The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 29, 1886, Image 4

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Just as Bad as Fainted.
TKimiiu.K co.iKsstof or a rnvsici as.
Tho story publish. In theso columns
recently, from llio Hochcstcr. N. Y.,
Jhiiwcrat ami Chronicle, created n
leal of comment hero ns It 1ms clso-
wnero. Apparently it caused ovon
in?iro c,0,nmHtiol in Kochestcr, as tho
following from tho samo papcr.shows:
l Dr. .1. 11. llenion. who is well-known
not only in Koelicster, but in nearly
every part of America, sent an extend.
d article to this paper a few days ego
which was duly published, detailing
Ins icnwrknblo experience and rcsouo
from what seemed to be certain death.
It would bo impossible to enumerate
the personal inquiries which have been
mado at our ollico as to the validity of
tho article, but they have been so
numerous that further investigation of
uiu Hiiujcui was ticcmcu neccsiary.
With this cm) in view a reprcscnta-
mu ui whs paper cauea on Ur. llenion
nl his residenco on Andrews street
when the following intervirw occurred:
'That article of yours Doctor, has cre
ated quite a whirlwind. Are tho state
ments about the terriblo condition you
wero in and tho way you were rescued,
uoii as you can sustain!
Emy onu of them and manv ad
utional ones. I was brought so low bv
neglecting tho first and most sirnplo
symptoms. I did not think I was sick.
It is truo I had frequent headaches
lelt tired most of the time; could eat
nothing one day and was ravenous
the next! felt dull pains and my stomach
was out of order, but 1 did not think it
meant anything seiious. The medical
profession has been treating symptoms
instead of diseases for vears, and it is
high timo it ceased. The symptoms I
have just mentioned or any unusual
action or irritation of tlio water chan
nels indicate tho approach ot kidney
diseaso moro than a cough announces
tho coming of consumption. Wo dc
not treat the cough, but try to help the
lungs. AVo should not wasto our timo
trying to relieve tho headache, pains
about tho body or other symptoms, but
go directly to tho kidneys, tho source
of most of these ailments.''
This, then, is what you meant when
you said that more than one-half tho
deaths which occur ariso from Uright's
disease, is it Doctor?''
"Precisely. Thousands of diseases
aro torturini; peoplo to-day, which in
reality aro Uright's diseaso in some of
its many forms. It is n hydra headed
monster, and the slighest symptoms
should striko terror to every ono who
has them. I can look back and recall
hundreds of deaths which physicians
ui'ui.iruu at me umo wero caused by
paralysis, apoplexy, heart disease,
pneumonia, malarial fever and other
common complaints, which I seo now
were caused by IJricht 8 disease."
"And did all theso cases havo simple
symptoms at first?''
"Every ono of them, and might have
ueeu cureu as l was by the timely use
of tho same remedy. "I am oettincr mv
oyes thoroughly opened in this matter
and think 1 am helping others to see
me iacts andtneirpossiblodanger also.
Mr. Warner, who was visited at his
establishment on North St. Paul street,
spoke very earnest h:
, ? "It is true that Uright's disease had
increased wonderfully, and we find by
1-eliable.staiistios, that from '70 to 'SO,
its growth was over 250 per cenf
"Look at tho prominent men it has car
lied off, and is taking off every year,
for while many are dying apparently
of paralysis and apoplexy, they are
really victims of kidney disorder, which
causes heart disease," paralysis, apo
plexy, etc. Nearly every week the
papers record tho death of some promi
nent man from this scourge. Recently,
however, tho increase has been checked
nnd I attribute this to tho general use
of my remedy."
'Do you think many peoplo aro
afllicted with it to-day who do not re
alizo it?"
"A prominent professor in a New
Orleans medical college was lecturing
before his class on the subject of
Urjcht's disease. He had various
fluids under microscopic analysis and
was showing the students what tho in
dications of this terrible malady wero
'and now, gentlemen,' he said, as wo
havo seen tho unhealthy indications I
will show yon how it appears in a
state of perfect health,' and he submit
ted his own tluid to the usual test. As
ho watched tho results his countenanco
suddenly changed his color and
command both left him and in a
trembling voice he said: 'Gentlemen,
I havo made a painful discovery, J have
right's disease of tho kidneys.' And
in less than a year lie was dead. The
slightest indications of any kidney
dilliculty should bo enough to strike
terror to any one."
"You know of Dr. Henion's case?"
"Yes, I have both read and hard of
"It is very wonderful, is it not?"
"No raoro so than a great many
others that havo como to my notice as
h&ving been cured by the samo means."
"You believe then that Uright's dis
ease can bo cured!"
'I know it can. I know it from my
own and the experience of thousand
of prominent persons who wero given
up to din by both their physicians and
"You speak of your own experience;
what was it?"
"A fearful one. I had felt languid
nnd unfitted for business for years.
But 1 did not know what ailed me.
When, however, I found it was kidney
dilliculty I thought thero was little
hopo and so did the doctors. I havo
sinco learnod that ono of tho physicians
of this city pointed me out to a gentle
man on tho street ono day, saying:
'There goes a man who will dio within
a year.' I believe his words would
havo proved true if I had not provi
dcntially uacd the remedy knowu as
Warner's Safo Cure."
"Did you make a chemical analysis
of the cascof Mr. If. U. Warner some
thrco years ago, Doctor?" was asked
Dr. S. A. Latlimore, one of tho ana
lysis of the stato board of health.
"Vts, sir,''
"What did this analysis show you?"
"A serious diseaso of tho kidney."
"Did you think .Mr. Warner could
recover? '
"No, sir. I did not think it possible."
"Do you know anything about the
remedy which cured "him?"
"I have chemically analyzed it and
find it pure and harmless.''
Dr. Ilenlon was cured five years aio
Md'.la well and attending to his pro
fcsslonal duties to-day in this city.
Tho standing of Dr. llenion, Mr.
Warner and Dr. Latlimore in tho com
munity is boyond question, and tho
statements they make cannot for a
moment bo doubted. Dr. IlenionV
uxperience fhoivs that JJright's disease
of tho kidneys is ono of tho most de
ceptive and dancerous of all diseases,
that it Is exceedingly common, but that
it can be cured if taken in time.
When a burglar pries open a safe
nnd does not find a prize it is a diss
greiublo surprise. Ttxa HlJXlmjt,
Sotno PittsburL' caiiitalists nrn form.
ing a company to introdiico tho now
coat mining machine, which is intended
to mine three times ns much coal ns a
Water with tho chill taken off should
bo supplied to fowls at least twice a
day during freezing weather. It should
mi i r ''. H?nT,ny bcf.oru l,on,K
wattled fowls like Lechorns.sinco the r
... ."t.. ... t ? .
.,.r...u..KB ...u Ua . irosi-oii-
ten from frequent dipping in the
Only iiuiauie Hitlers Known.
Nnmlicr nieillrliicknownsoc'ffectnallypnnres
thn Mood of decp-wated diseases.
.iiiiiii.iik ucnr icsillilony to Its wondcrrnl
tnmtlve cffiHts.
II l a purely Vrcelnlilo Trepuratlon, made
troiu the lintlve htrbs ant! roots of California, tho
iiKiiiciiiui pruiKriien 01 wnicn are extracted Ihcre-
uuui l.iinuill mo use 01 iICOIIOI.
It removen the rati so of disease, and tho
patleut recovers his health,
,"'.l,9 Jtrt'Hl Hlood Pitriner and Life-
Hiring i nncipio; n llrnllo rurcatlvo uud Tonic; t
iwrloct Itcnovator nnd lnktjrulor of llio arstrtn
Never heforu In tho history of tlio world has a medicine
iTii rompuuuuen possessing tho ierof ViNroin
HiTTKnsm hcttllng the. sick of every diseaso man Is
Tilt, Alfflrntlvo. Anoi-lnnt T1lar.1mM.lU r,
mlnatlve, Ntilrillou-, Lnsutlve, Sedative, Conntcr-
.,t,i.,,,v, ..iiiiiiiuii-, iiiuuiivi, niaii.e, tonnier-
IrriUnt, Sudorific, Antl-lllllous, Sollent, DlnreUe and
Tpnlo properties of Viseoaii IIitiius exceed those
of any other medicine In tho world.
Nu lieraon can tako tha IIitteiis according to
iiirectiuns ana remain long nimell, provided their
hones aro not dcslroyed by mineral poison or other
nivalin, aim IUB llldl urgUIlS WHSICU UUyOUU 1110 pOllll
. lljllniiK. Itcliiltleiit, Intermittent nnd Ma
larial 1-evers are nrevalent ihrouiriiniit tho frnii.v.1
f-nutl, particularly in tlio vnlleys uf our great rliera
and their vast tributaries dnrljg the Summer and
Autumn, especially during seasons of uuusoal heat
and dryness.
Theifl VeVeN am tnvsrlflblv nrmmngnU ti
eitenslvc ilcrnnpcmelits of tho stomach, liver and
bowels. In their treatment, a narrative. Merllnir n
powerful iuflucuce npon these organs. Is absolutely
There In no rntliartlc for the purpose const
to Dr. J. WaLKEU's VlKEUAU HlITEIIS,,a8 It will
speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with
Which tho bowels are loaded, at tho samo tluio stimu
lating the secretions of tho liver, and generally
restoring tho healthy functions of tho digestive
can tako hold of a system thus forearmed.
It InvicorntvM tlio Stfimucii and stlmu-
latea the torold Llrer nnrl Rnwpla. rlpAnelnr- tl.A
blood of all lniruritle.lmnnrtlnir life arid viiror to
the frame, and carrying off without the aid of
.uiuuici, ur uuier miQerais, au poisonous matter
from the Bystem. It la easy of administration,
pnnnpi, m acuon, ami certain in its results.
IllKIH-llklllorlllillirf-i.1 llenflm.lie.Tnln
fa the shoulders, coughs, Tightness of the t'hest,
lXSumonlA. l)i7riniR. lln1 TalIa In Ilia Tn.illi
linious Attacks. pniniiAii nf ,i,A n.nrt n.i '
neri7vvW;mptoms" " """"'.fe-
l'lir IlllllLlllllim.irir nnil rhmnlA ftnanma.
iihin, uoui, .euraifria, Diseases or me moou, Liver,
iviuua tiuu mttuucr, ioo iiuiers nave no equal.
In these, as In allcnnatltntinnAl TllspAoArf. Wirwn-a
Vineoab UiTTtns has shown Its great curative
powers In the moBt obstinate and intractable
Itleclinnlcnl I)Ucak. Persons engaged In
Faints and lnerals, euch as Plumbers, Type
setters, aold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance
in uiti, uiv Bunjecs 10 j araiysis or lue uoweis.
vraKSm' ' occasional sea or
S'rill lllkotlkot. Cwf,.1n CsU TV,,. TTTnAstfl
Svre linirs. llmtlPH. IhiAtnlpn. Iinl la. f'jirfi.inr1a
lUne-worms, Bcald-head, Bore Eyes. KryBlpelaa,
Itcb, Scurfs, Dlscoloratlons, Uuinori and dibeabea
of tbeHkln. of whatfiver nimifl op tiAtiiro nrnlitr.
ally dug up and carried out of the system iu a short
""in "J ma urn ui Ilia
IMn, Tape and other AVornm, Itirktnprln
the ftyfltem of so many thousands, are effectually
destroyed and removed. No system of medicine.
w .wu...siftvn, uu out-utruutublLTi, Villi 1.1 CU UIO
system from worms like Vineoah Bitters.
i!i;ai.'K, ncariet Kever, Slumps, Whoopm?
OOUfrh. and all chlldrnn1 dlscnfips mar- 1m tnnln
leRSKfiVfpm hv fcppnfncr f Ha ts-iii:Ala nnun n-ttTi mIM
doses of the Illtters. a"hls wonderful remedy U I
especially adapted to the systems of children, for
mruyiog neros aione give n its remarkable cura- I
othepnninn. ' r
ror I'eniaio uuiiipiuinta. loyounporoid.
married or slnele. at tho dawn of woma
annooa, or
iQod, or
ino turn or me, uis uuters nas no eiuai.
Cleailao the Vltlalpd llliiml when ttafm.
Surlties burst through tho skla In Eruptions or
ores: cleanse It when obstructed and sluggish In
u.B leiuui cieauseu wnen 11 is out; your Ieeiingfl
will tell you hen, and the health of the system will
In conrlimioii! dive the Bitters a trial. It
will speak for Itself. One bottlo Is a better guar
antee of Its merits than n lengthy advertisement.
Aroundenrli bottlearufulldlrectlonspiinted
It. II. McDonald Urns Co., I'roprletors,
Baa Francisco. Cal, and E, taifc KH Washington St. I
uor. i;nriiouht.,.fwlorl. i
Sold by all Dealers and Druggists.
A I) IKS WANTKDtoworkforusattlidrown
uuiucn. j, iu jiu per weex can do easily I
work sent for stamp. Address 1I0JIK JIT'O Co..
1. 11. llrtv 1Q1I1 llnutnn II... 'I
....,.,.,, jau...-ii.u.
ANT salesmen everywhere, local
traveiine, to i sen our goods, win pay
1 salary and all exnensns. WMm nS-1
terms nr. nm-n ni.,1 ..i.. I
ASoSSSf iikcomi-anv,
When I ur eur I do not mew nf rly Io Hop thtm for
tltptftndtlitn bv tliem return Blti. I imn rsdicul
nJ!tZtafimA!.M'MM "ns, trim's v or fall-
ISO MCKNEMi ti w-lootr itgdy, I wtrrut my rttnedr to
tui iu wont cum. liecanso otheri Uv f.iied 1 no
ttuon for net now rwelrtc car, fiend t onc for
f rNMudtrt, Boul of aiy infallible, remedy. fJlr
' "I.7M..?Bd toU 00ie- Htoetijroitnotliliirfri irlal,
uUl 111 cure jqu. bit U. 0. MOOT, III Pearl bt M.T,
Jan 2i-4t-d
. uiuugn me uuiire l ft Urfe irianu
ut-luret or Laihmero I'atietu 1 nun
sltawla, there bat come into our hands
taiKo consignment of ru4
Shawls, perfect ifoodt, hkh
l-rojwe to fjrc&eut to the l.nllc in
the follow! iije mannen Svml ui jj
feuti for tt miM, tubtscriptloit to
Mrm muu iiuuicuoia, a urge
Stories anl jreneral mlacellany,
tnii we Will teml vnu nn rtthli
beaallfal akanla tllk bv liiul
Do.trMut. or we will tend ihiwi
and jsuhwrlptionitaone aWreiifor
(i.oo. Satlafactloa guaranteed
or money refunded, AUdreii
Tha demand for the Improved IIasos A IlAum
Jlisos la now so larva that a second aJillilon to ibo
taclory tiaa become imperall ve. llo not n qnlre one.
quarter as much tuning as liauos on llie prevallliii;
orMt-plnayatem. Consult Calaloift, fre.
m Slylca of Oaaiss, SJ to K'Jiw. for Cu.h, Kay
Payments, or Itrnteil. '
Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co..
ANTED. Liiilies or gentlemen
UIIV ur COUnirv in Inkn llcrlit wmb 1
at their own homes, is foil a day can be cas ly
made: wort tent bv man- n Vnnriii u-i
SffirWSSSJ dwsrS
.M'FOCO.MI'ANV. Ml Vine St.. Clnelnnull. Ohio
.n . ...i., I
A?"y.'l?..TO..fc'7'ai.''. etc. The only
bo damaged by oyerfmllnir. Very durable and
Htronir. Has straight tienw tniuo. t,.o .u I
different sires, and Hold to suit tlio times. Tlltw
"iifSJerCo11!-'! (ie"' ASt" '''iVaT'i's.u'1 ''' ''
'' " uriwu-r.
V l.i- nno I
I was deaf ttnty-eiBut VrarsT' "neated
1)V innsat nf tlm nnlod cidllta, r, I
cess. A plain, sliuiile and suceesorul liomiiimit.
ment. Addrr-ts T. b. 1'ACIK. 12S Kasta-ith street.
New Vork city.
In presents given away. Send us 5
U wiWpfSffaJl WrS
mat will at onto bring you In money faster than
anything else In America. Allubout thottui.iuo
In preterits with t-uch box. Agtnts wanted cv.
ery.vhere, of either sex, ot all ages, for all the
time, or spare tune only, lo work forua at tlu-lr
ow n homes. Fortunes for all workers absolutely
ux.i.,1... tnjt. U.-IUJ. XI. 11ALLK1T lu. I-Orl,
laud, Maine. IdeclS S3.
lor working people.
Bend 10 cents post-
I mil Imu n pnvnl
aite. and we will mall jou free,
valuablo gamplo lux of kocxU that will
my you in the way of maklnir more
money in u few days than
ble at anv business, i-nn
lian jou eier thought possi.
Capllal not required. You
can meat home and ork Inbparo time only, or
all tha timo All of both sexes, of all aires, Brand.
IV SUCX-l-SSfUl. 50 CentatO l Paillr ,.nriii..i
eveulnif. 1 hut all who want work may test the
business, wo make this unparalleled often To all
whoarenotttell satisUedwo wlllsend II to pay
fortbe trouble of wrluni? ua. kiiii nAni,.i,iHj
directions, etc., sent free. luunenseiiay absolute
ly sure ior uiiwuo sunt at onco. lon't delay.
uHiess OTIS son i- to. i I'ortlaud, Maine. IdeclS.
Jeii.paptr Almllilud Uiirrav.lO K(irure tt.,X.V
Victory for the Drummcs.
Washinoton, .Ian. 18. In June.
183J, aainuol A. walling, n driiminei
for a Chlongo liquor firm, was convict-
nJ in 11 court In Grand Rapids.
mim. .. i s i. '
I """ ""'-' ". niipyciiiK
lll!t ,0 persons selling liquor in that
Stalo to bu shinned from any other
iicu irom any other
owue, inni was sentenced to pay a lino
and was l-lprlsoncd in default of pay -
nicnt. no nppenicd to tho county
Circuit Cmil't. and was thoro found
milltv bv a r'lirv. The case was car
ried to the Supremo Court of Michi-
gan, which decided against Walling,
...w w.iii.. uiiuir, i, iiiuii I uiitiL'i I'll
I- - . ,
uec sion to-uay.
Tbo question beforo tho court wn
whether the statute under which ffl.
ling was prosecuted is renticnant to
uiu konsuiutiotl 01 llio uniltd aiaiCC
Th.iCni.i-t. Iml.l. M.-n.llov ,,.r
inrr llin niuniiiti. mm. n rlmnr ni iinl Inn
. -i -., ; t,
tax imposed by a Stale, operating to
tho disadvantaco of the products ol
other Slates when introduccil into tho
tirst-incntioncd Stato is, in ffect, ii leg-
uiaiiou in restraint ol cumtnerco
among the elates, and as such is a
usurpation of tho nower conferred bv
tho Constitution unon tho Contrress of
the United States.
ino uprelne Court ot Jlicliir'an
held that tho tax imposed by tho act is
an cxerciso ot tlio police power of the
Stato for the discouragement of tho
uso of intoxicating liquors'' and tlio
preservation of the h"lh nr.d moials
of the people. The feupreme Court of
tne united States holds that this would
. t . . . . .
"0 a tierfeCt justification of the act if
it lm ri;nr;mi,,nn .!, :.:
11 "lu 1101 aiSCrimiliatO against tho Cltl-
7.ens and the products of Other States.
zens and tho products of other States,
and thus usurp one of tho prerogatives
ot the national legislature. Tho couit
concludes its opinion as follows:
"Wu think tho act m question oper
ates as a regulation ot commerce
among the Stales in a matter ithiii
tho e.Vclllsivc power of CotllireSS ntlll
. ..i o 1
hat it is tor this reason renucnant to
ino onsiuuiion ot tho Unitid States
t . ..... . ..
and void. The judgraeut of tho Su
premo Court of jMichitran is loversed
and tho case remanded, with instruc
tions to tako such further procieditiL's
8S.m.ay inconsistent with this
rnt.- i, t .. ... ... ..
u" mei JtlSUCO Old not 811 111 this
I caso nor take any part in it.
I n l i , - - i
I Un Iiearing Ol lliis decision, the COm-
m ttri's frnm tlm onvf.i-nl f 'nnim,,!.!
""ltt8 ,t0,n l,ln SOM'IBI COllllliei Clal
lravellers Associations, who have been
1 . . . .
I maKitir' arcunients lieforo the Unm-
niorco Committees of tho Senate and
House in support of bills to prohibit
the assessment of taxes m the shape of
licenso fees upon them by tho States
and cities in which they sell by camples,
packed up and took the first train for
home. The decision applies to every
stato and Territory, and the drummers
win no longer bo compelled to pay for
i" umcr ouiis iiian iiiosc in
which they reside.
mi n . .
jliio ouuremo court has irnt a
I'hance to deal a blow to tho old-fash-
loneu notion mat street improvements
and repairs may be assessed upon tho
property-owners most directly interest-
...1 mi. . . ...
eu. Aiiotyouit last ween decided a
Pittsburtr caso UlO other wnv in nn I
"uiiuuii wniifii uy .mkjpo V.-ionion, an I
luiiiuuu usviuniiji uiut c tv navim? an
pealed acainst tho enforcement o( the
. r m-i ...i.:i n . i .,
-!, ui mil wiiiuii iixfs oue-naii tue
cost of the improvements as tho proper
proportion to oe taxed on the abutting
property-holders. The Court holds thnt
the Constitution virtually urobibito
Mich assessment in tho clause reciuir-
lnc all taxes upon the samo class of
subjects within tho territorial limits of
tne authority levvintr llio tax to tm nni.
fnrm. Tl,,. i.rln,.;,,l tl.n. .,.. ..... r I
, - - " "n i ui i
!l municipality Bhould bo arbitrarily
aim specially taxed lor an improvcmeut
l"v -r ,ulu .,s P01 cea
"ciij viuiuuk. xneru is no uxcu rulo
'y which the viewers are to determine
in what nrotiortton tlin Hiinnnanrl immn.
. . . I ..w.
. ,,in i,o,.n:.:. .. . 1... 1 C.J
......v univiivumra ui u uu ueneuieu
by tho improvement.
I X-l..l " - Ml .. . ...
, "V""" win uo sorry mat tins old
tetich of an idea has received what
L. . ..... '".
HU''I1L 10 1)6 a aealll-b low. Wlmn it w
.menibered that if everybody in a city
uu. uau u imuiiu Hireet ovcrvuoov
can use it if he wauts to, there is noth
ing unlair in taxing everybody for an
improvement that incidentally "improves
icn uiuptriies in vaiue. 1110 own
ers of those properties, on account of
thoso very improvements, aro afterward
called on to nav increased taxes for
the general good and for imnrovo-
nients that incidentally improve prop
erty in other streets. 2'imes.
The Poultry Yard.
r... ,i ..... ...
vmiu uuzeu winter ctrers win nav a
bigger store bill than two dozen sum
mer eggs.
Sift tho coal ashes in tho uoultrv.
honso for tho fowls to pick at and dust
.i. , - i
iiiemseives in.
Did .you over tiv feedim a
sweet, tine cut clover hay to fow
winterf It's tin-ton feed. Ti mot
is in
imothy is
lirst-iato and corn stalks aro good.
Com is a cood feed for cold weather.
but caro should bo taken not to feed so
liberally as to oauso tho hens to become
excessively fat, or they will ccaso to
A slonnv wet floor in a linn Imnan in
nil lllinintnntin.i nnr , ....n..ln1.1 .. 1...:
l ' l V ' 1 ' b
eramp, colds, and roill). It mav bo too
'?10 ". l. raise v-our floor if it is of
Wat tleSCl'lDt Oil. bUtVOU lint linnnlj
i in ami cover mem tvi n n tot-
:.. l .i ... ..
A hen .hatsitson tho roost, or stands
on one let.' from till
nr.1,1 ,la !ll !.. " V 1.
cold days, Wll not lav. Kxemisn U n
- . ... i , i . . . .
u8'enlla' aS good leeding, ami hens that
ar oxl'eeU'11 ,0 lay ,nll8t 1,0 80 tt
coniiel them to scratch and tako exer
'PI r
"V,u "ru cores or persons W!:0 aro
KIliTuritwr frnin anmr. nt l.lAB.l .1!..
orAln disease, such as Scrofula;
duii.-, eic, cio. Alter a nraclioa test.
J. II. Mercer- asserts that Acker's Hino.l
Elixir will certainly euro all such dis
eases, iiicludini Svnliilliu nml Til
"n- .Ili8 r'ct latent uoetrum, but a
8eK'"Ufiu ,rt,l,aratio". Ba'a"tees it.
Over one million boxes of Acker's
Dyspepsia Tablets sold iu tlio past
twelve months, purely unon their
uieiits. Why sufl'er with Chronio Con.
sanation, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach,
Mck Headache, Heartburn, ami Female
troubles, when J. It. Mercer oillem
you relief and positivo cure iu the
Dyspepsia Tablets. Ho sells them on
a guarantee.
Tho rtmaininc comes of tho Histr,
of Columbia County a book of COO
pages illustrated and bound h oloth
will be closed out at SI 00 each, 25
oents extra by mail. For salo at. tho
Coi.umiiiak Olllce. Uloomsburg, Pa.
Learned liy a I'romliiuut Hudson
Odd I't-llow.
(from tlio Hudson (N. Y.) Jtcglstcr.
Mr. John Kltliiir. a fmthhit 11,1,1 Vollnw M'aM.
Oranrt I.lndcnwalcl, No. irJinwl n member or tho
llnptht Church, s.usi "I have been nmnoKtotmy
nuninimnneei in i unison Know, a sunercr rrom
ior icn yearn neeinmna w n lncwrea-
sour stomach nnd flatulence, 1 lierntno ho
mnt my uody becamo ft imnlen to heavy to
mill mv minii irn. wriMii,-ii nnwn nv n
u Bloom
Kloomy despondency. Arter ontlnirl felt n If I
una a oil! ol iftowlnir Iron In my Mninarh; my nb-
I n mnt vw t n ul-i.nn.iiin a i.,n m..!.,...
siTmiv VmV',, '.Vi H.Si'.'SJS.i'TV.. '"'"'"'
1 inriL'iti.,,uAi or Brfei htt" n"i,r? W Mhrn;
I pottles, when It achieved In mntho nin.t. wnn.w.
fV'JffiL,,1:"'1-''" iy cre,i myni.-nd
if mn!mra"'fcn?e?ndo7'.a
ji - nun. i-iiiii-.-. ui iiiv nrniininr.
I IlIMTSsaV lllftt Imvlliif nnno t.ln.l It
nevem(ralnbo without if I havo i
; .' ""i.njspsu nuont, nil my llfi." said
J f "v1"! L'.'K" J?r? old H-shilnif at
.v";-v'v:,'i '.' .'linn iinuiii inren jea.H nco I
"(( ."r. imiiu Kcnneny's'Fnior lolfem.
.Vh . " '"".l,r-. km hi Kninerty's'Kftiorllel.'em-
iu ot liomiout, you khow-nnd It litis clicn
mo more nmblt Ion nnd strength than I have i hail
EBB'S mm wm
UmMMh b yiUillHUi tmuUU i,
AN AltsOMITi: evnv run
nnilK n.9t stiiWinrii jichl ipndlly to tt
I mid luitttint fullcil Id Ohi o a Mnirlo cau
- Mlirru illucttoiui mo follu(. Its success
lias been rttiintknlilontitt tt curd wo ruler-
jui. i nv mti'LuuiTijsiiu iirciinrniioti in (lie
innrkptfur OATAltlUI ami tlio only ono thnt
l-iuiuirv-j fin -iiisiiiuir, i iiti(V( tun1. It 11
trulv a M'sliiir to tn.iiiklnd. a Ti-i,ii i. .ti
t lilt t- Ift Hiki'tl for It. Onrniiunil (ftanttroi-.
rt'cummonded. .Sond fur totIinunlalt nf notnTii
Une bottlo Is ircnerallv sufficient far a .nm
taMng tlulnlne. A trial only Is asked for Kel-
.tn mi ui-euM'i.iiriruiK irum 1111 iiupure nioo.1 and
drlici all eruptions from tlio skin, l'or Hyphl
lltlccuinplalntsltls superior tonny lirepnrailon
In the market. Ono buttle will euro mutof tho
Ibllonlnir eoinplilnts and a cciitluued uso will
-u-iiii, ki.1 run-. .-:ivc uocior uiiis ana try It.
Knt-LEII S lTr.l:lt III. .IKIiV N lift tintent
t take an I .-nr. ly tho emit, u medical discov
ery of tha Hue. (Ino botlle lrhircunt.- I ho pntlrA
system and pu.-eses more vlrtuu than n half
un7o:i ooiue-i oi onun-ry patent preparations.
vi, iimi inner inmrmauon.
ur iaie i-y urujiri-i irnnerall-.
PKICi; Hi.oo A juitti.i:. !.iv nor.
TI.IN roil .i.oii. On receipt of M.l.oo by
tno mamir.ictuiers. Si-ui nr. r. Kelleii & Co.,
Ilnrrl buru-. l',i fix l.ultles Will bo sent oMiress
No other blood-purl tying innlleliia Is made,
or 1ms ever been prepared, which so com.
I'lctety lnujts llio w mils of phjalclans and
A rs ,mm
AVfiV'.C: NnrCinriClTinO
u w" wwawwwa maiui
It tllfi ll-xt fis n trnlv s..l,.l1nrt ,.ri.n.
Hon ior llll blo.vl iliscists. If Ihitn. 1 . lurlf.
PBftlTIII I li'K t-ili'l of Scroful.i about you,
dlKlitjO 1L .-tll'l l!HPl It fl-rlMl v., in- v..n.
I'oi- or ketofulous Catarrh,
iMTflOHL! ,:ll,!4 MHAi-AitiLi,. Is tho
uNIHillin -rao rilnodv. It U cured
uumbcrleta ci.m. It will sto,i tlio inm-ons
cat.irilial illsclnrtvs, ami rvu.ovo tlio bick.-n-Inu
o.lir of tlio lircfttli. v. hleh n.i. iti.U.it1ittii
of scrofulous Olivia.
Ulcerous .
" 11 utto, Tox., Sept. 2s, 1882.
"Af. tlm nm ......... .
SflRPQ '" was tcrrlMy mulcted
uuulo Wtii ukeroiis ruiiuln.? son.s on Ita
fuco nnd ii-ck. At tlio tamo tluio Its eyes
veto s-niidii, much lullimril.iiuil very sore.
JnBC Fvct! I'""!-'! ' told us that aiiow
UUnr.LICO -ii'fulallrnitlvomodlcluotiiust
bo eini.loio.1. Thuv unitod in recoinineiiilliii
AYKIt's ijtl(ll'tllll.l.t. A r... ,lu, .,r,2
duoed h ierovitllil liniirovemont, ihlch, liy
an aill-erbiHB to your .lin ol i.ins, was contin
ued to a eoniplcto and htiii nciit euro. No
eMcneolr'ssliioonptR-aro.l of tlio existence
ot liny scrofulous tendencies; and no
inont of any dUonler was ever attended liy
uw.u t'.y...-u ... lltlltai l.-Sllll-l,
lours truly, u. i--, .louxsox."
pnr.i-Aiti:n nv
Sold l.y nil Drlici Is; SI tl Lotfloa for ST.
1) ran Ins Instruments, I'liilosoiililcul and
Chemical Apparatus.
Lilt and Descriptions of ocr Ton Catalogues sent
tltKK on sppli. ition.
JEEt t CO.
024 Ciestrwt St. PHILADELPHIA.
A i.i. ladies who rosy ami cheerful would be.
til III I 111 I P.' l.r.. .1.. ... I 1. I.'llm.... 1.11. , . . .. ......
Klix. Ask yourdrusitlstrorlt. fl.
1.1" YOl' hao rheumatic, stlndnir or aehlntr
pains in tho back or side, or hips leadlnf? down t"i
iiir uuuury orKuus, nuu iiisirens you mere Dr.
Kilmer's BWAMr-lloOT wlllrcmou tho causo and
iwi juui ASU ruui UIUSKIV loril. 1)U., f 1,
IF YOUH heart seems out of Hi nntnmii..
Inn. or skips bents, or soinctliiKs feels as tuoueh it
wus In jour throat, or seems to crowd on tho
lunij's, arfoctliiif breathlni; -Dr. Kilmer OCEAN.
l-.hl)Hlllprouiitl) telloio andcuie. Ask your
IF YOl haiocankeied tlnoii
?I..''!"1ilh. ul0l'l'",l'i caiislnir cout'h-Dr. KUuii-rU
l.NIUAN CONSI'mHion till, reileies lusluiitly
uiiiiiieiuiuuruiiy cuil-s. llrufc'glsls bell It, U5c.
UK'., fl,
Cor, ( lii-..linii in, a riuhth Ms,
Ili-rciiu Adii-rllsriui-iiu fur t'i - ,..
' A Yen
K&M K'i"l "JitfW
J'or nil diseases ottho
Liver, Kldaeyi, Stomach and Splosn.
Thl purely rrirrtabtn pro. Rocelelimtedns a
niiilly .Medicine, originated In
tho south In isss. H nct
Bently on tho lloncH nnd Kid
neys nnd corrects the action of
tho Liver, nnd Is, therefore, tho
best preparatory medicine,
whulover tho sickness mny
proictobe. Inalleominnndh
enses II will, unassisted by any
other medlclije, crfect nsnooily
ThO ltCtnilntnr l 6nri.ln nitmlnl.tor In nnv nnn.
dlllonof thOHVStem. nml liliilertin elrpnmutatirpi
can lt do harm. It will Indirorntc like a chiss of
winr, uuiislo Into.xlcntlnir beverniro to end to
I UUSU nsinilll. HDL I nil pnsMir. ntirt Itt tlilnn
I ,IA,,K.n,l ' 1 '
No loss of time, no Interriip
ruptlon or stoiipago of business
while taking (ho Ucsulator.
cuililreu complaining ot Colic,
Headache, or -tck Momacli, a
1 eavpoonf ul or moro will give ro
ller. If taken occasionally by
tlents ovnosed to
M All
will expel tho poison anil pro
tect tlicm from attack,
I havo bei-n oractlclnL' meillclnn for tu-eniv
years, and haVO nAVee liwn Al.ln tn mil un n vnr...
tnblo compound that would, like Simmons Liver
i Kuiiiuir, pruinpuv nnii cneciiveiy moio mo
Mer to neLlon. imil nl. tlm aiiiii. (Imn nlil iln&tn iil
or weakenlng tho dljestlvo and nsMmllatp o poiv
ersorthoHystcm. L. .M. lltsroN, M P., nsh-
riiETAiiEii nv
,; jr. Zdlin
cO Co.,j'hitadelphia, Pa.
P.m. n.m,
a.m. a,m. p.m
s so ....scranton..
s 28 Ucllevtio..
o io u 15 2 in
n 15 U 20 2 10
0 20 II 26 2 15
S 61 11!
S -IS Vi S3
8 4U 13 15
8 31 1W t
8 87 IS 01
8 !H 11 M
8 ir n gi
s 53 ...Taylorvllle.
8 16 .. Lackawanna..
s 10 1'lttston
8 01 ..West 1'lttston.
7 ss .... Wyoming.. ,
7 51,. ..Mnllby
7 50 licnm-it ;
7 4f ....Kingston ....
7 47.. ..Kington .... '
7 43 Plymouth Juno
1 38 ....I'ljinouth....;
7 31 ....Aiondale. .
7 3i ....Nnntlcoko...
7 S3 Ilunlock's Creek
7 I2i..slilckshlnny..i
7 uo . nick's Ferry..1
. i .lieachllavcn..,
0 ii Iierwlck....
(1 41 .lirlar Creek.. '
0 38 .."-.'mow drove..
B 31 ...Lliieltldgo..
S7i Espy
0 31 ...lllooinsburt,'...'
o 16 .... ltupert
C 11 Catnwl'n liridgo
B .id . . lianvllle....
r. I'J ....C'hulasky..,.
5 til .... Cameron....
ll '-7 0 51 2
0 31 H 41 2 30
40 0 47 2 36
45 n 52 2 11
0 III II 5H 2 II
S 13 11 Sll
! 0 53 10 OH 2 47
il 5S 10 (5 2 60
S OS II 4.
8 OS 11 17
8 01 11 43
6 as 10 03 3 50
. 12 10 102 53
7 07 10 153 01
!9 II US
51 11 .11
ro ii so
7 13 10 20 3 Oi
7 15 10 25 3 10
7 4:1 11 SI
7 SO 11 13
7 18 11 10
7 11 10 51
1 2 .1 1 0 VI 3
7 37 10 413 ru
7 50 11 11 3 63
57 1 Oil 3 5S
05 10 7
8 io ii 264 i"
0 M 10 41
6 51 10 3.1
6 50 10 31
6 13 IC 37
6 311 10 31
II 30 10 111
a s.- io ii
9 OS II 5(1
0 00 il 40
5 oTi il 45
s is !! sti4
8 35 11 31 1 27
S 31) 11 44 4 31
8 36 1 1 50 4 40
8 41 11 514 46
8 51 12 13 5 04
'J 05 12 2 1 5 12
OS 13 23 5 17
V 25 12 405 35
5 40 9 31
5 33iNorthuinberland
p.m. a in.
I n.m. n. m. p.m
F. IIALSTEA1), fiupt.
omco. Scranton, Feb.lst,l8P.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
m.!ll.l . o r- f- rt
niiiaaoipnia a. trie n. n, Divis
ion, and Northern Central
IU effect NOV. 8th. 1SS! Train tenvn Kim.
9.40 n. rn.. Sea shore HxnreQq tAnllv rcpnt
Iuuuunj, w liuniiuuili unuiuivillluUlULO blllllOIlS,
arrlvlnn at rhlladelplila3.i5p. m. ; New York,
6.20 p. in. ; lialtlmore, 4.40 p. in. j Washington,
5.50 p. tn., connecting at l'hlladelphla for alt feeu
Shore points. Through passenger coach to
( uuuueipuiu.
p. m.-Day express
rlsburgnnd interme-
dally except Sunday),for Harrl
uiaio siauons, anivinir nt
6.50 p. m. ; New York, 9.33 p. m. ; lialtlmore
6.45 p. m. ; Washington, 8.00 p. in. l'arlor car
through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches
vuiuuku iu i iinaucipiiia auu lilllllinore.
7,50 p. m. lleniHo Accommodation (dally
m -Jui,, ...... u.i iiiiviiiiLUUilu niUl IUU3, III 1 1
inj- ai 1-iiuaueipuiu 4 20 n. m. ; ,ew 1 ork 7.00 a. m
iianimore, D.vr.) -i. in. : Washington 11.3011. m.
Slceptnir car accommodations can be seenroii
llarrlsburirforl'hllndelDhlaandN'ewYoii.-. 1111 sun
days a through sleeping car will be run; on this
iraiuirum uiiaiitsp no I'liiiaucipuia.i'iiiinueipnia
passengei-scanremalnliisleeperundl'sturbcdunti I
,t0 n. ra I.rle Mall
(dally except Monday,
for llarrlsourg nnd Intermedials stations.
arriving at l'hlladelphla 8.33 a. in. New York.
uu sinuous,
11.30 a. in. ; llalllmoro 8.15 a. in. ; Washington, 9.25
a. .11. . uiuukii . uiiiiiuu sit i-jnii curs uro run uu
luis iruiu iu riiiiuueipnia, iiuiumore anu washing
ton, nnd through passenger coaches to J'hlladel
puia anu uanunoro.
5.20 a. m. Erie Jlall Idallv exeent Sunilnvl in
Erlo and all Intermediate stations and canandal.
pua and Intermediate Etatlons, Ilochester, liurfi-
ivauii,iiuiiaiuuii3, nuu uiiUU(U 1'Ullinan I'UI-
aco cars and passenger coaches to Erie and lioch.
.5:l News Express (dally except Sunday) for
1.00 o. m. Niagara Exnress (d,itlv exeent. Nun.
day) for Kano and Intermediate stations nnd Can-
uuuuigua aim iiriuciiiai luiermeaiate stations.
itociiesier, iiunaio anu Niagara rails with
through passengCr coaches to Kane and ltochpkier
aim ranur cur lu i iiuuiusporc.
0.00 p. in. r asi uiio many except, bunaayiror Ite-
nm-n nnrl Inlm inpill.itr LlnilAnti i.n.l Litnin. 11..
kins and Intermediate stations, with througu pas
senger coaches to licnovo nnd Watklns.
9.20 a. m. Sunday mall forllenoto and lnterme-
1 uiuiu biauous.
JiAOl' AIJ ftUU ill.
aunuay man leaves l-niiatieiniiia i.Rn n. m
Uarrlsburg7.40 arriving at bunbuiv u 211 a. m u ui,
thioughsleeplugcar fiom l'hlladelphla to Wll-
liuuisi'oi I..
News Express leaves l'hlladcluhia .1.30 n. in.
Harrlshurg. s.10 a. m. dally excent sunriiv
arrh log at Sunbury u.53. n. m.
... ., . . . - . -"Sara i-xpress leaves
i iiiiuuviiiiiiu, i.iuu. m., iiauiuiuro r.yu a. in, (aally
except sunday arriving at huubury, 1.00 p. m.,
with through l'arlor car from l'hlladelphla
and through passenger coaches from imiiIh.ipi. I
rust i.iiiy leaves new ions y.uo a. m. : l'luiadel-I
puia.ii.5oa. in. : Washington. .50 a. m.-iuiti.
more, 10.43 a. in., (dally except Sunday) arriving ot
coaches from' l'hliadeplila and Hallfinore.
.no.iaii leaves eiv 1 ork p. m. ; I'liuadel
Phla. 11.20P. tn. : Washlnirtcn. 11. m 11.1111.
more, ll.2u p. m., (dally except.SAturday) arrlMng
at buubury 5.15 a. in., with through Pullman
Sleeping cars fipml'hlladelphu, Washington and
llalllmoro and through passenger coaches fioiu
MiiNiumv, iiA.i.irroN H'li.iuisn uiti:
il.ail.llli.iir .i.n .-MlU'ril AMI V1;?.T
IDaltv excent sunu.iv.1
Wllkesbario .Mail leases hunburv a. m.
uui.iui;ab uiuuiu rcrry iu.d.
13.18 p. m.
a.m., Wllkes-bart 6
Express East leaves Sunburv 5.43 n. m.. nrrlvlni?
ni r.-iii u.01 p. in., llhl'S-011110 I, .13 II. Ill
sunbury .Mall leaves ilkesbarro 10.111 a. m. arrlv
lugat llloom l'erry 12.1-3 n. in., hunbury 12.53 p. m
..A,iivm mo. n;.uiii n itnea-uai iu . 10 u, iu., ar
riving at llloom Ferry 4.15 p. m .sunbury 5.iep.m.
Sunday mall leaves Sunburv u.-jr. 11. m . nrruim.
at lilMin Kerry 10.11 a. 111. Wllkes-lurro 11:35 0.111.
ouuuay accommouauoii ie.n es w likes-llarro 6:15
Vu3 .'.,. ou,uury,
ClIA. a l'UOII, J. 11. WOOD.
ocn. .Manager. (ien. t'asscnger Agent
1 "'"'i tix c(,nts for pi
I . llll IfId "Be. liml recclv e f ree.a 0
II I-' J I li "ox 01 'xs which 1
U llll fill, llp,l' 511 ,0 "1010 mo
send Hx cents for post-
cos -
ithim I
eisa in this world. All. of
either sex. suoi-r-eii rmm I
finthour. Tho broad road to fortunn opens be-
lora tho workers, absolutely sure. At onco ad.
dicss, 't'Kt'K s Co., Augusta, ilolne. -is-bs.
1 bare a poaltlvo remedr for tuaaboro illieftiai ly Ita
uta llinu.auilaof raaaaol Ibe Mum kind ana pi loos
taadlnxlmraliprtirurail. lnile1, .oitmnali mTfnltii
la ItaelUcacr.lliiit I will aenilTlVIl 11UTTLFS FKKE.
lonttber wllUn, VAt.UAni.KTitK U ISKou tlila diieai
Uaoyiuarar. !lvaeitriiiaiid I' Onddr.
I'll, t, A, CLUl'UU, 111 1-tarlSl., h'.w Yoil.
Slates and Jelts,
Slate Mantels,
Slate Blaclc ISuardH,
School Slate,
Roofing: Slate,
Roofing Felts, i, 2&3
... . 1 j- "-"
23 iJicknwanna ATenue, scrauton, l'a
Jlay-iy '
An iron stono ciiamukk i
Kt.-T 10iln....u nvn'ri.i. UL-'ii
pieces, or 11 uanciumiotiKUNZK iiani.inu LAM
with n no order, a ciiAMiiKii sut of 10
pii-cen,itii oiun, muroonor lUnkuanU or un IKON
bTONK C HINA Ti: htT Ot &l nleeoa. or 11 (It.AHkl
-r.i ui ji. III.-.-.-B unru mm u fill oroer, 11AMJ.
M)MK 1'ltL.MIU.MS, ooiislatliiir ol DocoruteU Clilna
nuni iu ifjN'i. Hisii iiiimi-r linn 1 .-ii kill.
.as com.
Unt'U, and cliainbiT beiH, etc.. etc.. then
pnlcrs (or 1H, l.'O, iii, r.' ana ISO. heml lor clrcu
iar. wiiicu ui Klw you mil
i." 'Touth Vi'aYnNbt
"'(llllB flBntlnrl
WIIWch Ilarre. 1'u. lieadnuar.
icra 60 Urout street. New
may is-iy
says she: ".Mother I think
I will (fo to tho rink
This evening and seo thogamo ot polo."
"(lucn nut," nays her ma;
"You will stay whoro you arc,
And practice, tho ilat-tron solo."
It is said that (lencral Sherman Is t
remove from St. Louis. Of coniso th
gills will miss him.
New York' is threatened with nnoth
cr calamity. A temperance daily pa
per is io uo slatted.
Ill this froiztllL' the tiller nf
tin) soil is better off than the man who
holds tho tiller ol the sen.
hlf'll U'.ill fnllMinl .l.x.lolnd (lint
coals. Show this lo vour tailor.
A cirl snuctzes her own feet to ninkn
it nppear miiall, but sho loaves tho of her hand to the men
It is said tho new book. "Advir.n lo
Homily Girls." is not boin?htbv voiin
ladies tht'V hend their brothels after
Jliss Susan 15. Anthony has been iu
Washington for several das, but the
1'iesideiit has not yet invited her to co
Blcigluiiy with him.
Joel Chandler llairis.tho well known
writer, was of African birth. He was
born at Uoouhia, wheru his father, a
missionary, tiion tlweit.
t. 1, n.
ti oenaior .Sherman slial livo to
serve the full period for which lie is now
cnosen iio will havo served in the Sen
ale twenty-eight years.
In Zuliilaiid ten head of cattlo is tho
average lirico of a uirl sold in mar
lajre. Huro irir s aru often irivnn nwnv
t .. t .f , . ---- - j
iui ii uuii oi a nusuami
An exchange saym "Theio isbiitono
way to kiep the girls away from the
skatinc rinks. " ltw. hut u-imt i nitv
it would Uu to kill them all.
T. !.. .. 1 r .
it ib Biim inai VOlllllcitiH nnvnr
Known lo sneak at men s. Iln nrolm.
Uly sat at the middle of the table, thin,
iitiu L-vvrvimnir win naniiv.
A lliooklyn oirl sttnncd into n w-
" ii j--
earn aim a-Ked tor a pair ot "const-
enoy biacelets." Somi-limlu im.l n.l.l
tier tiiat consistency was a jewel.
A Afaino cirl boasts that Khn rrin
make !188 different kinds of cakes.
some mrls havo no taut. Klin lma
"""e(t "er olia'ies of matrimony.
I II is sfi' that the gills in the United
I Slates Tri'.'lsiirv iln nnr ..,....
Jiey know so much about men. Tln v
do handle bills a good deal, a for fact.
In these days of hvdronhobia it mav
bo well to lemaik that no person who
has paid for his nowspapers in advance
was evu- known to be bitien by a mad
Ml'S. Hyail, who took over lhn fnnr
little hjdrophebio boys for Pasteur's
treatment in Paris, brought back the,
which speaks volumes lor the treat
ment Ex.
"Oh, where arotheoirls of tlm nnst ?"
asked a poet. If he mimns fm- nn tn
inswer tho conundrum wo should khv
they aro getting uadyto be the gtand
moihers of tho future.
The editor of "a Montana nanor is in
receipt of six letters from uirls in tlin
Stales who aro willini: to work, or
mairy, or do anvthing e se to aid tho
,,mfil:. rii,, t ,i,:., rn fa-.
prosperity oi that lerruory.
Zero don't mean " O " in the plumb
er s Uictionaiy and day-bo-ik. It
means a seal-skin sacq tie for the madam
aim a summer resort lor the eutno
lamily Vlucago luter-Occan.
A crank who recently died
Calaveras county llKumiit so much ol
, ,.i:,.. ,i....-i i.r.i. 1 ,
i;"".iijf mai 11 u iimeen a ciock un-
ui-r I 18 1 nan so t 111 I111 nnii l 11. mi
in .u . ....
iiie won cnanires 11s nair everv
1 ... .1 .-7- . . .
year, out 1110 lashionablo young lady
01 tho present day sees the wolf and
goes it three or four better she
changes her hair three or four times a
nt . . . . ...
"l consider ium a bold, arrogant
man. "lcr, I know he is now. but
he won t be very long." "And why
not, i siionid like to know? He is to
bo married next week." Chieaan
Horseflesh as Pood.
A writer in tho New Yoik .S'tiii snvs?
It will probably bo news to manv
Americans who have lived in Paris
that they have unknowingly often eaten
norstiicsii at some ot tho minor restau
lants. In 1883 over 12.000 lim-sc.
mules lllld donkovq viem olqnrrlit..-..H
, , , , """Keys weio siaugliteied
fill' food tni-rn. .anil &nl.l fm- nlw.1,1 l.n
1 .-... .mi. uuiium iui mu
modest prices prevailing in tho cheap
bullions. It is claimed that the custom
tends to the improvement of tho horse.
One point may certainly bo granted,
that a worn-out iado is now trot in
condition lor thu meat market nml U
, ' , . . '"' "inrKLi aim n
iu ..vutii in u 111uc.11 it'ss ciuei jaMi
ion than formerly. In former yeais
tho goveriiment mado many efforts to
stop tho salo of horscilosh, ami immense
quantities of it were t-eized at different
times, but it is now viewed as baling
become u moessity. In any case,theru
are 80 duly licensed lioiso butcheis in
Paris at the present moment. Tho lirst
efforts to put a stop to the limei'mo
of eating hoi si-llesli can bu traced as in
back as 1";19. During tlio revolution,
however, almost the, whole of Paris
,jvud 10rSeilesh, while dminc the
nkt. KrAnrn.1rnsiifin ,. hh l.."il.,l.
........... Ilulniuuii
was coiisiueren a (leiioauy, Thu writtr
lememuers imving eaten onco at tho
iifinuci- jjaun a stiirtents' 1 nner en-
entirely composed of horseflesh. Tho
..,,! 1 .. ,
" experiment,
wliti-.n. tlmnha in frrmil a,.nan. ...i
, ;,:, ,., 1 '"""'"b
K00" appetite, proved a great success,
It j3 ,10 exauueratioii to Rnv tlmt iii ol.
most an mo cheaper restaurants horse
flesh enters constantly into tlio nrena-
ration of soups and stows, and that iu
many ot them roast beef is nothing
but roast horse. Of courso von can-
not easily find out what you aro eating
in thu potages and ragouts. Hut the
horse roast beef always betrays itself
as horseflesh when roasted, shows no
fiber, and looks 111010 like liver than
liko beef, and olton has thoso littlo
holes which everybody knows who has
over eaten coarsely baked and touuh
beef liver.
After a thorough test J. II. Mercer
most positively asserts that Acker's
linglish Hetnedv is tlio best medic-Inn
ff. fthma, croup coughs, whooping
uuugu mm ni niug iruuuiea mat can 00
louud. Ask Ium about it, for ho fully
guarantees it.
I Iio remaining copies of tho History
of Columbia Uountv. a book of (inn
'''P8 illU8trnled 8ml b0U,ul 5,1 cl0"'
w'11 loclo8e(1 out at 1,Q0 eacIl 25
ccntB oxtra by mail. Eor nolo at the
uoiXMiiiAN Ullice. lJloomsburir. Pa.
for Infants
"Cttatorl. 3 m well adantvl fyi-f,lt,1 nn Hint
t recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to mo." II. A. Ancncr., M,
111 Do. Orford St, llrooklyn, N. Y.
A Large and
maaii ... I -T-llii iiinii iiiiinii 1 in
Call and be Convinced that
7! m )7al SITS
The Lowest Possible Prices
OrCTaPLT? IXtmtm rTOSn
Foreign aim Domestic
R E W A R D.
Every Ounco of Adulteration
IN the
MADJ5 ON.'.V 11V
Gowans &. Stover,
Huffalo, N. Y.
For Halo liy all Urst-clats grccerf.
April lo-i-jT
The UDvleralcnetl haiiiL' r.m hia ihri,. n
on Uallroadbtrect, la rirst-ciasi condition, if Dro
r. v vw W h iuui VI n W4aV IU U13 IIUP
furnisnoa at reasonable prices Ail luraberusea
Is well seasoned and none but skilled woikmeu
are employed,
rurnlshed on application, nan? aud spcclilctt
ions prepared by an experienced drauirursman
f) HAUL, 13 KltC'iJ,
Ulluonmliiiip, vtt
and Children.
CMtorla eur!3 Colle, Oonatlpatlon,
I Hour fit
I KsiLl?
Momacn, uiarrnoia, a-ucianon,
Worm9. elvea sleeD. and bromotoa di
Without Injurious modlcaUon,
Tm CEtritiri Courisr, 183 Pulton Etrcet, K. T.
Varied Stock of
.,.). . ...
h em
you have the
mm Ei.
For the Celebrated Cliiclicrlng, Ivors fc
l'oml, ami Vosc & Bon l'lanos. AVorlilre
uowncd Kstey OrR.ins, Violins, Aeconlcons
und bhtet Jlusic. CelebinteiMVliilc, New
Illgli Arm Davis, New Home, ltoynl St.
John, and Light Iluiining Domestic Hewing
JIucliliius. Necillcs, oil nml nttnehments
for all makes of Sewing Machines.
Gtcro and warcrccniE, lTc. 12S
Franklin Avenue-
MsoWarerooma ill Franklin Ave. and itMCtn.
Anything to umko up u new wagon
or repair an old, in htock.
( liar Iron, nml Sitel Holts, Holt
End-, Lug Screws, Turnlmcklo'
IIoiso Shoes, and all lilackemitb
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds.
Tue following shows the 1'lcket (lothlo, one or
m. ..? -Til.
ror lieauty and liurablllty they arennsurpus
f,..rl'luJ!l).y"it,erlenci'(l uands aud warranted
loflvo sallafaetlon,
f Prices and specimens of other de
signs Bout to nuy aduresu.
inoie money llian nt anj llilnr else by talr.
lnir an aKeuey lor the beat htllUiir book out.
.ivuiiiurm hui eci-ii ruiiiiiv rvniiA in i
Terms Iree, lHuurr lloon C'o 1'OBTLisu.
IdeclS ta