Lnoky iJradlejr. a lusit n.u.T, rt.ATifn lmiEniTs 8100,000 rnoM a on'ANDi-ATHEn in nnr.AT ihuttain. "Nlolc" Hradtey, tho baso ball tiluycr, of Wilkesbarro, baa Inbcritcil a fortuno of moro than $100,000 from bis grand father, William Crawford Temple, a manufacturer of cutlery aw Sbeflleld, liupland. In 1839 Mr. Tcmple.s daughter Alloc married against her fatbcr'H will, Colonol Chatlcs Uradloy, of tbo English army. Mr. Temnlo ro fused to received tbem, and Colonel Uradloy, baying resinned bis commis nlou, canto to Amcrfca. Ho found a borne at Now Brunswick, N. J., and employment on a steamboat. Hu tnado a comfortable living but saved no money, and, being drowned in 1870 his wife and child wero left with littlo or nothing. Tho mother died shortly afterwards and tho son was left alone and penniless, Young Bradloy drifted from ono occupation to another, and in 1883 ho became a baso ball player at Trenton, N. J. In 1884 ho played with tho Lancaster club and this year he joined tho Wilkesbarro club. Ho has just received tho news of his grand fatlier'i) doalh and of tho inheritance awaiting him. Bradley will sail for England in October to look after bis estate. Tho Vegetable Limb- When I am asked by a grown-up porson, if it is truo that thoi-o is a plant in Tartary that bears living lambs, I am not altogether surprised. I have known ordinary intelligent persons to firmly believe that horses' hairs, ifkept in water for a certain time, would bo corao snakes ; and I havo known per sons who pass for sano and sonsiblo to beliovo that water or precious met als, can bo discovered by a person holding hazel (somo think, peach treo is bettor) twigs in his hands. Wht-ro theso things, and tho imDortanco of do ing oertain operations when "tho sign is right," or in tho "right timo of the moon," aro believed in, I do not wond er that any story about plants, how ever improbablo, should find boliovers. Tho story of tho vegetable plant, a fow centuries ago, was gravely told as truo. It lias a slight fouudation in fact. In tho country whero this vege table is said to grow, ono of tho com mon ferns has a very largo and hairy root-stock ; this when dug up, and turned npsido down, (looks, at a dis tance, enough like a lamb to deceive thoso who wish to be deceived. Not moro strange is this story of tho vege table lamb than that which was for a long timo bolieved about tho origin of ono of tho wild geese. Dk. TiiunnEn in American Agriculturist for Set ember. A gentleman entered Sarony's tho other day for tho purpose of obtaiuin ing a cabinet picturo ot himself. Tho artist placed him in position and screw ed up his machinco to the proper focus . "Now, look pleasant and cheerful, please," ho said, "and keep your eyo fastened on that picture." Instead of looking cheerful, however, tho gentle man leaned forward and assumed a look of infinite weariness. "Pardon me," exclaimed tho photographer, "that will scarcely do ; your expression is far too sombro to mako an agreeable piu lure. You must try to coax up a slight smile." "If my present position and expression cost anything extra," was mo answer, "l am willing to pay it. My wife is at the Pequot, by tho sea. side, and tho picturo coes to her. 1 know what I am about; draw tho cov er and begin counting. Ouly TuinjiuniMM Bitters Known, If o otlicr ni edlcine known m eSectuIlj parcel tho Mood ut deep-seated dlwuu. milliona bear tckllmouy to Its wonderful cnruUve efUcU. It la a purely Vegetable FrepiraUon, nude from tho native herbs aud roots ot California, the medicinal properUea ot which an extracted then Irom without the tta ot Alcohol. It remove the ruuae of dlicate, and the patient rerorcra Ida hcalUi. It U tho treat Mood Purifier and life String rrtnclplu; a Ocntlo Faryathe and Tonic; a ii.-Tiw.& jwuuvaior anu mvigoraior or the system. Never beforo In tho liUtory of Tho world baa a medicine been compounded poaaculng the power of Ymram HiTTins In healing tbe.alck of every disease man Is heir to. TUo Alterative, Aperient, DlaphoreUc, Car mlnaUve, Nutrition. Laxative, Sedative, Counter irritant, Sudorific, Antl-Ulllotui, Solvent, Diuretic and 'tonic properUes of Visioin Bitters exceed those in nuj uuier ineuicioo in me world. No liernou can take the Uittebs according to directions and remain loug unwell, provided their bouea aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital orgaua wasted beyond the point nf repair. Iljlloua, Remittent, Intermittent' and Ma- .una. -cvi prcvnivui inruuguom ine unuea Mates, particularly In the valleys uf our great rivers and their vast tributarlea during the Summer and Autumn, especially during seasons ot unusual beat and dryness. These Fever are Invariably accompanied by cxtenaivo derangements of the stomach, liver ana bowels. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a luwerfnl Influence upon these organs, U absolutely necessary. There I no ratliartle for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walk En's ViNr-uin IIitteiis, ss It wlU speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels aro loaded, at tho came time stlmii latiug the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of tho illgesUve oreans. rurtlfy llio hotly- against disease by purifying all lis fluids with ViNKUiu HiTTins. No epidemic can take bold of a system thus torcarmed. It Iiirlitoriilv tho Nloniuch and stimu late the torpid Liver and Bowels, cleansing the blood of nil Impurities, Imparting lire and vigor to tbo frame, ana carrying off without the akl of Calomel, or other minerals, all poisonous matter from tbe system. It la easy of administration, prompt in action, and certain in Its results. Ileklnur I iiillBckllun, Headache, rain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tlehtuetm of tho (,'hett, Pneumonia, Dlnlness, Had Taste In the Mouth, Illlious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are at once .re lieved by Vincoxb Bmmu. I'or llllluiiiinutiiry and Chronic Rheumo tUm, Oout, Neuralgia, Diseases of tbo Jilood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, the Hitters bate no equal. In these, as In all constitutional Diseases, Wiuta&'a ViNnun liirriKH has shown Us great curatho power In the most oUtinate and Intractable cases. HlncliKlllcnl Dlsenkee, Persons engaged In FaloU and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type setteni, (Jold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance In life, are aubject to Paralysis of the Dowels. To guard against this, take occasional dose of Vikdub Hitters. ' blilu IHteiitcs, Bcrofula, Ealt Rheum, Ulcers, RwelUngs, ltmples. Iu&tules, Dolls, Carbuncle, ltlng.worms, Hcald-ncad, Bore Eye, Krysipehu, ltcb, Scurfs, Dlscoloratlons, Humors and disease of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are liter ally dug up and carried out of the system In a short tlm by the use of the Hitters. I'ln, Tape and other Worms, lurking la the aystem of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and reinoveu. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the system from worms like Vxneoar Iin-rau. ITIeasles, Hcarlet I'ever, Mumps, Whooping Cough, and all children's disease may be xnade leas severe by keeping the bowels open with mild dose of the Hitters. This wonderful remedy I especially adapted to the systems of children, for purifying herbs alone give it its remarkable cura tive powers. It contains no alcohol, opium or other poison. For Female Complaint, In young orold, married or slugle, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, this Hitters lias no equal. Cleanse the Vitiated lllood when Its Im purities burst through the skin In Eruptions or Bores) cleanse It whAi obstructed and sluggish la the veins; cleauselt when It Is fouli your feelings will tell you w hen, and the health of tbo system will follow. u conclusion t Dire the Hitters a trial. It will sjieak for Itself. One bottle Is a better guar antee of It merits than a lengtbr advertisement. A round each bo tllcarefuudli'tious printed la dUIercut languages. It. II. McDonald Drug Co., Proprietors, Bin Francisco, rial , ami KM. W k S.U Washington til, Cor. Chsrltou UL, New York, (Svld by all Dealers uwl Druggists, t , Gleanings, Wilklo Collins iTin" very lit hoalth and tumble to accomplish much literary work. New York U tho wealthiest state In tliu Union i Pennsylvania ooiitca next, followed by Illinois, third. Tho young volcano discovered about ono year ago ten miles south of Santa Maria, Cal., is still burning. Walt Whitman expects to issitu a new volume of poem a tho coming year, under tho title of "Sands at Sixty sev en." A piece of platinum wlro only .00075 of an inch in thickness was lately ex hibited by tho Ityal Society of Lon don. In tho height of tho season 300 bushels a day of huckleberries aro ship pod from tho littlo Erio railway station, Shohola, N. Y. It is not generally known that Wash ington was tho inventor of a plow which was considered a marval of in genuity at tho time. Moro than 3,000,000 Gortnans have immigrated to this country during tho last sixty years. Of this number 1, 000,000 havo immigrated during tho last decade. Tho exhibit mado bv California at the New Orleans Fair has Induced a good many people to go to that slato and looked around for homes, while it has prompted thousands of others to mako inquiries. Nilssou recently astonished a Paris audience by nppoaring in silks of the Swedish national color bluo and yel low "while on her neck, from shoul der to shoulder, blazed Swedish, Span ish, Australia, and Russian orders sot in diamonds. Tho first grist mill run by water power in tho Canadian Northwest stood ou tho Seine river at St. Boni face, Man., and was built in 1850 bv Louis Kiel, father of tho rebel leader. Ho ran a channel nino miles long from Grass creek into tho Seine river to in crease his water power. Somo persons think that Queen Vic toria would loso her crown if sho should marry again.. This is a mistake. There is no law of tho British realm prevent ing tho sovereign from marrying as of ten as ho or sho pleases. Henry VIII. was married five times. A pretty Sctch girl, in Lowislon, Me., joined tho salvation arrays and was so imbued with tho spirit of sacri fice and humility that, she gave away all her personal property, including her jowolry, and all her clothing but the cheanesL Sho has now romn tn linr senses, but sho can not get her goods uacic. A Northern visitor illustrating South ern life from cxnerienco in Mpmnliia Tenn., says that tho refrigerator, dear 10 JNortnem Hearts as tbe basis of sup plies, is not used through tho south commonly. Tho maid goes to market and buys just onough for tho meal, and tho character of tho purchases docs not usually please tho Northern tasto. A mound builder's idol was found on a farm east of Tiffin, Ohio, ono day last week. It is in tho form of the rudo resemblance of some animal, about four inches iu length, mado of a bluish-colored, fine-grained stone, and very highly polished. No one knows V. .i i - r u ww muuy luuiisauu ui years ago 1110 little image may havo been worshiped by somo devout native. Tho ten finest buildings in this coun try, according to tho majority vote given in the Boston American Archu tect, aro Trinity Church, Boston ; tho Capitol at Washington ; W. K. Van derbilt'a house. Trinity Church, and tho Jefferson Market Court House, New York j tho Cily Hall, Hartford ; City Hall and Slate Capitol, Albany ; Sever Hall, Cambridge, Mas?., and Town Hall, North Easton, Mass. Tho transition from tho arm chair to the easy-chair was not mado all at once. When men and women wanted real roposo they formerly found it in divanfl, couches, sofaf, and what in Sbakspeare's time were somewhat ro proachftilly called "day beds." A loose cushion waH mado for wooden chairs, ami it was sometimes placed upon at othor times underneath, a rich ly embroidered cloth or animal's skin. Tho virtues of tho hardy mountain eers of .Switzerland aro being sapped by drink. In tbe matter of brandy alone tho population which, all told, including women and children, num bers but 2,500,000 consumes 27,000, 000 litres per annum, a litre being pretty well equivalent to an ordinary wine bottle. This is an average of thirty bottles of brandy to each adult male. Large quantities of wine and beer aro also consumed. A man in Biooklyn chopped his watch into his pocket, when ho was startled by hearing an explosion, which was followed by many others in rapid succession. Before ho could remove, his clothing it hadibeen.burned through to tho fiVsh aud a terrible wound inflicted- Tho hand, in wbicl) he held tho watuli was lo severely bunied. An examination' proved tho explosion to have been caused by uhlorato of potash tablets, which lie was in tho habit of currying lootto in his pocket, and which wi-ro ignited by tho watch being dropped quickly upon ihem. A Word for the Uirl of the Period. David Irvine in The. Current ff'lii. cagoj, speaks cordially in defense of .i i- .i , , . mo gins oi me uay, who, no intends, aro with rare exceptions industrious and with a breadth of invention nml execution. The ironical and often mean cssavB on tho women nf ttm nrou ent picture her as good fur little except for accommodating a Saratoga trunk on its wanderings in summer and for filling fashionable engagements in win ter. Much of this satcasm is rlcfiorvi.il by the few, but when tho millions ( f girls are thought of as they aro orna menting incir moiners nomrs in the villages and cities, tho honest heart can. not but coufess that tho word "girl'' never meant more than it moans to day. This being, when found in her best estate, cau go gracefully from her silk dress and tiiano to a nlain onrli and to work among plant, or to tho iiicnor, or 10 a mivbiuu school claxs. Nothing any longer is beyond her. Iu tho uitv xhe can easily walk thrpn mlli-u Larirrunr lias r.nnitnil tn tin fnslimnnlilii , shep in the daytime not to bo endured fPl. ' 1 ! .1.1 I.. I iiiunuinis inuiigui in tie in action, not repoHe. "I can't carry this bundle." said a wife to her husband. "I can't,' tho husband replied, "for I have to carry tho two children." "Jf tit you ouclit to Have boiiio con sideration for me," tho wifo continued. "You must think I'm a wagon.'' OIi, no, my dear, I tlon t think you are a wagon, a wagon noma its tongue, but you never do it's always a waggiu. ' COLUMBIAN AND Happy Children. HOW TO MAKIt Til KM PCKKKr TIIRM tN llHAl.lll Attn TIIKl YVIUj TAKK UA11R OP TUK It EST. The Joy ol every well-rcfruliited hotunhoM comes cuicur irum mo cnuarcn. j nousnnas ot anoction ftto .parents ilo not tako rnra ot tlif lr children. Through Ignorance moro than culpablo neglect edge migni imvo snveu mem to iove una home. nr. lsivlri Kennedv oITenihl "Favorite Itemeilv' n euiii-r iiit-iu iu luu hick unu uii', wncn Knowl emphatlcftlly a medicine for tho children gentle la Its action, containing no harmful Ingredients wnnicvcr, going siraigm to too Diooti. which, when impure, Is tho neat and source or disease, "Favorite ncmedy" is tho friend of childhood and should bo found In every nurecry tn tho land. Keep it In your house for your children's sake, an writ as for your own. Try It and you will bo glad that you saw this article. Mako no mistakes. The medicine Is "Kavorlto ltcmedy" and tho prc- i'linui b wunr anu luiun.-sui iir, j;im neuueuy, toundout, N. Y, One dollar n bottle. hoon woitns fok a noon TiiiNO.-nr d.v vkl Kennedys Favorite ltemedy" It exactly what II claims to bo, anil deserves tho praises that aro showered upon It by all who have used It. Mr. Israel II. Snyder, ot Haugcrtles, N. Y., says: "My Uttlo daughter was covered with salt rheum from nsaa ro toot: nrs nennoay s Tavonio ncmeay cured her. This was two years ago." WK A1IE VllT t V TllR IIA11IT flV mtVPIKH nn bttcnt medicine In our columns, but wo haptien to know Dr. luvld Kennedy, of itoundout, N. Y and can personally testify to tho excellence ot the mcutano wnicn mo uoctor cans "ravonto ltem edy." And It a word of ours will persuado any. txxlytouso It and thus nnd relief from Buffering no professional etiquette shall hinder us from say ing that word. For diseases of the blood, kidneys and bowels It lias no cnuat. Wo would not bo without It for nvo times the dollar It costs. Ualty Timet, IV oi, A. I AUg.-snc IT LEADS ALL. No other McxMl-purifylng inctlletno Is mado, or htu erer bwn prepared, uhlch to com ilotcly moot tho wants ot physicians aud tbo general public as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It hails tho list as a truly scientific prepara tion for all blood dlKjasu. If there Is a lurk Cnnnrill Ing Ulnt of Scrofula about you, pOfiUrULA AVKtt'S J-UMAl'AUlUA Will dlsUolge It and oxel It from your system. For constitutional or scrofulous Catarrh, PsTSnnU AVKll'S HARSArAltlLCV is tho UAIAnnn truo rornoily. It has curod numberless oasos. It will stop tho nauseous catarrhal diichargos, and remove tho sicken ing odor ot the breath, which are Indications ot sorofulous origin. llinCIMMQ "".T-.Scpt-2.882. ULllCnUUd "At the age ot two years ono of Cnncc my children as terribly afflicted WUnCw with uloerous running sores on Its f aos and neck. , At tho same time its eyes wsre swollen, much Inflamed, and very sore, CrlBC CvrG rhyslcinnstoldusthatapow UUnC CltO erfulaltcratlvo medicine must be emuloyod. Tliey united In recommending ATrn's SAKSAPAitiLLA. A fow doses prw duced a perceptible Imrrovemont, which, by an adhoronco to your directions, was oontlu nod to a complete and imrmanent cure. No erldonce has since appcsroit of tbe existence of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat ment ot any disorder was over attended by tioro prompt or clfoctual results. Yours truly, 11. F. Jonssosr." ritEI-AHED nv Dr. J. C.Ayor&Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Drugglits; ?l, six bottlos for 5. SUPERIOR SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLflSSES MICROSCOPES. TELESCOPES FIELD-CLASSES, MAGIC LANTERNS. BAROMETERS. THERMOMETERS. DrttvrlnsT Instruments, Philosophical mn Chemical Appnrntu. List snd Descriptions ct oiir ttn CiUlocves sent KHEK on Rfplicstion. QUEEN CO. 324 Chtttnut St. PHILADELPHIA. febd-ly $50 REWARD. FOR Every Ounce of INTIIE- Adulteration THE WONDERFUL 3-LB BAH. MADE ONLY BY Gowans & Stover, Buffalo, N. Y, For sale by all fiist-class grocers. April 10-l-yr r Catarrh elvs rrivisS' Cream Balm cuitns Hay Fever JriioTtW riiiw nnw.'sfl IM.s.TM Nf SUMMER AND HAY-HEVER QTrrH A particle Is applied Into each nostril and Is at'rceable to use. l'rtco 5) cents by mall or at drurelats. wnd for circular. KI.Y llllorilKHS, DrugKists, Owego.N. Y, nugSMw d u.u. COURSEN, CLEMONS & CO. Limited, Importers and Wholesalo Dealers m Crockery, Glassware, Tablo and Pocket Cutlery, Window Ulass, and I'lated-warc. Tho M candle-power marsh electric lamp. The celebrated Hnaloro burner. Bird Cajes, Fruit Jars. it) Lackawanna Avenue. SC1UNTON, J'a. may My I'llICE LIST OP ROOFING SLATE On cars at Quarry. No, I slato M.ioto jl.oo No. 1 ltib tilato , ioo to 125 Socondi ,, s.uo Na s ltib mate 2.50 itod slate jaso Oroen Shite .io j. iiui.i., !5 Ijickawanna Avenue, Scrauton, l'n MaySS-ly Na lady should suffer and Uro In perpetual fear of the more serious troubles that so often appear, when Dr. Kilmers CoinpUts nisls Drusdy Is warranted to prevent nnd euro Tumor aud Cancer there. Ask jourilrunKUtforlt, J. If yon havo Stoppage ot Urine, or Drlbbllm?, or nro clinked tohao yoururlne drawn, or hive IirojNy from Diseases of tho Kidney and Liver Dr. Kilmer's r-omiir. limit Is the only positive remedy known to 111 111 Ask your druiilat for It. saw., II. Ifyi.ur nred parents have Heart Dlseaso-tllve tin 111 Dr. Kilmer's Oct nii.Wrcil lli urt llmui'ily. Ask your druggist lor It, 11. II uu have Short Breath, Quick. 1'uUo, and Wablo in Klesh Dr. Kilmer's Indian flonsuuip. tln (ill Is your only hone. Druirclsta sell It. tic.. toe., ii, s Soap DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSMERG, COLUMBIA COUNTY" PA. The l)!800Ter of Gold. nnitu' msTonV ok thk am who iounu TUP. l'rtKClOL'3 MRTAI. James W. JIarsliall, aged 74, tho uicovcrer ot gout In ualltornla, who died recently at Ills liomo iu Kolsev. Oallfortila, was a young man of twenty-otic when ho was smitten with the "Western fover" and bought a larin in Kansas. Tho climate did tiot agreu with him and soon afterho pack ed up and joined n train of one hun dred wagoim, bound for that, at that time, almost unknown land. California. Marshall and a fow of his companions entered mo service ot uencrai Mutter and engaged as a volunteer in tho somewhat rclnarkablo campaign waged by General Fremont against the Mex icans, who souclit to prevent tbo en- tranco of a body of Americans into Mexico, and which was known as tho U"ar Flag war. After tho treaty of March 1817, recognizing the independ ence of California, Marshall returned to find that all his (possessions, consist ing tor tbo most part ot cattle, hail been stolen duiing his absence. Ho tlicn started in tho lumber business with Geueral Sutter at Coloma, Ama dor county, and at this time ho had made his famous discovery. It was on tho 18th of January, 1818, that Marshall was superintending tho building of tho mill-race. After shut ting off tho water at tho head of the race ho walked down the ditch to seo what sand and gravel had been remov ed during tho previous night. Ho strolled to tho lower end of tho raco and stood looking down at the mass of debris. At this juncture his eye caught tho gutter ot something that lay lodg ed in a crevico on a rifllo of soft gran ite. He stooped and picked up tho substance. It was heavy, of a pecu liar color ana ilillerent Irom anything ha had seen in stream beforo. He re flected as to what kind of mineral tho speoimcn could bo nnd concluded that it was either mica, sulphurots of copper or gold. It was too heavy for mica ; was not brittle, as aro sul phurots, and, remcmbenng that gold is malleable, ho placed tbo nugget on a flat stono and began striking it with another. Tho substanoo did not craok or Itako off, but simply flattened under tho blows aud Marshall was satisfied that ho had indeed mado an important discovery. He collected a few ounces of! tho precious metal and at onco went toiSutter's Fort to inform General Sut ter of his "find.' General Sutter has given an interesting account, .of this interview and tho exciting events that followed. After the discovery had be come known, in t-iiito of the efforts of Sutter and Marshall to keep it a scoret, tho country was invaded oy peopio ot all ciasscss who cared nothing for law, property or anything General Sutter has told of how his own land was seiz ed by squatters and bis property con- nscatod and Marshall, it seems, tared oven worse. Tho land about tho mill which ho was building when ho mado his great discovery, was, of course, tho first to be seized by tho squatters, who marked it off into claims and town lots, which they distributed among themselves, as they did his work oxen and horses nnd everything elio that ho had called his own. So he was forced to, becomo a prospector for tho pre-i ous metal, but had poor success in find ing;it. Tho squatters added insult to in jury by presuming that ho knew tho whereabouts ot nob doposits ot gold and refused to give information to them and persecuted him on these false suppositions. To add to his troubles his tittle to the land ho had purchased prior tojhis great discovery was questioned, and lie lost it all. His latter years were passed iu great povorty, relieved but littlo by a small grant from tho state of California. Girls m the Garden Dr. Ilexamur writes as follows for tho benefit of tho gills: If there is anything more conducive to tho health of girls and young wom en than somo regular, systematic, light garden work, wo should likn to know what it is ; surely it is not to be found in tho drug store. Thousands of frail, listless, pale faced girls to whom the world seems a burden, could transform themselves to healthy, happy, joyful beings by this simple rcmody. Wo of- tor it witbout charge, it you will only try it. Commence somo pleasant, cool morning, after breakfast, not before, until you aro considerably stronger by making a email flower-bod, sowing a few seeds, plauting some bedding plants, or tying up a climbing rose or honeysuckle. Mako it your regular business cvtry day to spend an hour in yonr garden, ivatching mid caring for your plants, it docs not matter how small tho beginning is. Iu fact, tho less you undertake at first, providod you do it well, tho better will bo your success. Tho main point to secure is iu crentu an interest in your worK, anu this cannot bo accomplished if you over-work yourself and becomo dis couraged at the start. To bo promo tive of good tho work must bo a pleas ure, not a Hardship. Keeping Wines. Wino may bo kept for various peri- ods, but good ordinary wino is never better than at a or t years old, though it maykeep found for twenty years. It is now very diflicult to get pure wine. Water is often added at tho timo of pressing equal to the quantity of wino and fermented with it ; thus tho two becomo blended, find pure al cohol addod cives tho streiiL'th. I'eo plo used to puro wino can detect at onco any aduiluriiunn. uucu we mill ed something to our own. Thrro hud been n very almmhuit crop ol grHiiu', owing to an uiiiiHtial amount uf rain haying fallen when the grape ucie swelling. The amount, nf wine was moro than one-third iibnvu the iivrriigo, and though clean and pure it xit nui! woak. Wo thought it could not stand a hot summer, and consulted u local authority, who recommended a bottle or brandy, or may ho two, to bo added to each cask of about fotty gallons. Tho advice was followed, and the wino was spoiled that is to say, the puro tasto of wino was gone, although it ro mainod porfectly sound. It was no ploasuro to drink it, and we consigned it to tho domestics. A small cask that had not been doctored or fortified kept perfectly well, ami lurnul out an e'x cellent wine. Tho best wiuu comes from high ground, but quantity gives way to quality. Stony ground often old quarries produces a high quality of wine bright, light and wholesome. In thb plains below you have quantity, but ooar8u and hoayy wino. Tho tasto of earth is ofton discornihlo and strong manuring only increases this defect. Hillsides, with a Southern aspect, nro tho best sites for vineyards. SMMMySSMWWMMMSMMglllMyMSMaWSlSll I in Mill I JOli WOHK NEATLY EXECUTED AT THfS OFFICE. Malarial poison. . Tho principal causo of nearly nil sickness at this time of the car hasltsnrlffln In a disordered liv er, which, If not regulated in time, great suffering viuw;iuiiiuhs uuu uuaui vf in uusuu, a Keniiuinuu writing from South America says i "lhavo usod your ultnmonj' liver Itcsulator with good effect, both asa prevention anif euro for Malarial Fevers on tho Isthmus ot l'anama." (.,:) TAKE Simmons' Liver Regulator A PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE An KITcctunl Specific tor HAUM1IAI, KKVKttS. 1iowkl compi.a1nth, jaundici; COUP, ltKSrl.KtW.NIHS, MKNTA1. DKPltKSSION, HICK 11KA1IACIIK, CONSTIPATION, NAIMKA, lllMOUSNIMK, DYHrKIISIA.AC. If you feel drowsy, debilitated, havo frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite, and tongue coated, you aro sultorlng from torpid liver or',blllottsnes.i". and nothing will euro you so speedily nnd permanently as to take SIMMONS' LIVEH ItEGULATOK. It Is given with safety, and tho happiest results to tho most delicato Infant. It takes the place of qulnlno and bitters ot every kind. It Is tho cheap est, purest and best family medicine In the world. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Phila, SOLD BY ALL DRUQQISTS. may iaiy PATENTS, Obtained and all patent business attended to for moderate tecs. Our omce Is opposlto tho U. 8. Patent Office, and wo can obtain Patents In less timo than those re mote from Washington. Hcnd model or drawing. Wo advise as to pat entability f reo of charge, and we mako no charge unless patent la secured. . Wo refer here, to tho Postmaster, tho Supt. ot Money Order Dir., and to officials ot tho U. 8. Patent Office, For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients In your own State or county, write to C. A. SNOW & CO., an Opposite Patent omce, Washington, 6. C. A PRESENT! Our readers for 13 cents In postago stamps to pay for mailing nnd wrapping and names of two book .igcnt8, will receive KHEK a Btoel Finish Parlor Engraving of nil our PHKSI UKNT8, Including Cleveland, tlzo ffixss Inch, worth n.oo. Address Eider Pub. Go.Micago, III. July 17-ly MOSQUITOES. ffiSSSl to sell the .MAtilC MOSQUITO 1IITK CUKH, gives Instant relief, and drives them away. Address SALLAOK CO., 8 East IStu St., New York, nug 81-4w d RAILROAD TIME TABLE. JELAWAHE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOM SBUHG DIVISION. NORTH. I STATIONS. SOUTH. n.m. ,m. p.m. c 10 0 15 2 05 fi 15 J 20 2 10 p.m. lum 12 3D 13 26 It 22 12 15 12 OH 12 03 11 SS 11 54 11 UI 11 47 11 47 11 H 11 3S 11 31 11 3d 11 33 11 12 II 00 10 SI 10 47 10 41 10 3S 10 31 10 27 10 21 10 1G 10 11 11,511 B'49 9 45 tl 3i o.m. H 30 ....scranton.... 8 so liellevuo.... 8 s-!...Taylorvlllo... 8 16 .. Lackawanna.. 8 10' Pittston..... 6 20 9 26 2 l!i 6 27 9 31 6 31 9 41 2 SO C 40 9 47 2 30 8 at 7 58 7 51 7 50, 7 41 7 47 ..west Pittston. ....Wyoming.... Maltby Ucnnett ....Kingston.... ....Kingston .... Plymouth June G 45 9 52 2 41 6 49 9 54 2 41 0 53 10 00 2 47 5 58 10 05 2 50 6 58 10 05 S 50 7 4: 7 02 10 10 2 55 7 07 10 15 3 OJ 7 12 10 20 3 05 7 38 ....Plymouth. i aii....AYonaaio. . 7 30 ....Nantlcoke...1 7 23,IIunlock's Creek 7 15 10 25 3 10 7 23 10 83 3 27 7 37 10 413 B9 7 50 It 11 3 62 7 57 11 IW3 58 8 Ot 11 13 4 05 7 12 Nhlckshlnnr. 7 ou 6 54 6 47: ,. Hick's Ferry.. ..Beach Haven.. Ucrwlck .... ...Briar Creek... ..willow drove.. ...Lime Ridge... Espy ...llloomsburu ... .... Rupert Catawl'a Ilrldgo .. ..Danville.... ....Chulasky..,. .... Cameron.... li 41 8 10 11 20 4 13 8 14 11 25 4 16 li 38 U 31 S 27 8 18 11 234 2) 8 25 11 34 4 27 8 30 11 414 34 8 SO 11 50 4 40 8 41 11 55 4 46 8 58 12 13 5 01 9 05 12 31 5 12 V (18 12 25 5 17 9 25 12 40 5 35 a.m. a.m. p.tn S 21 0 16 6 11 5 M 5 49 5 45 5 32 a. III. Northumberland V. T3 TT T.RTP I TV Kltnf. Superintendent's office, scranton, Feb.lst,lS3 Pennsylvania Railroad. Oil Philadelphia & Erio R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Ml TIME TABLE. in effect July. 5th, 1835. Trains leave sun bury. EASTWARD, 9.40 a. m.. sea Shore Kinross M.illr excent Sunday), for Ilarrlsburg ondlntcrmodlatestatlons, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. m. : NewVoric 0.2U p. m. ; Baltimore, 4.40 p. m. ; Washington, 6.5U p. in., connecting at Philadelphia for all sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to ruuuuvipuia, 1.4(1 n. m. TiAV nvniQi dally except 8unday),for Ilarrlsburg and Interme diate) stations, arriving at Philadelphia 6.50 p. m. j , Now York, 9.S5 p. in. : Baltimore e.45 p. m. j Washington, 8.00 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 8,05 p. in WUllauisport Accommodation (dally, tor Ilarrlsburg and nil Intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4 25 a. m. : New York 7.U0 a. in. Baltimore, 5.25 a. m. s Washington CSO a. m. j Sleeping car accommodations can bo secured at Harrlbburg for Philadelphia and New York, on Sun. days a through sleeping car will bo run; on this train from WUUumsp't to Philadelphia. Philadelphia Passengers can remain in blecpcr undisturbed until ium. tor Ilarrlsburg and tntermedlato stations, arriving at Philadelphia 8.25 a.m. New York, 11.30 a. in. ; Baltimore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, 9.25 a. m. Through Pullman Bleeping cars aro run on this train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing, ton, and through pasacngcr coaches to Phlladcl. phla and Baltimore. 2.33 a. m. Erio Hall (dally excent Mondav. WESTWARD. 5.20 a.m. Erio Mall (dally excent Sunday), foi Erie and all Intermedlato Btatlons and CanandaU f'uu and Intermediate stations, Rochester, BulTa oand Niagara Falls, with through Pullman Pal aco cars and pasnengcr coaches to Erie and Roch ester. 9.53 News Kinross many excent sundavi for Lock Haven and Intermediate stations. l.Ufi d. in. tairara Exnress (dallv excent Kun. day) tor Kane and Intermediate stations and can undulgua and principal Intermediate stations, jtoum-su-r, iiuutiiu uuu muuaru rails witu throuirh russenner coaches to kane and Rochester and Parlor car to Watklns. 5.su p. m. rasi unu many except sunaayjtor ite novo and Intermediate stations, and Klnilra. Wat- .iu, anu uiiiiui.uiuw biuliuiu. nuu imuuKUuail- scnger coaches to Renovo and Watklns. dluto stations. 9.3U a. in. Buuuay man tor Jtenovo and lntcrme. THROUGH TRAINS FOR SUNUURY FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH. Sunday mall leaus Philadelphia 4.30 a. tn Harrtsburir 7.to arriving at buuburr 9.20 a. in. with through sleeplug cur irom Philadelphia to Wll- 11UU1&U1 1. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m. llarrtsbun.'. 8.10 a. m. dally excent suud.it urrlvlug at Sunbury 9.51. n. m. niaguru Kxpress leaves Philadelphia. 7.40 a. m. : Baltimore 7.30 u. in. (dallv except bunday arriving at bunbury, 1.U5 p. in., with through Parlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from Phlladcl- puis uuu uamuiure. ' Fast Line leaves New York 9.00 a. m. ; Phlladcl. phla,11.50 a. m. j Washington, 9.50 a. m.;Ualtl more. 1U.45 a. in., (dally excent bunday) arriving at bunbury, 5.30 p. in., with through passcngci coaches from Philadelphia and lialumore. .ritiiau leaves now iorKo.ujp. m. ; rnuaaet phls, 11.20 p. in. Washington, 10.00 p. m. ; Balti more, 11.20 p. iu., (dolly exoept;saturday) arriving at bunbury 5.15 a. in., with through Pullman bleoplng cam from Philadelphia, Washington aud Baltimore und through passenger couches trots Philadelphia. HUNIIUUV, IIAZI.IiTON Ai Wjr.KUMIIAltlt. UAII.IIOAII AMI NtlltTll AND WHAT HltANCII lUIIWAY. (Dally except Sunday.) Wilkesbarro Mall leaea bunbury 10.00 a. in., arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.53 a. in., Wllkes-barre 12.18 p, m. ExDrcss East leaves Sunbury 5.45 n. in., arriving at Bloom Ferry 6.37 p. m., Wllkes-barre 8.03 p. in. Sunbury Mull lea es W llkeobarro 1U410. m. urrlr Ing at Bloom Furry 12.08 p. in., Hunbury l.to p. in. Express West leaver W llkos-barro 2.45 p. m riving at Bloom Ferry 4.15 p.m., Sunbury MO m. CIIAS. K. l'UOll, (Jen. Manager, J. It. WOOD, (Jen. Passenger Agent lMal.ll.hrd FAY'S 18(1(1, MANILLA ROOFING! ItrsfiuMrs lino entheri for l((llll'N,OUTIIIIi WAI.I.N.and INSIIlllIu unci. il 1'ln.n r. Veiv Slroiistaud duruble. C'AIIPRTH nml IIIKIMor shuio inuieriui. tutuiogue vtuu vestimouiais and sainplea I'rce. W, II, I' AY k CO., t iuuiliu. K,J. mmn isssssVsMsssssssssssHMsssnsMsBiiliHiHH I One My I,!fr. ntmtn l. "1 wa taken sick a year ago with bilious fever.-' "Mv doctor pronnuncctl mo curotl, but I got sick ncain, wltli terrible pains in my nek nml sides, nnd I got so bad I Could not move I I shrunk I From 223 lbs. to 120 I I bad been doc torlnc for mv liver, but It did mc no cood. I did not expect to llvo moro than tbrco months, i begnn to use nop Hitters. Directly my nppetlto returned, my pains left me, iiij i-iiuiu Hj.Hu'111 swinci n-nuiTiii as it uy magic, and after using several bottles, 1 am not only im sound as a sovereign, but weigh moro than 1 dll before. To Hon Bitters Iowo my life," Dublin Juno 0, "81. It. FirzrATnicit. cuarrxit it. "Maiden, Mass., Feb. 1, 1880. tlcntlemen I suffered with attacks of sick headache." Neuralgia, female trouble, for years In the most terrible nnd excruciating manner. No medicine or doctor could give mu re lief or cure, until I used Hop iHttere. "Tho llrst boltlo Nearly cured mcj" Tho second made mo ns well mid strong ns when n child, "And 1 Imvo been so to this day." My husband was an Invalid for twenty years with a serious "Kidney, liver nnd urinary complulnt, "Pronounced by Hoston's best physi cians "Jncurablo I" Seven bottles of your Hitters cured him and I know of the "I.Ives of eight persons" In my neighborhood that have been saved by your bitters. And many moro nro using them with gtcat benefit. "They almost do miracles!" Mrt. D. Slack. How to ost sick. Exposo yourself day and infill, nil too mucn wunout exnrcise, worK too hard without rest, doctor all the tlmcj tako nil tho vile nostrums advertised, and then jou will want to know Row to (1kt Wxi.1. Which Is answered in three wurus iaKC iip Hitlers I l"Nono genuine without a bunch of green Hops on the white label. Shun all tho vile, pol onous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" In their name. Curtailing the Oost of Production. It is not nt all likely that farm prod ucts, except in rnro and abnormal con ditions, will over bring high prices again to first hands, that is, to tho fanucM. With eight or ten millions of farnprs at work in such a country as this, and with increasing foreign competition in all tho leading articles, it is not to bo expected that tho mark ets of tho world will get so baro of any staple, or that tho dcumid for it will become so phenomenal, as to send up tho prices to extravagant figures. Farmers should not look for hich prices aud should never base their calcula tions on tho prices of this year or of last, but on tlio avcrago ot a long po riotl of years. It is tint to a high market that the farmer is to look for his profits. Whence, then, is tho farmer's living and reward to come f It is to come by curtailiun tho costs of production. Tho farmer must grow his tobacco or cotton nt n little less per pound, his corn and wheat at a little le?s per bush el, liia peauhes and his strawberries at a little less per crate, and his clover and hay at a little less per ton, than they have cost him heretofore, if ho would realize larger profits and mako moro money by his calling. To arrive at tho minimum cost of production per pound or busliel should bo tho aim ot every fanner. How is this important end to bo reached t First, let the farmer tako up each thing employed in production, item by item, such as land, labor, teams, implement", fertilizers and tho liko and consider how he may reduce the cost thereon. It is often the case that somo of theso things cost moro than they ought to cost, and a great deal may bo done, soitetimes, by find ing out just where tho waste is and stopping it Farmers do not figuro enough upon the cost of production. Hut, chief thing of all for the farmer to do, let him Bet about increasing tho yield per acre, and thus by making moro to tho area, reduce the cost per weight or measure. Looking carefully to each item of expenso in the grow ing of a crop, let him look still more carefully to tho producing capacity of his soil, and strivo by thorough manur ing and culture to biing it to a high power to produce full and perfect crops. The profits of farming arc to bo made, it seems to us, by pursuing something lik tho abovo plan. Mary land J'hrmcr. Concerning Locusts. In tho newspaper accounts ot the in vasions of locusts, in different parts of the country, the insect is spoken of as "the Locust." Tho writers are evidently not aware, that there are two very dis tinct insects, to which the namo locust, is popularly applied. Ono of these, on account of its appearing at regular in tervals, is often called "The Seventeen year Locust." It occurs in nearly all, if not all, of the states east of the Mississippi. Tho other, the "Hocky Mountain Locust," has its chief range in the country between tho Rocky Mountains, and tho Mississippi Hirer. Tho soveiiteen-year Locust, is a Cicada, and own brother to tho well known "Harvest lly," tho rattling noto of which is so common in mid-summer. Tho larval state of this locust is passed under ground, whero it lives upon roots, and grows very slowly for seven teen (in sotiis broods, thirteen) yens. At its appointed time, the iiiiect comes to the surface, ca6ts off its pupa skin, and devotes itself to continuing its kind. After mating, tho female depos its her eggs, and in doing this; the chief damage inflicted by this insect is accomplished. Tho female makes grooves in tho young twigs of tret s, in which sho deposits her eggs in naif. When tho eggs arc deposited in fonst trees, tho injury is not much not c ed, but in a yrung orchard, or in a iiuisery, the damago is often very se vere. The eggs hatch iu about siv weeks after being deposited ; tho now ly hatched larva dro a to the groin.d below the surfaoo of which it soon biniowH, not tn t-eo the light again tin til fuveiiti'fii )oar have paisiil, whin it punctually re-appuars, to r po.tt thu samu riiiinil Thu only rimudy lint! lias lit vii stiggihted, whtn il attr.cks nurteii i, is to whip tho locust fiom the trees, early in the morning v hila they are dormant, and allow pigs nml poultry to devour tin in. Tho Hocky Mountain Locust, is foully a grasshop per. Its eggs, laid in a hole in tho ground, in lato summer, or early au tumn, hatch the next spring, and tho young insects aro ready for business. In their early life they havo no wings, and do not acquire them until six or eight weeks alter hatching. It casts its skin live times, and at its last molt, comes forth a winged insect Ilefore it can lly, it has to walk and hop. Tho young insects movo off iu searnh of food, as soon as the vegetation of thu spot where thoy wero hatched, is ex hausled. Thoy movo iu a body, often a mile wide, destroying every green thing iu their path. At length tho lo custs tako their (light, and sad iB tho fato of tho jilaco on which thoy alight j they leavo tho fields ni if they had been burned American Ayrkultulst for oepi SELWYN HALL A ttiorouiili prtpintorv School for Bovi. eon. 4uelel iiimiu liie Military ulau. lLvi otlSi l- 0. BISHOP, Head Master, Beading-, pa. ELEGANT NEW IN MKN'S, HOYS' rl -r- jtm. 1 CLO THAT NliKD ONLY TO UK SKKN TO 1115 API'KKOIATUD. Pretty Ssszi lor C hi Mac be, IIniBI$ouBC niil$ im Ioy$. Bcsl Goods, Laitosl Styles, Nesaiest Fits. The Merchant Tailoring Establishment Is now Roploto in HANDSOME OHESS SUITINGS, DURABLE BUSINESS SUITING S (CHEAPIE TEAS 1YHBL MADE UP IN THE LATEST STYLE, AT TOE Ferula Moftking - mm ivfvmm $BoifiB!irg, P;b, Fino Carriages, Buggies anil Wagons. At this Repository may be seen a large and varied selection of VEHICLES FOR BUSINESS AND PLEASURE) from the best Jtiinufnctoiics. Purchasers nrc Invited to cull nnd inspect the. goods, or to TjcSr51 Write for Information and Prices. npr. 3, '85.1y QMAINV & 1. HMMINS, DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BL00MSBURG, PA. CSaCsk em KK Bf Wj. S for Bnfantc and Children. tI3Se ! weuperlortooiiyprcscrlpUou I Sour Htomocb, DIarrtKEft, EructallJn. itaown to mo," jj, Ai ARaita, H. d I WUs Worms, nlvca tlixn, ana iiromotea dl- W.0Mto,mIJu,t.X. Iwi&lSlurlotuncolIuoi, Ton CiorricB Cowjuit, ltl fulton Street, N. T. SPRING STYLES AND OlIIIiDKHN'S - TEIHG OF - T. F. JfflMf , 320 & 322 Peisn Avenue Vot Urn Celebrated Cliickcring, Ivcrs & Pond, and Voso & Son Pianos. World-re uowned Estey Organs, Violins, Accordcnns and Sheet .Music. Celebrated White, New High Arm Davis, New Home, Itoynl St. John, and Light Huimlng Domestic bcwlng Machines. Needles, oil nml nttnehmcnts for all maltcs of Sewlnj Machines. STREET,) Stero and Wareroems, No. 128 Franklin Avenue Also Wnmooins ill Franklin Me. ami itwcon. icrStiett. SCRANTON, PA. tot ..iijniiuy ill 11111r.11 iii iini'iv iviljtill or repair nn old, in stock. liar Iron, nnd Steel Iiolts, Jlolt Knds, Lay Sciowe, Tiirnbucklo's Horso SIiimh, and nil rilackeinith tujijilies. Aprs i-i y "- W.XV.'.T,TH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers