1 'I. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. a, E. Elwoll, I rjtt.ri J. K.BltUntsndar.J E"tc"' BLOO MS BU UG, PA. I'lUDAY, Al'HIL 9, 1880. The Ohio river on Monday mornin had readied a height of 53 feet 8 in oh ps, and then hegan receding at tlio vato of 10 inches nn hour. .TihIro Stanley Woodward of Wilkes harro is n democratic candidate, for Congress in the twelfth district. lie ha boon endorsed b two legislative districts of Luzerne county. Secretary Manning is slowly im proving, but it is doubtful whether ho will bo able to resume his ollicials duties again. Thcro is some talk of a success or being appointed, but no indication as to who it will bo. Fourteen million dollars were paid on the public debt last month, and yet tlio republican party used to tell us that it was their honesty and superior liiianci.il management that kept this country afloat. A fow years ot demo cratic rule will convince them that thcro aro somo brains outside- of the republican party. Citizens of Selinsgrovo liavo raised S35.000 to construct a building for tho Watson town boot and Blioe tactory, and the firm expects to move to the new location about tho 1st of July. Twenty-six families will movo from Wntsontown with tho factory. It is expected a nail factory will bo ereoted also in tho near future. Selinsgrovo presents nn animated and lively appear ance. Tho labor trouble still continues. At Fort Worth, Texas, there was an outbreak on the 3rd inst. that ended in a riot and the loss of several lives. Tho militia was called out to assist'tho city authorities. The strikers had turned a switch and when tho officers attempted to close it so that trains could pass, the strkers bred, and tnu omcers returned it. Tho attorucy-ueoeral says that since tho authority of tho state lias been invoked, that trains must move if it takes tho wholo military forco of the state to do it. What the outcome will be, it is hard to predict. It is given out that tho President is preparing a special message to con gress urging that some action be taken at once to compel the Pacific railroads to meet their obligations to the United Stales. It appears from the statements othcially made to the 1 resident at his request that these corporation!) are in deot to iho government in the sum of over one hundred million dollars. The President has been advised bv Secre tary Lamar that while the Thurman act is good as far as it goes, it is after all scarcely any protection in the United Mates. The secretary ot the interior has made demands upon the officers of of the Union racilic tor a frank stata ment of their acknowledged indebted ness. Instead of an ingenious reply its otucers seem to have taken pains to conceal its true hoaucial condition. For this reason the President will ad vise congress to take heroic treatment, and to tho end that a showintr can bo had he will urge legislation having for an object the placing of the delinquent corporations in the hands ot receivers, who will bo charged with an mvesti. cation which will declaro the true financial status of the railroads iu question. Gazette & Bulletin. Limiting the New Tax Law, Judge Thayer, of Philadelphia, on Saturday last made a decision material ly limiting the operation of the row tax law of June 30, 1885, in its effect upon corporations. Corporations are' already taxed for their capital stock under the fourth section of tho act of 1879, to which tho act of 1885 is supplement. Notwithstanding this fact tho oute ought to collect tho tax levi cd by the act of 1885 upon tho bonds, mortgages, debts due by solvent debt' ors, public loans, ifcc., in which their capital was invested. Tho Delaware Mutual and other in surance companies of Philadelphia bo cured preliminary injunctions restrain ing such a proceeding, and in continu ing these injunctions Judge Thayer says : "it these corporations aro will in tho act of 1885 thoy will be doubly taxed lor the same property, uoubli taxation, although within the constitu tional power of the Legislature, will never be presumed to have been its in tention, unless tho language ot th statute is clear and unequivocal. Th question, therefore, is whether the Legislature intended, by tho act of 1885, to apply to corporations a sy tern of double taxation, whether they intended by that act that their capital should bo taxed tinder the act of 1879, und chat the several descriptions of property composing it should bo agai taxed under the act ot 1885 under different name." The Judgo refers to tho fact that in constructing the taxation act ot 1881 of which tho act of 1885 is a substau tial re-enactment, Common Pleas Court No. 2 decided against this claim for double taxation. That judgment he regards as cornet. "Any other con elusion," ho savs, "would make tho legislation of the Stnto upon this sub ject incongruous and incomprehcoBble DIDN'T KNOW IT WAB LOADED. Tho foolish practice of playing with lire-arms ol any kind is iiiustrat every day by the dispatches in tl nowspaperH, announcing deaths Iru their careless use. It is an old, old tory that seems to mako no impress ion, and it pad grown to such propor tion that in 1870 tho legislature of this statu passed a law providing that the pointing or discharging ol a gun, pis loi or other lire-arm at another, eithc playfully or wantonly, shall be a mis demeanor punishable with a lino of ono thousand dollars, and Imprisonment not exceeding ono year. A case of this kind occurred in th county Inst week, which resulted in th death or n woman at tho hands of he husband. He pointed a pistol at he playfully, he "didn't know it was load ed. ' and she was buried in four days. Whilo tho punishment which con ncienco inflicts upon thoeo who thus carelessly take human life, is undoubt edly terrible, there seems to be no way to put a stop to the playful handling of dangerous weapons, but by t strict enforcement of the law on tho subject. TI19 security of society requires that thoso who playfully point niutols nt others shall undergo the penalty of tlif law, not only to punish them for their carelessness, but to deter others from amusing themselves by play ully shoot ing a fellow being. Ooal Miners' Grievances. OVKKNOK PATT1SON ASKED TO 1NTI.H- vr.NF. is Tin: ci.EAiii im.i) Titoniu:. The atrlkliitr coal mincrsin tho Clear field rogions have presented their griev ances to Governor Paulson in n long petition, in which they also ask for In tervention in tho interest of a solution of tlio present difficulty. John F. Far roll and F. Lehman, of lloutzdalo, pre sented tho petition to tho Governor, WHO is nnugcu lO UllVO lriuru.ncil inn purposo to remedy bouio of tho ovils enumerated. Tho petition sets forth that tho striko for ten cents in addition to tho fifty cents a ton now received is ustilied Horn tho tact that ino aversgo aces of the minors havo been only about Sao a month, out of which 5 had to bo expended for rent, 82 for oil, and fifty cents for tool sharpening and St. GO for coal for family use, leav ing but $50.90 to feed and clothe tho lamiiy, 1 no miners say inoy nan pro posed to scttlo tho wages disputo by arbitration, but tho operators had re fused their overtures j that they aro compelled to havo the coal rained by them weighed on scales whloh aro out f balance fiom threo hundred to seven hundred pouuds in tho interest of tho operators ; that if the miners elect a check wcighniaster, in accordance wun tho law, ho is not permitted to touch tho scales but simply to stand by and sco tho cars weighed by the company weiglnnaster as they aro run rapidly aoross tho scales ; that At nearly all tho mines tho workmen are required to leal at tho company stores under pam of beinc dismissed from employment, and that at these Btores they are com- elled to pay from tweuty-hvo to thirty- tivo per cent, more for tlio necessaries f liio than thev could purchase tho sarao for elsewhere s that the initio boss- and superintendent corupol tho miners to deal at theso stores, and that tho operators reccivo a percentage for scndincr their men there to oo roooea. So far as tho execution ol toe laws in favor of miners and mine laborers aro concernod it is claimed they ate a dead letter. The Mino Inspector, John M. Watt, is held to ba in sympathy with tho operators, and tho lit-rwiiio-White Coal Company is sharply criti. cised for monopolizing tho greater num. bor ot tho coal operations in tho uiear- field recions. It is also charged with being a largo shareholder in the retin- svlvania itaiiromi uompany ana wun controlline to a larce extent its action in discriminating in iavor ot the largo shippers. Tho petition closes with tho state ment that tho ''miners aro opposed to any monopoly or syndicate having con trol of this or any other coal region, believing it to be detrimental to the best interest of the community and the State at large." Ease Benton. Miss Fannie Dodson of Bunion township died at Emporium, Cara-ro countv, March :51st 188G aged ab ui 20 years, and was brouuht home ami interred in tho Hamlin cemetery. De ceased was a prospective bride and w.t buried in her intended wedding gai U. Pneumonia did it fatal work in a com paratively phort time. It is said tha so upright and consistent was her short lite that she bad not an enemy, a verv touching and auuropriate func-Hl sermon was preached in memory t Fannio by the Kev. D. M Kinter. William Asldeman moved April 1st from the Samuel Ktickbaum's old homestead to his father's farm. The day being very windy a heavy gust picked up a bureau which was a pan of Mrs. Sallie Ashelman's new bed room suit, though the drawers were packed to their utmost capacity, and caused it to turn a sommersault over the wagon box on whicli it had been loaded and dashed it on the ground to all appearances a perfect wreck, strange to say howover that tho large mirror was not broken in the tan. Plenty of glue, varnish and a little skillful repairs will restoro it to its former beauty. Tbo snow at this placo w.n about 2 inches deep last Saturday morning. And now they talk railroad again. We havo a little stock subscribed but not enougli to build tho road and that may account for its delay. Sammie Gibbons has taken a very severe cold and is considerably under tho weather. Judge Krickbaum's horses are all sick from distemper and unfit for duty, J lev. o. r. Uoono preached last bun day a. m. at Ilatnlin for tho first tune this conference year. He is voung, earnest and energelio and we hopo he will meet with abundant success. Eliiih Ahertson and family of Sugar loaf attended the funeral at Hamlin last Saturday afternoon. He is about CO years of age and now ranks with tho old men. G. W. Gibbons had a little, runaway last Saturday which resulted in a smash up of a basket-full of eggs. This wo micht say was a terrible stew ot un cooked eggs. Our April showers thus far havo been rather of a snowy character. Taylor's oil will euro that burn. A clerk in the Bridgeport otlico of Barnum's circus hns disappeared with 5b..)00 of his employer s money. IOO Doses One Dollar. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only medicine o( which this can be truly said) and It Is an unanswerable argument as to the strength and positive economy of this great medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is mado of roots, herbs, barks, etc., long and favorably known for their power In purifying the blood ; and In combination, proportion, and process, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is peculiar to Utelf. " for economy and comfort we use Hood's Sarsaparilla," Mm. C. IinnwsTEit, Buffalo. "Hood's Sarsaparilla takes ten time ami1 quantity to show Its effect than any other preparation I ever heard of. I would not bo without it In the house." Mils. C. A. M. IIUlsiiAim, North Chill, N. Y. 100 Vom One Dollar Hood's Sarsaparilla cures scrofula, salt rheum, all humors, bolls, pimples, general de bility, dyspepsia, biliousness, tick headache, catarrh, rheumatism, kidney and liver com plaints, mid nil affections caused by Impure blood or low condition of the system. Try It. ' I was severely afflicted w 1th scrofula, and for over a year had two running sores on my neck. I took fivo tattles of Hood's Barsapa rllU, und consider myself entirely cured." C. I'. Lovf.joy, Lowell, Mass. "Hood's Sarsaparilla did mo an Immenso amount ot good. My whole system lias been built up and strengthened, my digestion Im proved, and my head relieved of the bad feel ing. I consider It the best medicine I have ever used, and should not know how to do without It." JUnv 1- PtuLE, Salem, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. SI) six forts. Made only by 0. 1. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass IOO Dosos OnoDollar. A GIFT Send 10 cents postage, and we will mall you jree a roui. vmujuie, sample uox ot goods that will put you In tlio way of maklnir mure moiteu at once, than anything else lu America. Both, sexeiof ullages call live at home and work In spare time, or all the lime, ijupum nui mjuircu. ,,o mil smrv yuu. lramenstt nay sure for thoaa who start at once. ktjnso.n CO., Portland, Mo. tnovsuly W ftROYAL MMlt m POWDER Absolutely Pure. This twwdcr neter vailes. A marvel of purity strength und wholcsomcncss. Mora economical than ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In compo tlon with the multitude ot low test, short weight. alum or phosphate powders, sold only In cans. SHERIFFS SALES. Dy virtue of sundry writs sailed out ot the Court of Common l'leas of Columbia county, and to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sale, at the Court House In Itloomsburg, on MONDAY, MAY 0, 1880, nt S p. in. All that certain messuage or tenement ntid lot of ground situate, lying anil being In the town ot Blooinsburg, county of Columbia and State of Tcnnsj lvatila, bounded and described as follows: Beginning nt the corner ot a lot of ground of Philip I'nangst, on the south side of Main or Second street ot said town, and running thence north slxty-ono degrees, east thirty-five feet to a lot of ground ot Joshua Vcttermam thence by the same on the wall separating tho house crcct-Hl on said premises from the house of Joshua Fettcrman, southwestwardly to the rear ot said house, thence eoutheastwardly along tho rear wall of tho houso erected on tho premises hereby conveyed or mort gaged, one foot and eight Inches, thence by lot ot Joshua I'etterman southeastwardly to a rost on l'lne alley, thence along tlio said alley southwest wardly thlrly-thrco feet and four Inches to the corner ot lot of ground ot 1'hlllp Unangst thence along the same northwestwardly two hundred and seventeen feet and six Inches, to the placo of be ginning containing one-sbtthof an acre, more or less, whereon are erected a two-story brick build. Ing, frame barn and outbuildings. Seized, taken In execution, and to bo sold as the property of Lloyd Paxtonand E.U. Drinker, ex ecutors ot Jeremiah II. Harmon, with notice to Mary N. Haiman, widow, and LUzlell. Fulton and I. W. JIcKclvy, guardian of Samuel B. Harman and Helen Harman, children and heirs ot tho said decedent. AL Lev. Fa. Curs, Atty. ALSO, Tlio following real estate situate In Fishlngcreek township, Columbia county, Penna.. bounded on the north by public rdiid leading from Itohraburg to Benton, on tho west by lnd ot Sylvester Ai. bertso.i, on thoiouthby land of Samuel eol.man and on the east by lands ot Alexander .Mclienry and J. J. Karns, containing eighty acres, more or less,whereon are erected a two story frame dwell. Ing. bank barn and out-bulldlngs. selied, taken In execution at the suit of L. B. Stiles, now for use ot John J. Mclienry vs. John 8. Mclienry and to be sold as tho property ot John S. Mclienry. U Fa. Littles, Atty, ALSO, AU the undivided three-seventh parts or por tions (the whole Into doven equal parts to bo divi ded; ot all that certain houso andiot of ground, sltuato In Bloomsburg, Columbia county, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a post, a corner ot Oyer's alley, tlicnce by the same two hundred and four. teen leet six Inches to a post In Tine alley,slxty-slx feet to a post, a corner of lot number twenty-nine thence by said lot two hundred and fourteen feet six Inches to Second street, thenco by said street slxty-slx feet to tho placo ot beginning, containing one town lot and numbered In plan of said town, No. SS together with the appurtenances, whereon are erected a two-story frame dwelling lioube.barn and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken In execution at the suit ot Joslah Phillips vs. W. rottsliamsiy and n. Hagonbuch and C. C. Hagenbuch and to bo sold as the prop erty of W. l'otts Itamsay and D. Hagenbuch and C. c. Hagenbuch. Lev. Fa. Limns Attys. ALSO. All that lot and piece or parcel ot land, situate In the town of Blooinsburg, (In that part formerly caned South Bloomsburg, now west Bloomsburg) county ot Columbia and State ot Pennsylvania, marked in the general plan ot said town by num bertltty-ono (51) and further described as follows to-wlt; Beginning at a post on tho south side ot Third street of said town and lot number ntty-two and running thenco along said lot south thirty six and three-quarters degrees east two hundred und six feet to Anthony's alley, thenco along said alley south sixty-lhres and one-quarter degrees west forty-nlno feet six Inches to lot number ntty, thenco along said lot north twenty-six and threo- quarter degrees west to Third street aforesaid and thence along said street north Blxty-threo and one quarter degrees east forty-nine feet and six Inches to tho place ot beginning, containing ten thousand one hundred and ninety-seven square feet ot land, more or less, whereon aro erected a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings, fruit trees and well ot water. Seized, taken In execution nt the suit ot John N. Bloas vs. Joseph F. Iltcks and to be sold as the property of Joseph V. Iltcks. Fl. Fa. Bahklit, Atty. ALSO, All that certain lot ot ground sltuato In Orange- vllle, Columbia count,, Pennsylvania, bounded as follows, to-wlt : On the north by lot ot A. Kls ner, on the east by Mill Street, on the south by lot ot rerry Be Long, and on the west by mill race con- talnlng one-fourth ot an aero ot land more or less, whereon are erected a two-story frame dwelling house, shoemaker shop, stables and other neces sary out-bulldlngs, Seized, taken In execut Ion and to bo sold as the property of Samuel Zimmerman. Al. Fl. l'a. L. K Wah.es, Atty, ALSO, All the following described lot piece or parcel of land situate In south lileomsburg, In the county and State aforesaid, marked In the general placu of said town by number ntty-seven and flrty-elght (57 and 5) and further de-.crtbed as follows, to-ult : Beginning at a pot on south side of Third Street and Scott's alley, and running along said alley south twenty six and three-quarter degrees east two hundred and fourteen feet and six Inches to Anthony's alley, thenco along said alley north slxty-thtvo and a quarter degrees east nlnety-ulno feet to lot number fltty.nlno (5!) thence along said lot north twcnty-slx and Ihree-quarter degrees west two hundred fourteen feet six Inches to Third Street aforesaid and thence along said street south sixty-three and a quarter degrees west nlnety-nlno feet to the place ot beginning, containing twenty thousand threo hundred and nlnety-fo'ir square teet, bo the same moro or less, on which are erect' ed one two-story dwelling house, ono one and half story dwelling houso, a grocery store and bak. cry, a barn and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taker, in execution at the suit of Cata wlssa Deposit Bank vs. A. C. Itabb and to bo sold as tho property ot A. C. Itabb. Lev. Fa. Miixih, Atty, ALSO, All the right tltlo and Interest of Jacob B. Illn. derllter, thedefendant, In the follow Ing described real estate: Flrbt. All that certain tract ot land sltuato In Beaver township, In flio county of Columbia and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt i Beginning at a publlo road thence by land ot Moses Schllcher north elghty-threo de grees east nlnoty.flvo perches to a whlto oak, thence by tho samo north three degrees west nlncty-slx and three-tenths perches to a Btone: thenco by land of Allen Mann south elghty.three und one-half degrees west eighty-four perches to u stone; thence by land ot Peter Schllcher and Slraou Shcihamer south four and one-half degrees east thirty-live perches to stones; thence by same bouth Ave degrees east thlrty-eight perches to a stone, thence by the same south, tnenty.four degrees west Ovo and two-tenths perches to the middle of the road, thence south nineteen and three-fourth degrees west twenty-one and ono-halt perches t tlio placo of beginning, containing tiny and one. half acres, whereon are erected a large two-siory frame dwelling house and largo barn and other out-bulldlngs. Second. All that certain lot and piece of laud situate In Beaver township, Columbia county and Slate ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt i On the north by land late of John lllndcrllter, on the south by land late cf Abraham lUce, on the east by Und ot Isaac Kllugerman, Jr. and on the west by lands ot William Smith, con taining twenty-threo aires, moro or less. Third. AU that certain tract of land situate lu Bearer township, Columbia county and State or I'euniylvanla, bounded and described as follow, to-wlt i Beglnulug at a stono by land ot & v, Schllcher, south elghty.three degrees west eighty four und ono-halt perches to the middle of the road thenco along said road end by land ot Allen Mann south one-half degrees west seventy-fire perches to tho middle ot Beaver creek, thence up said creek Its various courses eighty perches to lino of land of Moses Schllcher, thence by same north seventeen and ono-fourth degrees west twelve and four-tenths perches to a whlto oak stump thence, by samo north elithty-threo degrees cast eighteen and tliree-tentln perches to the mlddlo ot the road, thence along said roaa ooutn nineteen and one-fourth degrees west twenty-one and one halt perches to a stone thence south twenty-four degrees west five and two-tenths perches to the niack creek road, thence along said road soutn nvo degrees east Ihlrty-elght and one-halt perches to tho place ot beginning, containing tnmy-seven acres, more or less. Belied, taken In execution nt the suit of O. A, Shumanvs. Jacobs, lllndcrlltcr and to bo sold as tho property of Jacob S. lllndcrllter. Vend. Kx. Knoxk, Atty. ALSO, All that certain messuage ami lot of ground sit uate In Shuman's Addition to the ton ot Cala is Issa, In tho county of Columbia and State ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt i on tho north by Mill street, forty feet, on tlio cast by land ot W. V. Fisher one hundred and nflyfeeu on tho south by an alley forty feet, and on the west by au alley ono hundred and any feet, being lot No. 7 In said Addition, whereon Is erected a two-story frame double house with out buildings, arranged for two families. Seized, taken lu execution at tho suit of Cata- wlssa Deposit Bank vs. James P. Lewis and Jennie Lewis his wife and to be sold as the property of James 1. Lewis and Jennie Lewis his wife. Lev. Fa. Millik, Atty. HAMUKL SMITH, Sheriff, rjlUEASUnKU'S BALK OF UNSEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTV, PKNNA. nir virtue nf sumlrr acta of General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, relating to the sale oi seaieu nnu uuseaieu minis iu mo county ot Columbia etc. tor taxes duo and unpaid I will otter at public sale at tho Court House, In the town ot Bloomsburg, on tho Second MONDAY OF JUNB A. D. 1880. at 10 o'clock a. m. tho following described pieces of land or such part thereof as may bo necessary to (musty l no uinuuui Ul lajivs uug uuu uuimm against tue same, anu cuimuuo iuu nuuiu uum uj tO Uaj US UlU 31UUU inu; w luuuu inuumji . TERMS OF SALE. ihn nmnnnt. nf tnxes and costs must be oald iinn tin. innii u Rmirk off or the Rale mar be void and the property put up and resold. UNSEATED LAND OF COLUM BIA COUNTY 1880. BEAVER. No. Acrks. Warrants! or ownir. taxks. 400 " Baker, Jacob dee'd $ 42 17 1 lot uoaver, v;nanes i , 3 " Beaver, Jesse 5 si s.1 acres urocuwoy, i 4 10 105 " " 10 11 1 n 3 73 B4 " 73 " OnU AUDUlfc 118 " S 2t 51 " slots .1" 1 " !" 3 06 5 20 6 20 1 M 4 12 94 !0 Brockway, C. B Butt and unger Iiogart, Mary Boyer, T. H Columbia Coal & Iron Co 1410 acres Slit Clark, Andrew Cox, c. S. Ex. Tench Cox ..... 11 31 49 1W sir 273 3 SO S ie 11 IS 41 307 21 lots Charles, Simon 1 ss 1 ' Canon, M , 1 I'M acres Davis, Isaac .... us " Drvls, nthony loo ' Downs, Martin 90 " lialtus, Joslah is " Downs. John ... 29 11 Fisher, Sarah Slots Flanigan, A .1" Fry. W s 3 " tsearliart, Wm 5" Hoffman E. O 4i" rardeoandMarkle... 2" liarner and Jester... 16 S3 13 50 07 2 IS hS 5 09 .3 21 5 21 S M 23 20 71 5 M 3 .14 r u7 5 21! is as 5 21 3 48 t 75 2 49 4 01 7 5D 13 50 10 12 10 03 IS 13 12 IS IS IS 1 90 9 47 8 7 5 3i 6 75 21 62 27 00 5 01 8 W 8 TO 4 41 4S 10 12 14 S3 3 0 5 21 5 21 ro acres Ilauck Jonathan.... 50 " 75 " M " 220 " 3 lots " t " 3 " Iloats. John Hosts, Charles John , lllndcrllter, Sarah A Hunt, Ell llenny, ueo Kline, A Kochler Q. I 2" Lewis, rranic & " Lawrence, W. K soo acres Mann and Miller 300 " Moore, Wm too " Mclteynolds, II. W 100 " Mlnlck, Conrad 43 " " Peter UK) " " BcnJ 4 lots Mnston, Wm 11 acres Nungesser, Geo 6 lots Patterson, J. C 3" Price, Clarence 91 acres ltlce, John S5i) " lllchart, Cnarles sr 400 " " " 75 " " " 132 " " " 0 lots Ruthford, Samuel & Co. 3 '! ltuthford, Samuel 2 acres Shuman, Thomas 2S1 11 Swank, Daniel 140 " schweppenbelser, I. K s " shumnn Michael Slots Shlck, J. J 3 " smith, I. w Mi npm Rhmnnn. V. L ' 40 3 lots Scott, Peter 1 01 Vastlne. II. K... 3 411 0" Valkenard, C. J 2501 acres west B coal Co slots Wetzel, C S 3-' Wcrkhelser, Samuel..... 3 " Wood. AUgUBtUS 89 acres Wheeler. Wm 2 Stlney, Martin 3 lots Prout, Margaret 33 acres Miller, Adam BENTON. 45 acres Albertson, Clarence 111 " Dodson, Geo 21 " Wells, John BltlARCREEK. votKUADDle. Paul ... loss .. 348 27 S 67 .. 2 03 .... 5 21 3 33 6S 31 20 1 20 M 1 00 ... 9 73 1 Ss ... 11 25 ... 7 50 5C.1 ... 3 73 ... 9 3S .... 2 40 ... 1 10 3 03 1 S3 ... 3 37 .... 3 73 ... 3 73 5S 2 50 H7 51 07 71 40 2s acres Clem, Kev. W. T. .100 2IHI Doty, Pealer Stewart .... 150 " 100 " " 250 H Of 200 " X Ot 150 " it Of 100 " V of 230 " 25 acres Evans, Francis Fowler, Gilbert co acres Freas, Wm. B. llouck. Samuel..... 00 11 lteecer, Abraham 7 " Kllnger, Lizzie 7 stokes, Olden 7 " Trough, Henry estate... 11 " Eckrothj Geo 7 " Stout, Kill CATAWISSA. 54 acres Brobst, J s., 7 00 SO If-' I 77 14 10 13 6.1 1 SS 47 869 Kla.se Yetter 30 ' weaver, Kiias Dornbach, Margaret Klnler, Itobert Newell, Fied Yetter, lawVs estate ,, 11 ,1 Blddle Heirs Clewell, Joseph estate . Krum, Eltas l"erry, Wm - Hower, Moses CKNTRALlA. Hagerty, James lleffron, Philip Holmes, Thomas Lehlgb Mahanoy H. It... Wabh, David . " " . .... GerUhty, nioinas ', Steel, Geo. W.... McCafferty, Pat Madden, Michael. . Lclilgu Mahanoy 1L It... " " ... Loughlln, Bridget Sweeney, Margaret Kneff. John Pursell, John (Jutgley, Mrs, Margaret.... (icrlghty, Thomas ....... 3117 ' 2s7 1 34 ' S ' 31 ' 8 1 19 ' 8 1 1 68 47 4 70 3 22 3 36 1 IM 1 lot 2" 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1" t " 50 7 40 3 36 46 01 3 73 5 20 0 86 1 W 1 to 50 9 20 5 52 40 2 20 1 00 50 50 1 " 2 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 ' " X" 1 " 8 10 narrcu jiary Iirennan, John 6 SS 1 SS lleffron. Wm 40 50 m vo 3 36 20 7 20 llullcau, Hlchatd... Kelley, Wm Kterns, Patrick Ilanley, John (1 ...... " imu-ey, ueu ...... 3 " tiorrell Co CENTIIE. 22 acres Adams, Enos L 4 00 2 lots Brobst Thomas , ... 84 33 acres Conner, II. J. M. F 1 S4 1 iub jiTiur;, vm 3 " Freas, Andrew estate. 32 32 (13 1 acres rrrtz, wm. estate Good, Jacob estate It nagenDucn, m Hagenbuch, Wm. sr. estate,. Hoffman, Wm. estate Hess, Eme .March, Kebeeca Nungesser, Sarah,,,, 3 29 61 61 til 64 snoi 'tisier, jacoo 32 1 acres Klrkendall Creasy 64 13 Achenbach, Samuel CONY.NQHAM. 429 acres Beam, Joshua,.,,' slots Brockuay, c. B 3" " 2 11 11 ,1 II " " " 1 " Breelin, Bernard 262 59 40 S3 21 86 12 22 72 S3 2 Si 23 mterair, sncnaei, 112 acres Huston, John ,. 64 89 1 uuawui uviiii Kline. John I 49 81 1 lot 2 " 1 " Kromer, A. W Lelby, Ephralm".",.',... " Harvey Mellen, Thomas Millard, o. B Mcdul-e, Terraiice .... Morris, Anna II Monroe, John ,1 29 2 11 2 st 13 2 33 ss 6 67 2 5S 5 31 S 7. 1 " llhawri, Casper 8.V) acre Huston, -Mary 173 " Huston, Thomas 100 ." Frlen. Jacob 100 ,. 401 " oung, John .,, 411 " Brelsfi, Itobert , S " Walker, Lewis 4 lots Mourvy, John 4 " " ' " 1 11 11 11 KISIIINOCIIEKK." 26 acres Allegar, John 'Et' 90 " Dresher.jlohn sou " Doty Pcal-r S Stewart.,,. 9 " Forvo Crawford 20 " FarverOco Ul " Harrison John stki " Hoffman Freas. 250 " llulm Win '., 200 " Kindt John co ,,,,, 140 " Lemon Thomas 06 Mclienry 0. B. Daniel , 17 " " K.J 15 11 Parks James B 60 Bobbins Wm A.. to " lUchard Lewis Ill " Belcliart Charles KO " Bobbins Kit no " Hutchison Thos J a " Pealer Geo , 20 counor.MtggleU ,, ,,, 2 103 W 40 80 6120 61 20 21180 Hi 9(j0 362 3 62 3 62 2 53 102 13 30 1 63 314 6 4.1 logo IS 3 10 to 714 910 153 1M 263 39S 29 03 i 306 8) 141 ntANKLlN. 40 ' Cleaver Wellington. 7 do Forlncr Jonathan........ 4 do swank Geo 5 do vought James. 80 do Vought B Howell do Itohrtmch Wm 1 do Howell M'm UllEENirool). 14 do Albertson Miles and Mrtley 3.10 IN SI M 4H0 2 25 3 BO 1413 4 80 141 200 do Jlarry.tohn. as do fatterson m J ...... .. I1EMLOCK. 80 do Campbell NL. 24 do McMde II 1) - no do Neal ft ltirsell 9 do irrtght Levi 21 do Jones DaMd.,,,.... .... 2M 1 (1 1 10 20 7! JACKSON. .VI do Trick Deo A r.oo soul 20 1 B4 Boo do do lm do Hess Benjamin 4 do Miller Chas ... 2H do Miller Ncyhart 21A acres " asm 31 20 in " Kitchen, James w 112 62 ," Mclienry, Itohr.........-. so 5 " Kecler. J. 11 LOCUST, so acres Dewolt, (leo 10 co CM Evcrhart, John is hi ei " oeraguty, Thomas 11 23 " Kline,' John L 3 .11 1-ongenberjrer, 1'hlllp., 4 US 1 00 IOO Bimier, jcremian... MADISON. 21 acres rox, Joel 91 300 Cl ,vi so a to SI 12 j.tra v.i,ui,vnk, . ........ llendcrshott. It lleldenrled, Tobias Klsner, James ,. Hendcrsliott. Erastus Olngles, T. It Welllvcr, Daniel estate.... 33 4- 17 (13 0 U MAIN. 91 acres Brockway SEnt 7 " drover, Aaron w,M.. 2 " tlearhart. Josenh .... 1 7 1 31 10 1 40 lllndcrllter, Henry Miller, II. U. estate.... Mouser, Emanuel Pennock, c, K. t Co.... Itlchart, Charles 1 10 4 21 7 S.I 23 11 M 7 00 2 P8 'of loosmlck. firobsr. Yctt'er "uauck 2 1 acres Shuman, John . 3 I 7 Miuman, W. T shuman. Miles 10 7 030 ll .1 43 1 12 3 17 31 0) 3 ! Snyder, Abraham ,., Nwartz Hhepp & Co Yet tor. Isaac Hartman, Mat Mas SI IIUIllllUII, ,HIU1U9 . .........a....... Moser, Michael 2 co MIFFLIN. 15 acres Aten, Thomas. , 30 3". 10 Lis 5 Aten. J. P. 10 1 10 ' 70 ' 210 1 33 13 2 2 1 too 1 33 1 S3 1 141 1 .10 1 30 1 4 ' 13 ' C7 1 C7 1 Creasy, Henry Hendershott, Catharine.. Jacoby, o. A Kramer, A. W....... Michael, John 1 7 30 S6 26 3S Masteller, Jos Menslnger, Wm Nunccstcr, W. J , Parks, James, II. A. F nuiiui,juvi schweDDenhelser I. K 2 00 hchwcppennelscr. Horace schweppenhelser, K. I' Swank, 8. II Williams, Samuel. .... Yohe.John It Yohe, Jacob estate 1 to 137 23 2 iji 70 MONTOUH. 91 acres Creasy, Jacob is 11 nigcr. Barbara 4 1 " Neal, Win 23 " Kamsey estate MT. PLEASANT. 57 acres Crouse, Hiram Andrew Jr - 10 " Jacoby Kupert 10 ' Jacoby, Samuel 10 " Shaffer, Mathhis OltAPOE. 19 acres Evert! t, Gaorlc-1 estate 20 " Hagenbuch, Jeremiah 12 " Hess, Jeremiah lev llldlay Levi. ,'lot Coleman (leos 30 acres Patterson M B 2 ;' Mtlcr MlchaeL 3 00 4 44 12 20 1 03 292 2 9: 230 4 01 1 (15 390 27 3 45 13 U Kline Jacob dee'd PINE. FrlckOeo A Millers cole DreibleblsJnhn . .. Weathercl Clark Itoberu Cole Bobbins TD. ureenley James 101 12 t3 1 60 1 00 1 (VI 1 88 30 KOAIIINQCKEEK. 40 acres Brelsch Jacob .2 " ' 19 m Barnes TliosJr Confalr lt'cc Cox O S Ex ot Tench Cox 80 1SS6 310 40 200 60 1 25 290 12 23 490 3 11 3 46 511 2S9I 2 92 3 IS 1 43 17 13 4 90 94 2 43 1 96 1 96 98 3 43 SO 1230 78 101 52 26 1 18 10 5 I k) 94 62 375 230 16 210 CO 18 100 112 38 41 IDS 140 40a 40 CO 70 240 SI 82 20 3S 42 18 C6 50 500 Dllaplaln EzekleL Huston John Morris Hughes.... Mlndy ewis ltelchart Charles Itaub J Miller. ,1 Navlnger Jonathan!"....! Shellenberger Thomas Wltehey John , Yocum Isaac Yocum Hljah Yetter Lewis Est 11 11 Trlen Jacob.... .7..'.'. V." ".7.7.7 stioup Abrabara ... s. Beaver Geo J L Kline....... Little Robert Morris Hughes 20 44 19 43 9 100 Melllngton Wm Skate Henry.....'.!.'.'. 30 IS SUGAR.LOAF. 60 " Bellas Wm nuo soo 10 1.1 400 20.10 1 43 4 u s:tt 11 CD HIM SCO IS CO 1 IS .180 191 ' Buckalew James Est.. 84 " coloKzeklel 46 '! cole Thomas B SM " ChaplnJF 2 " ChaplnJF 73 " Custer Mary. v ss " Hess Jos o 123 " HcisCrevcllng.co..., Wor 119 iiess nesley Xi of 119 " MOfI19 " 19 acres Hartman Jesse., Harvey J PS M Smith.... SCO .viciienry uour ry itohr ao 30 1 Joshua Est :nj Navarre wo Mclienry E J " John j'.'.T 11 11 Buckalew Evan..','.' 1SHO 8-0 1 to iOU 7 so em rpREASHnElTS BALE X- oi" SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Also the followln? lots, nieces and narcels ot Beated lands returned by the tax collectors are to vo soia at trie same time under tne provisions or an Act of Assembly entitled "An Act relating to tne saie or lands for taxes in coiuniDia county," approved March tth, Isgs. BEAVEIL No. Acres. Wahkintek 011 Ownkk. Taxes. 1 lot Losee. J. A. agent . 1 20 I " Maston, Wm o 30 4 lots Barnes, Chas. 1L 30 40 II t McAfee, John 3 03 50 acres Barnes, Chas 38 23 slots Maston. Mrs. Wm.. 0 Vi a 1 Bripi, a. u. 10 00 e oo 2T 53 S acres Ahleman, Charles,... 10 " Markle Bros. Co 317 " Miller, Lxngenberger Fisher,, 8 11 Baker, Jacob Sr. 4 " Sherman, Thomas lis 11 Case and Wolvettou 21 " Bredbenner, Gideon 1 BENTON, Hot Albertson, Samuel It. 2 " lleacock, Samuel BLOOM. 2 lots Walter, Norman 1 " Pursell, Ellsha CATAWISSA. 4 acres Kletcr, Jacob estate 10 " Price, Jonas CENTltALIA BOIL I lot , Langdon, Mrs. Thomas dee'd,. . ' CONYNGIIAM. 1 lot Brown. Wm - 13S I 67 1 79 3:1 50 6 03 I 20 3 50 9 12 10 CO 3 40 43 13 CO 383 acres cummlngs It. M. Co 565 ft! 40U curry, KUen 23U 01 Jiurnny iiucucs Co.. 400 acres Nathaniel Brown tract.... 424 ro not nerrron, l'hiiin .... c si " Qulnn, Catharine . 61 8" Koons, uenry 7: .Morrison. James 71 FISlllNGCItEEK. 18 acres Keller. John W 1 1 i lot Buss, Anna 1 ti UllKENWOOU. 1 lot niklngton, 1'. K 30 81 acres Moore, I.arayette S 10 si " Moore, A. L 4 113 HKMLOCK, 2J acres Thomas Slate Co 47 53 v lot Marshall, Wm. S X a I Fuge, John 30 iu acres iiiuaspy, wm. estate a 01 X lot vanuorn, wm., ail JACKSON. no acres Chambrlaln, Lewis 11 37 " liwls, Ellen 1 ci 33 " oung, Lewis c 3 18 15 " Keller, Jacob .... 1 20 LOCUST. s acres Bhoads, Susan a 24 MADISON. 170 acres Trombower, A. C. 0 no isfi uvea, Charles W .... co uvea, Charles 3 00 " House' and Krom son 170 ' Hill, Jesse 18 75 "0 cox, w in. It. 1 so MAIN, 21 acres Blttenbender, Conrad 3 00 MIFFLIN. 1 lot Kelchner, Jacob K. 135 MT. I'LEASANT, is acres Benfleld, Thomas 2 40 23 " Hower, Charles E., , 7 70 OltANGE. 57 acres Crouse, Nelson,, to so 1'INE. lis acres KOUDins, Joshua 791 iwuuiua.,irauua, ,,..,,,,,,,,, , uu 3S iiicme, Jacob 33s Drelbtebls, Jacob estate 1 no a I'ltlUlCUlB, JLHMU1 10 ' Evans, Geo. . .. ...",, 50 " Kline and atterson.,..,.., sa " MeulenhalL Ellas .. 8wi " do do ... .....! 414 ' Welsh, Abner ..... 60 Bunyan. Ezra estate so " Parker, John 11 , SCOTT. T acres Columbia Limestone Co... SUdAltLOAP. it acres Bess, Lavlna 4 " Kase, John I. !? " ltJlr,j. . 21 " Albertson, Jesse M iu IS (10 Si 33 a 1 23 2 40 it SO 40 3 15 20 50 1 20 1'ETEIt A. EVANS. Treasurer. Treasurer's ofilce, Bloomsburg, VarchwthTlbk April 2, 1m-2!ii, ORPHANS' COU11T SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN 1'1101'KKTY I In rmrsnnnco of nn order nt tlio Orphans' Court of Columbia county, tlio undersigned ntlministrntor 01 Kiizauctii I'ctcrman, into ot tlio tnwn of llloomslnirg, deceased, will expose to public sale, on tlio premises, 011 THURSDAY, APR Id 29, 1880, at 10 o'clock n. 111., tlio following real es tate tltimle In said town of llloonisburir, bounded nml described ns follows! Hciln- ning nt tlio corner of lot of David Stroiip, thenco along Mnla street, twenty-eight foot to corner of lot of William Itabli, thenco along said lot somhenstwnrdlv nno hundred mm lltty-six feci trnr inches in l'lne Alley, thenco nlonc said alley northeastwardly tivcnty.clghl feet to corner of lot ot David Slroun.tlienccnlonB snldlot northwestward ly to the placo ot beginning, on which arc creeled a tincc-siory MUCK BUILDING, Fronting on Main street, n Frame Dwelling House, fronting on I'ino alloy, and out-bulldlngs. TERMS OP SALE: Ten per cent, of one-fourth of tho purchase money to bo paid nt the str.klng down of the property, tne one-tot nu less 1110 ten per cent, hi 111c confirmation absolute and tho remaining tlircc-toiirtlis In nno year tlicrealler, wun Intercstlfrom confirmation nisi. A. L. Fiiitz, II. F. I'ETEIIMAN. a-OJ Any. Administrator, SHERIFFS JALES. By virtue of sundry writs, ftsued out nt the Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia county, and to me directed, will bo exposed to public sale at the lloyt House In Berwick, on Saturday, April 17, 1380, at 10 o'clock n. in., nil those two certain lots, sit uatc In Berwick Columbia county, Pa., bounded and described as follows to-wlt: Beginning nt the corner Front and Pine streets, In said town ot Ber wick, thenco along Tront street, ninety-nine feet to lot number sixteen, thence by the same two hundred teet, moro or less, to Canal street, thence by Canal street nlnely-nlno feet to lino street, and thence along Pino street two hundred feet, moro or less, to Front street, tho place of begin ning. The same being lots number nineteen and twenty in plan of Berwick, Pa., on which aro erected a two-story brick dwelling with basement a largo frame stable, coal house, pig pen and out buildings. Fruit trees on thoprcmlses. ALSO, All that ceitaln pleco of land In Brlarcrcek township, Columbia county, Pa., beginning at the public road leading from Bloomsburg to Berwick, at corner of liasleyland, thence by the Baine thir ty-two perches and six-tenths perches to a corner, thenco north seventy-four degrees cast seventeen percnes! thence seventeen and one-fourth degrees west twenty-seven seven-tenths perches, more or less, to public road, thence south eighty-seven do grees west thirteen six-tenths perches to place 0 beginning containing three acres, more or less. ALSO, In same township, beginning at public road from Bloomsburg to Berwick, at corner Agricultural ground; thence by same south sixteen and one. fourth degrees east twenty-seven seven-tenths perches to a corner; thence north seventy-four de grees east sixteen perches to n corner; thence north twenty-tour and one-fourth degrees west twenty-six seven-tenths perches to corner; thence Bouth eighty-seven degrees west, eleven four tenths perches to place ot beginning, containing two acres, ntty-two perches, moro or less. Seized, taken In execution, nt th- sun of- liestei Coper vs. 8 B. Bowman and A. F. Creasy and to be sold as tho property of S. B. Bowman. Jacksoi, Atty. VeniLKx- A L S O AU that certain lot or parcel ot land, situate In Drlarcreek township, said county, bounded on the north by public road leading from Bloomsburg to Berwick, on the east by land ot Freis Fowicr, on the south by D., L. W, railroad and on the west by land of Daniel Reedy, containing six acres more or less. Seized, taken In execution, and to be sold ns the proper ty of S. B. Bowman. Jackson, Atty. Fl. Fn. SAMUEL SMITH, Sheriff. COURT PROCLAMATION- WHEREAS, the Hon. Wikliam Elweli. President Judge of tho Court of O) er and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Court oftjuar ter Sessions ot the Peace and the Court ol Common Pleas and Orphans' Court In the SCth Judicial Dis trict, composed of the counties of Columbia and Montour, and tho Hons, James Lake and F. L shuman. Associate Judges ot Columbia county have Issued thelr.precept.bearlng date the 13th duy of Feb. In the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and elgbty-slv, and to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, In Bloomsburg, In the county of Columbia, on the first Monday.belng the brd day of May next, to continue for two weeks. Notice Is hereby given to the Coroner.to the Jus. tlees of tho Peace, and tho Constables of tho said County ot Columbia, that they bo then and therj In their proper person at 10 o'clock In the forenoon ot said 3rd day of May with their records Inqui sitions and other remembianccs.to do thosethlngs which to their ofnees appertain to be done. And those that aro bound by recognizance to prosecute against tho prisoners that are or maybe In the Jail ot the said county of Columbla.tobe then and there to prosecute them as shall be lust. Jurors aro re quested to bo punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg 0 0 the 2nd day of April In tho yearot our ( L. 8. V Lord one thousand eight hundred and I' r elrrhty.slx. and in the one hundred and ninth year of tho Independence of the United states of America. snerm's omce, SAMUEL SMITH, sheriff. DMIMSTKATOU'S'NOTICE. i',inf.nrir,.i,n.r r,.i.iiA,, tnia ..... ... Letters ot administration In said estate having been granted to tne undersigned administrator, all persons Indebted to said estato aie hereby no tified to par the same, nnd those having claims ufeaiuai. aiiuramiuuivscui U1U Hluua lu march 111 GEO. BEMLEY, Administrator. PILES Olt HEMOHHtlOIDS.-Ur.CEUS fissure. Itching, fistula, 4c, cured without pulnby tho liaisiiiiKiiot'l'TBKATJis.sT. Illuifated papers explaining tnesystem and contalnlngref. erences sent free. Address J. IK. CO OLID GE, M. J 208 Wyoming Ave, Scranton, J'a. March 12.6ms. In presents given away, send us 5 get tree a package of goods of large value, that will start sou In work that jylll at once bring you In money taster than anything else in Ameilca. Allnbout the 120, ,00 In presents with each box. Agents wanted cv. ery.vhere, of either sex, ot all ages, for all the time, or sparo time only, to work torus at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers absolutely as.nnvl llAn'i .lain. ,, land, Malno. tdecista. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! "AT" THE ARTIST w; s t m m AND Who always givts you tho latent styles, anil cuts your clothing to fii you. Having had tho experience lor a number ol years in tlio Tailoring Husi iiphs, has loarned what material will give his customers the best satisfaction for wear and stylo and will try to please all who give him a call. Also on hand Gents' Furnishing Goods OK ALL DESCRIPTIONS. HATS, CAP AND UMBRELLAS Always of the latest styles. Call and ex. amino his gtock licforo purchasing else, whore. Store net door to First National Bank Corner Main & Market Sts. t j MERCHANT TAILOR. Bloomsbu PENNY GOODS Alexander Bros. & Co, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANU1KS, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE AtlKNTSrOH HENRY MAlLUltDS MOAN DIES. FltF.SH KVEltY V EEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. A SPECIALTY. SOt.K A01NTS FOR F. V. ADAMS CO., FINE CUT ! CHEWING I TOBACCO sole agents of tho rot-1 ' lowing urniids of 1 t'lgirs. I HKNIIY CLAY, J LANDIIKSS, NORMAL, J INDIAN PRINCESS, SAMSON, SILVER ASH. THE HAMBURG 4 pion s. PWE1S PRODUCE Bloomsburgj Pa. TnmliMi nr.lr. for nor nelcctoil prUTCf'mii'ntEiiiplojinrrit. lUtorf tnliti,rtmiliilmlfprffcrnJ. I ntlinHOL Oil P H I Oonly honest, energetic, tem pirate men need apply, tlood (t.MB.nt i'mninvffitit and ' r. . ..t I V nMnlnt.u UU A NT t fl luslnca easily lcftrnod. Full WHIll UU frame thi$ paper. Address a. jMr IVlAirlill-OTJS PRICES, in OOKS!ortE!M1LL Complete Novels and Other Works by Famous Authors, Amost Given Away ' The following book re jsublUheilln neiit pirujihlctrorm, niany nf ttirni liatMUonivlr 11!ut rutcl( Hid oil t t- ....( ( r. irnnn traitd tiuncp. TIifv trial of irot ttrict1 vl tnoiivu, aiil c IhluK DD out ran ex M II t without ti f i a 1 n c ibertin mn that h or b ouull Hit t,.n uook 1 coniiici in men. !, Tlic WIJow lledolt lnprrn. TM l tki book a - r whluK your uraoJnioiber Uuabrxl tilt hty cttcJ, d1 it hjnui m funtiy to-rty alieTer i. Funi'T WurL Tor Home Ailornineiu 0 eo t h new work mtn th la nitijwt, rontakulua aj and tint'llfnt Imiructfooi tat niakinK faiicy bitli, all i-n utti, Itrackeu, necJli ork, lubrolitri tc, te., vro. funh nnlfk'B'atlj Utustratel. 3. (irhnmU Vury Morlr Tor the l ounf, Th flnvit i-olli-ctloD of I ilrj tturlc citr jiubllibaJ. 1 fat chili rcu Kill lo.l?ll((ti(oii Miilt them. 4. Tho I.utlr 1 the I.nL. fly Sir Taltrr Beott. " lit l.filf ot llto l.aku It a rotuiuce lu rt, and cf all Ui" work uf coit itotit i tuora beautiful than tbla. b. Muiiitul of l.tlquctte for Ladles and (lentkmen, a t It to nilUeeD an I ((otxl brredlu, h Id lb rvltt of inuili rn tti'i'teit fur all ocoajloui. . 'I he MiiiKlMrd Letter Writer for Ladiei and lle!i(li'iii(.n, a cumiileie gulJo to cor rei pond eooe, It1d( hUin illn oilixii for the uuipoiUlou of letter cf tfrj kind, Ith Itinnmitrable for on and tiauplea. I. H Inter Kfnliiff Heeretlon, cellettlon of tciluit I'luradea, Taiileaui, tlaruet, runlet, etd.. fur ulnl siitlierltis, irltata tbeaulcali, aud tvenluil at hooiet itlatraiel. K IMalotfiiea, Hecltatloii and ltetidtnga, a larf a au I fhuiee tollcfiloti ur schuxil eiblbltloat aud iubllt and j rftiiti" enirialnruntf. . Iurlor Mnglo und L'heutteI EiperlaieHli, a Imok lilth lell how to perform huudreda of amuiloi trUkila iiAflej anil lunrut-Uv ttptrioieau with timplt acmt. 19. The Home t'ooL It out mid Family Vkj. elan luntaiuliiir huudred of iceilent cookluc rtclpea uu t nf mi (o linux-keenT, alo telltnc bow to curt alt win mount' nii-ut by atruiila bom retuedy. II. Muniier and Cuatomn In Far Away Laud a, l wtj louretlun ami IdiuucUt book of Uaveii, dterlt iu ttid necutiar lire, hablu, nianoeri and cm (oral of the l,.Ue of furt-Un countrleij Illustrated. It. Hlxteen Complete fttorlea by Popular Authori, ctnhraoltiit lotr, hutuoroui aud deteotlrt itorlei, i tor lei of awleiT lite, of aduturet ot railway life, eto,, all jttr la tiTOktlnx. II. ThelliidceUorWIt, Humoraad Fua, aline ooilectlou of tht luDuy atorlee, akekbet, aneodote. poemi, und jnkee that har been written for aome vean j illui'led. II. I'defiil Knowledse for CheMllIlon. a bandy brw. nf useful Information tor all, upon many and varlou iiloextet llluitraie'. li. Called Hark. A. Novel. By Hoih Conwat, author of "Dark Daya," etc. ). We villi IS T,rlna lit 'AUrX.ZJZihJ';. JVOTICE OP INQUEST. fcaTATK OK HUMI'llKEV M. 1'AKKKK, PEC 11. To John II. Hoj t, guanllan of Ucuben lloyt, Sar ah lloyt, and John lloyt, ot Hope, Warren county, New Jersey. CoLVunrx Coi'ktv, fes: whereas, at an Orphans' Court held at Blooms burg, In and for tlio county of Columbia, tho first day of February, A. I). 1886, before the Honorable William Elweli, I'resldent, nnd his associates, Jus tices of the said Court, the petition of William ii. writer, was presented, setting forth that lluir phrey M. I'arker, ot said county, lately died In testate, sel.ed In his demesue as ot fee, as tenant In common with William U., I'arker, ot and In an undivided moiety, or half part of a messuage ntid tract of land, situate In the township ot dreen. wood, in said county, bounded by lands ot J.J Ilobblns, II. it. l'ark'r, James Lockart, Margaret Carson and T. J. Vaudersllco and containing tlfty- lue acres, inoie or less, with tho appurtenances, and also, In an undivided inolcty, or one-third part with J. T. and D. I'arker, ot a messuago and tract ot land sltuato In tho township ot Jack son, In tho said county, bounded by lauds of Tctcr Applegatc, Thomas Davis and others, and con taining auout tnirty acres, more cr less, with tho appurtenances. Take notice that an Inquest will bo held on said lands upon the premises, on Tues day, April so, lSbti, at nine o'clock In the forenoon. to mako partition to and among the heirs and le gal representatives of said Humphrey .M. I'arker, deceased, It tnisame can be done without preju. dice to or spoiling tho whole. And If It cannot bo so divided then to valuo and appralio tho whole of s.ild real estate or the several purparts Into which they may dUIdo the said real estate, at which time and placo you can attend, If you see proper. SAMUEL SMITH, Bloomsburg, Vu., .March 13, it. sheriff. 0 TICE TO BOND HOLDKItS, Mate of Pennsylvania) . . county of 1 iduuibla f88' Among the records and proceedings of tho court ot Common l'leas in and for ho County aforesaid fr. tu ,.. (Kill thus contu contained. In the matter of the petition of tho Delaware Lackawonua Western ltallroad company for the appointment 01 rTUslees under a mortgage ot the age or trio Company, i.iu.h.ii,uuim a. iiiuuuisuurg Jtaiuoad Con dated March 1. ih.v.i. And now March 16. IWIO, on presentation and perusal of tho lietitHi Mled in this case, It Is moiri?nvn .ir iim iuh. wanna ic uioomsburg ltallroad Company, dated .Muiiii 1, looj, uo priiiicu in one newspaper P'lb. Ushed In l'hlladeliihla, and in one putll-hcd In orthumberland, Montour and Columbia counties, once In each of tour successive weeks pnor 10 the third day pt May next, setlUie forth tLatapriolnt. merit n 111 be made on that day ot threo '1 iWees in accordance with the prajer ot the pettil. ner.i unless causo bu shown why the same shuuld not be dune. BYHIECUI'HT Certlfled from the records March ir, ins" CEO. V. 1XWKIX, Vm"-' ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE I By. lrtuoof an order of the Orphans' Court of ?iu?J?coyiLly' ,n,e undersigned, executor of the estato 1 f Samuel App eman, late ot Bor ton .l2?l!S,ric.,;aBed' 'POto pubileialeoS WEDNESDAY, April 28, 1880, at '0 o'clock in tho forenoon, the followlnir de scribed real estate, situate In Benton township, to- . h Northwardly by lands of Mnigaret 1)11. d ne's helm and It. II Davis, easlHardly'V lands of c. L. Belles, uouthwanlly by lands ot T. J. Bender and ueorge cadwallader, and weslwardly KiTti nh Mcllcnr'r an0, W'"- llulme, eontalulng i,) ,M8ior)r rapo,ielllnir houso, barn and out i',12iD.?8'.,ana cldfr ',rt'M' Three wells of good water on the premlvsj also a good spring of water. Everything lu good condition: ' k ' KwkrrtlSW."'?"1 b laiub ' EUcn Appleman, hastwardly by A. V. Keefer and o, LV Davis. hputhanlly by publlo road and II. vf. Dai ? Westwardly by liueben J. DaU, containing si 8 vVtu V lth?l ib0 8a- tulr arabli land. No. 3. Eastwardly by Iho heirs of Margaret Dlldlne and WlUlajri llulme, lhwaidy by school-houje tot and land ot (ieorvo w cidwal lader, Westwardly by land of Itu'sel Karris an bamuel Mclienry ' hehs cdntalnlngaboui twel"e acres, more or lew, samu uiug woodland: Terms and conditions 1 'leu per cent of one. SWl?. P".',"1180 W to be Cf2 d at ufe !lrik,1iB.40H"o,,hu Property: the one raiinh outq be given Anil! II. II, 111'l.MK,' Kxecutor. Mar, W, U60 JgXECUTOH'o NOTICE. i'uliile of Jacob beiiwtt, jlaation Tiro !n leti'"uH'tary In said estate ha Ing'uvn granted to the undertJgntd executor all n?rwiii rndebted to mid estale aie hereby ineu'To the name, aud those hailug claims iguiua sVid estate present the tame to k v" Diori'. CVlll'SDEMUl-J', ANY OltDEIt FOll FESTIVALS will bo SUI'l'LIEI) WITH THE LOWEST Market Prices, AS FOLLOWS t I OHANOKS. LKMONS, HANANAS, I I'HANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS. CHEAiM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP COHN I HALLS. CHAMPION PLOW is. rm Is pronounced by icmllrg toliniiRl-uTeilcr tonny plow In tho market for lightness of draught und dmnUUty. Ilswoik Is unexcelled. Alo REVERSIBLE PLOW SHARE. Fanners will find this Intention a saving to them cf at least two-thirds the cxpenso for plow shares. 'lluo shaies are lilted to nil leading chilled FOR SALE BY EXCHMQE, Lited, fruit and ornamental ftoek.TTI II" PLI H CP kitwfiiH. r rnmmiitiftn If tirrffrrfid. nvirlntmn niflkum'. Thil nlruct pus riven. Halo nge. . OIASKA tO.,rhlldclpWi,r. ii)i'.24t, 1). to poiH'ai. Iu ciuiU 10 u ml l nu ttiesfl bovki would c , ! 18. Atthe World' Mercy. A Nottt. By n i it Warden, author of " Tbs Home on lh Marti," -ic IT. Mildred Tre union. A orl. Hy"1hv Vu t tie," autbnror "Molly Hawn," tc, 18. Itarlt liny a. A .Nou-I. Jly Hugh Cobwai ki . t of "Called Hack'' etc. 10. The Mj-trry r I lie llolly Tree. A 1 by the author vl " Don 1 hurue 20. HhadoMann Ihenowt A Norl, Jlj I. I jeou, amliur or " Itread-and CL-eiie.aiil-Khr 31. The tlrnj omun, A Novel. Ity Mr t.i.Ai h author t-r " Mary Itarimi, etc. tl. The Froren Deep. A Novel. Hy Mikl ( autbor of " The oman In White,' eie. W. lted Court Fiirm. A Soel. T.f Itk i i ry Wood, author of " I at Ljnne," etc. Jt. In t'uplil'a.Net. A .Novel. Hy the Auibotni ' I n Thorns." 21. Hark (o the Old Home. A Novel. I'yMu' i Ha, auibor of " Hid leu I'rrllt " etc, vft. John lloHerbunL'a Wile. A "xo.i'1. I -i Mulock, author ol "John Itallfa a. detitleman. etc S7, Lady i wendolliie'n llreaiu. ANoid. V. i author of " lJura Thome, etc. n. Jaaper Dane Heerel. A Novel. Bj Mlf-Jl I'. Brallon, author or "Aurora Fiord." etc. .'9. Leolliie. A Novel. Hy Mary Cecil llay. nuth r ' " Ilreoda orke," (. 9i. 4abrlel'a Marriage A Novel. By IW.kla t Iik, author ot"V Name, ' etc. 81. Ilatld 1 luii I, A Novel. By Mri. Ann S.fXt h-ui author tf " I- aablmi an-1 Famine, ' eta. 31. Heapliiic the W hlrlwlnd. A Novel. By Mar Cenlt liar, author of "Old MM lletou'a Money," etc 83. UudleT Carleon. A Novel. By MUt M. I . Brad don, autbor of "l.arlr Audlty'e Hecret.' elo. 34. laaleal ok Tub Mvivaav or ihi KintLiMt- t Novel. Br KttaW. fitrce.autl.orof'The Birth Mark 55. A Uolden Dawn. A Novel. By th author MDora Thome." eta. .'id. Valerie' Fate. A Novel lly II n, Vlrxnntfr, author of "The Wooin0't," eW. ST. Mater Itoae. A Novel. By Willie. Colllua, an mt or "lh toman In White," ef. M. A it nr. A Novel. By Mr. Henry Wood, aui'.iv "Kail l.ynne." S9. The Laurel Ituah. I Nniel. By '(" VaUk author or "Jliu llalifai, (Iftitlenmti, ' He o. Antoi llarleii. A Novel. Bt fi.rr r.llt i of "Adam Jludt-V "'I lie Mill on tbt Vim, tti tenl anr foarof thee YkmIc an I our rata1"frus. 'oi.iu kit Ua.Illiv t.mru r I.u.k. r..r 11,... unnii.. t ... American Pub. Co., Phihd'a. Pa. March 10 Ct. 13LOOMSI3UKG MARKET. Wholesale. Itetnll Wheat per bushel 85 00 Kye " " CO Corn " " 4!5 CO Oats " " !)5 4.r) Flour " Mil 0 to 0 llutter 22 24 E(?ss 10 12 Potatoes 50 00 Hums It 14 Dried Apples 03 0.1 Side and shoulder 07 II Chickens 19 13 Turkeys 12 14 Geese Lard per lb 08 10 ! liny tier ton m.nn Vinegar per gal 20 UO Onions per bushel 75 1.00 Veal skins n.7 Wool per lb 35 Hides r, to 7 Coal ox Wiiaiik. No 0 12.00; No 2 3, 4 & Lump 3.25 No. 5 ijS.OO Ilituuilniis, $3.25 UIHTOR'S NOTICE. astatic of iiix.siiri.AKE, ruc'n. rnc undersigned Auditor, appointed bytlioOr phuns' court of Columbia county, todhtilbtite the fund,, in tho hands or J. U. Jioblson, Esn . ad. mlnwrator, 10 und among the parlies cut It led L' ?!,','? w'll ' f 2l 1"a 0"""0 ln iiloornsbmg on Saturday, April 17, itB, at a o'clock p. ui. when arid where all nartlm imvim, m.n,,u estate uust appear and prove tho same, or bolor ever debarred lrom coming in on siiiu rurid. """'-''I & It. IKEI.Kll, Audllor. JULE ON IIEIIIS. .....n.KiiTK 0F Vit"l"- THOMAS, UKC'D. C01.UMOU COUNTV, SS.; To John Thomas, snow shoe, centro Co. .t.ci jiiujuus, r isiungcrcek, Columbia Co.. I'a. mVi, ??'jy 'Luerne county, and I lka Markle, V , u r' ul Thomas, nnd f.i.1.?,;'- ,I,luM.cd' 1'allas, l.uerue oouuty I'a.. c rlstena .Monln.Mellsa Stein hnd D. s. 'I nomas! all 01 Mountain 'lop., Luerno county. I'a Joshirl l iomSi lTni VA'h ' ' l"s and A." ir?S Mft l?-r '''"'reei; township aforesaid, anu i.iu bltlcr, Bemlck, Columbia countv l'a grnndcniMreu and lineal descendants 01 Vianlel c,'icd 'Se , Mau J ,, " ottor pers?L n fr S',?. ll"5 ou antl. eacuuf sou are hereby cited to to and appear befoio tho Judcesof our rpnans- Court at'un orphans' Court to Co hehl Bloomsburg on tlio Hist Monday ofMay Lext.tnen lite ol'n, , fV'f nr. muk0 10 takehc ,eil esi lull or said Daniel 1 nomas deceased at the nn. praLsrd ; aluatlon put uiwu It by tho miuelt du ' ShearlrrCaor M ictarnld by the AudhVoVXno?.1156 6lm11 not bBf0Ul' ofNou?3i,i!'V,,1,l?u11,,,J,le w".Uau i:iwell,l'resldent Say of Mareli;UAV.a.tSmb,'Urtr' 11,0 WM. 11. bSYDEll, Clerk ot t). ft Xlai-fl. 0. M. (JU1CK, Deputy, PPEAL NOTICE. Appeals will be held 011 the astessmenl of iwic dbyrfo!!oor.- m- '" l ;p r i,oufco ot c,,arK, P " ''X. k' a,!lnf,?ijaeSej',1S&uat ,lle " April in. lorureeuHood. at tho imnsnnf ,r,.. namrulmcr, InMlluil.e. AprU lO.-1'or Jacjisou and sugaiiosf, at the house 0Ith".Vel L0, sugarloat. April l,.-. or lieuton, attlieltouseoi Hlrom lies ,1. ..trutuil. April lu. For I'lahlngcreek. at t .,., Wolf.lnMllfwater 1 ApillSO. For uraiiL'H m. n,n heliouse ot Frank at tho house ot George . "l"MMu orangeville. April fi.-Forcintie, at the eii ie. election house 111 Al'mM7oFt?fr1ffiaiay''at "ou of April Si-tor Locust and lioiulngcreek- nt Iho .,, , house ot .Nathan Knorr, mildla AmU'STou8ao7Dl'F1CnUr '.M the April 5SS? JaVLiaUraS,!d'u WSSffl ""at the Aura "r 5SS? j?,'.n,,lhT ftu,fr- AutiiL ",e V iTi Mimiivllle " Umhv ui Aaro" APr" uJSS5. o1r.VUl?la!erli1,rewlckat l"e APr" S Vnpy?0"1 ttt W aSwbilltor, April an.-For Bloom, M our oitleo In Bloomsburg. , , The Assessors aro miulrrd to give each lux. tobr!oBt'hralIlSeS!.,'UOr "Tul.&LUnVa&,K SlLl'IUiNl'OllE, CoinmUiionem ot Columbia Co. '-.111K.MIAI.I, v WAHiiiKii'inu rn. ATTSST: JOhUB. Vnrv 'l.i.S, ill) commissioners' onice, Bloom'tburg, Marcli tt; '6. two book agents.-will KffiT.' VllKE a Mee ii w'?K,1!,l,Vlll 01 abour I'liisi WdressEiderPub. Co.Micago, Ul. 'a., AprllJS-ljr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers