THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLOMBIA COUNTY, PA. Making a Now Arm fora Man. A surgical operation of exceeding in terest isl)o!ni performed lit tho Ilatnio man Hospitaljsays tho JT. Y. 7Ytbnie. It Is ono of those cases that cannot bo finished at a single sitting, but which must bo carried through various stages in i progressive way lrom tho begin ning to ilio end. It. was begun about thrco weeks ngo, and from tho present indications thero is little doubt that tho result desired will bo attained. Tho patient is Christopher Doll, a German, 31 years old. Ho received his injury accidentally. Ho was ex tremely fond of smoking a pipe. One ovening about nine months ngo ho was enjoying a quiet smoke in his room, and wliilo reading fell asleep. In some way tho pipe, which ho still held in his mouth, was overturned, and tho hot ashes fell from tho bowl upon his shirt sleovo and set it on lire. It smothered a tinio and burned several small holes in tho si cove, and then it burst into a tlamo and tho sleeper was aroused. Tho firo had reached his llesh, and ho toro at tho burning cloth madly. Ho rolled over on tho floor, and tmally tho tlamo was extinguished. His right arm from the wrist to the shoulder was terr'bly burned, and it looked as If tho tlesh could bo scraped from tho bono without trouble. Tho pain was intense, and from tho nature of tho wound it appeared as if the arm would havo to be amputated closo up to tho shoulder. Private medical treat ment was tried for a time, but as it did not accomplish any material bene fit Doll went to a hospital. Ho re. maincd under constant caru for two months, lly this timo the forearm had healed, leaving a frightful scar, with the cicatrical tissue drawiug in every direction. Despite tho most per severing treatment tho upper portion of tho arm from the elbow to tho shoulder could not be healod. Tho pa tient went to several hospitals, but could get no rcliof. Theie was Bitch a largo surface of exposed flesh in tho wound that tho pus formation was un usually large, and tiie antiseptic pre cautions which wcro taken did not pre vent the absorption ot the poisonous matters into tho patients ovstera Thus a dangerous condition of blood poisoning was set up. He grow pale and emaciated, lost his strength, and courage, and when ho-was admitted to the Hahnemann Hospital, about two months ago, ho was a living skeleton with hardly muscular power enough lett to raiso his hand. As soon as ho was admitted mcas urea wero taken to stamp out the blood contamination, which were eventually successful, and patient began to recov er strength. "yiien ho got strong enough and his body was sufficiently free from the incidental disease, it was determined by the attending surgeon to mako a new upper arm from the tlesh of the patient's body, and to heal up the wound by covering it over with healthy tissue. At first small pieces of flesh wore taken from various parts of his body and placed in different spots upon the raw shoulder as a mat tor of experiment,to determino whether the tlesh could be successfully crafted The experiment was successful. Tho little pieces of flesh and skin united and made little oases on the dise&sed shoulder. These minor operations .were performed several days apart and without too use of anv other than local ana'Sthetic. Everything had gone ,on so well that about ten days ago it was determined to begin I ho moro important part of tho operation, which conaited in covering up a large portion of the arm at ono time will flesh. The patient was first put under tho inlluence ot an anesthetic. Then all tho cicatrical tissue upon the upper arm was scraped with a kmlo until wed proiusely and was entirely raw. "Wlrile tho arm was held awav from the body two incisions wero mado about ttirce inches apart running upward lrom all tho nhs tor about seven inches. At the lower end of these incisions crosscut was made, and then the strip ot nesn was dissected up trom the ribs. the full length of tho incision, making ajargollap. 1 his was. lei t united at the upper end. Then tho patient's arm was brought close to his side and this loose flap was laid over on tho raw flesh on the arm and carefully pressed and fitted iiuo position. When this had been done there was still largo section of tho upper back arm remaining uncovered. Two in cisious were again made similar to th first two, running up and down the upper portion of the side of tho back, Tho flesh was thick at this point, and permitted a free dissection. While tho upturned flesh was yet palpitating with the heart inlluence, it was put over the bleeding'Hurfaco of tho arm and fitted into place. Then the two flaps were securely fastened into posi lion by loug bands of sticking plaster, while larger bands were run over th lower portion of tho arm and around tho abdomen and back, and interlaced so that all motion of tho arm was stoi ped. After the wholo wound had been covered with an antiseptio dressing, mo ether cone ,va.s taken oil the pa tients lace, and ho soon recovere consciousness. He suffered littlo from rihock, and the. hemorrhage was com paratiyely slight. The arm was kept securely fastened to his Bido for a wcuk, and the wound was carefully dressed every day. At first it was not thought that tho tlesh from the side would adhero te the tlesh on tho arm, but after two days it took n h rm hold and grew as it it belongs there, and little shoots of new lies! branched out in every direction few days ago tho ends uniting tho tw flaps to tho body wero severed, th loose portiotis were drawn around tl under side of the arm, tho edges trim med so as to make a perfect fit, and wero then united with sutures. contimiiiiL' the operation it will necessary to alter tho shapo of the flaps in some places. Unly a little slougl: iug has taken place, and this has had no injurious effect. Tho arm now presents a comparatively natural an pearanee. Tho biceps tnusclo will Homewnat restricted until It gets usee to tho now covering, and then it will move as freely as ever. Tho patient is physically strong, and since tho pat lias subsided in his arm, has improved perceptibly, and the prospects are that lie will bo ablo to imvo the hospital about a week with u now arm. J. II, Mercer wishes to state tlint 1 lias nt laBtfotiml nn articlo ho can Hell on its merits. It is with pleasure liu has nt last to tho public Acker's Knf,'. lisli HeiiH'd as n suro nml never fnil inp; euro for Asthma, Coughs, Whoop, ing Cough, Croup, and all Lung Trou bled. It h tho fitamlard remedy for Consumption. I have never found its equal. After a thorough test J. II. .Mercer most positively asserts that Acker's Knglish Itcmody is tho best medicine for asthma, croup, coughs, whooping cough and nil lung troubles that can be ioiind. Ask him about it, for ho fully guarantees it. LADIES! Am ton rwAle'l eonufth t.i venture? If ko 'ml two ir ela la Rtiunlw to the Mack 1'itbliiMnQ 'i, re-l una Wmliluiton Street, New Yoik, for mm or llielr tx-nutlf ill lllmtrntiM "I.mllort' HookM." II ln novel, unique, nml Inlpn Mii. noik n ererv "nnn ot refinement. on iTlit of tenirnU I" mni. tlicy hIIIwmI l,,l n full s i of their ramoiM liuiwlii.ul Kiirae Vcrbii. ..I i romj'li'le word II ("IH'MIH' Mill III-"' r."i ' "inn 111 The MlkiutcJ." nml linl-li" ot lift IIW-l INI iliromurim! II mint Kiimlr Nili(, Innrllirr Willi ten llilllllr QUIIEPTTJS! A Y'Ty olejvlngi linrnilcM clveyrrltlreil nroimtlc com pound lor ill'iinirlnir tho lnt ot quinine nml other hitter ilrnc cither collil or nuhl. l'rlre, "5 Ceut per I'lnt ItoIlK PrewrllKHl hy tlioupamla ot phyMclnnt In Kiiropo nml Anierlrn. 1- nnniiltt accompanies every bottle, l'or Snlo hy DnigirW. Manufactured by The Academic Pharmaceutic Co., I.OMHIX ami m;w VOltK, 532-530 WASHINGTON ST., NEW YORK CITY. ELIXIR. An elegant EurHsIi pharmaceutic preparation for lllous, malarial nml blooil troubles ; the rcult of over twewy-fie years of most eminent nclenUno research. Approved by the highest medical authorities. In use In the hospitals In every part of Europe. Especially helpful to ladles, children and people of sedentary habits. Kntlrely vegetable : free from harmful tlnig. In Handsome Packages, Price j)0 Cts. Vrruirp,! sotelT lie foyhl 'Plihfiuheeutic- (jo., LONDON AND NEW YORK, Chemists by appointment to Her Majesty the NEW YORK IIRAXCM : 130, 132, 134 CHARLTON ST. ROYAL PILLS. Same meillclunt tropertieM ItoyAL Kuxir, Id FOR SALE BY ALL QRUGOISTS. REMEMBER THE BIG FOURI Vinegar Bitten CORDIAL, j m, J"1" j Vinegar Bitters P0WDEKS, to does. .100. - ",0r. $1.00 $1.00 Vinegar Bitters, new style. J . Vinegar Bitters, old style, Mtter taste, . The World's Groat Blood Purifier and Life Giving Principle, Only Temperance Bitters Known. Tliepitat fifth urn Century the l.eniltuir Finally .Medlcluo ul'thv World. BESS1 K. H. McDonald Drtl? Co.. Proprietors, SAN FRANCISCO and NEW YORK. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE GOD LIVER OIL Almost as Palatableas Milk. Th only preparation of C0I MVER OH, that can be taken readily and tolerated for a long tlma by delicate stomachs. AND AS A IlKHKnr FOR fOXStMPTIQX, KlltllH I.OIS (HMIIIs. A.N A Kill 4. llt. UIL llt.lill.ll. OHIiU.s AMI IIIIIOAT At'. H.(TIIS, and all UAM1MI DI.MIKIlhlls iW tllll.lllil N It Is niarTrllons In Its rpsnlls. i'resenbed and endorsed by tho best Physicians in the countries of the world. For sale by all druggists. oct-31-ly. CURES ALL HUMORS from a common Illotcli, or Eruption to tho worst Sicrofulu. The beat lllnn.l I'llrlf ler over discovered. lly Druggists. PRICE $1.00, on o noTixrs run $o.oo. VV?-X A. HOP PLASTER IVttUthauoof auflfcrin with Eack&che, Fain t n the Bide or Hip, 8oitic, HUcumatlsra, I Kidney DUouci, Crick, Stitches, Swollen and tri cd Muscle, Chest and Lung troubles, or an ort of psiu or soreness, either local or dp seated when a Hop riuter will gtvo luiUnt I relief p rreparedfi-oinBurKundy Pitch, Cana da SaUom, and the pftin-killlnff vlrtuco of Hops, Tho best strengthening planter ever I fcuown Thousand cay so. Sold by all dealers. Mailed on receipt of price, 23c., 0 far SI 00. HOP rLASTEH COMPANY, Uoston, Haas. EIDPATH'S Cyclopedia of Uoiral History III 3 IMPERIAL OCTAVO VOLUMES CONTAINS 3f,43H targe, Doublv-Coluinu I'tfgf., 1,'iHl iiciiutlful tood Xhtml Ivugnnlnes. U3 Colored HUtorlrul Maps. OColoreil ('lirtiiiologlcul Charts. Ill (leneillosleul Diagram.. A Coiilum untl i:iegnutly 1'renurett Iuder, It U i:ieguntly l'rlntetl und llomiil.aiul U 'file nest Illu.truted Hook on the JMurket. A HISTORY Of ALL NATIONS. AGENTS illWSi. LIS! SAL WANTED! ::M3. ca:i:r iissiicst. FAULKNER & ALLAN. ISIS l llbcrt Btrwt, I'lilludelphU, I'enlia, tub Sfl-flm. E. B. BROWER OAS FITTING & STEAM HKATJNU DBALEll I.N STOVES &TINWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, It oof ing and Spouting promptly attended to. HHSulct attention given to heating by tteau. Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloomsburg, Pa. ODD ITEMS. A census of Home, li. 0. 8, number, oil its lnhabiiRii'8 at 1,283,000. Dogs alwnys pun out well In towns wliero small boys ro thick. Money find troiiblo nro soitictliing n like. People will borrow rntlicr tfiuti not Imve them. The census olliolnls estlmnlotlio pop ulation of the country at present to bo 00,000,000. In Stuttgart, Germany, the tricycle has been adopted by tho government for tho postal service. Does death end all t It seems not. livery millionaire nowadays has to havo a guard posted over his tomb. Says an exchange: "All drcesy spring wraps are short.'' That is moro than can bo said of tho bills for thoni. As a result of "The Mikado" epidem ic, "llm (lowers that bloom in the spring'1 will bo chestnuts when they do come. A Burlington (Iowa) man who died tho other day loll $100 for tho report er who slioufd write tho best obituary for him. A somewhat wcather-bcatcd tramp being aked what was iho niaUer with ins :oat, replied : "insomnia ; u hush t had a nap in ten years." The President goes to a Presbyter ian rlniri'li about onoe n month, looks hnrcd durinrr tho services, but stands them out determinedly. A Buffalo debating society discuss id thn nm-stion. "llesnlved, 'lhat a city man in tho country is greener than a country man in me city. "Red satin rain umbrellas" havo been introduced into Paris. Ihey would be no use here, for wo have no rain of that kind in this country. Com bread and buttermilk an an cicnl Southern combination is bhii served at dinners at many of the hotels in that part of the country. A Chicaco naner savs a tretilleman U tiL'vcr so muun a Gentleman as when in has a kmfo and fork in his hands and knows how to use them. The "silk-tailed chatterer" is tho name of a bird that has reappeared lately in Middle Germany alter an ao seuco of more than thirty years. Queen Victoria dodged when that bundle of tiaticrs was thrown in her carriago. She prouauiy inoueir; n. . i . . , . contained spring poetry. -tv. Journal. We are told that a centleman saw a bundlo of silk on tho street thu other day, and upon attempting to pick it up ho louiid a woman at tne otner euu. General Loean denies that ho is writinij a novel and yet some of his re cent soecehes in the benato would in dicate that fiction is one of his strong est points. New York citv has only forty-seven I dwelling houses which the Fire De partment considers nre prooi. seven are apartment and twenty-one private houses. "Aro we running on lirno t" said tho conductor, repeating the nervous pass enger's question. "No, sir; wo are doing a strictly cash business. Fare, please. "Tho idea of old Boodlo fastiug forty days to atone for his sins. It is oreposteruiis." "Why!" "Well, ho will either have to get an extension or give up thu job." In ono year tho people of this coun try use about l.)0,000,OUO steel pens. If placed m line the pans would reacn from Now York to Liverpool, says one who knows. . It is Baid that Tom Iveeno, the Ira gedian, has a lot of ground on Staten Island, Tor which tho Uallimore and Ohio Railroad Company will pay him $300,000 at any time. At a recent St Louis masquerade a young married woman went in costume as a hornet, tier nusnanci is aumoniy for the satcmcnt that no disguise what ever was required. A ladv in tho Queen's service, who made the mistake of wearing a cherry ribbon during a recent term of court mourning, has been deprived of htr position for two months. Tho petroleum wells of Upper Biir ham havo been worked for 2000 years and still produce abundantly. They aro generally four feet six inches square, and slink to a depth of 250 to 3,r)0 feet. The Mind and the Legs. from the Venter TrUjune-lleputAicai), Men ceneially cross their legs when there is the least pressure on their minds. You will never find a man no tually engaged in business with his lees crossed. Tho limbs at thoso times aro straighter than at any other, be cause the mind and body work together, A man engaged 111 auditing accounts will uever cross his legs; neither will a raau who is wiitiug an article, or who is employed in any manner where hi brait( is actively engaged ; when at work in n silting posture the limbs naturally extend to tho floor in a per fectly Btraigtit line. A man may cross bis legs if he is sitting in an ollice chair discussing somo .business proposition with another man, but the instant he becomes really in earnest and peiccives fcotnething to be gained, his limbs un cross quick as a Hash, ho bends forward toward his neighbor, and begins to use his hands, That is a phase that I be ltevo you will always observe. Men often cross their legs at publia. meetings uecuuso tney go thero to lis. ten, or to be entertained ; they aro not the factors in the performance, and thry naturally place themselves in the most comfortable position kuown to them, namely, that of leaning well back In their chaiis nnd crossing their legs. A man always crosses his legs when he reads a newspaper, but is moro apt to Ho down when be reads n book. Ho reads the paper, of course to inform himself, but at tho same time tho per usal of its contents is recreation for him, and his body again seeks its po sition of relaxation. When a man is reading a unwspa per and waiting for his breakfast his legs aro always crossed, but so soon as tho breakfast is brought to him ho puts the paper aside, straightens out his legs, and goes to work; that Is, begins to eat, his mind now turning on the duties of thu day before him. Men cross their legs in a ballroom, but it Is far from an elegant thing to do, and is not done by thoso who havo been brought up In good society. It is your "three.pcnny.bit young man" who crosses his legs at a ball, and, would you believe it, I havo seen young ladies do tho eamo thing! Mousneline do solo for drapery has pompadour etripes in delicato colors al ernatlng with white. - Feather stitching in silk in contrast intr color Is employed for trimniitic costumes for early spring. EMI CATARRH W I 111- l ttl.VT Blood Purifier ol tho World. av vitsoi.i'iT. 'nti: roit CATARRH. T 11 1: inot pttihlmrn Piie )kM rpQdlly to it whrrt) itlti-i'lloiH Arc fitlloml, lttucccii iiAlicon ri'mnrKnlilflHiHl in cure wonder fill, lllntlio ino.-t Mirccc ful irriurallon In the linirket Tor CATAItllH nml ttio only ono that rrtiinlc9 an Alunlntr, lNiAltHn Our. It 1 ruly ii hleMlnn to mankind. .V Trlul la nil tlint li bUmI Tnr It Om-otnotl.Uisotwflj-d recommended. S:ul fur tcstlmuntalA of actual ir ma no fcgi'AL run MALARIA. A J'OSrri CC'A'i xasslwjw. One bnttlo Is Kcncrnlly milHoleut for a cure. .Stop tnMiiK ((uliilno. Atrial only H iifknl Tur Kkl Lr.H' t'ATAiinn ltKMKiiv, It l a srKOII'H! fur nil illfi.ii.rari.lux finin nn ImiiuroliloiHl nnil ilrlvcs nil criiptlnns nt.m tin' skin. KorSj.h. Iitlcrnmilstntsltls supt-rlur tunny ruparntlon tn thu market. Ono IhiIIIo illl euro most of tho folliwlhir compliilMl" niul n n nllmicl luo will rosiTivj ly l ine. S.ivo iloctor bllla.aml try It. KIIIU'MATISM. sciiort'i.s. SICIX EKl'ITIOXS. vkxkki:al, diseases. DYSPKl'SIA. LOSS OF AI'I'ETITE. rnEM.vti or I.A'UOUK. HIMGUKXESH. I.IVEH TIUHUILES. XEIiVOtIS 1VEAKXESS. FEMALE WEAKNESS. Kkilkk's I'sTAitiui Hkmkdv Is no patent iiii'illrhie. Iml n salts fttul plennnt preparation In Hike nml surely tlin iciculei't luoilleal dlseov erv ofttie nue. Ono bottle lejuve nates thecntlro sxitrin nml imeses more vlrluo than a half i(.i7ou bottlei of onllnary patent preparations. Write for testimonial anil other Information. i-l'ornilo liv itruirirlsts cenerally. flllfi: s.1.00 a iiotti.i;. SIX HOT. TI.IJH roll mis.oo. On receipt of wn.oo by the m.unifiieturcrs. S miel V. Keller & Co., llnvrl biirit, l'u., tlx bottles will liosent express p.i..i. l'or "worn-out." "rim-dmvn," dcbllltiitcil srlinol teachers, milliner seunist ressi's. house-KiTpi'i-s, and over-worked woinen (rcneinlly, Dr. Vleii'o's 1'nvorlto Prescription Is tho lxt nl all ri'Stonitlv o tonics. It la not tt "Curo-nll, lmtnilmlrablv tulllllsnsliiiflenessof purmwc, Is'lnit a miHt iwtmit Pin-cltlo tor nil thoso Chrunlo WeuKncssi mid DIm-iisi'h peculiar to wnnieii. It Is n nowerlul, Kciicnd ns well ns uterine, tonlo nnd nervine, nml Imparts vluor and stantct h to tho wholo system. 1 1 prompt ly cures weakness of stomach, Indlirestlon, blont injr, weak buck, nervous prostration, debility und tleeplessness. In either sex. Favorlto scrlpllon Is sold by druggists under our )(. Kit uiMrriiifrr. Sec wmpper around ImiUK Price 1)1.00, or six bottle for 1)5.00. A largo treatise on Diseases of Women, pro fuscly l)lii-ipitl with eolonsl plates and nu merous wnoll-cuts, sent lor 10 cents In Hain. Address. Woni.u'H Disit.nsauv .Meiiicai. Association, m -Main Street, Ilutfalo, N. . SICK 1II;aiACII1:, Dillons Headache, nnd Constipation, nnmiptly cuied by Dr. l'leris-'s 1'ellets. i'ic. a vial, by druggists. GIVEN AWAY ! Ten thousand babies are given yearly to the grave by not having Dr. Hand s Teething Lotion on their gums when teething. SOMETHING NEW ! SOMETHING WONDERFUL SOMETHING MAGICAL ! To bathe the baby's gums while teething, relieving all lnllamma tion, swelling and pain. LOST I A good many night's rest by not having Dr. Hand's Colic Cure, for. it. gives baby comfort and sleep without stupefying 01" in juring it. sso opiates. .No con stipation. Sold at Klcnn s drug store, general agent for Dr. Hand's remedies for children. Labora tory at Seranton, Pa rdeeleow. IP YOl' have Internal Mime teyer, canker, acrid Dhlegni. had lunte nnu orfenslvo breath -Dr. Kti. iuer s sw (Ml'.KOOT remo; e9 all theso conditions. IP Vol" Uao lost your appetite, or toreue coated, dry and parcheil lips und mouth, spittle Ask your aruirL'ist lorn. 2.V.. f 1. dry and cottony, or havo become rmaclateil nr. Kilmer's bWAMP-UOOT will build up jour broken ciowu consiitution. sk your aruggisi ior it. 2:c 11 IP YOU have sudden attacks ot sinking speia the face white and deathly pale, and exierlence feelings as though dying, ami coldness selves your tcry wtala-Pr. Kilmer's ocEAN.WKl) rouses the heart's action ana saves l ie Druse sis sen it. 11 IP YOl' have organlo disease, or perlcurdti or heart case trouble, or havo thick and sluggish blood, feel ns though bleeding would relleie )ou nr. Mimers i. a ld coerecis una is tne einedy you need. Druggtsts seol It. It, 11. PATENTS l btalneit and all patent business attended to (or moderate fees. our onlce Is opposite the U. 8. Patent Oltlce, and we oau obtain Patents In less tlmo than those re mnlo from Woshlmrlon. hem model or drawing. We advise as to pat entability free of charge, and we make no charge UUless patent Is secured. We refer here, 10 1 ho Postmaster, the Supt. ot Money uruer niv., auu 10 ouicitus 01 me u. d. Patent ortlce. Por circular, adtlce, teims and references to actual clients In jour own biateoi county, write to C. A. SNOW & CO., opposite Patent Office, Washington, 1) ( an9-tt Slates and Jb'clts, Slate Mantels, Slate Black Boards, School Slate, Roofing Slate, Roofing FcltH, 1, 2&3 Ply. . , J. X.. UIII.I., , 25 Lackawanna Avenue, bcranton, Pa ilaywy CHEAPEST and BEST, Prices ItEDUCED. s Over 2 000 nates. ViMn llltittnilri. A genu wanted, circulars free A. J. IIOLMan i t o., Philadelphia, Pa. Iimrclil9-lt.d. SvJtfTOMS Of DVSI'LTSIA nro lews ot appetite, rlslns of tood, heart burn, distension ot the Btoinach, hcadacho. Kid nroatli, slocplPssncss, low ,plrlts ana piiiornl prcntrnllon. constlpntlon Is a frequent concomitant ot ily6epsli but sometimes It Li attended Willi cliarrlxru. Tlietritof many years and tho experience ot many thousands and tensot thousands of every niro and condition ot lite has established the fact that nu one win remain a dyspeptlo who win inKO mc purely Tcmuie niuicnne. 1'UIIELV VKdKTAUI.K. TESTIMONIALS. AS EFKICACIOI H HKMKHY. -1 can recommend n nn i ftlpnrlmis rpfnedl Inrnll diseases fit the liver, heartburn and d spepsla, hlmmons Uver Hfputalnr. Lewis (I. WuuJer, ICJ.1 .Master .St., Assistant Iwttnaster, t'liiiaueipnia. tVniTtHtt 1 PniVI'ITflM. .1. we wish our aMderstoknow that we have found tnurn nenent lrom Using Mminons uver ucKummr. our trnuTilenri iinntpdnnd rend 'red chronic many years In India, leaves little hope of a perfect cure trom anytninit. nui. tne neKiiiaior uas ai- rnnle.1 mnra relief ihfln flit ptsn we havp tried. UO Biy this without the wLshor zeliln J; tu, who preinre it in rnuaueipnia. ltRV It. (1. Wil.llKIt, M. "Missionary ltevlew." U'liinuliiuu 1. (1 Mnntimtnprv t'n.. Vtl MKssitH. J. li. V CO. llavins suffereil rom debility, headache, iiizlnexH and lost ot nppe tlte,and tln)f pereuadeil they resulted trom an In. ncuM' uver, cuiiiuuna i-niT ivKumuii nmiuuni. mended by a trlend. 1 was greatly beneilted In n wiori i me, ana consiucr u an aimosi iiiuwuein.iuio ... t XI t,L"l1'l.lll.'lt iiousi'iiuiu iruinij. ,i. u. t.u . . rmsrAiiKii uv J. II. ZElLiINA CO, Plllt'S, $1.00. PlIll.AllKl.l'IIIA. Adams' Patent Metallic PICKET FENCE. f 1.78 per rod and upwards. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS. All klndi of Iron Fcncn, Gitei, Fire Eicpei, ic. Iron Work in all ityleu. TRCC CUARO Coal Screen! a specialty. Iron Ladden, Wheels & Crettlng. Blackimlthlng In ill branches. Eitimttei furnlihed. EAGLE IRON WORKS, Oor. Union & Canal St., WILKES-BARRE, PA maicli 12-88-ly. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. D ELAWAKE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBUKG DIVISION. NORTH. STATIONS. souTn. p.m. p.m. 6 00 la 311 8 64 IS 26 30 ....Niranton.... 8 26 Ilcllevue.... a.m a.m. a.m. D.m. a lu 19 UO I S 43 12 ii 8 22 8 16 8 10 8 U'l 7 58 7 54 .T&YlOrVllle... 1 6 20 9 Ml 2 1h 6 15 9 BO 2 10 8 40 12 IS . Lackawanna... 6 27 a SI 2 22 8 S3 12 OS 8 27 12 03 8 22 11 M 8 II 11 M 8 12 11 50 8 OS 11 47 8 08 11 47 8 03 11 42 7 59 11 38 7 54 It 31 7 50 11 30 ....HUSton..... 6 34 9 41 2 30 .West I'lttston.l 6 40 9 41 2 36 ...wjomiug....! e 45 9 52 2 41 ..Maltby 6 49 9 56 2 44 7 50 ....uennett.. .. 053100124; 7 4T 7 47 ...KlUKatOD .... 58 10H52 50 ...Kingston.... 0 58 10 05 1 50 7 42 I'lymoutti Juno 7 U2 10 102 55 1 34 , 7 3D,, 7 38 ....riymouin.... 7 or 10 133 00 ..Avonaaie. . 7121020305 Naullcoko... 7 13 10 25 3 10 I 43 11 S3 7 23'Uunlock's CreeK 7 23 to 82 3 2. SO 11 12 7 i2..Milcksulnny.. 7 37 10 44 3 89 7 uo llluk's Ferry. 7 50 11 113 52 6 54 ..Beach Haven.. 7 57 1 IM35S 6 471 Berwick.... 8 04 11 13 4 05 6 41 .Briar Creek.. 8 10 11 20 4 12 7 18 11 00 7 11 10 51 05 10 47 0 58 10 41 t) 54 10 88 8 50 10 34 6 38 ..Willow drove., 8 14 11 25 4 16 6 34 ...Liu eltldge.. S 18 ll 29 4 2.1 n 42 iu srr 6 36 10 21 C 30 10 16 0 27 Kbpy , 8 25 11 30 4 27 6 21 ...lUoomsburir... 8 30 11 444 34 0 16 .... ltupert 8 36 1 50 4 40 !5 10 11 6 li Catawl'a Brldire 8 41 11 55 4 6 08 56 0 00 9 49 5 55 9 45 5 40 9 32 p.m. am. 5 66 . . Danville..... 8 58 12 135 04 n 49l...iChulasky.... 9 05 12 2"5 12 5 45I.... Cameron.... u OS 12 25 6 11 5 32 Northumberland, 9 25 12 405 35 a.m. I I a.m. a.m. p.m V. P. IIALSTEAD, Supt. Superintendent's omce. seranton, Feb.lnt,i5 Pennsylvania Railrcad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. H TIME TABLE. In effect Nov. bth, 1885. 'l rains leave Sun- oury. EASTWAItD, 9.40 a. m., Sea f.hore Kxpresa (dally except Sunday), rorllarnsburtrandimerinedlatestatlons, arrlvlns at l'blladelphla 3.15 p. m. : New York, 6.20 p. m. ; Baltimore, 4.40 p. m. ; Washington, 5.50 p. m., connecting at 1'hliadelphla tor al uaaeipuia ior an cei auure pomu rblladelphla Shore points. Thiough pa&benger coach to 1.43 p. m. Day express dally except Sunday),forlIarrishurc and tnterme- dlate stations, arnvlnir at 6.50 p. in. ; New York, 9.35 p. m. ; Baltimore 6.45 p. ra. ; Washington, 8.00 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 7,50 p. m. ltenovo Accommodation (dally I'uiiauoipuia tor iiarrisourg ana an inicrnieaiaie siaiions, amv ing at Philadelphia 4 25 a. m. ; New 1 ork 7.00 a. m- Baltimore. 6.25 1. 111. : Washlnmon 6.30 a. Sleeping car accommodations can t secured a. Harrlshurg for Philadelphia and New York, on sun davs a throuirh HleeDlne car 111 be run: on this train trom WllTlamsp't to Philadelphia. Philadelphia passengers can lemulnlnsleeper undisturbed untl i u. 1 m. 7.10 a. m. Erie Man (daily except sionaay, for llarrlsburg anil inteimedtato stations, arriving at Phlladelnhla 8.25 a. m. New York. 11,30 a, in. ; Baltimore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, 9.25 a. m. mrouzn puumau sleeping cars are run on mis train to niuaaoipuia, uammore ana asning. ton, and through passenger coaches lo Philadel phia and lialtlmoro, WESTWAltP. 5.20 a.m Erie Mall (dally except Sunday), to. Erie and all Intermediate stations and canandal, gua and Intermediate stations, Kochester, Uurti- loana Niagara cans, wnn iniougu ruumau i-ai-ace cars and passenger coaches to Erie and Koch, ester. 9.53 News Express (dally except Sunday) for iakk liaieu uuu luieriuemuiu biuiiuus. 1.00 n. m. Nlacaru ExDress (dally exccDt Sun day) for Kane and Intermediate stations and Can. andalgua and principal intermediate stations, ltochester. Bunaio and Mairara pans wuii e1' through pasienger coaches to Kane and Kochester ana rarior car iu t uuaiuspori. 5.30 n. m. Past IJiiu ( df lly except Sundayifor lie. noto and Intermediate stations, unit Klmira, Wat kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas senger coaches to ltenovo and Watlclna. 9.20 a. ni Sunday mall for ltenovo and lnterme- oiaiu stations. TlIKOUail THAINS POll SUNUUltY PIIOMTIIK KAT AKUHOUm Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m llarrlsburg 1.40 arriving at bunbury 9.20 a. m. with through sleeping car from Philadelphia to Wll. llama port. News Express leaves PhlladelDhia 4. SO a.m. llarrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arrlvlmr at Sunbury 9.53. a. m. Niagara Express leaves rnuaueipnia, , ,iu a. m. ; iiauunore a. m. laauy with through Parlor car from Philadelphia auu mruugu passenger vuacue irom i'uiiaaei. Dhla and Baltimore. Past Line leaves New York 9,00 a. m. ; Phlladel. nhla.ll.50a. m. : Washington. 9.50a. m.iBalll. more, 10.45 a. in., (dally except Sunday) arriving at ouuuurj D.aup. ui.. vriiu luruuk'u passeugei couuuesiruiu 1 uiiuucipum nnu jiuiuiuure. Erie Mall leases .New Y'orkauup. in. ; Phlladel. pnia, 11.20 p. in. ; Washington, 10.0 loop. m. : Haiti. more. u. m.. (daily excent rut itunlay) arriving at sunbury 5.15 a. in., with through PuUuioa Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia, a'NIintV, IIAZI.KTtl.N X' wii.kksiiaiiui: UAII.UOAII AMI MI11TII AMI Wl'.MT 111' M!II Itill.WAV. (Dallr except buuuy.) WllVesbarre Mall lfavoa iuuVury 10.00 a. m. arriving at Uloom Ferry 1UW a. iu., Wllkea-barm Express East leaves Sunbury 5.45 p. in., arriving at lllnnm Vfrrv R? n tn . wlllci.H.t)ArrA i.rji n. m Buuliury jlaflleaveaWllkel)arreio.4ua.m.arrlv IngatHloomlerrylMSp. m.,Hunbury 1.55 p. in I rcnoc V7hE2h . .A Exprtaa Weat leaves W lltes-burre Ml p. m., ar- ouuenug iroin some lorm Ot Ulood ills riving at Ul,oinrerr.lsp.m., , rrdHr or skill disease, such as S,(mfI Sunday ostv. ..8HR.djyl'MTs 11 uiuuuircrn iu.iik.iu. iiLi't.iiiirri. i Iran n in. BunJay accommodation leatia WllWea-llarre ill in., arriving at lllnrini VVrrv. in . Knnlxi-v liuiH? u Ul00u Ferry' MS p' m" ',l"lburJ,, v ?n m.V niV..- a. IIi E TlITl'lIf 1 It - - Oanal anJ Hillroad Laws, COMMITTEE OF I10TII 1'Ol.ITICAI. PAU- TIE8T0 COMI'KI.TIIKIR ENKOItCKMIlST. A cominittco of twclvo Kcntlcmen, selected from both political parties, has been appointed by mcmberrt ot the Convention of 1H7H for tho purposa of coinpcllinir tho next Legislature to enfnrco tho provlalona ot the Constitution relating to cum b atiii railroads. The UepnbUcans on tho committee arc Kx. Attorney Gen eral Henry W. I'nliner, Kx-.Tmlje John M, Hroomall, (joorpt iN. Uorcon, iNor ristown i D. N White, SewlekvilJ.-t Luvi Hooke, Winliehl, nml .1. W. M. Nuwlin. The Denioeratio nienibeto aru Kx-Sciinlnr C. 15. Huuknlew, l'lti dent V. H. Goweii. of tho ltuadiiu Kailroad Company! Ex-Governor Our- tin, Attorney General Cnpsidy. Mortl mer 1'. Kllmt ami .lanus r. Uarr. ut the l'ittibiirir I'ott. l lit'su gentlemen will lomi no piny nor ind'jrs" any individual can lltliilu, but will tlTect organi7.ation in oieh county of the Statu and issuo nu al dress callinu on tho voters to suppoit thosn caiidiilatcn who will pledge ihom selvcs to remain in re'sion until the necessary legislation is perfected. Mark Twain. HIS llfMOItOUs WItlTISIlS I'AII) IIIM A 11ICII Al'TUOIt. IIAVK Mark Twain has received from "In nocents Abioad nnd "llio Glided Age," nearly or finite $o0l),00(), and he ha recently diawn So:i,000 on the proceeds of four mouths' salo of "Huckleberry r inn. It we add to thce figures the dividends obtained from "lioiighing It," ''Tom Sawyer,'' maguz'1110 ailteles, and his ablest woi'n. tho patent scrap-book, Mr. Clemens his probably made moie money by his pen than any other wiilcr except Sir Walter Scott if, indeed, his earn ings do not aggregate ns much as Scott's. If, then, nu author's casli no count is the true measure of his literary ability, the St. Loins Republican urgej Jlr. (JlemHiis 1ms had but onu uval in all tho ages. lie is a veritable whale among the nisigiiiticant minnows which people the sea of literatme. The poorest of his inngHzinu articles brought him at least double thu puiii .Milton resetted lrom "J aradlse host;' Jour months rtceipts lrom "lluckel berry Finn" nro more than Shake speato was paid for nil his dramas ; "Innocents Abroad has been more profitable in a financial wav thau were the collective poeniB of Wadswotth, Somhey, Shelley nnd Coleiidge, ami the patent tcrap book has been a rich er mine than that of Addison and hwiti. As lor such impecunious scribblers as Spenser, Burns and Poo the sum total of their pecuniary re wards did not amount to as much as half tho proceeds of the dramatic ver sion of '-The Gilded Age." P. or Barns was dunned on his death bed for a debt of $35. A revised edition of Mr. Clemens' "Jumping Piog" would bring the creator ot that tamous annual ten times as much as the miserable sum which vexed the last hours of the sweetett of song writers. Obicago's Great Clock. Tho works of thp immense clock which has been put til) in tho board of trailo building in Chicago an- pro nounced a most jierfnct reproduction of thoBO of the oreat Westminister palace clock in London, hut with somo additions and improvements adapted to its commercial purpose. It is con structed of iron, bronze and steel, and weighs ten tons witltin.t the bell, the latter adding some .t,,)00 pounds more. Tho pendulum alone weiuhs .ri0 pounds. In its airangemeut the works are divided into a lime train, a hand train, and a striking train, theso seve ral trains coinpiisiiii' eeperato frames. Each of tho tiaius is operated by a teparato weight, and tho three weitthts together reach somo !),,Q0 pounds. The hammer that strikes the Loll weighs eighty pounds', the clookwoik is below the dials, which aro ten feet too inches in diameter, and thu bell is aboe them, or 2,")0 feet above the ground. Tho pendulum swings one way 111 two seconds. A Uuildipg for Workirn; Women, Warner brothers, tho well known corset manufacturers, havo commenced the erection of a building in Hrirliro. port, Conn., to cost $35,000, for the free use of tho 1,000 girls employed it; their factory. The building will bo a bout seventy feet squaro and three stories high. The first story will ho devoted to a restaurant, where gc od meals will be furnished at cost. The second story will contain a largo read ing room and library, conversati"ii room, music room, bath room and lava, tory. The third story will contain a go hall, sealing COO, a small hall seating 150, and class rooms, wliero ovening classes in singing, penmanship, chaw ing, book-let cping, tancy needle-work, .te, will bo taught. The building will be under tho caio of a competent matron, and will be free to all gills in Warner Hrothers' employ. It will be the tiist building of this kind ended in this country and will without doubt prove the practical wisdom and benevolence of its project or. A Hawk Catches a Oit- A huge California hawk swooped down on a sleeping cat at Santa Uosa, California, tho other day, and bore it squalling and scratching high in tho air. When about 500 feet hiah the hawk lost its grip, and the cat came down with fearful velooity, but the nawk caught it again lust before it struck thu earth, and was carrying it off when suddenly both fell like lead to to tho ground. Tho cat had bitten through the hawk's h-'ad, killing it in, stantly, and the fall killed the oat. Tha Wheat Outlook. Seventeen hundred reports, covering every important whoit country iu Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Kansas, nud Missouri say tho present prospects of tho growing crop are very favorable in Indiana, Misiouri, Illinois, and Ohio, fair to good in Michigan, and poor in Ivansa. All show nu important im provement sinco tho recent rains. Tho prospect averages even better thin two years agd, Tho are sown is lur. ger than thu amount harvested on last crop. Reserve of old wheat moderate, but Michigan ha over ono-fourth of last crop remaining. Half of tho farm ers nro disposed to sell. Country roads bad. There are scores of tiersmw u!-n ni-n L rL5 t lfsons w..o aro I Hoils, etc, eto. After a practical test, J. II. Jlercer asserts that Aultm'a Ithwi.l .... . - f-llxlr will Cfltmnly CUIO all stlrh (lis. n . 1 I cast- Including Syphillis am I Jthcuiua mil. but a I lloni ,. - . . u I'?"'" nostrum, uut a . isceiumo iireparation. ho cua preparation, ho guarantees it. elys CatarrH Cream Balml When applied Into the nuMriia mui uo nnsiiro' ed effectually cleans. In? tho head ol catarrhal virus, caus ing healthy secretions. Itnllainlnilammntlon. protects tho mem brano or the nasal nas- I sntres horn ndilltluiial ' etiiils.wimplelely heals; tho sores and restores; sense) of tnslo and; smeii. Net a tnulil nr hnnfr Apply a nartlcln'ol HHAY-EEVER tho Halm Into each nostril. A few nnnlleatloin relieve. A thorough tteatmenl will euro. Aitieenblo lo us . send lor circular. I'rlce W ets., by mall nr at diugWs. KI.Y IIHOTIIBKH. dr gBHIS. owego, ,nra d 4wr, ASTHMA c GERMAN ASTHM I CURED! 1 IIICII TI1IL MS- iIski the noitilrptlull THMI CUREiX'n, mnrt Tloletit tttack i lnpurrn romfortable (Ippp l.rTla iMa whom all nlhnr tYmMlM Iftll rio wRlllnff for rrnnlln. lln ncllon I mmfdlnle direct .nnd crrtiiln. iind n curem rnrcirain mi vuuaiiiji. II permooll enrrt int. Rei" w 7 I m PotlrrtT reitore4 to hculth Ij flfrmtn Atthini Cmn." Thet. Mtton, Hsmllon, Vkio I Germta Althm CM It tlljrtncUlm tut lU tlnm fiU." iYn. K. Yon IByBriifi, urtrrmii.r, a. faiso rM." Mrt. M. i- T'trick. Undtndtrrt, Vkio Jkwtmi f mkr UtUM Bla. life J tfrnlil 'n.Mn I'urn In until hv til dmif of rrtce. 1 rial rartaim ftrn to my Wtfjri .fur 1 BUtin U.ClllKrMAV. M.l.. N.Iiim..MIi.ii. .i... . Mi an,i mi. nr Mftt tiv mall nil mrllil ih a.) 11101 more money man nt niijtlilnsc clso uytnkn I11K iin nKoucy tor tho best selling book out lleitl'iners Buceceil Krnndly. Noun full TemiH tree. IIallett Uoob 1'0.,1' Maine. laccisto. & Flm i for Infants and Children. "CMtorlalasowclladaptodtochlldrenthat I Castorla curea Colic, Constipation, LTtMTi: ASpUoa KSS; at. Ill 80. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N.Y. WUto'ut Injurious modicotlon. Tun Clemen Conri.vr, 1S3 Fulton Street, N. Y. SHU ECONOMY Tlfl QUJESTION OF EVERY Til NEW AND mm CAN VVj JOLtGHT CHEAPIB TEAVI A Large and Varied Stock of ! CLOTHfflG, I U , J JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LAUGH AN) SELECT LINE OF Hefts. aistoig &e Call and be Convinced that you have the LAMEST SELECTION OF GOODS OF TIIE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE jpf ate f lotito Iti .lIooiai$lBgi GMAIN lilonmslHU'! C. IB, BOBBINS. DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CICA8S, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Tim shirv o our iMiHliioiinbli' Clolliiiiir, n't prit-orf within tho reach of nil, litis caught the at tention of our young subject, lie rcatlM that Ynte.s it Co. give inoneyV worth every time nntl their overflowing stock for Men, Youths, Hoys ami Children is the best in Philadelphia to select from. A.0.MTE8&CO. (302-00-1-00(3 CHKSTNUT ST. 1KATI.CAX THE IIOUK. TNG THAT IS FDR THE SEASON, For tho Celebrated UltlcVtriu, Ivers & I'ouil, unit Vose it Son l'lanos. Worldre uowneil Kstey Organs, Violins, Accoulvons und Sheet Music. CYlebiiitud White, New Hl(-h Arm Ur.vis, ew Home, Hoyul St. John, und Light Running Domestic t-cwing Miii'.hinus. Needles, oil mill nttiiehnicntB for all makes of Sewing Machines. STREET,) Styo and wartrecics, No. FrankHr.l'Avenue. 12G lso Wareiooiub ill Kionklln .We. unil tnti ter stn-cl. SCRA1NTON, ,4 PA. OF .0 1. 1, An) thing lo iimVn up anew wagon or itpnii an old, in ttnk, liar Iron, rnd Sltel Iiolts, Jlolt linil, lug Hciews, Turiiliucklo' Hoi be Shots, and all Ulatknniti) supplies. Aprsi-ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers