THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0. K, Elwoll, 1 Tiii.,. J. K. MttenbWer.,, E4lt0"' feLOOMSBUUG, PA. KllIDAY, SUPTHMIIEK 10, 1880. Tho Congressional Conference) for tliis district will bo held at Wilkes Darro on Thursday, September 10. J. II. Swoycr of Wllkesbarro has been nominatud for Congress by tho democrats of Luzerne county. Tho investigation of tho courso of Mayor Smith of Philadelphia by tho city councils has brought to light a deplorable etato of things. Tho may or has not only appropriated public funds to his own use, but checks have been unlawfully altered so that they could bo deposited to his credit. It looks as though his impeachment is inevitable. Tho attitude of Governor Ulaok on tho subject of anti-discrimination is evidence that ho is tho man for tho fanners. Ilis membership of tho Grange is no less a guaranteo of that than his constant and persistent advo cacy of the rights of agriculturo boforo tho' law. Thero are enouqh farmers in tho State to determine the contest. If they aro wiso they will secure tho election ot the man wno lias demon strated his friendship aud that man is Governor lilack. Tlio republican organs appear to bo very much troubled about what they II .1! ! !.. .1 .1 . r, -4 .. CU11 UlQHt'llSlUUH 111 111U UUlllUUl'lilu pailj' of the state. Thev alleco that Chaun- cey F. Black was nominated for Gov ernor by a faction, and that tho Wal lace men, will not support him. This is purely imaginative on their part. Tho warmest friends of Mr. Wallace announco that they aro for tho ticket, and will do all in their powor to elect it, and Mr. Wallaco himself says that tho ticket must be elected. Wallaco and Black are warm personal friends, and thoroughly urderstand each other. Tho Beaver organs had better spend their time in natchincr ut their own fences. The democratic party can take caro of itself without any of their assist ance. Victoria Morosini, tho daughter of the wealthy IS ow York banker, who created a sensation some time ago by marrying her father's coachman, lies left her husband. Sho has been con nected with an opera company, and the husband, Ernest Schilling, holds a position as conductor on a street car line. Her father disowned her, ana has refused to see her except on con dition that she would leave Ernest It is now known that they navo been livinc unhappily for some time past Different reports aro In circulation as to her whereabouts, one being that she has returned to her fathers house, another that she has gone to Canada to enter a convent, and still anomor, that sho has eloped, with another man. Wherever she may be, she has doubt less repented her foolish action in marrying a man lar beneath hor. John 0- NeT7 on Elaine. Tho Washington correspondent of tho Philadelphia Times has interview' ed Mr. John O. New, ex-United States Treasurer, on Mr. Blame s standing in Indiana and bis chances for a renomi nation by tho Republicans for tho Presidency. Mr. New said : "Mr. BliXno has a few Republican friends in Indiana who might think that his nomination would be expedi ent, but you will find that tho party generally in the Stato is not of that opinion. Tho cause of this diminu tion of Blaine enthusiasm is traceable directly and principally to that libel suit. "The Republicans think they were very shabbily treated in that mat ter. Tho nominations aro two years off. By that timo wo will in all prob ability pass through stages of experi ence, progress and change in political sentiment which will canse the Re publicans to raovo cautiously in the matter of making up their ticket Mr. Blaine might havo somo influence in shaping the nomination, but bo will not bo nominated. A great many in fluential Republicans declare that if Blaine should be nominated thero will bo no Republican electoral ticket named by tho party organization in Indiana, and as for carrying the State for Blaine, that is entirely out of tho question. I am not saying this out of any Stalwart notions of hostility to Mr. Blaine, but purely on tho grounds of expediency aud a knowledco of the altitudo of tho party leaders growing out of Blaine's course in that libel suit" "How about Logan !" "His courso in the Senalo on tho Payuo investigation resolutions hurt him badly. The Indiana Republicans btaud with the Ohio Republicans on that question. Logan could not get cither of theso two delegations as they now fee). Our people take more stock in Sherman than any ono elso. 1 think bherman will bo the next lie publican candidate, aud he will be elected if wo can elect anybody. The Store Order Business- When Beaver issued store orders to tho men employed at tho Bellofonto JNail ana Iron Works his object was obviously to go iuto mercantile life as n regular occupation. In that event tho thing for him to havo done was to purchase a store aud attend to the sale of goods. But General Beaver know no such thing as limiting tho profits to a fair sup ply of goods aud in general competition with other merchants. In that ovent tho prices of goods would haye to bo Kept down to the rates charged, and tho profits limited to a legitimato figure But ho started a storo at tho sito of his works, whero thero aro no other stores, giving orders uot transferable and ro deomablu only m goods to a workman, aud ho is compelled to buy at the only place where thoir currcnoy is receivable. This opened a fino field for making f irotits out ot merchandise, and tho teimblican candidate's avarico led him a willing follower into tho scheme. This was a great injury to tho work iigmen of tho country. It put jthoso of them who whero employed by Beay cr ia a position akin to shivery. Every worLingman should testify to his ap preciation of tho outrage by voting tor Chauncoy F. Black. J'atrht. From llazletonto Audonrled. Tho contract for tho now branch of tho Lehigh Valley Railroad from Haz Mon to Audeuiled has just been award ed. Tho now road will bo thrco milcB long, will cost about Si! 0,000, aud will require a trestling 1,200 feet long. About 150 men will bo employed at once, to havo tho road finished hi December. Talk Talrly, Mr. Blaine. Mr. Btaino said at Unity: "At tho la'st session of Congress tho Democrats backed by tho power of tho National Administration, sought to urciiK down tho protcctivo Unit." Now. Mr. Blaine, von aro a sneaker of too many resources to indulgo in tho tncro Blang-wlinnning ot tlio avor- nco stump orator. Tho Morrison liill, which Democratic votes prevented from being considered by tho House, would, if enacted into law, havo loft tho Uriff HO per cent, hinhcr thau was considered sufficient for tho purposes of protection by Senator Morrill and his Republican associates who controll ed Congress in 1801, and considerably higher than rresldcnt Arthur pro tectionist Commission, backed by what two Republican Sccietarics of tho Treasury said would bo amplo for both protection and rovenuo in insa. Tho lanit-rclorm JJcmocrats in ino Houso simply attempted, though in a tardy and bungling manner, to redeem tho pledges mado in tho platforms of both political parties, to correct tho inequalities and injustico of tho tariff, as a means of preventing tho Treasury surplus and putting a stop to extrava gant nppropnations. Whoever, ot either party, shall resist this policy, will hnd it tho worse for himself in tho end. Tho war taxes must corao down. World A Greenbacker On the Prohibition Boom- Mr. Rynder, chairman of tho State committee of tho Greenback-Labor party, has made a tour of at least three fourths of tho counties in tho State. IIo says it is wonderful hdw tho Pro hibition boom is growing. "Tho preachers aro talking Wolfo from tho pulpit,1' said he, "and I would not be surprised to see the Prohibition vote run up to 80,000. J. hero wcro 135 preachers in attendance; at tho recent Prohibition Convention, and tho preach ers aro making things hum in religious circles. As to our own party tho pros pects are encouraging, but I cannot give an cstimato of our vote. Wo will nominate a btato ticket lucre is a movement on foot favoring tho indorse ment oi Maxwell Stevenson and W. J. Brennan, but I cannot speak positively in tho matter. Others want to en dorse Osborne, tho Republican candi date for Uongressman-at-Largo. JCob ert J. Houston, of Lancaster, will bo nominated for Governor, bcth lloag land, of Mercer county, is spoken of as a candidate for Lieutenant Governor." A Grand Political Transformation Scene. At tho Government Printing Office at Washington tlirc is now going on tho most rapid and wholesale change of political sentiments on record. It is a regular tidal-wave. Previous to the announcement of tho appointment ot Uol. licnedict as successor to Hounds low Democrats could bo round any where in tho establishment 1 hero are about three thousand employees in tho olhce, and it is sato to say that ono fifth of them were appointed as Demo crats. Within tho past week tho chango has taken place, and to find a Republican there now it would bo nec essary to mako a microscopical exami nation, so no removals have been mado, The change has been so great that there is talk by those who have been tho loudest Republicans of forming a Cleveland Democratic Club, with the new Chief Clerk Benedict as President, By the timo tho new Publio Printer arrives to tako charge of the office, it is thought thero will not bo an employ ee in tho omco who has not been life-long Democrat. Hanged, Tarred, Feathered. THE TKUltlULE TOBTUBE INFLICTED ON AN OHIO FABMER I1Y NEI01IUORS. Mansfield, Ohio, Sept. G Simon Dolph filed in Court to-day a petition for 20,000 damages against 12 farm- ;.. -i . T l-.j! era in iui couuiy lnuiuuin two wom en. While Dolph was going liter his cows iust before sunset a week ago, sentinel on the road fired a shot, at which signal four men rushed out from a cornfield upon Dolph. He "was too much for them, and four moro men an peared, and ho was bound. His wife was driven away at tho muzzle of guns, Sho tolled tho farm bell, aud ono of the neighbors responded, but was driv en away under threat of death. A ropo was placed around Dolph's neck, and bo was dragged through tho woods. Tho ropo was then thrown over a limb and ho was pulled up. When bo re covered his senses, he was lying on a log. A man was blowing into his mouth. IIo was taken thenco to graveyard whero ho was stripped. Tar was rubbed over his body, and ho was commanded to roll in several bushels of feathers. Tho crowd then padded feathers on him and put a mass in his hair, sticking rooster leathers in bis head to make him look liko an Indian lie was then pulled with tho ropo around his neok over stones and brush and marched to the village of Rome. There a bonfiro was built, around which the men forced him to march to music, Tho inhabitants of the villago went out to seo the sight, but no effort was mado to rcscuo the tortured man. IIo was punched with sticks, kicked and terribly treated, lie appealed to justice of the peace and a constablo for help, but they said thoy could do nothing. Tho ten men marched him around town, and each giving a part ing kick, started him home where ho arrived several hours afterward nearly dead. . liotore releasing him tho cap tain of tho gang told him to lcavo town withiu 10 days or they would kill him and his family and burn his promt ses. The neighbors charged Dolph with talking scandalously about alt the women in tho neighborhood, which he indignantly denies, warnings had been given mm to leavo tho country three days boforo tho outrage by two masked men. and again tho night bo foro by two women in disguise. Ho refused to oboy, Ono man was shot duriiif tlio meleo. Manv of tho seamed aro wealthy. Several havo already loft tho country, and others aro pre paring to leave. The Earthquake. Though the shock of tho carthquako last week was felt in many places, north nnd south, tho city of Chaileston, South Carolina, suffered moro than any other locality. Beginning Tues day night tho earth tremors wero felt at intervals, aud there was a reign of terror among the people, who dared not enter their dwellings, not knowing at what moment thoy might fall. Tho first shock was on Tuesday night, and it was heralded by a sound resembling distant thunder. This was followed by a heaving and quaking that ruined noarly seven-eighths of tho buildings in Charleston and killed 32 peonlo by tho falling ot walls. Ten earthquake waves followed each other in rapid succession. Then thero was a cessation until 8:25 Wednesday morinug when tho eleventh shock was felt Again on Friday night at 11 o'clock a shock was felt all hlong tho southern Allan- tio coast whioh was felt from Jackson ville to Washington. Two moro build ings wcro thrown down in Charleston, nnd a woman was killed by a tailing wall. Tho situation in that city is de plorable Tho pooplo aro living in tents, under umbrellas and anything that can cover them at night. Rellof committees havo been organized, and supplies aro being sent to tho sufferers. it will Uko Sf i.uuu.uuu to repair the damaged buildings. its rRKDECESsons, Tho carthnuttko oxtended over a larger territory than any that has taken pl.ico in iNort America within mo His tory of tlio continent. It also was fraught with tho greatest loss of lifo known to havo been caused by any such ovent in tho region to which it was conhned, but whllo In theso re spects it was unparalleled, it was not tlio most violent that has bcon felt in this country. That precedence bo longs to tho earthquake which in De cember. 1811 swept through tho cntiro Mississippi Valley, concentrating its powers at the town of New Madrid, Mo., which was nearly obliterated. Memphis, St Louis and other points along tho river suttcrcd, and over n region stretching for thrco hundred miles southward from tho month of tho Ohio tho ground rose nnd sank in great undulations and lakes wcro form ed and were again drained. Tho sur- lace burst open m hssurcs that gener ally trended northeast and southwest, and sometimes were more than half a milo long. Disturbances continued over tho "sunk country" until March 2G, 1812. On October 27, 1727 ; No veraber 18, 1727 : December 7. 1737 : November 18, 1755 ; March 22, 1758 ; April 25, 1772 ; November 30, 1783 i January 8, 1817 ; August 7, 18G8, aud October 29, 1870, earthquake, shocks of Borne severity wero lelt on tho Atlan tic coast of tho United StateB. That next preceding tho phenomenon of Tuesday night was tho ono of August 10, 1S84, which extended irom Mary land to Maino and as far west as Ohio. The Human family. FltOM THE TOl'MOST ROUND OK CIVILIZA TION DOWN TO NAKED SAVAGERY. It is said that the human family liv ing to-day on earth consists of about 1,450,000,000 individuals; not less probably more. Theso are distributed over the earth's surface, bo that now there is no considerable part where man is not found. In Asia, whero ho was first planted, there are now approxi mately about 800,000,000 densely crowded ; on an average 120 to tho square mile. In Europe there aro 320, 000,000 averaging 100 to tho square mile, but not crowded, but everywhere dense, and at points overpopulated. In Africa thero are 210,000,000. In America, North and South, there are 110,000,000, relatively thinly scattered and recent. In the islands large and small, probably 10,000,000. Tho ex tremes of tho white and black aro as fivo to threo ; tho remaining 700,000,- 000 intermediate brown and tawnv. Of tho race, 500,000,000 are well clothed that is, wear garments of somo kind to cover their nakedness ; 700,000,000 aro Bemi-clothed, covering inferior parts of the body ; 250,000, 000 are practically naked. Of the race puu.uuu.uuu live in houses partly furn ished with tho appointments of civili zation ; 700,000,000 iu huts or caves with no furnishing ; 260,000,000 have nothing that can be called a house, are barbarous and savage. Tho range is from tho topmost round tho Anglo- Saxon civilization, which is tho high est known down to naked savagery, Tho portion of the race lying below tho lino of human condition is at the very least three-fifths of the whole, or 000,000,000. Jiiiffalo Commercial. ITEMS Bradford, Pa.. Sent 5. Coon and Moonoy, contractors of tho City Water Works, havo secured a S10.3G0 verdict against the city. Tho award was mado by a board of threo arbUrators. Tho city will appeal to a higher court. Tho ciiy anegeu mat uoon and JUooney had not litorally fulfilled their contract, and held back a portion of tho money duo them on that ground, henco tho suit Lancaster, September 4 Joseph J. Dosoh, tho man who attempted to kill Judge Livingston by shooting him last winter, was brought into court this morning and sentenced by Judge Patterson to threo years and nine months' imprisonment. Dosch was convicted tome months ago, but thero was some doubts as to his sanity A commission was appointed to examine him, but they failed to agree. Ono of tho members, a physician, believed him to be of unsound mind. Ot lato Dosoh seemed to have recovered and at pres ent is said to be perfectly sane. Daniel Davis, a Scranton bachelor of 70 years, was Braitton by tho charms of b uxom Widow Gammon, also of Scnnton. Sho was fat, fair, and with in fivo years of -10, and sho said that sho would be Daniel's, and Daniel seal ed tho promise with a fino ring, and set up two kegs of beer in tho widow's house she runs a saloon. Then tlio widow asked Daniel for a small loan of $200. Ho had it and much more, too, but ho also had a large head, aud ho said "No ;" and at that the- widow first went, then stormed, and said she wouldu t marry such a mean man. "All right," said Daniel, "give mo back my ring. 1 But sho wouldn't do this, and so ho sued her at law, and won tho suit, and now ho drinks no move beer at tho widows bar. A Negro's Prediction. the end ok the world scheduled for SEITKMIIER 29. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 7. In a ne gro hamlet forty miles from tho rail road.last Monday, a ncgress apparently died and her friends were sitting up wiui wiu corpse, w lino mo wako was at its height, tho woman burst the glass in tho coffin lid and assumed a sitting posture. A stampedo ensued. She oxtricated herself from tho coffin and told her friends that tho cud of the world was scheduled for Soptcraber 29 and that she would die at dawn. Her death ensued as predicted, and on Tuesday night came the earthquake. Tho negroes of tho enliro neighbor hood now look upon tho dead woman as a piopbct aud have spent tho cntiro time since Tuesdny night in their weird religious devotions in pieparation for tho expected day of judgment Farm work is suffering severely as a conso quence. Fully 500 negroes havo now collected at the sceno of services. tetrt ''EH MONTII.-Salary ana Comrals V 1 1 lon to competent manager (or this uUUU city or Mate agency. A splendid combination. Our AUTOMATIC OAS OOVKIIN oils save an per cent, in as bills, our silver (las Light can bo attached to any nxture. Instantly changing the dull, sickly, yellow name ot any gag to a uoiu mellow, luminous white, increasing bril liancy W per cent. Over 8.000 in Bcrvlco. Address THE UNION NATIONAL UAH SAV1NQ CO., 81 East Htli St., New York, IsepiO-aiu', Rheumatism ( tl an tttabltthcd fact that Ilood'i Bar saparltU has proven mi Invaluable remedy In many sovcro cases ot rheumatism, effect ing rcraarkablo cu;cs by Its powerful action In correcting tho ncldlty ot tho blood, which Is tho causo ot tho dlsoue, and purifying and enriching the fluid. It it certainly fair to atumt that what Hood's Barsaprtrllla has done tor others It will do for you. Therefore, It you suffer tho pains and aches ot rheumatism, give this potent remedy a fair trial. A Poslttvo Cure. " I was troubled very much with rheums, tlsm in my hips, ankles, and wrists. I could hardly walk, and was confined to my bed a good deal ot tho time. Being rec ommended to try Hood's SarsapnrUIa, I took tour bottles and nm perfectly well. I cheerfully recommend Hood's Sarsaparllla as ono ot the best blood purifiers In tho world." W. F. Wood, Dloomlngton, IU. For Twenty Years I have been afflicted with rheumatism. Before )883 1 found no relief, but grew worse. 1 then Began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and It did mo moro good than all the other medlclno I ever had." II. T. Balcom, Shirley, Mass. " I suffered from what the doctors caller, muscular rheumatism. I took Hood's Sai saparilla and am entirely cored." J. V. A rnocDFOOT, letter carrier, Chicago, 111. We shall bo glad to send, tree ot chargo to all who may desire, a book containing many additional statements ot cures by Hood's Sarsaparllla Sold by all druggists, tl; six for $5. Mado only by O. I. HOOD !i CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar. DEM00EATI0 TICKET. STATE. Fou Governor, CIIAUNCEY F, BLACK, of York. Fou Lieutenant Governor, It. HltUCE ltlCKETTS. of Luzerne. Fou Auniroii Genkhai WILLIAM J. UltENNAN. of Allegheny. Foil CoNOUESS-AT-LAnOE, MAXWELL STEPHENSON, of Philadelphia. Foit Secretary ok Internal Affairs, J. SIMPSON AFRICA, of Huntingdon. COUNTY. For Conoress, CHARLES R. BUCICALEW. Subject to tho decision ot the Conferees of tho llth District. For State Senator, JOHN G. FREEZE. Subject to tho decision of the Conferees of the 21th District. For Rei'iiissentativks, A. L. FRITZ, Of Bloomsburg. JAMES T. FOX, Of Beaver Township. For Associate Jupoes, JAMES LAKE, Of Scott Township. C. G. MURPHY, Of Centralis VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. BEAVER Levi StlcraeL aeorge DreUbncli, Isaac Kllngerman, Moses schllcner, J. 1". Fry, Jcsso Rlttenbouse. BERWICK, K-A. D. seely. Freeman Sltler, Jacob w. Campbell, lllram W. Bowe.r BDRWICK, Wlobn Frantz, G.orgo A. Carey, Will T, Snyder. BENTON Emanuel Laubach, Benton; Frank T. shultz, Ravei Creek; (leorge Gibbons, Cainbra; lieubei Clsfrled, Benton. BLOOM, E-Jobn B. Casey, c. B. Bobbins, C. II. Campbell, elms. 1C Ilousol. BLOOM, W Guy Jacojy, David Glrton, John Welllver, .las. M'Brdo. BRIARCllEKK Gldeoi Jllchael, Geo. W. Miller, William Lamon, Cyrus Smith. CATAWISSA Wm. T. Creasy, Wm. Berkhelmer, Wm. scliuck. Allen Harnett. CENTRALIA Michael W. Brennan, David Walsh, John lie inessy. CENTRE J. F. Rink, John Wanich, Sanderson llagenbucli, Arthur Creasy, A. J. Kocher, Al bert Kelcliner, Levi Ilemley. CONYNQII AM, N l.ob't Cantleld, ratrlck J. Cain, William Callagy. CONYNGIIAM, K-John P. Hannon, Patrick Healy. FISI1INGCREEK Amos Ilartman, J. M. Arnmer- man. No: nan SI 'Henry, Samuel Coleman. FRANKLIN it. s. Jlcllenry, Jonathan Loreman, Jacob Artley. GREENWOOD A. J. IK: it. Derr's P. 0-; John Leg- Sott, Iola; Jacob Welllver, Eyer's Grove; Win. lack, Rohrsbjrg; 1'hil. Young, MUlvllle. HEMLOCK Aratrias Glrton, fclmon Ketchard, Lawrence L. Ilartman, Jacob .Mart?. JACKSON Frank Trlvelplece, J. W. Kitchen, Frank Fritz. LOCUST A. M. Johnson, Christian Small, Charles Beaver, Adam Dlminlck. MADISON Charles II. Fruit, Baltls Sterling, John M. Smith. MAIN Gilbert Shuman, Frcas Bowman, George 1 re'sh. M1FF1 IN Isaac Andreas, C. W. Hess, E. schwep penhelso MONTOUH James Oulck, Rupert; Henry Lazarus, Grovanla; I. W. Baylor, Catawlssa. MT. PLEASANT Sam 1 Hartzel, Llgbtstreet,Jlack Ikeler, Moidansvllle; Isaac Apuleman, welll verevllle. OltANUE-L. M. Sleppy, Theodore Bush, Miles Belong. ItOAUlNGCREEK James Knlttle, Wm. B.IIouck, Leander Fetterman. PINE D. R. Gordner, lino Summit, J. R. Fowler, Pine Summit; Daniel Robblns, lierr's. SCOTT, Wh. M. Kelchner, A. c. lildlay. scon", E B. F. Relguard, Ell schneld-nan, Wm. Savage. SUOARLOAF Alfred Cole, D-tnlel Steadman, Aaron Fritz, E. F. Laubach. rnWAI. LIST FOIl SEI'TEMUEll X TERM, 185. Mrs. D. B. Frederick vs Edward Lyons. Sarah 0. Hosier vs. Israel lllttenbcnder. Stephen Dlttenbender vs. Samuel Bowers, with notice to Odd Fellows Hall Abs'n of Orange Mile, terro tenants. Charles M. Conyngham and L. C. Paine, doing business as conynghaii l'alhe, vs James 31c Alarney and Mary McAlarney. his wile. Jacob Haines vs. N. V. 11. lty. Co. A. 11. Krlckbaum'susovsW. II. Krlckbaum. James Moj-ervsJoires S. Lowara, Admr. of Jo seph ciewell, feed, M. G. Hughes fnU llcrmon Fahrlnger vs John Lloyd. II. W. Hess, O. B. Hess and I. J. Thomas, part ners, doing business In the mm name or Hess Thomas vs lllram F. Eve.ett. Wm. II. Yorgey vs Iicust Mountain Water Co. II. E. l'eaco;k vs. Wm. Masteller. J. F. smith, now to uso of catawlssa Deposit Bank vs. n. c. Creasy. Clark Callender, ex'r ot Joseph Hess, dee'dvs Francis L. Hess. Albert E. Cadow vs. D. L. t: W. R. It. Co. Theodore F. Cralsvg. Mahala Craig and Dan iel F. bey bert. Charles W. Van Essen vs Thomas Webb and tho Columb'a County Agricultural society. J. II. Kline, odm'r of lllram 11. Kline vs Ellen Kline. C. E. Pennock, J. L. Pennock nnd John s. Pen nock, trading as the nrm of C. li Pennock Co. vs. Charles Relchart. John Drum and Elcmanda Drum, his wife, In tight ot the wire vs Ellas bliutuan and Cath arine Shuman, (or words spodeii by the said Catharine. Charles W. McKelvy and Deborah r. McKelvy, his wife, to the umj or the said .Deborah, ). N. Wllllts and Josephine Yt Hills, his wire, to the uso or the cald Josephine, James II. Ramsay, Charles C. Hagepbuch and Anna II. Hut-en-buch his wire, to the uso of the said Anna, Charles Ramsay, William P. Ramsay and Rob ert N. Ramsay vs. Charles 11. llrockway. Benjamin Feticrman vs J. Boyd Robison, Charles Relchart vs. Kmanuei Mauser. II. W. Bower vs Martha H. Ferris, wife of O. H, Ferris, owner, and George O. Welllver, con tractor, i John I- Urumbaucb vs the I) I, W It It Co. Patrick Hums, by his mother and next friend, Margaret Burns, vs L A Riley, Layfayetto F Lcntz and William Lllley, trading as Louis A ltlleyCo, Aaron Boone vs Espy IJmo and Cement Co. II F Everett vs Bruce F Kutlirr and Philip L Hess lato doing business under the name of B F But- 1111 and P I. lies O II Millard vs John Snyder. George o Welllver is OF Ferris and Martha L Ferris, his wlto, owner, or reputed owner. II. W. Hess, O. B. Hess and Ira Thomas, partners, doing business as Hess s Thomas vs. lllram F. Everett, 0 u urockway vs Columbia county with service ou Mephen Pohe, Washington Parr and Ell MendenhalL A K bmlth vs Samuel Brugler. J 11 1'attonvs A 1' Heller. Tho Curtis ManulacturlngCo vscurk I Thomas, 1 H Wagner, D W Mulrley and 1) F Wugue.-, trading under the linn name of Watsontowu Planing Mill Co. vs c F Harder, William Krlckbaum vb John II Casey, AugusiusBlbby and Julia, his wile, In right of (Mia wile vs George Hartmau, Mary ilartman ami Clinton Kills, udm'rol the estate of galllu E Itelimeyer deceased. James Yon vs Wilson Agcr and LlUua Ager, Albert KUnctob vs lllram Eckroat. U 11 Whitney vs S II Bowman. a B Whitney vs H B Bowman. SHERIFF'S SALES. By vlrtuo ot sundry writs, Issued out of tho Court of common Herts ot Columbia county, pa., and to mo directed, will bo exposed to publio sate, nt tho Court Houso In Bloomsburg, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1880, nt o'clock p. m all that certain tract of land, sltuato In Hemlock township, Columbia county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Bo. Binning at a hickory, thenco by lands of Win. J. Ilartman nnd tho helreof Jacob Ilartman dee'd, South threo and ono-fourth degrees west eighty perches and one-half to a stone, thenco by I'ho lands of tho heirs of Johu Bailor south eighty seven nnd one-fourth degrees cast thlrly-elght perches to n stone. Thenco by land of John Rausch nnd rcter Helnbach south thrco degrees west twenty-six and eight-tenths perches to n whlto oak in llnoot landot Henry Oelgcr, thenco by land ot Henry Oelger north elghty-two degrees cast slxty-ono nnd thrco-tcnlh perches to a stake. Thenco by land of John and Sylvester l'urctll north two and one-half degrees cast ninety-six nnd four-tenths porches to a whlto oik. Thenco by land of John nnd Wm, Beauch, lands of Wm. Ivcy, lands ot John Gallagher, north eighty-eight andono-halt degrees west ono hundred and ninety nlno and two-tenths perches to n hickory, the placo ot beginning, containing ono hundrol and Rccn acres nnd nlnety-clgbt perches, strict measure, whereon aro erected a dwelling houso, barn and out buildings. Seized, taken In execution, nt the suit of Eliza beth cucber, wlto of Thomas Cuebcr, vs. Emma L. Wands and John A. Wands, her husband, and to bo sold as tho property of Emma U Wnryls nnd John A. Wand?, her husband. ANotK, Attys. Lev. Fa. ALSO, All that certain piece or parcel of land, sltuato In Scott township, Columbia county, state ot Pennsylvania, liounded as follows, to-wlt; On tho north by other part of this piece owned by Mc cormick Angle, on tho cast by A. snjder, on tho south by lands ot Lackawanna Bloomsburg Railroad Co , on tho west by lands of A. Snyder nnd coulalnlng In uldlh along tho property of the Lackawanna Blooms, burg Railroad Co., three hundred and eighty feet, moro or less, and In depth ono hundred and ten feet, moro or less, on which Is erected a two-slory frame building, formerly used nsa planing mill, and other outbuildings. Seized, taken In execution, at tho suit of W. J. Mccormick and F. C. Anglo vs. J. M. stookcy and Espy Mfg. Co. terro tenants and to bo sold as the property of J. M. Stookey Espy Mfg. Co. tcrre tenants, 5caklet Akolb, Attys- Lev. Fa. ALSO, All thatjcertaln messuago and lot of ground sit uated In tho Town of Bloomsburg bounded nnd described as follows to-wlt ; Beginning at a corner of Third street nnd Scotts alley, thenco North wardly along Scott's alley two hundred and six feet to Pine alley, thenco westwardly forty-nlno feet six Inches to line of lot of Newton lloone, thenco southwardly along line ot lot oj Bald New ton Boone two hundred and six feet to Third street, thenco eastwardly along Third street, forty nlno feet six Inches to corner of Third street and Scott's alley the place uf beginning, on which are erected a large two story frame house, frame barn and out-bulldlngs. Seized and taken Into execution nt tho suit of Charles W. Miller now to the uso of Catawlssa De posit Bank and Nathan B. Creasy vs. Samuel Neyhard and to bo sold as the property of Samuel Neyhard. C. W. Millkk, Atty. Lev. Fa. SAMUEL (SMITH, Sheriff. DJIINISTIIATOII'S NOTICE. EST - t V LVDU f rOSESBEKd, DEC'D. Letters of admii 1 tratlonon the csta.o or Lj-dla Sponenberg. lato oi . ilorcreek Twp, Columbia county, Pa., deceased, havo Leen granted to N. U. Funk, residing in Scott Twp., said county, to whom nil persons Indebted to said cstoto are re quested to mako payment, and tboso having claims or demands, will make known the some without delay. n. U. FUNK, nugo Ct. Administrator. DJIINISTIIATOII'S NOTICE. EMatr of Emanuel Krum, tale of Scott J'irj. Letters or administration In said estate having been granted to the undersigned administrator, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby no tified to pay the same, and those having claims against said estate present the same to GEO. RUCKLE, Adm'r., augso.' Orangcvllle, Pa. UDITOK'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOHN YOHE DECEASED. The undersigned auditor, appointed by the Or- Rhans Court or Columbia county to distribute the inds in the hands of tho administrator to nnd among parties entitled tnereto,will sit at his omce In Bloomsburg on Saturday September 11, lssti at 10 o'clock a. m. when nnd whcie'aU parties having claims against said estate must appear and p-ovo tho same or bo rorever debarred Irom coming in on said fund. A. L. FRITZ, Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP WM. 3. IEELKR, DEC'D. Tlio undersfgded, an Auditor appointed by tho Orphans' court of Columbia county, to distribute the tunds In the hands or Ert Ikeler, ndmlnl'irator of the estate of Wm. J, Ikeler deceased as nppee"s on his final account, to and among the parties en titled therelo, will attend to tho duties or his ap pointment at tho onice of Messrs. Ikeler Herring, attorneys-at-law, In the town or Bloomsburg, on Wednesday September 15th at two o'clock In the atternoon, when and where all parties Interested ore requested to present their claims berore tho undersigned, or ba forever debarred from coming In upon said fund. CHARLES C LVANS, August 13. Auditor. UDITOll'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF rilOECE A. MILIER, DECEASED The undersigned, appointed Auditor, to distrib ute funds In the bands or Stephen Pohe and Philip I. Miller, trustees or said decedent, arising Irom thesaloof real estate ot "aid deceased, according to account nicd in said estate, wljl sit at his olllco in Bloomsburg on Tuesday, September 14, at 10 a, m.. to perform the duties of hts np.iolntment, at which timo and place all persons having claims against said tvid will appear and present the Bame or they will bo debarred Irom coming in upon said fund. ROUT, BUCKINGHAM, augia Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. Chester Cope ) Court ot Common Pleas of vs. Col. Co., Vend Fx, No. 11 S. B. Bowman et al. J May T., issa. AND Thtickapal'k0nt'ouiD of Common Pleas ot ncrwiu. 1 col. Co., Fl. Fa., No. 27 S. B. Bowman et uL j JIay T'' 1&s0- Tho unders.gncd Auditor, appointed by tho Court, to make distribution ot t e rund arising rromtheShci rrsnale or tho property ot the de fendants In tho above executions, will tit nt ills omce in Bloomsburg, on Saturday, September 11, lsso, at 10 o'clock a.m., to pertnrm the duties or hla appointment, when and where nil persons hav ing claims against said rund must appear nnd prove tho same, or bo debaried trom nny sliaro therein. c. W. MILLER, augjo-lt. Auditor. SHERIFF'S SALES. By vlrtuo of awrlt'of sundiy writs Issued out of tho Court of common Pleas ot Columbia county, and to mo directed, win be exposed to public salo at tho Court Houso In Bloomsburg, on SATURDAY, Octoher 2, 1880, 3 o'clock p. m.,all that certain lot orground.sltuate In tho town ot Catawlssa, Columbia county, Pa., bounded and descilbed as follows, to-wlt; On tlio north by landot M. G. Hughes on the east by an alley aud right of wayot the Catawlssa Railroad Co., en the south by land of George Strieker, and on the west by Front street, In said town, whereon aro erected a two-story frame dwelling houso with a two-story frame kitchen annexed and other out buildings. ALSO, All that other certain lot ot ground situate in Roberts' addition to the town of Catawlssa afore, said, bounded on tho north by property ot Wm. JIcNeal, on tho cast by an alley, on tho south by Walnut street, on tho west by Third street, whereon la erected two two-story frame dwelling houses and outbuildings. Seized, taken In execution, at tho suit ot James P. Wright and Bailie H. Wright, his wife, In right of said wife, vs. Georges. Gilbert and Martin V. B. Kline, trading underthe firm name ot Gilbert Kline and to bo sold as the property ot George a. Gilbert and Martin V. B. Kline, trading under the linn name, or Gilbert Kline. Hhawn, Atty. vend. Ex. ALSO, All that certatn messuage, pleco of land, sltuato In the township ot Mt. Pleasant, ii tho county of Columbia and Stato of Pennsylvania. Bounded on tho north by land of Godfrey Mcllck, on the west by land of Peter Jacoby, on the south by land ot lllram Thomas and on tho cast by land ot Joseph Crawford, containing seventy-six acres ot land, more or less, on which aro erected a framo dwelling house, a barn and outbuildings. Seized, taken Inexocutlon, at the suit of William Masters and to be sold as the property ot c, c. I'ea cock, admr, of John Beagle, dee'd nnd .Mary Bea gle, wife ot said John Beaglo, dee'd, for tho debt of the wire. Ikklk K llxmtiNO, Attys. Lev, Fa. . SAMUEL SMITH, Sheriff. ADVEIITISEKH by addressing GEO. p. HOWELL CO., 10 spruce bt New York, can learn the exact coal of any proposed line of ADVERTISING In American Newspapers, iwiuo-pago pampnlet 10 eta. sepiuu, IIAllTElt NOTICE. Not'eo thereby given that an nppllcal Ion will bo mado to the Court of Common Plcai ot Coltim. bia county on Monday tho mill day of September A. 1). lsvinttlireo o'clock In the nllernoon, under thornrporatlminctot Isti nnd the supplements thereto, by Edward Wll lams, II. 1'. Dike, John Ijimnet, John Lcwli and Jonn l Dnvli for tho charter or nn Intended rorpornt ion to bo culled "I ho Odd Fellows Temple nnd llnll Association ot tho Borough or Centr.illa,columhla Co., P.i " tlio character and objector which U for tin purposo or erecting and maintaining a public hall In said Borough of ctntrnila nnd ror this purpow to have, possess nnd enjoy all tlio rights, Wneilts and privileges conferred by the said net and Us supple ments. WILLIAM BIIYKIN, Ic. Solicitor. jgOttOUOlI NOTR'E. Notlco Is hereby given that tho cltlzeni nt Ipy, County ot Columbia nnd stato of Pa., w 111 present their petition on Wednesday, September ?i, 1888, nt 10 o'clock n. tho I'ouit of tjuarter ses sions of the l"eaco Io Ira held nt Bloomsburg. snlil county, bcrttnnlnff thoCTtli day or Pent ember, a. D. lssn, for tho Incorporation of thn said villago ot Espy Into n borough, under nnd In pursunncoot tno scleral actsot General Assembly ot tho com. Inhnwoaith of Pennsylvania In such cases mado nnd provided. IKELER HEKRINO, Attys. for Cltlcns Petitioners, V OTICE OF SCIUE FACIAS. L No rs December Term, lssj. Millard II. Dally, adm'r of Eleanor Iockard, dee'd, to tho uso ot tho heirs of Eleanor Locks rd, dee'd, is Maria J, Ilendlev, surviving exrx. ot Samuel P. Headier, dee'd, who w s ex'r of Eleanor Lock nrd nnd tho heirs ot said Samuel F, Headlcy, deceamd. To Jlarli J; Headley, Exrx., Helen Thomai Headlcy, widow, nnd Wm. Thomas Headier and Helen Thomas Headley, children nt 1. Boyd Head ley, deceavd, Elizabeth liently, widow, and t'has. Bently, Besslo liently nnd .losefa Benlly, chlldmi of James P. liently, decenwd, nnd Hose Headlcy, widow, nnd Frank M. C. IIo dlcy, IJ77I0 Headlcy, Maria J. lloai ley and John B. Headley, chlldreu of Frank Headlcy, dece-wd. Vthcrcai, nn Allot set e ,'adaf hai IwjM out ot tho Court of common l'lcasof Columbia ra, n of the n'ooo stat-tlXo. an 1 lirm to revUo nnd continue lien of Judgment No. 3s .May '1 crm, lsu, nnd whereas it Is ordered by tho court that tl.o writ shall lie tened ns to those residing out of tho ounty, by publishing tlu substnnco thereof In ono newspaper In tho county for thrcesucccisl.c weeks In accordance with tho 3d Section of Rulo XX of Rules ot court, to-wlt; UOLI'MIIIA COCNTV, SI! The commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to tho She'irr of said county greeting: Whereas, Millard It. Dally, ndmr. ot Eleanor Loekard.decoaMjd, to tho uso of i'c heirs oi Eleanor Locknrd, deceased, plaintiffs lately In our Court ot common Pleas, tor the county nloresaid, bcioro the Ji dec ot tho said court nt Bloomiburg, to-wlt: In tho term of May, No. 33 In tho yoi-r or our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sctenty.rlne, by tl 0 Judgment ot the said Court, did ucover against Mniia J. Headley. surviving exrx. or Samuel F. Headley, dee'd, who was ex'r or Eleano.1 Lcikard, and ti o heirs of tho sold Samuel 1', llei dlcy, deed., de fendants, as well n certain debt or four hundred nnd thlrty-fcven dollars nnd seve itcen cent , as also four do'las and foty-llvo ceits tor their costs and charges, vv htch t ey sustained by occa sion or the. detention or that debt, vvhereor tho said defendants nro convicted, c., as appears ot record, c, commanding tho said dcrendants that they be and appear berore our Judges nt Blooms burg. nt our Court or common Pleas, thero to bo held on tho fourth Monday of September next, to show cause, if any they have, why tho said plain tiffs ought not to have execution against them and nlso show cause why the said Judgment ought not to bo revived nnd continue a lien on their real es tate during nnother period ct nvo years, nccord Ins to tho Act or General Assembly in such caso made and provided, ir to them It shall seem expe dient. Witnessthe Hon. William F.lvvell.lvwi..ftt ltlooms. burg, thohlteenth day or May, In tho 5 car ot our l-oruono inousanu eignt uunurcu ana cikuiy-six. WM. II, SNYDER, FrOilionotary. SAMUEL SMITH, Sheriff. augST. COURT PROCLAMATION- WIlEUEAS.lhellon. William Elweu. President Judge or tho Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Dellvery.'Court of Ouar ter Sessions ot tho Peaco and tho Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court In tho SGth Judicial Ills- trlct, composed of the counties ot Columbia and Montour, and tho Hons. James Lake and F. L Shuman, Assoclato Judges ot Columbia county have Issued thelr."precept,bearlng date tho 13th day of May In tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and elgbty-six, and to medlrcctcd for holding a Court of oyer and Terminer nnd General Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, In Bloomsburg, In tho county ot Columbia, on tho fourth Monday.bclng the 27th day of Sept. next to continue for two weeks. Notlco is hereby given to the tho J us tlces-of tho Peace, and tho Constables ot tho sal 1 County ot Columbla,that they bo then and there In their proper person at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said 3rd day of May with their records lnqul sltlons and other remembrances, to do thoso things which to their offices appertain to bo done. Aud thoso that are bound by recognizance to prosecute against tho prisoners that are or maybe in the Jail of tho said county ot Columbla,tobe then and thero to prosecute them as shall be lust. Jurors nro re quested to be punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg , ,1 the S5th dav of Aug, In ihoycnrof our L. s. i- Lord ono thousand eight hundred nnd v ) eighty-six, and in the ono hundred and tenth jear of tlio Independence or tho United States of America. Sheriffs Office, SAMUEL SMITH,. Sheriff R ULE ON HEIItS. ESTATE OF HCJirilllEY SI. l'AHKEK, DEC'D. COLUMBIA COUNTY, S9: To Rachel J. Parker, Wm. U. Parker, Ruth A. Parker, lii'cina, intermarried with Jonathan 1!. Conner, Sa.uel li Parker, Mary A., Irtermarrlcd with Daniel Ashelman, and three grand chlld-ci, Rachel Hoyt, Sarah Boyt nml John lloyt, children or Rebecca Iiojt, deed, and Phebo Manning, Luelna Manniugand Gertrude Manning, tho gnuiehlldren being cnldrcn 0: Hannah I. Mannlne, dee'd, lne I desctndaiu nt Humphrey M. Parker, decease 1, and to another persons Interested, Gieetlug: You nrd each or you are hereby cited to be and appear bcroru the Judges ot our orphans' court at an Orphans' Court to bo held et liloomsburg on tho lourth MoDday or September nex - then and thero to ac cept or leftist) to tako the real etato ot said Humphrey M, Parker, deceased, nt tho appraised valuation put upon It by tho Inquest duly nwnidal by tho sold court, nnd returned by tho Sheila, or show cause vv by It shall not be sold. Aud hci eor fall not. Witness tho Honorable V llliam Elvvell.rrcsident of our said Court, nt liloomsburg, the seventeenth day of June, A. 1). isa, WM. II. SNYDER, Clerk of O. C. augi3 Samuel Smith, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALES. By vlrtuo of a writ of Al. Vend. Ex.,lssued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia Co., Pa., and to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sale at tho Cross Kej s Hotel In Berwick ou Saturday, September 18, '86, at 10 o'clock a, m., AH thoso two certain lots, sit uate In Berwick, Columbia county. Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the corner Front nnd Pine stiects In said town of Berwick, thenco along Front street ulncty-nlno feet to lot No, sixteen, thenco by tho samo two hundred lect, moio or less, to Canal street, thenco by Canal street nlnety-nlno feet to Pino street, and thenco nlong Pino street two hundred feet, moro or less, to Front street, tho placo of begin ning. Tho samo being lots No. it) and 20 in ,dan of Berwick, Pa., on which nro erected a two-story brick dwelling, with basement, a largo framo sta ble, coal house, pig pen ond outbuildings. Fruit trees on tho premises. ALSO, All that certain piece of land In Briarcrcck Twp., Columbia county, Pa. Beginning at the public road leading from Bloomsburg to Berwick, Pa., at corner oi itasiey iauu, inencu uy mo same iniriy two and slx-tenth3 perches to a corner, thenco north seventy-four degrees east seventeen perches, thenco seventeen and one-fourth degrees west twenty-seven and seven. leMhb perches, moro or less, to publio road, thenco bouth eighty-seven degrees west thirteen and Fix-tenths to place of beginning, containing three acres, more or less, Seized, taken In execution, at tho suit of Chester Copo vs. S. B. Bowman and A. F. Creasy and to bo sold ablhopropeity ot s, B. Bowman. J1CK60N, Atty. SAMUEL SMITH, Sheriff. lor people, sendiu cents post age, and we will mall jou free, a royal, valuable sample box of goods that will nay you in the way of maklnir more money fu n few days than sou over thougnt possl. bio at any business, capital not renul vd. You can Uvo nt home and work In sparo tin e only, or nil tho time. Allot bolh sexes, or nil ages, grand, ly succcssrul, so cents to ti easily earned every evening, That all who want work may tost tho business, wo mako thU unparalleled o.Ter: To all who aro not well salHiledwe will send tl to pay for tho trouble of wilting us. Full particulars, directions, etc., scut free. Iinmeuso pay absolute ly suie ror all wro stait at ouco. Uon't delay. Address biiNsos Co., Portland, Mrlue. (decis. k - x a-aPaSf-oS c 8 S D. LANCELL'S ASTHMA AND CATARRH REMEDY. sou nv ai.Ii DiiuaoisTS. Having struggled su years Iwtwecn lira and Innll, ullli Ak'IIIMA fir 1 ' 1 1 T 1 1 1 S 1 1 treated t)V eminent physician,, and icoclvlng no benefit, I was compelled during the last jcars of my Ill ness to sit on mv choir day nnd night gasping for breath My suffering wno liejond dewrlptlon. In despair 1 experimented on injselt by com pounding roots nnd herbs nnd Inhaling the medl clno thus obtained. 1 foitunaleiy discovered this WONDERFUL CURE FOU ASTH.VH AND CA TARI1II, vvnrrnntrd to relievo tho most stubborn enpoor ASTHMA IN FIVE MINUTES, so thnttho patlentcan Ho down to test nnd si cpcomtortobly. flense read the following conde'ised extracts Irom unsolicited testimonials, nil ot lecent date: - Oliver V. R. Holmes, San Jose, Cnl writes: '! nnd the tcmedy nil nnd even moro than repio sented. 1 receive Instantaneous relief." 11 M. Carson, A. -M-, Wniren, Kansas, writes: "Was treated by eminent physicians or this country nnd (icrmnny; tried tho climate of different states nothing afforded relict like your preparation.'- . , T. li Gates, County Treasurer, Philadelphia. Miss., writes: "Havo used tho Remedy. Would not live without it. Every ono that uses It re. commends It," I. 11. I'help. P. M., Griggs, Ohio, writes: "Suf fered with nsthmn 40 sears. Your medicine Infl minutes does moro for me than I he most eminent physician did lor mo In three years." II. C. Plumpton, Jollet, HI., writes: "Send Ca tarrh Remedy at once, cannot pit nlong vv Ithotit It. 1 nnd It to bo tho most valuable medicine I havo ever tried." Geo. W. Brady, Nelson Co., Ky writes: "I am Using tho remedy. Gained 8 pounds in 3 weeks, would not Ira without It." Martin Fox. Llttlo Fails, N. Y., writes: "Find Remedy excellent. Could not live without it." Wo have many other hoot ty test Imonlnls ot euro or roller, and In order that all sufferers rrom Asth ma, Catarrh. Bay Fever, and kindred diseases may havo nn opportunity or testing tho value ot tho Remedy wo will send to nny address TRIAL PACK AGE FREE OF I'HAIIGK. Address, .1. ZIMMERMAN CO., Proprietors, W'holesalo D.ugglsts, Wooster, W a) no Co., O. Full size box by mall (1. mayMy. Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce StN. Y. Fill 110UH1T! -:o: When you want a new suit ol clothes what do you do ? Why. go where you can be well fitted, get good cloth, and have the full worth of your money when you get your suit. Do you know of such a place in Bloomsburg ? If not, let us tell you of one. It is at the corner of Main and Iron streets. The services of a Mr. C. Rhodes, have been secured, and we will guarantee satis faction as to fit and price. Should you want a HEAOY-MAOE SUIT, We can show you a large stock to select from. If you want SUITS FOR YOUR BOYS, Here is the place to get them, also mz' mi m, m, t It is about time to get measured for a new Fall Suit. Call and see our goods and examine our work. EVANS 2c EVER, Cor. of Main and Iron Sts., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Aug. 27, 3ms, THE HAMBURG v '?n!i,', m11,0,11'. lcilUne . 'V lightness of diuught and tninwi1't"i0 Iur ,,low XT FiEPES' PRODUCE EXGHMQE, L.m.Ted, Bloomsburga Pa. IMPORTANT WE ABE oisiBioizRirNriE $elf Biidei, SiiVetei & VEowei NVO have 00ME Am EXAMINE OUR 2 NEW MOWERS. BEAU AND FItONT CUT. ALSO OUIt Junior Right-Hand Binder. the only ono In tho country lor sale, nnd you will bo conv lnced. A full lino of CHborne renalrs olwa y HARM AN & H ASSERT: ill " itfmmt J, I SMITE & El II: j Himivyu. MILTON, Pa., Dbalbks in I ANOS Bytho following wellknown makers; Cliickcring, jKunbc, Weber, Ilallct & Son's. Also ntlici cheaper Makes. .o. Catalogue and Price Lists On nnplicntion. Sept3-S(ltf. AGENTS WANTED ! To solicit orders for our selected fruit and orna mental Stock. PEIIMANENT EMPLOYMENT, SALAllY AND EXPraSES, OR COMMISSION, IF PREFEItllED, Only honest, energetic, lemperato men need apply. Good reference required. No previous experlenco recessnry, The buHncss eas ily learned. Full Instructions given, stato age, Namo this paper. Address JE ClfSE fllJrSEfIES R. G. Chase & Co. 'iMdladc'lphufjcnn?' aug4tni.s. CHAMPION PLOW farmers superior to uny plow li tho marko t fo durability, llsvvork is unexcelled. Also REVERSIBLE PLOW SHARE. Fanners will nml tiiU inim.tin,, ,, c, i n,. . , ,,., . ...,.,.... tll!,"'s - 'J hete thaies are nttcd to all leading chilled FOR SALE BY TO FARMERS ! SELLING THE it ttpft fist S; Eli" pb "is6 v S lull C a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers