4 THE COLUMBIAN AM) DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. J. K. Blttenl6nar.,r E4lwr- BLOOMSBURG, PA, FRIDAY, APK1L30, 1880. Ono good result rf tho tax law has been tho clearing up of the records. A large number of judgment and mort gage!! havo been satisfied. Superintendent Iligbeo refuses to resign at the request of tho governor, because he says tho latter has no pow er to rcmovo him. Mr. Higbco be longs to a party that doesn't give up nn oflico unless it is compelled to do bo. Una is a point which tho governor Hecnis to havo lost slRht ot when ho ignored tho claims of tho democracy, and reappointed a republican to tho position of .Superintendent of Public instruction. AMENDMENTS NEEDED. Now that tho now tax law has been nut in operation, numerous questions have arisen as to tho manner of filling up tho returns lurmshcu by tho Asses sors. Somo hold that money held m trust lor married women ana minors ought not to bo returned, as they are not voters. Wo do not bo understand it. While it is a caso of taxation without representation, all moneys nt interest, without exception, is taxable lor citato purposes. A woman with young children may bo left by tho death of her husband with an income arising irom an in vested fund sufficient only to keep them Irom actual want. As the law stands, this fund is taxablo for Stato purposes, and this Is ouo of tho hard ships that ought to bo removed by lug islation. In such caso it would bo but humane to exempt small sums which anord but a raeacro income. Another difficult point is to know just what to return as household furni ture. If musical instruments, carpets, mirrors, works of art, brio-a-brac, &c., are included, there is scarcely a com fortable home that does not contain a considerable excess over $300. Very few people keep on inventory of what they buy for their homes, and tho cost thereof, and it is therefore difficult to make an accurate return. The law should state plainly what is intended to bo included in the term "household furniture" Another hardship is tho double taxation allowed by the taxing ol mortgages and ludsraents, as in nearly every caso tho tax comes out of the borrower and not the lender. Jin cumbered real estato should be taxed only lor the amount of its valuation, less the amount of tho encumbrances, The theory of tho law is good, but its practical operation is bad. If one half of the citizens of tho Stato make truo returns, the result ought to put sufficient money in tho treasury to pay off' tho entire Statu debt this year, and then leave so much on hand that it will take the Legislature six months to spend it in extravagant appropriations. An Important Decision, A decision of much interest to the people of this county, as well as to the entire State, has just been rendered by Judge Mcl'deraon, ol Lebanon county, x no caso was one brought by an ex Jury Commissioner against Lebanon for certain services rendered the county while in the discharge ol his duties, which the County Commissioners re fused to allow. The case, briefly stated is this : In making out his bill against tho county ho included not only tho usual per diem charge lor services ren dered m rilling the wheel at tho be ginnma ot the year, and drawinc th regular panels during the course of the year, but also lor tho time during which he was "engaged in securing tho names to be placed in the wheel." In the per formanco of this latter duty tho Com miesioners travelled over tho entire county, going into all the districts to make inquiries concerning the fitness ot those persons whose names had bee handed to him, ascertaining, whether they were "sober, intelligent and indie ious personB." as tho law requires they shall be. When this bill was present ed to the County Commissioners thov at once disallowed the latter portion of the charge, upon tho ground that tho Jury Commissioner could not claim pay for travelling over the county, 'PK .., ..: : .utu UO ICOMlb W,U LltC OUtw 111 W111U11 UUllt McPherson lias just rendered his do cision. The Judge holds that the selection of persons to serve as jurors in the county courts is a duty of tho gravest importance ; that great discretio should be used in tho performance of it; that the Commissioners should subject tho names of those handed to them to careful and judicious siftinir i that it not only the right of the Jury Commia sioners, out their bounden duty well, to go into tho various townships to make careful inquiry whether these men are in reality 'wber, intelligent and judicious persons.'' In accordance with these views, Judge MoPberson holds the Jurv Commissioner was en titled to pay for the timo ho was era ployed in making these very necessary niyenuguuuiiB. THE PEESIDENTIAL SD00ES8I0N. Eds. Columbian Will you kindly favor us through tho columns of your valuable paper, with a brief digest of tho ''residential Succession liilr re cently passed 1 Who is Vice Presi dent of the U. S. at present t Wh would bo president in case of Clove laud's death 1 By answering the above you will confer a great,favor on a largo number of your readers. Uu- speclfully yours. A SuitSCItlUKR. A synopsis of the Presidential Sue cession bill was published in the Col umbian of January 21, 1880. Tho bill passed the House as it cauio from tho senate, on January 1.1. it provides that when thero is a vacancy in the offices of both President and Vice-President tho Cabinet oflicers shall succeed to tho Presidency in tho following ordor : Secretary of State, Secretary of tho Treasury, Secretary of War, Attorney-General, Postmaster General, Seo-etary of tho Navy, Sec retary of tho Interior. Tho Cabinet officer thus noting as President is to hold oflicu until tho disability of tho President or Vice President is removed or until a new President is elected to succeed him nt the end of tho term of the President or Vice-President whom ho succeed!). We havo no copy of tho law at hand, but as wo understand it, thero is no Vioe-Piesidcnt at present. In caso of tho death of President Cleveland, c ,..... n....i i.l i,l... , .JI UI J JJUJ14IW IIVI.1,1 .,lj . and hold oflico until tho regular elect ion in 1888. Eds. I , Dr, Hlgboo and tho Governor. Tho controversy between tho Gov ernor and SuDcrintondcnt Illgbee. If current reports nro true, will soon in sumo a now nnd interesting phase. .'ho Governor, it is said, will suspend io Superintendent ot 1'ublio instruct ion irom oihco ana appoint nis success or, nnd tho Superintendent will do clino to bo suspended, on tho ground that tho Governor has not tho power to go to that length in tho matter. This raises a rather dolicatu poiut of law to bo determined. Superintend ent Higbec, who is not a lawyer, but is nevertheless a moro than ordinary Bhrewd man of affairs, says that sus pension amounts to tho samo as re moval, and, tho Constitution having denied tho Governor tho right of re moval, tho. right of suspension is logic ally withheld. This theory is plausible, to say tho loast. Hut Governor Paul sou is a lawyer, and in fo importuut n matter as tho ono in question would probably not move without consulting tho Attorney-General, who U an emi nent lawyer, and they may find a way to do that which tho Constitution ought to have vested. It is hoped that tho avenues of reaching this result will bo discovered. Clearly Dr. Iligbeo has been faithless to his duty to tho schools nnd to tho people, liven it ho had prnviousiy possessed tho highest qualifications for tho office, his future occupanoy of it must bo detrimental to tho service. In tho faco of these facts, which must bu as apparent to him as to tho public, his obvious duty was to rcsicn. Hut as ho didn t chooso to pursuo that plain courso of duty thero ought to bu a way to get rid of him. l'atriot WASHINGTON LETTER (From our Regular Correspondent. Washington. D. C. April 20, 18S0. A Democratic Senator who is posted as to the condition of business in Con gress, and tho probablo course of events in that body, said yesterday s "Every- thine seems to be scttline down to a lone session of Oomiress. It is truo that Members of tho House talk about trettinc away tho latter part of Juno. Hut, this is simply impossible. In the first place the legislation that is abso lutely necessary 1 mean tlio appropria tion bills is not in a lorward stale. Besides, thero will bo considerable dis cussion on some of the appropriation bills m the House, and you may rest assured that tho Scnato will tako its time to consider tho important appro priation bills and not hurry itself as it usea io ao, wnen mo iit-puoncan ma jority thero hastily considered them, Jollowing the lead ot tho oeuato Appro priation Committee in increasing the expenditures, and being upheld in this by a incndly Administration. "When do you think Congress will adjourn f I asked. "I do not think wo will get away before tho middlo of August. You seo wo havo more to do this session than wo have had for manv vcars. Thero is tho question o'f building up our .Navy. It is an important ques tion, and ono in which there is some division of opinion, not as to the no cessity of increasing the Navy, but ns to the details, llien we navu to settle upon a comprehensive plan of coast defenco, and make a mart in the con struction of heavy ordnance. The do bate ou the tariff will consume consid erable time both in the House and in tho Senate. The River and Harbor bill now before the House is likely to consume some timo yet. Then there will be discussion upon tho report of tho commission that ha3 investigated tho scientiho bureaus, and above all, that the consideration of tho perplex ing labor question will help to spin out the session. . Wo shall bo lucky, said he, "if we get away by tho middlo of August." Ho was in favor of Congress meet ing earlier in tho fall, say as early as November for the long session, and as early as October tor the short term He also thought the hie ot Congress should begin and end in April, instead ol March. 1 his would givo plenty of timo to consider legislation, and would givo tho best season of tho year in this climate, And it is quite probable the date of the President's inauguration will bo changed from tho fourth of March tho thirtieth of April. Tho amend ment recently introduced in the Senate to that cttect seems to be popular. would be difficult to find any object ions to the change, and thero are many reasons why it is desirable, binoe our first President was inaugurated on the auth ol April, historically tho day tho proper ono. During the week, tho room in which Jay Gould, Grand Master Workman Powderly and other distinguished witnesses were being examined with regard to the great Strike, was the chief point of interest on Capitol Hill So great was tho intetest and curiosity of tho public in this investigation, that it li u ally bcauio necessary becauso o tho surging crowd, to exclude all ex cept the witnesses, members of Con gross, and representatives ot tlin prtws, Tho seven Congressmen composing the committee- which conduoted this in vestigation are all lawyers by pro fession, a class of men who are rigidly excommunicated by tho Knights of Labor. All men who honestly labor aro eligible for admission to tho order of iho Knights of Labor, except lawyers and bankers. It has been said that these, commit tccmeu aro all millionaires too, but they aro not. Humes, of .Missouri, is ad mitted to bo tho wealthiest man among them. Curtin, tho chairman, has not tho reputation of a wealthy man though he says himself that hu owns Houiu siuck in u raiiiuuu linn pays, Crain is clever, but he is not a capital ist and will probably never be, because tic spends his money too trcely. Uutli waite, of Ohio, started life m a school teacher. Stewart, of Vermont, has been Governor of his State, which taken ns an assuranuo of his poverty, Buchanan, of Now Jersey, is a railroad lawyer, but hu has generally been gainst tho railroad. Parker, of Now York, is the only member of tho com milieu who evinced a deposition to givo Mr. Gould facilities lor putting on record just whatever Mr. Gould do si red. The President Thanked by the Q. A. It. Thu President has received a tele gram from II. Clay Hall, derailment commander, transmitting a copy of resolutions unanimously adopted by the encampment ol the Grand Army held a fow days ago at Now York City, which return thanks to tho Executive for tho evident support he has given to the principle that veterans, when com petent, nro entitled to recognition bo. cause of servlco rendered thu country in timo of war. Ex-Auditor Halm was sentoncrd to four years imprisonment by Judgo Kecder, of Northampton county, on Saturday, for forgery and larceny, and was also fined about 500. RAILROAD LEGISLATION ADDRESS ntl)t THE CONSTITUTIONAL COMMITTEE. CITIZENS URGED TO UNITE IN THE KI.KO- TION 01-' A LEGISLATURE THAT WII.I. ENFORCE THE STATU CONSTITUTION. Tho cominittco of members of tho Constitutional Convention of 1870 has issued nn address to tho pooplo of 'ennsylvnnin, calling upon thorn tn se cure tho election of Legislators who will faithfully enact tho legislation re- mired by nrtlcles AVI nnd A.V11 ot tno Stnto Constitution, relating to rail roads and canals. It is as follows: AN ADDRESS TO THK rEOPLF. OK PENn'a. Fourteen years ago you called a Convention for thn purpose of amend ing tho organic law of tho Common wealth. Alter nearly a year of pa tient and laborious deliberation numer ous changes ot importance for tho gen eral welfare were adopted and submit ted to tho judgment of tho people at special election held for tho purpose Hy a majority of 145,000 votes the now Constitution was ratified and went into effect Among tho most important and val uable changes thus mado and adopted wcro those contained in tho Sixteenth nnd Seventeenth Articles, relating to tho Private Corporations, Railroads nnd Canals. They were intended to limit companies enjoying corporate fraucniscs to the purposes for which they were created, and to impose upon them Buch wholesome and necessary restrictions as seemed needful, to pro tect tho individual intercuts of citizens and communities, ns well as of stock holders, from oppressions and injustice. Provisions were made torbiddmgun- luo and unreasonable discrimination in charges for or in facilities for trans portation ol trcight or passengers within the State, or coming from or going to any other State, between in dividuals, associations or corporations; against the consolidation or control ot parallel or competing huts of railroads or canals; against the absorption of mining and manutacturing business by corporations having tho privileges of common carriers; against tho furnish ing of materials and supplies to cor porations by the directors or officers; against the granting of free passes by ail road companies to any person ex cept officers or employes, and forbid ding any hctitious increase ot stock or bonus ot 'jnvato corporations. Tho Constitution is not agrarian nor coiLinuuistie. It assails no right rf property, nor does it give couutenance to principles which would degrade or detnorahzo Bociety. homo of tho changes mado by it aie radical in scopo and purpose, but they were necessary to put down known abuses in govern mcnt and corporate action; and they are, rightly considered, conservative of personal rights and of social order. lint tho Constitution cannot wholly entorce itseit; nor could it provido de tailed regulations tor its enforcement bv tho Courts of Justice and by exec utive authorities. These regulations must be provided by the Legislature in all cases where laws already m oxist onco cannot bo applied or are iosuffic lent. Therefore, you commanded the Gon- eral Assembly to enforce these provis ions by appropriate legislation. This mandate has not been obeyed; and, as a consequence, reform in the manage ment ot corporate business has not been fully secured. The people's law is habitually violated, evaded and de fied. The business interests of citi zens and communities are sacrificed by reason ol uniust nnd undue discrimi nations mado by carrying companies in tho transportation of freioht; and. as a result, somo are mado to prosper, wnuo otners aro leit to languish. Consolidation of tiansportinc com panies, that ought to afford the advnn tages ot lieo competition, has not ceased; free passes aro abundant, in the possession of thoso to whom the Constitution forbids their issue; exces sive issues of corporate stock and bonds, representing no actual invest ment, havo continued. Tho advantages you had the right to expect to tho gen eral business of tho Stato in the great departments it mining, manutacturing anu agriculture, irom an honest en forcement of your fundamental law. navo not in many respects been real- i.eu. In view of thoso facts the under Bigncd, a committee of members of the Convention of 1873, invoke thoughtful and cnicient action by von in the se lection of members of the Legislature at tho next general election, by due in quiry mto tho claims of candidates upon your confidence wbon nomiua Hons aro to be made. By personal conference with nominees, by resold tions of instruction or declarations of opinion in city, county, district and Stnto Conventions, you can Beouro Legislature which will tako up, with sincerity and earnestness, tho long neglected work ot constitutional en forcement legislation, and carry it on persistently in successtui results. That work will involve, among oth cr things, civil and criminal sanctions for tho provisions of tho Constitution In proper cases tho terrors of criminal punishment must bo brought to bear upon willful offenders agtinst tho peoples fundamental law. lhis undertaking of constitutional enforcement should bo carried out, as was the work of tho Convention itself, independent ot and freo from all con siderations connected with party in terests. No freo government can lone oxis where tho organio law of tho Stato is habitually defied. James P. IUrr, Andukw G. Curtin John M. Hroomai.l, Mortimer F. Elliott, UHAS. It. JJl'CKAI.EW, James W. M. Nf.wi.in, Lewis 0. Cassidv, Henuv Vf. Palmek Geo iiaii N. Couson, Levi Rooke Davih N. White. Furniture Burned in Williamaport. Iho largo furnishing and Btorago building ot tho Williamaport 1 urnituro Manufacturing Co. was destroyed by firo on tho iiGth. Thu building was frame, fivo stories high and filled with furniture, mostly unfinished. Somo finished stock on tho first floor was saved. Loss, $55,000; insurance S 10, 000. Thu lire is supposed to have originated from a spark from a neigh boring mill. Charles A. Dana is sixty-six years old, but looks fully ten years younger. Ho goes to tho Sun otlico at 11 in tho morning and leaves at 1 in tho after noon. All his editorials nro dictated to a stenographer. When dictating ho allows no ono to interrupt him, thoiiL'h usually accessible to nil riir. sons, thtis.nreservln.j his lino of thought uubroken. Ills oflico is nlalulv fiir. nished, tho walls being covered with . photographs of dead friends. His ( health is almost porfect. TEWKSUUltY'S SPACE. Delcgato Election, July 20. Convention, .iiuy Z7. :oi tK rtKl'HESENTATlVE, (Subject to nction of Democratic Convpntion,) E. M. TEWKSBUHY, Of Catawlssa, Columbia Co., Pa. :o: "Tho pcoplo'slaw is habitually violated, evaded nnd defied." "No freo government can long exist whore tho organic law ot tho state is habitually defied." "Tho Constitution of 187-1 is not com munistic. It assails no right of property, nor does it givo counte nance to principles which would degrade or demoralize society. "Tho Constitution cannot wholly en torce Itself, nor could it provido detailed regulations for its en forcement; these must bo provided by tho Legislature." In the selection of members of tho Legislature at thu next, general election, select only suo'i. ns nro pledged to tho long-neglected work of Constitutional enforce ment." From address of Consti tuthmal CommitUe, 1880. Democrats of Columbia County: Tno above are my sentiments and if nomi nated and elected, pledge myself to la bor in all honorablo wavs to carry it nlo effect. Truly Yours, M. TEWKSBUUY. Accounts Filed. Tho following accounts havo been filed in tho llegister's oflioo and will bu presented to the court on Monday May 3rd and unless exceptions be filed in four days thuy will bo confirmed ab solutely. Sarah V. ohalter, guardian s account; estato of Helen Hess, Lzokiel Cole, Milton Mostcller, guardian of Elizabeth Halfpenny, estates of W. J. fklcr, Judith Fisher, Harriet Vanliew, Jacob Keller, lhomas McIIenry, William West, Benjamin Bomboy, Elias Krum, guardian of G. C. Linden, estates of Lydia Poferman, John Yohe, Lydia I'etty, guardian of Ada Connor, estate of Anna Klino, Geo. A. Bowman, Goorgo Appleman, J. J. Stiles, H. II, Little, John Kelchner, Jacob Stine, Joshua Savage, guardian ot Charles liitncr, guardian ot Ueorgo liitnur, guardian of Harriet L. Mellick, estate ot Uodtrev -Mellick, guardian ot John lusher, trustee of Elizabeth Ilerncr, estate of M. A. Ammerman, George Marks, J. r. Hutchison. State News. A powder and dvnatnite chest at tho mouth of the liuck Mountain colliery, near Mahanoy City, exploded on Satr unlay, killing a Hungarian, whoso carelessness in failing to put out his lamp caused tho disaster. George White, a Mercer lawyer has sued tho proprietors of the Mercer Soldiers' Orphan School to recover one- lifth of the profits of that institution. The amount is said to bu over one hun dred thousand dollars. White was originally owner and afterwards a part ner, but assigned his interest to Ueorge W. Wright, to give Wright a controll ing vote. Ex-Senator Parker, Judge Wood ward, W. II. Hines and Messrs. John Brady, George Harris and Congress man Hrumm addressed a big labor de monstration at Wilkesbarro on Satur day. John Lynch, of tho Luzerne bar, presided, and 5,000 members of the Miners and Laborers' Amalgamated Association and tho Knights of Labor marched through the principal streets of tbo city. Robert Haro Powell's Sons fc Co. will build new furnaces this summer adjoining their present plant at Saxton, nnd havo obtained 'a loan from thu Union Trust Company, of Philadelphia, for tho purpose, secured by a mortgage for 750,000 on tho furnaces, coal and ore lands and mixing rights of the com pany in Huntingdon and Bedford coun ties. Three hundred nnd fifty thousand dollars of tho money will be used to lift a prior mortgago and 400,000 in the erection of tho now furnaces. Three Peculiarities Hood's Sarsnparllla, tbo great blood purifier and regulating medicine, Is characterized by three peculiarities, namely : 1st: 2d: 3d: Tho combination ot tho various remedial agents used. Tho proportion In which tho roots, heibs, baiks, etc., aro mixed. Tho process by which tho octlvo medicinal properties aro secured; Tho result Is amedlclno ot unusual strength and curative power, which cllects cures here tolore unequalled. Thcso peculiarities belong exclusively to Hood's Sarsaparllla, and aro Unknown to Others Hood's Sarsaparllla Is prepared with the greatest skill and care, by pharmacists ot education and long experience, llcnco It Is a tnrdlclno w orthy ot entlro confidence J you suHer Irom scrofula, salt rheum, or any dis ease of the blood, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache, or kidney nnd liver cuniplahits, catarrh or rheumatism, do not fall to try Hood's Sarsaparilla "I recommend Hood's Barsaparllla to r.!l my friends as tho best blood luril'.cr on earth." Wm. Gaff, druggist, Hamilton, O. " Hood's Sarsararlllalias cured ine ot sf rcf ulons humor, and dono mo worlds ct good otherwise." C. A. Arnold, Arnold, Me. A book containing many additional state ments of cures will bo sent to all v, ho desire. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. ?1 1 six for $3. Mado only byC. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. 100 Dosoa Ono Dollar. IUOWS AfPHAISEMENTS. following Widow's AUDratsements will La F resented to tho Orphans' Court or Columbia ounty on the 8rd day ot May A. 1). IBSD and con firmed nisi, and union exceptions are nied within luur uayg uiercutivr win ue i-unnnreu aoboiuie : Itlchard Jom-s estate, deceased, Dloomsburg. Personally, tanaoo. Esau c.irton estate, deceased, nemlock, Person- alty. va.w. John (l. llonley estate, deceased, t'entralla. rer sonalty, iiM7.cn. David Cole estate, deceased, Jackson. Person ally. ii(H.ia. Samuel Appleman estate, deceased, Benton. jieauy, huu,uu. jackson uarnson csiaie, ueceasca, boon, rer- sonalty, IMJ.tn. W, f', lies estate, deceased, Denton. ltealty, Person-Person- alty, iw.45, realty, tsor.ss. Jackson LelDy esiato, deceased, Centre. nil, , -mamj. li. F. Kinney estate, deceased, Uloomsburtr. rer sonalty. jaoaoo. Henry llomnou estate, deceased, Catawlssa. i-trrHoiiaii). Clerk" onico, WM. II. HNYDKll, Clerk O.C, April 12, 1884. (I, M. O.UICK, Deputy, N OTICE. Koucois nereuy given that the following ac count has been llledlu the Court of Coinmnn T-ihh, ot Columbia County, and will be presented to the cuuri, uu luu ujui jiuuuuy ui aiay a. d. linu, anu confirmed nisi, awl after the fourth day ot said term conllnned absolute unlesn exceptions are filed within that timo i t. Tho account or Robert Slannon, Coramltteo ui tuo jwi&uii uuu iiuuie ui juuruil dliuiuon. a lunatic, of the Township of .Madison, Columbia vvum, in. ti. on 1 IJUtl, l'roth'y, . tutu; a. uiuvc i i,, 01, iuii. I, Bloomsburg, Pa., Apr, s, SO,; Deputy, J-OTICE. The stockholders of the Uloomsburs i Sullivan Itallroad Company aro hereby notified to meet at the Exchange Hotel, In Uloomsburtr, on Monday tho 8rd day May, 10, at eleven o'clock In the fore noon, to elect omcers of the Company for the en suing year and transact such other business as may require their action In the Interest of the Company aud by authority of law. JOUN JAilhsON, rrcsiaent. SHERIFF'S SALES. 1 lly vlrtuo of sundry writs nsucd out of tho Court of common Pleas of Columbia county, and to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sale, at tho Court House In llloomsburir, ou MONDAY, MAY a, 1880, at 9 p. in. All that certain mfwuago or tenement and lot ot ground situate, lying and being In tho town of lllooinsburg, county of Columbia and Btntoot rennsj lranla, bounded and described as follows: lieglnnlng at tho comer ot a lot of ground of l'hlllp Vnangst, on tho BOuth side ot Main or Second street of said town, and running thenco north sixty-one degrees, east thlrty-flvo feet to a lot of ground ot Joshua Fctterman, thenco by tho same, on tho wall separating tho house crcct-id on Bald premises from tho houso of Joshua Fetterman, southwestwardly to tho rear of Bald house, thenco southeastwardly along tho rear wall of the houso erected on tho promises hereby conveyed or mort gaged, one foot and eight Inches, thenco by lot ot Joshua Fctterman Boutheastwardly to a post on l'lno alley, thence along tho said alley southwest wardly thlrty-threo feet and four Inches to tho corner of lot ot ground of Philip Unangst thenco along tho samo northwestwardly two hundred and seventeen feet and six Inches, to tho placo ot be ginning containing nne-Blxthof an acre, moro or less, whereon ore erected a two-story brick build Ing, frame bum nnd outbuildings. Peled, taken In execution, nnd to be Bold as tho property of Lloyd Pnxton and K. II. Drinker, ex ecutors of Jeremiah II. Harmon, with notice to Mary N. llarman, widow, nnd Ll27lelL Fulton and 1. W. McKclvy, guardian ot Hamuel II. llarman and Helen llarman, chlldicn and heirs of tho said decedent. Al. Lev. Fa. Clahe, Atty ALSO, The following real estato sltuato In Flsldngcrcck township, Columbia county, Pcnua., bounded on tho north by.publlc road leading from Itohrsburg to llenton, on tho west by lind ot Sylvester Al bortson, uu the south by land of Samuel Coleman and on tho east by lands of Alexauder .Mcnenry and J. J. Karns, containing eighty acres, more or less, whereon are erected n two-story fromo dwell lug, bank barn and out-bulldlngs. seized, taken In execution 'nt tho Milt of I. II Stiles, now for uso of John J. McIIenry vs. John S. Mcllenrynnd to be sold ns tho property ot John H. Mcllcnry. Fl. Fa. Littles, Atty. ALSO, All tho undivided three-seventh parts or por Hons (the whole Into beven equal parts to bo divi ded) of all that certain houso and lot of ground, sltuato In lllooinsburg, Columbia county, and btato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at n post, a corner of Oyer's alley, tl ence by tho same two hundred and four teen feet six Inches to a post In Pino nlley,slxty-slx rect to a post, a corner ot lot number twenty-nine, thence by said lot two hundred nnd fourteen feet six Inches to Second street, thenco by said street suty-slx feet to tho place ot beginning, containing one town lot and numbcred'ln plan of said town, No. 89, together with tho appurtenances, whereon nro erected a two-story frame dwelling house, barn and out-bulldlngs. seb-ed, taken in execution atthofcultof Joslah Phillips b. W. Potts ltamsay and I). Ungenbuch and C. C. Hagenbuch nnd to bo sold ns the prop erty of W. Potts ltamsay and I). Hagenbuch and C. C. Hagenbuch. Lev. Fa. Littles Attys. ALSO. All that lot and piece or pared ot land, situate In the town ot Bloomsburg, (In that part formerly called south Bloomsburg, now west Bloomsburg) county of Columbia and state ot Pennsylvania, marked In the general plan of said town by num berllfty-ono (51) and further described as follow s to-wltj Beginning at a post on the south bide of Third street of said town and lot number tltty-two and running thence along said lot south thirty- blxnnd three-quarters degrees east two hundred und six feet to Anthony's alley, thenco along said alley south sixty-three and one-quarter degrees west forty-nlno feet six Inches to lot number fifty, thenco along said lot north twenty-six und three quarter degrees west to Third street aforesaid and thenco along said street north sixty-three and ono quarter degrees east forty-nlno feet and six Inches to the place of beginning, containing ten thousand one hundred and ninety-seven square feet of land. more or less, whereon aro erected a two-story frame dwelling houso and outbuildings, fruit trees and well ot water. Seized, taken In execution at the suit ot John N. Bloas vs. Joseph F. Hicks and to bo sold as the property of Joseph F. Ulcks. l'L Fa. IUkklxv, Atty. ALSO, All that certain lot of ground situate In Orango vllle, Columbia count,, Pennsylvania, bounded as follows, to-wlt : on the north by lot of A. Kls ner, on tho east by Mill street, on the south by lot of Perry DcLong, and on tho west by mill race con taining one-fourth of an acre ot land moro or less, whereon are erected a two-story frame dwelling house, shoemaker shop, stables and other neces sary out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken In cxecutton and to be sold as the property of Samuel Zimmerman. Al. FL Fa. L. K. wiiXKit, Atty. ALSO, Alt the following described lot piece or parcel of land sltuato In South Bloomsburg, In tho county and Stato aforesaid, marked In tho general plaiio ot said town by number nfty-seven and ntty-elght (57 and &S) and further described as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at a post on south side ot Third Street and Scott's alley, and running along said alley south twenty six and three-quarter degrees east two hundred and fourteen feet and six Inches to Anthony's alley, thenco along said alley north sixty-three and a quarter degrees cast nlncty-nlne feci to lot number fifty-nine (Ml) thenco along said lot north twenty-six and three-quarter degrees west two' hundred fourteen feet six Inches to Third Street aforesaid and thence along said street south sixty-three and a quarter degrees west nlnety-ntuo feet to the placo ot beginning, containing twenty thousand three hundred and ninety-four square feet, bo the same moro or less, on which aro erect ed ono two-story dwelling house, ono ono and a half story dwelling houso, a grocery storo and bak ery, a barn and out-bull-Jlngs Seized, taker. In execution al tho suit of Cata wlssa Deposit Bank vs. A. 0. llabbaiidtobo sold as the property of A. C. Itabb. Lev. Fa. Miller, Atty. ALSO, All tho right title and Interest of Jacob 8. Hln- derllter, tho defendant, In tho follow Ing described real estate : First, All that certain tract o! land sltuato In Beaver township, In the county ot Columbia and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt s Begtnnlng at n public road thenco by land of Moses Schllcher north elghty-threo de. grees oast nlnety-flvo perches to a white oak, thence by tho samo north thrco degrees west nlnety-slx and three-tenths perches to a stone: thenco by land ot Allen Mann south c-lghty-three and one-halt degrees west eighty-four perches to a stone; thenco by land of Peter Schllcher and Simon Shclhamer south four and one-half degrees east thirty-five perches to stones; thence by samo south five degrees east tldrty-elght perches to a stone, thence by the same south, twenty-four degrees west five and two-tenths perches to the middle of the road, thenco south nineteen and threo-fourth degrees west twenty-one and one-half perches to tho placo of beginning, containing fifty and one halt acres, whereon are erected a largo two-story frame dwelling houso and largo barn and other out-bulldlngs. , Second, All that certain lot and piece of land situate In Beaver township, Columbia county and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : On the north by land late ot John Hlndcrllter, on tho south by land late of .Abraham Klco, on the cast by land of Isaac Ktlugerman, jr. and on the west by lands of William Smith, con! talnlng twenty-threo acres, moro or less. Third. All that certain tract of land situate In Beaver township, Columbia county nnd btato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follow?, to-wlt i Beginning at a stone by land of 8., P, Schllcher, south elghly.three degrees west eighty, four and one-balf perches to tho middle of tho road thence along said road nd by land ot Allen Mann south one-halt degrees west soventy.fivo perches to the middle of Beaver creek, thence up said creek Its various courses eighty perches to line ot land ot Moses Schllcher, thence by same north seventeen and one-fourth degrees west twelve and four.tenths perches to a whlto oak stump thence by same north elghty.three degrees east eighteen and three-tenths perches to ths middle of the road, thence along said road south nineteen and oncfourth degrees west twenty.ono nnd one half perches to a stono ; thence south twenty-foar degrees west flvo and two-tenths perches to tho Black creek road, thenco along said road south flvo degrees east thirty-eight and one-halt perches to the place of beginning, containing thirty-seven acres, moro or less. belzed, taken In execution at the suit of C. A, Shuman vs. Jacob 8. Hlndcrllter and to bo bold as tho property of Jacob s. Hlndcrllter. Vend. Ex. Kmokb, Atty. ALSO, Alt that certain messuage ami lot of ground slt uato In Shuman's Addition to the town ot Cata wlssa, In the county of Columbia and Stato ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to.wlt; On tho north by Mill street, forty feet, on the east by land of w, F. FUher ono hundred and fifty foet, on the south by an alley forty feet, and on the w est by an alley one hundred aud fifty feet, being lot No. 7 In said Addition, whereon Is erected a two-story frame double houso with out-bulldlngs, arranged for two families, scUed, taken In execution at the suit of Cata wlssa Deposit Bank vs. James I1, Lewis and Jennie Lewis his wife and Io bo sold as the property of James 1', Lewis nnd Jennie Lewis his wife. Lev. Fa. Millie it, Atty. SAMULL SMITH, Shu Iff, SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs, Issued out ot tho Court of Common Picas ot Columbia county, and to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sale, nt tbo Court House la Bloomsburg, on SATURDAY, Mny 8, 1880, at 9 o'clock p. m., nil that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, sltuato Inltoailngcrcek township Columbia county, l'n., bounded ou tho north by lands of Benjamin Wagner, on the east by land ot Amsy Cralg.on tho south by lands ot Joseph crnlg, and on the west by lands of John Myers, contain ing twenty acres, moro or less, with the appurte nances, It being a timber tract. Seized, taken In execution, nt the suit ot S. II. MallckVB. John Wlchcy and Christian Ytlchey and to bo sold ns tho property of John Wlchey nnd christian Wlchey. W. H. M. Oram, Atty. Fl. Fa. ALSO. Tho undivided scvcn-olghths Interest In all that certain tract ot land, situate In Madison township, Columbia county, Pa., bounded on tho north by lands of Thcwel Wh'pplo and Wm. Falrmnn, on tho cast by lands of said FatrmaiOlastcr's estate and Lewis Schuyler, on tho south by lands of said Schuyler aud Isaac Mordan, nnd on tho west by lands of said Isaac Mordan, James Whipple nnd Thcwel Whipple, containing slxly-nlno acres nnd meniy-iwo pL-nucs, sine,, uii-ubuiv, mm iiiu up purtenanres, whereon nro erected a two-story rniino dwelling house, barn and out-bulldlngs. seled. taken In execution, and to bo sold us the property of W. It. Cox. ll.LBK tv IlEKIllItu, AllJS. 'II. n. r 11. HAMHKI, SMITH, Sheriff. rjpHKASUItKK'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PKNNA. in- virtun nf snnrlrv nets of Oeneral Assembly of tho Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, relating to tho salo ot seated and unsealed lands m the i -mmtv nf f'nlnmriifi ptn. for taxes due anu unDalu I will offer nt nubile sulo at tho court House, In tho town of Bloomsburg, on tho Second MONDAY OK JUNK A. I). 1880, at in o'clock a. in. tho following described pieces ot land or such part thereof ns may bo necessary to Bailsrj UIO umouill ui laira uu. UUU uuj'aiu against tho same, and conllnuo the same from day 10 uay as ine same may uw iuuuu nuwooui j. THUMB OF SALE. Iho amount ot taxes and costs must be paid when the land Is struck orr or tho salo may bo void nnd tho property put up nnu resoiu. UNSEATED LAND OF COLUM MA COUNTY 188G. BKAVElt. No. Ai'BKS. WakkanteeokOwneh. Taxes. 100 ' Baker, Jacob dee'd t 4J 1 t lot Beaver, Charles a " Beaver, Jesse s.1 acres lirockway, C. 11 105 ' " " 1 B 21 4 10 in 23 1 9S anu addou 70 " 118 " 61 " slots 3" 1 " 3 5 21 3 00, 3 20 5 20 Brockwny, c. B Butt nnd Unger Bogart. Mary Hover. T. s 1 C4 4 42 Ot 50 1410 acres Columbia Coal & Iron Co.. 31') 11 31 cox, 6. s. Ex. Tench cox '.!. 19 " 149 " 231 " 273 " 357 " lots 3 30 8 10 11 IS 41 21 Charles, Simon 1 SS 1 ' Canon, M 1 150 acres Davis, Isaac 1U ' Davis, Anthony 100 ' Downs, Martin 90 " linllus, Joslah IB " Downs. John 59 " Fisher, Sarah 3 lots rianlgnn, A 3 " Fry. W s 3 " (iearhart, Wm 5 " HolTman. R (1 4! " Pardee nnd Mnrkle. . 2" . Ilarner and Jester.. 111 7 77 13 50 07 i 18 sr. 5 OU 5 21 5 21 S 01 S"i 20 tl ft) acres HaucK, Jonathan.. 5 ss 3 3s m " 75 " 53 " 830 " slots Iloals. John Ho.its, Charles John , 5 o; 5 21 Illnderllter, Sarah A Hunt, KM llcnny, Geo Kline, A Kochlcr.d. I Lewis, Frank Lawrence. W. K IS 6S 5 21 3 41! 1 3 4S 4 1)1 3 1 7 50 DC0 acres Mann and Miller 300 " Moore, wm too " McUeynolds, II. W loo " Mlnlck, Conrad 13 50 10 1: 10 05 .18 13 45 " " rcier 12 18 ion ' " Benl 18 18 4 lots .Mnsion. wnr i w 140 acres isunges-sur, ueu v ft lots rauerson, j. v a u 3 " Price, Clarence s 3 Ol ncrps lttce. John 6 as i " ltlchart. Charles sr 21 C2 400 " " " . XI iw " " 3 03 S I'O 5 133 " r, lots liuthford, Samuel & Co.. 8 ltutbtord, Samuel .... 4 41 2 acres Mutual), Thomas., 48 "si " swank, Daniel .... 10 1 140 ' schweppenheiser, I. K , .. 14 b5 s " suuman .Micuaci Slots shlck, J. J 3 " smith. I. w 3 (W 5 21 5 21 7 40 1 01 3 46 ... 10 3S ... 310 27 8 67 2 03 .... 5 21 3 33 OS 34 20 221 acres Shuinan, F. L 3 lots rcou, j-eier 2 '- Vastlnc, 11. K is " Vnlkcnard, c. J 251.5 acres West B coal Co 5 lots Wetzel, C. S 3" Werkhclser, Samuel 3 " Wood, Augustus ..... b'j acres Wheeler. Wm 2 " Stlney, Martin slots l'rout, Muigaret 35 acres Miller, Adam DKSTON. 45 acres Albcrtson, Clarence in ' Dodson, Geo 25 " Wells, John BKIABCftKEK. v iS 200 Apple, Paul 2s acres clem, Hot. W. T 3(10 " Doty, Pealer 1c Stowai t 2(0 " " " 150 " " " 100 " " " 850 " " " Votaoo " " ..... V Of 150 " " jifOflOO " " Ot250 " " 5 acres Evans, Francis ; JJjj- Fowler, Gilbert co acres Frcas, Wm. B II " llouck, Samuel 200 " lteecer, Abraham 7 " KUnger, Lizzie .'. 7 ' Mokes D'dei , 7 " Trough, Henry estate 11 " Eckroth, Geo 7 " Stout, Kilts CATAWIS3A. 1 20 so 1 00 1) 73 1 8S 11 23 7 50 5 03 3 75 9 3S 2 40 1 10 3 03 1 83 3 37 3 75 3 75 5S 2 50 i7 51 07 75 40 7 00 SO 93 7 77 11 10 13 03 1 bS 47 1 88 47 4 70 3 22 3 30 1 OK 50 7 40 3 30 40 U) 3 73 5 20 9 Ho 1 9J t 00 51 acres Probst, J s.. 3C9 Kln.su & Vetter ... Weaver, Ellas Dorubach, Margaret Klnter, llobo-t , Newell, Fred Yetter, Lewis estate. BIddle Heirs ciewell, Joseph estate , Krum, Ellas Perry, Wm Bower, Moses CENTRA LIa. Hagerty, James Heffron, Philip Holmes, Thomas , Lehigh & Mahanoy H. It Walsh, David ficrLth ty, Thomas'. ' Meel, Geo. W McCufferty, Pat Madden. Michael Lehigh i: Mahanoy It. It 30 ' 307 1 2si ' 30 1 8 ' 31 ' 8 1 IS ' 8 1 1 lot 1 " U " 1 " 50 9 20 5 52 40 2 20 1 00 60 Loughlln, midget . Sweeney, Margaret.,, Knerr, John Purbell. John Oulgley, Mrs, Maigaret,. 50 8 40 0 b8 1 2S 40 M) 90 110 3 30 20 T 20 4 00 i.crigi rhty. Iho lias . Barrett Mary Brennan, John neuron, wm llullcau, lllchard X" Kelley, Win X " Klerns, Patrick 1 " Hanley, John (I B, " Braeey, Geo 3 " Gorrell & Co CENTItE. 23 acres Adams, Enos L 2 lots Brobst Thomas 35 acres Conner, II. J. & M. F 1 lot Derlln;, Wm. 3 " Freas, Andrew ebtate 7 acres Fritz, Wm. estato 3 " Good, Jacobestato.... 70 11 Hagenbvch, vt m in " Hagenbuch, Win. sr. estate 84 11 llofiiuan, Wm. estate 1 lot Bess. Efilo 3" March, llebecca..., 1" Nungesser. Sarah.. 1 " xponsler, Jacoo l acres hlrkendall 4 creasy 5 " Achenbach, Samuel CONYNQHAM. 84 1 34 ! 32 03 16 3 29 C4 2 21 04 fcti 04 32 54 13 423 acres Beam, Joshua... H lots lirockway, c. II, 202 59 40 65 23 80 12 22 72 83 Breslln. Bernard s 5s rr.it. tutt, ..ittuaui. in acres iiusiou. joiiu l.MS.UU, WWUU. .(.,, WO, 231 Kline, joun i. 49 Bi 1 lot nru-ucr, a. w a 29 u it 04 13 3 !U Lclhy, Kphralm " Hurvoy Mellcii, Thomas Millard, o. B Vcilulrt', Terratce Morris, Anna II ilon roe, John ,,,, 2 6S 5 51 2 T7 aw 10300 40 UO CI 20 01 10 SUM! 93 910 3C3 3 03 3C2 l " llhawn, Casper 8t acre Huston, Mary 173 " Huston, Thomas 100." Frleu. Jacoh ico ' 401 " Young, John 40 " llrelsh, Houert 8 " Walker, Lels , 4 lotsMourey, John , 4 f ti it ",""'.'..!' yiSHINQCllEKK. 2tl acres Allegar, John 'I'M'.,, 255 102 15.30 1 53 314 0 43 10 20 3S21 10 a) ItrAuliA. a.li.'.in SOU X SO WJ coo uv ao 140 ba lr 19 Doty Pealr Stewart., Force CrawtoH Fanertieo ,., ,,,, Harrison John HotTiuan Fieas llulm Win , Kludt John Co .,..,,,, Union Thomas McHcuryc. II. Daniel, ' E.J Parks James 1), ,,,,,, , 714 5 10 Alexander Bros. (6 Co., WHOLESALE DEAt.EUS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE AOKN18.ro." HENRY MAIL-LAUDS SICANDIES. FitKSll KVEIIY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. PENNY GOODS A SPECIALTY. SOLI lOf NTS FOR F. F. ADAMS li CO., FINE OUT CHEWING TOBACCO Solo ngentn ot the fol lowing brands of Clgjrs. II K.N It Y CLAY, LANDltliSS, NOItMAI, INDIAN PltlN'CKSS, , SAMSON', sii.vKit ash. THE HAMBURG piDYVS. FRJEtS' PRJDDUCE EXCHAHQE, L.ited, Bloomsburg, Pa. 1 IKA.V.Ol7S PRICES, -e ROOKS FOR Complete Novels and Other Works, by famous Authors, Almost Given Away! 1 be folio Inz boekiara published In neat pamphlet form, mao; of tliem hwiiiUtmit'lr llluotrutrd, id nil are j-rttlcl friid coo J tl pe npoa ood paper. They uat of ureal variety or biijwiU.atiJ o tulok uo ua cau etamln.' ttt IM vmhout rTndttit therein ruau that he or iba would Ilka to poiK't. Io, clwtb bound furu theia Uwki would t hi if) i tub. kavh buok U complete In fuelf. 1, fh Widow lUdott I'aper. TMi ! ihtVmk oitrwhich jour frttxtinoUifM Uu&a uu vttj cnta, ua it u In, i. I'ancr Wvtk for Home Adornvtftt a a. t ri'ir tvw work cpoa thU uWt, conulnlog tuj tod pnctloftl Iniiructioni for mklnj( fkne bukm, wall jxtem, brveketi, fiwdl work, embroUtrj, au., tw.( ro IWlf n1 ienUy tllnitriwl. 3. (irlmir- Fairy Htorle for the Voaac Th nnflt oolUiMiou of Mi j itori trtt publlitui. Tbt MU rciittlll tnclrltnlite-l with them. 4. The I.dr ot the Ike. B Sir Wtlur 8c.it. "Tli ImIjoI tb Uki" ! rmM lo Tri(,u4liU tli orki or Scott mme li ntor btftuUfvl thu thli. 6. M iinunl of J.tlqnelU Tor tdli ud Oeotltmo, to lllWliHl ll't food brMdlOf, flTlD tht tllM f lu torn etliueita fur U oocmIoo. 6. The Mandurd Letter Writer for UdUl ui Uvutieiwn,' complii futda to oorrMpoodv&ot, tlaf ilnln direction for the ootnpoiltfon of Utttri of rttj kind, lih InnumertMe ftrnni tnd titmplet. T. Winter KTCtilnc Hrcreatlont, k Uri eolIeaiUn tf Utlng ChrdM, TiblMUi. Otinai, Pauli, to.t for K.lnl inhering, jirhtUt tbcattlcftU, and aTtotDfl at limn l tlluitratuil. f. IHuloffuea, IteeltfttloH and Iteadtoff, a,Urt an I chutm lulketlun fur aebool tihlbitlooi and yubllo and I'l-lvate cut! u I timet) 1 1. v. I'urlor Maslo and Chuuilcal KiperlmeaU, A book wbkhtelli how to perform bundrodi of amuttoc irkkdo, mnflo and luitriiitlTa iprlmnu with almslo fin. la. The Home Cook Itouk and Fa mil r Phyal. t'luit. ouiitaiiilog hundrtdi of eicelltnl ootiklog rcfilpei n t Mute to houiekeoperi, alao telling how to euro all oom mu atliuente by elm pie homo remedy. II. Manner and Cuatoia la Far Awav Laada. tin u ailment by elm pie homo remedy. it. ii tinner anu CaatoiaolB Far Away Laada, tery l!ilerttln and IniUuoUr book or trareli, deeorlb. y Hiiertmni iiQ necullar 0 ft foreign in i ilia necullar life, bablte, maunera aad enetoma or tht (i.-.jiitf ft foreign eouutritat Uluitrated. t. -uiren voMpici oraneo oj j-vpuiar Jtniaon, enihrachiK loie, humoroue and detect! etorlee, itorlee of Kh'l-tr llle, uf adicnture, or railway life, eto., all very lo- U-rmtliiij. IJ. TheHiidret,orWtt, HejHoraad Fafalarte s.iU-biluii of tho funny etorlce, akeuhea, aneodowi, poem, and JoKei that havo been written for iome yean ( llloa'ted. H. I'mTuI Knowledge for theMIllloa a handy inn.k ff u4Tul lnformaUoa wr all, upon many and Tarloui tu jMl Illustrated. 11. Culled llaok. A Norel, By II oth Conway, aithor cfDark Diyi," eto, Noiu, Ke,l.t9rl tttur, n Untr 0i4v. uA iUhu .1 SO ' Rohhlns Wra A... to " Itlchard Leww Ill " Helchart Carles IHO " HobblnsKU CO " llulchlsoii Thos J a " 1'ealer Geo SO " Connor Magg'oU VltANKLIN. 40 ' Cleaver Wellinjrion 7s do Former Jonathan I do swank (ieo s do Vought James. 30 do Vought K Howell 29 do llohrbach Wm , 1 do Howell Ww SKi a o.i SVKi 70 304 30 1 II 3 30 2 50 El M 480 2Sr 3 80 GREENWOOD. 14 do Albertson Miles and imrtlej . 800 do i'arryJohn S3 do l atterson M J IIKMLOUK. 30 do Campbell SI. ss do Mcirlde II 1) so do N'eal rurte 1 14 93 1 SO 1 II 2B3 I 00 1 10 Sll 71 s do "Tight Levi S4 ao Jones Dav'd JACKSON. no do 800 do 100 do 4 do Frlck Geo A do noo 30 CD GSO 1 04 sua 31 SO 1 IS w 30 Hess llenarrin.... Miller Chas H'.. .. Miller & Neyhart . 8H do sio acres lis " Kitchen, James V. K " Mcllenrj-.llohr 5 " Heeler, J. It LOCUST. 80 acres nowalt, Geo.... sr.i ': Everhart, John 01 " (leraghty, Thojias S3 " Kline, JohnL a) " Longenberger, Philip lot) " Snyder, Jeremiah..;..... MADISON. S5 acres coi.Joel sou " Kves. Charles. 85 " llentlcrshott. E 41 " Heldenrled, Tobias 1" " Klsner, James 65 " llendershott, Erostua..,., " ilnsTle, T. II IS " WclUvor, Daniel estate .., MAIN. 24 acres Brockwny Ent , 10 CO is to 13 10 3 57 i mi 1 00 III CI M W) CO 1W IS SO 1 97 urover, Aaron w Gearlia i T Joseph Illnderllter, Henry Miller, H. (1. estato Mouser, Emanuei l'ennock, C, E. Co.... ltlchart, Charles 1 31 40 1 40 1 10 41 21 74 S3 25 l i OS 7 00 2 M 3 15 7 1 12 3 17 31 0 3 4b ofloo Smlck. Brobst. Vetter 'i Ylauck." 23 acres Shuman, John 7 ' btiuman, W. T 10 " Shuinan, Miles T " Snyder, Abraham 900 " Swartz shepp Co loo " Yetter, Isaac S H ir.rlmnn a,u.HInu 45 " Moser1Mlchael.....T.7.7."V!!.V..'.!.". 2 co MIFFLIN. 15 acres Aten, Tliomas. 5 ALCU, J. I'..,.. Creasy, Henry llendershott, Catharine Jacoby, o. A , Kramer, A. W , Michael, John 10 10 70 200 3.1 13 2 luu 35 35 123 30 30 4 15 C7 67 ias 123 7S0 86 SO 34 :18 2(10 10 70 200 1 60 1 37 25 GO Masteller, Jos , Menslnger, Win .... Nuncesier, W, J. ,, l'arks, James, II. A. Y . . Sutlhl,Joel. , schweppenheiser I. K Schweppenheiser, Horace., schweppenheiser, E. r Swank, a II Williams, Samuel. Yohe, John It Yohe, Jacob estato U'l MONTUUU. 91 acres Creasy, Jacob 4 55 i t'lKc.. uaiuara 1 HO 5 00 vt eai, vm ...!, .,ol 0 UU Jtamsey estate.,,,.,., 441 i3 MT. PLEASANT, 57 acres CrouBC, Hiram & Andrew Jr.., 10 " Jacoby Hupert 10 " Jacoby, Samuel 10 " Khaner, Mathlas onAPOE. 10 acres Everltt, Gabriel estata.M , 20 " Hagenbuch, Jeremlab...... 12 " Hess, Jeremiah 1W llldlay Levi ).' lot Coleman Geo s SO acres Patterson M 11.,,, 12 20 1 65 2 02 2 97 21 SltlerMlelmeL. Kline Jacob deo'd ', , , , , j 01 PINE. Frlck Geo A , 13 jo aimer at uoiw 1 f3 Dreiblebls John.. I 50 1 111 1 tvi S 07 130 Weatherel (.'larlr . loo " HoberUCole so " JtobblnsTD 23 " (ireenley James ltOAHIN'GCilEEK. 40 acres Drelsch Jacob 12 " " 1 88 30 1 T4 v so 18 80 300 40 2 t.l CO Barnes Thos Jr , confalr Itlce cox o a Ex ot Tench Cox, ......... ...u M.v.vfa mI... ...... I tea Huston John ,. 2.i Morris Hughes 13 83 123 .uuujr Lewis... .......... llelchart Charles 490 5 it 6 41 0 11 28 94 2 9J llaub J Miller.. ..I'."."!;".;, Nalnger Jonathan!!!.',";; bhellenlierKe.' Thomai. 11 ;;;;; Wltehey John. ;!' Yocum Isaau 9 Hi 1 45 17 tl 490 Ui 2 45 1 S s 10 1 20 1 63 34 ANYOltDER FOIt FESTIVALS will bo SUPPLIED WITH THE LOWKST Market Prises, as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, UANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS. CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, POP COUN HALLS. CHAMPION PLOW t'JK ls pronounced by leading fnimcrs buprrlor to uny plow In the market for lightness of draught and duiablllty. ltswork Is unexcelled. Also REVERSIBLE PLOW SHARE. thaoVs,? FOR SALE BY THE 16. At the World' Merry A Netrl. D; t'lurrn,i Warden, author of " The llouit on the Manh," eu. IT. Mildred Trevanloit A Nortl. By "The Duil ii." author or ' Molly an," fl. II. Hark Day. A lout. By Hufh Con war, authvr of Called Rack?' eta. 19. The .My at rry of the Holly Tree. A Note1. By the author uf " Dora Thnrue ." 20. Hhadowaon thefnnw. A Novel. By ll. L. rar loon, author of " Hrrad and Cbeeie aud Kitten," tie. 11. The Uray Woman. A rel.' By r. l.a.kUl, author or Mary Barton," tie, 71. The Kroien lee. A Nord. By llklo Ooltlbi, author of ' The Woman la White," etc. IS. Ked Court Farm, A Norel. By Mri. Henry Wood, author or t ait Lynn," etc. t. InCapId'aTfet A here). By tbeAuthoroft'ut Tborne 15. Hack to the llld Home. A Norrl. By Mary Ot H Hay, author of " illdleo Perlle " etfl. J. John UowerbanL'a Wire. A No. el. By Ult HuUKk.anihoror ' John llallfai, Gentleman," etc. IT. Lady tlwrndollne'a If ream. A No?rl, By tho author of " Dortv Thome' eto. is. Jaaper lfane'a Feerel a yarn, y mim . t.. Hrati1tt. .nthor of "Anrur. Klo.d." n. l.cllnt aiiotcu it; uu; ..ecu n.y, .uincr .1 no. U.brl.r. M.rrlaro. ANo?.l. B. Vfllkl. .'il.lii.. .otborof" N. Nam.," ft.. aulk.vtdllaHL AKot.I. Br MrLiun B.Ktrj.hrn., author nf " F.ihton and FamlD.." .t. al. Heaping tho Whirlwind. A Not.I. It. Mar. Cecil Hay. attlijnr of " Uld MM Jl.ton'I Moti.;," .If. S3, ll.ill.r C'arlcon. A Not.U lit ni.. M.I. l'.ra I. too, author or " L. tj Auitl.7'. SecraV .11. Bt. Ka.lral fa Tri Mv.t.rt Of Tni Ili.DLa.o.. I Kot.l. Bj hltk M. Pleroa, author of "Th. Birth Mark, ".to. li. A Oold.n Uawn. A lfor.1. By th. author of " llora Thome." etc, M. Val.rle. Fate. A Nor.1. By Mrk Atei.nJrr, author of "Tho Woolo.O't," eto. 9T. flat.r Hoae. A Norel. Bj Wllkl. Collin., author of "Tho Woman In While," cte. 84. A.n. A Nor.l, Br Mr, llr&rr Wood, author of "Fuel 1.jud.m 99. The.I.a.rrl Ilnah. A Nor.l. B; Ml.. Uulotk. author of "John Hallfai. ttentt.uian," te. W. Ant. Ilarten. A Norel. Br Oor. Eliot, .utht of "Auau Bed," The UllAa Lba flui.," eta. .rd any font of Uew book, aud our eatalofua, cobtutirioe an icaaiuf paper, ana rHioa. Tor l.ccala aa .lamp. ,ny .it... American rub. Uo., rhilaa a. ra. March 19 Ct. 43 18 CO M Yocum Elijah. Yetter Lowls Est J to 98 3 43 CO 12 50 78 104 K 26 118 10 2C0 94 w Trlen Jacob. , Shoup Abraham ..... Heaver Geo J L Kline... little Itobert .Morris Hughes 500 20 41 10 7 45 V 100 MelUngtonWm Skate Henry....."!!'.'.".'.".'; SUGAltLOAF. Bellas Win Buckalcw James Est..., Cole Eeklel Cole Thomas II Chapln J F....I Chapln J v Custer Mary Ilcss Joso lles Creellnrr Co 30 Is 320 ...... SCO 1015 406 .... 2030 1"45 441 2 83 .... 11 CO 820 820 .... 13 U) UC 580 yn an .4 ui tin ness wesiey ii of 119 " JiofllO " 19 acres Hartman Jesse iiarveyj FMSmlth,, McIIenry Hohr.. Savage Joshua Eat-- 21 32 Mcllcnry E J... 18 uu . 8 70 lso TSO C50 " John j',',' ii .1 Buckalcw Evan..' rpi.EASUHEU'S BALE I OF SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Also the following lots, pieces ana parcels ot seated lands returned by tho tax celleclors. aro to bo sold nt the samo time under the provisions of an Act of Assembly entitled "Ah Act relating to the salo ot lands for taxes In Columbia county," approved March 6th, lsos. BEAVE1L No. Aches. Wabrantsu ok Owner. Taxes . 1 20 e 30 30 40 3 05 . 39 25 ti 92 . 10 00 ti 00 . 21 65 . 13S72 1 67 . 1 70 , Si 50 & 01 1 lot Losoo, J. A. agent 1 " Maston. Wm.. 4 lots Barnes, Chas. It 1 l'c McAfee, John 50 acres Barnes, Chas 5 lots .Maston, Mrs. Wm , 2 " Selitt. A. 11 2 acres Ahleman, Charles... Mnrkle Bros. Co Miller, Longenberger Fisher. Baker, Jacob sr. Sherman, Thomas Case and Wolvetton ltredbenncr, Gideon BENTON, 1 lot Albertson, Samuel It lleacock, Samuel BLOOM. Walter, Norman l'ursell. Ellsha 1 20 3 50 9 12 19 CO 2 40 44 12 CO 75 565 02 239 07 4 23 CO C 84 CI 75 75 1 14 1 93 30 i 10 4 95 slots 1 ' OATAWISSA. 4 acres Klefer, Jacob estato 10 " Price, Jonas ' CENTltALIA BOK." 1 lot Langdon, Mrs. Thomas deo'd.. CONYNUHAM. 1 lot Brown, Wm SSI acres Cummlngs, It, M. Co 400 Curry, Lllen ?.lurl'hy Hughes Co 400 acres Nathaniel Brown tract 1 lot Ilerfron. Philip ' yulnu, Catharine , H " Koons, Henry H " Morrison, James FISIIINOCltEEK. 18 acres Keller, John W .... H lot Buss, Anna " . GHEKNWOOl). Hot lllklngton, P. K l acres Moore, Lafayette ..... . bl " Moore, A. L . ..!7!7 HEMLOCK. 51 30 Si 40 70 S!,re3 Thoruas Slate Co 47 55 T -"atouaii, tl UI. D t " Vitro .l.ih.i 10 acres Glllaspy, Wm!'titate:.'.:.'.;,';;";:: Ai lot Vanhorn, Wm .!..!...,.. JACKSON. 110 acres Chamberlain, Lewis 37 ' lewis, Ellen.. 33 " Young, Lewis C .......'.".'.'.'.' 15 " Keller, Jacob LOCUST. 8 acres Ithoads, Susan MADISON. 170 acres Trombower, A. c ! . Charles W :!" CO " Eves, Charles !." ,!.!.. ... i-S oobe'and Krom 170 " Hill, Jesse io " Cox, wm. lt. .,.,.,.','.'.'.'. MAIN. 21 acres Blttenbcnder, Conrad MliFLIN, 1 lot Kelchner, Jacob K, , MT. PLEASANT. 15 acres Benrield, Thomas S3 " Hower, Charles K. ...!....." OHANGE. 67 acres Crousc, Nelson PISH 125 acres Bobbins. Joshua W " Itlchle, Jacob.....,,...,,,. 34 Drelblebls, Jacob estate.,., , .',".'' 11 70 1 til 3 IS 1 20 2.4 C SO e 60 3 00 3 OU 13 75 I Mi 3 UO 10 20 7 94 3 aa 1 90 24 10 ...w.u.M.a, UUEMTIIU, ... Evans, Geo..... KUnil ntul MoiiBKm, ........... Menlenhall, Ellas ...'.''.''.TT.'.!.'!. '.'.'.' ii 35 1 00 UO dO 14 fj3 Welsh, Abuer !.U .. 1" rim lunyau, Eira estato 1 sr. Parker, John II . SCOTCV 7 acres Columbia LUne stono Co.,, 8UOAIlLOA7, so acres Hess,Lavlua ,,,.. 4 " Kase, JohnL. , 21 " Albertson, Jesse , 44 20 4I 3 IS tl to PETEIt A. EVANS, Treasurer's ofllce, Bloomaburg, Uarch&Vh.'lIsf. Aprils, l.M-sm. 1 65 30 04 2 11 1 35 2 40 J TO 1 20
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