THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Death Before Dishonor. ItnAMKn, Pa, Sept. 2.". Tho com munity was startled this morning by the report Hint tho wifo ot Uohert W. Spang had committed miic'ule, that tho Immediate cmso of tho sad net was tho fnot that tho jury In tho suit of Blander which sho brought against Miss Char lotto llarvoy, of South Hlovcnth strcot, had brought in a vnrdict in favor of tho ilofendant. Tho suit was tried beforo Judgo llrtgeman in Court this week, nnd In his charge tho .Tudgj distinctly nnd oxpllcitly stated that if tho jury, after considering all tho facts, brought in axerdiet in f auor of Miss Harvey, such verdict could not at nil bo con strued ns setting forth that Mrs. Sprang was tho sort of woman Miss llarvoy was alleged to havo said sho was. Judgo llagoman said tho defense did not put In a plea of justification by naying that tho allegation was true. On tho contrary, Miss Ilarviy declared sho never made uso of such expression, inasmuch as Mrs. Sprang was a re spectable lady. During tho trial Mrs. Spang, who was a medium-sized, black haired, dark-complexioned lady, lightly built, sat besido her husband, and their counsel, J. C. Becker, at ono of tho grccn-covercd tables in tho third story of tho Court House-. Sho was a closo listener to all of tho proceedings and frequently wept. When tho oaso was concluded at fi l). in. on Wednesday tho Court ad journed and Mr. and Mrs. Sprang went home. lCBlcruny morning tho jury brousht in n scaled verdict in tho case, but Mr. and Mrs. Sprang were not pre sent. Tho verdict, as above stated,waj in favor of Miss Harvey. Mrs. Spang was restless and uneasy and appealed Krcatly troubled in mind. Un Wed ncsday night when the Jury's verdict was not yot known sho seeuied anxious to know tho result and her ono dread Bocmod to bo a verdict in favor of Miss Harvov. Sbo told her friends that such a verdict would mako her'out all that Miss llarvoy had alleged as to her character. Mrs. Sprang heard of tho verdict through her counsel yesterday after noon, oho went homo m a troubleJ condition of mind. Robert W. Spang, tho husband of tho woman, said : All day yesterday Mrs. Spang was ill at caso. ilcr mortihcation and shame were crcat when sho learned of tho re sult of tho trial.'' Sho raado threats that sho would take her own life, but Mr. Spang did not at first pay serious attention to them. IIo thought that his wilo was merely excited and would cool down as time passed on, and sho would forget her unfortunato cxperienco in Court. Mr. Spang guarded her as much as possible, and kept a watch ovor her until thoy retired at 9 o'clock last night. In making her threats of stiiciilo Mrs. Spang stated to her husband that eho would select drowning as the manner of making away with hcrsolf. Sho promised her husband beforo sho went to aleep that sho would mako no such attempt that night, and ho went to sleep. An hour afterward, or about 10 o'clock, he suddenly awakened, and was startled to find her gono from his side. IIo called her by name, when sho answered him from down-stairs. IIo struck a light, and found her sit ting in tho front room. By kind per suasions ho induced her to go back with hira. IIo reasoned with her not to give herself such concern about tho matter, and tho husband, tired and worn ont, then again fell asleep. At 3 o'clock this morning ho was awakened by his wifo calling hira. IIo found that sho had gono from their bed. Sho was down stairs on tho lounge, and appeared to bo in terriblo agony. To him sho confessed all ; how sho had taken poison, and that bIio do sired to die. Tho husband, now thor oughly alarmed and dazed by his wife's terrible confession, hastily dress ed himself and ran to tho oflico of Dr. Loose, whom ho awakened. Dr. Loose hurriedly went to tho houso and ap plied Ml known remedies, but tho poi son had taken too deep a hold on her system, and at 4 o'clock sho died. Dr. Loose had a conversation with Mrs. Spang in which ho told her that her end was near and said that if t-lio had any request to mako sho should stato it. Sho said that sho had none. Sbo refused to havo a minister sum moned. Mr. Spang was not awaro that there was any poison in the house. Tho family purchased a box of Hough on Iiats last winter but he thought that it had all been used. When ques tioned as to what sho had taken Mrs. Spang pointed to a tablo drawer and hero tho poison was found. Tho box was half empty, but Mrs. Spang stated that sho had only taken halt a tea spoonful. Miss Harvey, tho defendant, is a daughter of Isaac llarvoy, who mar ried a sister of tho deceased, thus mak ing tho deceased an aunt of Miss Har vey, tho defendant. The deceased brought tho suit against Miss llarvoy charging her with having used scan dalous language concerning her, both in Reading and in Philadelphia, cast ing odium upon her character as a re fpeotabio woman and alleging that her homo was visited by poisons not of good character and that "no person as sociates with her any more." Household Wisdom. A newspaper is prcferablo to a brush for polishing a stove. If salt is thrown over carpets beforo they aro swept, it will tend to freshen their colors. Tho annoyanco of squeaking soles on boots may ho disposed of by an application of linseed oil. A dish of cold water placed in an oven that Is too hot for baking will speedily reduce tho temperature. Oranges, lemons, and similiar acid fruits should bo put up in glass vessels, as tho acid readily attacks tin plate. Brass, copper or tin vessels should never bo used in making pickles, ns tho action of tho acid frequently pro duces poison. A porcelain, or granito iroit. vessel is best for picklo making. To prevent mould forming on fruit jellies, pour a liltlo melted paralline over tho top. It will harden into a Holid oako when it cools, and it may be easily removed, it van bo saved and used again next season. For iced lea it is claimed that a cold nfusion is prcferablo to n hot one. Pour cold water on this dry tea at least four Iiouih boloro it is needed for drinking, place it in tho ico chest and add tho ico when served. An excellont method of administer ing castor oil to children is nrrived nt by pouring tho oil into n pan over a modeintoiire, then ureauinir an egg in to it nnd stirring well. Flavored with a littlo sugar or current jelly tho mix two will not bo disagreeable. Tho Whito House letter paper is of tho iincH quality, with beautifully ptinlcd heading. Jefferson headed his own foolscap with a quill pen. Schools In Trance Nowndayn, when so much is bolng said about tho unduo prcssuro put upon young children In tho school, tho read er will bo interested to learn how such matters aro conducted In Franco nt ono of tho best publio sohools horc, though ono of comparatively recent origin. Tho Ecole Mongo has publish ed n pamphlet, in wiiicn mo whom sys tem of educatloit Is set forth in mtuplo laimuage. .Mongo is a big school num bering hundreds of pupiU, but its divi sion into several sub schools docs nway with all tho troubles and drawbacks of overcrowding. No ooporal punishment is over administered at French eohools. Tho worst that can befall tho offend ing pupil is a short period of solitary coiilincmcnt; but this is rarely resorted to, and a publio reprimand is usually found sulhciont. Pupils aro only per mitted to begin Latin when they havo been thoroughly grounded in their own language, geography, arithmetic, and tho rudiments of history and German that is to say, about their 11th or 12lh year. Until tho ago of nine tho boys aro exclusively under tho c.iro and su pervision of female professors. Tho licolo Mongo is tho only boy's school whoro lady teachers aro employed, tho routine of tho university not permitting such nn innovation to tho Lycess. Tho programme of education between the , U ami Oth jcar includes French reading, grammar, recitation, nnd com position, ancient and Biblo history, taught by word of mouth, and tho ge ography of Europe, more especially of Franco, tho four rules of arithmetic, German wilting and reading, with pro nunoiation and conversation, besides object teaching and natural history, rendered as attractive ns possible. Often tho lady professors tako a fable of Lafontaino as a, text, aud deseiibo tho habits of birds and animals men tioned therein. Tho young pupil is occupied thirty-thrco hours and three quarters in a week, and ten hours do voted to instructive reading, German conversation and. games. Only onco in tho course of each day is tho pupil kopt at his desk so much as nn hour and a quarter at a timo and that is af ter his first arrival at school. During the rest of tho day tho studies aro di vided by half-hours of recreation or gymnastics. J. II. Mercer wishes to stato that ho has at last found nn articlo ho can sell on its merits. It is with pleasure ho guarantees to tho publio Acker's Eng lish Remedy as a euro nnd nover fail ing cure for Asthma, Coughs, Whoop ing Cough, Croup, and all Lung Trou bles. It is tho standard rcinody for Consumption. I havo nover found its equal. J. II. Morcer wishes to mnko nn assertion, which ho can back with a positivo guarantee. It is all about Acker's Blood Elixir. IIo claims for it superior meiits over all other remed ies of its kind, and guarantees for it a positivo and sure euro for Rheumatism, Syphillis, nnd all blood disorders, it frees tho skin from spots and disease, nnd leaves tho comploxion clear. Ask hira about it. One of tho evidences of -lunacy offer ed m a New Orleans contested will case was that the man, whilo changing his high silk hat twice a year, invariably had them made in tho fashionable shapo of precieel y ten years before. A prominent pbjeician of Athens. Ga., who has had many cases of soro throat lately, made an investigation and found nearly every ono of them was caused by cigarette smoking. Only Teiupcranco Hitters Known. Villi J J I..1L J. JJ.T.l iitUT! Wo oilier medicine known weffectuaUypurgca the blood ot doep-neated diwmPCH. ITIIIUoiia hear tUHtliuony to Its wonderful curative elfcctd. It lu a purely Vcgetnblo Preparation, inado from tho native herbs and roots of California, tho medicinal proper t lea of width arts extract til there from without tho ue of Alcohol. It remove tho tatuo of disease, and tho patient rtrovcM ItW lu-altti. It is tho grout Wood Purifier nnd Life giving Prlndplu; u (Jeiillo Purgatho uud Tonic; a perfect Renovator and Iuvlorator of the nytttera. Never lief oro in tlio Iilntory of tho world lias n medicine tweucompouuded iKit-Hetudiig the power of Vineqau Hitteiw In healing the.Bick. of every disease man Is heir to. Tho Alterative, Aperient, Diaphoretic, Cor m I native, Nutritious, Laxative, Bodatlve. Counter lrrltuut, Sudorific, Anil-lllllotM, Solvent, Diuretic and Tonic projwniea of Yin eg in Hittkus exceed thoso of any other medicine In the world. No iiormou can tuke tho Hitters according to directions and lemaln long unwell, provided their ljnee aro not destrojed by mineral i.Iwm or other hicans, and tho ltat organs wasted beyond the point of repair. lltlloiiK, llciiilttent, Intermittent and Ma larial I-'uvcm aro prevaltut throughout tho United K tales, particularly in tho vallejs of oar treat rhera ami their vat-t tributaries during tho Bummer and Antnmn, especially during seasons of uu usual heat and dryness. TIicho Vcveru aro Invariably accompanied by cxtennhu derangements of tho utoumcli, liver and bowels. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful Influence upon thewj organs, Is absolutely Ufcesdary, There l no ratliartlc for tho purposo equal to Dr. J, Walk En's Vinegar Uittkus, as it will speedily remove tho dark-colored lacld matter with which the bowels are loaded, at tho same time fctlinu Iatlnj? tho fcucretious of tho liver, and ucnendly restoring tho healthy functions of tho diguetUu organs. rortlfr the loly against disease by purifying alt its tlulds with Vinkoah Dirmts, No epidemic can tako hold of a s)ttem thus furuurmod. It Invliforati-N tho Ntomncli and stimu lates the torpid Liver and liowels. cleansing the blood of all Impurities. Imparting lire and vicor to the frame, and carrying off without tho aid of Calomel, or other minerals, all poisonous matter from the system. It Is easy of administration, prompt in action, and certain In its rebulta. 1) fciiupluor liiillirt'btlou, Headache, Pain In tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chut-t, ln9umonta. Dizziness, Dud Tabto in the Mouth, Ifllious Attacks, l'ulpltatlon of the Heurt, and a hundred other painful ttjmptoius, aro ut ouco .re lieved by VlNEQAH II ITT tit 3. for liilliiiuiiiutory and Chronic Rheuma tism, Gout, Neuralgia, lisoa-ea of tho Wood, Liver, Kidneys aud Bladder, tho Hitters hao no equal. In these, as In allconstitutlouulIMseoKes, Walkek's Vinmuu litTTEits has shown its giuut curutho 1 to won in the most obstinate and lnttuctablo cowu. Mmiiniilrnl DWoiimk. persona engaged In Paints and Minerals, such as Pluniborij, Type Witters, (J old -beaters, and Miners, as they advauco in life, are subject to Paralysis of the How els. To guard agointtt this, take occasional dobed of ViNEdAn Birr bus. Mtl u lllM4iiHC.Hcrofula, Bait Rheum. Ulcers, Swellings, 11m pies, uitules, lloils, Carbuncles, King-worms, Si -aid -head, Fore Lyes, KrytJitelas, Itch, Hcurfs, lUooloratlons, Humors and dh-eobea of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are liter ally dug up and carried out of the system lu a abort time by tho into of the Bitters. IMn, Tape and oilier Worms, lurking lu the 3 stem of &o many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vennifugos, no anthelmintics, will free tho system from worms like Vincoaii lirrmis. JHcuitlt'M, Neurlel I 'ever, Mumps, Whooping Cough, and all children's diseases may bo made less severe by keeping the bowels open with mild dobes of the Hitters. This wonderful remedy in especially adapted to the systems of children, for purifying herbs aloue give it its remarkable euro live jiowers. It contains no alcohol, opium or other poison, l'or I' em ul o Complnlnts, In young oroU, married or klugle, at the davtu of womanhood, or the turn of life, this Hitters has no equal. 'leuiiku Hie Vitiated lllood when Its Im purities burst through tho tdtin lu Eruptions or hores; cleanse It whtu oljatrucUtl and Blugglsh In the veins; cleanse it when It is foul: jour feelings w HI tell you w hen, and tho health of the system w ill follow. In coin litfclon t Dlvo the Bitters a trial. It will suaif ror Itseir, one imiuo im a i"euerguar miira m, itu miH. j (ti(n n It-itL'tiivmlvcrticeiiieiit. A roinuleiu'li Lot tloorufuuUreclious printed la uiue rem lauguugc. It. II. ITIrUouuld Drtiir Co., Proprietors, Un Vrancisoo. Cal.. aud b tfl Wwhihiftoil tit, Sold by all Dealers aud Druggists,'' i BHATIPY BIS m, A GOOD KKASOK Foil HApriNKSS. "For many years I had suffered from a com plaint which tho pnyslclMs call (Travel. I had employed some ot tlio most noted doctors without obtaining nny permanent relief, and tot n lonff time my caso was regarded as hopeless. All who knew my circumstances said I must die. Finally my wifo Induced ine to try nbottlo olllr, Ken nedy's 'Favorite Itemed',' which sho had some where heard ot or seen adtcrtlfcod. Without the sllKhtcst faith 111 It, hut nolcly to graliry her, I bought a bottlo ot n drugglit In our village. I used that and twoorthreo bottles more, and -to mako a long story short I am now as healthy a man as thcro Is In tho country. "Slnco then I havo recommended 'Favorite Iteincdy' to others whom I knew to have suffered from kidney nnd liver complaints) nnd I assure tho public that tho 'Faorlto nemody' has dono Its work with a similar completeness in every slnglo Instance, nnd I trust some other sick and discour aged mortal may hear of It nnd try tho Fa-orlte Ilcmodjyos I did. "-Washington Monroe, Cfttsklll, Don't txi a Foousn rngjonici against popular medlchu-s btnnd between you nnd tho health of jour wife, child or baby. It Is always right to advcrtlso n blessing. l)r. Kennedy's "l'aorlto ltcmody" In n blessing. It hassnvod thousanu, "PI" !".' 1 lw-P 'ou- oi nrn sick from troubles ot the kidneys, boncls, liver and blood, spend ono dolhfr for this king ot medicines. an Aiisoi.iJTi: cuiti: roil CATARRH. rBIIlK tne't flubltorn cnci ield rcndlly toll E nod li.Tfiiot I.MUdtu Ciiiua ilniflo mio JL uheru dlreetloin nro folloncd. Itpueecai U'.xi been reiimrkrtl.lunnd its cures wmulcr fill. It H tho moUpiicees-tftil prepitrutlon In tho market for CATAltKll and Out only ono that runiles an Vlxtituto, Ponltlvo Cnrn. It li ruiy a hleltitr to mnnklml. A Trial Is nil that Is iiihed fur It. Oneo used. It Is always recommended. Send for le-dlinonlnls of netual cures. it has o tgi'AL POH MALARIA. A POSITIVE CURE IS ASSURED. Ono bottlo Is tfencrally pufllclcnt for a euro. Stop taVInn tiulnlno. A trial only is atked forKKL- Lull's OATAURlt ItKMKIiY, It If ft M1I5CIFIC for atl dleae url-diitf from an Impure blood and drives all eruptions from tho skin. For Syplit Utteeouiplaints It Is superior to nny preparation In the iiiuiket. Ono bottlo will euro most of tho following eompluliiM and a continued uo will roHtTiVKLY euro, Savo doctor bills and try it. ItHKUMATISM. SCROFULA. SKIftT ERUITIOTS. VENKHKAIi DISEASES. DYSl'El'SIA. LOSS OF APIETITE. EEEIJXti OF LANUOUU. niLIOUSKESS. IJVEH THOUIILES. KERVOUS WEAKNESS. FEMALE WEAKNESS. ICi;(.i.m'( Cataiiuii Kkmkhv fs no patent medii'lnc, but a cifo and pleiunnt preparation to take and purely tho ureate!t inedlcul discov ery of tho aire, Ono bottlo rejuvcuateit thoentlro !-tcm and poi-cfyc mora vlrtno than a half tbt'on bottler of orJinary patent reparatIonj. Write for testimonial t and other Information. Oi-l'or i:ilo by drmrirlotH ircnerally. I'ltU'i: ttl.HO A ISOTTIjKi SIX ItOT TlilJS l'OK 9.1.00. On reeelpt or S5.00 by the lii.iniifaoturerK, Samhkl 1. Kkllkk & Co., Karri bur, l'.i., six bottles will bo cent cxprcs p.lM. THLVU UitlK A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. Popularity at hoiuu la not uhv:i the best tr&t of merit, but wo point proudlto the lai t tlmt no other mubeino has moii for itself such uiiIcimI appiMbation In lu own city, Ftato, and country, and moony nil pooplc, us Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Tlio follow Ing letter from ono of our best, known .Massachusetts l)riiggisU uhould bo of Interest to otery sulTeior i RHEUMATISM, IIIIUUHini lUini KiH.uiimiUm.M, se vere that 1 could not move from the bed, or dreas, without help. 1 tried aeur il nine dies without much If any relief, until 1 took Avi um S.itsAi'Ai:ii..., by tho use of tuo hot lien of which 1 wrw conipletely curetl. Havo bold largo quantities of jour Saiha I'AitiLt.v, and it still rutaiim its wonderful popularity. Tito mtiuy noUtblo cutes it hn e lifted in this vicinity convince mo that It li tho bebt blood mollciuu eer oiTiiod to tho public. :. 1", IIaiuus," lliwr St., HucMaml, Matu.t May 13, tbb'2, SALT RHEUM, SSSi vas for over twonty veaia beforo liii rciiKnal to ., II ulllli-tul ultli M.ilt Khi'iim In lu form. It tiK-crutlotiH nrliLillv covcri-d lnuro tU.ui lullf tint kuiI.ico nf Iuh u-ly uiul linibH. IIo (iith-uly curod hy AH it's SlKl'.UMM..'. Suo l:rt!lK.iti) 111 Ayir't Ahuuune fur UM. iiv Dr.J.C.Ayor&Co., Lowell, Mass. SoM by all Druggist; SI. six bottle for S3. SUPERIOR SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES MICROSCOPES. TELESCOPES. FIELD-GLASSES. MAGIC LANTERNS. BAROMETERS. THERMOMETERS. IlraHlnv lint-minim.. 1'hllo.opUiral nn4 t'hfiulcul Alipniutua. liti nd of our Tun Ctalonr. lent ilthuon ilplii.--tl(m. QUbEIM CO. 324 Chtttnut St. PHILADELPHIA. ffbO-ly (it'll daUL'hlorn irrow up weakly, ngivlfact to know, MiiUii'i-B I'un uvoKI kueli cuinlllltiiu brL'lv lug them Dr. Kilmers l-XUAI.i: HKMliuV. Aak jourtlruggM for It. tl. IF voir have fifnno In tho KUnoy, or (travel In the Madder, Dr. Kilmer's BWAMI'.ltoor It war ranted lodl-olvo and rcinovo them. Ask your druitKlat lor lu 23c., II, 1 1-' Vol' haveHympathetlohourt (ll.iturb.ince, or hao NuinbninH In ui ins or limbs, or pain reu-inb. lluir ItlieumatUm-lir. Kilmer's ni'KAS.WIvlili will pi event It oln( to the heart. Askyour drue. Klt for It, fl. If you nro threitened with, or already h ivo Con-sumptlon-lir. Kilmer's INDIAN I'oNSl'Ull'ION oil. Is KUarantevd to prevent anl euro these tlreadtHliondltloiis Ask yourdruMlntforlt. S5c, toe., II. N.W.AYER&SON ADVERTISING AGENTS nfttU&a PHILADELPHIA Cur. t'lic.lnut nnd i:ibih M, Itecelvv AdicrtUeiiii-nts for this rnior, CQTIUITCQ (VllWH'lffltllllUTISIK rprr CillMAICOnt Lowest Cash Rutos ll-LC tisip-'" AVER & SON'S MANUAL V" TRADS U AK1C eu's mm REMEDY. run oki:at Blood Purifier ol li: World, How to Sacccfxl- Tlio Country Gentleman offcrB lis renders boiiio wry pertinent nnd valu able) suggestions on tbotmU'impoHant question, how to succeed on tho fnrni. Tho farmer who is determined to suc ceed, it HnyB, will place- on his list of indispengftry requirements tho follow ing operation ! 1. Tho erection of sullioicnt fences to civo him possets ion nqd control of ovcry field. 2. Thorough or sufllcient undcrdrnining for thu tihu nnd control of nt least thrco of tho soils bcucAtli tho surface. 3. Tho adoption ot such a rotation as will givo an increase of each buccchs'ivo kind of crop, aud a decrease and (xternilniUion to such weeds nt hnvo obtained poss ession, t. Saving all tho manure mndo on tho farm with no waste, nnd its application nt tho best timo nnd in tho best manner possible. 5 Provid ing tools for a most thorough pulveri zation of the soil for nil crops. Theso fivo operations ho at tho foundation of good farming. Thero nro many other provisions of much importance in nddition to these, which should not bo overlooked, such nt tho saving of labor, selection of weeda, providing tho best animals, shelter for tools, abettor for animals, testing commercial fertili zers, and many other operations which will suggest themselves to tho owner whilo in tho midst of his work. In providing sullicient fences for tho farm, tho importance must occur to every ono, of laying out tlio fields so that thoy may be easily accessible, and 60 that tho least amount of fenc ing material may bo needed j nt the snmo lime, whoro tho soils and surfac es vary, ito include thoso of similiar character within tho name enclosure ; and it may bo best .in many cases to mako tlio field oblong instead of square, that tho ploughing may bo dono g with less frequent turning at the ends. In this connection, good farm roads or lanes will bo ob viously quito important, as they must bo travelled many times a year in biiugiiig in heavy crops, or with loads of mauuro to tho fields. Sometimes a few hour's work in levelling obstruct ions, tilling ruts or other depressions, drawing on a few loads of gravel, em banking, or providing Jside ditches, may havo all this labor many times re paid in a single year, in drawing in heavy loads of hay nnd grain, or in drawing out hundreds of loads of man ure. Tho farmer would do well to look over his domain, nnd hco what im provements ho may mnko in the dis position of his fields, or in the finish of his farm roads. Tho advantages of thorough under draining are so well understood tint but little need bo said on tlio subject. Wo havo put in many miles of tile, and in no instance moro than throe years wero required to n-pay tho ex pense in the increase of tlio crops. A young farmer, who wai in debt for his farm, told us that ho found he could not pay tho mortgage till he bor rowed money to drain it. lie is now a successful cultivator, and a few of his neighbors equal him in tho heavy return from his land. Rotation has ono peculiar ndvantno it requires no outlay of money its only expenditure is in thought. A continued succession of tlio same crop may exhaust n field, or civo only half the return from an equal amount of hard work. Thero is no easier way to keep tho land freo from weeds as by a well devised-rotation in which hoed crops aro louowed witn sown crops, and sown crops with grass, and so on mik inn tely. Via pastures or meadows badly infested with thistles, ox-oyo daisy, milk weeds and wild carrots, by a thoroughly treated crop of corn or potatoes, a completely pulverised soil to precede wheat, and a dense growth of clover, hnvo been effectually cleared of those intruders ; and in tverv caBO their growth has been greatly reduc ed. Tho value of manuro U universally admitted in some form or another, but tho groat majority of farmors waste n largo portion of tho amount which might bo manufactured on their farms. It washes away for the lack of absor bents -, the liquid portions most com monly all escapo. Quito frequently tho farmer wastes moro than half of what he retains by bad application. It is scattered in lumps ; it is applied at tlio wrong time ; it is not broken fine and wt-11 intermixed with the soil ; and many looso nt least tlm-c.fouuhs of all thoy might secure first nnd last by snv ing and pioper use. After bringing tho fntm into fino condition by underdraining aud man tiling, success after all will depend greatly on tho additional requisite of thorough pulverization ot tho soil to precede tho planting and sowimj of crops. A complete intermixture of tho ingredients which oomposo tho soil, in stead of leoving all in crude lumps, will make a vatt differenco in what grows upon it. Shoestrings for Fodder. "What's tho matter, littlo girl V ask ed a benevolent-looking old gentleman of a diminutive figure in a io.I shawl Saturday on Market street. "Uoo-hoo-ho," was tho only answer the little girl could givo for somo mom ents, so overcome was sho with weep ing. Aro you scared at tho horse, sis V asked tho old gentleman. "Ho won't hurt you." A'l.orso stood voiy near, calmly chewing away at something which was hidden in his mouth, iiy this timo quito a crowd had collected. The horsn turned his head toward tho pavement and the littlo girl cried out : "Don't let lnm i pleaso tako him away boo-hoo ho. Ife's eaten nearly all of em up now. iioo-lioo ho.'' Tho horso gathered in a lucious mouthful of shoestrings from tho littlo gill's basket. , "You bruto !'' exclaimed tlio old gentleman, striking at tho animal with ilia cane. Tho horso only shut his oyesand chewed away. How many has ho eaten, littlo girl 1" "Nearly all of 'em boo-ho I I can't mako him atop.'1 At tins point tlio di ivor ot tlio horso eamo np and tho old gentleman said : "See hore, young man, if you don't fcod that brute, I'll put tlio Cruolty Society on you." "I do fee'd him," was tho gruff ro ply. "What, on shocstiings t" "Yes, and oats everything that comes in his way." "It appears so." "Why, has ho been after you t" ask. od tho driver, as ho mounted tlio wag on and drove off, tho crowd laughed and dispersed as tho old gentleman threw a quarter into tho child's lap. She dried her tears and moved baok from tho curbstone, fearing to expose her wares to thn dainty nppetito of nn other horso. JOIJ WOHIC NHATLY KXKCUTKD AT THIS OKFICK, THE OR EAT Ml fl If ItlC von JTI LIVER DISEASE. C 7 mrDTrYIUrC! Hitter or badtasto In mouth; Q I liXJT XUiiiu. toni-uoeoated white or cov with a brown fur,-pain In the back, aides, or Joints often mistaken for rheumatism; sour BTomcn; t-osa ok ArrKTiTit! BoinctliiH'8 nausea and water brash, or Indigestion: ilatulency and neld eructa tions, bowels alternately costive and lat; iikad At'imi loss of memory, with n painful soimtlon of having failed to do so i etlilni which micht to havo been done; Dicim-trr; low Rplrlts; n thick, yki iiw appearanco of tho skin and eyes; a dry coinrh; fever, restlessness; tho urine Is scanty and tilth colored, and, It allowed to stand, deposit n sedi ment. 1 (I'Ullin.Y VU(lHTAllt.K) Is nenerally Used In tho South to nrouso tho torpid liter to a healthy action. ir ACTS WITH liXruAOUMKAUV mtOACY ON THK L 1VUIS, KIDNUYS and HOWKLS. Ar IIKPEOTUAI. SI'IX'IFIO KOIt MAI-AKIA, llVSI'KI-SIA, CONSTIPATION, HI1.10CSNR?S, SICK IIKAIIAI'IIR, JU-NDICR, NAfSIA, COLIC, MXNTAI. ririm'8ioN, llOWKL complaints, KIC. ETC., KTO, Endorsed by tho uso of 7 millions ot bottles. n3 The Best Family Medicine For children, for adults, and for tho nged. Bllli TO TltK IS AM KI-HITIllX OK TIIK MtKTLX t J. H. 2E1LIH & CO., sni.Kpnoriilsious, I'lIir.ADHI.l'llIA, l'., finer, 11.00. may 59 ly PRESE1MTI Our readers for is cents In postnpre stamps to payformalllmj and wrapping and of tno book agents, win recelv,, 1'ltUK a steel Finish Par.or Kngravlni; of nil our I'llUSI. HUNTS, Including Cleveland, slio wxss Inch, worth f-1.00. Address Eider Pub. Go.,Gliicago. III. -JulylT-ly RAILROAD TIME TABLE. JELAYVAHE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN KA1LKOAD. BLOOMSHUKG DIVISION. NOHTH. STATIONS. SOUTH. p.m. p.m. 0 od vi .1 1 s m is an s 4S l'-i as S 40 12 IS s s.) la tw 8 27 12 03 5 ?j II M 8 If 11 M 8 12 11 CO 8 08 11 17 8 US 11 IT 8 Ul 11 42 7 59 11 S8 7 51 11 31 7 W) it aa 7 4:1 11 21 7 DO 11 12 7 18 11 10 7 II 10 51 7 05 10 II 0 58 1(1 41 0 51 10 38 li 50 10 .11 6 42 1C 27 6 311 Id 21 1 30 10 1(1 0 25 10 11 n.m a.m. luin. D.m 8 30 ....Scranton..., a 10 9 15 2 or 8 211 lJcllevuc... G 15 9 20 a 10 s 2J ...Taylorvlllc.l (1 a) 9 si a lb 8 10 .. Lackawanna., o 27 ai 2 a.' S 10 l'lttston C 31 9 41 a 30 8 03 ..West l'lttston. 0 40 9 41 2 30 7 58, ....Wyoming... . II 45 9 52 a 41 7 51 . . ..Mnltby I) 49 j W 2 II 7 50 nennctt r, ri 10 oi a 47 7 41 ...Kingston.... 5S10l52 50 7 471. ...Kingston .... (I 5S 10 03 450 7 42 Plymouth June. 7 ua to ma 55 7 38 .. ..Plymouth.... 7 07 10 15 3 01 1 3i:....Avondale. . 7 13 10 203 05 7 3-ll....NaHtlC0k0... 7 15 10 253 10 7 23 llunlock's Creek 7 ai 10 &2 3 27 7 12...Mllcl;slllnny..' 7 37 10 4 1 3 !9 7 00 ..Hick's Ferry.. 7 50 11 11 3 5J fi 51 ..lieaclillaven... 7 57 i 0I3 58 6 47 uerwick .... 8 0111 ill on li 411 ..Iirtar Creek... 8 10 u 20 4 12 (I 38 ..Willow drove,. S 14 11 25 4 10 li 31 ...Llmoltldgo... 8 IS 11 29 4 21 0 27 Espy 8 25 11 3.14 27 0 21 ...llloomstiunt... S 30 11 44 1 34 0 10 .... Itupcrt 1 8 311 II 50 4 40 li lljCatawl'a llrldgo, 8 41 11 55 I 411 G OS 50 CI") 9 49 5 49 ....CllUlaSky.... 9 05 12 2-5 12 5 55 9 45 5 431.... Cameron,... 9 OS 12 25 a 17 5 40 9 32 is 33 Northumberland. tffi is 40ft M p.m. u.m. n.m. la.m. a.m. p.m. W. F. HAI-STE.U), Supt, superintendent's omco, scranton, Feb.lst,l32 Pennsylvania Railroad. M Philadelphia & Erio R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Ml TIME TABLE. In effect Aug. 30th, 18S5. Tralus leave Sun bury. EASTWA11D, tl. ton. m., Sea Slioro Express 01 illy except Sunday), for Harilsburg and lntermedlatuslatlons, arilvlug ul Philadelphia 3.15 p. in.; New Voik (i.aop. ui. ; llaltlmoie, 4.10 p. in. ; Washington, 5.50 p. m., connecting ut Philadelphia for all Sea Slioro points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. 1.41 p. m. Hay express dally oxcent Sunday),for Harilsburg and luterme dlato stations, arriving ut Philadelphia 0.50 p.m.; New oik, 9.31 p. in. ; U.Ullluorc s.45 p. in. ; Washington, 8.00 p. in. Parlor car through to Phtludelplila and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia und llaltliuore. 8,05 p. m. WllUauispoi'i Accommodation (dally, for llarrlsburg and ull IntrimeUlatu statluns, arriv ing nt Philadelphia 4 35 a. m. ; New York ".iiua. m, llalttmoio, 5.25 1. lu. ; Washington o.:lo a. in. ; Sleeping car accommodations can bo secured at Harilsburg for PhlladelplilaundNew York, on Sun. days a through sleeping 111 be run; on tilts train from Wllllamsp't to Philadelphia. Philadelphia passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed until , a. m. 2.35 a. m. Erlo Stall (dally except Monday, for llarrlsburg and Intermediate stations, arriving nt Philadelphia 8.35 a. in. New York, 11.30 iu in. ; llaltliuore Wt, in. ; Washington, 9.35 a. in. Through Pullman sleeping cars uio run uu this train tu Philadelphia, llaltlmoro and Washing ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel phia and Ualthnorc. WESTWAUI). 5.20 a. m. Erlo Mall (dally except Sunday), foi gun and Intermediate stations, Koeliester, llutf a loand .Niagara Falls, with thiough Pullman Pal- mm una un line iiieuiaw siuiiuus auu i,i uauu.ii- ucc cars nuu passenger coacues to i;ric unu itocu ester. 9.5.1-News Express (dally except Sunday) for Luck lluveuand lutermcdlalc stations. 1.05 o. ui. Nlairara Exoreas (datlv excent Sun. day)forKano and tnteruiedlatestatlons uud can undalgua and principal lutermedlalo statluns, itoeiiesier, uuuaio unu niagara i-aus wuii through passenger coaches tu Kane and ltochester and Parlor car lo Walklns. 5.30 p. m. Fast blue (daily except suuday)for lte novu und luteimedlale stuilous, and Ehulra, Wat kins und Intermediate statlous, with through pas senger coaches to Itenovo aud Watklns. 9.2U a. in. Sunday mall for Itenovo und Interme diate stations. THHOUOH TltAINS FOK SUNIIUKY FltOMTHE EAST ANII SOU I ll. Sunday in nil leaves Philadelphia 4.30 n. in llarrlsburg l.K) aiming at sunbuiy 9 20 a. in. ultli tlirough slccpltigcur lioin Pniiudelphta lo . Uamspoit. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. in. Harilsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arrlWugui Sunbury 9.5-1. a. m. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. ; Ilahiinoro 7.30 a. in. (dally except Sunday uriuing at sunbury, 1.05 p. 111., with througn Parlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches fiom Philadel phia and Ualtliuoie. Fast Unu leaves Now York 9.00 a. in. ; Philadel phia, 11.50 a, in. ; Washington, 9.50 a. in. ; Haiti more, 10.45 a. in., (dally except suuday) an It lug ut sunbury, 5.30 p. in., w tin through posseugei coaches from Philadelphia and liatiiinoru. Erlo Mall leaves New York K.U0 p. in. ; Phlladel phla, 11.20 p. in. ; Washington, 10.UI p. in. ; Haiti more, 11. 2 J p. in., (dally ciccpi.Saluruay) arriving ut Suubury 5.15 a. 111., with through Pulluiau Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washlngfuu and llaltlmoro aud through passenger coaches (roiu Philadelphia. HllNIIIJltY, HA.I.ETON - WII.KI'SII.IUUE UAII.UOAII ANII MIUT1I AMI VV ES 1' lllt.VMIII IUll.WAV. (Ually except Sunday.) Wllkesbarro Mall leaves sunbury lo.ouo. m. arming at lllooua Ferry IU.53 a. in., Wllkes-barre 12.18 p. m. Express East leaves Hunbury 5.45 p. m., arriving at llluoiu Ferry 0.37 p. 111., Wllkes-b.iiio 7. 51 p. m Sunbury Mali leaves Wllkesbarro 10.41 a. in. urilv lngnt Hlooin Ferry 13.08 p. in., sunbury l.iu p. m Express West leaves S Itkcs-barro 2.45 p. 111., ur. rlvlug at llloom Ferry 4.15 p. 111., Sunbury 5.1U p. 111 Sl'NDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9 35 a. m., arriving ut llluoui Ferry 10.14 a. 111.. NMIkes-ll.iuu ll:3 a.m. buuday accommodation leaves Wltkes-llarru 5.30 p. ui., arilvlug ut lllooin Ferry, 7;U)p.m., sunbur., 1:55 p. m. C'HAS. E. PUdll, J. It. WOOD, lieu. .Manager. lieu, passenger Agent PATENTS, Obtained and all patent business attended to for moderate fees. our omce Is opposite the U. a Patent onice, and no can obtain Patents la less timo than thoso re mote from Wushlngtou. Send model or druning. Wo advlso as to pat entability freo of charge, and wo mako 110 charge unless patent Is secured. Wo refer here, 10 tho Postmaster, tho Supt. of Money order JHv., and to oithlals of tho U. S. Patent onice. For circular, udtlee, terms uud references to actual clients In Jour own statu or County, wilto to C. A. SNOW & CO., an$ifMe '''cnl om'0' Washington, . C, sara mil A pn-iiiiriiorv l-ilimil fur H-v., Con. (luclril iipuu lliu .llllllur pluu. ulir g .liiiln,..l. K.,. r ralnloiiuD, li-rnu. i-lr. L. C, BISHOP, Head Master, Reading, Pa. aug til s-t WANTED nriMMEUIATELYjj inn f3.s.x.r:ai.i2T Uuod salary or coiuiulsilon nald. outnis freo. H. J, BUWDifiN & CO., llffiW?. B A ODD ITEMS. Qrcon, no matter whethor it provo bcooniing or not, Is to bo worn. Opium sales lmvo incrcntod in Goor in as n consequence of prohibition Honor tlio obi, instruct tlio votinc, consult tlio wiso and bear with tlio foolish. A law goes into effect in Ohio this month requiring all wages to bo paid weekly in cash. It w.u twenty. nine, yc.irs ngo 1'V. day since lliu liist i-aliiu was built in Krciuoiit, Neb. Millais, tlio artist, is neaily seven feet tall, lie has no trouble in hang ing his pictures. Some poopld nro willing to do good if thoy nro well paid for it. Others nro good fur nothing. An exchango says that thero i- n mission in this world for dudes. Wu hopo it is a foreign mission. Let a man neglect his opportunities iu business and the nppoitutiilics will soon begin to neglect him. A coal dealer lays up treasures in heaven when he goes nut of his weigh to obligi) a poor widow. No wonder that Jumbo died long bo loro ho reached his prime, llu used to drink a pail of beer every night. It is easy enough to tell what you know about everybody else, but haid to tell what everybody elso knows about you. S tratoga U to havo an ice palaco and several toboggan slides, and will bo opened as a winter resort on December 1st. "Only ono marriago in ton ends hap pily." It is such injudicious slate meiits as this that givo mormouism its boom. Tho health of the peoplo of Charles ton, S. C, has been much improved si 11 co the introduction of a public sup ply of artesian well water. Tho Superior Co.irt of North Caro lina has decided that a railroad com pany cannot lorco a passenger to tidu in a smoking car if lio objects lo doing so. Tho railroads of the world aro said to carry G,.)00,OU0 passengers every day. It takes all this vast army to down tho railway eating houso sand wiches. A fashion writer says "accordeon plaited waists aro worn this summer." hoys, be up and doing. You cannot learn to play on instrument without practice. A Texas paper described n recently discovered meteor "as about tho size of a water oati," and tlio next wetk tho editor received 400 letters asking how largo a water can was. jn old farmer who intended lo stait an apiary said to his (laughters : "Well giils, what kind of bees would you pre fer f Whereat all the gills respond ed, "Iftisking-bees, father." A resident of Jam svillc, Wis., is having manufactured amiuk-skiu robe, which is supposed lo ho the only ono of the kind thu United States. It will bo wcrth several hundred dollars. J. II. Mercer would especially recom mend to the ladies Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. As a laxative they have no equal. They aro guaranteed to cute Chronic Coiitipation, D)spepsia, and all diseases at ising from a deranged stomach. Witli a free use of the Tab lets, Sick Headache is impossililc. Why They Stoppek It. At the best summer hotels everywhere there is a ti'iiib-ncy lo do away with thu use of French of bills of fine. The move ment oigiuatid with tho landlords, who found that as their guests could not read French they ordered every thing on tlio bill, making it a vtry ex pensive taeki t. FAsRIVE LOANS B Percent, secured by FlItST MOUTO.UIES. 'rU Interest to Investors safe nsOOVEKN'.MHNT SU WINDS. Inteiest payable semi-annually, nt onieeorbink of mortgagee. 13 years' ex pel lenee, nnd n-ver lost a dollar for nny customer. neat 01 leieivnees given as 10 auiiuy, inicgriiy nnd financial standing. Wiltousfor circular civ. Ing refcience and particulars. I.E1IOI.1I, FISIIElt v u., Mausers uuu laian Agents, Aonenc, Kan. Bept-ll-4t. Ts. rlNHMfl A handoine VASE EASIP given v r.llPPrlr, with a 5 order fur 'lea and eon 9 UUi iUU00- A" lron Stono CHAMIIEIt hifl', 10 nieces, or a TEA SET, 41 nieces, or a handsome lilioNZE haniiinii '.amp given with a ilOouler. A CHAMIIEIt SET of 10 ueees,wiiii uiue, inaruon or piuk uand or an uto.N STONE CHINA TEV SET o( Ui pieces, or a (H.ASS SET Of 50 Pieces L'ltenwlth aJI2 urder. IIAN11 some PltEMIU.MS, consisting ot Decorated China wuioin reasets, also Dinner and Tea sets com. blned, and Chamber sets, etc., etc., given with orders for f is, 30, 1 35, iss nnd J50. send for circu lar, which will glo ou full particulars. (lltA.Nl) umu.n tea cu.mpany, 35 south Main St. wuses it.irie, i-a. ncauuuar ters so Front street. New York city. may 15-ly Tho Magic Insect Exterminator unu .vium;uito iiiti; cvun. Wo offer ono thousand dollars (or Its equal. Send SA1.I..MIE A CO., 8 East 18th St., New York sep.I8-lw a WflUK Wanted Agents lo sell our " Ameilean edlllon of the lie. clsnt Ulbte, l'liiiimjmiih Album. Ufe ot Ural t, Prof. (). s. Fowler's Ureal Work, etc. Send 5 nj, (or complete outtlt. lyruiuiwiU tmiiluytufut .paying t-(iTv Mii.ij, jiuunm iiiAjtin 1 L'UI.ISII ini Co., 703 Chestnut St., Phlla., Pa. "AUllV OK COMMISSION. w A 'KTrrlpTl linuiedlalely u lew good All JLJJJJ men tu canvass for tlio sale n( Fruit Trees, (liapo Vines, Hoses, Ac, i n;i luuti i-a it-iiL-e uui. essem lai, II, P. FUE1S.MAN & CO., llrlghton, N. Y. si'p.18 d-4t TiTft HTi,n,i?T5 T0 lntroduco them U 1001 Washing .Machines. If you want one M JU1U Wi 1 iJil. WH will L'lvn nwnv W1U Ul luiv. wo w - wuii ui juur iiuiue, r, ii. aim express ot. Ilco at once. THE NATIONAL CO., 31 IK-y St., N. Y. Oct. 8 4 iv d WA'NTTPF'Il IIEI.IAIII.EJIEN tosell T-x our goods. A fu'l lino of Fruit and Oriiainental Trees, shrubs, tlrnpe Vines, Hoses, sc. several hundred vailetles In stock. Also Introilucer and solo proprietor ot llooilE'S lilAMOND (iraiw. Liberal terms to li"l". u, ,, lllllllUll, Pi, 1, sep-iS-d-41 li.tublUhed FAY'S i(ki. MANILLA RDflFINR! Iti'-eiiible lliii- i iillii-rl for lt()OFM,o,'TNIIII' ami INMiii; in ihut ur Pln.n-r. Very slriinaaiul CAHPI'.Ts un, uiKiH.'r hi,,.. ninl.,i lul. (Sltilln-'im will, t(.uH,..n,.i .1 amplen Eric r.v ..'.. .... ""iiiiiUHiaiS uuu W. II. I'.W fc co I'niiHleii, i. a. Sept 4-fw WANTED oh SiLFY EXPENSES PAH) 1 Salesmen Mr Ilia ,.. .mw.-H!, ruiunsiieu 10'D, All II1U newest a U-st sorts of fruit and ornamental tiees, vlui i Seud for Terms. II. E. 1IOOKEU COMPANY .a ,iu icocncster, N V. LADIES! U'IMi llnimtnr'u Tullon Uvtlni . ... ... . miiuii.) a iiiiui j 01 t.ui j uu vim mi jin ssca tu lit, without orul Instructions. Dress-makers nronoiince it n-rf ect. Price lor System Hook i uud TO IKTTIlOIDXrCE. A Svsteai, Ijook and Wheel v. Ill bo sent on receipt JOHN V. IIAN0VE1I, Cincinnati . 0. sept so iw M ATTIIEW TKUFUIi, Stairbuildinor in All it? Rr.-mMinc Mr. Matthew Tl ufel, of Catawlssa, Pa., wishes to nfonn tho public thai he u pn'paitHl to nil all orders In the stairbultdlng line on tho shortest no. lie lland-ralllug, uewel posts, made to or der and hblpned to any point, ih. Tiuiel being a pracileal workman In his Hue and doc his own work, enables him to sell ut reasonable rates, shop rear of (irango h ill. Orders by mall prompt ly attended to. kC'-'jI.K.' ECONOMY THJK PKACTIC VI, HJK8TIOIV OF THE IlOUlt. EVIORY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH FOR THE SEASON, CAN BE NOUGHT (OHEAFIJE THAI E Villi A Large and Varied Stock of CLOTHING, JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LAUHH AND Call and be Convinced that you have the LARGEST SELECTION IF CCOflS OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE OF nioonislaii9 Pa, Fine Carnages, llnsgics nnd AVngons. At lliis Hepository may bo seen n largo nmt vnrieil selection of GVEIIICLJCS FOR BUSINESS AND PLEASURE-; rom the best manufactories. Purchasers nro invited to call nnd inspect tlio poods or to ty-Str Write for Information and Prices. fipr.3-85l. GMAIN (0. B. JKOBMNS, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JOBBER IN CIGARS, BLOOMSBURG, PA. for Infants and Children. Ln "K"'1 M ouiicrlortoauy-ircseriiiUou I Sour lUomach, Ularrhaia, lirueWtlon, luwwn to inc." jr. a, Abcucu, m, D , I Ulu Wormi, 6lves sleep, tud -roiuotc dl IU Bo. OxIorU Bt, CrvioUyu, tf. V. Wlttjurtou modIcaUotu Tun Cotacb Com-iNY, in Fulton Street, K. Y. SHLKCT LINK OK f . F. MUM', 320 & 322 Pcim Avcmic, For tli c t'eleliruted Cliioliering, Ivers it I'diid, and VoscA tinii l'iunos. AVorldie nowmd Esley, Violins, jVcccudcnns mill Sheet .Mustc. Celuliiuted While, New lligli Arm Dun Is, New Ilnine, Itoyal St. John, und Light Hiiimitif' Doineslie Hewing Jlui'liines. iNecdlus, oil mill itttiicliiiieuls for nil lnnlses of Sewing Jtnclilnes. STREET,! L J Stero and Warerocms, No.!;123 Franklin Avenuo- Also Wnrerooms m Franklin Aic.aiul liwccr ,ter Street. SCRANTON, PA. M Ait) tiling to mnko up anew wagon or M'mir an old, in stock, liar Iron, ami Steel Uoltf, Holt Kntl--, Sciowh, Tiirnliueklo'rt Horso SIioch, ami all Blacksmith fiilHilics. Aprsi-iy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers