for the fact that tho United States boars half the expenses of Government Ono public meeting after another is being held, and If agitation will accomplish anything, relief irom existing evils may bo had oi the next Congress. At last the first chapter In tho caso ot naval surgeon urawiord has ended, anu he stands convicted on two Informations, ot tornlcatlon with little va White, a school-girl of fourteen: the sentence Is a year in the District jail, but, the defendant is unuer uonu penuiag appeal, mere us now turn oi a court-martial. Duekliorn. We are haying somo very wet rains. Tbo picnic on Saturday was well attend ed. Owing to tho Inclemency of the wcath er they did not go to Trench's dam as an nounccd but took possession of Mastcller's grovo nearer home. Geo. Wilson burled an Infant child Sunday afternoon. Wm. Bctz will bury an infant daughter to-morrow (Tuesday). Interment at Hel ler's. Henry Hodgo Is not yet nblo to be around. Ho is slowly Improving. j. . white and wlto aro spending a week In the region of Cambia. Buckhorn is to havo a big festival this Saturday evening. Come one, come all. Tho chicken thief has made a second vis- It to this village. a numucr oi our xarmcrs expect to see tho sights at Williams Grovo next week, J. G. Shoemaker of Madison lias n salo of personal property this Saturday afternoon., master Milton nnd Miss Graco Shoe maker arc making a ten-day visit at Buck horn. It has been three years since they left us. Time Needed for a ISavy. Tho adago that "a navy cannot be built In a day" is clearly Illustrated by the his tory of tho construction of theso vessels, Although four years havo elapsed since work upon them was begun, only two aro at the present writing ready for scrvico nt sea. Nor is It strange that this should bo true. The oxperlenco of foreign govern- mcnts shows that delays In tbo building of modern ships aro Inevitable. Tho sclcnco of ship-construction is a progressive one, and changes in tho plans of vessels oven nftcr tho work of building has commenced aro often unavoidable. But with the ex perience our manufacturers havo already gained in tbo production of steel for ships, anil nltTi thn nlil nf fhA rMnn rf Navtil Tti- telllgenco, a bureau of the Navy Depart- ment, whoso duty Is to keep informed upon tho latest developments In all branches of naval science throughout tho world, It may be reasonably expected that In tho futuro such delays and changes will bo reduced to a minimum. From "Our New Navy," In TKe American Maganne for Bcptcmber. Having In our official capacity as mem- bers oi the Plymouth Hospital Committeo been nflknil to tost find nrnvn Ihn otTertXvn ness of many different articles to bo used as disinfectants in slckr.oms and as pre- ventlves of Infectious fevers, report that Darbys Propbylactlo Fluid has been thor oughly tested during tho recent typhoid cpldcmio In this place. It proved most ef ficacious In staying tho spread of tho fever, F. H. Aemstkoko, S. M. Davenport, J. A. OPi', O. M. Lanok, Tnos. Kkkk, James Lee, Jn, Give Them a Chance I That Is to sav. your lungs. Also all your breathing ma- chlncry. Very wonderful machinery It Is. not oniy me larger an. passages, out tho thousands of llttlo tubes aud cavities lead Ing from them. When theso are clogged and chocked with matter which ought not to bo there. your lungs cannot half do their w ork. And what they do, they cannot do well. Call It cold, cough, croup, pneumonia. catarrh, consumption or any of tho family ot throat and noso and head and lung ob structions, all aro bad. All ought to bo cot rid of. There Is lust one suro wav to get rid of tliem. That Is to tako lloecfiee's German Syrup, which nny druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even If ov- crythlngolso has failed you, you may dc- 1.. . . I . . I " ' - pend upon this for certain- Shipping tags, with or without strings at tuu UUIUUUIAH vuicc. A Teniblo Railroad Aooldent A frl ah t ful nocidont occurred on tbo Lohlgli Vnlloy Railroad, noar Scran-1 .ton, at noon on wctineauay. a ruuu, -ivuaumasw;r iiuuu iu. uuuiu, u, G. Collins and Lowls AL Hall, of To- Wanda wliilo ronndinn aourv tilunccd w?" aa ' " RlvmnPn,1 in V.OT.,tt?. 3fn!il.n; of the gang, and a Hungarian laborer, The men had just left tho up track to rnomennaajusiicnuio upiriwK avoid a freight train rfco freight "v"'u " . , thlne to wain was aoout a nan lengtn past, mo , , . . i, , Edgcr. men when they woro struck by tho sivcly in foot wear. Almost ov o politl. superintendents engine. cry general store keeps a fow " .v..ev.. t. . ., . J Pl jTu i . , -Va - . c" """"P" "v" , " oliargo of freight robbery from tho j. - ennsyivania raiiroaa. nr.- r.i..i r i a t nr.,. xr-i..!... r..-. J....1 A t niiH. muivii i i uvuu uuu -.una ii. i ZV"7u,"Z:"u. ' . . ' I leu Huiuiuu in -iiuw lum uiby lusi i i ' . I . A' 1- . : i I , I Saturday. They left a letter mating luni, inuv uiu a ueunuHu uuui weiu iu sane, nnd they wanted to escapo tho nincl-uouHO. MARRIED. MoiiENRY parker. on Thursday, 1 August 18, 1887, at tho Reformed parson- age, In Ornngovlllc, by Rev. A Houtz, Mr. Edwin McHenry.of Ml. rieasant township, to Mls3 Ida Parker, of Greenwood town- sulPi DIED. SHULTZ.-Dlcd near West Creok, Col. Co., Mrs. Hannah Bhultz. wife of Hugh BEcdf' ycar9'7 monlH HESS. Died in Centre township, on Wednesday, August 17, 1887, Henry Hess, aged 78 years, 8 months and 4 days. WANAMAKERS. miunxu-niA, Monday, August 22, 1S8T. What is eoine on at Wana- maker's ? More than you dream if you watch the ther mometer. Bargains bring buyers. 1 Wl 1 4. lUlliCL limb LilC OLU1C ...lit . to tut c.. ,!-.. wl11 close at 1 - M- on Saturday. John Wanamaker, Chestnnt, Thirteenth and Market streets, LOCAL NOTICES. 25 plecci cotton flannel lust opened at L W. Hartman & Son's. 7c to 20c. Having lust received a cylinder for fin- lshlng silks and cloths. I am prepared to I clean and dyo gents' clothing; ladies' cloaks, sacqucs, silks, dresses, shawls, &c I reamers dyed ana curled. racKages ior- warded by express will receive prompt at- tentlon, according to directions. Call or I address, J. O. Caswell, dyer, Bloomsburg I Woolen Mills. sep24-tf. 2000 yds best dark calico 5c yd in short lengths at I. W. Hartman & Son's. firt liny. Mtin. crrpv ftnrl firnnn lipnw tnlv. ed hose. 3 pair for 25c at I. W. Hart- ....... -vu k, I Collectors' receipt books and notices tor sale at this office. tf. It will pay you to go and see I. W. Hart-1 man & Son's new dress goods counter with I sttyugnt to snow tue goods. M'KILLIP, Photographer & Crayon Artist, .Blooms burg, if a. ine Cabinet Portraits, only S3 a dozen. Instantaneous Process used. The fail dishes aro coming in at I. w. Hartman & Son's. Call and sco them. White tea sets 2.75 nnd up. BUSINESS NOTICES. Prepared by a combination, proportion and process peculiar to itself, Hood's Bar sanarllla accomplishes cures hitherto un known. In Brief, and to tub Point. Dvsoonsia i3 dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus is ono ot tbo most complicated and wonderful things in existence. It is easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours. Ir regular habits, and many other things which ought not to be, bavo mado tho American peoplo a nation of dyspeptics. liut urccn's August f lower has dono a wonderful work in reforming this sad bus- Ineflfl nnd mnklnp thn American people so healthy that they can enjoy their meals ana uo nappy. Iiemcmbcr: No happiness without health. But Green's August Flower brines health and happiness to tho dyspeptic. 'Ask your druggist for a bottle. Beventy-flve cents. Tien 8bT ni lick, w gar ha Caatoria, When ihe wu a Chad, ths cried for C torla, When baeama lu, aba dang to Cutoria, Wbao aha Lad CMldian, aha gara am Cutoria, A perfect washinc machino has never been invented, but a perfect washing soap has. Drcydoppcl s Borax Soap is as near perfection as It is possible to attain, and the price Is very reasonable. It Won't Bake IUikau. in other words, Hood's Sarsaparllla will not do impossible Hnl 111 rnnn, nlnn Id n n n v ill t in done, submit proofs from sources of un ,T5?u fectlon caused or promoted by Impure blood or low stato of tho system, to try iiuou a oarsaparuio. mo experience oil others Is sufficient assuranco that you will not do uisappointcu in mo resuiu qcskn Victoria's citowN. Tho ciown of Queen Victoria consists of diamonds, pearls; rubles, sapphire,, and emeralds, set lu silver and gold. Its gross weight Is 39 oz. 5 dwt. troy. Tho number of diamonds aro 3,85-i pearls, 373; rubies, 0j sapphires, i7j emeralds, ii. it 0 AH aJil'! ,cad. crown- 0, perfect health and peace mind !SSa.rt rlne's salo by O. B. Bobbins, Bloomsburg, Pa. GRAfs Wine you Communion and In. vtti3. The suncrb duality and entlro nurltv of Bpecr's PortGrapo Wlno. of New Jersey, anu tho success that physicians have had oy us use, nas inaucca yiem to wrlto about It. and caused hundreds of others to prescribe it iu their practice the best anu most rcuauio wino to uo nan; both this and Specr's unfermcnted juice Is held in crcat favor for communion ptir. poses, aud is of great servlco to consump lives, ror saio uy aruggiBts. Drunkenness oit Liquor Habit Positively Cured iit Administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific It can bo given In a cup of coffeo or tea without tbo knowlcdgo ot tho person taklnc It: Is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether tbo patient is a modcrato drinker or an alcoholic wrccu. j nousanus of drunkards havo been mado temperate picn who hayo taken Uslden Specltlo In their coffeo without their knowledge, aud to-day btllevu Uicy quit drinking of their own frco will. IT MvLH tAILS. The . I ...... I ..-III. lVn an.nlflA system once Impregnated with tho Specific I it becomes an utter Impossibility for tho liquor habit tn exist. For full particulars address uoiden dpcciuc vo., iso itaeo est,, I iincinnau, uuio, ueoo ou ty. FOOLIEAR. WCur, IiUUWlu will ,u nuiu uiujr f.,,,1 tl,n Ini-creat assortment CU i i JurfcUJi. iihsuiuih.iii, to Bclect from, UHtl where tllOV Z -of. tl.n W oooils for UlO least money. Such advantages bo louml afc the best ill an taWJiimcnt that deals exclu- establishment that deals CXClU- . w p ii.i ... i 1... ..i boxes of boots and SllOCS, but at Deiltler's BllOC Store the StOCK . . , r COIISISIS ClltllCly Ot UUS line Ot COOUS. iiOOUJ, onoes, cuppers, ID . ' L , - rumps, llubbcrs, oandals, Uai- ters, &c., lor Men, Women and -,. shell alter vuiiuiuii, ueeiuy I , i . . I . I . , . - . .. sliolf. and CVCll the floor of tho larce room is stocked with boxes. Hero the customer can find all styles, all sizes, nil prices, from tno Heaviest coy niue, to ino finest kid, with prices as low as can bo found anywhere for tho P lUT same Class of COOUS. We are nrnvidod with imnlements for remov; pc and for regctting , . . o i a . buttons, so that our goods aro made comfortable, and mado to fit any foot. Among the special lines aro tllO VV. Li. JJoilcrlas bhOU lor geil- f.lnninii. Curtis v. Wheeler S La- dies' Fine Shoes, the celebrated Towanda Boot, for men and boys. No trouble to show goods. F. D. Dentler, BLOOMSBUKG, PA. 12aug3ms. jtlui)ktf fl gnrdumrc. PAPEJB PJL A.TJES AUTD IAPRIIS Just the thing for picnics and private parties, neat clean and cheap; avoids the annoyance of broken and lost dishes and nap kins; no weight to carry. These paper plates are largely used for Pie bakllisr, and overcome the l.,. J""" um ii-uio uc pies becaUSG the Under Crust IS Rnv Hip m-nntpsr iWvpp nflipnr soggy me gieatest uegiee OI Iieac will not scorch them and by greasing them a pie may be baked on them better than on tin or earthen ware; the under crust will be found perfectly hard and crisp similar to the top. .1 n :nu n M Miin-iuo lire buiu uuu Jimuiu us linen and will not fade unless washed. 1(1 We carry the most complete line ot Builders materials mthe J Country. Iron, Steel and Wipo Nails, Locks in endless variety. Door Butts, plain or ornamental, Cntplips iinrl T.fitnlios Wliifp Trfnfl ivr- ,1 T0:ta , rvw T -1A1A.U JU tllli. lO (Ulll VU1U1 l f JLL seed Oil, Turpentine, Varnish, Oil Finish, French and Ameri can Window Glass, Putty.Euild- mg raper, all ot winch we can sell at prices that will make it to your interest to deal with us. We have token the agency for J. A. Sheppard's Paragon Coach Varnish, patented in 1884 and wish to call the attention of con sumers to its merits. It is made solely from hard gum, has a very heavy body and dries hard in 24 hours in Summer or Whi ter, one gallon covers 450 eq. feet of new work first coat and GOO ft. second coat, it is warrant ed not to crack, spot, blister or turn white, and to outwear any English or American varnish, is especially suitable tor carriages or outdoor work where exposed to the weather, it is warranted to , . rub down in Oil or water, and numico Stone ill from 3G to 48 hours wjthout sweatiug out and can be brought to a dead iuush. vuu -, - lor the Ulterior illlisll OI IlllO public buildings, bath-rooms, it litis 110 equal ; hot . ,-i i ,.,.,fr Rr,!lnnr rrvp-wp WU1 x-0 not affect its lustre 01" S)0t 01" . , ;. ,.,.. ,;,; " m, . Mir. lJ a.V4.-.VVy Ut'4i( 11-1.-- IV siiongo or damp towel will keep Builde Hardware PARAGON M U t-bHCK 4 COACH VARNISH :t ln,S,:,10. frnal, !lnrl nflw Tfvnii 11 lOOMllf irCSll and 110W. It you are especially desirous ot a liaild- Rrlnl n,l ,wm,mmlf fminii somo aml peimillieilt 11111811, specify Sliepnardsaracon Coach Varnish to vour iminter and tako of no other: nut nn in i and one gallon cans at $3.00 per gallon. Very llesp. J. K. Schuyler & Co., Bloomsburg, Pa. CHAMPION roSnTVHXY jBj Fntent Farety Vou-liiploilvaJMEXTLNGUISllUl as I i Will noHr'J-S.TSBcieanly. - 1 lmiiAK the mm. dim a I. of OIL. I rq'Jkl in brilliancy to 00 CMllei,or SiU Gi Uumen, Tlil ill iht moot Is the ll.t, Ctieapeftt mliX tutrost Lump tov Cl r. lies, 1 rowenul ana l'erft-ct X,WUT -irr iuiui It .lis, or jVitO-iljr SenJ for Illustrated Ci-euUr, I -HOU UK. TlIC nUliTC WWjJIjJfJj? daonocOiic I . 1 . V -.- cl.l Gil or Oil C! , J. VIEI0E8EB, titrt or brackets. viU increase vour 30 S. 2d Ut., .mttsB-voii, I'ltll-A. dole Owuer Qt I'ttteut, AQENT3 WANTED vour iuiv rQ6-W I iim
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers