THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. A "Madman's" Legacy, "Slrcl" exclaimed ft man iu tlio home ly garb of a mechanic to lllchelleti, 1'rlmo minister of Franco, m ho was ontoring his palace; "Sire, I havo mndo n discovery which shall make rich mid great tlio nation which shall de velop it. Sire, will yon glvo "mo an nudicncuT" Hluliclion, constantly Importuned, iinaly ordered tlio "madman" imprison 'd. Even in jail ho did not desist from declaring his "delusion," which one day attracto l tho attention of a Hrltlsh nobleman, who heard Do Causo'a story and developed his discovery of steam powet! All great discoveries arc nt first de rided. Seven years ago a man yet un dcr middle ago, enriched by a business which covered the continent, found himself suddenly Ktrickcn down. When his physicians said recovery was im possible, ho used a now discovery, which, like all advances in science, had been opposed bitterly by tbo Bchool men. Nevertheless, it cured him, and out of gratitude therefor ho consecrated a part of his wealth to tlio spreading of its merits beforo the world. Such in brief is tho history of Warner's safo cure, which has won, according to tlio testimony of eminent persons, the most deserved reputation over accorded to any known compound, and which is finally winnini; on its merits alono tho approval of tlio most conservative practitioner?. Its fnmo now belts the globe The Herald. A gentleman living at Auburn, III., until quite recently was tho very un happy owner ot a cat whoso happiness was never complete savo when stealing something to eat from off tho dinner table. Ho tried coaxing and then beating, but all to no purpose. Finally in an evil moment tho ideacamo to him that perhaps a little sudden surprise would tend to make tlio felino mend her ways; and tho more ho thought of it the more ho becaino convinced that that was what sho needed. At last, after carrying out several schemes in his mind, 'lie decided to put some dyn amite into a saucer of milk, which ho did leaving, it on tho dinner table. Ho then stepped out on the porcli where ho could see the fun from a distance, ana waited. Ho had not long to wait, for no sooner had pussy been left to her self than sho sprang up 611 tho table and began to get on the outsido of tho milk. Softly tbo man laughed to himself, but his joy was of short dur ation, for suddenly something burst and he knew no more. When ho regained his senses a few hours later he found him self about a quarter of a milo from homo in .1 cornfield, with only a rock on to cover his nakedness. Ho tried to remember what had happened, but couldn't until he ni rived at tho gate where his home once Btood. All that was left to tell the tale was a largo holo in the ground, and a piece of cat skin sticking to a tree near by. J'eck's Sun. As Great as Webster, "Johuny, here, get out of that bed! What do you mean by sleeping until this timo of the morning,'' said his mother as she crabbed tho bed-covering, ', "Quit that! Dotrijonoit, didn't you I B . , say many a time you wanted mo to bo a great man?" "tes, but you'll never be a great man by sleeping ho much." "I won't, heyf Wasn't pap readin' jist las' night about Dan Wtbstcr wleepin' nine hours every night? I think you might let mo sleep enough to be as cr.'at as he was, anyhow." Notwithstanding so logical an argu ment, Johnny was compelled to get up. Couldn't Eespond. At u prayer meeting in an Indiana town tho oilier evening, after several of tho good brethren had ''led off," the deacon in charge observed: "Urother Bedloe will now lead us in sinping 'Itock of Ages' " Thero being no response, tho deacon queried: "Isn't Brother Bedloe present!" "No sir," responded a voice near tho door; "Brother Bedloe just heard that wheat had gone up in Chicago two cents a bushel, and he's gone over to town to try and fix up a shortage," He Didn't Invest Wisely. The passenger from Pennsylvania was complaining of business down his way. hverything dull. "Two years aco," he said "I went into the oil regions with $13,000. Day beforo yesterday I nulled out with S050, and am going WeBt to get me a farm." "i on diunt invest wisely, did youT remarked tho eldery passenger. "No." replied tho Pennsylvanian, sadly, "uot wisely, but in two wells." To measure the heicht of n tree, mark two lines on tho ground three feet apart. Put n stick in the line nearest the sun exactly threo feet above tho soil. Whf'n tho end of the shadow of the stick exactly touches tho furth est hue. then alno the siiaaow 01 ine treo will be exactly its height. J. II. Mercer would especially rccom mend to the ladies Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. As a iaxativo they have no equal. They are guaranteed to cure Chroiiio Constipation, Dyspepsia, and all diseases arising from a deranged stomach. With a free nso of the lab lets, Sick Headache is impossible. J. II. Jleicer wishes to make an assertion, which ho can back with positive guarantee. It is all about Acker's Blood Elixir. Ho claims fo it superior merits over all other reined iei ot us kind, and guarantees tor it ji 'siiivi und sure cine fur Itheumatism, Syphillis. and nil blood dsoiders, it frees the skin fiom spots and disease, and leaves tho complexion clear, Ask him about it. J. II. Mercer wishes lo stato that ho has at labt found an article he can sell on in merits. It is with pleasuro ho guarantees to tho publio Acker's Eng lish Kcuifdy as a sure and never fail ing cure for Asthma, Coughs, Whoop ing Cough, Croup, and all Lung Trou bles. It is tho standard remedy for Consumption. I have never found its svquid. No woman will love a man better for being renowned or prominent. Though he be tlrst umung men, she will be prouder, not fonder ; ns U often the case, she will not oven be proud. Hut give lur love, up. preclntlon, kindness, unci there is no sacri fice she would not mukefor his content and .comfort. Tho man that loves her well Is dcr hero and king. No less u hero to her (though lie is not to any other ; no lets n iiliig (hough his only kingdom Is licurt mid Jioino. Ills a mail's own fuult if he is mi. Jihjipy with his wife In nlno esses out of ten, It Is n very exceptional woman who will not be ull elio can to nn attentive hue band, and a very exceptional one ;vjg will -not bo very diiugrecablo if she Amis her self wilfully neglected. Alabama Jiapiist. Grocer (to farmer) I hear that you liavo mot with a sad loss, Mr. Corn stalk. Mr. Cornstalk Ye, six of my fin est hegs died last week with cholera. Giocer I understand your wlfo is dead, also. Mr. Cornstalk Yes, sho died week afore last. Misfortunes, they say. never como single. I could havu got forty dollars aptcco for them hogs. jlount Vernon Argus. Only 1 I" "into Hitters Known. no oilier mrillrlim known (OcfTectoall ypnrp:" lh lilnod of dcep-scatcd tllwfl.e., million" licnr Icotliiiuii)' to Its wonderful tnrotlie cfTucl". It Ih n liiirel)' Vrurlnlilo reparation, raarto from llio lmllro herbs unit root- of Cnllfuriiia. tlio medicinal firujKTliea of which are extracted tucro from w Ittiout tlio u-o of Alcohol. It remote the call-cot disease, and tho pallt-nt recovers his lualth. It In tlio urent lllooil l'lirlller and Llfo Slving Prlnclplo; o tlciitlo rnrpatlto and Tonic i a iicrfcct Hcnovntor and Imlirorutor of tho system. Nerer lictoro in tho lil-toryof tho world has a mcdlclno hceu compounded jHiescssIng tho iKjwerot VmroAit IliTTKits la healing tlio sick of every dlseaso man la Tlio Alterative. Aperient, Diaphoretic, Car mlnathe, Nutrition, laxative. Sedative, Conntcr Irritant, Sudorlflc, AntMlllloua, Solvent, Plnretlc and Tonic proiierilcs m vineoah uivtxu iuuw, ... nnv ,.ll.n- ,m.,1l.n, 111 till, UTII-lfl. Tin pomoit can tako tho llitTr.ns according to directions and remain long nnwrell, provided their SSSSv of repair. , Iflllotlft. Jteillllieill, imeriHiiieiii mm i larial KeuTs aro urutaleut throughout the United Slates, particularly In tho allejs of our crcat river; and their t trlhutarlca ilurlJg tho Summer and Autumn, especially durlug seasons of unusual heat ana oryncss, 'rliiin irever arn InvnrlabW aeeomonnted by extenslvo clerangements of tho Momatli, llcr nud bowels. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful Influence npon these organs, Is absolutely Tliero In no rnllmrtlo for tho purpose equal to Dr, ,1. Walkm' Visr.oAn IIitteiis, as it will pecdlly remoio Iho dark-colored vl-cld matterwllli which tho bowels aro loaded, atllin sanio timo stlniu uiin. n spireiimiH of tho liver, and ccnerally restoring tho healthy tttnetions of tho dlgcstlvo organs. lorllfr tlio lioily against dlseaso hypurlfylng all its fluids with visioAii liiTTius. No epidcmio can; take hold of a sjstem thus forearmed. lates the torpid Liver and Bowels cleansing tho blood ot an liururmes. impnrunK mo uuu yiku, i the frame, nnd carrying off without tho aid ot Calomel, or other minerals, nil poisonous matter from tho system. It is easy of administration, prompt In action, nnd certain In Its results. Iln'iliiir Iiulli-llii,Ileadache,Puln In the Moulders, Couglw, Tightness of the Chest, lhi.MTnnntn Tllrrlnres. Had TastO In tho MoUtll. llllious Attacks, IVAlpltotlon of the Heart, and n, nunured otner painiui sympvoiua, wo ui, uutu.iu1 lliivA.1 livVnvnin llirvna. Tor iiiliiiiiimalory nnd Chronic Rheuma tism, Oout, Neuralgia, IHsenses of the Blood, Uver, KiAno-a nttrl Ttlnrldpr. Ihn IlittPtH bnVB HO CKlUaL In IhMa n In nil rnnstltlltlonal Diseases. VALKERS Visiain IIitteiis has shown its great curatlvo powers in the most obstinate and intractable I CABd Itleclinnlrnl Dlicnti'i.-Persons engaged in r,ai,,fa nml Minimis, sneh us riumberB. Tvne- Betters, Oold benters, nnd Miners, as they advanco In life, aro subject to Paralysis of the Uowels. To guard against this, toko occasional doses ot VINES LR UnTKHS. .TwiTi. ngs. Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, t .1 I. n H . I UaA 1-AB Tf' SVCl Ithi fl B I Ml I II I CirolMni.a Hlni..vnrm, iM.hfnd. Hnm IVCS. ErrsiOelOS, Iteh, Scurfs, Klscoloratlons, Humors nnd diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, aro liter ally dug up and cnrrled out of the system in a short time by the use of tho Bitters. . , l'iii, Tapoiiinl oilier Worini, lurking In the Bvstetn of so many thousands, aro effectually lad,nFal nml iHimnvod. No RVStem of medicine. no vermifuges, no anthlmlntlcs, will tree tho system from worms like Vinegar Bitters. Cough, and all children's diseases may be 'made. I V, .... Ki. toonlnf. tlm Tia'Pla tntn With mild iTJCUKK'N, I.earH'1 mumira, ,,uw,.", r.rH nnrl nil nhllllrpna fllsPRAPS mar be M1OU0 less Bevero by keeping the bowels open with mild Anona rt tliM ItlttaN. This wonderful remedT is especially ndapted to tho systems of children, for purifying herbs alono glvo It its remarkable cura tive powers. It contains no alcohol, opium or other poison. . . ,j un. if,i,,,nlA nmtiiiliiltifa. in vounir or old. married or slnele. nt the dawn of womanhood, or nt nr thld Tl ttpra hna nn em luritlcs burst through the skin In Eruptions or niMncn tr. when obstructed and sluirtrlsh in 1 inniian litn luiiuu xucu iidwi' the veins; cleanse It when It Is foul! your feelings will tell youwnen, anu moucuitu oi vubhjbwui w Ai,An. m Conclusion t Olvo tho Bitters a trial. It will speak for itself. One bottle Is a better guar- I, a mnta than n 1 PTIirl h If fll Vl,rttflement. Aroiiiulencli liottloarefulldlrectionsprintcd In diiferent languages. It. II. iricUontild Drue Co., Proprietors, San Francisco, Cal . end t!s, ti k fca Washinartoa St., uor. uiiaritou ou, jiew lun. Sold by all Dealers and Druggists. YOU should not Ho unon vour bed. and bl?h and cry until jou re dead; but take courago now and read what's wild, by others who were connned to their bed before using nr. Kilmer's pk.malu IP YOU haVO CUttlng. scalding Or Stinging sen- Buwuua IU IUO IJill nuuti 1UIU1UK UI luu ui. nil- mer's swA.MiMiooi' nutckiy relieves and cures, Ask your druggist for lu Mc, t. IP YOU feel as though water was gathering around the heart, or hate heart drousy. or cold hands and feet from poor circulation, ordhtzy at- Up L'llt.u.ia nf'l'f V.II'L-l'll lj ......... .(OH to remote an causes ana promptly cure. II. ii- iuu aro buuenut: iruiu rnronio weaitnesgui tholuiiirs.or have heiuorrhuiro or dmicult bieath. lug-iir. Kilmers i.NDiAN LoNsii.Mi'iio.N oil iu warranted lo jellete, heal und make them strong, aso. juuruiutgiiium. &ua, 11, Dr. IVIcTaggart This noted Specialist of Hcranton. Is tho only spcclullst llils side of New York, l' Ml- aacinmu nun uuuuio who iuuKcs mi cxclu sive specialty 01 irciumg cnronic, long stnnding nnd lingering diseases to which man and womankind iiru sublcet. such as Consumption, Ilinnehml nITectlons, Hcrofu. la, gult ltlu'iun, Loss of Manhood, rikln (Us. eases, ItlictnnnlUin, L'leers, Old Bores, Kpi lepsy, Syphilis, Deutness, Loss of Voice, Chronic Ularrliu'ii.Cliills und Fever, Worms, i.ivcr cuinpiuini, uuncers, i utiiors, i'uruly sis, Tape worm, llcnrt disease, A.C., &e, HTKeumle diseases a specially. No matter how long you have been suf. Icrinif nor now many uocinrs you have em ployed In vain, you should upply to On. JIorAOiMitr ul once, when lie will tell dp rently wilhoiit holding out false hopes whether your dlseaso Is strictly curable or can omy no reueveu. lie owes hU wide renutalinn for tlio sue. ccesful treatment of ull lingering or chronic discuses to experience and elosu applica tion for over SO yours, and to no miraculous poutr. What tub I'apbks Bay i "lie Is skillful honest, enhlent, uprl.'ht nnd re- jiauie unu ieu ivoruiy ui ine ieupi -s connueuce und esteem, lleulivays sas exactly what he meutis una meaui exactly nnui uo nays." bcran ton ItrtiutiiUxm. "lie is too useful a man to lOoe,"-iJickavanua Corner Liciiwanni acd WasMngtca Avccuei, SCItANTON, VA. Sept lt-Jy ir Iff ill f " rPM How it Fooh to be Killed In Battle, At tho battlo of Shiloh I was shot between tho eyes. I was left on tho field for dead, published as killed, and had the rnro pleasure of rending my obituary in tho local newspaper sev eral months nficrwnnl, it was a 11110 plcco of writing, full of pathos, and affected mo strangely. Testimony of that kind ought to convince nny fair minded court thnt I really died for my ij(iu 11 try, and ought to ktiow something about how it feels to go honco In a glorious cause, I will therefore try to tell J oil how itjlooked to ono who has been to the margin of the dark river, though it seems I didn't quite cross over after all. When tho shock struck mo It seem as if I was struck with a ctowbar com ing endwise nt great speed. A thought of lint kind passed through my mind at that time. I felt tho mi'slto tear through my head as plainly as I ever felt anything, though it did not do so, and 'I felt tho nir rush through after it and chill my brain. I was conscious what seemed to bo two or threo minutes, from the nmount of thinking I did, but it might not havo been more than as many seconds, for I have since learned ttia, tlio mum can sometimes work with inconceivable rapidity The first feeling that camo over mo was one of most, Urnblo disappoint mcnt. It was nbsolutelv crushing It was not a feeling of regret that I was cut down at tho dawn ot man hood I nevtr thought of that but it was a feeling ot cruel disappointment that 1 had not been spared to get to tbo battery upon which wo were charging at tho timo I was hit. A moment betote, my blood had uecn seething witli thnt indescribable frenzy nf nvi'itninont. vvliipli imn nntv lm t. perienced when the veins are bursting with a thrill that goes through them , . .t t when a charge into tllC VCl'V iaWB Ol death is being made. I was too much maddened by the intoxication 01 nattio to think of personal danger. Not a thought of that kind crossed my mind, In tho earlier stages of tho earnngo tho sight of n dead man had sickened me, and I had telt my cheek blanching and my knees trembling when the blood "of a comrndo reddened the earth, but not now. Ail leeung 01 , ' . . , timidity had been swept away by tho mntrnntism of that sublime moment when victory was in sight. 1 fell tigerish, and thirsted for vengeance. I wanted to get to that battery, and 1 wanted to cet thoro bail, 1 was strain ing every nerve to that end, and to bo cut down at tlio moment when victory was almost within gisvp, with shouts of defiant triumph bursting from my powdorstained lips, I tell you, friends, it was ' simply awful. Nothing in lacnaco can paint tho wretched feeling of disappointment that overwhelmed mo at thnt cruel moment. Had l been spared to reach the guiif, 1 believe I coulo havo died without a regret, but , rp . , . i.. f .t... 1. U1U Juu WBB finished was a calatLlty tOO lircac to - " ' And exprts-iion in words. immediately alter beinc lilt i leit myself sinking into a dazed condition, and then came a season of debate with mvsclf as to whether I was alivo or dead. I had a ho'e straicht through my head big enough lo admit a good sized cane, I thought ; therefore I must bo dead. A man in my fix would hnvo been killed instantly, benco I was most certainly dead so far as the body was concerned. I could not be alive. It was contrary to all prfcedent. But Homo other faculty of mind would combat this argument and try to con vince mo that I was still alive. "I can move my band or my foot," I would reason, "and a corpse couldn't do that; so I'm alive after all." "But I don't movo my hand or mv foot," the other faculty would insinuate. "I simply think I do ; so I must bo dead. My brains aro scattered over tlio ground. There's no doubt about that, for I felt them go, and that means instant deatli ; so of course I'm actually dead." And so it went until I lost all con sciousness ; one part of the .brain try ing to convince mo that I was dead, and another trying as persistently to pesuade mo that 1 was alive, all in a dreamy, Semi-conscious sort of way, gradually growing fainter and fainter, somewhat like the sensation of going to sleep, .there was no feeling of pain; no thought of death, except as a stubborn fact that could not bo avoided. Not a thought of my past life : no thought of friends or home. Not tlio slightest regret of my untimely taking off, nsido irom tno temporary reeling ot disa pointment above reterred to. JNot n single pang thnt all my hopes and am bitions had como to a standstill. Mv future status was not once considered There was no hopo of heaven, no fear ot hell. 1 heard no celestial music I was not uplifted by angel hands and borno gently away. No seraphic be ings robed in light, flitted before mo with rustling wings. No dark forns glowered upon mo and barred tlio way to tho realms ot ioy. 1 was simply drifting away from conscinuaiies in a manner not at all iincomtortablo ; mv last recollection being the mental de bate as to whether I was alivo or dead. wi, ., .,.11 1.,., ,l.i ,1,1. fl,, , lc ",u battle field may not have been in many feelings at tho timo when I believed I m- lnn mnmnnt nml n,A 1 TTorl T I , . 1 , F . really died beforo recovering consci otisness stmh wotiM Imlend liavn linen my end. 1 remained in n senseless condition four days, ond when I camo to the noise of battlo was still ringing in my ears, i lie debate was resumed, but in. stantly dropped by tho introduction of i pnnvinninir tpstltnnnv thnt 1 was still '"nvinuini, irsinnoiiy inni t was sun among the living. lIy head was crontlv pwnllon, nnrl iwmpl liurctiiiK with pain. I was entirely bliiul.myeyt'n beinf; oornpletely closcil by the swolleii condition of mr bead nnd tho matter irom the wound, winch had caked over them. Tlio blood had matted all over my faco in a thick crust. I was 111 tho liOHintnl, nnd somebody was at work trying to nrinc my loaturcs onco moro into daylight, and ho was doing it in a manner that was torture. This had probably brought mo back to consciousness. Ltne Jiroxcn in Chicago Ledger. Thero is an old signboard hanging under tho trocs on the chief s'.reot of Hetlilc'hem, Pa., weather beaten and blistered, whereon in seen a. pciuaro- shouldered house, presenting to tho spectator its gablo end, beforo which niiuo host, attired in brown knicker hoekem, is conversing with nn old In dian in a yellow blanket, while a tmv elor in a bag wig, gnlloplng upon an excited steed, linns nun with uplilted arm. Furthermore, wo nro inlonned in good English print thnt this is tho Moravian Sun Inn, llcthleheni, I'a., es tabl'iidied in 1728. Thero aro three companions wllh whom n man should always keep on good terms tils wile, ins stomach, 1 and his conscience. Kidney CoilllllallltH Atuotiir llolll Hcxch mill All Akvh A ilrl ah akch-a nriiiiimi Keeotvry There Is sompthlnsr stnrtllne In tlio rnplil In- creiuo of kidney diseases nmontr tlio American peopio wiinin n lew years past.. .Many causes pe culiar to rcrtaln classes tend to prodiico find ng- f iuvmu iiirse iruuuun ns, lor example, cnreieas Ivlng, mcrwork and exposure. Dr. Davit Ken nedy, of lloundout. N. V.. is often ronnratulatert on tlio exceptional success of ins mcdlclno cnlled "favoruo ncmcdy" In ".muting and radically cur. Ing these most palnfnt nnil dangerous disorder. Proofs of this, llko tlio following, nro constantly brought to his attention, nnd nre published by blm tor tho snko of thousands of other sufrercrs whom ho desires to reach nnd benefit. Tho letter, there fore, may bo of vital Importancn to vou or to aomo ono nhom you know. It Is from one of tho bent known and popular druggists In thonnonnd growing city from -which ho writes, whero thosm Interested may And Mr. Crawford nt Ills placoot business on the coiner of .Main and Union Kts.i . .. .. frainnrin.n, Mass ..Mnrch SJ, lsl. Dr. IMMd Kennedy. lloundout, N. Y. Djar sirs For ten years I had been mulcted w Ith kidney dlsosse In Its most acuto form. What I Buffered must bo left to tho Imagination, for no ono can appreciate It except thoso who lmo gone through It, 1 resorted to many physicians and many different kinds ot treatment, and spent n, great deal ot money, only to find myself older nnd worse than ever. 1 may say that 1 used twenty, nve bottles of n preparation widely advert Ised n 1 specillo for this precise sort of troublos,ncd fnun t !Lc.n. Ir?'' useless-at least In my case. Your "FAoitlTR Hi:MKDY"-I say It with n perfect recollection of all thnt wasdono for mo besldos--ls tho only thing that did mo tho slightest good, nnd am happy to admit that It gave 1110 permanent ro. 1 liavo recommended "KAVOUITE HUM hl) ' to many people ror kidney dlscas, nnd they nil ngrep wltn mo in saying that mt, KKNNKDY'3 i A ultlTK 11KMKDY has not Its equal In tho wide world for this distressing nnd often fatal complaint. Lse this letter us j ou deem liesl for tho bennt ot others. Yours, Sc., I.YMAN CltAWKOIlD. TIUDI MARK EEUEE'S Will MM, T1IH t.M.AT :,IU Ol I ax Aitsoi.UTi: cttm: rou CATARRH. rrHIl nif.U stubtKirn ciifc yield rorwllly to It I nml liainut failed to Cuioii sinlu cue JL wlicro directions aro followed. ItaencccEs 1ms been tvuuirknhlfliind Itictirrs wonder ful. It Is tlio motfucccssful jireparntlon In tlio market Tor CATAHHII and tlio only ono that promise nn Almilutn. I'oftltlwt Cur' It Is truly n blclnif to m.inklnd. A Trial in ull tliut Ih nktd f'nt' It. Unco used It Is fihva8 recommended. for lctlmonlals of actual cures. it hah o rgVAl Foil MALARIA. A POSITIVE CURE IS ASSURED. One bottle Is Rcnerally minclent for a cure. Stop taKlnir (Quinine. Atrial ontv Is asked for Kel- LCU'S ('ATAUK1I lil'-MGlir. It IS a SI'I'.CIl'IO for all dlscnesarli4lnir frumnn impure Mood nnd drives all eruptions from the eklu. Kor Syphl iltleeoiiiplalnts It Is superior to any preparation in tho uiniket. Ono buttle will cure most of tlio fullowltur complaints nnd a continued use will rosmVKLY cure, riavo iloctur bills and try It. HIIEllMATISM. SCROFULA. SKIN KWUI'TIOXS. VEXKItKAIf DISEASES. DYSl'El'SIA. LOSS OF Al'I'ETITE. I-T.ELIXti OK LAXIlOUIt. IlILIOUSXESS. LIVEIi THOl'HLES. NERVOUS 1VEAKXESS. FEMALE WEAKXESS. IvKLtBK'8 OATAltllll ItEMKDY Is no patent medicine, but a sale and pleasant preparation to take and rurely tlio Rreatest medical discov ery of tlio aire. Ono bottle rejuvenates thoentlro sytdcin and pos-e-ea inoro vlrtuo than a half ,1,17011 bottles of ordinary patent preparations. Wrllc for testimonials and other Information, 4i-l'or pule by dni'iirlsts ucncrally. I'llll'i; 81.110 A iiotti.i:. SIX IIOT TI.I'.S volt m.l.oo. On receipt of 85.00 by tlio in iiiufiietiircrs, Samuki. 1'. Kkllku St Co., Ilarrl. biu-j;, l'a., six bottles will bo sent express p.i.-;. TRADS UAKK An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. " Calvert, Texas, -May 3, 1682. "I wish to express my appreciation of tho valuaMt) qualities of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as a cough remedy, " Vhllu w 1th Churchill's army, just before tho battlo of Vlcksburg, I contracted a be vero cold, which terminated in n dangerous cough. I found no relief till on our march wo camo to a country store, where, on asking for sonio remedy, 1 was urged to tryAvcu'd CUF.ltUV I'ECTOIML. "I did so, and was rapidly cured. Since then 1 have kept tho 1'cctoiul constantly by mo, for family use, and I havo found It to bo an Invaluablo remedy for throat nnd lung diseases. J. V. WiHTLcy." Thousands of testimonials certify to tho prompt cure of all bronchial nud lung affections, by tho use of Aykr's CiiEnr.v I'ncTOiiA u Ilelng very palatablo, tho young est children take It readily, I'nEr.Minn nv Dr. J.C.Ayor&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. SUPERIOR SPECTACLES AHD EYE-GLASSES MICROSCOPES. FIELD-GLASSES, TELESCOPES. MAGIC LANTERNS. BAROMETERS. THERMOMETERS. Dravfiuir Instrument!), riillosophlcal nnd Chemical AppnrntUN. List snd Description, of our Ten Catalogues tLnt FHKE on application. QUEEN & GO. 024 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA. feb6-iy CONSUMPTION, Die ihotmiitliof caeio( tlio wont kind arnlfit lontr Uiidlni(hvotencured. Intlitl,toitrrnKliniTfhti InliavQleAfT.thatlvrlil aenilTUO IKiFfLKH FllKU, tPitrttierwlthttVAl.UAlll.KTUKATI&KDOlhlidUvu tu hit fuffurer. OlYBfiprfmnd P O addri-n. UU. T. A. BLO0UU,)l l'uriat., w York. nov-18-lt-d IT. BARNUM'S New1 Book "TIIK HTllItV IIP UV T.U'R." And ilt Art of Uomv Uattlnff with Golden Uuloa for Money Making. ftoo ; to any younjf man turtinn In life. Uver 500 page, 68 illuttritnt I'Hct, 13.30. CyVrita at once t 4 r- u H s h 1 1 am o wia k i m v i" c i nniitV jigrata nave a FAMILY SCALES WelKl, c. nunc, to $poundt. liar hUln-IWwi 1 DUtelv new in nrlncfula Whit crery family ncrdiani will buy, Ripl j talei lumrita NCINJ4AT1, V. decl.-lt.-ald. ADVERTISING AGENTS nuYffia PHILADELPHIA Cor. Cbe.lmit mid Kiiihlh Ma. Ilrcehe Ailierllnenu-nl. for this Taper. tOHMAICOot Lowoat Cash Rates rnCC ViV-AYER a SON'S MANUAL ONE DOLLAR. WEEKLY PATRIOT. The lendlnc ivmnrrntlo tinner In the State. Full ot interesting news, and miscellaneous unci polltl cm ivuuiug. Special Rates to Clubs. Samplo conies malle4 tree on application. The 1UT1110T ana New York Weekly H'orld c vear for ono ilollar unit tlftr cents. 'I he lUTWOTunJ tho Philadelphia Weekly Ttmtt one year lorouououar anu seu'niy.nie terns. WANTED. AGENTS In every Township In this County to uillclt nuhscrlntlons lor the U'miiLV 1'athiot. Wrllo lor terms. Address all communications to Tin; PATRIOT, llurrlMljiiri.', I'll, THE GREAT J1 111 i.m. HI H IX rou LIVER DISEASE. CVMDTmurc. inttcrorbadtnitolnmouthi VJ X JLYJL,Jk 1 vlrlO , tongue coaled white or cov with n brown fur,-pain In tho hick, sides, or Joints often mistaken for rheumatism: rm-H iTOMACiij Utst of Arrr.TiTit! nomctlmestiauen nnd water braoh, or IndltrcMion: llatulcncy and ncld eructa tions, bowels alternately costuo and latj iirap aciik! Ions of memory, with a painful Benaatlon of Imvliijr failed todo so i ethlnir which onRlit to liavo been done; intnii-itTi low spirits; ft thick, yiixow appearance ot iho skin atid eyes; a dry cough; fever, restlessness; the urine Is scanty and huili colored, nnd, It allowed to stand, deposit, a sedi ment. (l'UllKLY VKC1ETA1ILK) Is generally used in tho South to arouso tho torpid liver to a healthy action. IT AC L IT ACTS WITH BXTRAOnDIKAtir El'FICACr ON TUB 1VHH, KIDNHYS and HOWKI.S. KFFIICTUAL Sfl'KL'lFlOl'Oll MALAHtA, llTSrCl-SIA, eilNSTirATIOK, PlI.IOl'SNttS, SICK HRAIIACHE, JU'NUICK, NAl'SIA, t'OIIC. MKNTAL DKI'ltB39IOK, 1H1WELC01I11.AINT8, KTC., IITO., KTC. Kndorsed by the use of " minions of bottles n The Best Family Medicine For children, tor ndults, and for the aged. BAI'E TO 1 IkE II A.1T (OMHT100 OF THE StSTri I J. H. ZEILIN & CO., soi.Krnot'iiiETOKS, rilir.ADEl.l'llIA, l'A, Price, ll.oo. may !9-iy RAILEOAI) HVaH TABLE. D ELAWAHE, LACKAVANNA AND WKSTKUN HAlLltOAU. 15LOOJIS1JUUG DIVISION. . NOUTII. STATION'S. SOUTH. p.m. p.m. & ou 12 3 1 8 S4 13 CD S 41 ill 21 8 40 1'J in 8 SI 14 C18 8 27 13 01 8 23 11 M 8 17 11 51 a.m 8 30 ....icranton,... 8 20 licllcvuc... 8 23l...Tuylorvlllo... 8 id .. Lackawanna.. 8 10 l'lttsum 8 01 ..West 1'ittstou. a.m. tun. p.m. (1 K) o 15 2 Ki C 15 9 20 2 10 0 20 9 211 3 15 0 27 9 31 2 23 0 .11 9 41 2 30 0 40 9 41 2 30 (I 41 9 53 2 41 (1 49 9 VI 2 41 0 51 10 013 4 i, 58 10 HB 2 50 0 58 10 05 'I 50 7 03 10 10 3 55 7 07 10 153 0) 7 12 10 20 3 m 7 1.1 10 2.13 10 7 21 10 82 3 27 7 37 10 113 I'D 7 50 11 11 3 5J 7 57 1 013 58 8 01 11 114 05 8 10 11 20 4 13 8 11 II 25 4 16 8 18 11 29 4 21 8 25 11 30 4 27 8 30 11 414 31 8 30 1 50 4 40 8 41 11 55 4 10 58,....wyointiij..,. ..Mnltby., 8 13 11 Ml 8 US 11 47 8 03 11 IT 8 0.1 11 43 Dennett. . ....Mugstou .... ....Kingston .... 42 l'lyinouth Juno Ml 11 : SI 11 31 Ml 11 30 , as ....Plymouth..,. 1 31 .... Avondalo. . 731.., Nantlcoko .. 7 au.llunlock's creek 7 13 .Milckshlnny.. T 00 nick's Ferry . (1 51 ..lieiclillnveu.. 0 t; lierulck .... 0 41 .lirlar crock.. 0 3S ..t'liiow move., T 41 11 211 7 SO 11 12 7 18 11 Ml 7 11 10 51 7 U.1 10 4T fl M 10 41 II 51 10 3S 0 50 10 31 6 43 1C 27 II 30 PI 21 a 30 10 10 0 3l,...I.I ro ltldife. 0 ...Ksny 0 211 0 10 n 11 5 Sit 5 41 ...Hlnomshurt; ... .... ltupert Catawl'n iirldgo . . Danville..., ....Chulasky..., 10 11 0 08 0 511 00 U 19 8 53 12 13 5 Ol 9 0.1 12 25 13 9 03 12 2.15 17 5 5.1 !) 45 5 45 1 catneron. 5 40 II 33 5 :!.!, Northumberland; u 25 12 40 5 85 p.m. n.m. a.m. 'a.m. a.m. p.m W. F. HALSTEAD, Hupt. Superintendent's oIMo. Sarauton,,18 Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. -an TIME TABLE. In effect Nov. 8th. 18S5. Trains leave Sun- bury. 9.40n. m.. Sea Shore Exureas (dally excent Sunday), lor Il.trrlstmrt; and lutcrmcdlate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. in. ; New Vork, 0.20 p. m. ; Ualllniorc, 4.40 p. in. ; Washlnui ou, d.du p. m., couueciiii; ui. i iiuaucipiiui lur tui sou Shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. 1.43 p. m. Day exnres- dally excout Sundayl.for llnrrlsbuiv and lnterme uiato stations, arriving at r u 1 1 a u e i p u 11. 0.50 p. m. ; Now York, 9.35 p. m. ; Ilaltlmor, 0.45 u. m. ! Wusliliiirton. s.oo d. m. Parlor an through to l'hll.idelphla und pasbengcr coaches turougii to rmiaueipiua aim iiaiuu'ore. 1,00 p. in, l.euovu Accuiumuuuuon uaio tor llarnsburg and all Intermediate stations, nrrlv Ins at Philadelphia 4 25 a. m. ; New York 7.00 a. m luitlmore, 6.25 m. ; Washington 0.30 a. m. bleenluir car accommodations cnu be secured a I Ian lsburir tor l'lilladelnhla nnd New York. On Sun days utluougti sleeping cir will bo run; on this train irom wiuiamsp no riiiiaueipuni.ruuaaeipni.i passengei's can rcmatn In sleeper undisturbed until 7 a. in. ton. m. Erie jiaii (daily except Monday, tor llarrlsbun; and Intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 8.25 a. m. New York, 11.30 a. in. ; jiuiunioru .io n. in. ; asuuigiou, v.zo a.m. Through Pullman sleeping caraaie run on this train to Philadelphia, liallluioro and Washing ton, and through pasoenger coaches to Philadel phia and llaltlmoie. WESTWAItl). 5.20 a. in. Erie Mall (dally except Sunday), fo. Erie and all intermediate stations and Caunndal, gua and Intermediate btntlous, Kochester, liutla lo and Niagara Falls, with tin ough Pullman 1'al aco cara and passenger coaches lo Erie and lioch ester. 9.53-News Express (dally except Sunday) (or Lock Haven and Intermediate stations. 1.00 p. in. Niagara Expies (daily except Sun day) lor Kane niidliiteuucdUtostatlons and Can audulgua and principal Intermediate stations, Uochestcr, lluilalo and Nl.ig.iru Kalis wltu through passenger coaches tu Kauo and hochester and Parlor carlo Ullllamspoit. 5.30 p. in. i'lisi Lino (dally except Sunday)Ior Ite. novo and intermediate stations, und Elmlru, Wai kins and stations, with through pas senger coaches to Itenovo und Watklns. ' 9.20 a. in. Sunday mall lor itenovo and Interme diate btatlous. TUltOUUII TltAINS FOIt SUNIlUltY F1IOMTUK EAST AND SOUTH. Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m llarnsburg 1.40 arriving at bunbury 9.20 a. m. with thioughslceplngcar nam l'hliadelphla to Wll llamspoit. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a.m. Harrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Suubury 9.53. a. in. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. ; Baltimore 7.30 a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at suubury, 1.00 p. in., with through Parlor car Irom l'hliadelphla and through passenger coaches from Philadel phia and Uultlmore. Fast Lino loaves New York 9.00 a. m. ; miladel phla,ll.50 a. in. ; Washington, 9.60 a. m. ; Haiti more, 10.45 a. in., (dally except Sunday) arriving at bunbury, 5..H) p. in., with through passengei coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Erie Mall leaves New York 8.U) p. in. ; I'hlladel. phla, 11.20 p. in. j Washington, lil.i u . m. ; Haiti-moi-u, 11.20 p. in., (dally cxccpt.Saturday) arriving at bunbury 5.15 a. in., with thiough l'ulluiau Sleeping curs from I'hlludelplila, Washington and iiultluiuro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. NUNimitv, iiA.i.ino.N .t wn.KiNiiAititi: ItAll.ltllAU AMI .Mill I 11 AMI WtHI IIKAM'I! IH.I.WAV. (Dally except suuuay.) Wllkesbarro Mail leaves bunbury 10.00 a. m., arriving at moom t erry iu.w a. in., uues-uarre 12.18 p. m. Expiess East leaves Sunhury 5.45 p. in., arriving at luoom t erry p. in.. uses-uarre i.osp. ui sunhury Mall lcaea Wilkcsburre 10. pi u. in. arrlv Ing ut llloom Ferry 12.15 p. in., Hunbury 12.55 p. ra Exuress West leaves wllkes-barrc 2.45 D. tu.. ar riving at Bloom Ferry 4.15 p. m.,bunuury 6.10 p.m. SUNDAY ONLY. Sundar mall leaves Suubury 9.25 a. ra.. arriving nt llloom Ferry 10.14 a. in. Mlkes-Ilarro ll:3t a.m. bunuay accommouation leaven v uxes'iiarre sua p. in., arriving at moom Ferry, 0.43 p. in., bunoury, 1:45 p. tn. C1IA. E. I'UOII, J. It. WOOD, Oen. Manager. Hen. Passenger Agent SJl pa- mARVELLOUS PRICES. FOR .uiutli 1. The HIJow Hcdott 1'npfrt. wj tttrwbUh jour rau iiuUrr luhl Ull Uttj ciUd, ui UliJ-ulMfuonf u-dr tt tier VV J. Funey W ork for Home AdonimmU " tu Urel orfc uiwii Hit lubject, wolwuiui 111; ui Vnclh.l In.tructlou ht D.llui ffMJ Uikiw, U rHickflti, lirkit, M41t wtrlt. iubiUir, iw., tW., J.W 1. lJrhaiiir fulrr lotif for lh oii. TU Aumi oolitcitan r ftry iton r pubUibai. 1 ! cniu ratll U4llhWi with them. . Tho l.idT ut I lie Lake. r Sir Vfclur Nti. Tb tkly of lit Ukf U rommoo In mia. ai I ttl Ui workio twil aiDt 1 matt bcauiirui lata ibu. 6. UuiiumI of iHIijuttte for i.alic u4 Ufiiilrratt, t guilt w MiitacM ani ioo4 breUD, (tilu to ruiu ( luujarn tilquvtu fur all oceuiooi. 6. Tito stuitUrd letter Writer for talin ait f&tUiua, a aumpiet utlt to owrrpualat gtviai i.Ulu dlrantloat fur ttia oomaMltUo ot Itturi of trtr BI04. "'IB 1Bwiiiii mim mil bhi., I. Infer jUI ittrm(, jrtit tniUleili, ul ttblui ai bwt lUmtfiteuJ. . IHalufur. Iteeltatlou and Iteadliifa. aln nl cbQiet wlleitlu fur Hhtxl tttiltlttUB u4 pablli tui irlvaia vaUriatomtnu. V I'urlor Mutflo mail Che ml rat Kipe rlmenUt a book btcb uiu hu u poffurm buairtJi f aaiunnn irickalB ioiU o4 UilrUra ipiliuau vita laipl 10. '1 tlan cuutalalnf buoJid ef tic Ileal ewk.B rcl(ti Bit4 niaia tn nvuacacvperi, ai4 irinof bow w uif an sow bjoq allmroU bj akuipla hum HwtJf II. llunnera unil Cutluma In far Awar Land. a very laiftllo au4 lut(ucUl boo vt Irattli, Uianb btuiiia or furia wuoui, iuutrai4. li, MUtoeR i'ouplel blarlra bf Topalar iothori, ubraalBi buiuurou anl tuuilta itonn, itorlci of uUiv IU. ft ajTiaur, tit rallr lift, t., all Tir la Uraitlnr, 11. TbttHuJgrt.of U'H, Humor and Fu,aln roiiwwa or in lunar iwrin, ! mi, auloti tnt aad Jukti ibat fcatt pito iltta fur loma jutt ( llut 14. t'rul kanwledaa for Iba lllllloa. ahaadf lJulif um full n lur maUua lur all, VioB laaitf as4 Virlubl iet . nitiirail. i 1'allrd ItaeU A KTit, B 1Ub Coy, vlaa( nun nurnii ai i rrt nrrrn. vt uuit urity uMLLtu urrtni I..M, lir.ifl.i.4 C.Utr, .1 M.&ff Ui4r, .ai Jim tt Complete Novels and Other Works, by Famous Authors, Almost Given Away! Tht fullowloi booki trtub1Uhlln ut ptmpblct torn. aiuy f ibtn kftndtuwelf llluilriitcd(nA U rr riot Irani aaad t D0 UDOII PPr. lUtf U 1 ttl iwlelj f 6jU. bJ wt tUHU k u ckU tiatulb 1 The First Header. A won Bcliool-teacher entered tho hook-sloro near Greenville, Mlsa.,a few days niiice, dragging nfier her n omall fat hoy, who held in ono littlo paw n mutilated "first loader,'' and with tho other wiped his weeping eye nnd pug iiopo. "Have yon any first readers except thce ?'' nlud tho school. teacher. "Any except these t" repeated tho book-uiai. "Why, mVain,' tin so nro tho nlco little books I sold you the other day surely you haven't nny ob jection to them V "Tho Imve pictures !n the in and tho boys can't, learn anything fiom them,'' aid tho lonrftil teacher. "Xot learn because of iho pictures inipos-ible I Why ma'am, the pictures are put thero fur the purpose of help ing tlio scholars to lenrn. Allow mo loivo you a lesson in the nit." Then turning to the boy : ''Come, sit in this chair my man, nnd let me see if you are not a wisu fellow. Tnko your book an 1 begin hero on this p.iue now leok good at tho picture, then spell the word." The boy having elf nred nwny sulll eient teai'4 and dirt to cnablo him to -cc. sat upon a chair with the stumped toed boots Uo feet from the floor, nnd, taking tho book, began. "D-o g, dog." "Ah,"' said tho bookseller ; "you see, ma'am. Now. my man," he added, sit ting down and closing his eyes compla cently, "no a-, my man. preceed." "Hat, mouse. P-i-g, hog," pro ceeded the boy. "No, nn, not so fast," cried the hook seller, startled. "Why," vou Bee this fellow en! ing cheese U too large to be a mouse, m we call him a rat , and this nnimal eating potato-parinijs is too small It be a hot;, so wo rail him n pig; understand ! Well, cr on, then, and look attentively at the picture"." "P-a-i-l, bucket. I-n-k, inkstand,'' spelled tlio boy.gazing nt the pictures. ' Ni, uo," cried the bookseller, and boi.Mii to explain. Tho explanation Ins'ed omo twenty minutes, after which the bookseller said ncain : ' UndeiNianil, now 1 Well, then, iio on acain nnd he sure to look close at tho pictures, so you will know what thev arc." Tho boy began again with his noso inmost tiiuciiiiig tlio pace. "V n-t, tub. Q ti-i ., feather. O-x, cow. "Stop I" roared tho bookseller. I'lic boy stopped, put down thtb'ok, acii took up a howl. ".Madame,'' said tho bookseller t t lie school-teacher, "I will order a lot of unilliistiaicd first readers tn-morr v Spesial OJora of tho Orango. Tho ornnco treo usually cultivated for tho perfume of its flowers is tho Bigatardier tho fruit of which is bit ter and non-edible. It is a species tit known in Amerioi. But of all kinds of non-producing oranes the Bergamot is really tlio ocst. Its essence is tho foftcst, tho most exquisite. Tlio color of the essenco is a clear creen, witli yellow as it ijets older. It is tho henv iest of all tho perfumes of tho orapgo llowcr, and the most evanescent, unless care is taken to change tho fhsk or other vessel Irom time to time, when it is frund to preserve its odor the lena "St. It dissolves in alcohol at 28 de grces. ilie issence is extracted 111 Sicily or at Ueggin, opposite Mission, by tlio joitow met hod: llio men or women habituated to the opeia'ion tako in tho hand a piece of tlio tine liaik, which thoy compress A'ith two lingcis. In the other hand they li Id v sponge ith which the oil ia'inkcn 1 IT by lepeated applications. When tho spD'i!o is s ittir ite 1 the oil is ux piessidinio a vetsel ready to receive it. The ts-uueu of bergamot is em ployed iu medicine to strengthen the body or correct the odor of offensive- ingri (iienis. it enters into yanous odormis compounds and pomades, and toilet waters sue mado of it. The bark is taken a littlo beforo maturity. dried, and sold for .1 variety of piopa- lations. Perfumers nso it as tlio base of per fumed powdeis. It is considerably used for preserves and bonbons. Or. ango leaves, especially those of :he Hi garadier or non-edible orange, aro gathered and used for infusion". "The trees aro not despoiled opccinlly for this purpose, but on'y tho branches or twigs cut oil in tho process of care and cultivation. They aro dried in the shade and th-n put on tho fnarket. In 1818 dried orange leaves were sold at 2i) franccs to 200 pounds. This utilization of a product, which cannot be used in tho present stato of tho o. ango culture in California, is another illustration of the extreme economy of tlio French agriculturalist, which per mits nothing to bo lost. Tho Indians of Alaska nro skillful silversmiths, nnd their silver bracelets in particular arc in demand. A lame woikman is in special repute, and ho sells dozens of bracelets at goud prices on tho arrival of each steamer. This Indian is a very rapid workman, nnd from a piece of coin ho will raako a beautifully chased ring in an hour or so with his nide tools. Tho heads of ani mals and of Indian characters aro in cluded in his designs. What the Letters Stood For. "What do thoso letters stand fori" asked a curious wife of her husband, as sho looked at his Masonic seal. "Well, really, my love," ho replied encourag ingly, "I presumo it is because they can't sit down." Sho postponed further questioning. THE M. At the Warld'a Slerej A KoTtl. B; FlortBCfl M arden. autbar f "lb Uauia oo Ut Utnb,' tta IT. UlldrcdTrevauloa. A hurtl, Dr "lb Uucb en. ' Bulbar af Uulij tiaau." tu. 18. Iturk llaja. A ul. Ut Uub Couair, aultor tf "tBHtdKacktta. I. Jhe Mjatrrj of the Hollj Tree A Notl. Br ibt auibor t livra Tbtrti." 3D bhadowa ou the teaow. A Ntttt. tf B. L. Far Jtoo, aatbor of "Urcad a4Cbtti and lluti," tit. :t TbrGrar llinin. A aitl, ilj Uit, (atktll, aatbor of " lUrr Bariua, tic, 11. Tha Kroiea llrep. A Ntl. Bj WllUt Colllni, auibtrol Tbt Haa an Iti Hblit," tu. Had t'aurl rarui. a Nottl. Bj Mil. Utbrr H ooi, aatbor of " rait Lroat," aw. li In t'upld'al. AhartL B;tb AvitLarof'Det Tborot " U Mack totbelltd lUmr. A KotI. BWirjCtdl Ur, auittor of " lllddm U, la. John UowerbanL'a Witt, A Noul. BUlil Jlulotk autbor l John lialilai di oil tin to, tta. XT. 1-ady Uweudollui-'a Jlrtaut. A hial. B; lha author ul lra Tboriit, tta Jatper Dshv'b herreU A VaviL tj Uit V. B I ra I Jon, auibor vl Ainra i terd. tta n Leollnc. A hutU B; iltrf tiell Ila, aatber of "Kduda )uikt tt. W (abrltl'a Marriage A Hurtl. B V'UIU CcIUbi, author of Xo ktmt, tit 31 HutldllHliL A Neitl. Bf Ull Asa p.SUfbtM. author of ' r Biblwn an'l t BiniB.' tt4. li. Keapliiij tbo Mrlnlnd. A Ksitl- Bj Vuf Ctctl May uiimr til 1)14 klidJittos'l Uenti,' tl. U Itudler t'urlfn. A ho at. B alii k, k. Brai. dun, auibor f (.li Aadlrj arcrtt." tio St raalral oa In Uiiiui ot tui Hntitkba. A .') or bit a W. fitrrr, author al4'Tbt Birth Maik eu. A IJoldta PaHBi A haul B; tbo auibor if "Dor Thwrut '. Valeria' r ate, a Kortl. By Kra. AUia&dar, aatbarof Tho Woom O t. tUt u IT. Mater Heae. A hottt. Bj VUU Cotllsi, author of Tt't HoBiaa lo Wbli. tta A aue. a hotti Bj Uri.nQT7 Wood, Butbsrof "r an I put " Tba l.aure! llaafa. A Kortl. tf WUi Uuloek, author at "jmio Halifai. Utatltmaa." tui. a. Amao Itartew. A aortl Br GtottEUot,BBlber f "Adaai Bid, ' Tbl UlU a tbt rioat,' tW. ."? vn .riim b.i. uui.i... ui,ioi .uiiii.ipiiii..iii . a.,i.i..uf... a7 i .a., . rOnX Franklin ffowt Co., Philad'a, Pa. ilMMiAAAAAAAaXVXXXXVSXVSXS.-OCiMlllllllllllllllllM for Infants nnd Children. CMtorlulaiiowclladnpteJtochlldrenthat I CtutorU cures Cotle, Constipation, I recommend It aa superior to any prescripUon I Pour Stomach, IHarrhcea, Eructation, known to mo." IL A. Aacntn, II. D., Kills W'orms, glvcj sleep, and promotog dl 111 Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Wllhoutlniurlous modjcatlon. Tui Cxmxva CouriKT, 1S3 rulton Street. K.T. HHHHHHIHMnnB ECONOMY TIfiE FIBAOTICAL QCJ.E!iirl,roM OF TOE IIO.UK. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STILISH CAN JE (CmiAPEm THAI ITEM, xstaatuu&as A Large and Varied Stock of JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LAUGH AND Call and be Convinced that you have the LARGEST Bill OF OF LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT f The Lowest Possible Prices AT TISJG Fennlas lof Mas Etei HP u fKv.naii&Iia van ra m a BOAT ji j u mv auu HJf ti u u i.Bl El AM r mm ftnd . the OFFER ten trial Bubscribert bwMme pormanrat renderN, ami ir their Influence to sencf more Kxperl' cuco bavlrnr tauclit im thli. wm fW-l r-prmn that It will pajrustomako V I.TIUIU A I.OI'I'IHt Induce !.ei,er?. i$ MUNIHS TrfrAU lUC. lo every readerot tlnawhn will mend us I( nt I" slumni or a lyer.uowlll send "T1IK l'A KM Al) (JAltDliN,, If only to Biillsfy I'lirio'illv. and vrrn will rfrtalnlv &SSSl'i& FARM AND GARDCN,i'i mi POPULAR MUDS! so GTS. Rllppeis. Only tohee irer Vaco AgalJ. I've Only Been Down to the Club. Nelly Gray. Vou (let More Like " our Hud Kvery Day, My I'rttty Itnl Hose. I'll Uemember Vou I-ove, In My l'raers. Itosy'a hunday Out. When You've (lot Hut Fifty Cents. Old Folks at Jtome. I'll Take Yon Homo Again, Kathleen. Old-Fashioned Homestead. I'a t let of Ktraw. Cradle's Kmpty, Haby's (lone. Never Take tho JlorBeshoo from the Dnor. Bluo Alsatian Mountains. of Ivy from my AtiBel Mother's Urave. Mary of the Wild Moor, Peek-a-ltoo. Joe Hardy Homo Acaln. We Never hpcalc ai we Tass By, Farmer's Hoy. Lullaby. Boys, Ien Away from the (lirls. Baby Mine, (iraiidmoiher's Old Arm Chair. High Water I'auts. Over tho Garden Wall, A Flower from my Ancel Mother's Grave. I Left Ireland and Mother Becauso wo Were I'oor. Give an Honett Irish Lad nX'hance. Not liefore I'a. bpanUh Cavalier. Mountain honu. In the (lloamlriB. Iove ot the hhamrock. Barney McCoy, Butcher Hoy, lior But a Gentleman bttll. twi et Evelina. I'orglveand KorKet. All the Troubles You Havo Met. Tills book Ih printed on paper eatne size us sheet music. Order a copy now. Addres AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 17 North Tenth St., Philadelphia, Penn'a. NOV. 0-6W. GgMAIN C 1. JBOBBM IN WINES AND LIQUORS ilND J0BBEH IN GIGAHS. BL00MSBURG, PA. 1 ! FOR THE SEASON, BOUGHT SELECT LINE OF THE THE FARM AND CiDnEU Iblc. nml AOCLRATi: rural InurnaL NTEnEST NG CQRRESPDNliFNrF Tnlnnblo lulorninilon from every Htata In Uuton. but no iinnncniio or Miolen Ideas. It li an nutlinrlly uti rRUITS and VC6CTA8LCS. Con talni tbo HI'.ftT loultrr pases for tuono wbu lur it rout ii i n u r v surprise, In- P lo nne you. Kino of every every be iierei-fthW Ii,ff17,pHh,ii.lS I'mJuit Oolng Pown to the Gate. Itamltiil ol Kartu. Wait 'till lha Clouds Hull Jly. I'll Meet liar When the fciuu Goea Uown. A Knot at llluo and Gray. Mary's Gone With a Coon. Mweet vloleta. Ilrtdget Donaghue. Little Wife, Nellie. Bold Mclnttrea. Only a 1'anBy Itloasora. Nobody Knows What Jlacket Was Thero. Where is juy wanaeriiiR uoy lo-nigiitT Paddy DuMy'8 Cart. Widow No lan's Gnat. Warrior Bold. We hat by the Klver, Ynu and L You Will JiIIsi Me When I'm (Innn. Old. and llnltf 111 (ho U'liv Ith Item Oolilon For tho Cflebrntt'd CUickcring, Ivcrs & l'oml, and Voscit Son l'ianoa, Worldre nowncil l'.Hvy OrRans, Violins, Acconleons anil Slictt Jlusic. Celebinteil White, New High Ann Davis, New Home, IJoval St. John, anil Light Illuming Domestic bewlng -Miii'liiucB. Tsecdlcs, oil uud attachments for nil makes of Bowing Jlachlnca. STREET,) J Sterol and' v.-trcrccirs, No. 12S Franklin Avenue- Uto Warcrooms ill Franklin Ae. ami iwccn: lerttreet. SCKAKTON, PA. . M Aiilliiii; to ini.kti up anew wagon' or ri-iinir nn old, in btocVs i ll.'ir Iron, nml gietl Dolts, Holt ICml", Lug gsraws, Turnliuckle's Hoik Show, and all IJlackemlUii' sujijiKcji. Aprsi-iy 1XXM-8IY.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers