THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tbo Queen's Honseliolil. In reckoning all tho sinecures cover ed by tho single- list in England, we find 0.11 persons nttnehed to hor mnj csty Victoria, (tho servtints not In eluded.) Tlio numeration is itself highly interesting. I will tnko by way of specimen only tlint of Lord Cliamb borlnln. The noblo Lord is nttlio head of nil tho personal ot tho roynl limine hold, oiccjalng that of bed chamber. Ho has such a countless number' of duties that ho could never perform if tho greater portion of thorn had not been farmed out to n numberless crowd of subalterns. Tho fortunato incubcut of this post at present is Lord Kcnmare, a person as stupid as ho is pretentious. To bo ctiamborlain no higher cptality is ne cessary than to be ablo to road, writo and reckon. A Catholic by birth and a ilunkoy by nature, Kcnmaro has nothing elso to cngago his attention than tho court and his faith. Tho great work of his lifo is his Killarney mansion of which ho is very proud. In politics ho wished to put in an appear nnco like, oilier people; ho presented hinvrclf in Parliament ouco to nfiirm his conviction and vote against tho Irish tenant disturbance bill. His ten ants on ills Killarney estate testified their gratitude, for this action by re fusing to pay a penny of rent. Al though an insignificant personage, Lorif ICenmnro is on tho whole an agreeable companion, a good shot and knows how to stand on his dignity when circumstances demand it. Tho mission of tho vicc-chamberlain is to assist tho chamberlain, but ho rids himself of this weighty burden by shouldering it on a comptroller of accounts who in turn passes it on to a superintendent. Tho superintendent has it relegated to thrco clerks, who hand it over to thrco assistant clerks. After tho chamberlain comes tho pri vate treasurer and secretary to tho queen, Sir Henry Ponsonby, fifty-eight year of age, and for tho past sovon years guardian of tho privy purse. This last function imposos on him a difficult task, embracing as it does tho appeals for assistance addressed to tho queen. Thcso appeals embraco among others the gratuities given to mothers who aro so fortunato as to give birth to triplets. A master of ceremonies, as assistant, a marshal, eight aid-do-camps, eight gentleman in attendance, themselves assisted by a number of supernumera ries or postulants, have to fulfil tho duty of taking dinner with her maj est in their turn to mako up tho num ber at tablo and help tho other guests to banish the royal ennui. Then como four members of tho privy council, a black rod and a scoro of other bizarro officials, among whom aro eight ser-gcant-at-arras. When thcso latter wero created their duly consisted of mounting guard near tho royal lent, clad in their armor, their swords at their side, arm ed with a bow and a quiver and hold ing their ceremonial baton. Their mission was to watcli and arrest trait ors. Hut in our days traitors must necessarily bo rare, as these sergcant-at-arms have never been ablo to exhibit ono in return for tho round million that their occupation has cost the nat ion sinco tho accession of the queen. The grand master of tho court, Gen eral Francis Seymour, lost his sight in tho Crimea, and always wears a singlo eye-glass, which gives him a grimace to his features and gives him an air of ferocity, although, at the bottom ho is tho most ami ablo man in tho world. Who knows but that ferocious air comes from tho internal despair at tho way his wife murders music T This bet ter half of his who is known as the beautiful country woman, is the most consuramito type of personal blindness (although slio did not accompany her husband to tho Crimea). A naive and pretentious country woman, her conversation is dotted with the most ridiculous absurdities and stupidities. Even her great beauty cannot atono for her astonishing stupidity. Her presumption equals that of Lady Arhibald Campbell. Sho sings at con certs although sho dees not know a cinglo note of music; I say "sings'' for politeness sake; the perspiration rolls in beads from the poor artists who must follow her; sho is at once the riightmaro and tho scarecrow of all who accompany her, bo stupid is she that I daro not even hopo that this notifi cation of the ridioulo with which sho overwhelms herself will open her eyes. Another curious pursonago of the court is tho grand champion, who, on tho day of tho coronation.presents him self before parliament and declares him self ready to pick up tho glove if any ono will throw it down and pretend to contest the rights of tho sovereign. Thero aro besides a crowd of digni- tai ics, sucn as 1110 corps ot the scrco ants, tho armed heralds, body guards, jwigus, EiipcniiicmieniK, master ot ten ii court, boatmen to the queen, guard laiiH of the swans, urand falconer. urainl master of tho hounds, and so on. A Veteran Correspondent. Maj. Hen. Pet ley Pooro wa among tho gentlemen ptvsentcrt to President Ulovelaml recently. Maj, Poore,whon lie shook hands with tho President, io marked that this was tho seventeenth president with whom ho shnWnn hands. Ho has met them all except iour. no met, iuonroo when a small boy in New York, and later, when tho major came to Washington, lie very frequently saw John Quinoy Adams. Hit reiiii'in';vr-t Ad.uns esneeiallv well. bwatifO ho unco iilteiidud the laying of a corner-stone ol :i iitiblio building. Tho day was hot and tho IVclilent iu. moved his coal. Yoiytg Pooro had the pleasure of holding this coat. President Cleveland expressed gre:it plcastirii in met'iing tliu vctrruti cones puiidi lit. He mid it was very iinii-ii:il in met l anyoiio in Washington who had livul theio for any length of time. Puon lias a vi'iy memory of all tliu piesuli'iits from t tit) time i.f Jolni Quinoy Adam ; Jackson was the pnsideiit, ho sayH, who inaugurated tliu pincliuu nf receiving office-seekers at tho While House. Htifore him none of tliu small place-seekers weio permit- t'M to si n l.iii l'leslilent. it is proba ble that President Cleveland will in tiiiiu Hiiecced in rectoriug tho old con dition of things, and banish tho nllieo so. kers as a class fioni tho Whito JIllllM'. Let Her Nestlti. "A callow bird ling nestles among you, us iiiitt'-tigvii wings eager lor lliglit, I'iiger to peni'lralo tho injslir. jixiif 4ln bright far-off canopy of blue iky ami ri-vi'l amid tliedjreamed-of beau lies iiimI tho wiilf.wido world Whimper ingf.iilh and hop.) in enchv ocal breath, what shall bo its fato f Shall it inin gh its j ivoiis orol with tho spicy odors id its natie groves J Or will you i a-t it ill lo seek rofugo iu sonio alien hi diii il, there o waiblu out its early iki.Ui ln, iiiiloviil, foigotttn and iilouol ' From the thtlutatory of tte "Southern Woman. Stale buns may bo mado to tasto as nicoly os when fresh if thoy aro dipped for a momont or so in cold water aud then put in a hot oven for fivo or ten minutes. They will turn out as crisp as when first baked. Hoolh does not look at others who play ills parts, fearing unconscious imitation. Ho lias never soon "Ham let" played excopt by his father. Tho annual Income of Amhorst Cob logo is $70,000. Woather-vaues lllumluatod by elco trioily, so as to bo visiblo at night, have been suggested. H.u not FonuoTTKN. Houso hunt er "Tho inclosnro bohind this hotuo is very small." landlord "It's tho usual size." Pouso Hunter "Oh, I think not." Landlord "When I went to school I was taught that three feel mado a yard." Houso Hunter "Exactly. 1 soo you havo not forgotten it. Jlmhjct. -Jloston Malarial poison. Tho principal cause of nearly all sickness at this tlmo of tho year has Its orlffln In a disordered Uv it, which, If not rcyulnted In tlmo, great suffcrlntf wretchedness and Uoath wilt ensue, A Bcntloinaii writing from south America says I "lhavo lined your Simmons' Liver ltrculator with (food effect, both as a prevent Ion and euro for Malarial Fevers on tho Isthmus ot Panama." (:o;) TAKE" Simmons' Liver Regulator A PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE An Effectual Specific MALARIAL FHVEltS. nmvHi. COMPLAINTS. JAUNDICE, COLIC, ItUSTLKSSNESS, M ENTAb TIKPItERSIOH. SICK HEAUAUllE, CONSTIPATION, NAUSRA, UlLIOUSNKSS. DYSI'EIISIA.&C. -(:o:-)- . ...... ( rw n .inKillfntml hnvn Imminnl headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite, and tonguo coatod, you aro suffcrlnK from torpid liver or 'biliousness." nnd nothing will euro you so speedily and permanently as lo tako SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR. it. la elven with safety, and tho happiest results to tho most dclicato Infant. It takes tho place ot quinine and bitters ot every kind. It Is tho cheap est, purest and best family mcdlclno In tho world. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Phila, SOLD BY AlTdRUGGISTS. may w-ljr Statuo of "Liberty Enlightening tho World." Tho committee In chargo of the construction ot the base and pedestal for tho reception ot this great work, IN ORDElt TO RAISE FUNDS FOR ITS COMPLETION, havo prepared a miniature Statuto six Inches In height, tho Statuo Bronzed; rcdestal, Nlckel-sllvered, which they aro now delivering to subscribers throughout tho United States at ONE DOLLAR EACII. This attractive souvenir and Mantel or Desk or nament Is a perfect tac-slmllo of tho model furn ished by tho artist. The Statuette In same mctaLtwclve inches high, at FIVE DOLLARS EACII, delivered. Tho designs ot Statuo nnd rcdestal aro protected by U. S. Patents, and tho models can only bo fur nished by this Committee. Address with remit tance, RICHARD HUTLER, Secretary, American Commltteo of theStatue;of Liberty. 33 Mercer Street, New York. number and gasntter. Rear of Schuyler's hard ware store. Bloomsburg, Pa. All kinds of fittings for steam, gas .and water pipes constantly on hand. Hoofing and Bpoutlng attondedto at short no tice. Tinware otovory description mado to order. Orders left at Schuyler JtCo's., hardwaie storo will bo promptly ailed. Special attention given to heating by steam and hot water. y-iy TR Minna A handsome VASE LAMP given PniWP with a JS order for Tea andooff J4 UUI I LIl An Iron Btono ciiamuer " SET, 10 pieces, or a TEA BET, 44 pieces, or a handsome IiltoNZK llANOINtl LAMP given with a $10order. A CIIAMUKU8KT oflO eleces,wltn blue, maroon or pink baud or an IRON TONE CHINA TEA SKT Of 66 pieces, or a GLASS SET of so pieces given with u12 order, HAND MIME PREMIUMS, consisting of Decorated China Ware In Tea sets, also Dinner and Tea sets com. blned, and chamber Sets, eta, etc., given with nniem for us. no. f 35. tss and tW. tsend for circu lar, which will give you full particulars. 11I1AN1) UNION TEA COMPANY, 25 South Main St., Wilkes lurro, ra. ueauquar. ters m Front street, Now York City. may li ly F. HAHTMAN KlfiUSSNTS Till rouowiMQ AMEIUOAN INSUHANCK COMPANIES North American ot Philadelphia. Frunklln, " " Pennsylvania, " " York, of Pennsylvania. Hanover, of N. Y. ouoeus, or London. North lirillsh, of London, omco on M tricot snoot, No, t, lilooimburg. oct. n, I ' Important to Canvassers. WANTED. Uo runvaJwrs In every county In tuo riuteu states to sen fox'h i-ati;mt nrcvrai, MULE SAII IKON, which combines tno Bad Iroua Polisher. Fluter. Ac. one Iron iluluir tho work of an entire set of ordinary Irons. Is self.heallnir by gas or aicouoi lamp, uisa wniiiiur KITCHENS. Price moderate. A largo and lastlug lucomu insured to good canvassers. Address, for, DllUl.ia AW, I'WA nAU 41, W.S V", I" HW, a, N. Y. July 10-w GCIff. GRANT! to sell tho "lAfu iiikI Jimli of (Irii. Utuitet s. (Irani." Tho best. cheaKst, and most popular uook puuusueu. wnio mr utiiis snu Mvum wrn lory utoucc. Address UUJIIK IIIIILK PUIILISH INK CO., TOS Chestnut bU, I'hliadu. MOSQUITOES. to sell tlie ,1IAI;0 MIIHIIIITI IIITI! CIIUK, gives Instant relief, and drives them away. Addru BALLADE A CO., 8 East lbth St., New York. July ?4,d. Parker's Tonic. It gives tono and power. For complaints of the kidneys, bo e's,stouiach, liver and luugs,tor all the sulnio troubles of v, omen and for those bodily dis orders induced by anxlety.eare and mental strain, Us meets vtlll surprise and charm you. It la not an essence, of ginger. DWlclous to tho palate, an lldtite to the Iliiuor habit, and exceedingly help ful to the aged aud feeble. Ulc and tl.uu slies. 11ISCOX S CO., New York. July.'t.d. JO WOltlC NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. Amputation of tho Log, Money Is tho universal necessity, and nono but a cynlo or a fool will affect to desplso It. Mr. Abram ElUworth,'ot Fort Kwcn, Ulster County, N. T.i had realized this truth. Ills dlsc&so Involved tho w nolo ot his thigh-bone, nnd tho Buffering man looked forward, hot without apparent reason, to death as lila only delivery. Tho family physi cians refused to amputato tho limb, asserting that tho oporatlon would kill tho patient on tho spot. Dr. Daetd KENNEDY, of ltondout, N. Y., who was consulted, held a different opinion nnd amputated tho limb. Tho Doctor then administered freely his great lllood Hpcclno FAORITE REMEDY to afford tono and strength to tho system and pre vent tho return ot tho disease, and Mr. Ellsworth remains to this day in tho bloom ot health. This gentleman's disease was tho offspring of foul blood, nnd Kennedy's KAVORITE REMEDY purl nod the blood and restored tho blood and restored to him tho power once more to enjoy his life. Are you suffering from any dlseaso traceablo to the samocauso? Try Favorite Remedy. Your drug. fist has It. ONE DOLLAR n bottle. Dear In mind ho proprietor's namo and address t Dr. David Kennedy, ltondout, N. Y. To keep tho blood pure Is tho principal end ot Inventions and discoveries In medicine To this object probably no ono has contributed more sig nally than Dr. David Kennedy, ot ltondout, N. V., In tho production ot a medlclno which has tiecomo famous under tho title ot the "FAVORITE REM. EDY." It removes all Impurities of t he lllood, reg ulates tho disordered Liver nnd Kidneys, cures constipation. Dyspepsia nnd nil diseases and weaknesses poeullnr to females. 1 It EC, Offer to tho Trado tholr Fine Ilrand of Clgnra. Tho Landres, Henry Clay, Normal, Samson, and Cosmopolitan Fino Fruits and Fino Confectionory on hand. V'resh every week. Ulooras burg, l'a. Feb. 27 BLOOMSBURii PLANING HILL Tho undorsliinod having put his Planing Ml on Railroad street, In Orst-ciass condition, Is pre pared to do all kind ot work in his line, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prlcos. All lumber used Is well seasoned and none but Bklltod workmen aro employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. Flans and specinc ions proparod by an oxporloncod draughtsman CIIAIlliES KRUG, nioomaburt;, Pa THE OLD STAND under the Exchango Hotel, still takes the lead. Hair Dressing, shaving, Dyeing, Shampooing and all work In my line promptly uud neatly done. BILLIARD & POOL TABLES. James Reilly, Jan 30-tf Proprietor. M. C. SLOAN & BRO., IILOOMSBUIIG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUDDIES, PHAETONS. SLEIOHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C. Plrst-clasa work always on band. REPAIRING NEA TL Y DONE. Pricet reducedlo tuit the timet. C0URSEN, CLEM0NS & CO. Limited, Importers and Wholcsalo Dealers in Crockery, Olasswaro, Table and l"ockct Cutlery, Window Glass, and l'lated-warc, Tho M candle-power marsh electrlo lamp. Tho celebrated l'lnaforo Durner. Bird Cages, Fruit Jars. 413 Lackawanna Avenue, SCHANTON, l'a. may My I'HICE LIST OF ROOFING SLATE On Cars at Quarry. No. l Slate MCOtofl.oo NO. 1 Itlb SlatO 3.(10 to 3.35 Seconds 3.00 No, s Itlb Slato 2.00 J. I. IIUI.I., itc Ijickftwanna Avenue, Scrunton, l'a may sa-ly CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! THE ARTIST & w w m m m AND MERCHANT TAILOR Who always uives von tliu IntesL styles, and cuts your clothing to fit you. Having had tliu experience lor a number ol vears in tho Tailoring Hnni. ness, lias learned what material will givo his customers tho best satisfaction for wear and stylu and will try to pleaBe all who give him a call. Also on nanu Gents' Furnishing Goods OF ALL DESCltllTlONB. HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Always or the latest styles. Call ami ex. amino Ills stock bcloru purchasing else wliore. Storo nest door to First National Bink Comer Main &t Market Sts. April sj-ly -ON TIIK KUUOI'KAN I'UN,- Viotor Koch, Pi'opi'iotor. ltooms are heatod by steam, well ventilated nnd elegantly furnished. Finest liar and Lunch Coun ter in the city. Meals to order at all hours Ladles and dents rostaurant furnished with all dellcacea of tho Buuauu. licatlon near V. L. & W. n. n. Depot.Pcranton, l'a. MarjMt Illiiiiidmi "Mynrnnd, My Mnrynnd ,' "rrctty Wives, Lovely daughters and noblo men." "My farm lies In a rather low and ml as. malic situation, ami 'My wlfcl" "Who?" 'Was a very pretty htomlcl" Twenty years ago, liecntno "Sallowl" "llollow-ojeill" "Withered and aged I" "Deforo her time, from ".Malarial vapors, though alio made no particular complaint, not hclng of tho grumpy kind, yet causing mo great uneasi ness. "A short time ngo I purchased your remedy for 0110 of tho children, who had a very severo attack of biliousness, nnd it oc curred to mo that tho remedy might help my wife, as I found that our little girl upon recovery had "Lost! ' "iler sntlowncss, and looked as fresh 119 a new blown daisy. Well the story Is soon told. My wife, lo-ilny, has gained her old timed beauty with compound Interest, and Is now as handsome a matron (if I do say It myself) as can be fouund In this county, which Is noted tor pretty women. And I have only Hop Hitters to thank for It. "Tho dear creature Just looked over my shoulder, and says 'I nan (latter equal to the days of our courtshipand that reminds me there migni no more pretty wives 11 my brother farmers would do as I havo done." Hoping you may long bo spared to do good, I thankfully remain C. Ij. Jam us, Hri.tsvii.mi, l'rlnco Ocoreo Co., Md , ) May 20th, 188a. ) If Nono Renulno without a bunch of ureen Hops on the white label. Shun nil tho vile, pot onous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" In their name. An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. " Calvert, Toxai, May S, ISM. "I wish to oxpreii my appreciation of the valuatilo qualltloa of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as a cough remedy. "Whllowlth Churchill's army.Junt bofore tho Initio of Vkkalurt;, I contracted a to voro mill, which terminated In a dangerous cough. I found 110 relict till on our march wo camo lo a country store, where, on ailtlng for some rcuiody, I was urged to try A Yen's CUKnitV I'KlTOIt.lL. "I did so, and was rapidly cured. Slnco then I havo kept the I'cctoiial comtautly by me, for family use, and I have found It to bo an Invaluable remedy for throat anil lung dlieasca, J. W, Whitluv." Thousands of testimonials certify to tho prompt euro of all bronchial and tune affections, by tho use of AYKll's CltEiinv l'ECTOUA u Helug very palati.blo, the young est chlUron tako It re ullly. rnui-Aiirn nr Dr.J.C.Ayor&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggist. SUPERIOR SPECTACLES AND EYE-GUSSES MICROSCOPE.. TPIFXrnpe FIELD-GLASSES, MAGIC LANTERNS. BAROMETERS. THERMOMETERS. Dravrtnc Instrnmenu, I'MIoMphlcal mat Chemical Apparatai. List and Descriptions ot our Tn CsUlocut snot QUEEN CO. 924 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA. febO-ly $50 REWARD. roil Every Otinco of Adulteration INTIIH New Pr THE WONDERFUL 3-LB BAR. MADK ONLY BY Gowans & Stover, Buffalo, N. Y. For salo by all first-claBa grocerH. April 10-l-yr r Rend and Save Money, Now is the time to Build. Kol Herman rinosidlnj wide 5 or 0 In. on per m. No I x Inch sldlnp; planed, " llcmloclc oernian siding, 6 Inch " " flooring1, " while plno " " yellow " " " surfaced plno boards, " sawed plno shingles, No 2 ' ' " No 3 " " No 1 sap sawed pine shingles, " bemloek sawed " ou no (10 00 ' on ." on no " no ' T5 " 75 " Ol) ' 10 ' CO ii " heart uliaved plno "fromjsonto sap " ' 3lX)to4 " hemlock " " " " 4 00 to 4 " shingle lath, 2 " plastering lath, s Hemlock fencing, u " guageu fencing 0 Inch wide, 10 " boards 10 tola Inch wide, 10 " bills nnyslio from fiueotoll 60 ' 75 ' CO SO ii 00 00 ii 00 " I keep u full stock of tho above kinds of Lumber always onhrtnd, and will soli at these prices during year of 1885. Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa. apr 3-Cm Is attended by an In- Catarrh flamed condition of thH lining membrano ot the nostrils, tear -ducts and throat, affecting tho lungs. An acrid mucus Is secreted, the dUchargo Isaccompa. tod with a burnln; sensation. Thero are so en spasms ot sneez ing, frequent attacks ui neuuueue, waiery ami mtiamcd cvch. Ely's Croam Halm is a real euro for this ills- easo and can bo ilc.jav.CCIfrB ponded upoiu nX-"-VT I A particle U applied Into each nostril and Is agrecablo tou-. 1'rleo 51 cenls by mall or at druggists. Hend for circular. Jil.Y llltoi'llKKS, E. B. BROWER GAS FITTING & STEAM 11KAT1NU. 1IK.U.K11 IN STOVES &TINWARE. All kinds of work iu Sheet Iron, Roof ing and Spouting promptly attended to. liHilrlct attention given to heating by steam. Cornor of Main & East Sts., BlooniBlmrg, Pa. I 7 . ' July 10-4 w Soap WflHTFni!NTE,'uaFNTi Ambitious, Enrrtctla, Aw nil I tuitosoeure aud 111! our orders U tils w URU lltlun. lU'Sjunslblo IIuuho. llcrn,netia ITlriri lleiililngwl. UlxihllC I A BV jvi aw Farm Notes. Never allow wagons and implements to bo used as lien roosts. Stock In the pasture, without shelter during tho warm days, will fall off In condition. The horses of Massachusetts aro val ued higher per head than those of any other atato In tho Union. Half-barrel fish keg mako the best oap tul. Plno is thu only wood that will stand tho eating action of aoap. Tho gardener of thu Johns Hopkins cstato in Baltimore county, Md., has cultivated figs for twenty-live years and never failed of a crop. Tho dwarf vanities of peas arc thu best to bow for a succession in the sum mer, as tho taller kinds are slow in ma iming and filling out the pods. Strawberry beds may bo pet out in September Iu this latitude, and if slightly mulched on tho approach of winter will mako early growth in tho spring. A writer in Jlrmhtrcct's asserts that after thirty-fivo years' oxperienoo in Iowa ho has nevoi known a mortgage foreclosed on a dairy or stock farm. The approximate number of sheep in tho world is sot down at 315,000, 000. Of this number 53,000,000, or nearly M per cent., arc raised in the United States. A western beo-kecper has adopted the plan of wintering his bees by bury ing them in tho ground. He did not lose a swarm during tho past severo winter. To kill bark -lice put a ipiarl of soft soap and a gallon of water into a ket tlo and beat to boiling, and then, while tho mixture is boiling, stir in a quart of kerosene. Tho strawberry weevil punctures tho llowcr stems in tho spring, and later on destroys tho entire plant. It then bur ies itself in tho eatth and breeds tho succeeding spring. The production of honey in Califor nia is enormous. In Southern Califor nia thero aro 1,000 bee-keepers and 100,000 colonics of bees, which produce millions of pounds of honey. Tho duration of vitality in seeds de pends very much on tho manner in which they aro kept. Trustworthy authority states a case in which mel ons wero raised from seed forty years old. An Arab proverb says : "Tho two greatest enemies of tho liorso aro rest and fat." Tho average cross roads stallion contains thcso two elements in perfection. Hence, "weedy and washy" colt?. A cross made by tho Leghorn, either brown or whito, with tho light IJrah ma, makes ono of the best families of cross-bred fowls Also, a crofH of tho Plymouth Heck and Brahma, or Wyan dotte and llrahma. A teaspooiiful of glycerine and a few drops of nitric acid to a pint of drink ing water will generally euro a fowl that shows symptoms of bronchitis, when accompanied by a gurgling sound in the throat, as if choking. Ono of tho grandest secrets in feed ing all livo stock is to chango to any now food gradually, and to givo uo moro than will be eaten with a good appetite. Young animals need to bo fed more frequently than older Domestic) Vinegar-Making. Pel haps the best vinegar, writes a correspondent of tho Jlural New Yorker, is mado from cider. It takes some time to mako unless iu warm weather tho barrel is rolled out in the sun, the vent opened, and somo mos quito netting is nailed over tho open ing to keep out insects. A small quantity may bo quickly madu by till ing glass fruit cans nearly full, add ing a littlo water and brown sugar, and putting them where it is quite light. If corn, mustard seed, horse radish, or any other such thing has been put in tho cider wlion it is new, to arrest fermentation, it will bo much longer in turning to vinegar, and I think it is never so good. Vinegar can bo mado by mixing ono gallon of molasses with fivo or six gallons of water pure, soft water is best. If a littlo molasses is spread on a piece of brown paper as largo as tho hand, and put it in after it is mixed, it seems to answer the purpese of "mother,'1 or tho vinegar plant, as it is often called. I havo had nico vinegar made of sweetened currant juice and water, equal parts. It was rather thin, but fino llavorod. When maple sugar is manufactured, tho richost vinegar may be made'jftom tho rinsings of all the ili?hes used, if saved in a suitable vessel, with tho ad dition os some maplej syrup, tho whole being allowcdj to ferment. It is far superior in llavor to all other kinds of vinegar as thu maple vinegar is lo other kinds of Bwccts. I knew a very careful, painstaking housekeeper who used to keep a large stono jug in her pantry, and every dish for molasses, or anything of the sort, was always rinsed and tho con. tents poured into tho jug. Sho always had an abuudanco of vinegar (of good quality, too), and it certainly did not seem expensive-, it only took a littlo lime and care on her part I think it is desirable, when posil1o, for families to m.iko their own vinegar, as the) know then what they aro us ing, and a housewife, over uonfroulcd with three meals a day, will liud plunly of good vinegar a very great ooiiveniouci', as it gives a relish lo tunny dishes. I loli lliirdette, thu hiimiuist, is full of good things. Hero is one ol his latest: " 'The shallows murmur, but tho deeps aro dumb.' And do you know, to put a new interpretation on an old bit of wisdom, that is why wo lovo tho shallows. Wo stroll besido tho broad, deep, voiceless river. Thero is no song in nil tho silent stream. Its bosom bears tho fleets of commerce; shallop and steamer and raft drift down its silent current to thu sea. By dock and slip tho bending willow sweep its noiseless waters. Utit when wo reach tho winking brook, singing Binging over tho whito shining peb bles murmuring around tho mossy rocks, whispering through tho sway ing reeds, wo sit down and listen, and tho musio and charm of its incessant babble drive away every caro and overy thought of Borrow and trouble Who is it that said tho music of running water produces iu us a mild insanity or something liko thatT Truo it is 'tho shallows murmur, but tho deeps aro dumb,' and bo wo lovo thu shal lows. Yes, my son, yes. That per haps is tho reason boJ many people lovo you. By and by you will bo como older you will liccomo deep. Then wo will hate you." i iilers Known. WWW Pto o her in ed I r I n r Imown so effectually purges llm blood of deep-scaled iHcnec. ... miHImm licur tollnioiiy to Us wonderful curative rffnln, . . . , It l n purely Vcactnlile Preparation, made front tho native lu rlis nnd loots of California, tho medicinal properties of which are extruded there from without tho UM of Alcohol. It remove tlie rnimo of disease, and the patient recover Ids In altti. . .... It In tho ureal Illootl Ptirlller and Llfe ?lvlnj I'rinelplol n (Initio l'urpnthc nnd Toiilci a perfect Kcuovnlor nnd Invlirorator of tho system. Never lief ore In tho history of Urn orld has a' meillclno liecn compounded possessing tlio tmwerof VisroAn lliTTK.ns In henlhis llio sick of every disease man Is "riiii Allerntlvr, Aperient, Ptaphorclle, Car hitnntlve, Nutritions, Laxative, Peilntlve. Counter; Irritant, Sudorllle, Antl-llillous, Solvcut, Dinrctlc and Tonic proxTlles nf Vineuaii IIitteiis cicced those of any otlicr meillclno In the world. tin lieron enn take tho lliTTEns nccordlDit lo directions and remain Ions unwell, provided their lKjnes nro not destroyed hy inlnetnl poison or other lncuns, and the vital organs wasted beyond tho point lJiliiu, Itenilllent, Intermittent nnd Ma Inrlal l'eiers nro prevalent tliroucliout tlio United Mates, pnrtlcnl.irly In the valleis of our treat rivers and their vast tributaries ilurlns the Hummer nnd Autumn, rspctlally during teutons of unusual heat and dryness. J'lieso Fever nro Invariably accompanied hy elcn-lvo dcriuiL'emeiils of tlio stoiniuh, liver nnd lwwels. In their treatment, a pntvnlhe, exerting a IHiwerrul lulluem.o tiion those organs, U absolutely necessary. Thero In no entlinrllc for tho purpose equal to Iir. .1. WAiiirn's VisKiiAii Hitters, ns It will speedily rcmoo tlio daik-colored lclil matter wltli which tlie lwwels aro loaded, nt tlio same time stlniu fating the secretion of llio liver, and generally restoring tho heultliy funulous of tho illgcstlvo 1"r'llfy llio linily against disease hy purifying nil Its llnlils with Vinioah lltTTKn. No epldcmlo can tako hold of a sj ftein thus forearmed. It ivIgoriiU'w llio Sdiinaili nnd stimu lates tho torpid Liver and Dowel, cleansing the Mood of all Impurities, (inputting lifo and vigor to tlie frame, and carrying off without the uid of Calomel, or other minerals, all poisonous matter from the system. It Is easy of ndinluistratlou, prompt In action, nnd certainln Its results. Il)peiliiiir linllgrMlmi,IIeadache,ra!n In the bhoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, lM-umonta, DIzElness, Had Tasto In the Jloulh, unions Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro at oncojre llcved by Vineoar niTTKns. . I'or lnlliiiiiniiitiiry and Chronic Rheuma tism, Oout, Neuralgia, lilseasesof tho Ulood, LUer, Kidneys and Dlndder. tho Hitters havo no ciual. In these, es In unconstitutional lleaes, Walker's Vineoaii Ilirrtna has shown Its great cumtlo powers In the most obstinate and Intractable eases. , , ITIerli n il Irnl Plsensrt,-rersnn engaged In Paints and Mineral, such a Plumbers, Type setters, Uold-braters, nnd Miners, iu they ndvaneo In jife, are subject to 1'nrnlysls of tho Uowels. To guard against this, take occasional doses of Vineoar Urn Ens. Skin IIIm-iisc, Scrofula, Salt nheum. Ulcers, Swelling, llmple, llistule, Jloll, Carbuncles, ltlng-worms, Keuld hend, Horn lljes, Kryslpela, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration, Humors and diseases of thoSkiu, of whatever name or nature, nro liter ally dug up and carried out ot the si stem In a short time by tlie use of tho Hitters. l'ln, Tiiponiul other AVorms, lurking In tho sj litem of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will freo tho system from worms like Vineoaii lJrrrr.iifl. RfeiisileN, Scarlet I'ever, Mumgis, Whooping Cough, and nil children's diseases may Im made less severe by keeping tho bowels open with mild doses ot tho Hitters. This wonderful remedy is especially adapted to the systems of children, for purifying herbs alone give It Us reniarkablo cura tive powers. It contains uo alcohol, opium or other poison. I'or I'eiiinle Complaint. In young orold, married or single, nt tlm dawn of womanhood, or the turn of lire, this Hitters has no count. Cleanse llio Vltlnteit lllood when Its Im purities burst through the skin In Eruptions or Sores; cleanse It whtn obstructed nnd sluggish In the vein; clennsolt when It Is foul; your feelhiRS w III tell you w lieu, and the health of thu system w 111 follow. . . . In conclusion I Give the Hitters n trial. It will speak for Itself. Oue lwttle I a liettercuar autee of Its merits than n lengthv advertisement. Arouiiilcnrh bottlearofulldlrectlouspriuteu in different languages. II. II. Mcllonnld Drutr Co., Proprietors, Bun Vrauclsco. Cal . ami KX. tot Jc fctt Wusuinntoa St, Cor. Charlton bt. , New urk. Sold by all Dealers and Druggists. yyAiNWiuaiiT & co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Philadelphia teas. syrups, copkee, suqait, molvsh..s KICK, SriCKS. BICARB SODA, &C.,&C. N. K. corner second and Arch streets, Hf-Ordorswlll recolvo prompt ntto ntln Pennsylvania Railroad. Ml Philadelphia k Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway, Ml TIME TABLE. In crrect July. 5th, lb3. Trains leavo Sun bury. rASTWAHD, j.IO.i. m., Sea Shoro i:press (dally except Sundaj), for Ilarrlsburg undlutermcdlatostatlons, arriving at Philadelphia 3.u p. in. : New York C.S0 ii. m. : llaltlmoie. 4.10 ii. in. : W.islilmri nu. 6.50 p. in., connecting nt Philadelphia rornllt-ea Mioio points. Tluough passenger coach to 1'hlUdelphla. 1.10 p. m. Day express dally except Sundayl.for Ilarrlsburg nnd lnlenne dlato stations, urrlvlng at l'h fl a d o 1 p h 1 a 6.50 p. iu. j i New Yoik, u.33 p. in.; Ualtliuoro Clip. in. ; Washington, 8.00 p.m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia aud passenger coaches mruugu iu I'liiiuueipuia uuu Mainmort'. 8.05 ii. m. Wllllamsport Accommodation (dallv. for Ilarrlsburg and nil Intermediate stations, arilv- iuiit, riiiiuucjiiiiiu iuii. in. : fluiv lorK 7,uu a. 111. Haltlmorc, r. i. in. ; Washington 0.30 n. m. ; Sleeping car accommodations can bo becuicd nt Ilarrlsburir for Philadelphia and New York, t in sun. days athiough bleeping car will bo run; on this train from WlllUmsp't tol'hlladelphla.l'hlladelphla passengers can remain In sleeper undlstui bed uut 11 , u. in. s.35 a. m i:rlo Mall (dally except Monday, for Ilurrlsburg and liileimedlato stations, arriving at Philadelphia 8.-J5 a. m. New York, 11.30 a. m. ; lldltlmorot!.15n. m. ; Washington, U.S5 O.IH. Through l'ullmnn sleeping caisniu luuon una iruin io 1'iiuaueipnia, jiammoro nnu vvasuing. ton, and through passenger coaches to l'liliadel. phla and lialUiuoa'. WESTWAUD. B.yon. in. Erie Jlall (dally except Sunday), foi Krlo and all Intermediate stations and uanaudal. gua and lutermedlato stations, lioehester, Hutra loand Niagara Tails, with through Pullman Pal ucu cats and passenger coaches to L'llo and lioeh ester. ti.M News i:xpres3 (daily except Sunday) for UAh imuu mm iiiieiiuiTiiaiu muuuiis. 1.05 p. in. Niagara iixpies (dally except sun da) lor Kane and lntermedlatobtnttou and Can. andalgua and principal lnterineuiate bullous, ltochcbtcr. llulialo und NlaL'ura Falls with through passenger coaches to Kane and lloehcbter and Parlor car lo Watklns. 5.30 p. in. Fast Lino (dally except Sunda))tor lie- uuvu uuu iiucniicuiuie biuiious, unit juuilira, Wat kins and Intermediate btatlous. with through pus- EAUKer tUtlCUI B IU Ul llUlU Ullll V UlKlllS. v:M a. m.-buuday mall for Keuovo and liueruie dial o Mntlons. TllllOUUII TltAINS l'Olt SUNIIUUY KltOMTlIU HAST AND SOUTH. Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia n. m llurrtsburg I. to at i Ivlng at sunbury u. in, wit h i uruiiKu bleeping cur Hum rmiuuciptiia to 11 llainspoit. News Express leaves Philadelphia 1.30 n. in. Ilnrikburg, .t0 a. in. dally except Sunday arriving at Suubury O.&J. a. in. ,., ., J , ,. Niagara Kxpress leaves l'hlladclphla, 7.10 n. in. ; luitlmoro a, m. (dally except buuday aiming at sunbury, 1.05 p. in., with through Parlor car from Philadelphia nnd through passenger coaches from rhlludel phla and Daltlmore. Fast Lino leaves New Y'ork u.oo a. m. ; Phlladcl. phla, 11.50 a. in. ; Washington, U.5U a. in. ; Haiti more, 10.13 a. in., (dally except bunday) arriving at uuuuutj, u.uu i. nnu iiiiuuu'il passeuuei coaches from Philadelphia aud Hallfinore. Krle Jllall leaves New Ynrk nam. in , i'l,iin,iAi. phla, p. in. ; Washington, ld.M) p. m, ; llultl. iuuib, ii..g iu in., (uuujr except.Haturuay) arming ut buubury 5.15 u. m., with through Pullmau Sleeiitugcars from Philadelphia, Washington and lla tlmuro and through passenger coaches from l'hlladelphla. wu.Niiuuv, iia.i.i:ton v vii,ki:mii iut. U.tll.ltllAI) AMI MIltTll AND IVIIST IIIIANl'II ItAII.WAV. (Dally except Sunday,) llkesbarro Mall leaves bunbury n. m., artlvlngat Uloom Ferry 10.53 u,m., Wllkes-barrs 1,1S p. m. Express Kast leaves Sunbury 6.13 p. in., arriving alHloomreriyo.37p.m.. Wllkea-bano B.03 p. ui. Sunbury Mall leuv es W Ilkcsbarro 1U.4U a. in. arilv Inir at Uloom Ferry p. m., Kunbury p. m. Kxpress West leuv es llkes barie 2.43 p. m., riving at Uloom Ferry 4.15 p.m., buiibuiyo.10 CIIA8. R I'lKHI, ueiu Manager. J. It. WOOD, tlen. Passenger Agent ALL KIND OF JOli "i'KINTINu ON SHOUT NOTICK AT THIS OFFICE. RAILROAD TIIVXI TABLE. ELEGANT NEW IN MUN S, BOYS' THAT NKKI) ONLY TO 11H Pretty Suits lor Children, Ilsindsoiiic 8i3iis iov ISoy.s. Rest Good., Lalosl 8lios, HTcalcst Fits. The Merchant Tailoring Establishment Is now Roploto in HANDSOME DRESS SUITINGS, DURABLE BUSINESS SUITINGS, CHEAFI1 THAI EVm MADE UP IN THE LATEST STYLE, AT THE - OF - Fine Carriages, Tlngglcs nml Wagons. At this Hcposltory may bo seen n large anil varied selection of Qg VEHICLES FOR BUSINESS AND PLEASURE from the best Manufactories. Purchasers nro Invited to call and Inspect tho goods, or lo fJeS?''Wrile for Information and Prices. apr. a, '85-ly QMAIN 7 STREET,) - fan C3 B. JEOBBII! DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JOBBER IN CIGARS, BL00MSBURG, PA. JJKIAWAUK, LACKAWANNA AND WESTEIt.N IIAILHOAI). 11I.OOMSHU1JO DIVISION. NOltTH p.m. 11.111. 0 iu l -l !) H U I'll 8 4S vj a-s H 111 13 13 H .'I l 12 W 8 S7 IS IU 8 Hi II EM 8 17 11 M 8 IS II Wl 8 08 II 4T 8 118 II It 8 0111 4J 7 t'J 11 118 7 it 11 31 7 60 It SO 7 41 11 S3 7 BO 11 12 7 18 11 10 7 11 10 61 7 03 10 II G 68 10 41 U 61 10 38 6 60 10 31 II 44 10 1!7 5 311 10 SI a so 10 in 0 S3 JO 11 ii ns 0 6ft a ou u iu 6 63 II 43 'a.m' h so , so.. 8 Stt1. 8 111 , 8 10 , 8 UI , 7 68'. 7 61 . STATIONS. 1 south. ., . a.iii. n.m. p.m. crnnton,,,, 0 10 0 13 2 10 .iiciicvuo.,,, 0 16 0 . in ,.Tnlorvlllo., , iJii-knwnnim, ...I'lttbton.,., West 1'ittt.ton ...Wvonilnt',,, ....Maltliy"," o u v yu 3 it, ti 27 1) SI 2 2J I - ' ni a 4 31 0 41 s 30 . C 40 II 41 s 30 a 43 41 h!l il 0 I'J II 611 2 41 (i 61 10 00 3 47 68 10 (15 2 60 0 68 10 osa SO 7 1'-' 10 103 63 7 07 10 153 0) 7 13 10 CO 3 05 7 13 10 3 3 10 7 SJ 10 112 3 87 7 37 II) 113 IU 7 60 11 U3 63 7 37 11 CHI 3 68 8 01 II I'i4 03 8 10 11 804 13 8 11 11 214 10 8 18 It '."J4 21 8 23 11 301 21 8 SO 11 41 i Hi T 60 7 4t,,,,KIIl;t0n 1 41'..., 7 4J l'ljinoutli Juno . . ..... ijinuuiii.,,, 1 31 ....Atondale. . . 3'il...,Nanllcoko... 7 Zi llunlock's freek 713 ..blilckbUlnny.. 7 W ..Kick's Kerry; 0 61 ..lioncliliavcu.. il Ilcrwlck.., lull ..lirlar erect., 0 an ..Willow 11100 , tl 31 ...Umoltldso, . 5 Knpy...,,. o 81 ... Uloom nfiurir .. A 111 . l,lm..H . 8 311 11 60 4 40 J JJ'Catn,W.l u iaie 8 41 11 63 4 411 5 33 ii ' ,iatnp,r(m 0 IW 14 S3 6 II 6 3.' Noithuniucrlaua U M 13 40 6 31 a'm'l f a.m, a.m. p.m. a 40 V 34 p.m. n.ra, "AIJUUAU, Bunt, fcupirl mcndcnt'K cnicc, Kcranton, Feb. 1st, lsaa SPRING STYLES AND OIIlIiDHHN'S SKHN TO m AIM'UEOIATUD. f . F. HUNT, 320 & 322 Peun Avenue, Mcrami&n,, Pa,, For tho Celebrated Chiekering, Ivors fc l'ond, nnd Voso & Son l'ianos. World-ie nowncd Kstcy Organs, Violins, Accordenns nnd Sheet Jlnsic. Celebrated White, New High Arm Davis, New Home, Hoyal St. John, and Light Hunning Domestic Sewing Machines. Needles, oil anil attachments for all makes of Sewing Machines. Gtcro and Warerocms, No. 128 Franklin Avonuo- ANo Watctooms ill Franklin Ate. nml iiwcen. tor Street. SCRANTON, PA. 1-4 Anything lo iiiiikc up n new unwell or repair nn old, in Kloek. liar Iron, and Slci l Hulte, Holt KmlS Lag ScrowH, Turiiliiicklo'n Hoihu SIkhh, ami nil lllackfiiiiitli supplies. Apr3i-iy PATENTS, pktnlned nnd nil patent uuilncw attended to lor moderate tees. our olilce Is opposlto tlio U. 8. Patent onice, nnd j can obtain Patents In liis tlmo than those re mote Iroin Waslilnirton. nnTl.nK.ll!lor.Umwlnl.'- Wo ndvlso nstopat entablllty ireeotcliarBe, and wo make no elinw unless patent Is secured. ,ort''.';r .''"'J ,otho l'ostmaster, tho Supt. of ?!.ne? W ,lv'. nn(l to olllelnls of tho li. f. latent ortlce. For circular, ndvlce, tcims and rcfeicnces to actual clients n your own Mate or tounty, wme to C A. SNOW & CO., anl)PPOhllo Falent onleo, WasUlneton, 1. '. A 1 R 1Z 12 N T ! Our readers for 1 cents In postaito stamps m Pay for inalllnif andwrapplnit nnd names ol 51 "St'nt. wlllrecelvo Flti:i a Steel i,l,ni?la".orJ.KnS''"lilf of nllour l'Ht-l-w o lU l'l ia tf t;1(,,l;,anJi tl' 22X38 incli, Address Eider Pub. GoMicago, III. Julyir.iv a I lT!yTfffmareiJ--Ta-mTr-M.. SUHSCUIUU I'Olt THIS COLUMWAN, 51.60 A YKAH.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers