Vhe Columbia. 1. COtOWBtiDBHOORlT,TiR Or Tits NORTH, and CO ldmbun, Consolidated.) foiled Wcelily, tn; Frldny MornlnC nt ntOOMSUUltO, COLUMIII A CO., Pa. AT U.M per yoar. To subscribers out of tho coun ty tlio terms aro strictly In advance u",uucoun tVSo p.ipor discontinued excopt at tho ontlon lithe pubUsheruntltaUarrcarnifosaropald.but Uai? continued crodltB will not bo Jtvon. ' All papers aont out of tno stato or to distant post ollooa must no paid tqrlnadvanco.unlcssaresiion. BlDlo person In Columbia county assumes to oar tno subscription duo on demand. " ' JO 13 PllINTING. Tho Job Printing Department of tho Colombian ,rcry complete. It contains tlm latost now typo nl in l hlnery and Is tno only onico that runs Job reuM or powor. if vltiij us tho best tncl.ltles. Ls mites furnished on laruo Jobs. 4 1 w t rs 1 Ml If 00 3 60 93 aw t i m i r,o a no 3 3 ;s urn iw iw 1(0 M SSt S Ml 4 M 8 00 : o 3U 6m IT 11(0 4 60 701 4 75 7 60 U 10 DM in 110 IS Cfl itneh 3 ' a " i 8 00 12 IK 111 UJ II f, 1 1 tO B! 00 8 DO Xrol 5M 7 00 BIO M in liiw " ii ju.i. frolUmn 8 00 19 00 IS 10 ti 00 80 DO 40 00 ttl 00 YporlfiilvnllfcmrnlspnroblciUaitetly.Trn. Blent adveitlsirnents must be paid lor Wiforo r M-iteilcneoft where panics havo accounts. Leitnl advcrtf-emenls two dollars per Inch M tliK-olnseillousiiiidnt that me for additional Insertions wltuout reference to lenlli. , Kxecutor's, Administrator's, nnd Auditor's oo tk cs three dollars. Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, reg ular advertisements halt rotes. cards In tho "Business Directory" column, on dollar a year for each line. J S 3ITT3H-EHBSR, Jr"frJeto"' BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1886. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XX.NO 47 COLUMBIA DRMOOnAT, VOL.L, NO 87 lie '-fiarf AX. M V PROFESSIONAL CARDS. r E. WALLKIt, li ATTOUNEY-AT omco over 1st- National Bank. -LAW, llloomsburgr, l'a N". U. FUNIC, ATTOltNEY- mco In S-it's Bulldlntf. AT-LAW. 11L00HSBCHU, I'A. 1 OHN At. OLAHK, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. AMD JUSriOK OF THE PEACE. Dloomsbdko, I'a. Otaee over Moycr llros. Drug Storo. p W.MILLKB, ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW 0,acoln Orowcr'sbulldtnif.scoondttoor.room No.l llloonisburg, Vn. B. FKANK 5UKB, ATTOitNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, l'a OIUoo corner of Centre an d aln Streets. Clark t Building. Can bo consulted In German. f EO. B. ELWELL ATTORHEY-AT-UW, Hloomsmiko, I'a. Omco on First lloor, fronl room of Cot.. bmiiiaN 15uildtn, Huiu sltcct, below .Ex. change Hotel. pUL E. WIHT, Attorney-at-Law. Office In Colombian BoiLDimi, Koom No. 1, second BLOOMSBUKG, PA. , SHOBB. KNOBU & L. B. WINTSRSTBIN. WINTERSfEEN, Attornoys-at-Law. utroots uioocisourg, r. t&Peniiona and tiouniitt CollecUd. J H. MAKE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW Office in llalie'a bulMUt. QYerllllUneyer'sgroccry. Jji P. nlLLMEYEU, dihtjuct a ttohney.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Dentlcr's COftlcc over lHoomsburf;, Pa. shoo store, rnpr-ao.80. EXHAUSTEDVITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Sample FREE. yAiNwmoiir &co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, I'mt.Anm.i'iiiA, Pa. TKAS, tYltfl , CGI Hi;, feVUAII, OIAtbEft ISICK, SPICKS, IUCA1 II fODA, K10., K10. N. K. Comer becend and Arch bla. ivoidcra will receive piompt attention. JOHN c. vocmu c. E. GP.Y2lt. YOCUM & OEYEK, Attornoys-at-Lawi CATAW1SSA, TA. (omco front suit of rooms on second lloor of -cIn BK CONSULTED ,N (EHMAN.fi and claims in any c areful attention W "V;"umi! fts well as to Fftqggagigjg gsinerenti'usted to them vtr. II. IUIAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. catawlssa, Pa. omce.conicrof Third and Main streota. yy ii. house, DENTIST, Uloomjiiuiw, Columbia County, Fa All styles of work done In a superior manner, work warranted as represented. Tektu Extract- KD WITDOCT I'AIN by thO U36 Of Has, RUd tree of charge w hen artlUclal teeth are Inserted. OITico In liarton's building, Main strett, below Jlnrlict, live doors below Klelm'u drug store, llrst lloor. lo be open at all hours during the raj NOV S3 -17 li C. SL0A11 & M, 15L005ISBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS &C. First-class work always on hand. REPA llihWQ XEA 1LYD OA'ii. Vices reduced to mil the timet. H T. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOM SBURQ, Oiilcc In iirowers' Building, may 1-tf PA. 2nd floor. jypCUAEL 1. EYEULY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. AND LEGAL ABVICE IN THE SETTLEMENT 01 roTlTHS. AC. huildlne with F. I. Bill "rYn;neV:at.law. front .corns, snd llool apr-a nj. merer, nttorney-awu Bloomshurg, i'a, yy E.SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Berwick, Pa. BLOOMSEK PLAUIM MILL Tho underslsned having put his Planing ill on Kaiiroaa Mreei, ui nrai-ciauB uuii;n.;u, to yt- parea to ao an Kinus or worn in nu iwu. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnlsned at reasonable prices. Ail lumber used is well seasoned and none but Bktllcd workmen aro employed. ISTlMAT.cS FOE BUILDINGS nrnishiid on unnlloatlon. I'lanx and epecinca oca prepared by an osporlencea draugnisman inouiiihbiirir, I'a KNOW THYSELF.. A Great Medical Work on Manhood, Nervous and I'uyilcal lloblllty, Immature Dccllno In Man, nxhan-tel Vitality, Ac, Ac, and tho nnto'.d m! cries resulting from Indiscretion or eiccBSC J ! 300 pKes, eubsUntlnlly bound in gilt, muslin. Con titnstnoro thsn 123 Invaluable prcscrlpllons, em traclng every vegctablo remedy In tho pharma coprela for all acnte ami chronic diseases. It Is emphatically a hook for every man. Price enly 11 by mall, post paid, concealed In plain wrapper. it.i.u.vritATivn ka.upi.i: ritr.i; to am. Young and middle-aged men for the nest ninety Jays. Send now, or cut this out, as yo t miy never see It again. AdJress Dr. W. II. PABKEIt, 4 llul fluch street, Boston, Maes. tcb.,5-d. ly A QUESTION ABOUT Browns Iron Bitters ANSWERED. Tti qnrtlon hM timbably n w1cM thoanWt tt tlmM, " 1 lot? run IJrown'B Iron Bitten onro every ?htnc f " Well, It dotnt lint tt dv euro anr dlwix rr walrh ft MDOtAbln DhrrtcUn woald tirMrrlhn IKOI Phynlelfinii rwjJtrnUa Irou tho bt-t mtorttWo t Known n vnn proipunion. una innnirr vi n n WHBitka SELECT READING. THE VALLETOET DIAMONDS. FlDririniiii irrv muir.o ri ftf Bnt known in the pro) le-tdiniT chsmlcml firm U thst ther hr men rreparatlnn cf Iron thMt ol rthor Rtibstan oeaa In mdlein '1 Kin hn clusitelf that inn is f cknciwiJrnd to t th r imp-irwni lactvir in Fiicrsflnnil irjRJKai hjwctw. rernarkable fiet, thnt trin frr rI MIMIW.N'S 1 hoy iiitti: If i.itiBiactory Iron combination utd etor boeu fjend. d to I- th mtti iLalrraottco. UK 'TJUtHno pMfct- BROWN'S IRON BinERSfMSS LQhluha, cr trotf.ie oontlpatlon nil ollici Iron tBC(IlclurAi1n.niIOV.NfaillOANniTTj;UH rnrtfi ImllActluit IIIUousnccHtWettUntSB nNprpMln, tllnlarktj ChllH nml FeTcrit Tlinl FrclliiR.tJrncntl J)rMIIty,Pn1n In tho Hldoninclctr J.lmb9llrntlnclieanrlnrnl alafor a!lthc) allmocU Iron 1 prwwritd dU. UIIUHH VI IIIUI1 Ull IkllUil ror.sAMPir COPY el THi: 111 Tl. IMMIKt ItKlvttieUNCUACC Ami ttallmcnt tt Cvii riowu fid iinh, UUUO fllUiTfiit klndfl. AI-fMill I lie Kiidwo Rdltiot nidi lloa with Clove. Pirt.e), Hiidicrtklelindrkti. It In tla mo tl corapliti nurk of llie kind vrr imb lMici.Oeiid Firireii tcntnn Btanim fur a Mwiiplecoiiy.ftfaoniir jirlce to tiKeni. Agent 8MU.CAf1 PUfi. CO.. 17 North Tint Slwit. Pfcllafl'i, r unoi cure mm u.!nnU, I ik all othor thonosh raodlcIpM, It nets rlmtlf Man tikon bx mm tno tint Mtnjitom et benar.t la rtnowM onrjrr. Tho iniiciM then boorm tttnrt, tbii dignstlrn iinproTes, lbs bowelaftre ftctlm, ti wow a tlt ofToct 1b usually tiwe rapid nrd marKod, Tba7Mlgln atonro to brlghtent tho skin clciri upi h"Uhv wiTmno t tno choeKsi nerToaaror dntppOMVi fanrtlonr.1 dcraagomeDti bvoonto xtiga Icr. and If murine mtlir. abnndant enuttnanc U mppllod for tho ihl d. Hrunir BmwD'i Iron lllttTfl In the (J.MiY fpn medians that ta no frjrl-Jll3, I'At'it. ii ml trugyit tvocMmrtiiJ t, Tho Ornulnohi TrriJo Muk nnd crrf( ra-i Uaot 4iiiriiLi', T.UiU NO OTIIUU, 5 fit 7m 7HorlhTnltlf.l..llsa'l.r. fiV'J- .as fi ..fc Jtl v. HT8 TIlIAL. A Full Set of Attnrliinents. 5VAIIUMTLII Tears. Scud for jlrc:iliir. E. V. IIUWK A CO.. 33 Ji. 0 tU St., t'lillu., l'a. Apr. S 4TW. f R.5T PREMfUM. PHILADil8T5. CJran.l Prlie nedal, I'nrls, FOB STEP OR FLAT R80FS CAN UK PUT ON 1IY ANY PF.K30.V. vr " - ii , i ii i TIIOU3ANU3 OF ItOLLS SOLD ANNUALLY for nuii.uiNns or eveky DESOKUTION. SEND FOB NEW CIKCULAIl. CONTAIN LNQ ritlCE LtbT AND HEFEBENCES. ACENT3 WANTED. M. EHRET, JR. & GO. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, 423 Walnut Street. PHILADELPHIA. Sept.17ais.3m9 AskyourCrocerforlt. Wm. lirps-.lopprl.Mfr. M North Froutfctreet. I'llILABELPIIIA. PA. Juno 4 80 ly. J! e9SK!Ha posmvixY Nim-Hxploslve Will not BIlEuVK the CHIMNEY. Gives a Lighi equal In Unlllancy to uu anaics, or BlA Gas tlumers. inn ts tne most Powerful ana V crfect LIGHT ever iti n (3d FliOH OIL. THE FOUNTS ( an he u&ed on bid Gal or Od Chande liers or brackets, ana v ill Increase your light TnittiK-l'Ui-lJ. AGENTS WANTED Patrnt Safety EXTlNGUISUEIt Cleanly. RHEUMATISM CURE of OIL. THE CHtMriOR .lisi llest. Cheapest and for Churches, Halls, or Family Use. Send for Illustrated Circular. ft. J. UDENEfl, 36 8. 2d St., fSole Owner of PutraU Oct 8 0 ms, nas rnovzD to be THE REMEDY FOIl RHEUMATISM. Msnioti. Inn.. Anir. 1. 1M My wito as so aRlUted with Rbeu. matism In her shoulder and ann that euul.l uot sleen lu heil. but had to bu hol.teral tip In roetlnir chair. Phy. Bictaus pretwrlbed, maoy imtclitniedl. CHIOt tSOrU llru, uu. mo -" Adams' Patent Mot-p.lik PICKET P-'SPJCE. trot worna. I pent for im ttm$ian doubt- It m UM3il atvontlnn to direction for one wrek, and m wilo aide anrirl'" Uiat you mwt once In a I lifutinm. It is now over four months ' Blnco tho cure was effwrted, ana une can wattii, iron, nnom uiotntnifu.tiuu do all kludR ot work aa y ell an eer. andhawnoiymrtom0 UR. " Ub eae. WohavQUohesltancylnreooni. t.n.iin-F ttm niro to all filiullarly ! rtt afllicteU, a Safe and Sure. fJ Truly yours. ,vlsmLL Thousands of others have been ourea. price S2.50. For complete Information, Ilrscrlpllvo Pnnl. phlet. tt-lth tesumouials. lrve. For sale by nil drutfKiala. If one or the other la not la isltlou to furnish it to yon, do not tw ir. Buaded to take anything else, but apply direct to tho flonera Amnts. PI'AEI.'.lilt llltOS. it CO. 811) &; S21 .MnrHrt bireet, I'hlhulclphlu, inarch 9-ly.a MiSGELLANEOUS .i in.. Oflico k T,. FltlTZ. Attorney-t-I.aw. Jt Front room oier Post Qflitff, rvK. J. 0. BUTTER, ' PHYSICIAN &BUKQBONi omco, North Market strt et, Bloomshiiit;, FA rli. WM. M. HEBEH, Surgeon nml nphytlclan. Offlce comer of Hock and Market uoot. . IRE INSUrUVKWS CHRISTIAN F, KNAl'l'i BLO0M3BD 0,1'A. "ehCIIANW, OF NEWAHU, N. J. f LINTON. N. V. J,'E01'LES'N. Y. idfAUlNO, I'A. tBkx ara-fni m"IZ!es0"oMmv and iionestlt adjusted and tniid won as determined by cukistun r. Srr-Tnl-KUL AOBNT ANO AllJl'STRR ULOOHSSPUO, BF. HAHTMAN JirBKSBHTB tUB yOlLOWIMO AJIEIUCAU INBUHANOE COMPAN1EB North American of Philadelphia. FranHlln, ., Pennsylvania, " Yorlr, of I'anusylvanla. Hanover, of N. Y. oueens, of London. OTSkSl . Bloomshure. QQt. 84, 1" . ...I..T1I .T11 1 AQENCY. Mover's new Duuoing.jiiajui.irvci, iioomsuurK. i Assets CLOTHING ! CLOTHING j CJ. W. BERTSCE, THE JIKRUIIANT TAIL015. Bents Furnishing his, Ms fe;: OF EVKHY UESCKIPTION. Suits nmdu to order nt hlioit notico and n fllalwajs giifiiantced or no eale. Call and cxamino tlio laigest and beet sekcti'd stock of goods or shown in Columbia county. Store next door lo First National Bank, MAIN ST1JEET, fiSIoomsburg, Pa. o1ah8Ntal""ibon mm OF OAST CIt WROUGHT IHON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds :o: iFharnllnivlniriilianB ILo Ticket Oothlc, one of heiBivenil beautiful styleaol Feacemauutactured by tho underslk'ned. iJbo iEtna insurance ca, of Hartford, Conn II.ow.wii itoyal of Liverpool SSSVmi I jtnonslltro. Fire Ansoclatlon, l'hlladelphta,, 10,(0,00ll 4,lc'',' 10 S,'JWi,3T0 1'hccnU, of London "; i nli'irro London V Lancashire, of England l.-u.g KneldFireano-Ma iBloomsbunt. ' EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BL00USBUB9, FA. OFPOSITB COURT nODSB. ATENTS. un.tmnii nercentaue of fees In ad- vauce, balance when patent wou. talned. bend for clitufar ulvlnif full r? f?.ttnS. and conta nlmr llat of references. M. J.claubii, "VttSWjS. J'ftCino BClldinT. (sepii.tmi. t,nv am linblirtiaAil auu nuiiuunu For Beauty and Biirablllty they fid, Setupbyexperieutt-u u 10 gltd lijliauv.iu. Prices and specimens of other de signs sent to any addrettn. AddreBS n. Mc mam, BLOOMBBDRG PA- 5I.7S por rod and upward3. SFCCIAL QUOTATIONS. All Midi of trjr. Fences, GatM, Flro tie r". FENCC PAT.IPON cf flBSHS I Si tier. Itoktt ICaali, llollm, Oii- ami ftwelllim-i, Illl buiiclea, Sort' IJyon. Scroluloim sore JRIL CUAMO lion Work in all styles. Coal Screens a specialty. Iron Ladders, Wheels & Creating. Blackimithlng la all branchet. Estlmttu furnished. EAGLE IRON WORKS, Oor. Union & Canal Ets. wiiiKua-iiAunn, pa march 18-8d-ly. NTS l btalned and all patent buslncta attended to for moderuto fees. Our onico Is opposite the U. 8. l'atent onice, and we can obtain I'atents In less time than thow) re mote from Washington. sena Mouei ur uruwiug,-. no uu.iau hij entablllty fieoof chaise, andwemauo no charge unless patent is boeureJ. ...... Wo refer here, to tho l'ootmaster, tho Sunt, of -Money order Dlv., and to officials ofthoTT. u, l'atent Olllce. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients In your own btatoor county, wrlto to C. A. SNOW & CO., oppositn Patent oaice, Wshlngton, d 0 an 9-tf IKH.T.AllH pays for LIl-JJUOUOLARBUIVla PA.I.VCS' IJUSINKSS COLLEGE 110) CltitDit SI, Pkiliiilsiii. Positions for Graduates, Tiino required 3 to 4 mos. Tho Host Equipped, llest Courao of Utudy. Host Ev erything. Write for Circulars. J fj cms. p c. CURES ALL HUMORS, from n common lllotcli, or Crnptlon, tn tho Moist ht-rolulu. Sall-rlioiim, -'VPr-Kt,r'H'" V ,r, K"",Bl Bililn, in shot t, nliillsi-nsiM o.mil by bud blotid are conquered by this powerful, ptirlfvhip, and Invigorating medicine, lii-ent I'.ntiiitr I I ecrs riipidfy henl under Its lieniffn liiltucni-c. Especliillv has tt iiuinlfi-steil its ixiteney In curing Tel llliii"i. 1 1 1 1. -. whim N-olll.iirfc. IJnltre. or Tlilclt NticH, and i:iiliirt'l liluniU. t-eiidteu cenls In 6tomiij iora IniKO tieatlso, tiltli col ored plates, on Pklu Ills-c.-tsrs, u- tl.u same amonot foratrentlMi mi scinliilnut Affittlnns. "tiiij iii.ooii is Tin; nri:. ThoroiiKhlr ch-uuw It l.v tislntr Mr. l'lcrre'ii (loltlon .lledltal Iilsccn erj'. nml (rood .lluomioii, n fnlr ltln, linos lint kiiIv. Its, vllul utreiiKlli. nn.l khiikIik ... of constitution, will uu tIiiblisliei. wiiirh ts HerofulotiH Clieaso of Lllllgl, 19 pui nPMV, "II' oriW!" ir".l-4 and cured by this (loil-dlii-ii remedy. If taken heforo tholuststnm'sof tlu'ihwasenin ituched. From lis wondcrliil power over this terribly fatal disease, when Hist ollcrinsr this now eel. ebrated remedy to tho mibllo. III-. I'lEnca thought seriously nt iiillinir it Ms "Con alllliptlon Curt'," biitiibandoned thnt nnmo as toil llinltet) for n Willi Ino which, from Its wonderful oomt-liialim of iiiilp,orstHniftheu lnir, iiKe-ratKo, pr lliK.-l-i.H'.ii,4h,-,uiitM'llii;ii4, pcctoinl. and initrltlii' propei tics, Ijiinequaled, not only ns n rcim-dy lor eiinsumption of tho lungs, but for nil CJIRONIC! DISEASES or ma Liver, Blood, ant! Lungs. Ts a, e&l Hull rfrmvtt. dMillltAterl. Iisva tallow color of skin, or ytllowlh-brown rot Oil fucti or body, fiequent headache or dull ness, bad tasiK In inomh. Interilfl heat or chills, altornutlnir with hot llashei, taw spirits ttti Bloomy liorcbodlngs, irregular appetite ohfl COHieu toniriio. luu niu puui-iuik .iw u .mw. Hie Kt'Nliiiii.Uyeiioislii,und 'lorlild Lit er, Z ii ail iiiiiihiioiih.i lu many cases only part of thoso symptoms aro experienced. As ii remedy for all tutu utio. lr, l'lerc(.' Golileu t-iiuul, Itleillcal Iilucovery has do J.R.SM1TH&CO. LISIITED. HILTON, Pa., May4-tf on PL,UMBING,sg0 AS FITTING & STEAM IIKATJNU DBALKll IN STOVES & TINWARE. ah u..,l4 of work iii Sheet Iron, Hoof ing and Spouting iiromjitly attendeil to. tH3(jlct attention given lohoatlneby uteam. Corner of Mam & East Sts., Bloouisburg, Pa. 8 1 -.1 W w iEW I DEAl.F.llS IN PI A Jly tlio following wc known maKcri Cliickcriiij, ICnabc, Weber, IKallct & Davis. Can also furnish anjr of tho cheaper makea at iiianufaetiireva prices. Do not huy a piano he- ioro getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists On aiiiiliuation. SepW-Wtf. iivi AtivKimaElta. Lowest Hates foradtertls- I log In Ittxl good tiewbpapeis sent. free. Ad. dies i QKO. I'. ltOWEI.L S CU., 10 Bpruoo BL, N. V, Vor'tVonlc I.iMiRS. flplllliiB of nlpod. Shorlnoka of llri'utli. III oliclUIH. Novoro VoiiKliB, Coiiniiiiiitlon, and kindred affectlous. it Is a sovereign remedy. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce a b&okoHnsurniton. Sold by lrusr(l. PRICE $1.00, mfSEBK World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, Col! Main St, Borr.LO, N. Y. KVCO'S LITTLE VoaaxyT, T.TVER N'VI.HII.KM'S lld OATllAHTIU. $500 REWARP Is offevrd liF the proprletor nf Dr. hiiBO'o Catarrh Kemedy ror ncaso ut taturrU wplcll tRojr tannot cure. . . It you hat n a discharge from the nose, offensive or other. win.', niittial loss of Binell. taste. or liv'iu Inir. wcuk eyes, ilu I pnio or pressure In ijuil, ymi navo t'siurr l. 4nuw ttl OS Ol fUDI'il lei iiiiiiui" .i. w...m,, i. .., Dr. Sogo'B UATillim llEMBIir cures the. cases of Cntnrrli.VCold.il M'O and Cnlurrliai i iiuncim. wrr wn.at lio llend," 6U cenU. RAUGH'S S25 PHOSPHATE 9 lltOlf Contains tha lila u J liwuiti of ,nnE M1 Animal UonM. C1IKA1', III" UKL.IAUI.Iii, I.Ab'l INd & sons, . fx PlIILAIIKLI'lllA, V. Jl,'S"aKVV i"qr b-lo f W.I.OW, Iit4iuiiici tail, proniievlllo, Pn. People wtro always afkinp; caoh other how tho Vallclorts kept their heads above water. They were known to bo in a slnto of chronic irnpeounioa Ity, and yit, somehow or other, thoy contrived to show a bold front to tho world. Their pretty rivcrnido villa at Twickenham was furnished luxarious ly. Captain Vallitoit, who had re tired from tho service toino years be fore, drovo n dashing mail phrcton nnd pair and Mrs. Vallctort was .0110 of tlio best dieted women in London. How It was dono no onu knew, Capt. Vallttort dabbled on tho stock ex change, atid was onu of tho best escarto players going, but neither of theso sources of income was likely to altord him the means of gratifying his very expensive tnstcs. Mrs. Vallctort had no privato foiltinc, but she, too, spent r grent deal of money, although sho was always lolling her friends bIio was (I ic.nl hilly nam up, for Jidwartl had niado soveral iiiifortuuato speculations latelv, etc., etc. Still in spito of this, the impecunious Iiair lived in good style and were an parcntly procperous. ll.ey wore in debt of course, but by Homo unknown means they kept their creditors and duns at bay. They did not entertain much, but as Mrs. Valletort was ex tremely pritly, and her hiirbatid had tho knack of makiog himself agree able in society and niado it a inlc fever to borrow money of his friends tho Valh torts wero a good doal in re quest at dinners and dances during tho season. People wero always glad to see them, for their light-hearted, semi Uoliennan iravety was wondertully in fectious, and no dinner party nt which they were present ever went off badly. Uantain Vallctort was, besides, ex tremely popular at his club the Bavonpt : and Charles Kenton, of tho guard.-), was in tho habit of sayinc that ho would rather lose monoy to JNcd Vallctort than to any man lie knew. It was" fortunato ho took that view of tho matter for the unhappy youth very often roso a very heavy loser when tho captain employed his talents against h'in i and it was equally fortunate that tho latter posesrd tho difficult art of winning gracefully, for ecarlo was his principal means of bringing grist to tho mill, and many men less pluloso phio than young Fonlon might have declined to try their luck against sucl: skill as his. had it not been for the pleasant, good humored, nonohalnr.t way in which tho captain pocketed tho winnings. Ono morning tho husband and wife were seated at breakfast, when tho captain looked up f-udilenly from a newspaper he was carelessly readinsr, and said with sudden eagerness, as his oye caught an announcement among tho "deaths :'' "Jly dear, wasn't Lady Araminta Belchambro a godmother of yours V 'Yes but why do you ask '!" "She's dead died at Mentono o week ago." Mrs. Valletort clasped her hands, and her eyes brightentd. "O, Ned 1 I wonder if if sho has left tne anything. I can't pretend to bo sorry sho is dead,1' sho added, half apologetically,"because she was ever so old, and I haven't seen lur since I was a child." "Jly dear Lilla, don't think that I expected you to dissolve into tears at the news," he interrupted with a short lauuli. "Wo always agroo to be candid with each other. You didn't caro a straw for Lady Araminta living, but if sho has rcaliy dono her duty as a godmother by putting you down in her will for a handsome sum, 1 am qnito willing that you should get up any amount of enthusiasm for her virtuo. I3ut, sciiously, do you think it likely sho has dono sot'' "I think it just possible, tho may,' said Jlrs. Valletort, looking thought fully nt the tlowcrs on tho table. " wish I had wiilten lo her ofiener." "It is no good regretting anything of that sort now, my dear. We shall probably hear in a day or two from her solicitorsthat h. it you aro really down for a legacy." "it will bo a wonuerltil piccool luck if I am," remarked his wife, stirring her coffee thoughtfully. "Wo aro dreadfully short of money just now." Captain Valletc rt assented. "Do von think wo could lane any thing on my expectations!" said Lilla, ookintr up brictiy. "I am afraid not. Old Morris mado no end of difficulty about tho last ad vanco, Jlrs, Vajletort's prttty face clouded but only for a moment ; her native liglit-heartcdness soon reasserted itself, l II ! -I.- 1 1 1 and ail vno inoriiuiir biiu uiiipiuycu nur- self in rearing a magnifiosnt Spanish p:istlp on uo inoro subitnptial founda tion than that afforded by tho briof an nouncement in tho Times. Somo dajs later a long blue envoi opo addressed in a neat legal hand writing, was among tho heterogeneous heap of letters, invitations and bilji Jlrs. Valletort found awaiting her when sho canio down lo breakfast. "Oh, Nod, congratulate mo !" sho ex olalmed, rapturously, when sho had roastored I ho contents ot tho letter, "That dear, sweet old thing has actual, ly-" "Loft you eomo money I'' interrupt' ed tho captain eagorly. "My dearest Lilla "No, not money, but her diamonds positively all her diamonds." The liltlo woman's eyes spatkled as she glanced triumphantly at her husband, t'Tho pelpbrajed i'elch,ainbre diamonds, They aro magnificent. I know, for havo often heard my mother speak of them. Ji"or a moment tl(o captain's face full, but ho soon remembered that a lino collection of diamonds represents a very lino sum of money, His wifu's logapy was not, then to be despised, 'iWliat do you think thoy aro worth? he asked, suddenly. "Oh I I don't know i thousands and thousands of pounds, I should imagine," rciilieil his wife, vaguely ''Ned, just think how well I shall look in them 1 1 havo so few jewel, and ." "Jly dear ylrl, you don t mean to say that you Intend to keep them," ho casned, as the dreadful ltossiHlity dawned on his mind (hat Lilla might elect not turn lur coBtly legacy into hard cash. 'Of ootuno I iiiu.ui to keep thi'iu," die retorted coolly, "Oh, Ned, you don t want iuo to sol) thetnd.0 you! sho added pitlously, as the captain' blows drew together ominously, and an unpleasant light came Into his eyes. "You will do as you like, of course," ho replied, irritably. "They will be of yours and not mine. Hut how any woman can caro to (iron Hereon out with diamonds worth several thousand pounds when sho knows what It in to want monoy,pa9scs my comprehension. JUrs. Valletort was usually tlio most docile of wives ; but sho resented her husband's angry words, and was trebly etcrmined to hold her own in this matter. Tho captain saw that it would bo useless to arguo with her, so ho turned away with a half contemptuous shrug of tho shoulders, and a muttered anathema on tho folly of women in general and of his spouso in particular. it was really too bad ot Lilla; a tow thousand pounds would havo set him on his financial feet again. in due course, arter tho numerous lelays inevitable in all legal nutters, Jlrs. Valletort came into possession of her legacy. Iiy her husbind's advico sho had a safe constructed for tho dia monds in her dressing-room, and tho dingy leather cases containing the jewels wero at onco consigned to this repository. On tho tirst available opportunity Jlrs. Valletort (who had been burning to display her treasures beforo tho oves of her ft lends) donned her dia monds and appeared in a blazo of splendor. t the ball to which they went that night Jlrs. Valletort created quite a sensation. Tlio story of her grand mother s costly bequest had got out about, and every ona was anxious to sec tlio celebrated Uelchambro dia monds. Women secretly envied her, though thoy shrugged their shoulders as sho passed and wondered how long tho iowels would remain in her pos session. Jfen admired her charming face and graceful figure bo much that they forgot all about her diamonds as thev crowded round her, nnger to Biouro a danco with the prettiest wo man in tho room. Jlrs. Valletort was in her element. Sho enjoyed herself immensely, quite ignorant ot tho tact thai her husband looked unusually morose, not to sav sulky, as sho whirled past him iadiant in the jewels he secretly coveted. CteditorB pushed tho gallant captain lo desperation, and ho mado one last appeal to his wife but without success, "I refu&Q to part with my diamonds," sho said coldly; "it is unfair of yon to ask me to mako such a saenhce. "Very well, my deai: then the do lngo must come, replied the captain quietly. Ho turned and left tho room. Tho captain did not alludu to tho liamonds again, and things went on much ns usual at tho Laurels. Hut Jlrs. Valletort grow nervous and fret ful, and took to sitting a good deal in her dressing room. Tho captain kept his word; ho never again broaohed tho no j ct ot tho diamonds, but bo brood d silently over it and grow mora rao ose anil taciturn everyday, ilu was deeply offended bv his wife's conduct and his irritation was aggravated by tho continual worries which buiet mm Morris wss obdurate, atid his other creditors threatened him with legal iroceedingi if ho failed to liquidate his numerous bills. At last, driven almost to desperation, tho unhappy man con crivedon a daring plan. If ho couli: . t.: :r..X, .i: i. t... r-l n Di tiet ins tvuu n tiiitiiiuuus uy nil means ho would get them bv foul. Ho would steal tho jewels, iio had Bolvod to manago tho matter my own way. I know if you had yours tho nionoy would all bo swallowed up by yo.tr dobls, and besides, i woum ipso every social advnntago tho possession f tho diamonds gave me. 1 therefore nrrangtel my dressing room bo as to mako you think tho jewels had been annexed by burulars, and I kept tlio diamonds sown in my sealskin jacket until wo loft iMiglaml." "No wonder tho deloctives wero puzzled. Uy Jove, Lill i, I didn't givo you credit lor such sharpness. "In J'arts I took them to tho i'aiais Koyal and had them oopied itt paste. Now," fdio added with a bright emile, and, placing tho shappy cases and glit teriiig contents in his hands, "tho roal stones nro very much at your service. shall send a paragraph to tho London papers saving that ray diamonds havo been restored to mo anonymously, and shall wear tho paste set at Prince Opo ponax's to-morrow nigbl. And now, doni," sho added,"! have only a pieco of advico to offer. Tho next timo you nro thinking of turning buiglar lake yodr wife into your confidence." THE 0Y01.0NE. Business Adv.ce. Never lend inonov to strang"rs. Always live within your inoomo. Ho who pays beforehand is served behindhand. Avoid going security ar.d making small loans. In solc.ling employes be governed by their fitness. Mo man can bo successful who neg lects his business. Don't neglect to insure your real and personal property. speak well ot your trends of vour enemies say nothing. i'ay vour bills promptly, and collect tho bills duo you closely. l-iivo somo personal supervision to every depart ment of your business. Tho master's eyes are worth both in his lands. 15owarc of outside speculations, your best chance of making money is always connected with the business vott understand. In seeking a siiuation, remember that tho right kind of men aro always in demand, and that industry and capacity larely go empty-handod. iS'ever sign a paper until jou havo read it and carefully understand tt. It you post your servants uprm your affairs they will one day lend you. iJo your business promptly, and bore not a business mm with long visits. In making an investment, take caro that, your principal is perfectly secure. iSover iuil to take a receipt lor money paid, and keep copies of your letters. Neither overrate nor undcrrato your capacity, but strtvo to estimate your powers at their just value. Use vour credit sparingly. It may serve a useful temporary purpose, but pay-day is sure to come, and you should endeavor to bo always prepared for it. Iwo of Hothchilds maxims wero to never buy anything that was not in triusically worth tho money paid for it. A Knifo Out Out of Him, sooner mado up ins nunu to do mis than ho resolved to carry out tho idea atoucc. Ilu would not givo himself timo to think about it, for tho word " robbery " has au ugly bound and ho did not caro to say it above a whisper. Ouo evening when his wito was din ing with a mend in town no loutia that she had torgottcn to tauo her keys with her. Tho opportunity must not bo lost; so good a one might not soon occur again, lio therefore crept soiiiy up to the dressing room with the keys in his hand, .Much to ins astonish ment he found the window wide open, tho furniture much disarranged, tho door of tho safo ajar, and tho dia monds gone. For somo moments ho stood aghast, Btaring Btupidly around. Then tho dreadtul truth Hashed on him. Burg lars had effected an entry whilo ho was at dinner and oarried off the jewels. Beforo many hours moreover tho now of another great jewel robbery sproad over tho country nnd tho ser vico of skillod detectives wero enlisted. But weeks passed and no glimmer of light was thrown upon tho mysterious bmglary, With this calamity camo nuothor. Captain Valletort's creditors pressed mm bo hard that ho was com pelled to tako tho initiatory step for going through tho bankruptcy court, and his nara6"duly appeared in tho Qa Sfitte. After this tho Valletort's found it expedient to leave England lor a time. Thoy rscsolvcd to spend tho Florence. In that pleasant city they wore soon tho centro of a brilliant cot- for Jlrs. Valletort's beauty and On Thur.s.liy tmniing of )at week n cyclone paired over various sections of Penniylvnnii, which was tho most Bovero of "any for a ntimtH-r of years nasi. Wo givo below a brief account of damago dono in difProiit localities: CIIAMIir.ltSltUIKl, I'A. . small sized cyclonu struck this county in this vicinity early in tho morning iiuilditigs swayed to ami fro and the people were afraid to re main in bod. Tho gable end of a house on Jlr. Piaster's farm, east of tho town, was blown in and the building is almost an entire loss. Tho building owned by Mr. Jero Hlinadarmer, on the Washington slnet t xtension, was completely wrecked. Thero is somo machinery stored in the building which is ruined. Tho roof on tho barn of Jlr. Samuel )isert was blown from tho building nnd much damage dono to tho contents of tho barn by the rain. Fif teen feet of tho slate roof over the Taylor works was blown off and a largo portion of tho cornice demolished. A Fnyetlevillo dispatch says: "Tho brick school house at New Guilford was blown down and scattered in all direction". In that place straw nnd fodder stacks wero fearfully demolished. Houses rocked liko cradles nil night. Tho peoplo wero tcrtibly frightened. Tho wind camo from the southeast and ucver has such a tornado visteel that soctiou. Tho rain also descended in torrents." IK TIIK WYCOMINIl VALLEY. A brief, but deslructivo cyclont. ao companird by a rain-fetonn, prevailed in the Wyoming Valley, causing in tense excitement whilo it lasted. Koofs of houses in vaiiotis parts wero torn off, telegrabh atid telephone wires to all parts wero greatly damaged and trtcs wero snapped in two whilo tho storm lusted. At king-ton the new Catholio church was blown down and tetlally wrecked. Tho loss, which falls upon tho contractor, Win. O'JIalley, is estimated at 810,000. At Parsons, where the Delaware and Hudson Ca nal Co. aro putting up a shaft, during tho gale, timbers and planus wero tossed about promiscuously. Iiobort Johnson, a carpenter, who was at work at the time, was stiuck by a flying plank ami instantly killed. Tho stee ple of the Jlethodist lipi-copal church, ono of tho highest in that beclion, was blown do in and completely demolished. At Jlill Creek tho head hemso of No. 3 shaft and the roof of No. 2 shalt of the Delawa-o and Hudson Co., wero blown down and destroyed. I ho dari- age done at theso two collieries caused the suspension of wotk for the present. LOCK ltWKN, l't. A severe wind storm that swept over tho city r.t 0 o'clock in tho morning, done much damage to property. "At tho Pennsylvania paper mills company's work, two largo iron snnko stacks. 75 feet high, were blown eiown. One ot them fell on llie evaporating butldii g, completely dcmolihing it, and injuring tour men who wero buried in I ho ru ns. Tho other stack fell ncro is tho boiler- hnnso and ciushed it. The fireman, II. Bennett, was badly injured. Many buildings in the city nro damaged, and a laruo tobacco shed, owned by I roo- tor Jlyers, was totally demolished. Tho roof of the new nail mill building was slightly dimaged. Imports from the country aro to tho effect that tho farmers havo suffered severely by tiio damages to fruit trees and outbuildings. HEADING, I'A. Considen.blc damage was done in Heading by the severe storm of Wed nesday night of last week. Tho wiuel blew a perfect gale and thero was a heavy fall of rain. A largo trco was blown upon tho Washington street bridge Thursday morning and several persons narrowly escaped being struck. On Court street below Third, a dwell ing had to bo vacated hurriedly on ac count of the dangerous condition of a telegraph pole. Telegraph communi cation lias been much interrupted. At 9:30 a. m. thu wind shitted from tho South to Northwest and no further trouble is feared. I'lTTSIIUnf!, I'A. . Tbo heavy rams of Wednesday niijht dusod n mo.st disastrous landslide from Ono of tho most remarkable surgical operations ever attempted in the United States was performed a S Louis, JIo., on tho lath, on a tauor named Joseph Hoffman. The latter has al ways had a penchant of swallowing solids without the prcciss of mastica tion. Ono year ago ho attempted to show his family how swords could bo swallowed, and used a poker for tho illustration, it got last in his ecsoiiha gus and no had a narrow escape lrom death. Wednesday night ho picket up a silver-plated table knife, 10 inches long, and calling upon his children to watoh him, ho introduo.nl tho handle into Ills mouth, nnd pissed it down un til only two inches ot tho blado pro truded. At that moment hu attempt ed to look around to see tho effi ct on tho spectators, and in doing so tho knifo slipped down f,ho gullet. Ho scroamcd with agony, and a neighbor rushed in and attempted to pull the i....f ..... it.. ri. .t .. .. e .t.- r, uaL i ; ii .T i i i 1 T i Ml. Washington, on tho south side of lllanp. nut It el lilcil I114 frr-tun nml .lmn- I. .I ped down into the stomach. Dr. A, grace, and uer husband'p good naturcd manner woro as iiiuon appreciated as in London, Ono evening, when thoy had dined quietly at home, Mrs. Valletort an nounced to nor husband mat buo naa Bomething to show him that would sur- priao him considerably. Tho captain quito listlessly depbireel himself willing to givo her his attention; and Lilla, smiling rather wickedly, vanished from tho room, reappearing soon aftor with a largo cardboard box under her arm which she carefully nlaoed on the tn,ble. "What havo you got there, my dear 1 asked tho captain in somo sur nrlsc, ... .. ..... "You hail see," replied ms wiio, "But first promise to let rao havo my way In tins matter.' "Very won, I nromiso. 'Oh, you dear, foolish Ned. Just seo how much cleverer I am than you cried tho lltllo woman cxultlutjly, as nho opened tho box and took out bcv cral shabby leather oases. Tlio captain started as tt uo naa been shot, "Lilla, don't tnntalizo mo liko this, ho oiled, angrily. "What havo you got m thoso cases i "My diamonds and thoir facsimile In paste." Aud she displayed a mass ot gems mat positively duazieu mm "Lutein tq v o tor a few inoiiionU nnd I will explain everything. Soon after yon asked mo to sell my diamonds I began to expect that you meant to take tLem tiotn mo by stratagem, and l re 0. Bernay.s, the surgeon, was suinm Hi ed, and decided that tho knifo would havo to bo tukon from tho stomach hrough an abdominal incision. Hoff- man was chloroformed, and an incision fivo inches long was made in thu abdo men, Wheu tho stomach was reached tho knifo was found Iving horiz uitallv. n incision about an inch long was ado in llie stomach, and tho knifo was seized by tho hatidlo and with drawn. Then camo tho del one part i iuo operation, i he mucous mem brane was first stitched, then tho nuis cular, and last tho peiiloneutn. Tho ork was dono quickly, and thoro was scarcely any internal hemorrhage, ivuoiu suuiics wero then matte in tho abdominal iocision, pationt was put to bed. That night ho was doing well, and is taking some milk and beef tea. Tho only danger is from inllamat'on or blood poisoning, iloltman is -15 years i age. The Pretty Girls of Dublin. the Jlonongaliela river, tho sides of which aro almost perpendicular, and along tlm base of which tln'Pau-IIatidlo Kailroad is constructed, ilu Limited Express on tho Pau-IIaudl ISoad, duo in Pittsburg at 6:10, ha 1 reached a place just beyond tlio 1'iiint Bridge, ono milo from Union Stuiiou, when a mas of rock camo caslm g down tho hillside The train cn-naed of thrco Pullman cars, in addition to soveral mail oars Tho liret sh-iptr was tho Cincinnati, and tho wound and tho third from Indianapolis. Tho first mass struck . tho Cincinnati sleeper, crushing through tlio io f near tho centre. This car had very few passen gers in, and nearly all of them wero up and in tho lavatories. 1J. Aruhoim, ot Pittsburg, was standing in tho iOe and was crushed boueath a huge rook. Jlr. A. S. Bennett, of Now York, was stiil in his berth and a mns crushod through tho upper berth, carried it down upon nun, and pinned him ticneatlt it. lho second car was sirjek in the centre, one hugo rock going through from one side to tho other, and tearing out nearly tho entire buio ot lho car. Tho car was nl.so badly crushed. A writer sayo i Ireland is noted for its beautiful women, and tho girls of other Dublin aro tho prettiest of those of any Nearly tho entiro mass remained on tho city in tho world. Thoy havo as a. rnlo, cars, and as tbo traok was nut very fair, rosy complexions nnd good forms, little obstructed tho conductor ordered and they know how to dress tho latter, tho engineer lo pull out for tho Uuion I intended a rogatta at Dalkoy, tho station as rapidly as possible. A tele- great yachting placo near Dubliu, and phono message had been sent givinc saw some soveral thousand of tho better information of tho accident. By tho clas of girls of Ireland. Th. poorer time tho train pulled into lho station classes wero Bhut out bv tho higher tho entiro foroo of emnloves was readv prices of tho iuolosuro allotted lo us, to assist in romoving the injured from mm mu wuwu wits ii Kiu-giovcu one. uie cars, Biretcners nnu another re- iho girls scorned neniiny nun in iiign spirits, ami tnoy cians being on Hand. Two pers showed, as I could iudgo from tho wero badly iujuriid, and may not ic- witty remarks 1 heard en passant, nil cover. Six others received elight bruis- tho lovo Qf humor for which old Ire- es, but nono porious. land is famous. I ho Irish broguo com- ing out of tho nearly teeth of thorosv- checked brlght-oycel Irish sounds very swcot Indeed, and were I a millionaire Amerloan with onu or two American girl babies I would bring thorn to Ire A Noblo Arrangfiaieut. "It's a Bolemn thing, young man," said tho broken-hearted father, "to co mo into the house of an old mau and land to raiso them for lho sako of their 1 tako away his only daughter, tho light complexion.). Tho beauties aro not of his household, and tho prop nnd I ...fi l . .1.. t I i r I.:. ... ' ii.-. . uuwuvei, uuiiiiueu tti mu upper uiue.es, I boiaco en ins ui'ciiiliug yi'itrs. jiut jou I saw pretty fjirl everywhere, and I havo my blessing, and 1 wish you ev many a siyect faco thero U among tho I cry joy and v "lint won l tako her away, sir, in- white-enpped Bcrvant girls of the hotels and ovon auioug tho workers In the fields, or in the cotter s huts. The men too, appear to be healthy, us a rule, and poor ai thoy arc, l't bettor pliysl clai condition than Americans. tcrrupted tho young man, inexiircsiibly affected. "Wo'll both May light hflre." Ar. Y. ,Sun. Haul case An iron chest.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers