THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. mm , Arc very prevalent loAtner. lea, and It h not a matter to l)i wondered at that II Is so. Tho American peoplo ent a (Treat deal o( bread. Much ot tho bread, wlillo light and attracllvo In aiipearnnco, h Injurious because of tho In ferior elements used In tho yeast. Warner's Sale least U cninrnntccd tn ho nuro nnrl wholesome, liciUli prcHeivina nnd rmclrnt. If your grocer does not keep It order It by mail ot Warner' Nnfo Ycnt Coin ii' UnihrMtcr N V The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA. " FRIDAY, FK15RUARY, If), 1880. (01111ICT mil mini ttxt. Ttnu. Trains on tho rhlladelphla It It. leave Itujiert as tollows t SOUTH. SOUTH. 0:3(1 ll. rn. 3:12 p.m. 6:13 p. in. o Trains on the 1). 1.. 4: W. It. It. leave llloomsburg as follows! south, south. (1:41 n. in. 8:30 a. in. HUM a in. . 11:41 a. In. p. m. i):'lo p. in. I:.ll p. in, 8:47 p. m. Trnlnsnnthn H. ft W. U. Hallway pass llloom Ferry as follows i NORTH. SOUTH. 10.5J a. m. 12:or p. in. 6.3" li. in. 4:15 p. m. SUNI'AY. NOUTII. 10:1 1 a in SOUTH. B: 13 p m I'UIU.IC HAI.l'.H. Mary Smith will sell pcrsonnl property on tho premises of Aaron Smith In Hemlock township on Thursday, Feb. 18, nt 10 n. m. Maiicii 4 -J. V. I'rcns will sell valuable per sonal property on his premises In llriar crock township, nenr lierwick, at 10 o'clock u. m. Maiicii 4. II. II. Hiilmc,cxe:utor of Sam. Applennn,ilcc'(l, will sell valuable personal property on the premises In llenton town ship at 10 o'clock a. m. Ucorgo V. Furvcr, executor of George l'urver, dcccaseil, will sell valuable real es tate on premises In Jackson townhlp, on Saturday, February 20, 18S0, commencing nt 3 o'clock p. in. See advertisement. Stephen Polie will sell valuable personal property on his farm In Centre township Thursday Mnrch 4, 1830, commencing nt 0 o'clock. head of horses and cat lie, also chickens, farming utensils, &c. l'erHonal. O. V. HerUcli went tn Philadelphia last Saturday returning on Tuesday. Mr. Edward llrualor spent Sunday in town with his parents at his grandfather's, J. J, llrowcr. King's patent combination spectacles nt 0. A. Clark's bookstoie. 4t. Lewis II. Daniels has been appointed postmaster tit Nuinldin. Leases fo:- sale at the Coujmiiian oilice, yO cents n ilo.en by mail.; The case of Grot, vs Alter was argued before Judge Klwell on Wednesday. A full list of township ankers elected on Tuesday will appear In our next issue. Boyd Cndmnn will not appear nt tho Hink on Monday evening on account of sickness. Dining the coldest weather the Steam Heating company use about live tons of coal a day. For Sale. A cheap and good buggy, onlyS'JO. Inquire of A. II. Corell, Print er, llloomsburg. Pa. M'Klllip's instantaneous process. Host for baby pictures, landscapes, machinery c. llest woik always. Nathan Drlesbach has puichased the store of V. N' Hosier In Fishliigcrcck, and ha3 removed from Van Camp to Jones, town. Dr. Sliattuck, at the Sanlturium, wishes to exchange two cows, one will be fiesli soon, for ono fresh cow Aldemey or half Jersey. The foundations tue laid for the build lug J of the School Furnishing Co , mid the largo limber Is being hauled on the grouud. 11. Stoliuer Is now running ids place of business on the Kiirope.m plan. Meals served at any time. Hoarding can aim be obtained. Charles Ivriig l inanufaeliiring a tine stock of window frames. He expects a good season for building this Suminei and is prepaiing for it. Arrangements ure being made to havn a Sl.hour nice on March 22 and 23. The hall has not yet Incn secured, hut will be announced hereafter. Judge Klwell was admitted to the liar on the liith dpy of February, 1833, so that last Saturday was lltty-tluee years since he be gan tho practice of law, "Wild Hill" and J. 0. Hux will rim r, ten-mile nice at the Catawlssa Hink ot: Saturday, the 20th, for $10 a side. The raco will begin nt 9 o'clock p. m. Luther Hupert has opened a shop for the repairing of watches, clocks, sewing ma chines, and all kinds of jewelcry, in the building on Market square, formerly occu pied by Hobert Catlicart. Get your sale bills at the Cou'miiia.v olllco wlicro you can get tho best job for the least monoy. They can bo ordered by mall by sending us the names, list of articles and time and place of sale. If The lee passed oil the liver at this place Saturday last without doing any damage. The large gorge at the island below Cain, wlssa held the Ice back, and many peoplo along the river were In four until U began moving off. Tho firm of Weldenhamer it McICamcy of Kspy was dlsolyed ou'February 1st. and tho busiucss will bo I'oi.ductcd by Mc Kamcy& Kcrstettcr. Mr. Weldenliaiiier has removed to Wntsontown where he has engaged In business with his father. llertsch, tho tailor, has just received an dopant lino of suitings that will be tnado up very cheap. Also a tine assortment of bats and rims, and neckwear of nil kinds. Ills gjods were selected by him personally in tho city, and this Is a Biilllclent gunran ly of tlit-tr excellence. Ico pomes and floods have been prcval ent all over tho country iliillnf! tho past week. Two simnro miles of lloston wero ten feet under water. Much diunago was ilnnn tn xlilnnlnc nt St. Louts lv ice. and trains on the Hudson Hirer railroad were stopped, the track In some places being 18 Inches under wider. Mr, and .Mis. J, J. Urower had a family gathering last week. Thero wero present all of their children, viz h. II, Urower, Mrs James Hruglcr of Missouri, Mrs, L. 8, Wlntcrsti'cu of llloomsburg and Mrs. J II Lltiglo of Hclltfonte, with their wives and husbands, and all but two of tho grandchildren. Gold spectacles nt Oconto A. Clnrk'n bookstore. 4t. Jncob Demolt, of Eycr's Grove, died on liursdny, February 11, at tho residcnco ot Is son, Cyiui, aged 03 years and 6" months, e was tho fnthcr of William. Ovrus. George and Sam'l Demott and 1 daughter. was burled on Saturday at 10 o'clock. ' tllOro than stxlv vpnrn In. n i ran. slstent member of tho Haptlst Church, and was a commissioner of Columbia countv be fore Montour was cut oil. The Exchange Hotel will present n brll- Jlant scene this Friday evening, the occa sion being a party which will bo attended by tho youth and beauty of Iiloomsburc. Tho Scranton oiclicstrn of seven nieces will furnish tho music and prompter. The dining room will bo used for dancing, and while tho tables are being spread the or. chestra will give a concert In the parlors. Tho chronic fault-finding Sentinel thinks the Grand Jury went too far In rccom. mending that tho Commissioners purchaso new carpet for the dwelling department of the Jail. This objection would have been more timely had It been made In 188 by tho clerk of the Commissioner, when they purchased new carpet for tho jal' without even a recommendation from tho Grand Jury. List of letiers lemaintng tn tho Po3t Of- flee at llloomsburg for week ending Feb. 10, 1880: Mr. K. W. Newton, Mrs. gallic A. Phil lips. IHIIIIS. T. .1. Morris Ksrj. M. O'Hrien Kii. Persons calling for tliexo letters will incase say 'advertised." Gkoimik A. Ci.akx, P. M. 1 ho Philadelphia Weekly I'rets Is now en gaged In publishing a scries of papers des criptive of the part taken by Pennsylvania troops In the lato war. These articles are written by officers tn command, or soldiers who participated in the scenes described, and each will be a vivid pen picture of the most important incident In the war exper ience of the writer. Tho first of the series was written by J. W. Hofman, who com manded the Fifty-Sixth Hegltuent Pennsyl vania Volunteers, and was entitled "The First Infantry Fire at Gettysburg," and ap peared In the issue of January 13th. The second article "Where Reynolds Fell," written by Capt. J. O. Rosougartcn, ap peared in tho Issue of January 20th. A long list of Pennsylvania's distinguished soldiers have furnished or nre writing articles for tills scries of papers, and they promise to be the most interesting and val uable of any simtliar collection of war papers. Hack numbers will be supplied until the edition is exhausted. All Infor mation can be promptly obtained by ad dressing The Press Conipauy Limited, Philadelphii, Pa. We understand that Geo. E. Elwell, one of the Coi.usiiiiAX editors, Is n prospective andldato for the State Senate. Talk up brother, let's hear from you. Wo have heard no more suitable c mdldate mcntlon- d so far. It's Columbia county's turn this lime, and Mr Elwell will fill the sent with honor to himself and the district. Oatawism AVim Item. The Item will please accept thanks for tho compliment, but wc are obliged to say that if the name of the senior editor of the Coi.cmiiiak is being used in connection with the candidacy for tho office of State Senator It Is without his knowledge or con sent. Not being a "Democrat for olllce only" he has no political aspirations, and even if he had, the necessity of making the kind of a canvass that seems to be neces. sary to secure a nomination in this county, would deter him from entering the con test, no matter how loud tho senatorial bee might buzz in his bonnet. Hut ns the bee doesn'f buzz, there is nothing more to bu said. Wo ngree with the Item however, that Columbia county ought to have the Sen atoisblp for the next term, nnd If a suit able candidate Is presented, there ought to be but little dltllcnlly in securing the nomination tor him. Wlic shall it be ? A Democratic caucus was held in lirow- ei's hall Saturday evening, February 13. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock by dipt. C. H. lSroc.kwny. On mo. lion, J. K. Grotz elected charman, and H. V. White and J. K. Illltenbender, secretar ies, tl. A. Herring was nominated lor President of Town Council, and Henry Rosenstock, Clinton Sterling and James Sleiner, menibeis. Win. Krickbauni, lleiuy Iloseiislock and Win. Christman weio nominated for the olllce of School Dl rectors. On motion It was agreed that two candidates be placed In nomination. A mllot being called for showed tho follow. ug result: Win. Krlckbaum, 87, Henry Rosenstock. lil.Wm. Clirislman, 70. Henry Rosenstock and Win. Christman were de clared the nominees for School Directors. For constable the names of Milton Cox, John McCormlo!. and M. C. Woodward weru placed in nomination and upon vote resulted as follows: Cox, 0; Woodward, 28; Mi l'orinlek, 41). Woodward and McC'or mick were declared the nominees. U. It. House and U. II. Ent were nominated for the otllcB of Assessor! C, O. Galllgnan and D. Denller, for Auditors; Ell Jones, Judge of Election In East district, and W- W. Ilurett, Judge of Election In Wcstdls. sulci; Peter Jones and W. C. Riehart, In spectois in E'ist district and Thomas Chilstninn and II. V. White, Inspectors of AVest district. The names of 1). F. Weiss, Jas. C. Sterner, J. F. Caldwell and A. Herblno wero placed In nomination for Vox Collector. On first ballot some fraud was done, whether by Intent or Lot, whs pot known. About 80 more voles were cast than there wero voters. Another bal lot was taken aud resulted as follows: J, F. Caldwell, 48; James C. Sterner, 25; I). F. Weiss, 0. Caldwell was declared tho nominee. Vote lor I'uur nlreclor. Schuyler. .Morris. Klelm. Fairman. llloom 700 421) 008 100 E. Scott 103J 83. 12U 3071 W. " U 10 I") -'"I Greenw'd 20 290) 43 305 Sugurlo'f 13 8!? 118 Total 001 S90J 941 1144 To ieiiiiHlvaiiluUcHereMclUterH. Any soldier of tho Pennsylvania Re. serves who was mustered Into the Lulled States seivlco and honorably discharged before serving two yenrs.cau hear ol somo thine to his advantage, by addressing W, Hayes Uricr, Harrisburg. Any olllccr of the Reserves, who was promoted from tho ranks, can also hear Blmilar news by ail dressing Mr, Grler, who was a member of compauy A, Fifth Fcnustlvania Reserves r Hupri-iiiu Court Ciimch. The following cases from this county will bo argued In tho Supreme Court at Philadelphia the first week In March i Commonwealth vs. Dr. Hauer, Rhawn and Huclialcw for Commonwealth, Vocum und Freezo for defendant. Philips vs. C. C. Hagcnbuch ot ux, E. II, & R. R. Utile for plaintiff, Ilarkley and Wlnterstecn for defendant. Helfrleh, Receiver vs. Freck, Farquhar and Freeze for plaintiff, Moyer nnd Klwell . for defendant. l.lcctloti nt lilooiiiHiiurir. Tho following Is tho vott cast at tho town election hold Tuesday, February 10. Thoso marked with an asterisk () wero cltctcdi J'res. Council. G. A. Herring; II. F. Znrr, Man's Council Henry Rosenstock, Clinton Sterling, James O. Sterner, C. A. Moyer, L. T. Sliarpless,. W. J. Uortll, E. II. Clark, School JJlrec'rs Henry Rosenstock, Isaiah Hagcnbuch, Wm. Christman, Tax Collector. J. F. Caldwell, Richard Stiles, James C. Sterner, Assessor. O. R. llotucl, U. II. Ent, M. P. Lutz, Audi torn. C. O. Gallgnan, F. I). Denller. Joseph Garrison, W. F. Rlnker, Constable. John McCormtck, M. C. Woodward, John Farver, W. C. Dougherty, M. E. Cox, Poor Directors. Jacob Schuyler, Wesley Morris, C. A. Klelm, Reese Fairman, Judge of Elcc'n EH Jones, John Penman, W. W. llarrett, C. P. Sloan, Inspectors. Peter Jones, W. C. Rlchail, B. II. Vannatta, East. West. Total. 109 lit) 318 169 174 333 East. West. Total. 403 223 031 391 200 031 420 270 -09n 170 227 897 170 230 400 108 251 410 423 835 703' East. West. Total. 454 297 701 258 293 651 2 2 Jiast. West. Total. 185 111 290 172 182 354 1 1 East. West. 'Total. 200 124 390 103 142 310 251 810 573 East. West. Total. 224 132 350 421 209 090 17(1 214 390' 235 258 493i East. West. Total. 151 81 232 894 3J5 710 111 103 219 39 (11 100 1 1 East. West. Total. !G7 399 700 201i 107 429 390 278 003 CSJ 47) 100 East. West. Total. 210 210 121 121 129 129 143 143 East. West. Total. 30 30 55 55 113 113 30 30 18 18 138 138 tThomas Christian, til. V. White, C. S. Foruwald tThcro were nincty-two ballots cast with both of these names on them, consequently they were not counted. Tho conte't was confined to the ofllces of President of Council and Tax Collector. Mr. Zarr's friends claim that his majority was reduced by the friends of Mr. Her ring offering to voto for Stiles for Collect, or tn order to secure Republican votes for Herring, which would account for Mr. Stiles' majority, It is a well known fact that certain men who consider themselves prom'nent democrats, spent tho day work, ing for the republican candidate for col. lector, nnd some of them will be likely to hear from this hereafter. Mr. Stiles Is qualified for the olllce, but he is one of the most bitter and intolcrnnt partisans in the county, and should have had no assistance from democratic sources- IHt llemou. Weddings, weddings, and rumors of weddings, but the end Is t.ot yet, for there will lie more weddings. Mr. Wlnfleld Scott Laubacli. of Uentou township, mid Miss Kato Roberts, of Sugarloaf, were married on last Wednesday. Mr. Raccoon's six weeks of- solid Winter weather, upon which the young folks of Buckliorn relied for n sociable sleighridc t'i VanCamp, last Saturday, to piy a visit to Charley Moore, suddenly collapsed Into open mud of musk-rat style. Whether Mr. Raccoon and Mr. Huckliorn, or Mr. Musk rat and Mr. East Iienton "will havo to seek other quaiters to keep their credit" re mains to bo seen. "Possibly they ure nil chums," Tho Sunday School Association of Ren ton township will meet In theM.E. chinch at Iienton on Saturday, February 27, at 10 a. m. All arc Invited to attend. Amandls Render, near VanCamp, is making preparations for building a new barn. His family has been afflicted with heavy colds and sore throat. David Yost, Esq., of VanCamp, is com plaining of a cold and sore throat. Wo dare not enumerate personalties for Ihu rcasnu that colds and sore throat seem to be n general complaint. t present writing the roads are In a fearful condition. Alex, Mcllenry's money theory would answer very well for n bankrupt country, or individual. With heartfelt sorrow and grief wo read the news ot the deaths ot the great mid lending men of our nation, which follow In rapid succession. Those who have shaped und moulded the destiny of our nation for nt least a generation are sudden ly culled to their reward. Though dead, yet they live In the hearts of a grateful peoplo und their memory shall never fade from tho pages of history. Their laurels will ever be green and bloom in nil the rea sons and changes the nation may be called to undergo, through civil conflict or revo. lutlon, till the last vestige of our national Ity shall ceaso to exist. ANSWKli K 1T7ZI.E. Zinc, gill, rum, W. Name, Ulric Zwlngll. Uerwlck, It will bo remembered that Grassly of Summerhill cut himself badly cutting timber not long since. He rendered good servlco In the army. The G. A. R. post hero havo mado him a visit and donated him goods to the amount of 25. This is the way to uppeclato the services ot the soldier. Another soldier boy, Gideon Hosier of Foundryvlllc, wo regret to say, was Jsud- denly strlcketi down with paralysis on Thursday of last week. Our O. A. R. havo visited him nUo. Gideon is in the prlmo of life ; was a faithful soldier, and Ids numerous friends sympathize with him in his affliction. Jack Jacoby Is turning some of tho fin. est workmanship In tho shape of Ironing buggies. He has a long established rep utation as a blacksmith in town. Wo have known him for years. Frank Hertz is well heard from In Min nesota, lie, Iris been recreating in Cnnada lately, and gives favoranle reports from that country. He gives glowing accounts of tho "Hudson Hay Company" t has been In Minnesota a year. E. K. Adams has list received the hand somcst Installment of shawls that has re ccntly come to our market. Ills counters are lined with the first the market pro. duces. Tho surveying party that havo been ex, plorlng through Black Creek Gap put up n few days at Hoyt House, They are n jolly crew. A. P. Young on Market street has just received a now Installment of stoves, and has plenty to do In tue shape of roofing and spouting, Tho hard times do not hurt him any. Court lrocvc(1ltitH. FKMltlAItY 10th, The sheriff acknowledged tho following deeds i To Edward Harlman for property In Espy sold ns tho property of John Wat ers for i200 to O. W. Miller for propirty of Columbia County Saving Fund and Loan Association, for $210. Petition llled for specific performance of contract In estate of Andrew J. Hess. William Mostcller appointed gL'nrdtan of Chester L. nnd Rcsste Miller, nnd George Whltcnlght nppotntcd guardian of Rattle nnd Jennie Miller, minor children of Henry Miller, deceased Moses Schllchei.J. II. Knlttle, and Clint. on Ellis appointed viewers of n bridge over south branch ot Roarlngcreck In Franklin. Auditor's report In estate of E. J. Mc- Henry continued nlst. Sherlll acknowledged following deeds i To Ruhr Mcllcnry for property of Daniel S. Young for SSSO j to J- S. Lewars nil- mlnlstrator &e. for propetty of Fayen Weaver for $25. Adjourned until Saturday, 13th Inst. Franklin Hrcdbender appointed guardian of Daniel ilrcdbender. iVudllor's report In estate of Moses Ever- ctt confirmed nisi. E. II. Little, C. W. -Miller, nnd Geo. E Elwell Esqs. appointed Hoard of Exumln. era for ensuing year. Auditorj report making distribution of proceeds of Espy Mfg. Co. confirmed nisi, A. W. llklnson appointed guardian of OtlsL. Penler. Interpleaders filed in several cases against I. H. Yenger. R, R Little Ejq appointed rudltor to distribute fund In the estate of Daniel Thomas deceased. W. E. Smith Esq. appointed auditor to makcdlstrlbiitlon in entile of Clara Linden, Rule granted on administrator of Casp er Rhawn deceased to pay to Jessie Smith Ids distributive share in said estate. John M. Clark Esq,, appointed master and examiner In case of J. II, Neiman et , vs. O. IJ. Dcchant ct al. R. F. Zarr Eiq. appointed auditor to ascertain Hens and repoit distribution among creditors of the estate of Geo Hei-s deceased. G. S. Herring Esq. appointed auditor on exceptions to account of guardlau of Sarah V. Shaffer. J. C. Yooum Esq. appointed auditor in cstnto of Hannah .Moyer, deceased. Citation awarded to executors, of John M. Chembeilaln deceased to show cause why the real estate should not be sold, they to give security for the proceeds. Adjourned nntil 17th Inst. Can Cataiiiui m: Crnun ? Wc state em- phatlcally that it can. Keller's Catarrh remedy never fails In a single case where directions nro followed, no matter how chronic the case. i CutnwlHsn. The P & R. R. R. intend putting an Iron bridge over tho canal nt Rupert, to take the place of the wooden structure. Do not forget the muslcnl entertainment on tho 19th in .Masonic Hull under the auspices of St. John's Lutheran church. The programme is a good one, and com prises the best musical talent. The men who wero Injured In thowieck, are improving slowly. Tho Methodist Church has been on fire several times in the past few weeks owing to some defect lu the steam hcatlug appa ratus. Uncle Tom's Cabin was well attended in .Masonic Hall last week. The ice in the river at Ibis place passed out quietly on Saturday evening.; Mr. G. Henry had his hand partly mash ed one day last week, in the yard at this place. The district teacher's Institute for this section, will be held at this place on this coming Saturday. Wc noticed quite a number of visitors in town on last Saturday. Seeing about the election and other matters. There has been several cases of serious domestic troubles, which had better bo settled by the original plan. Do net torcet the Lutheran Union con ceit on Friday evening, as there will bo a tine treat to all who attend Mr. Amos liergcr intends taking charge of Ilolllnghead's mill the coining spring. We notice that several of the buildings arc draped in morning, for the hero, (Jen. Hancock. Wc understand that W. T. Creary wears a rooster fenther in his since bo re ceived tho prize for his new chickens. The grain fields look good upon this side ot the liver i.nd If Uio Match wind ocs not Injure them, a fulr crop may be expected. Thanks, for the beautiful almanac, which you sent me. I think that it com pares favoiably, with that of any other I have seen. Tho only reliable catarrh remedv on thn market to-dnv Is Elys Cream R.ilm. bcln free fr in unisonous druirs nnii nflVnulrn oilnrs. Ii has ouied llinusniids of neiitn nnd chrnnlo caes where all other remedies lave failed. It uulcklv cures cold in thn head and catarrhal headache. Price, GOcts. L. Rernard has a fine stock of watches, jewelry and silverware. Only first class goods at low prices all goods warranted as represented. dec lj-tf Wo find Iienton this week a littlo dull, as wo prcsumu most other towns nro, when the roads arc In the present condition. The McIIenry houso will buvo a ball on the 22nd of this month. Wc anticipate a large crowd. Wo hear the election mentioned. lint Unit Is scarcely all you do hear said of It. Mr. Myres. of Philadelphia, is still at the McIIenry house. teller Ilros. are expecting stoves and ranges in a few days. They seem to bo very well pleased with Iienton and their prospect Is good. Ri'siNuss OiTonrusiTV. An established business with goodwill, stock and fixtures forsalo. 2t Rii.lmkyei: & Co, Illocle llevlew, Tho Rink will bo open on Monday, 22nd Inst, when there will be n bicycle revlow by six rider. Thero will bo good music both afternoon nnd evening, and skaters can enjoy the healthful exer clso both before und after tho pcilormance. This entertainment will close tho season nt tho rink, to everybody should improve the opportunity, Scott's Emulsion of Furs Coil I.tturOII vltliIlyol:oHi1iltet Especially Desirable for Chlldreu. A lady physician at the Child's Hospital, at Albany, N. Y., faysj "Wo havo been using Scott's Emulsion with great success, nearly all our patients nro sintering from bono diseases nnd our physicians find It very beneficial." Tho renmimiiL' copies of tho History of Columbia County, a hook of G0U panes illustrated and hound in cloth will ho closed out at $1,00 each, 25 conta oxtra by mail. For sale, at the Coujmiiian Oilice. UloomBhurg, Pa. Cournc or Htmly. Tho following Is the course of study In the llloomsburg Public schools, ndoptcd by the directors at their meeting on Friday nlghti II. I'ltlMAHY, Oil F1II1T VRAM. Reading. Name nnd spell words on blackboards, charts or In hooks. Use In dependent Primer nnd First Reader, and begin In Second Reader. Spelling. Spell words of reading lesson, names of familiar objects and teach sylla blcatlon, Composition. Accustom pupils to repro duce short stories nftcr being read or told to them; also to mnko short sentences from familiar objects, Contrast correct and In correct expressions. Arithmetic Count and add by ones to ono hundred, wTOi nnd without objects, also by twos and threes to nlnctyi cxcrclso class on numbers to ono thousand. Rob bison's First Rook begun. Geography. Columblacounty and Penn- sylvanla. Drawing nnd Writing. Uso White's Drawing slate and Teacher's guide to pago 45. Tench script letters dally on black, board, slates or tablets. Physical Culture and Music Easy Cal isthenics, special attention to position of body nnd uso of lungs. Easy exercises In music General Exercises. Morals,maiincrs,ctc. Hours of the day, days of the week and months of tho year. A. I'ltlMAHY, Oil SKUONIl YKA1I. Rending. Second Reader completed. Diills In Elementary sounds; definitions of nil words used; explanation of nil punctu ation marks, writing of sumo on slate or boards. Spelling. Spell words of readinclesson, writing on slate, board or tablet, easy words by dictation. Syllabication. Composition. Exercises of first year continued and writing of short sentences taught. Arithmetic. Counting backwards and forwards, by twos to one hundred, also by threes, fours and fives. Multiplication ta ble, ltoblnson's First Hook completed. Geography. Oral lessons; points of compass; natural divisions of land and water; outline map of world. Drawing and Writing. White's dotted slate first half year, White's Exercise Hook No. 1, and couiseas prescribed In White's Teacher's Guide, Part 1st, pages 49 to 08. Card No. 1 to 28. Copybook No. 1, small, wltli lead pencil. No. 2, small, with pen and ink. Physical Culture and Music Callsthcnlc exercises continued. New songs learned. Practice on musical sole, beating and counting time. General Exercises. Drills of pievious year continued. Leap year explained; names nnd general duties of town nnd county officers. II. INTERMEDIATE Ol! TI1IUI) YEAH. Reading. Third reader begun and com pleted. Drills in Elementary sounds. Ar ticulation a prominent exercise throughout the yenr. Spelling. Oral and written spelling from reader and Independent speller. Analysis of words Into their elementary sounds. Grammar. Primary grammar beguu. Drills in narration. Arithmetic Robinson's Complete Arithmetic to pago 97. Geography. Outline maps nnd globes. Drawing and Writing. White's primary book No. 1. Teacher's Guide from pago t to 89. Copybook, liiackboard chart exercises throughout the year. Physical Culture and Music. Calisthen ics continued. New songs learned. Dic tation exercise on the whole scale by the use of lines nnd spnees of the stuff una by notes placed thereon. Different kind of notes nnd rests. General Exercises. Question on general information. Review of lesson lit jircced. ing grade. Lctsons in weight, sizo, mens ure and distances, etc. A. ISTEIIMEDIATE, 01! FOUliTII YKAJi. Reading. Fourth reader begun. Exer cises, us In former grade, continued. Spelling. Oral and wiitten spelling from Reader and Independent Speller. Analysis of words into their elementary sounds. Grammar. Elementary grammar contln. cd. Composition under direction of tho teacher. Arithmetic Robinson's Complete. Arith metic to pago 105. Geography. Primary Geography to and including South America. Outline maps, map drawlug und globes. Drawing und Writing. White's free hand drawing, Nos. 1 und 2. Teacher's Guide Part II page3 9 to 33. Physical Culturo and Music Callsttien- Ic's continued Double, triplu and quad ruple measure explained nnd practiced, Scale extended abovo nnd below. Exer cises In singing. General Exercises. Previous work re viewed. II. JI'NIOll, OK FIFIII YEAU. Rending. Fourth reader continued. Lesson to be analyzed before reading. Spelling. Oral and written spelling con tinued; definitions; dictation eierclses; iyllablcatlon, and marks used in writing and printing. Grammar. Elementary grammar oontin- tied. Parsing nnd nualysls. Exercises In narration, description of persons, places and things. Robinson's Complete arithmetic- to page 209. Robinson's .Mental arithmetic. Geography. Primary geography contin ued, botindailes of Columbia coun'ty, out llno maps, map drawing nnd globe:. U. S. History. liarnes' history to Rovo. lutlonary period. Drawing nnd Writing. White's Free hand-drawing No. 2; White's drawing ex etclso book No. 2. Teacher's guide Purl II, pages 37 to 55. Copybooks, Nos. 0 and 7, small. Physical Culturo and Music Calisthen les continued as before. Clefs nnd letter names of tho degrees of tho stalV. Read and slug plain tunes by note. A. JUNIOR, Ol! SIXTH YEAR. Reading, Fouith reader compJcted. Tables ot Oral Elements thoroughly learn ed; Phonetic analysis, Spelling. Independent speller; Includ ing prefixes, atllxes nnd abbreviations. Syllabication. uraiumar. Elementary cramuiar com- plcted and reviewed. Exercises In letter writing. Robinson's Complete arithmetic; pnrt 1, completed and roviowed. Robinson's mental uritlimetic. Geogrnph). Primary geography com pleted und reviewed. Counties of Penn sylvania. Outline maps, map drawing aud globes, U. P. History, liarnes" to Presidents. Drawing and Writing. White's free hand drawing No. 3. Whlto's exercise book No. 2. Teacher's Guide, part II, pages 59 to 75. Copybooks, Nos. 4 and 5. Physical Culture and .Music. Calisthen ics as before. Singing lessons continued. Order of Intervals In the scale. 11. SKNIOli, OI! SEVENTH YEAU. Rending. Fifth reader. Topical nnaly. sis of the selections. Spelling. Woids selected from speller, reader or dictionary, with definitions, (iriiminar. Advanced grammar begun Arithmetic. Robinson's conipluto arlth' mcttc Part It to pago 401. Robinson's mental arithmetic. Geography. Complete oourso to pago 109. Outllno maps, map drawing nnd globes. U. 8. 'History, liarnes' History com pleted. Drawing nnd Writing. White's frco hnnd drawing No. 4. Whlto's cxcrclso book No. 2. Teacher's Guide, patt II, pages 75 to 00. Copybook, No. 5. Physical Culture and Music. Callitlicn ics. Singing lessons continued, sharps, fiats, dynamic marks nnd terms. Rhetorical Exercises. Compositions, declamations and recitations. A, SENIOR, Ol! ElOIITII TEAR. Reading. Fiftti reader. Topical nnaly. sis continued. Frequent drills In part 1. Spelling. Same ns In previous year. Grammar. Advanced grammar contln. Hod, with exorcises in parsing and analy sis. Arithmetic Robinson's complete arlth. mctlo, completed and reviewed. Robin son's menial arithmetic. Geography. Complete course finished. Outline maps, map drawing and globes. U. S. History. History icvlcwcd. Drawing nnd Writing. White's free hand drawing book No. C; White's exer cise book No. 2. Teacher's Guide, part II, pages 1)0 to 105. Physical Culture and Music. Calisthen ics. Singing lessons continued. Rhctoricnl Exercises. As In previous year. man school, ninth year. J.ngiisn fcclentlllc Course, First ycir. Arithmetic; algebra; English grammar; civil government; physical geography; rhetoric; natural philosophy; drawing nnd wrltlug; declamation and composition. Classical course. First year. Arithme tic ; algebra i English grammar j civil gov- eminent ; physical geography ; rhetoric j natural philosophy ; Latin grammar nnd reader ; drawing nnu writing ; declamation nnd composition. IIIOH school, tenth year. English Scientific Course. Second year. Geography reviewed; mental arithmetic; English grammar ; chemistry ; geometry ; rhetoric ; oiit'lncs of history; drawing nnd writing; declamation and composition. Classical course. Second year Geogra- phy reviewed ; niciuul uritlimetic ; gcomet- ry ; rheti ric ; outlines of history ; Caesar three books ; Latin prose composition ; mythology ; Greek grammar and reader ; drawlug and writing ; declamation nnd composition. man school, eleventh yeail English Scientific Course. Third year. United States history reviewed; English grammar parsing nnd analysis; botany: geometry with applications; English lltci- iiture; Intellectual philosophy; general re views; drawing and writing; essays and original orations. Classical course. Thlid year. United States History reviewed; English grammar parsing and analysis; geometry with ap plications; English literature; Virgil four books; Cicero's two orations- Anabasis and Iliad; Grecian 'and Roman antiquities; reviews; drawing and writing; essays and original orations. Physiology, reading and spelling throughout the entire course; French and Gorman optional. Upon tho satisfactory completion of the courso of study, the Hoard of Directors will give a certificate of graduation. LOCAL NOTICES. The best ready made white shirts for $1.00 at I. W. Ilartmau & Son's. The muslins nt I. W. Ilartmau Sr. Snn'a sells fast by the bolt. Call and see. Want 100 teams to haul bark now, to be unloaded In the cars at the railroad. Also, potatoes, turkeys, chickens, geese, ducks, pigeons, thritty, white, clean shotes, that weigh from 25, 30, 40. 50, 00, to 75 pounds, liultcr, eggs, nice green apples, cloverseed and orinns, at Lightstreet. -'Jm. Silas Yoiino. The new embroideries ut I. W. IKrtinan & Son's are not only admired but are bought. The new linen goods at & Soil's are tuklng well. I. W. Hartnjan TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. All persons are hereby notified that any persons buvintr Convnirlinm tnwnaliln nr. ders will purchase tho same subject to any equities mm may exist as lo tue taxpayers. That the Taxpayers Association are will, ing to make all roads, keep in repair all roads and bridges free of expense to indi vidual taxpayers for tho car 1S85. and subject to the direction of the Supervisors ui Mini luwusuip unu us xnero is no legal tax levied for the year, und nil legltimulu expenses of the Rond Department nre be Ing paid, there is no necessity any or ders being issued. All orders require the slgunturcs of both Supervisors of tho Township Clerk und should bear the seal of the township. Tho above notice Is being glyeu bo that all persons can govern themselves accord Ingly. S. M. Riley, Agent for Taxpayer's Association. Ashland, Pa., Nov". 27, '85,-tf. Tho new white dress goods nt 1. W. Hartman it Son's nro beautiful and cheap. Call and see them. U3 nieces of glnguams and seersuckers at I. W. Hartman it Son's. Getting in now dishes tor spring nt I. W. Hartman it Son's. BUSINESS NOTICES. This is tho best season In which to pur ify the blood, and Hood's Sarsaparllla Is uie uesi oioou puriner. JUU noses gi.uu, "Why should not tho time como when the name of Dr. David Kennedy shall bo associated in the public mind with the pur location oi uie uioou, us the name of liar vey now is wltli Its circulation. For cer tirfiily no other medical man has done us mricli to that end as ho has. And it is al so Important that people should know that tho result or ills labors are within reach ot all in the form of Dr. Kennedy's "Favorite uemsay. r.vemnq Journal, I t-ls It, Had breath aiiscs from the stomach, and can be easily corrected If you take Simmons Liver Regulator. It is peculiarly adapted 10 uie Biomacii, correcting nciilltv, des troylng foul gases and allaying Inllamma lion. Take, alter eating, a hulf-tablespoon iui. u asBiuiuu'cs wiiu uie loon nml en sines perfect digestion, without which that rcpulslvu uisorucr.uad breath, must ensue. The Regulator removes biliousness, cures uvspepsia, constipation ami sick Headache is purely vegetable unit Harmless, You ure not old. your hair is cotllmr thin Your friends remark It, your wife regrets It. Parker's Hair lialsam will stop this wtwtc, save your hnlr and restore tBe orlc Inal gloss and color. Exceptionally clean prevents dandruff, a perfect dressing, feb They aro clean, sweet and thorouah I action, cure pain, strengthen weak parts and act Instantly. Call for n lion I'latter aud get It. 23c, all dealers. Neuralgia aud Rheumatism nre depleted In engravings es demens tenting at the milium lorin, out nicy couiii no iiiuru truth fully described by showing a dlsordcre stomach or clogged blood vessels. Vinegar Hitters affords certain relief and eventual cure for both by acting upon tho Internal system, u uispcis nil pain demons instant, er. It is worth remembering that nobody en joys the nicest surroundings If In bud health. I hero are miserable people about to-dav with ono foot In the grave, to whom a bottle of Parker's Tonlo would do more good than all the doctors nnd medicines they have ever used. febl24t. I'OllIFY YOUlt IILO0I). Allium? Hlirlntf lu-rmn.nfln.,.. .1 .... .nr.. led that which Is most Important of all your own body. During tho Winter the blood nbsorbs many impurities, which, If not expelled, are liable to break out lu scrofula or Oilier disease. The best Spring medicine is Hood's Snrsapnrllln. It expels every Impurity from tho blond, and gives strength to every function of tho bodv. Wion Iltbj wm sick, w sTe htt Citorl, When tlis mi Child, the cried tat Ctorl When the bectme lilst, the clonf to CMlorlt, When the hid Children, the cere them CiutorU, Tho d!n7lir!tl(r ernntlnna nn llin fnpii the sunken eve. thenallld cninnlnlnn. tn. dlcate that there Is something wrong going on within. Expel the luiklnc foo to health. Ayer's Satsaparilln was devised for iliut purpose; and docs It ORAI-E JUICE Foil COMMUNION. Tho crano croii of A. Sneer's vlneinrds lut year was double that of any previous car. ins vineyarus near rassaic nave so ncrcnied that ho Is able tn keen a stock five tn six years iiliond' They have become popular wines among tho best physicians In New York, nnd larirelv used for com. iiiunlon purposes nnd for weak nnd nged persons. For snlo by druggists. Tho Clerpv. T,inn1tr nml ....nnL, nil endorse llurdock Hlnod Hitters i.s the best system rcnovntlng, blood purifying tonic lu nil the world. Send for testimon ials. Of courso when a man Is sound nml wIl ho don't care a copper for nil the mediclnii on tho face of the earth. He hns no uee for It. Hut when discasa Is cntlnp his llfn out he wants the right prescription and hu wnuis u rigni- away, for mat reason all who knuw what Dr. Kennedy's Favorite turn to that for help aud it never disappoints them. And it is Just as bene ficial to new fiicndsas it Is to old ones. easant to the palato'and gentle in its nc feb.l2-4t. K WANT SAI.KS.MK.V fivprvtrl.oro nnit traveling, to sell our (roods. 111 nav good salary and all expenses. Write for terms nt onen Rtntn uilnnr wnn.u. Address STANDARD SI1.VKR WAltK COMPANY. Washington ht., Uoston, .Moss. reb-ltMt.a. APIhS W ANTKD to work for us at their own Homes, j, to Jin per weeK can bo easily I made; no canvassing fascinating and steady work sent for ttamn. onn. . l UIMIUIO UUU 9.1111 U1C Ul U1U r. u. Iiox 1910, lloston. -Mass. ri rtuarcss no.Mi; jrKCiuo., XTTA'WT'FVn THI)U',"l0 work foms nt 11 XI iN XSUU. t heir own homes, 7 to lio W per week can bo imletlr mndp. vn ualntlng; no canvowlng. Knrjullnartlc ulars, please address at once, CltEtKJEIST ART co.mi'any, lu central K. nos on. jiass. iiox OJtU, lieu.-iir-4t.-a Dv HiHi-siA.-lts Nature. Causes, rrcven Hon nnd cure, llyjohn II. JICAlvta , Lowell. MOSS.. 11 VCArHtnYpnttrvitnr Knnr fn,A,....,i (lrcs3. fen o. 4w ,t IXECUTOR'S NOTICE, i JCntate nf AViit Qlrton, Dec'J, Hemlock tou-i iMp, Vol. Co., Pa. Letters testnrnontnrv In nld oarntn i,n. inr. i,.n (framed to the undersigned executor, all persons lndeutedto sild estate uie hereby notliled to pay tho same, and those having chums ngalutt said estate, present the same to X I . M001IU. t W. Millkb, Atty. Executor. L;VECUTOR'S NOTICE. IMitr nf Sninuet A)i)letna)i,late iT lleiituit Tiep., Letters tes-tainentarv In until pstntn hnrinT ipn 1 grain 10 mo undersigned executor, all nervous lu rxuu vMtiif are nereuy nouneit 10 pay the same, and those h.ilnt? ri.iinw nciinei w,ii,i I1II.HKUT IL IICLVIi l.'Yi-f't", nv feb-ia-Gt. Iienton. col. Co.. Pa. SHERIFF'S SALFS. lly vlrluo of a w 1 It ot o lias 11. fa. Issued out nf me court or common Picas nnd to mo dhected. will bo cxpoied to public sale on tho premises on Saturday, March 13, 1886. At 10 o'clock a. m., all that ceitaln piece or parcel of land sit uato lu Greenwood township, Columbia county, l'a nnd described as follows: lloundod on tho south by land ot c. Ii. Johnson nnd John Thomas, on the west by landsof John and Wilson i nomas, on the north by No. s. or other land ot n . It Cox and on the east by Und ot Ml- nerva lineman, containing niucty-threo (91) acres. raoro or leos, with the appurtenances, and im provements, consisting of a two-slorled plank dwelling house, large new barn, wagon house, hog pen, wood shed, old bain, straw sheds and all con venient outbuildings. Lai-go young trulubearlng apple orchard and other fruit trees, with a never- falling spring of Mowing water, near the house. helzed. taken In execution, and to bo sold as the property of win. It. Cox. A 1, S O, AH tuat certain piece or parcel ot land situate In Oreenwood township, Columbia county, i-eiina., ana aescnoeu as follows: Hounded on the south by tract Xo, 1, or other land of W. it. cox. on the west by lands of Wilson Thomas and ltlch- arcl Kitchen, on the north by land of (Joo. Hester and on the east by land of George 11. Thomas. 511. nerva llllemnn and other land of W. It. Contract :so. 1, containing eighty (Su acres, more or less. with tho appurtenances and lmproi ements. con- sistlngof anew Irame dwelling house and other outbuildings, a young apple orchard, well nnd spring oi water at tho door. Seized, taken In execution, nnd to bo sold nsthe pi operty of V. li. Cox. Tracts No. one (1) and two fti) will be sold separate or together, as may bo raot advantageous to credltoi's. HAMUKL SMITH. Sheriff. Ikbi.kuS IlBiiHiNd, Attys. Teh. ir. lssn. M. C. SL0A1J & BRO., I5LOOMSLWUG, I'A. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS &C. First-class work always on hand. It EPA MINO KEA TL Y D 0 UK . Prices reduced to suit the timet. a nauuaome vasi; LA .Ml given with a f 5 order for Tea and coff ee. An Iron Mono clIAMHElt .SET. 10 nlecen. or a TEA skt. i l pieces, or a iianusomo uuu.zi; HANGING LA!!' given with a 110 order. A CHA.MUBIt SET ot 10 pleura, wuu ume, maroon or pink Hand or an IKON b'TONE CHINA TE MET or U rite, nr a GLASS SET otso pieces gUen with utlS order, HAND SOME I'ltEVU'MS, consisting of Decorated China Warn In Ten sets, also Dinner and Tea sets com. blned, and chamber sets, etc., etc., given with orders for lis, tso, 123, s and tso. scud for clrcu. lar, which will give you full particulars. GUAM) UNION TEA COMPANY, S5 South -Malll St narre, ra. neaunuar- ;rs mi Front street. New ork city, may lMy lor working people, send 10 cents post. valuable sample box of goods that will ly successful, 50 cents to 4 easily earned every evening. That all who want work may test tho buslnem, wo make this unparalleled oiten To nil vriiuuro nut ,eu sausneu we wiusenu fl 10 pay forthe troublo of writing us. Full iin,iirni,,rv'.iia, i-vw., ai-iiv tiuiiirtisu imy uusouue. iy sure lor an who stait at once. Hun t delay. auuivss ariNsoN & co., I'ortiana, jtaine, ideas. PHILADELPHIA SINGER Jnciucitiff 'luckt-r, Hunit-r, box Of I liftlltllCIH.UIlil lttlitl I crutnl uMiul imthi ufi m t-i I'1 I ft t 'l'i ,,m' 0 UhTo lour' ii li bt'lot'4 ii u nil V iio n,Nt, dSo other kin fiff nr immmcruiir in it iwmip ilnruh!, unit litctil- nt mrrt i v v hid Iiuim nm' ilk', nnd ii DiBit ran 11 ekiraa Imh Iltl tn ,. I'llrrhiiftr from ti nml mvn will, hi ml i,,r IrslliiiunU.t. IT .V Tent Pt., Mln4'rt, I'll. lUXXJXj vvili-vriTn j uv iuuuc-i nuu m UltTi'lUBlF IM W I wni-ti, ut.ii. i .m At tUtvHlfiiiriuiiiu Hire or it oo. nil- 4.1- -r. , nn rt-inrtiiir JtlVll4 unit aim a iur of iisrmm Mrdei n u -IttiOUUl lit Kin tllsi. IItLi.lliVAV?A-: IOU TIIIH c:iojl . ITS asSVStoWoX ti ibi pt,-Mlt, iscml fix cents for post, nge, und reeelvo f reo,a cost ly Iiox of goods which will lieln vntl tn mnra mnnpr 'Jli. rhr"t away than pIho in IhH world. All. or cither Hex, succeed from flMthour, The broad ro(j loiortuno oiiensbe. few tho workers, nllutcr, (!""' At once i 1in,M. Tllt-lt rt CO.. Augusta, .MaUic. 15 STi. a1: UDITOH'S NOTICE. XSTATE'Ot' NINCr KA1ILIR, tllCIASK!). The undrMsrnl Auditor, appointed by the Or phans' court of Coluinl'l.i county to illslilbuto the riimN In tho hands of the executor, will at hU omce In llloomsburg on rtulurdny, .March la, ism, ntten o'clock iu in., when ami whero all parties liivlnir claims neiilnsl s.iid estate must nppei and prove the Heine, or Up forever ilclmrml from comfng In on said fnd. A. l r HITZ, N .yoncr. OF DISSOLUTION. Notice, in hereby trltcn that Uio firm of Wel denhamer & McKnnicy, of Jpy, Columbia (o., I'd., was dhwolvcdou tho 1st day or ternary, lsxu, by mutual consent. Alt peoons knowing themselves lo bo Indebted to mid Urm will please call nt tho old stand, In i:spy, and settle with Hamuel McKnmey. 'I lie business will be cont'li tied ns heretofore by McKamcy nnd Kerstettcr.tlio successors ot Wcldpnhaincr & MeKamey. I 11. WKIllKlNHAMl-.l!, HAM U Kb -CKAMEV. REAS HROWN'S INSURANCE AOENCV. .Meyers new building, -Main street. moot :iioomsburg, I'a. .F.tna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn IT.oTivxo ltojal of Mtrrpool.. ia,roo,ioo Lancashire Kirn Association, I'lilladelplua 4,iiu,tio l'hinnlx, of London d,ski,37i London Lancashire, of England i.'.w.ktii Hartford of Haitford a,2T3,u7i sprlngncld Fire and Marine 3,OH2,UjO As the agencies nre direct, policies are written forthe tnsuied without delay in the offlce at llloomsburg. Oct. !8, 81. James Heilly. PROl'IMETOn OF kt:;; lark I::: & Fool Room. At the old stand, under the Exchange lintel, BLOOMSBURG, PA. T. b7 brower " (PLUM1ING,Q OAS FITTING iV STEAM HEATINU DKAI.EH IN STOVES &TINWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof hifr and Spouting promptly uttcuded lo. tSirlct attention given to heating by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts., E-looaiisburgf, Pa. EXECUTOR'S SALE OK VAI.l'AllLE Mail S$tfsitc! lly virtue of authority contained In the last will and testament of Georgo Fan er, late of Jackson township, Columbia county, deceased, the under signed executor w 111 expose to public sale on Saturday, February 20, 1886, nts o'clock p. in., on tho premises, all thatcertalr. faiin, tract ot land, situated in the said township of Jackson, bounded on tho north by lands ot Washington Knouse, Alexander Knouso and U. A, latt, on the east by lands ot Ellis Young nnd William Coilcy, on the south by lands of Saniuc Young and Geo. W. Farver, on the west by lands of 11. A. Halt and Theo.W. smith, contnlulngabout 85 Acres of JLantl nnd allowance, on which are erected atwo-story Frame Dwelling House. bank barn and other outbuildings. All of saldland Is cleared, except about 20 AOJIES OF TIM Ell LAND. 'urtuant to directions contained In said wltl.tbe uullvlded one-leathpart of ssld real estate, thn Interest of .Mrs. fcusaua Heath, will not lie sold. 'lEHMS OF HAI.t. Ten percent, ot ouo-rourth of tho purchase money to bo paid at the striking downot the property, I he one-fourth less the ten percent on the nrst day of June, A. I). 18M1; and tho remaining three-fourths in oneyenr.fro'ii June 1st, IMi, with Interest trom that date. GEOHGU W. l'AHVEII, Executor of George ran er, deed. li. IiccKiNaiiAii, Att'y. v. o.. Perrs, pa. mm ! CLOTHING ! I, -"AT" TEE ARTIST w m w m & AND MERCHANT TAILOR. Who nhv.ivs c'ivch you tho latest stylos, and cuts your clothing to fit yon. Having hail the experience lor a number ol years in tho Tailoring lsusi ness, lias learned what material will give his oti-toiners the best satisfaction for wear ami stylo and will try to please, all who givo him a call. Also on hand Gents' Furnishing Goods OF AIX UESCWITIONS. HATS, CAP AND UMBRELLAS Always of the latest stvlcs. Call anil er. amine his stock lit lore purchasing else- where. Corner Main X- Market Sts. mil, Pa. Aptiijwy Tito Jobbing J)cpuvtinent of .fij tl m I-' i I Kit I I I n i mi Blooiu m -OFFfCE- is well Htoekecl with inaterinl (lointc all. kinds of nrintinir. 'i Carls, and Walk in great variety. All kinds of BMSK kept in stot-k. Special prices on large ouletv. Ullico ntl door below Exelians'e Hotel. Main Street, Ulooniriburj-, Pa. for
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers